Brain Injuries and DEATH Continue to Follow J&J COVID Injections
by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News
April 21, 2021
Reports continue to surface regarding brain injuries and deaths following injections of the Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID shots, currently on pause by the FDA due to reports of fatal blood clots.
Mary Hynes, reporting for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, reported earlier this week that an 18-year-old teen became critically ill after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 injection and has undergone three brain surgeries related to dangerous blood clots.
An 18-year-old Clark County woman who became critically ill after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has undergone three brain surgeries related to dangerous blood clots, a spokesman for the patient’s family said on Monday.
The young woman, Emma Burkey, began to feel ill about a week after being vaccinated on or about April 1, eventually experiencing seizures that sent her to the hospital, spokesman Bret Johnson said.
Burkey was first treated at St. Rose Dominican Hospital, Siena campus, in Henderson before being airlifted to Loma Linda University Medical Center in Southern California for specialized care. Her parents, Russ and Kathy, are at her bedside, but only for a brief period each day due to COVID-19 restrictions.
“She is improving slowly,” Johnson said in an interview. “The word we got from her parents last night was ‘slowly, slowly slowly.’”
Burkey has been taken out of an induced coma and off a respirator. She has a tracheostomy tube that impedes speech, but she is mouthing some words and blinking her eyes to communicate, her parents told Johnson. (Source.)
In North Carolina, Fox 46 is reporting that 61-year-old Darlene Blackwell has died two days after receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. She reportedly died from massive bleeding in her brain.
A North Carolina woman says her mother died two days after receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. She believes the dose is what caused her mother’s sudden death.
FOX 46 sat down with Allyson Hendrix, who said her mother was someone who helped other people out a lot and now that she’s gone, Hendrix said she has a huge hole in her life.
“She was a good mom, but she was an even better grandmother,” Hendrix said. “Her grandkids were her life.”
Hendrixdescribes her mother as a family woman and a force to be reckoned with.
“Feisty,” she said. “She was small and mighty.”
She used her small but mighty frame to help out in anyway she could.
“She helped me out at our chicken farms; she helped me a lot with the kids. She was my number one babysitter. Everything.”
Hendrix says her mom decided to get one of the COVID vaccines and settled on the Johnson & Johnson.
“She was like, ‘I’ll just go do that, it’s easier, I don’t have to do that, you know, two trips.’ She got that on March 30.”
Then two days later, she was in the hospital.
“Everything was fine, she went shopping with my grandma. They came home, she got sick, she started feeling nauseous. She got sick in the bathroom. My grandma went back there to check on her and she wouldn’t answer, wouldn’t answer. She had to open the door with a screwdriver and she found her on the floor unresponsive.”
Hendrix rushed to the hospital but couldn’t see her mother right away.
“They couldn’t figure out what was going on, so they did a CT scan and that’s when they found all the bleeding on the brain,” she said. “It was so massive at first that they thought it was actually two aneurysms, but it was only one. It was just so big.”
On April 9, Darlene Blackwell passed away.
Hendrix and her brother are wondering if the Johnson & Johnson vaccine ignited the brain bleed.
“That night that, we decided to we had to end life support. We were sitting at my grandmother’s house and the news was kind of turned down on low but I was reading the headlines and it said Johnson & Johnson vaccine put on hold and it was stopped,” Hendrix said. “It just hit me like what it that happened.”
Hendrix and her brother tell FOX 46 they were already skeptical of the vaccine saying that it came out too quickly. Now, after their mother has passed, their skepticism is heightened even more. They said they are definitely considering legal options. (Source.)
Where You Choose to get Your Information is Now a Life and Death Situation
The CDC continues to state that these blood clots and adverse reactions to the Johnson and Johnson COVID shots are “rare,” only affecting a few people.
But reports like these suggest it may not be as “rare” as the CDC, Big Pharma, and the corporate media want the public to believe. They are clearly slanting their coverage as pro-vaccine pro-pharma, not wanting any negative information put forth that would hurt sales and their desire to inject the entire population.
The voices of dissenting scientists and doctors are being censored, and if you do not take the time to research out the opposing views on these experimental products, the decision you make could cost you your life, or the life of your family member.
Just today we published a dissenting view by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a world-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist, who claims the government and medical field is deliberately lying to us, and that the result will be a drastic reduction of the world’s population due to deaths caused by these new experimental “vaccines.” See:
German Microbiologist: “They are Killing People with these COVID Vaccines” to Reduce the World’s Population
And Dr. Bhakdi is not the only scientist saying this.
We recently also published the views of Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory, who tried to prevent Europe from approving the mRNA COVID shots, and just recently said:
“My significant fear is, if somebody wanted to arrange a situation where mass depopulation could be accomplished, this would probably be a perfect way of doing it.”
These are honest doctors, trained in their field but not currently employed by any of the pharmaceutical companies producing experimental COVID vaccines, and therefore they are independent and free to speak their opinions based on what they see in the science.
These are not fringe, “quack” doctors at all, although the same thing cannot be said for the talking head “doctors” who have been anointed by the pharma-funded corporate media to shape the narrative around these injections, and where it is obvious to anyone who knows how to think critically that they are simply nothing more than marketing representatives employed to promote these products.
Just the fact that two imminent scientists (and actually many dozens more just like them) are accusing governments and the pharmaceutical industry of deliberately having evil intentions to kill people and reduce the world’s population through these COVID injections, is HUGE news, whether they are correct or not!
But apparently these views are so dangerous to Big Pharma’s agenda to vaccinate every person on the planet, that they are not allowed.
And as a result, where you choose to get your information is now most definitely a life and death situation.
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