The Dog That Didn’t Bark: On Why Lahaina’s Disaster Warning Alarms Did Not Sound
by Edward Hendrie, Great Mountain Publishing
August 21, 2023
In my August 11, 2023, article, I explained the evidence that a directed energy weapon was used to destroy Lahaina, a city on the Island of Maui in Hawaii. The only culprit who could possibly have used such a weapon is the U.S. Military. The cover story for the destruction of Lahaina was that out-of-control wildfires caused it.
On August 20, 23, I revealed in an article that within 40 miles of Lahaina on the Island of Maui is located the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, which is part of the AFLR Directed Energy Directorate. The AFLR states “the Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: laser systems, high power electromagnetics, weapons modeling and simulation, and directed energy and electro-optics for space superiority.”
The disaster warning alarms did not sound to warn that alleged fires were about to engulf the Maui city of Lahaina. The silent sirens on Maui now speak loudly about who was behind the destruction of Lahaina. In one of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories, “Silver Blaze,” the famous fictional detective deduced the murderer’s identity because a guard dog failed to bark at the time of the murder. Sherlock Holmes deduced that the murderer must have been the dog’s master. It is the same with the sirens not sounding in Lahaina. The sirens did not sound because the perpetrators had complete control of the sirens.
Hawaii Governor Josh Green first claimed that the sirens did not sound because they were immobilized due to the intense heat. If there was an approaching fire as claimed, the very loud 121-decibel sirens would have sounded at the first sign of fire before it would ever reach the sirens which were located along Lahaina’s coast. And so the story by the governor was not believed by anyone. The sirens are tested each month and had just been tested on August 1, 2023, one week before the disaster.
The emergency sirens may have been destroyed, but not in the way the governor claimed. The destruction would not be from fires, as alleged by the governor, but from directed energy weapons. The sirens were along the coast, far from the alleged path of the fire coming from the inland area. Thus, the fire could not have destroyed them. But a sudden burst from a directed energy weapon certainly could have done the trick.
It was eventually claimed that the alarms did not sound because nobody from either the state or county government activated the alarms. Could it be that it was because they knew that the directed energy weapons had disabled the sirens? Now they had a problem on their hands. They now claim that the sirens were purposely not sounded. And so they had to devise a good reason for not doing so. They had to conceal the use of directed energy. They trotted out The Administrator of the Maui Emergency Management Agency, Herman Andaya, who claimed that the sirens were purposely not sounded because they are primarily used for tsunamis. His concern was that people would hear the sirens and run toward the mountains to flee an imagined tsunami. In doing that, he claimed that the people would have run toward the alleged source of the fires.
When asked, Anday stated that he does not regret not sounding the alarms. He said:
That statement is false. CNN reported:
Before Andaya’s resignation was announced, state Sen. Angus McKelvey – who represents Lahaina and lost his own home in the fires – blasted Andaya’s response as “insulting.”
“I’ve heard the line that ‘people would have panicked and ran up to the mountains because it’s a tsunami siren.’ … It’s insulting to think that people would be that clueless, that they wouldn’t know that sirens blasting was because of the fire,” McKelvey told CNN on Thursday.
“These are not tsunami sirens. They’re disaster sirens.”
There’s more! The Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Branch, State of Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, Ryan Hirae, during an interview on or about September 2020, stated the following:
In the state of Hawaii we have a statewide alert and warning system, which we also call SAWS. That involves not only the siren warning system, but as well as IPAWS. IPAWS is the integrated public alerts and warning system provided by FEMA. And that has the Emergency Alert System, also known as EAS. It also has Wireless Emergency Alerts, which are known as WEA. We also use sirens for hurricanes, brush fires, flooding, lava, hazmat conditions, or even a terrorist event. We have over 400 Sirens spread out through four counties. Our Sirens have a rating of 121 decibels. We have to visit each siren minimally once a year for preventive maintenance. Our role in the state of Hawaii in Emergency Management, especially telecommunications, is to prevent loss of life and to minimize property damage.
Wildland Fire
So we now know that the sirens are, in fact, used to warn of fires. Andaya lied about why the sirens were not used. Indeed, every reason given by government officials for the sirens not sounding has been proven false. Why would government officials lie about such a thing? Because the real reason the alarms were not sounded was that government officials were behind the disaster. They owned the dog that didn’t bark.
The destruction of the city was planned to kill people in a single fell swoop using directed energy weapons. The sirens were not even considered by the perpetrators in planning their attack because there was no slow lumbering fire dancing from house to house for the sirens to warn people about. They activated the directed energy weapon, and the immolation of the city and the sirens immediately ensued. Most of the people were hit by surprise and killed instantly in their houses by the directed energy weapon. Notably, while 114 people have been confirmed dead, 1,000 people are still unaccounted for as of August 19, 2023, eleven days after the disaster. The dog didn’t bark because the master was the murderer.
Lahaina Is Within 40 Miles of a U.S. Government Directed Energy Facility on Maui
Lahaina Was Destroyed by a Directed Energy Weapon
Cover image credit: web3525

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