Matt Ehret With Reiner Fuellmich: Who Rules the World? Since When?
“There’s been two Americas, which is why I named my book series ‘The Clash of the Two Americas‘, because I’m really just trying to find ways to get people to appreciate that there’s not just one America.“Just like that there’s not just one Britain. There’s not just one Russia. There’s not one China. There’s not one any country.
“That’s a simplistic story given to naïve — basically, it’s a children’s story that has been masquerading as historical fact. It’s not true.
“There are fifth columnists operating against the interests of their people, traditions and cultures embedded within every country to varying degrees.
“And if you don’t appreciate that, you can’t really understand truly anything about how history unfolded — present, or past or deep past.”
“One thing that somebody taught me, as just good advice, some years ago was that — they could see that I was a bit demoralized and that I was giving too much credence to the power of oligarchies who’ve always seemed to be there with so much power of manipulation, conspiracies and killing good people. And it was really demoralizing me.
“And this person, an old friend of mine, made the point:
“If you look really close you’ll find that empires can never create. They can always corrupt and subvert, but they can’t actually create.
“So the type of quality of creativity emergent out of any type of oligarchical system is a reactive creativity. It’s a perverse creativity. It’s creative to the extent that it has to, at the very best, masquerade as something truth and good, but with the underlying substance of wanting to undermine and destroy that good in the future…”
~ Matthew Ehret
by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee
published June 16 & June 17, 2023
Who Rules the World, and Since When? Part 1
In the first part of this ICIC program, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Matthew Ehret, journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review, take us back to the historically and geopolitically relevant beginnings of a globally ruling conglomerate that has infiltrated all socio-political structures over centuries up to the present day and revealed its full power in the so-called “Corona Pandemic”.
Matthew Ehret explains with vivid visuals the (geopolitical) history, navigating from the fall of Rome and the emergence of the Vatican, Canada and the British Empire to the City of London and the WEF (World Economic Forum) to the mergers in Freemasonry and theso-called three-letter organizations in the US.
What are the connections between these eras and structures and which actors are known as masterminds? Do they continue to have influence on the development of mankind? If so, how do they exercise it?
Are the historical “facts” we are taught really incontrovertible? Or is it worth taking a deeper look into to the past in order to connect the dots through independent research by way of intelligent and soulful individuals who shed light on history in the service of a better future?
Video available at ICIC Odysee & Rumble channels.
Who Rules the World, and Since When, Part 2
In the second part of ICIC’s program entitled “Who rules the world and since when?”, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Matthew Ehret, journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review go into greater detail to contextualize apparently orchestrated historical and geopolitical activities, which at first glance appear to be distinct and separate from one another.
Matthew Ehret’s vivid explanations go on to name names, numbers, data and facts, which together show how the effects of atrocities and their perpetrators and henchmen from the past are still present today, indeed, are being ever further expanded in order to be able to finally implement pre-established goals.
They address questions such as:
Who created constructs like NATO or the EU and why?
Is there a repetition going on, in the style of a “British Empire”, in order to dominate the world and subtly convince people of the necessity of a one-world government as the only, saving solution and thus to gain control over everything and everyone?
Is it not at all about the welfare of humanity, about saving the environment, the climate or health, but but rather about depopulation, eugenics, abuse of power and the suppression to the point of eradication of everything that constitutes being human?
If you take personal responsibility, do your own research, gather and check information without bias, an ever clearer picture of the big picture reveals itself.
It shows that these self-proclaimed “elites” and their masterminds have always used methods such as “create a problem and deliver the solution”, “divide and conquer” and the gullibility of people to be able to realize their inhumane and malicious agendas for the purpose of self-interest and total control over humanity.
Video available at ICIC Odysee & Rumble channels.
Connect with Reiner Fuellmich — ICIC website | Rumble | Odysee | Telegram
Connect with Matt Ehret — Substack | Rumble | Canadian Patriot website
Cover image based on creative commons work of: OpenClipart-Vectors

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