Dr. Andrew Kaufman with Dr. Sam Bailey: “Hunting for Viruses”

Dr. Andrew Kaufman with Dr. Sam Bailey: “Hunting for Viruses”


Topics include:

  • The lack of scientific proof for the existence of viruses that cause disease
  • The massive confusion in the field of virology — where they simply make things up to fit a narrative
  • The work of Dr. Stefan Lanka
  • How genetic sequencing is done
  • relevance of Koch’s postulates
  • alleged “variants”


by Dr. Sam Bailey
June 8, 20201

Video available at Dr. Sam Bailey Odysee channel.

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O Canada, You’ve Got Medical Nazis; Their Stench Is Rising Into the Sky

O Canada, You’ve Got Medical Nazis; Their Stench Is Rising Into the Sky

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
June 10, 2021


They’re called the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO).

As their home page states, they “regulate the practice of medicine in Ontario. Physicians are required to be members to practice medicine in Ontario.”

In other words, CPSO is THE medical board. They run the show. If practicing doctors make a wrong move or say the wrong thing, CPSO is there to step on their faces and discipline them and even cancel their licenses to practice.

But now a new rebel group of Canadian MDs has emerged. Why? Because CPSO has issued a fascist edict threatening practicing doctors. Read the threat carefully.

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario [CPSO] Statement on Public Health Misinformation (4/30/21): [1]

“The College is aware and concerned about the increase of misinformation circulating on social media and other platforms regarding physicians who are publicly contradicting public health orders and recommendations. Physicians hold a unique position of trust with the public and have a professional responsibility to not communicate anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown statements and/or promoting unsupported, unproven treatments for COVID-19. Physicians must not make comments or provide advice that encourages the public to act contrary to public health orders and recommendations. Physicians who put the public at risk may face an investigation by the CPSO and disciplinary action, when warranted. When offering opinions, physicians must be guided by the law, regulatory standards, and the code of ethics and professional conduct. The information shared must not be misleading or deceptive and must be supported by available evidence and science.”


The new rebels against this monster call themselves the Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth. This is a brief excerpt from their response: [2]

“On April 30, 2021, Ontario’s physician licensing body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), issued a statement forbidding physicians from questioning or debating any or all of the official measures imposed in response to COVID-19.”

“We regard this recent statement of the CPSO to be unethical, anti-science and deeply disturbing.”

“As physicians, our primary duty of care is not to the CPSO or any other authority, but to our patients.”

“The CPSO statement orders us to violate our duty and pledge to our patients…”

I wondered what medical treatments, in general, CPSO supports and tolerates. It took me three minutes to find a Toronto outfit called the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation (CAMH). They promote electro-convulsive therapy. In other words, shock treatment.

In other words, delivering electric shocks to the brain. As a cure for “mental illness.” I call it torture.

Apparently, this treatment is just fine and dandy, but telling patients the COVID lockdowns are criminal is forbidden by the Nazi bureaucrats at CPSO. Saying the vaccine is dangerous is forbidden. Saying masks are useless and harmful is forbidden.

What would happen if these medical rebels, the Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth—say, 10,000 of them—took this war to the wall?

Practiced non-harmful medicine, kept warning their patients about the sociopathic COVID regulations and the vaccine, refused to knuckle under to the Nazi bureaucrats, even to the point of having their licenses stripped and going to jail?

What would happen, as many thousands/millions of Canadians rallied to their side?

I’ll tell you what would happen. Sanity. Revolution. The downfall of the scum.

We’re at Nuremberg 2.0, people. If you don’t know what that means, look it up.

Doctors clear their vision and their brains and do their level best to HEAL, or they follow orders of the Commandants and maim and kill. It’s one side or the other.

In my 83 years, I’ve known a few very good doctors, and a number of The Cold Ones. The Cold Ones administer, without feeling or remorse, the Book of Death.

They’re ice on the outside, and rotting fungus and stench within.

Many of them sit at the top of medical boards.

They turn open societies into concentration camps.



[1] https://twitter.com/cpso_ca/status/1388211577770348544

[2] https://www.globalresearch.ca/declaration-canadian-physicians-science-truth-2/5744810

WHO’s Chief Scientist Served With Legal Notice for Disinformation and Suppression of Evidence

WHO’s Chief Scientist Served With Legal Notice for Disinformation and Suppression of Evidence

by Colin Todhunter, OffGuardian
June 10, 2021


On 25 May 2021, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) served a 51-page legal notice on Dr Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO), for:

“[H]er act of spreading disinformation and misguiding the people of India, in order to fulfil her agenda.”

The Mumbai-based IBA is an association of lawyers who strive to bring transparency and accountability to the Indian justice system. It is actively involved in the dissemination of legal knowledge and provides guidance and support to advocates and ordinary people in their fight for justice.

The legal notice says Dr Swaminathan has been:

“Running a disinformation campaign against Ivermectin by deliberate suppression of effectiveness of drug Ivermectin as prophylaxis and for treatment of COVID-19, despite the existence of large amounts of clinical data compiled and presented by esteemed, highly qualified, experienced medical doctors and scientists,”


“Issuing statements in social media and mainstream media, thereby influencing the public against the use of Ivermectin and attacking the credibility of acclaimed bodies/institutes like ICMR and AIIMS, Delhi, which have included ‘Ivermectin’ in the ‘National Guidelines for COVID-19 management’.”

The IBA states that legal action is being taken against Dr Swaminathan in order to stop her from causing further damage to the lives of citizens of India.

Dr Soumya Swaminathan, WHO Chief Scientist

The notice is based on the research and clinical trials carried out by the ‘Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’ (FLCCC) and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) Panel. These organisations have presented an enormous amount of data that strengthen the case for recommending Ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

The IBA says that Dr Swaminathan has ignored these studies and reports and has deliberately suppressed the data regarding the effectiveness of Ivermectin, with an intent to dissuade the people of India from using it.

However, two key medical bodies, the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Delhi, have refused to accept her stand and have retained the recommendation for Ivermectin, under a ‘May Do’ category, for patients with mild symptoms and those in home isolation, as stated in ‘The National Guidelines for COVID-19 management’.

It is interesting to note that the content of several web links to news articles and reports included in the notice served upon Dr Swaminathan, which was visible before issuing the notice, has either been removed or deleted.

It seems that the vaccine manufacturers and many governments are desperate to protect their pro-vaccine agenda and will attempt to censor information and news regarding the efficacy of Ivermectin.

The legal notice can be read in full on the website of the India Bar Association.

Colin Todhunter is an independent journalist who writes on development, environmental issues, politics, food and agriculture. In August 2018 he was named as one of 400 Living Peace and Justice Leaders and Models by Transcend Media Services, in recognition of his journalism.


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Dr. Tom Cowan: The Smoking Gun? — Study Shows ‘Virus’ Is Identical to Normal Cell ‘Structures’

Dr. Tom Cowan: The Smoking Gun? — Study Shows ‘Virus’ Is Identical to Normal Cell ‘Structures’


The Smoking Gun?
Study: ‘Virus’ Is Identical to Normal Cell ‘Structures’

by Dr. Tom Cowan
June 10, 2021


Dear friends,

Thanks to the diligent efforts of one of my listeners, I received a paper yesterday that puts another nail in the coffin for the existence of SARS-CoV-2. The paper is titled “Appearances Can be Deceiving – Viral-like Inclusions in Covid-19 Negative Renal Biopsies by Electron Microscopy.” The authors are Clarrisa A. Cassol, et al., and the citation is Kidney360 1:824-828, 2020. This is a peer-reviewed journal affiliated with the American Society of Nephrology; in other words, this paper comes squarely from what is called acceptable, mainstream science.

Many of you have probably seen the electron-micrograph pictures of SARS-CoV-2, the ones in black and white, with the black dots within the faint outline of the circle. I have attached two such images from papers that claim these photos show direct evidence of the existence of the virus. These are the pictures that virologists show us, not the computer-generated, colorful images that you see in magazines and on the internet. These are the “real” pictures of the virus, and they are offered as “proof” that the virus exists.

However, it turns out these photos are actually NOT corona viruses, and the CDC, among others, has known this fact since at least 2004. The above paper examines the evidence used to claim that these images represent viruses, rather than normal “structures” within a cell, particularly sick cells. Here is what the paper says:

“We have observed morphologically indistinguishable inclusions within podocytes and tubular epithelial cells both in patients negative for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as well as in renal biopsies from the pre-COVID-19 era” (emphasis added).

In other words, the researchers saw these same structures in people with no evidence of Covid and in samples they took before Covid even happened, before the virus was said to even exist.

In addition, they say:

“We postulated that endogenous mimickers could be present that are morphologically indistinguishable from SARS-CoV-2 virions ultrastructurally.”


“Viral-like inclusions, consisting both of single vesicles with diameters between 50 and 138 nm, as well as packed groups within larger vesicles, were found in all 15 cases, either in podocytes. Tubular epithelia, or vascular epithelial cells (figure 1).”

In all 15 cases that they examined, they found structures identical to what is being called SARS-CoV-2.  They were scattered all over the kidneys and blood vessels; they are not viruses, but normal parts of the cells.

Then they go on to describe how these particles come about:

“A number of potential natural mimickers that can generate intracellular groups of round vesicles mimicking

SARS-CoV-2 virions could be listed, the most likely being endocytic vesicles and endosomal components such as microvesicular bodies containing exosomes, among others.  Endocytosis leads to the formation of 60-120 nm vesicles, which is within the size range described for SARS-CoV-2 (60-140nm).  These endocytic vesicles may be coated by different proteins, one of the most common being clathrin. The presence of coating proteins may be responsible for the presence of an electron-dense area surrounding these vesicles, giving the appearance of a viral corona.”

In other words, remember the famous “corona” on the corona virus? It turns out it’s just a common protein coating on normal vesicles, picking up the dyes in the electron-microscope preparation. The corona appearance is just another creative fiction, dreamed up by virologists and their graphic design teams.

Finally, the paper goes on to say that, naturally, you see more of these particles in sick people than in healthy people, which is exactly what I have been suggesting this past year. Dead and dying cells make these particles in the dying process and partly to get rid of poisons.

But the final nail comes in this quote:

“The potential for confusion of coronavirus particles with normal cellular components was in fact highlighted in a detailed ultrastructural study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of SARS-CoV responsible for the 2003 SARS outbreak.”[1]

In other words, the CDC in 2004 knew that researchers couldn’t reliably know these particles were coronavirus particles. Not a word has been heard about this since. All virologists use these pictures as proof of the existence of this virus. It is a fraud, based on junk science, like everything else connected with “Covid 19.”


[1] GoldsmithCS, Tatti, TD, Ksiazek TG, Rollin PE, Comer JA, Lee WW, Rota PA, Bankamp B, Belini WJ, Saki, SR: Ultrastructural characterization of SARS coronavirus.  Emerg Infect Dis 10: 320-326, 2004.


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Forgotten Moments From the History of Vaccines; Yes, History Matters

Forgotten Moments From the History of Vaccines; Yes, History Matters

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
June 9, 2021


Scientific propaganda about vaccines has reached dizzying heights, as officials point the uninformed public toward the Day of Liberation, when a COVID shot, otherwise known as God, will rescue Earth.

Here, from a chapter in my 1988 book, AIDS INC., is an excerpt exposing some of the infamous moments in vaccination history—hidden by the press, or simply forgotten.

For those denialists who cling to the notion that vaccines are remarkably safe and effective, this article is a pill you can swallow, bitter to be sure, but immunizing against the effects of bald lies from the bent medical establishment.

Understand: this is only a partial history of disasters and revelations, and it stops at 1988.

“The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977

“In a recent British outbreak of whooping cough, for example, even fully immunized children contracted the disease in fairly large numbers; and the rates of serious complications and death were reduced only slightly. In another recent outbreak of pertussis, 46 of the 85 fully immunized children studied eventually contracted the disease.”

“In 1977, 34 new cases of measles were reported on the campus of UCLA, in a population that was supposedly 91% immune, according to careful serological testing. Another 20 cases of measles were reported in the Pecos, New Mexico, area within a period of a few months in 1981, and 75% of them had been fully immunized, some of them quite recently. A survey of sixth-graders in a well-immunized urban community revealed that about 15% of this age group are still susceptible to rubella, a figure essentially identical with that of the pre-vaccine era.”

“Finally, although the overall incidence of typical acute measles in the U.S. has dropped sharply from about 400,000 cases annually in the early 1960s to about 30,000 cases by 1974-76, the death rate remained exactly the same; and, with the peak incidence now occurring in adolescents and young adults, the risk of pneumonia and demonstrable liver abnormalities has actually increased substantially, according to one recent study, to well over 3% and 2%, respectively.” Richard Moskowitz, MD, The Case Against Immunizations, 1983, American Institute of Homeopathy.

“Of all reported whooping cough cases between 1979 and 1984 in children over 7 months of age – that is, old enough to have received the primary course of the DPT shots (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) – 41% occurred in children who had received three or more shots and 22% in children who had one or two immunizations.”

“Among children under 7 months of age who had whooping cough, 34% had been immunized between one and three times…”

“… Based on the only U.S. findings on adverse DPT reactions, an FDA-financed study at the University of California, Los Angeles, one out of every 350 children will have a convulsion; one in 180 children will experience high-pitched screaming [can indicate brain damage]; and one in 66 will have a fever of 105 degrees or more.” Jennifer Hyman, Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, special supplement on DPT, dated April, 1987.

“A study undertaken in 1979 at the University of California, Los Angeles, under the sponsorship of the Food and Drug Administration, and which has been confirmed by other studies, indicates that in the U.S.A. approximately 1,000 infants die annually as a direct result of DPT vaccinations, and these are classified as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) deaths. These represent about 10 to 15% of the total number of SIDS deaths occurring annually in the U.S.A. (between 8,000 and 10,000 depending on which statistics are used).” Leon Chaitow, Vaccination and Immunization, CW Daniel Company Limited, Saffron Walden, Essex, England, 1987.

“Assistant Secretary of Health Edward Brandt, Jr., MD, testifying before the U.S. Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources, rounded… figures off to 9,000 cases of convulsions, 9,000 cases of collapse, and 17,000 cases of high-pitched screaming for a total of 35,000 acute neurological reactions occurring within forty-eight hours of a DPT shot among America’s children every year.” DPT: A Shot in the Dark, by Harris L. Coulter and Barbara Loe Fischer, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

“While 70-80% of British children were immunized against pertussis in 1970-71, the rate is now 39%. The committee predicts that the next pertussis epidemic will probably turn out to be more severe than the one in 1974/75. However, they do not explain why, in 1970/71, there were more than 33,000 cases of pertussis with 41 fatal cases among the very well immunized British child population; whereas in 1974/75, with a declining rate of vaccination, a pertussis epidemic caused only 25,000 cases with 25 fatalities.” Wolfgang Ehrengut, Lancet, Feb. 18, 1978, p. 370.

“… Barker and Pichichero, in a prospective study of 1232 children in Denver, Colorado, found after DTP that only 7% of those vaccinated were free from untoward reactions, which included pyrexia (53%), acute behavioral changes (82%), prolonged screaming (13%), and listlessness, anorexia and vomiting. 71% of those receiving second injections of DTP experienced two or more of the reactions monitored.” Lancet, May 28, 1983, p. 1217

“Publications by the World Health Organization show that diphtheria is steadily declining in most European countries, including those in which there has been no immunization. The decline began long before vaccination was developed. There is certainly no guarantee that vaccination will protect a child against the disease; in fact, over 30,000 cases of diphtheria have been recorded in the United Kingdom in fully immunized children.” Leon Chaitow, Vaccination and Immunization, p. 58.

“Pertussis (whooping cough) immunization is controversial, as the side effects have received a great deal of publicity. The counter claim is that the effectiveness and protection offered by the procedure far outweigh the possible ill effects… annual deaths, per million children, from this disease over the period from 1900 to the mid-nineteen seventies, shows that from a high point of just under 900 deaths per million children (under age 15) in 1905, the decline has been consistent and dramatic. There had been a lowering of mortality rates of approximately 80% by the time immunization was introduced on a mass scale, in the mid-nineteen fifties. The decline has continued, albeit at a slower rate, ever since. No credit can be given to vaccination for the major part of the decline since it was not in use.” Chaitow, Vaccination and Immunization, p. 63.

“… the swine-flu vaccination program was one of its (CDC) greatest blunders. It all began in 1976 when CDC scientists saw that a virus involved in a flu attack outbreak at Fort Dix, N.J., was similar to the swine-flu virus that killed 500,000 Americans in 1918. Health officials immediately launched a 100-million dollar program to immunize every American. But the expected epidemic never materialized, and the vaccine led to partial paralysis in 532 people. There were 32 deaths.” U.S. News and World Report, Joseph Carey, October 14, 1985, p. 70, “How Medical Sleuths Track Killer Diseases.”

“Despite (cases) in which (smallpox) vaccination plainly failed to protect the population, and despite the rampant side-effects of the methods, the proponents of vaccination continued their attempts to justify the methods by claims that the disease had declined in Europe as a whole during the period of its compulsory use. If the decline could be correlated with the use of the vaccination, then all else could be set aside, and the advantage between its current low incidence could be shown to outweigh the periodic failures of the method, and to favour the continued use of vaccination. However, the credit for the decline in the incidence of smallpox could not be given to vaccination. The fact is that its incidence declined in all parts of Europe, whether or not vaccination was employed.” Chaitow, Vaccination and Immunization, pp. 6-7.

“Smallpox, like typhus, has been dying out (in England) since 1780. Vaccination in this country has largely fallen into disuse since people began to realize how its value was discredited by the great smallpox epidemic of 1871-2 (which occurred after extensive vaccination).” W. Scott Webb, A Century of Vaccination, Swan Sonnenschein, 1898.

“In this incident (Kyoto, Japan, 1948) – the most serious of its kind – a toxic batch of alum-precipitated toxoid (APT) was responsible for illness in over 600 infants and for no fewer than 68 deaths.”

“On 20 and 22 October, 1948, a large number of babies and children in the city of Kyoto received their first injection of APT. On the 4th and 5th of November, 15,561 babies and children aged some months to 13 years received their second dose. One to two days later, 606 of those who had been injected fell ill. Of these, 9 died of acute diphtheritic paralysis in seven to fourteen days, and 59 of late paralysis mainly in four to seven weeks.” Sir Graham Wilson, Hazards of Immunization, Athone Press, University of London, 1967.

“Accidents may, however, follow the use of this so-called killed (rabies) vaccine owing to inadequate processing. A very serious occurrence of this sort occurred at Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, in 1960. No fewer than 18 out of 66 persons vaccinated with Fermi’s carbolized (rabies ) vaccine suffered from encephalomyelitis and every one of the eighteen died.” Sir Graham Wilson, Hazards of Immunization.

