La Quinta Columna: Research Paper From 2015 — “CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing System for Nanonetworks”
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:
In the video below, as part of their ongoing investigation into the hidden contents and purpose of the “covid” vaccines, La Quinta Columna discusses a research paper written in 2015. The paper, entitled “CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing system for Nanonetworks”, describes a routing and nanonetwork system.
The research paper can be found here.
Video available at Orwellito Rumble channel.
Transcript courtesy of Orwellito, Orwell City, December 18, 2021
Ricardo Delgado:
Let’s see this last article, which has caught my attention because it’s titled “CORONA.” However, this relates it to… Notice this. “CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing system for Nanonetworks.” This is quite related to the research carried out by Mik Andersen, in his famous blog “Corona2Inspect,” when it comes to identifying those objects also found in the Pfizer vaccine. And whose raw material is, precisely, graphene oxide.
“The present paper introduces a joint coordinate and routing system (CORONA) which can be deployed dynamically on a 2D ad-hoc nanonetwork. User-selected nodes are used as anchor-points at the setup phase. All nodes then measure their distances, in number of hops, from these anchors, obtaining a sense of geolocation. At operation phase, the routing employs the appropriate subset of anchors, selected by the sender of a packet.”
This is talking about addresses packets.
“CORONA requires minimal setup overhead and simple integer-based calculations only, imposing limited requirements for trustworthy operation. Once deployed, it operates efficiently, yielding a very low packet —data packet— retransmission and packet loss rate, promoting energy-efficiency and medium multiplexing.”
There’s nothing else. But here, he talks about electromagnetic wireless sensor networks, nano-communication networks. And it has caught my attention because this is called CORONA. And it talks about a coordinate and routing system for nano-networks. This is related to all the research our colleague and friend, Mik Andersen, is doing. And to whom, from here, we send a big hug for the sensational research work he’s doing, also, together with Dr. Campra.
cover image credit: geralt / pixabay
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