Zionists, War, Election Madness, Southeast Horror, and Longshoreman Strike Happening Simultaneously!

Zionists, War, Election Madness, Southeast Horror, and Longshoreman Strike Happening Simultaneously!

by Gary D. Barnett
October 2, 2023


“Maybe you’re just wandering around out here with your thumb up your ass, waiting for some answer that might let you off the hook.”

~ Peter Matthiessen, In Paradise


The only thing I believe is not to believe, but to know. Believe nothing coming from the government or media, trust nothing without extreme scrutiny, accept that nothing is accidental or coincidental, and that everything happens for a reason, and therefore is planned in advance and by design. To live in this manner is eye-opening, and lends itself to a life protected by sanity and critical thinking. Without this attitude, one is subject to every form of propaganda, due to a dependence on seeking a false reality based upon the opinions of others. This is merely a recipe for an enslaved tyranny.

What a life of governance comes down to is simply a State-sanctioned complicity of terror necessary in order to control the masses. The more chaos created, the more plotted risks at hand, the easier it becomes to rule the herd. Simultaneous threats coming from every angle will confuse the crowd, allowing for unsettled and unbridled havoc; upsetting the entirety of the natural order of things to such an extent as to even further divide this ignorant, weak, and pathetic population.

Most everything happening today is intimately tied together. These seemingly separate events all coincide with the evil agendas of the State and its ruling cabal. The evil Zionists, with their owned and controlled U.S. government partner, are committing genocide against the Palestinians, but at the same time are attacking Lebanon, aggressively I might add, all with U.S. funding and collusion. The same is true of the Ukraine fiasco, with both being used to transfer tens of billions of dollars to the so-called ‘elite’ through extensive money-laundering means, and wealth transfers to the monsters in power. Because of this insane aggression, Iran has begun an attack against Israel, a defensive position I might add, and this could lead to at least a vast regional war in the Mideast that will affect all of you. This is exactly what the Zionists wanted, and if the U.S. physically joins in this war, there will be no end to the slaughter and risk involved.

At the same time, the so-called U.S. ‘election’ cycle is coming to a head in one month, which could cause domestic chaos at levels never seen, allowing for more control measures by this heinous government, including partial or massive martial law controls over large swaths of this country. In essence, this could lead to domestic and international war concurrently, causing unrest in an already fragile atmosphere due to many other connecting factors.

Hurricane Helene, a storm that was almost certainly created, guided, and enhanced in order to destroy large portions of the Southeast U.S., fits in perfectly with the destruction of food sources sought by the globalists, the fake ‘climate change’ agenda, elimination of farming causing huge shortages, supply line disruption, an insurance implosion, famine, and the destruction of vital resources necessary for day to day life. All this is happening just after the abominable U.N, with the consent of 193 countries, (governments) just put forth its evil “Pact for the Future,” all based on using manipulated weather events as a springboard to restrict, control, and regulate the globe based on fake ’emergency’ events.

At the same time, the entire East coast and Gulf regions, are facing a dockworker’s strike that could literally shut down much of the country’s ability to get food and vital goods delivered, all during the total chaos specifically created by this piece of shit government, its corporations, its banks, its military, and all the involved partnered State bureaucracies. Remember, all of what I am describing, and this is only a partial list, is happening in tandem, and each piece of this puzzle is completely connected, which did not happen by accident.

While all this is going on at the same time, the threat of more bogus ‘viruses’ and ‘pandemics,’ are being floated as imminent in the near future, which could lead to, and during these insane times of total madness, more lockdowns, restrictions, poisonous bioweapon injections, job loss, and bans on travel. All of this and much more is certainly possible given the monumental challenges facing so many already, with more madness to come.

We are also just one step away from full digitization of currency in all aspects of the financial system, this due to the quantity of complicit and connecting tragedies being purposely foisted on all at the same time. The State needs assumed multiple threats and catastrophes, so that the sheep will accept any and every mandate and order from the ruling class so as to get government stipends for goods and services, and permission to simply exist without constant extreme harassment or worse during the coming chaos.

In just the past few days, the infrastructure in a large portion of the U.S. has been completely decimated, communications, utilities, and internet have been destroyed or shut down, food and fuel are non-existent in much of the Southeast, and the rest of the country will be unable to get the food and goods necessary due to the very suspicious timing of the dock workers strike that coincides perfectly with all the panic consuming so many.

As I write this, there are multiple reports of Bank of America customers not being able to access their accounts, or if possible to access, many are showing zero balances, with the disclaimer that balances cannot currently be seen. I hope all of you try to understand the scope of, the complicity, the timing, the collusion, and the conspiratorial nature of all this simultaneous madness. This once again is not accidental, and I hope you are prepared for any and every possible inconvenience, aggression, and dire threat awaiting to be released on the masses during this insane assault on humanity.

“The reason it is difficult is that we have been conditioned to laugh at conspiracy theories, and few people will risk public ridicule by advocating them. On the other hand, to endorse the accidental view is absurd. Almost all of history is an unbroken trail of one conspiracy after another. Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception.”

~ G. Edward Griffin


Reference links:

UN Pact for the Future

How to steer hurricanes

Longshore Union threatens to cripple the U.S.

Bank of America down

Iran and Israel declare war

North Carolina (and the entire Southeast) damage far underestimated



Connect with Gary D. Barnett substackwebsite

Cover image credit: TungArt7
