That Hideous Strength? Or Are More and More People Short-Circuiting?
by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
November 2, 2022
This odd and intriguing article was spotted and shared by K.R., and I’m passing it along, because I’ve noticed the same thing:
Why Are People Suddenly Short Circuiting?
Now, I share this, because “short-circuited” people seems to be on the rise, and some sort of hypothesis would seem to be in order. One has to be blind not to see that the alleged president is just not “all there.” We saw a similar thing in the final months and years of the second Reagan Administration, when clearly that president was clearly showing signs of senility. With Bai-den I think the explanation goes much deeper then mere senility, but we’ll get back to that.
If you are in the USSA, you recently also saw the spectacle of a “governors’ race debate” between the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, Fetterman, a Democrat, and Dr. Mehmet Oz, a Republican. The debate, which I have seen a little of, was honestly painful to watch, even for me who has no use for Mr. Fetterman, his party, or his policies. Let me repeat that: I have no use for him, his party, or his policies.
Yet the debate was painful to watch. Here was a man trying to recover from a stoke, who had and has obvious difficulty forming words into clear thoughts. He began the debate – his very first words – with a cheery “Hi!” immediately followed by “Goodnight everyone!” And it was downhill – no, a power dive – from there.
Frankly, I felt, and still feel, sorry for the man. to his credit, his opponent did not – as far as I am aware – once make reference to Mr. Fetterman’s difficulty and decrepit condition. But my problem was, why would any campaign allow a man in his difficulties to take a debate stage to begin with? Why, after such a stroke, allow the candidacy itself to go forward to begin with? For that matter, why allow Mr. Bai-den anywhere near power, when he too is in obvious decline?
As I said, we’ll get back to that.
The article itself raises other interesting questions, and yes, I’ve noticed it too: more and more people seem to be having some sort of difficulty:
Lately, celebrities and politicians have been exhibiting some strange behavior, and it isn’t just their usual weirdness on display. There’s clearly something else going on.
While on stage in Las Vegas, singer Katy Perry appears to have some sort of “malfunction” with her right eye where the eye appears to close on its own forcing her to prop open her eyelid more than once with her hand, only to have it close again.
Of course, there’s nothing unusual with winking one eye, but this was different. Perry appeared to have lost physical control of her eye as if it was suddenly operating on its own outside of her control while her other eye remained open appearing normal.
Then, with a flick of a switch, the wonky eye snapped out of its trance and the performer regained her composure while leaving fans (and 17 million TikTok viewers) questioning, is this chick even human?
It wasn’t just Katy Perry in a Las Vegas performance; as the article notes, we’ve been observing it in Bai-Den too:
We’ve been watching our multiple vax boosted Commander and Chief short circuit for the past year and a half, so in many ways, seeing celebrities, politicians, and even regular people rebooting in public is simply part of our New Normal. We’re told by the transhumanists that this is simply our new and improved future, and that it’s best for everyone to boldly welcome our forthcoming dystopian Brave New World where it’s acceptable for politicians to be only part human.
At this point, the article links the now-famous video clip of Mr. Bai-den Jo apparently falling asleep, or “zoning out”, only to be brought back to “reality” by the interviewer.
There are other examples; consider these:
Recently, pro vaccine and fully vaccinated incumbent Virginia democrat Jennifer Wexton (VA-10) appears to have some sort of episode during her congressional debate. As she struggles to speak and form complete and coherent sentences she stares vacantly into some far away place. Her mannerisms appearing almost robotic. WATCH THE FULL CLIP.
Then there is news anchor Julie Chin who had what she thought was a mini stroke on live television. She, too, suddenly had difficulty speaking and forming coherent sentences, and like other instances, the entire episode occurred as if a light switch was briefly switched off and then flipped back on.
As far as the article is concerned, there is a clear hypothetical cause for the behavior:
All of these anomalies have one thing in common— they started happening after a certain rollout of a certain Emergency Use Authorized
vaccinetreatment designed to end the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s the same treatment that ironically, never prevented “an individual from contracting or transmission Covid-19”, and whose contents to this day still remain a mystery. However, one thing we do know about the mRNA vaccines is that they are a form of “technology” that, according to the Chief Medical Officer of Moderna from his 2017 TED talk, has the potential to hack “the software of life”.
