Italian Healthcare Workers Overwhelmingly Refuse Vaccination
by FranceSoir
August 17, 2021
[TCTL Editor’s note: Rough translation from French to English was done using online translator.]
The “shock” figure of the day: in Lombardy, 10,000 caregivers refuse the vaccine, in Veneto 5,000. The authorities are faced with the risk of losing clinics and hospitals.
According to reports published this week in the Italian press, the real number of Italian caregivers refusing so-called “anti-Covid” injections, following the entry into force of Decree No. 44 intended to impose injections on them, is extremely impressive.
If in Lombardy and Veneto, the refusal of injections is massive, it is real in all regions of Italy. In Sardinia, 700 caregivers refuse it, of which 57 have been suspended from their work. Of the 10,000 objectors in Lombardy , the suspension procedure has been launched against 2,500 of them.
The National Federation of Medical Orders, all to its pro-injection fervor, nevertheless recognizes that the decree is poorly drafted while there is a proven risk of emptying entire services by suspending caregivers or creating medical deserts. In Cervarese Santa Croce near Padua, the one and only general practitioner in charge of treating 1,300 patients stopped practicing overnight so as not to have to submit.
The same is happening in many “medical deserts”. Moreover, since employment contracts do not provide for any vaccination obligation, its legal basis is very fragile. However, each caregiver is entitled to challenge the suspension before the administrative courts.
Thus, professor of constitutional law and lawyer Daniele Granara represents 10,000 caregivers before fifteen provincial courts, as well as around 2,000 teachers from schools and universities. Another specialist in class actions, lawyer Mauro Sandri has launched actions against the “Green Pass”, against the European Medicines Agency and represents many employees injured by the vaccination obligation.
cover image credit: mohamed_hassan / pixabay

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