Alberta, Canada: Justice Adam Germain’s Outrageous Ruling in Court Case Related to Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s Strong Stance Against Medical Tyranny
[Read & download PDF of the court document here.]
Judge’s OUTRAGEOUS ruling in Pastor Artur case
The official written decision from Justice Adam Germain has been released, documenting the outrageous statements made while he decided Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s fate.
by Rebel News
October 15, 2021
The official written decision from Justice Adam Germain regarding the case of Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been released. The document puts in writing some the bizarre statements from the judge, including his suggestion that sending Pastor Artur back to jail, as requested by prosecutors representing Alberta Health Services, would “make him a martyr” and the script Pastor Artur is compelled to read any time he speaks against the official government narrative surrounding COVID-19.
Describing Pastor Artur’s statements to the court as “taunt[ing] me to imprison him,” Justice Germain said that the proposed additional 21 days in jail sought by Alberta Health Services would be a “slap on the wrist that will make him a martyr.”
The judge further outlined how Pastor Artur, after being found guilty of contempt, went on a speaking tour in the United States.
According to Justice Germain, Pastor Artur “parlayed his title as a pastor and the fact that he had been arrested for holding a church service into a rally cry that attracted like-minded individuals in the United States who also oppose healthcare measures addressed at combatting COVID-19.”
Justice Germain also ordered Pastor Artur to condemn his own words, compelling the pastor to effectively denounce himself any time he makes comments on lockdowns, masks, vaccines or any other pandemic-related topic.
Wrote Justice Germain:
The final term of his probation order will be that when he is exercising his right of free speech and speaking against AHS Health Orders and AHS health recommendations, in a public gathering or public forum (including electronic social media); he must indicate in his communications the following:
I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.
Discussing any potential violation of Pastor Artur’s rights, Justice Germain described pandemic restrictions as “intrusions on personal liberty,” but felt that they were not “sacrifices that would offend the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and they are not egregious sacrifices.”
Citing one doctor’s comparison, Justice Germain compared those who violated Alberta’s COVID rules to impaired drivers.
“The restrictions were directed at keeping people alive,” Justice Germain wrote. “Fundamental to this debate, which is roaring in Alberta, and getting louder and louder as more and more people die, is that the person you kill may not be yourself.”
In the decision, Justice Germain also described Pastor Artur and his brother Dawid as “revel[ing] in their arrest,” adding that the Pawlowskis “went out of their way to make their arrest the Saturday night news spectacle that it turned out to be.”
Rebel News is going to help Pastor Artur appeal this appalling decision. To support that appeal, donations can be made at SaveArtur.com. If you find Justice Germain’s decision as outrageous as we do, you can sign our petition at FireTheJudge.com.

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