Vaccines From Womb to Tomb

Vaccines From Womb to Tomb
Why Do We Have an Adult Immunization Schedule?

by Health Freedom Institute
May 2, 2024


Did you know that the CDC has an adult vaccination schedule?1 It’s been around for 22 years, growing and changing.2 Promotion of routine adult immunization started around 1990 but wasn’t formalized into a schedule until 2002.

The federal government has embraced vaccination as “a lifespan approach, covering vaccination from before birth into old age,”3 basically, from womb to tomb. This is laid out in its National Vaccination Plans, which were mandated by U.S. Congress in 1987.

The Adult Immunization Schedule has been a bit of a sleeper, but in recent years, when listening to the CDC’s Advisory Council on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meetings, we hear about it more and more. What changed? Let’s start at the beginning.

What Is the Adult Schedule?

In 1991, the CDC acknowledged in its weekly public health report that vaccination in adults wasn’t typical.4


The very first time the CDC pulled all their immunization recommendations into one place was in their weekly publication “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report” (MMWR) in 1969.5 Those recommendations laid the foundation for what we now recognize as the “schedule.” This first publication included dosage recommendations for adults, but those dosages generally were for shots missed in childhood or special circumstances like travel. It was not until many years later that the idea of an adult schedule was independently promoted. Other than influenza, the shots were targeted toward common childhood illnesses, and there wasn’t much to promote for adults.

The face of public health, and thus immunization, changed in 1979 when the federal Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (the predecessor to Health and Human Services) released a report titled “Healthy People: The Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.”6 That publication marked the beginning of a new era of emphasis on population health. It was unique in its structured, data-driven approach to setting and surveilling health policy goals for our nation.7 This approach gave it longevity and flexibility and created the foundation for a new, decades-long infrastructure of setting health policy goals through identification of specific objectives with measurable targets, starting with “Healthy People 1990,” (launched in 1980) that continues to the latest “Healthy People 2030.”

The 1980s were tumultuous for vaccine policy. The expose “Vaccine Roulette” aired in 1982, helping parents across the country (and the globe) connect the dots on symptoms their children suddenly acquired after routine vaccination with DPT. The awareness congealed into a movement of parents who ignited a fire under U.S. Congress about the injustice of following the federally recommended childhood schedule only to find it was not safe for their babies. This outcry culminated in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, known by many as the “1986 Act,” which removed liability from manufacturers. (You can do a deep dive on DPT in our article, “Shining a light on Pertussis & DPT: the vaccine that shut the courthouse doors.”)

While the 1986 Act was being debated, 1985 saw two measles outbreaks on college campuses.8 With vaccines in mind, a joint resolution was adopted by Congress that was signed by Ronald Reagan into law, acknowledging the last week in October as “National Adult Immunization Awareness Week.”9 The intent behind the resolution was to prevent deaths from influenza and pneumonia in older adults, but the college measles outbreaks were mentioned as justification for needing to raise awareness of vaccination among adults.10 Baked into federal adult immunization policy was the intent that the awareness week was “only the beginning.”

Source: Congressional Record, Aug. 13, 1986; remarks by Sen. Orrin Hatch, sponsor of the joint resolution.


A National Coalition for Adult Immunization (NCAI) was formed shortly after, in 1988, to align “public and private resources to achieve Healthy People national goals.”

Source: Resource Guide for Adult and Adolescent Immunization, 3rd ed. : National Coalition for Adult Immunization : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


The 1979 report that inspired “Healthy People” only mentioned adult immunization in passing.


And the follow up report in 1980, “Promoting Health, Preventing Disease,” which came to be known as “Healthy People 1990,” provided 226 health policy goals with targets to be reached by 1990, but did not dive into adult vaccination.11


Regardless, the CDC fell in line with NCAI and started calling on doctors to include adult immunization as “a routine part of their practice.” In the 1991 publication where the CDC changed its tune on adult immunization, they reasoned that we couldn’t eliminate all illnesses because some adults were still “at risk” of getting sick from diseases on the childhood schedule if they were never vaccinated or weren’t sick in childhood. That said, there weren’t many action items because there weren’t many vaccines licensed to be marketed to adults.

After the 1986 Act, many vaccines were added to the childhood schedule. When the pneumococcal vaccine was added in 2001, it was licensed both for adolescents and adults. The promotion of adult vaccines picked up again for that moment in time. In 2002, the CDC unveiled its first official adult schedule. In short, healthy adults who had already been following the CDC’s childhood schedule were recommended annual flu shots, tetanus boosters every 10 years (generally at the time given in tandem with diphtheria as a TD shot), and the newly added pneumococcal recommendation for people who were 65 and over.





Note that right now COVID is recommended as “one or more doses,” which basically means there’s a blank check for how many shots will be recommended. The FDA and the CDC, along with their advisory committees (ACIP and VRBPAC respectively), have contemplated annual doses, but there’s also discussion of targeting strains. In other words, what will be recommended is yet to be seen.

One thing we can say for certain is that back in 2002 when the adult schedule table was first unveiled, the dose counts recommended were a lot lower.

Barriers to Success for the Adult Schedule

Simplification: The American Family Physician group says of the adult schedule, “The success of the childhood immunization program is partly because of the annual publication of the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule that summarizes the current recommendations and that it can be posted in the office for quick reference. We suggest that physicians post the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule in the office as a quick reference tool and that it be used as part of a larger office-based program to improve adult immunization rates.”

Access: A study published on February 4, 2014, in the Annals of Internal Medicinerecommended that physicians refer patients to get the vaccines they did not stock to a pharmacy or public health department to get vaccinated.12 The reason for referring patients outside their clinic was either “lack of insurance coverage for the vaccine (55% for general internists and 62% for family physicians) or inadequate reimbursement (36% for general internists and 41% for family physicians).” Dr. Laura Hurley, one of the authors of the paper,13 that improving the delivery of recommended vaccines to adults will require a concerted effort to resolve financial barriers, especially for smaller practices and for general internists who see more patients with Medicare Part D.

In short, access comes down to whether a doctor is going to be paid enough to go to the trouble of stocking a shot. 

The current White House has been promoting increased uptake of immunizing agents in adults. And the CDC, the agency in charge of getting “shots in arms,” has increased both propaganda and financial incentives. The 2023 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), for example, was14


Conveniently, any American with Medicare or Medicaid can get any shot on the schedule at no cost to them. But some states did not require payment through their Medicaid for certain vaccines, and this federal law overrode their autonomy to decide how to spend taxpayer money. The new policy addresses that.

Biden’s policy follows the footsteps laid by Obama’s Affordable Care Act in 2010, which expanded access to vaccines with cost-sharing. The Healthy People plan was mentioned in the Affordable Care Act four times.15

The IRA law also highlights the importance of the schedule itself — insurance payments hinge on whether the vaccine is on the schedule, not simply whether it has been recommended. Not surprisingly, for the first time in history, the ACIP chose to update its annual schedule to a rolling schedule to keep up with all the anticipated changes and additional recommendations. For the first time in the history of the schedule, the ACIP left the last page blank so new recommendations could be quickly added through the year, rather than waiting for the annual update. This was done in the name of access.

You may have also been hearing of calls for financing called Vaccines for Adults. This will have to be legislated through the budget.

Why the Sudden Push for Vaccines for Adults?

A review of 100 vaccines in development by “Vaccines Today,” found a staggering 80% percent are aimed at adults.16 A survey of the vaccines and immunizing agents approved for use by the FDA over the past five years shows 11 of 15 can be marketed to adults, nine of which are only approved for those over 18 years of age.17 This is a shift from around the 1960s where we saw an explosion in new vaccines aimed at children, especially after the 1986 Act removed liability for injury from manufacturers and providers for shots on the childhood schedule.

The National Adult Immunization Plan

“Global Immunization Vision and Strategy.” World Health Organization, 64th World Health Assembly (2011).

One of the goals of the plan is to simply increase demand. In other words, the federal government wants you to want these products. The plan was launched in 2015, a year after the CDC announced it was collaborating with Pfizer and a company called CECity to increase adult immunization rates.19 We know Pfizer makes vaccines (and “immunizing agents”); CECity is a company that specializes in electronic health records and was brought on board to implement a cloud-based “Adult Immunization Registry.” The initiative was released during the World Health Organization’s “Decade of Vaccines,” where their “Global Immunization Vision and Strategy 2006-2015” expanded the target group for routine immunizations to include adults.

The plan integrates health data transfer goals with calls for “interoperability” and “bidirectional exchange” of personal data between electronic health records (EHRs) and Immunization Information Systems (IIS’s).

Can adults injured by vaccines sue the manufacturer? It depends.

The 1986 Act and subsequent court cases removed liability from manufacturers and providers of vaccines if a person is injured or killed from vaccines. Does that apply to all vaccines? No, it only applies to shots that are on the childhood schedule. So if an adult takes a vaccine that is on the childhood schedule, like HPV or tetanus, they are bound by law to lose their right to a day in court and instead go through an administrative process many call “Vaccine Court,” which removes the right to a trial by jury. But if an adult takes the vaccine for shingles, which is not on the childhood schedule and therefore not under the umbrella of the VICP, an injured person can sue in court. It makes one wonder if those legal rights could be taken away and swept up into an amendment to the 1986 Act with a normalized Adult Immunization Schedule.

  1. “Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule.” CDC. February 28, 2024.
  2. “Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule–United States, 2002-2003.” MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep., (2003): 52(15):345.
  3. “2020 National Vaccine Plan Development: Recommendations from the National Vaccine Advisory Committee.” Public Health Reports, 135(2):181–188.
  4. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep., (1991): 40(RR-12). v “ACIP Recommendations 1969: Collected Recommendations of the Public Health Service Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.” National Communicable Disease Center 18, no. 43.
  5. “Healthy People: The Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.” Public Health Service 79-55071, U.S. Department of Health and Welfare (1979).
  6. “The Evolution of the Healthy People Initiative: A Look Through the Decades.” J Public Health Manag Pract, (2021): 27(6):S225–S234. ↩︎
  7. “Current Trends Measles on College Campuses.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, (1985): 34(29);445-9.
  8. “Public Law 99-528.” Congressional Record, 99th Congress 132, (1986).
  9. Congressional Record, 99th Congress 132, part 15 (1986): 21399.
  10. “Healthy People: The Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.” Public Health Service 79-55071, U.S. Department of Health and Welfare (1979).
  11. “Healthy People: The Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.” Public Health Service 79-55071, U.S. Department of Health and Welfare (1979).
  12. ”US Physicians’ Perspective of Adult Vaccine Delivery. Annals of Internal Medicine. Volume 160. No. 3.
  13. “National Adult Immunization Plan.” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  14. “Several Changes to Adult Vaccine Access Enacted Through IRA.” Avalere, (2022).
  15. “Compilation of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.” U.S. House of Representatives, (2010).
  16. Future of Immunisation: 100 Vaccines in the Pipeline.” Vaccines Today, Gary Finnegan (2023).
  17. “Biological Approvals by Year.” The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, U.S.FDA (2024).
  18. “Adult Immunization Plans.” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (2019).
  19. “American College of Physicians, CECity, and Pfizer Collaborate to Increase Adult Immunization Rates.” Pfizer, (2014).


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The Zionist Death Grip on the United States Government

The Zionist Death Grip on the United States Government
From JFK to 9/11 the Zionist agenda comes first

by Greg Reese, Reese Report
April 30, 2024



When Netanyahu demanded that the protests against Israel be stopped, the US government complied because our members of Congress have all been bought and paid for with tax dollars given to the American Israeli Political Action Committee, known as AIPAC. AIPAC openly brags about this on their official website, because they don’t have to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which requires agents of foreign principals to register and provide transparency.

Beginning in 1962 they were known as the American Zionist Council, and President John F. Kennedy was ordering them to register as a foreign agent. Along with members of the US government, the Zionists fought against this. In October of 1963, forms were prepared for them to register. But the next month, JFK was assassinated. And Israel has never been asked to register since.

Four years later, Israel attacked the USS Liberty, murdering dozens of Americans and injuring over a hundred. The US government helped them cover it up as an accident.

On the day of 9/11, five Israelis who were seen photographing the collapse of the twin towers and celebrating were arrested and detained for several weeks. In documents later released by FOIA requests, the FBI redacted their faces in pictures where they were posing in front of the burning towers. And described them as being happy and jovial. One of them stated that, “Israel now has hope that the world will understand us.” The end of the declassified document asks if they had foreknowledge of the event and were there to film it, and the answer was redacted. As soon as they were released, they returned to Israel and went on television where they confirmed that the answer was yes.

The dancing Israelis had fake student IDs. And several accounts of suspicious Israeli art students were reported to be infiltrating government buildings. Over a hundred of these Israeli art students were arrested. Fox NEWS reported that these art students served in military intelligence and explosive ordinance units.

In March of 2000, several of these Mossad art students were living in the World Trade Center as part of the World Views Artist-in-Residence program. They occupied floors 90 and 91 where walls were unfinished and structural beams were exposed. A member of this group of artists, Hanan Serfaty, was arrested by the DEA as part of the Israeli spy ring. But the identities of an additional 14 Israelis who were with him have never been released to the public. These Israeli artists were sharing the space with a group of Austrian artists known as Gelatin who were working on a project called “The B thing” that involved removing windows on the 91st floor of the North Tower. A small balcony was constructed for people to stand on while photographs were taken by a helicopter. Another group called, E-team, managed the helicopter with the designation number, N666LH. This helicopter was to be in an art exhibit memorializing this project scheduled for September 11th 2001.

In March of 2001, E Team had an art project called “127 windows.” Officially, they were going to write their name on the exterior of the tower. They had an artist’s rendering of what the project was supposed to look like, but it never appears to have happened. And on 9/11, American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the exact spot where they were supposedly preparing to do this.

In 2001, Gelatin published a book on the project and described it as conspiratorial work. It includes a drawing of someone falling headfirst from the 91st floor with the words, 300 meters of pure pleasure.

Gelatin was originally spelled the same as the explosive, but was officially changed in 2005.

And the 9/11 Commission report does not mention Gelatin, E-Team, or any of the Israeli Mossad art students.


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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Update on His Ongoing Trial & Current Events — April 29, 2024

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Update on His Ongoing Trial & Current Events — April 29, 2024

by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, ICIC Law
April 29, 2024


Statement Dr. Reiner Fuellmich April 29, 2024

Dear friends, with this statement, I want to tell you that there are more and more reasons for us to be optimistic, at least outside this prison cell where I’ve been held in captivity for more than six and a half months now. It is now not only palpable that the tide has turned, but it is both clearly visible and clearly audible.

At the same time, this worldwide development in the right direction is mirrored by what is happening in my case, except that last week an alarming twist in this never-ending story shows how now pressure is being put on the court by the intelligence services and that one of my attorneys is receiving anonymous threats, which quite obviously come from that very same source.

But let me first tell you about the positive developments that we can now clearly see and hear happening worldwide. As I already mentioned, it looks like my work, first at the Corona Investigative Committee and then at ICIC, has been vindicated by the publication of the, albeit heavily redacted, RKI papers. RKI is the equivalent of the American CDC.

These papers clearly show that Corona was not a pandemic, but a staged plandemic set in motion by the mainstream media, politicians and others, who got paid to induce panic among the population so that they could be controlled and made to destroy their own economy and their own health. On top of these now infamous RKI papers, the highly regarded former president of Germany’s highest court, the constitutional court, Professor Papier, for months has now been asking for a judicial investigation of what happened during Corona, stating that the judiciary and above all Germany’s highest court, the constitutional court, failed to
protect the rights and values enshrined in the constitution during Corona.

Well, we can certainly help with this judicial investigation as we have all the evidence readily available. Anyone can easily download all the interviews I have conducted with, for example, Dr. Mike Yeadon, the former vice president of Pfizer, Professor Luc Montagnier, who won a Nobel Prize for discovering the HIV virus
and then changed his mind and, like Dr. Judy Mikovits said, that it wasn’t a virus that caused AIDS. I conducted interviews with presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Archbishop Viganò, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Peter Breggin, former premier of Newfoundland, Labrador, Brian Peckford, ritual abuse survivor Cathy O’Brien, and many, many others. It’s all there.

But there is, in fact, even more reason for optimism as outside of Germany, the wake-up process has picked up so much speed that it is now unstoppable. Those on the other side of the fence, in particular, those who are in the business of panic and warmongering, have now every reason to panic themselves.

At Columbia University in New York, reminiscent of what happened 55 years ago, that’s during the Vietnam War, student protests against the Vietnam War have now spread in its variation of protests against what’s happening in Gaza, have now spread across the entire country and then worldwide. Once again, it is students and faculty members of Columbia University who are protesting against a war, this time the war in Gaza.

More than 34,000 people were killed over the last six months, 70 percent of whom are women and children, and now two mass graves, graveyards, were found with more than 300 bodies of patients and medical staff of hospitals, many of whom showing signs of torture and execution-style murder. Neither the US administration nor the EU is able to ignore this.

Both have asked for an independent investigation into the massacres. Student protests have already spread to other countries, like for example Australia, and students and faculty members are now coordinating their efforts and connecting with each other. Sounds like real grassroots, bottom-up democracy, standing up against globalistic, top-down totalitarianism to me.

The protesters demand not just that the killing stops immediately, but they also ask, cui bono? Who profits from all this? In what ways?

This means that just like during Vietnam, the protesters are breaking through the official wall of propaganda and want to get to the bottom of what’s going on. Only this time, for real it seems. Because I believe it is no accident that the call for an investigation of these crimes against humanity coincide with the call for an investigation into the corona crimes against humanity.

The people on the other side of the fence are only one step short of the realization that the same puppets in the mainstream media, politics and pseudoscience who got paid to lie to us about corona are now lying to us about Gaza. And from that realization will come follow-up questions, such as, for example, what is really going on in Ukraine and what exactly is it with man-made global warming? And why are they trying to keep us in permanent panic mode? Good questions, don’t you think?

The positive developments are mirrored or reflected by what’s happening in the criminal proceeding against me, except that here their panic is so great that they’re now pushing themselves and the rule of law into very, very dangerous territory. On the one hand, their official narrative has collapsed.

Both the hearing and the, albeit incomplete, that is illegally redacted contents of my file have shown beyond a reasonable doubt my taking a loan in order to protect some of the donations temporarily from imminent attachment of our bank account was perfectly okay, as I had both the authority to do this under the business judgment rule and I was willing and capable of repaying the loan.

The allegations in the criminal complaint, to the contrary, were simply freely invented lies which the DA would have immediately uncovered had he conducted a real investigation and not just a fake one. The senior district attorney who refused to even start a criminal investigation when she looked at the very same facts less than a half a year ago or a half a year earlier was correct when she came to the conclusion that there was absolutely no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing.

But behind this travesty of justice, we can now see the real criminals. The three attorneys from Berlin and the assistant district attorney who operated very closely when they first had me kidnapped in Mexico and then got their hands on my money and the Corona Investigative Committee’s money by way of fraud and extortion. Even my illegally redacted file shows that the assistant DA knew right from the start of his non-investigation that I was in the process of repaying the loan with the proceeds from the sale of my house and that there was way more than enough money available for this.

The file also shows that he knew full well that the three accusers had absolutely no right whatsoever to get their hands on that purchase price. And the file shows that he knew that the three authors of the criminal complaint would nevertheless engage in fraud and extortion in order to get their hands on that money. In fact, the criminals themselves kept him informed about their criminal activities.

He not only allowed them to commit these crimes, rather there’s now reasonable cause for a criminal proceeding against him for aiding and abetting their crimes or at the very least for obstruction of justice. And those are real crimes, not just misdemeanors.

But the matter gets worse. In full knowledge of the fact that the three criminals only interest in the Corona Committee’s activities focused on the donations it received for my work mostly. And knowing also, of course, that they had already stolen 1.15 million euros of my purchase price. He now attached my attorney’s pension plan, collecting everything up to another 700,000 euros for these three criminals.

But what is the reason for all this? Well, the secret dossier on me written by the German intelligence services proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the three Berlin attorneys and the assistant DA were instructed to do a kind of a hit job, to do the dirty work, so to speak, for those who are pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

Ultimately, of course, this will backfire. And this will turn out to be a hit job on themselves and before the eyes of the world, a hit job on the rule of law in Germany.

Why am I saying this? Well, last week, the intelligence services approached the presiding judge and his number two judge on the panel, in my case, and put them under pressure to, or at least he manipulated or they manipulated them. As a result of this presiding judge just informed us that despite all the evidence to the contrary, he will definitely find me guilty of whatever crimes.

If any further proof was required to show that this is a fake trial that undeniably started with my kidnapping in Mexico, here it is: My attorney, Dr. Miseré, who defends me in this trial alongside my colleague Katja Woermer, just received an anonymous letter with a photo of his daughter, clearly a threat that something will happen to her if he continues to defend me.

I will publish the details of all of this still unfolding crime story in my next statement.

For now, let me conclude not with another list of my favorite songs, but by telling you that my favorite book is Harper Lee’s novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird”. And my favorite movie is the movie by the same name, starring Gregory Peck.

There will be justice. And if the system is too corrupt to deliver it, it’ll come another way. Call it karma or poetic justice, but it will come.

See you soon.


Connect with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich telegram | ICIC website

GM Golden Rice in the Philippines Stopped: The Deception of Development and the Politics of Progress

GM Golden Rice in the Philippines Stopped: The Deception of Development and the Politics of Progress

by Colin Todhunter, Asia-Pacific Research
April 29, 2024


On 19 April 2024, the Philippines Supreme Court issued a cease-and-desist order on the commercial propagation of genetically modified (GM) Golden Rice and GM eggplant in the country.  

The Stop Golden Rice Network says that the court decision is a victory for farmers and consumers everywhere as the decision goes beyond Golden Rice and insecticidal eggplant and covers “any application for contained use, field testing, direct use as food or feed or processing, commercial propagation, and importation of GMOs.”

The court recognised that government agencies and other proponents of GM Golden Rice and GM eggplant “failed to submit proof of safety and compliance with all legal requirements.” The order remains indefinite until GMO proponents can fulfil all the mandated steps and provide concrete evidence that these GMOs are indeed safe.

A network of farmers, consumers and civil society organisations, Stop Golden Rice emphasises the need to address hunger and malnutrition through securing small farmers’ control over resources such as seed, appropriate technologies, water and land.

The campaign group says:

“We believe that GM crops are primarily pushed by global monopoly capitalists in food and agriculture… there is already irrevocable evidence of the failure of GM crops and how it has contributed to further indebtedness, crop failures, hunger and loss of biodiversity.”

It states that the court’s decision shows that ordinary people can prevail in the face of corporate power.

The Story of Golden Rice 

Vitamin A deficiency is a problem in many poor countries in the Global South and leaves millions at high risk of infection, diseases and other maladies, such as blindness.

The agritech industry has long argued that Golden Rice is a practical way to provide poor farmers in remote areas with a subsistence crop capable of adding much-needed vitamin A to local diets. Lobbyists say that Golden Rice, developed with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, could help save the lives of around 670,000 children who die each year from Vitamin A deficiency and another 350,000 who go blind.

Such claims, however, are based more on spin than reality, and, over the years, the interests behind Golden Rice have wasted no time in attacking anyone who questioned it.

As Britain’s Environment Secretary in 2013, the now disgraced Owen Paterson claimed that opponents of GM were “casting a dark shadow over attempts to feed the world”. He called for the rapid roll-out of vitamin A-enhanced rice to help prevent the cause of up to a third of the world’s child deaths. He claimed:

“It’s just disgusting that little children are allowed to go blind and die because of a hang-up by a small number of people about this technology. I feel really strongly about it. I think what they do is absolutely wicked.”

On Twitter, The Observer’s Nick Cohen chimed in with his support by tweeting:

“There is no greater example of ignorant Western privilege causing needless misery than the campaign against genetically modified golden rice.”

The rhetoric took the well-worn cynically devised PR line that anti-GM activists and environmentalists are little more than privileged, affluent people residing in rich countries and are denying the poor the supposed benefits of GM crops.

Despite these smears and emotional blackmail, in a 2016 article in the journal Agriculture & Human Values Glenn Stone and Dominic Glover found little evidence that activists were to blame for Golden Rice’s unfulfilled promises.

Researchers still had problems developing beta carotene-enriched strains that yield as well as non-GM strains already being grown by farmers. It was questionable whether the beta carotene in Golden Rice could even be converted to vitamin A in the bodies of badly undernourished children. There had also been little research on how well the beta carotene in Golden Rice would hold up when stored for long periods between harvest seasons or when cooked using traditional methods common in remote rural locations.

In the meantime, Glenn Stone noted that that, as the development of Golden Rice crept along, the Philippines had managed to slash the incidence of Vitamin A deficiency by non-GM methods.

So, whose interests were really being served in the push for Golden Rice?

In 2011, Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, a senior scientist with a background in insect ecology and pest management, answered this question:

“An elite, so-called Humanitarian Board where Syngenta sits – along with the inventors of Golden Rice, Rockefeller Foundation, USAID and public relations and marketing experts, among a handful of others. Not a single farmer, indigenous person or even an ecologist or sociologist to assess the huge political, social and ecological implications of this massive experiment. And the leader of IRRI’s Golden Rice project is none other than Gerald Barry, previously Director of Research at Monsanto.”

Sarojeni V Rengam, executive director of Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific, called on the donors and scientists involved to wake up and do the right thing:

“Golden Rice is really a ‘Trojan horse’; a public relations stunt pulled by the agribusiness corporations to garner acceptance of genetically engineered (GE) crops and food… money and efforts would be better spent on restoring natural and agricultural biodiversity rather than destroying it by promoting monoculture plantations and GE food crops.”

To tackle disease, malnutrition and poverty, you have to first understand the underlying causes – or indeed want to understand them.

Renowned academic Walden Bello notes that the complex of policies that pushed the Philippines into an economic quagmire over the past few decades is due to ‘structural adjustment’ that included the restructuring of agriculture and export-oriented production.

And that restructuring of the agrarian economy is something touched on by Claire Robinson of GMWatch who notes that leafy green vegetables used to be grown in backyards as well as in rice (paddy) fields on the banks between the flooded ditches in which the rice grew.

Ditches also contained fish, which ate pests. People thus had access to rice, green leafy veg and fish – a balanced diet that gave them a healthy mix of nutrients, including plenty of beta-carotene.

But indigenous crops and farming systems have been replaced by monocultures dependent on chemical inputs. Green leafy veg were killed off with pesticides, artificial fertilisers were introduced, and the fish could not live in the resulting chemically contaminated water. Moreover, decreased access to land meant that many people no longer had backyards containing leafy green veg.

Blindness in developing countries could have been eradicated years ago if only the money, research and publicity put into Golden Rice over the last 20 years had gone into proven ways of addressing Vitamin A deficiency. However, instead of pursuing genuine solutions, what we have seen is pro-GM spin in an attempt to close down debate.

Technology and Development 

If the discussion so far tells us anything, it is that technology is not neutral. It is developed and promoted by people who want to cement their control over a sector and stand to financially gain from its rollout.

All too often, politicians, corporations and the media equate new technology with ‘progress’. And those who question it, as we see with GMOs, are called Luddites or anti-science in order to prevent proper debate over the social, economic and ethical concerns of rolling out a given technology.

Take the Green Revolution, for instance. There was nothing progressive, inevitable or neutral about its seed, chemical and related infrastructure technology.

Despite it being rolled out under the banner of ‘progress’, it underperformed, was exploitative and has had devastating social, ecological and environmental impacts (see the writings of Prof. Glenn StoneVandana Shiva and Bhaskar Save). It served US geopolitical, financial and agribusiness interests and prioritised urban-industrial expansion at the expense of rural communities and a more diverse, healthy and nutrient-sufficient agriculture.

But the Green Revolution became integral to the ‘development’ agenda.

In a recent article on the Winter Oak website, Paul Cudenec says that ‘development’:

“… is the destruction of nature, now seen as a mere resource to be used for development or as an empty undeveloped space in which development could, should and, ultimately, must take place. It is the destruction of natural human communities, whose self-sufficiency gets in the way of the advance of development, and of authentic human culture and traditional values, which are incompatible with the dogma and domination of development.”

Cudenec argues that those behind ‘development’ have been destroying everything of real value in our natural world and our human societies in the pursuit of personal wealth and power. Moreover, they have concealed this crime behind all the positive-sounding rhetoric associated with development on every level.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in India.

The World Bank, the World Trade Organization, global agribusiness and financial capital are working to corporatise India’s agriculture sector. This ‘structural adjustment’ policy and process involves displacing the current food production system with contract farming and an industrial model of agriculture and food retail that serves the above interests.

The plan is to displace the peasantry, create a land market and amalgamate landholdings to form larger farms that are more suited to international land investors and export-oriented industrial farming.

The demand is that India sacrifice its farmers and its own food security for the benefit of a handful of billionaires. This is all passed off as ‘development’.

It involves the state facilitating the enrichment of a wealthy elite and privileging a certain model of social and economic development based on urban sprawl, centralised power and dependency on global finance, corporations, markets and supply chains. All legitimised under the banners of innovation, technological progress and ‘development’.

There are other pathways that humanity can take. Anthropologist Felix Padel and researcher Malvika Gupta offer some insights (based on their work with India’s Adivasi communities) into what the solutions or alternatives to ‘development’ might look like:

“Democracy as consensus politics rather than the Western model of liberal democracy that perpetuates division and corruption behind the scenes; exchange labour rather than the ruthless, anti-life logic of ‘the market’; law as reconciliation rather than judgements that depend on exorbitant legal fees and divide people into winners and losers… and learning as something to be shared, not competed over.”

However, we see more ‘development’ being proposed: more rural population displacement and human dislocation, more mining, port and other big infrastructure developments and the further entrenchment of corporate interests and their projects.

While many have a different vision for the future, self-interest and consumerism underpinned by economic neoliberal dogma continue to seduce the masses into accepting the prevailing ‘development’ agenda.

Corporate industrial agriculture is integral to that agenda. A model that took hold half a century ago in the Western nations and which has resulted in nutrient-deficient food, narrower diets, the massive use of agrochemicals, food contaminated by hormones, steroids, antibiotics and a wide range of chemical additives, the eradication of many smallholder farmers, spiralling rates of ill health, degraded soil and contaminated and depleted water supplies.

That’s ‘progress’? Well, agribusiness interests aside, perhaps so for the many private health clinics that have sprung up in India in recent years.

The introduction of GMOs represents a further entrenchment of the prevailing ‘development’ agenda.

The decision by the Philippines Supreme Court called out government agencies and those behind the Golden Rice agenda for key failures. This is important for India, whose Supreme Court is about to decide on whether to sanction the commercial cultivation of GM mustard. It would be India’s first GM food crop (of which there are many more in the pipeline).

Will India’s Supreme Court come down on the side of reason and stop GM mustard on the basis of there being no need for GMOs in Indian agriculture and the well-documented fraud and regulatory delinquency that has surrounded this issue for many years?

That remains to be seen.


Many of the issues presented above are discussed in the author’s free e-book Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order.


Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  


Connect with Colin Todhunter

Cover image credit: consolesafari

Ron Paul: TikTok Hypocrisy

TikTok Hypocrisy

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
April 29, 2024


President Biden’s campaign will continue using the popular social media site TikTok even though the president supported a provision in the military aid bill he recently signed forcing TikTok’s parent company ByteDance to sell TikTok within 270 days. If ByteDance does not sell TikTok within the required time, TikTok will be banned in the USA. Biden’s continued use of TikTok to reach the approximately 150 million American TikTok users, is not the only example of hypocrisy from politicians who support the TikTok ban.

The TikTok ban was driven by claims that, because ByteDance is a Chinese company, TikTok is controlled by the Chinese government and, thus. is helping the Chinese government collect data on American citizens. However, the only tie ByteDance has to the Chinese government is via a Chinese government controlled company that owns a small amount of stock in a separate ByteDance operation. Furthermore, ByteDance stores its data in an American facility not accessible by the Chinese government.

Just days before passing the TikTok ban, the same Senate that is so concerned about TikTok’s alleged violations of Americans’ privacy passed the FISA reauthorization bill. This bill not only extended existing authorities for warrantless wiretapping and surveillance, it made it easier for government agencies to spy on American citizens. It did this by requiring anyone with access to a targeted individual’s electronic device to cooperate with intelligence agencies.

Supporters of banning TikTok also cited concerns over the site’s “content moderation” policies. These policies reportedly forbid postings embarrassing to the Chinese government such as some related to the 1989 Tiananmen Square confrontation or the Free Tibet movement.

TikTok, like most social media platforms, engages in content moderation. The TikTok ban was supported by Democrats, including President Biden, who have a history of “encouraging” social media companies to censor Americans from using social media to spread “fake news.”

Fake news is defined as anything that contradicts the Democrat or “woke” agenda, including the truth about covid origins, dangers, and treatments; whether democracy was really threatened on January 6; and the full story of Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

One major reason behind strong bipartisan support for the TikTok ban is the wish to engage in a cold war with China. ByteDance’s Chinese connection makes it a convenient target to help foster anti-Chinese sentiment. Sadly, the anti-Chinese hysteria is a bipartisan phenomenon and has even infected some politicians who take sensible positions on US intervention in Ukraine.

Another major reason banning TikTok has strong bipartisan support is that the site is being used by many young people to share information on the Israeli government’s action in Gaza. The head of the Anti-Defamation League was actually caught on tape complaining about the “TikTok problem.” This use of TikTok made TikTok a target for the many politicians who think the First Amendment makes an exception for speech critical of Israel.

The silver lining in the TikTok ban is it is waking up more Americans, especially young Americans, to the threat the out-of-control welfare-warfare-surveillance state poses to their liberty and prosperity. This provides a great opportunity to spread the ideas of liberty and grow the liberty movement.


Connect with Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

The World Out of Kilter: Reclaim Our Lives!

The World Out of Kilter: Reclaim Our Lives!

by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak
April 29, 2024


I would love to have been born into a stable society – a calm, healthy, wise society – rather than one rattling chaotically downhill at an ever-accelerating rate towards a doom that is increasingly impossible to ignore.

For me, real progress would not be the replacement of human beings by machines, but the nurturing of human beings so as to release their full potential, the patient fine-tuning of our outlooks and habits so that we can live better together.

The community to which I would like to belong would not look like any other community.

It would have evolved in harmony with the specific qualities of its place, its history, the tastes and desires of the people who made it up.

It would be through this rooted belonging that the community could achieve its flowering – its myths, its music, its crafts, its food, its drink, its festivals, its ethos.

In such a society, people would decide for themselves, among themselves, how they wanted to live.

There would be no remote central “authority” demanding data and taxes, imposing its rigid requirements, ensuring that everything and everybody conformed to its mechanical model of what life should look like.

People would grow up to feel free and instinctively resistant to outside interference.

They simply would not go along with demands issued from strangers justified only by the rules and jargon these strangers have themselves invented.

They would not tolerate the destruction of a much-loved meadow or forest because of targets or plans or the institutionally-enshrined priority afforded the steamroller of “development” and “economic growth”.

And, because they lived simply, healthily, naturally, collaboratively, they would not have to waste the greater part of their time and energy on toiling for somebody else’s gain, just to have the bare right to food and shelter.

Instead, everyone would contribute to the well-being of their community in whatever way they could.

Such a world would only be perfect in the sense that human imperfection forms part of the overall perfection of the organism we call nature, Earth, the cosmos.

But it would be a living world, a warm world, a kind world, a real world.

And it can be ours, if we truly want it.

It is time for us to grab back our future from the greed-soaked hands of the lying robber-tyrants who have, for so long now, pushed our world out of kilter.

It is time for us to reclaim our lives.


Connect with Paul Cudenec website | substack

Cover image credit: AdinaVoicu

Catherine Austin Fitts With Greg Hunter: Insane vs Sane, Demonic vs Divine

Catherine Austin Fitts With Greg Hunter: Insane vs Sane, Demonic vs Divine

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog
April 27, 2024


Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), has long said, “The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not just a little criminal, but a lot criminal.”  Now, CAF contends what is going on in America is much more than greedy criminals.  CAF says, “This has turned into warfare against “We the People” on a spiritual level.”

CAF goes on to point out, “There is so much effort in persuading people to think there is nothing you can do, and it’s hopeless.  Let me tell you something . . . the central bankers are telling you what they are going to do, and this is not far away in the future.  You have all these merchant codes where you cannot use your credit card to buy a gun or the bank throws you out.  That’s the control grid getting built.”

What can you do to fight for freedom?  CAF says, “Bring transparency, and the second thing is to use cash.  If we can all use cash, build cash back up and keep checks going, if you have cash and checks, they cannot go to an all-digital financial system.  Find out who is leading the way in your state, and see what you can do to support them.  Above anything, you can pray because this is a spiritual war.  The devil wants you to believe it’s hopeless and there is nothing you can do. . . . It’s not true.  The sane cannot go along with the insane.  The divine cannot go along with the demonic.  You have to say NO!  I am seeing this all over the country.  I am seeing Treasurers and State Attorney Generals, and they are all pushing back because they realize this is insane.  You cannot go along with this.”

CAF says not only do the Deep State globalists want control of the financial system, but they also want control of your food.  CAF says, “You see at this level when you are trying to protect freedom, they cannot get financial control unless they can control the food supply.  People can always start their own currencies as long as they can grow food.  If you look at the push for financial control and central bank digital currency, it is the same push.  They are pushing to control the food supply.”

CAF thinks Washington is so broken, corrupt and criminal that whoever wins the Presidential Election it will not make much of a difference.  CAF points out, “Look at how quickly Speaker Mike Johnson caved.  Speaker Johnson caved for Ukraine and war all over the world, but he won’t protect our borders.  Mike Johnson, Christian, conservative and not a dime to protect our borders. . . Washington is a criminal enterprise, and there is no electing someone big enough to change this.  This is not Trump vs Biden.  This is the pro-centralization team in Washington.  We have to pull power back from Washington.”

There is much more in the 56-minute interview.


Connect with Greg Hunter

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Cover image credit: geralt

“Transgender Kids” Are a Myth, a Fairy Tale

“Transgender Kids” Are a Myth, a Fairy Tale

by Jon Rappoport
April 26, 2024


There are no transgender kids.

There are children who get all sorts of ideas in their heads. They change their minds every day.

In the current culture, on a given Tuesday, a boy might decide he wants to be a girl, and vice versa.

But then comes Wednesday, and the world is completely different.

Except we have the psycho meddlers. Parents, teachers, counselors, government-backed groups, pedophiles…

They enter the scene and they’re committed to making that random Tuesday last forever.

I put most of this on the parents. The mind-controlled parents who believe in total permissiveness and “the new cultural imperatives” at the same time.

They weren’t fit to have the children in the first place.

When I was a kid, I entertained all sorts of crazy ideas. It was fun. I went to my father with a plan to buy a pet rattlesnake and bring it in the house. I told him I could tame the snake.

He came down on me like a ton of bricks. NO took ten seconds.

He wasn’t pleasant and kind and understanding and supportive of my claim that I was a wild animal tamer and a healer.

If it were possible (it isn’t), I’d like to see one of these oh so permissive parents put on trial, with a sane jury behind the rail. And a sentence of 30 years in prison for the parent’s encouragement—which led to his child taking toxic meds, ruinous hormones, and going into an operating room for life-destroying surgery.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: Saydung89

GMO Bio-Imperialism

GMO Bio-Imperialism

by Dr. Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
April 26, 2024


Over the past few decades, GMO crops have been imposed in countries around the world, touted as a solution to food insecurity and malnutrition crises. However, hunger, disease and malnutrition have increased, while biodiversity has declined and toxins have spread. GMO imperialism has destroyed the lives and livelihoods of small farmers and biodiversity in the centers of origin. These centers of biodiversity origin are the cradles of the world’s food supply and protection against disease, climate challenges, natural disasters or other obstacles to food production.

In Mexico, which is the center of origin of corn, there has been a long struggle by society and organized communities against GMO imperialism which threatens the subsistence and culture of local peoples. It is following this mobilization that the Mexican society obtained a ban on planting genetically modified corn through a collective lawsuit brought against the companies Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta and Corteva Agriscience. This ban is still in effect.

Recently, the Mexican government issued an executive order phasing out the use of glyphosate and banning the use of genetically modified corn in tortillas, a staple food. Faced with this decision, the US government, on the basis of the United States-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement (USMCA), activated the dispute resolution mechanism with the aim of canceling the order and forcing the introduction of GMOs into the country.

The Mexican government as well as the non-governmental organizations from Mexico presented their Technical Opinions before this Panel, based on detailed scientific evidence, including new found evidence by Mexico’s scientific advisory board CONAHCYT, rooted in scientifically rigorous evidence from academic institutions. This evidence pointed out and warned about the multiple risks that make it pertinent and urgent to stop the presence of genetically manipulated maize in the food of the Mexican population, and as raw material for other industries.

From 12 to 16 March 2024, Navdanya International, together with Latin American partners and the Mexican Government, organized a series of events in Mexico City to build a common strategy against the imposition of new and old GMOs. The mobilization in Mexico City counted on the presence of representatives of Latin American movements such as Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Costa Rica and others, in collaboration with Mexican civil society organizations, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Culture. It was at the Ministry of Culture that the Garden of Milpa, the biodiverse traditional farming system of Mexico, was blessed at the Museum of Corn.

The case of Mexico represents the attempt of a people to protect their biodiverse cultures, their thousand-year-old food heritage, the health of their population and ecosystems. It is the case of a people who demand respect for their sovereignty and represents a beacon of hope for the places where this imposition continues. People have the right to have sovereignty over their health, and that starts with food sovereignty.

However, the GMO agenda has always been about patents and profits, not food and health. Food sovereignty is a high-level concept, because it implies the sovereignty of beings to manage and organize themselves and protect their right to health. This is why the goal of industrial agriculture has always been to push farmers off the land. It is inherent in the very definition of industrial agriculture. The sovereignty of people, farmers and nature has been violated by the imposition of agrotoxins, GMOs and ultra-processed foods, destroying diversity and ancient food cultures and threatening land, water and biodiversity.

Agribusiness and biotechnology giants are trying to circumvent existing biosafety regulations, such as the Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols of the Convention on Biological Diversity, by subtly making changes to GMO regulations, in order to promote GMOs under new acronyms, such as NBT (New Breeding Techniques), NGT (New Genomic Techniques) or TEA (Techniques of Assisted Evolution). These new GMOs have been silently inserted into the agricultural legislation in force in various countries, with the aim of maintaining patent monopolies in the hands of the chemical and biotechnology giants.

Today, our seed sovereignty is threatened by intellectual property rights and new GMO technologies that have transformed seeds from a common good into a commodity under the control and monopoly of multinational agri-food companies. Impositions continue to take place, violating the sovereignty and rights of people and nature, in furtherance of the corporate agenda. While multinationals get rich by stealing our biodiversity. Faced with this, building relationships, based on common struggle and the vision of an ecological future, contributes to creating international networks of resistance and solidarity. Together, as global citizens, we must unite to oppose the bullying of GMOs and defend our seeds.

Citizens are rising up against the unscientific, anti-democratic and anti-ecological imposition of GMOs by multinationals and the US government. The first generation of GMOs failed. But multinationals continue to impose genetically modified organisms, or new GMOs, in centers of diversity. They continue to shift the narrative towards framing nature and biodiversity as commodities to be commercialized and monopolized. In the wake of Mexico’s battle against the United States, it is necessary to support and strengthen international solidarity against the corporate imposition of industrial food systems.


Connect with Dr. Vandana Shiva

Cover image credit: Nguyen_Khac

The Garlic Mustard Enigma: Be Like Garlic Mustard

The Garlic Mustard Enigma

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
April 24, 2024


Spring has sprung!  ‘Tis the season of new growth, birdsong, and the pulling of garlic mustard! For those not interested in an interlude into the “weeds,” you can stop reading now.

I offer a brief segue to speak for the plants. Because soon, people will become activists in large groups to pull a plant called garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) out of the ground to end its life. Why has this tradition taken root in the greater part of the U.S., before this plant sets seed?

Did Nature get it wrong?

Or is garlic mustard misunderstood?

What is a Weed?

Herbalists know that no plant is a “weed,” since each plant has a purpose. Weeds do not exist in Nature. According to medical anthropologist Ben Belek:

Weeds don’t exist in the wild. They can’t exist. A weed is only a weed when an onlooker says it is. The property of weediness, I reflected, is little more than herbage out of place. Only when a hardworking farmer extends her field to make room for a cauliflower patch, does the hitherto wild flora that lived and thrived there suddenly transform into a nuisance. Only with foreign settlement, does indigeneity become adversarial.

If people uproot garlic mustard, it is because they are convinced it is a non-native, invasive plant. End of discussion. However, if we can align ourselves with the plant kingdom, then we can better understand them. We are not so different from our plant allies. Most humans are transplants. When humans are forced to leave their home, it is called eminent domain.

If Ends of Discussions do not sit right with you, then you might be a contrarian! You might align with garlic mustard, the contrarian of the plant world!  Any good contrarian, anyone who rejects popular opinion, would not let the discussion end.

Our Nature Is Nature

Pulling garlic mustard where it is abundant prolongs its run. It also robs a great deal of nitrogen, macro- and micronutrients, and organic matter from the ecosystem.— Dr. Berndt Blossey, Cornell University

As we have begun this discussion, let us continue with some basic definitions that humans ascribe to the plant kingdom.

Invasive plants are plants that have been introduced to an ecosystem and are poised to take over.  According to Naturalists, invasive plants have aggressive root systems that spread long distances. They may smother other plants in the area. Some produce chemicals which impact the growth of plants around them. Basically, these plants dominate and some claim they don’t offer the benefits to local fauna. [There are politicians who qualify as invasive.]

Consider the Dandelion (Taxacum officinale), a transplant from “somewhere else” that has naturalized itself in every part of the world but Antarctica! Sound similar to human migration? Today, the dandelion is listed as invasive only in Oregon and Alaska. Perhaps more people have come to appreciate her gifts and place in the world.

Dandelions were once native to Eurasia, before they have become native everywhere.  It is generally believed that the dandelion was first brought to North America on the Mayflower for its medicinal uses. In Europe, China, India and Russia dandelions were used to treat skin, infection, liver (root), kidneys (leaf) and digestive problems (the root balances HCL, aids constipation).

In Chinese Medicine, liver is known to be the seat of anger. Thus, dandelion leaves and roots help to detoxify an angry liver. As a flower essence, the sunny countenance of the dandelion works with the solar plexus to release trauma related to fears, ego, self worth, and personal power.

Non-native plants are also introduced plants, but they don’t have the negative reputation that invasive plants do. They could produce foliage or blooms that benefit local wildlife and they don’t take over their habitat. Dandelion qualifies here, too.

Native plants are well adapted to survive in their environment. They typically need less water, less fertilizing, and overall less care to fit in and thrive. Stay long enough in one place, and plants qualify as “native.”

Over time, the dandelion has gathered many names from the locals. In the case of the solar, resilient dandelion, she is known as all three: “native, non-native, invasive.” Beyond human classification, her flowers make a tasty jelly, while her roots make a great coffee alternative as a tea.

Garlic Mustard Misunderstood

Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), too, has a lot to offer humanity. However, she is called pernicious, exotic, and a Class A noxious weed on a list of plants to be controlled. That’s a lot to overcome. With all the publicity, this plant that has captured the attention of plant lovers and haters, alike.  Insults aside, who is she really?

A member of the cabbage and broccoli family (Brassicaceae), garlic mustard grows 2-3 (up to 6) feet tall all over the Northeast and Midwest U.S. Lower leaves are kidney-shaped with scalloped edges. In spring, roots and new leaves smell like garlic, and small, four-petal white flowers appear clustered at stem ends, followed by long, skinny seedpods.

The family Brassicacea does not consider her evil. As a medicinal, the leaves and stems of garlic mustard are: antiasthmatic, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, deobstruent, diaphoretic, vermifuge and vulnerary.

According to Maude Grieve’s, A Modern Herbal, “The leaves used to be taken internally as a sudorific and deobstruent, to promote sweating and to treat bronchitis, asthma and eczema. Externally, leaves are antiseptic in gangrenes and ulcers, and against itching caused by bites and stings. The juice of the leaves taken alone or boiled into a syrup with honey is found serviceable in dropsy. The herb, when eaten as a salad, warms the stomach and strengthens the digestive faculties. The seeds have been used as a snuff to excite sneezing.”

This plant has the spicy tang of mustard with a hint of garlic, and can be used as a base for pesto and sauces, and to flavor salads, soups and other dishes. That qualifies as sassy, not noxious.

However, eating her leaves has not worked well as a control strategy. Plant stands can produce more than 62,000 seeds per square meter, and can self-pollinate, which helps it rapidly spread, to displace native plants along trails, in forests, and on riverbanks.

Out of the way, garlic mustard minds her own business, perfectly happy in a group, not bothering anyone, friend to the deer. After all, in the wilds of Nature, plants with such a bad reputation must work in creative ways to survive.

Self-Regulating Life Style

To survive, garlic mustard populations secrete a compound called sinigrin, a chemical that deters the growth of other plants and decreases competition.  In 2016, researchers at the University of Illinois found that within three decades, “sinigrin concentrations decrease as garlic mustard populations age, demonstrating evolutionary change due to ecological processes.” Garlic mustard declines when it reaches a balance with native species that re-colonize invaded areas.

One of the things we’ve seen over the last 20 to 30 years is that garlic mustard becomes less of an issue, and actually balances out over time.—Adam Davis, ecologist, U of I, and USDA Agricultural Research Service

Garlic mustard is self-regulating. Its life cycle runs about 20-30 years. As the plants age, they die off completely. Other species are then able to move back in.

If humans were to look closer to garlic mustard’s example, we might find we are not so different. Nature is self-regulating, just as we are.

The more deer in the area, the more garlic mustard. The deer are forced to eat the garlic mustard instead of the native plant species. Garlic mustard plays a role in defense of the collective plant world.

Doing Less is More

decade-long Cornell University study of garlic mustard has shown that avoidance is the best way to manage garlic mustard.  Conservation biologist, Dr. Berndt Blossey, says:

Pulling up large swaths of garlic mustard is not only futile, it is worse than leaving it alone. It bears echoing: When well-intentioned people rip out this stuff, it actually prolongs the infestation period because the plant self-limits (more on that below) if undisturbed. Also, these mass garlic mustard-ectomy events do more damage to the ecosystem than the target species itself does. —Dr. Berndt Blossey

The study found (see video): “Side-by-side controlled trials showed that where garlic mustard is “managed,” the plants are considerably larger, and cover a much higher percentage of a site (at times by an order of magnitude) than the sections where nothing has been done. Not only that, but biomass on the managed sites tended to be roughly stable over the ten-year time frame studied, whereas it declined year after year in the unmanaged plots.”

Blossey says people wrongly conclude that “maple sap flows up from the roots during the day; goldenrod causes allergy symptoms; and garlic mustard wipes out native wildflowers and adversely affects salamanders.” Upon closer examination, these conclusions are demonstrably 100% false:

It turns out that while garlic mustard competes with native species, it does not displace them where deer are excluded or drastically reduced in number.  And it is earthworms, not our maligned invasive plant, which make a neighborhood less attractive to salamanders. —Dr. Berndt Blossey

Though it appears that garlic mustard displaces native vegetation with its prolific growth, what is really going on is a lack of cultivation of those native species.

Nature teaches that one can have intellect but not wisdom. Wisdom is not a group activity.  When it comes to the ways of garlic mustard, wisdom beats activism.

Culinary Benefits of Garlic Mustard

Why not eat the Invasives?

Garlic mustard has not only established herself in Nature, as food for deer, but is well known in foraging and culinary circles, and thus, local human economies. You can collect and dry the seeds of garlic mustard to make your own garlic mustard edibles, mayonnaise or dairy-free ranch dressing.  You can also purchase pre-made mustard.

Or take a hint from the Forager Chef and make yourself some garlic mustard shoots with ramp butter! Just make sure you harvest the ramps responsibly, as forager and author, Sam Thayer teaches!

According to Pascal Baudar, author of Wildcrafted Fermentation, a book about lacto fermentation of common wild edibles, stone ground black mustard seeds (Brassica nigra) make plant-based cheeses, fermenting mushrooms, sauces, soups, condiments, and more. Baudar says:

I don’t know why this resource is simply wasted, an L.A. Times article from 2019 called the plant “evil” because it covers our local hills. With such narrative, you’re going nowhere in terms of positive solutions. I wish the city had a special program to look at culinary solutions for the abundant wild food surrounding us.

I mean, instead of spending money on chemicals you probably could make money selling gourmet organic mustard with the profit going back to helping the environment. Why not? Some people would make a point to buy it.

Of course, in spring time you can also do all kinds of recipe with the leaves and flowers.  I think it’s much more creative than spraying Round-Up or wasting this delicious “unwanted” resource by throwing it away.Organic all the way.

Bauder shares garlic mustard recipes on his June 15, 2022 post Facebook page: “These days, I use a different technique. I soak the seeds for 3 days in a mix of 2 parts vinegar and 1 part wine and was able to make this wild “Dijon” mustard in 5 minutes during a class last weekend. Those “Invasive” plants can truly be gourmet food and so easy to procure. It took me 30 minutes to gather enough seeds to fill nearly 2 cups.

Be Like Garlic Mustard

If you have stood by, wondering why people expend so much time and energy on digging up plants in the wild, without understanding their unique qualities, then you, too, are a contrarian. Why not celebrate this unique quality with some garlic mustard, and dandelion tea?


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath

Cover image credit: Noverodus & Hans

The Scam of “Government” Explained in Less Than Five Minutes

The Scam of “Government” Explained in Less Than 5 Minutes… Now… With Memes!
“Government” Has Been the Biggest Scam in History! 

by Etienne de la Boetie2, Art of Liberty
April 25, 2024


In Government”—The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! I break down the illegitimacy, illogical nature and criminality of “government” in 150ish pages, with another 20 pages of endnotes cataloging 776 referencesIn this short clip from a podcast, I was able to break down the basics in Five (5) minutes flat. Hat tip to David Rodrigues, the founder of the Gatto Project and Valor Academy, for adding value by editing in some examples from the book.

The weirdest thing about the scam of “Government” is that ANYONE can understand its illogical nature and immorality. Here are the basics… In memes!

  1. It is IMPOSSIBLE to Have a Legitimate, Moral and Logical “Government”

a) You can’t delegate rights you don’t have personally to a “representative” or a “government”


b) You can’t be bound by a social contract you didn’t sign

Backstory: Abolitionist and legal theorist Lysander Spooner completely destroyed the legal and moral legitimacy of the U.S. Con-stitution in his 1870 masterwork No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority, whose arguments are just as valid today.

c) If my buddy and I can’t vote to rob you because there are two of us and one of you, it doesn’t matter how many additional people vote to rob Peter to pay Paul; it is still theft and immoral.


2. The Inter-Generational Organized Crime Interests Using “Government” to Rob and Control Society Have Been Using Control of Education and Monopoly Media to Control the Information that Society Receives About “Government” to Trick Them Into Thinking “Government” is Legitimate, Desirable and Necessary.

a) Control of Education – Children are unethically and manipulatively indoctrinated with the belief in “government” in mandatory schools, and private schools whose curriculum is controlled through accreditation with the belief in “government” slipped to them as a pseudo-religion known as Statism.


b) Monopolization of the MediaSix monopoly media companies run hundreds of subsidiaries with different names to give the illusion of choice.


c) Wide-scale Surreptitious Control of Hundreds of Publishers, Editors, and Reporters at Dozens of Ostensibly Unaffiliated Wire Services, Networks and Publications Control the Information the Public Receives.


In this poster from our White Rose MUCHO GRANDE series, you can see dozens and dozens of reporters, editors and publishers from dozens of ostensibly unaffiliated news organizations apparently being coordinated through three organizations that Jeffrey Epstein was a member of and meeting regularly in secure facilities swept for bugs.


Dozens of “Ex” CIA and intelligence agency alumni make up a substantial portion of the 200ish people that are paid/allowed to talk about politics and current events on the tell-a-vision.

Video Shows News Anchors in DOZENS of Different Cities Reading off the Exact Same Script.

d) Dozens and dozens of monopoly Internet Search Engines, Social Media Sites, Video Sites, and “Fact Checkers” Algorithmically Censor the Information the Public Receives About the Legitimacy of “Government” while concealing the theft of trillions. Ex-CIA employees control content moderation at Facebook, “Ex” FBI employees were (are?) controlling content moderation at Twitter/X, while “Ex”- U.S. State Department employees are controlling content moderation at TikTok.


e) Hollywood manipulatively weaves the US flag into thousands of movies and tell-a-vision shows at moments of high, positive emotion while making the “government,” CIA, FBI, and Military the heroes to trick the population into a warm and fuzzy feeling about “government” and the enforcement class living off money stolen from them at the point of a gun.


Short 7-minute video showing 469 American Flag “Product Placements” in just 12 Michael Bay Movies.


The documentary “Theatres of War” exposes the Pentagon and intelligence agencies behind THOUSANDS of Movies and Tell-a-vision shows.


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The World Out of Kilter: Being Modern

The World Out of Kilter: Being Modern

by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak
April 26, 2024


To be modern is to accept that which you should refuse; to adapt to evil rather than to resist it.

To be modern is to have been melted down and poured into somebody else’s mould.

To be modern is to have forgotten how to remember.

To be modern is to be more detached from nature, more helpless, more dependent, more wasteful, more destructive, more short-sighted than your ancestors could ever have imagined, and yet to feel proud of yourself and your era.

To be modern is to prefer artifice to organicity, surface to depth, quantity to quality.

To be modern is to have absorbed so many meaningless facts that there is no more room in your head for meaningful knowledge.

To be modern is to turn your back on common sense and conform to the collective insanity.

To be modern is to be convinced that all change is necessarily good and to refuse to recognise the instinct that tells you otherwise.

To be modern is to be at home both everywhere and nowhere; to be somebody and nobody; to be still alive and yet already dead.


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Cover image credit: deeznutz1

From Bird Flu to Climate Snakes

From Bird Flu to Climate Snakes

by Breeauna Sagdal, Brownstone Institute
April 25, 2024


Seasoned veterinarians and livestock producers alike have been scratching their heads trying to understand the media’s response to the avian flu. Headlines across every major news outlet warn of humans becoming infected with the “deadly” bird flu after one reported case of pink-eye in a human.

The entire narrative is predicated upon a long-disputed claim that Covid-19 was the result of a zoonotic jump—the famed Wuhan bat wet-market theory.

While the source of Covid is hotly contested within the scientific community, the policy vehicle at the center of this dialectic began years prior to Sars-CoV-2 and is quite resolute in force and effect.

In 2016, the Gates Foundation donated to the World Health Organization to create the OneHealth Initiative. Since 2020, the CDC has adopted and implemented the OneHealth Initiative to build a “collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach—working at the local, regional, national, and global levels—with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.”

In the aftermath of Covid-19, the OneHealth Initiative began taking shape, due largely in part to millions of tax dollars appropriated through ARP (American Rescue Plan) funding.

