Space Weather, the Weather, and Mr. Globaloney
by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
June 15, 2021
Today is an unusual blog in that there are two feature articles, one shared by N.S., and the other by M.W., both regular readers and contributors of articles here. The reason I’m including both articles today is because of my daily high octane speculation: I suspect they may be linked.
So let’s begin with a fundamental premise (at least, it is for me): the Sun and its cycles have a far larger effect on terrestrial weather than we’d like to think. In fact, this stands to reason if, like me, you share the view that weather systems on Earth are not just about cold fronts and warm fronts and high and low pressure systems, relative humidity, and so on, but also that the atmosphere also functions as an electromagnetic medium, in short, as a kind of plasma under certain circumstances, and that some weather systems have a large – and little understood – electromagnetic component, tornadoes and hurricanes for example. Indeed, a few minutes’ search of tornadoes and all the associated eyewitness accounts of strange things associated with them with convince perhaps even the hardened skeptic that there’s something more going on than just a big natural vortex of wind and a vacuum cleaner. There are all sorts of stories of people looking up into the funnel of tornadoes and seeing all sorts of electrical arcing inside the vortex, not to mention those stories of blades of grass, or hay, being driven like nails into tree trunks, and so on. Are those to be explained solely as wind-and-pressure phenomena (the conventional explanation), or is something else involved as well?
I think you see the point, so with that in mind, ponder this article shared by N.S., on the nature of the Sun’s “electromagnetic weather”:
The Termination Event
The essence of this article is that the normal 10-15 year solar cycle may be presaging, not another “minimum,” but just the opposite, a maximum:
Something big may be about to happen on the sun. “We call it the Termination Event,” says Scott McIntosh, a solar physicist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), “and it’s very, very close to happening.”
If you’ve never heard of the Termination Event, you’re not alone. Many researchers have never heard of it either. It’s a relatively new idea in solar physics championed by McIntosh and colleague Bob Leamon of the University of Maryland – Baltimore County. According to the two scientists, vast bands of magnetism are drifting across the surface of the sun. When oppositely-charged bands collide at the equator, they annihilate (or “terminate”). There’s no explosion; this is magnetism, not anti-matter. Nevertheless, the Termination Event is a big deal. It can kickstart the next solar cycle into a higher gear.
“If the Terminator Event happens soon, as we expect, new Solar Cycle 25 could have a magnitude that rivals the top few since record-keeping began,” says McIntosh.
This is, to say the least, controversial. Most solar physicists believe that Solar Cycle 25 will be weak, akin to the anemic Solar Cycle 24 which barely peaked back in 2012-2013. Orthodox models of the sun’s inner magnetic dynamo favor a weak cycle and do not even include the concept of “terminators.”
“What can I say?” laughs McIntosh. “We’re heretics!”
We found that the longer the time between terminators, the weaker the next cycle would be,” explains Leamon. “Conversely, the shorter the time between terminators, the stronger the next solar cycle would be.”
Example: Sunspot Cycle 4 began with a terminator in 1786 and ended with a terminator in 1801, an unprecedented 15 years later. The following cycle, 5, was incredibly weak with a peak amplitude of just 82 sunspots. That cycle would become known as the beginning of the “Dalton” Grand Minimum.
Solar Cycle 25 is shaping up to be the opposite. Instead of a long interval, it appears to be coming on the heels of a very short one, only 10 years since the Terminator Event that began Solar Cycle 24. Previous solar cycles with such short intervals have been among the strongest in recorded history.
