‘Raw Milk Conspiracy’ Band: “Miss Information Whore” Launch on Defiance Records
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:
I was contacted by Raw Milk Conspiracy, letting us know about the release of their EP (Extended Play) recording of “Miss Information Whore”. Raw Milk Conspiracy is an “awake punk rock band” based out of London.
Below you will find two videos (available at Resistance GB YouTube & Odysee channels). The first is a music video of their newly-released “Miss Information Whore”. The second is an interview with Resistance GB that reveals more about their vision and backgrounds. A third video of a live launch event can be found here.
On first listen, I was impressed by the strength and intelligence of their music. In listening to their interview with Resistance GB, I was touched by their personal story of standing up against the evil lies that are attempting to bulldoze all of humanity into compliance with self-harm.
Resistance GB on the new EP release:
“The EP [Miss Information Whore] covers the true journey of the band, from an engineer, a pot-washer and a music teacher to ‘extremists’ and convicted ‘criminals’, who find themselves enemies of the state.
“In a perfectly reflected world of mass formation psychosis driven by state propaganda, ‘trusted news initiatives’, mass censorship, police brutality, social hypocrisy and government corruption, one man’s actions calling a BBC employee a traitor and throwing a half-empty humus-pot in self-defence can lead him down a darker path.
“The following melodies describe the climate or fear, an act of protest, an arrest, a particularly trisyllabic interview, and a descent down a dangerous road of extremism, to the extent that one begins to question whether an emotion can truly be a crime.”
In whatever way you can, please share their work and support them. Download the EP from Amazon or Apple. If you live in the UK, consider attending live events or purchasing their CD at Defiance Records. (Donations for Defiance Records’ work can be made at the same link.)
Raw Milk Conspiracy gigs are listed at Defiance Records website:
June 27th to 30th 2024 – Sounds Beautiful Festival, Wimborne, Dorset – Raw Milk Conspiracy (Buy Tickets Here)
July 25th – Underground Sounds – Raw Milk Conspiracy (at The Night Owl – N4 2DH)
August 3rd 2024 – Bush Hall, London – Raw Milk Conspiracy (Supporting The Blockheads)
Join me in letting them know you appreciate their courage, humor and creative work by sharing links to their videos, showing up at live events or passing this article on to others.
~ Kathleen
Raw Milk Conspiracy — Miss Information Whore
Video available at Odysee & YouTube
Miss Information whore
Evil to the core
We’re stuck in 1984
Ghastly corporate bore
Lies, on top of Lies, on top of lies
Cant believe my ears, my eyes
And now sadly
Now sadly it comes as no surprise
Ghastly corporate bore
Were stuck in 1984
Evil to the core
Miss Information whore
Evil, evil to the core
The Resistance Podcast Episode #1: Raw Milk Conspiracy
Video available at Odysee & YouTube
Willsy interviews Raw Milk Conspiracy, creators of “Miss Information Whore”. Find more information about the band and their launch at: defiancerecordings.com.

Truth Comes to Light highlights writers and video creators who ask the difficult questions while sharing their unique insights and visions.
Everything posted on this site is done in the spirit of conversation. Please do your own research and trust yourself when reading and giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else.