Through its APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Investigation System) the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) was given $300 million in 2021 to begin implementing “a risk-based, comprehensive, integrated disease monitoring and surveillance system domestically…to build additional capacity for zoonotic disease surveillance and prevention,” globally.

“The One Health concept recognizes that the health of people, animals, and the environment are all linked,” said USDA Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Lester Moffitt.

According to the USDA’s press release, the Biden-Harris administration’s OneHealth approach will also help to ensure “new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate smart food and forestry practices,” by “making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America.”

In other words, the federal government is using regulatory enforcement to intervene in the marketplace, in addition to subsidizing corporations with tax dollars to direct a planned economic outcome—ending meat consumption.

Climate-Smart Commodities – Planning the Economy through Subsidized Intervention

Under the recently announced Climate-Smart Commodities program, the USDA has appropriated $3.1 billion in tax subsidies to one hundred and forty-one new private Climate-Smart projects, ranging from carbon sequestration to Climate-Smart meat and forestry practices.

Private investors such as Amazon founder Jeff Bezos – who just committed $1 billion to the development of lab cultured meat-like molds, and meat grown in petri dishes, to

Ballpark, formerly known for its hot dogs but is now harvesting python meat, is rushing to cash in on this new industry, and the OneHealth/USDA certification program.

Culling The Herd – Regulatory Intervention in the Marketplace 

Meanwhile, the last vestiges of America’s food freedom and decentralized food sources are quietly being targeted by the full force of the federal government.

The once voluntary APHIS System is poised to become the mandatory APHIS-15, which among many other changes, “the system will be renamed Animal Health, Disease, and Pest Surveillance and Management System, USDA/APHIS-15. This system is used by APHIS to collect, manage, and evaluate animal health data for disease and pest control and surveillance programs.”

Among those “many changes” that APHIS-15 is undergoing, one should be of particular interest to the public—the removal of all references to the voluntary* Bovine Johne’s Disease Control Program.

“Updating the authority for maintenance of the system to remove reference to the Bovine Johne’s Disease Control Program.”

In addition to removing references to the once-voluntary herd culling program, the USDA is also implementing mandatory RFID ear tags in cattle and bison.

According to the USDA/APHIS-15, expanded authority places disease tracing in their jurisdiction and the radio frequency ear tags are necessary for the “rapid and accurate recordkeeping for this volume of animals and movement,” which they say “is not achievable without electronic systems.”

The notice clearly spells out that RFID tags “may be read without restraint as the animal goes past an electronic reader.”

“Once the reader scans the tag, the electronically collected tag number can be rapidly and accurately transmitted from the reader to a connected electronic database.”

However, industry leaders and lawmakers alike have said the database will be used to track vaccination history and movement, and that this data may be used to impact the market rate of cattle and bison at the time of processing.

Centralized Control of Processing/Production via Public-Private Partnership Agreements

In addition to the vast new authority of the USDA funded through the OneHealth Initiative, and the ARP, the EPA has also created its own unique set of regulatory burdens upon the entire meat industry.

On March 25, 2024, the EPA finalized a new set of Clean Water Act rule changes to limit nitrogen and phosphorus “pollutants” in downstream water treatment facilities from processing facilities. While the EPA’s interpretation of authority and jurisdiction over wastewater is concerning long-term, the broader context of consolidated processing under four multinational meat-packing companies is of much greater concern for the immediate future.

With few exceptions, in the United States it is illegal to sell meat without a USDA certification. Currently, the only way to access USDA certification is through a USDA-certified processing facility.

According to the EPA, the new rules will impact up to 845 processing facilities nationwide, unless facilities drastically limit the amount of meat they process each year.

With processing capabilities being the number one barrier to market for livestock producers, and billions of dollars in grants being awarded to Climate-Smart food substitutes, the amount of government intervention into the marketplace becomes very clear.

The Rise of Authoritarianism and Economic Fascism – Control the Supply

The United States, once a consumer-demand free market society, is currently witnessing the use of government force, and intervention tactics to steer and manipulate the marketplace. Similar to 1930’s Italy, this is being achieved by the state within the state, through the use of selectionism, protectionism, and economic planning between public-private partnership agreements.

The long-term and unavoidable problem with economic fascism is that it leads to authoritarian and centralized control, from which escape is impossible.

As each industry becomes centralized and consolidated under the few, consumer choice simultaneously disappears. As choice disappears, so does the ability of the individual to meet their specific and unique needs.

Eventually, the individual no longer serves a role outside of its usefulness to the state—the final exhale before the last python squeeze.


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Raw Milk at the Crossroads… Again

Raw Milk at the Crossroads… Again

by Sally Fallon Morell, Nourishing Traditions (Weston A, Price Foundation)
April 23, 2024


Few of us were born when the forces for milk pasteurization launched the first major attack on Nature’s perfect food. In 1945, a magazine called Coronet published an article, “Raw Milk Can Kill You,” blaming raw milk for an outbreak of brucellosis in a town called Crossroads, U.S.A., killing one-third of the inhabitants. The Reader’s Digest picked up the story and ran it a year later.

Just one problem with this piece of “reporting.”  There was no town called Crossroads and no outbreak of brucellosis.  The whole story was a fabrication—otherwise known as a lie.  And lies about raw milk have continued ever since.

Unfortunately, the fictitious Crossroads story paved the way for laws against selling raw milk, starting with Michigan in 1948.

Here’s another example of lies against raw milk (which I referenced in an earlier post,[i] but it is worth repeating). In 2007, John F. Sheehan, BSc (Dy), JD, US Food & Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition (USFDA/CFSAN), Division of Dairy and Egg Safety, prepared a Powerpoint maligning raw milk; it was presented to the 2005 National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) by Cindy Leonard, MS.[ii]

As shown in the table below, all of the fifteen reports associating outbreaks of foodborne illness with raw milk that Sheehan cites are seriously flawed. For example, in two of the fifteen, the study authors presented no evidence that anyone consumed raw milk products and in one of them, the outbreak did not even exist. Not one of the studies showed that pasteurization would have prevented the outbreak.

No Valid Positive Milk Sample 12/15 80%
No Valid Statistical Association with Raw Milk 10/15 67%
Findings Misrepresented by FDA 7/15 47%
Alternatives Discovered, Not Pursued 5/15 33%
No Evidence Anyone Consumed Raw Milk Products 2/15 13%
Outbreak Did Not Even Exist 1/15 13%
Did Not Show that Pasteurization Would Have Prevented Outbreak 15/15 100%

Fast forward to the present and the ruckus about bird flu in dairy cows—more lies, very clever lies, but lies nevertheless.

In a press release dated March 25, 2024 ,[iii] the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as state veterinary and public health officials, announced investigation of “an illness among primarily older dairy cows in Texas, Kansas, and New Mexico that is causing decreased lactation, low appetite, and other symptoms.”

The agencies claim that samples of unpasteurized milk from sick cattle in Kansas and Texas have tested positive for “highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).” Officials blame the outbreak on contact with “wild migratory birds” and possibly from transmission between cattle. The press release specifically warns against consumption of raw milk, a warning repeated in numerous publications and Internet postings.

According to the press release, national laboratories have confirmed the presence of HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) through testing, but it does not reveal the type of test used to detect this so-called viral illness.

THE FIRST LIE:   Researchers have found HPAI virus in the milk of sick cows.

Officials have NOT found any viruses in the milk or any other secretions of the sick cows. The CDC has yet to reply to repeated requests for proof of finding the isolated HPAI virus in any fluid of any sick chicken or other animal.[iv] Nor have health and agriculture agencies in Canada,[v] Japan[vi], the UK[vii] and Europe[viii] provided any proof of an isolated avian influenza virus.

As for all the studies you can find in a PubMed search claiming “isolation” of a virus, not one of them shows the true isolation of a virus, any virus, from the fluids (phlegm, blood, urine, lung fluids, etc) of any animal, bird or human.[ix]

The truth is that “viruses” serve as the whipping boy for environmental toxins, and in the confinement animal system, there are lots of them–hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia from excrement, for example.[x]  Then there are toxins in the feed, such as arsenic added to chicken feed, and mycotoxins, tropane and β-carboline alkaloids in soybean meal.[xi] By blaming nonexistent viruses, agriculture officials can avoid stepping on any big industry toes nor add to the increasing public disgust with the confinement animal system.

Way back in 2006, researchers Crowe and Englebrecht published an article entitled, “Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-‘H5N1’z causation omitted.”[xii]Nothing has changed since then.

Here’s your homework assignment:  Contact USDA at and ask them to provide proof of the isolation of the HPAI virus or any virus in the milk of the sick cattle.

SECOND LIE: National laboratories have confirmed the presence of HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) through testing.

They don’t say anything about the kind of test they used, but it almost certainly the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test. The PCR test detects genetic material from a pathogen or abnormal cell sample and allows researchers to make many copies of a small section of DNA or RNA. The test was not designed to determine or diagnose disease, it was designed to amplify or increase a certain piece of genetic material.

Each “amplification” is a doubling of the material.  If you amplify thirty times you will get a negative; amplify 36 times or more, and you will get a positive.  At 60 amplifications, everyone will “test positive” for whatever bit of genetic material you believe can cause disease.[xiii] If you want to show that you have a pandemic brewing, just amplify, amplify, amplify. Folks, this is not a valid test, not good science by any stretch of the imagination—especially as there was no virus to begin with.

How many times did our health officials amplify the samples they obtained from the milk of the sick cows?  Be sure to ask them when you email for proof of the virus.

THIRD LIE: The “virus” is highly pathogenic.

According to the Wall Street Journal, one—just one–person working in the dairies got sick and tested positive for avian influenza after exposure to dairy cattle presumed to be infected with the H5N1 bird flu.[xiv]  The person reported eye redness, or conjunctivitis, as his only symptom—a symptom that can be explained by exposure to any of the many airborne toxins in confinement dairies.  (How are they treating the illness? With vitamin A and herbal eyedrops?  No, the poor sod is getting treatment with a toxic antiviral drug.)

According to the CDC, the disease in humans ranges from mild infections, which include upper-respiratory and eye-related symptoms, to severe pneumonia.  If the “virus” is so highly pathogenic, we’d expect a lot of workers working around these sick cows to end up in the hospital. . . but we’ve heard of none so far.

FOURTH LIE: You can get avian fly from drinking raw milk, but pasteurized milk is safe

According to medical biologist Peg Coleman,[xv] “Recent risk communications from CDC, FDA, and USDA regarding transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus or HPAI (subtype H5N1) to humans via raw milk include no supporting evidence of viral transmission from raw milk to humans in the peer-reviewed literature. . . An extensive body of scientific evidence from the peer-reviewed literature . . . does not support the assumption by these US government agencies that [non-existent] HPAI transmits to humans via milkborne or foodborne routes and causes disease. Nor does the scientific evidence support the recommendation that consumers should avoid raw milk and raw milk products [emphasis in the original].”[xvi]

Coleman notes the suite of bioactive components in raw milk, including bovine milk, that destroy pathogens and strengthen the gut wall. “Many of these bioactive components of raw milk are . . . sensitive to heat and may be absent, inactive, or present in lower concentrations in pasteurized milks. . . Cross-disciplinary evidence demonstrates that raw milk from healthy cows is not inherently dangerous, consistent with the CDC evidence of trends for 2005-2020 and evidence of benefits and risks. There is no scientific evidence that HPAI in raw milk causes human disease.”

And while USDA, FDA and CDC assure the public that pasteurization will make milk safe, they note that “Milk from infected animals is being diverted or destroyed,” implying that pasteurization alone does not guarantee safety. In any event, sales of industrial pasteurized milk continue their relentless decline.

Fortunately, raw milk drinkers are already skeptical of government pronouncements and are skilled at seeing through lies.  Both large and small raw milk dairy farms report that sales are booming. The current bird flu fracas is just another Crossroads, U.S.A., a bunch of lies fostered by a dishonest dairy industry taking aim at the competition.

The Weston A. Price Foundation administers A Campaign for Real Milk and is the number one advocate for returning to the types of foods that nourished our ancestors.  Consider becoming a member to support this work.


















Connect with Sally Fallon Morell

Cover image credit: uvlik05

The Multi-Headed Elites

The Multi-Headed Elites

by Tuomas Malinen, Brownstone Institute
This article was co-written with Martin Enlund, former Global Chief FX-Strategist at Nordea Bank, now Founder and CEO of Under Orion AB.
April 22, 2024



In mid-January, we were able to watch the gathering of the global elite in Davos, Switzerland. The publicly stated aim of this year’s Davos meeting, organized by the World Economic Forum, from now on WEF, was “Rebuilding Trust.” The topics ranged from the urgency to introduce Global Digital ID (because “people can no longer be trusted”), to climate change (a recurring topic), and further to a mysterious “Disease X,” which is expected to kill tens of millions of people in the not-so-distant future. These are dystopian themes under a subtitle of ‘rebuilding trust,’ but should we be worried?

In this piece, we outline the reasons for worry. The global elite is steering both developments and discussion on a global scale, and their aims are unlikely to be benevolent. In actuality, these Davos meetings seem likely to indicate the path forward as envisaged by the elite, and there are several such meetings and groups operating across the globe.

One of the issues with these meetings, and groups, is this; would a group of billionaires really organize these ‘get-togethers’ just for the fun of hanging around with celebrities, editors, and leading politicians? Most likely not. A deeper look reveals that they appear more like secret societies weaving their ‘web’ around our societies.

Secret Society Look-Alikes

The hypocrisy of the “Davos Man;” that is, a rich and/or famous person attending Davos meetings, is conspicuous. The elites fly there with their private jets releasing a massive amount of CO2 they blame to be a central driver of the phenomenon nowadays dubbed climate change, or “emergency.” Escort and prostitute services in the region are fully booked during the week, which is another sign of the double-standards followed by the elite, much as was the case during the so-called Covid-19 pandemic, where several video clips and photos showed how the elites removed their face masks once TV cameras had stopped rolling. Rumors of widespread use of cocaine and other illegal substances in the ‘after-parties’ of the Davos conference also abound. “Do as I say, not as I do” seems like a fitting mantra to our current elite.

What makes such gatherings exceptionally worrisome is the secrecy which surrounds them. For example, it is well-known that in one of the main gatherings of the elite, the annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group, which hosts politicians, business leaders, and journalists, the participants are sworn to secrecy in all the discussions that take place there.

GnS Economics concluded, in its special report on the Great Reset agenda (GR) driven by the WEF, that:

This is the true threat of GR, NWO [New World Order] and their ilk. They can, and probably will, take decision-making to a global level into undemocratic and often opaque institutions. They represent, quite simply, a direct threat to democratic processes and decision-making. They threaten, or have already taken, the true power from citizens to ‘halls’ of supranational entities.

This implies that we, the people, have already lost most of our power to steer the development of societies to various supranational entities and groups, some of which look like secret societies, when one observes their opaqueness. Moreover, the double standards of the elite give a worrying indication on their moral standards.

To understand where we are heading we need to ask, what is the aim of the elites? To this, history presents some unpleasant answers.

The Elite Strikes Back

Germany in the early 1920s was in transition to a newly rediscovered concept – democracy – after the devastating First World War and hyperinflation that followed. The first constitutional federal republic of Germany was called the Weimar Republic, named after the town where the constitutional assembly was held. However, the elites in the army, the bureaucracy, the judiciary, academia, and business were frightened by the idea, and sought a return to an elite-controlled authoritarian society.

Landowners feared losing their land, and elites in general grew worried of ‘marginalization’ of their power through democratization of German society. This produced a ‘tacit’ support by the German elite for a newly formed party and its enigmatic leader, who they (correctly) assumed would push for an authoritarian rule. The party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or NSDAP, and their leader Adolf Hitler. That is, the German elites helped lift the Nazis to power, supported by US financiers, thus creating one of the most oppressive and destructive regimes the world has seen.

During the past 70 years, and especially after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the world has seen a massive wave of democratization across the globe. The internet contributed by democratizing access to knowledge and information. The information commons started to decentralize – similar to what occurred in the wake of the printing press. We need to ask ourselves, do – or did – our elites welcome these developments, or do they act to stop or even reverse them? Based on the historical evidence, and the simple psychology of power games, would it not be very naïve to think that the elites would be happy with losing power?

The Elites Are Undermining Democracy Itself 

Indeed, the elites do not seem happy at all. Since the UK’s decision to leave the EU in 2016 and the American presidential election of that same year, the current power structures of the West have moved at a rapid pace to undermine some of the pillars of liberal democracy. This might sound like a harsh conclusion, but let’s consider freedom of speech, consent of the governed, and informed consent.

The Twitter Files showed that the government and the intelligence agencies of the UK and the US (and presumably other countries) have incestuous, perhaps illegal, relationships with social media companies, directing platforms to censor information, diminish its spread, or even to deplatform organisations or individuals. True (objective) information has been made harder to find or even removed as Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted last year. Famous examples include the “laptop from hell” from late fall 2020 when e.g. Facebook’s users were prohibited from sharing links to the story – and similarly with some medical information during the so-called Covid-19 pandemic.

Let’s remind ourselves what John Stuart Mill wrote in one of liberalism’s most central works On Liberty

…the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.

Censorship is thus “robbing the human race” and it undermines truth according to one of history’s foremost proponents of liberalism. Censorship also diminishes the legitimacy of our democratic systems. The Declaration of Independence underlies the Constitution of the US, and states:

…governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government…

It is a commonly held view that a democracy’s legitimacy stems from the electorate’s participation in choosing their government, reflecting governance with the governed’s approval. But if We the People are denied the ability to freely express our opinions – and influence others, the mechanism for providing (or denying) this consent becomes fundamentally flawed. What does that say about the system’s legitimacy?

Robert Malone, a physician and biochemist who produced a landmark study on the mRNA vaccines, recently described the information spread by the global elite regarding Disease X as black propaganda and “fear porn.” This Disease X – a placeholder name, surely – was discussed already in the 2019 Davos meeting. That year, the US simulated “a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China” in Crimson Contagion. And in October of that same year, the WEF conducted a simulation exercise to “prepare public and private leaders for pandemic response.” We already know the taxpayer-funded EcoHealth Alliance conspired to undermine the “lab-leak theory,” but new eye-opening academic research links the WEF to the silencing campaign of the lab-leak theory as well.

While the takeover of X (formerly Twitter) by Elon Musk has altered the information landscape and is likely hindering some parts of the elite to censor social media, the experience propaganda during the Russo-Ukrainian war remains noteworthy. While Russian propaganda operations are often mentioned in Western media, what are we to make of Nafo fellasBaltic elves, and Psy-Op girl? All parties involved are busy polluting the information commons, as always happens in a war.

What’s more, censorship, as well as propaganda, undermine the very essence of informed consent, at least if aimed at the domestic population. The formulation of the Nuremberg Code emerged in the aftermath of World War II, a period during which there were no established international standards differentiating between permissible and impermissible experiments, as emphasized by German doctors at the time.

According to the Code’s first point, an individual’s informed consent is absolutely essential. It stipulates that the individual should have the right to “exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter.” This code was clearly not followed during the so-called pandemic in a great many nations – how could it have been, given constraints and in some cases “coercion?”

If the government or its affiliates are dictating the information we can access – whether to foster trust or not – it becomes impossible to discern whether the information we receive is born of comprehensive debate or if certain truths have been concealed, as was done ahead of the US presidential election 2020 as well as during the so-called pandemic. Does this not suggest that the ethical principle of informed consent has been discarded in its entirety? “We must bravely destroy democracy in order to save democracy from those who wish to destroy democracy” might be a more fitting motto for our elites.

We are forced to conclude that the elites have been busy undermining freedom of speech and consent of the governed as well as the principle of informed consent. These are arguably some of the pillars of both a humane and liberal democracy, but the elites are far from done.

CBDC: The Elites’ Chekov’s Gun

AML (anti money-laundering) and KYC (know-your-customer) regulations have increased the governments’ power in terms of surveilling what their citizens are up to. But such monitoring can’t (yet) prevent you from spending; only monitor – and perhaps punish you – after the fact. That will change with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which will offer either programmable money or programmable payments (the distinction is not important). But once the government or its partners in the financial system can monitor and control your spending for goods and services, our hard-won freedoms will have been lost.

The ability to freely and anonymously transact is a crucial component in preserving fundamental rights and freedoms. Without the freedom to pay for goods and services without external interference, the ability to exercise one’s right to free speech, assembly, demonstration, and religion will be hindered. And with CBDCs, the state, companies, or other groups will be able to prevent companies, organisations, or individuals from making the necessary transactions to exercise these rights, effectively eroding them. Indeed, without the freedom to transact, liberty becomes impossible.

In Canada, the central bank recently surveilled the public and found 78% of the public concerned that the central bank would ignore the public’s feedback when building the new system, and a whopping 88% of the respondents were against building a digital Canadian dollar. The public, having witnessed the trucker protest in 2022, opposes granting even more power to the government. Such opposition, of course, does not prevent the Bank of Canada from rapidly continuing the development of a CBDC. If this is not suggestive of a hidden agenda, we don’t know what is.

If 9/11, the war on terror, or the so-called pandemic taught us anything, it’s that when the next crisis comes, whether the crisis is real or made up, it will be used for whatever purpose and projects the elite at the time is committed to. Rolling out CBDCs seems to be high on that list. We might be told about the necessity of CBDCs to thwart a demonized threat, be it a banking crisis, Putin, the Far Right, or perhaps, The Unvaccinated (against Disease X?). And amidst public acclaim, the liberties that were the cornerstone of a flourishing Western world will be thoroughly unraveled.

Chekhov’s gun is named after the Russian playwright Anton Chekhov, who articulated the concept by saying that if a gun is introduced in a story, it should be fired at some point. CBDCs are Chekhov’s gun. If introduced, their restrictive powers will eventually be used, and at that point our freedoms are likely to be gone, for good.

Divide et Impera

What’s even more worrisome, the global elite seems to be pushing for an open confrontation, a war, with Russia or China, or both. It’s hard to conclude otherwise by the “warmongering” on display across the Western Hemisphere.

Candidates of the Finnish Presidential elections, held on 28 January, for example, were effectively pushing for confrontation with Russia, or at least they did not see a possibility for normalization of the relations with Russia. This is completely unheard-of in Finnish politics, as we have had very peaceful and prosperous relations with Russia for over 70 years. Sweden has recently abandoned its policy of formal neutrality, which it followed even during the exceptional period of the Second World War, and Sweden’s commander-in-chief recently said Swedes “must prepare for times of war.” Now, suddenly, two former beacons of peace in Europe have taken a sharp turn towards confrontation with Russia. It does seem as if the global elite is guiding the West towards war.

These lead us to conclude that we have a very serious and pressing global elite problem.

Our societies and economies seem largely steered by opaque supranational forces over which the people have very little control. We can also conclude that, with a high likelihood, the motives of the global elite are malevolent. Pushing us towards extreme control of society through censorship, digital IDs and CBDCs, and death and suffering, through wars, leaves very little doubt on this.

The elite seems to follow the old Roman doctrine of Divide et Impera (Divide and Conquer). They sow chaos and undermine national sovereignty to make populations submissive to different control mechanisms. The main aim can be the same as with the German elites a century ago, when they eventually hoisted Nazis to power. That is, they may want to cement their power to steer our societies, whatever the cost.

The question is, what should we do about this?

A Need to Retake Our Political Systems

The Western world is currently heading in the same direction that led to the French Revolution in 1789. Political violence then engulfed France after a failure of the political system, economic collapse, and famine. Revolution and all the violence it would bring is one possible endgame of our current path.

However, we can choose not to follow our elites into the abyss of decadence, violence, and suffering. We can say no to their control systems, no to their efforts to undermine the moral backbone of our societies, and no to the wars they try to sow.

To accomplish this, we need to reject Digital IDs, CBDCs, warmongering, as well as supranational control. Corrupt politicians need to be removed from office, and power needs to be restored to national or local parliaments. The more decentralized the power, the better. Direct democracy with referendums would help to diminish or even eliminate the power of (current and forthcoming) elites. The fight between the Governor of Texas against the unconstitutionality of the Biden administration’s action at the Texas-Mexico border might be a sign that this is starting to unfold.

It’s high time we turn our backs to the elites, and start laying the bricks for a new renaissance of humanity. We need to start now.

Tuomas Malinen is CEO and the Chief Economist of GnS Economics. He is also an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Helsinki. He has studied economics at the University of Helsinki and at New York University. He specializes in economic growth, economic crises, central banks and the business cycle. Tuomas is regularly consulted by political leaders and asset managers, and he is interviewed frequently by international financial media. Tuomas is currently writing a book on how financial crises can be forecasted.


Connect with Brownstone Institute

Cover image credit: darksouls1 & Humpty22

Environmental Health Trust Reveals Concealed FCC Cell Phone Tests Showing Human Radiation ‘Exposure Limits Were Exceeded’

Environmental Health Trust Reveals Concealed FCC Cell Phone Tests Showing Human Radiation ‘Exposure Limits Were Exceeded’

by Environmental Health Trust
April 22, 2024


 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC, April 22, 2024 — The Environmental Health Trust (EHT) revealed today that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hid test results showing that radiation exceeded federal limits when smartphones were in close proximity to the human body, such as in a pants pocket. The FCC apparently failed to disclose this information to the U.S Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

In 2019 the agency tested several Apple, Samsung, Blu and Motorola smartphone models for cell phone radiation SAR levels.

The FCC test results for phones in the pocket (2 mm) were not public until September 29, 2023, when they were released to EHT as a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The FCC FOIA letter states that for certain phones: “We observed that at a 2 mm separation distance, the FCC radiofrequency (RF) exposure limits were exceeded.”

EHT also has filed an appeal to the FCC as seven records were withheld from the FOIA response. The appeal has not been addressed.

In 2019, when the FCC conducted the tests, it also had an open rule-making regarding its 1996-era limits concerning human exposure to wireless radiation. The FCC’s rule-making was followed by a federal court challenge, which resulted in the FCC and the Food and Drug Administration being subject to a court- ordered remand in August 2021.

“The FCC and FDA did not reveal these cell phone tests during the court case, and have yet to respond to the court-ordered remand, which is a matter of grave concern,” said Kent Chamberlin, incoming president of EHT.

Theodora Scarato, EHT vice president for policy and education stated: “Why did the FCC perform these tests and then decide to not release the results to the public while it was conducting a rule-making on this very subject? Why did the FCC refuse to release all the records on this issue? It is outrageous that the U.S. allows phones to be tested with whatever separation distance the companies want. Phones should be tested the way they are used. Children and adults use and carry phones pressed to their body for hours every day. We need a strong oversight and compliance program, including post-market RF emission and health effect surveillance. It is time for a new approach to cell phone testing, one that reflects the way people use phones today.”

The FOIA appeal and entire FCC FOIA response are available on EHT’s website here:

Environmental Health Trust is a 501(c)3 nonprofit scientific think tank that promotes a healthier environment through research, education and policy. EHT conducts cutting edge research on environmental health hazards and works with communities, health, education professionals and policymakers to understand and mitigate these hazards.

The Environmental Health Trust had a favorable U.S. Court of Appeals judgment in their case against the FCC. EHT scientists testified in 2009 Senate hearings and 2008 congressional hearing on cell phone radiation- the last ever held. EHT scientists have continued to publish studies on the health effects of non -ionizing electromagnetic radiation and organized numerous national and international scientific conferences on the issue. EHT’s scientific publications have been submitted to the FCC record as critical evidence. Visit for more information.


Connect with Environmental Health Trust

Cover image credit: OleksandrPidvalnyi

The World Out of Kilter: Occupation and Zombification

The World Out of Kilter: Occupation and Zombification

by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak
April 22, 2024



The kind of society I long for is an organic one, in which people live in the way they see fit, guided by their own inclinations, the customs they have inherited and the circumstances of place.

As an anarchist, I am obviously opposed to all authority imposed from above, to any kind of formalised, entrenched power, but that does not mean that there could be no kind of moral “authority” or guidance in the world I want to see.

Traditional societies often look to village elders, wise women, and other respected individuals to help steer their decision-making.

The advice they give arises from within the community concerned and, in order to be followed, will have to correspond to a generally-shared sense that the proposed direction is the right one.

This is not the case with those who exercise power over us today. Due to the corruption of our society, authority is wielded in the interests of a group which neither identifies with the people as a whole nor is prepared to be guided by its wishes.

Instead, it seeks to impose its own agenda on the population by any means necessary – by propaganda and persuasion, if possible, or otherwise by outright deceit, intimidation and physical violence.

Even worse is that this ruling gang, which is essentially nothing but an occupying force, shares neither the specific local moral codes of the various peoples it rules over, nor the general human sense of right and wrong that would once have been shared by its own ancestors.

This is because it is a rogue element, a criminal entity, intent only on increasing its own wealth and power, and has no use for ethics.

Indeed, it takes sadistic pleasure out of using, manipulating and inverting the majority population’s values – their sense of justice, their fondness for their homeland or their love of nature – in order to advance its own venal programme.

Individuals in such a society are unable to follow their own moral compass, to act according to their own innate desires, to follow their dreams, pay respect to the archetypal template in their unconscious.

This is not just because they are physically constrained, by authority, from acting and living in ways that they feel are right, but also because they have been mentally conditioned not to listen to the voice within.

They are besieged, through all their waking hours, by messaging, by propaganda that tells them they have to live, think and behave in the ways set out by the ruling gang.

A natural society will produce all kinds of individuals who complement each other in the ways that they contribute to its well-being.

There are those who are drawn to caring for others, to teaching the young, to growing, to feeding, to building, to physically defending the community, to resolving disputes and so on.

There are also the artists, poets, preachers and prophets, the antennae of the people, who are sensitive to the overall feel of the society and can sense when something is wrong.

Young people often start out with this gift – think of all the different generations rebelling, in their varying ways, against this modern world! – only to be ground down into compliance by the satanic mills of power.

But some carry on noticing and sounding the alert, with the aim of waking up the population as a whole to the danger they are facing.

It is therefore important for the ruling occupying force to isolate the small minority who remain connected to their own deep knowing and to the organic spirit of the community.

They do this by insulting, mocking, demonising, dismissing, intimidating, criminalising and imprisoning them – by presenting them, in their usual inverted manner, as a menace to the very society whose well-being they are trying to defend.

This is psychologically difficult for these social antennae, who risk being deeply wounded by a rejection that they feel comes as much from their own community as from the occupying force.

Banding together in self-defence, they can become inward-looking, cultish, and unable to properly communicate with others outside their ranks.

Or, as individuals, they can become bitter and angry with those who refuse to listen to them, dismissing most members of their community as ignorant fools who deserve no better.

In either case, they have completed the work of the ruling gang by cutting themselves off from the social organism to which they belong.

That organism therefore has no more brain, no more soul, but is a social zombie, staggering on towards its own destruction under the malevolent control of the life-sucking criminocracy.


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Cover image credit: CDD20

FDA Modernization Act 2.0 & The Avatar

FDA Modernization Act 2.0 & The Avatar

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
April 18, 2024


In the Covidian Era, science has moved on to a digital upgrade of itself called Scientism, the religion of science, where science is god, and part of a new global Technocracy.

“Technocracy is the science of social engineering,” says Patrick Wood, author of Technocracy Rising.

Social engineering used to mean molding the minds of people to conform to new norms. This goes back to 1928, Ed Bernays, and his book Propaganda.  However, in a Technocracy, not only minds, but bodies, too, can be molded. If you did not get the memo, Technocracy has brought humanity from Human to Posthuman and Transhuman.

In the 2022 Journal Global Trends, Russian scientists describe the difference between Posthuman and Transhuman:

The fundamental idea of posthumanism is the rejection of biological, ethical, and ontological anthropocentrism. Transhumanism focuses on changing and improving natural human characteristics through biological, technological, and cognitive modifications…Transhumanism has the potential to preserve man as an effective economic and cognizing agent.

In other words, man as an “economic agent” refers to the cybernetic human as a commodity in a modern world. This means the laws of the nations need to change to catch up.

The U.S. FDA is meeting that goal for change with its FDA Modernization Act 2.0.  What is the FDA Modernization Act 2.0?

The new law amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by authorizing sponsors of novel drugs to make use of “certain alternatives to animal testing, including cell-based assays and computer models, to obtain an exemption from the Food and Drug Administration to investigate the safety and effectiveness of a drug.

It is the FDA giving itself permission to transition from testing animal models to directly testing humans.

In the 2023 Journal of Clinical Investigation, authors cite a long list of excuses to change research models:

  1. cost
  2. low approval rates in clinical trials
  3. lack of efficacy in trail outcomes
  4. high rate of failure in therapeutics
  5. species differences between animals and humans

After decades of extrapolating animal studies to humans, suddenly animals are no longer scientifically valid. Does this transition make obsolete more than a century of animal-based research? In one sense, such a transition is long-awaited and frees innocent animals from needless torture. In another sense, it moves the mark to a new target.

Scientists now claim humans are diverse, and therefore require different models.  They propose, “human cell-based models that more accurately reflect the diversity of human genetics may guide the development of treatments that are more reliable and successful in real-world applications.”

In Scientism, humans are considered commodities.  Some Transhumanists propose transferring consciousness to a machine to create a brain-machine interface. The Russian Posthuman authors propose that consciousness may be a feature exclusive to humans. They appear not to know for sure. They state:

Accordingly, it is still possible that there is a fundamental difference between man and other objects of the world.

The new strategy is one of large-scale experiments using pooled cell lines or “cell villages” and bar codes, i.e., human commodities will receive a digital ID. With human-like neural computing, soon humanoid robots will replace humans in the workplace.  The United Nations calls this Biodigital Convergence as part of its Sustainable Goals for Smart™ cities by 2030. CeNSE is the Central Nervous System for the Earth. Networks within networks.

Personalized Medicine & Precision Public Health

Digital IDs reflect a digital avatar in Precision Healthcare. “Precision Healthcare” refers to a remote medical model of healthcare. According to a 2021 study in the Journal of Personalized Medicine:

A digital twin is a virtual model of a physical entity, with dynamic, bi-directional links between the physical entity and its corresponding twin in the digital domain.

In March 2024, Dept. of Defense (DoD) officials testified on its own priorities before the House Armed Services Subcommittee. The digital ID is a natural progression from the trend toward non-binary humans who do not identify with a specific gender.  This makes the transition, from human to digital Posthuman, effortless. All humans with a digital ID belong to an A.I., industrial (not biological) system—Transhumanism.

The rapid development of technology—in particular, artificial intelligence—accelerates the processes of industrial automation. This, in turn, raises the question of the role of man in the economy of the future: if artificial systems can more effectively perform the functions of man, then what place will man, as a potentially inefficient economic agent, take in the economy?

Studying humans in large-scale experiments has already happened. The deployment of COVID EUA medical countermeasures (MCMs), sometimes referred to as vaccines, was tested during the COVID pandemic. However, unlike vaccines, which are FDA-approved, MCMs are not. According to the CDC, MCMs include: biological products, drugs, and devices.

Be aware that MCMs are already recognized in many Federal Acts, including the 21st Century Cures Act, the Medical Countermeasures Surge Capacity Act of 2022, The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act)The Prioritizing Medical Countermeasures for National Security Act of 2023.

Testing humans in Real Time, as a digital Avatar, puts the Tele in Telehealth. It is a strategy of “emergent technology,” even though emergent technology, such as TeleMedicine, is already 10 years old.  Further, this technology prevents the need for long-term genotoxicological and carcino-toxicological vaccine studies. Any adverse events (AEs) can be released later. Or not.

For example, post-COVID, drugmaker Pfizer was court-ordered to release safety data for its BioNTech EUA ‘vaccine.’ In its first data dump of February 2021, 1300 adverse events were listed among 42,000 serious case reports. With results such as these, the dial from health to disease is turned up, as disease becomes the new normal.

Without defining, ‘modernization 2.o,’ in human terms, science and government have paved the way for a new religion in a Posthuman synthetic, digital world. To maintain the inner human is to be aware of Technocracy, and turn toward the Natural world, and the heart center.

Related articles:


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath

Cover image credit: patrypguerreiro

Russia: NATO and Individuals Under Investigation, and the Rumor of Der …

Russia: NATO and Individuals Under Investigation, and the Rumor of Der …

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
April 19, 2024


You may have noticed I’ve been following the messaging coming out of Russia for some time, and today’s article submitted by so many of you is no exception. Except, today, I’m going to dive off the end of the twig of speculation and tie something else into it as a speculation.

Firstly, Russia is now being crystal clear as to whom its regards as being under suspicion for involvement in the Crocus terrorist attacks in Moscow:

Russia launches terrorism probe into US and NATO officials

There are a number of things to note about this article, not the least is the specific and explicit mention of who is under investigation in Russia for involvement in the Crocus terrorist attack:

Investigators are currently looking at the potential involvement of “specific individuals from among government officials, people with civic and commercial organizations of Western countries,” said committee spokeswoman Svetlana Petrenko.

It has already been established that funding for terrorist attacks inside Russia has been funneled through Ukrainian companies, including the notorious Burisma Holdings – former employers of US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter – Petrenko added.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia has also said it would follow the evidence leading to “persons and structures located in the US, Germany, France and Cyprus.”

In addition to last month’s Crocus City Hall attack, the investigation is looking at other terrorist acts, including the assassinations of prominent public figures and the bombing of the Nord Stream gas pipelines in international waters.

What is of interest to me today is not the explicit mention of Burisma nor its connections to the Bai Den Dzhao mafiosi in the USSA.

Rather, I am more concerned about that cryptic statement that the subjects of investigations are “persons and structures located in the US, Germany, France, and Cyprus.”

Persons and structures covers a lot of ground. For example: in addition to NATO (a structure), one could have various governments and their agencies (The USA, Germany, France, Cyprus!?!? and presumably all their financial and intelligence agencies), but also “structures” like corporations and private security and intelligence services, or even “structures’ like the World Health Organization (are they involved in the Ukrainian biolabs?), and the World Economic Forum.

In other words, Russia is painting with a very broad brush.  That contains some implications that we’ll come back to.

But there’s another message contained in this article, and that message is in the form of the picture which heads it:

If one scrutinizes this picture closely, there is an image displayed on the shield that any Russian Orthodox (or for that matter, Greek or Serbian or Arab or Romanian or Bulgarian Orthodox, and many many Roman Catholics) will recognize, and that is the horse-riding figure of St. George wielding a spear and slaying the dragon, or serpent.  This on a shield which is boldly emblazoned on the old Romanov double-headed imperial eagle.  The choice of such a backdrop to accompany the text of the article is nothing less than deliberate, and a very clear warning that, as Mr. Medvedev recently put it, the old immunities will not protect the perpetrators nor their financiers and organizers. The dragon – which in this case I suspect is meant to represent Mr Globalooney and all his miserific institutions and agendas – will be slain.

The key to my interpretation here is terrorism, and its deliberate mention by these figures in the Russian government, not only prior to the Crocus attacks, but with increasing frequency since then. The use of that term in connection with Russian warnings – like the iconic picture – is also deliberate, and here’s why: recall that in the wake of the 9/11 attacks the USA and its allies (but principally the USA), claimed the right to try, convict, surveille and even to execute foreign leaders if they were involved in acts of terrorism. Simply recall the alleged capture and execution of Osama Bin Laden, or the many drone attacks on various individuals accused of terrorism, or (equally important and probably more so for our purposes of analysis here) involved  in planning or supporting terrorist acts. To put a finer and simpler point on it, Russia is claiming the same right and precedent the USA claims and utilized in its “war on terror,” and Russia is saying that the West, by being involved in the planning, financing, support, and execution of such acts, is itself subject to its own “rules based order” and that Russia will therefore respond similarly respond, whether that response comes in the form of drones, Spetznaz teams or other elite military teams sent in to kidnap or literally execute a suspect, and so on.

In short, Russia is announcing that it intends to play by America’s rules.

With that high octane speculative interpretation of the article in mind, consider, briefly, the following story submitted by K.M., which some say is a rumor. But let’s assume just for the sake of argument for a moment that it’s true:

If one assumes this is true, then I for one hope der Hochklaus Freiherr von Blohschwab und Bloviation does, indeed, have a change of heart from the path he has been on, and changes course. But let’s be realistic too: such massive and sincere repentances, while they do occur, are for that very reason rare. I can hope, because every individual that “changes sides” is important, but in the case of someone like this, would be a serious blow to the other side. I retain the hope, therefore, but I also retain reality, and therefore, skepticism.

But hope or skepticism aside, in the context of all that is going on in the world, and especially in the context of the statements in this article and the timing of both the article and the tweet on “X”, I have to wonder if such events, when reported, might represent something else perhaps, and that “sudden hospitalizations” and the “subsequent denials” might have hidden aspects, and if, in fact, we might be looking at a very public example of “horizontal escalation” with correspondent attempts at narrative control.  Time will tell, of course.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: GDJ

What Happened to Bitcoin?

What Happened to Bitcoin?

by Jeffrey A. Tucker, Brownstone Institute
April 14, 2024


Those who involved themselves in Bitcoin markets after 2017 encountered a different operation and ideal than those who came before. Today, no one much cares about what came before, speaking of 2010-2016. They are only watching the upward price momentum and are thrilled for the increase in the asset valuation of their portfolio.

Gone is the talk of separating money and state, of a market-based means of exchange, of genuine revolution that would extend from money to the whole of politics the world over. And gone is the talk of changing the operation of money as a means of changing the prospects for freedom itself. The enthusiasts around Bitcoin have different goals in mind.

And during this entire period, the exact time when this digital asset might have protected multitudes of users and businesses from rapacious inflation growing out of the worst and most globalized experience of corporatist statism in modern history, made possible due to the money monopoly of central banks that funded the operation, the original asset that carries the symbol BTC was systematically diverted from its original purpose.

The ideal was nicely articulated by F.A. Hayek in 1974. Much of his career as an economist was spent arguing for sound monetary policies. At every important turning point, he faced the same problem: governments and the institutions they serve did not want sound money. They wanted to manipulate the currency system to benefit elites, not the public. Finally, he refined his argument. He concluded that the only real answer was a complete divorce of money and power.

“Nothing can be more welcome than depriving government of its power over money and so stopping the apparently irresistible trend towards an accelerating increase of the share of the national income it is able to claim,” he wrote in 1976 (two years after his Nobel Prize). “If allowed to continue, this trend would in a few years bring us to a state in which governments would claim 100 per cent of all resources—and would in consequence become literally ‘totalitarian’.”

“It may turn out that cutting off government from the tap which supplies it with additional money for its use may prove as important in order to stop the inherent tendency of unlimited government to grow indefinitely, which is becoming as menacing a danger to the future of civilisation as the badness of the money it has supplied.”

The problem in achieving this ideal was technical and institutional. So long as state money worked, there was no real drive to change it. Certainly the push would never come from the ruling classes who benefit from the present system, which is precisely where every old argument for the gold standard faltered. How to get around this problem?

In 2009, a pseudonymous developer or group released a white paper, written in language for computer scientists and not economists, for a peer-to-peer system of digital cash. For most economists at the time, its functioning was opaque and not quite believable. The proof came in the functioning itself which unfolded over the course of 2010. To summarize, it deployed a distributed ledger, double-key cryptography, and a protocol of fixed quantity to release a new form of money that operationally tied together money itself and a settlement system in one.

In other words, Bitcoin achieved the ideal about which Hayek could only dream. The key to making it all possible was the distributed ledger itself, which relied on the internet to globalize the nodes of operation, bringing a new form of accountability we had never seen in operation before. The notion of melding together the means of payment plus the mechanisms of settlement on this scale was something that had previously not been possible. And yet there it was, earning its way into the market with ever increasing valuations made possible by the distributed ledger.

So, yes, I became an early enthusiast, writing hundreds of articles, even publishing a book in 2015 called Bit By Bit: How P2P Is Freeing the World. I could not have known it at the time, but those were in fact the last days of the ideal and just before the protocol came to be controlled by a consolidated group of developers who jettisoned entirely the idea of peer-to-peer cash to turn it into a high-earning digital security, not a competitor with state-based money but rather an asset designed not to use but hold with third-party intermediaries controlling access.

We saw all this unfold in real time and many of us were aghast. All that is left to us is to tell the story, which has not been done in a complete form until now. Roger Ver’s new book Hijacking Bitcoin does the job. It is a book for the ages simply because it lays out all the facts of the case and lets readers come to their own conclusion. I was honored to write the foreword, which follows.

The story you will read here is of tragedy, the chronicle of an emancipationist monetary technology subverted to other ends. It’s a painful read, to be sure, and the first time this story has been told with this much detail and sophistication. We had the chance to free the world. That chance was missed, likely hijacked and subverted.

Those of us who watched Bitcoin from the earliest days saw with fascination how it gained traction and seemed to offer a viable alternative path for the future of money. At long last, after thousands of years of government corruption of money, we finally had a technology that was untouchable, sound, stable, democratic, incorruptible, and a fulfillment of the vision of the great champions of freedom from all history. At last, money could be liberated from state control and thus achieve economic rather than political goals—prosperity for everyone versus war, inflation, and state expansion.

That was the vision in any case. Alas, it did not happen. Bitcoin adoption is lower today than it was five years ago. It is not on a trajectory of final victory but on a different path to gradually increase in price for its earlier adopters. In short, the technology was betrayed by small changes that hardly anyone understood at the time.

I certainly did not. I had been playing with Bitcoin for a few years and was mainly astounded at the speed of settlement, the low cost of transactions, and the ability for anyone without a bank to send or receive it without financial mediation. That’s a miracle about which I wrote rhapsodically at the time. I held a CryptoCurrency Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, in October 2013 that focused on the intellectual and technical side of things. It was among the first national conferences on the topic, but even at this event, I noticed two sides coalescing: those who believed in monetary competition and those whose sole commitment was to one protocol.

My first clue that something had gone wrong came two years later, when for the first time I saw that the network had been seriously clogged. Transaction fees soared, settlement slowed to a crawl, and vast numbers of on-ramps and off-ramps were closing due to high compliance costs. I did not understand. I reached out to a number of experts who explained to me about a quiet civil war that had developed within the crypto world. The so-called “maximalists” had turned against widespread adoption. They liked the high fees. They did not mind the slow settlements. And many were involving themselves in the dwindling number of crypto exchanges that were still in operation thanks to a government crackdown.

At the same time, new technologies were becoming available that vastly improved the efficiency and availability of exchange in fiat dollars. They included Venmo, Zelle, CashApp, FB payments, and many others besides, in addition to smartphone attachments and iPads that enabled any merchant of any size to process credit cards. These technologies were completely different from Bitcoin because they were permission-based and mediated by financial companies. But to users, they seemed great and their presence in the marketplace crowded out the use case of Bitcoin at the very time that my beloved technology had become an unrecognizable version of itself.

The forking of Bitcoin into Bitcoin Cash occurred two years later, in 2017, and it was accompanied by great cries and screams as if something horrible was happening. In fact, all that was happening was a mere restoration of the original vision of the founder Satoshi Nakamoto. He believed with the monetary historians of the past that the key to turning any commodity into widespread money was adoption and use. It’s impossible to even imagine conditions under which any commodity could take on the form of money without a viable and marketable use case. Bitcoin Cash was an attempt to restore that.

The time to ramp up adoption of this new technology was 2013-2016, but that moment was squeezed in two directions: the deliberate throttling of the ability of the technology to scale and the push of new payment systems to crowd out the use case. As this book demonstrates, by late 2013, Bitcoin had already been targeted for capture. By the time Bitcoin Cash came to the rescue, the network had changed its entire focus from use to holding what we have and building second-layer technologies to deal with the scaling issues. Here we are in 2024 with an industry struggling to find its way within a niche while the dreams of a “to-the-moon” price are fading into memory.

This is the book that had to be written. It is a story of a missed opportunity to change the world, a tragic tale of subversion and betrayal. But it is also a hopeful story of efforts we can make to ensure that the hijacking of Bitcoin is not the final chapter. There is still the chance for this great innovation to liberate the world but the path from here to there turns out to be more circuitous than any of us ever imagined.

Roger Ver does not blow his own trumpet in this book, but he truly is a hero of this saga, not only deeply knowledgeable of the technologies but also a man who has clung to an emancipatory vision of Bitcoin from the earliest days through the present. I share his commitment to the idea of peer-to-peer currency for the masses, alongside a competitive marketplace for free-enterprise monies. This is a hugely important documentary history, and the polemic alone will challenge anyone who believes himself to be on the other side. Regardless, this book had to exist, however painful. It’s a gift to the world.

Does this story seem familiar? Indeed it does. We’ve seen this trajectory in sector after sector. Institutions born and built by ideals are later converted by various forces of power, access, and nefarious intent into something else entirely. We’ve seen this happen to digital tech in particular and the Internet generally, not to mention medicine, public health, science, liberalism, and so much else. The story of Bitcoin follows the same trajectory, a seemingly immaculate conception turned toward a different purpose, and serving again as a reminder that on this side of heaven, there will never be an institution or idea immune to compromise and corruption.


Jeffrey Tucker is Founder, Author, and President at Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Life After Lockdown, and many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.


Connect with Brownstone Institute

Cover image credit: wir_sind_klein

With a Range That Affects the Entire World, Skynet Infrastructure Is Now Fully in Place

With a Range That Affects the Entire World, Skynet Infrastructure Is Now Fully in Place


[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: All related to the rollout of Skynet, below you will find Patrick Wood’s (Technocracy News) commentary, a video by Rob Braxman (The Privacy Guy) and an article by Luis Quintero at The Conversation. You will also find link to a timetable for the rollout as posted by Android Authority (thanks to Sharon James for the heads up on this). ~ Kathleen ]



Skynet Has Arrived: Google Follows Apple, Activates Worldwide Bluetooth LE Mesh Network

commentary by Patrick Wood, Technocracy News editor
April 18, 2024


Wearables: Smartphones, fitness trackers, Smartwatches, hearing aids, Apple Air Tags, Ring products, etc., all use Bluetooth LE (low energy) to form an independent “mesh network” that is not based on the Internet. All these devices can receive, send, and forward data packets and instructions to other devices. Almost all IoT devices will be equipped with BLE. Thus, the INFRASTRUCTURE is complete, just waiting to sink its teeth into humanity everywhere.

Without AI running on massive computers, BLE would be a waste of time. Let me give you a simple example: CONTACT TRACING. With BLE, all other devices that you get close to can disclose frequency, length of contact, and other subsequent contacts that you make. Most BLE devices cannot be turned off, as in Apple Air-Tags. But Apple and Android Smartphones can transmit and receive BLE data even if the are turned OFF. (only a Faraday bag can stop transmission.)

So, the simple concept of Contact Tracing can be implemented during a future pandemic, documenting every person you have exposed and all you have been exposed to.

Mesh networks form spontaneously and dynamically, depending on how many devices are nearby. With the latest update, Bluetooth “long-range mode,” distances over 1 kilometer is possible. Eventually, collectors on the Internet will forward packets to who requested them in the first place. Returning instructions can be dropped back into the BLE mesh network for execution and control of devices.

Worse, BLE transmissions can blasted from space thanks to systems like Elon Musk’s SpaceX mesh network of satellites. To reiterate, BLE does not depend on the Internet or Internet addressing addresses.

Bottom line: The minimal infrastructure for Skynet is now in place. This a dark day for humanity.



 Video available at Rob Braxman Tech Rumble & YouTube channels.

The last piece in the infrastructure that allows the operation of Skynet is now in place just announced a week ago. With this piece the advent of wireless peer to peer command and control of devices and robotics now become possible in full, with a range to affect all of the world.

See: There’s a Secret Network – Skynet 2.0 (more detailed explanation of BLE)



A new wave of wearable devices will collect a mountain on information on us – we need to get wise about the privacy implications 

by Luis Quintero, The Conversation
April 17, 2024


Web and mobile services try to understand the desires and goals of users by analysing how they interact with their platforms. Smartphones, for instance, capture online data from users at a large scale and low cost.

Policymakers have reacted by enforcing mechanisms to mitigate the risks inherent in tech companies storing and processing their citizens’ private information, such as health data.

Wearable devices are now becoming a more significant element in this discussion due to their ability to collect continuous data, without the wearer necessarily being aware of it. Wearables such as smart watches gather an array of measurements on your wellbeing, such as sleep patterns, activity levels and heart fitness.

Today, there are portable devices to obtain high-quality data from brain activityeye trackers, and the skin (to detect temperature and sweat). Consumers can buy small devices to measure the body’s responses that were exclusively available only to research institutions a few decades ago.

Although wearables are commercially focused on health monitoring, researchers have long envisioned capturing other kinds of data on a user. A computer that could collect useful information related to a person’s brain activity, heart and skin function, or their movement patterns would be able to understand a huge amount about the user.

But it’s AI that could prove a game changer. Smaller wearables combined with AI algorithms to process the data could produce tools that amplify and augment our goals and performance in life. But there are also downsides to all this information gathering.

Daily routines

Let’s imagine a world where wearables play a more prominent role daily. Smart beds could wake us up at the perfect time to feel rested by reading our body temperature, respiration and brain activity. Intelligent kitchens could help us eat more healthily, preparing a tailored diet based on chemical cues in our bloodstream (biomarkers). A smart bike would automatically change gears based on the changing inclination of the terrain, and on our fitness levels, to support an effective workout.

Smart glasses could analyse the responses of the pupils in our eyes and our overall eye movements to feed us content that we are likely to enjoy (supported by AI algorithms). Video calls could evolve into 3D full-body holograms of friends and family. Lastly, immersive entertainment could be projected in our living rooms or exist in headsets to become 360-degree experiences rather than being confined to flat screens.

Although it may seem futuristic, hardware manufacturers are already trying to move screens and devices out of our hands. For example, the Mobile World Congress 2024 showcased several smartwatches, an AI “pin” device made by the company Humane that can remove the need for a screen by projecting images onto the user’s hands, or the Air Glass 3 XR smart glasses.

Other companies have also recently released head-worn devices such as the Ray-Ban Meta, the Apple Vision Pro, or the Meta Quest 3. A device known as the Galea project is a kind of helmet that can be attached to XR headsets to capture data from facial muscles, the brain, eyes, the skin and heart.

This is clearly more invasive than a smart ring or smart glasses. It allows researchers to explore how future digital services might look if computers could access a range of data from the human body. This data would go far beyond what they can currently access – such as what we do on our smartphones.

In general, body data from wearables could fundamentally change how we interact with computers and the internet. In 2007, the audience at an Apple product launch was held in awe as Steve Jobs scrolled on an iPhone for the first time, introducing an intuitive interaction that the entire world would eventually take for granted.

Similarly, replacing smartphones with wearables and headsets would free up our hands and require new kinds of interaction with technology. Current prototypes propose using the gaze of our eyes to point and hand gestures in mid-air to click. However, this implies that these systems must continuously collect data on the user’s body.

Digital sovereignty

Large datasets based on responses from the human body could unlock the design of digital tools that weave seamlessly into our daily lives with capabilities that are highly personalised. This includes the smart bed and the intelligent kitchen that can suggest a tailored diet.

The next wave of the internet is being designed around data decentralisation – where users can potentially have greater control over how their data is used. This could prevent the misuse of personal information.

For example, the inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners Lee, has been working on something called Solid. This open source initiative lets people handle their data in personal web servers and choose which organisations can access it.

Instead of making people create an account for each service they want to use, Solid would provide a protocol to build what the project refers to as personal online data stores. This would be a way to let users host their personal data on their own computer or, alternatively, choose a trusted provider to host it based on their reputation and physical location.

However, to really cement these initiatives, proactive legislation towards digital sovereignty – a person’s right to control their own digital data – would be required. This would guarantee an internet that truly takes privacy seriously.

In the era of wearables and powerful AI systems, a decentralised approach to the internet would be vital for letting citizens enjoy the benefits of these technological advances while continuing to own their data. This would move us towards the ability of citizens to make active decisions on where their data is stored, who can access it, and for what purposes.


See related (thanks to Sharon James for the heads on on this):

Here’s when Google’s new Find My Device network rolls out worldwide: Google has confirmed plans to complete the global rollout of the new network within the year.

The article above is dated April 8, 2024. Here is an excerpt:

Google has finally switched on its upgraded Find My Device network. However, not everyone is lucky enough to enjoy it on day one of its launch. For now, Google is restricting the availability of the service to the US and Canada. Only Android users who live in these countries will get emails and on-device prompts to join the new crowdsourced network.

That said, sometime later this year, Google plans to roll out the upgraded Find My Device network worldwide. In an emailed statement to Android Authority, a Google representative confirmed that “the global rollout will be completed over the next couple of months.”


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Cover image credit: David_SMC & Wikimedia Commons

Whirling Fish, Bees, Worms, Sheep, Turtles, Penguins

Whirling Fish, Bees, Worms, Sheep, Turtles, Penguins

by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
April 16, 2024



More Than Fifty Species of Fish Circling and Spinning Until They Die

Several of my subscribers have called my attention to this. In February 2023, in the middle of the Florida Keys — a long, narrow string of islands hooking down into the ocean from Miami — many different kinds of fish, both common and rare, began spinning round and round, or swimming frantically in circles, until they beached themselves and died. This has continued, and as of April 5, 2024 has been observed in more than 50 species, including: sharks, rays, snappers, pilchards, grunts, blue runners, squid, Goliath grouper, tarpon, snook, redfish, leatherjacket, yellowfin mojarra, scaled sardine, toadfish, mullet, permit, ballyhoo, jack crevalle, yellow jack, bonefish, pinfish, bigeye scad, sand perch, needlefish, spadefish, and the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish, which is pictured above.

No cause for this has been found. There is no evidence of a red tide, low oxygen levels, high temperatures, or parasites in the dead fish.

I was skeptical that RF radiation from cell towers could be causing this because water reflects the radiation and it shouldn’t be killing fish like it is killing birds. But I decided to investigate. Because the greatest number of reports have come from a 10-mile-long stretch of the Keys between Big Pine Key and Sugarloaf Key, I wondered if there is a military facility in that area, and there is, or was. On Cudjoe Key, located between Big Pine Key and Sugarloaf Key, there was an Air Force Base that is now operated by the Department of Homeland Security. And above Cudjoe Key floats a radar blimp, called an “aerostat”, that is part of U.S. border surveillance and scans an area around it for 200 miles in every direction. Powerful radar can injure fish when they swim to the surface in these shallow waters, called the Florida Keys flats, where the water is only a few feet deep. Local residents call this blimp Fat Albert.

There may be underwater sonar in use at this facility as well, which would be likely to affect all the fish, either alone or in combination with the radar. In November 2022, the Tethered Aerostat Radar System (TARS) at Cudjoe Key began recruiting for a variety of positions, including Flight Director, Site Laborer, Logistics Supply Coordinator, Logistician, General Maintenance Worker, and one position that was advertised as “Electronic Technician – Aerostat Sonar / Radar – Blimp Surveillance System – Cudjoe Key, FL”.

The sudden large number of job openings makes one suspect that this facility has recently been upgraded and has increased the scope of its operations, which evidently now includes ocean sonar.

The person who first observed fish circling to death, and called attention to it, was Gregg Furstenwerth, a diver who lives in Cudjoe Key.

