Press for Truth: CTV News Edits Clip on Canada’s Death Count | Find Out What They’re Hiding
by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth
November 27, 2020
CTV News edits clip to hide the real death count numbers.
Recently CTV News aired a clip that correctly pointed out the number of deaths attributed to Covid-19(84) in long term care facilities, in Canada there has been 10,947 Covid related deaths with an astonishing 10,781 of those deaths coming from old age homes which means only 166 deaths in all of Canada occurred outside of an old age home (with many of those people dying “with” Covid as opposed to “of” Covid.
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth exposes CTV for covering up their Freudian slip as the truth was accidentally revealed in one of their segments than promptly deleted following a PFT expose!
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