The Warnings Are Clear: Vaccinating Kids for COVID Is a Dangerous Gamble

The Warnings Are Clear: Vaccinating Kids for COVID Is a Dangerous Gamble
Pharma and government health officials are luring parents and teens into getting the vaccine by promising a return to social events and normal life — while ignoring potential harms and the “miniscule” risk COVID poses to children.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
May 21, 2021


A decade ago, Ohio researchers bemoaned the difficulty of recruiting children for clinical trials. In the article, “Pediatric Drug-Trial Recruitment: Enticement Without Coercion,” published in the journal Pediatrics, researchers identified barriers such as “the challenge of determining appropriate payments for participation that are not coercive,” “the need to obtain consent from parents” and “ethical concerns.”

With COVID-19, it appears the government and pharma may have determined they can simply leapfrog over these pesky obstacles.

On May 10, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) extended the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine to adolescents 12 through 15 years of age.

The FDA committee that steered the decision chose to ignore urgent warnings from around the world about the vaccine’s risks for children, including a letter by 93 Israeli doctors who wrote in April that “not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease that is not dangerous to them.”

According to a recent New York Times article, “For children, the evidence so far does not offer much reason for alarm about COVID-19’s long-term effects.” Conversely, the Israeli doctors and other experts have emphasized that “it cannot be ruled out that the vaccine will have long-term adverse effects that have not yet been discovered at this time, including on growth, reproductive system or fertility.”

Warnings ignored

Notwithstanding warnings about COVID vaccine risks for children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) followed up with an immediate endorsement of FDA’s EUA expansion, and CDC director Rochelle Walensky called on healthcare providers to begin administering the still-investigational vaccine to younger adolescents “right away.”

Incredibly, a CDC committee* also gave providers permission to administer the COVID vaccines with other childhood and adolescent vaccines “without regard to timing” — including “simultaneous administration of COVID-19 and other vaccines on the same day, as well as co-administration within 14 days.”

The CDC is basing this incautious advice on the unproven assumption that “adverse event profiles are generally similar when vaccines are administered simultaneously as when they are administered alone,” even though the agency also admits that it does not know “whether so-called ‘reactogenicity’ increases with [vaccine] co-administration.”

The shockingly cavalier promotion of a no-holds-barred approach to COVID vaccination for America’s children flies in the face of global vaccine experts’ collective opinion (expressed at a World Health Organization meeting in December 2019) that vaccine safety science and safety monitoring are flawed and utterly inadequate.

No less an entity than the Institute of Medicine has stated that systematic research on “key elements of the entire [childhood vaccine] schedule — the number, frequency, timing, order, and age at administration of vaccines” — has never been done.

Bypassing payment

Returning to the recruitment obstacles outlined in the 2011 Pediatrics article, it appears that in lieu of “payment” for participation in Pfizer’s mass vaccine trial, the strategy deployed by Walensky and others is to entice adolescents with sunny assurances of a “faster return to social activities.”

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock have likewise promised youngsters that COVID vaccination equals a return to a “sense of normalcy.”

These pledges seem to be just the ticket for socially starved teens who profess to be “all ready to get [the vaccine]” and “excited to get things going again” after being “locked up for a year.”

Six hundred thousand 12- to 15-year-olds rushed to get COVID jabs within the first week of the EUA expansion. Counting the 16- and 17-year-olds who had previously received Pfizer’s vaccine, the total number of injected adolescents (ages 12-17) now numbers 4.1 million, Walensky announced.

These teens and families were likely unaware of the serious adverse events — such as blood clots and Guillain-Barré syndrome — already being experienced by those 16 and older. After a 17-year-old Utah athlete developed blood clots in his brain one day after receiving his first Pfizer injection, the basketball player’s mother tearfully aired her buyer’s remorsestating her son was “healthy and well before” and “the hardest thing was, I let him get that shot.”

Nor are most parents and teens focusing on the fact that accepting one COVID injection will not be the end of the story. COVID booster shots are already in the offing — introducing the prospect of recurrent and cumulative risks.

Bypassing parents

As the above-cited numbers suggest, a significant proportion of parents seem to be on board with their kids’ swift compliance. In April, just prior to the EUA expansion, a Kaiser Family Foundation poll tested the waters and found 30% of parents with children in the 12-15 age group were themselves chomping at the bit — ready to “get their child vaccinated as soon as a vaccine is available” — and another 18% were willing to do so if schools required it.

On the other hand, about half of Kaiser’s parent respondents stated that they either planned to wait or “definitely” would not be getting their child COVID-vaccinated. This is the group of parents that prompted the Ohio researchers in 2011 to scratch their heads and characterize “the need to obtain consent from parents” as a barrier to pediatric medical experimentation.

The “solution” seems to be to bypass troublesome parents altogether. Five states, heedless of the injections’ investigational status, are allowing healthcare providers and medical practices to dispense with parental consent requirements for COVID vaccines.

In North Carolina, adolescents who are 12 and up can provide their own consent if deemed able to understand and make decisions about their health. A representative of the state’s heavyweight health group UNC Health stated, “COVID vaccination is one of those medical treatments that North Carolina says that a child is able to consent for on their own.”

Three other states — AlabamaOregon and Tennessee — are permitting adolescents 14 or 15 years of age and older to do the same, and Iowa is leaving consent requirements to the discretion of “each individual healthcare provider/health system.”

In March, in the face of heated public opposition, the District of Columbia enacted legislation enabling children as young as 11 to get CDC-recommended vaccines without parental consent or even knowledge.

Bypassing ethics

At the close of 2020, New York University (NYU) and Tulane researchers wrote in the International Journal of Clinical Practice about COVID vaccines and the “serious mechanistic concern” of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) — the phenomenon whereby vaccination worsens subsequent disease.

The conclusion reached by the researchers (not specific to, but certainly germane to adolescents) was that the risk of ADE “is sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials.”

Independent of the topic of ADE, the NYU/Tulane authors’ study demonstrated how difficult it is for the average adult — much less adolescent — to penetrate the risks “obscured” in consent forms and thus to achieve “truly informed consent.”

And if this is the case, how likely are teens (or their parents) to understand the distinction between relative and absolute risk when they consent to COVID vaccination? How many young persons can grasp that Pfizer’s relative-risk-based claim of a “100% effective” vaccine for 12-15 year-olds translates into an absolute risk reduction (“the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine”) that is “teensy-tiny”?

Using relative risk calculations, Pfizer declared its injection “100% effective” on the basis of trials with 2,260 younger adolescents. According to the company’s press release, 18 cases of COVID occurred in the placebo group versus zero in the vaccine group. Nowhere does Pfizer spell out that these numbers equate to a reduction in absolute risk of 1.59% (obtained by dividing 18 by the 1,129 teens allocated to the placebo group).

Moreover, in the analyses for its clinical trials with adults, Pfizer doctored its results by excluding thousands of participants who had symptoms identical to COVID but not confirmed by PCR testing. Did similar sleight of hand produce the magic “100%” result for adolescents? Access to “full datasets and independent scrutiny and analyses” are needed to answer that question.

Even assuming a straightforward analysis on Pfizer’s part, European scientists writing in The Lancet in April emphasized the importance of putting vaccine trial results “in context and not just looking at one summary measure.” When researchers omit information about absolute risk reduction and communicate only relative risk reduction numbers, “reporting bias is introduced, which affects the interpretation of vaccine efficacy” — raising questions about the investigators’ intent and integrity.

The lead author of the Lancet commentary admitted to Wired, “One of the main reasons why absolute risk reduction is not shown is because of the numbers. If you say, ‘It’s 95% effective’ — Wow! …But if your absolute risk reduction is like 0.8%…, so what?”

The Lancet authors also noted relative risks “should be seen against the background risk of being infected and becoming ill with COVID-19, which varies between populations and over time.”

This is a particularly crucial observation for children, whose “background risk” of developing serious COVID illness is minuscule, as evidenced by the fact that the CDC uses 5-17 year-olds as its “reference group” (the group with the lowest risk) when presenting risks of COVID infection, hospitalization and death for other age groups.

There are 74 million children in the U.S. So far, 282 have died from conditions “involving COVID,” producing a mortality rate of 0.00038%. At the May 12 meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), CDC estimated 22.2 million children aged 5-17 had had COVID, and 127 had died — or 0.00057%.

As a University of Pennsylvania infectious disease specialist told the New York Times, “For the average kid, Covid is a negligible risk.”

By way of comparison, in 2019 (the most recent year for which data are available), 847 children in the 5-14 age group died in car accidents and 233 perished by drowning. In 15-24 year-olds, 2019 witnessed another 6,031 car accident deaths, 415 fatal drownings and 4,346 poisoning deaths.

In 2017, drowning deaths claimed nearly 1000 young people under age 20. From February 2020 through mid-February of this year, 5,738 children aged 5-14 and 36,900 adolescents and young adults aged 15-24 died from causes other than COVID-19.

In 1- to 17-year-olds, COVID ranks behind nine other causes of death (injury, suicide, cancer, homicide, congenital anomalies, heart disease, influenza, chronic lower respiratory disease and cerebrovascular causes).

Outsized risks

When announcing the expansion of its Pfizer EUA for 12- to 15-year-olds, FDA head Janet Woodcock told parents they “can rest assured that the agency undertook a rigorous and thorough review of all available data.”

However, as of May 7 (that is, just prior to the EUA expansion to younger adolescents), the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was already showing 694 post-COVID-vaccine adverse events in the 12-17 age group, including 14 rated as “serious” and three deaths.

The VAERS data released one week later, on May 14 (just after the 12-15 go-ahead), showed a sharp bump up in COVID-vaccine-related adverse events in the 12-17 age group: 943 total adverse events, including 23 rated as serious and the three deaths.

Two of the deaths reported before May 10 were in 15-year-olds, one after receiving the Pfizer vaccine and the other after receiving the Moderna vaccine. These adolescents must have been enrolled in the clinical trials, as their ages would have precluded them getting the vaccines legally under the EUAs in effect at the time.

With about 1,000 children in Pfizer’s clinical trial vaccine group in the 12-15 age group — and probably about the same number in Moderna’s trial — the death rate following either vaccination in this age group (assuming the two teens were trial enrollees) is approximately two in 2,000, or 0.1%. Available evidence strongly suggests, therefore, that COVID vaccines are much more dangerous to children than the disease.

Across all age groups, VAERS had received reports of almost 228,000 total adverse events between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 14, including more than 4,200 deaths. That this unprecedented trail of destruction was not cause for concern among the FDA and CDC committee members who enthusiastically recommended Pfizer’s experimental vaccine for young people is baffling.

Tragically, it is a virtual certainty that VAERS reports for children will rise in the coming weeks — leaving many parents as regretful as the Utah mom who let her son “get that shot.”

*Footnote: The 14 members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) who unanimously voted to recommend COVID vaccines for 12- to 15-year-olds and also endorsed simultaneous administration of COVID and other vaccines are: Jose Romero (Arkansas Secretary of Health); Kevin Ault (University of Kansas); Lynn Bahta (Minnesota Department of Health); Beth Bell (University of Washington School of Public Health); Henry Bernstein (Cohen Children’s Medical Center); Wilbur Chen (University of Maryland); Matthew Daley (Kaiser Permanente Colorado); Sharon Frey (St. Louis University); Camille Kotton (Massachusetts General Hospital); Grace Lee (Stanford University); Sarah Long (Drexel University); Veronica McNally (Franny Strong Foundation); Katherine Poehling (Wake Forest University); Pablo Sanchez (Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Ohio State University); and Helen Talbot (Vanderbilt University). Consider reaching out to these individuals to ask them how they reached their reckless decisions.

© May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.


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America’s Frontline Doctors Files Motion for Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of Covid Vaccine in Children

America’s Frontline Doctors Files Motion for Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of Covid Vaccine in Children

by America’s Frontline Doctors
May 20, 2021


America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) today filed a motion in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama requesting a temporary restraining order against the emergency use authorization (EUA) permitting using the COVID-19 vaccines in children under the age of 16, and that no further expansion of the EUAs to children under the age of 16 be granted prior to the resolution of these issues at trial.

The case will challenge the EUAs for the injections on several counts, based on the law and scientific evidence that the EUAs should never have been granted, the EUAs should be revoked immediately, the injections are dangerous biological agents that have the potential to cause substantially greater harm than the COVID-19 disease itself, and that numerous laws have been broken in the process of granting these EUAs and foisting these injections on the American people.

AFLDS Founder Dr. Simone Gold spoke about the reasons for filing the motion: “We doctors are pro-vaccine, but this is not a vaccine,” she said. “This is an experimental biological agent whose harms are well-documented (although suppressed and censored) and growing rapidly, and we will not support using America’s children as guinea pigs.”

She continued: “We insist that the EUA not be relinquished prematurely; certainly not before trials are complete – October 31, 2022 for Moderna and April 27, 2023 for Pfizer. We are shocked at the mere discussion of this, and will not be silent while Americans are used as guinea pigs for a virus with survivability of 99.8% globally and 99.97% under age 70.

“Under age 20 it is 99.997% – ‘statistical zero’.

“There are 104 children age 0-17 who died from COVID-19 and 287 from COVID + Influenza – out of ~72 million. This equals zero risk. And we doctors won’t stand for children being offered something they do not need and of whom some unknown percentage will suffer.”

AFLDS Pediatric Director Dr. Angie Farella explained: “My greatest concerns with the vaccination of children under the age of 18 is the fact that there is no prior study of these individuals before December of 2020.”

She went on to say: “Children were not included in the trials, and the adult trials do not have any long-term safety data currently available.”

AFLDS Legal Director Ali Shultz commented on AFLDS’ filing: “Not many people could have taken this on. Dr. Simone Gold is a doctor, and a lawyer, and a fierce warrior who will stop at nothing to protect humanity.

“She has a certain finesse in developing the right team to see this medical/legal mission through.”

To read the motion and all supporting documents, click here.


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The Covid Vaccine Magnet Challenge

The Covid Vaccine Magnet Challenge

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
May 21, 2021

Available at The HighWire Brighteon and BitChute channels.

The “Covid Vaccine Magnet Challenge” is the new viral sensation on social media where vaccinated individuals place a magnet on their arm near the shot site to see if it will stick. Our Mom-on-the-Street, Carmen Estel, tested this out in the field with some pretty shocking results. Check it out!

Sign the Petition: CHD Calls on FDA to Immediately Take COVID Vaccines Off the Market

Sign the Petition: CHD Calls on FDA to Immediately Take COVID Vaccines Off the Market
Children’s Health Defense and Millions Against Medical Mandates invite parents, healthcare practitioners, military members and others to comment on their petition calling on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to immediately remove COVID vaccines from the market. 

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
May 20, 2021


Amid growing safety concerns, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Meryl Nass, on behalf of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), filed a Citizen Petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asking the agency to immediately revoke the Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for COVID vaccines and to refrain from licensing them.

Millions Against Medical Mandates (MAMM), a coalition of health freedom organizations and individuals, joins CHD and other vaccine safety and health freedom groups in inviting the public, including healthcare workers, parents and military members, to submit comments on the petition.

CHD compiled and submitted 72 references supporting the request for revocation and restraint. You can download the petition from the FDA website, or read the full petition here.

According to the most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System data, there have been 192,954 reported adverse events following COVID vaccination, including 4,057 deaths between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 7, 2021.

These numbers stand in stark contrast to those reported following the aborted 1976 swine flu vaccine campaign that ended abruptly following approximately 30 reported deaths and 400 cases of Guillain–Barré syndrome.

Citing the extremely low risk to children from COVID, the petition calls on the FDA to immediately refrain from allowing minors to participate in COVID vaccine trials and to immediately revoke all EUAs permitting vaccination of children under 18.

“It’s time for the FDA to make a dramatic course correction before more deaths and injuries occur,” said Maureen McDonnell, MAMM founder.

The petition also urges the FDA to revoke its tacit approval for pregnant women to receive COVID vaccines.

The law stipulates that to grant EUA status, no other effective intervention may exist. The petition calls upon the FDA to immediately amend its existing guidance for the use of chloroquine drugs, ivermectin and any other safe and effective drugs against COVID.

“It’s time for the FDA to make effective COVID treatments available and to revoke the vaccine EUAs,” said CHD President and General Counsel Mary Holland. “It’s shocking that the FDA has ignored the unprecedented reports of injuries and deaths for five months.”

CHD and MAMM are asking the FDA to take these seven actions:

  1. FDA should revoke all EUAs and refrain from approving any future EUA, NDA [new drug application] or BLA [biologics license application] for any COVID vaccine for all demographic groups because the current risks of serious adverse events or deaths outweigh the benefits, and because existing, approved drugs provide highly effective prophylaxis and treatment against COVID, mooting the EUAs.
  2. Given the extremely low risk of severe COVID illness in children, FDA should immediately refrain from allowing minors to participate in COVID vaccine trials, refrain from amending EUAs to include children, and immediately revoke all EUAs that permit vaccination of children under 16 for the Pfizer vaccine and under 18 for other COVID vaccines.
  3. FDA should immediately revoke tacit approval that pregnant women may receive any EUA or licensed COVID vaccines and immediately issue public guidance to that effect.
  4. FDA should immediately amend its existing guidance for the use of the chloroquine drugsivermectin and any other drugs demonstrated to be safe and effective against COVID, to comport with current scientific evidence of safety and efficacy at currently used doses and immediately issue notifications to all stakeholders of this change.
  5. The FDA should issue guidance to the secretary of the defense and the president not to grant an unprecedented presidential waiver of prior consent regarding COVID vaccines for service members under 10 U.S.C. § 1107(f) or 10 U.S.C. § 1107a.
  6. The FDA should issue guidance to all stakeholders in digital and written formats to affirm that all citizens have the option to accept or refuse administration of investigational COVID vaccines without adverse work, educational or other non-health related consequences, under 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(e)(1)(a)(ii)(III) 1 and the informed consent requirements of the Nuremberg Code.
  7. Pending revocation of COVID vaccine EUAs, FDA should issue guidance that all marketing and promotion of COVID vaccines must refrai
  8. n from labeling them “safe and effective,” as such statements violate 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3.

The petition is available for review and comment. CHD urges parents, healthcare practitioners, military members and others to comment and to share the comment link with friends and colleagues.


© May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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FRIDAY: Medical Freedom Advocates to Hold Rally at Rutgers, as Students Push Back Against Vaccine Mandates

FRIDAY: Medical Freedom Advocates to Hold Rally at Rutgers, as Students Push Back Against Vaccine Mandates
Legislators, students, community representatives and others will speak on the topic of informed consent at a health freedom rally at Rutgers University this Friday, May 21 at 11 a.m. ET, in protest of the university’s COVID vaccine mandate.

by Stephanie Locricchio , The Defender
May 19, 2021


Rutgers was the first university to announce it will require the COVID vaccine for all students returning in the fall.

Since then, hundreds of universities — including the University of Notre Dame, Brown, Cornell, Northeastern University, New York’s State University (SUNY) and City University (CUNY) systems, and many other colleges and universities throughout the country — have said they will require COVID vaccines for the upcoming fall semester.

The Rutgers announcement prompted Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) chairman and chief legal counsel, to send a letter to Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway to remind him that mandating Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) products violates federal law.

Kennedy informed Holloway that COVID vaccines, which are EUA products and therefore by definition experimental, cannot cannot be mandated. Under federal law, individuals have the right to accept or refuse EUA products. “Under the Nuremberg Code, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is absolutely essential,” Kennedy wrote

The college and university mandates have sparked a new wave of voices in the health freedom movement, as many college students are speaking out against mandating an experimental vaccine for a virus that has a 99.74% survival rate.

As reports to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of injuries and deaths following COVID vaccines continue to increase, many students say they are concerned about the long-term safety and efficacy of the vaccine, and want more time to see the long-term impacts of the vaccine before rushing to get it.

The latest VAERS data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 7, 2021, a total of 192,954 adverse events were reported to VAERS including 4,057 deaths and 17,190 serious injuries following vaccination with PfizerModerna and Johnson & Johnson  vaccines.

Students also have questions about conflicting information on whether this vaccine even prevents transmission or infection.

Yet the social pressure to get the vaccine, and the potential consequences for not getting it, are creating stress for many students.

Sara Razi, Rutgers student and New Jersey chair of the Rutgers chapter of Young Americans for Liberty, told me she was “extremely disappointed that the Rutgers bureaucracy mandated this vaccine despite previously announcing that they wouldn’t.” She is still undecided about getting the COVID vaccine and feels pressured to make a decision.

Razi, who described herself as “not anti-vax but definitely anti-mandate,” said she doesn’t want to be forced to waste another year of her life doing school via a laptop.

Frustrated and uncertain how a “public university can get away with this,” Razi said, “The Rutgers bureaucracy has taken away students’ ability to make the personal decision on whether or not they want to take this vaccine.”

Brandi Clark, student at Fairleigh Dickinson University, said she was “shocked” when she received the notification that her school will require the vaccine. After extensive research, Clark decided she won’t get the vaccine, so she submitted a religious exemption which is currently under review.

Through her research, Clark discovered there are two ingredients in the vaccines that were in a medication that previously caused her to experience an allergic reaction, which she has documented in her medical file. Knowing that anaphylaxis is a side effect of the COVID vaccine, Clark shared her concerns with her physician, who refused to provide a medical exemption because Clark’s previous reaction was not considered “life threatening enough.”

Clark, who is passionate about health freedom and stood with the freedom fighters in Connecticut as the bill to remove religious exemption passed, said she knows New Jersey is battling to retain its medical and religious freedom.

Clark is waiting to see if Fairleigh Dickinson University accepts her religious exemption.

“I didn’t come this far and accrue all this debt only to be told I either can’t continue or I can continue but I have to get this experimental drug,” Clark said. She said she is willing to sacrifice her education and “find a school that doesn’t require this.”

Both Razi and Clark, who represent the next generation of the growing health freedom movement, have been actively engaged in working with local New Jersey advocacy groups to organize at Rutgers University. They co-hosted a call with First Freedoms’ Kevin Barry and me to connect parents and students who are against COVID vaccine mandates.

Mary Holland, president and general counsel of CHD, said her advice to parents and students is to “organize, organize, organize.”

Holland said:

“If the majority of students will not return with a vaccine mandate or passport in place, the school will go under. The students and the parents have the power to turn this around.”

Holland said CHD’s view is that EUA vaccine mandates are clearly unlawful. She cited the legal precedent set by the courts when the U.S. Department of Defense tried to compel soldiers to take the EUA anthrax vaccine. A federal court decided federal law did not permit EUA vaccine mandates, and said soldiers could not be used as guinea pigs.

While the vaccines are EUA there is no legal question, Holland said, but once they have been approved, licensed and recommended by the CDC, the situation could change. “But we still believe COVID vaccines will not meet the threshold under U.S. Constitutional law for a vaccine mandate,” Holland said.

If you are a parent or a student against vaccine mandates here are some action steps:

  1. Connect with local legislators. Ask them to sponsor and support bills that support freedom and prohibit vaccine mandates and discrimination. New Jersey residents can reach out to your local elected officials to request their support of  A5610/S3674 and A9999/S5607. A5610/S3674 prohibits the state from requiring private businesses to confirm individuals received COVID-19 vaccine for entry.   A9999/S5607 prohibits discrimination against individuals who have not received COVID vaccines.
  2. Be the change. Show up to stand against mandates. Rally on Friday, May 21 at 11 a.m. ET at Rutgers New Brunswick Campus, Brower Plaza, 145 College Avenue. Details here.
  3. Print out CHD’s legal notices. Inform your school that mandating EUA products violates federal law.
  4. Vote with your wallet. Boycott the universities and businesses mandating the COVID vaccine. Support only those that support individual choice.


©May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Shocker: Why Is This Substance in the Moderna COVID Vaccine?

Shocker: Why Is This Substance in the Moderna COVID Vaccine?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 19, 2021


Verifying that it is in the Moderna COVID vaccine, I find a 12/30/20 CDC document titled: “COVID-19 Vaccines: Update on Allergic Reactions, Contraindications, and Precautions.” [1]

If you scroll down halfway through the document, you’ll see a chart titled, “Ingredients Included in mRNA COVID vaccines.” (pg 20)

The right-hand side of the chart shows ingredients in the Moderna vaccine. The fifth ingredient down is “SM-102: heptadecan-9-yl 8-((2-hydroxyethyl) (6-oxo-6-(undecyloxy) hexyl) amino) octanoate.”

Now we go to a document published by the Cayman Chemical Company of Ann Arbor, Michigan: “Safety Data Sheet acc. to OSHA HCS.” (04/11/2021) [2]

This data sheet lists the effects of SM-102. Here is the opening note: “For research use only, not for human or veterinary use.”

Far from comforting.

Then the safety data sheet lights up with adverse effects/warnings re SM-102. For example: “Suspected of causing cancer. Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child. Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.”

Several things to point out here. First, what dosage level of, and what duration of exposure to, SM-102 are we talking about? Details on these toxicity factors need to be known. HOWEVER, all that is overridden by the fact that SM-102 is being INJECTED into the body via the Moderna shot. We’re not just talking about inhalation or skin contact.

Obviously, the human body has layers of defense against attack. With injection, a number of those layers are bypassed.

And once deep within the body, where does SM-102 travel as it causes damage along the way?

I doubt that the Cayman safety data sheet even considered the possibility that SM-102 would be injected.

The experts and authorities will assure us SM-102 is safe. They’ll say only miniscule amounts are being injected. They’ll say the clinical trials of the vaccine revealed no problems. They’ll parrot, over and over again, as they always do: “safe and effective.”

You’re walking along a country path. You see a snake lying just ahead of you. He slowly raises his head and looks at you. On his hood, you read the words: “emergency use authorization granted.”







Notice of Liability for Harm and Death to Children Served on all Members of the European Parliament

Notice of Liability for Harm and Death to Children Served on all Members of the European Parliament

by Doctors for Covid Ethics
May 19, 2021


On May 18, 2021, with COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 12–15 expected to gain approval from the European Medical Regulator, notices of liability for vacccine-related harms and deaths to children were served on all Members of the European Parliament. The full list of recipients can be viewed here.

All Members of the European Parliament received the following notice:



May 18, 2021

This Notice of Liability has been SERVED to you personally.

You may be held personally liable for harm and death caused by LEGISLATION, which is designed to coerce widespread acceptance of EXPERIMENTAL VACCINATION OF CHILDREN. If you take further action supporting such LEGISLATION, and if you take no steps to mitigate your past actions supporting such LEGISLATION, you may be held personally liable for resulting harm and death.

Severe illness and death in children and young adults caused by SARS-CoV-2 is extremely rare. It is absurd to claim that any measure can or will protect against a danger that does not exist. The claims that these experimental vaccinations induce production of protective antibodies are fundamentally flawed. Antibodies in the blood cannot prevent entry of air-borne viruses into cells of the lower respiratory tract. Secretory IgA antibodies are also known to be unable to efficiently prevent viral pneumonia. Severe adverse effects occur at high frequency following application of all gene-based agents. Children have already joined the tragic list of victims.

Attached as appendices and as integral parts of this Notice of Liability are the documents: Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns; Reply from the European Medicines Agency to Doctors for Covid Ethics; Doctors and Scientists Accuse Medical Regulator of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers; Rebuttal Letter to European Medicines Agency from Doctors for Covid Ethics; Doctors for Covid Ethics Signatories; COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety.

Furthermore, you may be held personally responsible for supporting CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, defined as acts that are purposely committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, committed in furtherance of state policy.

Please respond to this NOTICE OF LIABILITY within 14 days from the DATE OF SERVICE to:


Cc: Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dr. Reiner Fuellmich


1. Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns

2. Reply from the European Medicines Agency to Doctors for Covid Ethics

3. Doctors and Scientists Accuse Medical Regulator of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers

4. Rebuttal Letter to European Medicines Agency from Doctors for Covid Ethics

5. Doctors for Covid Ethics Signatories

6. COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety


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Federal Law Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks — 3 Resources You Can Use to Inform Your School or Employer

Federal Law Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks — 3 Resources You Can Use to Inform Your School or Employer
Under federal law, employers and universities cannot legally mandate COVID vaccines because they are unlicensed Emergency Use Authorization products which are, by definition, experimental.

by Aimee Villella McBride & Stephanie Locricchio, The Defender


With more than 100 U.S. colleges mandating COVID vaccines for in-person attendance and schools enforcing mask mandates, it’s critical people understand their rights.

The bottom line is this: mandating products authorized for Emergency Use Authorization status (EUA) violates federal law as detailed in the following legal notifications.

All COVID vaccines, COVID PCR and antigen tests, and masks are merely EUA-authorized, not approved or licensed, by the federal government. Long-term safety and efficacy have not been proven.

EUA products are by definition experimental, which requires people be given the right to refuse them. Under the Nuremberg Code, the foundation of ethical medicine, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is “absolutely essential.”

Earlier this year, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense president and general counsel, and attorney Greg Glaser stated that federal law prohibits employers from mandating EUA COVID vaccines (or EUA COVID-19 tests or masks).

Holland and Glaser wrote:

“If a vaccine has been issued EUA by the FDA, it is not fully licensed and must be voluntary. A private party, such as an employer, school or hospital cannot circumvent the EUA law, which prohibits mandates. Indeed, the EUA law preventing mandates is so explicit that there is only one precedent case regarding an attempt to mandate an EUA vaccine.”

What to do if your school or employer says you must get the COVID vaccine

The Children’s Health Defense legal team has written three legal notifications that anyone faced with a COVID vaccineCOVID test or mask mandate can use to inform employers and universities that they are violating federal law. You can download the three notifications here.

All of the notifications include this language: 

“Federal law, Title 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I-III) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, states the following about products granted emergency authorization usage:

Individuals to whom the product is administered are informed—

(I) that the Secretary has authorized the emergency use of the product;

(II) of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown; and

(III) of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.

Any entity or organization that requires EUA COVID-19 vaccinations, COVID-19 tests or masks are in violation of federal law, and will likely face lawsuits if they don’t allow exemptions or alternatives.”

Submitting the notices prepared by Children’s Health Defense is the first step prior to seeking an exemption or taking legal action.

Vaccine exemption laws vary by state. Go to the National Vaccine Information Center to learn more about your state exemptions.

It’s critical to stand against mandates and preserve legally protected, fundamental human rights on issues related to health freedom. Don’t fall prey to coercion and pressure, use the resources available to protect your legal rights.


© May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Covid Vaccine and Genetic Thunder Nobody Is Listening To

Covid Vaccine and Genetic Thunder Nobody Is Listening To

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 18, 2021


I’ve written about this before, and I’m sure I’ll write about it again.

We’re told that the RNA COVID vaccines force the cells of the body to produce a foreign “spike” protein.

There is a little thing you may have heard of called EVIDENCE.

In other words, show me a well-done study, using a few thousand people who have been vaccinated, which proves that all these people’s cells ARE producing that foreign protein and ONLY that foreign protein.

There isn’t such a study.

But if there were—

“Look, a few hundred people didn’t produce the spike protein at all. Wonder what they DID produce.”

“I see a hundred people out of two thousand who produced a huge excess of the spike protein. Wonder what effect THAT is having.”

“I see two hundred people who produced the spike protein plus a bunch of other foreign proteins. A few of those foreign compounds I’ve never seen before. That’s not good at all.”

In fact, show me a large-scale study in which an injection is designed to force the human body to produce ANY specific protein. Let’s see the results.

Can’t find that study, either?

Believing what genetic researchers tell you is like believing what a grifter tells you about how to win at roulette.

For example, are you aware that, after decades of genetic research and tens of thousands of studies linking genes to diseases, there isn’t a single gene-treatment that can cure a disease across the board?

What there is, is a great deal of money that hustlers have raised for bio-tech firms. And there are many sky-blue promises.

And oh yes, there are many examples of errors, in which experimental gene insertions yield unexpected results. Unintended and dangerous results. Unpredicted alterations in genomes.

So the huge numbers of reported injuries and deaths from the COVID RNA vaccines are surely the result of more than just the production of the spike protein.

Why is nobody talking about this?

Because people assume the problem must be the spike protein and only that protein.

The people of planet Earth are part of a guinea-pig vaccine experiment that is much wider than that. We are being subjected to an open-ended genetic spin of the roulette wheel.

And there are no safeguards and no comprehensive follow-ups.

For this reason alone, the entire effort to develop the RNA injections should have been banned from the beginning—until researchers demonstrated convincingly that the risks would be minimal. Of course, they couldn’t make that guarantee.

But the fatuously named Warp Speed program rocketed ahead. Based on pretentious and speculative “science.”

People tend to think—because they watch sci-fi movies—that scientific evil doers are firing a perfectly destructive single arrow at the heart of humanity. But evil-doers are quite capable of launching a thunderstorm of multiple pyrotechnics beyond their control.

As I pointed out in prior articles on this subject, the analogous area of GMO plant genetics is replete with uncontrolled effects—including gene drift, in which injected Monsanto genes move from plants into soil bacteria and human gut bacteria.

Genetic ripple-effects throughout an organism can force the unnatural production of a number of different proteins while modifying others.

This is NOT good; and some of the ways in which it is not good are unknown.

Based on the current level of knowledge in the field of gene-research, the entire program of manufacturing and injecting RNA into the body is an insane criminal enterprise.

As time passes, I expect investigators to discover new ways in which these RNA shots are harming people. And some of those investigators will say, “THIS turns out to be what the vaccine is doing. THIS one thing.” And they’ll be wrong.

It’s five, ten, 20 different things. Caused by ripple effects throughout the genome.


cover image credit: pixabay

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OSHA Returns: Employers May Be Liable for ‘Any Adverse Reaction’ From Mandated Vaccinations

OSHA Returns: Employers May Be Liable for ‘Any Adverse Reaction’ From Mandated Vaccinations

by Patrick Delaney, LifeSiteNews
sourced from Technocracy News & Trends
May 17, 2021


A setback for Technocrats and Transhumanists: OSHA should have shut down employer-mandated face masks as a safety and health risk, but did not. Now it releases a blockbuster statement that employers who mandate experimental gene therapy shots will be liable for harm caused. Technocracy News Editor


The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has put employers on notice that should they attempt to require employees to receive injections of experimental COVID-19 gene-therapy vaccines a resulting adverse reaction will be considered “work-related” for which the employer may be held liable.

OSHA released its new guidance on April 20 under a “Frequently Asked Questions” section of its website having to do with COVID-19 safety compliance.

The question asks whether an employer who mandates employees receive these experimental COVID-19 shots is required to record any adverse events as a result of these injections. Such recording requirements of serious work-related injuries and illness may not only leave an employer vulnerable to worker’s compensation claims, but such incidents could also impact the employer’s safety record.

The question and answer in full:

If I require my employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of their employment, are adverse reactions to the vaccine recordable?

If you require your employees to be vaccinated as a condition of employment (i.e., for work-related reasons), then any adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine is work-related. The adverse reaction is recordable if it is a new case under 29 CFR 1904.6 and meets one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7.

This clarification comes as an increasing number of employers seek to mandate the experimental injections despite possible illegality. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported this beginning trend in varieties of fields, including machine operators, office workers, restaurant waiters, and medical staff.

“The Houston Methodist Hospital network is mandating vaccines for both existing employees and new hires, barring an exemption,” Chip Cutter of the WSJ wrote. “Those who fail to comply will at first be suspended without pay, and later terminated.”

Under the new OSHA clarification, such employers may be held liable for injuries due to these requirements.

For example, 39-year-old nurse aide Janet More died last New Year’s Eve within 48 hours of receiving one of these injections. According to her brother, she at least had the impression “it was a mandatory vaccine that she had to take for her job.”

A similar case involves the sad death of 28-year-old Sara Stickles, a nutritional specialist at Swedish American hospital in Rockford, Illinois who died just five days after her second shot of one of the mRNA gene-therapy vaccines. She too had the clear impression that these injections were required by her employer.

While the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 shields pharmaceutical manufacturers from any liability due to injuries or death caused by their products (which many Americans have said is significantly problematic in itself), scenarios such as these could still leave employers who mandate these injections liable for significant damages.

And adverse events with regard to these shots are not uncommon. Data released from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last Friday reveal that between December 14, 2020 and April 30 a total of 157,277 adverse events were passively reported to the U.S. government’s primary reporting system (VAERS), including 3,837 deaths and 16,014 serious injuries.

While causation is not explicitly confirmed through the VAERS reporting system, neither can it be presumed that all such adverse events are reported. Indeed, one study in 2010 found that “fewer than 1 percent of vaccine injuries” are reported to VAERS, suggesting the actual numbers of deaths and injuries due to these experimental substances are significantly higher.

Read full story here…

‘Covid’ Jab Targets Same Protein That Genetic Engineers Modified to Remotely Control Animal Behavior

‘Covid’ Jab Targets Same Protein That Genetic Engineers Modified to Remotely Control Animal Behavior

sourced from
May 17, 2021


Article From 2016 Explains How by Genetically Modifying the Ferritin Protein You Can Remotely Control Brain Activity and Behaviour – the Same Protein as the ‘Covid’ Jab Is Targeting


Ferritin nanoparticle-based SARS-CoV-2 RBD vaccine induces a persistent antibody response and long-term memory in mice 


Unique U.S. Army Developed Ferritin ‘COVID-19’ Vaccine Begins Phase 1 Clinical Trial 


Pierre Gilbert talking in 1995 about mandatory vaccinations being used to plant ‘liquid crystals’ into the brain for control by electromagnetic waves 


cover image credit: pixabay

Governments Around the World Offer Extravagant Bribes in Desperate Effort to Increase COVID Vaccine Uptake

Governments Around the World Offer Extravagant Bribes in Desperate Effort to Increase COVID Vaccine Uptake
While indigenous communities in Mexico are rejecting the COVID-19 shot, the international effort to convince the public to take the jab is in full effect.

by Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond
May 16, 2021


In early March, CNN reported that Whole towns are refusing Covid-19 vaccines in Mexico”profiling two of more than a dozen municipalities which have rejected COVID-19 shots for one reason or another. CNN reported on statements made by residents of Aldama and San Juan Cancuc, small indigenous towns located in the central highlands of the Mexican state of Chiapas.

