New Hampshire Bill to Ban Climate Engineering, 90 Second Alert
by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
January 13, 2024
Transcript prepared by TCTL:
A 2024 New Hampshire bill will attempt to ban climate engineering operations. House bill 1700-FN as introduced, 2024 session.
Here are excerpts:
The Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Services shall immediately issue a cease and desist order upon the discovery of stratospheric aerosol injection, cloud-seeding weather modification, or other atmospheric polluting activity, including excessive electromagnetic radio-frequency microwave radiation emissions.
The General Court finds that many atmospheric activities such as weather modification, stratospheric aerosol injection, solar radiation modification, and other forms of geoengineering involving the intentional release of polluting emissions, harm human health, state security, and the economy of New Hampshire.
It is therefore the intention of the General Court to prohibit SAI geoengineering and other intentionally polluting activities in New Hampshire’s atmosphere and or at ground level.
Further, on the bill, the following statement is made:
Federal programs have become, quote, destructive.
How’s that for an example to the rest of the so-called elected officials in the divided states of America?
The global ecological collapse is already unfolding, but finally, a flag of courage from the ranks of governmental officials. All this being said, legislation won’t stop the controllers or climate engineering, but it does bring desperately needed attention to the weather warfare crimes.
Ultimately, reaching a critical mass of public awareness is the only way forward in this fight, aka the proverbial pitchforks and torches moment.
It’s up to all of us to look up, speak up, and do our part in the all-important effort to expose and halt climate intervention destruction.
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Cover image credit: pixundfertig
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