In Case You Thought the PCR Test Detects an Actual Virus…Wrong
by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 25, 2020
In a CDC document titled, “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 2020 Interim Case Definition, Approved April 5, 2020,” under the section, “Laboratory Criteria,” we have this: [1]
“Detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ribonucleic acid (SARS-CoV-2 RNA) in a clinical specimen using a molecular amplification detection test.”
The test referred to is the PCR. And as you can plainly see, it is detecting, not the virus itself, but a piece of RNA.
A piece of RNA ASSUMED to come from the virus, SARS-CoV-2.
I say ASSUMED because, where is the actual virus? Where is the virus isolated from all surrounding material?
If you don’t have the virus, you can’t say, with any degree of certainty at all, that you have a piece of it (the RNA).
As I’ve described many times, “isolated” is a term that is tortured by researchers and public health officials, so that it means just the opposite of what it is supposed to mean. [2]
Numerous studies that claim the virus has been isolated actually turn out to mean: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab. The soup contains various types of animal and humans cells, toxic chemicals and drugs, and other genetic material. The virus is completely surrounded, but it is there. We know this, because some of the cells are dying, and this dying must be the result of infection with the virus…”
This argument not only turns the definition of “isolation” on its head, it reveals, upon a moment’s consideration, that the dying of the cells could come from the action of the toxic chemicals and drugs; and on top of that, the cells are being starved of nutrients, so they could be dying as a result of that deprivation.
Therefore, to say “the virus must be in the soup in the dish in the lab” because is killing cells…well, that’s completely unproven, and therefore…
There is no reason under the sun to claim that the virus is there in the soup at all.
Hence, the claim that the PCR test is detecting a piece of RNA from the virus is unwarranted. Because, again…where is the virus? Where is the truly isolated virus?
And on that basis alone, the PCR test is irrelevant, useless, and deceptive.
It is set up to look for and detect a piece of RNA material that has never been proved to come from this un-isolated phantom ASSUMPTION, called “SARS-CoV-2.”
A few more moments of clear thought, and you realize the whole string of “science” that leads to the lockdowns and the economic devastation is not science at all.
It is what is called, in the intelligence community, a cover story. A story launched to justify crimes.
In this case, capital crimes against humanity.
[1] https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nndss/conditions/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/case-definition/2020/
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6-8VRGvNtQ “Conversations with Dr. Cowan and Friends Episode 12: Jon Rappoport” (Dec 17, 2020)

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