“At a press conference in Washington on 24 July, 1942, the Secretary of War reported that 28,585 cases of jaundice had been observed in the (American) Army between 1 January and 4 July after yellow fever vaccination, and of these 62 proved fatal.” Wilson, Hazards of Immunization.

“The world’s biggest trial (conducted in south India) to assess the value of BCG tuberculosis vaccine has made the startling revelation that the vaccine ‘does not give any protection against bacillary forms of tuberculosis.’ The study said to be ‘most exhaustive and meticulous,’ was launched in 1968 by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) with assistance from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia.”

“The incidence of new cases among the BCG vaccinated group was slightly (but statistically insignificantly) higher than in the control group, a finding that led to the conclusion that BCG’s protective effect ‘was zero.’” New Scientist, November 15, 1979, as quoted by Hans Ruesch in Naked Empress, Civis Publishers, Switzerland, 1982.

“Between 10 December 1929 and 30 April 1930, 251 of 412 infants born in Lubeck received three doses of BCG vaccine by the mouth during the first ten days of life. Of these 251, 72 died of tuberculosis, most of them in two to five months and all but one before the end of the first year. In addition, 135 suffered from clinical tuberculosis but eventually recovered; and 44 became tuberculin-positive but remained well. None of the 161 unvaccinated infants born at the time was affected in this way and none of these died of tuberculosis within the following three years.” Hazards of Immunization, Wilson.

“We conducted a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial to test the efficacy of the 14-valent pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide vaccine in 2295 high-risk patients… Seventy-one episodes of proved or probable pneumococcal pneumonia or bronchitis occurred among 63 of the patients (27 placebo recipients and 36 vaccine recipients)… We were unable to demonstrate any efficacy of the pneumococcal vaccine in preventing pneumonia or bronchitis in this population.” New England Journal of Medicine, November 20, 1986, p. 1318, Michael Simberkoff et al.

In the spring of 1955, Cutter Labs started selling their standard polio vaccine. The vaccine was infective, and 200 cases of polio resulted among recipients. Of these, there were eleven deaths. About 100 cases of paralysis resulted. JR

“But already before Salk developed his vaccine, polio had been constantly regressing; the 39 cases out of every 100,000 inhabitants registered in 1942 had gradually diminished from year to year until they were reduced to only 15 cases in 1952… according to M. Beddow Baylay, the English surgeon and medical historian.” Slaughter of the Innocent, Hans Reusch, Civitas Publish ers, Switzerland, and Swain, New York, 1983.

“Many published stories and reports have stated, implied and otherwise led professional people and the public to believe that the sharp reduction of cases (and of deaths) from poliomyelitis in 1955 as compared to 1954 is attributable to the Salk vaccine…That it is a misconception follows from these considerations. The number of children inoculated has been too small to account for the decrease. The sharp decrease was apparent before the inoculations began or could take effect and was of the same order as the decrease following the immediate post-inoculation period.” Dr. Herbert Ratner, Child and Family, vol. 20, no. 1, 1987.

“So far it is hardly possible to gain insight into the extent of the immunization catastrophe of 1955 in the United States. It may be considered certain that the officially ascertained 200 cases (of polio) which were caused directly or indirectly by the (polio) vaccination constitute minimum figures… It can hardly be estimated how many of the 1359 (polio) cases among vaccinated persons must be regarded as failures of the vaccine and how many of them were infected by the vaccine. A careful study of the epidemiologic course of polio in the United States yields indications of grave significance. In numerous states of the U.S.A., typical early epidemics developed with the immunizations in the spring of 1955…The vaccination incidents of the year 1955 cannot be exclusively traced back to the failure of one manufacturing firm.” Dr. Herbert Ratner, Child and Family, 1980, vol. 19, no. 4, “Story of the Salk Vaccine (Part 2).”

“Suffice it to say that most of the large (polio) epidemics that have occurred in this country since the introduction of the Salk vaccine have followed the wide-scale use of the vaccine and have been characterized by an uncommon early seasonal onset. To name a few, there is the Massachusetts epidemic of 1955; the Chicago epidemic of 1956; and the Des Moines epidemic of 1959.” Dr. Herbert Ratner, Child and Family, 1980 vol. 19, no. 4.

“The live (Sabin) poliovirus vaccine has been the predominant cause of domestically arising cases of paralytic poliomyelitis in the United States since 1972. To avoid the occurrence of such cases, it would be necessary to discontinue the routine use of live poliovirus vaccine.” Jonas Salk, Science, March 4, 1977, p. 845.

“By the (U.S.) government’s own admission, there has been a 41% failure rate in persons who were previously vaccinated against the (measles) virus.” Dr. Anthony Morris, John Chriss, BG Young, “Occurrence of Measles in Previously Vaccinated Individuals,” 1979; presented at a meeting of the American Society for Microbiology at Fort Detrick, Maryland, April 27, 1979.

“Prior to the time doctors began giving rubella vaccinations, an estimated 85% of adults were naturally immune to the disease (for life). Because of immunization, the vast majority of women never acquire natural immunity (or lifetime protection).” Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, Let’s Live, December 1983, as quoted by Carolyn Reuben in the LA WEEKLY, June 28, 1985.

“Adminstration of KMV (killed measles vaccine) apparently set in motion an aberrant immunologic response that not only failed to protect children against natural measles, but resulted in heightened susceptibility.” JAMA Aug. 22, 1980, vol. 244, p. 804, Vincent Fulginiti and Ray Helfer. The authors indicate that such falsely protected children can come down with “an often severe, atypical form of measles. Atypical measles is characterized by fever, headache… and a diverse rash (which)… may consist of a mixture of macules, papules, vesicles, and pustules… ”

The above quotes reflect only a mere fraction of an available literature.

It is criminally deceiving to say, “Vaccines are simple; they stimulate the immune system and confer immunity against specific germ agents.”

Official reports on vaccine reactions are often at odds with unofficial estimates because of the method of analysis used. If adverse vaccine-reaction is defined as a small set of possible effects experienced within 72 hours of an inoculation, then figures will be smaller. But doctors like G.T. Stewart, of the University of Glasgow, have found through meticulous investigation, including visits to hospitals and interviews with parents of children vaccinated, that reactions as severe as brain-damage (e.g., from the DPT vaccine) can be overlooked, go unreported and can be assumed to have come from other causes.

—Well, that was my finding, in 1988, when I looked beneath the surface of the vaccine question.

Now we are in very deep waters. COVID-19 hysteria has been tuned up to the NEED for a vaccine.

WE need to slough off this promoted bad dream and stand firm against the little gods who traffic their vials in every doctor’s office, hospital, school, drug store, and tented parking lot—making them into shooting galleries.

We already have natural immune systems. They work.


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Data Banks and Collective Delusions

Data Banks and Collective Delusions

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
June 7, 2021


This article is a follow-up to my piece last week, Data Sets, Fraud, and the Future. [1]

Let’s say a minor religion emerges in Ohio. Its basis is a story about a miraculous tree growing in an arid desert.

The only problem is, if the members of this Church bothered to check, they would discover the exact place where the tree supposedly grew was no desert. Instead, it was an ocean. The ocean had been there for a billion years.

But no one bothers to check. They collectively INVENT AND ACCEPT the notion of the tree in the desert. They’re not aware that this is what they’re doing, but they ARE doing it.

They build rituals and ceremonies and art—“data banks”—around the idea of the tree.

The same factors are present in the case of promoting a new virus. In this situation—the virus is collectively dreamed up and accepted by virologists—the “checking” would occur by doing a retrospective step-by-step analysis of what happened in the lab where the virus was “discovered.”

But no analysis is carried out. None of the professionals believes it’s necessary. The traditional methods of virus-discovery are beyond reproach.

And if an outsider, a skeptic demands an inquiry into the process of discovery, he is labeled a sinner. The lab is an inner sanctum. The mere presence of an outsider looking over the shoulders of the researchers (priests) at work would be an offense against the Church.

What we’re left with is a collective idea whose content is: “new virus.”

That’s all.

“Would you like to look at our line of hats that go with your new virus?”

“How about a mutant strain?”

“The vaccine, of course, is free.”

Another collective idea: the 300 official mental disorders, promoted by the American Psychiatric Association. The truth is, the so-called disorders have no accompanying definitive lab tests, for diagnosis.

Collective ideas give rise to data banks and data sets that bolster and expand the original ideas.

“25% of all college students [2] have at least one mental disorder.” Here are the studies and surveys and confirmations from leading researchers—data sets.

“Three major public health organizations have formed a task force to study solutions to the growing mental illness problem among college students.” More data sets will be created and deposited in data banks.

“MIT and Harvard, cooperating in a federally funded program, are developing AI software that will predict future trends in mental illness among college students, in an effort to identify preventive measures which might head off this growing problem…” More data sets placed in data banks—but this time, all the work, and its logic, are hidden behind walls of automatic AI.

Collectivism=collective ideas=data banks filled with supposed confirmation of the truth of the ideas.

The whole op involves creating more and more layers between the data sets and the original collective ideas, until no one considers examining those ideas.

As IoT (Internet of Things), enabled by 5G tech, makes more of the functions of society automatic, successive generations of the populations are pushed farther and farther away from the collective ideas which form the basis of AI programs.

Here is a passage from John Klyczek’s article, “From UNESCO Study 11 to UNESCO 2050: Project BEST and the Forty-Year Plan to Reimagine Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” [3] published at unlimitedhangout.com. Consider the sheer number of layers, data sets, and AI involved in the monster project Klyczek is describing:

“…UNESCO’s Study 11 was carried out through international public-private partnerships between communist, socialist, and capitalist countries coordinating efforts between multinational telecommunications and computer corporations. Working in concert with academic institutions and national government agencies, Study 11 affiliates lobbied to restructure laws in order to globalize school systems through proto-internet technologies manufactured by Big Tech companies, such as Microsoft, IBM, and Apple, which are now steering the Fourth Industrial Revolution into a new political system of communitarian technocracy driven by a new economic system of ‘stakeholder capitalism’ through ‘community-based’ public-private partnerships that are managed by Big Data.”

“…schools around the entire world are forced to rely on the technocratic IT infrastructure that has been set up by Study 11 and Project BEST through their public-private partnerships with Microsoft, Apple, and IBM. These partnerships are now converting brick-and-mortar schoolhouses into virtual classrooms that digitally data-mine students through computer hardware devices, such as Apple iPads and Macbooks, which transmit video teleconferencing through software programs, including Microsoft Teams, supplemented by adaptive-learning courseware and other artificial-intelligence applications like IBM’s Watson Education.”

Getting the picture? Imagine how many parents are hypnotized and baffled by the total load of data sets which establish this new global education system, vs. the number of parents who will see through the layers of the con to the collectivist root.

Want a parallel? Try the current debate over the origin of the “pandemic virus.” It jumped from bat to human. No, perhaps other animals carried it. No, it was born in a Wuhan lab. Fauci and his agency funded gain-of function research at the lab. Well, perhaps they did, but the total amount of money was really an insignificant pittance. What did Fauci know, and when did he know it? Layer after layer, built higher and higher.

And at bottom, the virus was never isolated (never discovered), and it was never authentically sequenced. It was an idea, collectively concocted. [4]

Every death from, and case of, COVID virus infection can be explained (as I have, over the past year) without the need for, or reference to, a virus. [5]

In the old days, a stage magician would show his empty hands, then start pulling the edge of a colored handkerchief from one closed fist. A whole string of handkerchiefs would appear. But now, the magician presents 12 empty cabinets stacked on top of one another, and he seems to make those handkerchiefs ascend from the lowest to the highest cabinet.

Each cabinet is a data bank, and he isn’t even on the stage. He’s a hundred miles away talking to the audience via Zoom.

And soon, he won’t be a he. He’ll be a constructed image of a human.

And the image won’t be transporting handkerchiefs. It’ll be notifying people they have a disease; and the drugs will arrive promptly at their door.

The drugs will be toxic and won’t heal. The diagnosis will be flawed or completely irrelevant. The standard cause of the so-called disease will be false. The research on which the cause was based will be fake.

Just like now. But the layers of AI data all along the line will transmit a more powerful illusion.


[1] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/06/04/data-sets-fraud-and-the-future/

[2] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2013/09/22/psychiatry-targets-college-students-for-destruction/

[3] https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/06/investigative-reports/from-unesco-study-11-to-unesco-2050/

[4] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/04/21/isolation-of-sars-cov-2-refuted-in-step-by-step-analysis-of-claim/

[5] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/tag/dying/


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Responding to Freedom of Information Requests, 69 Health/Science Institutions Failed to Provide Proof of “SARS-Cov-2” Isolation — by Anyone, Anywhere, Ever

69 Health/Science Institutions Globally All Failed to Cite Even 1 Record of “SARS-Cov-2” Purification, by Anyone, Anywhere, Ever


by Christine, Flouride Free Peel
June 6, 2021

69 health/science FOI’s institutions globally had all failed to provide or cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever.

Click this link to see the actual responses: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/

Below is a list of the institutions.

Australia ACT Government (Government of the Australian Capital Territory) / Canberra Health Services (CHS)
Australia Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation – CSIRO
Australia Department of Health
Australia Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
Britain Health and Safety Executive
Canada Institutes of Health Research
Canada City of Toronto, Ontario
Canada Department of Health & Community Services, Newfoundland Labrador
Canada Health Canada
Canada Institut National de Sante Publique du Quebec
Canada Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Public Health, Ontario (re “any variant”)
Canada McGill University
Canada Ministry of Health, Ontario
Canada Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
Canada National Research Council
Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Canada Provincial Health Services Authority, British Columbia
Canada Region of Peel, Ontario
Canada Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario
Canada University of Toronto
Canada Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, British Columbia (re “the UK variant”)
Canada McMaster University
Canada Peterborough Public Health
Canada Peterborough Police Service
Canada Public Health Agency of Canada
Canada Toronto Police Service
Canada Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac) at University of Saskatchewan
Canada Ministry of Health, British Columbia
Canada Centre for Disease Control, British Columbia
Canada Grey Bruce Health Services
Denmark Statens Serum Institut
England Public Health England
Europe Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Netherlands Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
New Zealand Associate Minister of Health Hon Jenny Salesa
New Zealand Associate Minister of Health Hon Peeni Henare
New Zealand Associate Minister of Health Julie Anne Genter
New Zealand Bay of Plenty District Board
New Zealand Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
New Zealand Institute of Environmental Science and Research – ESR
New Zealand Ministry of Health
New Zealand University of Auckland
New Zealand University of Otago
Norway Norwegian Ministry of Health and Cares Services & subordinate agency the Directorate of Health
Republic of Columbia Ministry of Health & Social Protection
Republic of Ireland National Virus Reference Laboratory, University College Dublin
Scotland Public Health Scotland
Slovenia Department of Health
Slovenia Faculty of Medicine and Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ljubljana
Spain Ministry of Health
United Kingdom Cabinet Office
United Kingdom Department of Health and Social Care
United Kingdom Government Office for Science
United Kingdom House of Commons
United Kingdom House of Lords
United Kingdom Imperial College London
United Kingdom Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
United Kingdom Prime Minister’s Office
United Kingdom University of Warwick
United States of America Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
United States of America Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
United States of America National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – NIAID
United States of America Oregon Health Authority
Uruguay Faculty of Chemistry – University of the Republic (UdelaR) – Bettina – already added to file that I sent Bettina to check over
Uruguay Clemente Stable Biological Research Institute, Ministry of Education and Culture – release when Bettina gives OK
Wales Public Health Wales
India Indian Council of Medical Research
Czech Republic Univerzita Karlova
Czech Republic Ministry of Health


Connect with Flouride Free Peel



6/10/2021 — Update by Truth Comes to Light editor:

See related Freedom of Information Act response from Melbourne, Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services as shared with us by a reader. The closing statement is most relevant:


Dr. Tom Cowan on the “Spiked Protein Toxin” & “Virus Created in a Lab” Stories

Dr. Tom Cowan on the “Spiked Protein Toxin” & “Virus Created in a Lab” Stories


New Findings on the Spike Protein Toxin- Live Webinar 6/4/21

Original video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel.

This presentation with Q&A included:

  • a basic discussion of virology theories and stories
  • spiked proteins
  • “gain of function” research
  • PCR Tests
  • what we actually know about antibodies
  • autoimmune disease
  • what might be happening with all the anecdotal stories about “shedding”
  • Stefan Lanka’s virology study
  • pathogenic priming


The video mentioned by Dr. Cowan related to Stefan Lanka’s virology study

The peer-reviewed study mentioned by Dr. Cowen on COVID-19 vaccines  that suggests why heart inflammation, blood clots, and other dangerous side effects occur

A Serious Indictment of Modern Cell Biology and Neurobiology by Harold Hillman


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Mounting Public Pushback Forces Public Health Authoritarians’ Retreat

Mounting Public Pushback Forces Public Health Authoritarians’ Retreat

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
June 1, 2021


Chalk up a victory vs. public health tyranny! In the face of massive public resistance, so-called ‘officials’ have retreated from their unscientific and misanthropic propaganda tactics.

Another round of record protests across in London (barely acknowledged in corporate media) has served as a bellwether for the surging distaste against several forms of public health Covid edicts.

After more than a year ignoring the data and science to lockdown the world, public health officials have begun reluctantly abandoning many of their heavy-handed tactics. Taking a “carrot and stick” approach, global populations have been continually beaten with a medical stick to force compliance. Yet few doing the ‘beating’ cared to look at history or do a simple cost-benefit analysis to examine the erroneous plan for their populations.

Continued analysis of the data behind lockdowns shows epic failures that have set society back in unimaginable ways. Forcing public health edicts illogically has forever weakened confidence in governmental and global health bodies.

Canadian economist Douglas W. Allen recently published an examination of over 80 Covid-19 studies, taking a critical look at the literature to assess the lockdown Cost vs. Benefits:

“There are about 45 stringency points from the least stringent country (Russia: 40.28) to the most stringent (Ireland: 84.26). Over this range, moving from the least to most stringent lockdown increases the cumulative deaths per million by 630 deaths. Contrary to the popular understanding, lockdown is not associated with fewer deaths per million, but more. “

Despite the false assertion by public health officials that the limited, available science pointed to lockdowns being the only solution, Allen refutes this, stating:

“By August there was enough information available to show that any reasonable cost/benefit analysis would show that lockdown was creating more harm than good. It is unreasonable to suggest that a proper decision could not have been made in the fall when the second wave of infections hit.”

The public is emboldened like never before to both return to normal and disobey public health officials pushing irrational, unscientific orders whose only roots stem from virtue signaling, political jockeying and/or petty power plays. It’s over. And would-be government employees refusing to see the writing on the wall will be voted out of office.

