Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici Șoșoacă Speaks to Parliament About “Earthquakes on Demand” Technology: “By Killing People, They Served Their Interests.”
Romania Senator Diana Lovanovici Speaking in the Parliament on the Uses of HAARP Technology in Turkey
Румыния Сенатор Диана Йованович, выступающая в парламенте с докладом об использовании технологии HAARP в Турции!
by Rory Winter
Video source: Rory Winter channel at VK.com. Mirrored at TCTL Odysee & BitChute channels.
[Transcript was obtained from video subtitles provided by the video creator.]
Thank you.
The title of my political statement:
“People Had to Die, and It’s Not Over Yet”
Dear fellow senators,
For three years we have been experiencing a real campaign of mass killing worldwide, either through alleged pandemics and the imminent need to inject untested vaccines that kill people, or through wars that reduce the world’s population, but rearranges international politics, realigns power […]
We have lived to witness the production of earthquakes on command, which is actually an attack on Turkey by the greatest of the world who totally disliked being set up by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of Turkey.
Moreover, his position of neutrality and mediator in the Ukrainian-Russian war deeply disturbed them, especially since Turkey is the second great power from a military point of view within NATO.
His position to block Sweden’s accession to NATO, his speech in Davos, as well as the gesture of leaving in the middle of the press conference defying Schwab, did not remain without an echo in the cold world of leaders of the world.
But no one thought that people would have to die — so many people and in such a terrible way.
And it’s just a warning because it wasn’t the most populated area of Turkey.
One hundred fifty (150) after shocks of a devastating earthquake, the second larger than the first, without the existence of an […] — the area being artificially stimulated, geological weapons having existed for a very long time, being used so far without causing too many casualties, probably for experiments.
Now it has been put into practice.
If we look carefully at the map of Turkey, we will see that it is furrowed by gas and oil pipelines, this being actually one of the goals.
But 10 seconds before the occurrence of the so-called earthquake, the Turks closed these pipelines.
In addition, 24 hours before the earthquake, 10 countries withdrew their ambassadors from Turkey.
Five days before its occurrence, the Romainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a travel warning for Romanian citizens in Turkey, although there was no danger, as did other countries.
By killing people, they served their interests.
Cover image
(Members of the UK’s International Search & Rescue team at work in Hatay, Turkey, looking for survivors of the devastating earthquakes)
credit: Gargarapalvin

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