“Remembering Nearfield” Awarded Best Health Film at Cannes World Film Festival, July 2023
Remembering Nearfield from SC on Vimeo.
by Patricia Burke, Safe Tech International
sourced from Activist Post
July 31, 2023
It’s a winner.
In just over three months, Remembering Nearfield, has become an internationally acclaimed animated short film. Its aim is to break down taboos around the subject of electromagnetic harm in our society and catalyze global conversations about electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), a disability which brings an uncertain future for those highly sensitized and intolerant of the radiation from man-made electromagnetic fields.
The health impacts of EMF radiation exposure on society have remained subject to relentless scientific scrutiny. EHS is constantly being flagged up by scientists in their appeals to address a host of shortcomings in existing globally-adopted EMF radiation exposure guidelines to raise questions about public safety and draw attention to the most vulnerable, like children and those with EHS (who are not considered in the one-size-fits-all attitude of these industry-friendly guidelines).
Remembering Nearfield is eloquently narrated by Corriëlle van Vuuren. She’s an entrepreneur stricken by electromagnetic hypersensitivity compelled to speak out about her disability. Comfortable in the belief that technologies are safe, society prefers to remain naive. Her testimony challenges this blind trust.
No-one Should Be Excluded
As Corriëlle’s revelatory testimony reveals, people with EHS become so overwhelmed and ill, as their health declines, they can eventually lose everything: property, possessions, status, family and social relationships, and income. No-one in society should be excluded because of the nature of their disability. Education matters.
Professor Olle Johansson formerly of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, has this to say about Remembering Nearfield: “For an academic scientist like myself, it is always very impressive to see skilled movie makers, artists, and performers, summarize in less than 10 minutes a staggering 45 years of research!”
Educational, original, and often moving, this animated film’s wide and enthusiastic reception indicates that the world is ready to learn about EHS. Remembering Nearfield has been awarded Best Health Film at the prestigious Cannes World Film Festival in July 2023.
As well as being selected and nominated by many other festivals of note, it has won ten awards since entering an array of over 235 film festivals since April 2023.
The recognition of film festivals and prospective screenings throughout the year are wonderful affirmations about the mission of the film to raise awareness and educate. The film underscores the value of EMF awareness and safety that concerns all of society. It also exposes the discrimination that has stood in the way of progress in this regard. Remembering Nearfield stands for social change, to drive equality for people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, to bring equal recognition, accommodation, and support on par with other disabilities.
Remembering Nearfield opens our eyes anew to a neglected and misunderstood disability in a world of virtually unavoidable EMF pollution and guides us towards practical, easy-to-achieve solutions so society can reduce EMF radiation. People with EHS may no longer live in exclusion or isolation when society realizes that lowering environmental EMF not only leads to a better place for people with EHS to live and work but can have boundless potential for improving health for all.
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Cover image credit: geralt

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