Circling Worms and Sheep

As I reported three years ago, the launching of almost 100 satellites by SpaceX and OneWeb on a single day on March 24, 2021 caused illness all over the planet in both humans and animals. Among the effects on animals was a spiraling, or circling phenomenon in worms (photo taken in Hoboken, New Jersey on March 25, 2021):


and in sheep (photo taken in England on March 26, 2021):


Circling Turtles, Seals, Penguins, Sharks and Whales

In 2021, Japanese scientists reported on bizarre circling behavior of green sea turtles, Antarctic fur seals, king penguins, a whale shark, a tiger shark, and a Cuvier’s beaked whale. This was observed in the seas off Oahu, Hawai’i; Okinawa, Japan; Moheli Island, Comoro; Chichijima Island, Japan; Possession Island in the Indian Ocean; Bird Island in South Georgia; and the Ogasawara Islands in the western North Pacific Ocean. The animals circled round and round for up to an hour. “One turtle swam in large circles 76 times, with each loop taking 16 to 20 seconds”reported New Scientist. This behavior was also caused by radiation: all these different whirling sea animals wore computers (“multi-channel data loggers”) and VHF transmitters, and the sea turtles also wore GPS devices. Instead of enabling them to study the animals’ behavior, the devices were causing the bizarre behavior.

Circling Bees

Grayson in North Carolina is one of my subscribers who sent me information about the circling fish in the Florida Keys. He reports also on circling bees: 

“I still have the sample of carpenter bees harmed by a wi-fi light sensor at my home in 2016ish. They did the same thing. They passed through the sensor’s field and dropped to the base of the light and crawled around in circles for days… There were 23 total and they did not respond to water or honey and water or anything. They just crawled around in circles.”


Arthur Firstenberg
President, Cellular Phone Task Force
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502


Connect with Arthur Firstenberg

Cover image credit: Forrest Samuels

Prescription Drugs Are the Leading Cause of Death

Prescription Drugs Are the Leading Cause of Death
 And psychiatric drugs are the third leading cause of death

by Peter C. Gøtzsche, Brownstone Institute
April 16, 2024


Overtreatment with drugs kills many people, and the death rate is increasing. It is therefore strange that we have allowed this long-lasting drug pandemic to continue, and even more so because most of the drug deaths are easily preventable.

In 2013, I estimated that our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer,1 and in 2015, that psychiatric drugs alone are also the third leading cause of death.2 However, in the US, it is commonly stated that our drugs are “only” the fourth leading cause of death.3,4 This estimate was derived from a 1998 meta-analysis of 39 US studies where monitors recorded all adverse drug reactions that occurred while the patients were in hospital, or which were the reason for hospital admission.5

This methodology clearly underestimates drug deaths. Most people who are killed by their drugs die outside hospitals, and the time people spent in hospitals was only 11 days on average in the meta-analysis.5 Moreover, the meta-analysis only included patients who died from drugs that were properly prescribed, not those who died as a result of errors in drug administration, noncompliance, overdose, or drug abuse, and not deaths where the adverse drug reaction was only possible.5

Many people die because of errors, e.g. simultaneous use of contraindicated drugs, and many possible drug deaths are real. Moreover, most of the included studies are very old, the median publication year being 1973, and drug deaths have increased dramatically over the last 50 years. As an example, 37,309 drug deaths were reported to the FDA in 2006 and 123,927 ten years later, which is 3.3 times as many.6

In hospital records and coroners’ reports, deaths linked to prescription drugs are often considered to be from natural or unknown causes. This misconception is particularly common for deaths caused by psychiatric drugs.2,7 Even when young patients with schizophrenia suddenly drop dead, it is called a natural death. But it is not natural to die young and it is well known that neuroleptics can cause lethal heart arrhythmias.

Many people die from the drugs they take without raising any suspicion that it could be an adverse drug effect. Depression drugs kill many people, mainly among the elderly, because they can cause orthostatic hypotension, sedation, confusion, and dizziness. The drugs double the risk of falls and hip fractures in a dose-dependent manner,8,9 and within one year after a hip fracture, about one-fifth of the patients will have died. As elderly people often fall anyway, it is not possible to know if such deaths are drug deaths.

Another example of unrecognised drug deaths is provided by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They have killed hundreds of thousands of people,1 mainly through heart attacks and bleeding stomach ulcers, but these deaths are unlikely to be coded as adverse drug reactions, as such deaths also occur in patients who do not take the drugs.

The 1998 US meta-analysis estimated that 106,000 patients die every year in hospital because of adverse drug effects (a 0.32% death rate).5 A carefully done Norwegian study examined 732 deaths that occurred in a two-year period ending in 1995 at a department of internal medicine, and it found that there were 9.5 drug deaths per 1,000 patients (a 1% death rate).10 This is a much more reliable estimate, as drug deaths have increased markedly. If we apply this estimate to the US, we get 315,000 annual drug deaths in hospitals. A review of four newer studies, from 2008 to 2011, estimated that there were over 400,000 drug deaths in US hospitals.11

Drug usage is now so common that newborns in 2019 could be expected to take prescription drugs for roughly half their lives in the US.12 Moreover, polypharmacy has been increasing.12

How Many People Are Killed by Psychiatric Drugs?

If we want to estimate the death toll of psychiatric drugs, the most reliable evidence we have are the placebo-controlled randomised trials. But we need to consider their limitations.

First, they usually run for only a few weeks even though most patients take the drugs for many years.13,14

Second, polypharmacy is common in psychiatry, and this increases the risk of dying. As an example, the Danish Board of Health has warned that adding a benzodiazepine to a neuroleptic increases mortality by 50-65%.15 

Third, half of all deaths are missing in published trial reports.16 For dementia, published data show that for every 100 people treated with a newer neuroleptic for ten weeks, one patient is killed.17 This is an extremely high death rate for a drug, but FDA data on the same trials show it is twice as high, namely two patients killed per 100 after ten weeks.18 And if we extend the observation period, the death toll becomes even higher. A Finnish study of 70,718 community-dwellers newly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease reported that neuroleptics kill 4-5 people per 100 annually compared to patients who were not treated.19

Fourth, the design of psychiatric drug trials is biased. In almost all cases, patients were already in treatment before they entered the trial,2,7 and some of those randomised to placebo will therefore experience withdrawal effects that will increase their risk of dying, e.g. because of akathisia. It is not possible to use the placebo-controlled trials in schizophrenia to estimate the effect of neuroleptics on mortality because of the drug withdrawal design. The suicide rate in these unethical trials was 2-5 times higher than the norm.20,21 One in every 145 patients who entered the trials of risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine, and sertindole died, but none of these deaths were mentioned in the scientific literature, and the FDA didn’t
require them to be mentioned.

Fifth, events after the trial is stopped are ignored. In Pfizer’s trials of sertraline in adults, the risk ratio for suicides and suicide attempts was 0.52 when the follow-up was only 24 hours, but 1.47 when the follow-up was 30 days, i.e. an increase in suicidal events.22 And when researchers reanalysed the FDA trial data on depression drugs and included harms occurring during followup, they found that the drugs double the number of suicides in adults compared to placebo.23,24

In 2013, I estimated that, in people aged 65 and above, neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, or similar, and depression drugs kill 209,000 people annually in the United States.2 I used rather conservative estimates, however, and usage data from Denmark, which are far lower than those in the US. I have therefore updated the analysis based on US usage data, again focusing on older age groups.

For neuroleptics, I used the estimate of 2% mortality from the FDA data.18

For benzodiazepines and similar drugs, a matched cohort study showed that the drugs doubled the death rate, although the average age of the patients was only 55.25 The excess death rate was about 1% per year. In another large, matched cohort study, the appendix to the study report shows that hypnotics quadrupled the death rate (hazard ratio 4.5).26 These authors estimated that sleeping pills kill between 320,000 and 507,000 Americans every year.26 A reasonable estimate of the annual death rate would therefore be 2%.

For SSRIs, a UK cohort study of 60,746 depressed patients older than 65 showed that they led to falls and that the drugs kill 3.6% of patients treated for one year.27 The study was done very well, e.g. the patients were their own control in one of the analyses, which is a good way to remove the effect of confounders. But the death rate is surprisingly high.

Another cohort study, of 136,293 American postmenopausal women (age 50-79) participating in the Women’s Health Initiative study, found that depression drugs were associated with a 32% increase in all-cause mortality after adjustment for confounding factors, which corresponded to 0.5% of women killed by SSRIs when treated for one year.28 The death rate was very likely underestimated. The authors warned that their results should be interpreted with great caution, as the way exposure to antidepressant drugs was ascertained carried a high risk of misclassification, which would make it more difficult to find an increase in mortality. Further, the patients were much younger than in the UK study, and the death rate increased markedly with age and was 1.4% for those aged 70-79. Finally, the exposed and unexposed women were different for many important risk factors for early death, whereas the people in the UK cohort were their own control.

For these reasons, I decided to use the average of the two estimates, a 2% annual death rate.

These are my results for the US for these three drug groups for people at least 65 years of age (58.2 million; usage is in outpatients only):29-32

A limitation in these estimates is that you can only die once, and many people receive polypharmacy. It is not clear how we should adjust for this. In the UK cohort study of depressed patients, 9% also took neuroleptics, and 24% took hypnotics/anxiolytics.27

On the other hand, the data on death rates come from studies where many patients were also on several psychiatric drugs in the comparison group, so this is not likely to be a major limitation considering also that polypharmacy increases mortality beyond what the individual drugs cause.

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list these four top causes of death:33

Heart disease: 695,547

Cancer: 605,213

Covid-19: 416,893

Accidents: 224,935

Covid-19 deaths are rapidly declining, and many such deaths are not caused by the virus but merely occurred in people who tested positive for it because the WHO advised that all deaths in people who tested positive should be called Covid deaths.

Young people have a much smaller death risk than the elderly, as they rarely fall and break their hip, which is why I have focused on the elderly. I have tried to be conservative. My estimate misses many drug deaths in those younger than 65 years; it only included three classes of psychiatric drugs; and it did not include hospital deaths.

I therefore do not doubt that psychiatric drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.

Other Drug Groups and Hospital Deaths

Analgesics are also major killers. In the US, about 70,000 people were killed in 2021 by an overdose of a synthetic opioid.34

The usage of NSAIDs is also high. In the US, 26% of adults use them regularly, 16% of which get them without a prescription35 (mostly ibuprofen and diclofenac).36

As there seems to be no major differences between the drugs in their capacity to cause thromboses,37 we may use data for rofecoxib. Merck and Pfizer underreported thrombotic events in their trials of rofecoxib and celecoxib, respectively, to such an extent that it constituted fraud,1 but in one trial, of colorectal adenomas, Merck assessed thrombotic events. There were 1.5 more cases of myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death or stroke on rofecoxib than on placebo per 100 patients treated.38 About 10% of the thromboses are fatal, but heart attacks are rare in young people. Restricting the analysis to those aged at least 65, we get 87,300 annual deaths.

It has been estimated that 3,700 deaths occur each year in the UK due to peptic ulcer complications in NSAID users,39 corresponding to about 20,000 deaths each year in the US. Thus, the total estimate of NSAID deaths is about 107,000.

If we add the estimates above, 315,000 hospital deaths, 390,000 psychiatric drug deaths, 70,000 synthetic opioid deaths, and 107,000 NSAID deaths, we get 882,000 drug deaths in the United States annually.

Many commonly used drugs other than those mentioned above can cause dizziness and falls, e.g. anticholinergic drugs against urinary incontinence and dementia drugs, which are used by 1% and 0.5% of the Danish population, respectively, even though they do not have any clinically relevant effects.1,2

It is difficult to know what the exact death toll of our drugs is, but there can be no doubt that they are the leading cause of death. And the death toll would be much higher if we included people below 65 years of age. Moreover, from the official number of deaths from heart disease, we would need to subtract those caused by NSAIDs, and from accidents, deaths by falls caused by psychiatric drugs and many other drugs.

If such a hugely lethal pandemic had been caused by a microorganism, we would have done everything we could to get it under control. The tragedy is that we could easily get our drug pandemic under control, but when our politicians act, they usually make matters worse. They have been so heavily lobbied by the drug industry that drug regulation has become much more permissive than it was in the past.40

Most of the drug deaths are preventable,41 above all because most of the patients who died didn’t need the drug that killed them. In placebo-controlled trials, the effect of neuroleptics and depression drugs has been considerably below the least clinically relevant effect, also for very severe depression.2,7 And, despite their name, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs do not have anti-inflammatory effects,1,42 and systematic reviews have shown that their analgesic effect is similar to that of paracetamol (acetaminophen). Yet, most patients with pain are recommended to take both paracetamol and an NSAID over the counter. This will not increase the effect, only the risk of dying.

Most tragically, leading psychiatrists all over the world do not realise how ineffective and dangerous their drugs are. A US psychiatrist, Roy Perlis, professor at Harvard, argued in April 2024 that depression pills should be sold over the counter because they are “safe and effective.”43 They are highly unsafe and ineffective. Perlis also claimed that depression drugs do not increase the risk of suicide in people older than 25, which is also wrong. They double suicides in adults.23,24

Perlis wrote, “Some still question the biological basis of this disorder, despite the identification of more than 100 genes that increase depression risk and neuroimaging studies showing differences in the brains of people with depression.” Both of these claims are plain wrong. Genetic association studies have come up empty-handed and so have brain imaging studies, which are generally highly flawed.44 People are depressed because they live depressing lives, not because of some brain disorder.


1 Gøtzsche PC. Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Health Care. London: Radcliffe Publishing; 2013.

2 Gøtzsche PC. Deadly Psychiatry and Organised Denial. Copenhagen: People’s Press; 2015.

3 Schroeder MO. Death by Prescription: By one estimate, taking prescribed medications is the fourth leading cause of death among AmericansUS News 2016; Sept 27.

4 Light DW, Lexchin J, Darrow JJ. Institutional corruption of pharmaceuticals and the myth of safe and effective drugs. J Law Med Ethics 2013;41:590-600.

5 Lazarou J, Pomeranz BH, Corey PN. Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. JAMA 1998;279:1200–5.

FAERS Reporting by Patient Outcomes by Year. FDA 2015;Nov 10.

7 Gøtzsche PC. Mental Health Survival Kit and Withdrawal From Psychiatric Drugs. Ann Arbor: L H Press; 2022.

8 Hubbard R, Farrington P, Smith C, et al. Exposure to tricyclic and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants and the risk of hip fracture. Am J Epidemiol 2003;158:77-84.

9 Thapa PB, Gideon P, Cost TW, et al. Antidepressants and the risk of falls among nursing home residents. N Engl J Med 1998;339:875-82.

10 Ebbesen J, Buajordet I, Erikssen J, et al. Drug-related deaths in a department of internal medicine. Arch Intern Med 2001;161:2317–23.

11 James JTA. A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care. J Patient Saf 2013;9:122-8.

12 Ho JY. Life Course Patterns of Prescription Drug Use in the United States. Demography 2023;60:1549-79.

13 Gøtzsche PC. Long-term use of antipsychotics and antidepressants is not evidence-based. Int J Risk Saf Med 2020;31:37-42.

14 Gøtzsche PC. Long-Term Use of Benzodiazepines, Stimulants and Lithium is Not Evidence-Based. Clin Neuropsychiatry 2020;17:281-3.

15 Forbruget af antipsykotika blandt 18-64 årige patienter, med skizofreni, mani eller bipolar affektiv sindslidelse. København: Sundhedsstyrelsen; 2006.

16 Hughes S, Cohen D, Jaggi R. Differences in reporting serious adverse events in industry sponsored clinical trial registries and journal articles on antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2014;4:e005535.

17 Schneider LS, Dagerman KS, Insel P. Risk of death with atypical antipsychotic drug treatment for dementia: meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. JAMA 2005;294:1934–43.

18 FDA package insert for Risperdal (risperidone). Accessed 30 May 2022.

19 Koponen M, Taipale H, Lavikainen P, et al. Risk of Mortality Associated with Antipsychotic Monotherapy and Polypharmacy Among Community-Dwelling Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease. J Alzheimers Dis 2017;56:107-18.

20 Whitaker R. Lure of Riches Fuels Testing. Boston Globe 1998; Nov 17.

21 Whitaker R. Mad in America: Bad science, Bad medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. Cambridge: Perseus Books Group; 2002:page 269.

22 Vanderburg DG, Batzar E, Fogel I, et al. A pooled analysis of suicidality in double-blind, placebo-controlled studies of sertraline in adults. J Clin Psychiatry 2009;70:674-83.

23 Hengartner MP, Plöderl M. Newer-Generation Antidepressants and Suicide Risk in Randomized Controlled Trials: a Re-Analysis of the FDA Database. Psychother Psychosom 2019;88:247-8.

24 Hengartner MP, Plöderl M. Reply to the Letter to the Editor: “Newer-Generation Antidepressants and Suicide Risk: Thoughts on Hengartner and Plöderl’s ReAnalysis.” Psychother Psychosom 2019;88:373-4.

25 Weich S, Pearce HL, Croft P, et al. Effect of anxiolytic and hypnotic drug prescriptions on mortality hazards: retrospective cohort study. BMJ 2014;348:g1996.

26 Kripke DF, Langer RD, Kline LE. Hypnotics’ association with mortality or cancer: a matched cohort study. BMJ Open 2012;2:e000850.

27 Coupland C, Dhiman P, Morriss R, et al. Antidepressant use and risk of adverse outcomes in older people: population based cohort study. BMJ 2011;343:d4551.

28 Smoller JW, Allison M, Cochrane BB, et al. Antidepressant use and risk of incident cardiovascular morbidity and mortality among postmenopausal women in the Women’s Health Initiative study. Arch Intern Med 2009;169:2128-39.

29 O’Neill A. Age distribution in the United States from 2012 to 2022. Statista 2024;Jan 25.

30 Olfson M, King M, Schoenbaum M. Antipsychotic Treatment of Adults in the United States. 2015;Oct 21.

31 Maust DT, Lin LA, Blow FC. Benzodiazepine Use and Misuse Among Adults in the United StatesPsychiatr Serv 2019;70:97-106.

32 Brody DJ, Gu Q. Antidepressant Use Among Adults: United States, 2015-2018. CDC 2020; Sept.

33 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Leading Causes of Death. 2024; Jan 17.

34 Drug Overdose Deaths. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2023; Aug 22.

35 Davis JS, Lee HY, Kim J, et al. Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in US adults: changes over time and by demographic. Open Heart 2017;4:e000550.

36 Conaghan PG. A turbulent decade for NSAIDs: update on current concepts of classification, epidemiology, comparative efficacy, and toxicityRheumatol Int 2012;32:1491-502.

37 Bally M, Dendukuri N, Rich B, et al. Risk of acute myocardial infarction with NSAIDs in real world use: bayesian meta-analysis of individual patient dataBMJ 2017;357:j1909.

38 Bresalier RS, Sandler RS, Quan H, et al. Cardiovascular Events Associated with Rofecoxib in a Colorectal Adenoma Chemoprevention Trial. N Engl J Med 2005;352:1092-102.

39 Blower AL, Brooks A, Fenn GC, et al. Emergency admissions for upper gastrointestinal disease and their relation to NSAID use. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1997;11:283–91.

40 Davis C, Lexchin J, Jefferson T, Gøtzsche P, McKee M. “Adaptive pathways” to drug authorisation: adapting to industry? BMJ 2016;354:i4437.

41 van der Hooft CS, Sturkenboom MC, van Grootheest K, et al. Adverse drug reaction-related hospitalisations: a nationwide study in The Netherlands. Drug Saf 2006;29:161-8.

42 Gøtzsche PC. Big marketing hoax: Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are not anti-inflammatory. Copenhagen: Institute for Scientific Freedom 2022;Nov 10.

43 Perlis R. The time has come for over-the-counter antidepressants. Stat News 2024;April 8.

44 Gøtzsche PC. Critical Psychiatry Textbook. Copenhagen: Institute for Scientific Freedom; 2022. Freely available.

Dr. Peter Gøtzsche co-founded the Cochrane Collaboration, once considered the world’s preeminent independent medical research organization. In 2010 Gøtzsche was named Professor of Clinical Research Design and Analysis at the University of Copenhagen. Gøtzsche has published more than 97 papers in the “big five” medical journals (JAMA, Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine, British Medical Journal, and Annals of Internal Medicine). Gøtzsche has also authored books on medical issues including Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime. Following many years of being an outspoken critic of the corruption of science by pharmaceutical companies, Gøtzsche’s membership on the governing board of Cochrane was terminated by its Board of Trustees in September, 2018. Four board resigned in protest.


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Cover image credit: DawidC

Bio-imperialism vs. Bio-diversity

Bio-imperialism vs. Bio-diversity

by Navdanya International
April 15, 2024


Global Context: Seeds and GMOs 

Seeds are emblematic of the connections between our lives, our food, our health and our freedom. They are the first link in the food chain. They embody our heritage and enfold the future evolution of life. The cultivation of seeds and their free exchange among farmers is the core foundation of our biodiversity and our food security. To have control over seeds is to have control over our lives, our food and our freedom.

Bio-imperialism severely threatens this freedom today through intellectual property rights. Old and  new GMO technologies that have transformed seeds from a commons shared by farmers, to a commodity under the control and monopoly of agribusiness corporations. This imperialism seeks to appropriate the world’s seeds, destroying the lives and livelihoods of peasant communities, as well as biodiversity, but more seriously, in territories recognized as centers of origin. These centers of origin of biodiversity are the cradles of the world’s food supply, and the protection against plague, climate challenges, natural disasters or other hindrances to food production.

Also read: Resisting GMO Imperialism – Events in Mexico – March 2024

Over the last few decades, GMO crops have been imposed in countries all over the world, advertised as a solution to food insecurity and the malnutrition crisis. However, hunger, disease and malnutrition have increased, while biodiversity has declined and toxins have spread. Corporations have forced the introduction of genetically manipulated seeds to impose Food Imperialism through various tools such as regulatory frameworks for intellectual property of seeds, such as UPOV 91, and other legal mechanisms like Trade Dispute Settlement Panels. GMO imperialism has destroyed the lives and livelihoods of small farmers and biodiversity around the world and especially in these centers of origin.

Most recently, agribusiness and biotech giants are attempting to bypass existing biosafety regulations, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols by quietly making changes to GMO regulation around the world, in order to promote these new GMOs under new acronyms, such as NBTs (New Breeding Techniques), NGTs (New Genomic Techniques), or TEAs (Techniques of Assisted Evolution). These new GMOs have been silently dovetailing into different countries’ existing agricultural legislation, with the aim still being patent monopolies in the hands of the big chemical and biotechnology giants.

This deregulation would allow gene edited crops to:

  • Be commercialized with no environmental or consumption safety testing
  • Require no labeling
  • Have little to no traceability
  • Be free from public disclosure of gene edited organisms
  • Mass deregulation
  • Be patented without disclosure

These new GMOs are leaving farmers, and citizens completely in the dark as to what is in their food and are an attempt to subvert sovereign governments, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity and biosafety laws, with their imposition. The biotech industry has claimed that their gene edited products, including seed, plants, microorganism, and animals, are to be considered the same as their conventional counterparts. This deregulation of old and new GMOs absolves the biotech industry from any responsibility and is a continued attack on food sovereignty.

Agribusiness companies have not solved any issue for humanity on the pretext of false narratives around GMOs solving problems of food supplies. The true basis of the world’s food supply is free seeds, the heritage of humanity that contain the answers to pests, climate challenges and other threats to the world’s production of healthy and sufficient food, not GMOs and Bio-Imperialism. GMOs cannot be forced upon communities, violating norms of democracy and freedom.

All over the world, citizens are rising against the unscientific, undemocratic, anti-ecological imposition of GMOs by corporations. The first generation of GMOs has failed, but corporations continue to impose gene-edited organisms, or new GMOs, in centers of diversity. They continue to shift their narrative towards framing nature and biodiversity as commodities for commercialization and patent monopolies.

Imposition of GM corn in Mexico has global ramifications

In Mexico, which is the center of origin of maize, just as in other centers of biodiversity, there has been a long struggle by society and organized communities against GMO imperialism threatening the subsistence and culture of  its peoples. To date, Mexican society has achieved a ban on the planting of GM maize in Mexico through a class action lawsuit filed against the companies like Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta and Cortiva Agriscience. This ban is still in force, which since 2013 has prevented the planting of genetically manipulated maize in Mexican territories.

Mexican NGOs have bravely continued to resist genetically modified maize to strengthen access to healthy, sustainable and culturally appropriate food for all people; to defend the food sovereignty of peasant and indigenous communities, responsible for developing the 59 breeds and thousands of varieties of maize existing in Mexico, which are also part of the milpa, a holistic, sustainable and biodiverse system that involves other staple foods such as beans, chili peppers, squash, quelites and amaranth.

Recently, the Mexican government issued an executive order that proposes the gradual prohibition of the use of glyphosate and the use of GM maize in food products, such as tortillas, a staple food for Mexicans. GMOs compromise access to healthy, sustainable, culturally appropriate foods free of genetically modified organisms. Faced with this decision, the U.S. government, based on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement (USMCA), and under the duress, of agribusiness lobby, installed a dispute settlement panel to reject the Mexican government’s decision to restrict the use of genetically manipulated (modified) maize in human food and the importation of glyphosate, citing lack of scientific evidence of their harm. This Dispute Settlement Panel neglects the risks to human health, the environment and biodiversity associated with genetically manipulated maize. In addition, it jeopardizes the food sovereignty of the entire Mexican population, since maize is an indispensable food.

In response to this omission, on March 15th, non-governmental organizations from Mexico presented their Technical Opinions before the Panel, arguments based on reliable scientific evidence, including new found evidence by Mexico’s scientific advisory board CONAHCYT, rooted in scientifically rigorous evidence from academic institutions. This evidence points out and warns about the multiple risks that make it pertinent and urgent to stop the presence of genetically manipulated maize in the food of the Mexican population, and as raw material for other industries.

In stark contrast, the US refused to do new experiments and engage in real science and continued to stick to pseudo-science funded by the same agribusinesses that produce this GM corn and make the unscientific claim that it is safe to consume this GM corn.

The case of Mexico is a people’s attempt to guard their biodiverse cultures, inheritance, food, health and fields. It is a case of a people demanding their sovereignty be respected. It is a statement to the world and to agribusiness that they cannot continue to impose their system that violates and destroys sovereignty at all these levels, and has wave after wave destroyed health, the land and biodiversity.

On March 5, 2024 Mexico published its formal response to the dispute where its submission presented evidence supporting the implementation of precautionary measures aimed at safeguarding consumers from potential health risks associated with imported GM corn from the U.S. and residues of glyphosate. They noted that the scientific data regarding the safety of GMOs presented by the U.S. was outdated, with a significant portion originating from industry-sponsored studies lacking peer-reviewed support. They pointed out that the regulatory process in the U.S. lacks sufficient stringency to guarantee the safety of products for consumption by Mexicans. Furthermore, the Mexican submission highlighted that Genetically modified (GM) corn, designed to eliminate insect pests, has strong potential to pose negative effects on non-target animals with research that has demonstrated that mammals can experience harm to their digestive systems due to a GM trait that targets the guts of pests, leading to unintended consequences.

While the US claimed that Mexico’s ban is “unscientific”, IATP Senior Advisor Timothy A. Wise highlighted that Mexico’s response “refutes that claim, presenting hundreds of academic studies that show cause for concern about human health and the threat to native corn diversity.”

Significantly, The US claim that Mexico’s ban is unscientific is completely unjustified as the US never signed onto the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. It has no biosafety regulatory organism to judge the safety of these GM foods.  It is based instead on “substantial equivalence” which is not enough to be considered as a safety assessment in itself. This principle doesn’t prioritize consumer protection from health risks nor does it provide consumers with comprehensive information regarding the actual level of risks and hazards associated with “novel foods” (in this case GMO foods) compared to traditional ones.

In its formal submission to the trade dispute panel, Canada aligned itself with the arguments presented by the US government, claiming the safety of genetically modified (GM) corn for consumption in Mexico. However, CBAN’s (Canadian Biotechnology Action Network)’s response refuted this stance by asserting that scientific evidence supported Mexico’s precautionary measures, particularly due to the extensive use of minimally processed corn in the daily diet of the majority of Mexicans.

Lucy Sharratt of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN), stated that, “Mexico is a sovereign nation with the right to determine the future of its food supply and its needs to take action to protect native corn from GM contamination.”

Globally, Mexico’s case is important due to the current context of the world. Due to the industrial food system, we are seeing the rise of chronic diseases rooted in metabolic disorders, increasing ecological disasters, lack of water and declining biodiversity. Mexico defending its cultural and food heritage is equivalent to a country taking a stand, backed by scientific evidence and government support, against the continuation of these multiple crises.

Furthermore, the significance of this case is that an unfavorable resolution for Mexico in this Panel, would limit Mexican people’s right to decide which seeds to plant and which types of maize to feed themselves with. This directly jeopardizes the traditional Mexican cuisine which is central to the cultural identity of the communities that practice and transmit it from generation to generation and has been recognised as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

This in turn also has the potential to devastatingly affect all other centers of biodiversity and interconnected food cultures around the world who will continue to face such attacks on their sovereignty.

Mexico holds the legacy of being one of the first constitutions globally to incorporate enforceable social rights, encompassing health and a clean environment (Article 4). Thus, a right to health is a legally enforceable provision under its national constitution. This along with achieving universal health coverage (UHC) for its 100 million citizens makes Mexico a country that continues to stand up for biodiversity, for health, for the environment.

Convergence: Interconnected strength, interconnected resistance

In the face of this local and global Bio-imperialism, Navdanya International joined together with the campaign Sin Maiz No Hay País, and Via Orgánica, along with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER) and the Ministry of Culture, along with other Latin American movements to organize events from March 12th to 16th in Mexico City to carve a common strategy against the further imposition of new and old GMOs around the world, sharing experiences, struggles and solidarity in defense of Biodiversity, Food and Seed Freedom, through strengthening the support and solidarity, in cultivating and connecting different organizations, movements and people.

These meetings and convergences helped create a gathering place for solidarity by bringing together representatives from movements from all over Latin America and beyond to demonstrate that this struggle goes beyond individual borders. All over the world the impostions continue to take place, directly violating the sovereignty and rights of people and nature, in favor of corporate agenda.

José Bernardo Magdaleno Velazco (Nino), President of the Peasant Union, Totikes, Chiapas emphasized that “we are not alone in this fight”. Together with activists and organizations such as the Campaña Nacional Sin Maíz No Hay País, Semillas de Vida, Vía Organica, Regeneration International, Bloque Verde, Probioma, Naturaleza De Derechos, and Semillas de Identidad- Colombia, Navdanya International joined the demand for governments around the world to stop genetically manipulated seeds, which threaten the survival of food and agricultural systems based on biological and cultural diversity.

These events carved a convergence of movements, to stand in defense of our biocultural diversity and food heritage across the world, in resistance to old  GMOs and new GMOs.

It is in this coming together of different movements and voices united in their goal of food and seed sovereignty that these events in Mexico led to the emergence of an interconnected strength and resistance. Where the nurturing of solidarity and a reminder of a common resistance despite varied contexts, echoed and re-iterated that together, we are all more than the sum of the parts. Building relationships and connections, across organizations, across movements and beyond countries is necessary for effectively resisting this GMO imperialism. This interconnected strength is what we have to tap into, to continue our struggle in defense of life, diversity and freedom.

Significance: Food sovereignty as a driving force for political sovereignty 

The current socio-political context of Mexico’s demand of autonomy based on being a center of diversity and cultural heritage is unique because food sovereignty is the driving force behind the political sovereignty of the people. This reiterates that every kind of autonomy  is rooted in food and seed.

At the event held on March 12, 2024 at Mexican Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER), Mexico City called “In Defense of Food Sovereignty”, Dr. Vandana Shiva, President of Navdanya International in her keynote lecture on food sovereignty, mentioned that it was so important to celebrate  cultures where cultural diversity and biodiversity are not seen as separate. She added that “Food sovereignty is a high level concept, because it implies the sovereignty of beings to manage and organize themselves toward health.” The cultivation of biodiversity has to imply sovereignty at all levels. Sovereignty is needed at all levels for organisms to be able to freely develop and evolve, self organize toward health.

Leydy Pech, evocatively added in the same event that “In Maya, we have no word for GMO, we call them instead seeds that have no heart, seeds with no life.” Furthermore, she asked a significant question, potent for everyone around the world: “Our seeds, our knowledge is our inheritance, with this destruction what will we inherit in the future?”

As also highlighted by Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, general coordinator of social communication and spokesperson for the Government of the Mexican Republic, “Mexican sovereignty starts with food sovereignty.” It is food sovereignty and the sovereignty of all interconnected beings to self-organize and grow with health that holds the power of resistance politically, economically and socially.

GMO imperialism is an attack on this sovereignty of all interconnected beings at all levels of self organization. It is an attack on life itself.

As Leydy Pech echoed: “You cannot call what goes against life, development”. Dr. María Elena Álvarez-Buylla Roces, general director of the National Council of humanities, sciences and technologies (CONAHCYT) said that “On a global level the deregulation and imposition of GMOs and toxic food systems is a denial of sovereignty and right to health on multiple levels.” She added that Mexico’s success in asserting its own sovereignty on seeds and food policies would be a beacon for other countries to be able to assert their food sovereignty and seed freedom in turn.

Biodiversity at all levels

A Seminar on Biodiversity Protection titled “Protection and Conservation of Biodiversity in Centers of Origin” was held on March 15, 2024 at the Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) Headquarters, Mexico City. This seminar analyzed and discussed strategies to conserve and protect natural resources in countries that are centers of origin and genetic diversity of species, through a dialogues, work round tables, and discussions for common strategy with key actors of the Mexican government, representatives from Latin America, Asia, the United States, and others in the protection and conservation of biodiversity in Latin America and other regions.

Maestro Iván Rico López, Subsecretary of Environmental Planning and Policy, SEMARNAT highlighted that “Megadiverse countries, the centers of origin of crop varieties, have greater responsibility in protecting the world’s biodiversity. We have learned that our plant genetic heritage is our cultural heritage. Natural and Social aspects go hand in hand, as those who have preserved the genetic diversity are the indigenous peoples.”

Columba López, Director of the Commission for Natural Resources and Rural Development, CORENADR, emphasized the key to this biodiversity being in the hands of the farmers. It is the farmers who are the custodians of  these biodiverse foods, cultures, seeds, knowledges. She said that “We work on native seeds in our Seed Houses. We cultivate and replicate seeds through agroecological practices in the field. We develop seeds that adapt in the mountains or near the water, that are climate resilient and we do it through farmers’ participatory breeding.”

Biodiversity at all levels produces health, diversity in our farms, our seed, our foods, our cultures etc. having a biodiverse field in line with local ecosystem and cultural heritage, gives us a diversity of foods, and a diversity of food cultures. This is how we create health first in our fields all the way to our plates and our guts.

Dr. Vandana Shiva, of Navdanya International highlighted that, “Indigenous peoples and communities know that seeds continuously evolve. By turning biodiversity into technology they (corporations) deny the creativity of biodiversity, they go against how nature works. Diversity is a living necessity.” She further reiterated that, “The colonizing mentality considers living beings as disposable and nature as raw material to be extracted. Mexico is recovering the dignity of natural resources, which are the basis of our health and well-being & the health of the planet.”

Similarly, at the event held on March 16, 2024 held at Cencalli, Museo de maíz y centro de la cultura alimentaria, Los Pinos, Ciudad de México, in the presence of the Alejandra Frausto Guerrero, from the Ministry of Culture, Victor Sanchez reaffirmed the need to resist the food imperialism that destroys our cultures by defending our biodiversity and strengthening seed freedom. Navdanya International co-organized this event with Campaña Nacional Sin Maíz No Hay PaísVia Organica and Regeneration International. Andre Leu, Director of Regeneration International, discussed the latest evidence of negative health effects caused by exposure to glyphosate: “There’s scientific evidence about the correlations between the introduction of glyphosate and transgenic crops and the increase in diseases such as cancer, obesity, kidney failure and autism.”

Mercedes López Martínez from Vía Orgánica, Mexico, discussed the great importance of protecting small farmers and indigenous communities as the backbone of a thriving food culture. Miguel Ángel Crespo of Probioma, Bolivia shared how, “The fight to protect biodiversity and genetic resources is also political, legal and scientific.”

It is this interconnection of diversity at all levels, including diversity of organizations and movements reflecting the interconnection and sovereignty of organisms that is needed to resist GMO imperialism from the ground up.

Also read:

Vandana Shiva makes an International call to support Mexico in the defense of Seed Freedom and Biodiversity

Events in Mexico: Resisting GMO Imperialism

Joint Declaration in Defense of our Biodiversity, Seed and Food Freedom – Resisting GMO Imperialism

Open Letter from Diverse Women for Diversity to World Leaders

US pressure to impose GM corn in Mexico threatens global genetic heritage of Maize Diversity


Connect with Navdanya International

Cover image credit: GildAix

The Eclipse Obscured, & and Other Goings-On

The Eclipse Obscured, & and Other Goings-On

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
April 15, 2024


It’s been a week since the solar eclipse, and just as I sat down today (Sunday) to sort through all the emails in my inbox and schedule blogs, I received the following intriguing article on Substack from a “new” contributor, whom we’ll just call D.S.G., who also happens to be an old friend. Before we get to that, I have to confess that I was not one of those that spent a lot of time outdoors looking at the eclipse. Where I live, the totality was not visible anyway. What happened was simply that the day visibly “dimmed”, not that I could have seen much anyway, since it was an overcast day. As the days approached, I began to get emails from a few of you telling me that your weather forecast was not favorable to viewing, and that of this small group, a few of you were even going to travel a fair distance to be able to view the totality.  But then, as we shall see, after the eclipse, a few odd stories began to roll in, and this one tops the list:

Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide?

The beginning of this article says it all:

I haven’t been on Twitter much these days. After hitting 20,000 followers I became so shadow-banned that the purpose of it has become pointless. With that being said, on April 8th, 2024, the day of the Eclipse, I shared some photos of my Michigan sky, which started off as beautiful blue then, only two hours before the eclipse, filled the infamous lines. I then scrolled a bit to see if anyone else was noticing the same; I was quite surprised at how many posts there were. I began bookmarking the posts, downloading lots of videos and logging the locations the reports were coming from so I could plot them on a map.

Today, we are first going to check out many of the posts (there are way more than I can possibly document), then I am going to provide some theories regarding why this excessive spray campaign was ran, then we will look at other interesting stuff that happened on April 8th, 2024.

This, I think you’ll grant, is very intriguing, and given the scale and breadth of the selection the article’s author has gathered, is hardly accidental or coincidental. In my case, as most regular readers here know, I tend to go to sleep between 4 and 5 AM, and to wake up very late in the morning, usually around noon. Eclipse day was no different for me, and as a result, I have no idea if, where I live, the day began clear and later clouded over due to the spraying that “they” deny that they’re doing, even while Baal Gates, in his busybody billionaire insanity, wants to blot out the sun. But if the reader looks at the assembly of videos and pictures in the article, it becomes evident that much chemtrail activity was reported on the day of the eclipse, raising the question of what “they” were trying to accomplish with it. The article’s headline says it: “They” were trying to hide “something”, rather like the old fable about ostriches hiding their heads in the sand when confronted by something they don’t like. Removing it from view and pretending it does not exist will make it go away.

The author notes that NASA was warning people not to try to take pictures of the event with cellphones. The author then notes that satellite photos show the cloudy cover that resulted from the spraying, and the “coincidence” that it lies right along the path of the eclipse. He also notes that NASA announced that it would launch rockets to study the eclipse (studying what, exactly?), and indeed it did so.  And on top of all of this, there was “eclipse sickness”:

But the media isn’t reporting on poison air or lines covering the sky, instead they are publishing “Eclipse Sickness”, which is causing Americans “weird feelings” in addition to headaches, fatigue, changes in menstrual cycle and insomnia.

Much of the article then deals with an alleged psychological operation to make everyone feel sick in connection with the eclipse, and then the author gets right down to his thesis: a second “sun” or light source in the sky:

Interestingly, in January 2024, I published two articles. The first was called 2 Suns in the Sky: Optical Illusion or Military Operation?. In this article we looked at all kinds of evidence people have recorded, clearly showing two sources of light in the sky (and no, it isn’t lens flare, a “Sun Dog”, reflections, camera tracking, etc.). In the second part of that series, Sun Simulators Deployed Worldwide? Shocking Evidence of a Fake Sun, we looked at all kinds of crazy stuff regarding the patenting and manufacturing of new suns. Both of those pieces are worth your time, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors abd have been feeling suspicious about what has been going on around you for the past couple years. Anyway, in those pieces, it really looks like they have been practicing with their sun simulators.

As mentioned, I published those pieces in January. Ever since January, here in Michigan, our sun has been blocked. I detailed this in Gov Using Frequency to Move Clouds to Block the Sun: 2024 Arctic Freeze was Manmade, 100% ProofNo matter where the sun has been in the sky, it is always blocked by a cloud. You can literally watch them shift the clouds, using frequency (I know it sounds crazy, but read the article). All along I have wondered if the real purpose of this is to continue to hide their sun simulator testing.

So there you have it: “sun simulators” or other major light sources in the sky. In aid of this very wild hypothesis, we get interesting videos that appear to show more than one Moon eclipsing more than one Sun, some very strange reflections, a low rumbling sounds (which, incidentally, I myself have heard on occasion including on eclipse day), and then the article just sort of peters out, leaving one with a hypothesis of “sun simulators”, rumbles, and strange reflections.

So before we get to my own contribution of high octane speculation (and perhaps silly nonsense), let us not forget that in addition to NASA launching three rockets to “study something” that day, that CERN was going to fire up its large hadron collider on that precise day. As E.E. said in the email that accompanied the article: “Just follow the ritual…er… science”:

CERN to test world’s most powerful particle accelerator during April’s solar eclipse to search for ‘invisible’ matter that secretly powers our universe

At least in the case of the CERN-collider-eclipse business, they’re at least being consistent with their narrative that they’re still looking at particles in the quantum particle pantheon zoo, and for dark matter and all of that. Regular readers who’ve been following me for a while know that I think what they’re really looking for are hyper-dimensional effects, including torsion effects, which in my hack-from-South-Dakota thinking, would be very likely to manifest during eclipses, provided one has a sufficiently accurate means of measuring them, and a circular collider with its built-in implied precessional wobbles might be just the ticket. (And for those really paying attention, remember Richard Hoagland’s Bullova accutron watch experiments?)

There were other, possibly related, events, like the fact that the northern terrestrial polar vortex was spinning backward recently (thanks to M.D. and T.S. for this catch):

The Polar Vortex Is Suddenly Swirling Backwards

And just for kicks and giggles, let’s not forget the South Atlantic anomaly, and NASA’s satellites:

NOAA Satellites View Total Solar Eclipse

Weird dent in Earth’s magnetic field is messing with auroras in the Southern Hemisphere

And let’s add to this “anomalies stew” those claims of “UFOs near the Sun” and even that there are UFO reports in connection with the eclipse.

So… what is going on?

Answer: I have no answer. Not. A. Clue. Nothing. Nichts, Nadda.

Do I think that “they” might have been deliberately trying to cover up the existence of UFOs, other “light sources” and so on, with the spraying? Very possibly.  Could there even be such “light sources” or “sun simulators”? Possibly. Are “they” looking for torsion effects, perhaps even torsion effects that could, so to speak, “roll up the heavens like a curtain”? Sure “they” could be.  After all, I put nothing past “them.” Baal Gates wants to blot out the sun because of “climate change” and in so doing seeks an apocalyptic, godlike power that could possibly end mankind itself. But what if, indeed, the whole climate change narrative is a convenient cover story for an operation that is really designed to keep certain things veiled and secret behind a cloud screen and fog?

Clearly “they” are hiding something, and when you boil my high octane speculations of the day down to their quintessence (yes, the alchemical term is deliberate), they amount to this: there are aspects of celestial mechanics – astrophysics and cosmology – that might be dramatically different than the “public physics” models taught in the schools, and something is threatening to break through those models, and dash them to the ground like so many Tinker Toys and Lincoln Log constructions, and “they” are trying desperately to keep those models and their favored narratives intact.

Someone else, in other words, may be entering the game…Ringmakers of Saturn, anyone?

….See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: Vilkasss

Was the Iran Attack Orchestrated by Amateurs?

Was the Iran Attack Orchestrated by Amateurs?
What actually happened and didn’t happen? 

by Jon Rappoport
April 16, 2024


Something’s wrong here. Very wrong.

First, when have you heard a major enemy (Iran) ANNOUNCE AND LEAK AND LEAK AND ANNOUNCE that they’re GOING TO attack their enemy (Israel)?

Who’s kidding who?

“Yes, we want to make sure Israel is ready for us. We want to make sure all their defense systems are turned on and on high alert before we actually attack…”

Second—the DEBRIS.

I’m watching the news which is showing (if I can believe the footage) explosions in the sky over Tel Aviv. The Israeli shoot-down of drones and missiles. But NOT ONE WORD about falling debris raining down on the city.

Who’s kidding who? There should have been thousands of pieces of debris wreaking destruction on the ground.

Finally—hours later, we’re told that, in all of Israel, one civilian, a girl, was slightly injured. There was some damage, but it was at an Israeli military base. Convenient. When will we see pictures of that? Never?

What really happened in this attack? Were there hundreds of missiles and drones? 99% of which were shot down?

Read more (available for Jon Rappoport’s paid subscribers at substack)


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: CDD20

See Related:

Was Iran’s Strike Against Israel a Psy-Op?

Was Iran’s Strike Against Israel a Psy-Op?

Was Iran’s Strike Against Israel a Psy-Op?

by Janet Phelan, Activist Post
April 15, 2024


Image credit: CBS


Saturday saw a rather spectacular night-sky display over Tel Aviv and elsewhere in Israel, as Iran sent hundreds of drones and missiles aimed at the Jewish state. From all reports, the display of force exhibited by Iran was stopped cold by a coordinated response by Israel, the US, the UK and even Jordan and Saudi Arabia, as around 99% of the projectiles were blown up before reaching the target. There was one critical injury reported–that of a Bedouin child who has subsequently been hospitalized. Physical damage was also reported as minor.

The strike by Iran, the first ever that came directly from Tehran and not via its proxies, was in retaliation to an attack by Israel on an Iranian consulate building in Damascus, killing Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zaheoi, a senior IRGC commander, and seven other IRGC officers. This Israeli assault came as a result of Iranian attacks on Israeli citizens which took place along the Syrian border. Since October 7, Iran and Israel have engaged in escalating exchanges which many fear will erupt into outright war.

As stated by Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an expert in Iran’s missile capabilities, and quoted in Politico,

“Until now, Iran had never directly targeted Israel from Iranian territory in an overt and attributable fashion…. The strike also was the first ballistic missile attack from Iranian territory against a defended target.”

There are a couple of ways to view such a dramatic failure as Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel. One is to thank the Master of the Universe for intervening and protecting Israel. Another way is to recognize the effectiveness of Israel and its allies in successfully stopping the Iranian attack.

A third way involves some dispassionate analysis of what Iran intended and what it may have set in motion by its actions in launching the failed assault. The remainder of this article looks at the events as a possible psy-op, ostensibly launched by Iran but further promulgated by the general Western response to the attack.

The amount of media attention given the Iranian attack in the days leading up to Saturday’s attack was definitely…weird. Media outlet after outlet broadcast the pending attack, and even nailed down the probable time frame. “Iran to Attack Israel Within 48 hours,” bleated headline after headline. And sure enough, within the predicted time frame Iran stepped up.

With an attack which could not have been less stealthy–the drones taking about six hours to reach Israeli air space–and with all the formal pomp and circumstance accorded such a well publicized attack, Iran sent its projectiles against Israel. As one commentator. Reid Baron, put it,

“This is a strategic move by Iran to see how Israel and it’s allies will reply. Why else would many Iranian drones have their lights on and take ~6 hrs to reach Israeli airspace? That’s like telling someone you’re going to punch them in the nose and taking 10 minutes to set up the punch.”

If all the advance notice and the fact that the attack was so easily tracked and therefore thwarted was not enough, the media gave considerable attention and weight to the failed attack. CNN posted over 50 updates, giving a blow by blow account as the drones entered Israeli airspace and were duly blown out of the sky. CNN also gravely informed us of Biden’s high level meetings during the air strike and actions by other state parties, such as the UK, which rushed to Israel’s defense. CNN also covered Iran’s announcement that the assault had “concluded.”

But has it really? And was Iran’s attack on Israel anything more than a decoy, a psy-op?

In an article published April 14, Politico asks the bold question

“Iran’s Attack Seems Like It Was Designed to Fail. So What Comes Next?”

If indeed the Iranian attack was “designed to fail,” the reasons for this must include the fact that Israel will most likely respond. And this presents the likelihood of a full blown Iranian/Israeli war.

Coming at a time when President Biden exhibits such waffling in his support of Israel, and coming at a time when it appears that Iran has indeed achieved its long-sought goal to obtain a nuclear weapon, this does not bode well for the future of stability in the region. Also of concern is that public sentiment seems to have turned somewhat against Israel, largely due to the success of Hamas’s propaganda in convincing people that the Palestinian death toll is much larger than it really is.

And given Israel’s remarkable lapse on October 7, when the fence breach and invasion by Hamas took place, one wonders who is really watching over Israel’s defenses. Not only was advance notice that Hamas was doing drills around the fence ignored, not only was the technologically state-of-the-art fence somehow breached and the IDF failed to respond for hours following the breach, but no adequate reason has yet been tendered for this massive failure on the part of Israel’s defenses.

Although Biden has stated that his support for Israel is “ironclad,” his recent actions reveal a different mindset. When the US failed to veto a recent UN call for a ceasefire in Gaza, the Israeli response was stunned. When Biden authorized billions in aid for Iran, the Israeli response was equally redolent of shock and betrayal. And the President has made it very clear that should Israel respond to the failed Iranian attack, it is on its own.

What better way to lure Israel into a war with an enemy that has an undisclosed nuclear arsenal than to launch a faux attack? And given that Israel’s “BF” has tipped us off that it won’t support Israel should Israel retaliate, what better way to ensure that the tiny Jewish state suffers a lethal blow than to hang it out to dry at the ultimate challenge?

Citing a Wall Street Journal article, another commentator, Yan Gulko, had this to say

“The Iranian strike was largely performative, not directed against population centers, communicated clearly hours in advance and designed to be intercepted with the resources available. Its intention was to clearly cross the red line, but do it in such a way that the world powers would not rally behind Israel’s retaliatory strike.”

In other words. “Come and get us. And make sure you come alone. We’ll be waiting for you.”


Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. 


Connect with Activist Post

Cover image credit: tswedensky

Leaked Dossier Shows German Government Conspired to Silence Reiner Fuëllmich

Leaked Dossier Shows German Government Conspired to Silence Reiner Fuëllmich

Accuser connected to German Intelligence and pedophile cover-up

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
April 11, 2024



An alleged leaked dossier shows that German intelligence agencies conspired to create a false construct in order to silence Reiner Fuëllmich, disqualify him from being able to run for public office, and seize control of the Corona committee and its finances.


“It actually shows through a dossier that has just been leaked to me, that Mr. Fuellmich has been under surveillance for a very long time, and attempts have been made to prevent him from being eligible for election in the Federal Republic of Germany through various constructs. They attempted to enlist individuals from his surroundings, acquire information, and ultimately press charges against him, and secure his conviction. It was instigated by one of the organizations, like the Federal Criminal Police Office or something similar, in cooperation with the Public Prosecutor’s office. That was planned. That was already planned through a note that was already in 2021, so it was practically already intended.

“And also, that in 2021, it is already been said that we have to somehow get rid of it. And almost got rid of him. Also, that he is no longer politically eligible. In the end, this means a high conviction which excludes the possibility of being elected in the Federal Republic of Germany.”

~ Dr. Christof Miseré


“So you can say this is a staged plan that has been in place for a long time?”

~ Reporter


“Yes, but during implementation it had to be ensured no prosecutor took part. Then you had to adjust it a bit. And then there was this house sale, and it was handled in this manner, and of course this has the scent of the money being gone now. You’ve killed two birds with one stone. The money, one has Dr. Fuellmich through it. Because it’s said that the money hasn’t been returned. And the Corona committee, which one probably didn’t like so much, as this paper also says, or as one can see in public, also doesn’t receive any money. But Templin and others have the money. And Templin is situated in an environment where there are actually individuals who either work for the BKA or with the BND intelligence agency.”

~Dr. Christof Miseré


“I would now suggest that the file can also be read?”

~ Reporter


“So this is just a part of it now.

” ‘An analysis should be carried out to assess the possibilities of a declaration of incompatibility that purely prohibits holding political offices due to proven anti-democratic tendencies.’

“Then comes the wonderful point, wonderfully in quotation marks.

” ‘Criminal procedural measures. Preparation must be made for the initiation of criminal proceedings based on the evidence collected against Reiner Fuellmich. This entails collaborating with prosecutors and preparing charges for established legal violations and offenses.’

“And now comes the probably decisive sentence.

” ‘If necessary, constructions are to be weighed and suitable third parties are to be recruited.’

“As a note at the end,

” ‘The activities of Reiner Fuellmich pose a complex challenge for the security authorities. The man is absolutely harmless, requiring a coordinated and multi-layered response. The implementation of the recommended measures is intended to prevent its political viability, and to safeguard the security and democratic values of the Federal Republic of Germany.’ ”

~Dr. Christof Miseré


While some are claiming the dossier is fake, the evidence already on record overwhelmingly shows that Fuëllmich was targeted by the German government for his far reaching voice exposing the crimes of the COVID lockdowns and mandated experimental shots.

Corona Committee members, Justus Hoffmann, Marcel Templin and Antonia Fischer, claimed that Füellmich embezzled 700,000 euros, despite this being an official documented loan for the committees legal investigation.

With the help of the notary, they illegally deposited the proceeds of Fuëllmich’s own real-estate sale into the personal account of Marcel Templin. 1.58 million euros.

In court, Fuëllmich has been able to question his accusers and got them to admit they currently have access to this money.

In a 2022 video, Justus Hoffmann claims that there was nothing personal about the charges against Füellmich. But in court they admitted that they wanted to put him in jail, and that it would be the most beautiful day of their life.

Years ago, a father was accused of raping his four year old child. Hospital records and audio recordings of the four year old confirm this, but the father was found not guilty and German intelligence services covered it up and sealed the file until the year 2060.

Marcel Templin worked with Carsten Stahl to try and block the boy’s mother from speaking publicly about the case. Marcel Luthe, who is running for the European elections along with Carsten Stahl, was also involved in this coverup.

This places Templin, Stahl, and Luthe within the circle of German intelligence services. And it is rumored that they may have created the dossier to later discredit the trial. Which would make sense seeing as how Reiner Fuëllmich has gained the upper hand in the courts. They will be desperate.

For more background on this case, see my report, the Illegal Kidnapping and Persecution of Reiner Fuëllmich.


Connect with Greg Reese

Coincidence? Ship Loses Power Just Before Verrazano Narrows Bridge

Coincidence? Ship Loses Power Just Before Verrazano Narrows Bridge

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
April 10, 2024


Ok, when K.M. sent along this story, I knew I’d have to share it and blog about it, because this is one that I’m about 50/50 with, for the simple reason that “two is a coincidence, three is a pattern,” but also because the story is about one of my favorite bridges in the world, the elegant Verrazano Narrows suspension bridge in New York City, the massive structure connecting the Brooklyn and Staten Island boroughs.

The story concerns a French shipping company’s ship that lost power just before the Verrazano Bridge, and required the assistance of three additional tug boats to stop the ship. Here’s the story:

Massive Ship Reportedly “Lost Power” in NYC Harbor, Right Before Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge

Coming as it does mere weeks – days really – after the disastrous collision of the Dali with the Francis Scott Key Bridge and the latter’s dramatic collapse, this incident does leave one wondering. The Dali clearly was losing power repeatedly, and the ship’s systems appeared not to be functioning properly. And then, the last minute turn out of the main channel and the ship headed directly for the south pylon, and we know the rest.

But not to worry here! The Wall Street Journal is on duty and reassures us a similar incident here would be impossible:

While the Verrazzano shares some characteristics with the Key Bridge, there are also important differences,” an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal recently read, adding:

“First, its massive vertical supports are positioned much closer to land than the Key Bridge’s—1,000 feet away from the harbor’s navigation channel—making them considerably less likely to be hit by an errant vessel. The towers also are surrounded by rock islands, which would force any ship heading toward the supports to run aground before striking the tower. Additional safety projects have further hardened protections, even adding an air gap sensor system that detects vertical clearances between the bridge and large vessels passing underneath.” 

And then Zero Hedge adds it’s own high octane speculation in the form of a recommendation:

The collapse of the Baltimore bridge has sparked discussions in corporate media about America’s vulnerable infrastructure. Within government, high-level officials are likely concerned about terrorists crippling the nation through a series of infrastructure attacks. Maybe it’s time the US government vet all foreign crews of commercial vessels entering America’s waters…

Perhaps it is time for such vetting, but perhaps it is also time to start taking seriously the possibility of technological hijacking of such systems, even of the types of redundant systems one finds on ships.

And while we’re at it, I don’t know about you, but I for one am less than reassured by The Wall Street Journal’s glib dismissal of any idea that this incident might have been a repeat of the Baltimore disaster, for a large cargo ship running aground on the islands surrounding the the Verrazzano-Narrows Suspension towers might do so in such a way to form an impediment or for that matter a complete blockage of the main channel, which could have disrupted normal shipping traffic for several days, and possibly weeks, until the ship could be freed.

So one can colour me moderately skeptical that this incident is not unrelated to the Baltimore disaster: it’s a bit too coincidental and too close in time to the Baltimore bridge collapse to be ignored, but on the other hand, two is still just a coincidence…

… unless, of course, one wants to locate the two incidents in a wider, and apparently “disconnected” context like the USS Donald Cook, Fitzgerald, and John McCain incidents. Perhaps even the Havana Syndrome incidents. Then things become much more interesting.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: Glabb

See Related:

A Bridge in Baltimore: A Speculative Analysis

Alec Zeck With Brandon Joe Williams: Taxation, U.S. Citizenship & Escaping the Matrix

Alec Zeck With Brandon Joe Williams: Taxation, U.S. Citizenship & Escaping the Matrix

by Alec Zeck, The Way Forward
April 9, 2024


Video available at The Way Forward Rumble & YouTube channels.


In this insightful episode of The Way Forward, Alec engages in a deep conversation with Brandon Joe Williams, author, securities attorney, and foreign national of The Amnesty Coalition.

Key Discussion Points:

Understanding Common Law and Status Connection: Brandon delves into the intricacies of common law, status connection, and how definitions were redefined post-1865 to blur the lines between personhood and corporate entities.

Misinterpretations and Confusion: They explore the misinterpretation of terms like “strawman” and the cloud cover of confusion surrounding the 14th amendment.

Bridging the Gap: Brandon discusses bridging the gap between common law status correction space and the mindsets of Voluntaryism and Anarcho Capitalism.