Now, before we continue to the next article, a little anecdotal information. During these “minimums” there are noticeable changes in the Earth’s weather, and that for a very good reason. Think of the Earth as the load end of a vast electrical circuit with the Sun being the power source. With less energy entering the circuit during solar minimums, less energy appears in the load end, and weather conditions change. Storms may exhibit overall less intensity, temperatures may overall exhibit a decline, and so on. Anecdotally, I live in an area of the USA where spring and autumn are usually accompanied by severe storms and tornadoes. This year, during a minimum, there has been a period of unusually low temperatures for the season, and relatively fewer storms of the “severe variety”. Weather has also become “stranger”. Just two weeks ago, there was a light rain with little to no lightning. Then – BAM – an enormous lightning strike somewhere close: my internet cable was completely fried (along with the modem), and both had to be completely replaced. This strike exceeded anything I have experienced during severe storms, and appeared to be highly localized, and occurred only once. Storms are also tracking very differently than the norm during rainy season. Anyone living in the midwest or plains of the USA is familiar with that pattern: storms generally track from southwest to northeast. Yet, this year, they’ve been all over the place, the most recent incident (just last night) being a small storm system moving from due north to south! Nor need it be necessary to remind anyone that weather systems are complex, open, multi-variable systems, and the Earth’s weakening magnetic field and other conditions also play significant roles.
Which brings us to the second article shared by M.W. by one of my favorite researchers, F. William Engdahl:
A Sinister Agenda Behind California Water Crisis?
Engdahl minces no words here, and points to insane government policies exacerbating the trends of mother nature:
In recent months a crisis situation in the USA food supply has been growing and is about to assume alarming dimensions that could become catastrophic. Atop the existing corona pandemic lockdowns and unemployment, a looming agriculture crisis as well could tip inflation measures to cause a financial crisis as interest rates rise. The ingredients are many, but central is a severe drought in key growing states of the Dakotas and Southwest, including agriculture-intensive California. So far Washington has done disturbingly little to address the crisis and California Water Board officials have been making the crisis far worse by draining the state water reservoirs…into the ocean.
So far the worst hit farm state is North Dakota which grows most of the nation’s Red Spring Wheat. In the Upper Midwest, the Northern Plains states and the Prairie provinces of Canada winter brought far too little snow following a 2020 exceedingly dry summer. The result is drought from Manitoba Canada to the Northern USA Plains States. This hits farmers in the region just four years after a flash drought in 2017 arrived without early warning and devastated the US Northern Great Plains region comprising Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and the adjacent Canadian Prairies.
As of May 27, according to Adnan Akyuz, State Climatologist, ninety-three percent of the North Dakota state is in at least a Severe Drought category, and 77% of the state is in an Extreme Drought category. Farm organizations predict unless the rainfall changes dramatically in the coming weeks, the harvest of wheat widely used for pasta and flour will be a disaster. The extreme dry conditions extend north of the Dakota border into Manitoba, Canada, another major grain and farming region, especially for wheat and corn. There, the lack of rainfall and warmer-than-normal temperatures threaten harvests, though it is still early for those crops. North Dakota and the plains region depend on snow and rainfall for its agriculture water.
So much might be ascribed to the solar minimum, to changing conditions in the Earth’s magneto-sphere and other systematic conditions. But when it comes to California, it gets much worse:
Few outside California realize that the state most known for Silicon Valley and beautiful beaches is such a vital source of agriculture production. California’s agricultural sector is the most important in the United States, leading the nation’s production in over 77 different products including dairy and a number of fruit and vegetable “specialty” crops. The state is the only producer of crops such as almonds, artichokes, persimmons, raisins, and walnuts. California grows a third of the country’s vegetables and two thirds of the country’s fruits and nuts. It leads all other states in farm income with77,500 farms and ranches. It also is second in production of livestock behind Texas, and its dairy industry is California’s leading commodity in cash receipts. In total, 43 million acres of the state’s 100 million acres are devoted to agriculture. In short what happens here is vital to the nation’s food supply.
The water crisis in California is far the most serious in terms of consequences for the food supply, in a period when the US faces major supply chain disruptions owing to absurd corona lockdowns combined with highly suspicious hacks of key infrastructure. On May 31, the infrastructure of the world’s largest meat processor, JBS SA, was hacked, forcing the shutdown of all its US beef plants that supply almost a quarter of American beef.
The Green lobby is asserting, while presenting no factual evidence, that Global Warming, i.e. increased CO2 manmade emission, is causing the drought. The NOAA examined the case and found no evidence. But the media repeats the narrative to advance the Green New Deal agenda with frightening statements such as claiming the drought is, “comparable to the worst mega-droughts since 800 CE.”