Established in April 2020 and composed by a group of multi-disciplinary professionals, the Pandemics Data & Analytics (or PANDA) organization understands this. PANDA stands for open science, rational debate about replacing flawed science, and for retrieving liberty and prosperity from the clutches of a dystopian “new normal”.

The organization recently released its 17-page analysis and Declaration for the Protection of Children and Young People. It states:

“Evidence already shows serious damage to the physical, mental and social wellbeing of children and young people, as well as their educational attainment and future prospects (Lewis et al., 2021). There was never a reason to disrupt the lives of children and young people and there is every reason to restore normality to this population. Policymakers should take immediate action to protect children and young people from further harm and injustice, now and in the future.”

Meanwhile, the U.S. Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is facing down a scandal from several directions. First, internal emails revealed the agency relied upon politically motivated actors, rather than science, to craft its school reopening policy. Secondly, the agency’s mask guidance was peppered with confusion and questionable science.

Research examining mitigation practices and Covid-19 rates in Florida, New York and Massachusetts’ schools continued to drive home the CDC’s scientific misadventures. After looking at all the data encompassing public schools and districts for the 2020-2021 school year, the authors concluded “…we do not see a correlation between mask mandates and COVID-19 rates among students…”

Even at this advanced stage of public revelation and transparency to the failed policies of some tone-deaf public health officials, some are still desperately trying to move the goalposts. For example: After the goal of lowering case counts in an effort to return to normal was reached, officials in Australia and New Zealand demanded a zero-Covid approach! Good luck with that.

Meanwhile, Ontario has announced a three-step plan to reopen the province, starting with outdoor recreational amenities, as it gradually prepares to ease pandemic restrictions. But wait! Hold on! Forget about lower case counts or mortality rates, Ontario must wait at least two weeks after 60 per cent of adults have received one dose of the vaccine!

In the U.S., the reopening has happened too rapidly for power-hungry public officials still not ready to give up their ill-gotten fiefdoms. The vaccine passport idea continues to be a non-starter in the USA as many governors checkmated the idea with a slew of early executive orders and bills.

Defaulting to individual businesses, a few governors have resorted to making weary frontline business owners manually violate their patron’s health privacy by asking them to check the vaccine status of everyone who enters their establishment. This is the textbook definition of fascism, by the way: The marriage of government and industry.

Other businesses have simply removed their “face masks mandatory” signs and replaced them with masking suggestions for the unvaccinated. How many people are complying no one knows for sure.

A month ago, headlines told of an impending U.K. domestic vaccine passport despite widespread public distaste. It manifested in the form of an NHS app which had some concerning additional features as exposed during an interview on U.K.’s Talk Radio:

In a surprising plot twist, following this weekend’s capacity protests, plans for the U.K. vaccine passport have reportedly been scrapped. In a Telegraph exclusive, ‘officials’ working on Covid-19 status certification believe there is no chance the law will be changed to mandate vaccine passports’ use within the U.K. Called a “well-placed source” by The Telegraph stated, “No one is talking about it still as a potential thing … It has been killed off really.”

As travel and employment appear to be the new chokepoints to ram through vaccine certificates, are governments defaulting to private business to finish the op? Or will something happen that gives officials a rejuvenated push in the near future?


Connect with Jefferey Jaxen at The HighWire

Who Needs a Fake Virus When We’ve Got Opioids?

Who Needs a Fake Virus When We’ve Got Opioids?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
June 2, 2021





As I’ve been demonstrating for a year, SARS-CoV-2 was never discovered, never isolated, never legitimately sequenced.

In yesterday’s article, I laid out how this fake pandemic story, focusing on Wuhan, obscured Wuhan’s role as the number-one global launch-point for opioid trafficking.

Synthetic opioids—especially fentanyl, which is a hundred times more potent than morphine—are killing and addicting and maiming millions of people worldwide. That’s the scope of what we’re talking about.

Understand that one of the cardinal effects of opioids is suppression of breathing. During the so-called COVID pandemic, you’ve heard this referred to as “hypoxia.”

Yes, hypoxia is listed as a COVID symptom. It has a number of causes that have nothing to do with a virus. But of course, in the rush to diagnose as many people as possible with COVID—and with a PCR test that spits out false-positives like water from a fire hose—opioid users suffering from hypoxia are labeled “victims of the coronavirus.”

Drugabuse.com: “…opiate [opioid] drugs also slow your breathing…and in case of an overdose, your breathing is slowed to a virtually non-existent and lethal level.”

“The opioids depress your breathing, bring on heavy sedation and make it impossible to wake up.”

For many months in 2020, New York was touted as the global “epicenter of the pandemic.”

Patients in New York mystified ER doctors because they showed up with hypoxia.

2018 estimate of deaths from opioid overdoses in New York: 3000. Many more people in the New York area are addicted to these drugs. In New York State, in 2017, the number of people discharged from hospitals, after treatment for opioid overdose or dependency: 25,000.

In 2020-21, people who have developed opioid hypoxia have been misdiagnosed with “COVID-19 lung problems.” A large number of these people are sedated further, in order to be put on ventilators—ignoring the need to deal with their overdose, their addiction, their withdrawal—and they die.

Backing up a few steps from all this, you can see how a diagnosis of COVID functions as a cover story, to conceal the destruction-and-death-toll resulting from opioids.

How convenient that the whole COVID fairy tale was launched in Wuhan, the city that is the number-one source for global opioid trafficking. The fairy tale obscured the real Wuhan story.

City-journal.org, May 12, 2020, “Wuhan’s other epidemic,” Christopher F. Rufo: “…many don’t know that Wuhan is also the source of another deadly epidemic: America’s fentanyl overdoses… Over the past decade, Wuhan has emerged as the global headquarters for fentanyl production. The city’s chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers hide production of the drug within their larger, licit manufacturing operations, then ship it abroad using deliberately mislabeled packaging, concealment techniques, and a complex network of forwarding addresses. According to a recent ABC News report, ‘huge amounts of these mail-order [fentanyl] components can be traced to a single, state-subsidized company [Yuancheng] in Wuhan.’”

And history matters:

Do you think the current Chinese political leadership has forgotten the two notorious 19th-century Opium Wars China lost? (Opium is the original natural opioid.)

Here are excerpts from a piece I wrote in 2017:

In the 19th century, selling opium to China was very big business for England. Of course, addictive opium was devastating to China, who tried to stop the trade. Two Opium Wars against China (1839-42 and 1856-60) resulted. The Encyclopedia Britannica states:

“In each case the foreign powers were victorious and gained commercial privileges and legal and territorial concessions in China [including the uninterrupted sale of opium]. The conflicts marked the start of the era of unequal treaties and other inroads on Qing sovereignty that helped weaken and ultimately topple the dynasty [which had ruled since 1644]…”

It would be hard to overstate the lasting fury and resentment of Chinese rulers against the foreign powers who defeated and humiliated them in the Opium Wars.

The UK Daily Mail [2017]: “[a new drug coming into the UK is] not just heroin. It had been mixed with two lethal man-made opioids – fentanyl, a painkiller 100 times more potent than morphine; and carfentanyl, an elephant tranquilliser 10,000 times stronger than street heroin.”

“Now the drugs have arrived in Britain – and a spate of sudden deaths in Hull, the worst incident in the UK so far, shows their devastating impact. Just a few grains of carfentanyl – 0.00002g – can be fatal.”

“These lethal drugs have begun cropping up across the country – first found in Blyth, Northumberland, then suspected in deaths and drug busts from Leeds to London, St Albans to Southampton, Wakefield to Winchester, and Wales to Northern Ireland.” [In 2021, the UK government states that opioid addiction and death aren’t overwhelming concerns. I find it hard to believe these assurances.]

FOX Business, March 31, 2017. Headline: “DEA: Made in China Lethal Opioid Fueling US Drug Epidemic.”

“A homemade designer version of fentanyl, the highly addictive opioid which is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent, has been the center of drug busts across the country this month—with law enforcement pinpointing its origin from underground labs in China. The DEA says the China-U.S. supply is further fueling the country’s drug epidemic.”

“’This [Chinese] stuff is unbelievably potent. It is so powerful that even a tiny amount can kill you,’ DEA spokesman Rusty Payne tells FOX Business. ‘China is by far the most significant manufacturer of illicit designer synthetic drugs. There is so much manufacturing of new drugs, [it’s] amazing what is coming out of China. Hundreds of [versions], including synthetic fentanyl and fentanyl-based compounds’.”

“China only made the drug [fentanyl] illegal in 2015, and at that point black market Chinese labs began increasing production of their own versions, including the one turning up recently across the country [the US] called furanyl fentanyl.”

“’While heroin gets harder to buy on the street or from a dealer, fentanyl comes via FedEx,’ Brad Lamm, CEO of Intervention.com, tells FOX Business.”

“Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez announced this week details on a mail-order furanyl fentanyl smuggling ring bust. The operation had been bringing the drug — which has been dubbed ‘White China’ — into the U.S from Asia. NYPD Chief of Detective Bob Boyce said that this was the first time investigators have seen this type of fentanyl in New York City.”

“Also this week, Cincinnati Customs and Border Protection agents said they seized 83 shipments of illegal synthetic drugs, including 36 pounds of furanyl fentanyl, from China.”

The Boston Globe [2017]: “An extremely powerful drug used as an elephant tranquilizer has quickly become a new killer in the nation’s opioid epidemic, and New England authorities and health workers are bracing for its arrival.”

“The drug, carfentanil, is a synthetic opioid that is 10,000 times stronger than morphine and 100 times more potent than fentanyl, another deadly synthetic opioid.”

“The Drug Enforcement Administration has issued a nationwide alert about the drug, which its acting chief called ‘crazy dangerous.’ In Massachusetts, State Police have warned their crime lab staff about how to handle carfentanil during analysis. Even inhaling the drug or absorbing it through a cut can be fatal.”

“Law enforcement and health officials believe most users do not know they are ingesting carfentanil, which apparently is often mistakenly thought to be heroin or a mixture of heroin and fentanyl, a weaker but still lethal synthetic opioid.”

“If carfentanil’s trade route is similar to that of fentanyl, the path stretches from Chinese manufacturers to Mexican processors to smugglers who supply dealers in the United States, law enforcement officials said.”

“’There’s no quality control, so when it gets here the distributors don’t know what they have and the user has no idea,’ said Timothy Desmond, a special agent with the New England division of the DEA. ‘That’s where it’s a game of Russian roulette’.”

“Hamilton County officials are baffled by the marketing strategy behind such a lethal drug. ‘It doesn’t really make sense that you would want to kill your customers’,” Fallon said.

“Law enforcement officials also are concerned that carfentanil will harm first responders. The DEA has warned police not to conduct field tests on seized drugs that might contain carfentanil. Instead, the agency urged officers to secure their samples and deliver them only to colleagues with training and equipment to handle the drug.”

In 2020-21, the opioid catastrophe continues.

And its number-one trafficking source, Wuhan, is famous only for birthing a pandemic that doesn’t exist because the virus causing it has never been proven to exist.

“The pandemic” is a cover story for the ages.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Wuhan, the Lab? No, the Other Wuhan Nobody Is Talking About: Opioid Trafficking Headquarters for Death and Destruction

Wuhan, the Lab? No, the Other Wuhan Nobody Is Talking About: Opioid Trafficking Headquarters for Death and Destruction

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
June 1, 2021


This article takes off from the work of investigative reporter, Whitney Webb. Much of what I’m laying out here confirms her exposure of “the other Wuhan.” Webb writes at Unlimited Hangout and The Last American Vagabond.

When I put together Webb’s findings with my own COVID research, startling new dimensions of the false “pandemic” story come to light.

Who would have thought that, in less than a year, the image of the opioid drug, fentanyl, would undergo a face lift, enhancing it from “most destructive killer drug in the world” to “lifesaver in the treatment of COVID patients?”

And if this PR miracle is not a sufficient stunner, it just so happens that Opioid Central for illegally trafficking fentanyl to the planet is Wuhan, now the focus of claims that COVID was born in a lab there.

(Fake) pandemic transforms fentanyl into “vital COVID medication.”

(Fake) pandemic starts in Wuhan.

Wuhan is the city where killer drug fentanyl is shipped out to dealers all over the world.

High-level operators, focusing on Wuhan, manage to obscure, from the broad public, the city’s global role in killing millions of people with opioids…by claiming a pandemic was born in Wuhan. “The ONLY thing you have to know about Wuhan is the virus broke out there.”

This has the earmarks of a highly successful cover story.

Here’s a prime illustration of fentanyl’s PR facelift:

NJ [New Jersey] Spotlight News, April 14, 2020, “No Longer a Scourge, Fentanyl Is Now Most-Needed Drug in COVID-19 War.”

“…fentanyl, one of the drugs given to patients so they can withstand the pain of having a breathing tube inserted, is in short supply along with a handful of other crucial drugs.”

“The first wave of critical shortages exposed by the coronavirus was medical masks and gowns. Then it was ventilators. Now, a handful of crucial drugs are in short supply in overrun ICUs throughout northern New Jersey and New York City, many of which are needed to use the ventilators.”

“At the top of the list is fentanyl, the deadly synthetic painkiller — 100 times more powerful than morphine — the very drug that has become public enemy No. 1 in the nation’s war on opioid addiction. Demand for fentanyl has doubled nationwide and shot up more than 500% in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan region, the current global epicenter of the pandemic.”

“Fentanyl may have been killing people in record numbers on the streets of New Jersey in recent years, but in our hospitals, it is now saving lives.”

“Demand for fentanyl is followed by Propofol, a sedative also used with ventilators, according to Soumi Saha, Premier’s senior director of advocacy…Close behind those two is a new category of drugs to face shortages — neuromuscular blockers, which are also being used for ventilator patients because they keep them from involuntarily coughing on the healthcare worker inserting the vent tube.”

“During normal times, patients stay on ventilators for three or four days. Now, not only has the number of ventilated patients spiked, but the time they remain on the device is two to three weeks.”

I gave you an extended quote from that New Jersey article, because I’ll cover the real story behind ventilators later in this piece.

Right now, here are a few references pointing to Wuhan as Opioid Central.

City-journal.org, May 12, 2020, “Wuhan’s other epidemic,” Christopher F. Rufo: “…many don’t know that Wuhan is also the source of another deadly epidemic: America’s fentanyl overdoses… Over the past decade, Wuhan has emerged as the global headquarters for fentanyl production. The city’s chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers hide production of the drug within their larger, licit manufacturing operations, then ship it abroad using deliberately mislabeled packaging, concealment techniques, and a complex network of forwarding addresses. According to a recent ABC News report, ‘huge amounts of these mail-order [fentanyl] components can be traced to a single, state-subsidized company in Wuhan.’”

The Atlantic, August 18, 2019, “The Brazen Way a Chinese Company Pumped Fentanyl Ingredients Into the US,” by Ben Westhoff: “According to Bryce Pardo, a fentanyl expert at the Rand Corporation, the two most commonly used fentanyl precursors—think of them as ingredients—are chemicals called NPP and 4-ANPP. When I first started researching them, in early 2017, advertisements for the chemicals were all over the internet, from a wide variety of different companies. Later, I determined that the majority of those companies were under the Yuancheng [company] umbrella.”

“Posing as a buyer, I answered an online advertisement for fentanyl precursors and was put in touch with a Yuancheng salesman who called himself Sean. We arranged to meet at the company’s main office in Wuhan, in the Wuchang district, near a busy subway station in a blue-collar neighborhood…”

LA Times, April 24, 2020: “For drug traffickers interested in getting in on the fentanyl business, all roads once led to Wuhan.”

“The sprawling industrial city built along the Yangtze River in east-central China is known for its production of chemicals, including the ingredients needed to cook fentanyl and other powerful synthetic opioids.”

“Vendors there shipped huge quantities around the world. The biggest customers were Mexican drug cartels, which have embraced fentanyl in recent years because it is cheaper and easier to produce than heroin.”

The Times article cites the pandemic as the reason for a decline in the fentanyl business. But lockdowns increased people’s desires for drugs. And of course, since economies have started loosening up, fentanyl trafficking operations are certainly booming again.

The highly successful cover story I described above…were there reasons for this cover, other than an attempt to conceal, from the broad public, Wuhan as the global center of opioid trafficking?

I can think of two other reasons. The first one I would introduce this way: “We’re killing people in the streets with fentanyl, but that’s not enough. We want to kill them in the hospitals, too.”

Heavy hitters, intent on getting rid of the elderly on a wide scale, saw an opportunity. And now we come to the ventilator story.

There is no doubt that, globally speaking, there has been a mad and destructive rush to put people diagnosed with COVID on breathing ventilators.

To deploy these devices in hospitals requires intubation, which is painful and very disruptive. Patients must be sedated. They must be kept sedated, while they’re hooked up to the breathing machines— for days and weeks.

Enter fentanyl and other opioids.

Since the whole story of the COVID virus was a fake from the get-go, some group would have to bear the burden of dying, in order to inflate death numbers; in order to make it appear that the “pandemic” was a fire sweeping through the world.

The group was and is the elderly, and in a series of articles on this gruesome subject a year ago, I left no doubt about the truth staring us in the face. (Note: CDC, May 14, 2021: “8 out 10 COVID-19 deaths reported in the US have been in adults 65 years old and older.”)

COVID is old people. Their premature deaths are forced. Their statistical numbers are gold for the planners of the operation. And this has nothing to do with a virus.

The Hill, (undated, late April 2020), reports on “data…gathered at Northwell Health, New York state’s largest hospital system. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) examines 5,700 patients hospitalized with coronavirus infections in the New York City region, with final outcomes recorded for 2,634 patients. The average patient age was 63 years old… For the next oldest age group, ages 66 years and older, patients receiving mechanical [breathing] ventilation recorded a 97.2 percent mortality rate.”

97.2 percent of elderly patients put on breathing ventilators died.

Just in case other obvious strategies failed to produce premature death in the elderly, ventilators provided the method:




Don’t even think of saying, “Well, you see, those old people put on ventilators were already very sick and close to dying.” NO medical treatment that kills 97.2 percent of patients in a well-defined group is continued, unless there are orders mandating it. Unless there is insurance money to be saved. Unless the doctors are willing to follow orders and keep using the treatment, despite the results.

So yes, opioids were transformed, by a cover story, from a killer street drug to a “lifesaving treatment” for COVID—but at the deepest level, that meant murdering the elderly with the drugs.

The second reason for the cover story would have involved moving up the time table for launching the fake pandemic story in Wuhan.

Was there some sort of accident, in which the people of Wuhan were exposed to fentanyl, with deadly consequences? Desperately needing a phony cover-up explanation—was “THE VIRUS” story invoked?