Contracts and Engagement: The conversation touches upon contracts, how individuals can engage better as natural persons, and the psychological warfare employed by certain entities to make individuals contribute and defend.

Incorporation and Escaping the Matrix: Brandon sheds light on incorporating the US government into the District of Columbia and strategies for navigating taxation, US citizenship, and escaping the metaphorical matrix.

Brandon Joe Williams brings a distinct perspective honed through personal encounters with legal complexities. This firsthand experience infuses his insights with a raw authenticity, offering listeners a compelling narrative intertwined with profound legal understanding.


Connect with Alec Zeck

Connect with Brandon Joe Williams

Cover image credit: SunflowerGUY

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

For additional background on Common Law and clarifying the difference between a national and a U.S. citizen, see the following books available in free PDF format. TCTL will soon have a dedicated page with links to resources related to common law and personal freedom.

Download PDFs

Living in the Private

A Nationals Citizenship Handbook

Fruit From a Poisonous Tree

Weiss’s Concise Trustee Handbook

The U.S. Is Running Parallel Governments. All U.S. Citizens Have Dual Citizenship & Are “Volunteered” as Property. How to Unvolunteer: “U.S. National / State Citizen Comprehensive Guide (Non Citizen National)”

The U.S. Is Running Parallel Governments. All U.S. Citizens Have Dual Citizenship & Are “Volunteered” as Property. How to Unvolunteer: “U.S. National / State Citizen Comprehensive Guide (Non Citizen National)”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s commentary:

In my personal search for clarity about the confusing (deliberately) and complicated legal maze of control over those of us who were born into or naturalized into United States citizenship, I recently came upon the website “National Status – Repatriating Freedom Seekers”.

Going through their various resources and taking their course has made many things clear and has provided me with specific steps to take, as well as coherent instructions and documentation.

I’m sharing it here for those who have been doing a similar search through the volumes of videos, books, websites and documents out there, only to find themselves overwhelmed with bits and pieces of the puzzle that don’t quite fit together.

From the National Status Introduction page:

“When you were born on American soil, you were born a National. However through legal presumption you are assumed to be a US citizen, which is completely and personally subject to the Federal Government.

“This control is feudal in nature. As a US citizen you are property of the federal government. As property your labor is collateralized, bonded, and traded.

“However, the nature of your servitude is voluntary. It has to be, because our 13th amendment forbids involuntary servitude. It’s voluntary however only because you didn’t know that you had another choice.

“Our goal is to make you aware of this choice and, if you so choose, volunteer out.”

From the National Status Forums page:

“This website was created by an independent group of nationals who have repatriated themselves from the servitude of U.S. Citizenship. It serves as a resource and a platform for anyone interested in beginning their journey to true freedom as a national. Please share with other freedom seekers.

“DISCLAIMER: The information shared on this website is free and for educational purposes only. We do not sell anything or offer any tax, political or legal advice. Use at your own discretion.”

Through the National Status website, I was led to the video that is shared below. A transcript has been prepared for your study and reference.

As always, information shared at Truth Comes to Light is done in the spirit of conversation. This is not legal advice, nor is it any other type of advice or call to action. All of these decisions are serious in nature and require study, dedicated consideration, and personal choice. 

Thank you to National Status for offering all of these materials at no cost to the public. Compiling this information and presenting in a way that we all can understand requires a great amount of time, talent, and work (not to mention their personal years of research, study, trial and error), in addition to financial costs of maintaining a website. They have created a great resource for us all.

~ Kathleen


U.S. National / State Citizen Comprehensive Guide (Non Citizen National)

by U.S. National Guide


Original video is found at USA National Guide YouTube channel. Find mirrored copies at BitChute, Odysee, & Brighteon


Message from video creator as found below the original YouTube video.

This video is a comprehensive, beginner’s guide to U.S. Nationality, State Citizenship, and how U.S. Citizens are property. Below are timestamps to sections of the video, as well as all the links referenced.

CORRECTIONS: Civil Rights are mistakenly called constitutional rights as they are given by the constitution (14th amendment), but are totally opposite of God-given Rights that are Constitutionally PROTECTED.

The affidavit should say the city and state in which you’re domiciled, not Los Angeles California.

A W-4v can be sent instead of a W-4, but some employers won’t accept it. Fill out numbers 1-3 on the W-4v normally (put the SSN). Leave 5 and 6 blank unless applicable. Check 7.

If you need to fill out a W-4, do not fill it out as I described in the video. Instead, as described in the form’s instructions on how to file as exempt, write “Exempt” under 4c, and other only fill out steps 1a, 1b, and 5. Always put your zip code and SSN in brackets.
When filling out a W-4 or W-4v add “Done in Good Faith” at the end of your signature.

For state taxes there are equivalent forms called “Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate” for each state.

When rescinding a ticket you can also include “REFUSED” and “CEASE AND DESIST.”

Roger Sayles Radio Ranch:

National USA Telegram Channel:

Certificates of Non Citizen Nationality:

American Samoan Citizenship Case:

Legal Word Games:

Voter Registration Cancellations:

Internal Revenue Code:

Possible Sales Tax Exemption:

Templates (copy the file rather than requesting to edit):

Private License Plates:
Premade (Cars and Motorcycles) –
Custom (Cars) –
Custom (All Kinds of Vehicles) –

James C Lovett:

Social Security Status Correction:

00:00 – Intro
02:09 – History
05:19 – 13th Amendment
06:13 – 14th Amendment
08:11 – Court Rulings
11:10 – Rights
14:10 – Change in Government
17:02 – U.S. Citizens are Property
20:03 – Immigration and Nationality Act
23:11 – How You Agreed
26:55 – Privileges Nationals Don’t Have
27:17 – Taxes, Codes, and Mandates
31:40 – UCC 1-308
33:26 – How To
48:09 – Passport
50:43 – Police and Driving
54:15 – Optional Steps
55:15 – Outro


Connect with USA National Guide

Please link to the original YouTube version to check for any updates, to share your comments with the author/creator of the video, and to read the comments of other viewers.


Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:


I’m sure you’ve wondered how the government is able to chip away at our Constitutional rights. Despite all the checks and balances our founding fathers put in. Since early 2020, that question has been asked more than ever before.

That question can only be answered with another question. Did you know that all U.S. citizens have dual citizenship?

Today, using verifiable factual information as well as decades of experience and research, you are going to discover how United States citizens unknowingly volunteered to be the property of the United States government.

More importantly, you are going to learn how to stop volunteering.

Welcome to a comprehensive guide to becoming a state citizen, commonly known as a U.S. national and mistakenly known as a non-citizen national.

Before we can begin, this is for educational purposes only. Nothing in this video is a call to action. I am not telling or suggesting anyone does anything, nor am I responsible for anyone else’s actions. I am not discussing the topic of sovereign citizens or private citizens as I stray clear from misinformation and disinformation.

Credit must be given to Roger Sayles, the host of Radio Ranch, as most of this information is from his teachings. Roger has been so gracious as to share this with the world and to spend two hours every weekday answering people’s questions on his radio show. You can find information on how to listen or call into his radio show in the description. []

Anyone who has any questions or comments on what I’ve discussed, feel free to leave a comment below [see original YouTube video to leave your comment] and if it goes beyond the scope of this video, be sure to ask Roger on his show. Also, the U.S. National Telegram group is linked down below as well.[]

When the united states of America was founded, it was the only country in recorded human history, possibly other than the Roman Republic, that recognized and protected God-given, inalienable rights to freedom. The fatal flaw was the acceptance of slavery.

You will see shortly how the Civil War, which we are told ended slavery, was used to enslave all Americans. But first we must discuss what it was like to be a free American before the war.

As most know, the Constitution for the United States of America secured citizens of the states inalienable rights given by the Creator. All government and legal action had to abide by the rules set out in the Constitution and still does, including Common Law, which the founding fathers adopted from England. Common Law means that when a supreme or appellate court makes a ruling on how to interpret a law, that decision is applied across the state or country depending on the jurisdiction of that court.

Jurisdiction is another concept that is important to understand. Jurisdiction is defined as the power to make decisions. For example, the United States Supreme Court only has that power to make decisions for citizens and residents of the United States. They cannot decide what happens to a Brazilian citizen residing in Brazil.

Most who have read and understand the system of government set up by the Constitution are amazed by how just and free it is. So how is it possible that it has corrupted into the system you see today? Is this system unconstitutional?

Fortunately, it is constitutional, and that’s why the courts have allowed it to continue to play out. I say fortunately because that shows the system still works. They must abide by its rules, and that must mean that there is a way out. So let’s find out how.

In some interpretations, the Civil War was not a war over slavery like many have been led to believe. It was a war over states rights.

I’m sure some of you instantly had alarm bells ringing when I made that statement. Due to media propaganda perpetrated by the federal government (one could look into Operation Mockingbird) many immediately associate that interpretation with racism and slavery, as if the northerners were altruistic, loving people that were fed up with the racist Democrats in the south. They then spread the lie that the parties switched, to explain why the Republicans are now the racist ones.

The harsh reality is the Civil War had much less to do with slavery than we’re led to believe. Many politicians from both sides were and still are racist, and they’ve worked together to enslave all Americans regardless of skin color.

After the Civil War, the 13th and the 14th Amendments were instituted. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery by stating,

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

The word ‘their’ being plural as the jurisdiction is of the several states.

Obviously voluntary servitude is omitted. A free person would have every right to serve whatever or whomever they please. That also means that you would have to be able to stop volunteering for it to remain constitutional.

Before we discover how to stop volunteering to be the slaves of the United States government, let’s see how we were tricked into doing so in the first place.

The 14th Amendment allowed all people born in the United States to become citizens by stating,

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

There are three important things to notice in that statement.

First, this amendment is referring to a single jurisdiction, as it’s referring to the level of a singular federal government. This is distinctly different from the reference to several jurisdictions in the 13th Amendment. The importance of this will become clear shortly.

Second, it says AND subject to the jurisdiction thereof, not ARE subject to the jurisdiction thereof — meaning people can be born here or naturalized without being subject to the United States federal government’s jurisdiction.

How that can be lies in the rest of the sentence where it says,

“…citizens of the United States AND of the State wherein they reside.”

What happened here is the creation of a new class of citizenship. Before the 14th Amendment, a citizen of one of the several states was automatically a citizen of the united states of America. There was no such thing as a citizen of the United States federal government. People born in Washington, D.C. were not citizens. Again, the only status was a state citizen.

To understand this dual citizenship, let’s read some court rulings.

If at any point you’d like to ponder or read these rulings for yourself, feel free to pause, they will all be on screen.

The ruling on Tashiro v. Jordan [201 Cal. 236 (1927)] states,

“That there is a citizenship of the United States and a citizenship of a state,…”

The ruling on Kitchens v. Steele [112 F. Supp. 383] states,

” citizen of the United States, is a citizen of the federal government…”

The ruling on Gardina v. Board of Registrars of Jefferson County [160 Ala. 155; 48 So. 788 (1909)] states,

“There are then, under our republican form of government, two classes of citizens, one of the United States and one of the state.”

The ruling on U.S. v. Anthony [24 Fed. 829 (1873)] states,

“The term resident and citizen of the United States is distinguished from a Citizen of one of the several states, in that the former is a special class of citizen created by Congress.”

Remember that term resident. It’ll be important later. I will use the term U.S. Citizen, Federal Citizen and 14th Amendment Citizen interchangeably, as you can now see that they are one and the same.

It is evident then that there is a federal and a state citizenship. So can someone be one without being the other?

These next court rulings will make that clear.

The ruling on McDonel v. The State [90 Ind. 320 (1883)] says,

“…he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and a voter of the State,…”

“One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States.”

The same U.S. v. Anthony case [24 Fed. Cas. 829, 830] from earlier, also stated in the ruling,

“…an individual can be a Citizen of one of the several states without being a citizen of the United States.”

Crosse v. The Bd. of Supervisors [221 A.2d 431 (1966) ruled that,

“Both before and after the Fourteenth Amendment to the federal Constitution, it has not been necessary for a person to be a citizen of the United States in order to be a citizen of his state.”

I can hear you thinking, ‘Okay, okay, I believe you. What does it matter though? Do I want to be solely a state citizen and not a citizen of the federal government? What’s the difference?’

To answer those questions, we must read some far more interesting court rulings. This is where it gets juicy.

The ruling on Belmont v. Town of Gulfport [122 S0. 10] stated,

“Taxpayers are not State Citizens.”

U.S. v. Slater [545 Fed. Supp. 179, 182 (1982)] decided in its ruling,

“Unless the defendant can prove he is not a citizen of the United States, the IRS has the right to inquire and determine a tax liability.”

Before I get into why a state citizen doesn’t have to pay taxes, you must understand the difference in the rights of a federal and state citizen.

In the Supreme Court ruling on Jones v. Temmer [89 F.Supp 1226], it was decided,

“The privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the Bill of Rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens. Instead, this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government. It does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship.”

You heard that right. The Bill of Rights is not protected for U.S. citizens, for 14th Amendment federal citizens.

Want more proof?

In the case of Hague v. CIO [307 US 496, 520], it was decided,

“…the first eight amendments have uniformly been held not to be protected from state action by the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment.”

In the ruling on the case of Twining v. New Jersey [211 US 78, 98-99], it was decided,

“The right to trial by jury and civil cases, guaranteed by the 7th Amendment… and the right to bear arms guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment… have been distinctly held not to be privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States guaranteed by the 14th Amendment… and in effect the same decision was made in respect of the guarantee against prosecution except by indictment of a grand jury contained in the 5th Amendment… and in respect of the right to be confronted with witnesses contained in the 6th Amendment… it was held that the indictment, made indispensable by the 5th Amendment and trial by jury guaranteed by the 6th Amendment, were not privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States, as those words were used in the 14th Amendment. We conclude, therefore, that the exemption from compulsory self-incrimination is not a privilege or immunity of National [Federal] citizenship guaranteed by this clause of the 14th Amendment.”

That is absolutely shocking. What rights do U.S. Citizens have then?

Well, the Supreme Court ruling on U.S. v. Valentine [288 F. Supp 957] will tell us. It states,

“The only absolute and unqualified right of a United States citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States.”

That’s it. That is the one right of a United States citizen. All else is a privilege that can be taken away at any time.

It’s starting to make sense how they’re able to do all that we are seeing happen in the world, how they can punish us for victimless crimes and tax us on everything we own.

What has happened here is that we’ve switched from the jurisdiction of constitutional law to the jurisdiction of commercial law, the law of merchants.

Shortly after the passing of the 14th Amendment, the United States incorporated. When you hear United States, that is the corporation. When you hear united states of America, that is the original country.

Notice that the words united and states are not capitalized because they are describing the states rather than referring to a specific entity because the jurisdiction was of multiple states.

More capitalization is often a sign of corporate jurisdiction as that is a single entity. It’s a proper noun.

They also created this change on a state level. All the state governments, like California state, for example, were incorporated and this time they began with an uppercase S for State of, like in State of California, as opposed to California state, where the state was lowercase.

I bet you didn’t know that the State of California is not based in Sacramento, like California state was. The State of California is based in Washington, DC, along with all other 49 ‘state of’ governments.

The original governments are still there. They are just overlaid by this corporation.

All the original government positions still exist. They are just empty.

After creating these changes, the United States gave the former slaves US citizenship, which guaranteed them civil rights rather than constitutional rights.

As you’ve seen, there is only one absolute right US Citizens have access to. The rest are privileges. All civil rights are, are privileges. They slowly made every new child a federal citizen through their birth certificates until every state citizen was also a federal citizen.

You just saw with the names of the states and country that the capital letters are often a sign of the corporate entity.

Ever wondered why names are in all capital letters on a birth certificate or a driver’s license or a social security number?

So why would the government want to make everyone a United States Citizen as well? Let’s read the last two court cases for the answer.

In the ruling on Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox [298 U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed. 1143, 56 S.Ct. 773], it was stated,

“Therefore, the U.S. citizens residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity.”

In the ruling on Hendrick v. Maryland [S.C. Reporter’s Rd. 610-625. (1914)], it was decided,

“A ‘US Citizen’ upon leaving the District of Columbia becomes involved in ‘interstate commerce,’ as a ‘resident’ does not have the common law right to travel, of a Citizen of one of the several states.”

You heard that right, U.S. Citizens are property and if they’re outside of DC, that property is an interstate commerce.

Of course, it’s all about power and money. They can do just about whatever they want to U.S. Citizens other than infringe on their sole right to residing here.

You’ve probably heard the statement, property can’t own property. That’s why they can tax U.S. Citizens on all their income and property. They don’t really own it. Taxes are like their rent and interest.

That sure gives them a lot of money, as does all the debt they’ve built up.

I’m sure you’ve wondered who the government is $30 trillion in debt to. Some of you know it’s the Federal Reserve Bank, which truly isn’t a government agency.

What sort of bank gives out loans without collateral? Well, it turns out, U.S. Citizens, since they are property, are the collateral.

That is why our birth certificates look like warehouse receipts. That is why our birth certificates and our driver’s licenses and our social security cards all have bonds against them.

If a state citizen is having a child, it is highly recommended to not sign their birth certificate and establish their nationality in other ways. But I’m getting way ahead of myself.

How could someone who is already a U.S. Citizen get out of this? Can people reclaim the rights and stop paying taxes?

I said it’s constitutional, so people must be able to just stop volunteering, right? Well that’s right.

But to understand how you can get out, how anyone could get out, you must understand the three statuses that exist in this country and be wary of enormous mistakes some people have made.

They’ve done their best to make this as tricky and confusing as possible and to take that further, they had to add in a third status and change the name of the original one.

With the Immigration and Nationality Act, or INA, what used to be called a state citizen or a citizen of the united states of America was covered up by the term U.S. National. I will use these three terms interchangeably, State Citizen, Citizen of the United States of America and U.S. National.

You’ve seen now that one can be a state citizen or U.S. National without being a U.S. Citizen, or one can be both a U.S. National and a U.S. Citizen. This and the third status was further described in the INA as referenced on the Department of State website in this article titled “Certificates of Non-Citizen Nationality”, the link to which is in the description below.


The third [? second] paragraph states,

“As defined by the INA, all U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals but only a relatively small number of persons acquire U.S. nationality without becoming U.S. citizens.”

This further confirms that one can be a U.S. national, which was previously referred to as a state citizen, without being a U.S. Citizen. The third status is a non-citizen national, which this article explains. Such a person is not a citizen of one of the united states of America or of the United States Federal Corporation, yet is still considered a national. Currently, the only such people are the people of American Samoa and Swains Island. By not giving these people birthright citizenship, the government was able to claim that U.S. nationality only exists to preserve these indigenous cultures.

We all know how much the government cares about indigenous cultures here in America. This is so important to them that when the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah ruled in 2020 that American Samoans should be given U.S. citizenship by birthright, both the United States Federal Government and the American Samoan government contested the ruling within 24 hours. You can check the description for an article on where that case went.


Using this third status to hide the original citizenship not only worked, as people believed that a national is an American Samoan, it also caused some problems for people attempting to become U.S. nationals. Some people mistakenly revoked both of their citizenships and chose to become a non-citizen national. By doing so, they lost their chance to reclaim their constitutional rights and had to either leave the country, go to American Samoa or apply for nationalization.

These are likely the horror stories you may have heard about becoming national. The words we use are very important. I advise avoiding making the mistake of giving up all citizenship.

Now that that’s clear, I can discuss the ways people have continued to affirm the false presumption that was assigned to them at birth that they are U.S. Citizens.

The main way they’ve done this is by asking specific questions anytime U.S. Citizens have gone to court, wanted a driver’s license, started a bank account, etc.

The first of which is: Are you a U.S. Citizen? Which we now know means are you a former slave claiming civil rights or a state citizen giving up their constitutional rights to claim civil rights? Phrased like that, I’m sure just about everyone would answer no.

When asked where they are a citizen of, a U.S. national would say, ‘of the united states of America’, as they still are a citizen of the united states of America. They are just no longer a citizen of the United States incorporated.

The second question often asked is: Are you a resident? This is another word game. Most normally would think, resident is a geographical term, that it’s about where you reside. In this context though, it has a different meaning.

A resident was a term created to give the federal government jurisdiction over the former slaves in order to protect them from their state by having them just be residents in that state. So now we see that the question means are you residing in one of the several states and seeking the federal government’s protection from that state? Phrased like that, again, almost no one would answer yes to that question.

So when asked where they are a resident of, a U.S. national would avoid using the term ‘resident’ altogether, or ‘reside’ altogether, and say something along the lines of, ‘I’m currently living in this state or on this state’ really.

Another trick they use is asking you if you are ‘that person’ or ‘a person’. [Are you that/a/the person…?] This is mostly used in court cases.

Obviously you are a person and you will get in a lot of trouble if you say you are not because you are. But in this case, this is a legal term referring to United States property.

A U.S. national would say, I am not THAT person. The words we use are very important. You must know their word games to stop playing their game. The common definition to words are very different to those they use, which are found in Black’s Law Dictionary.

If you are choosing to get a copy of Black’s Law Dictionary, I highly recommend one of the first four versions, as a lot of the definitions have been altered in later versions.

By setting this system up like this, they have convinced people to agree to giving up their rights and becoming property by choosing U.S. Citizenship over their state citizenship.

To learn more of their word games, feel free to watch the video I’ve linked in the description.

[Black’s Law Dictionary why you need to learn their legalise in order to play the game! by James C. Lovett –]

The other primary way they legitimize the false presumption is through voting.

State citizens that are not also federal citizens do not have access to the privilege of running or voting in federal elections. Voting in federal elections is agreeing to the federal corporate jurisdiction. Below is a link to cancel voter registration.


I’ve heard nationals can become an elector rather than a voter, though I know nothing about this. If you’d like more information on that, Roger, the host of Radio Ranch, or someone on his show might know something about that.

Anyway, this topic brings up the question. Are there any other privileges that U.S. Citizens have that U.S. Nationals don’t? Other than voting, the primary privileges are financial incentives given out by the federal government, which are truly trivial compared to how much U.S. Citizens pay in taxes.

And that leads us perfectly to everyone’s favorite part. State citizens are not subject to the jurisdictional statements of codes or mandates, such as the United States Code or State Penal Codes. That does mean that nationals don’t need to register or get permits for their firearms. This is because the Penal Codes refer to ‘persons’, and we know now that nationals are not those persons.

As for the United States Code, the titles claim jurisdiction over U.S. citizens and residents.

Everyone’s favorite code, Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, has a little extra terminology in there. Let’s read it together to understand what taxes U.S. nationals are liable to pay. A link to this page is in the description.


Title 26 states,

“Section 1 of the Code imposes an income tax on the income of every individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States and, to the extent provided by section 871(b) or 877(b), on the income of a nonresident alien individual.”

As you can see, non-resident, alien individuals are only liable to two sections of the income tax, which happen to be two incredibly irrelevant taxes that the average person will never pay.

But would a U.S. national be considered a non-resident alien? They certainly aren’t citizens or residents of the United States, so that covers the non-resident part. But what makes them alien? Well, if an alien is a citizen of a different country and nationals are citizens of the united states of America, which we now know to be a different country than the United States, then it seems U.S. nationals are non-resident aliens as far as the income tax is concerned. Therefore, the average state citizen is not liable to pay income tax.

So that clears up a huge portion of taxes, yet property, sales and corporate taxes remain. U.S. Citizens can be taxed on their property because they don’t truly own it, as property can’t own property.

Nationals have the ability to raise the patent to their land, which gives them the highest jurisdiction over it, making them exempt from taxes and from the need to follow building codes and to get permits. That is quite an in-depth subject, so I’ll leave it to the expert, Ron Gibson. Feel free to research his work, lectures and interviews if you’re interested. Though be careful in researching this, as there is a large amount of false information attempting to defame him and his work. Anyway, let’s move on to sales tax.

Some may be aware that companies are liable to pay sales tax, not individuals. The companies choose to add it on to the price at the point of sale in order to make their products look cheaper while browsing. Therefore, one usually can’t get out of sales tax, but anyone, regardless of if they’re a national, can request that the company pays the tax without adding it onto the price. They may not always do this, but it’s worth a try with larger purchases like a vehicle.

Finally, there are corporate taxes. Since corporations are part of the corporate system the U.S. has built on, they must pay taxes. Luckily, I’m sure there are ways that a state citizen business owner could raise their salary to the point that the business has no income to pay taxes on, and then they could use that money to reinvest into the business.

There is also the option of creating a private membership organization, also known as an unincorporated business. If you’re interested in that topic, further research into corporate taxes or unincorporated organizations is recommended.

So some may be wondering, if a national is no longer subject to that commercial law, how can they assign commercial contracts without giving up their rights? Is stating that you’re not a U.S. Citizen enough? They won’t even know what that is.

So there happens to be a part of the Uniform Commercial Code that will help us out here. This code can be used by both federal and state citizens.

UCC, meaning Uniform Commercial Code, 1-308 is a section of the Uniform Commercial Code that allows people to sign documents with the words ‘without prejudice’ in their signature to reserve their rights. It’s like saying, ‘My common law supersedes your commercial law’.

Some people choose to add ‘UCC 1-308’ or just ‘1-308’ to their signatures, usually if there isn’t much space, or sometimes they add it after words ‘without prejudice’ to be safe. The code also provides the option to sign the words ‘under duress’ or ‘U.D.’, meaning you’re being forced into signing. That one is best used in all dealings with law enforcement or any government employees or agencies, but we’ll get into that later.

It’s recommended to allow the signature to bleed into the statement in case anyone attempts to white it out.

Finally, what you’ve all been waiting for.

Now that we understand why a person would choose to do so and what the repercussions would be, it is time to learn how someone can rebut the false presumption of federal citizenship and regain access to constitutional rights.

Let’s quickly return to the page about non-citizen nationality from the Department of State’s website to see how.


At the bottom of the page it is stated,

“Any person who becomes a citizen of the United States solely by virtue of the provisions in Section 301 [applying to those born in or residing in the Northern Mariana Islands] may within six months after the effective date of that Section or within six months after reaching the age of 18 years, whichever date is later, become a national but not a citizen of the United States by making a declaration under oath before any court established by the Constitution or laws of the United States or any other court of record in the Commonwealth in the form as follows “I _____ being duly sworn, hereby declare my intention to be a national but not a citizen of the United States.”

Now that’s crowded in a lot of unnecessary and misleading information, so I’ll simplify it for you. Any U.S. citizen can, with one sentence declaration put into their records, declare themselves a national but not a citizen of the United States.

That sentence can be altered or added to but must be changed carefully. Once again, if the terms ‘revoke my citizenship’ or anything similar is used, that could be misinterpreted as both citizenship statuses and that person would be left as a non-citizen national.

So now that we’ve seen how easy it is to get out, it’s become very clear why they’ve gone to such links to hide this and set up so many traps and word games on the way.

Let’s go through the process step by step.

This is being shared for educational purposes only. I am not encouraging anyone to do this. Your servitude is your choice. A collection of all the sample documents used will be linked in the description.

[download from this group of file:]

The first step is signing an affidavit in front of a notary. The notary confirms a person’s identity. Most people choose to have about five originals notarized as they will send out three of them and keep two for themselves, usually in separate locations in case one is destroyed, just to be safe.

Let’s go over a sample affidavit. Only that sentence referenced above is required but most choose to add more to make it entirely clear to the other organizations they’ll send this to which might not know that much about this topic.

This document is titled “Citizenship Evidence Affidavit”.

It states,

“I, [you’d put your full name here], being of sound mind and lawful age, do solemnly declare:

“1) The 1st clause of the 14th Amendment states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the state wherein they reside.”.

“2) The 1st clause of the 14th Amendment does not say: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, ‘are’ subject to the jurisdiction thereof….”

“3) The 1st clause of the 14th Amendment contains two requirements for United States citizenship: (a) that a person be born or naturalized in the United States and (b) that a person be subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

“4) I am not restricted by the 14th Amendment, because I receive no protection from it and I have no reciprocal obligation to a 14th Amendment allegiance or sovereignty. Thus I owe no obedience to anyone under the 14th Amendment. United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898). Thus, I am not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof….”

The first three statements set up the argument and then that fourth one that we read has a case in it that is referenced that backs up the statement in the fourth section. Let’s continue.

“5) The Department of State document, “Certificates of Non-Citizen Nationality,” located at says — in part — in the 3rd paragraph: “Section 101(a)(21) of the INA defines the term ‘national’ as ‘a person owing permanent allegiance to a state.’ Section 101(a)(22) of the INA provides that the term ‘national of the United States’ includes all U.S. citizens as well as persons who, though not citizens of the United States, owe permanent allegiance to the United States (non-citizen nationals).” “

“6) I, hereby, declare that I am a national but not a citizen of the United States.”

So number five proves the existence of the national status. And then that status is declared in number six. Let’s continue.

“7) This Affidavit is submitted to legally and lawfully rebut the fraudulent legal presumption, that I am a “citizen of the United States” under the scope and purview of the 14th Amendment’s Federal citizenship and that such Federal citizenship grants me “civil rights”.
“8) I am “non resident” to the “residency” of the 14th Amendment and “alien” to the “citizenship” thereof; therefore I am not subject to the jurisdictional statements of the United States Code.
“9) As the tax imposed in 26 U.S.C. 1, pursuant to 26 C.F.R. 1.1-1 is on “citizens” and “residents” as contemplated in the 14th Amendment, it is not applicable to me, as I am neither a “citizen” nor a “resident”.
a. Notwithstanding the fact that I may have, previously, filed U.S. Individual Income Tax Returns, such filings were done by mistake as I was unaware that these filings were mandated only for citizens and residents of the United States as contemplated by the 14th Amendment.
“10) Furthermore, I am not a “resident” of any state under the 14th Amendment and hereby publicly disavow any contract, form, agreement, application, certificate, license, permit, or other document that I or any other person may have signed expressly or by acquiescence that would grant me any privileges and thereby ascribe to me rights and duties under a substantive system of law other than the Constitutional Contract of 1787 for the united states of America and of the constitutions for the several states of the Union, exclusive of the 14th Amendment.
“11) I reiterate that I have made the above determinations and made this declaration under no duress, coercion, promise of reward or gain, or undue influence and of my own free will, with no mental reservation and with no intent to evade any legal duty under the laws of the United States or any of the several states.
“12) At any time, I reserve the right to amend and correct wherever necessary or to rescind and revoke this document.
This line allows fixing the affidavit or even changing the status back if one misses being the property of the United States. It was Benjamin Franklin who said, those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Let’s continue.

“13) I invite any individual who has reason to believe that I am in error in my facts and conclusions above to file an affidavit stating the contrary facts and conclusions, signed under penalty of perjury before a person authorized by law to administer and witness an oath.”

This line is important to understand. To disagree with the affidavit, they must also sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury. Since everything in it is factually true, they will never do that unless they want to go to court. Finally it states,

“I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct.”

Once the notary instructs to do so, one would then sign this document, print their name at the bottom and add the date. It is not necessary to sign this one without prejudice as it is not a contract with another party but can be done anyway just in case.

On the back, there is a California jurat for the notary to fill out. How each state handles jurats and notarized documents may differ so that could require more research for other states.

It is important to print it double-sided to assure the proof of notarization stays with the document.

Once that is complete, one would mail out an original copy of the affidavit, one of their original five, to the Department of State or to the Secretary of State themself, to put them on notice of the new status.

The Department of State handles citizenship, as they are the one who hands out passports. Putting them on notice is most important as they have the highest government jurisdiction over citizenship. Most mail this out with a certified return receipt. This will require them to mail back signed proof they have received the letter.

In the package would also be a cover letter, not stapled on.

Sending the affidavit with just a cover letter is considered sending it cold or naked. They cannot respond to a naked affidavit with anything other than their own affidavit, which we discussed why they won’t do. Therefore, this is the ideal start, so it’s already on file and all future notices or applications must be accepted because the status has already been changed.

Getting nothing in response but a return receipt is a sign that everything was done right, as they have nothing left to say. Here is a sample cover letter.

The highlighted parts are to be edited for each individual. An important part to point out is the statement,

“Notice to the principal is notice to the agent. Notice to the agent is notice to the principal.”

This essentially means that notifying the head of the department is notice to all of the employees and notifying an employee is notice to the head of the department.

Another important thing to point out is at the bottom where it says to add a national passport number or social security number. This is optional but will make the process much faster and will be important if you have a very common name so they can identify you. The passport number can be from an expired passport and I would imagine the passport number would be ideal for every agency other than the IRS who would likely prefer social security numbers.

The IRS is put on notice in a very similar way. Once the tracking number confirms the department of state has received the notice, one can proceed to noticing the IRS and other agencies.

The cover letter and package would be addressed to the IRS commissioner and cc’d to the Department of Treasury and franchise tax board of a state. Some states allow other states to handle collecting federal taxes, so research is required.

It is recommended to send the commissioner one of the original five affidavits and to give the Department of Treasury and franchise tax board a photocopy which would be double sided as well.

Here is a sample of the cover letter.


Notice that it says,

“Legal lawful notice. Not to be construed as a filing.”

This part is very important which is why it is highlighted. It is not meant to be edited like the other highlighted portions.

The IRS can charge $5,000 for a frivolous filing fee. By clarifying that this is a notice and not a filing, they are prevented from doing that.

Along with those three letters, there are a slew of other agencies people choose to put on notice with copies of their affidavit. Remember, these copies must be photocopied front and back to include the jurat.

The main agencies people choose are the local agencies. The cover letter would be addressed to the state’s attorney general and some examples of who would be cc’d are the district attorney, the county sheriff, the state highway patrol commissioner, state highway patrol chief of the local division and local police departments.

Some are recommending noticing the county medical examiner-coroner as they may have higher jurisdiction than the sheriff in some areas. It is even becoming common to put the county health director as there have been attempts to give them higher jurisdiction than the sheriff as well.

Here is an example list of who people can choose to cc if they lived in Los Angeles County for example. Some cities have their own police department separate from the LAPD so you’ll see them listed there as well.

Finally, if a national pays payroll taxes, they tend to put their employer on notice as well with an affidavit copy. If they require filling a W-4 form, it’s signed “without prejudice” with your signature.

[TCTL editor’s note: For W-4 instructions, see video creator’s correction and clarification found below the original YouTube video and also found above, directly under the video. Guidance on this is also found with the course and reference materials at]

The word “EXEMPT” in all capital letters is written in the box asking for income and N/A (meaning not applicable) in the boxes such as those asking for your social security number, dependents and marital status.

Around two weeks after the Department of State has received the affidavit, most nationals choose to get a form of identification that reflects their status. This is done through the passport.

They either apply for a passport or renew their passport by mail if eligible. In both cases, an original affidavit, one of the original five copies, is put between the pages of the application. Since the Department of State has the affidavit on file already, they cannot reject the application for the inclusion of the affidavit because the affidavit is already on record and therefore it is true in regards to your citizenship.

Some people cannot renew and must apply for a new one. In this case, some say to avoid using the birth certificate as proof of identity because it’s proof of the identity as a corporate entity, though the affidavit may be enough to counteract that. If required, then you have to go in person and apply for a new passport. Nationals are sure to say they would like a passport that reflects their status and they say nothing else. Just leave it at that.

It is important to also get a passport card. This works as an ID as well as for travel by land or sea in much of North America. A passport book can be obtained as well in that same application for those that like to be able to travel internationally.

The book and card will look identical to anyone else’s. The only difference is what shows up on the computer when it is scanned.

I cannot confirm this next claim as it is anecdotal, but it’s still interesting to hear. One national said that when their passport was scanned at the airport, they were sent in line and a minute later the person ran over to get them, apologizing that they’d been sent to the normal line. They were then sent to the express line for free. It’s speculated they may be classified as a diplomatic courier in that system. They technically are foreign citizens as they are foreign to the United States corporation, so there is a chance this is true. Either way, it is much more common to use this to make a difference in a much more important situation.

The primary purpose of the passport card is to be the new identification card. For example, if a police officer is to pull a national over, the national would hand them the card and ask them to scan it as a passport card. Nine out of ten times, the police officer will let them go.

A government software developer claims that this is because their file will say, “do not arrest” or “do not detain” in big red letters. That again is anecdotal, but the reason isn’t too important as the result has been verified repeatedly by nationals all over the country. Occasionally, the officer will still write a ticket, which would, of course, be signed with “under duress” or “UD 1-308” with your signature.

When this gets to the district attorney’s office, they open up the national’s file, see the national is out of their jurisdiction and throw the ticket away.

One could also send them back the ticket within three days, just to be safe, as any contract can be cancelled within 72 hours. At the top, the word “rescind” would be written, followed by the date and a signature.

Some nationals choose to keep their driver’s license, just in case, as a person does technically need one to drive a registered vehicle. In some states, they will only give licenses to US citizens. In California, though, likely because of how many illegal immigrants live here, people have noticed that when pressing that they are not a US citizen on the computer at the DMV, the question “Are you a resident?” disappears. They then sign it “UD 1-308” and have no problems.

Many choose to return their driver’s license and their license plates to the DMV, asking for their accounts to be closed and cancelled and the data removed. The DMV can be very combative, so it’s often recommended to provide as little information as possible. One could simply say that they and their property will be leaving the jurisdiction of their state’s DMV. Those people that do this choose to buy private plates for their car. Some examples are on screen and links to private plate sellers are in the description below. [see links below video found at YouTube (original) or mirrored copies at Odysee or Rumble.]

Keep in mind, this can only be done by someone who owns their car and is not financing or leasing it. It is important to have the bill of sale as proof of ownership. People often choose to keep their insurance if they already have it. Otherwise, there are insurance companies that will ensure non-registered vehicles. Someone recommended Dairyland Insurance, but I personally cannot speak for them.

There is another word game here that can be confusing, so be sure to ask Roger Sayles if you feel lost. [Roger Sayles website:]

Technically, people are required to have a license to drive a motor vehicle. Nationals, though, have the right to travel in a private conveyance. That right to travel has been established by many court cases and was even referenced in the final court case we read together on citizens being involved in interstate commerce.

It is important the national states that they are traveling in their private conveyance in response to being told they need a license or license plates to drive a motor vehicle.

The last few steps we are going to speak about here are entirely optional, but beginning to become very popular in this community.

Some nationals choose to file a Freedom of Information Act for a copy of their Department of State administrative file to ensure their affidavit is in it. It is common to wait four to six months.

Some nationals choose to authenticate their birth certificate to take it out of the federal jurisdiction. Personally, I only see that as necessary for when one has to prove their identity with the birth certificate.

Finally, a national can continue to pay into and collect Social Security. Yet many choose to cancel their Social Security number and operate using trusts or alternative numbers the IRS provides.

For more information on the birth certificates and Social Security numbers, look through James C. Lovett’s YouTube channel linked in the description below.

[James C. Lovett’s channel:]

That was a comprehensive guide to state citizenship, U.S. nationality, and how U.S. citizens are property. Thank you for listening. I appreciate any feedback.

Feel free to share this with anyone and everyone. You can use this as you please as long as you link back to the original video so people can receive the complete information. Be sure to check the description for all the resources referenced. May we all be free.

[Leave all feedback and comments below the original YouTube video. ]


Cover image credit: TungArt7

No Oaths of Office in the Federal Government

No Oaths of Office in the Federal Government
Enemies destroying US government from within 

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
April 9, 2024


On January 10th of 1963, forty-five current communist goals were submitted to the Congressional record. Number thirteen was, “Do away with loyalty oaths.”

Sixty years later on the very same day, Biden, Obrador, and Trudeau met in Mexico City for the Declaration of North America which states a plan to unify North America under the ideas of diversity, climate change, migration, health, and regional security. The beginnings of a North American Union, which is a step towards a one world government.

According to law, elected officials must swear an oath that they will support, defend, and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And through the Freedom of Information Act, US attorney Todd Callender, along with his team at Project Proper Oath, found that not a single member of the existing cabinet has a valid oath of office.

US Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, has no oath of office, and has also failed to register as a foreign agent, which is required due to serving on the boards and conducting international business with Raytheon, Nucor, and Tenet Healthcare.

US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, responsible for declaring a national emergency during COVID, has no oath of office.

Former director of the Centers for Disease Control, Rochelle Walensky, had no oath of office.

US special counsel, Jack Smith, responsible for investigating the January 6th U.S. Capitol attack, has no oath of office.

US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Matthew Graves, chief prosecutor of Jan-sixers, has no oath of office.

Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, has no oath of office.

Within 30 days of appointment to public office, all public officials are legally required to have a signed and notarized copy of their oath of office. And it appears as if no elected officials in the Federal government have one. They are either non-existent, incomplete, or fraudulent. The fraudulent ones are missing signatures, are not notarized, and in most of them, the words “SO HELP ME GOD” are in all caps. In the US Constitution, “So help me God” is not in all caps. And this matters. As many have been telling us for decades, including the great Jordan Maxwell.

“Today, the entire world of mankind operates under a world law which is referred to as the law of the high seas or, International Maritime Admiralty. When you were born, you came out of your mother’s water. Since you came out of your mother’s water, you are a maritime product. This is why, when you were born, the doc (dock) has to sign your birth (berth) certificate. It’s a maritime Admiralty manifest showing that your mother brought you into the world and you are going to make money. Anything in this country, if it’s a lawful legal document of any kind, your name must be, according to maritime law, be in all capital letters. Why? Because you do not own your body. You do not own yourself. All capital letters name implies that you are a maritime admiralty product. You are not a human. You’re not a living entity. You’re a product.

“Your living entity person, the actual you, is represented under law by upper and lower case name. So you are a corporation, whether you know it or not. But you are merely a subsidiary of a larger corporation called UNITED STATES. This is the way the law works.”

~ Jordan Maxwell


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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: April 5, 2024 – RE His Court Case, Incarceration & Recently-Revealed Dossier Detailing Secret Actions of His Accusers

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: April 5, 2024 – RE His Court Case, Incarceration & Recently-Revealed Dossier Detailing Secret Actions of His Accusers


sourced from Reiner Fuellmich telegram channel (English)


video is mirrored at TCTL BitChute, Odysee & Brighteon channels

Transcript edited by TCTL:

Dear friends,

This is an, in more than one way, hopeful message. It consists of three parts.

There’s another statement which I gave in court a few days ago, and of which we have an English translation that’s available for those of you who are interested.

Together, with the already now infamous secret dossier written by the intelligence services and its English translation, it provides both the official evidence and further supporting facts that now prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the criminal proceeding against me is nothing but a, I quote from the dossier, “construct” to shut me up and put me behind bars without any legal substance whatsoever.

So here’s the deal.

Part One.

As I already told you a few times, I have always been very, very happy to receive your letters and postcards as they kept me going and my head above water in this very frustrating situation.

But what is happening now goes far beyond this lifeboat effect.

I am absolutely convinced that the incredible yet palpable, enormous push of positive energy that is all of a sudden reaching me is coming to me through your letters and postcards, but also through the vigils outside the prison, and the many of you who are supporting me by coming to the courtroom for the hearings,
plus your many other actions in my support.

Up until a few years ago though, I, as a rational attorney, would have probably thought that maybe I’m just imagining things. But I don’t think that this is possible anymore.

Never in my entire life have I been under such enormous pressure.

Six months of preliminary detention in a maximum security prison whose claim to fame, according to other more experienced inmates, is that here they do everything to break you, make you feel utterly powerless and helpless.

As an intended consequence of this detention, my capacity to defend myself is reduced to maybe five percent.

I have no access to my files, no access to my computer, and I cannot talk to the witnesses whom we want to hear.

However, as you already know, some crack under pressure, but we don’t. And I say “we” for a reason.

Despite this predicament I am always fully awake and focused when they take me to the courtroom. And believe it or not, it feels as though I am protected and clad in an impenetrable armor of energy and as though I carry an indestructible and invincible sword of energy.

There’s no doubt in my mind that it is your positive energy that does this. And I don’t think it’s fake.

No money in the world could buy me this, just like no money in the world can buy me the love of my wife, of whom I’m immensely proud.

Enough of these strange, emotional, spiritual ramblings of an otherwise rational attorney.

But I hope that through my sharing these feelings with you, I am giving you reason for hope and optimism too. In fact, I’m sure I do because I know who I’m talking to.

Part Two.

Last week, I told you that the excellent German journalist Paul Schreyer won a huge victory in court under the German version of the Freedom of Information Act. His court victory forced the German equivalent of the CDC to make secret documents available, which proved that the so-called pandemic was in reality a plandemic.

In light of the fact that the same thing happened simultaneously all over the world, it is very likely that — I mean, it was a lockstep thing — that this victory will have massive implications and ramifications worldwide.

What’s even more important is this, however. This very, very important piece of news, this victory did not get stuck in the alternative media alone. Rather, it was impossible for the mainstream media to ignore it because now many people,
many of them personally affected by the so-called measures, want to know the truth about Corona. And there will be more that they want to know.

And now there will be an official investigation here in Germany. Well, that is exactly what I did for three years. First with the Corona Committee and then with ICIC.

Part Three.

This development is especially helpful for my defense in this staged criminal proceeding against me. And that’s because now, all of a sudden and out of the blue, a secret dossier written out by the German intelligence services, headed by the German version of the FBI, whose current leader, ironically, was trained by my father, landed in our laps.

This dossier explains everything and shows that the criminal case against me is a staged construct. In fact, a very famous, and of course highly esteemed German law professor, who for the time being wants to remain anonymous, looked at the facts of my case and the charges and provided us with a short legal analysis.

He comes to the conclusion that it is, of course, no violation of a fiduciary duty if we took out the loans in order to temporarily protect part of that money from imminent attachment by the authorities. The very same authorities, by the way, who are responsible for the dossier.

As long as we were both willing and capable of repaying the loan, no problem, he says. And all the textbooks and all the case books say the very same thing.

As an aside, and I don’t want to blow my own horn here, I might add that without my work there probably would not have been any donations.

An additional, very crucial piece of information, I think I gave it to you before, makes the whole dossier and everyone involved in its execution look even more like a criminal conspiracy. Indeed, it makes the whole thing look like food for a RICO case.

The famous Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [RICO] designed to go after mafia crimes.

And here’s the thing. Less than two years ago, all the facts that are now relevant, including the loans, were brought to the attention of the senior DA, an experienced senior DA, district attorney in Goettingen.

She looked at the evidence and decided that there’s no basis for criminal investigation, let alone for a indictment and ordered the non-case to be closed.

So how can it be that less than two years later, based on a criminal complaint which real lawyers regard as obviously querulous and preposterous?

Another prosecutor, this time a very young, inexperienced assistant DA, had me kidnapped in Mexico so that I could be arrested at the Frankfurt Airport.

How can it be that this assistant DA never even tried to check the obviously insane charges in that criminal complaint?

For example, that I threatened the authors of the complaint with a Winchester rifle.

How can it be that that assistant DA refused to hear my side of the story while constantly communicating with my accusers? And why did he keep these many conversations with my accusers secret — a grave violation of his prosecutorial duty to include all the evidence, including such phone conversations in the files, and make all of this available to the defense?

Does this man have any what a fair trial means? Well, the dossier gives us all the answers.

It starts explaining about — actually in a very positive way — it starts explaining about how I had made a name for myself as an international attorney who fought both in court, through public interviews and speeches and through many publications for democracy, the rule of law and free speech and the protection of these values against attacks or overreach by private corporations and organizations. And it emphasizes that my international connections and friends made it possible for me to connect with an international community.

Despite of all this, they conclude that I present a danger to democracy because some people didn’t like what I was doing.

There’s no explanation as to who these some people are and on what basis they think that I presented danger for democracy.

So in order to stop me, and in particular to make it impossible for me to run for public office, the dossier advises that my immediate circle of people, those who I work with, should be infiltrated by an informant.

We know that this is a former politician who befriended the three Berlin attorneys, two of whom I had made the mistake of allowing them to work with us in the Corona Committee.

The idea behind this infiltration was to collect as much info about me as possible, and to then hire another agent, a prosecutor, to start a criminal proceeding against me.

The undercover informer who befriended the three attorneys manipulated them with false information about me into writing the above-mentioned, obviously idiotic, and as we know now, totally false complaint.

But the fact that the legal quality of the complaint was beyond the pale didn’t matter, as according to the dossier, another undercover agent, this time the assistant DA, would spring into action and make sure that none of the real experienced DAs in Goettingen would once again quash the case like the experienced senior DA had done based on the very same facts less than two years ago.

For this purpose, he was transferred from Hanover to Goettingen, intercepted the idiotic criminal complaint, and took charge of the matter. He proceeded with an illegal and unconstitutional secret investigation, which was actually limited to taking everything in the complaint as factually true without even trying to check either the allegations or the credibility of the three attorneys who filed it.

After more than a year of this so-called investigation, he made sure that none of his continuous telephone conversations with my accusers would show up in the file, and have me kidnapped in Mexico.

He then proceeded to write an indictment that matches the ineptitude of the three Berlin buffoons. Had he conducted an actual investigation, informed me about the charges, and given me an opportunity to respond, his case would have collapsed then and there like a house of cards.

Even if he had at least questioned the now totally destroyed credibility of my accusers, he would have immediately known that there was no case, only false accusations.

Why do I say this? Because on April 2nd and 3rd when the court, my attorneys, and I did what the assistant DA, who by the way never asked a single question, had failed to do — that is when we interrogated one of the three attorneys who filed the complaint, she admitted that the two central pillars of this totally false indictment on which it rests do not exist.

The first pillar is, in contrast to the indictment’s false central assumption, I as the director of the corporation that ran the Corona Committee, had the power to act completely independent of the others and did not need their approval for anything. This is of course of special importance in cases of emergency situations which we were facing back then.

It is especially important when two of the four directors do not participate in anything, and as the files show now, and my former co-host has actually confirmed, do not respond to anything.

Asked why they have falsely informed the assistant DA, the witness shrugged and said, “Oh well, looks like we made a mistake.”

The second pillar on which the indictment rests was its false assumption that I never intended to repay the loan, even though it was transparently listed in the corporation’s books and even though I had been the international face of the Corona Committee and relied on the Corona Committee’s financial security to continue with its work and then use its evidence to produce in international legal proceedings.

Even the courts now admit that this is not the case. That means that I was both willing and able to repay the loan.

Asked if the accusers had any evidence for this false allegation, she admitted that she had none, except for my former co-host’s equally false assumptions that were based on nothing but thin air.

In light of the dossier, we now believe she too was just another one of the dossier’s puppets.

Now that the two cornerstones of the indictment have come crashing down, it’s clear that the famous law professor’s legal analysis is correct, of course.

Under the circumstances, the loan was not a violation of a fiduciary duty to protect the donations. Au contraire, as my French friends would say, on the contrary.

Through this dossier, it has also become clear why the assistant DA acted so utterly incompetent and brazenly illegal, and why, despite the fact that there’s clear and convincing evidence that the three buffoons stole my money, my client’s money, he did nothing, didn’t even attach the bank account where the money is in order to secure whatever’s left of it, if there is anything left.

The female attorney whom we interrogated over the last couple of days literally admitted that the three attorneys had threatened the buyer of my house and forced him to divert much more than one million euros of my purchase price into their account.

After all this, it is next to impossible to escape the conclusion that the deal between the three buffoons and the assistant DA is that they helped him kidnap me and put me behind bars, and in return he would allow them to keep the stolen money and help them get all the other assets of the Corona Committee, namely the gold.

And it is equally hard to escape the conclusion that the assistant DA, whose ineptitude would have kept him from having a real career in real life, was promised exactly that, a real career based on the heroic ingenuity that led to my incarceration.

There are many more instances of outright displays of insanity by the actors in this evolving crime and spy show, but I’ll save this for another day. One thing is certain though, the evil side that is the not-so-very-intelligent intelligence services that set me up with the help of their undercover buffoons, never expected that my work in the Corona Committee and then in ICIC would be vindicated by the above-mentioned recent developments.

There will be an official investigation of the plandemic.

I’ll close by harkening back to the Winchester allegations.

Some of you may remember the TV show “The Rifleman” with Chuck Connors. Well, when I was a child and my father showed me the police academy’s rifle range, this was my favorite show. Watch the opening credits on YouTube and you’ll see Chuck Connors fire his rifle to bring justice. Well, that’s how I saw my father as a little boy.

Now, of course, I’m a grown man and I’m an attorney and that’s how I’ll make sure that justice will be done, as an attorney. But I still love that show, and my father of course.

See you later.


Connect with Reiner Fuellmich telegram | ICIC website

A Bridge in Baltimore: A Speculative Analysis

A Bridge in Baltimore, Part Two: A Speculative Analysis

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
April 3, 2024


On Monday last I attempted to gather together some significant and representative articles about the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore harbor after one of its load-bearing pylons was struck by the container ship Dali as it was attempting to leave the harbor.  I indicated then that I would offer, in Part Two of the blog, a speculative analysis of what I think might have happened, and, by implication, who might have been behind the incident.

I say “incident” because I do not, as of this writing, believe for a moment that this was a simple and sad accident as the goobernment and the F.I.B. (Federal Investigation Bureau) would have us believe. The government and its spokesmen are inveterate liars, and judging by the articles so many of you gathered and sent and which composed our article “round-up” in Part One, there are many out there who had the same initial reaction to the F.I.B.’s announcement as I: we simply don’t believe the “it-wasn’t-terrorism” narridigm.

But such events require more than just skepticism of government “obfuscations” in order to argue for the incident having been deliberately planned.

In Monday’s blog, I briefly mentioned that in order to understand the event, one might have to seek to situate it in a much wider context than even current geopolitical events such as the Moscow terrorist attacks. I did not, however, specify what that wider context might be, other than to include in the “round-up” of articles an article noting that global positioning systems in the Baltic region of Europe appeared to have been subject to massive jamming and spoofing over a 63 hour period, interfering with aircraft and ship positions during that period. Most assessments agree that this is the result of Russian electronic warfare measures, and on that score, I would concur.

But it is the capability itself that I wished to highlight by including that article, because that capability alludes to three other episodes in recent years that have also exercised my attention, and long-time regular readers here might recognize what they are: the USS Donald Cook Incident, the USS Fitzgerald Incident, and the USS John McCain Incident. In each of these incidents, a US Navy warship was involved. In the last two incidents, merchant ships collided with the warships under circumstances that I regard as peculiar and unusual, and while time and space do not permit me to review all those details here, the explanations of the Navy and the press at the time of the latter two incidents explained them as accidents and the result of poor decisions and training on the part of the officers and crews of the warships, in addition to the poor training on the part of the merchant vessels’ crews that collided with them. Aiding in these explanations are the fact that they occurred in some of the busiest shipping lanes in the world: the Malacca straits near Singapore (in the case of the McCain) and the busy waterways near Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan (in the case of the Fitzgerald). At the time of both incidents, I argued the behavior of the merchant ships that actually did the colliding with the US navy warships was suggestive of those ship’s steerage having been technologically (and perhaps remotely) accessed and controlled, and that the collisions may have been deliberate. At the time, some friends who had spent time in the Navy assured me that my speculations were nonsense, and that the accidents were, indeed, accidents. However, I remained then, and remain now, unpersuaded, and continue to believe that my speculations in this regard may be viable explanations. The relevance of those speculations to the Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident will be immediately apparent to the reader. We’ll return to that point in a moment.

What convinced me that such speculations were a possibility were the two USS Donald Cook Incidents. The first Incident, if the reader does not recall, occurred while the Aegis-class frigate was in the Black Sea in the tense weeks’ and months’ aftermath of the Maiden coup. An “obsolescent” Russian Sukhoi-22 fighter jet approached the ship on a very low altitude attack trajectory, and then apparently engaged some sort of electronic warfare technology that completely shut down the Donald Cook’s sophisticated electronics, leaving the vessel essentially a helpless bit of floating metal in the Black Sea.

Message received: the Donald Cook managed to restore enough of its electronics to limp to the Romanian port of Constanza (for “rest of the crew” as we were told at the time). A few months later, in the Baltic, the Incident was repeated, again with the Donald Cook and, once again, a Russian Sukhoi-22 fighter jet which approached at very low altitude on a mock attack run, and again, interfered with the warship’s electronics. Apparently the “crew rest” in Constanza, Romania had not fixed the problem. Message not received. (And sorry, no, I am not buying the idea that the US navy deliberately provoked the incidents to learn about Russian electronic capabilities, and that the US Navy is perfectly capable of countering them.)

This technological ability implies the possibility that a ship’s systems might be remotely accessed, interfered with, and possibly even commandeered to the extent that a crew no longer has control of the ship. And this in turn implies the possibility that such an event may have occurred with the Dali’s collision with the pylon of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. That something was happening on the Dali‘s bridge and engine rooms is apparent from the video that, by now, we have all seen: the ship makes its way down the channel, loses power, regains it, loses it again, regains it, smoke begins to pour out of a funnel toward the stern, the ship then appears to turn out of the main channel and to starboard and thus toward the southern pylon of the bridge, power goes out and on again, the ship hits the pylon, and the bridge collapses, taking the lives of some pot hole repair crews with it. Notably, as all of this is occurring, road traffic on the bridge continues until it suddenly stops in time for the bridge to be vacant of road traffic just before the collision. This is also a crucial point, for it means that there was communication between the ship and the shore, and that authorities were alerted to a problem on the ship, and to stop traffic from entering the bridge. This in turn means that the crew knew there was a problem, and that a collision was possible. This implies, in its turn, that the crew recognized  either that they had lost control of the ship or were about to.

So what do we have? We have (1) power losses, (2) smoke indicating that the ship’s big diesel engines might be being restarted, or some other possibility, (3) a probable notification of shore personnel that controlled access to the bridge by someone in the ship’s crew, or possibly by the harbor pilot,  to shut the bridge down, and finally(4) a starboard turn of the ship directly toward the southern pylon. We must not assume that the communication from the ship to the shore to alert the bridge controllers to shut down traffic occurred on the ship’s communications systems. If there was interference with the ship’s electronics (suggested by the power outages), other systems – cell phones, radios, &c – in the possession of the crew might not have been effected and hence might have been used. You’ll note that, in the articles gathered thus far, we have heard little to nothing about the composition of the crew other than that the ship’s master was, suggestively, Ukrainian. We do not know who the harbor pilot(s) was or were, and we know nothing about the crew nor what they might have observed on the ship as all this was transpiring. I find this point to be extremely suspicious, for it might indicate that the crew has been sequestered and deliberately kept from public view in order to insure “they are able to read their lines  correctly.” I suggest that these peculiar facts align with the idea of a commandeering of at least some of the ship’s systems by technology, and a crew seeking to regain control of the ship (hence the power outages and warning of shore personnel). Technology is indicated for a very different reason, namely, the requirements of Lloyd’s of London and other major insurers that such ships have redundant systems for steerage and so on.  For a ship to collide with a bridge pylon after a perfectly executed starboard turn might indicate not only the failure of redundant systems to work to avoid collision; it might also mean that the steerage was operating, but the warnings from the ship to shore to shut the bridge down might further indicate that the crew lost control of it.

