Rockefellers Covering the Earth with Chemtrails?: Spraying Megatons of Toxic Waste From Aircraft to Solve the Global Problems

Rockefellers Covering the Earth with Chemtrails?: Spraying Megatons of Toxic Waste From Aircraft to Solve the Global Problems    The Abstract episode 35 “Rockefellers Covering the Earth with CHEMTRAILS?”…

Our Geoengineered Skies: Evidence Points to the MITRE Corporation & New Manhattan Project

Our Geoengineered Skies: Evidence Points to the MITRE Corporation & New Manhattan Project    The Abstract episode 30 “Why is nobody else talking about the MITRE Corporation?”  by Peter…

Eight States in the U.S. Take Action Against Geo-Engineering & “Chemtrails”

Eight States in the U.S. Take Action Against Geo-Engineering   The Abstract episode 29 “8 States BANNING CHEMTRAILS” by Peter Kirby, Activist Post May 13, 2024   It appears that…

Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project

Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post January 14, 2019   Who is behind putting hundreds, perhaps thousands of large jet…
