Source: Giza Death Star
by Joseph P. Farrell
August 22, 2019
If you’ve been following the 5G story and have been concerned about some of its effects, this story fills in the gaps. Thus far, we’ve had reports of 5G tower tests, followed by dead birds and insects in various places in Europe, and significantly enough, the city of Brussels, home of the European Reic… er… “Union” has banned 5G. As Catherine Austin Fitts once quipped to me, it makes one wonder what they know that we don’t.
One of the concerns that has developed in relation to the 5G rollout is the number of towers that will be needed, and their effects on the environment, and human health. One would think birds and insects dropping dead would be a bit of a clue, but in today’s increasingly insane world, no. Nonetheless, someone appears to be listening, not to the concerns about 5G, but about the towers.
The solution? I found this strange article online, and just had to pass it along, because this latest “solution” is indicative of just how far its promoters are willing to go:
Giant 5G Drones in Hawaii Skies? Pushback is Growing…
Consider the opening paragraphs again:
Massive football field sized drones flying in the stratosphere, beaming down toxic 5G radiation into the earth, into the ocean, into our homes, into our bodies. Sounds like something out of a science fiction nightmare.
But if the sponsors of the HAWK30 program, tech giant SoftBank of Japan, defense contractor AeroVironment of California and Alphabet, the parent company of Google, have their way that nightmare will become a reality this fall for some Hawai’i residents and eventually for much of the world’s population.
The HAWK30 program, proposed by the Research Corporation of the University of Hawai’i (RCUH), wants to use the Hawaiian island of Lāna’i in Maui county as a launch pad for unmanned drones, HAPS (high altitude platform stations) flying at 65,000 to 80,000 feet carrying wireless communications relays and transmitting 5G signals into air, land and sea in a three-phase program.
By creating a mesh of such drones, the world could be blanketed with radiation, with each drone covering a 124 square mile area:
Flying at 70 miles per hour in the stratosphere, the HAPS drone has a 260 foot wingspan and 10 propellers. It gains altitude after take off by flying in a huge spiral. The high altitude platform station can be used to carry a variety of payloads. According to SoftBank’s concept video, their HAPS operates as a cell site with coverage 124 miles in diameter, blanketing the entire ground.
And if drones don’t work, Google has a balloon ready to go:
In the wake of the drone proposal the Hawaiian islands have been the target of Google’s huge high altitude helium balloon, LOON, which also flies in the stratosphere and is designed to bring high speed internet to inaccessible areas and to share connectivity with the HAPS. The LOON transmits wireless radiation to the ground extending signals over 3000 square miles.
The mysterious object, that the FAA had no knowledge of, was spotted by Maui residents, while the HBAL663 LOON was tracked online circling above Maui county for about a week (7/31/19 to 8/7/19) at around 60,000 feet. The tennis court sized balloon passed right over the designated drone flight strip area on Lāna’i, perhaps to collect weather and wireless communications data in preparation for the drone launch, since the two projects are partnered.
Which brings me to my high octane speculation of the day: forget about towers. Given the move to base 5G “off-world,” it’s only a matter of time before someone gets the idea to use small satellites to do the job. Granted, they’re more expensive and more difficult than drones and balloons, but they’re also less subject to the whims of nature. Indeed, I have to wonder if in fact something like such a project is already covertly underway. Remember those Indian launches a few months ago of no less than 28 satellites in a week!? We were never given a really clear indication of what all those satellites were for, except that they had something to do with “communication.”
When one adds all the platforms for 5G together – towers, and now drones and balloons, and potentially, satellites – what becomes clear is that the intention is to build a multi-layered, multi-platformed redundancy into the system. As a result of this consideration, it would appear that we’re well beyond the “protest” stage. But on the bright side, perhaps we’ll see the emergence of a whole new business: Faraday cages and the 5G “home shielding business.” And of course, there will be the inevitable class action lawsuits. Think Mon(ster)santo, and Bayer…
See you on the flip side…

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