Nisa Khan With Jeremy Nell: Why LED Lighting Is Harmful to All Life
by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
originally published February 16, 2024
Nisa Khan is a scientist with a strong focus on lighting and, specifically, LED lighting and its dangers.
LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. It is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current passes through it. LEDs are used in a wide range of applications, from indicator lights on devices to street lighting to cars and large display screens. They are known for their efficiency, long life, and low energy consumption compared to traditional light sources like incandescent bulbs.
Up until this conversation with Nisa, I was in a committed relationship with LED lighting. Now, however, our relationship is on rocky ground.

Isaac Newton was a British mathematician and physicist, known for developing the laws of motion and universal gravitation.
Carl Friedrich Gauss, a German mathematician and physicist, made big contributions to many fields, including number theory, algebra, statistics, and astronomy. In fact, he is generally believed to be one of the greatest mathematicians of all time.

Newton’s Principia introduced the law of gravity as philosophy, which later Western scientists interpreted as experimental philosophy.
However, Nisa suggests that he lacked the advanced calculus needed for an analytical proof and did not empirically prove the law himself; Henry Cavendish attempted this much later, but his justification was incomplete.
Meanwhile, she says that a deeper understanding of Gauss’s laws should be mandatory.
Newton’s Principia introduced the law of gravity as philosophy, which later Western scientists interpreted as experimental philosophy.
However, Nisa suggests that he lacked the advanced calculus needed for an analytical proof and did not empirically prove the law himself; Henry Cavendish attempted this much later, but his justification was incomplete.
Meanwhile, she says that a deeper understanding of Gauss’s laws should be mandatory.
Nisa Khan on Newton and Gauss — Download PDF
Mathematics is the queen of sciences, and arithmetic the queen of mathematics.
~ Carl Gaus
Why does this matter?
It’s quite scientific and, therefore, complicated.

As somebody who colours in pictures and talks to people for a living, I struggle with complex scientific discussions like this, but here’s my summary for those of you who are like me:
- LED lighting is different from natural light sources like the sun and fire, and it is light pollution when it does not emit pure white light.
- The three-dimensional nature of light and the two-dimensional nature of artificial light make a huge difference to our health.
- Understanding Gauss’s law can lead to better illumination and healthier environments.
- LED lighting is harmful because it is two-dimensional.
- Mainstream science lacks a comprehensive understanding of light.
- The use of natural light sources, such as fire and candles, is optimal for human health.
I think that covers the gist of everything.
Connect with Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare

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