The Monster Is Going to Serve Up the Pharm Patsy
“Grifters Grifting Shit” Protects the Long Planned Operations Moving Forwards
by Sage Hana, Sage’s Newsletter
January 26, 2023
Alright, I may as well weigh in on this story and join the chorus with my spicy hot enchilada take.
BREAKING: @Pfizer Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines
"Don't tell anyone this…There is a risk…have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn't create something…the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest."#DirectedEvolution pic.twitter.com/xaRvlD5qTo
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 26, 2023
Pfizer Director Speaks Giddily About Manipulating SARS-CoV-2
Here was my comment on John Leake’s post:
Sage Hana
They can afford to be intellectual lightweights since they appear to be backed by the full might of the US DOD and nobody wants to tangle with the Monster.
They will say, “Look we were told to do it this way”, and I bet this Jordan dude doesn’t even know about the Operation as Sasha said the FDA worker bees didn’t know that they were doing fake trials.
Sasha and K-Dub both covered this as well.
Movie script where “Contagion” meets “Idiocracy”.
This angle: effectively, Pfizer Bad, Grifters gonna grift, makes a lot of people happy for a variety of reasons.
The dominant reason is that nobody wants to pull on the string that opens up the door to the vault of the DOD House of Horrors.
Once you start pulling on that string, there is no stopping point.
And you will have to keep going and in the process of keeping going you will have to plow through Donald Trump’s actions, Barack Obama’s actions, and keep right on going to the neo-Cons who did 9/11 and anthrax and then all the various actions all over the world since WW2 and JFK and Operation Northwoods and Lyme Disease and did all those emerging viruses in Africa really occur naturally and there is nobody involved in public life in America for 70-80 years who is going to come out great.
The entire fake two party paradigm will have scores of villains with guilty looks on their faces.
The entire Mockingbird Media that decides that Donald Trump is “Presidential” when he drops some bombs somewhere will be absolutely decimated.
Start pulling on this string and it will decimate Jabs Bad Island, aka Half Measures Island’s world views.
Far better to just “let sleeping dogs lie” and go with, “Look at this corporate corruption” and anyway Russia and China are evildoers and are plotting against us and we still need to keep the Biomedical War Stuff operational and expand it and go watch some more football and Shut the Fuck Up adults are talking.
Nobody really wants to do this because the stakes are very high and the cognitive dissonance is and will be off the charts. Code Red.
Nobody wants to accept that almost everything they were led to believe is a lie.
That yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and he’s a fucking sociopathic genocidal maniac.
Yes he is. And Socio-Santa is doing it right in front of your face and trolling you in the process.
This is their whole game. Programmed forever and a day.
Germ Warfare 101 with Professor Robert Kadlec
IT’S AN EMERGENCY! The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions and Plausible Deniability
So to preserve this:
They are going to give you this:
BREAKING: @Pfizer Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines
"Don't tell anyone this…There is a risk…have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn't create something…the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest."#DirectedEvolution pic.twitter.com/xaRvlD5qTo
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 26, 2023
So The Monster that runs our nation and shot a sitting President in the head and then murdered a bunch of witnesses will thank you to just focus on these Bad Pharm people and pay no attention to those Monster Contracts and those biolabs all over the world and anyway even if we did tell them to do it it’s only because we love you and we are an Abusive Parent and America is now a completely shellshocked Stockholm Syndrome Battered Citizen Syndrome Identify with the Aggressor dysfunctional family.
So protect that Monster at all costs, because the Monster only hits us because he loves us.
Letter to Rand Paul Staffer Sub: US Congress Critters Must Address the Biomedical Security Model of Fascism that is The Great Reset
And the Coup of the United States by our Security State
See also:
How the Project Veritas *bombshell* is being presented to the world
The Monster Protection Racket
Cover image credit: aarigalangg

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