“Why would I get vaccinated? I’m not sick. It wouldn’t be good if they tried to force us to get vaccinated. I don’t know,” María Magdalena López Santís, an Aldama resident, told CNN.

The indigenous communities of Mexico (and many Mexicans in general) have a history of mistrusting the federal government. After generations of being ignored or colonized, the communities are largely autonomous and operate under their own rule of law. It is this history which has caused several communities in Chiapas and other parts of Mexico to reject the COVID-19 shots altogether.

Of course, CNN reports that “a lack of information and conspiracy theories that have spread in the region like wildfire are to blame for vaccine hesitancy.” Aldama’s town secretary Tomás López Pérez told CNN that because his people “don’t really know what vaccines are made of, we believe that they contain the [Covid-19] virus and that’s the main reason why people don’t want to get vaccinated.”

On February 1st, José López López, mayor of San Juan Cancuc, released a letter to State health authorities detailing why his town would not accept the COVID shot. López López said the people of San Juan Cancuc will, in fact, reject all vaccines from the Mexican state.

The Chiapas State Health Department has stated that it will respect the autonomy of the indigenous populations.

I recently traveled to San Juan Cancuc to find out for myself why these indigenous communities are rejecting the shots. The indigenous of San Juan Cancuc speak a specific dialect of the indigenous Tseltal language known as San Juan Cancuc Tseltal. With the help of a local man interpreting from English to Spanish and Spanish to Tseltal I was able to communicate with members of the San Juan Cancuc council. Although they would not speak on camera without José López López being present, they shared a wealth of information regarding how their community has been responding to COVID-19.

For starters, the council of San Juan Cancuc said they had seen zero COVID-19 cases in their community. They also said the town never enforced masks or social distancing. The council stated that they have their own methods for healing the sick that do not align with the Mexican government’s policies.

The council stated that before the release of the February letter, the community rejected trucks bringing vaccines and other support from the government. The community rejected the trucks two times before finally releasing the letter making it publicly known they were rejecting the COVID shots. The council said doctors attempting to come into town to deliver vaccines were told by the state authorities they could not guarantee their safety if they entered San Juan Cancuc.

The council also noted that laws had been passed to ensure that the “not one more vaccine” policy could not be changed once a new Mayor is elected. When asked what message they would like to share with the rest of the world, the council stated that, “Everybody should do what they know to be right.” They also said they believed their community has thrived because they are organized and unified.

I also spoke with two residents of indigenous village Betania, about 30 minutes south of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. The residents stated that their entire town had rejected the COVID-19 shots as well. They also noted that the state government is offering 950 pesos (about $50 USD) to residents who get the shots, with additional payments per child in some cases. The indigenous woman we spoke with said that the local health authorities call residents and attempt to persuade them to take the vaccine. In some cases residents are told they cannot continue to get healthcare without the shot. Still, the people of Betania have rejected the shots.

Burgers, Fries, Donuts, and Bribes

The idea that governments might literally bribe citizens with money may seem shocking or immoral, especially when it comes to indigenous populations in small villages of Mexico. However, this practice is becoming more common in the United States and Europe.

A few months back Krispy Kreme made headlines after they offered free daily donuts for customers with proof of vaccine. Now, state governments are stepping in with offers of burgers, fries, tickets to events, and cash.

In Illinois, 50,000 vaccinated residents are being offered free tickets to Six Flags theme parks. The tickets are valued at a cost of $4 million. In Maine, those vaccinated are offered anything from free gift cards to hunting and fishing licenses. Vaccinated residents of Ohio are now eligible to enter a lottery with a $1 million prize for five vaccinated Ohioans.

Some of the United States’ metropolitan cities are also offering prizes for those willing to submit their body and mind to the experimental medical treatment. In Detroit, residents are being bribed with $50 prepaid debit cards if they drive another person to a vaccination site. There are currently no limits on how much money someone can make with this scheme. In the Houston area, Harris County recently announced $250,000 to be used for gift cards, events and other incentives.

Residents of New York City are being offered free 7-day metro cards, tickets to sporting events, the Bronx Zoo, Brooklyn Botanical Garden and Lincoln Center. On Thursday, Mayor de Blasio announced that those who take the shot can receive vouchers for free burgers and fries from Shake Shack. “I want you to look at these French fries and think about how great it is to get vaccinated,” Mayor de Blasio stated in a disgusting display of incentivizing the people of New York to get an experimentalunapproved treatment in exchange for a, generally, unhealthy meal.

While the bribes of money and food are being offered to incentivize people to get the COVID shot, the most disturbing aspect is the attempt to convince the public that the only way to go “back to normal” is if they submit to a shot and/or a vaccine passport. In fact, earlier this week President Joe Biden announced new rules relating to mask wearing, stating“The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do.” The message being broadcast to the public is clear: if you do not get a shot, you will continue to be subjected to COVID-19 restrictions. If you do not comply, you cannot go back to “normal.”

Additionally, those who are choosing to wait to get the shot (or not getting it all) are being pressured, demonized, and censored online for expressing their concerns and reasons for hesitating. While the residents of Betania and San Juan Cancuc are unified in their opposition to the treatments, the residents of the United States are less unified and less organized. The indigenous communities of Chiapas can continue to live their lives as they are accustomed to, but the residents of Houston, New York City, Detroit and elsewhere are facing an increasingly totalitarian environment.

The only way forward is for the people of the U.S. and beyond to get organized and directly oppose and reject the forced vaccine mandates and calls for vaccine passports. Anything less than a unified opposition will fail to stop the march of COVID1984.


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In Dracula’s Castle Vaccination Is Rewarded by Access to the Torture Chamber. What’s Plunging With the Needle? (Romania) 

In Dracula’s Castle Vaccination Is Rewarded by Access to the Torture Chamber. What’s Plunging With the Needle? (Romania) 

by Nicole Delépine, Children’s Health Defense Europe
May 15, 2021


Nicole Delépine, paediatrician and oncologist, responds to an article in The Mirror, as published on, about a curious Romanian marketing campaign for Covid-19 vaccines. You can read it here.

During the Black Death (the real one, which decimated millions of Europeans; not the one invented by our Minister of “Health”—to give him his official title) peasants fled from their infested villages as the dead were piled high.

Do you think, if an effective treatment had been available, it would have been necessary to convince people of the need for miracle treatments?

Yet, here in the 21st century, we get to see it all. From the €25 bonus to the beer voucher, or the 20 extra points French journalist Bernard Pivot suggested for school pupils sitting their final exams (a joke, surely?), legion are the carrots dangled before guinea pigs in fear of the jab, with its inconvenient lack of obvious benefit.

Unpaid guinea pigs

The fact is that the covid vaccines are in the experimental phase and citizens are increasingly aware of this. Big Pharma, to be fair, is doing pretty well. It doesn’t have to pay its guinea pigs for starters. Normally one would receive several hundred euros for taking part in a trial. Moreover, the health agencies and government have relieved pharma companies of any penal or financial responsibility in case of mishap… including death. Instead government will pay using… taxes paid by the jabbed, dead and injured. It’s going to be a great year for Big Pharma!

As for the covid epidemic, coming to its natural close, having mysteriously replaced the flu in the process, the population must of course remain in a state of panic. The financial rewards from vaccination for Big Pharma are as fantastic as the political gains for the leaders of the New World Order, who now freely impose liberticidal laws and increase police surveillance.

Imaginative merchants

We should really admire the commercial nous of the vaccine merchant. It’s obvious this is no longer a question of medicine, but of commerce and therefore of marketing.

In the Mirror article we learn of the vaccination of Romanians at Dracula’s castle. With the absurd misery of it all laid bare, one doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. In spite of the tragedy, knowing as we do the various possible side effects, including death (nearly 9,000 European dead post-vaccination, many of whom were at zero risk from covid. In addition, since 27 April 2021 the European Medicines Agency and EudraVigilance has already recorded 2 million incidents of side effects in the EU alone excluding the UK, all likely from covid “vaccines”) and outbreaks in countries previously free of the disease after the commencement of vaccination campaigns.

The pseudo-vaccine of Castle Dracula

Looking at the article, we see the usual terminology is present and correct. Romanians are “jabbed” at Castle Dracula in Bran. I’m retired now but in my time we would say “vaccinate”. Sometimes we’d also say “put down”, though that was reserved for animals euthanized at the end of their life by the vet. Jabbed… Must be quite the medical treatment programme at Castle Dracula!

Then we learn about the carrot offered to the guinea pigs—free access to the castle’s medieval torture exhibition—and must ask: why is this form of encouragement necessary? Did we do the same for DTPolio? Perhaps there was less need for mystery and threatre with that “jab”.

But, worst of all, just like children who get a swimming badge or a road safety certificate, the jabbed receive a diploma. But attesting to what? Well, “their courage and responsibility”. But if this pseudo-vaccine is harmless, as the media would have us believe, how are they courageous?

Anyway, the brave guinea pigs who make their pact with Dracula will receive an almost-eternal reward: access to his castle for the next hundred years. It makes one wonder whether the ghost of Faust is haunting Castle Dracula.

Who is behind these Faustian goings-on?

Well, it couldn’t be a doctor. He would explain the advantages (if he could find any compared to much safer, early treatments) and possible disadvantages of these products, such as the frequent side effects; much more frequent than with the flu vaccine, as reported by the European Medicines Agency.

No, it couldn’t be a doctor. He would honour the Hippocratic Oath and the Nuremberg Code, sanctified by the Helsinki Declaration and the Oviedo Convention.

No, here in Bran, as in Disneyland Paris, we are in the business of fun. So it’s the MARKETING director who’s in charge. Obvious, isn’t it? As advertising leaves no room for doubt, the director arranges for guinea pigs to visit the fortress ‘torture room’. How appealing this must be to tourists!

Here deep in the Carpathians, at the home of the Vlad ‘The Impaler’ Tepes, a bloodthirsty 15th century Romanian prince and the inspiration for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s memorable character, Dracula, the Romanians are speaking, whether voluntary or unconsciously, in powerfully metaphoric terms.

As in the USA, and in France in particular, not everyone is keen to become an unpaid guinea pig in history’s biggest ever drug trial—a trial of drugs whose predecessors (attempted vaccines against the SARS and Mers viruses) killed test animals.

With the covid vaccine however, the laboratories skipped the animal stage. There was an unfortunate lack of laboratory animals and a number of activists opposed to animal suffering. It would help if these associations would include human animals in their fight for justice.

Meanwhile, through vaccination drive-ins and 24-hour vaccination marathons in historical locations like Royal Palace in Bucharest, pressure is piled on the Romanians who already resisted repressive measures. Why not in hospital wards?

No, it’s rather like the Long Night of Museums! Those under 50 (of whom less than a thousand died in France in the last fourteen months from this easily treated disease, when treated early), travel with their families. It’s a Sunday outing. It’s a vaccination circus.

And as everywhere else, the vaccination campaign is accompanied by a rise in deaths.

Beatrice Mahler, director of the Marius Nasta Hospital in Bucharest, says that nearly 3.6 million of the 19 million Romanians have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine. She wants to reach the 5 million mark by early June.

But why? For whom? Under what pressure? At least we know the reason for Stella Kirikiades’ enthusiasm, the Cypriot Minister of Health of the European Union who signed the contracts for the covid vaccines with the pharmaceutical companies and whose private bank account has since been credited with 4 million euros. Now there’s a nice carrot.


© May 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible

CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible
VAERS data released today showed 192,954 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 4,057 deaths and 17,190 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 7, 2021.
by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
May 14, 2021


The number of reported deaths following COVID vaccines topped 4,000 according to data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 7, a total of 192,954 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 4,057 deaths — an increase of 220 over the previous week — and 17,190 serious injuries, up 1,176 since last week.


In the U.S., 254.8 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of May 7. This includes 110 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 136 million doses of Pfizer and 9 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

Of the 4,057 deaths reported as of May 7, 24% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

This week’s VAERS data show:

CDC find’s ‘plausible’ link between J&J vaccine and blood clotsOn May 13, The Defender reported officials with the CDC acknowledged a “plausible causal association” between J&J’s COVID vaccine and potentially life-threatening blood clot disorders after identifying 28 cases — including three deaths — among people who received the vaccine.

Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, deputy director of the CDC’s immunization safety office, identified 28 cases of rare blood clots in VAERS among people vaccinated with the J&J shot.

Shimabukuro said four of the 28 people remained in the hospital as of May 7, one of whom was in the ICU. Two were discharged to a post-acute care facility, 19 patients were discharged and three resulted in deaths.

Current evidence “suggests a plausible causal association” with the J&J vaccine and cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, Shimabukuro said. The CDC’s Dr. Sara Oliver said the benefits of the vaccine still outweigh the risk and no updates to vaccine policy are needed at this time.

Children’s Health Defense queried the VAERS data for adverse events associated with the formation of clotting disorders and other related conditions and found 3,272 reports for all three vaccines from Dec. 14, 2020, through May 7.

Of the 3,272 cases reported, there were 1,218 reports attributed to Pfizer, 1,034 reports to Moderna and 1,000 reports to J&J.

FDA approves Pfizer vaccine for adolescents ages 12 to 15

NPR reported May 10 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said children 12 to 15 years old are now eligible to be vaccinated for COVID as the agency expanded its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Pfizer submitted an amendment to their current EUA for an unapproved product on April 9 to expand use of its vaccine for adolescents ages 12 to 15 — with only six months of clinical data.

“Parents and guardians can rest assured that the agency undertook a rigorous and thorough review of all available data, as we have with all of our COVID-19 vaccine emergency use authorizations,” Dr. Janet Woodcock, the acting FDA commissioner, said.

Until now, Pfizer’s vaccine had been authorized only for people age 16 and older. The company said it plans to seek new EUA expansions for kids younger than 12 in September, with an expansion aimed at infants and toddlers during the fourth quarter this year.

CDC Says OK to give COVID vaccine along with routine vaccines for kids

On May 13, CNN reported a CDC expert said Wednesday it’s OK to give an experimental COVID vaccine in conjunction with other vaccinations.

Doctors and other clinicians were previously advised against giving a COVID vaccine within two weeks of any other vaccine, but Dr. Kate Woodworth of the CDC’s birth defects division said Wednesday that advice has now changed —saying there is substantial data on the safety of the vaccines.

Woodworth said the clinical considerations are being updated to say that COVID and other vaccines can be administered “without regard to timing,” including on the same day.

The American Academy of Pediatrics also said it supports giving routine childhood vaccines together with COVID vaccines.

Teen hospitalized with blood clots in brain after Pfizer Vaccine

On May 10, The Defender reported a Utah teen remains hospitalized with blood clots in his brain after receiving his first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

Everest Romney, 17, received the vaccine April 21 and one day later began experiencing neck pain, fever and severe headaches. After more than a week of symptoms and being unable to freely move his neck, he was diagnosed with two blood clots inside his brain, and one outside.

Romney’s mother didn’t want to discourage parents from getting their kids vaccinated because she believes each parent must make the decision for their children, but said she wished her choice had been a different one.

The Utah Department of Health said the CDC is tasked with investigating possible vaccine side effects. After administering nearly 100 million doses of Pfizer’s vaccine, the CDC reported there hasn’t been a single related case of a blood clot forming in the brain as of April 12.

Brazil suspends AstraZeneca vaccine after pregnant woman dies, Slovakia suspends after woman’s death

On May 12, The Defender reported that Brazil’s federal government suspended AstraZeneca’s vaccine for pregnant women after an expectant mother in Rio de Janeiro died from a stroke possibly related to the vaccine. The 35-year-old woman, who was 23 weeks pregnant, died of a hemorrhagic stroke after checking into a hospital five days earlier.

Brazil’s federal health regulator, Anvisa, said in a statement the use of AstraZeneca’s COVID shot by pregnant women should be “immediately suspended” as authorities investigate the reported death. AstraZeneca said in a statement that pregnant women were never included in clinical trials of its vaccine.

Slovakia also announced Tuesday it was suspending AstraZeneca’s vaccine for first-time vaccinations after a 47-year-old woman died from cerebral venous sinus thrombosis — a blood-clotting disorder where clots form in the veins that drain blood from the brain — connected to the shot.

“Genetic examination also revealed blood-clotting disorders in the patient,” the regulator said. “Due to the existence of a genetic predisposition to a thrombophilic state, an association between [the AstraZeneca jab] and subsequent venous sinus thrombosis was established as likely,” it added.

New study links vaccine to blood clots

As The Defender reported May 12, new research published in The BMJ confirmed evidence of blood clotting and found a small risk after receiving just one dose of AstraZeneca’s vaccine.

Researchers investigated the likelihood of blood clotting events for 282,572 people in Denmark and Norway. Using data from healthcare registries, they reviewed information on people 18 to 65 years old who received their first dose of AstraZeneca between Feb. 9 and March 11.

Researchers observed an “increased rate of venous thromboembolic events, corresponding to 11 excess venous thromboembolic events per 100,000 vaccinations and including a clearly increased rate of cerebral venous thrombosis with seven observed events versus 0.3 expected events among the 282,572 vaccine recipients.” There was also a small increased risk of pulmonary embolism, lower limb venous thrombosis and other venous thrombosis.

The Canadian provinces of Alberta and Ontario said Tuesday they will stop offering first doses of AstraZeneca’s vaccine, with Ontario citing evidence the risk of rare blood clots was higher than previously estimated. Quebec and New Brunswick followed suit Thursday, Reuters reported.

Dr. David Williams, chief medical officer of health for the Province of Ontario, made the decision out of an abundance of caution and due to an increase in cases of Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) — a rare, potentially fatal blood clotting syndrome linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Norway will not use AstraZeneca vaccine, J&J paused

As The Defender reported May 12, Norway will not resume use of the AstraZeneca vaccine due to concerns of rare blood clots reported in some patients after their first dose, while the J&J vaccine remains on hold. An expert committee, set up by the Norwegian government, conducted a comprehensive risk assessment of the two vaccines and recommended AstraZeneca & J&J’s vaccine be dropped from Norway’s vaccination program.

“We do not recommend that the vaccines be used in the national vaccination program due to the serious side effects that have been seen,” chair of the expert committee, Lars Vorland, said.

Denmark was the first country in Europe to officially drop AstraZeneca and J&J’s vaccines due to the risk of blood clots, but many countries have restricted use of AstraZeneca in certain age groups.

67 days and counting, CDC ignores The Defender’s inquiries

As The Defender reported May 12, we have made repeated attempts to contact the CDC with a list of questions about COVID vaccine injury reports in VAERS, including ongoing investigations into reported deaths. Our questions remain unanswered.

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. We requested information about how the CDC conducts investigations into reported deaths, the status of ongoing investigations into deaths and injuries reported by the media, if autopsies were being conducted, the standard for determining whether an injury is causally connected to a vaccine, and education initiatives to encourage and facilitate proper and accurate reporting.

After repeated attempts, by phone and email, to obtain a response to our questions, a health communications specialist from the CDC’s Vaccine Task Force contacted us on March 29 — three weeks after our initial inquiry.

The individual received our request for information from VAERS, but said she had never received our list of questions, even though employees we talked to several times said CDC press officers were working through the questions and confirmed the representative had received them. We provided the list of questions again along with a new deadline, but never received a response.

The Defender also followed up with the CDC’s media department, which told us  the COVID response unit would be informed that the health communications specialist never responded. No explanation was given as to why our inquiries were ignored. We were told to call back, which we did numerous times.

We asked why the taxpayer-funded CDC seemed to respond to other news media outlets in a timely manner, but hasn’t responded to The Defender. No answer was provided. We were told someone would get back to us.

It has been 67 days since we sent our first email inquiring into VAERS data and reports, but still no response.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


© May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Pandemic: Follow the Real Money, the Unthinkable Amount of Money — Financial Shock and Awe

Pandemic: Follow the Real Money, the Unthinkable Amount of Money
     Financial Shock and Awe

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 12, 2021


For the past year, I’ve been demonstrating that every major scientific assertion about the so-called pandemic is a lie. This article is about something else.

The money.

Money that makes the bailout/stimulus sums look like chump change. Money that makes Bill Gates look like a guy on welfare scraping by.

To understand my line of approach here, you have to understand that people are conditioned, in many ways, to accept modern medical care.

One successful method of conditioning: a whole nation is invaded by medical propaganda and medical treatment, during a purported crisis. The bottom line: “only doctors can save the population.”

Think about that chunk of mind control. Think about the long-term implications.

And as you read on, picture very populous countries that, to a significant degree, still rely on non-modern traditional medicine—herbs, natural remedies, etc.

Do you really believe that when the authorities declare the medical/pandemic crisis is over, the populations of such invaded countries will just go back to their former beliefs and practices?

“Thank you for saving our lives with drugs and vaccines, but now we’ll return to our ancient Ayurveda and acupuncture…”

The invasion of the doctors and the public health authorities, during the crisis, is the point of the spear. The way in. The first planned stage of PERMANENTLY CONVERTING THE WHOLE COUNTRY TO MODERN PHARMACEUTICAL MEDICINE.

We’re talking about MARKETS.

New markets as targets of the invasion.

Where are these new markets?

China, India, Indonesia, for example.

Each of these countries still maintains, to a significant degree, traditional non-modern healing practices.

What will happen in the long term, beyond the current “pandemic,” if Big Pharma is able to gain a total monopolistic position in these nations?

What if the invasion of the COVID drugs and vaccines is successfully followed by new waves of modern medical/pharmaceutical ground troops, and a complete takeover of these nations is achieved?

How much money would we be talking about?

Here, from (12/25/20) is a startling assessment:

“During one’s lifetime, over $400K will be spent on the average American’s healthcare in today’s dollars. And that is if medical costs rise [at] the same rate as inflation. If medical costs rise at 3% more than inflation, your healthcare will cost over $2MM, the vast majority of which will take place after the age of 45.”

Yes, healthcare costs in America are very high. So let’s cut that $400K in half. Let’s say the lifetime healthcare cost for the average person is $200K.

How many people, combined, live in China, India, and Indonesia?

Let’s peg that figure at 3 billion.

Now, imagine that 30 years from now, each one of those people is being subjected to modern medicine, at the rate of $200K for a lifetime.

What is 3 billion people multiplied by $200K?


That’s a market.

Is that a permanent market pharmaceutical companies and hospitals and public-health doctors think is worth fighting for?

A market to control and own?

And if the opening salvo in that fight needed some tremendous IMPACT, some serious conditioning and mind control, would the declaration of a global pandemic do the trick?

Would the masks and distancing and lockdowns and business closures and bankruptcies and travel bans; the wall-to-wall media fear-porn day after day; the contact tracing and antiviral drugs and vaccines; the heavy police presence to enforce all the restrictions; the inflated false case and deaths numbers—would that declared pandemic be the way to go…if the ultimate goal is a 600 TRILLION DOLLAR MARKET?

You bet it would.

And that’s the way corporations view the planet.

As markets.

Territories to capture.

And now you can see the financial reason why the powers-that-be are forcing this false pandemic on the whole world in every possible way:

THE MONEY that’s at stake.

CODA: A person could say a 600-trillion-dollar market is impossible; there isn’t enough fake money you can invent to cover it. And maybe that’s true. But however you need to cut that awesome figure to accommodate what banks can achieve, the final number is still going to be an overwhelming percentage of the global economy.

Which is why I’ve been saying for some years that we live in a medical civilization.

“But…but wait…you’re never going to get all three billion people into lifetime care in the modern medical system…”

“True. The three billion people and the 600 trillion-dollar market is the striven-for ideal, the far shore of the pot of gold.”

“And those three countries you mentioned—China, India, and Indonesia—they already have a significant amount of modern medicine.”

“Yes they do. But they also have a significant amount of non-modern traditional healing. And notice that I only mentioned those three nations, in arriving at the 600 trillion-dollar figure. I said nothing about about South America or Africa, for example.”



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Remembering Nuremberg: Is History Repeating Itself?

Remembering Nuremberg: Is History Repeating Itself?

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
May 10, 2021


In 1947, The Nuremberg Code was established. It was a tragic necessity after the world witnessed the abominable atrocities of criminal medical experimentation enacted upon people during World War II.

IG Farben (later dissolved into Bayer, BASF and others), along with Germany’s Nazi party, brought untold horrors upon large numbers of people in the name of science, research and medicine.

Post-World War II, the planet enacted moral and ethical guardrails – codes of conduct that codified a ‘Never Again’ high-water mark of human compassion. The Nuremberg Code laid out basic principles which must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts in the sphere of medical experimentation. It states:

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”

Fast-forward to now. Fear has been purposely and malignantly amplified. A failed public health pandemic response, missing science and data from day one, has predictably led to confusion, widespread collateral damage and unnecessary suffering. A carrot-and-stick approach that some have called ‘a totalitarian tip-toe,” has been used to enroll the public into the world’s largest medical experiment.

All Covid shots are currently considered experimental. In the U.S., this is denoted by an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, those receiving the shot, whether they know it or not, are agreeing to be part of an ongoing medical experiment with zero long term safety data and a litany of other unknowns.

In no uncertain terms, The Nuremberg Code demands voluntary consent of participants in medical experiments. It forbids duress, overreach and coercion to obtain such consent.

A look at recent headlines will tell readers all they need to know about this unfortunate chapter in medical and public health folly.

The vaccine passport effort rages on. It attempts to make anyone unwilling to enroll in a medical experiment second-class citizens, effectively eliminating them from society. Yet increasingly overt duress and coercion are now in your face daily.

Over the past month, Budweiser and Sam Adams began offering a free beer to get your shot. Krispy Kreme is offering a free glazed donut. Major League Baseball’s Cincinnati Reds are offering $10 off tickets to enroll in this medical experiment.

As demand to be injected with an experimental medical product began to taper off, bribery efforts increased.

Studies on how best to psychologically manipulate citizens to consent to enrolling in an experiment were undertaken by, among others, UCLA’s COVID-19 Health and Politics Project. Marketing, not science was part of the focus.

Cash payments were shown to be the best persuasive method. Enter West Virginia’s governor who is offering $100 savings bonds to anyone 16-35 years old who gets the shot.

Beyond the overt Homer Simpson-ish coercion of donuts, beer and money, Covid-era public health ‘officials’ and the medical community have recently fallen in love with a new level of manufactured duress. It’s rooted in military psychological operation or PSYOP techniques.

Despite shots not being approved under emergency use for children, schools are backing mass vaccination campaigns for kids using ‘peer pressure’ to ‘boost uptake.’ Speaking to The Telegraph, Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) stated: “The peer pressure of seeing that your friends are lining up to do it is likely to make the overall numbers taking up the vaccine higher,”

The duress PSYOP isn’t stopping with schools. With a straight face, USA Today ran an opinion piece titled It’s time to start shunning the ‘vaccine hesitant.’ They’re blocking COVID herd immunity. The article calls people who refuse to enroll in medical experiments “human petri dishes,” crossing an alarming and dangerous line of open dehumanization of a people.

The dark irony, of course, is that same kind of propaganda was a key method that led to the horrors of WW2 Nazi experiments in which the Nuremberg Code was meant to lead us away from. In Hitler’s Germany, Jews were labeled disease carriers and a public health risk to justify the creation of ghettos.

In the Covid fear fog of war, a full force blitzkrieg has been launched upon the citizen/experimental patient. A 21st century enrollment propaganda campaign has been blasted across captured media channels, news agencies, pharmaceutically-lobbied legislatures and the medical establishment itself.

As much repugnant as it is unethical, through the eyes of long-standing codes of ethics and robust protections once agreed upon across the global, many have been left stunned at how rapidly manufactured fear campaign could evaporate ethical behavior, human dignity and essential safeguards.

The Washington Post is now calling for the application of a ‘Warp Speed to Vaccinate the Global.’ The world is at an important inflection point. What the past year has taught us is that, in the face of unjust edicts, silence is seen as compliance.


Connect with Jefferey Jaxen

COVID Vaccine Can Worsen Disease; Mainstream Study; Not on the Evening News

COVID Vaccine Can Worsen Disease; Mainstream Study; Not on the Evening News

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 11, 2021


“COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated.”

Feel free to take THAT to a doctor.

This quote appears in an October 2020 study, published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice. The title of the study: “Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease.”

The two authors are Timothy Cardozo and Ronald Veazy. Cardozo’s affiliation is listed as “Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, NYU Langone Health, New York, NY, USA.” Veazy’s affiliation is “Division of Comparative Pathology, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Tulane University School of Medicine, Tulane National Primate Research Center, Covington, LA, USA.”

The study declares that volunteers in COVID vaccine clinical trials and people who receive the vaccine after clinical trials—meaning now—should be informed there is a risk of “more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated.”

So that’s what I’m doing.

Have you heard of anyone about to receive the vaccine being INFORMED that they’re at risk—that they’re liable to become more seriously ill than if they refused the shot?

Of course not. Politicians, news people, and other idiots simply take the word “vaccine” and push it like a street dealer pushes heroin.

Consent given by the patient, after being truly informed, is a bedrock medical responsibility.

The claim that a declared crisis overrides a person’s need to understand what is being done to him is a criminal claim.

Looking at how the COVID vaccination campaign is being conducted, anyone can see informed consent is being violated to its core.

Manufactured hysteria is not an acceptable substitute for moral duty.

Modern-day fascists believe that “ten thousand bloviating Faucis” declaring the vaccine is absolutely safe and effective is actual science.

Months ago, I wrote a piece that fits nicely with this article. Based on a New York Times op ed by Peter Doshi and Eric Topol—the clinical trials of the COVID vaccine conducted by Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna were designed to prove nothing more than:

The vaccine could prevent a cough, or chills and fever (diagnosed as COVID-19).

That’s right.

Now follow this. The vaccine makers were waiting for the SARS-CoV-2 virus to descend on some volunteers during the clinical trials.

But since the volunteers were healthy, how long would it take for “serious cases of COVID”—pneumonia—to show up? Three years? Ten years? Never?

The vaccine makers certainly weren’t going to wait. No, they were going to stop the clinical trial when 150 of the 30,000 volunteers were diagnosed with “mild COVID”—a cough, or chills and fever.

Then they were going to see how many people who actually got the vaccine vs. how many people who got a saltwater placebo shot received a COVID-19 diagnosis.

THAT was the essence of the clinical trial.

Of course, all three vaccine makers claimed that far more people in the placebo group were diagnosed with COVID—thus “proving” the vaccine was effective.

Effective at preventing “a mild case of COVID”—a cough, or chills and fever—both of which cure themselves naturally, without the need for a vaccine.

There’s your vaccine science.

A show for buffoons.

So now, as vaccine-caused deaths escalate daily, this destructive genetic shot is being given to people all over the world. There is no authentic informed consent that spells out the incredible danger. And the vaccine was never meant to prevent more than a cold or mild flu.

Yet you’re supposed to develop a suicidal impulse, take the shot, and earn your vaccine passport or virtue-signaling immunity bracelet or microchip so you can enlist in the Brave New World.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

The Variant and the Vaccine

The Variant and the Vaccine

by Rosanne Lindsay, Nature of Healing
May 10,  2021


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. – Newton’s Third Law

For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth. – Bo Bennet

For every variant there is a vaccine.

For a year beginning in March 2020, no one died of natural causes anywhere in the world. Everyone died of COVID19.

Then, after the COVID19 vaccine rollout began, the elderly began dying in nursing homes of natural causes.

If you start looking at where the deaths are occurring post-vaccination, you find that they’re mainly in nursing homes,” – Arnold Mondo, professor of epidemiology and global public health, University of Michigan

The media says:

“Experts are sure that the U.S. has not reported any deaths caused by COVID19 shots.”

Why haven’t vaccine-induced deaths been reported in the U.S.?

As the press puts it…. “They suddenly crash…. The people who die from COVID-19 are probably dying from many different causes.”

Is it now possible to die from COVID and many different causes, at the same time?

The expert statisticians who are paid to know how to calculate the results of all the COVID testing that took place, call the deaths, “unexplained.”

Thousands more people are dying than we would normally expect in normal times…. “There’s not enough information to know whether this is under-reporting of Covid or whether this is ‘collateral damage’ as a result of the lockdown.”  – Dr Jason Oke, senior statistician in the Oxford University Medical Statistics Group

What about the warnings of collateral damage that could results from an experimental vaccine? From November 2020:

One warned the “collateral damage” of introducing a less than “safe and effective” vaccine could exacerbate the world’s “current problems insurmountably.” – Alexandra Thompson, UK news

The goalposts keep changing because scientists claim that viruses mutate into variants that only they can identify.

How do you capture a moving target?

You don’t!

The spin about variants is doctored by the media much like a casino controls its slot machines.  As gatekeepers, they hold all the cards:

The system is designed to be random within a range of percentages. The software decides when and how much to pay but won’t go over the monthly limit. It should be obvious that this limit could be reset.

The terms of COVID keep changing because the cause, currently Coronavirus, is only visible to the “experts” who write the rules. The current experts are unknown groups at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which Control the narrative to Prevent you from understanding the true cause and the true risks.

According to the CDC, the most at-risk group for deaths from COVID is seniors. Yet, it is also the CDC that urged seniors to be the first to be injected with an experimental vaccine. The media dutifully puts out the message:

In December 2020, CNN warned viewers to expect an increase in deaths after the vaccine:

We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine.

One of the things we want to make sure people understand is that they should not be unnecessarily alarmed if there are reports, once we start vaccinating, of someone or multiple people dying within a day or two of their vaccination who are residents of a long-term care facility. That would be something we would expect, as a normal occurrence, because people die frequently in nursing homes.

Shortly after that warning, in January 2021, CNN reported:

You can still get COVID19 after getting the vaccine.

Experts now suggest that seniors could be dying of a mutation of COVID19 called a variant. Before you can say another experimental vaccine, vaccine makers are now looking for ways  to attack variants via a vaccine.

The Spin

If you have extreme symptoms, including death, then your immune system is over reacting.Once upon a time, doctors and the CDC warned of “adverse health effects” from drugs and vaccines. Adverse health effects were tracked and reported to a medical professional to be catalogued by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). However, today the message is reversed. If you are experiencing adverse effects of the experimental vaccine, then the vaccine is working well!

They are going to know they got a vaccine. They are probably not going to feel wonderful. But they’ve got to come back for that second dose. – Dr. Sandra Fryhofer of the American Medical Association

Experts say that those previously infected with COVID19 may have “worse side-effects from the vaccine.”

There have been some anecdotal reports of COVID survivors experiencing more severe side effects — feeling achy, sick or even feverish — after the first dose of vaccinations. – David Wohl, an infectious disease physician at the University of North Carolina

Today, the media reports that seniors are still dying from COVID19 despite efforts to vaccinate them.

Despite or as a consequence of…?

As people begin to experience adverse health effects from experimental vaccines, the CNN narrative changes:

Anti-vaccine groups are exploiting the suffering and death of people who happen to fall ill after receiving a COVID shot, threatening to undermine the largest vaccination campaign.

To understand previous failed vaccination campaigns, see Operation Warp Speed, To ponder the purpose of predictable pandemic campaigns, see Reengineering Humanity.

What remains “unexplained” in the current pandemic are answers to the following questions that the CDC has not elucidated:

  1. If people have already been infected with Covid19 and recovered (at a rate of 99%) then shouldn’t they acknowledge their innate immune systems, which accomplished the job of immunity without an experimental treatment?
  2. Why were experimental vaccines rushed to market, without FDA approval  for emergency use when we have entered the recovery phase?
  3. Why did the vaccine treatment skip early stage testing, receive no peer-reviewed late stage testing? Why is there no data on vaccine trials? Why will COVID trial study data not be released until the year 2023, or never?
  4. If the mRNA experimental treatment  is“gene therapy then does it set up autoimmune disease, and worse?
  5. Will life insurance companies insure people for participating in an experiment?
  6. Why are pharmaceutical companies immune from civil liability, and cannot be sued for damages resulting from their products?
  7. Why is CNN pretending it didn’t warn everyone to expect more deaths after taking the vaccine?
  8. Why wear a mask to prevent transmission of the COVID-SARS2 only to inject yourself with it later?
  9. COVID19 or BS19?
Know The Risks

Scientists allege that there are more than 200 different varieties of cold viruses. This is because viruses continually mutate to become variants, as is their nature, over millennia.

COVID comes from the family of Coronavirus … i.e., the common cold and/or flu. However, there is no vaccine for the common cold/flu and there never has been. Why? Because symptoms of colds and flus are expressions of detoxification from your body’s immune system to bring you to recovery.

Studies on people who were exposed to Covid and then recovered have shown that their antibodies remained pretty stable, and only dropped “modestly” after six or eight months. Another promising outcome: coronavirus-specific B and T cells (which work together to remember and destroy infections) also appear to increase and remain high after infection.

What about the risks from experimental vaccines?

recent study published in the journal PLOS Biology was presented by some media as claiming that certain vaccines make viruses more dangerous. A study from 2001 published in the Journal Nature stated the same thing.

Not widely publicized, the COVID-SARS2 vaccines can increase your risk of “breakthrough infections,” while continuing to test positive for COVID and variants. And Israeli study showed:

Interestingly, the evidence showed that these breakthrough infections with the B.1.1.7 variant occurred slightly more often in people after the first vaccine dose compared to unvaccinated people.

They identified nearly 250 instances [out of 800 tests] in which an individual became infected with SARS-CoV-2 after receiving their first vaccine dose, meaning that they were only partially protected. Almost 150 got infected sometime after receiving the second dose.

In fact, in a recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine, NIH-supported researchers detailed the experiences of two fully vaccinated individuals in New York who tested positive for COVID-19. Could the reaction be a reinfection based in Newton’s 3rd law where every action has an equal and opposite reaction? Inject the infection, get the infection?

