Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: A New Cosmology of the History of Man Revealed
[TCTL editor’s note: This conversation between Jeff Berwick and Chris Horlacher reveals segments of humanity’s history as found in ancient records. For those of us seeking to understand who we are and what this realm of ours is, the information they share seems to contain pieces to the puzzle. Of course, some of what is shared is simply speculation and is offered here in the spirit of conversation, not as a belief system. Questions within this conversation that related to any race of humanity as being representatives of darker forces is denying the reality that all races of humanity participate in controlling and belittling others, as well as cruelty and fear-based responses to life events. ~ Kathleen]
Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: A New Cosmology of the History of Man Revealed
by Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante
January 2, 2024
Video available at Odysee and Dollar Vigilante TV
I hope you’re ready for Giants, Aliens, and Atlantis Rising! Chris Horlacher, publisher of The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya and I just did an interview that puts a whole new spin on Flat Earth theory as a psyop! And other REALLY fascinating revelations that make everything we’ve learned to date look like Child’s Play I.
Book discussed in the video:
The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: Revelations Concerning the Nature of Humanity and the Gods by Yajnavalkya
Book summary:
Humanity stands on a precipice. The final judgment draws near, when all the works of evil will be destroyed and the world made new. Wickedness has been present since the beginning of human history but is now more visible than ever; why is civilization being hastened toward this annihilation? Who is guiding this destruction? What can you do to prepare yourself and your loved ones to live well in this tumultuous time?
In The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya, an ancient sage returns to take you on a four-book journey that answers these questions and more. Prepare to be simultaneously surprised and enlightened, challenged and awakened. In considering the truths presented here, you will have the information you need to endure the coming destruction and become a fully actualized, powerful human being in the process.
Book I – The Ages of Man
Human history receives a long-overdue rewrite that covers the last 300,000 years. From our beginnings in a Moroccan cave, to the rise of Atlantis and their attempts to civilize other primitive humans, the War in Heaven, and the Fallen Watchers or Anunnaki, we see a clear narrative unfolding. Our collective myths and legends are of our contacts with this civilization, bearing witness to the technological marvels they created. Using a vast collection of ancient texts, and marrying their words to modern genetic, geological, climate, anthropological and archeological science, a vision of our present circumstances comes into clear view – one in which all mysteries are finally revealed.
Book II – The Divine Quaternity
With all illusions shattered, a new foundation for understanding the universe and your self is elucidated in detail. Blending ancient wisdom received from the Atlanteans by way of Hermes Trismegistus, with current scientific understanding, we arrive at a new and complete theory of the universe. One that explains many mysterious phenomena and opens the door to new modes of being and thinking.
Book III – The Shadow of Death
The great enemy of humanity is still with us and more powerful than ever. Here you will learn how they have shaped your world, keeping you in darkness and sophisticated bondage. The science of ruling humans has been developed over many millennia and you must learn these methods for yourself if you are ever to be free. Occult mysteries will take on new light and you will see the myriad distractions that have been created to keep you from focusing your attention on one of the most pervasive and damaging secrets ever kept by the ruling classes.
Book IV – The Path of Righteousness
We finally end with a guide on rescuing your body and soul from the grips of evil. The path begins with the purification of your body and mind, then finally the awakening of your spirit with the true sacraments that have been hidden away from humanity. Here you will learn the ancient ways of the Atlanteans for achieving ascension of the spirit, freeing yourself forever from tyranny.
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Cover image credit: darksouls1

Truth Comes to Light highlights writers and video creators who ask the difficult questions while sharing their unique insights and visions.
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