Whirling Fish, Bees, Worms, Sheep, Turtles, Penguins
by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
April 16, 2024
More Than Fifty Species of Fish Circling and Spinning Until They Die
Several of my subscribers have called my attention to this. In February 2023, in the middle of the Florida Keys — a long, narrow string of islands hooking down into the ocean from Miami — many different kinds of fish, both common and rare, began spinning round and round, or swimming frantically in circles, until they beached themselves and died. This has continued, and as of April 5, 2024 has been observed in more than 50 species, including: sharks, rays, snappers, pilchards, grunts, blue runners, squid, Goliath grouper, tarpon, snook, redfish, leatherjacket, yellowfin mojarra, scaled sardine, toadfish, mullet, permit, ballyhoo, jack crevalle, yellow jack, bonefish, pinfish, bigeye scad, sand perch, needlefish, spadefish, and the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish, which is pictured above.
No cause for this has been found. There is no evidence of a red tide, low oxygen levels, high temperatures, or parasites in the dead fish.
I was skeptical that RF radiation from cell towers could be causing this because water reflects the radiation and it shouldn’t be killing fish like it is killing birds. But I decided to investigate. Because the greatest number of reports have come from a 10-mile-long stretch of the Keys between Big Pine Key and Sugarloaf Key, I wondered if there is a military facility in that area, and there is, or was. On Cudjoe Key, located between Big Pine Key and Sugarloaf Key, there was an Air Force Base that is now operated by the Department of Homeland Security. And above Cudjoe Key floats a radar blimp, called an “aerostat”, that is part of U.S. border surveillance and scans an area around it for 200 miles in every direction. Powerful radar can injure fish when they swim to the surface in these shallow waters, called the Florida Keys flats, where the water is only a few feet deep. Local residents call this blimp Fat Albert.
There may be underwater sonar in use at this facility as well, which would be likely to affect all the fish, either alone or in combination with the radar. In November 2022, the Tethered Aerostat Radar System (TARS) at Cudjoe Key began recruiting for a variety of positions, including Flight Director, Site Laborer, Logistics Supply Coordinator, Logistician, General Maintenance Worker, and one position that was advertised as “Electronic Technician – Aerostat Sonar / Radar – Blimp Surveillance System – Cudjoe Key, FL”.
The sudden large number of job openings makes one suspect that this facility has recently been upgraded and has increased the scope of its operations, which evidently now includes ocean sonar.
The person who first observed fish circling to death, and called attention to it, was Gregg Furstenwerth, a diver who lives in Cudjoe Key.
Circling Worms and Sheep
As I reported three years ago, the launching of almost 100 satellites by SpaceX and OneWeb on a single day on March 24, 2021 caused illness all over the planet in both humans and animals. Among the effects on animals was a spiraling, or circling phenomenon in worms (photo taken in Hoboken, New Jersey on March 25, 2021):
and in sheep (photo taken in England on March 26, 2021):
Circling Turtles, Seals, Penguins, Sharks and Whales
In 2021, Japanese scientists reported on bizarre circling behavior of green sea turtles, Antarctic fur seals, king penguins, a whale shark, a tiger shark, and a Cuvier’s beaked whale. This was observed in the seas off Oahu, Hawai’i; Okinawa, Japan; Moheli Island, Comoro; Chichijima Island, Japan; Possession Island in the Indian Ocean; Bird Island in South Georgia; and the Ogasawara Islands in the western North Pacific Ocean. The animals circled round and round for up to an hour. “One turtle swam in large circles 76 times, with each loop taking 16 to 20 seconds”, reported New Scientist. This behavior was also caused by radiation: all these different whirling sea animals wore computers (“multi-channel data loggers”) and VHF transmitters, and the sea turtles also wore GPS devices. Instead of enabling them to study the animals’ behavior, the devices were causing the bizarre behavior.
Circling Bees
Grayson in North Carolina is one of my subscribers who sent me information about the circling fish in the Florida Keys. He reports also on circling bees:
“I still have the sample of carpenter bees harmed by a wi-fi light sensor at my home in 2016ish. They did the same thing. They passed through the sensor’s field and dropped to the base of the light and crawled around in circles for days… There were 23 total and they did not respond to water or honey and water or anything. They just crawled around in circles.”
Arthur Firstenberg
President, Cellular Phone Task Force
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
Connect with Arthur Firstenberg
Cover image credit: Forrest Samuels

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