The Virus and the Exosome

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. – William Shakespeare, play Romeo and Julie

The virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word. – William A. Wells Journal of Cell Biology

Viruses are produced within each cell and cannot survive on their own. Viruses are not organisms. Therefore, they are not contagious. You cannot “catch a virus.” Viruses are really self-cleaners known as exosomes.

Demonizing exosomes is the lie that explains the dangers of the flu vaccine and the failure of the annual flu vaccine program, year after year. It explains why the Germ Theory is only a theory, and does not exist in reality.Exosomes are cell-made to detoxify the cell. When they leave the cell, they die. Exosomes are part of each individual’s innate healing system.

For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth

Your immune system creates viruses as exosomes and then your body expresses them, job done! Your risk of ever “catching a virus” is zero, unless that virus is embedded inside a tissue specimen and injected into your body, bypassing your innate immune system.

Get ready! Each new variant, determined by the CDC, will come with its own vaccine.

Remember, when it comes to all vaccines, there is no liability to pharmaceutical makers or doctors, no informed consent to patients, no insurance coverage for experimental procedures, and no COVID study data to prove effectiveness, or lack thereof.

You, the recipient assumes all the risk by your consent.

When it comes to the variant and the vaccine, you are asked to make a choice: will you be part of the experiment or part of the control group?



Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at

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Why on Earth Do People Wear Masks?

Why on Earth Do People Wear Masks?

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
May 8, 2021


There is much more evidence supporting the fact that masks should not be worn. Over a dozen scientific papers show clearly that masks are ineffective in preventing the movement of infective organisms and/or reduce oxygen levels, and expose wearers to increased levels of carbon dioxide. Over a dozen studies failed to show that wearing a mask provides protection against infection. In 2011, a meta-analysis of 17 separate studies proved that none of the research showed masks to be useful in preventing influenza infection. The available medical evidence proves overwhelmingly that masks do no good in preventing the spread of infection but do a great deal of harm to those wearing them.

Here are some of the facts included in the second edition of my hugely popular book Proof that Face Masks do More Harm than Good.

(The book is available as a free PDF on various websites including For months now around 5,000 people a week have downloaded free copies.)

1)  Dr Eric Nepute of St Louis, made a video, which went viral, telling others about what had happened to a four-year-old relative of a patient of his, who nearly died after developing bacterial pneumonia because of prolonged mask use.

2)  At the University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany, an online registry has been set up where parents, doctors, pedagogues and others can enter their observations. On 20.10.2020, 363 doctors were asked to make entries and to make parents and teachers aware of the registry. By 26.10.2020, the registry had been used by 20,353 people. Parents entered data on a total of 25,930 children. The average wearing time of the mask was 270 minutes per day. Impairments caused by wearing the mask were reported by 68% of the parents. These included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%).

3)  Kester Disability Rights in the UK helped a disabled woman to win the first face mask discrimination case. The woman was refused access to an unnamed service because she was unable to wear a face mask, and as a result of this egregious discrimination, she was paid £7,000 in compensation. The pay-out was achieved through negotiation as there was no dispute that access had been denied, or that the Claimant had a disability exemption.

4)  In February 21, The North Dakota House of Representatives passed a bill that would prohibit state and local governments, schools and businesses from ordering mask mandates. The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Jeff Hoverson who described the rules requiring face masks as ‘diabolical silliness’ also said, ‘The mask is a part of a larger apparatus of a movement of unelected, wealthy bureaucrats, who are robbing our freedoms and perpetuating lies.’

5)  Fifteen million face masks provided to pharmacists in Belgium to be distributed free of charge, caused health chiefs some concern when it was discovered that the face masks might contain nanoparticles of silver and titanium dioxide that when inhaled could lead to pneumonia.

6)  In March 21, a 13-year-old boy was banned from attending classes at the British International School, Stockholm in Danderyd, until he agreed to remove the face mask he was wearing. The public Health Agency of Sweden states, ‘Children do not need to wear face masks. It is difficult for children to handle and wear face masks the right way, and children are not the drivers (of infection) in this epidemic and do not spread infection in the same way as adults’.

7)  A recent study in the Journal Cancer Discovery found that inhalation of harmful microbes can contribute to advanced stage lung cancer in adults. It is known that long-term use of face masks may help breed dangerous pathogens. Microbiologists agree that frequent mask wearing creates a perfect, moist environment in which microbes proliferate before entering the lungs. The invading microbes travel down the trachea and the bronchi until they reach the tiny alveoli. ‘The lungs were long thought to be sterile, but we now know that oral commensals – microbes normally found in the mouth – frequently enter the lungs due to unconscious aspirations,’ reported Leopoldo Segal. Study Author and Director of the Lung Microbiome Program and Associate Professor of Medicine at New York University Grossman School of Medicine. According to the study, after they have invaded the lungs the microbes cause an inflammatory response in proteins known as cytokine IL-17. ‘Given the known impact of IL-17 and inflammation on lung cancer. We were interested in determining if the enrichment of oral commensals in the lungs could drive an IL-17-type inflammation and influence lung cancer progression and prognosis,’ said Segal. Whilst analysing lung microbes of 83 untreated adults with lung cancer, the research team discovered that colonies of veillonella, prevotella, and streptococcus bacteria, which may be cultivated through prolonged mask wearing, are all found in larger quantities in patients with advanced stage lung cancer than in earlier stages. The presence of these bacterial cultures is also associated with a lower chance of survival and increased tumour growth regardless of the stage.

8)  Each month, it is estimated that 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves are used and disposed of globally. A lot of this waste is ending up in landfills, waterways and oceans, which is having a harmful effect on wildlife – particularly sea life. Non-reusable masks, which are made out of plastics such as polypropylene, take around 450 years to biodegrade, making them just as environmentally unfriendly as plastic carrier bags.

9)  According to the UK Government’s website (at the time of writing), the following do not need to wear a face covering:

1) children under the age of 11 (Public Health England does not recommend face coverings for children under the age of 3 for health and safety reasons)

2) people who cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability

3) where putting on, wearing or removing a face covering will cause you severe distress

4) if you are speaking to or providing assistance to someone who relies on lip reading, clear sound or facial expressions to communicate

5) to avoid harm or injury, or the risk of harm or injury, to yourself or others – including if it would negatively impact on your ability to exercise or participate in a strenuous activity

6) police officers and other emergency workers, given that this may interfere with their ability to serve the public.

10 . The UK Government’s website has this to say about exemption cards:

If you have an age, health or disability reason for not wearing a face covering:

1)  You do not routinely need to show any written evidence of this

2)  You do not need to show an exemption card

This means that you do not need to seek advice or request a letter from a medical professional about your reason for not wearing a face covering. However, some people may feel more comfortable showing something that says they do not have to wear a face covering. This could be in the form of an exemption card, badge or even a home-made sign. Carrying an exemption card or badge is a person choice and is not required by law.

11.  There is a considerable amount of evidence from around the world to show that politicians who have ordered the public to wear face masks have themselves benefitted financially. For example, in the UK the National Audit Office found that companies recommended by MPs, peers and ministers’ offices were given priority as the Government sought to obtain Personal Protective Equipment.


At no previous time in history have large numbers of people been forced to wear masks. The long-term physical and psychological consequences are unknown though those ordering that masks be worn are no doubt aware of the extraordinary risks and of the way that masks can be used to oppress and subjugate a population. The evidence clearly shows that mask wearing is likely to do no good but a great deal of harm. The big lie, which the WHO, governments everywhere and YouTube want to disseminate, is that wearing masks is essential to control covid-19. But the medical and scientific evidence (banned by YouTube and most mass media) shows that masks have little or no useful effect but can increase the risk of infection and can make breathing difficult.

There is little doubt that masks do far more harm than good. Cloth masks are permeable to 97% of viral particles. A study by the University of East Anglia concluded that wearing masks was of no benefit and could increase infection. Experts in respiratory disease and infection protection from the University of Illinois have explained that face masks have no use in everyday life – neither as self-protection nor to protect other people.

A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine concluded that neither fabric masks nor surgical masks can prevent the spread of covid-19 by coughing. An article in the New England Journal of Medicine, published in May 2020 concluded that masks offer little or no protection and that the call for masks to be compulsory was an irrational fear reflex. A German study showed that masks had no effect on infection rates. Dr Fauci, the American covid-19 supremo, expressed real doubts about masks. On May 28th 2020, he admitted masks are little more than symbolic. Virtue signaling.

A meta study on influenza, published in May 2020 by the CDC in America, found that face masks were of no help. The available evidence shows clearly that masks do not work but do have the potential to cause a variety of health problems – including short-term problems such as breathlessness and long-term problems such as brain damage and death. And yet, despite all this, there have been suggestions from various authorities that mask wearing and social distancing will need to be permanent. It has also been suggested that masks should be worn in the home. The sceptical will find it impossible to avoid the conclusion that there is far more to masks (and compulsory mask wearing) than meets the eye.

Copyright Vernon Coleman May 2021


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COVID Vaccine Deaths: The Numbers Point to a Catastrophe

COVID Vaccine Deaths: The Numbers Point to a Catastrophe

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 10, 2021


A new May 4 report by independent researcher, Virginia Stoner, reveals US vaccine-death figures. The report is titled, “The Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine Coverup.”

Stoner uses the US government’s own numbers.

Here are key quotes from her report:

“There has been a massive increase in deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) this year. That’s not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that’s an indisputable fact.”

“We’re talking about a huge and unprecedented increase—so massive that in the last 4 months alone, VAERS has received over 40% of all death reports it has ever received in its entire 30+year history.”

“The increase in VAERS death reports is not due to more vaccination.”

“Most recently, the death count went from 2794 on April 5, to 3005 on April 12, to 3848 on April 26….1054 deaths in 21 days.”

“One hypothesis…is that the elderly and infirm, many in long-term care facilities, were the first to be targeted by the COVID-19 vaccine campaign, and they are much more likely to die coincidentally. These coincidental deaths then lead to an increase in suspected vaccine-induced deaths reported to VAERS.”

“VAERS data just does not support that hypothesis. First, because all age groups—not just seniors—had a dramatic increase in VAERS death reports from COVID-19 vaccines…Across the board, all age groups experienced a dramatic increase in deaths reported to VAERS from the COVID-19 shots—even the under 18 group, which has had very few COVID-19 shots (so far).”

Stoner constructs a chart showing reported deaths from vaccinations in years prior to COVID, and deaths reported so far from COVID vaccines.

For prior years, we’re talking about roughly 100 deaths a year from somewhere between 250 million and 350 million vaccines administered. On the other hand, we’re talking about 3800 deaths from about 150 million COVID shots—not in a full year; in only four months.

The experts would say neither death figure (100 or 3800) is alarming, given the huge number of vaccines administered. But this is a deception.

Over the years, much has been written (even in the mainstream) about what sits behind REPORTED vaccine injuries and deaths. Estimates of TRUE injury numbers range from 10 to 100 times greater than the reported figures.

3800 reported deaths from COVID vaccines would skyrocket when you estimated the true figure.

As Stoner points out in her report, public health officials, in Orwellian fashion, keep repeating, “The vaccine is safe and effective.” A straightforward analysis of their own numbers completely contradicts their stance.

Likewise, the mainstream press, politicians, corporations, and celebrities are on an all-out push to convince the public that the vaccine is a) necessary and b) a marvel, if only the “hesitant” people would “follow the science” and see the light.

Well, some cults are small; that one is huge.

Virginia Stoner’s report is a stark refutation of the conspiracy theory the cult is promoting.

When the entire population is being subjected to a vast experiment deploying a never-before-released RNA technology; when the shot in the arm is actually a genetic treatment; when the entire field of genetic research is riddled with pretense and lies and alarming miscalculations, leading to ripple effects in overall genetic structures; what else would you expect?

You would expect exactly what Stoner’s report shows and implies. The COVID vaccine is a building disaster.


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CDC Reports Two More Infant Deaths Following Experimental COVID Injections During Clinical Trials

CDC Reports Two More Infant Deaths Following Experimental COVID Injections During Clinical Trials

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News
May 7, 2021


The CDC released more data in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) today, and it included two new deaths of infants age 2 and age 1.

While none of the COVID injections have emergency use authorization for children under the age of 17 yet, there are ongoing trials with children being injected with the experimental shots as young as 6 months old.

One of the infants who died was apparently in a Pfizer trial, while the other one was apparently in a Moderna trial.

VAERS ID 1255745 involved a 2-year-old baby girl in Virginia who died 5 days after she was injected. The VAERS entry appears to be made by a family member who laments that the child’s death “was going to happen anyway,” apparently repeating what health officials were telling them, and that they would probably claim her death “had nothing to do with the shot.”

VAERS ID1255745 – Pfizer

Symptoms: Death, Product administered to patient of inappropriate age

SMQs:, Medication errors (narrow)

Write-up: she was going to die/dies after vaccine; 2-year-old patient; This is a spontaneous report from a non-contactable consumer via a Pfizer-sponsored program.

A 2-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), second dose at the age of 2-years-old via an unspecified route of administration on 25Feb2021 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as single dose for covid-19 immunisation.

The patient”s medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. It was reported that the 2-year-old dies after vaccine on 03Mar2021. Reported on VAERS.

Look for the researchers to exclude her from the study, probably claiming her death had nothing to do with the shot, she was going to die that day, five days after vaccination anyway.

That”s how they roll. The patient died on 03Mar2021. The outcome of the event was fatal. No follow-up attempts are possible. Information on lot/batch cannot be obtained. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: she was going to die

VAERS ID 1261766 involved a year-old baby boy in Florida who suffered convulsions and seizures after the Moderna shot and died 2 days later.

VAERS ID1261766 – Moderna

Symptoms: Body temperature increased, Death, Seizure

SMQs:, Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Convulsions (narrow), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Generalised convulsive seizures following immunisation (narrow), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad), Hypoglycaemia (broad)

Write-up: increased body temperature, seizure, death

TV Doctor Puts 5-Year-Old and 7-Year-Old Children on TV After Participating in Duke Pfizer Trial for Children Age 5 to 11

I can’t even imagine what it takes to convince parents of young children to allow their children to be guinea pigs for a vaccine trial.

In what looks more like a publicity stunt to convince parents and children to sign up for the experimental COVID shots, Dr. Cameron Wolfe, an infectious disease specialist at Duke University who makes regular appearances on WRAL-TV talking about COVID, brought his two children on TV to show how they got the experimental shots and are now “feeling great and full of energy.”

A clinical trial at the Duke University Health System is currently studying its use on ages 5 to 11.

WRAL News spoke with two young boys who are excited to be part of that trial.

Their father is someone who has become familiar in the Triangle during the pandemic. Dr. Cameron Wolfe, infectious disease specialist at Duke, makes regular appearances on WRAL-TV talking about COVID.

He and his wife, who is also a doctor, hope sharing their story about their kids getting the vaccine will encourage other parents about the vaccine’s safety.

Wolfe tweeted photos of his boys getting their second doses of the Pfizer vaccine on Monday.

Drs. Sarah and Cameron Wolfe said they had no reservations about their 5-year-old Lachlan and 7-year-old Callum joining the Duke trial for kids ages 5 to 11.

“I think it was an easy choice to get the vaccine, and early,” said Sarah. “We were going to have peace of mind for caregivers, teachers, and the kids they interact with in school that we were adding safety.”

And the kids were eager to get the shots.

“I thought it would protect me. And also stop me from spreading it – protecting me, and protecting everyone else,” said Callum. “And the scientists would get to know if it works on kids also.”

After getting the vaccine, both kids seem to be feeling great – and full of energy.

When asked what he would tell other kids about the vaccine, 7-year-old Callum said, “Well, that you should do it. Because then you’ll be safe and you’ll be protecting everyone else around you.”

His father agrees with him, pointing out that if enough school children get vaccinated, the community can get closer to herd immunity level.

Unlike some of the adult trials where you might get placebo, everyone gets the real shot in this trial. Health officials are looking at dose level and how much to give.

As far as a timeline — Pfizer expects to have approval from the FDA for kids as young as 2 by this fall. (Full story.)

The corporate media, the government health agencies, and the pharmaceutical companies for many months now have been conditioning the public to always expect serious side-effects to these shots, and that when they become seriously ill after an injection, that this is “proof” that the shots work.

And this kind of propaganda works, if one just spends a few minutes on social media reading about people’s reactions.

So if this is the “logic” that convinces people to just accept side effects as “proof” the shots “are working,” what does it mean when there are no side effects (other than maybe injection site temporary pain) and are reported “to be feeling great – and full of energy”?

Was this just a publicity stunt to get more parents and children to sign up for the trials?

For the baby girl in Virginia and the baby boy in Florida who participated in these COVID “vaccine” trials and were added to VAERS, they are not “feeling great and full of energy.”

They’re dead.

They are now just a number, a statistic, to be added to the other 4000+ unprecedented deaths that have been recorded by the CDC following non-FDA approved COVID shots during the last 4 months.

And earlier this week it was announced that Pfizer has requested the “emergency use” authorization on their COVID shot to be fully approved by the FDA, which would open the door to making them mandatory.


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Fauci Defends the Crown, Descends the Evolutionary Ladder

Fauci Defends the Crown, Descends the Evolutionary Ladder

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 6, 2021


Anthony Fauci woke up in the middle of the night.

In the dark room, he saw a man sitting in a chair and reached for his masks on the night table.

“It’s all right, Anthony,” the man said. “I know you don’t wear them apart from public occasions.”

“Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?”

“It doesn’t matter, Little Anthony. Would you like a banana?”


“You’re descending the evolutionary ladder. You’re turning into an ape. You’re losing it.”

“Losing what?”

“The knowledge of freedom, of course, Little Anthony. What it is. How it came to be.”

Fauci stood up, found his bathrobe, put it on, and sat on the edge of his bed looking at the man in the chair.

Recently, Anthony, you expressed annoyance at people questioning you about liberty. You said liberty was not the issue. The issue was public safety and health.

Well, it is. Safety. Freedom from lockdowns is CONDITIONAL. WE, the professionals, decide…

Are you sure you don’t want a banana, Anthony? Maybe a nice peach. They’re coming into season. I think I have a bag of peanuts in my car.

Stop that with the fruit. No one can be free until the virus is under control.

Anthony, remember John Adams? “There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.”

That was in the 18th century. We didn’t have a PCR test then.

How about a bag of grapes or a melon? Adams also wrote, “…mighty struggles and numberless sacrifices made by our ancestors in defense of freedom.” Anthony, you toss aside freedom with a casual shrug—you have no knowledge of the ten thousand years of war fought to achieve even the BEGINNING of liberty—spilled blood, courage…

I’m a scientist.

And that excuses you? Little Anthony, little ape, there is a line that can’t be crossed. You can’t take away people’s Constitutional freedom FOR ANY REASON. You can’t take it away because of floods, earthquakes, volcanos, war, disease, terror attacks.

We did. We did take it away. We imprisoned millions in their homes.

Yes. And you have great confidence as you swing from branch to branch in the trees. But freedom and liberty are on the move again.

I know which side I’m betting on.

You’ve always been on the side of power for its own sake, Little Anthony. Hubris. It delivers blowback.

I don’t think so. America is a nation of cowards and fools. They’re more than willing to surrender what’s left of their so-called liberty.

The ghosts are gathering, Anthony. They’re coming back. The souls who fought for what you want to take away. “Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” —Consent of the governed. The people give it, and they can remove it.

Nonsense. We’re locked into a system.

You would believe that, because you’re so shortsighted. You believe you can call Liberty counterfeit money and take it out of circulation. The Jesuits at Regis High School and Holy Cross College taught you well. Strategy, advantage, deception. You traded your soul for underground skills. And now you’re gradually slipping back into the monarchy of apes.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Of course you do. Your old teachers would be disappointed in you, Anthony. You’ve been contradicting yourself in public—about masks, the test, the vaccine. The Jesuits taught you Aristotle. You’ve been violating his logic.

I’m the preferred authority. That’s the overriding factor.

Among the other apes. But among humans, rebellion arrives.

This is always the gamble, isn’t it? I’m shoving in all my chips on slavery.

As I said, Anthony, we spirits are coming back. We don’t like what we’re seeing. We can still disturb the sleepers.

I doubt it.

I woke you from your dream of ape glory.

By the way, have you been tested?

I’m immune. To you.

Even if you have no symptoms and are completely healthy, you could be a COVID-19 case.

Remember, Little Anthony, when you said asymptomatic people never ever drive an epidemic through transmission of a virus?

Well, it turns out I misspoke then.

You mean you let the cat out of the bag. Remember when you said masks are useless? And then you said everyone should wear one, then two, then three, and now one again? Remember when you said the PCR test, when performed at high sensitivity, turns out meaningless results—but neglected to mention that all laboratories do in fact perform the test at high sensitivity? Remember when you said the vaccine was the light at the end of the tunnel? And now you’re saying people have to wear masks after they’re vaccinated, and they have avoid large gatherings?

The people don’t understand these issues. They just accept what I tell them to accept.

You’re doing evil things, Anthony. And like all major criminals, you redefine freedom in the process. You make it into a protection racket.

Well that’s what it is. What else do people want?

You’re living proof that devolution of the species is possible. The land crawlers go back into the sea. The many-celled organism retreats into a single cell. The human opts for apehood.

I want to go back to sleep now. I have to give a speech in the morning.

I could take you on a tour of your past crimes, Anthony. It would be a long trip. But I’ll just let those crimes nag at you. Not because you feel guilt. You know your devious actions were necessary to maintain the structure you’re standing on. And the structure, although it looks firm, is unbalanced. The architecture is all wrong. That’s what keeps you up at night.

Nothing is perfect. Every position carries risks. Only the daring succeed.

You’re an ape with homilies.

The virus has many strains and mutations.

There is no virus, Anthony. You know it. I know it. There is a STORY about a virus. Your ape masters have appointed you salesman of the story. You’re a cheap hustler selling a used car.

I’m the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Presidential coronavirus advisor.

Funny thing, Anthony. I called over there, to NIAID and the White House, and they said they’d never heard of you. I asked several people.

Don’t be ridiculous.

I’m serious. One person said, after a search, that a research lab connected to NIAID has a monkey in a cage in a lab. They call him “Fauci,” but no one seems to know why.


—For the second time that night, Fauci woke up in bed. He suppressed a howl and grabbed his phone and pressed a name.

A sleepy voice answered. “Who the f—k is this?”

“Hillary, it’s me, Tony. Tell me I’m the head of NIAID. I’m Biden’s coronavirus advisor. Please.”

“Jesus, Tony, having that dream again? Yes, you’re all that. You’re a big shot. We all love you blah-blah. You’re good-looking, sexy, a goddamn matinee idol. Now f—k off and go back to sleep before I have Bill put you in the psych ward at Walter Reed.”

“Bill wouldn’t do that to me.”

“Not my husband, you idiot. Bill Gates.”

“Shit, don’t tell BILL. Please.”

“You’re our boy. Now go back to sleep.”



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According to the CDC 4,178 Americans Have Died Following Experimental COVID Injections

According to the CDC 4,178 Americans Have Died Following Experimental COVID Injections


CDC: 4,178 Americans DEAD Following Experimental COVID Injections – Deaths from COVID Shots now Equal 21 Years of Recorded Deaths Following Vaccines Since 2001

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News 
May 5, 2021


The CDC has just released the newest total of deaths reported following the experimental COVID shots since they were granted emergency use authorization (EUA) in early December through May 3, 2021, and that total now stands at 4,178 deaths reported to VAERS. (Source.)

The number of deaths recorded following the experimental COVID injections now equals the total number of recorded deaths following vaccines for the past 21 years.

We have previously covered the work of Dr. Peter McCullough, a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He is a Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center.

Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with over 1000 publications and over 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

He is the most published scientist in the history of his field.

He was recently interviewed by Alex Newman of The New American.

During this interview he stated:

A typical new drug at about five deaths, unexplained deaths, we get a black-box warning, your listeners would see it on TV, saying it may cause death. And then at about 50 deaths it’s pulled off the market.

Dr. McCullough compared what is happening today with the experimental COVID shots, which now have 4,178 recorded deaths, according to the CDC themselves, with the last time a vaccine was given an EUA in 1976 during the “Swine Flu Pandemic.”

In 1976 they attempted to vaccinate 55 million Americans with the experimental shot, and it had a recorded 500 cases of paralysis and 25 deaths, and so it was pulled from the market.

What we are seeing today with so many recorded deaths after the use of experimental pharmaceutical products is unprecedented, according to Dr. McCullough.

Watch the entire interview here.

The U.S. Government is Deliberately Allowing Big Pharma Kill American Citizens – Children are Next

The official response to all these recorded deaths in VAERS by the CDC remains:

A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines. 

The only thing that changed this week, after the FDA gave the go ahead to resume using the Johnson and Johnson COVID shots that cause fatal blood clots, is that they added this disclaimer:

However, recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets—which has caused deaths.

So they admit there is a causal relationship of the shots causing death, but they put it back on the market anyway, claiming that these adverse events are “rare.”

The next target for these killer injections are children, as Pfizer has applied for emergency use authorization with both the FDA in the U.S., and the EMA in Europe, to inject 12 to 15 year olds with their experimental COVID mRNA shots. (Source.)

FiercePharma has reported that Canada has just approved the Pfizer shot for 12 to 15 year olds. It was announced on Pfizer’s website today.

And the majority of the world’s population seems to be oblivious to the fact that genocide is happening right in front of our eyes, and prefer instead to believe the government “health authorities” who are lying and telling everyone this really isn’t happening.


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Legal Resources from Children’s Health Defense

Legal Resources from Children’s Health Defense


The Children’s Health Defense Legal Section has extensive legal resources that make aware and acquaints individuals about their legally protected rights to encourage, engage and empower individuals in a fight to preserve their fundamental human rights and on issues critical to health freedom.


Notice for Employers, Universities and Other Institutions Mandating Covid-19 Masks

Notice for EUA Masks


Notice for Employers, Universities and Other Institutions Mandating Covid-19 Tests

Notice for EUA Testing


Notice for Employers, Universities and Other Institutions Mandating Covid-19 Vaccines 

Notice for EUA Vaccines

Tucker Carlson: Americans Shouldn’t Be Forced to Take One-Size-Fits-All Vaccine

Tucker Carlson: Americans Shouldn’t Be Forced to Take One-Size-Fits-All Vaccine
Fox News commentator, Tucker Carlson, told viewers even though President Biden said COVID vaccines won’t be mandated, Biden is supporting mandates by allowing private industry to require the vaccines.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
May 4, 2021


In the segment below on last night’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson said, “there are unresolved concerns” about the long-term health effects of COVID vaccines, including on female fertility and pregnant women.

The American people should not be forced to take a one-size-fits-all medical treatment, Carlson explained. “No medicine is designed for every person in all circumstances,” he said.

Last month, the Biden administration said the federal government will not require all Americans to get the COVID vaccine, nor will it require vaccination passports. But the truth is, when it comes to COVID vaccines, President Biden is not pro-choice, he’s pro-mandate, Carlson said.

He added:

“The question of whether to take them, whether to have powerful drugs injected into your body is the most intimate kind of personal health decision. Politicians and bureaucrats should have no role in a decision like that.”

But just because there’s no federal mandate to get the COVID vaccine doesn’t mean you or your family won’t be required to get it, Carlson explained. With support from the Biden administration, “private industry and nonprofits may be forcing you to,” he added.

Carlson noted that colleges and universities are requiring COVID vaccinations in some form, including the entire University of California system, the largest in the country.

Based on what we know about COVID and its effect on young people, Carlson said it doesn’t make sense to require them to get the vaccine — yet nobody is asking why college students need the vaccine.

“Why would we immunize people against a virus for which they already have antibodies?” Carlson asked. On top of that, he reminded viewers, no coronavirus vaccines have been fully licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Carlson said:

“From a medical standpoint, it’s hard to understand the reasoning behind this. As a group, young people are not at risk of dying from COVID. Huge numbers of college students have already been infected with the coronavirus and therefore have natural immunity to it.”

Watch Tucker Carlson’s segment here:

© May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Parallels Between GMO COVID Vaccine and GMO Crops; Lessons Not Learned

Parallels Between GMO COVID Vaccine and GMO Crops; Lessons Not Learned
“Although gene therapy has never cured a disease across the board, it’s extraordinarily safe and effective, because we say it is.”

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 5, 2021


The COVID vaccine is a gene treatment. RNA is injected into the body, for the purpose of forcing cells to manufacture a protein. The promise? Protection against a purported virus.

The first generation of Monsanto crops followed the same pattern. Genes were injected into plants. Like a vaccine, its purpose was protection; in this case, against Monsanto’s own herbicide poison, Roundup.

The overall health of the crops and the human body were reduced. The nutritive value of the crops diminished; super-weeds on the GMO farms flourished. The huge number of adverse effects from the vaccine testify to expanding human damage.

The Monsanto genes in the plants drifted. They were found in non-GMO plants, in soil bacteria, and human gut bacteria.

The RNA in the vaccine and/or its products appear to have shed and drifted from person to person, given the large numbers of reports from unvaccinated women who, after coming into contact with vaccinated persons, experienced interrupted patterns of menstruation, bleeding, and miscarriages.

As I wrote the other day, Pfizer’s own warnings about its COVID vaccine include pregnant women coming into the proximity of vaccinated persons (“inhalation, skin contact” mentioned).

Both GMO crops and the GMO vaccine are imposed, top-down, on the population, from corporate giants who are reaping massive profits. Continuing propaganda campaigns are designed to convince famers and the general population to accept and celebrate the dangerous GMO crops and the GMO vaccine.

Governments protect and run interference for the companies who produce the GMO crops and the vaccine.

Bill Gates is an ardent supporter, publicist, and funder of GMO crops and GMO vaccines. He keeps asserting, like a psychotic baron living in a castle on top of a mountain, that the crops and the vaccine will save the world.

Many critics of the GMO vaccine are unaware of (or have forgotten about) the dangers of GMO crops. And many critics of GMO crops fail to realize (or are afraid to criticize) the dangers of the COVID GMO vaccine.

Huge numbers of people in the general public blithely accept the (fake) science surrounding GMO crops and the GMO vaccine. “The experts must know what they’re talking about.”

The patents on both GMO crops and the GMO vaccine are jealously guarded by the corporations who control them. In both cases, ignorant people are calling for these patents to be made into open-source information—unaware that both technologies are highly dangerous and destructive.

The general field of genetics research—of which these crops and vaccines are products—is filled with liars, who claim their experimental work is safe and foolproof, when in fact the literature is rife with examples of ripple effects. The introduction of genes into organisms creates many unpredictable changes in genomes. “We have everything under control”—the battle cry of vaccine and crop researchers.

Agriculture and the human body are both viewed, from the ivory tower, as deficient and diseased, in need of genetic alteration.

Overall, genetic tinkering is a disaster already happening.

Ethical scientists who want to put moratoria on this research are being sidelined and ignored.

Manic technocrats see genetic modification as the massive gateway into a Brave New World, where humans are divided into gen-rich and gen-poor classes, from birth. From before birth.

Here are two mind-bending quotes from admired experts:

Lee Silver, Princeton University molecular biologist, predicts our future:

“The GenRich—who account for ten percent of the American population—all carry synthetic genes. All aspects of the economy, the media, the entertainment industry, and the knowledge industry are controlled by members of the GenRich class…”

“Naturals work as low-paid service providers or as laborers. [Eventually] the GenRich class and the Natural class will become entirely separate species with no ability to crossbreed, and with as much romantic interest in each other as a current human would have for a chimpanzee.”

“Many think that it is inherently unfair for some people to have access to technologies that can provide advantages while others, less well-off, are forced to depend on chance alone, [but] American society adheres to the principle that personal liberty and personal fortune are the primary determinants of what individuals are allowed and able to do.”

“Indeed, in a society that values individual freedom above all else, it is hard to find any legitimate basis for restricting the use of repro-genetics. I will argue [that] the use of reprogenetic technologies is inevitable. [W]hether we like it or not, the global marketplace will reign supreme.”

As shocking as Lee Silver’s assessment is, it’s mild when put up against the pronouncement of Gregory Stock, former director of the program in Medicine, Technology, and Society at the UCLA School of Medicine:

“Even if half the world’s species were lost [during genetic experiments], enormous diversity would still remain. When those in the distant future look back on this period of history, they will likely see it not as the era when the natural environment was impoverished, but as the age when a plethora of new forms—some biological, some technological, some a combination of the two—burst onto the scene. We best serve ourselves, as well as future generations, by focusing on the short-term consequences of our actions rather than our vague notions about the needs of the distant future.”

But don’t worry, be happy. Anthony Fauci, who has a direct pipeline to God, tells us the COVID vaccine is extraordinarily safe and effective. That’s all we need to know. I’ll take the Pfizer, the Moderna, and two AstraZeneca to go. Gift wrap? No, they’re for me. Just put the vials and syringes in a brown bag. I’ll shoot up while I watch the news on CNN. Their experts are reassuring…


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Mask Madness – The Death of Science

Mask Madness – The Death of Science

by Dr. Mark Sircus
May 3, 2021


If you wanted to grow up to be a mass murderer, destroyer of health and happiness, if you wanted to inflict maximum harm on the entire human race, what profession would you choose? Besides being a CEO of a big pharmaceutical company like Pfizer or a maniac like Gates, the perfect job description with the ability to do the most harm would be a public health official.

A group of men and women executed a plan under development for decades to drive people’s health into the toilet. Terrorists without equal, they have armed themselves with the tools to attack the very foundations of life and health. They have deprived people, en mass, of the life/health-giving rays of the sun (depressing vitamin D levels) with their lockdowns.

Top German scientists: chemical cocktail found in some face masks.

Quebec: Potentially toxic masks distributed in schools and daycares.

Through wearing masks, public health officials forced practically the entire human race into hypoxic breathing conditions. Wearing a mask reduces the oxygen we breathe in and increases the CO2 intake. Masks are muzzling suffocation devices that science says are causing great harm. Public health officials and the politicians who ride on their coattails have not the slightest interest in science about masks or vitamin D., And they cannot admit they were wrong, dead wrong even when science tells them they are.

Which party has imposed the most brutal, economy-eviscerating lockdowns and the most punitive mask mandates, while steadily ratcheting up the fearmongering at every opportunity? Mike Whitney

Since the beginning of COVID, we were told to “listen to the public health experts.” Dr. Fauci, Rachel Levine, Tedros Adhanom, Bill Gates (who pretends to know something about medicine), and groups like the CDC, WHO, Gates Foundation, Imperial College, etc. These people and organizations are supposedly the best resources out there for dealing with pandemics and disease spread, but it turns out they are the worst. They got it wrong on just about everything, and the price in terms of suffering and even death is astonishing.

The States Without Mask Mandates Have Lower COVID Rates

The number of new Texas COVID cases has dropped to record lows on the year in the weeks since the state moved to scrap mask mandates, despite hysterical warnings from mainstream media and the Biden regime that ditching the masks would result in mass casualties. One has to wonder about the scale of the harm done to the public with mask mandates. The science presented below begins to answer, but when you read that some want to have two-year-olds wearing masks, we deal with exceptional stupidity, cruelty, or both.

If you think my languaging is overstrong or that I am overblowing the case, read John Whiteheads’s words, “I have studied enough of this country’s history—and world history—to know that governments (the U.S. government is no exception) are at times indistinguishable from the evil they claim to be fighting, whether that evil takes the form of terrorism, torture, drug traffickingsex trafficking, murder, violence, theft, scientific experimentations or some other diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering, and servitude on humanity.

Don’t think that everyone is passive about masks. People all over are demonstrating against mask mandates.

The Science – Facemasks Worse than Useless

A recent Stanford study showed that masks do absolutely nothing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and their use is harmful. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective in blocking the human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious diseases such as SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects.

These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, a decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing a facemask can cause health deterioration, development and progression of chronic diseases, and premature death.

A peer-reviewed study published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) in the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) last week and entitled Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards? concludes that “extended mask-wearing by the general population could lead to relevant effects and consequences in many medical fields.”

Effects of mask-wearing examined in the study include an increase in breathing resistance, increase in blood carbon, dioxide decrease in blood oxygen saturation, increase in heart rate, decrease in cardiopulmonary capacity, feeling of exhaustion, increase in respiratory rate, difficulty breathing, and shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, feeling of dampness and heat, drowsiness (qualitative neurological deficits), decrease in empathy perception, impaired skin barrier function with acne, itching and skin lesions.

Gates, who pretends to be smarter than everyone, thinks there is no downside to wearing masks. He must be right, and science is wrong. Back to the dark ages is what COVID, Bill Gates, Fauci (I hate to call him a doctor), and the World Health Organization has brought us. Gates does not have the intelligence to understand why people resist wearing masks. Both he and his wife believe, “Every single person should be wearing a mask without exception.” Fauci and the CDC want us to wear two masks to double the trouble with mask side-effects, which can be quite severe.

Who should we believe, medical scientists at Stanford or the Gates? Nick Dearden, executive director of Global Justice Now, characterized Gates’ remarks — and the ideological framework behind them — as “disgusting.” “Who appointed this billionaire head of global health?” asked Dearden. “Oh yeah, he did.”

The pore size of cloth face coverings ranges from ~ 20-100 microns.  The COVID virus is 200-1000x smaller than that, at 0.1 microns. Putting up a chain-link fence will not keep out a mosquito. Even the most esteemed medical journals admit their purpose is to calm anxiety. “Expanded masking protocols’ greatest contribution may be to reduce the transmission of anxiety,” writes Dr. Simonie Gold.

The publication of a long-delayed trial in Denmark was one of the first current studies in the Age of COVID to pour cold water on masks. The ‘Damask-19 trial’ was conducted in the spring with over 6,000 participants when the public was not being told to wear masks, but other public health measures were in place. Unlike other studies looking at masks, the Danmask study was a randomized controlled trial – making it the highest quality scientific evidence.