This type of argumentation makes the other indications of a well-planned and executed infrastructure attack even more compelling: (1) the fact that, by collapsing the bridge, US military sealift capability is affected by stranding two sealift ships in the Baltimore harbor, (2) the possible collapse of the bridge onto a major underwater energy pipeline, (3) the closure of the harbor itself, (4) the symbolic nature of collapsing a bridge named for the composer of the lyrics to the USA’s national anthem, and finally, and not least (5) the timing of the attack for a time when the least possible collateral loss of life would occur. Imagine if the attack had occurred at 5PM, or 7AM, at the height of the evening or morning rush hours, and you get the idea: the loss of life would have been much much higher.  If one argues, as I am, that the Incident was a deliberate attack and not an “accident”, then this factor of timing indicates the type of player or agency involved: one (1) capable of planning and executing such an event, (2) in possession of the technology to do it (if indeed a technology was involved), and (3) someone deliberately trying to inflict serious damage while minimizing loss of life.

In this respect the speculations of Tom Luongo, whose article I included in Monday’s blog, are well worth pondering. Was it Russia? Are we looking at a potential retaliation by that country for the Moscow terrorist attack? Possibly. Certainly the attempt to minimize collateral loss of life might indicate this. The one key factor that would argue against this being a Russian operation is the timing: there would not appear to be enough time between the Moscow attacks and the Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident to organize such a complex operation, and to position the personnel and (if I am correct) the technology to do it. On the other hand, arguing in favor of a Russian operation is the simple fact that only Russia has demonstrated a technological electronic capability that might include the ability to commandeer a ship’s control systems. (Here, I must make mention of those UFO incidents over Malmstrom Air Force Base, and in Wyoming, where UFOs allegedly remotely and electronically interfered with the electronics of a flight of Minutemen ICBMs, changing their targeting data entirely remotely. As has been noted by Richard Hastings in his book UFOs and Nukes, the Air Force contracted with Boeing to find out what had happened, and Boeing was able to reproduce the incident remotely, implying both that such technology is not ipso facto “extraterrestrial”, and that remote electronic commandeering of such systems is possible).  So if it was Russian, what about the timing? We must not rule out the possibility that if this is a Russian response or “horizontal escalation” for the West’s activities in the Ukraine since 2014, that this might be a response to older incidents than the Moscow terrorist attacks, such as the West’s attacks on the Kerch Strait bridge. Viewing it in this fashion removes the problem posed by the timing of it as a retaliation for the Moscow Terror attacks. It might be retaliation for some other, older attack on Russia.

Might this be someone else’s attack? Luongo makes an intriguing case that it may have been, up to and including the sclerotic powers of Europe like the U.K. or France, whose “leaders” like Boris Johnson or President Macron have given ample public testimony to their desire to see the Ukrainian war linger on and on, with the US’s continuing financial support, a support which has obviously wavered in recent months.  Could it even be a third party, a non-state actor, intent on sewing enough chaos and confusion – and ill-will – into Russo-American relations? Again, possibly.

In the final analysis, a reasonable case can be made for all these possibilities, but in my opinion, not enough information is yet known to indicate which of these possibilities might be the most likely.

But one thing seems to emerge clearly from the collapsed wreckage, the bent and twisted girders, of the namesake bridge of the author of the USA’s national anthem lyrics: this was no accident. If you believe the F.I.B., then I have a bridge in Baltimore to sell you. So let’s call it what it is: it isn’t the Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident. It’s the Francis Scott Key Bridge Attack. So why the fib of the F.I.B.? Think geopolitics… and insurance… and independent insurance investigators …

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: Adm. Linda L. Fagan, commandant of the Coast Guard, Vice Adm. Peter W. Gautier, deputy commandant for operations, Governor Wes Moore, governor of Maryland, and Mayor Brandon Scott, mayor of Baltimore, transit by Coast Guard boat to assess the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland, March 29, 2024. The Key Bridge was struck by the Singapore-flagged cargo ship Dali early morning on March 26, 2024. (U. S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Brandon Giles)

Dr. Mark Bailey: Virology’s Event Horizon

Virology’s Event Horizon

by Dr. Mark Bailey
April 5, 2024


Along with our allies we have spent the last four years dismantling every aspect of the virus model whether it concerns “isolation”, antibodies, genomics, PCR, proteomics, electron microscopy, or animal and human studies. In 2022, I published A Farewell to Virology, to date one of the only treatises that outlines a formal refutation of the entire virus model. This was inspired The Perth Group’s 2017 epic HIV – a virus like no other, the most comprehensive document refuting the existence of ‘HIV’ specifically.

In my recent webinars with Dr Tom Cowan we have been discussing the scientific method, along with the concepts of independent variables and controlled experiments. Clearly the virologists have resorted to anti-scientific practices to make their various claims including the foundational claim of virus existence.

It motivated me to write an essay specifically addressing the apical logical fallacy in the cell culture technique – something that has been noticed previously but perhaps not formally expressed. The virologists have claimed they perform control experiments and sometimes describe these as ‘mock-infected’ cultures. In recent months we have also been contacted by people in the ‘no virus’ community asking whether John Enders inadvertently performed a control experiment in his 1954 measles paper. Dr Stefan Lanka exposed the lack of a control experiment in this paper in the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court in 2016 and I make some further comments expanding on this in note 20.

The pivotal issue is that the virologists do not have an independent variable and their experiments cannot make a hypothetical particle real. The ‘gold standard’ technique for “isolation” cannot possibly determine the presence (or existence) of viruses no matter how they attempt to control it. The paradigm that was created in the 1940s to keep virology alive was dead on arrival because the technique relies on a reification fallacy and logical errors that disqualify the entire process from being scientific.

We have had some feedback that although fairly brief, this paper is difficult to follow in some parts. (It helps to read all the endnotes.) If you have not already seen it, I would recommend watching Kate Sugak’s excellent presentation at the XXII Russian Scientific Conference: “The scientific vacuum: The scientific method and its absence in virology“. Kate covers the crucial scientific considerations articulated in my paper in an easy to follow format and shows that the virologists have nowhere left to hide.

I would like to acknowledge Christine Massey and Steve Falconer for their helpful suggestions.

Please download the paper below.


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Connect with Dr. Mark Bailey (and Dr. Sam Bailey) 

Cover image based on creative commons work of naobim & OpenClipart-Vectors

The Numbered Men: A Prescient Poem Written 50 Years Ago by Viv Forbes

The Numbered Men: A Prescient Poem Written 50 Years Ago by Viv Forbes

sourced from Patrick Wood’s The Quickening Report
April 4, 2024


One day while I was driving down the highway in the sun
I sat behind a milk truck just returning from his run.
His sign said “Licensed Vendor” and it made me feel secure
That only numbered milkmen could come knocking on my door.

Then I saw a licensed builder with his number on the door
And a plumber with a permit which was issued by the law.
Then a hawker and publican each with his licence plate
And a licensed money lender with his number on the gate.

I pulled into a café, which was licensed to sell beer
And struck up conversation with a licensed auctioneer.
He’d just been selling forfeit goods to pay the fines imposed
On a maverick hardware dealer whose late trading he’d exposed.

A warm glow spread inside me as I drank a licensed beer
And I pictured the inspectors who called in every year
To check upon the numbered men and safeguard fools like me
Who’d waste their money buying things from men who paid no fee.

I thought of all the union men whose cards protect their job
And dairy men whose quota scheme defends them from the mob.
The teachers who are registered, the chemists with their guilds
And lawyers with their closed cartel which keeps their coffers filled.

As I sat among the numbered men it suddenly occurred
That I was just a cleanskin in a tamed and numbered herd.
Somehow I’d missed the muster when the planner combed the land
And now I was a maverick, a man without a brand.

The numbered men live sheltered lives, their keeper is the State,
Their job depends less on their skills than on their licence plate.
Their future is determined and their charges are prescribed,
And the standards of their conduct are in rules and acts described.

But thank the Lord for mavericks, who don’t fit in the mould,
They help distract the licence-men from getting far too bold.
Without the help of mavericks, the planners would persist
Till we all need applications for a licence to exist.

Viv Forbes
Washpool, Queensland, Australia


Connect with Patrick Wood

Cover image credit: pasja1000

The Polymerization (Clotting) of Blood : A Model

The Polymerization (Clotting) of Blood : A Model

by Clifford E. Carnicom, Carnicom Institute
April 1, 2024



The video in this paper represents a viable model to demonstrate and detail the polymerization process that is taking place in human blood as a consequence of the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB)      (nomenclature, 2014).  The CDB is a genetically engineered, xenobiotic, synthetic life form that is at the crux of human health demise and threat over the past several decades.  If you are in doubt as to the source and origin of the polymerization discussed here, you have a pardon to skip to the end of the video.

Although blood clotting appears to be visibly and significantly increased as a consequence of the “Covid Era”, the purported “vaccines” are not the origin or primary source of damage to the blood.  The damage to the blood has a known and documented history of more than 25 years, and the processes described in this video have been active over this same time period.  What is now different in the history of this research is the current ability to demonstrate the polymerization process via culture.  The culture work has no direct association with “vaccine” materials, it is dependent solely upon the existence of the CDB.  The CDB have the known ability to produce a series of polymers within the body, not one.

There are additional polymerization mechanisms that exist and that are not discussed here, especially the vulnerability of the double carbon bond to change to single bonds.  Lots more study ahead, I am afraid.

All signs and indications are that the Covid Era has added an additional layer of egregious harm to human health that is more difficult to conceal. It is reasonable to presume that these factors include additional protein/genetic  interactions between between the CDB and the various “vaccines”.  It may involve polymerization as well, but we already have our hands full with a series of polymers produced by the CDB alone, along with known severe damage to blood.  The constitution of the purported “vaccines” remains improperly and inadequately disclosed, and this is likely to remain so.  It is best to work with the origin of a problem first, and then tackle the additional layers as further discovery and disclosure provide.

A critical issue to pay attention to here is the formation and transfer of free radicals within the body.  They are absolutely at the crux of the polymerization chain reactions which take place with them.  It is worthwhile to gain some familiarity with the nature of this problem, and hopefully it is understood that the model is not theoretical at this point.

Significant attention was paid to Fenton’s Reaction (briefly described in the video) in years past by Carnicom Institute.  It was known to likely be important in the microbial (albeit, synthetic) metabolism as far back as 2010.  A quick review of the research history will find it mentioned within the following papers, for example:

1. Morgellons : A Discovery and a Proposal  (Feb 2010)
2. Morgellons Growth Inhibition Confirmed (Mar 2010)
3. A New Form : Frequency Induced Disease (Mar 2011)
[It might be time to establish a renewed interest in this paper-CEC]
4. Morgellons : A Thesis (Oct 2011)
5. Morgellons : The Breaking of Bonds and the Reduction of Iron (Nov 2012)
6. Cross-Domain Bacteria Isolation (May 2014)

I am aware that the term “Morgellons” was managed quite well with the tin foil hat container (as was “geoengineering”), and that you may deem it not worthy of your study.  But you can also be assured that it was another of many successfully managed psychological operations.   Many destroyed lives will let us know this (many now deceased) if we have the courage to seek out that history.  The perspective of many of us has been funneled into a MTV video (remember those?) level understanding of affairs.  I am not out to correct that milieu at this point, but the science will reign supreme if you care to know and understand it.

There are two things different now with regard to the impact of free radicals from that generation of earlier papers.  At the time, two things were not known:

1. The existence of hydrogen peroxide production within cultures under study.

2. The ability to reliably repeat the formation of a series of CBD polymers from culture.

The confirmation of both is now beyond dispute, and they have a major bearing on the matter.  The theoretical framework of Fenton’s Reaction that produces a hydroxyl free radical in the presence of ferrous iron (the type within human blood) and hydrogen peroxide and that oxidizes your blood iron has been transformed into a live event in front of your face.  The production of a series of polymers by the CDB alone (no “vaccine” required) is extensively proven and documented.  Both of these factors are a game changer at this point.

And why is this important?  The hydroxyl radical, and free radicals in general, now occupy front and center stage (there are many other strategies as well) on the road to mitigation (please don’t forget the termination prospect- nothing wrong with setting your sights higher) of the CDB-Covid Era complex and tragedy that we find ourselves in.

Time to get to work, folks..

but then, that has always been the case, hasn’t it?…


Clifford E Carnicom
Apr 01 2024

born Clifford Bruce Stewart, Jan 19 1953.


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See Related:

Clifford Carnicom on the Link Between GeoEngineering & Unusual Filaments Within Blood Samples, Blood Clots, and (Purported) “Vaccine” Studies

Self Assembly Hydrogel Polymers, Historical Research Context of Hydrogel Smart Materials and Nano Worms That Rapidly Grow From Nanometers to Visible Size


Unvaccinated vs Vaccinated Blood Comparison – Infrared Spectroscopy and Electrical Conductivity Studies

Dr. Ana Mihalcea & Clifford Carnicom: What Is Happening to Humanity’s Blood? — On the Loss of Electrical Blood Conductivity in the Post C19 Era

Living Cells Emit Signals Throughout the Electromagnetic Spectrum: Radio Waves Are Harmful, Period!

Living Cells Emit Signals Throughout the Electromagnetic Spectrum: Radio Waves Are Harmful, Period!


Radio Waves Are Harmful, Period!
Power Level Is Irrelevant

by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
April 2, 2024


Just one violin out of tune in an orchestra, or one voice off-key in a choir, will ruin a beautiful harmony, or an enchanting ensemble. It matters not how loudly it grates, or how softly; if it does not stop, the performance will come to an end.

So it is with the cells of our bodies, and of the birds, insects, animals and plants whose music fills the Earth. When a jarring note is introduced, no matter how softly, chords become discords, melody becomes noise, life degrades and disappears.

Life, Information, and Electricity

The cohesion of life does not come from chemistry. It comes from the Earth, Sun and stars.

K.H. Li wrote, in his forward to the book, Electromagnetic Bio-Information:

“It is the informational aspect of biological systems that characterizes the essential view of life. And this is less reflected by biochemical findings, but rather by a level beyond the domain of chemical reactivity, namely that of electromagnetic fields.” [1]

Nikolai Kositsky, Aljona Nizhelska and Grigory Ponezha reviewed 40 years of research in Ukraine and Russia and concluded:

“Biological effects [of electromagnetic radiation] depend not on the strength of the energy carried into one or another system, but on the information carried into it.” [2]

Grundler and F. Kaiser wrote:

“Living cells exhibit a high degree of information processing and communication… It is clearly demonstrated that a fast oscillating, very weak outer field is influencing biological reactions of cells… We have to take into account an ‘internal’ oscillator (the cell itself or parts of the cell or of its environment) coupling with the outer field.” [3]

John Zimmerman and Vernon Rogers wrote:

“Electromagnetic bioinformation depends on the ability of organisms to emit, receive, and interpret spatiotemporal patterns of electromagnetic fields.” [4]

Herbert L. König, a student of Winfried Schumann, wrote:

“Electromagnetic forces in general must play a role of an as yet incalculable importance in the information transfer between or to living organisms.” [5]

Ulrich Warnke wrote:

“The communicative form of antennae contact in bees and ants can be registered by an oscillograph. Every time a short contact occurs between the antennae a signal is generated in the electrolyte system of the recipient in the form of an impulse.” [6]

Günther Becker showed that the rate of gallery building by termites was affected by the existence of termites in an adjoining container, but not if the wall between them was shielded with a conductive material. “These results indicate that communication among termite groups is based on either electric or electromagnetic fields produced by the insects,” he wrote. [7]

Bernhard Ruth wrote that the growth of plants and animals cannot be explained in terms of chemical reactions because “all chemical reactions occur equally in all directions” and biological growth is directional. “The existing cells of an organism have to determine when and where a new cell is to be generated by mitosis. This can only be achieved by means of an information transfer which stimulates the required cell to divide, and which is not emitted in all directions homogenously.” [8]

Helmut A. Fischer wrote:

“There is good reason for believing that, in addition to mechanical and chemical forms of communication, there are more biophysical ways of communication… The findings made so far confirm that the biochemical processes in a cell, besides thermic effects, also elicit other electromagnetic signals.” [9]

Igor Jerman wrote: 

“Coherent electromagnetic oscillations in cells permit ordered intermolecular processes and highly selective attractions between enzymes and substrates. These oscillations… represent an important means of intercellular long-range connection and thus have an important role in maintaining an intercellular order… Neoplasms follow from the fact that some of the cells within the organism escape from the intercellular coherent field and thus from the intercellular order.” [10]

Living cells emit signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum 

In their study, “Electromagnetic emission at micron wavelengths from active nerves,” Allan Fraser and Allan Frey measured infrared emissions from nerves with wavelengths between 2 and 20 microns, at a strength of 6 μW/cm2. [11]

Bernhard Ruth detected light photons emitted by plants:

“The light intensity emitted by seedlings of wheat, beans, lentils and corn varied between 700 cps (counts per second) and 250 cps… The spectral distribution extended from 400 nm to 600 nm… Yeast cells show a radiation of between 150 and 380 nm.” [8]

Shou Sin-Sung wrote that “DNA is a possible radiation source.” [12]

A.H. Jafary-Asl and Cyril W. Smith detected radio frequency signals from yeast at a frequency of 8 MHz. [13]

Herbert A. Pohl detected signals at 7 and 33 kHz from a species of algae. [14]

Kent Pollock and Douglas G. Pohl in dielectrophoresis studies detected RF emissions from mouse cells at frequencies between 4 and 9 MHz. Similar emissions were detected from cells from bacteria, yeast, worms, chickens, frogs, monkeys, and humans. Maximum emissions occurred during cell division, and no emissions from dead cells:

“The evidence from the m-DEP experiments and from the closely related pattern experiments consistently indicate that cells are producing radio frequency electric fields.” [15]

Sergey Sit’ko and his colleagues measured emissions from the human body between 37-78 GHz at 10-15 to 10-16 mW/cm2Hz. [16]

It takes little or no power to interfere with life

Allan Frey wrote:

“Electromagnetic fields are not a foreign substance to living beings like lead or cyanide. With foreign substances, the greater the dose, the greater the effect — a dose-response relationship. Rather, living beings are electrochemical systems that use very low frequency EMFs in everything from protein folding through cellular communication to nervous system function. To model how EMFs affect living beings, one might compare them to the radio we use to listen to music.

“The EMF signal the radio detects and transduces into the sound of music is almost unmeasurably weak. At the same time, there are, in toto, strong EMFs impinging on the radio. We don’t notice the stronger EMF signals because they are not the appropriate frequency or modulation. Thus, they don’t disturb the music we hear. However, if you impose on the radio an appropriately tuned EMF or harmonic, even if it is very weak, it will interfere with the music. Similarly, if you impose a very weak EMF signal on a living being, it has the possibility of interfering with normal function if it is properly tuned. That is the model that much biological data and theory tell us to use, not a toxicological model.” [17]

Gerard Hyland said: 

“The human body is an electrochemical instrument of exquisite sensitivity.” [18] “If a signal can operate a mechanical device, it can disturb every cell in the human body.” [19]

Igor Belyaev wrote:

“While the dose rate/SAR concept is adequate for description of acute thermal effects, it is not applicable for chronic exposures to N[on]T[hermal] M[icro]W[aves].” [20] and ”The 51.755 GHz resonance frequency of the cell reaction to MMWs did not depend on power density (PD) in the range from
10-19 to 3 × 10-3 W/cm2.” [21]

Ross Adey, at Loma Linda University, wrote:

“We have discovered some of the keys to understanding how body cells ‘whisper’ to to one another, and, in so doing we have discovered some of the keys to understanding how electromagnetic fields, so weak that some scientists have regarded them as incapable of biological effects, are detected by living tissues, and we have studied some of the likely consequences for human health… These fields can exert effects even at intensities near zero, in other words, a lower limit or threshold may not exist.” [22]

Neil Cherry presented “conclusive evidence” that “the safe level of exposure is zero” [23] and that radio signals “can interfere with hearts, brains and cells at extremely low intensities.” [24]

Robert Becker wrote:

“There is no effective way to shield yourself from environmental fields except to avoid areas where they are prevalent” [25] and “If the system’s sensitivity is as presently described, then frequency becomes a more important parameter in any experiment than field strength.” [26]

In The Body Electric, he wrote:

“The accumulated research has clearly shown that small doses often have the same effects as larger ones… Indeed there has already been one report of brain wave changes suggesting resonance of neural electrical currents with radio waves and microwaves down to a billionth of a microwatt… We must understand that no amount of artificial EMR, no matter how small, has been proven safe for continuous exposure. Bioeffects have been found at the lowest measurable doses.” [27]

Herbert L. König wrote:

“Biological systems have sensitivity values of the same order of magnitude as the field intensity values of natural fields.” [5]

William Bise testified before the U.S. Senate about effects on brain waves that he elicited by radio waves at near-zero intensity. The results of his experiments ought to terrify every person who ever uses a cell phone and every doctor who is confronted with the extraordinary amount of anxiety and depression in his or her patients today, because the radiation in Bise’s experiments, at exposure levels 10,000,000,000 to 100,000,000,000,000 times lower than a cell phone, had strong and instantaneous effects on all subjects’ brain waves and mental states:

“A pilot study was conducted on five men and five women volunteers… They ranged in age from 18 to 48 years. Three had been occupationally exposed to RF energy; the other seven had not and all were in apparent good health. The RF ranges covered from .1 to 960 Mhz C[ontinuous] W[ave] and 8.5 to 9.6 Ghz pulse modulated. Power levels were varied from 10-16 wt/cm2 to 10-12 wt/cm2… Experimental time for each volunteer was typically 50 minutes…

“Subjects’ EEG traces displayed desynchronized alpha waves of 15 to 25 percent higher than normal amplitude and slow waves appeared at certain radiofrequencies. Conversely, diminution and desynchronization of alpha wave amplitude on the order of 20 to 50 percent occurred at other radiofrequencies and 2 to 6 Hz slow waves appeared. These two anomalous patterns were found in both men and women volunteers. Mental attitudes appeared to change during the tests. CW frequencies at a power density of about 10-15 wt/cm2 which produced EEG changes in males, were found between 130 and 780 Mhz. Female volunteers’ EEG alterations occurred between 350 and 960 Mhz. Pulse modulation tests on two males, at a power density of about 10-12 wt/cm2 showed EEG changes around 9.1 and 9.15 Ghz. Brain waves changed almost immediately upon tuning a generator to a frequency which produced them and then almost immediately reverted to their normal patterns when the generator frequency was altered or turned off.” [28]

Sheldon Meyers, Director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Radiation Programs, told Congress that “it is not possible to assign a low intensity limit or threshold below which the exposures are without effect.” [29]

Reba Goodman and Martin Blank wrote: 

“Induction of the stress response by magnetic fields occurs at 14 orders of magnitude lower energy density than with thermal stimuli, the current benchmark for cell phone safety standards.” [30]

Yury Shckorbatov found evidence of cell damage after only one second of exposure to 18.75 GHz microwaves at a level of 0.2 mW/cm2. [31]

Low power can be more harmful than high power 

Andrew Wood, Rohan Mate and Ken Karipidis reviewed 107 experimental studies and found that a lower exposure level tended to have a greater biological effect, and the difference was highly significant (p < 0.001). [32]

Stefano Cucurachi et al. reviewed 113 peer-reviewed field and laboratory studies and found that RF radiation with the lowest power tended to cause the greatest ecological damage. [33]

Maria Sadchikova found that among people occupationally exposed to RF radiation in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, the sickest were those exposed to the lowest, not the highest levels. [34], [35]

Abraham Lilienfeld analyzed the health of Moscow embassy employees during the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s at a time when Russia was continuously irradiating the embassy with microwaves. His report was written for the U.S. Department of State. Table 6.32 of his report shows that male employees exposed to the lowest level of radiation had the most symptoms in 18 of 20 symptom categories. [36] They had more:

nervous disorders
intraocular pain
loss of appetite
difficulty concentrating
memory loss
finger tremor
other symptoms

Liliya M. Fatkhoutdinova studied the effects of video display terminals on blood pressure. Lower levels of electromagnetic fields raised blood pressure more than higher levels. [37]

Vladimir N. Binhi and Robert J. Goldman studied the proliferation of wound cells in response to  electric fields. They wrote:

“Most dramatic is the fact that relatively intense electric fields sometimes do not cause appreciable effect while smaller fields do.” [38]

Herbert L. König wrote: 

“Exceptionally intense fields often cause no reaction at all.” [5]

Leif Salford, Bertil Persson, Arne Brun, Henrietta Nittby and their team at Lund University in Sweden researched the effects of RF radiation on the blood-brain barrier for 20 years. They found that the lowest levels of exposure caused the most damage to the blood-brain barrier. [39] They calculated that you will do more damage to your brain if you hold a cell phone one meter away from you than if you hold it up to your head. [40]

Dimitris Panagopoulos found that RF radiation reduced reproduction in fruit flies. The maximum impact on fruit fly reproduction occurred when the source of radiation was at some distance away from the flies. [41]

Igor Belyaev, experimenting on E. coli, found that genetic effects occurred at specific frequencies and that the magnitude of the effect did not change with power level over 16 orders of magnitude, all the way down to 0.000000000001 mW/cm2. [21]

Numerous scientists in many laboratories — Carl Blackman et al. at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [42]; Suzanne M. Bawin, Leonard K. Kaczmarek and W. Ross Adey [43]; Sisir K. Dutta et al. [44]; Jean-Louis Schwartz, Dennis E. House and Geoffrey A. R. Mealing [45]; and Kumud K. Kunjilwar and Jitendra Behari [46] — found that calcium depletion from brain and heart cells occurred at specific frequencies and exposure levels and did not increase with power. Dutta found a 3,000-fold decrease in power caused a 4-fold increase in calcium exiting from cells.

Grundler and F. Kaiser halved the growth rate of yeast at a precise microwave frequency. The magnitude of the effect of this frequency did not change with intensity over several orders of magnitude, down to 5 pW/cm2. [3]

Cooking Your Brain and Your DNA 

Here are some other findings that should terrify anyone who uses a cell phone, considering the unprecedented numbers of young people today with cancers and neurological diseases.

First are some measurements made by Markus Antonietti, Director of the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Germany. In 2006, when cell phone use was becoming universal, he wondered what they might be doing to the brain. Cell phones exposed the brain to about 1 W/kg SAR, which did not heat the whole brain more than one degree Celsius, but what about the conditions that exist in the tiny synapses, the junctions between neurons where nerve impulses are transmitted from one nerve cell to another? His research team decided to simulate the conditions between cell membranes with tiny fat droplets in salt water. [47] “Ions accumulate on these,” reported Zeit Online, the newspaper that interviewed him, “and by changing the salt concentration and the droplet size, the conditions of biological tissue can be simulated, i.e. a kind of concentrated liquid brain.

“‘And now comes the tragedy,’ said the Max Planck Director. ‘Exactly where we are closest to the conditions in the brain, we see the strongest heating.’ Temperature peaks of 100 degrees. He had expected warming, but not to this extent. ‘There is a hundred times as much energy absorbed as previously thought. That is a horror.’” [48]

It turns out a cell phone not only boils your synapses, but also your DNA. A number of research teams have discovered that DNA is a good conductor and so, as in the synapses, RF radiation is conducted and amplified tremendously in DNA.

Jacqueline K. Barton and her colleagues at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena observed ultrafast electron transfer in DNA over large distances. [49] “In effect,” she told Science News, “DNA acts like a molecular wire.” [50] 

Hans-Werner Fink and Christian Schönenberger reported that the conductivity of DNA is 105 Siemens per meter, which is ten times larger than that of most electrically conducting polymers, and about one-tenth the conductivity of mercury. [51]

And Charles Polk tells us what the consequences of this are. Based on Fink and Schönenberger’s measurements, Polk calculated that the rate of temperature increase in the interior of DNA exposed to a cell phone at 1 W/kg SAR is 60 degrees Celsius per second! [52].

Your cell phone, if you still use one, is cooking your brain and damaging it, during every second that you use it. The cell towers that it commands are sickening us, no matter how far away from one we manage to be. The satellites — 9,500 of them and increasing rapidly — are polluting our bodies, sterilizing our planet, and severing our connection to our sources of vitality, beneath our feet, in the air, in the oceans, and in the heavens.


[1] K.H. Li. Foreword to Electromagnetic Bio-Information, Fritz Albert Popp et al., eds., Urban & Schwarzenberg, München (1989).

[2] Nikolai Kositsky, Alona Nizhelska, and Grigory Ponezha. Influence of High-frequency Electromagnetic Radiation at Non-thermal Intensities on the Human Body. No Place To Hide 3(1) Supplement (2001).

[3] W. Grundler and F. Kaiser. Experimental evidence for coherent excitations correlated with cell growth.” Nanobiology 1:163-176 (1992).

[4] John Zimmerman and Vernon Rogers. Biomagnetic Fields as External Evidence of Electromagnetic Bioinformation. In Electromagnetic Bio-Information, Fritz Albert Popp et al., eds., 1989, pp. 226-237.

[5] Herbert L. König. Bioinformation – Electrophysical Aspects. In Electromagnetic Bio-Information. Proceedings of the Symposium, Marburg, September 5, 1977, Fritz Albert Popp et al., eds. Urban and Schwarzenberg, München 1979, pp. 25-54.

[6] Ulrich Warnke. Information Transmission by Means of Electrical Biofields. In Electromagnetic Bio-Information, Fritz Albert Popp et al., eds., 1979, pp. 55-79.

[7] Günther Becker. Communication between Termites by Means of Biofields and the Influence of Magnetic and Electric Fields on Termites. In Electromagnetic Bio-Information, Fritz Albert Popp et al., eds., 1979, pp. 95-106.

[8] Bernhard Ruth. Experimental Investigations on Ultraweak Photon Emission. In Electromagnetic Bio-Information, Fritz Albert Popp et al., eds., 1979, pp. 107-121.

[9] Helmut A. Fischer. Photons as Transmitter for Intra- and Intercellular Biological and Biochemial Communication – The Construction of a Hypothesis. In Electromagnetic Bio-Information, Fritz Albert Popp et al., eds., 1979, pp. 175-180.

[10] Igor Jerman. Electromagnetic Origin of Life. Electro- and Magnetobiology 17(3): 401-413 (1998)

[11] Allan Fraser and Allan H. Frey. Electromagnetic emission at micron wavelengths from active nerves. Biophysical Journal 8: 731-734 (1968).

[12] Shou Sin-Sung. A Possible Biophotochemical Mechanism for Cell Communication. In Electromagnetic Bio-Information, Fritz Albert Popp et al., eds., 1979, pp. 151-174.

[13] A.H. Jafary-Asl AH and Cyril W. Smith. Biological dielectric in electric and magnetic fields. IEEE Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Delectric Phenomena, 1983, p. 350.

[14] H.A. Pohl. AC field effects of and by living cells. In Chiabrera A. et al., eds., Interactions between electromagnetic fields and cells, NATO ASI Series A, Life Sciences, Plenum, NY (1985), pp. 435-456.

[15] J. Kent Pollock and Douglas G. Pohl. Emission of radiation by active cells. In Biological Coherence and Response to External Stimuli, Herbert Fröhlich, ed., Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1988, pp. 139-147.

[16] Sergei P. Sit’ko, Yurij A. Skripnik and Aleksey F. Yanenko. Experimental Study of Mm-Range Radiation from Certain Objects. Physics of the Alive 6(1): 15-18 (1998).

[17] Allan H. Frey. Is a toxicology model appropriate as a guide for biological research with electromagnetic fields? Journal of Bioelectricity 9(2):233-234 (1990).

[18] Gerard J. Hyland. Physics and biology of mobile telephony. The Lancet 356:1833-1836 (2000).

[19] Personal communication, December 2018.

[20] Igor Y. Belyaev. Duration of Exposure and Dose in Assessing Nonthermal Biological Effects of Microwaves. In Dosimetry in Bioelectromagnetics, CRC Press 2017, pp. 171-184.

[21] Igor Y. Belyaev et al. Resonance effect of millimeter waves in the power range from 10–19 to 3 x 10–3 W/cm2 on Escherichia coli cells at different concentrations. Bioelectromagnetics 17: 312-321 (1996).

[22] W. Ross Adey. Testimony before the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Consumer and Environmental Issues of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, August 10, 1992.

[23] Neil Cherry. Evidence of brain cancer from occupational exposure to pulsed microwaves from a police radar. Lincoln University, August 15, 2001.

[24] Neil Cherry. Safe Exposure Levels. Lincoln University, April 25, 2000.

[25} Robert O. Becker. Personal communication, May 15, 1986.

[26] Robert O. Becker. A theory of the interaction between DC and ELF electromagnetic fields and living organisms, Journal of Bioelectricity  4(1):133-140 (1985).

[27] Robert O. Becker and Gary Selden. The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, NY: William Morrow 1985, pp. 312-313.

[28] William Bise. Hearings before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress. First Session on Oversight of Radiation Health and Safety, June 16, 17, 27, 28, and 29, 1977, Serial No. 95-49, pp. 1220-1223.

[29] Sheldon Meyers. Oversight Hearing before the Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, First Session on Health Effects of Transmission Lines, October 6, 1987, Serial No. 100-22, p. 166.

[30] Reba Goodman and Martin Blank. Magnetic field-induced stress responses in biological cells by use of cell phones. EBEA 2001. 5th International Congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA). 6-8 September 2001, Helsinki, Finland. Proceedings, pp. 197-198.

[31] Yury G. Shckorbatov et al., Modification of electrokinetic properties of nuclei and membrane permeability in human buccal epithelial cells under the influence of low-level microwave radiation.  EBEA 2001, pp. 204-206.

[32] Andrew Wood, Rohan Mate and Ken Karipidis. Meta-analysis of in vitro and in vivo studies of the biological effects of low-level millimetre waves. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 31: 606–613 (2021).

[33] Stefano Cucurachi et al. A review of the ecological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). Environment International 51: 116-140 (2013), Table 4.

[34] Maria N. Sadchikova. State of the nervous system under the influence of UHF. In The Biological Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies, A. A. Letavet and Z. V. Gordon, eds., Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, 1960, pp. 25-29.

[35] Maria N. Sadchikova. Clinical manifestations of reactions to microwave irradiation in various occupational groups. In Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation: Proceedings of an International Symposium, Warsaw, 15-18 October, 1973, P. Czerski et al., eds., 1974, pp. 261-267.

[36] Abraham Lilienfeld. Evaluation of Health Status of Foreign Service and Other Employees from Selected Eastern European Posts. Johns Hopkins University, Department of Epidemiology, Baltimore, MD, prepared for Dept. of State, DC Office of Medical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, July 31, 1978.

[37] Liliya M. Fatkhoutdinova. Hemodynamic indices in VDT users with different exposure to electric and magnetic fields and controls,” EBEA 2001, pp. 292-294.

[38] Vladimir N. Binhi and Robert J. Goldman. The Ion Interference and Electric Field-Induced Wound-Cell Proliferation. In BEMS Twenty-Second Annual Meeting in Cooperation with the European Bioelectromagnetics Association, Abstract Book. The Technical University, Munich, Germany, June 11-16, 2000, pp. 11-12.

[39] Bertil Persson, Leif Salford, and Arne Brun. Blood-brain barrier permeability in rats exposed to electromagnetic fields used in wireless communications. Wireless Networks 3:455-461 (1997).

[40] Henrietta Nittby, Gustav Grafström, Jacob L. Eberhardt et al. Radiofrequency and Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Effects on the Blood-Brain Barrier. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 27: 103-126 (2008).

[41] Dimitris J. Panagopoulos. Analyzing the health impacts of modern telecommunications microwaves. In L. V. Berhardt, ed., Advances in Medicine and Biology, vol. 17, Nova Science Publishers 2011, chapter 1.

[42] Carl F. Blackman et al. Induction of calcium-ion efflux from brain tissue by radiofrequency radiation. Bioelectromagnetics 1:35-43 (1980).

[43] Suzanne M. Bawin, Leonard K. Kaczmarek and W. Ross Adey. Effects of modulated VHF fields on the central nervous system. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 247: 74-80 (1970).

[44] Sisir K. Dutta et al. Microwave radiation-induced calcium ion flux from human neuroblastoma cells: dependence on depth of amplitude modulation and exposure time. In Biological Effects of Electropollution, Sisir K. Dutta and Richard M. Millis, eds. Information Ventures, Phila., 1986, pp. 63-69.

[45] Jean-Louis Schwartz, Dennis E. House and Geoffrey A. R. Mealing. Exposure of frog hearts to CW or amplitude-modulated VHF fields: selective efflux of calcium ions at 16 Hz. Bioelectromagnetics 11: 349-358 (1990).

[46] Kumud K. Kunjilwar and Jitendra Behari. Effect of amplitude-modulated RF radiation on cholinergic system of developing rats. Brain Research 601:321-324 (1993).

[47] Christian Holtze, R. Sivaramakrishnan, Markus Antonietti, et al. The microwave absorption of emulsions containing aqueous micro- and nanodroplets: A means to optimize microwave heating. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 302: 651–657 (2006).

[48] Quoted by Max Rauner in Zeit Online, August 21, 2006.

[49] Chaozhi Wan et al. Femtosecond dynamics of DNA-mediated electron transfer. PNAS 96 (11) 6014-6019 (1999).

[50] Corinna Wu. An Electrifying DNA Debate: New evidence explains how DNA conducts charge,” Science News 156(7): 104-106 (1999).

[51] Hans-Werner Fink and Christian Schönenberger. Electrical conduction through DNA molecules. Nature 398: 407-410 (1999).

[52] Charles Polk. Implications of Measured Electrical Conductivity of DNA for Bio-Effects of E.M. Fields. In BEMS Twenty-Second Annual Meeting, 2000, pp. 22-23.

Arthur Firstenberg
President, Cellular Phone Task Force
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502


Connect with Arthur Firstenberg

Cover image credit: Hans & wal_172619

Frequency Technology (HAARP), Strange Cloud Formations & the Intentional Blocking of Our Sun

Frequency Technology (HAARP), Strange Cloud Formations & the Intentional Blocking of Our Sun


Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF

Are chemtrails becoming a thing of the past? Have they found a better way to steal the sun? I say “YES!”…

by Agent131711, Agent131711’s Substack
April 3, 2024


They tell us these are normal clouds that have been around forever and we are just too stupid to remember them:


Yeeeah, ok…


It’s utterly idiotic. For those of us who have old school photo albums, you know, the kind with actual photographs and polaroid’s in a binder, these clouds are nowhere to be seen.


There is no photo of grandpa on his wedding day in 1940 with this in the background:


There’s no giant d*ck in the sky pics:


What causes clouds to make shapes and patterns is blasting them with frequency:


“Agent, how do you know the clouds are changing from frequency?”, you ask. To which I reply, “Great question! The answer is, because we see the exact same thing when water is blasted with frequency”. Here’s a little 1-minute video. There’s thousands of these videos on the internet, but I picked the shortest one: (1 minute 13 second video)


Throughout the video we see the water forming the identical shapes as the clouds:


closeup for people reading this on their cell phone:





Unless you have a severe learning disability or are a shill, working for the government (redundant wording?), it’s not hard to tell that this:


Is the exact same f*cking thing as this:


Read the full article here, including additional videos and images: Where are the frequencies coming from? How and why are they covering the sun?


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Cover images credit: Sharon James


See related photos by Sharon James. All were taken in Iowa farm country.


April 3, 2024:


February 26, 2024:


November 26, 2023


November 1, 2023:



The Fury of Europe’s Farmers Shocks EU Technocrats

The Fury of Europe’s Farmers Shocks EU Technocrats

by Fraser Myers, sourced from Technocracy News & Trends


The continent-wide fury of EU farmers is blazing a trail straight to the heart of Technocracy, namely, the green agenda, net zero, and the war on energy and food. The late Rosa Koire warned Europe between 2010-2015 about “the blueprint, the comprehensive plan of action for the 21st century to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all law enforcement, all health care, all food, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.” 

The farmers got it and are now fighting for their lives and livelihoods. Technocrats spin out these suicidal policies using their oracle of pseudoscience as their god. However, it is no god but rather base scientism, which C.S. Lewis laid bare in his Abolition of Man (1943). 

These are those whose intent is to destroy the earth (Rev. 11:18). Will we stop them before it is too late?

~ Technocracy News Editor

Europe’s farmers are rising up – and the elites are terrified. In France, farmers recently staged a four-day ‘siege of Paris’, blocking major roads around the French capital. In January, thousands of tractors descended on Berlin in Germany, lining the streets leading up to the Brandenburg Gate. In Brussels, farmers have gathered from all over Europe to demonstrate against the EU and pelt the European Parliament with eggs. In the Netherlands, tractors have caused the longest traffic jam in the nation’s history, as part of a years-long battle between farmers and the government. This farmers’ revolt is now truly Europe-wide. From Portugal to Poland, from Ireland to Italy, almost every EU country has been rocked by protests. So what is driving this populist uprising? What do the farmers want?

Farmers in each country have their own specific grievances, of course. But there is a common root to their anger. What connects them is the European Union’s green agenda, which has been imposed on agriculture from on-high. It has made farmers’ lives a misery, sacrificing their livelihoods at the altar of climate alarmism. Bureaucrats who have no idea how farmers work and live, have essentially been condemning farms – many of them run by families for generations – to oblivion, all at the stroke of the regulator’s pen. And farmers are simply not putting up with it anymore.

The first stirrings of revolt began in 2019, in the Netherlands, with the so-called nitrogen crisis. The Dutch Supreme Court ruled that the government was failing to cut nitrogen pollution to EU-approved levels. In response, the Dutch government promised ‘drastic measures’ to cut nitrogen emissions. In all but name, it declared war on its nation’s farmers. Suddenly, the government had turned against one of its most important and impressive sectors. You see, the Netherlands, despite its small size, is the second-largest exporter of food in the entire world, thanks to the world-beating efficiency of its farms. And nitrogen is intrinsic to this efficiency. Fertilisers are rich in nitrogen, and farmers need fertilisers to maximise their crop yields. Nitrogen is also an inevitable byproduct of animal farming. Livestock release ammonia, a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen, through their excrement. The Netherlands has over four million cows, 13million pigs and 104million chickens. Which is a lot of manure and a lot of nitrogen. Any crackdown on nitrogen emissions was always going to hit farmers hard. Even so, the Dutch government’s proposals went even further than anyone could have imagined. It said it would buy out thousands of the most polluting farms and simply shut them down. Other farms would have to cull a proportion of their animals. This would mean slaughtering around half of all the livestock in the Netherlands. In all, this represented an unthinkable act of national economic self-harm.

Thus, the farmers’ revolt was born. Huge protests erupted in 2019. After a brief hiatus during the Covid pandemic, they came roaring back in 2021 and 2022. Dutch farmers blocked roads, railways and canal bridges with tractors and hay bales. They defied government bans to bring tractors into the Hague. Tens of thousands took part in the demonstrations. But the Dutch government did not back down. It kept proposing new targets, new measures and new restrictions on nitrogen. In 2022, the government’s own figures revealed that around 30 per cent of farms would have to close to meet their targets. And last year, it drew up a list of the 3,000 farms that it wants to forcibly close within the next few years.

All of this has been done with the approval and encouragement of the EU. And there is worse to come in the Netherlands and beyond. The absurd nitrogen rules that are threatening Dutch farms come from an EU environmental directive that dates back to the 1990s. But the EU’s eco-mania has intensified massively since then. Farmers now have to contend with the drive to Net Zero, too. According to Laurence Tubiana, chief executive of the European Climate Foundation and the architect of the Paris Climate accords, Net Zero will require ‘the biggest overhaul of farming since the Second World War’. And yet, once again, farmers haven’t been consulted on this. Targets have simply been drawn up by the technocrats and rubber stamped by national governments, without any consideration for their impact on farmers and their ability to produce food.

Under the EU’s so-called Green Deal, every EU member state has to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050. And the EU’s emissions rules for agriculture are especially, insanely, stringent. The punishing green policies don’t stop there, either. The Farm to Fork strategy, announced in 2020, calls for 10 per cent of farmland to be set aside for non-agricultural use. It says that at least a quarter of EU farms should become organic. It says fertiliser use must fall by 20 per cent. Pesticide use must be cut by 50 per cent. And all of this should be done by 2030. Each of these demands would be enough to put thousands of farms out of business on their own. When combined, they pose an existential threat to European agriculture. And if the EU’s laws weren’t bad enough, member states are actually gold plating these regulations. The EU had already demanded the impossible of farmers. Now national elites in Berlin, Paris and The Hague want to go even further.

This is why farmers are out on the streets across the continent. It’s why they’re taking matters into their own hands. It’s why they feel they have no choice but to block roads with their tractors, bring life to a standstill and dowse public buildings with manure. They are determined to remind the powers-that-be just how essential they are to the functioning of modern life.

At first, the elites tried to dismiss the protests. They resorted to their usual playbook. They called the farmers fascists, far right and pawns of online disinformation. But this propaganda campaign has flopped. Not only have these smears failed to demoralise the farmers, they have also failed to turn the public against the protests. In country after country, European peoples are backing their farmers, even as the protests disrupt daily life.

In the Netherlands, where our story began, a farmers’ party briefly managed to storm electoral politics, too. The Farmer-Citizen Movement – or BBB – was set up in 2019 amid the nitrogen-crisis demonstrations. Less than four years later, the BBB swept the board in the Dutch provincial elections. It won the popular vote in all 12 provinces – the first time any party had achieved this in Dutch history. While the farmers’ protests managed to bring tens of thousands on to the streets, the farmers’ party managed to mobilise almost 1.5million voters.

The fury of the farmers has now become impossible to ignore. The usually tin-eared elites across Europe have been forced to listen and respond. In Germany, farmers have got their government to delay planned cuts in subsidies for agricultural fuel. And they have managed to keep their tax breaks on tractors and farm vehicles, which were also under threat. In France, farmers have extracted millions of euros in additional grants. And they’ve put paid to government plans to hike fuel taxes. In Ireland, a deranged government proposal to cull 200,000 cows has quietly been shelved. Even at the EU level, farmers have already chalked up some significant victories. Remember that plan to halve the use of pesticides by 2030? It’s now been torn up.

But the protests aren’t going to stop anytime soon. How could they? These concessions, though welcome, do not go nearly far enough. The green agenda is diametrically opposed to the interests of agriculture. So long as European politicians are committed to Net Zero, then the farmers will always be in their sights. What’s more, the farmers’ cause will continue to resonate with ordinary people, who are also served poorly by their environmentalist leaders, whose policies are pushing up prices and obliterating food and energy security. The farmers are merely the canaries in the coalmine. They were just the first group of people to be pushed to breaking point – and to get organised in response.

The farmers offer a cautionary tale to Europe’s rulers. The green elites assumed that farmers would take their bitter medicine. They had no idea just how devastating their regulations would be to farmers’ way of life. They failed to see the human beings behind the emissions figures on their spreadsheets. And the broader push for Net Zero could soon generate much more resistance, from a much broader section of society. After all, under the current plans, our energy bills are set to soar, as we replace reliable fossil fuels with unreliable renewables. Our trusty gas boilers could soon be ripped out, replaced with expensive and inefficient heat pumps. Older, cheaper vehicles are being banned or taxed off the road in the push towards electric cars. Yet again, the establishment seems to think it can change our way of life and shred our living standards without a peep of discontent. This is bound to provoke an almighty backlash. And the farmers have shown us the way.

Long may the farmers’ revolt continue. And here’s hoping it inspires many more people to take a stand.


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Cover image credit: European Commission (Christophe Licoppe)
Demonstration of farmers in the European Quarter in Brussels, Feb 1, 2024
Creative Commons

The Psychological Battle for Truth — and the Power of the Farmers’ Uprising

The Psychological Battle for Truth — and the Power of the Farmers’ Uprising

by Julian Rose
sourced from Activist Post
April 1, 2024


The ‘deep state’ has no power over you. None. It can only try and make you believe it does.

And in this it is very clever, using sophisticated psychological techniques that give the impression of holding the dominant position and exercising the dominant power.

But this is a chimera; and immediately one sees it as such one manifests the authoritative position and the deep state is in check; it can only operate defensively.

This it does by putting up ever greater barriers to freedom of expression, movement and choice.

It knows it’s on the losing side, so has to pull all the tricks in the trade to make itself appear to be in control. It’s a psychological battlefield.

Edward Bernays, the founder of modern advertising, has had much to do with weaponising the powers of perception and deception. He found that you can get people to believe and do almost anything once you learn how to exploit their psyche with carefully chosen imagery and words.

Once you tap into people’s widespread subconscious attraction to the trappings of seductive consumables.

The deep state’s corporate/banker led ‘seeming’ global dominance draws on Bernays’s cunning, using advanced insights concerning how to influence the functions of different areas of the human brain.

The objective is to come up with a blanket like web of virtual signposting pointing to the direction life must go in in order to overcome some purposefully manufactured crisis. A crisis that is claimed will otherwise cook, starve or destroy people and the planet.

People in a state of funk take all this to be real, of course, and plod on with their tunnel vision acceptance of the pathological diktats of the status quo.

The deep state cabal has a mental hold over their perception of what is and is not true, and rolls out the moderators, fact checkers and ‘sudden silencers’ to counteract anything that emerges as an emissary of truth. Many of us have had firsthand experience of this executioner formula.

Nevertheless, ‘we the purposeful people’ are winning through. There is simply too much informative material on the loose for the thought/surveillance police to cover, in spite of their algorithmic interventions.

Their tactic is therefore to try to gain the upper hand by pushing harder on the ‘disaster agenda.’ This is exemplified by the global dissemination of the dystopian agenda laid out in Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The most ubiquitous cooked-up disaster is, of course, ‘man-made global warming’ – with its stated solution to be the Transhuman. All steps in between are sold as vital to advancing the speed and efficiency of the ‘human to inhuman’ transformation process.

The digitalisation of life is central to the architects of control argument that humanity is incapable of managing itself and that, without their intervention, the outcome will be the complete breakdown of planetary life.

Only a race of soulless computer assisted ‘super beings’ can save the day, say the likes of Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk and Klaus Schwab.

Consider how this agenda plays on the psychology of those who have yet to find in themselves the self-assurance to discard that which has no practical sense of purpose and no foundation in basic common sense.

The architects of control count on the majority remaining unresistant to the rolling out of their high-tech hegemonic master plan. So much so that they can freely announce that by following it “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”

In the psychological battle for truth, the perpetrators of the lie have access to a vast storehouse of mind-bending persuasion techniques to make their agenda seem the only choice.

They recognise that when a high percentage of individuals believe themselves to be unable to operate without a mobile phone – they will be sufficiently unfocussed and distracted so as to be unable to rebel against a fateful acceptance of slavery to the big brother of convenience.

Easily manipulated victims of digital mass hypnosis.

Here lies the rub: if the upwardly mobile urban ‘educated’ segment of society sees no problem conducting their lives within a credit card bubble of hypermarket convenience shopping, digital EMF communication systems, computer fed entertainment packages and a well-paid job in a global or trans national corporation – where is the resistance going to come from?

If this genre of people is already too far gone to register an internal kick when faced by a high-level plan to ‘happily’ have all their material assets taken away from them – then who or what is going to raise the alarm?

It looks to me as though only a small percentage of mankind can read the script being outlined for their future behind bars. Only a few can grasp the psychology of the insentient psychopath and his soulless urge to possess and control, at any price.

But once one moves outside the world of Godless urban shopping obsessed nine to fivers and ‘well-educated’ university trained job hunters, a potential to get real starts to emerge.

Amongst those working people who regularly get their hands dirty, who till the fields; build shelters; repair cars; mend pipes; fix electrics and dig drains, the virtual reality digital cybernetic future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution – and Green New Deal – looks like pure fantasy. The ravings of the unhinged.

They don’t need to mentally struggle in order to try to grasp the twisted logic being broadcast by the global media mafia. They simply know in their gut that it’s so much ‘bull’.

It is those who form the foundation of pyramid who hold society together. Who glue together the basic infrastructure which supports our daily lives. And it is from here that an increasing percentage reject the psychology of mental indoctrination and the promotion of a digitalised virtual future.

The ‘Throw out Green Deal’ remarkable, unified farmer uprisings happening in all parts of Europe and beyond are testimony to this. They are rising up against the imposition of phony ‘Net Zero by 2045’ rules that demand an end to farmers working the land and an end to the livestock that keep that land fertile.

These farmers are out in their tens of thousands. In Poland they are mounting month long tractor blockades of cities, supermarkets and border crossings. Coals miners, faced by being shut out by large scale ‘stop global warming’ redundancies, are joining the uprising.

Farmers say they will not cease their disruptions until their demands are met by government and by the EU.

This is the refreshingly undiluted language of genuine defiance.

It has the authorities rattled. Green Deal is, after all, the very backbone of the agenda to enslave us all to a Brave New World of synthetic everything – from food to nature to people.

The general public are in sympathy with the farmers’ actions.  Approximately 80% of European citizens are on their side according to opinion surveys.

Getting a solid core of consumers to rise up and participate in this bottom-up movement for the survival of real food and real farming will be vital to maintaining the momentum.

Coming from an unlikely place, a solid earthed uprising is gathering pace. The farmers’ demands are essentially for economic fairness, respect and recognition of the vital roll they play in the food security of the nation.

Under ‘Green Deal’ none of these demands are taken seriously. The WEF solution is not to support the agricultural community but to destroy it!

In the 2024 battle for truth, everyone should behave as resolutely as the farmers. The need is to be uncompromising in one’s face to face dealings with political liars and hypocrites.

We are the trustees of Planet Earth. In order to maintain its balance and equilibrium – we have no choice other than to enter into a pactless fight against all opposing forces.

Those who have land, can grow food and draw water from the well, are the last independent individuals on the planet. They are not about to capitulate to a bunch of psychos in Brussels, London, Warsaw, Washington or Paris – and nor are we.

Everyone’s life is dependent upon having access to nourishing food. Therefore, everyone’s life is dependent upon the survival and future prosperity of the farmer.

Support them now in their hour of need. Their need is also your need.

They have no future – and nor do we – without a lifesaving revolution that re-establishes the priorities for what is actually important in life. Think deeply about this and then act on it without delay.

And if you’re left in doubt – ask farmers who actually controls the food chain. Who is really in the driving seat when it comes to feeding the world?

Rise up, all good people. Take your destiny in both hands. Vigorously join together in forging a great victory for humanity over inhumanity.

Allowing oneself to slide into a state of abject slavery is a doctrine of the graveyard.

All those retaining some life-giving red blood corpuscles know that the road to truth accepts no compromise and can never be subverted by the orchestrated opium of mass indoctrination.

Julian Rose is an organic farmer, writer, broadcaster and international activist. 


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Cover image credit: European Commission (Christophe Licoppe)
Tractors parked and road traffic at a standstill in the European Quarter in Brussels, February 1, 2024 — creative commons

Decoding the “Legal” Word Spells That Trap Us Into a Lifetime of Slavery Within an Upside Down World: Brandon Joe Williams & Luke Storey on Escaping the Tax Slave Matrix

Decoding the “Legal” Word Spells That Trap Us Into a Lifetime of Slavery Within an Upside Down World: Brandon Joe Williams & Luke Storey on Escaping the “Free Range” Tax Slave Matrix


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

As we approach one more “tax day” in the U.S., we are seeing interviews everywhere of people who don’t pay taxes or who offer paid memberships to groups that show a way out of taxation. Yet anyone who has looked into our enslavement as United States of America citizens knows the issue is much deeper than taxation.

Many of us older folks have spent decades looking into the bizarre entrapment of people who came to America from all over the world seeking freedom. Having studied and learned from so many — from Jordan Maxwell to David E. Robinson — I found myself at a dead end with the “state national” options wherein one clarifies national status by exchanging current allegiance to the clearly run-amok U.S. government corporation/empire for an allegiance to one of the 50 states in “the union”.

I am truly grateful to all of these researchers as each learned from the other, added additional insight, wrote books, offered workshops, spent untold time and effort helping others, etc. The work of each is priceless. However, while this path clearly revealed clues and offered pieces to the puzzle, it still left us in a state of “obedience” to a group of people we know little about. Personally, I am not seeking new (not even if they are less controlling) masters. My allegiance is to core values that are tied with “do no harm” values of common law and the general understanding of care for others and our world. These are the core values of most spiritual teachings as well. These values can never be owned, controlled or defined by any individual or group.

The work of Brandon Joe Williams has helped me personally to see how our ancestors unknowingly contracted into their own enslavement. Thus Brandon calls his course “Contract Killer”. Brandon turned the light on in the room for me by clarifying the legalese around so many words including “nation”, “state”,  “strawman”, etc.

I recently completed Brandon’s (free) course but have found myself learning more from (as well as enjoying) his more-recent conversations with assorted podcasters. His Contract Killer course is a few years old now and his presentations gain strength and clarity as he simultaneously explores, studies and teaches. 

I’ve listened to many of these conversations as I sought to understand more for myself and my family — and to share here at Truth Comes to Light. This particular interview (shared below) with Luke Storey is excellent. Luke is studying Brandon’s material and is able to add to the conversation with insights and great questions. The conversation moves forward with intention to share this information as clearly as possible with Luke’s audience.

Brandon’s Contract Killer Course presentations contain a lot of what he considers sexual humor, so these newer presentations, outside of his course, will appeal to those who are looking for something to share with their children (or with others who find the sexual humor to be more of an interference pattern than engaging). Nonetheless, Brandon gained a huge online audience with his approach to teaching this material. He spent (and continues to spend) countless hours in organizing and presenting this information at no charge. He always acknowledges and gives credit to those he learned from along the way. Certainly this work is not all his own, but he has taken this universal conversation a huge step forward in documenting and clarifying this massive, clever “word spell”.

Many of the documents he refers to can be found at the resources page at his website. For my own study, I converted his State National Theory page to PDF so that I could print it out for study. His description of his own nation is found here. Quite a few additional resources are found via dropbox links here.

From personal experience, I can say there is no easy way through this material as we all need to do this work for ourselves. In a sense we are standing on new ground which we need to learn to navigate and we must gain strength as we understand the terrain. Having said that, I will continue to share as much as I can over time to clarify the knowledge needed and steps to take in setting ourselves free from unintentional contracts with parasites.

To this day, many come to America, following the “path to freedom” that is part of America’s legend, only to find themselves trapped in one more nightmare of control.  The vision of America is still here for us to recreate but we can only do so if we are aware of the tactics of those who seek to dominate others.

Blind obedience as herd animals is not the path to freedom. Finding a new leader to follow can never be the answer. It all starts with individuals gaining awareness of how we are manipulated, seeing the games played by “the masters” as they move us from one cattle chute to another, and, perhaps, by understanding how to beat them at their own game as we step away from the game altogether.

~ Kathleen



Video available at Luke Storey Rumble, Bitchute & YouTube channels.


Common Law School: Escape the Tax Slave Matrix w/ Brandon Joe Williams | 528 | Luke Storey

by Luke Storey with Brandon Joe Williams
March 19, 2024


Are you ready to have your minds blown and your views on law, personal responsibility, and societal norms completely redefined?

I’m super excited to introduce today’s guest, the revolutionary thinker Brandon Joe Williams. This guy is redefining the rules of how we operate in the world, literally. As a lawyer and the brain behind The Amnesty Coalition, Brandon’s like a soldier of God, leveraging education and forgiveness to break chains we didn’t even know we had.