To its credit, the article notes the “change of language” now being pushed:
So, what’s going on? To be honest, I don’t know. What I do know is:
—They want you to get these shots at minimum every year and they may even require it.
—The language has changed. You are no longer vaccinated or boosted, you are considered “up-to-date” or updated. In order to comply with the latest vaccine mandate to work or attend school, you will now need to install the latest Microsoft Windows-like mRNA in order to be in compliance and fully “up-to-date”.
—The transhumanist movement exists. It is no longer conspiracy and we have no idea how “updated” vaccines will figure into this cybernetic future although the World Economic Forum has a few ideas.
Are these mRNA technology-driven “updates” that are currently being touted as the future of medicine and being sold as a cancer cure just the elites doing their thing to help save the world? Or might there be something more sinister going on?
Well, in answer to that last question, you can mark me down in the “something more sinister is going on” column, and my reasons why bring us to today’s two-for-one high octane speculations of the day. two-for-one, because you get two completely different but only somewhat separate high octane speculations for the price of one. “Buy one, get one free,” so to speak.
The first speculation is: do you remember Dr. Charles Lieber? he was the Harvard chemistry professor and nano-technology expert that was arrested by federal authorities shortly after the whole planscamdemic broke out. He was arrested, so we were told, for allegedly not disclosing his financial links to the Wuhan Laboratory of Virology in China, whence the whole planscamdemic allegedly originated. Dr. Lieber, you’ll notice, has fallen completely off the radar since then, while the Orange Man’s Operation Warp Speed zipped along to become the fraud-riddled adverse-reaction sudden death injection-induced statistical anomaly we see today. The last I heard, Dr. Lieber had managed to contract a fast-acting, virulent and terminal cancer, somewhat like Jack Ruby.
In any case, Lieber’s specialty, according to some speculations in the alternative media at the time, was to embed nanotechnologies in – get this – “vaccines” or injections, nano-technology that was designed to break the blood-brain barrier, enter the brain, and…well, at that point, no one knew exactly what it was supposed to do, but some speculated that Baal Gates’ patents on “downloadable” vaccine “updates” had something to do with it, and still others thought that this was a way of tying the 5G roll-out to injections that would significantly increase one’s emotional and mental suggestibility.
In short, the whole thing – 5g, nano-technology in the injections, and the injections themselves – were all part of a global mind-and-health manipulation event, and one reason Big Pharma was so anxious not to have to disclose the ingredients in its so-called “vaccines” was that the ingredients, or the ingredient amounts, or both, varied deliberately from batch to batch, and the responses to the different batches could be tracked through national and regional adverse reporting sites.
The scenario was like some Mengele-esque nightmare, on steroids.
I and others entertained its possibility at the time, and I still do. Now we’re in “phase two” as “they” are attempting to roll out a kind of “Soviet Psychiatry”, painting the “non-vaxed” as emotionally unstable, anti-science, and “unhealthy.”
In short, I discount none of this.
But at a deeper level, I think we are looking at something spiritual. I’ve mentioned this possibility in some of our recent members’ vidchats, and do so here publicly. Imagine being a self-proclaimed “good catholic” all your life, of average intelligence, but consuming ambition, willing to make the little compromises on the road to power. Once acquired, you then use that power to your and your family’s financial gain, and using your family members themselves to increase your power and wealth, and turning a bling eye to their “shortcomings.” You openly support abortion on demand and a woman’s right to choose, and continue to call yourself a good Catholic, a believing Christian. You achieve the highest and loftiest position of power… just as you’ve lost your mind, and are shaking hands with people who are no longer there. “C’mon, man, it’s ok for a little boy to have surgery to change into a girl, or vice versa.”
The world of hypocrisy and illusion and word games which you have spun for yourself has become your reality, and you are no longer capable of discerning reality. You are lost in an insane, drugged-up world, a world you’ve done everything within your rotting, debauched power, to force on others.
And you are lost.
Banquet at Belbury? Indeed, yes.
See you on the flip side…
Connect with Joseph P. Farrell
cover image credit: pixundfertig

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