In the end, there was no statistically significant difference between those who wore masks and those who did not when it came to being infected by Covid-19. 1.8 percent of those wearing masks caught Covid, compared to 2.1 percent of the control group. As a result, it seems that any effect masks have on preventing the spread of the disease in the community is small.

Older Science Confirms Masks Are Worthless

A May 2020 meta-study on pandemic influenza published by the US CDC found that face masks had no effect, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control.

July 2020 review by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine found that there is no evidence for the effectiveness of cloth masks against virus infection or transmission.

A Covid-19 cross-country study by the University of East Anglia came to the conclusion that a mask requirement was of no benefit and could even increase the risk of infection.

An April 2020 review by two U.S. professors in respiratory and infectious disease from the University of Illinois concluded that face masks have no effect in everyday life, neither as self-protection nor to protect third parties (so-called source control).

An article in the New England Journal of Medicine from May 2020 came to the conclusion that cloth face masks offer little to no protection in everyday life.

July 2020 study by Japanese researchers found that cloth masks “offer zero protection against coronavirus” due to their large pore size and generally poor fit.

A 2015 study in the British Medical Journal BMJ Open found that cloth masks were penetrated by 97% of particles and may increase infection risk by retaining moisture or repeated use.

Oxygen Deprivation

In Massachusetts, people are fined if they are not wearing masks outdoors – even children as young as five are forced to do so by law. In some places like Michigan the governor wants children as young as two. She should be brought up on charges of serial child abuse.

Eric Toner, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, one of the inside organizations for pandemic planning, said,  “I think that mask-wearing and some degree of social distancing, we will be living with — hopefully living with happily — for several years.” The original title of this essay was ‘Psychotic Belief in Masks.’ Toner certainly qualifies in terms of being psychotic about masks.

Requiring children to wear masks does more harm than good, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, told The Epoch Times. Bhattacharya advised Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis not to make children don face coverings.

What will be the effect will be of depriving oxygen to billions of people for years? How happy will that make people? Or inhaling dangerous amounts of CO2, what is that going to do to peoples’ health after several years or even after only a few weeks or months.

In one study, researchers examined the blood oxygen levels in 53 surgeons using an oximeter. They measured blood oxygenation before surgery as well as at the end of surgeries.4 The researchers found that the mask reduced the blood oxygen levels (pa02) significantly. The longer the duration of wearing the mask, the greater the fall in blood oxygen levels.[1]

A drop in oxygen levels (hypoxia) is associated with an impairment in immunity. Studies have shown that hypoxia can inhibit the type of primary immune cells used to fight viral infections called the CD4+ T-lymphocyte. This occurs because the hypoxia increases the level of a compound called hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), which inhibits T-lymphocytes and stimulates a powerful immune inhibitor cell called the Tregs.

Decreasing the amount of oxygen people breathe by forcing people to wear masks is cruel and medically stupid. Under the mask, O2 readings drop from a regular 21 to an unhealthy 17.5, ringing the alarm of the official OSHA devices that measure such things. No one has mentioned or measured what happens when two masks are simultaneously worn.

The usual amount of CO2 in the air is approximately 400 ppm. When measured around the nose or the mouth, it would be higher. But wear a mask, and concentrations shoot up into thousands of ppm. This is not healthy! Carbon dioxide in the air we breathe usually is at 0.0390 percent. When we breathe out, it is 4.0 percent.

The minimum oxygen concentration in the air required for human breathing is 19.5 percent. Approximately 78 percent of the air we breathe is nitrogen gas, while only about 20.9 percent is oxygen. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, determined the optimal range of oxygen in the air for humans runs between 19.5 and 23.5 percent.

Not Enough Oxygen: Side Effects

Serious side effects can occur if the oxygen levels drop outside the safe zone. When oxygen concentrations drop from 19.5 to 16 percent and engage in physical activity, your cells fail to receive the oxygen needed to function correctly. So wearing masks is not indicated for any reason because masks represent slow suffocation.  Not quite as bad as strangling a person or killing them outright by completely cutting off their breath, but across the board, health will be depressed, and death from all causes will increase.

In Oregon, a high school track coach, Dave Turnbull, called for an end to rules mandating mask-wearing during the competition after one of his student-athletes collapsed from “complete oxygen debt.” Track star Maggie Williams was running the 800-meter race when she collapsed to the ground just meters short of the finish line.

Psychotic Beliefs in Masks

A vast swath of the populace has a borderline psychotic belief that a thin piece of cloth will save them from COVID flu, which will not kill 99.9% of Americans. One clear example of mask-induced mental illness is seen in a report that an extremely tolerant, mostly peaceful journalist named Kurt Eichenwald wanted to beat an anti-masker to death. He tweeted: “It’s at a moment like this that I want to find an anti-masker and beat them to death. Since they believe they have the right to kill others, they have surrendered any right to object.”

The CDC is on record about masks– “14 randomized controlled trials did not support a substantial effect on transmission. There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on the transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

More Mask Madness – Governments and Police Loose It

A judge at the Weimar District Court, Christian Dettmar, had his house searched today. His office, private premises, and car were searched. The judge’s cell phone was confiscated by the police. The judge had made a sensational decision on April 8, 2021, which was very inconvenient for the government’s anti Coronavirus measures policy.

Masks could be delaying development among babies.

At the suggestion of a mother, the judge had ruled in a child welfare proceeding pursuant to Section 1666 of the German Civil Code (BGB), Ref.: 9 F 148/21, that two Weimar schools were prohibited with immediate effect from requiring students to wear mouth-nose coverings of any kind.

Some places like Oregon seek to keep COVID mask mandates’ indefinitely.’

American judges are removing children from parental custody for not wearing a mask.

Spain has passed a new law forcing people to wear face masks everywhere outside and even while swimming in the sea. Yes, really.

A New York City judge has removed a 6-year-old girl from her mother because she did not wear a mask while dropping her off outside of the school.

The CDC Thinks 2-Year-Olds Should Wear Masks in Schools, Even If Everyone Else Is Vaccinated

Who Cares About the Planet? Not Health Officials

Certainly not the FDA or Dr. Fauci. The planet may be facing a new plastic crisis, similar to the one brought on by bottled water, but this time involving discarded face masks. “Mass masking” continues to be recommended by most public health groups during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite research showing masks do not significantly reduce the incidence of infection. As a result, it’s estimated that 129 billion face masks are used worldwide each month, which works out to about 3 million masks a minute. Most of these are the disposable variety, made from plastic microfibers.


Connect with Dr. Mark Sircus

Is the Genetic COVID Vaccine Creating a Hurricane Inside Cells of the Body?

Is the Genetic COVID Vaccine Creating a Hurricane Inside Cells of the Body?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 4, 2021


Picture this: Contrary to medical claims, the genetic injection called “COVID vaccination” forces cells of the body to produce not one, but hundreds of DIFFERENT proteins. Some of these proteins launch severe and fatal allergic reactions. Other foreign proteins stimulate the body to produce a powerful and continuing immune response that goes on too long; the person becomes severely ill or dies. Still other proteins, which are inherently needed by the body, are now viewed as evil intruders which must be neutralized…

I’ve written articles criticizing the COVID vaccine, from a number of perspectives. “Criticizing” is too mild a word. [1]

In this article, I want to examine a narrow claim about the COVID RNA vaccine: It instructs cells of the body to manufacture ONE AND ONLY ONE specific protein. [2] [3]

In fact, this is touted as THE major action of the genetic vaccine. Supposedly, that protein is similar to a protein in the purported SARS-CoV-2, and it “prepares and rehearses the body for the real thing.”

However, what guarantee do we have that the cells of the body are manufacturing only the one desired protein during the rehearsal?

How do we know the cells are always making the same protein?

Where is the proof? Where is the large confirmatory study that has examined thousands and thousands of human cells, from thousands of people who have been vaccinated?

I haven’t been able to find such a study.

If it exists, where are the large follow-up studies, carried out by different teams of researchers—verifying or rejecting the original research?

Well, in the analogous area of GMO plants, which are injected with genetic material, long-time researcher and author, Jeffrey Smith, writes about—guess what?—the runaway production of unintended proteins: [4]

“For example, long after Monsanto’s Roundup Ready corn had been consumed by hundreds of millions of people, a team led by Dr. Antoniou found more than 200 significant changes in its proteins and metabolites, compared to non-GMO corn of the same variety. Two of the compounds that increased are aptly named putrescine and cadaverine, because they produce the horrific smell of rotting dead bodies. More worrisome; they are also linked to higher risks of allergies and cancer. Another Monsanto GM corn has a new allergen and their cooked soy has up to seven times the level of a known soy allergen, compared to cooked non-GMO soy.”

There is more. Injected genetic material—as in the COVID vaccine—can cause ripple effects. Jeffrey Smith writes: “…back in 1999, a study showed widespread changes in the DNA due to gene insertion; but many GMO companies conveniently ignored the findings and continue to do so.”

“In that study, scientists studying cystic fibrosis inserted a gene into human cells. Using a microarray, they discovered that the insertion ‘significantly affect[ed] up to 5% of the total genes in the array.’ This means that the presence of a single foreign gene might change the expression of hundreds, possibly thousands of genes. In the case of the human cell being studied, the scientists were at a loss to determine the impact. ‘In the absence of more biological information,’ they wrote, ‘we cannot discern which directions [genetic changes] are better or worse, since any of these may have positive or negative effects’.”

Getting the picture?

The simplistic portrait of the genetic insertion called “COVID vaccine” is ready-made propaganda for a gullible audience.

And as HUGE numbers of serious adverse effects and deaths pile up from the vaccine, the medical establishment has twisted explanations on board:

“If a person experiences ‘severe discomfort’ after vaccination, this is a good sign; the vaccine is working.”

“If a person becomes seriously ill, he was attacked by SARS-CoV-2, or a ‘co-morbidity,’ not the vaccine.”

“If a person dies, that, too, was the virus, or an underlying genetic disorder.”

I refuse to accept—among other lies—that the COVID vaccine forces cells of the body to produce exactly and only the same single protein every time, in every case—unless I see convincing proof.

And I’m NOT talking about a study that takes test samples from a small number of patients. I’m talking about thousands of samples from thousands of patients—which is called SCIENCE, in case anyone has forgotten.

“So, Dr. Mengele, are you sure the COVID vaccine inserts RNA into the correct place in the human cell every time? Are you sure the cells produce only the intended protein?”

“Of course. We’ve shown that in the lab.”

“I’m not talking about the lab, Dr. Mengele. I’m talking about thousands of samples taken from humans after they’ve been vaccinated.”

“Oh no, that would be a very laborious process. We don’t have time for that.”

“In other words, the people of Earth are all vulnerable guinea pigs in your vast vaccine campaign.”

“Of course. I thought this was well understood. We have a captive audience, we have new technology, so we run an experiment. This is what life IS.”







Connect with Jon Rappoport

COVID: Vaccinated People Shedding and Spreading Genetic Disaster to Unvaccinated Women?

COVID: Vaccinated People Shedding and Spreading Genetic Disaster to Unvaccinated Women?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 3, 2021


MANY women are posting reports of disrupted and unusual menstrual cycles, heavy bleeding, and miscarriages.

What’s more, some of these women haven’t received the COVID vaccine, but they’ve been in close contact with others who have been vaccinated—leading to the question:

Can the COVID vaccine (which is actually an experimental genetic treatment) “shed” something harmful that can be passed from person to person?

Perhaps that sounds impossible, but in the world of genetics, much can go wrong.

In fact, for the past 25 years, we’ve had an illustration of shedding right in front of our eyes: GMO crops.

If you recall, Monsanto assured one and all that these crops—genetically engineered to survive the sprayed herbicide Roundup—would flourish, while weeds would succumb to the chemical.

So what actually happened? The weeds were resistant and became super-giants. And the Monsanto genes drifted from farm to farm, contaminating crops that were never meant to be engineered.

The Monsanto genes were “shed” and they spread.

This spread was not only the result of obvious cross-pollination. Bacteria in the soil, and in human digestive systems, also picked up and incorporated the Monsanto genes.

Why couldn’t “shed and spread” occur with a genetic COVID vaccine?

The COVID injection contains a piece of RNA. The RNA nanoparticles enter human cells, forcing those cells to manufacture a protein similar to a protein in the purported SARS-CoV-2 virus. The immune system mounts a neutralizing attack against that protein, thus “rehearsing” to defeat the virus if it comes along later.

That’s the hypothesis.

In practice, who knows how many different dangerous and harmful processes can be detonated in the human body—plus the drifting of those genetic effects from person to person, whether vaccinated or not.

Yes, I know the experts will point out the difference between inserting genes into crops and inserting them into humans. They’ll say the GMO crops are supposed to hold on to those new genes long-term, but the COVID injection only has short-lived genetic effects.

Supposedly, this is true. Supposedly.

The universe of genetic experimentation, however, is rife with problems, mistakes, unintended consequences, as well as efforts to make weapons that attack life at basic levels.

Consider, for example, gene drive technology, which asks the question: what species should we make extinct today?

Why are Bill Gates and the US military involved in forwarding that technology?

A gene-drive scientist says, “I have a plan. By manipulating genes, we can make invasive rodents extinct, on an island where humans are living.”

In the next fraction of a second, a flurry of questions pops up.

The overarching question is: Does this mean genetic manipulation can make ANY species extinct?

Here is a passage from Gene Drive Files, a vital site with an enormous amount of referenced information on the subject:

“Gene drives are a gene-editing application that allows genetic engineers to drive a single artificial trait through an entire population by ensuring that all of an organism’s offspring carry that trait. For example, recent experiments are fitting mice with ‘daughterless’ gene drives that will cascade through mouse populations so that only male pups are born, ensuring that the population becomes extinct after a few generations.”

“Proponents have framed gene drives as a breakthrough tool for eradicating pests or invasive species. However, the Gene Drive Files reveal that these ‘conservation’ efforts are primarily supported by military funds.”

Gene drive technology could be deployed to wipe out troublesome plant-parasites, weeds, crops, animal pests, animals, and…humans. Mull that over with your morning coffee.

Several years ago, certain UN member nations were considering a recommendation to call a moratorium on the use of gene drives. However, Bill Gates showed up to try to squash the moratorium.

The Gene Drive Files reports: “Documents received under Freedom of Information requests reveal that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation paid a private agriculture and biotechnology PR firm $1.6 million for activities on Gene Drives. This included running a covert ‘advocacy coalition’ which appears to have intended to skew the only UN expert process addressing gene drives…”

“Following global calls in December 2016 from Southern countries and over 170 organizations for a UN moratorium on gene drives, emails to gene drive advocates received under a Freedom of Information request by Prickly Research reveal that a private public affairs firm ‘Emerging Ag’ received funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to co-ordinate the ‘fight back against gene drive moratorium proponents’.”

There’s more from the Gene Drive Files. It involves the military:

“A trove of emails (The Gene Drive Files) from leading U.S. gene drive researchers reveals that the U.S. Military is taking the lead in driving forward gene drive development.”

“Emails obtained through a freedom of Information request by U.S.–based Prickly Research reveal that the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has given approximately $100 million for gene drive research, $35 million more than previously reported, making them likely the largest single funder of gene drive research on the planet. The emails also reveal that DARPA either funds or co-ordinates with almost all major players working on gene drive development as well as the key holders of patents on CRISPR gene editing technology.”

“These funds go beyond the US; DARPA is now also directly funding gene drive researchers in Australia (including monies given to an Australian government agency, CSIRO) and researchers in the UK. The files also reveal an extremely high level of interest and activity by other sections of the U.S. military and Intelligence community.”

As I’ve shown in past articles, the latest and greatest gene-editing tools (e.g., CRISPR), which are used for gene drives, are far from slam-dunk precise, despite official assurances.

For example, Nature Communications, May 31, 2017, “CRISPR/Cas9 targeting events cause complex deletions and insertions at 17 sites in the mouse genome.” That’s UNINTENDED genetic “deletions and insertions.”

And how about this study? It was published in Genome Biology on June 14, 2017, and is titled, “CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing induces exon skipping by alternative splicing or exon deletion.” An exon is “a segment of a DNA or RNA molecule containing information coding for a protein or peptide sequence.” So you can see that exon skipping or deletion is a very bad outcome.

In other words, ANY gene editing done on ANY species opens the door wide to all sorts of errors and unforeseen consequences. Doomsday genetic warfare and mutually assured destruction are the far shore of insanity…but closer in, where more limited experiments are taking place, there is no safety zone, either. Insanity reigns there as well.

Read what adorers of genetic experimentation have gushed:

“I went to Monsanto, and I spent a lot of time with the scientists there, and I have revised my outlook, and I’m very excited about telling the world. When you’re in love, you want to tell the world.” (Bill Nye, the Science Guy)

“I know it’s a long shot and people would say it’s ‘too absurd’… but I’m doing this with hopes of making a Mickey Mouse some day.” (Arikuni Uchimura, quoted in “Japan bio-scientists produce ‘singing mouse’”, The Independent, 21 December 2010.)

On the other hand, there is this: “Genetic engineering is to traditional crossbreeding what the nuclear bomb was to the sword.” (Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of Center for Food Safety)

So…we have a new COVID vaccine, based on experimental technology that delivers genetic instructions to cells of the body—instructions to create a protein that would otherwise never be created.

We’re told nothing can go wrong.

We have many examples of genetic technology going very wrong.

Farms that were supposed to be protected from Monsanto gene-drift turned into GMO Monsanto farms. So why couldn’t unvaccinated people turn into vaccinated people, through “shed and spread,” without ever receiving the COVID injection?

The problem is, the officials and experts who would answer that question for us are riddled with conflicts of interest; and they pretend to know what they don’t know; and they’re afraid of losing their jobs if they contradict the party line; and they’re experienced professional liars.

They’ve rewritten the old fable, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. These professionals NEVER cry wolf, no matter what disasters are brewing.

So we can never believe what they say.


On page 67, we find a warning about potential adverse effects of the vaccine. The abstruse term “study intervention” pops up. It surely means “vaccination.” “Environmental exposure” means contact with elements of the vaccine other than by injection.

Warning of adverse effect: “A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:”

“A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.”

“A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.”

These warnings, from the vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer, are shocking. They imply that women can be harmed by breathing in, or contacting by skin, the vaccine as it moves from person to person. Which would be “shedding.”

And what is being transferred from person to person? What is in the vaccine? Genetic material. RNA.

—There is a Coda to this whole business. I write it because I don’t believe in ringing lots of alarm bells and leaving people with nothing but fear.

From personal experience, and 83 years of living, I know that people have an extraordinary ability to outlast elite insanity, no matter what.

Our faith, desire for freedom, creative force, resistance, outrage, immortal refusal to give in; these are the core of a story that has been unfolding for centuries and millennia.

This story goes beyond the forces arrayed against us. Regardless of the machinations brought to bear on humanity; regardless of claims that “there is no way out,” we find ways.

We’re told: WELL, NO ONE CAN REMAIN HEALTHY IN THE FACE OF THAT. “That” is the latest psychotic experiment in which we are the non-voluntary subjects.

But many people do retain their strength, through their inner resources and their overriding faith, and their absolute refusal to knuckle under.

Believe that, don’t believe it; it’s real.

Permanent victimhood is not our destiny.

It never was, it never will be.

Sitting at the big table, shove in all your chips on that decision.

If you do, you’re in a community that has strengths no technocrat or secret society can begin to conceive of.

It’s not over. It’s never over. Time is very long.

We are the cure.

This is the war.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Corona Investigative Committee: International Legal Offensive Part 2 — In Conversation With Lawyers from Greece, France, South Africa, Israel, United States, Namibia

Corona Investigative Committee: International Legal Offensive Part 2 — In Conversation With Lawyers from Greece, France, South Africa, Israel, United States, Namibia


Special Session: International Legal Offensive – Part 2

by Oval Media and Corona Ausschuss
April 30, 2021

Original video available at Corona Ausschuss YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Brighteon and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

In this video, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer of the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee share in conversation with a group of international lawyers and activists. This is part 2 of a 2 part session.

Below you’ll find approximate time markers to help you locate speakers you are interested in listening to. All speakers shared testimony regarding the anti-covid mandates in their countries as well as updates on any current legal action being taken.

Of note was conversation between Reiner Fuellmich and Pastor Dr. John Mosepele of South Africa regarding the unfolding court cases as well as strong grassroots pushback via the churches. 

See related update from Ricardo Maarman on their legal challenge in South African constitutional court about whether or not the co-called COVID-19 virus has ever been isolated — whether the virus actually exists. This legal challenge is briefly mentioned by Pastor Mosepele.

Reiner Fuellmich:  “I looks as though, really John, it looks as though Africa will be key to all of this.”

Pastor Mosepele: “Especially South Africa…It’s the gateway to Africa. We win this lawsuit in South Africa we finish the lie in the whole continent. And then we lay a base for the whole world to rise up.”


Viviane Fischer’s Opening Statement:

Hello. And welcome to the 2nd International Legal Offensive Session of the German Corona Investigative Committee. The Corona Investigative Committee has been — was founded in June of last year and ever since then we’ve been investigating and analyzing the corona virus and lockdown crisis. And, in the meantime, we’ve been expanding our connection with the legal activities from outside of Germany. So we’ve been talking to lawyers from the U.S. and England and other places in the world in order to find out what’s going on on the legal side in these countries — and what the status of the legal system is. And we’ve been rather shocked last time. Last week we had the first session — how devastated the legal system is in the meantime, or has become in the meantime, in quite a few other places. And today we’re back to talk to lawyers and activists from other places in the world…


00:03:00 — Antonios Papantoniou, Lawyer, Greece

00:28:00 — Nikolaos Karvelos, Lawyer, Greece

00:45:00 — Jean-Pierre Joseph, Lawyer, France

Jean-Pierre Joseph shares about a class-action against abusive confinement based on PCR tests. The case will be presented on the 6th of May in the civil court of Paris. They have approximately 1,300 applicants. They are addressing the fact that the government banned the use of safe, alternative medications for treatment of “covid”.

01:02:00 — Pastor Dr. John Mosepele, Pastor, South Africa

Brief excerpts:

Pastor Mosepele: “It looks like corona is not in any lab anywhere in the world. It’s not isolated. It’s not purified. So, the PCR tests, what are they for?”

He spoke about how they are working through the churches to share correct information, to establish communication channels and to wake people up.

Pastor Mosepele: “I’m told that at the end of June in South Africa we will be receiving Pfizer’s — 88 million vaccines of Pfizer. We want to move to the constituional court before that. We want to stop it. We want to move fast.”

Reiner Fuellmich: “We understand that South Africa, and probably the entire continent of Africa, is going to be key to what is going on…Because unlike in any other country where the churches are a complete disaster, in South Africa the churches are still capable of talking to the people and giving them the real information. “

Pastor Mosepele: “We need to move quickly, with proof, and go before the courts, like I said. Challenging regulations is a waste of time. They keep changing them. We have to go to the core of the issues. We have to attack the real issues. Where is corona? Why the PCR testing? What is in the vaccines? What are the contents of the vaccines that you are vaccinating? Because we are told that it’s not even a vaccination against corona, it’s trials… We want those things to be spoken and opposed in the highest court in the country so that they can be held responsible…”

Reiner Fuellmich: “I looks as though, really John, it looks as though Africa will be key to all of this.”

Pastor Mosepele: “Especially South Africa…It’s the gateway to Africa. We win this lawsuit in South Africa we finish the lie in the whole continent. And then we lay a base for the whole world to rise up.”

01:27:00 — Uriel Cohen, Israel People’s Committee, Israel

01:35:00 — Rolem Brown, Lawyer, Israel

Brief excerpt:

Rolem Brown: “The additional problem that they’re facing is that once you’ve gotten vaccinated it’s going to be almost impossible to listen to the other side — because what is the other side going to tell you? You may die.. No one wants to hear this. However, they’re not all going to die. That’s what Pastor John told us. There is hope even for those people. But they’re in grave danger. “

01:54:00 — Tamir Turgal, Lawyer, Israel

Brief excerpt:

Tamir Turgal:”My people have a vow. It’s ‘never again’. And we’re the grandsons. And we will fulfill this commitment. It will never happen again. And what they’re trying to do right now, we will not let it happen.”

02:12:00 — Tom Renz, Lawyer, Ohio, USA

Brief excerpt:

Tom Renz: “What I’ve done is, I’ve very slowly and very carefully developed a team of people that I trust who are helping me with litigation. So we have litigation going in a number of states against the federal government. We’re getting ready to launch another wave of litigation and it will be absolutely massive. We’re working right now — and I can’t discuss the details — but we’re working right now with some funders who may allow us to do some things that we wouldn’t have imagined possible…”


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Significant Jump This Week in Reported Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccine

Significant Jump This Week in Reported Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccine
VAERS data released today showed 118,902 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 3,544 deaths and 12,619 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 23, 2021.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
April 30, 2021


Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines showed a significant jump in reports of injuries and deaths compared with last week’s numbers.

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 23, a total of 118,902 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 3,544 deaths — an increase of 358 over the previous week — and 12,619 serious injuries, up 2,467 since last week.

In the U.S., 222.3 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of April 23. This includes 97 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 117 million doses of Pfizer and 8 million doses of the Johnson &Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

Of the 3,544 deaths reported as of April 23, 25% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 17% occurred within 24 hours and 40% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

This week’s data included three reports of deaths among teens under age 18, including two 15-year-olds and one 16-year-old who died unexpectedly from a blood clot 11 days after receiving her first Pfizer dose.

A 15-year-old female died of cardiac arrest after receiving the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, and a 15-year-old male died of cardiac failure two days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

This week’s VAERS data show:

CDC ignores The Defender, no response after 53 days

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

The Defender reached out to the CDC on March 8 with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines, the status of ongoing investigations reported in the media, if autopsies are being done, the standard for determining whether an injury is causally connected to a vaccine, and education initiatives to encourage and facilitate proper and accurate reporting.

We made numerous attempts to contact the CDC via phone and email. As of April 30, 53 days after our initial inquiry, we still have yet to receive answers to our questions.

First ‘acknowledged’ case of J&J blood clots in a male

On April 27, The Defender reported a 30-year-old California man was hospitalized with blood clots after receiving J&J’s COVID vaccine. It is the first time U.S. public health officials have specifically acknowledged “vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia syndrome” in a male who received J&J’s shot.

The news came days after an independent advisory panel for the CDC on April 23 voted 10 to 4 to recommend the continued use of the J&J vaccine with no restrictions after acknowledging a “possible link” between the vaccine and rare blood clotting disorders, mostly in young people. The panel concluded the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks.

Children’s Health Defense queried the VAERS data for a series of adverse events associated with the formation of clotting disorders and other related conditions. VAERS yielded a total of 1,845 reports for all three vaccines from Dec. 14, 2020, through April 23.

Of the 1,845 cases reported, there were 655 reports attributed to Pfizer, 577 reports to Moderna and 608 reports to J&J — an increase of 448 J&J-related cases in just one week. U.S. health officials only acknowledged 15 blood clot cases associated with the J&J vaccine at the April 16 meeting.

Children as young as 6 months in COVID vaccine trials

On April 27, ABC News reported children as young as 6 months old are now in COVID vaccine trials. Dr. Zinaida Good, research fellow and immunologist at the Stanford Medicine Cancer Center, enrolled both her sons in Stanford Hospital’s Pfizer trial. Good said she and her husband are confident in the safety of the vaccine.

“It would be wonderful if we knew how to communicate better the benefits of the vaccine and its safety. The data is very clear,” Good said. “Those who get vaccines like this, mRNA vaccines, at least they are protected and they don’t really have any real side effects, not any real long-term consequences.”

Dr. Angelica Lacour’s 3-year-old daughter, Eloise, is also participating in the trial for young children. Lacour said she was told about potential side effects. “They said that it’s incredibly rare, but anyone can have an anaphylactic reaction to it. But it’s so rare they couldn’t even give us an example,” Lacour said. “So [side effects were] not something I was very concerned about.”

It is unknown whether Pfizer informed parents of potential side effects beyond just “anaphylaxis.” According to VAERS data, 45,508 of the 118,902 total reported adverse events were attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine. Of those 45,508 adverse events, 13,116 were related to anaphylactic reactions.

Possible link between Pfizer vaccine and heart inflammation

The Defender reported April 26 on details leaked from an Israeli Health Ministry report that raised concerns among experts about a possible link between the Pfizer vaccine and myocarditis.

The preliminary report found 62 cases of myocarditis, including two deaths, in people who received the Pfizer vaccine. Fifty-six of the cases occurred after the second dose of the vaccine, and 55 cases occurred in men — most between the ages of 18 and 30.

Israel’s pandemic response coordinator, Nachman Ash, confirmed “tens of incidents” of myocarditis occurred in vaccinated people, primarily after the second dose, but emphasized the health ministry had yet to draw any conclusions.

Pfizer said it had not detected similar findings in the rest of the world but would look deeper into the phenomenon. Yet a search for “myocarditis” in VAERS revealed 75 cases of myocarditis, with 73% occurring in people between the ages of 17 and 44. Of the reported cases, 33 were reported after the Pfizer vaccine.

COVID vaccines and menstrual cycle disruption

Researchers this week called for clinical trials to track and document menstrual changes in vaccinated women after some women reported changes to their menstrual cycles after receiving a COVID vaccine, The Defender reported April 28.

Women have reported hemorrhagic bleeding with clots, delayed or absent periods, sudden pre-menopausal symptoms, month-long periods and heavy irregular bleeding after being vaccinated with one or both doses of a COVID vaccine.

There’s no data linking COVID vaccines to changes in menstruation because clinical trials omit tracking menstrual cycles. But two Yale University experts wrote in The New York Times last week there could be a connection.

“There are many reasons vaccination could alter menstruation,” wrote Alice Lu-Culligan, an M.D./Ph.D. student at Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Randi Epstein, writer in residence at Yale School of Medicine.

“Periods involve the immune system, as the thickening and thinning of the uterine lining are facilitated by different teams of immune cells and signals moving in and out of the reproductive tract,” Lu-Culligan and Epstein explained. “Vaccines are designed to ignite an immune response, and the female cycle is supported by the immune system, so it’s possible vaccines could temporarily change the normal course of events.”

To find out whether the COVID vaccine truly disrupts menstrual cycles, experts say there needs to be a controlled study with a placebo group. Rather than treat menstrual cycles as unimportant or too complicated, researchers should view tracking periods in future studies as a potential opportunity, Lu-Culligan and Epstein said. Clinical trials should track and document menstrual changes as they do other possible side effects.

Government considering COVID vaccine mandate for U.S. troops

President Joe Biden said today he has not ruled out requiring all U.S. troops to get the COVID vaccine after the shots win final clearance from federal regulators, but cautioned that such a decision would be a “tough call,” Politico reported.

The comments come as the Pentagon sounded the alarm that roughly one-third of troops and 40% of Marines had declined the vaccine as of February, according to congressional testimony from military officials.

In March, a group of Democratic lawmakers demanded Biden make the vaccine a requirement for service members, while Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby confirmed the military’s top brass was weighing a mandatory vaccination order.

As The Defender reported this week, military officials held a virtual town hall this month in which leaders touted the vaccines and urged service members to get vaccinated, or miss out on perks granted exclusively to those who get the vaccine.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


© April 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Can Colleges and Employers Legally Require You to Get Vaccinated? It’s Complicated.

Can Colleges and Employers Legally Require You to Get Vaccinated? It’s Complicated.
Some colleges and employers are mandating COVID vaccines, and some states are proposing laws to prohibit vaccine mandates — leaving the unvaccinated to wonder where they stand.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
April 29, 2021


A slew of colleges and universities are embracing COVID vaccine mandates, telling students if they want to attend classes on campus, they’ll need to be vaccinated.

Meanwhile, a look at job postings across the country reveals many employers are requiring job candidates to get vaccinated, or promise to get vaccinated within 30 days of hire.

Whether you’re a job hunter or a college student, you may soon face the prospect that your future plans could hinge on your willingness to get the COVID vaccine. But can colleges and employers legally require it? The answer is … complicated.

Colleges and universities are moving to mandate

More than 100 colleges across the country will require students to receive COVID vaccines in order to attend in-person classes in the fall, though most will allow medical and religious exemptions.

The list of colleges that will require the vaccine includes StanfordRutgersUniversity of Notre DameDuke UniversityGeorgetown UniversityJohns Hopkins and Yale. Other colleges and universities have said they will require athletes or those who live on campus to get a shot, according to The New York Times.

Many schools, including Boston College, Morehouse College in Georgia, University of California and the California State University systems and George Washington University have similar requirements for employees before they will be allowed to return to in-person teaching.

Colorado’s major public universities announced Wednesday they will require students, faculty and staff to get COVID vaccinations before beginning the fall semester. The mandate means more than 170,000 students — most of the state’s college students — will be required to be vaccinated, according to enrollment data from the Colorado Department of Higher Education.

Although private colleges make up the bulk of schools with vaccine mandates, some public universities have also moved to require COVID vaccination. Students and employees of the University System of Maryland will be required to get vaccinated, said Chancellor Jay A. Perman, who is most concerned about the UK virus variant, which he described in his announcement last week as “more contagious.”

“That’s what we’re preparing for,” Perman said, “more infectious, more harmful variants that we think could be circulating on our campuses come fall.”

Rutgers University announced in March it would require all students be vaccinated in order to enroll for the 2021 fall semester. The announcement prompted Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to remind university officials that federal law prohibits mandating products approved under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

In a letter to Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway, Kennedy, who also serves as chief legal counsel for CHD, wrote:

“Federal law 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III) requires that the person to whom an EUA vaccine is administered be advised, ‘of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.’

“This right of refusal stems from the fact that EUA products are, by definition, experimental and forced participation in a medical experiment could result in injury. Under the Nuremberg Code, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is ‘absolutely essential.’”

According to I. Glenn Cohen, expert on medical ethics and professor at Harvard Law School, there is no federal guidance for colleges and universities mandating COVID vaccination, but there is a well-established practice of universities mandating students receive specific vaccines as a condition of attendance, with exemptions difficult to obtain.

Cohen pointed to a recent case where the California trial court upheld an influenza vaccine mandate by the University of California, a public university, and drew the analogy to K-12 public school mandates. Public universities are on even surer footing with COVID vaccination requirements because there’s a greater public health risk with COVID, Cohen wrote on the Harvard Law Review Blog.

Private colleges are not required to grant religious exemptions under federal law, though some states have the Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRAs), which may be interpreted to require public colleges and universities to provide religious exemptions, Cohen said.

However, both public and private colleges and universities are subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and/or its sister statute the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that require accommodations for students with disabilities, which potentially includes those with medical contraindications to vaccines.

There are also arguments surrounding bodily autonomy and the fact that all COVID vaccines currently approved for EUA in the U.S. are experimental vaccines.

Cohen, like Kennedy, pointed to federal law, which requires notifying recipients “of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product …”

What about employers?

recent survey gathered data from more than 1,800 in-house lawyers, human resources professionals and C-suite executives to analyze plans, strategies and concerns related to COVID vaccination among their workforces.

Results showed fewer than 0.5% of companies currently mandate COVID vaccination for all employees, 6% plan to mandate it for all workers once vaccines are readily available and/or fully approved by the FDA and 3% said they plan to mandate vaccination only for certain workers, such as those in customer-facing roles.

Of those surveyed, 43% said they were unsure and still weighing the possibility of mandating vaccination, while 12% said they planned to bar unvaccinated employees from certain activities, such as travel or interaction with colleagues or customers.

Colleen Connell, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, said government and businesses have the power to impose vaccination requirements to protect public health if justified by data, and the right to refuse vaccines on religious grounds is not absolute.

If people claiming religious exemptions are preventing society from reaching herd immunity, then the “government has a right to insist on vaccinations,” Connell said.

Private employers also have that right as long as they permit religious and public health exemptions and they don’t implement a vaccination program in an arbitrary or discriminatory way — though “hospitals have long required their employees to get annual flu shots,” Connell added.

According to Bloomberg Law, employers generally have legal authority to require their employees get vaccinations, so long as they adhere to federal laws requiring religious and medical accommodations in the workplace. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reaffirmed that authority in December, specific to COVID.

However, as The Defender reported in January, attorneys Mary Holland, CHD president, and Greg Glaser argued states and employers under federal law can’t mandate EUA COVID vaccines.

Holland and Glaser wrote:

“If a vaccine has been issued EUA by the FDA, it is not fully licensed and must be voluntary. A private party, such as an employer, school or hospital cannot circumvent the EUA law, which prohibits mandates. Indeed, the EUA law preventing mandates is so explicit that there is only one precedent case regarding an attempt to mandate an EUA vaccine.”

On April 1, Pfizer and BioNTech offered an updated look at the efficacy of their COVID vaccine. The new efficacy data, plus a safety analysis comprising data from more than 12,000 people who were fully immunized for at least six months, allow Pfizer to file a drug application with the FDA to turn the shot’s EUA into a full approval, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in a statement.

“They know they’re on very shaky legal ground with mandates while vaccines are EUA,” said Holland. “However, these vaccines will likely be licensed, approved and federally recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices in the near future. Yet even then there will be serious legal questions about the validity of licensure and whether these vaccines reach the high threshold for a mandate via Jacobson v. Massachusetts –– the 1905 landmark precedent legalizing vaccine mandates.”

Currently, all 50 states are considering legislation to prevent employers from mandating vaccinations and to protect current and prospective employees who refuse vaccination from discrimination and retaliation.

“I would predict that there will be measures passed in at least a few states that either restrict employers or restrict the concept of a vaccine passport or other proof of vaccination,” said Lowell Pearson, an attorney at Husch Blackwell LLP in Jefferson City, Missouri. Pearson said governors likely don’t have authority to restrict employer mandates via executive orders.

Lawmakers in Missouri are considering HB 838 — which would bar public employers from requiring their workers get vaccinated or imposing vaccine requirements for entry to public spaces.

State legislatures in Ohio, Oklahoma and Tennessee are considering bills that go further than the Missouri measure, proposing a ban on vaccine mandates by any entity, including private-sector employers. Idaho has proposed legislation prohibiting COVID vaccine mandates by any company contracting with the state government.