I can only speculate about that possibility. However, China is famous for loose enforcement of safety regulations in factories, and it’s possible that some sort of accident occurred, which blew fentanyl or its components through the city of Wuhan, killing people on the spot.

There are analogous recent incidents in China.

The Wikipedia page for the 2019 Xiangshui chemical plant explosion, which killed 78 people and injured 617, mentions other events as well:

“On 27 November 2007, an explosion occurred in one of the chemical factories in Chenjiagang Chemical Zone, with seven killed and around 50 injured…In the early morning of 11 February 2011, rumors of toxic chemical release and potential imminent explosions in the Chenjiagang Chemical Industry Park led over ten thousand residents to evacuate in panic from the towns of Chenjiagang and Shuanggang during which four people died and many were injured. On the afternoon of May 18 and again on July 26 in 2011, there were explosions at local factories.”

As I keep reminding readers, the whole “pandemic” is a covert op. Such operations always deploy cover stories, in order to hide what is really being done, how it’s being done, and why.

Speaking of which, there are several major pharmaceutical companies who’ve faced heavy exposure for their roles in the opioid criminal trafficking business. For example, Purdue, and Johnson & Johnson. A third one is (Mossad-connected) Teva.

If you could offer Warren Buffet an ice cream cone with a truth-serum cherry on top, it would be interesting to ask him whether the PR campaign to push opioids as life-saving COVID treatments helped stabilize his 42,789,295 shares of beleaguered Teva, worth $412,916,000.

To connect one more dot (for now,) the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation holds 50 million shares, worth $11 billion, in Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway. It is the Gates Foundation’s top investment.


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Millions of Face Masks Officially Declared Dangerous

Millions of Face Masks Officially Declared Dangerous

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 28, 2021


This is not an article about whether face masks work.

As my readers know, for the past year I’ve been demonstrating that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been proven to exist. Therefore, face masks are nothing more (or less) than a mind-control ritual.

However, much has been written about the harm the masks cause.

And now we have an official declaration. On April 2, 2021, Health Canada issued an advisory, warning people not to “use face masks labelled to contain graphene or biomass graphene.”

Andrew Maynard covers this issue in a medium.com article, “Manufacturers have been using nanotechnology-derived graphene in face masks—now there are safety concerns.”

Those concerns? Masks could create lung problems.

Of course, since COVID-19 is claimed to be a lung disease, you can see where that leads: the remedy turns out to cause what it’s supposed to prevent. I could write a book detailing how many times this “coincidence” pops up in the field of medicine.

Maynard’s article traces the safety concerns to a Chinese mask manufacturer, Shandong, but points out that millions of graphene-containing masks are in use around the world, produced by a whole host of companies.

So far, it’s not clear whether the nanoparticles of graphene in the masks also contain metals—which are highly destructive.

The mainstream literature on graphene is ambiguous: yes, it’s probably toxic to the lungs; perhaps not seriously so; perhaps only temporarily; there are more questions than answers.

Since there are more questions, why have these masks been certified anywhere in the world for public use? Why haven’t the CDC and the WHO made definitive statements about safety concerns?

At materialstoday.com, we have, “Is graphene safe?”

“But, it is the very nature of graphene that might be cause for concern: thin and lightweight, yet tough and intractable particles are notoriously worrisome in terms of the detrimental effects they can have on our health, particularly when breathed in…”

“Ken Donaldson is a respiratory toxicologist at the University of Edinburgh and he and his colleagues are among the first to raise the warning flag on graphene, at least for nanoscopic platelets of the material. It is not too great a leap of the imagination to imagine how such tiny flakes of carbon might be transported deep within the lungs similar to asbestos fibres and coal dust. Once lodged within, there is no likely mechanism for the removal or break down of such inert particles and they might reside on these sensitive tissues triggering a chronic inflammatory response or interfering with the normal cellular functions.”

Does this make any sane person feel safe about wearing a mask and breathing in those graphene particles all day long?

In fact, you could rightly call the masks graphene-inhalation transporters.

“We have a new idea and a new product. It’s designed to force you to breathe in nanoparticles of graphene. Who knows? There might be health benefits. Try it and see.”

Yes, try it. And if you then develop a lung infection, since that is called a cardinal pandemic symptom, you could hit the jackpot and earn a diagnosis of COVID-19.

At which point the fun really begins, as you try to explain to your doctor that the cause isn’t a virus, but rather nanoparticles of graphene in your mask. If you play your cards right, you could end up in the psych ward with other “conspiracy theorists.”

“Can you believe it, nurse? I had this guy a few hours ago coughing and dripping mucus all over the place. Inflamed lungs. Classic COVID case. But he tells me he’s breathing in NANOPARTICLES. I gave him a sedative and sent him to the Crazy Pen. Where do these people get these stories? Have you ever heard of graphene? That’s what they put in pencils, right?”

“I don’t know, Doc. My cousin thinks she’s breathing in these nanos, too. I told her she needs a Thorazine drip.”

There’s a good chance the masks are COVID-diagnosis promoters. Step one: breathe in nanoparticles of graphene. Step two: therefore develop a so-called major COVID symptom—lung infection. Step three: test false-positive on the PCR test (happens millions of times, as I’ve documented). And boom, you’re a COVID case.

In keeping with local laws, I’ve applied for a license to own a mask as a weapon. If I gain approval, I plan to seal it in a glass box and mount it on the wall next to my grenade launcher and Civil War cannonball.


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More Deaths Reported After J&J, AstraZeneca Vaccines, Plus Researchers Link AstraZeneca to Strokes in Young Adults

More Deaths Reported After J&J, AstraZeneca Vaccines, Plus Researchers Link AstraZeneca to Strokes in Young Adults
The AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccines came under scrutiny again this week as more reports of deaths — largely due to blood clot disorders — surfaced in Belgium, Canada and Greece, and a new report linked the AstraZeneca vaccine to strokes in young adults.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
May 27, 2021


The AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccines came under scrutiny again this week as more reports of deaths — largely due to blood clot disorders — surfaced in Belgium, Canada and Greece.

Adding to the vaccine makers’ woes is a new report out of London from researchers who identified the first cases of strokes occurring in young adults who received the AstraZeneca vaccine, which was co-developed by the University of Oxford University in the UK.

Belgium suspends use of J&J vaccine

Belgium said Wednesday it was suspending vaccinations with J&J vaccine, for people under the age of 41, following the death of a woman from blood clots after she received the shot. This is the second time Belgium has paused the one-shot vaccine.

“The Inter-ministerial conference has decided to temporarily administer Janssen’s vaccine to the general population from the age of 41 years, pending a more detailed benefit-risk analysis by the EMA,” said a statement issued by Belgium’s federal health minister and seven regional counterparts.

The woman, who was under the age of 40, died May 21 after being admitted to the hospital with severe thrombosis and platelet deficiency, Reuters reported.

The government asked for urgent advice from the European Union’s drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), before it would consider lifting the suspension.

The EMA said it is reviewing the death of the woman in Belgium, along with other reports of blood clots, with the Belgian and Slovenian medicines agencies, and has asked J&J to carry out a series of additional studies to help assess a possible link between the shot and rare blood clots.

J&J said April 20 it would resume the roll-out in the EU of its COVID vaccine, marketed under the company’s Janssen subsidiary — with a warning on its label — after several countries, including Belgium, first paused the vaccine amid concerns of its possible link to blood clotting disorders.

The EMA confirmed a “possible link,” but concluded the vaccine’s benefits outweighed the risks. The drug regulator’s safety committee (PRAC) said a warning should be added to the product label, but the blood clot-related disorders should be listed as “very rare” side effects of the vaccine.

On April 23, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) voted to resume the use of J&J’s vaccine without restrictions after the vaccine was paused to investigate reports of rare blood clots. The recommendation by the CDC’s advisory panel said the link between blood clots and J&J’s COVID vaccine was “plausible,” but concluded the vaccine’s benefits outweighed the risks and recommended use for persons 18 years of age and older in the U.S. under the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization.

J&J has said no clear causal relationship has been established between its vaccine and blood clots.

Researchers identify strokes in young adults after AstraZeneca shot

The first cases of large-vessel arterial occlusion strokes in young adults linked to AstraZeneca’s vaccine were described in detail for the first time in a letter published online in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.

The three cases, one of which was fatal, occurred in two women and one man in their 30s or 40s who developed characteristics of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), a reaction associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“These are the first detailed reports of arterial stroke believed to be caused by VITT after the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, although stroke has been mentioned previously in the VITT data,” senior author, Dr. David Werring, professor of clinical neurology at the Stroke Research Centre, University College London Queen Square Institute of Neurology, told Medscape Medical News.

“VITT has more commonly presented as CVST (cerebral venous sinus thrombosis) which is stroke caused by a venous thrombosis; these cases are showing that it can also cause stroke caused by an arterial thrombosis,” Werring explained.

Werring noted the reports do not add anything to the overall risk/benefit of the vaccine, as they are describing only three cases. “While VITT is very serious, the benefit of the vaccine still outweighs its risks,” he said.

The first case, a 35-year-old woman, experienced intermittent headaches on the right side and around her eyes for six days after vaccination. Five days later, she awoke feeling drowsy and with weakness to her left face, arm and leg.

Imaging revealed the woman had a blocked right middle cerebral artery with brain infarction and clots in the right portal vein. She underwent brain surgery to reduce the pressure in her skull, plasma removal and replacement, and treatment with anticoagulant and fondaparinux, but suffered brain stem death and subsequently died.

The second case, a 37-year-old woman, presented with headache, confusion, weakness in her left arm and loss of vision on the left side 12 days after vaccination with AstraZeneca. Imaging showed occlusion of both carotid arteries, as well as blood clots in her lungs and brain. She improved clinically with treatment.

The third case occurred in a 43-year-old man who presented 21 days after vaccination with problems speaking. Imaging showed a clot in the left middle cerebral artery. He was treated and remains stable.

The researchers said young patients presenting with ischaemic stroke after receiving AstraZeneca’s vaccine should urgently be evaluated for VITT.

Ontario man dies from ‘rare but real’ blood clot after first dose of AstraZeneca

An Ontario man in his 40s died after receiving his first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, public health officials confirmed Tuesday.

Dr. Barbara Yaffe, Ontario’s associate chief medical officer of health, said his death is being investigated, but the man suffered from VITT.

“While the investigation is ongoing and a final cause of death has yet to be officially determined, it has been confirmed that the individual did have VITT at the time of his death,” Yaffe said Tuesday. “The risks associated with this vaccine are [rare], but they are real.”

Chief Medical Officer Dr. David Williams restricted AstraZeneca vaccinations for people who have not yet received the first dose as of May 11, due to a higher-than-expected rate of blood clots.

Greece investigating four cases of blood clots after AstraZeneca shot

Α 63-year-old woman from Greece died of blood clots after vaccination with AstraZeneca. The case was one of four being investigated by the National Organization for Medicines (EOF) for a potential correlation between AstraZeneca’s vaccine and rare blood clots, according to the Greek City Times.

Also in Greece, a 44-year-old woman is in serious condition after experiencing VITT. Her case was the second incident found by EOF to be linked to the vaccine, according to the Greek Reporter.

A third blood clotting incident involved a 35-year-old man from Crete who suffered two blood clots after receiving AstraZeneca’s vaccine. The man was hospitalized after suffering a clot in his leg a few days after getting the jab. He suffered a second blood clot in his brain while hospitalized

As The Defender reported April 7, European regulators said they confirmed a “possible link” between AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine and “very rare” blood clots, but concluded the benefits of the vaccine still outweigh the risks.

The EMA did not recommend restricting use of the vaccine based on age, gender or other risk factors, but did say cases of blood clotting after vaccination “should be” listed as a possible side effect, according to a statement issued by the agency’s safety committee.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is not yet authorized for use in the U.S.


©May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Life Insurance and Covid-19; Something Doesn’t Make Sense

Life Insurance and Covid-19; Something Doesn’t Make Sense

by Jeff HarrisRon Paul Institute
May 27, 2021


You would think that during the worst Pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu life insurance companies would be hedging their bets to avoid major losses from Covid-19. I haven’t written a life policy for several years so I was wondering what was going on? I called one of the brokers I deal with that interacts with hundreds of big life insurers to get an inside look into how the Covid crisis has changed their business.

Imagine my surprise when she said it was pretty much business as usual! Last year when the hysteria was just getting ramped up she did say the companies temporarily tightened up underwriting and reduced the amount of coverage they would offer. But as time went by and the hard data came rolling in those same companies went back to business as usual.

I asked her specifically if life insurers wanted a Covid test as part of the underwriting process and she said none that she was aware of. Hmm, that’s pretty interesting isn’t it? The most lethal pandemic in decades descends on the globe with deadly mutations taking millions of innocent lives and the life insurance companies couldn’t care less.

I also asked if the cost per thousand of coverage had increased due to Covid and again she said no. Rates were pretty much the same as they were before the Covid Pandemic ravaged the earth. Life Insurance companies are very risk adverse. They don’t like losing money to unnecessary claims. The fact they’re treating Covid as a nonevent should be an indicator that something is very wrong with the whole narrative.


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The PATH to Hell

The PATH to Hell

by Bernard Marx, Notes From The New Normal
May 13, 2021


When controversial Bill Gates-funded vaccine trials culminated in the deaths of seven children, the West’s media looked the other way.


We’ve seen a lot of India in the news recently. A lot more than we usually do. There’s an apocalypse of sorts going on there, if the popular media is to be believed. But as is often the case, these reports are devoid of any context or perspective. While the world’s media can’t get enough of India today, in its rush to support a narrative of terror about Covid-19, twelve years ago when there was a real story going on there, the world’s media was nowhere to be seen.


In 2009, a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded NGO carried out unauthorised clinical trials of a vaccine on some of the poorest, most vulnerable children in the world. It did so without providing information about the risks involved, without the informed consent of the children or their parents and without even declaring that it was conducting a clinical trial. After vaccination, many of the participating children became ill and seven of them died. Such were the findings of a parliamentary committee charged with investigating this wretched affair. The committee accused the NGO of “child abuse” and produced a raft of evidence to back up its claim. This entire incident barely registered on the radar of Western media.

PATH (formerly the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) is a Seattle based NGO, heavily funded by BMGF but which also receives significant grants from the US government. Between 1995 and the time of writing (May 2021), PATH had received more than $2.5bn from BMGF.

In 2009, PATH carried out a project to administer the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. The project’s aim was, in PATH’s own words, “to generate and disseminate evidence for informed public sector introduction of HPV vaccines”. It was conducted in four countries: India, Uganda, Peru and Vietnam. Another Gates-funded organization, Gavi, had originally been considered to run the project, but responsibility was ultimately delegated to PATH. The project was directly funded by BMGF.

Significantly, each of the countries selected for the project had a different ethnic population and each had a state-funded national immunisation program. The use of different ethnic groups in the trial allowed for comparison of the effects of the vaccine across diverse population groups (ethnicity being a factor in the safety and efficacy of certain drugs), The immunisation programs of the countries involved provided a potentially lucrative market for the companies whose drugs were to be studied: should the drugs prove successful and be included on these countries’ state-funded national immunisation schedules, this would represent an annual windfall of profits for the companies involved.

Two types of HPV vaccine were used in the trial: Gardasil by Merck and Cervarix by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). In this article, we are going to examine PATH’s trial of Gardasil in India.

It’s worth noting here the relationship between BMGF and one of the companies whose drugs were being tested. In 2002, BMGF had, controversially, bought $205m worth of stocks in the pharmaceutical sector, a purchase which included shares in Merck & Co. The move had raised eyebrows because of the obvious conflict of interest between the foundation’s role as a medical charity and its role as an owner of businesses in the same sector.

The Wall Street Journal reported, in August 2009, that the foundation had sold its shares in Merck between 31st March and 30th June of that year, which would have been around the same time that the field trials of the HPV vaccine were starting in India. So for the entirety of this project (which was already in operation by October 2006), right up to its final field trials, BMGF had a dual role: as both a charity with a responsibility for care, and as a business owner with a responsibility for profit.

Such conflicts of interest have been a hallmark of BMGF since 2002. When Gates was making regular TV appearances last year to promote Covid-19 vaccination, giving especially ringing endorsements of the Pfizer-BioNTech effort, his objectivity was never brought into question. Yet his foundation is the part-owner of several vaccine manufacturers, including Pfizer, BioNTech and CureVac.


HPV vaccine aims to prevent cervical cancer. Gardasil had been launched successfully by Merck in the US in 2006, but its sales suffered after a series of articles in American medical journals had judged that its risks outweighed its benefits. Especially damaging was an analysis of reports made to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) about adverse reactions to Gardasil. This analysis was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on August 19th 2009. The 12,424 adverse reactions which had been reported included 772 which were considered serious, 32 of which were deaths. Other reported serious side effects included autoimmune disorders, venous thromboembolic events (blood clots) and Guillain-Barré syndrome.

In the same edition of JAMA, Dr. Charlotte Haug, then editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Associationwrote, “Whether a risk is worth taking depends not only on the absolute risk, but on the relationship between the potential risk and the potential benefit. If the potential benefits are substantial, most individuals would be willing to accept the risks. But the net benefit of the HPV vaccine to a woman is uncertain. Even if persistently infected with HPV, a woman most likely will not develop cancer if she is regularly screened. So rationally she should be willing to accept only a small risk from the vaccine.” Dr. Haug also noted, “When weighing evidence about risks and benefits, it is also appropriate to ask who takes the risk, and who gets the benefit”, in a clear dig at Gardasil manufacturer Merck.

Merck’s attempts to promote Gardasil had been controversial. Dr. Angela Raffle, one the UK’s leading experts on cervical cancer screening, described Merck’s marketing strategy as “a battering ram at the Department of Health and carpet bombing on the peripheries.” Dr. Raffle was concerned that the push to mass vaccination would harm the successful screening programme which had operated in the UK since the 1960s. “My worry is that the commercially motivated rush to make us panic into introducing HPV vaccine quickly will put us back and worsen our cervical cancer control programme.”

Professor Diane Harper, then of Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire, had led 2 trials of the vaccine and was adamant that Gardasil could not protect against all strains of HPV. When Merck launched a huge public relations campaign in 2007 to persuade European governments to use the product to vaccinate all the continent’s young girls against cervical cancer, she said, “Mass vaccination programmes (would be) a great big public health experiment….We don’t know a lot of things. We don’t know the vaccine will continue to be effective. To be honest, we don’t have efficacy data in these young girls right now. We’re vaccinating against a virus that attacks women throughout their whole life and continues to cause cancer. If we vaccinate girls at 10 or 11 we won’t know for 20 to 25 years whether it is going to work or not. This is a big thing to take on.”

