The Claimed ‘Holocaust’ State of Zionist Israel Commits a ‘Holocaust’ Against Palestinians
by Gary D. Barnett
February 2, 2024
“Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.”
~ Primo Levi
First, let us understand the actual meaning of the word holocaust, and the transformation of, and targeted use of this expression. The word actually means “sacrifice by fire” or “burnt offering.” If taken directly from Latin, (holocaustum) it means “a thing wholly burnt.” Like many words and terms, it has been bastardized, and given wider figurative meanings, some which include massacre, or massacre of large numbers of people, but eventually became singularly associated with Jewish deaths in Germany under Hitler during World War II. This was supposedly not to be used as a proper name for Hitler’s Jewish policies, but that has been ignored these past many decades. Basically, the word ‘Holocaust” now refers only to the murder of Jews by Hitler during the war. This is a very deceptive objective achieved by long-term repetition of a misdescribed term.
What is disturbing about this change and isolated use, is that it was meant to serve a particular interest only, and therefore it was segregated for the purpose of yielding a plotted agenda as opposed to describing actual separated atrocities. Few would ever take the time to research, write, or expose this situation, because to do so opens one up to very aggressive criticism, threats, and false accusations of being ‘antisemitic,’ which also is a misunderstood, and completely ridiculous claim.
If the term holocaust was used properly, it would have to account for most every victim of bombings, sanctions, torture of populations, war, (all war) slaughter, massacre, and the outright murder of millions at the hands of the State. Millions upon millions, hundreds of millions actually, have been brutally burned, poisoned, fire-bombed, put into concentration camps (consider Eisenhower’s murderous concentration camps) and murdered indiscriminately in the name of savage and violent aggression. What about the victims of Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, and the genocide of tens of millions at the hands of monsters, and all those who supported these monsters, so many of which were built, funded, weaponized, and fully supported by the warmongering nation-state called the U.S.? What about Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, where millions of innocents at the hands of America and its allies, were raped, burned, poisoned, murdered, had their villages and towns razed and destroyed entirely, including women, children, and the old? Why are not all of these massacres considered holocausts?
So that brings us to today, where Zionist Israel locked up Gaza, surrounded it with high guarded walls and razor wire, effectively turning Gaza into an open-air prison, a concentration camp; fully controlled by Zionist forces. This happened after 75 years of displacement, bombing, massacre, and murder of Palestinians by Zionist Israel. Then, after what appears to be either or both, a false flag set-up using a purposely placed Hamas, or an allowed cooperative ‘invasion’ with Hamas, so as to intentionally claim the ‘right’ to eliminate millions of an entire population. This is a plotted massacre; it is a holocaust.
The irony and hypocrisy here are beyond imagination, and involve genocide at every level. This hellish and evil atrocity has been supported far and wide across much of western society, at least until the obvious nature of these horrendous murders and brutal slaughter of innocents became even too much for many supporters to sanction. This was simply not out of real pity or sympathetic compassion for the innocent, it was in most cases due to fear of being associated with such blatant, immoral and disgusting evil. And the massacres continue as the world watches.
This is being forgotten here in the U.S., as concentration on insane ‘elections,’ the Taylor Swift Bowl, the rotten Trump ‘trial,’ threat of all-out war against Iran and the Middle East, the Grammy’s, the geo-engineered weather anomalies referred to as fake ‘climate change,’ the completely unknown ‘X-‘virus,’ the transgender idiocy, and of course much, much more take over the headlines. There is no telling what tomorrow will bring, when this economy will implode, or when Taylor Swift becomes president. This is a world gone mad!
In the meantime, the slaughter of innocents will continue, and expand, as you sit and watch while normality, tradition, moral behavior, empathy, and any intellect of the masses left, disappears from view.
Do not forget the people of Gaza, do not forget Lahaina, do not forget East Palestine, Ohio, do not forget any of the atrocities committed in your name, the current and impending wars, but do forget this heinous ‘election,’ the political class, the government in its entirety, all State mandates, and the enormous number of intentional distractions thrown at you from every angle. Live as if you are actually free, and you will have a chance to gain liberty one step at a time.
Jean Baudrillard said in “Simulacra and Simulation:”
“Forgetting extermination is part of extermination.”
There was not just one extermination of people, there have been many, and the massacres continue to bring death and destruction to millions. Without the acknowledgement of modern extermination as a certainty, you may be next in line for extinction.
Referenced links:
Dark Secrets of Eisenhower’s and America’s WWII Death Camps
Genocides of the 20th and 21st centuries
(The U.S. was conveniently left off this list, but considering all wars, aggressions, and support for many on this list, the U.S. should be at the top)
Israeli military says Gaza slaughter will continue throughout 2024
Gaza deliberately being made uninhabitable
The history of the Israeli expulsion of Palestinians
The Hannibal Directive and Zionist Israel’s False Flag Terrorism
Copyright © 2024 GaryDBarnett.com
Cover image credit: hosnysalah

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