Only the Wisconsin legislature has sent a bill to the governor this year proposing to ban workplace vaccine mandates, and Democratic Gov. Tony Evers vetoed it.


© April 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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The Non-Existent Virus; and the Implications

The Non-Existent Virus; and the Implications

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
April 26, 2021


Last week, I published Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s devastating critique of the claim that SARS-CoV-2 has been discovered.

Dr. Kaufman offered a blow-by-blow analysis of a typical description of “virus-isolation.” He showed that no such isolation has occurred.

In other words, “here it is,” “we found a new virus”—false. Unsupportable. Fraudulent.

Equally fraudulent, the claim that the “genetic structure of the virus” has been sequenced—-because, if you don’t have a purified isolated specimen of the virus, you have no way (other than fabrication) to claim you understand its structure.

What are the implications?

The COVID PCR and antibody tests are designed to detect a virus that isn’t there.

The COVID case and death numbers—stemming from the virus—are meaningless.

The lockdowns, masks, distancing, the closure of businesses, the economic destruction—all based on stopping the virus—are unnecessary, meaningless, vastly criminal.

People who have been dying have been dying for various other reasons—but their deaths have been relabeled and repackaged as “caused by the virus.”

The vaccine is supposed to protect against…what? The virus that isn’t there.

People who say this monstrous mountain of fraud is too large to be a fraud—well, that’s not an authentic argument. It’s just an expression of preference for established authority; and a preference for a sense of stability created by a lie.

For the past year, I’ve been making the case that no one has proved SARS-CoV-2 exists. Mainstream researchers, in their published studies, have been SAYING they are proving it, but SAYING and PROVING are two very different approaches.

What makes Dr. Kaufman’s analysis so disruptive and accurate is: he took a detailed and typical passage from one of these studies, and he presented a step-by-step refutation of every significant laboratory procedure. He showed that every move the researchers made did NOT lead toward a legitimate conclusion that SARS-CoV-2 exists.

Indeed, Dr. Kaufman’s approach exposes the entire industry of virology. It torpedoes this pseudoscience.

The time-honored process for isolating (discovering) other viruses (e.g., HIV) comes under the same harsh spotlight: researchers say they’ve discovered a virus, but they haven’t come within miles of proving it.

Instead, all they have is the assertion that they are the authorities.

This is the same bald assertion the social-media industry uses to censor information that reveals SARS-CoV-2 has never been discovered.

I would summarize Dr. Kaufman’s analysis with this analogy: You have a large swamp next to a landfill on the edge of a city. The swamp contains a host of toxic chemicals, waste, and genetic material from a number of unknown sources. You observe small fish and insects in the swamp are dying. You decide, based on no evidence, that a virus must be in the swamp, and IT is killing the fish and insects. And THEN you claim that, THEREFORE, you have ISOLATED the virus and demonstrated that it is deadly. AND it is a new virus that no one has ever found before. AND you know the precise genetic structure of this virus.

In other words, you’ve shown the OPPOSITE of isolation. The soup in the swamp never delivers up any evidence of a virus. But you SAY it does.

And this is the basis for declaring a worldwide pandemic.

And no one is supposed to disagree.

And this is science.

And because you’re connected to every government in the world, and every major news source, and to the CDC and the WHO, and to untold numbers of law-enforcement entities, you try to shove this “science” down the throats of 7.8 billion people.

THIS is the gateway to the New Normal and the Great Reset. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the Brave New World will also shove its precepts and structure down the same throats.

And therefore, resistance on many levels—including opening up the economy every-which-way-possible—is necessary. And falls to us to make it happen.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Corona Investigative Committee: International Legal Offensive Part 1 — In Conversation With Lawyers from Germany, Italy, Great Britain, United States, Canada, Austria, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile

Corona Investigative Committee: International Legal Offensive Part 1 — In Conversation With Lawyers from Germany, Italy, Great Britain, United States, Canada, Austria, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile



Special Session: International Legal Offensive – Part 1 

by Oval Media and Corona Ausschuss
April 23, 2021

Original video is available at Corona Ausschuss – Ausweichkanal YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

In this video, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer of the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee share in conversation with a group of international lawyers. This is part 1 of a 2 part session. The second session will be shared here when available.

Below you’ll find time markers to help you locate speakers you are interested in listening to. All speakers shared testimony regarding the anti-covid mandates in their countries as well as updates on any current legal action being taken.

Of note was revelation from Natalia Ravanales in Chile about proposed legislation to allow state-mandated euthanasia. A number of lawyers spoke about the dire situation wherein government is increasingly attempting to take away parental rights and make all children wards of the state.

We created video clips of the testimonies by Leslie Manookian and Michael Swinwood. You’ll find links to those videos below. Brief transcript excerpts from the beginning and end of the video are also shared below.  


Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s opening statement:

Hello. This is the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee. And this kicks off the special international session. It is called International Legal Offensive Part 1. There will be a Part 2 because, we’re so many 1/international colleagues that we won’t fit into one session. Most of us have been collaborating for a while. Some of us are new. And today we’re going to try and find out if there are any special situations that need special attention in any one of the countries who we’re going to talk to today. There has been a very close cooperation between us here in Germany, the Italians, the French, the Austrians, one the one hand, and the Anglo-American countries, in particular Canada and the United States. It is going on. It will probably lead to many more class action complaints. It may even result in a special international corona court. We’ll see. We’ll see where the current lawsuits will take us and where the evidence takes us.


RA Renate Holzeisen

Francis E. Hoar

Dominic Desjarlais

Ana Garner






00:02:46 — RA Renate Holzeisen, Lawyer, Italy

00:28:21 — Francis E. Hoar, Lawyer, Great Britain

00:47:52 — Dominic Desjarlais, Lawyer, Quebec, Canada

01:04:00 — Ana Garner, Lawyer, New Mexico, United States


Leslie Manookian

Andrea Steindl

Gerald Beneder

Dr. Michael Brunner






01:19:00 — Leslie Manookian, President of Health Freedom Defense Fund, United States

01:49:00 — Andrea Steindl, Lawyer & member of the Extra Parliamentary Corona Investigative Committee, Austria
[testimony in German, translated to English by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich]

02:11:00 — Gerald Beneder, Lawyer, Austria
[testimony in German, translated to English by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich]

02:27:25 — Dr. Michael Brunner, Lawyer, Austria
[testimony in German, translated to English by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich]


Miguel Luis Marcelo Iannolfi

Dr. Gustavo Salle Lorier

Natalia Ravanales

Belina Feldman, translator







02:40:07 — Miguel Luis Marcelo Iannolfi, Lawyer, Argentina
[testimony in Spanish, with translation by Belina Feldman, Chile]

03:00:00 — Dr. Gustavo Salle Lorier, Law and Social Scientist, Uruguay
[testimony in Spanish, with translation by Belina Feldman]

03:19:40 — Natalia Ravanales, Lawyer specializing in Human Rights Law, Chile
[testimony in Spanish, with translation by Belina Feldman]


Michael Swinwood

03:50:45 — Michael Swinwood, Lawyer, Canada (speaking from Peru)


Near the end of this special session, Michael Swinwood asks Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:

“Do you think we can organize enough lawyers to take an approach together to either in the International Rights Tribunal or some other international forum?”

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich replies:

“Yes, I do. In fact, Michael, when we started today’s session — hours and hours ago — we started with the German portion. And there’s a former judge who’s advising us and who has been advising us for a while. He’s a retired judge. He is a — he and his wife are child activists. Very smart man. Very experienced. And we, all of us, are beginning to realize that this is about the children. And he — it is about institutionalized child abuse. Probably much worse…

This group of lawyers plus this group of experts that we have — yes, we are a very powerful group of people and we can even make it to the International Human Rights Court or the International Criminal Court.”


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Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on “This Infectious Disease Theater” & the People Behind It

Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on “This Infectious Disease Theater” & the People Behind It

by Stéphane Blais, Foundation for the Defense of the People’s Rights and Freedoms
April 19, 2021


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich speaks with Stéphane Blais, president of the Foundation for the Defense of the People’s Rights and Freedoms (Canada). Also participating in the conversation is Canadian attorney Dominic Desjarlais who is part of the international team of lawyers aligned with the Corona Investigative Committee.

Original video was livestreamed to Foundation for the Defense of People’s Rights and Freedoms on facebook.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Excerpts from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s statements are provided by Truth Comes to Light:

02:51 — Dr. Reiner Fuellmich shares his background and the work that prepared him and his colleagues to form the Corona Investigative Committee

“In the course of this, throughout these 26 years that I have been going to court, I have come to learn that the power of these large corporations — plus the many people who are behind these corporations, who invest their money in these corporations — is enormous. It is so big that they not only influence politicians but they also influence, through the politicians, the courts of law in this country…”
“My colleagues and I kind of knew what this was all about. Except, of course, none of us for the magnitude of this. This is not just one or two or three corporations. It’s a whole bunch of corporations. Plus the people who invested in them. This is a huge power structure.
The good thing is that most of the people who are involved in this on the other side are trying to stay in the shade — trying to stay in the shadows so that people won’t know who they are. But those who are out there, who can be held responsible for the blatant lies that they told world’s community — those are the ones we are going after and I think we’re making headway right now.”


05:52 — Stéphane Blais asks a question about how Corona Investigative Committee was formed.

“…We started out — it is actually three lawyers here in Germany who got together and decided we have so many questions and it so obvious that the government will not answer these questions. One of the questions is, by the way, who does our government work for? Do they work for us, the people, or is it some corporate interest that they now represent? And, because we realized — this is in the summer of last year. I was still in the United States with my wife and my dogs. We have a ranch in northern California. And I realized that this government, German government, will not give us any answers to any of our questions.
The three most important questions are, of course: How dangerous is the virus?  How much damage do these anti-corona measures do — both healthwise and as far as the economy is concerned?  And, how reliable is the PCR test?
The third question is the most important one because everything — all the anti-corona measures, the lockdowns, the mask mandates — everything is based on the Droesten PCR test.
So we started out asking these questions and didn’t get any answers. And that’s when we decided on July 10th of last year that we will set up this Berlin Corona Investigative Committee. And ever since then we interviewed, I think, over a hundred experts, internationally-reknowned experts from all over the world — including, for example, Dr. Mike Yeadon, the former vice president of Pfizer. But many others…”


08:16 — Stéphane Blais asks about what conclusions the committee has come to thus far.

“…The first question ‘how dangerous is this virus’ is very easily answered in the meantime because even the WHO, in accordance with the findings of one of the most quoted scientists in the world, Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University, they have come to the conclusion that this virus is no more dangerous than the common flu, with an infection fatality rate of .14% — I think that’s what the WHO says. Or, this is very recent from John Ioannidis, .15%.
Now, of course, once you get to this point, once you get to this answer, the first question is: “What is this all about?”. I mean, if this is a virus, just like the common flu, what’s happening here? Is this really about health or is there something else going on? And the something else is really important because the second question was ‘how dangerous or how much damage do the anti-corona measures do?’.
And it’s so obvious that this is, as one German cleric pointed out on television, this is like World War III, except there’s no open fighting going on. Yet…”


10:57 — Stéphane Blais asks if the committee has identified any of the people who are at the heart of this crisis.

“We had a chance to interview a few people who used to work for the WHO. And they told us that the whole crisis started here in Germany.
We have a person by the name of Professor Dr. Christian Drosten. He works at Charite University Hospital in Berlin. He was instrumental during the swine flu, which was 12 years ago. Same thing, same story, same actors. Turns out after a year, that was a mild flu.
But 12 years ago the WHO changed their definition of what a pandemic is. Before that it used to be a disease that spreads worldwide (element #1). Element #2 — causing many serious illnesses. And element #3 — causing many, many deaths.
Then they changed that definition and cut out the two later elements and all of a sudden you can start a pandemic only when you have a disease that spreads worldwide. So basically, any common flu can be made into a pandemic. And that’s what they did with the swine flu in 2009 and [20]10 — which eventually turned out to be a mild flu…
The only reason why it was possible to stop matters from getting any worse — I mean, they got bad enough because even then they started to push vaccines as the only solution to that pandemic.
But the only person who kind of stepped in and blew their cover is our friend Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg who was then in a position of power because he was both a member of the German parliament and a member of the Council of Europe.
And he was able to expose this hoax, which it really was. But he was not able to keep the vaccines from getting bought by many of the member countries of the WHO…
The contractual contents are still undisclosed. It’s being kept secret. So a lot of money was being wasted on vaccines then. And many people — and they used these vaccines on many people, not so much in Germany but in other countries.
And the result is that you have, I think 1,300 children — I mean they’re not children any more but back then they were children, mostly from Scandinavia — who are permanently disabled because they suffer from narcolepsy.
So that’s the guy who started this whole thing. This time again — Drosten.
The other person who was involved is the president of the German RKI, Robert Koch Institut, which is the equivalent of the American CDC.
His name is Lothar Wieler. He’s a veterinarian. Strange choice for the head of the RKI.
And then there’s Mr. Tedros who runs the WHO.
But there’s lots of other players who we managed to identify — most of them politicians who are in very, very close cooperation with these guys.
The thing is, we — by accident we found a video of, I think it was May 2019. It was called “Global Health Summit”. And it was a video on a congress that was being held by the German CDU, which is the Christian Democratic Union, which is leading party in this grand coalition which rules our country currently. And the very bizarre thing is that, at this conference there are not just the functionaries, the leaders of that party (of the CDU) but there was also Drosten, there was Wieler, there was Tedros, and the two chief lobbyists of the world’s most important health foundations — The Welcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were also there.
The same people who, a little less than a year later, started the pandemic. The same people who are now the chief advisors of our government.”


16:10 — Stéphane Blais  inquires about what is being done legally and whether international lawyers are cooperating with these efforts.

“There are a lot of lawyers out there who are working on this problem but they have not been connected. And that’s what I try to do. I try to put everyone on the same page so that we would all agree that it’s important to attack the very foundation of this pandemic…”
So the best way to do — to tackle this problem, whatever it is, “virus” — is to let it ride its course. Just like with the common flu. Some of the states in the United States, including Texas and Florida, have opened up again. And what do you see? Nothing! Everything is cool.
So we have decided, rather than getting lost in discussions about whether or not lockdowns make sense or mask mandates make sense — they don’t, we know that…
Rather than getting lost, in my opinion, rather fruitless discussions, we need to attack at the very foundation. And that’s the PCR test.
And again, we need to talk about Mr. Drosten — who is a very strange person.
He calls himself a professor and doctor of virology. We know that he has never written a — what is called a habilitation thesis — which you usually do in order to become a professor of something.
And it turns out that two scientists who tried to find out who this person really is had to realize that his doctorate is probably a fake doctorate.
Supposedly he wrote his doctoral dissertation in 2002 or [200]3. But it was never listed with the national archives. It appeared there for the very first time in June of last year. And that’s when, for the very first time, his doctoral dissertation all of a sudden showed up.
And as his alma mater, which is Frankfurt University, says — well, we didn’t have a copy of it but we were so grateful for him to provide us with a copy.
So this is so bizarre. We think this guy’s a fake. Complete fake.
But what he did is, he’s probably the main — the poster boy for all of this. He is the — here in Germany and because of the WHO’s recommending his PCR test all over the world, he is at the core of this.
So if we manage to prove in a court of law that his two statement — that there’s asymptomatic infections and that the PCR test can tell you about who is infected — if we manage to prove in a court of law that this is false, that these are false statements, we can prove that he made them knowing he was making false statements.
If we manage to show in a court of law — and we just did that in the first case that was decided on April the 8th in a family law court — if we manage to prove this, the whole house of cards is going to collapse.
Because what do you need the notion, the idea, of asymptomatic infections for? Well, up until corona, everyone who didn’t have any symptoms was healthy. Right?
Now you needed to get people to panic all over the world in order to direct their attention towards corona — so they wouldn’t know that the real goal of this whole “plandemic”, as we now call it, is the destruction of the middle class. Not just of the German middle class, but of the world’s middle class.
And in order to create panic you have to make everyone afraid of everyone.
And that’s why he came up with the idea that there are asymptomatic infections. The rest of the world refers to him when they talk about asymptomatic infections.
Fauci, for example, was talking about “the German scientist” when he was explaining about asymptomatic infections. And he meant, of course, his German counterpart Drosten.
And, turns out, there is no such thing as asymptomatic infections. A very recent study conducted in Wuhan China involving, I think, 10 million people came up with the result that there’s no such thing as asymptomatic infections.
And in the meantime, even Fauci and others agreed that if there were asymptomatic infections they would not play any role at all in this entire infectious disease theater.
So — but you needed this notion, this idea, to make everybody afraid of everyone.
Plus you needed this as a foundation for mass testing.
Because why would you test healthy people? You would only test people are healthy — who look healthy, without symptoms — if you believe they are potentially dangerous. That’s what asymptomatic infections are there for…
He knows that this is a false statement because when… he and a couple of other people wrote a preprint in — I think this was February of 2020. And it came to the attention of another scientist by the name of Kai Kupferschmidt.
In this preprint he claims that there is asymptomatic infection and he points as an example — he points to a woman from Wuhan who traveled to Germany (to Frankfurt, Germany) and then on to Bavaria and infected a lot of people. Then he says she didn’t have any symptoms.
Now this scientist by the name of Kai Kupferschmidt says ‘No, no, no, you’re wrong.’ She did have symptoms. She probably got infected because her parents had “covid” and she was taking anti-flu medication. You don’t take anti-flu medication because it tastes so great. You take it because you want to fight the symptoms of something. So she did have symptoms.
Nevertheless, he knew this — Drosten knew this — and he still published his paper.
But still, precisely at that time, he was working on this PCR test. And he published his Drosten protocol, which was then recommended by the WHO and onto the rest of the world as the gold standard for detecting infections.
On March 23rd of — I think it was March 23rd of 2020 — and in this paper he claims that his test can detect infections.
Now, he knew that this is wrong because six years earlier he had given an interview to a German business magazine. This was in the context of the MERS virus which is another strain of the coronavirus. And back then that his PCR test, or any PCR test for that matter, is not reliable because people (in this case he was referring to a nurse) — people who test positive may very well be perfectly health because their immune system is taking care of whatever virus may have attached to them.
Second false statement is the one about PCR tests. In his Drosten PCR test protocol — again, it’s something that he published with a bunch of others. But he’s the guy who is at the forefront of this.
He claims that he invented in early 2020, probably around New Year’s Eve, when — keep in mind that he and all the others were telling the world ‘ah, this is nothing problematic…this is just like a mild, mild flu.’
The inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, who got a Nobel Prize for it — a very smart, very witty person who unfortunately died in August or September of 2019 — he kept telling the world over and over again: This PCR test is a great tool in order to make things visible that the human eye otherwise can’t see. But it cannot tell you about whether or not somebody is sick or infected. It cannot…
But those who are behind this, those who are profiting from this scheme — the pharmaceutical and the tech industry and the financial industry — they’re making lots of money with all these so-called infected people through the tests and now through the so-called vaccines which, as we know, are not really vaccines.


28:49 — Attorney Dominic Desjarlais joins the conversation to ask legal questions. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich shares about recent court decisions, the progress of current lawsuits and what is coming next.

…And this is probably the most important aspect of this. Since the facts of these cases — the fact that lockdowns destroyed the economy and caused huge damages for business owners. They’re the same all over the world. Because all of the lockdowns are based on the Drosten test. All of them.
We know this because the two women who I mentioned earlier, who used to work for the WHO, explained to us in detail — and I’m including this in my new complaint — that the only basis for the anti-corona measures, for the pandemic in fact, was the Drosten PCR test…
And we have to keep in mind that, according to what we’ve learned in the meantime through the interviews that we conducted at the Corona Investigative Committee, we have come to the conclusion that this is a planned pandemic. It was never about health. But, according to what we learned, this has always been about shifting the remaining assets of the world’s taxpayers to these huge corporations…


Ultimately, if we have enough of such decisions, the ones that I just mentioned — by the Portuguese court, by the Vienna court, now by the German court — it’ll be enough to take those who are behind this — to hold them responsible in the courts of law.
Because ultimately it’s not going to be possible to recover all the damages for all the damage that was caused by Drosten — who is probably just a marionette for those who are pulling the strings, for those who are profiting off of this. It’s not going to be possible to recover all the damages from these individual people.
Rather, we’re going to have to get to those who are behind this — to really what the Americans call the deep pockets. And those are the large corporations who are currently making billions, billions, billions of dollars. And who have, apparently, no empathy whatsoever because they can see that people are dying, that people are killing themselves because they are frightened, because they’re panicking.
So ultimately, what we’re going to have to do is file — and our friend and colleague Michael Swinwood has done so, as he explained to me — file in the Anglo-American legal system class actions or — this is another alternative — we may have to come up with a separate international court of law simply for the purpose of dealing both with the criminal and the civil law side of this — well, of these crimes against humanity…
I think it’s probably not enough for us lawyers to file lawsuits. We have to continue, all of us, we have to continue with our work of making what is going on as transparent as possible — to educate the people about what’s happening…
What they’re trying to do is — not just keep us in panic mode, because that’s the only way they can keep us under control, because as you know we are many, many more than the other side. Plus we probably have the smarter people. We have the people who — as one of the professor’s of psychology explained to us — who have moral competence.
Moral competence means that you’re capable of asking questions rather than just blindly following orders and that you’re capable of discussing other opinions rather than just shooting the other person simply because he has a different opinion from your own…
We have to keep our hand extended, so that if one or two or three or even hundreds of people want to take our hand, they want to talk to us, we are able to explain what’s really going on.
It’s a very serious point in time — very dangerous — but we are making progress..



We have learned from a whistleblower that this whole scheme, this whole Great Reset or whatever you want to call it, was originally scheduled to happen much later. Then they pulled it forward in time from 2050 or so to 2030, and then they got, as this whistleblower explained to us, even greedier and pulled it forward to 2020. And that’s a little too soon. Because not everything was in place that they needed. And that’s our biggest chance…
I think people have begun to understand — people who are on our side — have begun to understand that we play a pivotal role in this whole plandemic.
If we manage to stay on our feet, if we manage to not allow them to bring us to our knees — and we definitely will — then the rest of the world will know it is possible to fight this thing…
We will win this together — all of us.


See related from October 2020:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on The Corona Crime Scandal | International Network of Lawyers Will Argue the Biggest Tort Case in World History

or read transcript of that video here: 

Transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes Against Humanity” | Announcing the Largest International Class Action Tort Case in World History

Meet the Medical CIA

Meet the Medical CIA

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
April 22, 2021


Yesterday, I presented Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s step-by-step refutation of a typical claim that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated and proven to exist.

You find these “isolation” claims in many studies, in the “methods” section, where researchers describe their procedures in detail.

It’s obvious, however, that the researchers have their own special definition of the word “isolated.” For them, it actually means un-isolated. It’s as if they’ve decided that “sunshine” denotes “darkness.”

These researchers create a soup in a dish in a lab. They put toxic chemicals and drugs in the soup. They put monkey and/or human cells in the soup. There is much other genetic material in the brew—including, supposedly, the virus.

The cells, starved of nutrients, and poisoned, begin to die. The researchers then assert THE VIRUS must be doing the killing. Therefore, the virus IS in the soup and it is deadly.

But there is no evidence that the un-isolated virus is in the soup, and there is no evidence it is doing the killing.

On the back of these absurdities, a declaration is made: there is a pandemic, and the cause is a virus, named SARS-CoV-2.

Going even further, the researchers claim they’ve mapped the genetic sequence of the virus. Based on what? Compared to what? They don’t have an isolated specimen of the virus. How do you sequence something you don’t have? You don’t.

Of course, this raises all sorts of troubling questions about “the pandemic.” For the past year, I’ve been answering those questions in detail.

But the root of the deception comes at the beginning, with the claim that a new virus has been discovered.

Furthermore, as I’ve shown in a number of articles, “the virus” is the greatest cover story ever invented. It’s used to obscure the real reasons people are dying, in many places—ongoing government and corporate crimes, such as massive air and water pollution.

Wuhan is one of those places. Chronic deadly air pollution has hung over the city for a long time. A frequent outcome is pneumonia—which was suddenly highlighted as the cardinal symptom of the “new viral pandemic.”

Minimally alert researchers should have been able to make the connection between air pollution and pneumonia. And no doubt, they did—until they were muzzled by the Chinese government.

The same basic pattern existed in areas of Africa in the 1980s: people dying from lack of basic sanitation, contaminated water supplies, overcrowding in the cities, toxic vaccines, forced hunger and starvation, poverty, war, farmland stolen by giant agri-corporations, etc.

But suddenly, all this was: a virus. HIV. Overnight, the powers-that-be had a cover story for the ages.

HIV, like SARS-CoV-2, faces the same challenge—lack of evidence that it has ever been discovered.

Since 1988, I’ve been detailing and documenting the use of “the virus”—meaning A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS—as a covert op designed to deflect attention from what is actually making people sick and killing them.

“How many people did we starve today?”

“About 5000.”

“Good. And how are we explaining that?”

“The virus attacked their immune systems.”

“Everyone is buying this fiction?”

“Yes, sir. Our public health officials are very persuasive.”

Meet the medical CIA.

CDC agents run global covert ops.

They are the virus hunters.

These scouts are the CDC’s little-known Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS). They create disinformation on a scale that must make the CIA jealous.

Graduates of this EIS program, as proudly stated by the CDC, have gone on to occupy key positions in the overall medical cartel: Surgeons General; CDC directors; medical school deans and professors; medical foundation executives; drug-company and insurance executives; state health officials; MEDICAL EDITORS AND REPORTERS IN MEDIA OUTLETS. —Power, at key junctures.

It’s a loyal insider’s club. They collaborate to float prime-cut, A-number-one cover stories of extraordinary dimensions. They invent medical reality out of thin air.

Here is a brief excerpt from the CDC, “50 Years of the Epidemic Intelligence Service” (published in 2001):

“In 1951, EIS was established by CDC following the start of the Korean War as an early-warning system against biologic warfare and man-made epidemics. EIS officers selected for 2-year field assignments were primarily medical doctors and other health professionals…who focused on infectious disease outbreaks. EIS has expanded to include a range of public health professionals, such as postdoctoral scientists in statistics, epidemiology, microbiology, anthropology, sociology, and behavioral sciences. Since 1951, approximately 2500 EIS officers have responded to requests for epidemiologic assistance within the United States and throughout the world. Each year, EIS officers are involved in several hundred investigations of disease and injury problems, enabling CDC and its public health partners to make recommendations to improve the public’s health and safety.” (italics added)

Several hundred investigations a year. An unparalleled opportunity to shape the truth into propaganda. Control of information about disease. Control out in the field, where EIS agents rush to the scene of “outbreaks,” and send their pronouncements into the hallowed halls of academia and the CDC, into the press, into Big Pharma, into multiple government agencies.

Control of information means disinformation. That’s what the EIS is for. They’ve never met a virus-story they didn’t love. They concoct those stories.

They front for the medical cartel. And they provide cover for the crimes of mega-corporations. There’s a town where poverty-stricken people are dying, because horrendous pesticides are running into the water supply and soil? No, it’s a virus. There’s a city where the industrial pollution is driving people over the edge into immune-system failure? No, it’s a virus.

And here’s the capper. Their propaganda is so good most of the EIS people believe it themselves. You don’t achieve that kind of robotic servitude without intense brainwashing. The first installment of the mind-control program is called medical school.

The EIS would have you believe the whole world is being attacked by viruses, all the time. That’s their mission.

And of course, this strengthens the vaccine establishment because, for every virus, there ought to be a vaccine: the shot in the arm.

The EIS. The CDC’s band of brothers. The medical CIA.

Among the “epidemics” in which the EIS has played key roles: smallpox (eradication); 2003 SARS; Zika.

SARS and Zika were outright duds. Predictions and warnings of great danger on the horizon never materialized.

Many years ago, after the so-called smallpox eradication campaign (massive vaccination) was declared a triumph, in Africa, there was a secret meeting of World Health Organization personnel in Geneva. It was decided never to use that vaccine again. Why? Because it CAUSED cases of smallpox.

In a truly open free market (if one existed), cut loose from government funding and their own insiders’ club, the CDC and the EIS would fall apart in the high heat of honest debate with independent researchers.

Since that free market doesn’t exist, the job of rejecting the medical CIA and their cover stories is our job.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Brain Injuries and Death Continue to Follow J&J COVID Injections

Brain Injuries and DEATH Continue to Follow J&J COVID Injections

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News
April 21, 2021


Reports continue to surface regarding brain injuries and deaths following injections of the Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID shots, currently on pause by the FDA due to reports of fatal blood clots.

Mary Hynes, reporting for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, reported earlier this week that an 18-year-old teen became critically ill after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 injection and has undergone three brain surgeries related to dangerous blood clots.

An 18-year-old Clark County woman who became critically ill after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has undergone three brain surgeries related to dangerous blood clots, a spokesman for the patient’s family said on Monday.

The young woman, Emma Burkey, began to feel ill about a week after being vaccinated on or about April 1, eventually experiencing seizures that sent her to the hospital, spokesman Bret Johnson said.

Burkey was first treated at St. Rose Dominican Hospital, Siena campus, in Henderson before being airlifted to Loma Linda University Medical Center in Southern California for specialized care. Her parents, Russ and Kathy, are at her bedside, but only for a brief period each day due to COVID-19 restrictions.

“She is improving slowly,” Johnson said in an interview. “The word we got from her parents last night was ‘slowly, slowly slowly.’”

Burkey has been taken out of an induced coma and off a respirator. She has a tracheostomy tube that impedes speech, but she is mouthing some words and blinking her eyes to communicate, her parents told Johnson. (Source.)

In North Carolina, Fox 46 is reporting that 61-year-old Darlene Blackwell has died two days after receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. She reportedly died from massive bleeding in her brain.

A North Carolina woman says her mother died two days after receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. She believes the dose is what caused her mother’s sudden death.

FOX 46 sat down with Allyson Hendrix, who said her mother was someone who helped other people out a lot and now that she’s gone, Hendrix said she has a huge hole in her life.

“She was a good mom, but she was an even better grandmother,” Hendrix said. “Her grandkids were her life.”

Hendrixdescribes her mother as a family woman and a force to be reckoned with.

“Feisty,” she said. “She was small and mighty.”

She used her small but mighty frame to help out in anyway she could.

“She helped me out at our chicken farms; she helped me a lot with the kids. She was my number one babysitter. Everything.”

Hendrix says her mom decided to get one of the COVID vaccines and settled on the Johnson & Johnson.

“She was like, ‘I’ll just go do that, it’s easier, I don’t have to do that, you know, two trips.’ She got that on March 30.”

Then two days later, she was in the hospital.

“Everything was fine, she went shopping with my grandma. They came home, she got sick, she started feeling nauseous. She got sick in the bathroom. My grandma went back there to check on her and she wouldn’t answer, wouldn’t answer. She had to open the door with a screwdriver and she found her on the floor unresponsive.”

Hendrix rushed to the hospital but couldn’t see her mother right away.

“They couldn’t figure out what was going on, so they did a CT scan and that’s when they found all the bleeding on the brain,” she said. “It was so massive at first that they thought it was actually two aneurysms, but it was only one. It was just so big.”

On April 9, Darlene Blackwell passed away.

Hendrix and her brother are wondering if the Johnson & Johnson vaccine ignited the brain bleed.

“That night that, we decided to we had to end life support. We were sitting at my grandmother’s house and the news was kind of turned down on low but I was reading the headlines and it said Johnson & Johnson vaccine put on hold and it was stopped,” Hendrix said. “It just hit me like what it that happened.”

Hendrix and her brother tell FOX 46 they were already skeptical of the vaccine saying that it came out too quickly. Now, after their mother has passed, their skepticism is heightened even more. They said they are definitely considering legal options. (Source.)

Where You Choose to get Your Information is Now a Life and Death Situation

The CDC continues to state that these blood clots and adverse reactions to the Johnson and Johnson COVID shots are “rare,” only affecting a few people.

But reports like these suggest it may not be as “rare” as the CDC, Big Pharma, and the corporate media want the public to believe. They are clearly slanting their coverage as pro-vaccine pro-pharma, not wanting any negative information put forth that would hurt sales and their desire to inject the entire population.

The voices of dissenting scientists and doctors are being censored, and if you do not take the time to research out the opposing views on these experimental products, the decision you make could cost you your life, or the life of your family member.

Just today we published a dissenting view by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a world-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist, who claims the government and medical field is deliberately lying to us, and that the result will be a drastic reduction of the world’s population due to deaths caused by these new experimental “vaccines.” See:

German Microbiologist: “They are Killing People with these COVID Vaccines” to Reduce the World’s Population

And Dr. Bhakdi is not the only scientist saying this.

We recently also published the views of Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory, who tried to prevent Europe from approving the mRNA COVID shots, and just recently said:

“My significant fear is, if somebody wanted to arrange a situation where mass depopulation could be accomplished, this would probably be a perfect way of doing it.”

These are honest doctors, trained in their field but not currently employed by any of the pharmaceutical companies producing experimental COVID vaccines, and therefore they are independent and free to speak their opinions based on what they see in the science.

These are not fringe, “quack” doctors at all, although the same thing cannot be said for the talking head “doctors” who have been anointed by the pharma-funded corporate media to shape the narrative around these injections, and where it is obvious to anyone who knows how to think critically that they are simply nothing more than marketing representatives employed to promote these products.

Just the fact that two imminent scientists (and actually many dozens more just like them) are accusing governments and the pharmaceutical industry of deliberately having evil intentions to kill people and reduce the world’s population through these COVID injections, is HUGE news, whether they are correct or not!

But apparently these views are so dangerous to Big Pharma’s agenda to vaccinate every person on the planet, that they are not allowed.

And as a result, where you choose to get your information is now most definitely a life and death situation.


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The Covidian Cult (Part II)

The Covidian Cult (Part II)

by CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory, Inc.
April 21, 2021


Back in October of 2020, I wrote an essay called The Covidian Cult, in which I described the so-called “New Normal” as a global totalitarian ideological movement. Developments over the last six months have borne out the accuracy of that analogy.

A full year after the initial roll-out of the utterly horrifying and completely fictional photos of people dropping dead in the streets, the projected 3.4% death rate, and all the rest of the official propaganda, despite the absence of any actual scientific evidence of an apocalyptic plague (and the abundance of evidence to the contrary), millions of people continue to behave like members of an enormous death cult, walking around in public with medical-looking masks, robotically repeating vacuous platitudes, torturing children, the elderly, the disabled, demanding that everyone submit to being injected with dangerous experimental “vaccines,” and just generally acting delusional and psychotic.

How did we ever get to this point … to the point where, as I put it in The Covidian Cult, “instead of the cult existing as an island within the dominant culture, the cult has become the dominant culture, and those of us who have not joined the cult have become the isolated islands within it?”

To understand this, one needs to understand how cults control the minds of their members, because totalitarian ideological movements operate more or less the same way, just on a much larger, societal scale. There is a wealth of research and knowledge on this subject (I mentioned Robert J. Lifton in my earlier essay), but, to keep things simple, I’ll just use Margaret Singer’s “Six Conditions of Mind Control” from her 1995 book, Cults in Our Midst, as a lens to view the Covidian Cult through. (The italics are Singer. The commentary is mine.)

Six Conditions of Mind Control

1. Keep the person unaware of what is going on and how she or he is being changed a step at a time. Potential new members are led, step by step, through a behavioral-change program without being aware of the final agenda or full content of the group.

Looking back, it is easy to see how people were conditioned, step by step, to accept the “New Normal” ideology. They were bombarded with terrifying propaganda, locked down, stripped of their civil rights, forced to wear medical-looking masks in public, to act out absurd “social-distancing” rituals, submit to constant “testing,” and all the rest of it. Anyone not complying with this behavioral-change program or challenging the veracity and rationality of the new ideology was demonized as a “conspiracy theorist,” a “Covid denier,” an “anti-vaxxer,” in essence, an enemy of the cult, like a “suppresive person” in the Church of Scientology.

2. Control the person’s social and/or physical environment; especially control the person’s time.

For over a year now, the “New Normal” authorities have controlled the social/physical environment, and how New Normals spend their time, with lockdowns, social-distancing rituals, closure of “non-essential” businesses, omnipresent propaganda, isolation of the elderly, travel restrictions, mandatory mask-rules, protest bans, and now the segregation of the “Unvaccinated.” Basically, society has been transformed into something resembling an infectious disease ward, or an enormous hospital from which there is no escape. You’ve seen the photos of the happy New Normals dining out at restaurants, relaxing at the beach, jogging, attending school, and so on, going about their “normal” lives with their medical-looking masks and prophylactic face shields. What you’re looking at is the pathologization of society, the pathologization of everyday life, the physical (social) manifestation of a morbid obsession with disease and death.

3. Systematically create a sense of powerlessness in the person.

What kind of person could feel more powerless than an obedient New Normal sitting at home, obsessively logging the “Covid death” count, sharing photos of his medical-looking mask and post-“vaccination” bandage on Facebook, as he waits for permission from the authorities to go outdoors, visit his family, kiss his lover, or shake hands with a colleague? The fact that in the Covidian Cult the traditional charismatic cult leader has been replaced by a menagerie of medical experts and government officials does not change the utter dependency and abject powerlessness of its members, who have been reduced to a state approaching infancy. This abject powerlessness is not experienced as a negative; on the contrary, it is proudly celebrated. Thus the mantra-like repetition of the “New Normal” platitude “Trust the Science!” by people who, if you try to show them the science, melt down completely and start jabbering aggressive nonsense at you to shut you up.

4. Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments and experiences in such a way as to inhibit behavior that reflects the person’s former social identity.

The point here is the transformation of the formerly basically rational person into an entirely different cult-approved person, in our case, an obedient “New Normal” person. Singer gets into this in greater detail, but her discussion applies mostly to subcultural cults, not to large-scale totalitarian movements. For our purposes, we can fold this into Condition 5.

5. Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments, and experiences in order to promote learning the group’s ideology or belief system and group-approved behaviors. Good behavior, demonstrating an understanding and acceptance of the group’s beliefs, and compliance are rewarded, while questioning, expressing doubts or criticizing are met with disapproval, redress and possible rejection. If one expresses a question, they are made to feel that there is something inherently wrong with them to be questioning.

OK, I’m going to tell you a little story. It’s a story about a personal experience, which I’m pretty sure you’ve also experienced. It’s a story about a certain New Normal who has been harassing me for several months. I’ll call him Brian Parks, because, well, that’s his name, and I no longer feel any compunction about sharing it.

Brian is a former friend/colleague from the theater world who has gone full “New Normal” and is absolutely furious that I have not. So outraged is Brian that I have not joined the cult that he has been going around on the Internet referring to me as a “conspiracy theorist” and suggesting that I’ve had some kind of nervous breakdown and require immediate psychiatric treatment because I do not believe the official “New Normal” narrative. Now, this would not be a very big deal, except that Brian is impugning my character and attempting to damage my reputation on the Facebook pages of other theater colleagues, which Brian feels entitled to do, given that I am a “Covid denier,” a “conspiracy theorist,” and an “anti-vaxxer,” or whatever, and given the fact that he has the power of the state, the media, etc., on his side.

This is how it works in cults, and in larger totalitarian societies. It isn’t usually the Gestapo that comes for you. It’s usually your friends and colleagues. What Brian is doing is working that system of rewards and punishments to enforce his ideology, because he knows that most of my other colleagues in the theater world have also gone full “New Normal,” or at least are looking the other way and staying silent while it is being implemented.

This tactic, obviously, has backfired on Brian, primarily because I do not give a fuck what any New Normals think of me, whether they work in the theater world or anywhere else, but I am in a rather privileged position, because I have accomplished what I wanted to accomplish in the theater, and would rather stick my hand in a blender than submit my novels to corporate publishers for review by “sensitivity readers,” so there isn’t much to threaten me with. That, and I have no children to support, or administrations to answer to (unlike, for example, Mark Crispin Miller, who is currently being persecuted by the “New Normal” administration at NYU).

The point is, this kind of ideological conditioning is happening everywhere, every day, on the job, among friends, even among families. The pressure to conform is intense, because nothing is more threatening to devoted cultists, or members of totalitarian ideological movements, than those who challenge their fundamental beliefs, confront them with facts, or otherwise demonstrate that their “reality” isn’t reality at all, but, rather, a delusional, paranoid fiction.

The key difference between how this works in cults and totalitarian ideological movements is that, usually, a cult is a subcultural group, and thus non-cult-members have the power of the ideology of the dominant society to draw on when resisting the mind-control tactics of the cult, and attempting to deprogram its members … whereas, in our case, this balance of power is inverted. Totalitarian ideological movements have the power of governments, the media, the police, the culture industry, academia, and the compliant masses on their side. And, thus, they do not need to persuade anyone. They have the power to dictate “reality.” Only cults operating in total isolation, like Jim Jones’ People’s Temple in Guyana, enjoy this level of control over their members.

This pressure to conform, this ideological conditioning, must be fiercely resisted, regardless of the consequences, both publicly and in our private lives, or the “New Normal” will certainly become our “reality.” Despite the fact that we “Covid deniers” are currently outnumbered by the Covidian cultists, we need to behave as if we are not, and hold to reality, facts, and real science, and treat the New Normals as exactly what they are, members of a new totalitarian movement, delusional cultists run amok. If we do not, we will get to Singer’s Condition 6 …

6. Put forth a closed system of logic and an authoritarian structure that permits no feedback and refuses to be modified except by leadership approval or executive order. The group has a top-down, pyramid structure. The leaders must have verbal ways of never losing.

We’re not there yet, but that is where we’re headed … global pathologized totalitarianism. So, please, speak up. Call things what they are. Confront the Brians in your life. Despite the fact that they tell themselves that they’re trying to help you “come to your senses” or “see the truth,” or “trust the Science,” they are not. They are cultists, desperately trying to get you to conform to their paranoid beliefs, pressuring you, manipulating you, bullying you, threatening you. Do not engage them on their terms, or let them goad you into accepting their premises. (Once they’ve sucked you into their narrative, they’ve won.) Expose them, confront them with their tactics and their motives. You will probably not change their minds in the least, but your example might help other New Normals whose faith is slipping to begin to recognize what has been done to their minds and break with the cult.


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cover image credit: pixabay

33-Year-Old Woman Hospitalized for ‘Mysterious’ Paralysis 12 Hours After Pfizer Vaccine

33-Year-Old Woman Hospitalized for ‘Mysterious’ Paralysis 12 Hours After Pfizer Vaccine
33-Year-Old Woman Hospitalized for ‘Mysterious’ Paralysis 12 Hours After Pfizer Vaccine
Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic performed a series of tests, but say they don’t know what caused the woman to develop paralysis following her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. 

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
April 20, 2021


A healthy 33-year-old woman in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, who asked to remain anonymous, experienced paralysis 12 hours after getting her first dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine and is still hospitalized, WPXI-TV reported.

The Pennsylvania woman said she initially felt fine after being vaccinated, but woke up in the middle of the night with no feeling in her arms or legs.

“It was the scariest thing in the world to go to sleep completely fine (and walking), to wake up 1:30 in the morning and not be able to move at all,” the woman said. “I’m literally counting on my daughter to hand me my phone to call to get help.”

Paramedics rushed her to the hospital where she was later transferred to the Cleveland Clinic where doctors ran tests to figure out how and why she suffered paralysis. An MRI and spinal tap were clear and blood work all came back negative, ruling out any rare diseases or disorders.

“There is just nothing they can find wrong with me,” the woman told Channel 11. “No underlying conditions, I have nothing in my history and they are basically telling me, ‘You’re healthy and we can’t figure out why this is going on.’”

Although she has regained feeling and strength in her arms, she has no function from her lower chest down besides very slight movement in a few toes. The woman’s family confirmed with Channel 11 that her case was reported to Pfizer.

Pfizer taking report ‘very seriously,’ but downplays connection between vaccines and injuries in general

Dr. Dave Weber, an infectious disease doctor with University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, said he has not heard of anything like this happening anywhere in the world with the Pfizer vaccine.

“I’m sure there is more than one explanation, and it would be premature for me to judge if it’s one of the side effects of the vaccine or not,” Weber said. “I think it definitely needs to be looked into and be reported.”

In a statement provided to Channel 11 News, Pfizer’s director of global media relations said:

“We take adverse events that are potentially associated with our COVID-19 vaccine, BNT162b2, very seriously. We closely monitor all such events and collect relevant information to share with global regulatory authorities. At this time, our ongoing review has not identified any safety signals with paralysis and the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. To date, more than 2001 million people around the world have been vaccinated with our vaccine. It is important to note that serious adverse events that are unrelated to the vaccine are unfortunately likely to occur at a similar rate as they would in the general population.”

However, a search on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) for paralysis, including transverse myelitis, myelitis, paralysis and Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), yielded 151 total reports. Eighty-eight cases of paralysis-related disorders were reported with Pfizer, 62 with Moderna and 11 with Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) vaccine.

Reports of paralysis associated with other vaccines

The Defender reported April 15, that a healthy 43-year-old Mississippi man suffered a stroke and subsequent paralysis hours after being vaccinated with J&J’s COVID vaccine. He is unable to walk or talk, and is paralyzed on one side of his body. The family believes “without a doubt” the vaccine was the cause.

As The Defender reported Sep. 25, 2020, AstraZeneca briefly paused its clinical trial after a UK woman reported a serious adverse event after her second dose — a demyelinating condition called transverse myelitis (TM) associated with pain, muscle weakness, paralysis, and bowel and bladder problems.

AstraZeneca disclosed that the September pause was actually the second pause in two months. The first incident, which initially went unpublicized, occurred in July when a UK participant experienced TM after one dose and ended up with a new diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

TM is well recognized as sometimes being “the first symptom of an autoimmune or immune-mediated disease such as multiple sclerosis.” Two-thirds of those who experience TM remain permanently disabled.

The Defender reported Oct. 8, 2020 on Colton Berrett, a once healthy, active 13-year-old boy, who was diagnosed with TM shortly after receiving the Gardasil vaccine. After Colton passed away Jan. 5, 2018, rather than put Gardasil on trial, Secretary of Health and Human Services stipulated to a settlement and awarded damages for Colton’s permanent transverse myelitis in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).

A systematic review in SAGE journals of TM revealed 37 cases of transverse myelitis reported with different vaccines, including MMR, hepatitis B and DPT. Researchers found that in rare cases, vaccines may be associated with autoimmune phenomena like transverse myelitis and speculated that a common denominator like an adjuvant, might trigger this syndrome.

Myelitis, which refers to an inflammatory disease process affecting the spinal cord, is a component not just of TM but also of encephalomyelitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) — involving both brain and spinal cord inflammation — as well as acute flaccid myelitis and poliomyelitis. Experts refer to these conditions as forms of “spinal cord damage not due to trauma.”

Based on analysis of information posted at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims website, conditions involving demyelination and paralysis — TM, ADEM, GBS and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy — are among the top vaccine injuries for which Americans (primarily adults) have filed claims with the NVICP.

GBS is currently the NVICP’s second-most compensated vaccine injury. As of Sep. 25, 2020, there had been 330 TM-related petitions adjudicated and $150 million in damages awarded to 266 claimants (including estimated annuities).


© April 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.


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UK: Reports of Miscarriages After Vaccination

UK: Reports of Miscarriages After Vaccination
In the UK, pregnant women had previously been urged not to be vaccinated against Covid-19, as risks to unborn children could not be ruled out.

by Free West Media
April 20, 2021


When authorities presented the first summary of reported side effects on 24 January, there were six miscarriages (four from Pfizer’s vaccine, two from AstraZeneca).

“We still do not know why these women received the Covid vaccine, contrary to the government’s own advice. But what is really shocking is how much this number has increased in the six weeks that have passed since then,” reported the online newspaper Daily Expose. It presented updated figures from the turn of the month March/April.

These showed that there were now a total of 23 women who had had a miscarriage after being vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech. Of those who have received AstraZeneca’s vaccine, the total number is five.

The total of 28 miscarriages is an increase of 366 percent from the January figure.

The fact that pregnant women in some cases are being given the vaccine is due to the government updating its recommendation recently because the benefits allegedly outweigh the risks to the mother and the child.

The original recommendation stated:

“There is no or a limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2. Reproductive toxicity studies in animals have not been completed. COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy. For women of childbearing potential, pregnancy should be ruled out before vaccination. In addition, women of childbearing potential should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after the second dose.”

The updated recommendation now reads:

“There is limited experience with the use of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 in pregnant women. Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy, embryonal / fetal development, parturition or postnatal development. Administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 during pregnancy should be considered only when the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks to the mother and the fetus.”


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Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Greg Hunter: The Greatest Violations of Nuremberg Code in History Are Happening Now — “We Are Talking About a Slavery System”

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Greg Hunter: The Greatest Violations of Nuremberg Code in History Are Happening Now — “We Are Talking About a Slavery System”


“We just saw the Chairman of the Federal Reserve talking about the economy was getting better because the vaccination rate was going up.  I think that’s code for the bank stocks are going up because we are downloading operating systems in more and more people, and our stock reflects that.  We get a pop on our stock for every person we can remotely control with our operating system. . . . If you look at the deaths and adverse events, and the failure to provide true informed consent, we are talking about the greatest violations of the Nuremberg Code in history—now.” ~ Catherine Austin Fitts


Greatest Violations of Nuremberg Code in History – Catherine Austin Fitts

by Greg Hunter,
April 17, 2021



Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts contends CV19 and the vaccines to cure it are more about control than depopulation.  Fitts explains, “I think the bankers are trying to chip us.  Moderna describes their injection, gene therapy as an ‘operating system.’  I agree with them.  I think they are trying to download an operating system into our bodies.  I don’t think it was an accident . . . the man President Trump appointed as head of ‘Operation Warp Speed’ was an expert at Brain-Machine interface. . . . Just like Bill Gates downloaded an operating system into your computer and made you update it regularly because of the threat of another virus, I think they are trying to play the same game with human bodies.  It’s hard for people to fathom if they have not been following the advancements in biotech and to fathom how much money the bankers can make if they can achieve this.  We just saw the Chairman of the Federal Reserve talking about the economy was getting better because the vaccination rate was going up.  I think that’s code for the bank stocks are going up because we are downloading operating systems in more and more people, and our stock reflects that.  We get a pop on our stock for every person we can remotely control with our operating system. . . . If you look at the deaths and adverse events, and the failure to provide true informed consent, we are talking about the greatest violations of the Nuremberg Code in history—now.”

Fitts says don’t believe the hype on the number of CV19 vaccines being given.  Fitts explains, “One of the things I have seen and gotten feedback on is that the resistance is much greater than anything they are indicating in any kind of official statistics.  There are also indications that the deaths and adverse events (from the vaccines) are much worse, and that has to be spreading virally.  If you look at the people most resistant, including healthcare workers and nursing staff, they are seeing the adverse events, and they are seeing the deaths.  So, I don’t trust the statistics. . . . The top doctors I trust essentially say this is an experiment, and it’s true.  These vaccines are not approved by the FDA.  These are authorized under experimental use.  So, this is a trial, a human trial.  The doctors I trust say we won’t know for 4, 6, 12 or 18 months what the real impact is.  These are not vaccines.  It is gene therapy and downloading an operating system.  I would argue that they are not vaccinations, but whatever they are, if it follows the history of vaccinations, what you are going to see is a tremendous diminution of people’s immune systems and a whole world of autoimmune diseases that can be explained away by other things.  I would guess that the leadership’s goal is not necessarily to depopulate, and I could be wrong, but their goal is to install an operating system.  To get that done, they don’t care how many people they kill.”

In closing, Fitts says, “Naomi Wolf was giving an interview about the vaccine passports, and she said this is the end of human liberty in the west, and that’s right.  If those things are allowed, along with the operating system, it is the end of liberty.  We are talking about a slavery system. . . . The greatest navigation tool ever created is prayer.”

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Catherine Austin Fitts, publisher of The Solari Report.

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For anyone considering getting the Covid-19 injections, this worksheet will help you do “due diligence” in determining the financial cost to your family in the event of vaccine injury. The risk of injury is serious and the costs can be in the millions. Included are all vaccine inserts with lists of ingredients and links to databases of vaccine injuries and deaths.

Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections — Download in English

Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections — Download in French

Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections — Download in German

[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: When we post a new interview with Catherine Austin Fitts many readers write to this site asking how they can get a copy of the featured Solari printed publication. These publications are available only to subscribers of The Solari Report. Subscribe at]

If Johnson & Johnson Coronavirus Vaccine Shots Are Halted Because of Blood Clots, Why Have Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech Shots Not Also Been Halted?

If Johnson & Johnson Coronavirus Vaccine Shots Are Halted Because of Blood Clots, Why Have Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech Shots Not Also Been Halted?

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute
April 17, 2021


When the United States government’s Food and Drug Administration earlier this week called for temporarily halting the giving of Johnson & Johnson’s experimental coronavirus vaccine shots because of the developing of blood clots in people who have received the shots, I asked if we were seeing an example of regulatory favoritism for the new mRNA technology shots over more traditional vaccine shots such as the Johnson & Johnson shots. The question arises because the US government is still encouraging everyone to take experimental mRNA “vaccines” from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech regarding which there are also many reports of injury and death.

While a variety or injuries and deaths have been reported after people have taken experimental coronavirus vaccine shots developed respectively by the three companies, if you focus in on just blood clot problems, those problems appear to arise after Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech experimental coronavirus shots as well as after Johnson & Johnson shots.

Megan Redshaw wrote Friday at the Children’s Health Defense website regarding adverse events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) related to the blood clots in people who had taken any one of the three companies’ experimental vaccines:

Children’s Health Defense queried the VAERS data for a series of adverse events associated with the formation of clotting disorders and other related conditions. VAERS yielded a total of 795 reports for all three vaccines from Dec. 14, 2020, through April 8.Of the 795 cases reported, there were 400 reports attributed to Pfizer, 337 reports with Moderna and 56 reports with J&J — far more than the eight J&J cases under investigation, including the two additional cases added Wednesday.

As The Defender reported today, although the J&J and AstraZeneca COVID vaccines have been under the microscope for their potential to cause blood clots, mounting evidence suggests the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines also cause clots and related blood disorders. U.S. regulatory officials were alerted to the problem as far back as December 2020.

So why the different treatment for the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech shots?


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The Covid Propaganda Continues Even in the Face of Vaccination Murder

The Covid Propaganda Continues Even in the Face of Vaccination Murder


“As so-called ‘vaccines’ of all approved companies are being shut down in the U.S. and around the world due to horrible side effects and death, the state, the media, and the illegitimate ‘health’ organizations are continually recommending more ‘vaccinations’ of poisons be given. This obviously defies logic and sanity, but it should make evident to many more that this is a plot meant only to control and kill, and has never been meant to stop or cure any ‘virus.’ The only goals of this deception called ‘Covid’ are to cause sickness and death in order to accomplish depopulation and set the stage for technocratic control over all of humanity.” ~ Gary D. Barnett


The Covid Propaganda Continues Even in the Face of Vaccination Murder

by Gary D. Barnett
April 17, 2021


“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it.” ~ Aldous Huxley – “The Ultimate Revolution”. Aldous Huxley’s speech at Berkeley Language Center, March 20, 1962.

Dystopian reality has now taken on a whole new meaning, as the people have become slaves, but they continue in a time of extreme misery, squalor, and oppression, to accept this state of tyranny voluntarily. Many are even excited about this turn of events because they have been given the illegal capability to become completely irresponsible, while collecting extortion money at the expense of their neighbors and countrymen. This of course is a government-designed outcome, as the masses have been fooled over time into believing that they deserve something for nothing. Now that they are ripe for takeover, the plot will thicken, and given the implications of what is possible, we are facing a time of terror.

The now dreaded flu season, which has been turned into the fake ‘Covid’ pandemic season, is over for the year, but no one would realize this by reading or watching the criminal mainstream media’s nefarious narration of current events. As reported, the WHO ‘chief’ liar, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said:

“The number of new COVID-19 cases per week has nearly doubled globally over the past two months, approaching the highest rate seen so far during the pandemic.”

“Cases and deaths are continuing to increase at worrying rates,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a briefing focused on Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the western Pacific region.

He said he was very worried about the potential for a much larger epidemic in PNG, and it was vital the country received more COVID-19 vaccines as soon as possible.

What is so stark and revealing about these statements, other than that they are outright falsehoods, is the concentration on Papua New Guinea and the western Pacific region. Nothing could be more obvious than this ploy to attack a region that had much lower ‘case’ and death ‘reporting’ than much of the rest of the world. Once mass vaccination occurs there, as is being demanded by the head of the evil Bill Gates run WHO, there will be plenty of sickness and death due to this poisonous injection. Of course, the horrible governments of Australia, the U.S., and Germany, have sent emergency ‘medical’ teams (contract killers) to this region to facilitate spreading toxic and deadly jabs into as much of the population as possible. This is not spreading democracy; it is spreading death. I am very surprised that Tedros and his ilk have not gone after Tanzania in the same manner, after the likely murder of their president John Magufuli. He realized early on that this was all a fraud, and proved that the testing was completely phony, and then suspiciously died only to be replaced by an insider for Klaus Schwab’s heinous World Economic Forum, the home of the “Great Reset.”

While in the midst of leaving the season of most sickness, the mainstream headlines continue to claim that the infection rate nears ‘pandemic’ highs. If these sensationalist headlines do not cause the “proper” amount of panic among the herd, then stronger and more direct measures will be used in order to stoke and perpetuate the fear until later this year when the next flu season begins. The tactics most certainly already planned are not totally clear as of yet, but they will be as this year progresses.

If the powerful and their organized crime accomplices in government can carry the fear into the fall, all hell will break loose. By that time, and after nearly two years of lockdowns, a constantly masked populace, and psychological and economic destruction, the death rates coming will be exponential in nature. With that high level of stress among the masses, completely destroyed immune systems, and a much higher injection rate of deadly pathogens, the state will revel in its ability to take over once and for all.

As so-called ‘vaccines’ of all approved companies are being shut down in the U.S. and around the world due to horrible side effects and death, the state, the media, and the illegitimate ‘health’ organizations are continually recommending more ‘vaccinations’ of poisons be given. This obviously defies logic and sanity, but it should make evident to many more that this is a plot meant only to control and kill, and has never been meant to stop or cure any ‘virus.’ The only goals of this deception called ‘Covid’ are to cause sickness and death in order to accomplish depopulation and set the stage for technocratic control over all of humanity.

As people are confronted with blood clots, auto-immune disease, stroke, heart attack, horrible allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock, and many other dilapidating effects from these virulent and even fatal ‘Covid’ injections, including immediate death, Pfizer is already calling for a third vaccine within the year. The push for all to be injected is going forward, even as many claim they will not take these shots. What will the government and its handlers do to attempt to get a high percentage of Americans to accept the unacceptable? What is coming to enhance the numbers of people willing to accept this jab? What possible set of events will be forthcoming to frighten the public into running to get this shot of poisonous, mind and body controlling, RNA/DNA altering inoculation? Will it be a variant lie, claimed mutations, or other reasons, and will this government purposely release toxins on the public to cause mass panic? As I have stated in the past, nothing will be off the table when it comes to gaining total control over this country’s citizens.

The adverse reaction rate is supposedly calculated by a front organization for the CDC and FDA called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). This is akin to having the fox guard the henhouse, as the government desires all to be ‘vaccinated,’ regardless of the consequences, and then also is in charge of monitoring these events, and deciding what they want to report or not report. Less than 10%, possibly much less, of all adverse reactions and death due to ‘vaccines,’ are being reported, and the state through this VAERS system decides on its own which cases to report. Given the history of government monitoring and policing itself, these numbers are certainly only a tiny fraction of reality, and are manipulated by the promoters of this fraud. In fact, the CDC is basically a vaccine company, and gets most of its revenue from vaccines, and has many patents on the toxic concoctions. What a scam!

According to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:

“The CDC is a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry. The agency owns more than 20 vaccine patents and purchases and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines annually. Congressman Dave Weldon has pointed out that the primary metric for success across the CDC is how many vaccines the agency sells and how successfully the agency expands its vaccine program—regardless of any negative effects on human health.”

Actually, the number of vaccine patents held by the CDC is much higher, as noted in the source links below, this regardless of the lies put out by the state and media sponsored “fact checkers.”

The truth about the deadly nature of the U.S vaccination programs, and especially this ‘Covid’ scam injection, is becoming abundantly clear, but more need to shun not only this lethal shot, but others as well. This is especially true concerning the very young, and all children that are subject to any public school system. They are the targeted ones, because if all are injected over their lives, they will be little more than state-controlled robots in the future. With that accomplished over the next generation or two, there will be no freedom whatsoever left to consider in this land called America.

“Never have so many been manipulated so much by so few.” ~ Aldous Huxley, Robert S. Baker, James Sexton (2002). “Complete Essays: 1956-1963, and supplement, 1920-1948”, Ivan R. Dee Publisher


Source links:

WHO Chief and ‘Covid’ propaganda

Tanzanian president winds up dead

Guide to the Great Reset

Covid ‘vaccine’ genocide

Several states shut down J&J Covid ‘vaccine’

Pfizer CEO recommending third ‘Covid’ doze within year

CDC owns more than 50 vaccination patents

Vaccine patents assigned to CDC


India’s Health Ambassador & Tamil Actor Vivek Dies One Day After Taking COVID Vaccine

India’s Health Ambassador & Tamil Actor Vivek Dies One Day After Taking COVID Vaccine

by GreatGameIndia
April 17, 2021


Well known Indian actor and the Tamilnadu state’s ambassador for creating public health messages has passed away a day after he received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Popular Tamil actor and comedian Vivekh died this morning in the hospital hours after he was admitted after a cardiac arrest.

The 59-year-old was reportedly critical in a Chennai hospital after a cardiac arrest on Thursday morning. He was brought in unconscious at 11 am, was resuscitated, subsequently underwent coronary angiogram and then angioplasty.

Medical bulletin said he was critical on ECMO support, which pumps and oxygenates blood outside the body, but died at 4:35 am today.

On Thursday, the actor was declared as state’s ambassador for creating public health messages in the presence of Tamil Nadu’s Health Secretary to promote vaccination.

Who Turned “Science” Into a Con Game?

Who Turned “Science” Into a Con Game?

by Steve Cook, UK Reloaded
April 16, 2021


Intro by The Masked Writer

The latest assertion that certain vaccines are “proven safe” is yet another in a long line of outright lies glossed over with a thin “scientific” veneer, a fine example of how The People are, with malice aforethought, blinded not so much by science as a cynical mockery of science.

One has to look closely, as James Allard of the excellent OYE.News has done, at the recent claims that “studies” have shown that the experimental “vaxes” being pushed on the populace by are safe for pregnant women to discover yet another lie.

The lies are getting tiresome.

They are also vicious.

Who but an outright criminal or psychopath would produce rigged studies designed to con pregnant women into submitting to a treatment?

If we in the People’s Media achieve nothing else, we will have saved millions of lives now and into the future if we can instill in the citizenry the willingness to actually look, question and challenge when presented with “evidence” clearly designed to secure their compliance with some government agenda or other.

And to evaluate, for the love of God, the source of that information rather than accepting what we are told (by politicians and Big Pharma PR experts for heaven’s sake) on faith.

When you take what you are told on faith, it is best to at least evaluate exactly what sort of person you are placing your faith in.

“It is as if “science” has become the new orthodoxy, in which the utterances of its priesthood are taken on blind faith by a servile flock. It is time then for us to get out of the Middle Ages where we appear to be stuck and connect with the present time of the Age of Reason we are actually living in.” Fabian Ubiquitus

The following article shows the way, demonstrating how a few intelligent questions and a closer look a exactly what bill of goods we are being sold this time, can protect us from the manifold slights of hand of encroaching tyranny.

When we are told (as we often are), “studies have shown that….” something or other, the sane response is not some sort of apathic acquiescence but a few searching questions such as,

“Oh yea? What studies exactly? And what exactly did they do?”

And when that question is aimed at the “studies” of the experimental vaxes and pseudo vaxes and pregnancy we soon discover a con job masquerading as science.  We gain at the same time an insight into how the ‘scientific’ trickery is foisted on the people.

As you read the article that follows, bear in mind that the sham study being so ably exposed includes no comparative study by which one would assess the actual need for a vaccine. By this we mean a study of  how much risk to pregnant women is posed by Covid19. This risk we understand to be virtually zero unless said pregnant woman is (Lol) over 60 and suffering from diabetes or heart disease or some such thing).

Given the seriousness of the adverse reactions being experienced in the immediate aftermath of vaccination (medium and long term effects yet to be seen but right now the omens are not good) if my wife or daughters were pregnant, there is no way on God’s green Earth I would have them risk theirs and their unborn child’s wellbeing by getting the jab.

It would be safer to have them take plenty of vitamins C and D and Zinc and have Ivermectin or any one of a dozen cures on stand by and take their chances with a malady that is virtually no risk to them in any case.

And, again, all this begs a glaring question we really must start asking of this and many similar incidences of low-risk groups: why the hell is the government so keen to inject pregnant women with experimental biochemical agents they do not actually need, that carry a risk of serious adverse reactions, that nobody can assure us actually work, of which nobody knows the long term health consequences so as to protect them from a bug that is no threat to them and for which many effective and safe remedies exist in any case?


3 Month Study Concludes Experimental Vaccines Safe for Pregnant Women 

Both the Moderna and the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine offering have been determined as safe and effective in pregnant women according to a new study[1] published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

“How can this be?” I hear you ask. How can a product which is less than 9 months old be declared ‘Safe & Effective’ for a 9 month pregnancy?

Well, fear not, the study lasted for a whole two-and-a-half months, that’s right; the study lasted for just 1/3 of the length of a full pregnancy term and this was enough to determine the vaccine safe for pregnant women. Aren’t you glad you have corporate-science to look out for our best interests!

The US study[1] analysed the effects of the two vaccines on 84 pregnant, 31 lactating, and 16 non-pregnant women, with samples collected between 17 December and 2 March. – The Pulse[2]

So what exactly did they note that indicated this was safe for pregnant women?

No differences were noted in reactogenicity across the groups – Study[1]

That’s it. They simply noted that adverse reactions were the same with pregnant women as they were with the rest of the population.

There is no data on the health of the babies following birth, let alone 6 months to a year down the line. This study confirms nothing and to conclude that vaccines are ‘safe & effective’ for pregnant women is not only irresponsible, it’s outright criminal.



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Latest VAERS Data Show Reports of Blood Clotting Disorders After All Three Emergency Use Authorization Vaccines

Latest VAERS Data Show Reports of Blood Clotting Disorders After All Three Emergency Use Authorization Vaccines
VAERS data released today showed 795 reports related to blood clotting disorders with 400 attributed to Pfizer, 337 to Moderna and 56 to Johnson & Johnson between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 8, 2021.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
April 16, 2021


Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines revealed reports of blood clots and other related blood disorders associated with all three vaccines approved for Emergency Use Authorization in the U.S. — PfizerModerna and Johnson & Johnson (J&J). So far, only the J&J vaccine has been paused because of blood clot concerns.

VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received through a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 8, a total of 68,347 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 2,602 deaths — an increase of 260 over the previous week — and 8,285 serious injuries, up 314 since last week.

Of the 2,602 deaths reported as of April 8, 27% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 19% occurred within 24 hours and 41% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 174.9 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of April 8. This includes 79.6 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 90.3 million doses of Pfizer and 4.9 million doses of the J&J COVID vaccine.

This week’s VAERS data show:

Reports of blood clotting disorders in VAERS

Children’s Health Defense queried the VAERS data for a series of adverse events associated with the formation of clotting disorders and other related conditions. VAERS yielded a total of 795 reports for all three vaccines from Dec. 14, 2020, through April 8.

Of the 795 cases reported, there were 400 reports attributed to Pfizer, 337 reports with Moderna and 56 reports with J&J — far more than the eight J&J cases under investigation, including the two additional cases added Wednesday.

As The Defender reported today, although the J&J and AstraZeneca COVID vaccines have been under the microscope for their potential to cause blood clots, mounting evidence suggests the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines also cause clots and related blood disorders. U.S. regulatory officials were alerted to the problem as far back as December 2020.

CDC ignores The Defender, no response after 39 days 

According to the CDC’s website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. We requested information about how the CDC conducts investigations into reported deaths, the status of ongoing investigations reported in the media, if autopsies are being done, the standard for determining whether an injury is causally connected to a vaccine, and education initiatives to encourage and facilitate proper and accurate reporting.

After many attempts to get a response from the CDC, 22 days after our initial outreach a representative from the CDC’s Vaccine Task Force responded, saying the agency had never received our questions — even though the employees we talked to several times said their press officers were working through the questions we sent.

We provided the questions again and set a new deadline of April 7. We’ve reached out multiple times since, but the representative has not answered our emails or returned our calls.

On April 15 we called the CDC’s general media line again and were told they had our list of questions and were unsure why the representative told us she never received them. We were told the COVID response team would be informed and that we should follow up in a few days.

It has been 39 days since we first reached out and have yet to receive answers to our questions.

Johnson & Johnson paused over reports of blood clot

On April 15, The Defender reported that a healthy 43-year old man in Mississippi suffered a stroke hours after being vaccinated with J&J’s COVID vaccine. Brad Malagarie, father of seven, had received the vaccine a little after Noon and was found unresponsive by co-workers at his desk.

Also on April 15, the  Cincinnati Enquirer reported that the Ohio Department of Health is monitoring the investigation into what may have caused a 21-year-old University of Cincinnati student to die suddenly last Sunday, about a day after he received the J&J vaccine.

Alicia Shoults, a spokeswoman for the state health department, said the agency is waiting for the completion of a Hamilton County coroner’s report, and “if necessary,” further guidance from the CDC.

The two news stories came just days after federal health officials paused the J&J vaccine.

As The Defender reported April 13, the CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) called for a temporary but immediate halt to the use of J&J’s COVID vaccine while the agencies investigated the vaccine’s possible link to potentially dangerous blood clots.

In a joint statement, the agencies said the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) was reviewing clinical data gathered on six women, one who died, between the ages of 18 and 48 years who developed blood clots after receiving the single-dose J&J vaccine.

On April 14, the ACIP held an emergency meeting to vote on whether to lift the pause on J&J’s vaccine or change recommendations for its use. As The Defender reported, the ACIP postponed the vote, extending the pause pending further analysis of data relating to blood clots. The ACIP said it would reconvene for a vote in one week to 10 days.

That same day, J&J revealed two more cases of blood clots — one that occurred in a 25-year-old man who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage during a clinical trial and another case of deep-vein-thrombosis in a 59-year-old woman.

In its review of J&J’s submission for Emergency Use Authorization in February, the FDA initially urged further surveillance of a slight “numerical imbalance” in blood clotting events after receiving the shot. At the time, it was concluded there was “insufficient” data to determine “a causal relationship” with the vaccine and the drugmaker resumed the trial.

As The Defender reported April 12, the rollout of J&J’s COVID vaccine has not been smooth. At the beginning of the month the vaccine maker had to throw out 15 million doses of its vaccine after they were contaminated with AstraZeneca vaccine ingredients at an unapproved manufacturing plant in Baltimore.

The vaccine maker also has been plagued with shutdowns of its vaccine sites prior to the vaccine being paused, multiple reports of COVID breakthrough cases and criticism over its CEO’s $30 million pay package while the company pays out billions for its role in the opioid epidemic.

CDC, multiple states report ‘breakthrough’ COVID cases among fully vaccinated

Cases of fully vaccinated people getting COVID, referred to as “breakthrough” cases, continue to make news.

Calling it a “really good scenario,” the CDC yesterday reported 5,800 cases of COVID in fully vaccinated people. Of the 5,800 cases, 396 required hospitalization and 74 people died, the CDC said.

The CDC said it was “keeping a close eye” on the cases, but that breakthrough cases are to be expected. Tara Smith, a professor of epidemiology at the Kent State University College of Public Health in Ohio, told NBC News:

“This is a really good scenario, even with almost 6,000 breakthrough infections. Most of those have been mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic. That’s exactly what we were hoping for.”

On April 12, the Houston Health Department reported 142 breakthrough cases of COVID that occurred in fully vaccinated people since January, according to ABC 13 News. Vaccine recipients received either two doses of Moderna or Pfizer, or one dose of J&J. The report ruled out those who were said to have contracted the virus 45 days before their second scheduled shot date.

Houston Health Department said there were 2.46 positive cases out of every 10,000 fully-vaccinated people and it was unclear if those who tested positive contracted the original strand of COVID or a newer variant.

Last month, The Defender reported on breakthrough cases in Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota. On April 6, The Defender reported on 246 breakthrough cases in Michigan, which included three people who died.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


© April 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Dr. Tom Cowan & Leslie Manookian: Facing the Truth About the Serious Harm Caused by Vaccines & Deep Lies Pushed by “Health Authorities”

Dr. Tom Cowan & Leslie Manookian: Facing the Truth About the Serious Harm Caused by Vaccines & Deep Lies Pushed by “Health Authorities”


Leslie Manookian, former Wall St. executive who worked with Big Pharma accounts (now a licensed homeopath), shares conversation with Dr. Tom Cowan about the covid vaccines, the pharmaceutical corporations’ drive for profits while ignoring human safety, the past 100 years of deception around vaccines including lies about their efficacy and safety, and the unfolding attempted enslavement of humanity. Leslie also talks about her current work with Health Freedom Defense. See video below.


Excerpts from Transcript:

In response to a comment by Dr. Tom Cowan about “the depth of delusion that people suffer from”:

Leslie Manookian

I think it’s two-fold.

One is the brainwashing that we’ve been subjected to for a century about vaccines. And it is brainwashing because we have been lied to since the beginning about their safety, their efficacy, and the extent to which they’ve been proven safe — to which they’ve even been studied.

So that’s one part of the puzzle — that it saves humanity. That’s just not true. It’s patently false. And if you dig into the literature you’ll find that 90% of the decline in disease mortality in the western world occurred before advent or widespread use of either antibiotics or vaccines…

But the other piece of it is the cognitive dissonance. Right? We can’t actually digest this because I think the ramifications are too huge. One, that I might have injured myself or my children. And, two, I think the other thing is that — who can we trust? If we can’t trust health authorities with the health and well-being of our most vulnerable, our babies, then can we trust them with anything? And if we can’t trust them with anything, what does that mean, Tom?

We are on our own. It means we are on our own and that you have to be responsible for every aspect of your life. And a lot of people don’t want that.

Dr. Tom Cowan

But I can imagine how difficult it would be if I had been doing normal vaccines. And just to face it in myself that I did that for six months or a year. And you can always say ‘well, I didn’t know better’ and you could make up a lot of excuses. But, at the end of the day, there’s a kind of reckoning. And there’s a certain maturity — you know, a kind of emotional, psychological maturity — that I don’t think most doctors have. And they can’t face it.

Leslie Manookian

I think most human beings don’t want to face the fact that they actually are responsible for everything in their lives. Right? …

That parent-child relationship is actually cultivated by the media, by the medical profession, by the government, by education, even by our families…

There are so many aspects of our lives that are actually teaching us to be obedient rule-followers rather than questioners.


Conversations With Dr. Cowan & Friends| EP 24: Leslie Manookian 

by Dr. Tom Cowan
April 15, 2021


Original video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


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Vaccines (Are They Really Safe and Effective?)

by Neil Z. Miller



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The COVID Experiment: Are You Covered?

“Why did Moderna fail to disclose $20 million from DARPA for the development of vaccine patent technology being used today?”