So at the time that PATH was carrying out its trials in India, Uganda, Peru and Vietnam, Gardasil was a controversial vaccine: its safety, efficacy and Merck’s attempts to promote it were being questioned, not by anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists, but by the international medical establishment and the respected mainstream media.


Children of the Koya tribe, Khammam

Khammam district, in 2009, was a part of the eastern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh (boundary changes made in 2014 mean that today Khammam district belongs to the state of Telangana). The region is predominantly rural and is considered to be one of the poorest and least developed parts of India. Khammam is home to several ethnic tribal groups,with some estimates putting its tribal population at about 21.5% (approximately 600,000 people). As is common for indiginous people throughout the world, the tribal groups of Khammam suffer from a lack of access to education. Consequently, their level of literacy is of a standard considerably lower than that of the region as a whole.

Some 14,000 girls were injected with Gardasil in Khammam district during 2009. The girls recruited for PATH’s project were between 10 and 14 years of age and all came from low-income, predominantly tribal backgrounds. Many of the girls did not reside with their families; instead they lived in ashram pathshalas (government-run hostels), which were situated close to the schools the children attended. Professor Linsey McGoey, of the University of Essex, later stated she believed girls at ashram pathshalas had been targeted for the project as this was a way of “side-stepping the need to seek parental consent for the shots.”

Although we have seen a lot of India in the news recently, coverage of this country and its affairs is usually low-key. Despite being home to almost one fifth of the world’s population, reporting on India is sparse. Few of us are aware, for example, of its abysmal history of health and safety or its long-standing tradition of corruption in government.

Such failings have been taken advantage of by unscrupulous profit-seekers for decades. Western media only reports on the consequences of these actions when their magnitude is too great to ignore. We learned that up to 7,000 people were killed and more than half a million were injured after being exposed to deadly methyl isocyanate gas, following a gas leak at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal. But we learned nothing in the years leading up to it of the culture of poor standards and disregard for regulation which was ultimately responsible for the disaster.

So it was typical that PATH’s project to administer and study the effects of the HPV vaccine went unheralded in the West. Typical, too, that the same was true in India itself: the Indian media is no more renowned for its reporting on tribal groups than the Western media is for its coverage of  Indians. Despite concerns expressed about the project in October 2009 by Sama, a Delhi-based NGO that advocates for women’s health, the matter remained absent from India’s news.

This project, then, couldn’t have been more off-the-map had it taken place on the moon, and it remained so for several months until, early in 2010, stories began to filter out from Khammam that something had gone terribly wrong: many of the girls who had been involved in the trials had subsequently fallen ill and four of them had died.

In March 2010, members of Sama visited Khammam to find out more about the emerging stories. They were told that up to 120 girls had experienced adverse reactions, including epileptic seizures, severe stomach ache, headaches and mood swings. The Sama representatives remained in Khammam to investigate the situation further.

The involvement of Sama finally brought the matter to the attention of the Indian media and, amid a barrage of negative publicity, the Indian Council of Medical Research (IMCR) suspended the PATH project. At this point the Indian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health began an investigation into the affair.

On May 17th, Sama produced a damning report highlighting, among other things: that the trials had been promoted as a government immunisation programme and not a research project, that the girls had not been made aware that they could choose not to participate in the trials, and that parental consent had neither been asked for nor given in many cases.

The report stated that “Many of the vaccinated girls continue to suffer from stomach aches, headaches, giddiness and exhaustion. There have been reports of early onset of menstruation, heavy bleeding and severe menstrual cramps, extreme mood swings, irritability, and uneasiness following the vaccination. No systematic follow up or monitoring has been carried out by the vaccine providers.” Sama also disputed the Andhra Pradesh State Government’s claim that the deaths of four of the girls who had participated in the trials had nothing to do with vaccination.


The wheels of bureaucracy are slow to turn. It was more than three years later, on 30th August 2013, when the report of the Indian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health was finally published. Although many had expected the report to be a whitewash, it was anything but: it made for shocking reading. 

The report excoriated both PATH and the IMCR, concluding that the “safety and rights of children were highly compromised and violated.” The committee found that PATH, despite operating in India since 1999, had no legal permission to do so. It noted that although the organisation had finally received a certificate from India’s Registrar of Companies in September 2009, this certificate itself was in breach of the law.

The report stated that “PATH….has violated all laws and regulations laid down for clinical trials….its sole aim has been to promote the commercial interests of HPV vaccine manufacturers….This is a serious breach of trust….as the project involved the life and safety of girl children and adolescents who were mostly unaware of the implications of vaccination. The violation is also a serious breach of medical ethics. This act of PATH is a clear cut violation of the human rights of these girl children and adolescents. It is also an established case of child abuse.”

The committee charged that PATH had lied to it and had attempted to mislead it during the course of its investigation and recommended that the Indian Government report PATH’s violations of human rights to the WHO, UNICEF and the US Government.

The report declared that PATH’s whole scheme was a cynical attempt to ensure ongoing profits for Merck and GSK. “The choice of countries and population groups; the monopolistic nature, at that point of time, of the product being pushed; the unlimited market potential and opportunities in the universal immunisation programmes of the respective countries are all pointers to a well planned scheme to commercially exploit a situation. Had PATH been successful….this would have generated a windfall profit for the manufacturers by way of automatic sale, year after year, without any promotional or marketing expenses. It is well known that once introduced to the immunisation programme it becomes politically impossible to stop any vaccination.”

It went on, “To achieve this end effortlessly, without going through the arduous and strictly regulated route of clinical trials, PATH resorted to an element of subterfuge by calling the clinical trials ‘Observational Studies’ or ‘a Demonstration Project’ and various such expressions. Thus the interest, safety and well being of subjects were completely jeopardized by PATH by using self-determined and self-servicing nomenclature which is not only highly deplorable but also a serious breach of the law of the land.”

These charges were echoed by leading voices in India’s medical community. “It is shocking to see how an American organization used surreptitious methods to establish itself in India,” said Chandra M.Gulhati, editor of India’s influential Monthly Index of Medical Specialities, “(this) was not philanthropy”. Samiran Nundy, editor emeritus of the National Medical Journal of India  and a long-standing critic of corrupt practices in health, did not mince his words: “This is an obvious case where Indians were being used as guinea pigs.”

The standing committee’s report was also highly critical of the relationship between PATH and members of several of India’s health agencies, highlighting multiple conflicts of interest.

On the issue of informed consent, the committee confirmed the allegations made by Sama to be true, finding that the majority of consent forms weren’t signed by either the children or their parents, that many consent forms were postdated or not dated at all, that multiple forms had been signed by the same people (often the caretakers of the hostels the girls lived in) and that many signatures didn’t match the name on the form. It found that parents had not been given information on the necessity of vaccination, its pros and cons or its potential side effects.

No insurance was provided for any of the children in the event of injury and “PATH did not provide for urgent expert medical attention in case of serious adverse events.” Further, PATH seriously contravened Indian health regulations by carrying out a clinical trial of a drug on children before first conducting a trial of the drug with adults as subjects.

Regarding the girls who had died, the committee criticized PATH, Indian medical authorities and the Andhra Pradesh State Government for summarily dismissing the link between their deaths and vaccination without conducting thorough investigations. By 2016, some 1,200 of the girls who had been subjects in the two HPV vaccine trials in India were reporting serious long-term side effects, more than 5% of the total cohort of 23,500. By then, the total number of deaths had risen to seven.


This appalling breach of medical ethics and human rights went almost completely unmentioned outside India. The Indian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health had literally accused an American NGO of child abuse, providing extensive evidence to support their charge, yet practically no mention of this was to be found anywhere in the Western media.

Popular science publications Nature and Science each contained a brief article about the debacle, but neither goes into any detail about PATH’s legal and ethical breaches. While the Science article is at least slightly critical, the Nature piece gives more space to a rebuttal of the charges by PATH director Vivien Tsu.

The way in which media around the world is funded by BMGF, and how this affects reporting about BMGF and the organisations it sponsors, deserves its own article. But it’s worth mentioning here that the BBC has received a total of $51.7m from BMGF, as of May 2021, and The Guardian has received $12.8m.

The Guardian, for all its claims to give a voice to the most vulnerable in the world, stayed curiously silent about the young girls of Khammam. That is, except for one article, published in October 2013, about six weeks after the release of the standing committee’s report.

The article was written not by one of the girls or one of their parents, not by one of the women from Sama who had advocated on the girls’ behalf, not even by one of the Indian parliamentarians who had been charged with investigating the affair. No. It was written by an American man called Seth Berkely. Berkely is the CEO of Gavi, another BMGF funded health behemoth.

Berkely used his forum in The Guardian to claim that the girls who had died after being vaccinated in Khammam had committed suicide. Speaking about the 14,000 subjects involved in the trials, he said, “it would have been unusual if none of them went on to kill themselves.” Compassion wasn’t the only element missing from his article. Not once did Berkley address the multiple breaches of law and ethics which had occurred or the role of PATH and that of his employers, the Gates Foundation, in his dismissal of this iniquity.

The Guardian began receiving funding from BMGF in August 2010. Prior to that arrangement, in 2007, the newspaper had published two separate articles which were critical of the lobbying tactics used by Merck to promote Gardasil and which questioned the efficacy of its use in mass vaccination programs. Subsequent to their arrangement with Gates, all coverage by the Guardian of this drug (and of HPV vaccination in general) has been positive.


The Indian government was reluctant to take any of the measures recommended by the committee. After all, there were huge amounts of money being made available to the state, institutions and individuals from organisations like PATH. So no official reports of human rights violations were ever made by the Indian government to the WHO, to Unicef or to the American government, as had been recommended by the standing committee. However, in 2017, it announced it would no longer accept grants from BMGF for its Immunisation Technical Support Unit, an organisation which provides “vaccination strategy advice” in relation to an estimated 27 million infants. Nevertheless, the Indian government continues to accept the foundation’s grants in other areas.

Merck, and their HPV vaccine Gardasil, have done very well since the dismal events recounted in this article. The Khammam scandal never really affected the company, due to a lack of awareness about it outside India. In 2018 alone, Gardasil sales amounted to more than $3bn, thanks to its inclusion on immunisation schedules around the world, and its launch that year in China.

PATH has never been better. Just like Merck, the lack of reporting about what happened in Khammam meant the organisation didn’t suffer. Since 2010, it has continued to receive huge funding from BMGF and, to a lesser extent, the US Government. During this period, BMGF has provided PATH with more than $1.2bn in funding.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has continued expanding its web of influence. Describing the organisation’s practices around the time of the events outlined here, Jacob Levich said, “In essence, BMGF would buy up stockpiled drugs that had failed to create sufficient demand in the West, press them on the periphery at a discount, and lock in long-term purchase agreements with Third World governments.”

The foundation has since moved on to even more lucrative pastures. The Covid-19 pandemic has really pushed BMGF to centre stage. Gates himself has seen his public profile and political influence grow to an extent that would have been unimaginable even in 2019. Despite his lack of either scientific qualifications or an electoral mandate, he regularly presses the need for mass global vaccination with products made by the companies he owns, using platforms given to him by the media outlets he funds.

And the girls of Khammam? Well, those poor children and their plight wasn’t even widely known outside of India back in 2010. To say they had been forgotten would be to imply that anybody knew about them or cared about them in the first place.


Connect with Bernard Marx at Notes From The New Normal

If There Is No Virus, How Did It Escape From a Lab?

If There Is No Virus, How Did It Escape From a Lab?


Meme sourced from David Icke (Memes and Headline Comments category)
May 25, 2021


You are being HAD people – and Carlson has fallen for it, too. Suddenly the system and its lapdog
media are pushing the ‘virus escaped from the lab’ story as the song sheets are handed out and
(among other things) it’s to divert you from the truth they don’t want you to know –




Connect with David Icke

Three Tips for Checking Whether a Medical Study Is Legit or Bulls-It

Three Tips for Checking Whether a Medical Study Is Legit or Bulls-It

by Rosemary Frei, MSc
May 24, 2021


You’ve just watched a video of a high-profile, Covid-sceptic speaker saying that shedding of the spike protein from vaccinated people endangers those they come in close contact with. You want to find out more, so you look at one or two of the links under the video that provide source material for what the speaker said. (Great those links are there; most videos don’t have them.)

Or a friend who is a believer in the official narrative about Covid has sent you a news item with a scary headline about the Indian ‘triple-mutation new variant.’ You’re pretty sure the article is very misleading, so you want to check out the study it’s based on.

How can you find source material and — if and when you find it – try to quickly figure out whether it’s legit?

Because there’s a huge, hot complicated mess of claims and counter-claims out there. And unfortunately there’s misleading information coming from ‘experts’ on both sides of the Covid divide.

And this isn’t unique to Covid. As Scott Adams — who created the Dilbert cartoon strip and now is a pundit — points out in page 14 of his book Loserthink:

One thing I can say with complete certainty is that it is a bad idea to trust the majority of experts in any domain in which both complexity and large amounts of money are involved.”

So I’ve put together three tips to help you quickly discern whether a medical paper is meaningful or meaningless. I’ve distilled the tips from my decades of reading, writing and editing scientific and medical papers.

Tip One: Is key information left out or hidden?

Tip Two: If the source material is a study about the effect of an intervention, does the study measure serious illness or death in humans, or is it on animals or theoretical, test-tube models?

Tip Three: Does the study contain the information that the article or video referring to it says it contains?

Tip One: Is key information left out or hidden?

You’ve very likely seen the April 30, 2021, news article from the Salk Institute. It’s titled, ‘The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness.’ Its subtitle is, ‘Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease.’

The article has been weaponized to bolster virtually every Covid-related viewpoint. For example, many news reports about it — such as this one – claim that the Salk paper provides yet more proof that Covid is deadly, and also shows that Covid exerts its action via the spike protein attacking blood vessels.

And many other pieces — such as this video – say that it demonstrates yet another way mRNA vaccines are injuring and killing millions of people.

Here’s how you can easily and quickly check whether this paper is solid.

It’s easy to find the study: here’s a hyperlink to the study in the second paragraph of the Salk article. Click the hyperlink, and you’ll see the study, which is on the Circulation Research journal’s website.

But – ugh – it looks complicated: the title is ‘SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2.’

Don’t despair. It turns out it’s easy to figure out whether the paper is full of holes or not.

Scroll down through the study.

First, you’ll see that in the study the researchers created an artificial, spike-protein-coated, viral shell (and didn’t put any RNA into the shell). Then they place a number of these viral shells into each hamster’s trachea, which is the top of the windpipe leading to the lungs.

So this is very far removed from meaningful studies involving humans. See Tip Two for more on this topic. (Note also that the study wasn’t at all related to injection of mRNA or to vaccines — so it’s a real stretch to extrapolate from it to what could happen in people who have receive an mRNA jab.)

Then scroll down more, and you’ll see this bombshell:

“Data Availability

The data that support the findings of this study, including statistical analyses and reagents used, are available from the corresponding author upon request.

(‘Corresponding author’ refers to the person who’s the contact for responding to queries about the study.)

Whoa! You have to write to one of the study’s authors to get key information about the study?! That’s a whopper of a red flag.

I wouldn’t send this Salk news article and accompanying study – or videos or articles making assertions about them – to others.

Not unless you want to: email the study’s corresponding author asking for the missing data/material, receive the material, analyze it and determine whether it holds water. And the very fact that one has to do all that is enough to conclude there’s something very suspicious going on.

(And by the way, there are many other ways of hiding critical information. A very common one is burying the key results in supplemental tables or charts. [‘Supplemental’ is a term for information that’s not included in the main paper but instead is in a separate document or documents.] To find a current example of this, because I know it’s extremely common, yesterday I went to the medRχiv website, scrolled down a bit and clicked on ‘View by Month.’ Then I clicked on the title of the paper at the top of the list that came up. That paper was published May 20. It’s on how airway antibodies reappear after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. I scrolled down and saw it only shows the abstract – that is, a summary of the study. [There’s also other info under the abstract, including a ‘Funding Statement’ that says the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was among the funders of the study. That’s a big red flag.] To look at the full paper, I scrolled back up to the top of the page and clicked ‘Download PDF’ on the right-hand side. Then I looked at the ‘Results’ section of the PDF of the paper. Sure enough [after skipping the first section of the ‘Results,’ on ‘Patient enrollment, assessment of disease severity and timeline,’ which in fact is part of the methods rather than results (sigh)], I saw that the reporting of key results is largely in figures and tables in the supplemental material. So a person would have to click on the supplementary-material hyperlink, download the material, and then search for and examine the figures and tables with the key results. How many people have time or inclination to do that?)

Tip Two: If the source material is a study about the effect of an intervention, does the study measure serious illness or death in humans, or is it on animals or theoretical, test-tube models?

We’re constantly being told that a particular ‘treatment,’ ‘vaccine’ or ‘public-health measure’ is saving lives. And that a ‘new variant’ or ‘viral-escape mutation’ is very deadly.

But such claims are meaningless unless they are objectively, verifiably, shown to be true.

So for starters, they’ve got to be studied in people. Not in mice or monkeys, nor in test tubes or petri dishes (AKA ‘in vitro’).

And those human studies have to focus on whether the interventions reduce serious illness and death, or whether things like the ‘new variants’ increase serious illness and death. (Serious illness and death are ‘hard outcomes’ – where the tire hits the road. These are definable, measurable/quantifiable and clinically meaningful. ‘Soft outcomes’ are things like antibody levels in the blood, and relatively minor complaints like coughing, fever, fatigue or a headache.)

(One additional caveat: even if papers are on humans and study serious illness or death, they probably are skewed in some very significant ways. Virtually all medical studies conducted in at least the past three decades have been funded by an organization or company with financial and/or political interests. So studies are set up to produce results that further those interests.)

By way of examples, here are two papers that supposedly provide ‘proof’ that the Indian ‘triple-mutation’ new variant dubbed B.1.617 is highly ‘transmissible’/infectious and, by extrapolation, very dangerous and deadly. [Note added May 25: These papers aren’t easy to find: the vast majority of pieces on the Indian ‘new variant’ don’t provide primary-source material.]

1) The first paper was posted on the website of the online journal bioRχiv on May 3, 2021, titled,’Convergent evolution of SARS-CoV-2 spike mutations, L452R, E484Q and P681R, in the second wave of COVID-19 in Maharashtra, India.’

