Biotech/Pharmaceutical Chemist Mike Donio on the Tyranny of Medical Dogma: Exposing the Corruption, Lies, and Medical Fraud in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
sourced from July 8, 2022 “War Report” newsletter
video was uploaded July 4, 2022
Mike Donio is a pharmaceutical scientist who left the industry after pulling back the curtain on corruption, lies, and medical fraud.
His conversation with me was enlightening in that it confirms what other scientists have been saying,
- from virologist Judy Mikovits’s laboratory being raided by the FBI,
- to California State University’s Leemon McHenry exposing pharmaceutical companies who buy medical journals in order to peer-review their own research, in order to invent fake diseases, in order to sell unnecessary products (such as the HPV vaccine),
- to the tyranny of (medical) dogma, as biochemist David Rasnick aptly noted in reference to the AIDS scam. (Yes, HIV does not cause AIDS.)
America’s most cited cardiologist, Peter McCullough, said this week that he no longer trusts any Flu shot, due to the unbelievable corruption within the pharmaceutical industry.
I have never taken a Flu shot, and I will never take a Covid shot (because Covid doesn’t exist).
Also, I have never had a PCR test and, in fact, turned down a sponsored international trip because I refuse to legitimatise bogus PCR tests.
Take a listen to Sam Bailey’s story.
She is a medical doctor from New Zealand, who speaks out against pharmaceutical tyranny and poor medical science.
Sam was fired from her longstanding TV show after she stated that she would not get a Covid injection.
The tyranny of dogma indeed.
It’s a cult, as OffGuardian‘s Dustin Broadbery wrote in his great piece, The Anatomy Of A Cult.
But the fact that humanity is in an abusive relationship with its governments, is only one part of the problem. There’s a long history of cults infiltrating polite society. The cult of personality of Lenin and later Stalin once captured an entire nation. But never in history has the entire world fallen to a cult.
Satirist CJ Hopkins refers to Covid cultists as Branch Covidians.
Don’t trust the science, as Mike Donio said.
Del Bigtree has revealed how the American government (including the CDC and FDA) collude with Big Pharma for monetary gain, particularly where safety trials are concerned. Or rather, the lack of safety trials.
Roman Bystrianyk co-authored a book called Dissolving Illusions, in which they use official data to show how, over the last century, no vaccine has worked in the way promised by the pharmaceutical industry and governments. Every vaccine was introduced way after its respective disease was on its way out. Measles, for example, was around 97% eradicated before its vaccine hit the market.
The point is that the pharmaceutical industry is untrustworthy, and few scientists are as close to the action as Mike Donio.

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