Source: Phenomenal Travel Videos
Published on Oct 15, 2018
Hey guys, today we are going to look at a marvelous place in Sri Lanka, this place is known as Sigiriya.
There is nothing like this anywhere in the world, which is why it is known as the 8th wonder of the world. This is actually a giant monolithic rock, about 660 feet tall, and you can see that it has a flat top, like somebody cut it with a giant knife. There are incredible ruins at the top which are extremely mysterious, so let us go straight to the top and see what’s up there.
As you can see there are a lot of strange brick structures here and there and it is not only confusing for visitors, but even archeologists are not able to make complete sense of what these structures were used for. They confirm that everything you see is at least 1500 years old. But the mystery is not what these structures are, it is how these structures were built.
How did ancient builders manage to move all these bricks to the top of the rock? It is reported that at least 3 million bricks are found here, but it would be impossible to make these bricks on top of the rock, there is not enough clay available here. They would have to have transported these bricks from the ground. Now, the really bizarre part is that there are no ancient stairs from the ground level which go to the top of the rock. Look, all these metal steps were built in the last century. Without these new stairs, it will be very hard to climb this rock.
This whole rock is now set up with different types of stairs, this is the spiral stairs at a different level. The ancient builders built very limited stairs, but these stairs definitely did not reach the top. This is exactly why no one, not even the locals knew about Sigiriya until 200 years ago, because there were no stairs to the top. And this is why an Englishman by the name of Jonathan Forbes “Discovered” the ruins of Sigiriya in 1831.
So how did early human beings get to the top of Sigiriya? Let us assume that it is possible to hike up hill through these very steep, wooded areas. But to bring 3 million bricks from the ground level, you will definitely need proper stairs. Without this, it would be impossible to transport them to the top.
Even if we claim that the bricks were made on top of the rock itself by some miraculous means, The construction work here would have needed hundreds of workers. How did they get their food? Look around, there are no fruit bearing trees or crops growing here, to feed anyone. And what about tools? How did they carry their massive primitive tools? Where did they rest and sleep? But it gets more baffling.
Look carefully, there are not only bricks here, but look at these blocks. This is marble. The milky white marble stones are not native to this area at all. These blocks are actually very heavy, every stone which makes up a step weighs about 50 pounds. And we can find thousands of these marble blocks here. Experts agree that Marble is not naturally found anywhere nearby, so how were they transported up to a height of 660 feet, especially without stairs to climb ? But it is not the bricks or the marble that really baffles me. It is the granite. Look at this large water tank.
If you ignore the bricks and marble blocks around it, you understand that this is the largest monolithic tank in the world. It has not been built by adding stone blocks, it has been created by removing granite, by scooping out tons and tons of granite from Solid Rock. And exactly how many tons of rocks have been removed? This entire tank is 90 feet long and 68 feet wide and is about 7 feet deep. This means that at least 3,500 tons of granite have been removed.
So you can take a minute to really sit back and think if mainstream archeologists are right. If human beings were using primitive tools like chisels, hammers and pick axes on granite, which is one of the hardest rocks in the world, removing 3,500 tons would have taken years. And how did these workers feed themselves during all these years, if they don’t even have stairs to go to the ground level?
There is something fundamentally wrong with mainstream history books which talk about ancient people cutting rocks with chisels and hammers. But this is not just a theory, we have actual evidence in front of our eyes. Look here, we don’t see individual chisel marks, we see long, snake like, winding tool marks which are continuous. This is not how primitive chiseling and wedge marks look.

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