Here’s what the paper’s authors wrote about the approach they used to figure out whether the new variant is more ‘transmissible’:

For assessment of the noted mutations on binding to neutralizing antibodies, the SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD domain complexed with two selected mAbs REGN10933/ P2B-2F6 were retrieved (PDB ID: 6XDG; resolution 3.90Å and 7BWJ; resolution 2.65 Å respectively)15,16Point mutations were carried out using Biovia Discovery studio visualizer 2020 and the structures of the complexes were subjected to energy minimization using macro model tool in Schrodinger 2020 using default parameters. The molecular interactions between the RBD-ACE2 interface, within the RBD and between the neutralizing mAbs-RBD[,] were analyzed using non-bonded interactions tool in Biovia Discovery studio visualizer 2020.”

Translation: the study was done in artificial conditions in vitro using highly complex methods, equipment and computations.

You can’t get more removed from real life than that!

2) The second paper was posted on bioRχiv on May 5, 2021, titled, ‘SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.167.1 is highly pathogenic in hamsters than B.1 variant.’

The study was done with 18 hamsters.

(And the scientists didn’t even attempt to see whether this ‘new variant’ actually moves between hamsters faster than other forms of the novel coronavirus or any other virus, and/or sickens and kills more of them.)

So these two studies tell us virtually nothing about whether the Indian ‘new variant’ is more dangerous in humans than other forms of the novel coronavirus.

Tip Three: Does the study contain the information that the article or video referring to it says it contains?

For illustrative purposes, I’ll use this tip to tackle the topic of ‘spike-protein shedding.’

This is the theoretical scenario in which a person receives an mRNA shot, makes copies of the spike protein in their cells, releases a sizable number of these copies into the environment, and then large quantities of the spike-protein copies enter body of someone nearby.

One group that’s fanning flames of fear surrounding shedding is America’s Frontline Doctors. On April 26, 2021, the group released an ‘issue brief for citizens, policymakers and physicians’ on complications after Covid vaccination.

The third section of that issue brief is titled, ‘Can the unvaccinated get sick from contact with the vaccinated?’ The section is crammed with claims about damage that occurs in people after they receive the mRNA vaccines. But it has only one hyperlink to source material. That hyperlink is in the second sentence.

Here’s that whole section (I’ve added bolding for emphasis):

The vaccine produces many trillions of particles of spike proteins in the recipients. Patients who are vaccinated can shed some of these (spike protein) particles to close contacts. The particles have the ability to create inflammation and disease in these contacts. In other words, the spike proteins are pathogenic (“disease causing”) just like the full virus. What is most worrisome is that a person’s body is being suddenly flooded with 13 trillion of these particles and the spike proteins bind more tightly than the fully intact virus. Because of the biomimicry (similarity) on the spike, shedding appears to be causing wide variety of autoimmune disease[s] (where the body attacks its own tissue) in some persons. Worldwide cases of pericarditis, shingles, pneumonia, blood clots in the extremities and brain, Bell’s Palsy, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages have been reported in persons who are near persons who have been vaccinated. In addition, we know the spike proteins can cross the blood brain barrier, unlike traditional vaccines.”

But note again that there’s just one primary-source paper for that paragraph/section; it’s hyperlinked to the word ‘shed.’ The primary-source material is a study published online on September 1, 2020 in a journal called SN Compr Clin Med (the short form for SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine [I don’t know what ‘SN’ stands for][Note added March 25: SN is ‘Springer Nature]). Its title is, ‘COVID-19 and its Modes of Transmission.’

The paper is about indirect and direct modes of transmission of Covid. But it does not mention vaccines, vaccination or injection of mRNA at all.

Therefore it doesn’t back up the claim by America’s Frontline Doctors that people who receive Covid mRNA vaccines shed the spike protein.

While we’re at it, let’s look at whether there’s any primary-source material that does support the ‘spike-protein shedding’ claim.

One document that’s being used by a lot of people to try to support the claim that shedding occurs after Covid vaccination is a November 2020 Pfizer document that details the protocol for Pfizer’s Covid-vaccine study.

The focus of all that attention is the first part of subsection ‘ Exposure During Pregnancy,’ on pages 67 and 68 of the document. Subsection reads as follows (bolding added by me for emphasis):

‘An EDP [exposure during pregnancy] occurs if:

  • A female participant [in the study] is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention.
  • A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
  • A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure.Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:
    • A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.
    • A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.’

The term ‘study intervention’ in this document refers to the Pfizer Covid vaccine.

The section is saying that someone can be ‘exposed to the study intervention during environmental exposure,’ and that that ‘environmental exposure’ is via ‘inhalation or skin contact.’

But how can people make the leap from there to saying that the Pfizer-protocol document is referring to the following theoretical sequence: people receiving the mRNA jab, spike protein being made in their bodies, the spike protein spreading into the environment and then the protein entering the bodies of people nearby (and then making them ill)? There’s no basis for that in the document.

Unfortunately some prominent people are making that leap a lot, and misquote the Pfizer document to make it match what they’re claiming.

For example, Dr. Christiane Northrup says in a May 21, 2021, video, “If you look at the Pfizer document from the very beginning, on page 67 it actually says that ‘no male should be impregnating a woman for seven weeks, and no female should get pregnant for seven weeks,’ and they say right on there because of ‘skin contact’ or ‘sexual contact.’ So you have to ask yourself, what did they know, or do they know, that they’re not telling us?” (She must be referring to page 67 of the Pfizer protocol document, because as far as I know there’s no other document about Pfizer’s Covid vaccine that discusses pregnancy and exposure/transmission, at least not one that discusses them on page 67.) Another example of Northrup misquoting the protocol document is this May 20, 2021 interview of her, starting at 3:30.

I found the first clue to what this section of the protocol is much more likely to mean by simply looking at other parts of the Pfizer document. For example one page later, in the last paragraph of subsection ‘, Exposure During Breastfeeding,’ it says (bolding added by me for emphasis): ‘An exposure during breastfeeding is not created when a Pfizer drug specifically approved for breastfeeding women (eg, vitamins) is administered in accord with authorized use. However, if the infant experiences an SAE [serious adverse event] associated with such a drug, the SAE is reported together with the exposure during breastfeeding.’

That mention of ‘exposure’ in this paragraph seems to refer to ‘a Pfizer drug’ … ‘(eg, vitamins).’

So could all the sections in the Pfizer protocol relating to ‘exposure’ from the ‘study intervention’ in fact be using boiler-plate language be referring not to shedding, but instead to people coming into physical contact through the air or another mechanism with the study drug?

That seems the most likely explanation to me.

I searched online and, indeed, this does seem to be Pfizer’s boilerplate-like language.

For example, if you look at section ‘8.10. Exposure During Pregnancy’ in the 2015 Pfizer protocol for its study of dacomitinib (a drug for non-small-cell lung cancer), that section reads (bolding added by me):

“For investigational products and for marketed products, an exposure during pregnancy occurs if:

1. A female becomes, or is found to be, pregnant while receiving or having been exposed (eg, because of treatment or environmental exposure) to the investigational product, or the female becomes, or is found to be pregnant after discontinuing and/or being exposed to the investigational product;

An example of environmental exposure would be a case involving direct contact with a Pfizer product in a pregnant woman (eg, a nurse reports that she is pregnant and has been exposed to chemotherapeutic products).

2.  A male patient has been exposed (eg, because of treatment or environmental exposure) to the investigational product prior to or around the time of conception and/or is exposed during his partner’s pregnancy.

It has a reasonably strong resemblance to the section on exposure during pregnancy in the Pfizer vaccine protocol document. (And it’s not at all likely that a cancer drug sheds.)

So the only conclusion I can draw is the Pfizer-vaccine protocol document doesn’t provide any sort of support for the concept that people who have received Covid mRNA shots are shedding the spike protein and spreading it to others.

And the fact that America’s Frontline Doctors attempts to support its assertion that Covid mRNA vaccines cause shedding with a paper that has nothing to do with vaccination indicates that there is not any evidence this can take place.

Using very shaky ‘evidence’ to try to ‘prove’ something suggests that in fact there’s probably no proof of it at all.

I do think the vaccines are dangerous and are negatively affecting people who’ve received them; I also believe that people who’ve been in close contact with vaccine recipients can be negatively affected.*  There are plenty of plausible reports of, for example, altered periods in women who have been in the vicinity of people who’ve been vaccinated. So altered periods are quite possibly related to being in close proximity with vaccinated people. But there’s zero proof, as far as I’ve seen, that the spike proteins produced by the mRNA jabs cause those altered periods.

Maybe it’s something else in the shots that’s resulting in all the negative effects in people who’ve been in proximity to individuals who’ve had the jabs. Or maybe perhaps it’s not something in the shots, but somehow another phenomenon associated with receiving the shots.

At the moment it’s very hard to know. Chasing misinformation just makes us go down blind alleys and delays or even permanently stops us from finding the truth.

Spreading information that has extremely flimsy grounds also gives significant fodder to our opponents to paint us all as spreaders of liesThat turns many people away from listening to what any of us are saying.

It also makes people on our side support the physical and emotional separation of Covid believers/pro-vaccinators and us (which is exactly what the architects of the Covid coup want). For example, Dr. Larry Palevsky at 41:00 in this April 27, 2021, video says people who’ve received these vaccines “should be quarantined and have a badge on their arms that say[s], ‘I’ve been vaccinated’ [i.e., like Jews were marked by yellow-star badges in WWII]) … so that we know to avoid them on the street … and not go near them anywhere in society.”

The bottom line? Try to resist the pull to believe an article or video just because it fits with your Covid-sceptic view and is from someone you reflexively trust.

You can use the three tips in this article to work toward staying objective and figuring out for yourself whether there’s solid evidence behind claims made by ‘experts.’

Trust yourself. You can do it.


Connect with Rosemary Frei

*.Sentence was edited in Rosemary Frei’s original article on March 28 for clarity.]

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

The Israeli People’s Committee — Report of Adverse Effects Related to Corona Vaccine — May 2021

The Israeli People’s Committee — Report of Adverse Effects Related to Corona Vaccine — May 2021

by עמותת חיסונים – בחירה מושכלת
May 23, 2021


Original video available at עמותת חיסונים – בחירה מושכלת  YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Dr. Pinky Feinstein, the chairman of the Israeli People’s Committee, with a crucial message to the world – NEVER HAS A VACCINE INJURED SO MANY!

The American VAERS system reveals 3,409 reports of mortality amongst vaccinated people in the United States in the first 4 months of 2021.According to US VAERS system 7 deaths in ages 0-17 were reported in relation to Covid 19 vaccination during 2021, 6 of them of Pfizer-Biontec.

We received 330 reports of deaths occurring in proximity after the vaccination (90% up to 10 days after the vaccination). 64% are men.

According to the ministry of health’s statement: only 45 deaths occurred in proximity after the vaccination.

According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), during January-March 2021, in the midst of the vaccination operation, there was a 18% increase in overall mortality in Israel compared to the tri-monthly average mortality in the previous year. In fact, the period of January-March 2021 is the deadliest one in the last decade, with the highest overall mortality rates, when compared to the corresponding months over the last 10 years.

According to this assessment, it is possible to estimate that the number of deaths in Israel, which have occurred in proximity after the vaccination, currently stands at about 1600-1700 people. There is a high correlation between the number of people vaccinated per day and the number of deaths per day, in the range of up to 10 days post vaccination, in all age groups.

The risk of death after the second vaccination is higher than the risk of death after the first vaccination.

Up until the publication date of this report, a total of 2,646 reports of adverse events have been recorded by The Israeli People`s Committee, and the reports continue to flow in.

These reports indicate damage to almost every system in the human body. They also highlight the incomprehensible gap between official Israeli media reports and what is really happening, enabling a “two worlds” situation due to journalistic failure to sense, identify and report on what is actually happening in citizens’ real-life.

This assessment is added to the fact that around 250,000 people did not show up to get the second dose of vaccine, despite all massive social and occupational pressure of the green passport. We believe that the majority of them decided to do so due to experiencing adverse effects following the first vaccine dose.

In our analysis, we have found a relatively high rate of cardiac-related injuries. 25% of all cardiac events occurred in young people below the age of 40, the most common diagnosis in these cases being myocarditis or pericarditis.

Additionally, a high prevalence of massive vaginal bleeding, neurological, skeletal and skin damages have been observed.

It should be noted that a significant number of adverse events reported are related, directly or indirectly, to coagulopathy (myocardial infarction, stroke, miscarriages, disruption of blood flow to the limbs, pulmonary embolism). There are probably many thousands of unreported cases.

We get growing numbers of reports about this phenomenon from medical staff within hospitals and clinics. The general impression is that hospitals seem to be dealing with a chaos and confusion regarding the way to handle growing numbers of vaccine injured patients while at the same time to keep them out of records.

Many doctors in emergency rooms nowadays begin their anamnestic inquiry by the question: “When were you vaccinated?” yet write nothing about it in discharge letters. In light of all the above and the detailed information ahead and for the sake of the good, reliable and advanced medicine, for all people and from the pure intention, we would like to hereby declare the statement that all branches of medicine should agree about:

“Once you apply new medication of all sorts to mass people and have insufficient knowledge about its true safety, all adverse effects that follow must be regarded as related to this medication until proven otherwise. This is the only way to obtain the true information, to ensure maximal safety surveillance and to make sure that non-medical motives will have no influence on the process of evaluating and learning the true nature of this medication and its influence on people.”

As I Warned: RNA Gold Rush; New Genetic Products in the Pipeline

As I Warned: RNA Gold Rush; New Genetic Products in the Pipeline

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 24, 2021


Before I get to the financial bonanza, I have to make a few comments about the COVID RNA vaccine itself.

This shot-in-the-arm gene treatment should be seen AS AN EXTENSION of genetic research into altering humans.

Because that’s what it is.

The field of gene research includes “creating better humans” and eugenics.

Eugenics involves what American Rockefeller and Nazi researchers were setting up: depopulation; population control; selecting out “superior genetic strains” for survival.

William Engdahl and Dr. Peter Breggin have done excellent historical analysis of the eugenics movement. [1] [1a] [1b] [2] [2a]

Another point: In recent articles, I’ve pointed out that ALL genetic research—beyond its motives—is also fraught with unintended ripple-effect consequences. Never believe that the targets and the consequences can be contained. [3] [4]

For example, the notion that the COVID shot will do nothing more than force cells of the body to produce one protein is absurd. It’s on the level of saying, “During rush hour, on the most crowded high-speed highway in the world, we can engineer a two-car crash that will only result in two minor fender-benders…” [4]

Both short and long-term effects of the COVID shot are unknown and unpredictable.

The perpetrators of the COVID RNA shot are criminally insane.

And with that…on to the MONEY.

Bring on the angels and trumpets. Bring on the cash.

A year ago I told you COVID vaccine-testing was rocketing ahead, because Bill Gates, the Rockefeller institute, NIH, the manufacturers, and Fauci saw the light at the end of the tunnel— [5]

The fake pandemic was their golden opportunity to win approval for the first RNA pharma product in history, and once that victory was achieved—


They would hype new genetic treatments across the board—on the back of the fact that there is not a single genetic cure for any disease. But who cares about facts?

Now, as massive numbers of injuries and deaths from the COVID RNA vaccine pile up, Stephen Ubl, president and CEO of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), gushes: “…We’re really entering the golden era of medicine.” He goes on to sell blue-sky “RNA platforms” for reversing child blindness and MS. [7] [7a]

Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, bloviates about coming genetic cures for flu and cancer. [7b]

Biospace.com: “mRNA tech used in COVID vaccines could be used to cure HIV, cancer, and other diseases.” [8]

Nature/Biotechnology (“Messengers of hope,” 29 December 2020; 39, page 1 (2021)): “Emergency Use Authorizations for two mRNA COVID-19 vaccines represent a turning point in the pandemic. They also herald a new era for vaccinology.” [9]

Think of these hustlers as cartoon characters dancing on a sea of real blood and death created by the RNA COVID vaccines.

In case you’ve forgotten, Moderna, whose COVID shot is now firmly entrenched, had never brought a single product to market in its brief history, but with Fauci’s guidance, managed to snatch $500 million in US government funding to develop the vaccine. Moderna was committed to RNA technology; that was its ticket to fame and fortune. [10]

The landscape of fake promotion about genetic cures is basically a cover for extreme damage created by corporations and governments.

“Confidentially, the truth is, what we’re calling autism isn’t a disorder or a disease. It’s neurological INJURY caused by vaccines and other environmental toxins. But we SAY autism is genetic. We can keep raising money for research—if you want to call it that—and hide what’s really going on.”

Some of these researchers are true believers in the Gene Cult. They actually think the day will come when a person can strip naked and bathe in a pool of poisonous effluent pouring out of a factory pipe—and because that person has received a genetic treatment (like the RNA COVID vaxx), no harm will come to him.

Look for this to happen soon: it’ll be a child, a child with “a rare disorder.” Perhaps blindness. And now: the child can see. Breakthrough. Genetic treatment. Of course, the details of the published study will be somewhat murky. You know, “proprietary technology.”

And quite possibly, only four children in the world have this rare disorder. That means the genetic treatment is 25% effective—an unbelievable marvel.

“Was it RNA, Doctor? Is that what you injected?”

“Well, Lesley, I can’t take you and the 60 Minutes crew into the lab. It’s a high security facility. But yes, for your audience, I can reveal that we deployed the most up to date CRISPR gene-editing technology, and it worked exactly as we hoped it would…”

“Is the cure permanent?”

“Lesley, I remember something my mentor at NIH, Doctor Goldbrick Hogcrusher, told me a long time ago. In this world, we live one day at a time. Who can say what tomorrow brings? We count our blessings, and we move on…”

Behind the propaganda: money and population control.

And unpredictable genetic ripple effects.

Seven billion “experimental subjects.”


[1] http://williamengdahl.com/

[1a] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faJu6kzqkxQ

[1b] http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO22Jun2018.php

[2] https://breggin.com/

[2a] https://breggin.com/peter-breggin-md-psychiatric-totalitarianism/

[3] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/05/17/report-covid-vaccine-adverse-effects-huge-numbers/

[4] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/05/18/covid-vaccine-and-genetic-thunder-nobody-is-listening-to/

[5] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/12/15/the-covid-vaccine-and-the-commercial-conquest-of-the-planet-the-plan/

[6] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/05/12/pandemic-follow-the-real-money-the-unthinkable-amount-of-money/

[7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwtFCp1_UDU

[7a] https://youtu.be/gwtFCp1_UDU?t=1369

[7b] https://youtu.be/gwtFCp1_UDU?t=1851

[8] https://www.biospace.com/article/mrna-tech-used-in-covid-19-vaccines-could-be-used-to-cure-hiv-cancer-and-other-diseases/

[9] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-020-00807-1

[10] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/01/26/vaccine-for-the-china-virus-the-planet-is-the-guinea-pig-for-a-vast-experiment/


Connect with Jon Rappoport

200 Indian Villagers Jump Into Saryu River to Avoid Forceful COVID-19 Vaccination

200 Indian Villagers Jump Into Saryu River to Avoid Forceful COVID-19 Vaccination

by GreatGameIndia
May 24, 2021


Sisauda is a village with a population of 1500 people located in the Terai, 70 km from the district headquarters of Barabanki.