In today’s epic chat, we stomp through the murky waters of our societal system, revealing how it might be holding us back without even realizing it. Brandon’s got this unique ability to take complex legal jargon and make it understandable, showing us how to legally step out of the Free-Range Tax Slave Matrix and into a life of real freedom.

We’re not just talking theory here; Brandon brings the heat with practical, real-world strategies.
Whether you’re a regular Joe, a police officer, a judge, or even a politician, there’s something in this conversation for you. It’s all about breaking down barriers to freedom and elevating our collective consciousness. It’s not just about financial freedom or finding loopholes; it’s a full-on journey to the heart of what true freedom means in a world that often feels like it’s designed to do the exact opposite.

So buckle up, folks, and prepare for a wild ride into the depths of personal empowerment and societal transformation with Brandon Joe Williams. If you enjoy this conversation, make sure to check out Brandon’s free online course, and watch out for part two of our conversation coming soon.

00:00:00 — 1: Opening
00:03:53 — 2: Understanding Legalese: Defining Straw Man & Public Corporations
00:14:23 — 3: Breaking Down Status Collection: Defining Identities & Location
00:31:26 — 4: Self-Naturalization & Citizenship Legal Processes Explained
00:54:39 — 5: Exploring Sovereignty, Responsibility & How to Move Forward
01:18:39 — 6: Citizenship & Tax Law History
01:35:50 — 7: Overcoming Suppression with Access to Unconventional Knowledge
01:55:58 — 8: The 14th Amendment & What Happens to Our Income Taxes


[00:00:05] Luke: All right, Brandon Joe Williams, this has been a long time coming, man. I’m so stoked to chat with you today.

[00:00:10] Brandon: Yeah.

[00:00:12] Luke: So for those listening, we’ll have an in-person, in-studio chat booked here in a few weeks, and I just got so excited about the stuff you’re doing. I literally couldn’t wait. I’m just like, all right, we’re going to do one online. For that reason and because this information is going to be so new and mind blowing to many people, I think it’s going to require a couple of episodes for people just to get their head around it anyway.

[00:00:43] So as we jump into this, I want to give a shout out to my friend Alec Zeck, who texted me one of your podcasts a couple of months ago. And I was like, oh, you got to check this guy out. He’s going to come on my show. And so here we are. Let me see where I am. I’m on Lesson 17 of 39 of your course, and I’m just having my mind blown.

[00:01:04] So I think what we’ll do– yeah, it’s just I’m obsessed. Anyone that knows me is like, really? Is that all you do know? Yeah, pretty much. So in this one, we’ll do a nice overview for people, and then when you get out here to Texas, we’ll dive into more of some of the higher level complexities around infinite money, and discharging debt, and all of the fun stuff that happens once you get into this.

[00:01:29] Brandon: Yeah.

[00:01:30] Luke: So for those listening, you have already seen the show notes and the title to the show. For you, Brandon, just to set this up, it was probably 20 years ago, I think, when I heard this guy Jordan Maxwell, talking about common law terminology and the birth certificate, and why there’s a bar, and why the judge is sitting up on the thing with the black robe and there’s all this sort of legal ease doublespeak that really makes the world turn in the world of law.

[00:02:02] And so I’ve always found that very intriguing, but when I started to try and actually learn it in a way that I might be able to apply to my life someday, I found there was a huge roadblock because God bless them, all of these boomer patriot types that are teaching some of this law information had illegible 1997 websites.

[00:02:27] And there was no podcast featuring any of these people. Everything is written, not written that well. And so I’d start to study some of this and just basically get stuck and just give up because it wasn’t applicable and it wasn’t presented in here’s how you do it kind of way. It was like, well, there’s this thing out there, but good luck figuring it out.

[00:02:48] Brandon: Yeah.

[00:02:49] Luke: And you’re the first guy I’ve found that’s actually like, cool, I’ve dug in and studied all of this stuff and created your course and other things that you’re doing that actually show people how to do it. So I think that’s why I’ve been so fired up, because it’s a younger guy who speaks my language and seems to get this and is able to convey it in a way that is relatable. So thank you so much.

[00:03:11] Brandon: Yeah. And I say thank you to those people that could barely understand because the thing is that without them, I wouldn’t have had anything to work with to try to– I wanted to take the information that they were trying so hard because they care, because they’re great people. I tried to take a lot of their information, simplify it, add a lot of humor and entertainment value to it, and bring the average demographic age range of somebody who may be interested in it way, way down from that particular demographic.

[00:03:40] So while that is true, and I agree, and I say that a lot myself, I also at the same time try to appreciate a lot of what they did because if it wasn’t for what they did, such as even Copper Moonshine Stills and GMC, Lovett, and all these guys, I probably wouldn’t have never done any of this.

[00:04:00] Luke: Yeah, yeah. Me too. And I didn’t mean to be disparaging against them.

[00:04:03] Brandon: No, I know.

[00:04:04] Luke: It’s me expressing my frustration of going, I think there’s something really interesting and potentially life changing and transformative here to get an understanding of what really makes the world tick. And then digging into it and being like, okay, well what do I do with this?

[00:04:20] It’s frustrating when you can only be taken to a certain point. So maybe a good place to start would be– it’s funny, we’re in a selection year now, and I look on social media, and I see all these people fighting over the politician they want or don’t want.

[00:04:37] And as I learn more about this common law world, I’m really seeing the futility in arguing about politics because if someone has really taken their life into their own hands in a lawful way, it almost seems like it doesn’t matter who the politicians are because they’re essentially just c-level executives of various corporations that are really running things. So I think that’s something that’s very freeing about this as well. Maybe let’s start out in breaking down the three general types of law, land, air, and sea.

[00:05:21] Brandon: Yeah. Well, could we actually start with status correction? Would you mind? I think that would be more–

[00:05:28] Luke: Okay.

[00:05:28]  Brandon: We can swing over to that a little bit later. So status correction. I was actually talking with someone the other day about this, and it’s a term that you’re starting to see more and more and more with all of this stuff.

[00:05:40] And it’s not really well defined even within our own community, if you’ve noticed that. No one’s ever really stopped and said, what does that even mean? And I was thinking about it yesterday. I was doing a pre-call with a very big show that will go unnamed for now.

[00:06:00] And he’s asking about status correction and I’ve been dealing with status correction for 20 years. And I go, well, what is status correction? And he goes, uh. And I realized. I was like, we talk about this all the time. And even within our own group, we don’t really totally know what that even means if we were to define it, let’s say in a courtroom.

[00:06:21] Because everything’s in my life is going into courtrooms and litigation now. So I’m starting to think like this all the time. Status correction. Status correction. What is that? Explain that to the jury. So I was thinking about that a lot over the past week, what is status correction?

[00:06:37] And I think I’ve developed what I would consider to be a good definition for it, which is two things. First and foremost, it’s the definition of the word person and realizing that you’re actually two different persons. So the definition of the term person means an individual or an organization.

[00:06:56] And if you look in the tax code, such as the Internal Revenue Code, Title 26, the definition of person is an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, corporation. Could be any of those things. So when you were born, there was a corporation that was made of your name in all capital letters, and that’s what the social security account is.

[00:07:18] And that’s what a lot of these different accounts are. That’s what all your banking bills come in this particular name. And a lot of people use the term the strawman to for describing that thing.

[00:07:30] So there’s all this chaos and confusion, and people say, straw man, and all this stuff, blah, blah, blah. And it goes on and on and on, but no one stops and says, what is straw man? So from the definition from Cornell Law School, which I’m reading here– I can do a screen share.

[00:07:45] We’re going to talk as though we’re not screen sharing for the audio audience, but for the video audience, I try as hard as I can to show everything I talk about. That way I’m not just some whack job who’s lost his mind on some show, right?

[00:08:00] Luke: Love it.

[00:08:01] Brandon: So here we have Cornell Law School, strawman. Strawman is a third party that holds property in intermission for the sole purpose of transferring it to another. Now, this is very, very interesting because if you go to my website, I have an old definition of the term attorn, such as attorney. This definition comes from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language fifth Edition.

[00:08:34] Attorn has three definitions. Definition one is to recognize or bring about a transfer, especially of property. Number two is to transfer something to another. Number three is to turn or transfer homage and service from one lord to another. This is the act of feudatories, vassals, or tenants upon the alienation of the estate. So you have this definition of attorn, which is what attorney means, which means to transfer.

[00:09:11] I laugh because they say, there’s a lot of guys like Dan S Kennedy. He’s one of my favorite marketing guys, and he says, an attorney should never be broke because it’s the only profession where you can legally steal. And literally, the word attorn means basically to steal, no joke.

[00:09:30] So it’s funny because people don’t like attorneys. Well, that’s because that’s the name attorn. It means to turn away from, to turn away from God, to transfer ownership, to transfer property. And then you have the definition of the word strawman. It’s a third party that holds property in intermission for the sole purpose of transferring it to another.

[00:09:53] So an escrow account could be a strawman, and then the attorney is the one getting the objects or things into the escrow, thus transferring its ownership through legalities and law, which is probably in some way illegal, even though it happens. So attorn and strawman actually go together pretty nicely, but the term that I use, the terms that I like, the terms that are actually more clear about what is the actual name of this particular thing that is created when you were born is actually these two terms, which I’ll say into the audio.

[00:10:37] So the first term that I really like comes from the Black’s Law Dictionary. It’s called Public Corporation. Very, very clear definition. We don’t need to go off onto some conspiracy theory about this. We just need to read the definition verbatim. And it’s very, very open, very clear, and very upfront as to what it is and how it works.

[00:11:00] A public corporation is one created by the state for political purposes and to act as an agency in the administration of civil government. I’m going to read that one again. It’s very important because it has everything to do with this whole status change, and taxation, and naturalization, and nationality. This is an important part of all of this information.

[00:11:26] Public corporation. A public corporation is one created by the state for political purposes and to act as an agency in the administration of civil government. So it’s basically like a middleman, or you could almost go so far as to say it could it be used as a strawman? Could it be a third party that holds property in intermission for the sole purpose of transferring it to another via an attorney?

[00:11:58] Sure, it could. That’s not what it is. That’s not what it is in its most basic form, and it’s most basic form it’s just a corporation that’s used as some sort of intermediary or relay station between the government and an individual. Whether it’s good, or bad, or evil, or horrible, or wonderful, that’s not really established in this definition.

[00:12:19] And that’s what I like, because it’s not really intrinsically evil. That’s the other problem. It depends on what you know and how it’s used. Another definition that’s very important that people should know, another way to describe this particular organization or corporation that’s born out of your birth certificate when it’s processed at the Department of Health and Human Services is ens legis, which is spelled E-N-S L-E-G-I-S.

[00:12:49] Definition of ens legis from the Black’s Law Dictionary is a creature of the law, an artificial being as contrasted with a natural person applied to corporations considered as deriving their existence entirely from the law. And then here I have the Title 26, the Internal Revenue Code Definition of the word person, which is probably one of the most important things to ever know in all of law and all of status correction.

[00:13:20] The term person shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company, or corporation. So when it comes to status correction, you realize that you’re actually two different persons. You are a corporate body, and you are a living body, or human body, or man, whatever, flesh and blood, however you want to say it.

[00:13:54] In law, they call a human body or flesh and blood natural person. Now, if you dig down that definition far enough, you’ll find that they could possibly also be talking about artificial people within the definition of natural persons. So there is a bit of a nefarious and unclarity to the word natural person.

[00:14:17] But in general, especially if you want to operate in the courts like I do, where you’re actually in court a lot and dealing with court cases and litigating to get things done, you will need to operate as though you as the living being is a natural person in the law, even though that may not be entirely true.

[00:14:35] But if you don’t take that as truth to some degree or another, then you really just can’t even operate in the courts at all. It’s just not possible. Their terminology ends at that point in terms of what is a person.

[00:14:50] Luke: So another term that you hear people use in terms of status correction, and we will be defining more of this for those listening that are like, what are you even talking about, is they’ll use the legal fiction. So you’re born as a human being and then you’re issued this birth certificate that gets recorded and creates this ens legis or fiction person, etc.

[00:15:14] And so we’re walking around in a duality essentially, is the way I look at it. It’s like you, the living flesh person, and then there’s this micro corporation that’s been created, and that’s what’s interfacing with the government and required to pay taxes and all these things that we don’t want to do. But would you say a legal fiction is a viable way to frame that as well?

[00:15:37] Brandon: Well, yeah. Even in the definition of the term ens legis, a creature of the law, an artificial being as contrasted with a natural person. That’s an unaltered definition, straight out of the dictionary, literally.

[00:15:51] Luke: Got it.

[00:15:52] Brandon: So the first part of status correction, which I believe is more of a liquid understanding, it’s a lifestyle and not a piece of paper, like what you see a lot of people talking about. It’s just a bunch of paper that you sent off once and now all of a sudden you run a status correction. I don’t believe that at all. I used to believe that until I started to understand it more. And now I think it’s more of a martial art and a lifestyle, and it’s a lot more simple as well.

[00:16:18] So there’s two parts to “status correction”. The first one is persons. What persons are here? What persons are at play? And then what are the various persons? So when you put a credit card into a credit card machine, you’re actually producing currency or funds out of thin air.

[00:16:42] What is the only institution in this world that is allowed in the law to produce brand new currency out of thin air? The answer to that question is the word bank. So the all caps name is a public corporation. The all caps name is a bank. The all caps name is a lot of things. Anything that allows the government to interface between a human being and the government is basically operated through the confines of that public corporation.

[00:17:10] So the public corporation has many functions. It has banking functions. It’s a known fact in the corporate world that corporations give you limited liability and commercial activity. So the beautiful thing is that you can operate into the government with complete immunity as long as you operate into the government using your agency that was developed for the purpose of– let me reread it because I don’t like to just–

[00:17:42] A public corporation is one created by the state for political purposes and to act as an agency in the administration of civil government. When you use that person as an agency in the administration of civil government, you also get limited liability in everything that occurs in those transactions because the person that you are using, the public corporation, is the one with financial and legal responsibility, which I know is insane for most people hearing this for the first time.

[00:18:14] Probably breaking your skull, maybe feeling like glass. That’s normal. That’s what this is. And there’s really no way to really get around some of those feelings and how people may feel about that. That’s how this works, and that’s what this is. And some of it is hidden. A lot of it is not.

[00:18:32] When you get into the actual court and you start operating in the court, you can have full blown conversations with judges about this, and they know exactly what you’re talking about, and they will assist you to help you figure out which persons are in play, what are they, what are their responsibilities, and how does this all work?

[00:18:48] This is real. This is how it really works. Most people that are not involved in the court systems do not know any of this information. And the problem in status correction is that you are identifying with this particular corporation saying that you are this corporation, thus creating one person out of two different persons.

[00:19:13] That is a big, big issue. So you say the word status correction. For example, let’s say in a religious atmosphere. Some people believe, such as myself, that I am a spiritual being that inhabits a body. There are two different bodies, two different characteristics, or two different persons, or two different entities or two different awarenesses at play.

[00:19:39] You have the non-physical spiritual awareness, which is myself, the seat of creativity. And then you have the physical body, which is an awareness.  The way that law operates, it’s exactly the same thing. If someone believes as though they are their physical body, they are two different awarenesses operating as a single unit.

[00:20:06] When it comes to status correction, you need to realize that you are not this public corporation ens legis. In the confines of the law, you are a natural person that operates the public corporation or ens legis as an agency in the administration of civil government.

[00:20:30] Luke: So from one respect then you’re acting as essentially an attorney on behalf of your corporate identity, the ens legis.

[00:20:43] Brandon: Precisely. To operate in America, to operate in law, to operate in banking, you are an attorney on behalf of the ens legis public corporation. So you can use terms like I am the agent on behalf of the ens legis. I am the attorney. In fact, in regards to the ens legis, I am the representative of the ens legis.

[00:21:11] These are all valid terms, and people may try to tell you that they’re not, but they very, very much are. And when you get into actual litigation and you get in front of an actual judge, especially a federal judge, they respect the fact that you actually know what’s going on, and you aren’t many, many terms that they use for people who are–   even the word dolt, which is funny, D-O-L-T, the definition is a stupid person. What term uses the word dolt in it?

[00:21:44] Luke: Adult.

[00:21:45] Brandon: Adult. Literally, you are a dolt, right?

[00:21:49] Luke: That’s great.

[00:21:50] Brandon: But the thing that at the same time, you also have the term idiot, legal definition of idiot. One of the legal definitions of the word idiot is a private person, meaning somebody who’s not involved in any sort of legal capacity.

[00:22:07] So if they have you in a courtroom and they say you’re an idiot, then you could actually say, well, yeah, I don’t really know a lot about all your legalese and all your goofiness. And that’s actually one of the terms, the idiot. I want to find it. Maybe idiota is actually the actual– idiota, legal definition without digging through all sorts of things.

[00:22:34] Let me see if I can find it. A private man, one not in office, in common law, an idiot or fool. So you see here, these terms are really interesting because you can actually go and say, I’m an idiot. I’m a private man. I’m not involved in all of this goofiness.

[00:22:57] And that’s actually one of the definitions when you say the word adult. A dolt, what is that? It’s a stupid person. So my whole platform, and Luke’s aware of this, is all about the definitions of words and terms and not just using words and terms loosely. The word strawman is used very loosely.

[00:23:18] And you can go online, and you can find 580,000 people talking about that term, but not one of them will tell you it’s a third party that holds property in intermission for the purpose of transferring it to another. And that’s what it actually is. It’s not this nefarious, vague, God knows what. It’s almost like an escrow account essentially.

[00:23:42] I’ve heard this term, transferring utility. That might be another term that could be used for strawman, but strawman is something very specific. Now, that’s the first part of this status correction. How many persons are there? What is a person? Who are you as a person as a relation to the other persons in your life?

[00:24:08] If you have four corporations, four businesses, you actually are the agent on behalf of four corporations, four persons, and then your ens legis is also a person. And then within the confines of a legal action, you are a natural person. So if you have a Social Security Number and you have a birth certificate and you have a business owner, and you own two businesses or four businesses, you have however many businesses you have plus two additional persons in your life that you are operating.

[00:24:41] So you would have, in that case, six persons that you are operating. And you can think of these persons almost as game pieces, like monopoly pieces, the car, and the hat, and the little scruffy dog, and the iron. So you have six of these pieces in this game, and all of those pieces are considered persons in the law.

[00:25:11] So if you aren’t aware of that and you’re operating as though you are just one person, you are in an incorrect status. And that’s why the term status correction is correcting an incorrect status. That’s number one.

[00:25:33] Now, the second part of status correction is location. Where are all of these pieces located? How do you move these various playing pieces around? And what are the benefits and pitfalls of these various locations these pieces could be in? That’s the second part. So we’re going to go through–

[00:25:53] Luke: Because location determines jurisdiction, and jurisdiction is the whole game, right? That’s what–

[00:25:58] Brandon: Location determines jurisdiction. It also determines taxation. It determines a lot of things. Location is very important. I would say knowing which person’s which and having the identities worked out is probably a little bit more important than location. But location is very, very important. It’s number two in line.

[00:26:15] There’s nothing else at all, in my opinion, in terms of what status correction is. There’s just identity and location. That’s it. So when it comes to location, we’re going to start with 28 USC 3002. The 28 signifies the title, which is just the section of the United States Code. And then the second number, the 3002, represents the subsection inside of that title.

[00:26:42] So 28 USC 3002 can be typed into Google, just like that, and it’ll pop right up. I like Cornell Law School because Cornell Law, it takes all of the special definitions that are involved in these particular things, which some of them are really crazy and enraging. It’ll make those particular words clickable.

[00:27:03] So you can go right to the special definitions and never miss one. That could really, really be a big pitfall for you. Other websites, a lot of the other ones don’t do that for you. Cornell is very nice. So we’re going into Subsection 15. It says here, United States means Subsection A of that 15, is a federal corporation.

[00:27:23] Luke: Boom. There it is.

[00:27:23] Brandon: So United States is a federal corporation. Now, we already know. So as a corporation, a person, yes it is. Okay. So we’ve got a person now. Now, where is that person located? We’re going to go to a different body of law called the Uniform Commercial Code. Now, in the United States code, the different sections go by titles. In the Uniform Commercial Code, the different sections go by what’s called articles.

[00:27:56] So in the Uniform Commercial Code, we’re going to go to Article 9, Section 307. And the way that you write that is UCC 9-307. We’re going to go down to Subsection H, says here, location of United States. Below that, it says the United States is located in the District of Columbia.

[00:28:29] So we have a person, and that person is located inside the 10 miles square radius called Washington, DC. That’s probably pretty shocking for most people. Okay, so we have this location. So everyone thinks that United States is this gigantic sector, which includes all of North America. That is entirely and completely false.

[00:28:56] United States, we actually don’t know exactly where it’s located because you could say it’s located on the Southwest corner of District of Columbia. It could be located on the northeast corner of District of Columbia. It could be in the center. We also have the fact that District of Columbia is 10 square miles.

[00:29:21] How many square miles, and what shape is that zone called United States within the District of Columbia? We don’t know. I’ve never seen it anywhere. All we know is that the United States is located in the District of Columbia. We don’t know where. We don’t know how big, but we do know that’s where it’s located. Okay. So I usually just say it’s just all of DC because we don’t know where in DC it’s actually located.

[00:29:51] Luke: Right. Let me pause you for one second there just to try to give a bit of a 30,000-foot view. So we think that we live in a country called the United States when in fact we live in a country called the United States of America. So there’s, again, this duality. There’s this corporate infrastructure that’s been superimposed upon the original country.

[00:30:19] And then as an individual living person, we have another duality because there’s the person on paper, the ens legis. And then there’s the actual living, breathing human being. So we’re in this world where I would say 99.999% of the people living in this country, and we can talk about other countries a bit later, but just focusing on the US right now, is that there’s the real world and then there’s this legalese, superficial world that’s been superimposed upon it.

[00:30:52] Yet most of us don’t even know that the secondary world exists because that’s the only world we think is real. And underneath that is this foundational world where you’re a living person on a territory of 50 states. Can you take us back to the ratification of the 14th Amendment in 1871, when this trickery began to help us get amnesia as to the reality that we’re living in?

[00:31:25] Brandon: Well, would you mind if I just completed the location part and then we can jump straight into that? We’ll jump straight into that right afterward because I want make sure that we clean up because there’s only two parts to this thing called status correction, and location is an important aspect of it.

[00:31:39] But once we do that, I’d love to because it is important. How did all this start and what happened? Once we finish this conversation, that conversation will be very, very easy to go over.

[00:31:51] Luke: Perfect.

[00:31:52] Brandon: The next one we’re going to go to is 42 USC Section 9102. We’re going to scroll down to Subsection 18, and we’re going to see it says here, United States citizen means, a, any individual who is a citizen of the United States by law, birth, or naturalization. Law means that it was created under the laws of, or is contracted into the laws of the United States. Birth means born in the United States, which is difficult because we don’t actually know exactly where it’s located in Washington DC. And then we have naturalization.

[00:32:32] Naturalization, in my opinion, is where all the fun begins and ends. Naturalization is where all the excitement is, and it’s where status correction actually occurs. So naturalization, the definition comes from 8 USC 1101, Subsection A 23. And the definition is so simple and so powerful that it’s extremely shocking.

[00:32:58] And it took me a long time to be able to swallow this definition because I’m always thinking there’s got to be something nefarious here. There has to be some fine print. There has to be something more to this. And I was digging around, and bashing around, and hunting around, and I just couldn’t have the fact that this could possibly be true.

[00:33:15] And after some time of not really able to find anything underneath this and realizing that this is actually pretty clear and it actually is this crazy and this simple and this powerful, it’s mind blowing. And it has become the centerpiece for all of what I would consider status correction.

[00:33:33] The term naturalization means the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person– remember, person– after birth, by any means whatsoever. And you may feel like you’re in a full-blown daze, like a boxer just hit you in the head. And you might feel that way for a month about this definition. I assure you.

[00:34:05] Luke: Dude, when I first heard you talk about that definition, I’m like, there’s no way that it can be that way. It’s like, that can’t be true, especially the by any means whatsoever, which is essentially you sending a few affidavits off going, I’m now naturalized here or there, or wherever, and it must be followed. It’s like some of this stuff is so–

[00:34:29] Brandon: Correct.

[00:34:29] Luke: A, on one hand, it’s confusing. But on the other hand, some of it is so simple that one can’t even believe that it could be that easy to essentially leave the matrix lawfully. It’s insane.

[00:34:45] Brandon: It’s literally open sesame. No joke. No joke. Open sesame. So what this means is we’ve already covered that you have this monopoly board, you have your car, you have your top hat, you have your iron, you have your scruffy dog. Now, each of those things, and your ens legis would be in there. That would be the, whatever, other one.

[00:35:08] And then you have the natural person, which, again, that’s a little bit tricky, but some people are going to freak out. People who are on my side of the equation on all this, they hear the word natural person. They’re like, no, it’s not. Because of all this stuff. And there is some truth to that. But again, to operate at all within the confines of the courts, you are a natural person, which can definitely be rebutted as an assumption, but I use it. It’s fine.

[00:35:31] It’s not the end of the world. When you understand how all this works, the dangerousness of being considered a natural person goes down by 99% or 99.9% anyway. So the danger is being identified as a ens legis. That’s where all the danger is. Let’s cover this.

[00:35:49] So how does the monopoly game work when it comes to what’s called status correction? Okay, so first and foremost, you thought you had one playing piece. Now you’re learning, you have a whole bunch of playing pieces. Some people listening to this, people who have all sorts of estates, and trusts, and corporations, you’ve got all sorts of playing pieces. You might have 35 or 55 or 100 different playing pieces.

[00:36:13] If you’re a real estate investor and you put all your real estate, and trusts, and estates, you have so many persons, it’s unbelievable. You might have 35 or 45 persons. And your children are also two persons each, by the way.  So you have two persons for each child. So you don’t actually have, in the legal world, one child. You have two persons for your children per child.

[00:36:38] Now, the second part, location is how do you move all of these playing pieces around on the board? You don’t roll a dice. You don’t ask for permission. You literally just say, and I am not kidding, and most people listening to this will not believe me– it’s okay because I didn’t believe it for a long time either.

[00:36:58]  You grab your car, or your little dog, or your little iron, and you pick it up and say, I confer the nationality of the state of Boardwalk upon this car after birth by any means whatsoever. And you take the car, and you place the car on Boardwalk, and you are now at Boardwalk. I am not kidding when I say this.

[00:37:24] So status correction, most people will say is a one-time thing. You send in some papers, and now you have corrected your status. You can change the location of all of your game pieces 1,000 times an hour if you wanted to. You could move the dog, and the iron, and the car onto every single spot on the entire monopoly board, thousands of times per hour.

[00:38:03] So let’s say, for example, you wanted to operate in all 50 states inside of the corporate states. Because if United States is located in the District of Columbia, where do you think State of California is located? It’s also a corporation located in the District of Columbia.  Now, let’s say you wanted to operate commerce in all 50 states. It’s very easy.

[00:38:31] You create 50 persons, 50 corporations, 50 trusts, 50 associations, 50 partnerships, and you naturalize each of the individual 50 persons into each of the 50 corporate states. For example, I can create 50 corporations called Brandon Joe Williams, California; Brandon Joe Williams, Utah; Brandon Joe Williams, New Mexico; Brandon Joe Williams; Texas, and I can confer the nationality of State of California upon Brandon Joe Williams, California, after birth, by any means whatsoever, and Brandon Joe Williams, California, that playing piece is now located in state of California, which is located in Washington, DC, which I know, again, is completely batshit insane.

[00:39:41] On a scale from one to 10 billion, it’s a 10 billion on the crazy scale, but I’m telling you that’s what this is, and that’s how it works. And those two things, one being identity, two being location, is status correction. And it’s not this, like, you send in some documents one time and it’s all– yes, that’s part of it. That is a correction of status.

[00:40:11] But getting up into martial arts level with this stuff is you can move and change, and you can have more persons. Let’s say you start losing the game. Put 100 more playing pieces on the board. Create 100 more persons. Nothing’s stopping you. You can locate all those persons anywhere you want.

[00:40:31] There’s no way you can lose. When you realize how this really works and you realize how identity and location really works, you can’t lose. You can’t lose ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. It is a physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, and legal impossibility that you could possibly lose.

[00:41:00] Now, when you say that you, which you’re actually referring to the ens legis, is a US citizen or is located in state of California, which we’ve already covered– it’s a sub corporation of United States, which the proof on that is you can find State of California, State of Utah, State of Texas, all listed on Dun & Bradstreet as businesses, which I’m not going to get into all that because the Dun & Bradstreet website irritates me sometimes. I can’t search very well in there.

[00:41:34] So when you go to voter registration and they have your name in all capital letters and they say, where is this person located? You’ll never notice it until now. Now you’ll start to notice this terminology. Like for example, when you get your driver’s license write the name of the person who is applying for a driver’s license.

[00:41:53] Very tricky. Very, very tricky. Because now you got to think identity, number one. Which identity are they referring to and how and why? So when you do voter registration or when you fill out a W-9 tax form, the bottom of the W-9 tax form states in Section two, which I will read it verbatim, I’m not going to paraphrase it.

[00:42:18] Section two, under the certification section, under penalties of perjury, I certify that, number three says, I am a US citizen or other US person. Where it says, sign here right next to where it has the little arrow for the signature, it says, signature of US person. You were not a US person until you said you were a US person.

[00:42:52] Luke: You just naturalized yourself.

[00:42:54] Brandon: You just naturalized yourself.

[00:42:56] Luke: Yeah.

[00:42:56] Brandon: You naturalized yourself with your driver’s license. You naturalized yourself with voter registration. You naturalized yourself with your passport. You naturalized yourself all over the place.

[00:43:08] Luke: Marriage license.

[00:43:09] Brandon: Marriage license, concealed carry permit, all the good stuff. Anytime that you sign under penalty of perjury that you are this ENS LEGIS, and this ens legis is located in the District of Columbia or State of California, or State of Utah, or State of Texas, you are conferring the– now, the thing is that on all these documentations, they are not referring to the natural person. They’re actually referring to the ens legis. So you are not actually naturalizing yourself as a natural person into any of these things.

[00:43:39] You’re actually unknowingly identifying yourself as the ens legis, and then you’re naturalizing the ens legis into the state after birth, by any means whatsoever. Now, traffic laws associated with State of California only apply to people who have contracted in and naturalized as residents of State of California.

[00:44:10] A ticket is a complaint. The word complaint is a lawsuit. All lawsuits when they first start, the first document that’s filed is called a complaint, unless it’s a petition, which is a little different. But just to keep it really simple, it’s almost always going to be what’s called a complaint. A complaint is a lawsuit.

[00:44:30] So what a ticket is is it’s a micro lawsuit for breach of contract. You have naturalized into State of California through voter registration. Usually it’s voter registration is one of the best ways that they can get you on the naturalization end.

[00:44:52] So just to keep it simple, US citizen is somebody who lives in United States. United States is located in the District of Columbia. Very simple. Very, very simple. So now you got to ask yourself, before we get into voter registration, I’m going to show one other thing here. So if we go up from naturalization and we go up just a couple of points to 8 USC 1101 Subsection A 21, we have another term here, another option.

[00:45:22] It says here, the term national means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state. This is a complicated thing. So first off, we have the word person. Could be a corporation, association, trust, partnership, whatever. Permanent– people get really tripped up over this word, which is great. Cornell’s great.

[00:45:47] They make it clickable. Boom. We can go right to it. The term permanent means a relationship of continuing or lasting nature as distinguished from temporary. But a relationship may be permanent, even though it is one that may be dissolved eventually at the instance either of the United States or of the individual in accordance with law. This is a trap word.

[00:46:07] Luke: That’s crazy, dude

[00:46:08] Brandon: This word means absolutely nothing. They put it in here just to trip people up, I guess. I don’t know why it’s here. It means it’s totally an oxymoron. It doesn’t have any definition. It’s circular, and it means absolutely nothing at all whatsoever. You can remove this word from this definition, and it’ll make absolutely no difference legally as to what this definition means.

[00:46:29] And it actually clears up the term very well. So let’s go ahead and just remove this and reread this word. The term national means a person owing allegiance to a state. Very simple. Very, very, very simple. Now it’s starting to take shape. I can think with that. That’s not too hard to think with. Now what we’re going to do is the term allegiance. I have a special document that I give away for free on my website for people to attach to their DS-11 passport application form. I believe you used this one, right, Luke?

[00:47:08] Luke: Indeed.

[00:47:09] Brandon: So we’re going to look up the definition of allegiance here, and we’re going to look up a few pieces of information in terms of how this works. So the term allegiance is something that a lot of people who are into the freedom movement and that kind of thing have an issue with. Because they think to themselves, well, I don’t want to pledge allegiance to the United States now that I know what it is. But here we go. Check this out.

[00:47:33] In Black’s Law’s second edition, allegiance is defined as the following. By allegiance is meant the obligation of fidelity and obedience, which the individual owes to the government under which he lives, or to his sovereign, in return for the protection he receives. It may be an absolute and permanent obligation, or it may be qualified and temporary.

[00:48:04] So the thing is that they’re not telling you you have to do– they say permanent, but then they define it and it destroys itself. So the thing is that it’s not actually absolute and permanent unless you would like it to be. It’s simply a statement of qualified and temporary allegiance. They will still issue you a passport in that way. And the way it works is as per 22 USC 212, it says here, no passport shall be granted or issued to or verified for any other persons than those owing allegiance, whether citizens or not, to the United States.

[00:48:43] Luke: That’s insane, dude.

[00:48:46] Brandon: And then we have another section here, 22 CFR 51.2. A passport may be issued only to a US national. Okay. What’s a US national? US national is defined in that same section right by where we saw naturalization in national. The term national of the United States means, a, a citizen of the United States, or, b, a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States. Now think about this. Do you need to be located in the United States or even speak English to owe allegiance to the United States?

[00:49:35] Luke: No.

[00:49:36] Brandon: No, you do not. A person who is not living in Washington DC but pledges their allegiance with a unqualified or qualified statement would qualify as a person owing allegiance to a state. That state is called United States. So that person is now a national of the United States, or another way they put it on the I-9 Employment Eligibility verification form, a non-citizen national of the United States. Now, why is this important? You can see here on the I-9 for the video peeps, Section A, a citizen of the United States, Section B, a non-citizen national of the United States.

[00:50:27] If you scroll down, list of acceptable documents, it says here employees may present one selection from list A or a combination of one selection from list B and one from list C. In order to work, you have to establish identity, and you have to establish employment authorization. What does it say here on list A that proves both identity and employment authorization instantaneously, Subsection number one? What does it say right here?

[00:50:59] Luke: US passport, or US passport card.

[00:51:02] Brandon: So if you pledge allegiance to the United States, you are issued a passport. All you need to open bank accounts to get utilities hooked up to your house. To work in the United States is a passport. You do not need anything else. You do not need a registration card, a school ID. You do not need a Social Security number.

[00:51:25] You do not need absolutely anything else at all whatsoever to operate entirely in America as an American as if you were born and raised here. All you need is a passport. And all you need to be eligible to get a passport is to pledge allegiance to the United States.

[00:51:45] Luke: It’s just insane. You know what comes to mind when we’re going over this stuff and something I’ve pondered a lot as I’ve been studying is I feel so bad for people that want to come here and are excited to become a US citizen. And it’s such a paradox that if you are officially a US citizen, you essentially have no rights.

[00:52:09] You’ve unknowingly volunteered. And this is for people that were born here and people that are coming here. The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, these things that we claim protect our rights actually don’t apply to a US citizen. It’s like being a US citizen is actually a lower grade of citizenship than not being one, than being a state national, or whatever you want to call it.

[00:52:35] There’s many names for someone who has this. We’re talking about corrected their status, but I’ve always felt like, oh, thank God I’m a US citizen, man. I can hang out here in the States, and I can come and go as I please, get on an airplane, go to another country. I’ve got my passport, I can get back in. I’ve got my Social Security number and my id, my birth certificate.

[00:52:55] Everything that I’ve always thought were my keys to the kingdom are actually the lock on the prison door of the matrix. It’s just everything that’s like upside down world when you start to get into this stuff. It’s like everything you thought was good is not, and everything you thought was bad is good. It’s totally bizarre.

[00:53:17] Brandon: Well, you’re seeing that a lot in the media with all the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens are people who have not pledged allegiance to the United States. But the thing is, I don’t think a lot of them are illegal aliens because the thing is that they’re getting all these benefits. So someone who is not a US citizen but pledges allegiance to the United States who lives outside of the United States, such as in California– I don’t live in the United States and California because the United States is defined as a federal corporation located in the District of Columbia.

[00:53:47] As a non-citizen national, non-citizen nationals are actually Americans. So illegal aliens are actually Americans. US citizens are the foreigners. And that’s why you’re seeing all of these foreign aliens and illegal aliens getting all of these benefits from the government.

[00:54:06] We are treated better by the government. We are at a higher esteem than the government because we are the actual Americans. The quote, illegal aliens are actually the real Americans. The US citizens are our employees that are located on paper in the District of Columbia.

[00:54:23] The District of Columbia is not a state of the union called the United States of America. It is a foreign corporate zone, and its states are the US territories, which are all corporate sub states of United States such as Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, etc. That is actually the United States. The United States is Washington, DC, Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, and I think one other one. That is United States.

[00:54:56] And then the United States of America is the unincorporated independent, sovereign nation states such as California Republic or the Crown Colony of Vermont, or the Crown County of Connecticut, or the Southwest Territory, which is the original legal common law name for Tennessee. These are all the actual common law non incorporated locations.

[00:55:22] Your natural person can be located in California Republic and you ens legis, or one of your corporations, or one of your trusts, or one of your associations, or one of your partnerships, can be located in State of California. Now, Gavin Newsom is the governor of State of California.

[00:55:46] Luke: He’s basically the CEO of that corporation, just like Sleepy Joe is the CEO of the corporation called the United States located in the District of Columbia.

[00:55:56] Brandon: Precisely.

[00:55:56] Luke: I think a word that seems to come to mind a lot when dealing with this particular topic is the matrix. There’s been a lot of talk about that word, obviously, since that film and over the past four years with all the plandemic insanity, and all of this.

[00:56:11] People are really looking for a way out. And I think many people use that term as like, God, I’m caught in this matrix. But up until conversations like this, I don’t know that we’ve been able to fully define the matrix. And the way I see it is what I was describing for this, duality where you have this superimposed corporation that’s sitting on top of the country, and then you have your birth certificate, false identity, your corporate identity that’s sitting on top of you as a living, breathing man or woman. But it gets matrixy, really, when you think about the DC Corporation. Okay, I’m in Texas. Texas is a sub corporation of Washington, DC

[00:56:50] Brandon: State of Texas.

[00:56:52] Luke: State of Texas. Right. State of Texas. And then you have the city of Austin is another corporation

[00:56:57] Brandon: City Austin. Yeah.

[00:56:58] Luke: Right? You have Travis County.

[00:57:00] Brandon: Yeah.

[00:57:01] Luke: Yeah.

[00:57:01] Brandon: It wouldn’t be Travis County, though. It would be the County of Travis. Yeah.

[00:57:05] Luke: So there’s layers on layers on layers of all of this commercial law, basically. It’s all commerce. It’s all business. And correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like the entire thing is just based on money. And it seems as though when we are born and assigned to this birth certificate that very much like the film, the Matrix, we’re this energy generation machine that is parasitically fed off of all of these layers of corporate entities. They’re feeding off our corporate entity, but we’re paying the price for that as just a person who wants to just live free and eat, breathe, and contribute to society. Right?

[00:57:51] Brandon: Yeah. And the most amazing thing about it, and I think now I’d like to go back to your previous question, this is perfect timing to go to how did this all starts, and the 14th Amendment, and all the good stuff. But to answer that, the real truth is that the most mind blowing thing of all this is that we live entirely voluntary, entirely voluntary.

[00:58:12] All of this is completely voluntary. Now, that’s another one that everyone’s going to think I’m full of s, which is fine. It’s fine. I thought so too. I went through years of this. Luke knows. I’m not expecting everyone to swallow this literal 400-pound fish oil pill in three seconds.

[00:58:32] But I am going to say we live in a system that is entirely voluntary. You never, ever once needed to fill out a single tax form. There is absolutely nothing in Title 26 in the Internal Revenue Code that forces you to fill out absolutely any forms at all whatsoever. All forms are voluntary. Once you have volunteered and you are now contracted, now you’re in a bit more of an involuntary situation.

[00:58:59] But the original volunteering was volunteer. Same thing with the banking system. There’s a lot of ways you can volunteer in different ways without having to volunteer as a US citizen. You volunteered as a US citizen. Even when you take on a lawyer and you’re put in prison, there’s bonds that the attorney actually signs on your behalf.

[00:59:19] You have to actually literally sign yourself and sign your own bonds to go to prison if you do not have a lawyer to sign them for you. So everything in our system, everything, which is exactly why the police make you sign the tickets they give you, everything is voluntary. And you say, well, if you don’t sign the tickets, they’re going to beat the fuck out of you, whatever.

[00:59:39] True. But the thing is that the actual structure, the actual system, the actual law, not the behavior of the police officer– the behavior of the police officer might be outside the confines of the law. When the officer threatens you, that’s outside the confines of the law. The way the law actually operates is you are not supposed to be issued a ticket until you agree and verify the fact that the ticket needs to be made.

[01:00:07] And honestly, truthfully, through the brainwashing system that’s so advanced in this country, people are actually okay with it. They get pulled over and the cop says, you’re going too fast, and say, oh yeah, you know what? You’re right. There’s kids, and I shouldn’t have been doing that. And you’ve now volunteered to accept a complaint for breach of contract.

[01:00:29] Luke: Right, right.

[01:00:30] Brandon: And this gets complicated because, let’s say, for example, you have a 35-mile an hour speed limit in a school zone where there’s lots of kids. Let’s say it’s a school zone where the bus stops across the street. Because the way that the school is structured, it’s like they had to put the bus stop over here, and then they have to cross the street to get to the actual school itself. Because the school itself is surrounded by roads, and they couldn’t get a bus line in there.

[01:00:54] Now let’s say there’s people speeding down that road all the time at going 130 miles an hour in their sports cars with their music blaring. Most people would not like that idea. So the people in the town get together and they voluntarily state that there needs to be this 35-mile an hour speed limit, or 15-mile an hour speed limit because there’s 5,000 kids going across this stretch of road every night, and they’re laughing, and they’re dropping stuff, and they’re not paying attention as to this careening, second gen Camaro coming down the road at 400 miles an hour. And then what happens is then the Camaro guy, blah, blah, blah.

[01:01:33] So this is a whole philosophical discussion because you got to think, how does a person– if a 15-mile an hour speed limit is only enforceable because a person naturalized into this corporation that has these traffic laws and it’s a breach of contract, if someone wasn’t naturalized into these particular traffic laws and they didn’t have a driver’s license anymore, how would you enforce the fact that all the local people want people going no faster than 20 miles an hour when there’s 5,000 kids walking across the street all the time?

[01:02:12] And that’s a valid discussion. The problem is that when somebody gets these tickets, where does the money go? And then the police. And it’s just like there’s all these different permutations and all these different directions. And that’s where common law is so fascinating.

[01:02:29] Because in a common law world, such as what you see in a lot of the Wild West films, someone’s causing too much gruff, the mothers or the locals get together, and they just go shoot the guy. He’s dead. Guy comes down the road at 400 miles an hour, cruising down the road. The women find out where he is at, and they go and take broomsticks, and crow bars, and all the good stuff, and they bash in all those windows, and they bash in his car, and they bash in his sides, and they bash everything in.

[01:02:55] And they say, we ever seen you going more than this kind of stuff, and this craziness, and throwing beer bottles out the window, going down this road with these kids, we’re going to kick you out of the town with pitchforks, and torches, and everything else. That was the justice system before.

[01:03:18] So you have to ask yourself, because we live in a voluntary system, what kind of a system do you want? And what kind of a system do you want to see? Because the this is that while I’m here telling you all about this system and this commercial system, it’s all based on commerce. That’s why everything is all fines and fines and fines and fines. It’s all commercial-based.

[01:03:39] Do you want this system to change? Do you want this system to go away entirely? Do you want this? People go, oh yeah, this is the best thing ever. We got to get rid of all this. And then they think like, second gen Camaro going 400 miles an hour drunk down the school lane.

[01:03:55] Brandon: They go, oh, well, wait a second. Maybe we shouldn’t. They pump the brakes, you see? So it does go both ways. This is not just a simple throw it out with the bath water kind of a conversation. This is a larger conversation where what I’m actually asking is we need a renaissance of people that are interested in governing their own space, their own family, their own town, their own zip code.

[01:04:24] Maybe just a small portion, maybe a larger portion, but it is a sovereignty. The definition of sovereignty is self-governance. It is a self-governance. It’s a governance of self, but it’s also a governance of environment. It’s a governance of environment to the level in which you would like to step up to govern.

[01:04:45]  Most people don’t even have governance of self, let alone governance of their environment. So I know that’s asking a lot, but the thing is that that’s what this conversation becomes very rapidly.

[01:04:58] Luke: That makes me think of the common law definition of a crime. There has to be an injured party.

[01:05:05] Brandon: Yes.

[01:05:06] Luke: And that’s a law that I think any thinking, responsible, kind person would adhere to. I’m down with those laws. But what we’re dealing with are these layers of statutes and codes that are all based on commerce that are essentially put in place to trip you up to monetize you. You know what I mean?

[01:05:25] So that’s the thing, I think, fundamentally that’s always appealed to me about the idea of common law, is like, yeah, it’s the golden rule. Follow the golden rule, and you’re golden. That’s simple. Now, unfortunately, we live in a world where there are a lot of wounded people that are out of integrity and don’t have any interest in following that kind of system.

[01:05:44] But I tend to lean on the maybe hopeless optimism that there are more good people in the world than there are bad, and that I think most people don’t inherently want to harm other people. And maybe, even because we have such a broken system with all these statutes and codes, and all this stuff, taxes and all these oppressive mechanisms in place, that’s actually what’s impoverishing people and causing more suffering.

[01:06:12] And the people that are suffering are the ones that end up harming other people and breaking the moral code of society. It’s like a self perpetuating loop of destruction. I did want to point to one thing back to the responsibility, personal responsibility. I think from a metaphysical point of view with this kind of work, this perspective, this renaissance really that we’re starting to see bubble up thanks to you largely–

[01:06:40] Brandon: Thank you.

[01:06:40] Luke: Is that I felt like a victim of the system for most of my life, because I’ve just been an outlier. I’m someone that just doesn’t fit in. I question authority. I don’t like the rules that don’t make sense.

[01:06:53] And so for me, there’s a very empowering element about taking responsibility for the fact that I have volunteered, albeit unknowingly and maybe some trickery of legal ease encouraging me to sign documents in a certain way and to identify myself in a certain way legally, or to put myself in a certain location or jurisdiction, maybe, I was manipulated into volunteering in some cases, but that said, still, I’m the one that put the pen to the paper and said, yes, I’m a US citizen, or, yes, I live in the District of Columbia, etc.

[01:07:28] So for me, it’s been very freeing to go like, okay, I’m not going to blame myself for doing things that I didn’t understand, and I’m also not really going to blame the system. It’s very empowering to take responsibility for oneself because then victimhood starts to evaporate. I don’t feel like I’m a victim of the system.

[01:07:45] I feel motivated to learn how the system works and actually operate according to natural law and according to common law, which is really easy for me to do because I have no interest in harming anyone in any way ever. And I ever do, I’m very happy to make restitution immediately if I did something by mistake.

[01:08:06] So it’s very freeing. It’s super liberating. Aside from just, oh, sending some paperwork off here and there, and yay, I don’t have to pay taxes, it’s like, actually, I feel as we move into this movement that you can actually be an adult and not feel afraid of the system and the government, and even beyond that, not even hate them. It’s like they’re just operating out of this collective survival instinct, right? They seem to lack creativity, and they lack the ability to actually produce things of value and beauty. So they just parasitically siphon on us and get us to sign documents and enter into their world, and we just knowingly do it. And we’re also programmed and educated to believe that if you’re a good person, that you just play along.

[01:08:55] And if you ask questions and you buck the system and exit the system, that you’re therefore a bad person, and this kind of thing. But to me, all this information is just so empowering, and I have less fear of the state. I have less resentment toward the state. And I’m also just patting myself on the back going, well, you didn’t know the stuff you were signing your whole life, and now it’s time to start educating yourself.

[01:09:17] Brandon: Yeah. The police don’t know.

[01:09:18] Luke: It’s actually beautiful.

[01:09:19] Brandon: The people at the bank don’t know. The bankers don’t know. The senior bankers don’t know. I talked to guys with 15, 20, 29 years experience. They don’t know. The only people who know to some degree, and they actually aren’t even bad people, and they’ll help you get all this sorted out, are our judges, especially federal judges.

[01:09:41] They do know. And you think to yourself, well, why aren’t they telling everybody? Well, I don’t know the answer to that question. It’s not necessarily their responsibility. And in a way, they are telling people because if you were to go in and look at their various cases, which all are public information, you can see that they are talking about a lot of these things.

[01:10:00] Are they on your Instagram feed? No. So one of the big hurdles that I had to go over and everybody has to go over is you think that you call into the Department of State and you go see this passport officer down at your local post office, and you think they know all this information. They don’t know any of this information.

[01:10:20] And the ones that behave in a poor way towards you and they think you’re a sovereign citizen, they think in their mind that you are not paying taxes, and you’re going to live in their country without paying taxes, and you not paying taxes is going to destroy the roads, and you’re going to now enjoy the benefits of being an American and enjoy the benefits of nice roads without having to contribute.

[01:10:41] Their problem is the fact that they think you are now not going to have to contribute to something that they’re contributing to and paying for, or they think they’re paying for. That’s the actual issue.

[01:10:55] Luke: The crab is in the bucket.

[01:10:55] Brandon: It’s a good thing. No, it’s not. Sorry. It’s not that thing. It’s actually a good thing. The way that they think and the way they behave is actually a good thing. They don’t want people in their mind not contributing to the beneficial aspects of their society. They want their local roads in their mind to be properly paved and fixed so that other people, a mother with her children does not hit a giant effing pothole and careen off the side of the road, and her children die in her minivan.

[01:11:36] They might not go that farther on the mind, but that’s essentially what these people are thinking. And when you understand that, you understand that these people mean well. They actually mean good things. They actually intend good things, and they think that the thing that you’re doing or trying to do is going to harm other good people. That’s what they’re upset about.

[01:12:02] Luke: Like not wearing a mask. People that believed that, some of them had the best of intentions. They were just ill-informed.

[01:12:09] Brandon: That is what I mean. It’s okay. It’s okay. I don’t get mad about that. I don’t get mad about nothing anymore. Because the thing is that when you understand where they’re coming from and you understand how they think, you realize, like you said before, I don’t think I’ve ever met a single bad person in my entire life, I don’t think, maybe.

[01:12:28] Everyone’s trying so hard to do what they think is the best and to help people the best they can and to do the best thing that they can and to make sure that other people are taken care of. And everyone has a different sphere of reality of what that is. A lot of people are like, I can only care about myself.

[01:12:43] Some people, I can only care about my family. That’s enough for me. Some people want to go beyond that. And you can judge them or whatever. But that’s not really your place. It’s not really our place to judge people, in my opinion. So the thing is it’s our place to– and it’s not a– I’m a member of the Emirati, which I take very seriously, which is a men’s fraternity that has to do with understanding what it means to be a man in this world and walk through this world as a man, especially in our relationship with women and beauty.

[01:13:10] And Zan Perrion wrote a book called The Alabaster Girl, which is the basis of our group. And one of the things she says in there is that the only real sin there is in all of humanity is obligation. And the thing is that I believe that. I actually completely believe that the only real sin there is an obligation.

[01:13:31] You have such a serious obligation towards something, and then it becomes this very unfun activity. It solidifies the activity, and it pulls all the creativity and joy out of whatever it is that you’re doing. And it kills, I guess you could say, anything that it touches because it’s like a disease.

[01:13:49] Obligation is a disease, and I know that there are many people, like in the military, which is a main demographic that I was thinking of when you were speaking earlier about– you want to talk about people who are pissed off about this information, who hate themselves, who literally go through S-U-I-C-I-D-A-L thoughts about this situation? I’m not going to say that word. It’s the military. When the military found out about this, and then they think that I worked for that, I pushed that, I did that. And I will say something. They say the word duty. Duty and obligation are two very different things. Duty. I have a duty for what I do.

[01:14:30] I enjoy my duty. I feel honor from my duty. But it’s not an obligation. Obligation is a different word. It’s a negative word. It’s something that you feel chained to that you may not really want to have an involvement with. Duty is something that not only do you want to be involved with, but it’s extreme pride point, and it’s actually one of the most important aspects of your life.

[01:14:52] And you feel like without that specific thing, you wouldn’t even be who you are identity wise. And for me, someone like me, I wouldn’t even want to live without my duty. So the thing is, the duty is a very positive, empowering thing, whereas obligation is the opposing force of that, in my opinion.

[01:15:07] Now, when you’re talking about people going through some stuff, when it comes to this information, military goes through extreme difficulties, this information, because they go through this whole, like, I pushed this. I fought for this. I killed for this whole weird craziness that I had no idea.

[01:15:25] Now, what’s so beautiful about that, just as a side point, in case any of your people here are military, I love the military very much, and I have a lot of military in my family and police as well. The people who turn who are military, and police, and all these different things, they become the most dangerous adversaries.

[01:15:47] They have a bone to pick, and they are the kinds of people that really make some very big motions in this type of stuff very rapidly because they feel very fired up. I’m not a violent person. I’m strongly against violence, but it’s almost to that level with these kinds of people that are the turncoats.

[01:16:12] The turncoats are actually some of my favorite people. The military with 20 years experience, you find this information and cry for two months straight and debate if they’re going to lay on train tracks or hang themself by kicking a chair out from underneath their body.

[01:16:28] These people, when they convert, I should say, they become a massive force to be reckoned with. So I will say at the same time, while we’re on this subject, for people out there who might be hearing these things and going down these rabbit holes, or want to go down these rabbit holes, don’t allow whatever it is that’s happened in your past to overwhelm you now.

[01:16:56] I strongly recommend that you focus on your future and what’s happening now. And like I said, you can use your past as fuel to fuel your future. And when I see people do that, that fit these categories, these people change the world. These people are mountain movers.

[01:17:16] So it goes both ways. People like you and me, it’s like, oh yeah, I paid some taxes, whatever. But then you have guys that have 15 years of service. It’s like, ooh, boy. That’s a rough one. You know what I mean?

[01:17:29] Luke: Yeah. Unknowingly advocating and enforcing the system is a whole other level of regret than just going along with it and volunteering yourself into it unknowingly, and then going, oops, wow, this sucks to be robbed of 80% of my resources for the energy that I put into the world. You’re actually enforcing that around the world on behalf of the state. Yeah. That’s a lot.

[01:17:57] Brandon: I’ve seen a lot of that. It’s dark. These guys go through some darkness. And for people who want to try to explain this stuff to their marine grandpa, their marine father, tread lightly. You could literally explain this to someone in a way where they would literally go into their gun and whiskey room and end themselves.

[01:18:25] Luke: Yeah.

[01:18:25] Brandon: Kidding. This is a–

[01:18:26] Luke: There’s layers of identity. It’s like we form our self-worth and our duty, our purpose out of our identity. And it’s got to be a nightmare to realize that the identity that you’ve been motivated by was one that was essentially fraudulently hoisted upon you by a system that knew how to do that to get you on board.

[01:18:48] Brandon: And the thing is that you are dealing with confusion and brainwashing on a level that is so advanced and so professional, and the amount of money poured into the media, and they control Hollywood just so they can say words like US citizen, and just so they can say words like my country, and just so they can program these little words into all these different TV shows and everything else.

[01:19:16] The programming system is a multi, multi, multi-trillion every single direction. All newspapers, all media, all video games, all TV shows, all movies, all everything is programmed and paid.

[01:19:35] And there’s this gigantic, massive, humongous structure that costs millions or billions of dollars a day to sustain to make sure that you are using the correct words, using the correct incantation and volunteering into the system. And the thing is that the chances that anyone could have figured this out, or walked through this or seen this, or handled this, or noticed this is so low.

[01:20:01] And the professionality, and the focus, and the desire, and the investment into what has gone into what we experience on a daily basis in this country is so overwhelming and so crushing and designed to be so overwhelming and so crushing that human beings just do not stand a chance. They just don’t, period.

[01:20:25] Luke: Can you take us back to the 14th Amendment to create a little context for how we ended up in this. I’m sure a lot of it’s very old, but to me, the 1871, the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the gold standard in ’33 or ’35, there’s a few key points where the system really sunk its teeth into us, collectively.

[01:20:52] And that the 14th Amendment one is one that really got– that one irks me because when most people think of the 14th Amendment, they think of freeing the slaves. And most people don’t realize that when that was done, there were a number of people in the country that wanted it, and there were a number of people that didn’t want it.

[01:21:09] So they seems to me like they compromised and just went, hey, we’ll just create this second class of citizen, and this works so well. Let’s just start applying it to everyone and calling everyone US citizens and creating what we have now, which is free range slavery and voluntary servitude, but involuntary servitude was made illegal. Can you frame that for us? Because I find that piece really interesting.

[01:21:35] Brandon: Oh yeah. So after the Civil War during the reconstruction of the Civil War, 1865-ish through 1871-ish, that time period is a really important time period. The organic Act of 1871 is when the government was changed into an incorporated version of the government.

[01:22:01] And if you look in the organic Act of 1871, the carrot or cookie that was put out in an effort to justify the incorporating and converting of the government was the free public school system. So all the people out there, all the angry moms, and all these angry dads that are angry at the public school system and how it works and how it operates, that all started in 1871.

[01:22:27] And that actually was the backbone, the full-blown spinal cord of the ushering in of the entire incorporated system of the United States. During that time period, it was a little bit before that time period, I think it was around 1865, 1866, 1867, right around that time period is also when they redefined the word person to include legal fictions.

[01:22:54] All of that happened around that same time period. So the word person and the incorporated superstate was all created around that same time period after the country was all beat up from fighting itself internally over the southern states and northern states over the subject of slavery. Who knows if it was even for that?

[01:23:13] I don’t know. So 1871, you have the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment alludes to there being multiple types of citizenship, two different types. In 1871, there was a series of Supreme Court cases called the slaughterhouse cases, where what they did is they interpreted the 14th Amendment for the first time.

[01:23:38] What happened was, is they determined and interpreted that the 14th Amendment was actually referring to the fact that there’s two different types of citizens. At that time, it was called the federal citizen and the state citizen. Now, from the research that I’ve done, I think, and this part is Brandon’s educated opinion, my professional opinion on why this is and how it happened was they wanted to end the war, but there were still many, many, many people that did not want slavery to be abolished.

