The Great Reset of 1776: The Missing Adults & the Orphan Trains
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:
Those who have explored the many questions about our hidden history will likely find this interview of interest. In this and other recent interviews, Richard Vobes ties together some key questions and theories about our global and national histories, personal family histories and so much more.
Interview Highlights:
- Evidence of the Tartarian Empire (with complex architecture and free energy & advanced technologies) is found throughout the world, including North America, before 1776.
“…And in America, it wasn’t really the Tartarians. They were actually a group of people called the Moors, which were black nobility. So in America, we would be talking about the Tartarian-influenced Moors…”
- Earthquakes, fires, floods, the Great Comet of 1811 (that perhaps wasn’t a comet).
- The hidden families, “bloodlines”, that continue to enslave the world.
“…It is the the bloodline of the most powerful people in the world. You know the Council of Thirteen, the Club of Rome, it’s people who call them the Illuminati. It’s the Rothschilds and company… You have 13 families that run and own everything…”
“…A lot of people don’t believe we’re going through one now but it does say it on the World Economic Forum’s website, ‘Welcome to New World Order and the Great Reset’. This is something that’s planned over vast periods of time. I think it probably goes back hundreds if not thousands of years and they follow a very specific plan. And it appears to be every 250 years…”
- The orphans and the missing parents. Thousands of orphans being gathered up and sold. The Lunacy Act as a way to “commit” women and take way their children.
“So all of a sudden there are no adults around and the ones that are left are committed to prison if they won’t comply, they won’t change to the new way of doing things after the reset. And the Lunacy Act meant that even being a single female parent, a mum on her own whose lost her husband in a civil war, would instantly have her children taken away because you were considered insane if you were a single parent. You were considered insane if you read too much, if you had ‘women’s problems’…”
- Strange “cabbage patch” postcards depicting children growing out of cabbages and being offered for sale. “Orphan trains”, lost connections to ancestry and family names. Destruction of family dynasties, bloodlines and family histories.
“And this is where the Freemasons come into play. So when the children were moved around and shipped around en masse it was normally the standard practice to have them assembled outside of a Masonic lodge. And that is where the bidding would start.”
- Magnificent buildings repurposed as prisons, orphanages, and asylums.
- Pandemics, plagues and other cullings.
- Plans of the planet’s hidden manipulators, possible coming events and the importance of preserving our history offline in non-digital formats.
What happened to all the adults?
by Richard Vobes with Guy Anderson
June 20, 2024
Guy Anderson joins me for a second time to reveal more about the end of the Tartarian empire, the cabbage patch kids, and what they did to rid the planet of adults.
Video available at Richard Vobes Odysee & YouTube channels.
See the previous interview “History That Has Been Hidden?”, between Richard Vobes and Guy Anderson, at Odysee or YouTube.
As mentioned by Richard Vobes, the Stew Peters video “Old World Order” can be found at Stew Peters website or mirrored at Rumble, Bitchute and Odysee.
Connect with Richard Vobes at Odysee & YouTube,
Cover image credit: Columbia Metropolitan Library
View of the St. Vincent’s Orphan Asylum & St. Vincent’s Church surrounded by lush trees. The orphanage was founded in 1875.

Truth Comes to Light highlights writers and video creators who ask the difficult questions while sharing their unique insights and visions.
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