There is so much awareness about the adverse events from vaccine and post-vaccination deaths in this village that when the Health Department team arrived here for vaccination, about 200 villagers ran away and reached the shore of river Saryu.

When the Health Department team got information that the villagers were out of the village towards the river, they went to convince them.

Seeing the team coming towards them, the villagers could not find a way to escape and jumped into the Saryu river to avoid getting vaccinated forcefully.

Sisauda is a village with a population of 1500 people located in the Terai, 70 km from the district headquarters of Barabanki.

There is so much awareness about the adverse events from vaccine and post-vaccination deaths in this village that when the Health Department team arrived here for vaccination, about 200 villagers ran away and reached the shore of river Saryu.

When the Health Department team got information that the villagers were out of the village towards the river, they went to convince them.

Seeing the team coming towards them, the villagers could not find a way to escape and jumped into the Saryu river to avoid getting vaccinated forcefully.

Seeing the villagers leap into the river, the Health Department team requested the villagers to come out but the villagers were not ready to move out.

Later, Ramnagar SDM Rajiv Shukla and Nodal Officer Rahul Tripathi reached the spot and told the villagers that would not be vaccinated, only after which they came out of the river.

Regional Indian media is full of such incidents. There is a very high level of vaccine hesitancy mostly in rural India.

There are also cases where the Vaccination Team is not even allowed to enter the village. On the other hand in many villages the Health Team members were beaten up with sticks and stones.

In a village in Gujarat, the entire vaccination drive had to be stopped after the villagers demanded that the government take responsibility if anything happens to them after being vaccinated.

The Indian government advertises its policy to contain COVID-19 as the world’s largest vaccination drive. However, it keeps the data on adverse events and deaths after vaccination a top secret. Moreover, there is no online registry to report post-vaccination deaths or adverse effects in India.

Meanwhile, a former member of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation has filed a petition in the Supreme Court of India to make public the clinical trials data and post vaccination adverse events data which is being kept secret by the government.

The petition states that in other countries, this type of observation has helped identify the occurrence of blood clots and strokes in vaccine recipients.

To counter media reports on vaccine hesitancy in India, the government has engaged Ogilvy, a PR, advertisement firm, to plant stories on the ‘perfect implementation’ of Ayushman Bharat scheme.

Ogilvy was also hired by the current government for an image makeover to win 2014 election. Our long time readers would remember the origins of Ogilvy come from British Intelligence and specifically the psychological warfare techniques they employed during World War 2.


Connect with GreatGameIndia

The Truth About PCR Tests & the Mysterious Death of Dr Fauci’s Most Notable Critic

The Truth About PCR Tests & the Mysterious Death of Dr Fauci’s Most Notable Critic


Murderous Anthony Fauci’s Nemesis Died Under Mysterious Circumstances!

by Gary D. Barnett
May 23, 2021


Kary Mullis invented the Polymer Chain Reaction (PCR), and won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his efforts. He attempted to expose Fauci for what he really is, which is not what is presented to the public. The public interest was not widespread, nor were Mullis’s revelations accepted at the time, and just three months before the Covid scam was purposely manufactured and perpetrated against humanity, Kary Mullis mysteriously died of what was said to be pneumonia. This was very convenient for the inventors of this evil and deadly fraud, and Mullis’s invention was intentionally misused for very nefarious reasons that allowed the people to be fooled into believing that a dangerous virus and pandemic would be the death of tens millions. It was all a lie!

This four minute video tells a tale that should be viewed by everyone, and touches on Fauci’s thirty year reign of terror against the innocent. Fauci belongs in prison for life, and so do all those involved in this scam.

video source Greg Reese

Massachusetts Statewide “Let Children Breathe” Sit Out & Local Protests

Massachusetts Statewide “Let Children Breathe” Sit Out & Local Protests


End Mask Mandates in Massachusetts Schools

by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical Mandates
May 17, 2021


Let The Kids Breathe and the smile project is a national initiative supported by Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates

Protest Calls:

When: Monday May 24, 2021 7:45 AM – 9:45 AM

Where: Nauset School Administration, 78 Eldridge Park Way, Orleans, MA

Stand with Nauset parents in support of bodily autonomy, parental choice, and medical freedom in our schools.

When: Tuesday May 25, 2021 at 8 AM (not 10 AM as previously posted)

Where: Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 75 Pleasant St, Malden, MA

Stand with all Massachusetts students. The ‘Let The Kids Breathe’ main demonstration will take place at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in Malden because this is where the statewide “orders” for schools are handed down. Organizers are calling for a boycott of schools until all restrictions are lifted. They are suggesting people bring noisemakers (buckets and sticks).

Making kids wear masks is a form of child abuse. Masks inhibit the intake of oxygen which children need for their developing brains. They force people to re-breathe the carbon dioxide that they exhale. There is little evidence that masks help to prevent the spread of viruses, and plenty of evidence that wearing them is physically and mentally harmful.

Further, children have now come to think it is normal for everyone to wear a mask, and they are being deprived of the ability to understand other people by reading the expressions on their faces. Parents have been so intimidated by “pandemic” fear that they have essentially allowed the state to abuse their children.


Children are not able to understand what is being done to them, and parents, who are in a position to understand, have failed to protest health mandates being blatantly used for political, not health, reasons.

On May 13, 2021 medical tyrant Anthony Fauci said that “children too young to be vaccinated will still have to wear masks when they are indoors and around others, even if older kids and adults are free to take off face protection once they are fully vaccinated. “

Adults have been held hostage with mask and social distancing rules in order to force them to to get the covid injection. Now our children are being held hostage for the same reason. Children are at very low risk of harm from whatever the illness is that has been called covid 19. Adverse effects so far reported among those age 16 and up who have gotten the jab make it a certainty that if the injections are forced on children, they will cause more and much worse harm than the illness.

According to neurologist Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson, “For children and adolescents, masks are an absolute no-no. Children and adolescents have an extremely active and adaptive immune system and they need a constant interaction with the microbiome of the Earth. Their brain is also incredibly active, as it is has so much to learn. The child’s brain, or the youth’s brain is thirsting for oxygen. The more metabolically active the organ is, the more oxygen it requires. In children and adolescents every organ is metabolically active. To deprive a child’s or an adolescent’s brain from oxygen, or to restrict it in any way, is not only dangerous to their health, it is absolutely criminal. Oxygen deficiency inhibits the development of the brain, and the damage that has taken place as a result CANNOT be reversed. The child needs the brain to learn, and the brain needs oxygen to function. We don’t need a clinical study for that. This is simple, indisputable physiology. Conscious and purposely induced oxygen deficiency is an absolutely deliberate health hazard, and an absolute medical contraindication. “

According to psychologist Jack Dresser, “Children are closely attentive to both the facial expressions and voice intonations of their caretakers and surrounding adults. Deprivation or attenuation of these psychologically essential cues constitutes child neglect, which can affect brain development and be more psychologically damaging than overt abuse.”

Emily Burns, founder of the smile project (banner above), had this to say about our taking any further orders from a tyrranical public health establishment:

“As John Ioannidis has said, ‘medicine has now become the enemy of health.’ In order to remedy this, public health officials must resume their rightful position as public servants who provide information and guidance, rather than dictates and punishments. Restoring this balance will restore trust in public health, and improve health outcomes. In the current modality, where un-elected public health officials have been given god-like power and prestige, there is no incentive for them to provide accurate information. They do not guide, they rule. Rulers don’t give information, they give commands. To the extent they give information, it is to justify their commands. This is exactly how the CDC has behaved since March. In the absence of the ability to compel, you must inform. Thus, in order to get the CDC and other public health organizations to begin accurately informing us, we must strip them of their power to command us. The moment this is done, we will all have better information, and a public health apparatus that serves us–not the other way around.”

Attached is a [downloadable word file] plea for sanity on masks in schools written by a mother of three school-age children in Tempe, Arizona, addressed to the school administrators enforcing the abusive masking policy common to most public schools across America. The arguments in this letter apply equally to all students forced to wear masks in schools on Cape Cod. The argument is simple: parents need to stand up to protect their children.


Update: Mask rules are due to be lifted in Massachusetts on May 29, 2021, but not in schools. The updated order of May 17, 2021 is that public school students and adults must continue to wear masks indoors.


Connect with Richard Hugus at End Massachusetts Medical Mandates

Legal Brief: All U.S. Employees Are Protected From Mandated COVID Injections

Legal Brief: All U.S. Employees Are Protected From Mandated COVID Injections

by Liberty Counsel Action
sourced from Technocracy News
May 21, 2021


A legal memo from Liberty Counsel Action is suitable for print and distribution to employers of all sizes, in order to protect employee rights under American law. Forced mandates are illegal. Discrimination against the non-vaccinated is also illegal. ⁃ TN Editor

Download PDF


Visit Liberty Counsel Action for more information

How Many Have Died From COVID Vaccines?

How Many Have Died From COVID Vaccines?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, mercola.com
May 22, 2021



  • Each year, more than 165 million Americans get the flu shot. There were 85 reported deaths following influenza vaccination in 2017; 119 deaths in 2018; and 203 deaths in 2019
  • Between mid-December 2020 and April 23, 2021, at which point between 95 million and 100 million Americans had received their COVID-19 shots, there were 3,544 reported deaths following COVID vaccination, or about 30 per day
  • In just four months, the COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than all available vaccines combined from mid-1997 until the end of 2013 — a period of 15.5 years
  • As of April 23, 2021, VAERS had also received 12,618 reports of serious adverse events. In total, 118,902 adverse event reports had been filed
  • In the European Union, the EudraVigilance system had as of April 17, 2021, received 330,218 injury reports after vaccination with one of the four available COVID vaccines, including 7,766 deaths

In a May 5, 2021, Fox News report, Tucker Carlson asked the question no one is really allowed to ask: “How many Americans have died after taking the COVID vaccine?”1

If you haven’t paid attention, the answer to this verboten (forbidden) question may shock you. Carlson points out (inaccurately, if you ask me) that vaccines have been shown to be generally safe, citing statistics on how many Americans have died after the seasonal influenza vaccine in recent years.

Each year, more than 165 million Americans get the flu shot, and according to the U.S. vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS), there were 85 reported deaths following influenza vaccination in 2017; 119 deaths in 2018; and 203 deaths in 2019. “How do those rates compare to the death rates from the coronavirus vaccine?” Carlson asks. The answer is, there’s really no comparison.

How Many Have Died From COVID Vaccines?

Between mid-December 2020, when the first COVID-19 shots were rolled out, and April 23, 2021, at which point between 95 million and 100 million Americans had received their COVID-19 shots, there were 3,544 reported deaths following COVID vaccination.2

That’s 182 more deaths than cited by Carlson. As of April 23, 2021, VAERS had also received 12,618 reports of serious adverse events. In total, 118,902 adverse event reports had been filed. If, like Carlson estimates, about 30 people per day are dying from the shots, these numbers will grow by the hundreds each week.

Carlson also cites data from an investigation by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which found that VAERS catches a mere 1% of vaccine injuries,3,4 primarily because it’s a passive system and reports are filed voluntarily.

Many Americans don’t even know that the system exists, or that they can file a report, and most doctors won’t file reports when injuries are brought to their attention because the medical system doesn’t reward such fastidiousness. At most, 10% of vaccine side effects are ever reported to VAERS, according to a 2005 study in the BMJ.5

What this means is that side effects may actually be 10 times or even 100 times higher than reported. We could, in reality, be looking at anywhere from 126,000 to 1.2 million serious side effects, and anywhere from 35,440 to 354,400 vaccine-related deaths.

While Carlson refuses to speculate about what the actual death toll might be, he does stress that what we’re seeing is clearly out of the norm, and by a tremendous margin. In just four months, the COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than all available vaccines combined from mid-1997 until the end of 2013 — a period of 15.5 years.

Gamble Your Life or Lose Your Freedom?

While the data show there are clear risks, Americans are urged, cajoled, shamed and threatened into getting the shot in any number of ways. President Biden recently warned that people who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 “can still die every day” from the infection, adding “This is your choice: It’s life and death.”

Carlson accurately points out that while unvaccinated people can indeed die of COVID-19, not everyone is at equal risk of complications and death. Old and chronically ill individuals are at greatest risk, while young and/or healthy individuals have a very low risk, and those who have had COVID-19 and recovered are immune.

For those who are young and/or healthy and/or immune, risking death or injury from the “vaccine” doesn’t make much sense. I would argue it makes no sense whatsoever, as there are also several proven-effective treatments, both early at-home treatments and in-hospital treatments. So, there’s no need to risk your health and life by taking COVID gene therapy.

As noted by Carlson, the young, healthy and already immune can add up to hundreds of millions of people in the U.S., yet policy makers are “not even acknowledging that these categories of people exist,” he says.

They’re pretending that everyone’s risk is the same and, therefore, everyone must get vaccinated, or at bare minimum, they want 70% of the American adult population vaccinated by July 4, 2021.

Carlson points out that this policy might be deemed acceptable if it could be conclusively shown that the “vaccines” are safe, and if we had a thorough understanding of the long-term effects of these mRNA and viral vector DNA shots. However, we can’t and we don’t.

Thousands have died, and many of the side effects reported defy easy explanation. For example, COVID shots now account for one-third of all tinnitus side effects in VAERS. Oxford and UCLA researchers, who are now tracking side effects across eight different countries, report finding that “women aged 18 to 34 years had a higher rate of deep vein thrombosis than men of the same age,” Carlson says. Why? No one knows.

Stunning Lack of Reaction to Mounting Death Toll

Perhaps most stunning of all is that these thousands of deaths and serious reactions are receiving no attention whatsoever. In 1976, the U.S. government vaccinated an estimated 45 million people against pandemic swine flu.

The program was canceled, Carlson reports, after only 53 people died. Authorities decided the vaccine was too risky to continue the campaign. Now, health authorities are shrugging off more than 3,500 deaths after COVID-19 vaccination as either coincidental or inconsequential.

Folks, this is 70 times more deaths than the swine flu vaccine, which was halted. If this isn’t insanity on steroids, please tell me what is. Maybe murder? This doesn’t even include the deaths of thousands, and potentially tens of thousands of miscarriages, which is now becoming rapidly recognized as a possible complication of COVID-19 “vaccines.”

In fact, an April 2021 report in The New England Journal of Medicine6 said that miscarriage was the most common condition reported after a COVID vaccine, and that “there is probably substantial underreporting of pregnancy- and neonatal-specific adverse events” connected with the vaccine. But rather than posting a warning that the vaccine may be causing miscarriages, health officials simply urged “continued monitoring” of the issue.

EU Reports Hundreds of Thousands of Side Effects

In the European Union, we find more of the same. Its EudraVigilance system, to which suspected drug reactions are reported, had as of April 17, 2021, received 330,218 injury reports after vaccination with one of the four available COVID vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson), including 7,766 deaths.7

Of these, Pfizer’s mRNA injection accounted for the largest number of deaths at 4,293, followed by Moderna with 2,094 deaths, AstraZeneca with 1,360 deaths and Johnson & Johnson with 19 deaths. The most commonly reported injuries were cardiac-related problems and blood/lymphatic disorders.

In related news, the Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body of health experts, has published a report detailing side effects from the Pfizer vaccine, concluding “there has never been a vaccine that has harmed as many people.” The Committee received 288 reports of death, 90% of which occurred within 10 days after the vaccination; 64% of them were men.

This contradicts data from the Israeli Ministry of Health, which claims only 45 deaths were vaccine related. According to this report (translated from Hebrew):8

“According to Central Bureau of Statistics data during January-February 2021, at the peak of the Israeli mass vaccination campaign, there was a 22% increase in overall mortality in Israel compared with the previous year.

In fact, January-February 2021 have been the deadliest months in the last decade, with the highest overall mortality rates compared to corresponding months in the last 10 years.

Amongst the 20-29 age group the increase in overall mortality has been most dramatic. In this age group, we detect an increase of 32% in overall mortality in comparison with previous year.

Statistical analysis of information from the Central Bureau of Statistics, combined with information from the Ministry of Health, leads to the conclusion that the mortality rate amongst the vaccinated is estimated at about 1: 5000 (1: 13000 at ages 20-49, 1: 6000 at ages 50-69, 1: 1600 at ages 70+).

According to this estimate, it is possible to estimate the number of deaths in Israel in proximity of the vaccine, as of today, at about 1000-1100 people.”

Reproductive Effects

In the U.S., we’re now starting to see thousands of reports of menstrual problems among women who have received the COVID-19 vaccine. As reported by The Defender:9

“Women have reported hemorrhagic bleeding with clots, delayed or absent periods, sudden pre-menopausal symptoms, month-long periods and heavy irregular bleeding after being vaccinated with one or both doses of a COVID vaccine.

There’s no data linking COVID vaccines to changes in menstruation because clinical trials omit tracking menstrual cycles. But two Yale University experts wrote in The New York Times … there could be a connection.

‘There are many reasons vaccination could alter menstruation,’ wrote Alice Lu-Culligan, an M.D./Ph.D. student at Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Randi Epstein, writer in residence at Yale School of Medicine.

‘Periods involve the immune system, as the thickening and thinning of the uterine lining are facilitated by different teams of immune cells and signals moving in and out of the reproductive tract,’ Lu-Culligan and Epstein explained.

‘Vaccines are designed to ignite an immune response, and the female cycle is supported by the immune system, so it’s possible vaccines could temporarily change the normal course of events.’”

Even more bizarre, there are hundreds of anecdotal reports of women who have not gotten the vaccine, but spent time in close proximity to someone who did, who are experiencing the same kind of abnormal menses and bleeding irregularities. Some doctors are hypothesizing that some sort of shedding may be taking place, although the mechanism is unknown. As yet, it’s too early to speculate further.

Interestingly, a Chinese study10 published in Reproductive BioMedicine Online, which looked at sex hormones and menstruation in unvaccinated women of reproductive age who were diagnosed with COVID-19, found 28% had a change in the length of their cycle, 19% had prolonged cycles and 25% had a change in menstrual blood volume.

The researchers hypothesize that “the menstruation changes of these patients might be the consequence of transient sex hormone changes” caused by a temporary suppression of ovarian function during infection.

Dr. Natalie Crawford, a fertility specialist, told The Defender11 that the menstrual irregularities seen in female COVID-19 patients may be linked to a cellular immunity response, and since the vaccine instructs your body to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which your immune system then responds to, the effects of the vaccine may be similar to the natural infection.

