Source: Zohar StarGate Ancient Discoveries
Published on Nov 20, 2018
Michael Tellinger continues to build a connection from ancient Sumerian texts and the Annunaki to sacred sites in South Africa. An analysis of Adam’s calendar reveals that it was once buried beneath 30 meters of sea sand; an indication that it may be older than the accepted timeframe for the origin of humanity.
It is the findings at Great Zimbabwe and the Dravidian mines which may confirm what the Sumerian texts have to say about the ancient workings of the Annunaki, but in South Africa.
In this presentation, Michael offers a theory regarding the origins of our obsession with gold. He discusses the levitation properties of monoatomic gold (Orme) and the conditions under which it moves into another dimension. Michael also ties in his work on the origins of the monetary system that enslaves us today.

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