[01:24:14] So what the government did is they said, look, no problem. We’re going to create this federal citizen category, and a federal citizen is essentially going to be a volunteer employee or officer of this new corporation we’re creating, and we’ll call it a federal citizen, and they won’t have the full rights of, what they call at that time during the slaughterhouse cases, a state citizen.

[01:24:39] And you can look up the slaughterhouse cases online. I’m not going to dig into all of it. It’s a lot. It’ll slow down the podcast, like a 100x. So that’s something that we’ll just talk about, and you can look it up for yourself. The slaughterhouse cases, you can look up lots and lots of information on it.

[01:24:53] You can see lots of information, them talking about the interpretation of the 14th Amendment and federal citizens, state citizens. So the federal citizen category, over the years, I don’t know when, became the US citizen category. The state citizen category became the national category or non-citizen national category.

[01:25:22] Now, it’s complicated because they don’t say specifically state citizen. You would say national of California Republic, and that’s the exact specific word for word technical way that you would say somebody who lives in the unincorporated nation state called California and is not involved in the corporate state called state of California. You would say a national of the California Republic.

[01:26:01] That person would not be a US citizen. That person would be a non-citizen national. When you look in Title 26 really quickly, I don’t want to get into this too much. It’s very simple, and it’ll just take two seconds. A citizen of the United States is a taxpayer and has a tax liability.

[01:26:23] A non-citizen, such as a non-citizen national, does not have a tax liability and is not a tax payer, which has a special definition. Taxpayer is found in Title 26, Section 7701, Subsection A 14, I have it all memorized. Definition of taxpayer is any person who is subject to any internal revenue tax.

[01:26:51] Now, when you go into all the frivolous argument section of the IRS, which a lot of people get sent– let’s say you want to go and tell all your family about all this information. They’re going to go online. They’re going to go to the IRS website, and they’re going to find this section called the Frivolous Tax Argument section.

[01:27:07] It’s going to say there are taxpayers that believe that they don’t live in the District of Columbia, and it’s called the United States. Now, if you click control+F for the Find feature and you type in the word taxpayer, you’ll see it used 95 times all the way down throughout all the Frivolous Arguments.

[01:27:26] The word taxpayer is a person who is subject to any internal revenue tax. So what they’re saying throughout all of the Frivolous Arguments section of the website is there are people who do have a tax liability stating that they don’t have a tax liability. A non-citizen national is not a tax payer by definition.

[01:27:48] It is not someone who is subject to any internal revenue tax, but they write it in a way where it seems like they’re talking about everybody. They’re not talking about everybody. They’re talking about taxpayers.

[01:28:01] Luke: Clever. Well, I think that’s a big distinction. And to me, the taxes are just so wrong. And we can get into that more, but I think when people from the outside hear about this approach to living, they think that if you change your status, you just stop paying taxes.

[01:28:24] But the definition here is more that you are no longer classified as a taxpayer, therefore you don’t have a tax liability. So it’s not just that you’re not paying taxes. It’s that you’re not legally required if you’re classified in a certain way to even file taxes, tax returns, let alone pay them.

[01:28:45] Brandon: And since we’re–

[01:28:46] Luke: And that’s really difficult for people to get their head around because we’ve been so indoctrinated by the morality of, well, who’s going to pay for the roads? All of this kind of thinking. And you can tell us in a bit where our tax money actually goes. It doesn’t go to the roads, spoiler alert.

[01:29:04] Brandon: And I feel like we’ve gone down this far enough to where I feel like I really should show this–

[01:29:09] Luke: All right. Let’s do it.

[01:29:10] Brandon: I just really have a bit of a duty, not an obligation. Once we start talking about things for more than a split second, I feel like I should show them. So for the purposes of the– this is from a different body of law called the Code of Federal Regulations, otherwise known as CFR.

[01:29:29] So Title 26 of the CFR is the same as Title 26 in the United States Code. It has to do with the Internal Revenue Code, IRC. So Title 26 CFR Section 1.871-1, for purposes of the income tax, alien individuals are divided generally into two classes, namely resident aliens and non-resident aliens.

[01:29:58] Now, it’s very simple. We’re going to read the rest of this. It’s really not that hard to understand, but it’s really simple. Resident aliens of what? Resident aliens of United States. Where is the United States located? In the District of Columbia. Where in the District of Columbia? No one knows. No one knows. Who knows?

[01:30:19] Maybe literally no one ever even tried to know. Maybe it’s literally never been described ever, and nobody really knows at all. Maybe there really isn’t an answer to the question, where in the District of Columbia it’s located? Who knows? You could ask that if you’re in a lawsuit and there’s discovery, and you ask, where is the United States located within the territorial boundaries of the Washington, DC? You may never, ever, ever get– they may literally, on this planet, not be an answer to that question.

[01:30:47] A non-resident, alien individual is somebody who does not live in United States, which is an unknown location inside of the District of Columbia. So let’s get back into this. We’ll finish this up. Resident alien individuals are in general taxable the same as citizens of the United States, meaning people who are employees or officers of the federal corporation.

[01:31:13] Non-resident alien individuals are taxable only on certain income from sources within the United States. Now, this is where things get complicated, and this is the same thing as the definition of naturalization. So I have naturalization memorized. I’m going to reread it to you from my head.

[01:31:43] Title 8 Section 1101 Subsection A 23, naturalization is the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth by any means whatsoever. Now you’ll see here is they’re saying the exact same thing here, so I’m going to read this. This is now a quote back to the quote from 26 CFR 1.871-1.

[01:32:10] However, non-resident alien individuals may elect to be treated as US residents for purposes of determining their income tax liability. So once you naturalized into State of California, or State of Texas or United States, you were a non-resident, alien individual, who then elected to be treated as a US resident for purposes of determining your income tax liability through the power of naturalization.

[01:32:57] You were not a tax payer until you did that. Once you did that, you became a taxpayer. You became a taxpayer through what’s called the election. And we have a process that’s located in the Internal Revenue Code, because again, we live in a voluntary system, and this is an entirely voluntary situation. It’s an entirely voluntary contract.

[01:33:20] I can prove that. We’ve got 26, I believe it’s CFR 601.602. Could be wrong, but if it’s not, we’re going to find it in 10 seconds. Here we are. 26. Let me just verify that. 26 CFR 601.602 Subsection A. And it’s the final sentence of subsection A. It says as following, the tax system is based on voluntary compliance, and the taxpayers complete and return the forms with payment of any tax owed.

[01:34:07] Luke: Mind blowing.

[01:34:10] Brandon: And just for those people who I was saying the definition of the word taxpayer earlier for the video people, little bonus for you, we will pull that up right here, so that way it’s not just me talking. This is 26 USC, which is the Internal Revenue Code. Title 26 of the United States Code is the Internal Revenue Code.

[01:34:30] I will prove that as well. Scroll down to Title 26. Internal Revenue code. Title 26 Section 7701 Subsection A 14 says here, taxpayer. The term taxpayer means any person subject to any internal revenue tax. The word person is clickable. It’s going to take me to 26 USC 7701 Subsection A1.

[01:34:59] The term person shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company, or corporation. So the tax code is extremely complicated. It goes on and on and on for thousands and thousands and thousands, if not tens of thousands. Who knows? Maybe even hundreds of thousands of pages. I just explained to you the entire tax code. You really don’t even need to know anything more about the tax code at all. It’s that simple.

[01:35:30] Luke: That is just so wild. It’s like I was saying earlier it’s so interesting how this is so complex, but at the same time, it’s also so simple that you can’t believe it’s true.

[01:35:43] Brandon:  That’s exactly right.

[01:35:45] Luke: It’s so interesting. There are a few things in life like that. Usually if something’s complicated, it’s just by default that way. And you really have to work hard to figure it out. And then there’s some things that are just so simple that are just almost unbelievable. It’s insane.

[01:36:02] Brandon: So the definition of naturalization is–

[01:36:04] Luke: A few years ago I did an experiment when I was a US citizen and I had voluntarily signed all of this documentation my entire life and I was saving money. And so I just, for the first time in my life, filed my tax returns, my personal and corporate return and just didn’t pay the taxes to the state franchise in California or the IRS federally. And I just thought, I’ll deal with it later. I’ll get a few fines and some interest, and it is what it is. And I didn’t get around to paying it for a few months.

[01:36:34] And next thing I know, California actually just went in my bank account and just took the money. It’s insane. I was like, wow, they really do that. It was so interesting. And I had an attorney that called them and fixed it up, and then I paid it off.

[01:36:51] But why that happened was because I volunteered to be a taxpayer and to be a US citizen and to be a resident of the State of California, the corporation. So at the time, of course, I was pissed, like, how dare they? That’s my money. I’ll get to it when I get to it. And looking back now, learning what I’m learning here with you and some other people, it’s like, I’m the one that sent in the tax return and said, hey, I’m a taxpayer.

[01:37:19] I’ve done the accounting. This is how much I owe you, but hey, guess what? I’m not going to pay you. And they didn’t like that at all. Whereas on the flip side of that, what you’re describing here is a way of living where you’re not actually indicating yourself to be a taxpayer or a US citizen because you’ve corrected your status, and so on, as we talked about earlier.

[01:37:39] And therefore, not only would they have no legal grounds for that, but they wouldn’t be even inspired to try to do that because you’re out of that jurisdiction, I guess, would be one way of saying that. Do I–

[01:37:52] Brandon: You are not a taxpayer. You have no tax liability. A taxpayer has a tax liability, so if you don’t have no tax liability, you are not a taxpayer, period. End of story.

[01:38:00] Luke: Right, right. So over the past few years, we’ve seen insane levels of censorship with all of this medical stuff going on and the clot shots, and God knows what. And it’s eased up a little in certain cases, but I noticed, I’ll do certain episodes, and they’ll get pulled down by YouTube.

[01:38:21] In fact, today I got an email from YouTube saying, we’ve deleted your interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. They didn’t like that one. It was early in 2020, and they finally got rid of that one. And there are other things that you can’t talk about, or you’ll be censored, if you start questioning the moon landing or a number of different things, your content on social media will just be yanked.

[01:38:46] What I find so interesting is that information like this is left alone. To me, this is more dangerous to the state than somebody talking about what kind of injections one should get or not. Have you seen any suppression of these ideas and this information at all?

[01:39:06] Brandon: No, and it’s very, very simple. This is a great observation, and it’s very, very simple. The way that I operate, I have a lot of PR training. I have warfare PR training. I have massive marketing sales background. So everything that I do is very, very carefully constructed, even though it may seem like a totally insane seven-year-old put it together.

[01:39:27] It was very thought out. But my formula for success is very, very simple. It’s a, always make people feel good. So that means that if it’s a liberal, if it’s a conservative, if it’s this, if it’s that– now you got to understand, I was a Trump conservative, bang the drum person for a long time screaming from the hilltops, the whole nine yards.

[01:39:56] This was from probably 2020 all the way up until I started studying this stuff, so mid 2021, something like that. And I felt a little bad about it once I started learning about all this. I go, uh-oh. I didn’t necessarily start doing all this out of some sort of reparation, but there definitely was a little bit of that in my world that I thought about during that time period.

[01:40:27] But again, it’s a difficult self-reflection situation because I got sucked into something that was a world class totally well put together, multi-trillion dollar international brainwashing campaign that I didn’t stand a chance. So it’s a difficult situation, and I think that, a, always made people feel good, no matter where they’re at.

[01:41:01] Like for example, when we did the Andy Kaufman show, he was talking about T-R-A-N-S people. And he was speaking about them as maybe something a little bit confrontational, and this and that, and I changed that discussion to these people that are doing this. The thing is that, in law, only men and women have rights.

[01:41:26] So what’s happening is the people who behave that way and do those things, they are burning their own rights, and they’re saying, I don’t have human rights because I am not, as per the definition of the law, a human, which is defined as either a man or a woman. The problem with that is that these people deserve to know that they are eliminating their own humanity, their own human rights in the eyes of the law.

[01:41:54] Now, if someone knows that information and they still decide to do whatever it is that they’re doing, that’s on them at that point. But I feel like I prefer to move the conversation in a way that empowers the person in that position rather than diminishes and destroys– the only demographic in a whole world that you’ll ever hear me, as much as I try, as much as I try– you may see a couple of things here and there, but as much as I try, there’s only one demographic in the world that I just love to just pee on. Okay. Can you guess who that is?

[01:42:34] Luke: Sovereign citizens.

[01:42:36] Brandon: No. No, I don’t even mind those people. Lawyers.

[01:42:40] Luke: Oh, right, of course. Yeah, of course.

[01:42:42] Brandon: That’s the only one. If it’s a lawyer, oh, let’s go, bro. Let’s go. I’ll talk about it all day long. I’ll pull my pants down and take a big poop right here. Anything else, I try to– and it’s not the end of the world. I’m doing the Dr. Graves He’s a lawyer. 35 years. Fantastic course. I think most lawyers are horrible, to tell you the truth. And I assume they are horrible more rapidly than I will assume that they are not. I am not closing the door on them.

[01:43:23] But everybody else, judge, police, jail officer, T-R-A-N-S people, you name it, G-A-Y, I don’t care. I don’t care what liberal this, that. I don’t care. I don’t care. I really don’t care. I’m in California. The amount of times I’ve heard liberals upset about the situation and starting to question their own beliefs and angry at what’s going on, and not have no clue where to go and what to turn because in their mind, the only other option is Trump, and they’re not going to do that.

[01:43:52] So they just don’t know what the eff to do, but they’re definitely not interested in what they’re doing anymore. Everyone’s frustrated. Everyone’s angry. Everyone’s frustrated. Everyone’s wants exchange and answers. And the cool thing about what we’re doing, and what I’m doing, and what you’re now doing is that this gigantic, pressurized, explosive political scene is starting to bleed off into this zone.

[01:44:22] This is where all that pressure’s going. And the bigger that we educate, and the faster we educate, and the more content that we create, such as this podcast, the more that we’re offering people a pressure valve of which they can choose to select, whether they’re liberal, whether they’re T-R-A-N-S, whether they’re gay, whether they’re straight, whether they’re bi, whether they’re conservative, whether they’re Trump, whether they’re a MAGA, whether they’re– it doesn’t matter.

[01:44:51] Insert into the box. Whatever it is that you want to insert into the box, it doesn’t matter. Lawyers are the only ones that can come in, tread carefully, my friends, because you are not particularly excited members of this group, but we’ll accept you if you prove yourself.

[01:45:07] But you’re going to have a little bit of a more difficult time. But I’d rather be upfront about that. Besides that, we’ve all been lied to. We’ve all been screwed. And as far as I’m concerned, the only people who were close enough to the scene to see what was going on, close enough to the scene to possibly do something about the situation are the lawyers.

[01:45:28] Even the judges. Your average federal judge has a 600-case load. I don’t even know how they have a personal life. I don’t know how they don’t lose themselves in drugs and alcohol, being involved in such insane craziness and the way that lawyers behave. They are so outrageous, and they’re so unacceptable with their behavior. It’s unbelievable. I don’t even know how judges keep themselves from going insane, frankly. So that’s just how I feel about the situation.

[01:46:02] Luke: Well, I love that perspective, man. It’s team humanity. It’s like what we need now, I think, as a civilization, as a society in this state, in this country, rather in other countries around the world, is unity, man. Unity is where the power is, but you’re never going to get unity when you have people that are ideologically so opposed.

[01:46:23] You’re not going to convince a Portland liberal that he should be agreeing with the Alabama MAGA guy, the truck driver. There’s never going to be a meeting of the minds. And it’s like, why even try? I feel this movement is a real middle ground because it’s like, hey, let’s follow the golden rule.

[01:46:46] Let’s get ourselves out from under the boot of this fraudulent, corrupt system and support and help one another. And it really doesn’t matter what your political beliefs, your social behaviors, ideologies, none of that actually means anything in this space. It’s just, hey, let’s become free. And every human being to some degree values freedom.

[01:47:10] And what does that even mean? And to me, this seems like a path right down the middle way that just negates all of that bullshit that’s so divisive and just says, hey, for those that are willing to put in the time to really– you really have to study this stuff is what I’m learning.

[01:47:28] I’m not just going and pulling the trigger on all this. I’m really putting hours and hours. Like I said, I’m only up to less than 14 in your 39-part course, which, by the way guys, I highly recommend, and we’ll link to it in the show notes. Let’s put those show notes at

[01:47:45] But you have to have a passion to learn this stuff. But other than that, putting in some time and due diligence, it’s like there’s nothing that’s controversial about it whatsoever from my perspective. It’s just like, wow, we got to take responsibility. We unknowingly volunteered ourselves into some things that are very unfair and unjust, and no one’s going to come and hold her hand.

[01:48:09] No president is going to come and save us. I don’t care who it is. It’s up to us to free ourselves and to save ourselves. And that has to do with, like we talked about earlier, personal responsibility and like, okay, man, I don’t want to put in the time studying this stuff, but if I ever want to become truly free, metaphysically and physically in the world, I don’t really see another way out of it.

[01:48:34] That brings me to another funny point because you mentioned Donald Trump. I was watching a David Straight video the other day, which again, I’m watching this video. It’s the Utah course, by the way, if you want to put that in the show notes. Fantastic information. And I’m watching that on YouTube going, why isn’t this being censored? This is such powerful information, but who knows?

[01:48:56] Brandon: Well, there’s two things on that because I was going to actually going to finish that thought. So number one is make them feel good. Don’t alienate people and attack people for some political whatever. That’s number one, I think. Number two is, obviously, without question, my material is mind blowingly valuable. “My material” is just me showing definitions and terms from straight out of–

[01:49:22] Luke: And it’s free.

[01:49:23] Brandon: And it’s free.

[01:49:24] Luke: His stuff is free.

[01:49:25] Brandon: I don’t charge for anything except if you want to go into mainline litigation and you want to hire me for massive litigation and that kind of thing. Obviously, that’s mind blowingly expensive. But besides that, everything else is free all the way down. It’s the Dan S Pena, who I love so dearly.

[01:49:40] He is my favorite business coach ever. It’s the Dan S Pena style where everything’s free all the way down, including his book. And then it’s just the top, top, top tier, multi, extremely, wildly expensive, one single thing at the very top. So I really like that model. I love Dans Pena. Very huge section of my business training and my mentality. And I just love him so much.

[01:50:01] He talks a lot about it being the most stress free model and it being just a very beautiful model. And he says it more colorful language. So the second thing is when you tie everything down, like David Straight– I love him to death. He’s a great guy. He is one of the originals. Without him, a lot of us wouldn’t be here. The thing I do that’s different than a lot of these other guys is I want to show everything, and I want to say every single word perfectly.

[01:50:29] And I want every single definition of every word that could possibly be misconstrued to be defined on the spot like you saw me in this. So how can a fact checker ever hope to touch me? It’s a physical impossibility. I am the only guy on the planet pretty much– I don’t know of anybody else really at all, anywhere, on any field, whether it’s my field, or the medical field, or anything. Medical field is tough because there’s so much weirdness.

[01:51:02] My field is literally just so groundable that when I ground everything out to the level that I ground it out, fact-checkers can’t come near me. I am like a full-blown disease zone to them. They can’t come near me. They can’t touch me. I am immune to all fact-checking. And then you have the haters, and my entire platform is One Stupid F-U-C-K.

[01:51:33] So that’s all a big joke. It’s a self-deprecating, antagonism-based branding that I created. It’s very unique. You can’t touch me. You can call me whatever you want. I’m just going to laugh. And then take whatever you said and publish it, and we’re all just going to laugh at you. I show everything. I show the definitions of everything.

[01:51:54] I go to the original all the time, constantly. If I can’t share the screen, I’m sweating. I know almost everything I know I’ve repeated it to myself like I’m some kind of lunatic over and over and over again, thousands and thousands of times while I’m brushing my teeth, and eating food, and walking around town.

[01:52:11] And I don’t even want to think about it. I’m like, no, no. I need to say this particular statute to myself 1,500 times so I can memorize it forever. What in God’s name? And then on top of that, now I litigate. I’m litigating against everybody under the sun, moon, stars, and I pull the litigation trigger like I’m the most trigger happy human being walking the earth.

[01:52:32] Nobody wants to come near me, bro. Nobody wants to come within a million miles of me. And I developed all this prior. I developed all this with that forethought in place. How am I going not to get deplatformed, and how am I going to get the younger audience, and how am I going to get a non-fact checked, and how am I going to get all these things that I just– some of the stuff I developed based off of those questions. And some of the stuff I developed just because a lot of what I do and how crazy I am by the definitions of words and what it all means and how it all puts together, that’s how I would wish somebody would’ve taught me too.

[01:53:11] It’s like gold and a rule kind of thing. Do unto others as you would like to be done unto you. I teach in the way that I wish somebody would’ve taught me. God, if I would’ve had this sort of an explanation and this sort of teaching style for myself, it would’ve been very life changing.

[01:53:31] Luke: Yeah. Well, I think that’s another– and that makes a lot of sense actually. You can’t really be fact checked if your facts are verifiable. That’s one piece. Another thing that I think is really cool about the way you’re presenting this information in your course specifically, and I’m someone that learns from listening and watching more so than reading, which makes this a little difficult for me because, really, you got to be quite a reader to really get this stuff.

[01:53:57] But in your course, I’m going through it, and I’m pausing as you’re screen sharing, showing how you fill out a certain document or not. I’m literally like, I have the document over here. I pause the video. I’m doing it. You’re showing a very tactical approach to this.

[01:54:15] It’s not just theoretical. I love that David Straight Utah video. But it’s very much an overview. It’s on the concepts, the history. It’s really beautiful information, but from– and I haven’t watched every single one. I probably threw three or four of those videos, but he’s not pausing and going, okay, we’re going to break out the DS-11 passport application.

[01:54:34] And this is how you fill it out. It’s like in your course, it’s literally step by step every single thing that you do if you’re someone that is feeling strongly about going in this direction. What I was going to bring up about that video though, that was interesting because you reminded me of Donald Trump, in that video, David Straight says, and I’m going to paraphrase, he says, oh, Donald Trump knows all of this stuff, this 14th Amendment stuff, US citizen, what we’ve been talking about today.

[01:55:04] And he says in the video that Donald Trump corrected his status in 2007, or whenever it was, and that he’s trying to actually get in office and expose this and shake things up, which I don’t know if that’s true or not. His last efforts at Operation Warp Speed were a dismal and very deadly failure in my opinion.

[01:55:25] Brandon:  Yeah, four years, all he had to do is just– here we are two hours and 16 seconds into this, and he could have told you all this, or even 1/10th of this, or even a tiny bit, or even just about naturalization. He could have told you any of this information if he knew it, and he didn’t. And I think that he doesn’t actually know a lot of this information.

[01:55:44] Luke: That’s the thing to me when it comes to politics. Now it’s all complete. And not that I believed in the of it anyway. It’s all theater and left and right. It’s like two masks on the same face. Now it’s so like white noise to me. Unless and until a politician comes forward and says, hey, let’s repeal the 14th Amendment. Let’s keep the 13th Amendment there so that no one can enslave anyone. Let’s nuke the 14th Amendment. Country fixed. To me, it’s that simple.

[01:56:15] Brandon: Well, check this out.

[01:56:16] Luke: And none of them talk about any of this. I love RFK Jr. He was on the show. I found him to be a very authentic, beautiful guy. I’ve really enjoyed my time. Went to his house. I spent half a day there. He was awesome. But he has a platform. He’s got a voice. He’s not talking about this.

[01:56:32] And he’s someone I would consider to be one of the more trustworthy of the people in the ring. No politicians will touch this. And I know some of them have to know it. So I’m just like, you’re white noise. You mean nothing to me until you start talking about this information publicly.

[01:56:49] Brandon: So first and foremost, I do not believe that Donald Trump is a bad person at all, not even in the slightest. I think he’s a very good person. I think he does care very, very much about a lot of things and a lot of people, and he does love humanity. And I think that RFK fits the same category.

[01:57:11] And I can only assume, because I think that Donald Trump has a huge monstrous breast, set of balls as well, so I can only assume that if he knew this information, everyone who finds out this information and learns this information in a coherent way, you couldn’t stop them from telling you if you had a gun in their mouth.

[01:57:32] Luke: 100%.

[01:57:34] Brandon: They’re telling their family, and their friends, and their job, and every single person that comes back to me says, everyone’s left my life. Everyone thinks I’m insane. I’ve lost all my friends, and my job, and my family. It’s always the same story. Because I went through the same thing.

[01:57:48] So you got to think. If he knew with how much he likes being in the limelight and how big his ball sack really is, you think he wouldn’t say something, even if it’s alluding to it? You don’t think he would say it in a way that might not be totally direct, but you don’t think he would say something about it? I don’t believe it.

[01:58:13] Luke: Yeah, yeah.

[01:58:14] Brandon: I don’t believe it.

[01:58:15] Luke: I know. That was my thought when I heard David Straight say that. I thought, man, how could he keep quiet about it? Because he’s not a man that has an easy time holding his tongue. You know what I mean?

[01:58:27] Brandon: That’s what I mean. And then just real quick, in 1967, I have it up on the screen here, but for the audio listeners, if you look in, and I don’t even really know how to even find this. Someone sent me this, which was mind blowing, but I’m going to go ahead and read this to you. So it’s a congressional record.

[01:58:45] It’s proceedings and debates of the 90th Congress. It’s the first session. It’s Volume 113, part 12, June 12th, 1967 to June 20th, 1967. This is page 15,641. It says here, the 14th Amendment. Is it a protection law or tool of usurpation?

[01:59:25] Luke: Whoa.

[01:59:26] Brandon: And they say, here– this is actually Congress. I’m going to stand up and get closer to the screen because I can’t fricking– can you read this?

[01:59:33] Luke: That’s tiny. It’s tiny on my end.

[01:59:35] Brandon: Let me see here. Oh, there we go. Sweet. “Whereas the reconstruction acts of Congress unlawfully overthrew their existing governments, removed their lawfully constituted legislatures by military force and replaced them with rump legislators, which carried out military orders and pretended to ratify the 14th Amendment.”

[02:00:10] Luke: Whoa.

[02:00:11] Brandon: This is Congress saying this.

[02:00:12] Luke: Whoa.

[02:00:14] Brandon: And we have here the 14th Amendment is unconstitutional. The purported 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution is and should be held to be ineffective, invalid, null, void, and unconstitutional for the following reasons. And then there’s reason number one.

[02:00:44] “The Joint Resolution proposing set Amendment was not submitted to or adopted by a constitutional Congress.” This is a bit above my head. I’m just going to read this, but I would need to go and dig into what all this means. Number two, “The Joint Resolution was not submitted to the president for his approval.”

[02:01:07] Number three, which is highlighted on this screen, three, “The proposed 14th Amendment was rejected by more than one fourth of all the states, then in the union, and it was never ratified by three-fourths of all the states and the union.” So the 14th Amendment is unique in a way that it doesn’t actually even effing exist.

[02:01:34] Luke: That’s insane, dude.

[02:01:35] Brandon: Not only does the 14th Amendment– I said that for a long time too. Oh, it needs to be pulled. It actually doesn’t. It actually is already non-existent. It needs to be acknowledged as already non-existent. Do you realize that the 14th Amendment was realized and acknowledged as non-existent? This is what would happen. The Federal Reserve Bank would disappear. The United States Citizen Classification would disappear. The FBI would disappear. The CIA would disappear. The police would disappear.

[02:02:17] Luke: Policy enforcers.

[02:02:18] Brandon: The United States Corporation would disappear. Everything would vanish. Now, what would we have left? If the 14th Amendment was acknowledged to have never been correctly, whatever, so basically through fraud, so it doesn’t actually exist even now, doesn’t actually exist at all, if it was simply acknowledged being in that condition, the condition of which it is, which is non-existent, we’d have the Wild West all over again. Boom. Instantaneously.

[02:02:47] You’d have the sheriff’s office, and you’d have national currency issued by each individual state. You’d have the California currency, you’d have the Utah currency, and those currencies would be stamped gold and silver coins. And banking would be reduced to almost non-existent. Instantly. Instantly.

[02:03:06] Every single person in all of North America would instantaneously regain all of their Bill of rights, all of their human rights, and the entire Constitution instantly. All concealed carry permits would instantly vanish, all serial numbers for firearms. Well, firearms won’t exist because if you look at the Second Amendment, it says nothing about firearms.

[02:03:28] Firearms is actually a corporate term. The correct term would be arms. So firearms would cease to exist entirely as a term in law. The only term that would apply at that point in time, from that point forward, is the term arms. The CFR would vanish. The USC would vanish. The UCC would vanish because I believe it’s only in America that they call it the UCC. It’s in other countries in other names.

[02:03:57] All of it would instantaneously, overnight, completely vanish. All the prisons would be emptied out except people who had swindled, murdered, harmed, stolen, crashed, drunk. Those would be the only things that would be left in the prison system. So 80, 90, 92, 94% of the entire prison system would be vacated instantaneously.

[02:04:23] Luke: All of the people found guilty of victimless crimes.

[02:04:27] Brandon: All of this would occur. And I always say the same thing. I don’t hate the FBI. I don’t hate the CIA. These people can go and they can work in the sheriff’s office. They can become sheriff’s deputies. And they can be very, very hard. And we can have this massive, humongous, gigantic sheriff’s office that’s very, very, very, very strong on victim crimes.

[02:04:52] Anywhere there’s a victim, you’ve got a swarm of huge burly men coming down on them with machine guns instantly. You can have that. You don’t need to just wipe out the FBI and wipe out the CIA and leave these people on the side of the road. You don’t need to do that. You can transfer all these people into the sheriff’s office, and they can operate as constitutional deputies. And they hear on the phone that grandma’s a victim of something, and they’re rolling 10 deep with a fucking SWAT truck. You know what I mean?

[02:05:22] It’s okay. That’s fine. Everyone would be happy with that. It’s like the fire department. The fire department doesn’t roll up all slow. No, they roll up 100 guys. There’s ladders. Everybody’s freaking out. They all these burly men. This fire needs to get taken out, and it needs to get taken out right now.

[02:05:42] If the sheriff’s office was massive and everybody from all these different agencies was all transferred into the sheriff’s office, they’re all bored sitting around. They get one call saying, grandma’s in trouble, and they’re crashing through the windows with machine guns and body armor.

[02:05:57] No one’s ever going to do anything to anybody anymore. And then very rapidly though, that kind of a situation is going to get boring for the sheriff’s office because then in about 10 minutes there’s not going to be any crime anymore because anybody hurts anybody else, and they’ve got 416 AR rifles in their mouth.

[02:06:14] So it’s a self-defeatist situation as well because then you take all those and you put them into the sheriff’s office, and then within two weeks, crime doesn’t exist anymore. Now what? Now what are they going to do? Now you got thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of guys that all want to have some fun and enjoy their thing, and they want crime because without crime, they don’t have no reason to exist.

[02:06:39] That’s going to be a weird situation. So it’s a self-defeating prophecy where, oh, yeah. Transfer all the FBI and the CIA into the sheriff’s office. Oh yeah, that’ll last about 10 minutes. But then at that point, you have a crimeless world.

[02:06:53] So it depends. It depends as a police officer or a sheriff because they’re two different things entirely. Sheriff’s on the unincorporated side, and police is on the corporate side, the commercial side. Do you really want a crimeless society? And if you had a crimeless society, would you be terribly bored?

[02:07:17] Like what you see in a lot of the old Wild West movies where the sheriff doesn’t really do much of anything. Because the thing is, is that if you repeal the 14th Amendment, that’s what you’re going to get. The 14th Amendment doesn’t already exist. So if you acknowledge the 14th Amendment as already not existing and remove its supposed illusionary ghost of it being existing, that’s what you’re going to get.

[02:07:45] Luke: Wild. Yeah. I’m thinking about the old West with the hangings in town square. When somebody murders someone, the whole town goes down to watch them hang, and crime starts to subside real quick.

[02:07:57] Brandon: That’s what you’re going to get, especially when you got 30,000 burly men with machine guns, and body armor, and cars. It’s not one guy on a horse with a six shooter. It’s a SWAT van, and body armor, and all this stuff. And they’re bored out of their mind, and they get a call, and they’re going to roll 35 deep on these people.

[02:08:15] It’s going to be horrifying. There’s not going to be one broken window on a car from here to Timbuktu. You’re going to have helicopters, and there’s like, oh, helicopters getting rushed on it. Might as well fire it up. You know what I mean? You want to talk about toxic masculinity?

[02:08:38] That’s masculinity. That’s what you’re going to get. You’re going to get one phone call, and you have an army coming down with these people, literally, a standing army coming down with these people. It’s not going to be the Wild West where you got one guy on horseback and he puts down his whiskey bottle to go roll across town and las with somebody.

[02:09:05] Especially if everyone from the CIA and FBI does get transferred into the sheriff’s office, it’s going to be crazy. There’s not going to be any crime. It’s just not going to exist anymore. Period. And then they’re going to get bored, and that’s not good. But that’s just how this is going to work, honestly.

[02:09:24] Luke: Well, the second I hear one politician AKA lawyer, because most of them are lawyers, come forward with this proposal, I’m on board. Unless and until then, I’m out. I’m really not interested. I’m interested in the work you’re doing and helping people become free. I want to ask you something real quick, and then we’ll start to wrap it up because there’s a whole other category of stuff that I’m going to get into when you come out here to Texas in the studio, like traveling in an automobile versus driving a motor vehicle, all that good stuff, debt, mortgages, all that.

[02:10:02] But the one thing for people listening that were programmed and indoctrinated into a false sense of morality, that paying your income taxes is a moral obligation, to use your obligation word again, would you explain to the listeners where our income tax actually goes and that it doesn’t go to build schools, and roads, and things that we would hope it would? Even people think it goes to Ukraine, and Israel, and foreign countries. It doesn’t even go there. So break that down because I find that really interesting.

[02:10:34] Brandon: It goes toward the national debt. Someone sent me the Grainger report or something like that. There’s even a report where they say that because the spending is so poor, a lot of it doesn’t even go to the interest on the debt. There’s basically zero accountability.

[02:10:52] It just basically just vanishes in thin air. It does not go to Ukraine. It does not go to all these things. It does not go to anything. State of California as a private corporation located in the District of Columbia, the Internal Revenue Service is a private corporation located in Puerto Rico.

[02:11:13] So if you believe that paying Federal Reserve notes, which are promissory notes– they’re not even real money. Real money is defined in Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution as gold and silver coins.

[02:11:28] If you believe that Federal Reserve notes being transferred via a taxpayer to a private, non-governmental organization in Puerto Rico, which is a US territory, is now taking that money and then handing that money back to the private corporation called State of California so that the CEO named Gavin Newsom can take said money and use it to do whatever he’s going to do, I would need to see some evidence of that being the case because that does not sound very realistic to me, and the reports that I’ve seen do not indicate that at all.

[02:12:11] And if you believe that to be true, you should do a Freedom of Information Act request on that information. And if your Freedom of Information Act request is denied, you should be filing lawsuits with these organizations in order to get into what’s called discovery.

[02:12:29] When you are in a lawsuit and you get into discovery, you can ask all of these questions under penalty of perjury. And if the people you’re asking do not answer the questions, you can actually order the court to find them in contempt of court and they can be fined or imprisoned for not answering the questions.

[02:12:47] Now, if someone were to go onto discovery and ask these questions and proof were to be submitted to the fact that via a taxpayer, which is a person who is subject to any internal revenue tax, this Federal Reserve Notes, which are not money, you look in UCC 3-114, very, very clear that these notes, these promissory notes and bills of exchange are not money. It says it literally verbatim.

[02:13:17] If you believe that sending these non-money negotiable instruments via a taxpayer public corporation to a foreign non-governmental trust that behaves as though it is a government agency, whereas when you go on the internet, you type in is the IRS a government agency, and it’s very, very clear, even Google will tell you it is not a government agency.

[02:13:41] If you believe that those negotiable instruments or security is going to this private trust that’s located in an incorporated zone outside of what you would consider America, called Puerto Rico, is then turning around and transferring said securities to the private corporation located in the District of Columbia called State of California so that the private corporation called State of California, which is not even located where people think it’s located and has nothing to do with territorial boundaries of California Republic, is then going to now take said securities and negotiable instruments and use them in order to improve the living environments of that local area, that to me sounds like a delusional nightmare.

[02:14:26] Luke: It’s like the biggest shell game in history.

[02:14:33] Brandon: Yeah.

[02:14:33] Luke: It’s so much sleight of hand. It’s insane. And I think it this piece about taxes really plays on the inherent good in people. We all want to make a contribution to society. We don’t want to be selfish. We want to be giving. We want to support the less fortunate, and the poor, and disabled people that can’t take care of themselves.

[02:14:54] Any thinking, feeling person, of any moral character would want to contribute and help other people like most of us do. But that’s part of the manipulation that’s so insidious, is that’s not actually what’s happening. And you can see that by going to any city, especially blue cities and going downtown to Skid Row and watching the state of the poor people there that are suffering and aren’t being helped with our so-called tax dollars. So the whole thing is fraudulent.

[02:15:24] Brandon: And you start going down the nonprofit zones, and you start seeing all sorts of weird stuff with the nonprofits too. So I always recommend that if you really do– that’s one thing I like about the old country boys. I grew up in Indiana. If the road’s messed up, you buy a little something, you buy a little tar, you buy a little whatever it is at the store, and you head out there, and it’s the men, obviously. It’s a masculine thing. You pour a little whatever it is in there, and you scrape, scrape, scrape it, and you push it across, and you put up a couple of little orange cones, and that’s it. The road’s fixed now.

[02:16:00] Luke: Right, right. So I want to leave people with some links for you. We’re going to put all this stuff at So Brandon’s site, you guys, is quite hilarious, and it’s funny that the content is so serious in its nature, law, obviously, as you guys figured out by listening to this.

[02:16:19] But his site is His site is hilarious and also just really rich with valuable information. So if you guys found some of this intriguing, inspiring, you want to learn more, I highly recommend that you go there. And if you’re serious about this, sign up for his free course, the Contract Killers course.

[02:16:40] I’m in it, like I said a couple of times here tonight. And I am thoroughly enjoying it. To take something that is this dry and boring and make it entertaining is a real feat. So I want to congratulate you on that.

[02:16:52] It’s not the type of hour to hour and a half videos I would normally be able to watch and not fall asleep, but you bring so much levity and humor and just fun to it that. It’s actually really fun to learn this stuff, especially if you know what the possible rewards at the end of the rainbow are.

[02:17:11] If one was to implement this stuff and do so responsibly and not just go Wild West about it, but really be mindful and learn as you go and take certain steps, it’s extremely life changing information. So I want to make sure that people go check that out.

[02:17:30] Also, you’ve got your law firm now, Williams & Williams, and I think the last podcast I listened to of yours, you said, well, I’m overwhelmed studying and putting out content, and I’m full of clients. I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of people listening that are like, yeah, I want to do this, but I want you to hold my hand, or as you say, hold my phallus on your content.

[02:17:56] I think that people need to realize, and you can answer what your capacity is for helping people or people that want to hire you. But I think the way you’re putting out such a mass amount of high quality, high value information that people are beholden to digest that information because most of the questions and handholding, I’m assuming, and this has been the case for me, I’ve texted you a couple of times and asked you questions, and then I look like in the videos that I haven’t watched yet, and I’m like, oh shit.

[02:18:29] He covers that in number 27. I just got to finish the damn video. So I’ll stop bugging you. But I would recommend to people, if they’re interested, to really finish that course before trying to blow you up for questions you’ve already answered ad nauseum in your content. And I know how that is because I produce, two, three-hour podcasts once a week.

[02:18:49] I’ve been doing that for eight years. And people will hit me up on Instagram and be like, what’s the best water filter? And I’m like, ah, dude, that’s why I put out these exhaustive deep, dive podcasts. So I usually just send people the podcast. I’m like, your answer is here and enjoy. And obviously I’m happy to help people, but I’m sure that you find a lot of the questions you get from people that want your direct help are already answered in all of the content you put out that.

[02:19:19] Brandon: Yeah. I have a lot of shows, and I have stuff over here, and I have stuff over here, and I have stuff all over the place. And I’m about ready to make a update video, which is going to be placed right after video 11. And I will make an announcement to the whole email list, is huge, 36,000 people.

[02:19:36] I will make an announcement, and it’s going to be a bunch of updates to some of the things like, for example, the fact that I have an explanatory statement available now, the fact that I have my own revocation of election, which is now free, that can be used instead of the Form 56, which is what I use in the course to revoke that election that you made to be treated as a US resident for the purposes of determining your income tax liability from 26 CFR 187-1.

[02:20:07] 456 is what I talk about how to use in the course, but the revocation of election affidavit document that I now give away for free, which is pretty new, in my opinion, is a better choice. So I’m going to be making a video just updating some things. I’m going to place it after video 11. I’ve got a bunch of notes here in my little pack.

[02:20:25] I’m just making sure I have everything I want to say nailed down. But I try to do whatever I can, and explain whatever I can, and make updates, and make things, and as we go. And then what I’m working on now is the pro se litigant course, which is going to be released probably later this year.

[02:20:43] I don’t know how late. It depends. We got to get a couple of big Ws on these, couple of big wins on these cases. And then I’m going to be teaching everyone how to, all by yourself, no lawyer, nothing. You don’t even need any money upfront, literally, how to do it even for free. I’m going to teach you that too.

[02:21:04] Full-blown litigation, A to Z, no money down, no lawyer required. Anything you want, go after anybody you want. That’s going to be the pro se litigate course. And that course is also going to be free, so yeah.

[02:21:21] Luke: And what’s going on with your Williams & Williams, your upper and lowercase dual identity, your law firm? Are you guys working with people in this capacity or– I’m sure people are going to want to know that. Like, cool, I’ll study all this stuff, but I want help. Do you even do that, or are you at capacity at this point?

[02:21:42] Brandon: So I can show you real quick. So this is We have the current and previous litigation page. If you go down, I have the various cases that I’m working on, and then I have a link to the PDF files associated with the various complaints and civil cover letters and summons so you can actually see everything we’re doing.

[02:22:05] And then people don’t realize if you go to PACER, which is for federal cases, if you go to, you can actually open up a free account, and you can actually search for cases. People don’t realize this. All cases and everything going on in these cases, and all the things that are being filed in these cases is all completely public information.

[02:22:34] And you can download it and print it, and you can do whatever you want. These are not private. Every once in a while, maybe there’ll be a– I don’t involve myself in child cases, but if you have a child involved and there’s certain laws against the information of the trial being published, specific filings into a court case may be considered private and may not be available on the PACER app, but 90%, especially of the stuff that we’re doing, almost everything is all public and available to be downloaded.

[02:23:04] So I just to make it easy. I have the PDF of the summons, and the complaint, and all the good stuff available right here for download for free. And then if you want to follow the cases, tremendous amounts of action is occurring. And my first case, the second, third case, are new and then my American Express case, which is going to be massive and people are really excited about seeing it, I just sent it off in the mail yesterday.

[02:23:33] I should have a case number within four or five days, and then that will get trumpeted through my email list and everywhere else. And everyone’s very excited to see that. So if you would like to see all the original documents of what we’re doing, you can download those for free from

[02:23:49] If you would like to follow along and see all of the tremendously hilarious activities of lawyers trying to intimidate my clients and complain that I am a sovereign citizen and flail around like children, you can see that in the PACER app, and you can look up the various case numbers, and you can follow along. Very exciting. I consider this, and I hear a lot of my people say that it’s more exciting than television, which I agree 100%. I think it’s more exciting than television. And to answer your question, I’m not really taking on a whole lot of people right now.

[02:24:21] We have a few clients, a bunch of cases for each client. I got a few clients that I’m onboarding, and then I have a lot of my own stuff. I’m trying to make time for all of my own stuff. I have so many things I want to file. And if you look here at how litigation works, there’s a breakdown of exactly how all of it works and exactly how we take on our clients and exactly what kind of clients we do accept.

[02:24:49] And then if you would like more information as to how is this legal and how can this even exist, and are you even a lawyer, and like, oh my God, this is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen? You can go to the questions and answers section where I answer all of those questions in great detail. And I have all of the definitions, and I have ideas, and the two types of attorney and what those mean and how they’re established.

[02:25:14] And are you a member of the bar, and are you practicing in state of California? And a lot of the information on this podcast is here, but it’s very, very good. And then one last thing I would like to actually share is on my YouTube channel. Let me stop sharing for just a moment. I have a few.

[02:25:35] It’s also the three pinned videos on my Instagram profile, which is @one.stupid.F-U-C-K. If you go to my YouTube channel, let me just see here, there are three videos that are only 10 minutes long. Let me show you those. Those are my favorite because if anybody–

[02:25:58] Luke: Infinite money, baby.

[02:26:00] Brandon: Yeah.

[02:26:00] Luke: Oh, man. Mind blowing.

[02:26:01] Brandon: So here’s the problem. You’re going to want to go, and you’re going to learn all this information, and you’re going to run around and try to tell everybody, and they’re all going to tell you you’re the most insane POS they’ve ever seen in our life.

[02:26:10] Okay, now, the way to handle that is I have this video here, how to have infinite money in less than 10 minutes. I have this video here, how to legally operate any car, motorcycle, etc., without smog, or a license, or whatever. 10-minute video. And then I have how to legally never pay taxes again in 10 minutes.

[02:26:28] Okay. Now, if you go on my Instagram, those three videos are the three pinned videos. If you go on my TikTok, those three videos are the pinned videos. Facebook, I only have just the infinite money video pinned because you can only pin one video. These are by far the best things to show people that you would like to share this information with, but you just don’t think you know enough and you don’t think you could capture their attention for several hours, which is a lot of what a lot of my other material is.

[02:27:01] The 10-minute videos are funny. They’re super fun. They’re super lighthearted, and they’re just so insane that I can– they were like flags in the ground. It’s like, if I can explain this stuff to someone that’s never heard of any of this in less than 10 minutes, I’ve really, really nailed it. I could just take a jury.

[02:27:22] I don’t care who the jury is, where they come from, age range, race, I could care less. I’m winning the case. For me it was that 10-minute mark. So I personally think that those videos are huge for the movement. I think they’re huge for what we’re doing, and I think they’re huge for people trying to share this information without being killed by their friends and family.

[02:27:48] Luke: I agree. I agree. Yeah. There is a lot of blank stares when you start to share this information with people. It’s just like right over the top of the head. But those are great videos. I highly recommend that. We’ll put them all in the show notes at Well, man, this has been enlightening, inspiring, super fun.

[02:28:10] I’ve been looking forward to this for a while, and I can’t wait to get you out here to Texas, man. I know you’re going to go on Alec’s show, The Way Forward, and you’re going to come over here. And we have a great group here, man, in Austin of like-minded folks, some buddies of mine and everyone’s starting to learn about this and become really interested and take some action.

[02:28:29] So it’s really exciting. This is the first thing in, I don’t know, maybe ever that I’ve actually seen as a viable way to really improve your life substantially. And to do so in a legal way that is devoid also of any– this isn’t a eff the government movement. This is like, we’re going to peacefully coexist with you.

[02:28:51] You guys do your thing in the District of Columbia and in the United States, and a group of us are just going to go do our own thing and go old school, United States of America. There’s a sense of diplomacy and peacefulness that actually feels really good to my nervous system.

[02:29:07] As someone who’s been eff the man my whole life, it’s like, wow, what if I just go my own way and forge my own path and allow them to keep doing whatever it is they want to do and just not participate in it. It’s a much more, I think, mentally healthy approach to it.

[02:29:24] And I really appreciate that. That’s where you’re coming from with this. And it’s really not subversive, or it’s not even rebellious. It’s just we talked about earlier, taking responsibility for your life and making different choices that are available. And I think it’s just a matter of educating people that there are other choices that are available for those that choose to pursue them.

[02:29:47] So man, thank you so much for being here. Thank you for all the work you’re doing. It’s super fun. I haven’t been this jazzed about something in quite a long time, so I’m excited.

[02:29:56] Brandon: I love it. Yeah, it’s good stuff, man. I’m the same way. I’m a freak, so it is what it is.

[02:30:02] Luke: You Sure.

[02:30:03] Brandon: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[02:30:04] Luke: All right. Well, I’ll see you in a few weeks, my friend.

[02:30:06] Brandon: Awesome. Thank you so much, Luke.


Connect with Brandon Joe Williams at law firm website | state national theory website

Connect with Luke Storey

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Why Democracy Leads to Tyranny

Why Democracy Leads to Tyranny 

by Academy of Ideas
March 30, 2024


 Video available at Academy of Ideas Rumble, Odysee & YouTube channels.


The following is a transcript of this video.


“Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and [destroys] itself. . .It is in vain to Say that Democracy is … less proud, less selfish, less ambitious or less avaricious than Aristocracy or Monarchy. It is not true in Fact and no where appears in history. Those Passions are the same in all Men under all forms of Simple Government, and when unchecked, produce the same Effects of Fraud Violence and Cruelty.”

Letter from John Adams to John Taylor, December 1814

In every age there is a set of beliefs that are elevated to a sacred status and questioning them is deemed heretical. For centuries it was the dogmas of Christianity that possessed this status, today it is the dogma of the democratic state. Democracy, as currently practiced, is the greatest form of government and anyone who denies this commits blasphemy – or so we are taught. But just as much of the Christian dogma was a veil to protect the power of the Church, the same can be said about democracy. Democracy, with its political campaigns, elections, and the illusion of rule by the people, is a veil behind which politicians and bureaucrats parasitically enrich themselves while imposing their corrupt vision of society on the rest of us. In this video we explore some of the fatal flaws of modern democracy and explain how instead of promoting social flourishing, it has given rise to a form of soft totalitarianism.

“Conceived as the foundation of liberty, modern democracy paves the way for tyranny. Born for the purpose of standing as a bulwark against Power, it ends by providing Power with the finest soil it has ever had in which to spread itself over the social field.”

Bertrand de Jouvenel, On Power

There are many institutions that are necessary for a free and prosperous society; these include free markets, the division of labour, a rule of law that promotes order and trust, strong families, sound money, a school system that educates instead of indoctrinates, and a robust media that pursues the truth instead of spreading propaganda. If a democracy preserves these institutions, then one can claim that it is a form of political organization conducive to social harmony. But if a democracy continually produces governments that destroy these institutions, then the value of democracy must be questioned. Across the globe, the governments of most democracies are doing the latter – from the family unit, to schooling, the media, free markets, sound money, or the rule of law, politicians and bureaucrats are actively destroying, or at least severely corrupting, these institutions. Why is this? What are the flaws of modern-day democracies that are leading it to manifest such corrupt governments?

To answer this question, we must distinguish between two types of democracy: direct democracy and indirect democracy. A direct democracy involves citizens casting votes on specific issues, usually by means of a referendum. In a direct democracy majority rules. Whether one views this form of political organization in a positive or negative light will usually depend on if one belongs to the majority or minority. Those in the majority tend to believe that direct democracy is a good system as it leads to the satisfaction of their wants, while those in the minority often feel that direct democracy is nothing more than a tyranny of the masses. “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what they are going to have for lunch,” Benjamin Franklin famously remarked. While the 19th century British politician Auberon Herbert had this to say concerning the morality of a direct democracy:

“Five men are in a room. Because three men take one view and two another, have the three men any moral right to enforce their view on the other two men? What magical power comes over the three men that because they are one more in number than the two men, therefore they suddenly become possessors of the minds and bodies of these others? As long as they were two to two, so long we supposed each man remained master of his own mind and body; but from the moment that another man, acting Heaven only knows from what motives, has joined himself to one party or the other, that party has become straightaway possessed of the souls and bodies of the other party. Was there ever such a degrading and indefensible superstition?”

Auberon Herbert, The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State

A tyranny of the masses, however, is not the most serious threat facing the West as we live in indirect democracies which render most people politically impotent and the power of the masses relatively negligible. In an indirect, or representational democracy, we vote for politicians who are then, in theory, supposed to represent our interests. But how representational democracy should work in theory, is not how it works in practice. In almost all democratic countries a small number of political candidates are preselected by a handful of political parties that monopolize each country’s political system and from these candidates we vote for the ones we prefer, or at least dislike the least. Once elected, far from being forced to represent the interests of the majority, politicians can, and frequently do, serve their own interests. Or as Frank Karsten and Karel Beckman note in their book Beyond Democracy:

“It is not ‘the will of the people’, but the will of politicians – prompted by groups of professional lobbyists, interest groups and activists – that reigns in a democracy.”

Frank Karsten and Karel Beckman, Beyond Democracy

Many will counter that a benefit of an indirect democracy is that we can vote out the corrupt politicians who fail to serve us. The problem, however, is that modern democracies rarely produce honest and ethical political candidates. Each time one corrupt politician is voted out of office, he or she is replaced by another corrupt politician who merely serves different special interest groups. Furthermore, nation states have grown so large that most of the state actors who rule over us and implement the policies that affect us on a day-to-day basis are bureaucrats who are not subject to popular elections.

And herein lies perhaps the most serious flaw of modern democracies – the democratic process seems incapable of preventing the worst from rising to the top in government. There are several factors that can account for this: Firstly, there is the corrupting nature of power.

“Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Or as Mikhail Bakunin wrote:

“However democratic may be their feelings and their intentions, once [politicians] achieve the elevation of office they can only view society in the same ways a schoolmaster views his pupils, and between pupils and masters equality cannot exist. On one side there is the feeling of a superiority that is inevitably provoked by a position of superiority; on the other side, there is a sense of inferiority which follows from the superiority of the teacher. . . Who-ever talks of political power talks of domination; but where domination exists there is inevitably a somewhat large section of society that is dominated. . .This is the eternal history of political power. . .”

Mikhail Bakunin, The Illusion of Universal Suffrage

Another factor that can account for the moral corruption of politicians is that like a moth to flame, the most ruthless and power-hungry among us are attracted to state power. Those who enter the game of politics are often the very individuals who we least want to rule over us, or as Frank Herbert wrote:

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.”

Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune

Another explanation for why the worst rise to the top in modern politics is because Machiavellian, narcissistic, and sociopathic character traits improve one’s chance of winning a political election or getting promoted to the position of a high-level bureaucrat. Or as the philosopher Hans Hermann Hoppe explains:

“. . . the selection of state rulers by means of popular elections makes it essentially impossible for harmless or decent persons to ever rise to the top. Presidents and prime ministers come into their position not owing to their status as natural aristocrats, as feudal kings once did . . .but as a result of their capacity as morally uninhibited demagogues. Hence, democracy virtually assures that only dangerous men will rise to the top of state government.”

Hans Hermann Hoppe, From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy

Once in power these demagogues are effectively shielded from the wrath of the citizenry due to a mirage that is created by the dogma of democracy. Most people believe that in a democracy it is we the people that rule, and that as rulers we are collectively to blame for the corruption, ineptitude, and immorality of our government. This belief overlooks the fact that most of us have no impact on the actions of politicians and it diverts responsibility away from the politicians and bureaucrats who are responsible for the policies that are destroying society. Furthermore, when it is believed that we the people rule, our resistance toward the dangerous growth of state power is weakened, or as Hoppe explains:

“Under democracy the distinction between the rulers and the ruled becomes blurred. The illusion even arises that the distinction no longer exists: that with democratic government no one is ruled by anyone, but everyone instead rules himself. Accordingly, public resistance against government power is systematically weakened.”

Hans Hermann Hoppe, From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy

This weakened resistance to the growth of state power has created a fertile ground for the emergence of totalitarian rule across the West. Many will counter that the democratic West is not at all like the totalitarian countries of the past, be it Soviet Russia, Communist China, Nazi Germany, Cuba, or North Korea. These countries centralized power and controlled the lives of their citizens to a degree never seen in history and to a level which far exceeds the experience of the modern West. But the centralization of government power in Western democracies, differs only in degree to that seen in the totalitarian countries of the 20th century. Western democracies are what can be called soft totalitarian states in contrast to the more brutal manifestations of totalitarianism past. In 1835 Alexis de Tocqueville foresaw the rise of soft totalitarianism in Western democracies and described it in his great work Democracy in America:

“After having…taken each individual one by one into its powerful hands, and having molded him as it pleases, the sovereign power extends its arms over the entire society; it covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated, minute, and uniform rules, which the most original minds and the most vigorous souls cannot break through to go beyond the crowd; it does not break wills, but it softens them, bends them and directs them; it rarely forces action, but it constantly opposes your acting…it hinders, it represses, it enervates, it extinguishes, it stupifies, and finally it reduces each nation to being nothing more than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.”

Alexis de Toqueville, Democracy in America

Prior to the rise of this soft totalitarianism, social relations were dominated by a multiplicity of different institutions and associations which were independent of government – such as markets, guilds, churches, private hospitals, universities, fraternities, charities, monasteries, and most importantly the “primal community of the family”. These independent associations and institutions, while providing great societal benefits, also acted as barriers to the expansion of government power. The destruction and replacement of these more diverse forms of community with relationships between the individual and the state, which began in the West in the 20th century and continues to this day, was a crucial step in the rise of governments who hide their totalitarian nature behind the veil of the democratic ideal. Or as Robert Nisbet wrote in The Quest for Community:

“It is not the extermination of individuals that is ultimately desired by totalitarian rulers. . . What is desired is the extermination of those social relationships which, by their autonomous existence, must always constitute a barrier to the achievement of the absolute political community. The prime object of totalitarian government thus becomes the incessant destruction of all evidence of spontaneous, autonomous association…To destroy or diminish the reality of the smaller areas of society, to abolish or restrict the range of cultural alternatives offered to individuals. . . is to destroy in time the roots of the will to resist despotism in its large forms.”

Robert NisbetThe Quest for Community

In places like Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia the destruction of institutions independent of the state was done quite rapidly and with the use of violence. The same process has been occurring in Western democracies, but at a slower pace and instead of violence, these alternative institutions are crippled with the use of propaganda, educational indoctrination, laws, regulations, and bureaucratic red tape. But no matter how totalitarianism emerges the result is always the same. Citizens becomes subjects, the state becomes the master, and even if we are still granted the right to vote, we are enslaved nonetheless, or as Lysander Spooner wrote:

“A man is none the less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.”

Lysander Spooner, The Constitution of No Authority

If our democracies cannot prevent the worst from rising to the top and if they cannot protect us from the rise of a soft totalitarianism, then democracy, as currently practiced, is a failed institutions and alternative forms of political organization must be explored and openly debated. Some may continue to hold out hope that a political saviour will emerge, overcome all the corrupting influences of the state, and return society to a path of peace and prosperity. This, however, is to gamble with the future of society. For as we wait for our saviour, who may never emerge, the state will continue to grow more and more burdensome, and then slowly at first, but ever more rapidly, our societies will deteriorate into the hellish conditions that characterize all totalitarian nations, for as James Kalb noted:

“If all social order becomes dependent on the administrative state, when that becomes terminally corrupt and non-functional everything goes.”

James Kalb, The Tyranny of Liberalism


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Too Many Humans? Forget That. There’s Too Many Animals.

Too Many Humans? Forget That. There’s Too Many Animals.