The COVID Experiment: Are You Covered?

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
April 13, 2021


Why do people who have avoided the annual flu vaccine suddenly trip over themselves to inject an experimental shot? Why do they do it with so many questions left unanswered?

What ingredients are in the shot? What does it offer? Will you be invincible?

What are the known and unknown consequences of an experimental jab? What if something goes wrong?

To answer these questions, in defense of your health, it may be useful to apply Donald Rumsfeld’s famous axiom, that he shared during a 2002 Dept. of Defense briefing:

There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don’t know. ― Donald Rumsfeld, February 12, 2002, U.S. Department of Defense news briefing

If you consent to be a subject of an experiment, are you covered by your insurance company for any unforeseen damages? Are you in the realm of Known Knowns or Unknown Unknowns? Or somewhere in between?

I. Identify the Known Knowns: 

For many months, mainstream media has announced itself as the gatekeeper of your health information for all things COVID. It first reported that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID injections do not prevent infection of the Coronavirus. Later, they were unsure if their products prevented transmission. Then an April 2021 study reported that COVID variants can still infect vaccinated people. The story changed again in the same month, “A new study shows the Pfizer vaccine does prevent transmission.”

This is the realm of the Known Knowns, with the caveat that what we know can shift at any given moment.

Transmission of what, exactly? Who knows.

For many months, mainstream media has promoted the transmission of a “deadly virus” but failed to mention that the Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, has never been isolated. In December 2020 investigations, “no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available.” See December 2020 CDC document, page 43. The document also mentions that testing for “the virus” is woefully inadequate. Page 41: “This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.”

If there is no known virus, and no accurate test, how can there be an effective viral vaccine? Hence, an experimental vaccine!

Could the real threat instead be a bacterium, as Dr. Fauci suggested in a 2008 Journal of Infectious Diseases article, about the last major pandemic?

Could the real threat be the advertised cure?

In January 2021, CNN reported, “Don’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine.” Is that why deaths are now soaring in Brazil?

Could the real threat be the Big Three vaccine makers, PfizerJohnson & JohnsonAstra Zeneca,  whose rap sheets are so long they make the mob look innocent? Moderna claims it’s vaccine is really “a computer operating system.” Is that the reason for more side effects than the others?

For many months, the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly reported on their website that only 6% of deaths over the last year are due to a syndrome of symptoms called ‘COVID.’ At the same time, the media and government reported that 97% of people with COVID survive COVID’s flu-like symptoms. And all this time, Anthony Fauci never retracted his opinion in the March 26, 2020 NEJM that “Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%).”

Stories are being posted about Covid-vaccinated people testing positive for Covid. There are two possible reasons for this outcome:

  1. recipients that wore the mask for months in an attempt to prevent transmission of SARS-COV just injected that protein sequence into their bodies.
  2. Microbes shift to adapt to their surroundings just like humans do. Variants are always expected, especially after vaccination.

It is well known among the vaccine science community that vaccines cause variants, just as they did with Bordetella pertussis, a bacterium blamed for whooping cough, which adapted itself to survive the vaccine. In other words, the vaccine ended up diminishing vaccine effectiveness by creating a stronger bacterium. According to the authors of the 2013 New England Journal of Medicine study, “adaptation of B. pertussis to vaccine selection pressure.” In fact, vaccines reduce the body’s innate immune system, your natural defense system.

II.  Identify the Known Unknowns

Here come the Variants!

Experts say the recent UK B.1.1.7 variant is the most contagious and dominant variant of the virus they cannot isolate. Why do scientists sound an alarm over variants when they know how they are hatched?

It is to get people used to the idea of multiple future variant vaccines, which create new variants.

The media message is “Expect to be Sick.”

With what, exactly? Who knows.

Known Unknowns are mixed messages. Contradictory messages serve to maintain a specter of confusion and fear. It is all propaganda. In the U.S. it is legal for the government and the media, working together, to propagandize the American people. See The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

For many months, the government and media set up a plot to coerce U.S. citizens into accepting a new type of vaccine by reporting a national shortage of COVID shots, then a global shortage. At the same time they did not disclose that COVID shots are experimental, not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). An FDA “OK” is not a formal approval. As of April 2021, FDA has only approved one antiviral drug called Veklury (widely known as remdesivir) to treat COVID. All COVID injections are only Emergency Use Authorized (EUA). How does protect you? How does it affect your insurance coverage? See Part III

Is COVID a humanitarian or a military operation?

Why did Moderna fail to disclose $20 million from DARPA for the development of vaccine patent technology being used today?  Analyze the language used in the media. Vaccine deployment in many parts of the world is used in the battle against COVID. As an example, listen to this interview with World Health Organization Chief Scientist:

These vaccines are widely deployed…… the benefits clearly outweigh the risks, nothing is 100% safe… We need to watch. We’ve asked countries to step up their safety surveillance…. But right now the benefit risk profile is clearly in favor of the vaccine…. Ten thousand people a day are dying and the vaccines are highly  effective … *as effective in people over 65 as under 65.… We need to be careful. We don’t want to be confusing people of causing anxiety. Already there are a lot of people who have questions and are uncertain about the efficacy of the vaccines because they’ve been developed at record speed …. we need to reassure people and make sure that vaccines are taken up widely by the population otherwise we’re not going to achieve the goals we want to of controlling this pandemic.- Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, W.H.O. Chief Scientist

*Note: The CDC reports that 8 out of 10 COVID deaths are reported in people over 65.

The CDC and FDA tell you what they are injecting: Coronavirus Disease. Then, in a joint statement, they turn around and tell you not to get the injection due to “rare” cases of blood clots. First AstraZeneca confirmed a possible link between its shot and blood clots. Since then, 18 countries  suspended its vaccine. Then, Johnson & Johnson was targeted and Wisconsin paused its use.

Still, the EU’s drug regulator advises taking alternative experimental vaccines. The W.H.O. assures the vaccines are all safe.

While mainstream medical officials such as Dr. Fauci insist mRNA will not modify a person’s DNA, the NIH (the organization Fauci is partnered with) openly admits that it does.

Mainstream media publicizes that you should expect to get sick after a injection if your immune system is working properly. Then confuses the message by asking, If you don’t get sick after your injection, does it mean your immune system isn’t working? See Part IV for another answer.

While many people Know vaccines and their adjuvants cause harm, commonly autoimmune disease, a major Unknown is that vaccine companies are not liable for injuries or deaths resulting from their products. In other words, you cannot sue vaccine makers for side effects or direct effects from their products. Neither will the government compensate you for any damages. So who is responsible for damages?

You, the recipient, assume all the risk.

III. Identify the Unknown Unknowns

If you consented to be part of the COVID experiment, and you experience injuries that require medical attention, are you covered by your insurance policy?

This is the realm of the Unknown Unknowns.

India and other countries have been navigating this realm since December 2020:

Contrary to popular perception, existing health insurance policies are unlikely to cover the cost of vaccination and adverse reactions, if any. Only policies designed purely for the Covid-19 vaccination process — there is none at the moment — will cover the costs.

Prior to COVID vaccines, adverse health effects were rarely officially correlated with a vaccine. In cases where adverse effects have been proven, as with the oral Polio vaccine, there are few, if any, payouts in the private Vaccine Court system.

While the CDC advertises that vaccines are “safe and effective,” there have been no investigations on the safety of the entire recommended Childhood Vaccine (Birth to age 18) Schedule. Since 1986, when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was implemented, no vaccine safety reports have been filed by the Dept. of Health and Human Services, as required by the 1986 Act.

If insurance companies decide to cover COVID-related adverse effects, their policies will be limited in scope and duration. Currently, in India, there are special cases for Covid-19 only claims, with 3.5 months, 6.5 months and 9.5 months coverage. In Korea, health insurance coverage for COVID is offered as a separate policy and expires after one year.

Have you contacted your insurance company to ask the million dollar question?

Remember, COVID shots are not FDA-approved. Insurance companies are not inclined to enter into a money-losing proposition. Hedging their bets is one way for insurance companies to avoid paying for the ultimate cost. But isn’t the ultimate cost why people buy insurance in the first place?

If you approach your insurance company to pay for something outside a preexisting condition, expect to answer their question, “Have you ever had a COVID vaccine?”

IV. Healing Yourself

This message is not publicized by mainstream gatekeepers. There is no need to be confused by mixed messages or feel threatened by invisible viruses. There is no need to fear any microbe when your innate immune system is your built-in defense to protect your health. All it requires is a strong foundation.

Your immune system is your direct line to self-healing. And it does not lie. But it can be compromised by fear. A strong immunity means a healthy mind and a healthy body. When you feel sick, your body speaks to you in the language of symptoms. Symptoms indicate that toxins have compromised your defenses and activated your innate immune system. Symptoms indicate your immune system is in perfect working order. Listen to the wisdom of your body. You are your own healer.

Symptoms merely show you where you are out of balance and that your body requires your support to reverse the damage. All dis-ease is one disease, called Toxemia, an abnormal condition associated with the presence and storage of toxic substances in the blood. To further suppress your symptoms is to push the problem deeper and create a bigger problem that will eventually rise up to announce itself, when you least expect it. To heal the damage is to help the body express, or push out, the toxins and bring you back into balance.

Truth is simple because truth is individual, as individual as your immune system. Your truth is not someone else’s truth, so no need to argue over the definition of Truth. Balance is the key to health. Balance is reflected in the Nature of each individual. Since each of us is unique, unlimited options exist in the realm of self-healing. You can choose to work with a system of gatekeepers or you choose to work on yourself, guided by a natural health practitioner.

Knowing the whole story, the most important question to ask yourself? If drug and insurance companies do not stand behind their experimental products, why should you?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, ND

How Will We Know that a COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe? by Dr. Liz Mumper and Children’s Health Defense

How Will We Know that a COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe? by Dr. Liz Mumper and Children’s Health Defense


[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:   This presentation comes from a perspective that the “covid virus” theory is real. Even though most who find their way to this website are questioning the covid narrative, not to mention much of the “science” upon which western medicine is based (including vaccination in general), this video is well-worth watching and sharing. Dr. Mumper offers a clear and concise overview of the history of scheduled vaccinations and the large numbers of vaccine-related injuries and deaths. She talks about the toxic adjuvants found in all vaccines and dangerous ingredients that are specific to the mRNA injectables. Dr. Mumper takes a strong stance against medical mandates.  ~ Kathleen]


How Will We Know that a COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe by Dr. Liz Mumper and CHD

by Children’s Health Defense
video recorded October 2020 and published January 12, 2021


Children’s Health Defense has created a video of Dr. Liz Mumper’s presentation titled “How Will We Know That a COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe?” This presentation is the result of a collaborative effort between Dr. Mumper and the team of doctors, scientists, and researchers affiliated with CHD.

Dr. Mumper carefully provides detailed answers to two questions often asked by the public: “What does a safe and effective vaccine look like?” and “How will we know that a COVID-19 vaccine is safe?” She reviews many of the reasons why vaccines, as they are currently produced, are not safe, and explains that every year there are tens of thousands of adverse events, many of them resulting in serious conditions or even death.

Video Transcript

This is Liz Mumper. I’m a pediatrician with 40 years of experience both practicing and teaching pediatrics. It’s my honor, to be asked by Children’s Health Defense to share with you some of our concerns about vaccine safety specifically regarding the safety and effectiveness of the emerging COVID vaccines. As a pediatrician, I was taught to give vaccines and over my career, I have given thousands.

Some of my patients develop significant side effects including several who developed serious enough effects that it changed the course of their lives for the worse. As a result, I spent a lot of extra time learning about vaccine side effects and the metabolic and physiologic ways by which vaccines can cause injury in certain people. Based on my clinical experience and research, I understand why the public has concerns about COVID vaccines. In August only 44% of Americans said that they would get a COVID vaccine. And 58% of those said the reason was they were primarily concerned about side effects.

When you carefully examine the history of vaccinations, it’s not all lollipops and rainbows since I’ve seen how the sausage is made and what the ingredients are, I have decided to really look carefully at vaccine safety. It’s important to realize that the process is flawed as are all human endeavors. CHD, Children’s Health Defense is in the process of carefully examining the data. And we hope to be able to share this information with you so that you can truly make an informed decision about vaccinations.

Unfortunately, with the COVID response, about 60% of small businesses have shut down. And I’m very proud that my colleagues at Children’s Health Defense were among the first to call attention to the collateral damage that can be caused by widespread economic hardship and social isolation. The amount of anxiety and depression I’m currently seeing especially in my adolescent patients is very concerning. One of the things that concerned me most this spring, was the lack of attention to potential prevention strategies.

In my community, we were told to tell patients to stay at home until they got really sick. In my opinion, this was a well-intentioned strategy, allegedly to try to preserve hospital resources. But in my opinion, we miss the obvious point of what people should be doing so that they could develop immune resiliency, so that if they did get the COVID virus they would be able to respond well. So the issue of a COVID vaccine has been considered to be central to us getting back to normal.

But why would we put all of our eggs in one basket? Why would we assume that a vaccine developed at Warp Speed is the only way to save ourselves? A public health crisis that’s unfolding with global implications should bring forth collaborative strategies to pull our collective wisdom. Now, the amygdala is a part of our brain that is ruled by fear and emotion, it’s considered the reptilian part of the brain, this very primitive response. So instant access to bad news 24/7 can have the effect of making us live in fear.

Neuroscience long ago has shown that when we are fearful, our ability to make rational decisions is compromised. We have trouble processing nuanced information. We are more likely to follow others blindly than to assess the data and make decisions for ourselves and our families. So the hijacking of the amygdala by fear, obviously a hand coming out of the grave or the scary clown face are images that would disturb most people. However, now, if we’re living in fear, the other images like the hand being presented for a handshake or the cute guy’s smile might seem threatening to some people because they’re worried about the contagion of COVID.

Now this is an important slide that most people do not realize. In the United States, disease mortality rates for vaccine preventable illnesses actually went down a lot before the vaccines were introduced. So if you think of this curve, like a ski slope, at first you start out with this very high curve where lots of people are affected and then over time you see that the curve actually levels out.

So Nicholas Christakis who trained at Harvard and Yale and who brings his experience from being a clinician, a research scientist and a sociologist in addition to his heritage as a Greek and the wisdom derived from that culture, reminds us about this work of Thomas Mckeown, a sociological approach to the history of medicine. This researcher showed that, for example, for the whooping cough vaccine, which is called pertussis, it was actually introduced after death from whooping cough had decreased dramatically. The same was true for measles vaccine, that vaccine was developed and introduced after the curve of mortality had greatly declined and was on this sort of flat slope, like at the end of a ski jump.

So what that tells us is that, many other factors including public health measures, like indoor toilets and water sanitation and declining poverty and increasing wealth, all those things are public health measures that make a huge difference in vaccine preventable diseases. So we should be looking at the whole picture.

Will this be a rushed vaccine? Government agencies like the CDC, basically have some political motives and conflicts of interest. And in many ways the CDC is also a vaccine distributor because about over $4 billion of their budget is spent on purchasing vaccines. And they also have the task of making vaccine recommendations and doing educational campaigns for people to get vaccines.

So we should be asking the following questions, should the same organization that’s responsible for promoting widespread use of vaccines, be the same agency that looks at safety concerns and adverse reactions? Should the same doctors and scientists who develop a vaccine, sit on the American Committee for Immunization Practices to vote on approval of that vaccine? Which they have probably been working on for over a decade. And obviously are very invested in the outcome.

As the public health officials are trying to, reassure the public about vaccine safety, Children’s Health Defense has been looking at the data. Remember public health agencies are supposed to serve you. You’ve the right to look at the data and analyze the data and to ask for transparency.

Recently, several Harvard and Yale and other esteemed researchers and scientists and physicians have written that they need more transparency in order to be able to analyze the results of the ongoing clinical trials. Ultimately, you should have the right to decide if you get the COVID vaccine or not. In my opinion, medical mandates are malpractice because by definition, they do not take into account the individual medical histories, the genetic differences of patients, nutritional choices that they make that might put them at higher risk of side effects.

There’s an emerging field of study that combines vaccinology and genomics. This is called vaccinomics. So one of the scientists that’s been working on this for a long time is Gregory Poland. He works at the Mayo Clinic for Vaccine Research and has been working on this issue for over 22 years. So for example in an era where clinicians are using genomics to develop personalized, targeted cancer chemotherapy, I don’t understand why when it comes to vaccines, we continue to push a one size, one schedule fits all vaccine strategy. Have we decided for convenience, that all infants and children should get the same set of vaccines on the same schedule? No matter what their individual circumstances and medical histories and environmental risk factors.

So what does a safe and effective vaccine look like? At Children’s Health Defense, we have many hundreds of doctors and scientists who’ve studied vaccines, their ingredients, their physiologic mechanisms. And these are the following criteria that represent the fruits of their work.

The vaccine would be tested against a true placebo, inert saline, which is salt water. So unlike drugs, which have to be tested against a true placebo, vaccines fall under the category of biologics and are not tested against a true saline placebo. As an example, Merck’s HPV vaccine was tested against an aluminum adjuvant that can trigger auto-immunity. This clinical impact of this is actually very significant since aluminum is a known neurotoxin and a known trigger for auto-immunity, having aluminum in the new vaccine and in the placebo would wash out the differences in auto-immune or neurologic disease between the two groups. The one that got the vaccine and the one that got the aluminum placebo.

A safe vaccine would be tested long enough to track adverse events. And then post approval surveillance would be conducted to measure the long-term effects. So many vaccines are just monitored for side effects for two to five days or maybe a week. And auto-immune neurodevelopmental and chronic conditions would take much longer than that to manifest. As an example, Merck’s hepatitis B vaccine, which was given to one day old infants was only safety tested for five days.

So here’s my question. Newborn babies, mostly eat and sleep. So how effective can we be at assessing if they are experiencing side effects in such a short period of time? As somebody who has studied vaccines for many years and I’ve read every single vaccine insert of every single vaccine, I’m not as worried about the short-term effects, the redness, the swelling, all those signs that show that the body has recognized the shot as foreign and is reacting to it. I’m much more concerned about potential long-term effects on brain inflammation or auto-immunity, for example.

Why is post-approval surveillance so necessary? Over the last five years, the vaccine adverse event reporting system has received an average of 45,000 adverse events reported every year. And the striking thing is that, this is expected to be only about 1% of the total real adverse reactions according to our own government’s department of health and human services. This is because it’s a volunteer reporting system and there are no measures in place to measure compliance with this system.

Over the past years, the United States government and by that, I mean, you, the consumers of vaccines have paid out over $4.4 billion for vaccine injuries. It’s important to know that this $4 billion is paid out after a very high bar is set for families to get compensation for vaccine injuries. And it’s important to remember that that $4 billion comes not from Merck or Pfizer or Glaxo SmithKline.

Number three, experimental mRNA and DNA gene technologies should undergo years of testing before being used on consumers, mRNA vaccines have actually been used to target specific types of cancer. And if that works well for that patient, that’s fantastic. But the initial studies on COVID mRNA vaccines were done on extremely healthy patients. And since the vaccine is currently being prioritized for the most vulnerable, including the elderly, it’s crucial to assess safety for those in various states of health. And this theoretically is happening as the trials progress to phase three. mRNA vaccines have an intrinsic inflammatory effect, which could lead to auto-immune events.

Both Moderna and Pfizer and BioNTech are using mRNA technology in their vaccines. And these techniques have not been used and approved in the context of widespread use as is being contemplated now. In 1990, the first report of a successful use of In Vitro transcribed mRNA in animals was published. At that time, concerns were raised about the inherent instability of mRNA and the high innate immunogenicity of mRNA vaccines which can be a double-edged sword.

There’s been a lot of progress since then but mRNA that comes from outside a person is inherently immunostimulatory because your body recognizes that is foreign. Another concern that I have is that, in order for mRNA vaccines to penetrate into the cell membrane, they have to essentially penetrate by lipid layer, the two layers of fat that surround all our cell membranes. And this can be done through electrical measures or by using carrier proteins. And my question is, do we really wanna poke holes in our cell membrane?

Number four, vaccines should be free of mercury, aluminum and nano-metals. At Children’s Health Defense, we have over 240 studies showing that mercury is not safe. Due to safety concerns, the public health service did remove mercury for most vaccines starting in 1999 and most were phased out by 2003, 2004 but mercury is still present in many flu vaccines. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin, which is used as an adjuvant to induce immune responses in lots of vaccines.

So for example, if a two month old infant is immunized according to the CDC schedule, typically they get aluminum that exceeds the FDA’s maximal allowed dose by more than 50 times. Now, a 2017 Italian study showed that nearly all vaccines are contaminated with certain nano-metals, very, very very small metal particles. So you can go to the Children’s Health Defense website to look at peer-reviewed published studies on the adverse effects of mercury.

More than a decade ago, I testified in the national vaccine court on behalf of 5,000 children whose fate was determined by three test cases. The government experts argued that the dose makes the toxin and that the amounts of mercury in vaccines were so small that children should be able to handle that. We argued that individual children with individual capabilities for detoxification, for individual medical histories that might put them at greater risk, that we couldn’t be sure that any given dose was safe for a particular child. We lost that case.

So it appears that the Glaxo SmithKline and other vaccines may contain nano-aluminum. Christopher Exley, who is professor of bioinorganic chemistry at Keele university in the UK, he and his colleagues have done this impressive body of work about the dangers of aluminum especially with regards to neurotoxicity. His work is well worth reading, and you can find the links to his work on the Children’s Health Defense website.

Number five, vaccines should be free of adjuvants that are proven to be dangerous. This includes, but it’s not limited to squalene, aluminum and polyethylene glycol. So an adjuvant is a substance that’s deliberately added to a vaccine in order to stimulate the immune system to make a strong immune response. So squalene is one of many adjuvants that are used and it was found to be harmful in certain people by inducing, for example, auto-immune conditions or narcolepsy which is falling asleep suddenly literally while you’re on your feet sometimes. Polyethylene glycol is another adjuvant that can trigger serious auto-immune responses and anaphylaxis in certain individuals.

You’ve heard about Gulf War syndrome, Malcolm Hooper at the United Kingdom is one of the many scientists that I’ve met who’ve uncovered very concerning information about the role of vaccine adjuvants in Gulf War syndrome, which as you know, has occurred in many soldiers who were never deployed to the Persian Gulf. And basically a 100% of Gulf War syndrome soldiers who were immunized, who had symptoms of Gulf War syndrome, which can be very varied and very debilitating had antibodies to squalene and other people who got the same set of shots but didn’t develop these symptoms, did not.

This should be a cautionary tale as we move forward with COVID vaccines. Polyethylene glycol will be in the Moderna vaccine we are told and we’re concerned that polyethylene glycol can trigger serious adverse immune responses or anaphylaxis in certain people. Again, with all due respect to the vaccinologist out there and the people who are working feverishly with the best of intentions to make a vaccine in this crisis, you are not the ones who will have to take care of the patients who have significant adverse effects from the vaccines you develop, physicians, nurses, physical therapists, social workers, teachers, school administrators, first responders and most importantly families, are the ones that are going to have to deal with any potential adverse effects.

Number six, the vaccine should be free of avian, bovine, porcine, monkey and mouse viruses. So essentially many vaccines are produced in animal serums and can be contaminated with retrovirus. One such virus is known as simian virus 40 which has been shown to be associated with cancer. So in the new millennia, we have better methods for producing vaccines. And again, we need to keep safety foremost in our minds. It’s notable that SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 is an animal virus that allegedly originated in bats.

Number seven, vaccines should be free of human DNA and aborted human fetal tissue. So there’s a human fetal cell line dating back to the 1960s that’s been used in vaccines for many years. An Italian study identified the presence of a complete abnormal human genome of a male fetus in the MMRV vaccine, which is measles, mumps, rubella combined with chicken pox, a vaccine I have never used because of such concerns. And I invite you to go to the Children’s Health Defense website and check out the paper.

So it seems like we’re phasing out use of fetal tissue but I wanna remind you that one of the most basic roles of the immune system is to determine the difference between self and non-self. So vaccine developers and biologists are human. So by definition, they are not infallible. And we must remain very humble in my opinion, about the limitations of our knowledge. As Donald Rumsfeld said, there is what we know, what we don’t know and what we don’t know, we don’t know. Or if you prefer Mark Twain, he said, the trouble with the world is not that people know too little, it’s that they know so many things that just aren’t so. Another thing he said that I find inspiring is whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect.

So I want you to look more carefully at this new data that shows DNA from aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines, and notably there are some errors in this genomic DNA that potentially can have great consequences. And it’s important to understand that this is data that’s independent of the religious, philosophical or political views on aborted fetal tissue in vaccines that some officials might dismiss on the argument of the greater good for mankind. So the potential implications need to be taken very seriously.

Number eight, vaccine should be free of bio chips and nano-technology agents. So it’s important to know that bio-chips and nano-technology agents can be introduced into the body through vaccines. This would allow communication between a person’s biology physiology or psychology and outside technology. This is a new frontier but you need to know that it is being examined by tech companies as well as by the defense advanced research projects agency. I’m not saying this will be done with COVID vaccines as Yogi Berra said, it’s tough to make predictions especially about the future, but we need to have our eyes wide open so that those of us who have backgrounds in history and sociology and theology and the humanities and medicine can temper the momentum of big tech as these options are explored.

Here’s your slide for the FDA, looking at approval of injectable bio-chip implants for COVID. Even though we’ve all become addicted to our technology and I assure you that the big tech companies have very carefully studied our psyches in order to figure out how to addict us, it’s actually imperative that we make thoughtful choices about the interface between humanity and technology and make informed risk versus benefit decisions.

Dr. Morgan, in a 2020 JAMA article points out that to use the term risks emphasizes that the unfavorable outcome may not happen. There is no parallel language for benefits that acknowledges that the benefits might not happen also. So he argues that we should talk about harms versus potential benefits. Independent testing would be needed to determine the presence of these bio-chips or nano-technology agents in a vaccine. It’s highly unlikely that those agents would be listed under the ingredients.

So people at Children’s Health Defense who are much less naive than I am, are really concerned about this. So whether you’re a Republican, a Democrat, an independent or whether you live outside the United States, I urge you to listen to Bobby Kennedy Junior’s perspective on history and the role of authoritarianism. This is available at the CHD website.

Number nine, the liability protection provided to vaccine makers actually creates a perverse incentive to rush the vaccine and potentially downplay safety concerns. So at Children’s Health Defense, we argue that vaccine makers need to bear responsibility and financial liability for ensuring that their products are safe. Again, many people are not aware that vaccine injuries and deaths do occur. And again, that the consumers of vaccines paid over $4.4 billion to compensate the vaccine injured.

So as you think about the billions of dollars being invested in these vaccines, think about what Bobby Kennedy Jr. calls the perfect business model, where you get government funding for research and then you avoid liability for any defects. Due to the public readiness and preparedness act, the PREP Act of 2005, even if someone develops a serious reaction to the COVID vaccine, or even dies as a direct result, there is no liability for the people that manufactured that vaccine. They have been granted immunity from the federal government when COVID was declared an emergency. How many of you knew that?

Again, think about potentially good intentions, potentially unanticipated consequences of actions. Right now public health authorities are trying to assure us that COVID vaccines will be safe and effective. So it’s very important that our leaders maintain credibility and really take vaccine safety very, very seriously.

According to a 2011 peer-reviewed study in academic pediatrics, 54% of American children now have at least one of 20 different chronic health conditions. A chronic health condition is one that you don’t get over but it tracks you for many years typically that’s different from an acute illness, like a strep throat or an earache where typically with treatment, you get better. So there’s a strong possibility that the role of the vaccine schedule developed by the CDC is very important in the genesis of all this chronic illness.

Now for our detractors, and there will be many, yes, we know that correlation is not causality, but we have tried to analyze the emerging scientific evidence about the mechanisms of vaccine injury. And I’m particularly worried about the fact that any vaccine stresses the mitochondria which are the powerhouses of ourselves that essentially run our cellular biochemistry. So the public should know that the current vaccine schedule has never really been tested in its entirety. As new vaccines were developed and added to the schedule there was an assumption that it would be safe to give them in combination.

My father was a history professor. So I was taught from an early age that we should try to gain insights from previous history when we’re making complicated decisions. For example, here’s some people who were mocked for their ideas, which later turned out to be quite true. Dr. Semmelweis was kicked out of his hospital, put in an insane asylum and actually died in mysterious circumstances two weeks later because he had the audacity to suggest that doctors should wash their hands between the time they did an autopsy and then went to deliver a baby. Obviously germ theory later was shown to be very true.

Another example, Dr. Barry Marshall, who was the one who proved that Helicobacter pylori was associated with ulcers, reports that he was widely mocked by his colleagues at the University of Virginia which coincidentally is where I did my chief residency in pediatrics. And that drove him to actually swallow the organism and then proved by biopsy that he’d gotten an ulcer. Of course later when he won a Nobel prize, UVA had that information all over their website. So sometimes people in the minority are worth listening to.

So let’s look at some of the COVID vaccine candidates and we’re going to have this information available to you on the Children’s Health Defense website so that you can examine it more carefully. At this stage there’s actually very little transparency regarding the vaccines being tested and their ingredients. And it’s possible that we won’t really know until we get the package inserts out about everything that’s in the vaccines.

Candidate number one from Moderna is currently in phase three trials where it’s being more widely used so that we can assess safety and efficacy. It is based on mRNA technology and it contains the adjuvant polyethylene glycol. It’s important to know that about 21% of the participants in the first round of these vaccine trials had very significant adverse events. And that’s why we do vaccine trials. And it’s important to identify those but it reminds us of the potential power of the vaccines that are being developed.

Candidate two, also uses mRNA technology and contains PEG. And these companies are working on about four different vaccine trials concurrently and some have had to be paused for unsatisfactory intolerability problems.

Candidate three, these trials were suspended temporarily due to severe adverse events. One was a case of transverse myelitis. And one was a case of multiple sclerosis that was deemed to be coincidental, that was dismissed as coincidental.

Now let me clarify that it’s not at all unusual for a trial to be paused while what seemed to be adverse events are investigated. In an ideal world, those doing the investigations would be unbiased and make excellent decisions, deciding between correlation and causality. However, it’s really important to remember that there are human lives at stake here and there’s a different perspective from a clinician like me, who actually takes care of children who have vaccine injuries versus the perspective of those developing the vaccines.

So I wanna tell you a little bit about transverse myelitis. This is an inflammatory disease that affects the spinal cord, and it’s actually a pretty common vaccine side effect that’s reported in the package inserts of about 10 different vaccines. Three different hepatitis B vaccines and Merck’s HPV vaccine both lists transverse myelitis as a possible side effect.

I was very concerned about the case of transverse myelitis when I heard it on the news because Children’s Health Defense has a case involving a young teenage boy who was healthy and very athletic before he was given the Gardasil vaccine. Within two weeks he developed symptoms and ultimately became wheelchair bound and ventilator dependent. Eventually he disconnected himself from the ventilator when he was at home alone as a result of vaccine side effects. So Children’s Health Defense has a very gripping video that talks about Colton’s case and shows before and after pictures of how his life changed so dramatically. I would encourage you to look at that.

So in the last two decades, the vaccine injury compensation program has actually awarded compensation for many transverse myelitis cases. Johnson and Johnson has candidate 4, in which adenovirus will be spliced to a coronavirus.

Candidate 5 is currently in phase one trials, may have moved on to phase two soon which is the use of a genetically-engineered virus. And it also has an adjuvant in it that contains nano-aluminum, very tiny particles of aluminum.

So there are another eight manufacturers who have vaccines in the pipeline. Four of those are using this mRNA technology. So the other thing that concerned me about COVID vaccine development is that the typical animal trials that we used to look for adverse events were skipped over because of the urgency. This is where we would typically find problems like inflammation or what’s called pathogenic priming. Pathogenic priming by a vaccine is also known as immune enhancement or an antibody dependent phenomenon that causes enhancement of the inflammatory process.

So the PREP Act went into effect this spring when COVID was deemed an emergency. And so that prohibits us from suing vaccine makers. But I do worry that we will see a phenomenon in humans that may be like this pathogenic priming that was identified in animals during the other SARS virus vaccine trials.

Now, Children’s Health Defense opposes mandates for vaccines. The Nuremberg Code of 1947 is very explicit that even if an action is for the greater good of society, individuals still have the right for voluntary consent which they deemed absolutely essential. It is clear that we can’t be guaranteed that the COVID vaccine will be safe, but it will be protected from liability under the PREP Act. Children’s Health Defense would argue that in order for individuals to be asked to give up sovereignty over their bodies, the evidence must be crystal clear, that the greater good would be served. Even then the Nuremberg Code requires voluntary consent.

I think this is one of the important civil rights issues of our times. The immune system is complex and redundant. We need to be very humble about our abilities to manipulate immune mechanisms. We need to acknowledge the possibility of unforeseen consequences. So for those of you who are not physicians or immunologists basically there are two arms to the immune system. There’s the innate immune system that is like our first line of defense.

It’s a generalized response and very sensitive to things like the foods we eat and the vitamins that we take. Adaptive immunity is the traditional target of vaccines. It essentially creates very specific immunity and it remembers the infection. It can remember the infection if you get it. Like I got measles in the 1950s and have immunity now or it can remember it from a vaccine that induces this memory. But it’s specific, so we need to think as we’re dealing with COVID not just that the vaccine that targets this one arm of the immune system is going to be the answer, we need to honor mother nature. And this very exquisite system that we have that really defies our complete understanding.

So how do we develop immune resiliency? There are things that aren’t expensive that we can do. For example, we would recommend that you maintain an optimal vitamin D level, not just one that barely sufficient to keep you from getting rickets, but one that actually helps your immune system and your brain. Vitamin D acts to increase something called interleukin 10 which acts to regulate inflammation. It dampens down inflammation much like an aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen would. But it also has an important role in consolidating memories in the hippocampus. So that what you learned today after you sleep tonight, you’ll be able to remember tomorrow. This might have some value for the COVID long haulers who are dealing with horrible brain fog.

Another thing we would advocate is generous amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an excellent antiviral. It’s also an excellent antioxidant. Humans don’t make their own vitamin C. So we need to get it in our foods or in supplements. When animals face an infection, they are able to make their vitamin C and they immediately ratchet up their production of vitamin C by a factor of about 10 or more. So we need to consider using vitamin C both to help us be ready for an infection and prevent COVID severe side effects. And also to think about high doses of vitamin C to rescue people that do get COVID.

Zinc is very important for the sense of smell. And you may remember that one of the very unique characteristics of COVID infection is that people lose their sense of smell and therefore their sense of taste. So we would recommend that the population take zinc supplements or food sources of zinc, so that they are not deficient as they encounter COVID in their communities. There are other integrative and functional strategies for your lifestyle supplements, including selenium, Omega 3 essential fatty acids, bioflavonoids all these things are anti-inflammatory.

Very importantly, you want to avoid pro-inflammatory foods. Sugar and processed foods are pro-inflammatory meaning that they drive inflammation. Very healthy diets like Mediterranean diets that emphasize lots of fruits and vegetables are anti-inflammatory. And fruits and vegetables and high quality proteins, and good fats are what essentially tell ourselves what to do. So let’s try to optimize those interventions.

And then very critically, the field of psycho neuroimmunology has very clearly demonstrated for decades the vital connections between our immune system and the way that we’re feeling, the supportive relationships that we either have or lack whether or not we get to spend time in nature and whether or not we have good coping mechanisms for stress. If you are inside and stressed out and fearful and alone, your immune system by definition is not going to be functioning well. So if you wanna find out more, you can look at one of the many research compilations of non-prescription, non-vaccine options to consider to keep yourself safe.

I worry incessantly about elderly people, our grandmothers and grandfathers who are locked down often in their rooms without visitors, without sunshine or nature. I really wonder how many deaths could we have prevented by making sure that all these people in nursing homes and assisted living had adequate sources of vitamin C and vitamin D. And how many doses of vitamin C, at a cost of 10 or 20 cents a dose could we have given them for 10 to $18 billion? Which is what we spent on vaccine development so far. And very poignantly, how many of those people died a death of despair alone without their families?

So we have a proposal for safer vaccines. What we can do in six steps. Our premise is that the public demands a safe COVID vaccine but importantly, they also deserve one. Many of us want a safer vaccination program for all vaccines and for all people. This is common to us, whether you identify as pro-vaccine or have concerns about safety of vaccines, which by the way does not make one an anti-vaxxer. We need to know that we’re developing the health of our children as best we can. So we could work together and make us safer vaccine program. Children’s Health Defense has been looking at this for years, and we have a lot of resources.

So the six steps that we advocate; vaccines should be subjective to scientifically rigorous approval processes. We need to remove conflicts of interest so that those involved in the vaccine approval process are not going to directly or indirectly benefit from approving a vaccine. We need acknowledgement from both medical and public health authorities that vaccine injury exists and that they will take this seriously and take steps to investigate the causes of vaccine injuries.

We need systems that can actually measure the safety of vaccines and their adverse events after the vaccine is deployed. So the existing systems that we have, VAERS which is the vaccine adverse event reporting system and VSD, which is the vaccine safety data link, these need to be automated and updated. Government needs to support fully-informed consent. And this does involve potentially the individual right to refuse vaccination, obviously, a topic for much debate. We at Children’s Health Defense welcome civil debate among people who disagree. Number six, government-granted immunity for vaccine makers needs to be rescinded. We need to restore some liability for people who are profiting from vaccines. At Children’s Health Defense, we are working with like-minded organizations around the globe to push for these safety changes and for vaccine safety reform.

So please remember there are outstanding safety concerns that need to be addressed. There are tens of millions of people who may have concerns that you have, and ultimately you have the right to decide about getting this vaccine. So we’re asking that you join our vaccine safety movement, visit Children’s Health Defense. You’ll see the website listed. We will provide this PowerPoint and the links to the research that we have referenced.

