Source: Giza Death Star
by Joseph P. Farrell
March 1, 2019
If you’re an “Antarctic strangeness” follower like me, you’ll be very interested and intrigued by this story shared by Mr. S.D. And this time the story does not involve a list of strange people going to visit the continent, but rather, that recurrent story that there were nuclear weapons tested over Antarctica in 1958. There are various versions of this story, and little corroboration. But if one takes the time to watch the little video accompanying the article, it appears that something strange was going on down there in the late 1950s and early 1960s:
WW3: US secretly launched THREE nuclear rockets from Antarctica ‘to test EMP on Russia’
Now, what I found intriguing about this story was the video itself, and more specifically, the photos of newspaper articles alleging that something very strange was going on down there, something so strange that it had scientists baffled, and that was that there appeared to have been a nuclear explosion either above the ground, or below it. As the articles indicate, at first the story was denied, then more or less affirmed, and President Kennedy ordered the Antarctic treaty’s provisions to allow nations with bases there to inspect each other; the inference being that the Soviets had tested some sort of nuclear bomb. According to the video narrative accompanying the shots of the newspaper articles, the explosion occurred sometime in August, 1963, only months before President Kennedy’s assassination. Indeed, the fact that the articles about this explosion occurred in the same context as the press coverage of President Kennedy’s assassination makes one wonder if that was a subtle way of signaling some kind of connection between the two events.
What is equally intriguing, according to the video, is that the explosion, which was first denied, was later admitted, and the story came out in the days immediately following the President’s murder.
So as one might imagine, this has my high octane speculation transmission once again running in overdrive, for there are several possibilities. One, which the short video itself mentions, is that the explosion did indeed occur, and since no fallout was detected, this is the reason to conclude it was either an upper atmospheric explosion, or one underground. As the video states, this may have been a secret test conducted by many nations, in conjunction with certain articles in the Antarctic treaty. That’s certainly possible, though to my mind not very plausible. There would seem to be no good reason to keep such a test secret. Of course, this story has played into the version that such a test was conducted, only that it was a “test” with a target, namely, that Nazi base that was down there according to some.
But there is another and more disturbing possibility, one which, given all the other high strangeness we’ve seen concerning Antarctica lately, needs to be mentioned: what if it was a nuclear explosion, but not one made by any of the then nuclear powers (the USA, the USSR, Great Britain, or France)? If that were the case, then there would be very good reason to keep the whole thing secret.
In this respect, I return to a speculation I offered back when former Secretary of State John Kerry visited the continent during the 2016 presidential election, and during was was, for him, a globe-trotting diplomatic junket. We were told at the time that he was interested in seeing the evidence of that wonderfully vague “climate change” up close and personal, which at the time I thought was nonsense. I still think it’s nonsense. For one thing, “climate change” doesn’t produce perfectly rectilinear blocks of ice breaking off from the ice shelf. Thus, at the time, I suggested that perhaps Secretary Kerry was really in Antarctica to conduct diplomacy… with someone…
… and perhaps that “someone” had nuclear weapons back in 1963.
And then of course, there was Buzz Aldrin, and his tweet made shortly after he left the southern polar continent that what he had seen was pure evil.
You get the idea.
See you on the flip side…

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