In June 2019 Shasta Dam, holding the state’s largest reservoir as a keystone of the huge Central Valley Project, was full to 98% of capacity. Just two years later in May 2021 Shasta Lake reservoir held a mere 42% of capacity, almost 60% down. Similarly, in June 2019 Oroville Dam reservoir, the second largest, held water at 98% of capacity and by May 2021 was down to just 37%. Other smaller reservoirs saw similar drops. Where has all the water gone?
Allegedly to “save” these fish varieties, during just 14 days in May, according to Kristi Diener, a California water expert and farmer, “90% of (Bay Area) Delta inflow went to sea. It’s equal to a year’s supply of water for 1 million people.” Diener has been warning repeatedly in recent years that water is unnecessarily being let out to sea as the state faces a normal dry year. She asks, “Should we be having water shortages in the start of our second dry year? No. Our reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019.”
In 2008, at the demand of environmental groups such as the NRDC, a California judge ordered that the Central Valley Water project send 50% of water reservoirs to the Pacific Ocean to “save” an endangered salmon variety, even though the NGO admitted that no more than 1,000 salmon would likely be saved by the extreme measure. In the years 1998-2005 an estimated average of 49% of California managed water supply went to what is termed the “environment,” including feeding into streams and rivers, to feed estuaries and the Bay Area Delta. Only 28% went directly to maintain agriculture water supplies.
One could go on and on, and indeed, Engdahl does. And I’ve seen the devastation of California agriculture of which he writes up close and personal. In 2014, I traveled with friend and colleague Walter Bosley and another friend, from southern California up through the mountain passes, and then up the southern end of the San Joaquin valley on the way to the secret space program conference in San Mateo. It was my first visit in decades through that valley, having seen it many years previously as a boy on trips with my parents to visit relatives in California. Back then, the valley was one lush agricultural paradise, with vineyards, groves, pastures and crop fields stretching as far as the eye could see, from one mountain range to another. It was prosperous and productive, and beautiful as only California could and used to be. But in 2014, both Walter Bosley and I were absolutely dumbfounded and flabbergasted at the devastation we saw. It was as if someone had turned the entire state of Iowa, another lush agricultural region, into a dust bowl: farm houses were dilapidated or abandoned, fields were fallow and empty, groves were threadbare, irrigation ditches were in disrepair or had completely fallen in, and not once did we see any cattle. Here and there a grove struggled to survive.
It was complete devastation, and Walter was so shocked he took several pictures of the scene of the crime.
We both learned it was entirely the result of nutty policies such as Mr. Engdahl writes about in his article.
And that brings us to my high octane speculation of the day, in the form of a question: why, with the weather cycles clearly indicated, does that state (and others) pursue such insane policies, policies that would seem to be contra-indicated by the general meteorological trends indicated by science? In an age that repeats the mantra, “follow the science”, why are such non-rational policies pursued year after year to the detriment of the general well-being?
Engdahl has his own answer, and it’s a disturbing one:
The systematic dismantling of one of the world’s most productive agriculture regions, using the seductive mantra of “environmental protection,” fits into the larger agenda of the Davos Great Reset and its plans to radically transform world agriculture into what the UN Agenda 2030 calls “sustainable” agriculture—no more meat protein. The green argument is that cows are a major source of methane gas emissions via burps. How that affects global climate no one has seriously proven. Instead we should eat laboratory-made fake meat like the genetically-manipulated Impossible Burger of Bill Gates and Google, or even worms. Yes. In January the EU European Food Safety Agency (EFSA), approved mealworms , or larvae of the darkling beetle, as the first “novel food” cleared for sale across the EU.
Or to put all this differently and “country simple”: mankind may not be able to influence the broader patterns of natural cycles like the solar cycle.
But by bad policy or good, he can attenuate or exacerbate their effects…
… a disturbing thought, especially when one adds into that mix the weather manipulation technologies that Elana Freeland and many others have written about. Indeed, in Ms. Freeland’s opinion, the capabilities and growth in the use of those technologies have reached such a point that there is no more such thing as purely “natural” weather. Climate change indeed.
But the folly is not coming from the farmer, rancher, or bovine flatulence.
The folly, and the flatulence, is coming from the would-be masters of the world.
See you on the flip side…
Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

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