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
March 29, 2024


The Malthusian madness that’s been gripping the “elite” of the west ever since the Most Serene Republic of Venice first proposed the idea of “maximum carrying capacity” of human population (long before Malthus popularized the notion) has taken a step toward the truly insane, according to this PDF document that was shared by “D.J.” (no, not Dark Journalist):

AVMA Guidelines for the Depopulation of Animals: 2019 Edition

Now, I readily admit that I’m still wading through this monstrosity, but I thought I’d share just a few quotations illustrative of how insane, diabolical, and anti-life the so-called experts of the West truly are.

Take a gander of the table of contents alone, and you get the idea: under various headings of types of animals, from “Companion” animals to “Laboratory animals” to “Aquaculture” and along the way dragging in “bovine”, “swine” and “equids” in its train, these sections all contain a subsection titled “Events Necessitating Depopulation.”

Under the heading of Companion Animals, which incidentally, heads the list of animal populations to be “depopulated”, we read the following about the “Events Necessitating Depopulation” on page 19:

Emergency events that may necessitate the consideration of depopulation of companion animals may include the widespread loss of essential survival resources during natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods; non-natural disasters such as incidents involving terrorism, bioterrorism, conventional or nuclear attack or accidents, or toxic chemical spills; contamination of food and water supplies; zoonotic or pandemic disease that threatens public health and the food supply; and contagious veterinary disease in a single locality or species. Public perceptions, political and legal interventions, logistic difficulties, and compliance issues are likely to complicate depopulation efforts directed at companion animals, as was seen with the euthanasia of an Ebola virus victim’s pet dog in Spain in 2014.

Think of all of this as a kind of “template for action”: claim that there is a planscamdemic deadly to humans and transmitted through your pet cat, dog, turtle, bird, or whatever, and voila, one might be able to rid whole areas of the pesky fur-, feather-, or shell-bearing useless eaters. The reason that companion animals may be heading this bizarre list might have something to do with what is said under the “Bovine” offering of the document, again under the sub-header of events requiring depopulation (from pages 29-31):

Fortunately, animal health incidents that require the use of depopulation methods to eradicate or prevent disease, protect public health, or maintain a secure food supply are rare. Every animal health situation involving depopulation as part of the response is unique and should be evaluated individually to determine optimal response methods.

Whew! What a relief! I thought for a minute there we were out of the woods, with only companion animals being the number one concern. But no, there’s always “agro-terrorism”:

Agroterrorism may be defined “as the deliberate introduction of an animal or plant disease with the goal of generating fear, causing economic losses, and/or undermining social stability.”13 Lists of potential agroterrism pathogens by species14,15 may be found on the Center for Food Security and Public Health website along with an overview of potential bioterrorism diseases’ effects on humans and animals.16

Now so far, I’ll bet the reader is thinking, “Well, yea, but there is nothing here that really could nor should be taken as diabolical. Granted, the ‘elite’ often uses or sponsors such emergency planning studies in ways they did not inform their hired experts about when they commissioned the study.” For the hired experts, such studies are just that, contingency planning in case of an emergency, not a template for widespread action. And that argument is indeed true and often the case.

But I suspect that may not be the case here, when one considers what is said about “animal depopulation” under the “aquatic” section (page 66); note the language and terminology:

There are a number of potential situations that could result in a decision to depopulate a captive population of aquatic animals. Depopulation of captive aquatic animals may be necessary for disease control, for alleviating animal suffering, for biosafety and human safety issues, or any combination of these. Additionally, depopulation may be necessary for food safety issues or elimination of undesirable species. The method of depopulation should also take into consideration the containment of infectious materials, the zoonotic risk of the pathogen involved, and carcass disposal options. On the basis of these considerations, the type of depopulation chosen may be a preferred method, a method allowable in constrained circumstances, or a method that is not recommended. Examples of particular situations follow to demonstrate general scenarios, but are not intended to represent a comprehensive list of all potential rationales for depopulation. (Emphasis added)

What I found intriguing with this passage (particularly in the context of Wednesday’s blog about undersea mining), is the language about “elimination of undesirable species,” which species are, of course, unspecified. Under such a broad umbrella, and notwithstanding all the subsequent speculations and caveats in the article, this is alarming. What, exactly, constitutes undesirable?

There is a hidden and implicit premise here and it is the same implicit and hidden premise that haunts – yes my choice of words is deliberate – all such Malthusian arguments, and which the few attempts to exorcise have proven to be unsuccessful, and that is the premise of “staticness”, particularly of the staticness of science and technology. Consider: what may be an “undesirable species” today may subsequently come to be understood by science to be a key component of the ecosystem supporting human life, or indeed, all life, such as to eliminate it would be to ultimately doom mankind to a death by “cascading consequences” of the “depopulation” (unless of course one managed so keep DNA samples of such species in an ark, for cloning and “resurrection” in case we “guess wrongly”, and, cross your fingers, we’re able to clone enough to avert the catastrophe in time). Indeed, I have pointed out that when the Venetian Republic’s banksters first proposed the idea of a maximum human population carrying capacity for the planet, their “learned and scientific estimation” was one billion people. True enough, with the agricultural and medicinal science of their day, that estimate may have been accurate. But the trouble is, science and technology do not stand still. There may indeed be maximum carrying capacities, but we do not have a sufficiently developed science of dynamic change in complex macrosystems to know what it is, and I strongly suggest that anyone claiming to know what an “undesirable species” is, is subject to the same problems of the implicit staticness and hence falsity of all such Malthusian proposals.

And that, I submit, is why we’re not looking simply at “emergency contingency planning” with this document. We’re looking at some sick individuals’ template and plan of action.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover images credit: JoeBreuer & Joenomias

Rewiring: On the Power in Our Attention & in Maintaining a Non-Reactive Emotional Balance

Rewiring: On the Power in Our Attention & in Maintaining a Non-Reactive Emotional Balance

by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs
March 27, 2024


I have been reprogramming my mind and reconditioning it to how it once functioned prior to doing all of this deep research, intuiting, and writing over the past eight years. It’s actually more of a “rewiring” to sever and rebuild neural pathways I built along the way so that I can get back to a state of being in the moment, creating, and manifesting in a powerful and positive manner. It is a state that I always existed in, so this is a first for me to have to rewire these pathways.

I’m moving much quicker than I anticipated, as I’m already back to my state of observation with a sense of detachment and no emotional reaction aside from remaining in a state of peace, calm, and sometimes joy. I’m still working on the joy part, as it’s been a bit of a rough year for me personally.

I don’t know if people realize the internal programming happening within their brain that they themselves are allowing and in fact creating. The learning is important for awareness, but the repetitive thoughts and words are building one heck of a circuitry in your mind, and these control seekers are fully aware of that. I knew that when I took on this work, I would be soaking in a dark mud pit and it may become tricky to crawl out of, but I felt obligated to do so, and so I did. Though it’s taking me some time to rewire my brain, I’m enjoying the ride because it’s bringing me back to my old stomping grounds – a higher consciousness where the world is my playground, not a prison cell. Of course, it’s a trade off because I have had to step back from work to recalibrate and begin shifting into what I had always intended to get to…writing about the true power within us all. I wrote a little about this last month, if you care to check it out.

I’ve already begun writing down many thoughts and began an article, but I had to pause because I’m just not quite recalibrated yet and I need it to “flow” as it once did. It’s going to be fantastic and I cannot wait to share, I just need folks to bear with me a bit longer.

In the meantime, I hope that others are taking time for themselves and beginning their own rewiring. We cannot change the world until we change ourselves first, and it is so important to go within and do the necessary work so that one can get to a state of feeling whole, basking in joy, and being fearless and detached from any outcome. I reached the point of being fearless nearly a year ago. I guess there is something to be said for desensitizing oneself after doing all of this work, huh? Ha!

I hope people are beginning to realize – if it’s out of your control, it is a distraction and a time and energy suck. If it’s within your control – how can you exert your time and energy unless you yourself are in a balanced state without reacting emotionally? That is the state where creation takes hold and it projects a powerful force that inspires and motivates.

Let the rewiring begin!


Connect with Corey Lynn

Cover image credit: Mokup

Paul Cudenec: On Declaring & Defending Our Freedom

Paul Cudenec: On Declaring & Defending Our Freedom


Our Quest for Freedom: Defending

by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak
March 25, 2024


[This is the final section of Paul Cudenec’s essay Our Quest for Freedom]


While the message advanced in the quotations from Mollison and Dervaes is appealing, it does not tell the whole story.

The system does not want us to be free. Its very existence depends on the fact that we are dependent on it, enslaved to it.

That’s why it threw us off the land in the first place, that’s why it condemned the simplicity of our needs and our lack of interest in accumulating wealth as “poverty”, our natural ways of life as “backwardness” and our relaxed, unhurried, approach as “laziness”.

The system needs always to encroach. It is the act of permanent encroachment, theft, destruction.

If you and I declare ourselves free tomorrow and say that we will have nothing more to do with the system, it will send its shock troops to crush us, for fear that our defiance will spread like wildfire.

But if hundreds, thousands, of small groups of people do the same thing simultaneously, all across the territory, the system is going to have logistical problems in crushing us all at the same time.

If it knows that in each case it will be facing people ready to resist, with all they’ve got, then its worse nightmare will be coming true.

This scenario appeals to me, although that’s not to say that we should stop resisting otherwise, in whatever way seems best in certain places, at certain moments, for certain people.

Everything from political organising to physical sabotage can play a role in creating the resonance of rebellion.

But, at some stage, the uprising has got to become physically real, it has to try to shake off the authority of the system once and for all.

Declaring ourselves free and then defending that freedom to the death, if necessary, seems to me like the best possible plan of attack.

It gives our resistance an anchor, a moral high ground, that can be absent when we are merely sniping and screaming at power.

This doesn’t seem a likely thing to happen, though. I know that.

That’s why the suggestion comes right at the end of this essay. All the other stages of the quest have to happen as well, for it to become a real possibility.

If people don’t understand the extent of the problem with contemporary society, if they don’t understand who they really are, if they are not prepared to risk everything, then our bid for liberty will fall short.

Sufficient numbers will have to have realised what this world has turned into, remembered what it should have been and started consciously yearning for what it could once more become.

We can help win them over by exposing the corruption of the system, explaining how we got here and proposing that we do something about it.

Our rebel myth will offer both meaning and motivation, empowering people to become what they have to be and spreading the inspiration to countless others.

Only then can we, together, buildprepare and boycott. Only then can we embark on the mass physical defiance that will be our heroic and historic reclaiming of a free future for humankind.


Download PDF of the full essay Our Quest for Freedom


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Cover image credit: Foundry

Fluoride — The Poisoned Chalice

Fluoride — The Poisoned Chalice

by UK Column
March 21, 2024



Fluoride—The Poisoned Chalice: In Plain Sight 

How safe is our drinking water? Do you even know what is in it? What would you say if you were told you were being medicated with a very dangerous chemical, without consent, through your drinking water? No doubt the majority of us would be up in arms, but in 2024 this is exactly what the UK Government is planning on doing. Already in the UK, six million people drink fluoridated water, but the addition of fluoride at source is about to be expanded throughout the whole of England.

Debi Evans is joined by Joy Warren, National Coordinator of Fluoride Free Alliance UK. She has been active against water fluoridation since soon after gaining a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Science in 2002. Her catalyst for action was attending a Friends of the Earth meeting in early 2003 at which a medical doctor gave an account of her long struggle against hypothyroidism after moving to fluoridated Coventry. After researching the issue of fluoride’s negative effect on the endocrine system and much else, Joy became convinced that the practice of adding a medicine to drinking water was a thoroughly unethical medical practice. Part of her journey has involved excluding fluoride from her environment—which was no mean feat, living as she does in a fluoridated city.

Joy joined the National Pure Water Association in 2005 and soon became an Executive Director. In 2010, she left NPWA to start West Midlands Against Fluoridation and ran a very successful website and fluoride analysis service. During this time, she gained a Certificate in Health and Nutrition. In 2018, encouraged by friends, she set up the Fluoride Free Alliance UK (FFAUK), which became the national organisation campaigning on the issue, NPWA having been wound up a few years earlier.

There have been several attempts to add fluoride to English drinking water since 2003 and Joy Warren has been actively involved in ensuring that each attempt failed. The current climate is more challenging, with the Conservative government and advisors since 2022 trying to get England and Wales fluoridated, and this has meant Joy exercising her coordination and IT skills to the full.She has been involved against all attempts since 2004 to fluoridate a population and has a 100% success record.

This interview covers what fluoride is and how dangerous it is. What is a neurotoxin? Can you stop your area from being fluoridated? Joy Warren reveals the extent of the Government’s plan to medicate us with fluoride through our drinking water, without our consent. Why has the Government taken this potentially disastrous decision, and how will it affect you and future generations?

Fluoride is also present in many medicines and foods; are you aware of how much fluoride your body is ingesting? Do you know the dangers to children and babies? Dental vans will be visiting primary schools to paint children’s teeth with fluoride varnish. Do you consent?

Joy Warren discusses what the public can do to object to the fluoridation of water. Fluoride is invisible, and the Government would like it remain that way. It is up to every one of us to inform others of the dangers of fluoride.


Contact Details:

Joy Warren, National Coordinator, Fluoride Free Alliance UK



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Where Have All the Insects Gone?

Where Have All the Insects Gone?
Satellites Are Taking Them, Every One

by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
March 21, 2024


The least noticed and greatest assault on Earthly life rains on us from the sky. Nature’s wires strung above us from horizon to horizon, carrying the electricity that helps power our bodies, and the information that informs our growth, healing, and daily lives, now carries dirty electricity — millions of frequencies and pulsations that confuse our cells and organs, and dim our nervous systems, be we humans, elephants, birds, insects, fish, or flowering plants.

The pulsations pollute the Earth beneath our feet, surround us in the air through which we fly, course through the oceans in which we swim, flow through our veins and our meridians, and enter us through our leaves and our roots. The planetary transformer that used to gentle the solar wind now agitates, inflames.

The lake pictured above is the United Kingdom’s largest. Located in Northern Ireland, Lough Neagh swarms so densely with flies every spring and summer that residents shut their windows against the living smoke. Clothes left out on a line are covered with them. So is any windshield on a vehicle traveling around the lough’s 90-mile shoreline. Until 2023.

Last year, unbelievably, no flies were to be seen. Windshields and hanging clothes were bare of them. None flew into open windows. Other species that used to eat them were gone as well — ducks, frogs, fish, eels, and predatory insects. Fly larvae were not there to keep the lake bottom clean. Little was alive in the lough except an overgrowth of algae. “Has the ecosystem of the UK’s largest lake collapsed?” asked The Guardian in a February 19, 2024 article.

Has the ecosystem of the entire Earth collapsed? we ask, for the same is happening all over, according to reports I have been receiving for a year from almost everywhere on every continent.

56 Years of Global Vandalism

 On June 13, 1968, the United States completed its launch of the world’s first constellation of military satellites. Twenty-eight of them, more than twice as many satellites as were in orbit around the Earth until then, were lofted to an altitude of 18,000 miles, in the heart of the outer Van Allen radiation belt. The “Hong Kong” flu pandemic began two weeks later and lasted for almost two years.

For the next three decades, the skies slowly filled up with hundreds of satellites, mostly for military purposes. Then in the late 1990s, cell phones became popular.

On May 17, 1998, a company named Iridium completed its launch of a fleet of 66 satellites into the ionosphere, at an altitude of only 485 miles, and began testing them. They were going to provide cell phone service to the general public from anywhere on earth. Each satellite aimed 48 separate beams at the earth’s surface, thus dividing the planet into 3,168 cells. Reports of insomnia came from throughout the world.

Iridium’s satellites began commercial service on September 23, 1998. The effect was devastating. I contacted 57 people in my network in 6 countries, plus two nurses, one physician, and a support group for patients. 86% of the people I interviewed, and the majority of patients and support group members, became ill on Wednesday, September 23 exactly, with headaches, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, nosebleeds, heart palpitations, asthma attacks, ringing in the ears, etc. One person said it felt like a knife went through the back of her head early Wednesday morning. Another had stabbing pains in the chest. Some, including me, were so sick we weren’t sure we were going to live. We were all acutely ill for up to three weeks. I suddenly lost my sense of smell on September 23, and did not recover it for six years. Mortality statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control revealed a 4% to 5% rise in the national death rate beginning the last week in September and lasting two weeks. Some people reported a reddish sky the night of September 23.

In early December 1998, I again received telephone calls from far and wide asking me what had changed. Orbcomm, providing data service to industries, had gone commercial on November 30 with 28 satellites orbiting 500 miles up.

On July 25, 1999, another company, Globalstar, achieved worldwide cell phone coverage with 32 satellites, 876 miles up, and began testing. I again received calls from people who were certain the earth felt different again.

On February 28, 2000, Globalstar completed its constellation of 48 satellites and went commercial. Nausea, headaches, leg pain, and respiratory problems were widespread, both among people who called themselves electrically sensitive and people who did not. The effects were felt starting on Friday, February 25, the previous business day.

Iridium, which had gone bankrupt in August 1999, resumed full commercial cell phone service worldwide on March 30, 2001 after signing a contract with the U.S. military. The night of March 30 was accompanied by an even more intense and widespread red sky than the one that had accompanied its initial launch of service two and a half years previously. A red aurora was seen in the northern hemisphere as far south as Mexico, as well as in the southern hemisphere. There was a catastrophic loss of Kentucky race horse foals in late April and early May, and since mares abort several weeks to a month after a viral infection or other triggering event, this put the triggering event at about the end of March. Similar foaling problems were reported at the same time from Ohio, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Maryland, Texas, northern Michigan, and Peru. Breeders also reported both newborn and older horses with unusual eye problems, and adult horses with pericarditis.

On June 5, 2001, Iridium added data to its voice service, including connection to the Internet. Hoarseness was a prominent complaint of many who contacted me during the next few weeks.

For the next two decades, Iridium and Globalstar were the only providers of satellite phones. Enter SpaceX in 2019.

In November 2019, SpaceX began regular launchings of 60 satellites at a time into even lower orbit, only 326 to 350 miles up, and I began to receive reports from people around the world of headaches, dizziness, insomnia, exhaustion, skin problems, feelings of oppression, and heart problems. Almost 200 people in my network reported heart palpitations, heart arrhythmias, or heart attacks.

In March 2021, the density of signals polluting the ionosphere increased significantly. SpaceX, which had already launched more than 1,000 Starlink satellites and was testing them on a limited number of customers, launched 60 satellites on March 4, 60 more on March 11, 60 more on March 14, and 60 more on March 24. A competitor, OneWeb, also launched 36 satellites on the night of March 24. More satellites were launched into space in that month and on that day than ever before. And on March 24, SpaceX dramatically increased the speed of its satellite internet connections to over 400 Mbps.

On March 24, 2021, a threshold was passed, and the deterioration of life on Earth accelerated tremendously. Some people reported not feeling well beginning on March 4 or March 11, but 1,000 people in 50 countries emailed or called me on or after March 24 confirming my own awareness that something terrible was happening to our planet. The reports came from people in New York City, Paris and London, and from people living in remote locations miles from the nearest cell tower. They came from people who used no wireless technology at all, and from people who had smart meters on their homes and 5G antennas outside who emailed me from their cell phones. They came from people young and old. It did not matter, they all had similar experiences. Everybody, whether they were previously ill or not, became suddenly and profoundly sicker on March 24 or March 25, depending on the time zone in which they lived, and most slept little or not at all the night of March 24.

People reported that not only they, but also their spouse, children, parents, neighbors, friends, coworkers, clients, and everyone else they knew were sick, exhausted and irritable on March 24 or 25 and had trouble sleeping. Some reported that their pets or farm animals were sick at the same time — cats, dogs, chickens, goats, cows.

The details were consistent. They could not sleep for one, two, three or more nights, beginning March 24 or 25. Some took melatonin or other sleeping aids and still could not sleep. They had pain and itching, either all over or in specific parts of their body, commonly their feet and legs. They had headaches. They had muscle spasms. They were weak and exhausted and could hardly stand or walk, and some tripped or fell. They had skin rashes. They were dizzy and nauseous, and had stomach aches and diarrhea. The ringing in their ears was suddenly more intense. Their eyes were red, or inflamed, or their vision suddenly worsened. They had heart palpitations, rapid or irregular heartbeat, or suddenly high or very low blood pressure. A few had nosebleeds, or coughed up blood, or their eyes popped a blood vessel. They were anxious, depressed or suicidal, and irritable.

Since then, SpaceX has been launching rockets carrying dozens of satellites at a time on a weekly or biweekly basis, filling the heavens with luminous objects that interfere with astronomy, spewing chemicals that are destroying our planet’s protective ozone layer, filling the upper layers of the atmosphere with water vapor that should not be there and that is increasing the current in the global electric circuit and the violence of thunderstorms, and cluttering up space with satellites that are nothing but solar arrays and computers that are continually failing, wearing out, and having to be replaced, and which are deorbited to burn up in the lower atmosphere, filling it with metals and toxic chemicals for everyone to breathe — and altering the electromagnetic environment of the Earth that had not changed in three billion years and that life below depends on for its vitality and survival.

Last Thursday morning, from Boca Chica, Texas, SpaceX successfully launched its Starship — the largest rocket ever built, the one it wants to ferry men and women to Mars with — into space for the first time.  And on Friday it launched yet another 23 Starlink satellites to bring its total polluting the ionosphere up to more than 6,000, now not only for internet communication with rooftop dishes but for direct communication with handheld cell phones. The 6,000 satellites are also now communicating directly with one another, wrapping the Earth with pulsating lasers carrying 42 million gigabytes of data every single day.

Everyone I know has had trouble sleeping and been suffering since last Wednesday, the night Starship launched.

Since March 24, 2021, not only has human health deteriorated, but the biodiversity of the Earth, everywhere, has plummeted. People have not so much noticed the decline of the larger wildlife like wolves, bears, lions and tigers, which were already scarce, but they are shocked by the total disappearance of the smallest animals that were only recently so common you couldn’t open your windows without them flying in. They are shocked by the disappearance of all the frogs that used to swim in their ponds, the birds that used to nest in their trees, the worms that used to slither on the ground, the insects that used to fly through their windows and cover their clothes hanging on the line. My newsletters of March 29June 21September 20October 17, and November 28, 2023 carried major stories about this from various parts of the world. My newsletters of December 5 and December 26, 2023, and January 9 and February 6, 2024 quoted from individuals all over the world who have emailed or called me, and I have a huge backlog of more such reports that you can read when I publish them in the future.

If we want to have a planet to live on, not only for our children but for ourselves, the radiation has to stop. Not only do the cell towers have to come down that are so ugly to look at, but also the cell phones that we hold in our hands and have become so dependent on, and the satellites that are squeezing all the life that remains out from under them. We are running out of time.

Arthur Firstenberg
President, Cellular Phone Task Force
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502


Connect with Arthur Firstenberg website | substack

Cover image credit: FelixMittermeier

See Related:

Arthur Firstenberg: Ecocide From Space

Arthur Firstenberg on Electrosmog: “The Ability to Use a Mobile Device Everywhere on Earth Means That Every Square Meter of the Earth Must Be Irradiated at All Times.”

Arthur Firstenberg: An Autumn’s Tale


Vaccines Have Always Been Heterogeneous Mixtures of Toxins Used to Intentionally Sicken People and Animals.

Vaccines Have Always Been Heterogeneous Mixtures of Toxins Used to Intentionally Sicken People and Animals.
Public health and regulatory systems have consistently hidden those truths behind false claims about the effects of vaccines, and behind legalized non-regulation of biological product manufacturing. 

by Katherine Watt, Bailiwick News
March 20, 2024


The US Food and Drug Administration and other drug manufacturing regulators claim that drug manufacturing regulation is about assessing product purity, sterility, potency, safety and efficacy to protect humans and animals from impure, adulterated, contaminated, impotent, harmful, and/or ineffective products.

Biological products can be defined as a subset of the larger category of drugs. Biological products are drugs manufactured through biological processes that take place within living organisms. Drugs that aren’t biological products are manufactured through chemical processes. Vaccines are included in the biological products class of drugs.

A defining characteristic of biological products, in legal terms, is their rule-governed exemption from regulatory oversight that applies to and is enforceable for drugs manufactured using chemical processes.

One of several defining characteristics of biological products as murder weapons, is their ability to biologically incorporate into the target’s body, such that weapons become indistinguishable from victims. Empty vials, syringes and other residual evidence disappears into garbage dumps and medical waste incinerators.

Eleanor McBean published a book in 1957 called Poisoned Needle.

She carefully documented the history of vaccination lies prior to and since Edward Jenner’s cow-pox and smallpox lies. She collected dozens of doctors’ observations throughout the 1700s, 1800s and early 1900s, supporting the conclusion that vaccines have always been nothing more than toxic slurries introduced into healthy people and animals for the purpose of making them weaker and sicker and dead, while enabling the poisoners to lie to themselves and to their victims about what they’re doing, how and why.

One example from Poisoned Needle:

Dr. J. W. Hodge had considerable experience with vaccination before he denounced it and wrote a book on his collected data. In his [1902] book The Vaccination Superstition (p. 41) he states:

“After a thorough investigation of the most authentic records and facts in harmony with the physician’s daily observations and experiences, the conclusion is drawn that instead of protecting its subjects from contagion of smallpox, vaccination actually renders them more susceptible to it.

Vaccination is the implantation of disease — that is its admitted purpose. Health is the ideal state to be sought, not disease . . . Every pathogenic disturbance in the infected organism wastes and lowers the vital powers, and thus diminishes its natural resisting capacity.

“This fact is well known and so universally conceded that it seems superfluous to cite authorities. Nevertheless, I shall mention one. The International Textbook of Surgery – Vol. 1. p. 263, is authority for the following statement: ‘Persons weakened by disease or worn out by excessive labor yield more readily to infection than healthy individuals.’

“If this is true, it explains why, in various epidemics, smallpox always attacks the vaccinated first, and why these diseases continue to infest the civilized world while its allied (unvaccinated) ‘filth diseases’ have disappeared before the advance of civilization, through the good offices of sanitation, hygiene and improved nutrition.”

For the last few years, I’ve been documenting the development of American public health emergency anti-law as a distinct layer of statutes, regulations, executive orders and court cases that overrides and suspends good laws criminalizing (among other crimes) intentional use of poisons, including vaccines, to injure and kill people.

Public health emergency law as a tool to enable deniable, spatially-distant, time-shifted homicide became more visible because public health emergency law was used to start the Covid-19 killing programs and is still being used to maintain the Covid-19 killing programs.

Public health emergency statutes, regulations, executive orders and court cases govern, among other things, non-regulation of poisons (i.e. emergency use authorization/EUA countermeasures) during declared emergencies.

In December 2023, I located a Federal Register Notice of Final Rule through which then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb shut the doors of all biological product manufacturing facilities to FDA inspections, effective May 2, 2019, eight months before public announcement of Covid-19, and more than a year and a half before the Covid-19 mass vaccination campaign got underway in December 2020.

This fact helps to answer the question: How could hundreds of millions of doses be manufactured, shipped and ready for use a few weeks after the FDA’s December 2020 “emergency use authorization” decisions? Manufacturing began well before Covid was announced, inside factories not subject to inspection. That’s how.

Reading Gottlieb’s rule-change a few months ago, I realized that non-regulation of biological product manufacturing under routine, non-emergency conditions, had been in effect — or, rather, non-effect — since long before Covid, and will still be in effect/non-effect even if emergency declarations about Covid and other fake communicable disease and public health threats are revoked someday.

So for the last couple of months, I’ve been thinking about and collecting more legal evidence that biological product anti-law under non-emergency conditions also suspends or overrides good laws criminalizing (among other crimes) intentional use of poisons to injure and kill people, just as effectively as public health emergency anti-laws do.

The legal history of routine non-regulation of all biological products can be assembled in the same way the legal history of emergency-predicated non-regulation of EUA countermeasures has been assembled.

Such a collection would document how, over time, built-in exemptions from otherwise applicable, enforceable manufacturing rules, along with rule changes, and explicit notices from FDA to manufacturers (called Guidance for Industry) that FDA would not, will not and does not enforce rules, have rendered biological product non-regulation more non-regulatory as each year has passed.

However, sifting through hundreds of rule changes to track each rule as it’s become increasingly inapplicable and unenforceable, is an exercise in grasping at smoke. So I’m not planning to pursue it further, unless an attorney contacts me with a credible proposal for a case that would be strengthened by detailed accounts of FDA Federal Register rule-making activities over the past half-century or so.

As an example, in November 1973, just after regulation of biological products transferred from NIH Division of Biologics Standards to the FDA Bureau of Biologics, FDA published a revised, consolidated set of biological product manufacturing regulations at 21 CFR 600 to 21 CFR 680.

At 21 CFR 610.11, the 1973 FDA rules established that the only “general safety” test (GST) required to claim a biological product was safe, was to inject a sample into two mice and two guinea pigs. If the two mice and two guinea pigs didn’t get “significant symptoms” or die within seven days, “the product meets the requirements for general safety.”

FDA authorized “exceptions to this test…when more than one lot is processed each day” and “variations of this test…whenever required.” Manufacturers were directed to apply to the Bureau of Biologics (now the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research) for exemptions.

After a series of revisions, FDA eliminated general safety test requirements for biological products, effective Aug. 3, 2015 (80 FR 37971).

FDA has made dozens of similar rule changes, weakening and eliminating rules about samples, protocols and lot-by-lot release; establishment and product licensing applications; post-approval manufacturing process changes; mixing, diluting and repackaging and more, including the elimination of facility inspections Gottlieb put in place effective May 2, 2019.

It’s important to understand that the acts FDA officials have committed, to eliminate applicability and enforceability of drug manufacturing regulations for biological product manufacturing, have not been acts to eliminate actual regulation of medicines.

They have been acts to eliminate what has, from the start, been pretend-regulation to enable unimpeded manufacture, distribution and use of intentional poisons, so that their true character as poisons could be hidden from and invisible to the public.

A few weeks ago, I located Mutual Recognition Agreements. MRAs are international trade treaties. When signed and ratified by national governments, MRAs authorize national regulators — including drug regulators — to be “relieved of” their regulatory obligations and instead, recognize and rely on the regulatory decisions of other countries’ regulators, especially the US Food and Drug Administration.

The two systems interlock.

Under the legal terms of MRA treaties, US-FDA can be legally construed as the sole regulator for worldwide drug manufacturing and distribution systems.

Under the legal terms of the US-FDA drug regulation system, all biological product manufacturing can be legally conducted with no substantive disclosure, monitoring or enforcement of rules controlling purity, sterility, safety, potency, efficacy, raw materials, manufacturing processes, or chemical and biological composition of finished, packaged, distributed products.

Also note, the legal structure of Mutual Recognition Agreements plus FDA-non-regulation-of-biological-products, operates separate from and in addition to the UN-World Health Organization, International Health Regulations system.

National governments interested in shielding their populations from intentional poisoning must withdraw from the United Nations and WHO treaties; must withdraw from the IHR treaty; and also must withdraw from each Mutual Recognition Agreement treaty that subordinates their own federal drug regulation to other countries’ regulators, including the US-FDA non-regulation, poison-facilitation system.

It’s plausible that some simpler biological products (insulin, for example) may have historically been manufactured, and may still today be manufactured, to meet measurable, achievable standards of safety and batch-to-batch consistency, because doing that would help US-FDA and pharmaceutical companies maintain public confidence and reduce the likelihood that the public would begin to see and understand the biological-product-based intentional poisoning program.

It’s also plausible that biological products labeled as vaccines have had, for many decades and still today, a high degree of batch-to-batch variation ranging from low to high toxicity, because that also would be a sensible way for US-FDA and pharmaceutical companies to maintain high levels of public ignorance, complacency and compliance with vaccination programs.

Related Bailiwick reporting and analysis



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Cover image credit: Dimhou

The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health

The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health
Germ theory -vs- Terrain theory 

by Greg Reese
March 19, 2024




Isolation means the separation of one thing from everything else. This is the only way to scientifically identify a thing. This is done with everything from large organic material to the smallest nano-particles. It is done with Gold and Silver. And it is done in basic chemistry, but it has never been done with a virus. Several have claimed to have done so, but have since been exposed as frauds. And today, virologists claim that isolation is not possible because of the obligate intracellular nature of a virus. This means that they cannot exist outside of a living cell. But if this were true, then it would also be true that they can not spread from one person to another. The pseudo-science of virology is full of logical fallacies that any inquisitive person can recognize.

Scientific studies require a control group. Meaning that two samples are needed where every factor is the same except for the presence of the thing being studied. But this can not be done in virology because a virus has never been isolated. When virologists claim they are isolating it, they are lying. This is evident today with the latest so-called proofs that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated.

In both the “Isolation and rapid sharing of the 2019 novel coronavirus” published by the Medical Journal of Australia. And in the “Viral isolation analysis of SARS-CoV-2” from Japan’s Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, the titles suggest that they isolated a virus. But they clearly did not.

They took material from the most contaminated source possible, the nose, which acts as a filter by capturing particulates inhaled from the environment. And at no point did they isolate a virus from this sample. What they did was run the entire mix of unknown material through a PCR test, and claimed that it tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. But we know that the PCR test is not capable of isolating a virus, and we know it’s been deliberately adjusted to give false positive results. So this is not science, it is fraud. They then inoculated a culture of cells with the entire mix of nose material, added in unspecified material, and the cells died. At no point in these experiments was a virus ever isolated. They in fact did the opposite of isolation by adding foreign material to a mix of unknown material from a person’s nose. So even if the cells died as a result, there is no way of knowing what killed them.

There is an alternative theory that does not have massive funding from spurious foundations and Nobel Peace prizes to convince the public of it’s validity.

Terrain theory tells us that most of what we are told is a disease, is nothing more than the symptoms of a natural bodily process of healing and repairing tissues damaged from stress and external toxins. Cells naturally die and break down in a way that is identical to how virologists claim a virus behaves. And the very same foundations pushing the theory of the virus, have been simultaneously creating a more toxic world with petrochemical drugs that earn billions in profits. There are far more so-called diseases today than existed before this pseudo science was unleashed on society.

In 1859 Florence Nightingale published, Notes on Nursing, where in she wrote that “all disease… is more or less a reparative process… an effort of nature to remedy a process of poisoning or of decay, which has taken place… sometimes years beforehand.” She is saying that what we are told today are symptoms of a disease, are actually natural processes of the body healing itself from damage.

Manly P Hall, known best for his 1928 publication, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, gave a lecture in 1989 called, Magnetic Fields of the Human Body. In this lecture he described this same sentiment.

He said that each human body is surrounded by its own magnetic field which provides tremendous protection. And as long as the individual takes proper care of this magnetic field, it will heal all wounds and recover all bodily functions and organs. He said that the law of the energy field is also the law of integrity. When we break the laws of nature, we damage this flow, which in turn damages the individual’s vitality. This magnetic field can be damaged by negative attitudes such as fear, and destructive attitudes towards others. It can be damaged by drugs and alcohol, toxic substances, and any action contrary to the common good.

He went on to say that in ancient times looking upon objects perfect and complete in structure was therapeutic because looking upon them inspired an acceptance of perfect symmetry that positively effects our energy field. And conversely, when we accept discord as inevitable, our energy field is damaged.

For the past hundred years the same families and foundations have created a world of chaos and discord. And perhaps Terrain theory is correct, and the ancients were right, and we have been given a perfect divine vessel that will protect us so long as we look after it and live in accordance with the common good.


Connect with Greg Reese

Cover image credit: rachyt73

Texas Wild Fires and Directed Energy Weapons

Texas Wild Fires and Directed Energy Weapons
United Nations designated Smart Cities and corresponding “wildfires” 

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
March 15, 2024



Some are saying that Directed Energy Weapons are being deployed to spark the largest fire in Texas history. And we know that these weapons exist.

“This newly released footage shows the Dragon-Fire laser directed energy weapon system in action. And it could be in the hands of military personnel in five years time. It destroys targets with an intense beam of light and has pinpoint accuracy. It’s able to hit something the size of a £1 coin from a kilometer away.”
~ Claire Sadler (Forces News)

The fires we have seen in recent years, including the fires in Texas, are very different from what we have seen in the past. They often selectively spare the trees while burning the infrastructure into a powdery ash footprint.

“I have witnessed and observed some extraordinary damage in our state. Could be caused by hurricanes or tornadoes, and frequently when you see the aftermath of that damage, there’s a, some semblance of a structure that is still there. When you look at the damages that have occurred here, it’s just gone, completely gone. Nothing left but ashes on the ground.”
~ Texas Governor Greg Abbott

After the Maui fires, many people believed that a blue roof was able to deflect these Directed Energy Weapons and spare the home from destruction. And Joe Biden recently eluded to this twice.

“If you fly over these areas that are burned to the ground, you’ll see in a mist of 20 homes that are just totally destroyed, one home sitting there because they had the right roof on it. And, anyway…”
~ President Joe Biden

“And by the way, have you noticed when you fly over in a helicopter, those places with good roofs, they didn’t burn!”

“With the right materials.”
~ Unknown

“Yeah! So I gotta change that. Anyway…”
~ President Joe Biden

Joe Biden is clearly not a reliable source for accurate information, but why would a roof save a house from burning? And while there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that suggests Directed Energy Weapons are being used to start these recent fires, arsonists have been arrested starting them the old fashioned way. And there is a clear motive.

The United Nations, who have been orchestrating the open border policy of America and several other countries, have openly announced plans to clear the lands of people and move them into Smart Cities.

Starting with Agenda 21, a map which shows designated off-limits-to-humans areas, lined up with the 2018 California fires.

Nine Years ago, planning was announced for Smart Cities to be built on Maui. But the most coveted property was owned by natives whose families have lived there for generations prior to Hawaii being annexed by the US. In August of 2023, Maui was devastated by highly suspicious fires. Roads were blocked off to keep residents from escaping. And the US government gave survivors a mere seven hundred dollars per household.

A conference in April of 2023 met in Viña Del Mar, Chile to provide the municipality with support in the transfer of knowledge about the theory and solutions of smart cities. A year later, Viña Del Mar was ravaged by fires. It was blamed on Climate Change, but local officials claimed arson.

And in 2022, Amarillo Texas was reported to be the number one area ‘under the radar’ for the Texas housing market under the United Nations’ vision 2045. On February 26th of this year, the biggest fires of Texas history broke out in this same area.

Vision 2045 is the latest iteration of the United Nations’ plan to seize control of ninety percent of the land and limit people to fifteen minutes cities.

“We’d like to think that change happens in manageable ways. It doesn’t happen like that. It happens in punctuated equilibrium where we have periods of stability and then periods of massive radical, disruptive and transformative change. And that is where we are right now.”

“This is the decisive decade in the history of humanity. We who are here now have a responsibility that no future generations will have.”
~ Vision 2045


Connect with Greg Reese

Cover image credit: screenshot from video

Dr. Tom Cowan on the Use of Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone, Methylene Blue, Carbon 60 (C60), Zeolite & Turpentine in the Context of “New Biology”

Dr. Tom Cowan on the Use of Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone, Methylene Blue, Carbon 60 (C60), Zeolite & Turpentine in the Context of “New Biology”

by Dr. Tom Cowan
video recorded March 13, 2024


A Discussion on Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone and Methylene Blue – 3/13/24

Video available at Dr. Tom Cowan Rumble & Odysee channels.


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Below you will find some excerpts from Tom Cowan’s presentation. For additional details on any of the protocols he mentions, listen to the full video. The first part of the video covers the recently renewed “no virus” challenge. At approximate 18 minutes in, he begins to discuss the protocols mentioned in the title. Emphasis (bold) is mine. ~ Kathleen




So, a lot of people have asked, and they’ve heard me mention and talk about in the New Biology Clinic (practitioners), a number of medicines, or so-called medicines — and they are rightfully so, the people, wondering how these fit into New Biology principles, because some of them are so-called natural substances, but some of them are actually what you would call chemicals.

So the list includes chlorine dioxide, or chlorine dioxide solution, and methylene blue, ozone, turpentine, C-carbon, zeolite, and there’s probably others.

And so there’s a lot of controversy, I think, within our group as to, well, everything from ‘these are amazing healing substances which everyone should have in their therapeutic handbag’…


And another position is, ‘I would never use something like those, because they’re basically chemicals’ — or ‘Maybe they’re from natural things, but they can only repress symptoms and anyways aren’t they meant to kill organisms like viruses and bacteria and fungi? And I thought that we’re not about killing stuff, because all these organisms are really out there to help us.’

So I thought I would take a look at that and give us a certain point of view that hopefully will make this question easier to understand and maybe hope give us some guidance on this…


So, let’s look at the first one which was chlorine dioxide. And not so long ago we had a conversation with Andreas Kalcker who I would say probably knows more about the use of chlorine dioxide than anybody else alive right now.

[Here Tom reads descriptions of what chlorine dioxide is and shares one of several protocols available for preparing and using it.]

So, what is it doing?

So if we, (and I would say this was more or less in agreement with what Andreas was telling us in our our conversation with him) that basically chlorine dioxide is a charge, or what he would call electron donor.

Now, that already is a little bit problematic in a sense… because we’re taught, and we’ve gone through what does it mean to be an oxygen donor. So we talked about Gerald Pollock’s very interesting research that we don’t actually absorb oxygen from the air. What we absorb and in his view were electrons.

I would actually change the word of electrons, since as I’ve been over, if you look at the model of the atom that we’re told, which is that the atom has a nucleus with protons and neutrons and then has electrons circling around it. So, basically a make-believe model…


And I think the word calling something a negative charge is an inappropriate terminology. So it’s not a negative charge, but it’s a certain kind of charge, which is opposite or different than other kinds of charge, which we call positive charge.

And that gets into a little bit of semantics. So let’s just say that the reason we need oxygen is because oxygen is a strong donor of the charge, which is what we need to produce energy and to create actually life.

So now we’re talking about a fundamentally different view of what a living system is, or even what substance is.

And I think what I’m talking about is at the end of the day, and the bottom line is, we have a very unclear and primitive and unformed, and I would even use the word ‘incorrect’. about what physical substance actually is.

So we know, for instance, with very clear experiments and accurate measurements. that if you shine a coherent beam of light into a very thin layer of some solid object like gold or silver or something, that 99% of the volume of that silver sheet or gold sheet, the light will go through unimpeded as if there is nothing there.

In other words, 99% of the area of a solid substance like a sheet of gold, there’s nothing there.

Now that led them to create the model that there’s these atoms linked together and they have nuclei. And what’s circling around them is electrons. And then there’s other people who dispute that. I’ve gone over that. And they say that that little part, that less than 1% that actually scatters the light (that’s the only part that scatters the light) that is the whole atom.

Now, whichever those two it is, you’re still left with the question of how come this chair or this desk or this sheet of very thin gold feels, seems, appears, and by every sensory observation appears to be a solid structure.

It’s not made of 99% of nothing. So even if it’s a nucleus that’s less than 1% of the mass, or even if it’s the whole atom that’s less than 1% of the mass, either way, you’re left with the dilemma of: So what is it made of?

And that includes us. So what are we made of? It appears that we’re not made of substance, because that doesn’t make any sense at all.

So we’re essentially made of charge. We’re like a battery. And we use certain processes to recharge our battery.

Interestingly, if you look at the work of Wilhelm Reich and others, you know, the whole phenomena of sexual activity and orgasm is a simply a way to recharge your battery. It’s an interesting way of looking at it. And connecting with the sun and the earth is another fundamental polarity that recharges our battery. And breathing in the air is a way of absorbing the some charge that we erroneously or (some other word) call oxygen.

So we’re actually absorbing charge from the sort of plasma or ether field around us. And that is what gives us life.

As well as exposure to the sun and the earth, which creates a fundamental polarity of the earth donating so-called negative charges, which again isn’t really a negative charge, and the sun donating a sort of positive charge. This is the male/female polarity, which also comes to a sort of fruition, like I said, in this sexual act.

So it’s possible, and I think the real way to understand what chlorine dioxide does, is it’s simply a molecule that has been somehow configured to be a very strong donor of this so-called electronegative or polar charge.

And since, in a sense, the root of all disease is a loss of the charge and your battery is running down and becoming dead, you can understand why giving somebody a very strongly donating substance, like chlorine dioxide, which is exactly how Andreas Kalcker described it to us — it has a very strong ability to donate this electronegative so-called charge, and therefore promote healing.

Now, it looks like that it kills bacteria or viruses or fungi, but that itself is an illusion because it’s not killing anything.

What it’s doing, like Florence Nightingale said, this decay process is a function of your battery running out. So if you allow — if you donate this charge and sort of recharge your battery, then the tissue stops decaying, and your decay process, once it stops, then the bacteria don’t have to come to feed off the decay.

And that which we erroneously call viruses which are just a misunderstanding of these decaying particles that are coming from your tissue, they obviously stop or are lessened.

And so you think you’ve killed the virus or killed the bacteria when you’ve done no such thing. You’ve actually restored the health of the tissue. And then the bacteria don’t need to feed off the decaying tissue, and there’s no viruses that are produced.

They’re not actually viruses anywhere. There’s only decaying tissue.

The fungi go away because they don’t have to eat up your decaying tissue to help you out, and then you seem a whole lot better.

Now, I think if you frame it like that, then you have a realistic understanding.

I’m not saying that I or anybody else knows… I mean, we still have this fundamental sort of dilemma of how electromagnetic phenomena, waves, frequencies, create a solid stuff called ‘you’.

I don’t know how that happens, but I know that that seems to be all we’re actually made of or all anything is made of, because the particles have been shown not to exist, and the electromagnetic waves and frequencies have.

So that’s what this world, this universe that we’re living in is made of, so we might as well accept that, and we might as well work with it.

Now, here’s the bottom line. If you think like this and understand the world in this way, and then you don’t want to end up having to use a chemical substance like chlorine dioxide, you would understand that a better strategy is to reserve your charge through eating living food, and through regular constant movement (not constant, but regular movement) in the outdoors, in the sunshine with bare feet or somehow connected to the earth, and to avoid toxic radiation fields or electromagnetic fields as much as possible.

Use other grounding devices and other tools like seawater and other plants and other extracts and other things, breathing better to do harmonious breathing or the breathing that we’re teaching in the clinic, or the Wim Hof breathing.

All these are regular normal ways that you can preserve your health so that you don’t need to get into the position of ‘now I have this horrible, quote, urine infection, and I need to do something right away’.

Now, having said that, and having worked almost four decades as a doctor, I don’t particularly have a problem with using a very safe substance, which is what all these appear to be, like chlorine dioxide solution, to temporarily relieve somebody suffering who’s got urinary tract infection, or a whole lot worse.

I mean, every illness, so-called, is a manifestation of decay and poisoning and a loss of charge, and in particular this loss of charge due to exposure to electropositive toxic substances in our world.

And so, if you can, in addition, and I would be very clear, in addition or on top of doing all the other things, like the food and the movement and the sunshine, and the, you know, not succumbing to repeated negative thought pattern and all the other things, and using, you know, other breathing techniques that help you put you in a state where you’re charged and working on your intimate relationships so you can recharge your battery, all these things, that should be first.

But again, I have no problem with somebody using chlorine dioxide solution in the way that I just described to help them out, because I see very little downside reported or something that I’ve observed…


I think the more important principle is to understand what it’s doing, which I think I have just described. Then you can see how it fits in, and that it is a wonderful and appropriate tool to help us out, as we’re also doing all the things to regain our charge.

Now, interestingly, if we go to the next one, which is methylene blue, which I never even heard of until maybe a few months ago, you find almost the same thing…


So when you realize that this substance has been effectively used to treat this and works in a reductive sort of way similar to how oxygen works, you start realizing…that this is a oxygen, i.e. a charge donor.

And it just happens to be a different chemical, which happens to, for whatever kind of molecular (it’s the wrong word, probably) reason, able to donate charge more effectively than most other things, you could see why it has become an interesting treatment for all sorts of degenerative neurodegenerative disease, particularly memory problems, depression, Parkinson’s pain, Alzheimer’s, all these things, which are basically just a losing of the of the electrical charge in the deepest, most profound area where the charge has to work, which is our nervous system.

It does this in the same way that oxygen would, but in this case, as they say, the oxygen therapy isn’t strong enough. So there happens to be this chemical, which seems to have very low or almost no toxicity that is able to strongly donate a negative charge and make a seemingly dramatic difference in people suffering from these sorts of conditions.

Now, again, I haven’t used it and maybe somebody will convince me that there is some negative effects from this. There may be that I couldn’t find any documentation of this so far…


One of the places I think we need to be sure I know they use methylene blue also widely with animal medicine with good effects. And there is some concern that some of the methylene blue that’s sold over the Internet is not really methylene blue. And so I would be careful about that. One place that I know you can get it that claims that it’s exactly the same chemical and they put it in structured water and they put some so-called healing frequencies is a website And they have a fairly inexpensive product, which you can easily get and they have a lot of directions on how to use it…


So I have some other things here like ozone, but I think you can start to see that there’s a pattern here. So ozone is just adding extra oxygen, which is adding another form of delivering this that oxygen provides to us, which is this so-called electronegative charge, which is the reason we’re sick in the first place…


Turpentine, we’ve been over a fair amount, and I would refer you to the interview that I did with our friend Andy Kaufman and the work of Jennifer Daniels…

I’m not aware of any analogy you could make with restoring the charge. But my guess is if you really looked into it, you would find something like that as well….

Zeolite and Carbon C60 seem to be things that have negative charge or a certain structure that helps to bind with these positively charged so-called toxins. You know, Andreas Kalker essentially made the comment that every toxic substance is basically a positively charged molecule. I’m not sure if that’s true, but Carbon C60 is these sort of buckyball things which is loaded with these negative charges which attracts this toxic stuff and essentially captures them inside the carbon structure and allows your body to eliminate them. The same thing with zeolite. There’s of course many arguments about what form of zeolite and how to use it…


I think all these things are interesting and positive approaches to the question of what it all boils down to is how can we help detoxify and how can we help prevent our tissues from decaying.

And that has all goes back to we’re essentially like a living battery. And our living battery is charged through the food and through the way we think and through connection with movement and through connection with the sun and the earth…


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Our Quest for Freedom: Preparing and Boycotting

Our Quest for Freedom: Preparing and Boycotting

by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak
March 15, 2024


[This is from Paul Cudenec’s latest book Our Quest for Freedom and other essays]


Modern life is designed to be congested and complicated.

The ruling rip-off merchants have sold us so much surplus material on the basis of the “needs” they have manufactured that many people are quite lost.

They do not think they could live without the devices and infrastructures built purely to disempower, exploit and control them.

Ridding ourselves of these attachments is a key part of our preparation for the battle to come and the free world that it will deliver.

The best way to fulfil all your needs is to reduce them to the bare minimum.

Simplifying your life is hacking off one of the ropes that keeps you bound to the system.

What do we really need in life? We need food, water, shelter, heat in winter. We need each other – friendship, co-operation, culture, warmth and love.

I would say that we also need meaning in our existence, in order to be fully human.

But beyond that? Do we really need all their glittery junk, all the empty artifice of Guy Debord’s Spectacle, all the hypocritical gaudiness of Mike Driver’s Carousel?

Or is it rather that they need us to need all of that, to keep our heads turned away from truth and spirit?

All their industry – their economic growth and technological “progress” – is a prison in which they have trapped us.

It is, at the same time, the physical process by which their usury becomes real, by which they gobble up our lives and our world to further expand the global cyst of their sustainable greed.

Investment requires return. Money is debt. Debt bears interest. On and on turn what William Blake called the “cogs tyrannic” of their dark satanic industrial-financial mills, grinding our children’s flesh into the pulp of their profit.

If we can’t see beyond their world, if we can’t rediscover our real needs, if our imagined future is nothing but a reformed version of their future, then we will never escape their tyranny.

If we try to build our own future using their tools, according to their designs, based on their assumptions, then we will simply build an alternative prison which they can easily come back and take over.

Their world is the physical manifestation of their outlook, that negation of true meaning and value that stands in such stark contrast to the vision that we all cherish in our hearts.

We will need to forget that evil world, shake ourselves free of its black spell.

We start anew. We start from the bottom. We imagine a world that corresponds to our inner notion of what is right and proper and natural and beautiful and then we work out together how that might come to be.


In La Belle Verte, the remarkable 1996 film by Coline Serreau, visitors from another (green) planet explain to their Earthling friends that they exited their own industrial phase by means of a great boycotting of the system’s products.

What happens if we refuse to work for the global mafia, refuse to spend their money, pay their bills?

What happens if we turn our backs on their toxic medicines, their devious distractions, their little luxuries, their carefully cultivated habits and dependencies?

What happens if we refuse to listen to them, acknowledge them, speak their language, play their game?

What happens if we stop co-operating, believing, submitting, obeying – if we finally stop accepting the utterly unacceptable?


Connect with Paul Cudenec substack | website

Cover image credit: Pexels

Nano Drug Delivery Systems in Smart Healthcare

Nano Drug Delivery Systems in Smart Healthcare

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
March 14, 2024


In the interest of answering questions generated by the article, ”Pretending to be Alternative,” I am expanding on nano delivery systems. Buckle your seatbelts!

Are all brands of Ivermectin alike?

There are many formulations of Ivermectin on the market. If Ivermectin is used ‘off-label’ then it can be prescribed for unapproved uses. Ivermectin was intended as an anti-parasitic medication, for repeated use, since it only kills adult parasites, not the eggs.

Several pharmaceutical companies manufacture and supply Ivermectin on a global scale. Unless you, as a patient, request the package insert of the drug, you will not necessarily know the specific lot# or ingredients to ask questions of the medical doctors who dispense them.

Today, as an ‘off-label’ drug, Ivermectin is sold for many different symptoms.  In Australia, since June 2023, the prescribing of oral ivermectin for ‘off-label’ uses will no longer be limited to specialists such as dermatologists, gastroenterologists and infectious diseases specialists. In the U.S., Ivermectin is still not FDA-approved to treat COVID.

Most people who choose to take Ivermectin, do so because it is marketed as “alternative” and is “not FDA-approved.” These phrases seem to hold special powers to some people, even though Ivermectin is still a pharmaceutical drug.

At the same time, pharmaceuticals have been upgraded to keep up with “advances” in technology.

Do All Ivermectin drugs contain Nano Lipid Particles (NLPs)?

Little is known about when lipid nanocarriers first appeared on the Ivermectin scene, but lipid and nano-drug delivery systems have been used in pharma-drugs since at least 1995. A 2017 study used nano lipid carriers as an Ivermectin delivery system for head lice.

Ivermectin was not well publicized before doctors began prescribing it ‘off-label,’ as an “alternative” treatment for COVID-19.

To assess the efficacy and safety of Ivermectin for COVID, a 2021 study reported: “Of the 41 study results contributed by included studies, about one third were at overall high risk of bias.”  The study concluded:

Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID-19 outside of well-designed randomized trials.

Generally, if scientists are writing about a protocol in their research, it implies it is used in practice as an industry standard. How else are these drugs delivered to the right part of the body? A 1995 study described the Nano Lipid Carrier delivery method:

Nano lipid carriers are a delivery system composed of a solid matrix that contains liquid nano-fatty particles. These nanoparticles are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) and possess a controlled and continuous release capability, have a cellular dimension and are compatible with tissues and cells

Did Ivermectin, in 2021, contain NanoLipid Carrier (NPC)  Delivery Systems?

It is confusing to know for sure whether Ivermectin, or other “alternative” pharmaceutical drugs, of 2021 or earlier, used lipid nanoparticles as a drug delivery system. From the the 2019 study featured in my earlier article on Ivermectin, this statement is noted under “Methods:”

To overcome the limitations observed in some drug formulations and resistance, we used nano lipid carriers (NLCs) as a targeted and sustained drug delivery system for IVM.

This statement does not make known whether NLCs are standard practice in the market, or typical for this drug. However, we can assume this methodology is standard practice at least in the last few decades. According to this 2023 study:

Over the past several decades, liposomes have been extensively developed and used for various clinical applications such as in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and dietetic fields, due to its versatility, biocompatibility, and biodegradability, as well as the ability to enhance the therapeutic index of free drugs.

Per this 2016 study: the authors wrote: “Nanomedicine is an emerging field that employs nanosized materials for applications in disease diagnosis and therapeutics. For example, nanotechnology-based methods and materials have been developed for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Nano-carrier delivery systems are also used in the treatment of Neuropsychiatric disorders and as targeted therapy in chronic diseases since 2019. Further, off-label medications for psychiatric disorders are frequently used for unapproved indications.

To be clear, my article on Pretender Alternatives focused on nanotechnology in general not only on NLCs. Whether products are lipid-based-nano or Beeswax-based-nano, it is still “nano.”

The doctors who prescribe nano-drugs are not trained in nanomedicine or their delivery systems. By plausible deniability, doctors can deny any knowledge of nanotech in their drugs. Thus, they are not responsible for disclosing known health effects of nanobots to patients.

Nano-electric Delivery Systems

Nano-medicine implies electronics.

In the 1990s, research conducted in the microelectronics industry was applied to the design of immunoassays, and since then the applications for immunoassays have expanded using nanotechnology.

This movement has been dubbed as microfluidic and lab-on-a-chip technology. Research in LOC systems is expected to extend towards downscaling of fluid handling structures as well, by using nanotechnology.

In 2024, the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), celebrates 25 years of nanotechnology. That suggests 25 years in products, medicines, and food. It is also floats in the air as Smart Dust and microplastic rain.  Cloudy with a chance of plastics? The purpose of Smart Dust Smart rain, and Smart Healthcare is for wireless monitoring and surveillance.

Smart dust is a system of tiny electromechanical sensors that detect and wirelessly transmit real-time data from their environment. Measured at one cubic millimeter or less, these devices are dispersed in large quantities as a networked cluster suspended in mid-air.

Point of Care Diagnostics

Biosurveillance, through biosensors, implies remote access to the body as part of the global Smart Health evolution.  This happens through point of care diagnostics:

Glucose meters can also be used by diabetics at home to monitor levels and to adjust their insulin if necessary.

Biosensors are electrochemical transducers found on, and inside, the body that turn biological signals into wireless electrical signals. See Timeline here.

There is no reason to look for chip technology as RFID chips, or implantable chips. In a digital-nano world chips are invisible. Biosensors are now wireless and non-invasive, used in Point of Care applications to monitor people in biomedical healthcare settings such as Telehealth and Biotelemetry.

What about binders, such as zeolites? 

Zeolites are advertised to remove toxic metals by binding to them for removal from the body. Would zeolite be of assistance when it comes to nanotech?

The industry has already thought of that. Today, zeolite binds, while also building its own system.  Zeolites are used in many biomedical applications from detoxification to Diabetes and bone formation, including biosensors. This way, a biosensor map of the world can identify people in real-times, whether you are pharmaceutical-friendly or “alternative.” Biosensing is basis of Smart Delivery, Monitoring, Surveillance, and Healthcare.

Usage of zeolites improves characteristics of the biosensors. In particular, sensitivity, linear range, and limit of detection are enhanced.

Everyone must do their own research to understand the world of electronics, its applications, and its implications for the future of health.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Traditional Naturopath, Herbalist, Writer, and Author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Consult with her remotely at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath

Cover image credit: CDD20

See related:

Pretending to be Alternative: Toxic Pharmaceuticals With “Intelligent Surfaces”