Obscured “Science” Root of American Pedophilia and Trafficking Plague: Alfred Kinsey
And His Nemesis Was Judith Reisman, PhD
by Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier
July 12, 2023
“Child trafficking in the United States really begins much earlier than most people understand….I would have to say the Kinsey Reports laid the scientific foundation for abusing kids….This all comes from something..it emerges out of something.”
“There was no field of human sexuality education before Kinsey. None.”
—Judith Reisman, PhD
My review of Sound of Freedom, which I saw 3 nights ago, will consist of largely saying I’m glad it is such a big success, waking so many people up, teaching parents how careful they must be—
… and now let’s go further.
A brief aside: I’m struggling to understand how the film makers gave it to Disney (child-trafficking and pedophilia hub) in the first place, only to have us widen our eyes in astonishment when memes go around stating that Disney sat on the film for 5 years. How does the leading pedophile hunter in the US not know Disney’s history of pedophilia?
I am of course not at all surprised that the “legacy media” (VICE, RS, WaPo, etc) are attacking Sound Of Freedom. They are consistently deeply irritated and scornful of people who oppose/fight pedophilia and trafficking—said now to be “far right” obsessions. That gang generally line up with the interests of Pedo Inc. But of course, it’s culture.
As much as I appreciate the film makers (Sound of Freedom) breaking the sound barrier on all this, I feel the film may have left people with the sense that child trafficking happens elsewhere, in countries like Honduras, (where the film opens)—or Colombia, or Mexico.
Why not Washington DC?
Julian Assange was the latest of a long line of heroic whistleblowers to reveal how very real the elite pedo-philic, satanic/trafficking plague is.
Post Q culture seems to hold that pedophilia plagues the Democrats more than the Republicans.
I don’t think that’s true.
Elite pedophiles can be any political color—it means very little. They can also be of any ostensible faith. All the better to increase incredulity. Many are Priests. Many are doctors—especially pediatric oncologists, (lots of time alone with kids in hospital and parents already worship them.) Many are coaches. (Making kids sports dreams come true. Lifting poor Americans out of poverty cycle by making their child a star, this way or that way.)
I suggest watching this vanquished documentary, about the Franklin Scandal in Omaha, Nebraska, in the early 1990s.
I have seen it twice, and am currently reading John DeCamp’s book.
But above all, I want to talk about Judith Reisman’s heroic works exposing Kinsey. A writer I know once told me the three horsemen of the pedophilia-as-part-of-pop-culture Apocalypse.
They are: Aleister Crowley, Alfred Kinsey, and Hugh Hefner.
Judith Reisman
I watched this documentary this morning, and pulled a few moments of the incorruptible and quietly heroic Reisman speaking—this was so you can perhaps watch the short clip— and watch the longer film when you have time.
Reisman is the road map.
The longer film is linked above , and here is the outtake clip I made:
More on Kinsey’s “research.”
He recorded orgasms in infants and children by drawing data from one or more pedophiles. And then he called it “science.”
Yes—true. Some of the experiments lasted over 24 hours, depriving infants of sleep, molesting them continually.
And here’s the trailer for Hollywood’s most recent contribution to the Kinsey myth, with Kinsey played by Liam Neeson. Neeson considers the sadistic pedophile and predator “complex”:
Cover image based on creative commons work of: JuliusH & xusenru

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