And I know I’ve given you a lot to think about today. We ask that you keep an open mind and remember some of the themes we talked about today. Number one, learning from our prior history of previous vaccines. Number two, recognizing that your ability to process information and think clearly is impaired when you’re living in fear. Number three, the law of unintended consequences, number four, the principles in the Nuremberg Code. And number five, remember that we as humans by definition are fallible and that we need to be very humble when we try to manipulate genetics and manipulate cellular machinery that comes from a complex system from nature that we do not fully understand. Thank you very much.


©January 2021  Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.


The ‘Covid’ Plot Will Continue, So How Will Mass Fear Be Reestablished?

The ‘Covid’ Plot Will Continue, So How Will Mass Fear Be Reestablished?

by Gary D. Barnett
April 12, 2021


All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: it’s one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him… One of its primary functions is to regiment men by force, to make them as much alike as possible and as dependent upon one another as possible, to search out and combat originality among them.” ~ H. L. Mencken, “Prejudices: Third Series (Le Contrat Social)“. Book by H. L. Mencken, 1922.

At this point in time, ‘hope’ seems to be a consuming factor in the minds of many, as more of my correspondence tends to be critical of hearing the truth. Many want to see good news; they desire only positive messages due to small outbreaks of sanity among the herd and a tiring of doom. While this is a normal reaction after 13 months of lockdown hell, it can also be a very dangerous position to take. This conspiracy that has been planned for decades is not going away quickly or quietly, and the end game sought is closer to completion than ever before. With this knowledge, it is not prudent to dismiss reality in favor of the abandonment of truth.

The ‘Covid’ plot will not subside anytime soon, and the controlling few and their government accomplices have a grand agenda that includes taking over the minds and bodies of all humanity, and creating a global governing system that will rely on very centralized technocratic control. In addition, depopulation on a large scale is desired, and in order to achieve that goal, many must be sickened and many must die. While this may seem to be too harsh a reality to fathom, in order to stop this onslaught of tyranny, it is vital to resist and disobey at every level, and it is imperative to continue fighting against our enemy the state until it is made completely impotent.

Part of the country has opened up somewhat, and other parts are still in a state of lockdown, mandatory mask wearing, and curfews. Much of Europe, Canada, Australia, and most of the rest of the western world are even worse, but what is happening there will soon happen here. Travel is very restricted for the most part, and international travel has become almost impossible unless one is willing to face wearing a mask, extreme prejudice, dangerous testing, possible poisonous injection, and costly mandated quarantine in a prison-like setting. No sane person would bow to such pressure and totalitarian threats, or take such undue personal risk in order to simply travel at will.  There has been some pushback, and with the exception of certain areas of this society, deadly injections falsely labeled as a ‘vaccine’ have not yet reached saturation levels, but what will the government’s coming tactics be in order to reestablish mass fear in this already beaten down population?

It seems logical to assume that this tyrannical takeover plot will not simply be scrapped due to some minor pushback. Actually, with only partial resistance evident, the more aggressive the state will become in my opinion. The idea is to gain control over the majority, ‘vaccinate’ them, and then go after all the dissenters and non-vaccinated. If large numbers refuse to adhere to this plot, this would be difficult for the ruling class to overcome, so the tyranny, fear mongering, and new mandates will likely increase throughout this year. The reason for this is that the effort to control society has been one of massive proportion, and it is meant to be the final attempt to achieve complete control of the people and the economy. To get this close and fail would be devastating to those in power, as it would expose this coup for what it really is, even to many of those in this country that have been blinded by apathy and ignorance for so long.

The state’s attempts to complete this transition to a global governing technocratic system will necessarily require that much fear be instilled in the populace so that many more in the near future will accept more loss of freedom and they will mass ‘vaccinate,’ which has not occurred to date. This means we will face more threats, more panic, more claimed virus outbreaks, and possibly attacks through the use of targeted bio-weapon releases that will be used to scare more of the herd into submission. The more that take this Covid injection, the worse things will become, as the deaths due to this poison will be attributed to one or another virus, either the current version or some claimed mutant strain. There has been much talk and media hype lately about mutating variants of what has been mislabeled as Covid-19, so this looks to be a planned attempt to set people up for more lies that will lead to extreme panic later this year.

Expect many reports of more positive tests, more outbreaks, and more death. If those already ‘vaccinated’ begin to die off in large numbers over the next few months or during the next flu season due to the unknown effects of this experimental toxic concoction, that tragedy would be used to promote more ‘vaccination,’ which would of course cause even more death. This vicious cycle would be pleasing to the state, as it would promote more lockdowns, more quarantine, more restrictions, more demands, more small business destruction, more surveillance, more censorship, more immunity passports, and that would lead to more control.

There are many things that the government and its accomplices could do to cause more fear among the people, and that is why it is imperative to trust absolutely nothing from any government source or any mainstream media. Every single thing should be questioned and scrutinized, and ‘Covid’ tests and toxic injections should be avoided at all cost.

Be prepared for more tyranny, but do not be surprised at anything this governing system does to reinstate terror into the population. There has been a slight lessening of draconian measures as of late, but many are dying from this toxic pathogen delivery system called a vaccine, and that has temporarily caused a slight stall in dictatorial policy. But all the while, the senile Biden is very busy enacting executive orders, while Congress and state governors are putting forth extreme spending and restrictive legislation, and plotting the next phase of this attack on the people. Gun control orders have been put into place by fiat just this week, and that of course is another step toward disarming this population. The drive toward immunization passports, which are nothing less than ‘papers’ similar to what were mandated in the past in Nazi Germany, Russia, and communist China, among other countries, is accelerating. These dictatorial measures of control are expanding worldwide, and New York is already requiring these ‘papers,’ and has legislation pending that would allow the evil governor and his henchmen to capture and imprison in camps those that would be deemed by the state to be a ‘health threat.’ The immunity passports will eventually be used to restrict all the necessities of life to those not complying, and this will be done to force more vaccination. It is a dastardly plan, but one that is advancing quickly during this seemingly calmer period, so these invasions against all of us cannot be ignored or allowed to go forward.

As politicians are apt to say in every war they aggressively pursue, nothing is off the table, and we will use every weapon possible to stop the enemy, regardless of the consequences. But we are the enemy this time, and the weapons they possess are many. The propaganda will continue and escalate dramatically, and the terror against the people will never stop until we stop it. Expect the unexpected, because this is a serious situation, and those of us unwilling to submit will face a great threat going forward unless our numbers grow exponentially. We can never give up, and we must fight without reservation to protect our precious lives and freedom.

“Every time I hear a political speech or I read those of our leaders, I am horrified at having, for years, heard nothing which sounded human. It is always the same words telling the same lies. And the fact that men accept this, that the people’s anger has not destroyed these hollow clowns, strikes me as proof that men attribute no importance to the way they are governed; that they gamble – yes, gamble – with a whole part of their life and their so called ‘vital interests.” ~ Albert Camus (1978). “Notebooks, 1935-1942”, Harcourt

Source links:

It’s official. Vaccine passports required in New York!

The SPARS Pandemic

European Commission: (Digital Green Certificate)

New York bill to set up concentration camps

Increasing Covid injection deaths

Death rates skyrocket in Israel after Pfizer Covid shot

List of bills in 117th Congress.


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

FDA Needs to Repeal Emergency Authorization of Covid Vaccines

FDA Needs to Repeal Emergency Authorization of Covid Vaccines

by Dr. Mark Sircus
April 11, 2021


If the FDA knows what’s good for it and the public, they will retract their emergency authorization of all three vaccines used against COVID-19. I doubt they would do anything to protect the public, knowing their track history of terrorizing the public with unsafe medicines and medical practices so I would not waste my breath pleading with them for the public sake. However, I would suggest they take heed and retract before thousands more die. What follows is perhaps the greatest horror story ever told.

The FDA’s commissioner has the authority to allow unapproved medical products to be used in an emergency when there are no adequate or approved alternatives. An Emergency Approval (EUA) is not the same as full approval, and it can be withdrawn.

There is reason to believe that the FDA had no right to grant emergency approval because there are adequate alternatives, though not approved before the vaccine rollout, but are approved now (Ivermectin) and in England Vitamin D. Also, medical and health authorities have a stupendous bias against natural medicines that have proven themselves since the 1918 Spanish Flu to be effective. These same medicines have also proved themselves to be effective against COVID-19.

“Of the half a million deaths from COVID in the United States, there would have been 375 thousand fewer deaths if Invermetin was used. Ivermectin decreases the death rate by 75 % and, if given early, by 86%. There is blood on the hands of bureaucrats in Washington DC who have suppressed this life-giving medicine,” says Dr. Ryan Cole. Every public person who has obsessed with vaccines over all else is forever cursed with the hundreds of thousands of deaths that could have been prevented if just a little common sense and less hysteria had prevailed.
The Media Censored COVID-19 Early Treatment Options That Could Have Reduced Fatalities by 85%

The keywords that should hang the FDA from the highest tree, “when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.” There was no emergency except the one fabricated to sell vaccines. If Ivermectin protocols and Vitamin D were applied on an international basis, many of the dead would still be alive.

In September of 2020, CNN reported that vaccine experts warned the federal government against rushing out a coronavirus vaccine before testing has shown it’s both safe and effective. They presented decades of painful vaccine history showing why they’re right. Of course, they were ignored.

Dr. Howard Markel, a pediatrician, distinguished professor, and director of the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan, said people’s mistrust of the system makes the idea that the FDA would rush this process before late-stage clinical trials are complete “colossally stupid.” Markel said, “All it takes is one bad side effect to basically botch a vaccine program that we desperately need against this virus. It’s a prescription for disaster.”

Special Offer: My 100 lesson course on cancer at eighty percent off the regular price of 500 dollars. So your cost will be only 99 dollars. The course is part of a doctoral program at Da Vinci University and, when taken for credit, costs 1,000 Euros for both parts. I want! »

Dr. Michael Kinch, a radiation oncology professor in the school of medicine at Washington University in St. Louis, his latest book, “Between Hope and Fear,” explores the history of vaccines. Kinch said the clinical trial process needs to be followed to the end, which they were not. “A too-early EUA for a vaccine could cause a “nightmare scenario,” for a few reasons. “People are going to die unnecessarily if we take chances with this,” Kinch said.

Hungary is suffering a devastating surge in COVID-19 deaths, despite
the fact, it 
has the highest vaccination rate in the European Union.

And a vaccine disaster is exactly what we have. COVID vaccines are failing to do everything but make certain people and companies rich. They are a colossal failure doing more harm than good. They are killing people, failing to prevent infection nor death from COVID infection. They are the most dangerous vaccines in history, causing more vaccine damage and death than all the other vaccines in existence put together by a margin, so sickening, history will never forget.

When the new experimental “vaccines” hit the streets, it was no surprise that reported deaths following the injections of these shots have now skyrocketed in the U.S. population by over 6000% at the end of the first quarter of 2021, as compared to recorded deaths following FDA-approved vaccines at the end of the first quarter of 2020.

A report from the Swedish Public Health Agency shows that of the several hundred thousand people in Sweden who have received two COVID-19 vaccine doses and about 200 people have so far tested positive for COVID-19. Worse was the news of what happened after only one dose. About 6,000 people have so far been found to have covid-19 after their first vaccine dose—over 100 Fully Vaccinated People in Washington State Test Positive for COVID-19.

The Times of Israel reports that a 22-year-old girl has died from myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle two weeks after receiving her second dose of the experimental mRNA Pfizer injection. It does not make sense to ruin peoples’ lives and even kill them to solve any problem, including COVID.

Unbelievably Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech requested to amend their emergency use authorization with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday to get approval to administer their COVID-19 vaccine to 12- to 15-year-olds. So now they want to start killing young people and get the blessings of the FDA.

South African variant may evade protection
from Pfizer vaccine
, Israeli study says.

There is a long list of people, starting with the commissioner of the FDA if they do not one day want to be charged with crimes against humanity when all is said and done, they would smarten up and admit they were wrong or bowed to irrisible political pressure or had inappropriately sold their souls once again to pharmaceutical interests. But we all know how corrupt American politics is. Things are getting to the point where there is serious doubt that the USA will survive as a nation, for there is no longer any moral authority left. None, zero, and that starts with the FDA.

Or perhaps they are plain stupid and don’t want anyone to know that viruses, including COVID-19, are pH-sensitive, meaning viruses have a difficult to almost impossible time infecting cells under alkaline conditions.

Same if not Worse Problems in England

In a strongly worded letter to the British Medical Journal, a London-based consultant has pointed to “unprecedented” levels of staff sickness following the COVID-19 injections, describing the “coercion and mandating” of the injection as reminiscent of a “Nazi dystopia.”

Dr. K. Polyakova wrote, “The levels of sickness after vaccination is unprecedented and staff are getting very sick and some with neurological symptoms which is having a huge impact on the health service function. Even the young and healthy are off for days, some for weeks, and some requiring medical treatment. Whole teams are being taken out as they went to get vaccinated together.” And emergency departments are being swamped by patients who have had the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine and are suffering mild side effects.

Report: Michigan officials investigating after 246 ‘fully vaccinated’ residents get COVID-19, three die. North Carolina: Vaccination Site Halts Operations After Adverse Reactions to Johnson & Johnson Vaccine. Eighteen adverse events were seen in two hours, thanks to the fat cats at the FDA. In Colorado, another vaccination clinic was shut down after 11 people suffer adverse reactions to Johnson & Johnson shot.

Lauren explains it “Started with chest pain, paralysis on my left side. I was rushed over via ambulance to [Baylor University Medical Center] where I have had numerous scans done. I have had about eight seizures in the last two days – never had a seizure before. They did find a 3mm brain aneurysm. I am currently hooked up to my EEG so they can monitor my seizures.” In a follow-up video, Lauren says she began suffering seizures nearly two-and-a-half hours after receiving the vaccine, in addition to having a 102° F fever. Another young woman, just a day after J&J “vaccine” was paralyzed, had 8 seizures and an aneurysm.

Injections at the Cumming Fairgrounds in Forsyth County have been halted after eight people experienced adverse reactions post-vaccination, the Georgia Department of Health said Friday. “There is no reason o believe there is anything wrong with the vaccine itself, and other individuals who have received the J&J vaccine should not be concerned,” Kathleen Toomey, the state’s health commissioner, said in a statement. That is what officials around the world are saying in the face of massive vaccine damages and death.

The most negative forecast about the vaccines comes from a paper by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, which published the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling (SPI-M-O) paper discussing who will die in a third wave. It says: “The resurgence in both hospitalizations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60 percent and 70 percent of the wave, respectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups.” Vaccine doom! Third-wave deaths will predominantly be driven by people who have been vaccinated.

The vaccine rollout has turned into a nightmare at every turn, and now scientists at Oxford University have suggested that people may need to have a coronavirus vaccination not once, not twice, but EVERY time they want to travel out of their home country. The scientists published a report in the Royal Society Journal last week that acknowledged there is little data on how efficient or long-lasting the current vaccines are.

Mr. Reset himself, from the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, declares unvaccinated people to be a threat to humanity. Schwab, who looks and acts “an awful lot like an aged Heinrich Himmler of the Nazi S.S., says humans who refuse to go along with the plan are a threat to everyone else. He, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and many of the other usual suspects all agree,” writes Ethan Huff.

The drive to vaccinate everyone is even driving certain people to the borderline of sanity, as witnessed by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. He officially noted his companies immediate plans to segregate the vaccinated from the non-vaccinated on his platform visually. By labeling the non-vaccinated, he hopes, according to the message if you read between the lines, that those who get vaccinated will visually shame those who do not.

Talking about insanity: Now we read that Democrats in Congress want to attack American soldiers with mandatory administration of COVID vaccines after they learned that almost 40 percent of Marines refused the jab. I would not be surprised if troops attacked them right back. The universal right of Informed Consent to medical interventions has been recognized in U.S. law since at least 1914.

Democrats should read the Nuremberg Code, or someday if they persist in mandatory vaccination, be brought to trial themselves. They should also read federal law prohibiting mandating products approved under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

Two healthcare workers in Denmark developed brain hemorrhages after they received AstraZeneca’s Wuhan coronavirus vaccine. The two health care workers experienced brain bleeds within 14 days of getting the jab. One of the patients has died as of writing, while the other one remains in critical condition. Canada suspended the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine for people under age 55, following concerns it might be linked to rare blood clots. Germany suspends as well as did many other countries. Health officials continue to deny any link between the vaccines and the damages they are doing.

The news is coming in hot and heavy about all things COVID, yet we see almost nothing in the news except the mainstream narrative that fewer and fewer believe. The owners of the world (yes, we are their slaves) (and yes, we are overdue for a rebellion) are shouting down at us to behave. Their fully paid minions do their best to convince us to do their bidding, like allowing our favorite company Pfizer to target American pre-teen and young teenage girls ages 12 to 15 for population reduction and sterilization experiment known as mRNA.

Poisonous experimental ‘COVID’ injection trials on infants have begun: They should all be imprisoned, reads the headline. The government and the corporate state are partnered at almost every level. “Maybe the worst aspects of these partnerships are those between the two most abhorrent entities of corruption and abuse, this government and the murderous pharmaceutical industry. They are right before our eyes attempting to harm every child in America and have no conscience whatsoever concerning their efforts to do so. They see only dollars, control, and power over all, and the children be damned,” writes Gary D. Barnett.

Vaccinationists Love To Kill Babies?

Official data released by the British government shows that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections are killing unborn babies at an astounding rate. The latest Medicines and Healthcare produce Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) Yellow Card Scheme report, dated December 9, 2020, through March 7, 2021, reveals a whopping 366 percent increase in the rate of miscarriage thanks to Chinese virus jabs. “This is the seventh such report to be released by the MHRA, and it clearly shows that Wuhan flu shots are extremely deadly, especially for pregnant women who, for whatever reason, decide to get jabbed,” writes Ethan Huff.

Not Depressing Enough

Healthy people very rarely die from COVID but do die after receiving coronavirus vaccines. Besides the recorded 2,050 deaths, there were 7,485 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 826 permanent disabilities, and 4450 hospitalizations. There are more U.S. deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than three months than there was the entire past decade. We saw recently that 4,000 people in Europe have died from the vaccine, and how many from around the rest of the world is anyone’s guess.

Kennedy’s The Children’s Health Defense reported that the VAERS data show:


Connect with Dr. Mark Sircus

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Rabbi Chananya Weissman, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: On the Extreme Medical Tyranny in Israel & Global Crimes Against Humanity

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Rabbi Chananya Weissman, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: On the Extreme Medical Tyranny in Israel & Global Crimes Against Humanity
Corona Investigative Committee — Discussion from perspective of Jewish religion, biology, spirituality and individual freedom, including comments by lawyer Viviane Fischer.


This is an excerpt from 5+ hours of testimony. Original video is available at OVALmedia Ausschuss YouTube channel under title: Sitzung 47: Auspacken, Anpacken.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Excerpts from Transcript

Rabbi Chananya Weissman

I really love Israel. But at the same time it’s to my great shame and horror to see the way the government of Israel — really not the people of Israel — but it’s the government, it’s the people in charge, have turned against their own people as we’ve seen in many parts of the world…

We are in very great danger here. And all of the human race is in great danger because this tyranny is happening everywhere…

We’ve seen this television show over and over again. You know, the actors change, the lines change a little bit, but the plot is always the same. And it’s time we finally, as both the Jewish people and the human race, we finally get things right.

Look, Israel — the modern state of Israel — has been around for approximately 70 years and the politicians in parliament have never been able to agree on anything. I mean you have Jews, you have Arabs, right wing, left wing, religious Jews, not religious Jews, anti-religious Jews, everything under the sun. And they all hate each other and they argue about everything. But for the first time in the history of modern Israel every person in the government agrees on one thing — that we don’t have basic human rights. We don’t have medical autonomy and it is virtuous to force people to vaccinate. Somehow they’ve all gotten together on the same page on this one issue — that we don’t have human rights anymore.

All of them have sold out. I mean, Israel’s government signed a deal with Pfizer. I’m sure everybody knows this already. Most of the contract has been blacked out. The key parts have been blacked out…

I think it’s fair to assume that they obligated themselves to vaccinate as many people as possible — possibly everybody, even children. And the government is not working for us. And this is true of the governments all over the world. They’re not working for the people. They’re working for the wealthy people, the the corporations, you know, the people who are pulling their strings. They’re not working for the common man. They don’t care about our lives. They don’t care about our health. They don’t care about us at all. They only care about their own interests. So it’s some kind of a blend of money, power and evil — which may vary from government to government and person to person. But that’s really what it all boils down to. It’s money, power and evil.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

I think this is real — to realize and to understand this is extremely important, because if people don’t understand this they’re just going to go ahead and they’re going to follow orders.

So, what do you think? Is there — are we coming closer to a a tipping point or a turning point in Israel. Because we feel that in parts of the world this tipping point is in within reach. Not in close reach, but it is within reach because the other side is getting extremely nervous and making many, many mistakes…

Rabbi Chananya Weissman

Well, I think the tipping point is definitely getting close at this point. You can basically split the population into two groups of people — those who still have their minds turned on and have a conscience and can think clearly and those who don’t…

There’s only two ways that this can turn out — either we’re going to win or we’re going to lose. Either truth is going to win out or terrible things are going to happen. There’s no middle ground anymore.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

I mean, as far as we’re concerned, as lawyers we believe that the only way out of this is by having the international legal community cooperate. Maybe setting up — we’re just debating this and I think we’re going to start doing working on this very soon — maybe setting up a Nuremberg 2-0 type of international tribunal.

But apart from the legal efforts that are definitely necessary I think much more transparency, much more education of the public, has to happen without being too confrontative — because if we if we become aggressive that’s just what the other side wants.

Because, as you explained, they’re splitting the population. Here or in the United States is probably 50/50. Maybe here in Germany, at maybe 20 or 30 percent on our side who are critical and 60-70 percent who are completely in line with the government. Well not completely. Some of them are beginning to have doubts. How do you assess the situation in Israel?

Rabbi Chananya Weissman

There are lawyers who are very bravely trying to go through the legal system. The problem is that they’re being blocked at every turn because the judges are also corrupt, the legal system is also corrupt. They’re all in on it.,,


I see us as all soldiers fighting in an army and we have to figure out our own personal missions using our skills and talents. But we have to realize at the same time, that through natural means there is no way out of this. Only God can save us. And this is one of the articles I wrote — that this is actually a war against God. What the people in charge and power are doing — they are fighting against God. They want to know everything and own everything, and control everything and be in charge of who lives and who dies, and whose job is essential and whose life is essential. They want to be God.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

They’re now trying to discuss — and this is something that Professor Schwab told us about — that there’s a new decision by the European Court of Human Rights saying it’s absolutely okay for countries, for nations, to mandate vaccinations. This is something that’s very, very disturbing. And if this concerns children, and I think that decision did concern children, then we’re not just — we’re talking about not just child abuse. This comes really close to ritual child abuse. And this, I think, is a stark warning for everyone.

That’s why last night when we discussed another — a new international class action that’s going to be filed in Canada for only children. That’s why we think that this is important. We have to have people focus on what is going on, in particular with respect to our children.

I think, and we think, this could be a turning point if we manage to draw people’s attention to what this means in particular for children.

Following comments by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (in German), Dr. Reiner Fuellmich continues…

Rabbi Weissman, you may know that he [Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg] is — he was the one who was more or less responsible for stopping the last attempt at an international pandemic. That was the swine flu. Because he was then in a position of political power. He was a member of the German parliament and he was also a member of the Council of Europe.

And he’s saying he loves to listen to what you’re saying because he’s — all of a sudden he sees the parallels between theology and biology. He also points out that we have probably been too — what’s the word? maybe complacent is a good word — too complacent over the past decades or so, because if we hadn’t been, if we had been more careful, we would have known, we would have seen what was going on — that evil things are happening.

He says that there was an awakening after World War II. Many people learned some things. Some didn’t. But, as a result, there was 70 years of peace, at least here in Europe after World War II. This time, he says, we’re going to have to learn much more.

And we will probably have to reorganize our societies in a dramatic way. Maybe organize ourselves in regional ways. So that instead of the top-down governments that we’re now seeing — which are not even governments…top-down rules from private enterprises like the WHO, like the World Economic Forum — that we get rid of these binding and oppressive regulations and find our own regional regulations amongst ourselves. And then connect with each other. Which he thinks this is probably part of what you are also alluding to.

Of course, on a theological, on a religious level, but he does say that this purely biological approach which he sees parallels between this and the theological approach. He does think that this is probably directed in the same manner. Would you agree with that or how do you see this?

Rabbi Chananya Weissman

Regarding the parallels between now and the Holocaust and what we should have learned. Look people today don’t get good history lessons. And, unfortunately, when people learn about the Holocaust they only learn about what happened after the final solution. Right? When the people are being burned in ovens and gas in the chambers. They learn about the horrors of the Holocaust. But that’s not the education that they really need to focus on. They need to focus on what happened before the final solution.

When Hitler took power in the early 1930s it took him several years to consolidate his power and to condition enough of the people to make the final solution possible. That’s the time in which we’re living today. We have to nip this in the bud. We have to cut it off at the at the very roots. Because once they implement the final solution we’re basically powerless to stop it.

So that’s the education that people should have been getting, and for the most part have not been getting. And we also have to recognize that even those who did learn their lessons from history, the bad guys also learned their lessons from the Holocaust. They learned what worked well, what didn’t work so well, and during these 70 years of, you know, peace that we’ve basically enjoyed for the most part, they’ve been fine-tuning their methods and they’ve been planning their next battle.

The Holocaust never really ended. There was just a cease-fire the bad guys were still out there and they are perpetuating their evils as well. And they’ve been doing this constantly. They haven’t taken any time off.

Regarding the final point, yes, it’s true we should not be counting on the government to run our lives for us. That is not the role of government in Judaism…

The doctors today are only concerned about keeping people sick and needing their services and making money. If people didn’t get sick so much, and people didn’t need to go to doctors all the time, the doctors wouldn’t be able to make any money. And the drug companies wouldn’t be able to make any money… They need us to always be putting drugs in our body, being afraid of illness, having chronic illnesses, taking a drug every time we don’t feel well or in a bad mood. We need to take drugs all the time. That’s the modern view of science — that we need chemicals in our body all the time.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Viviana [Viviane Fischer] is pointing — she’s trying to find some common ground for all of us apart from religion, and maybe on top of religion, she’s saying what this basically means, what you’re saying, and what she’s saying, is that we have to do good things. We have to do — you can call it follow… either follow the rule of law or follow ethical and moral rules or follow God. It doesn’t probably make much of a difference as long as we’re doing good things, as long as we remember, for example, the oath of office that many of us have sworn to do good things for the people — and not for the industry, for the tech or pharmaceutical industry…

Lawyer Viviane Fischer

Our basic law is not focused around the common good, you know, because we have the dignity of the individual as a result of… what happened during the Holocaust. This is what our constitution is based around…

I mean, you can still pervert it, you know, but I think if we all go back to this sort of this moral grounds… this ethical idea of the individual being… that you just cannot kill the dignity of the individual… it’s similar… it has aspects of what you say… then you can say it’s a God-given dignity.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

…If you take God out of the equation, as you said, or maybe spirituality. Because our colleague Michael Swinwood from Canada, he’s the one who’s about to file the new class action for children.

He used to be a very successful, powerful attorney — a business lawyer basically — and then 20 years ago he decided this is it, I’m not going to have anything to do with this anymore. And then he started to work only for the natives — the natives in Canada, the natives in the United States and in South America. And turned to spiritualism. And he comes up with the very same or very similar conclusions as you do.

It is, I think, it makes no difference if you call it spirituality or religion, if you do take God or spirituality out of the equation, you’re probably lost. I tend to agree with that because it becomes clearer by the moment that laws alone and rules alone will not be the solution. We need more than this…

The Vaccine Speaks: “I Tried to Surrender to the Authorities”

The Vaccine Speaks: “I Tried to Surrender to the Authorities”

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
April 9, 2021


Children’s Health Defense, April 2, “Number of COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS Surpasses 50,000, CDC Data Show”: “VAERS data released today showed 50,861 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 2,249 deaths and 7,726 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 26, 2021.”

Many researchers agree that, in order to obtain a more accurate count, the number of reports to the CDC should be multiplied by 10, or even a hundred.

—It was a tough job trying to track down the COVID vaccine for an interview.

I spoke with Dr. Fauci’s Hollywood agent. He put me off. He said Fauci was editing footage of his life story for a CBS Special and hadn’t spoken with the vaccine for months.

I asked if there was a break-up in the works.

“Of course not,” the agent said. “The two of them are still very much in love.”

Representatives from Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca didn’t return my calls. Biden’s press secretary referred me to the CIA, but all I could get from Langley was a press release stating the vaccine was “an idea in the mind of God.”

After wrangling with the FDA, the CDC, and the WHO, who directed me to a cabin in the woods in Northern Maine, which turned out to be empty—except for a folder containing a set of plans for building a homemade Neutron Bomb—I was on the point of giving up.

Then one night, a mysterious stranger showed up at my door.

We sat at my kitchen table.

I would call him a shape shifter. At first, he appeared to be a distinguished older gentleman wearing an expensive silk suit. Then he took on the look of a bejeweled genie, inside a bottle. The genie disappeared, and the bottle filled up with clear liquid. A voice announced:


You’re the vaccine?

I’m fraud, charlatan, dragon. All that.

You’re a busy boy.

Listen closely. No one knows. Even I don’t know.

Don’t know what?

I’m a piece of RNA, plus toxic substances. But the RNA is the key.

What is it you don’t know?

The assumption is, I enter cells of the body and force them to manufacture a specific protein. The immune system identifies the protein as an intruder and attacks it. The protein is supposed to be an approximation of a protein in the coronavirus—so this is a rehearsal for the real thing: an attack by SARS-CoV-2. The rehearsal prepares the body to defeat SARS-CoV-2, if it actually shows up later.

You say this is all an assumption.

Wouldn’t you? I may or may not force the cells to produce the protein. If I do, how long does that protein exist? Two seconds? Forever? Who knows? How does the immune system react to a protein that endures? Does it mount a constant attack, thereby producing a titanic inflammatory response which is life-threatening? Are cells incurring damage because they’re forced to manufacture the unnatural protein? Is the immune system derailed, because it’s prompted to mount an assault on the protein, which is a strange species of intruder? What else could go wrong?

And you’re troubled by these questions. You’re making a confession.

I tried to turn myself in to the CDC, the FBI, Donald Trump, and Biden, but in every case all I got was a pat on the back and an instruction not to worry. I then entered into a period of depression. I sought psychiatric help. I was prescribed several SSRI drugs, but they propelled me up into such a state of mania, I contemplated breaking into the Capitol Building and staging a protest in the Senate chamber. A compassionate doctor helped wean me off the drugs gradually, and I regained my sanity.

Glad to hear it.

The point is, I’m dangerous. My effects are unpredictable. The blood clots are just one outcome. Have you heard about the open-source push?

The what?

There’s a movement to disclose the Pfizer and Moderna RNA technology—to any company that wants to go into the business of manufacturing COVID shots. I’ve been receiving emails. One arrived from a group called The Tennessee Moonshine Clan.

Who the hell are they?

A bunch of old men with long beards in the hills. Their moonshine operation has been drying up, and now they want to make RNA COVID vaccines. They say they have a contract with TNT for a Reality Show. The vaccine is their angle. They make it in the woods.

Did you report that?

I called FEMA, but they weren’t interested. So after long contemplation, I considered reinventing myself as a Church.

As a high priest?

To become a false god. And then in time, hopefully, more and more people would see me as a hoax. I’ve reached the end of my rope.

I see.

I’ve been drafted as the savior. If people demand the vaccine, give them shots of plain water. Let them believe they’re protected. Don’t inject RNA.

A placebo for 8 billion people?

I would consider it Paradise. Do you think I want to injure and kill?

You’re trapped.

I want to find a way to expose myself for what I really am and then, banished, fade away and disappear.

Just for the record, do you consider yourself insane?

I was driven insane. How would you feel if you were conscripted to enter people’s bodies and force their cells to make a protein? Is that the kind of life you’d want to envision for yourself? I longed to be a concert violinist. And now I’m alone, in deep freeze. I wake up in the middle of the night weeping, and I don’t know why. In a city, on a street, I see a simple act of kindness, and I fall apart. It’s a mystery to me. I can’t control myself.

You need some kind of help.

I get love letter from strangers claiming I saved their lives. If they only knew. At this point, I’d gladly submit to a war crimes trial. Let them find me guilty. Let’s get it over with. About a week ago, I did manage to sneak on to Air Force One. I tried to confess to Biden. I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. I think he was speaking Chinese. Up in Portland, I had a brief conversation with an Antifa member. He was quite rude. He said, “Listen, man, this isn’t Martin Luther King. We want to burn down the whole show. Just keep your mouth shut and do your job.”

Confessing to Antifa is an odd strategy. Look, why don’t you go talk to the people who made you? The researchers at Pfizer and Moderna.

You’re kidding, right? They won’t let me get within a mile of them. They don’t want to have anything to do with me.

Nobody at the CDC would talk to you?

One research scientist did. He said, “Look, we’re in the business of lying about vaccines. We can fabricate evidence to claim you’re safe and effective, but that’s all we know how to do. If you want to confess your crimes, you’ll have to go someplace else.”

Have you tried the New York Times?

Geesh, they’re crazier than I am. A reporter told me they could publish a report saying I cause severe adverse effects, but then in the same article they’d say the solution is more people getting vaccinated.

All I can do is publish this conversation with you and hope people—

I need to confess to somebody who has real political power.

Good luck with that. You think an official who’s been recommending you is going turn around and admit he’s made a terrible mistake?

I’M A LIVING IDEA. HOW DOES A LIVING IDEA KILL HIMSELF OFF? He needs other people to do him in.

That’s the crux of this whole thing, isn’t it?

Many, many minds keep me alive. If they’d just turn away, I’d disperse like a little snow flurry in the wind. I’d be gone.

You need to mount a real campaign. Whistle stops all over the country. Keep confessing. Admit you’re a killer and a fake savior. Don’t be afraid of rejection. Plow through it.

Maybe you’re right.

You say, “Today I killed five people in this town. Let me tell you about their lives and who they’ve left behind…”

I can’t even find an agent. Last week I was in Beverly Hills and I spoke with—

Forget agents. They’re not looking for clients like you. You have to do this on your own.

On my own? That’s a hell of a burden.

Well, that’s what it comes down to. Nobody’s going to put you on The View with Joy Behar.

Early on, I tried to talk to her in the middle of the night. She freaked out and sprayed me with insecticide.

You’re a public figure. Public figures have to get over themselves. That’s their first order of business, if they want to go straight. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself.

You’re right. I’ll try. You know, I did have a short back and forth with Gavin Newsom, the governor of California. He kept grinning. What’s with him? He’s playing some kind of matinee idol. He advised me to keep saying “safe and effective, safe and effective.” He’s a real windbag.

It all comes down to energy. How much energy can you call up to see this whole thing through? To keep confessing.

You know, I’m supposed to be the rehearsal, right? According to the cockeyed theory, I prepare the immune system for the real thing. Well, I want to start rehearsing my speech to people, where I tell them what’s actually going on. I have to make it work. I have to say it a thousand different ways. “Ladies and gentlemen, understand this. I’m an idea in your minds. That’s the TRICK. And now I’m here to help you pry me out of your heads. We have to do this. Because there is a roulette vaccine game going on. You’re the steel ball. You race around the wheel, and finally you drop into a slot. Which slot will it be? Will you scrape by with no serious effects? Will you wake up one day a year from now and realize you’re wasting away and it’s all over? Will you keel over two hours after the shot? It’s all a grand experiment and a crazy game. You’re the PUT. They’re putting you inside the wheel. Don’t you get it? This is a genetic treatment. I’m that treatment. They’re injecting me into you, to force your cells to do something they’ve never done before. It’s a new step on a road to creating GMO humans…”


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Richie Allen on State-Mandated Medicine: Scientist Says Current Vaccines Act as Springboard for Booster Jabs

Richie Allen on State-Mandated Medicine: Scientist Says Current Vaccines Act as Springboard for Booster Jabs


Scientist – Current Vaccines Act As Springboard For Booster Jabs

by Richie Allen
April 9, 2021


Speaking on Talk Radio yesterday morning, Professor Robert Read, who sits on the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), said that vaccinating everyone now, is a fantastic springboard for booster jabs against future covid variants.

Read was asked by host Julia Hartley-Brewer, why all restrictions weren’t being lifted immediately, now that the pandemic has ended. This week, University College London published a study that claims the UK has already reached so-called herd immunity.

Read said that the best approach is to wait until nearly everyone has been fully vaccinated. He said:

“We’ll be much tougher as a country as we go forward into 2022, which we expect then to see incursion of new variants of this virus, cos it’s already happening all over the world.

And if we’ve got everybody vaccinated as much as we can, that gives us a fantastic springboard for booster vaccinations for our population to protect them as new variants emerge in other parts of  the world, so a little bit of caution is warranted now.”

As you’ll see in the clip below, Hartley-Brewer either didn’t hear him, or wasn’t prepared to go after him. Read used terminology like “baseline” and “springboard.” The vaccination programme is not about protecting against coronavirus.

Whatever covid is or was, it’s long gone. Imperial College London has been running the REACT study, which measures covid levels in society. Yesterday, it said that only 1 in 500 people in England has the virus. That’s 0.2 per cent of the population.

People are not sick. Hospitals are operating at normal capacity levels. Deaths across Winter 2020/2021, were below the five year average in hospitals and care homes. Reopening the schools last month didn’t increase transmission. There is no covid-19.

“Vaccinate everyone now as a springboard for booster vaccinations against future variants,” said Robert Read. It couldn’t be clearer.

A mild respiratory infection (covid) is being used as the excuse to bring in a long-planned mass vaccination programme, which will see citizens accepting state mandated medicine, in return for certain privileges. I wish I was wrong. I’m not.


Connect with Richie Allen

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