Death Tally May Spike During Fall and Winter

While the death toll from COVID-19 vaccines is already at a historical level, I fear it may shoot far higher as we move through fall and winter. The reason for this is because one of the greatest risk factors and wild cards of these vaccines is antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE) or paradoxical immune enhancement (PIE).

I’ve detailed this issue in several articles, including “How COVID-19 Vaccine Can Destroy Your Immune System” and “Will Vaccinated People Be More Vulnerable to Variants?” In summary, ADE means that rather than enhance your immunity against the infection, the vaccine actually enhances the virus’ ability to enter and infect your cells, resulting in more severe disease than had you not been vaccinated.12

The 2003 review paper “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Virus Infection and Disease” explains it this way:13

“In general, virus-specific antibodies are considered antiviral and play an important role in the control of virus infections in a number of ways. However, in some instances, the presence of specific antibodies can be beneficial to the virus. This activity is known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of virus infection.

The ADE of virus infection is a phenomenon in which virus-specific antibodies enhance the entry of virus, and in some cases the replication of virus, into monocytes/macrophages and granulocytic cells through interaction with Fc and/or complement receptors.

This phenomenon has been reported in vitro and in vivo for viruses representing numerous families and genera of public health and veterinary importance … For some viruses, ADE of infection has become a great concern to disease control by vaccination.”

Fall and winter are the seasons in which most coronavirus infections occur, be it SARS-CoV-2 or other coronaviruses responsible for the common cold. If ADE does turn out to be a common problem with these injections, then vaccinated individuals may be at significantly higher risk of severe COVID-19 and a potentially lethal immune reaction due to pathogenic priming.

Another potential risk is that of Th2 immunopathology, especially among the elderly. As reported in a PNAS news feature:14

Since the 1960s, tests of vaccine candidates for diseases such as dengue, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) have shown a paradoxical phenomenon: Some animals or people who received the vaccine and were later exposed to the virus developed more severe disease than those who had not been vaccinated.

The vaccine-primed immune system, in certain cases, seemed to launch a shoddy response to the natural infection …

This immune backfiring, or so-called immune enhancement, may manifest in different ways such as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), a process in which a virus leverages antibodies to aid infection; or cell-based enhancement, a category that includes allergic inflammation caused by Th2 immunopathology.

In some cases, the enhancement processes might overlap … Some researchers argue that although ADE has received the most attention to date, it is less likely than the other immune enhancement pathways to cause a dysregulated response to COVID-19, given what is known about the epidemiology of the virus and its behavior in the human body.

‘There is the potential for ADE, but the bigger problem is probably Th2 immunopathology,’ says Ralph Baric, an epidemiologist and expert in coronaviruses … at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

In previous studies of SARS, aged mice were found to have particularly high risks of life-threatening Th2 immunopathology … in which a faulty T cell response triggers allergic inflammation, and poorly functional antibodies that form immune complexes, activating the complement system and potentially damaging the airways.”

Recognize Cheap Brainwashing Propaganda for What It Is

Carlson ends his segment with a crude, cuss-filled ad “brought to you by people who are smarter than we are,” in which people who are supposedly doctors and nurses belittle those who read about side effects online or hear about risks from friends, and demand, while giving you the finger, that you just “grow up and get the vaccine.”

If you did not watch Carlson’s report, you need to STOP now and watch the video below to see this unbelievable ad. It is queued up to start at the ad. It is beyond shocking that they believe they can get away with this type of abuse.

“It doesn’t make you laugh,” Carlson says. “It makes you nervous. Why are they talking to you that way? Why are they giving you the finger on TV? No matter how many fingers they give you, it doesn’t change what remains true for the country.

If American citizens are going to be forced to take this vaccine, or any other medicine, they have the absolute right to know what it is and what its effects might be.

And they have an absolute right to ask that question, without being silenced or mocked or given the finger. And no amount of happy talk or coercion or appeals to false patriotism can change that. Period.”

In my view, there are still so many potential avenues of harm and so many uncertainties, I would encourage everyone to do your homework, keep reading and learning, weigh the potential pros and cons, ignore all pressure tactics and take your time when deciding whether to get any of these COVID-19 gene therapies.

Last but not least, if you or someone you love has already received a COVID-19 vaccine and are experiencing side effects, be sure to report it, preferably to all three of these locations:15

  1. If you live in the U.S., file a report on VAERS
  2. Report the injury on VaxxTracker.com, which is a nongovernmental adverse event tracker (you can file anonymously if you like)
  3. Report the injury on the Children’s Health Defense website


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Warnings Are Clear: Vaccinating Kids for COVID Is a Dangerous Gamble

The Warnings Are Clear: Vaccinating Kids for COVID Is a Dangerous Gamble
Pharma and government health officials are luring parents and teens into getting the vaccine by promising a return to social events and normal life — while ignoring potential harms and the “miniscule” risk COVID poses to children.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
May 21, 2021


A decade ago, Ohio researchers bemoaned the difficulty of recruiting children for clinical trials. In the article, “Pediatric Drug-Trial Recruitment: Enticement Without Coercion,” published in the journal Pediatrics, researchers identified barriers such as “the challenge of determining appropriate payments for participation that are not coercive,” “the need to obtain consent from parents” and “ethical concerns.”

With COVID-19, it appears the government and pharma may have determined they can simply leapfrog over these pesky obstacles.

On May 10, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) extended the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine to adolescents 12 through 15 years of age.

The FDA committee that steered the decision chose to ignore urgent warnings from around the world about the vaccine’s risks for children, including a letter by 93 Israeli doctors who wrote in April that “not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease that is not dangerous to them.”

According to a recent New York Times article, “For children, the evidence so far does not offer much reason for alarm about COVID-19’s long-term effects.” Conversely, the Israeli doctors and other experts have emphasized that “it cannot be ruled out that the vaccine will have long-term adverse effects that have not yet been discovered at this time, including on growth, reproductive system or fertility.”

Warnings ignored

Notwithstanding warnings about COVID vaccine risks for children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) followed up with an immediate endorsement of FDA’s EUA expansion, and CDC director Rochelle Walensky called on healthcare providers to begin administering the still-investigational vaccine to younger adolescents “right away.”

Incredibly, a CDC committee* also gave providers permission to administer the COVID vaccines with other childhood and adolescent vaccines “without regard to timing” — including “simultaneous administration of COVID-19 and other vaccines on the same day, as well as co-administration within 14 days.”

The CDC is basing this incautious advice on the unproven assumption that “adverse event profiles are generally similar when vaccines are administered simultaneously as when they are administered alone,” even though the agency also admits that it does not know “whether so-called ‘reactogenicity’ increases with [vaccine] co-administration.”

The shockingly cavalier promotion of a no-holds-barred approach to COVID vaccination for America’s children flies in the face of global vaccine experts’ collective opinion (expressed at a World Health Organization meeting in December 2019) that vaccine safety science and safety monitoring are flawed and utterly inadequate.

No less an entity than the Institute of Medicine has stated that systematic research on “key elements of the entire [childhood vaccine] schedule — the number, frequency, timing, order, and age at administration of vaccines” — has never been done.

Bypassing payment

Returning to the recruitment obstacles outlined in the 2011 Pediatrics article, it appears that in lieu of “payment” for participation in Pfizer’s mass vaccine trial, the strategy deployed by Walensky and others is to entice adolescents with sunny assurances of a “faster return to social activities.”

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock have likewise promised youngsters that COVID vaccination equals a return to a “sense of normalcy.”

These pledges seem to be just the ticket for socially starved teens who profess to be “all ready to get [the vaccine]” and “excited to get things going again” after being “locked up for a year.”

Six hundred thousand 12- to 15-year-olds rushed to get COVID jabs within the first week of the EUA expansion. Counting the 16- and 17-year-olds who had previously received Pfizer’s vaccine, the total number of injected adolescents (ages 12-17) now numbers 4.1 million, Walensky announced.

These teens and families were likely unaware of the serious adverse events — such as blood clots and Guillain-Barré syndrome — already being experienced by those 16 and older. After a 17-year-old Utah athlete developed blood clots in his brain one day after receiving his first Pfizer injection, the basketball player’s mother tearfully aired her buyer’s remorsestating her son was “healthy and well before” and “the hardest thing was, I let him get that shot.”

Nor are most parents and teens focusing on the fact that accepting one COVID injection will not be the end of the story. COVID booster shots are already in the offing — introducing the prospect of recurrent and cumulative risks.

Bypassing parents

As the above-cited numbers suggest, a significant proportion of parents seem to be on board with their kids’ swift compliance. In April, just prior to the EUA expansion, a Kaiser Family Foundation poll tested the waters and found 30% of parents with children in the 12-15 age group were themselves chomping at the bit — ready to “get their child vaccinated as soon as a vaccine is available” — and another 18% were willing to do so if schools required it.

On the other hand, about half of Kaiser’s parent respondents stated that they either planned to wait or “definitely” would not be getting their child COVID-vaccinated. This is the group of parents that prompted the Ohio researchers in 2011 to scratch their heads and characterize “the need to obtain consent from parents” as a barrier to pediatric medical experimentation.

The “solution” seems to be to bypass troublesome parents altogether. Five states, heedless of the injections’ investigational status, are allowing healthcare providers and medical practices to dispense with parental consent requirements for COVID vaccines.

In North Carolina, adolescents who are 12 and up can provide their own consent if deemed able to understand and make decisions about their health. A representative of the state’s heavyweight health group UNC Health stated, “COVID vaccination is one of those medical treatments that North Carolina says that a child is able to consent for on their own.”

Three other states — AlabamaOregon and Tennessee — are permitting adolescents 14 or 15 years of age and older to do the same, and Iowa is leaving consent requirements to the discretion of “each individual healthcare provider/health system.”

In March, in the face of heated public opposition, the District of Columbia enacted legislation enabling children as young as 11 to get CDC-recommended vaccines without parental consent or even knowledge.

Bypassing ethics

At the close of 2020, New York University (NYU) and Tulane researchers wrote in the International Journal of Clinical Practice about COVID vaccines and the “serious mechanistic concern” of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) — the phenomenon whereby vaccination worsens subsequent disease.

The conclusion reached by the researchers (not specific to, but certainly germane to adolescents) was that the risk of ADE “is sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials.”

Independent of the topic of ADE, the NYU/Tulane authors’ study demonstrated how difficult it is for the average adult — much less adolescent — to penetrate the risks “obscured” in consent forms and thus to achieve “truly informed consent.”

And if this is the case, how likely are teens (or their parents) to understand the distinction between relative and absolute risk when they consent to COVID vaccination? How many young persons can grasp that Pfizer’s relative-risk-based claim of a “100% effective” vaccine for 12-15 year-olds translates into an absolute risk reduction (“the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine”) that is “teensy-tiny”?

Using relative risk calculations, Pfizer declared its injection “100% effective” on the basis of trials with 2,260 younger adolescents. According to the company’s press release, 18 cases of COVID occurred in the placebo group versus zero in the vaccine group. Nowhere does Pfizer spell out that these numbers equate to a reduction in absolute risk of 1.59% (obtained by dividing 18 by the 1,129 teens allocated to the placebo group).

Moreover, in the analyses for its clinical trials with adults, Pfizer doctored its results by excluding thousands of participants who had symptoms identical to COVID but not confirmed by PCR testing. Did similar sleight of hand produce the magic “100%” result for adolescents? Access to “full datasets and independent scrutiny and analyses” are needed to answer that question.

Even assuming a straightforward analysis on Pfizer’s part, European scientists writing in The Lancet in April emphasized the importance of putting vaccine trial results “in context and not just looking at one summary measure.” When researchers omit information about absolute risk reduction and communicate only relative risk reduction numbers, “reporting bias is introduced, which affects the interpretation of vaccine efficacy” — raising questions about the investigators’ intent and integrity.

The lead author of the Lancet commentary admitted to Wired, “One of the main reasons why absolute risk reduction is not shown is because of the numbers. If you say, ‘It’s 95% effective’ — Wow! …But if your absolute risk reduction is like 0.8%…, so what?”

The Lancet authors also noted relative risks “should be seen against the background risk of being infected and becoming ill with COVID-19, which varies between populations and over time.”

This is a particularly crucial observation for children, whose “background risk” of developing serious COVID illness is minuscule, as evidenced by the fact that the CDC uses 5-17 year-olds as its “reference group” (the group with the lowest risk) when presenting risks of COVID infection, hospitalization and death for other age groups.

There are 74 million children in the U.S. So far, 282 have died from conditions “involving COVID,” producing a mortality rate of 0.00038%. At the May 12 meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), CDC estimated 22.2 million children aged 5-17 had had COVID, and 127 had died — or 0.00057%.

As a University of Pennsylvania infectious disease specialist told the New York Times, “For the average kid, Covid is a negligible risk.”

By way of comparison, in 2019 (the most recent year for which data are available), 847 children in the 5-14 age group died in car accidents and 233 perished by drowning. In 15-24 year-olds, 2019 witnessed another 6,031 car accident deaths, 415 fatal drownings and 4,346 poisoning deaths.

In 2017, drowning deaths claimed nearly 1000 young people under age 20. From February 2020 through mid-February of this year, 5,738 children aged 5-14 and 36,900 adolescents and young adults aged 15-24 died from causes other than COVID-19.

In 1- to 17-year-olds, COVID ranks behind nine other causes of death (injury, suicide, cancer, homicide, congenital anomalies, heart disease, influenza, chronic lower respiratory disease and cerebrovascular causes).

Outsized risks

When announcing the expansion of its Pfizer EUA for 12- to 15-year-olds, FDA head Janet Woodcock told parents they “can rest assured that the agency undertook a rigorous and thorough review of all available data.”

However, as of May 7 (that is, just prior to the EUA expansion to younger adolescents), the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was already showing 694 post-COVID-vaccine adverse events in the 12-17 age group, including 14 rated as “serious” and three deaths.

The VAERS data released one week later, on May 14 (just after the 12-15 go-ahead), showed a sharp bump up in COVID-vaccine-related adverse events in the 12-17 age group: 943 total adverse events, including 23 rated as serious and the three deaths.

Two of the deaths reported before May 10 were in 15-year-olds, one after receiving the Pfizer vaccine and the other after receiving the Moderna vaccine. These adolescents must have been enrolled in the clinical trials, as their ages would have precluded them getting the vaccines legally under the EUAs in effect at the time.

With about 1,000 children in Pfizer’s clinical trial vaccine group in the 12-15 age group — and probably about the same number in Moderna’s trial — the death rate following either vaccination in this age group (assuming the two teens were trial enrollees) is approximately two in 2,000, or 0.1%. Available evidence strongly suggests, therefore, that COVID vaccines are much more dangerous to children than the disease.

Across all age groups, VAERS had received reports of almost 228,000 total adverse events between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 14, including more than 4,200 deaths. That this unprecedented trail of destruction was not cause for concern among the FDA and CDC committee members who enthusiastically recommended Pfizer’s experimental vaccine for young people is baffling.

Tragically, it is a virtual certainty that VAERS reports for children will rise in the coming weeks — leaving many parents as regretful as the Utah mom who let her son “get that shot.”

*Footnote: The 14 members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) who unanimously voted to recommend COVID vaccines for 12- to 15-year-olds and also endorsed simultaneous administration of COVID and other vaccines are: Jose Romero (Arkansas Secretary of Health); Kevin Ault (University of Kansas); Lynn Bahta (Minnesota Department of Health); Beth Bell (University of Washington School of Public Health); Henry Bernstein (Cohen Children’s Medical Center); Wilbur Chen (University of Maryland); Matthew Daley (Kaiser Permanente Colorado); Sharon Frey (St. Louis University); Camille Kotton (Massachusetts General Hospital); Grace Lee (Stanford University); Sarah Long (Drexel University); Veronica McNally (Franny Strong Foundation); Katherine Poehling (Wake Forest University); Pablo Sanchez (Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Ohio State University); and Helen Talbot (Vanderbilt University). Consider reaching out to these individuals to ask them how they reached their reckless decisions.

© May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.


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More on the Coronavirus That Doesn’t Exist; and the Pink Demon

More on the Coronavirus That Doesn’t Exist; and the Pink Demon

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 21, 2021


(For Part-1, click here)

I still receive emails that announce: “So-and-so SAYS the virus has been isolated and does exist.”

On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 would indicate “so what?” and 10 would rate “well, that’s it, the virus is real,” someone SAYING the virus exists comes in at minus-12.

Then there is the ever-popular, “OF COURSE this virus exists,” which is meant to dispel all doubt.

Below, I’ll reprint my piece in which Dr. Andrew Kaufman [1] analyzed, step-by-step, a typical excerpt from a published study. The excerpt described how SARS-CoV-2 was isolated. Dr. Kaufman tore the description to pieces. [2]

Since I published that article, I haven’t received a single communication attempting to refute Dr. Kaufman’s analysis.

I have received one or two emails stating, “Dr. Kaufman made several mistakes.” No specifics were mentioned. In the world of traditional logical fallacies, that response comes under the heading of “Vague Generalization.” Ninth-grade students used to be able to recognize it.

I’ve seen many articles in which SARS-CoV-2 is claimed to exist and possess various properties—the articles rely on bald statements from doctors or other so-called medical experts. No proof is offered. That logical fallacy would be Appeal to Authority: Because an authority figure says something is true, it must be true.

On this basis, the network evening news tells you all you need to know about reality.

A third fallacy is worth mentioning. We have this implied statement: “Researchers at the Wuhan Institute were weaponizing the virus; therefore, it exists.” That fallacy is called Circular Reasoning: You assume what you’re trying to prove. Many people fall for it.

“NASA scientists are chaining people to Ford trucks, preparing to launch them at faster-than-light speed in outer space; therefore, faster-than-light speed exists.”

What researchers are claiming or trying to do in a lab is not proof that the “thing” they are working with exists. The researchers may BELIEVE it exists, but what they believe doesn’t matter.

You might believe a pink demon with gold teeth from Mars has spread a pandemic across Earth, but even if Fauci agrees with you and has shoveled three million dollars to your lab, you haven’t established the existence of the demon.

A variation on Appeal to Authority and Vague Generalization: For more than a century, researchers have been doing experiments with viruses; therefore, it’s ridiculous to say SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist.

Well, historically, religious groups have claimed their God is the only God. Therefore…nothing.

“Wait. All those virologists couldn’t be lying and collaborating in a vast conspiracy.”

But they could be true believers. They could be pushing distorted science without recognizing their own warped articles of faith.

And with that, here is my article featuring Dr. Kaufman’s analysis of virus-isolation:

Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists.

by Jon Rappoport

April 21, 2021

The global medical community has been asserting that “a pandemic is being caused by a virus, SARS-Cov-2.”

But what if the virus doesn’t exist?

People have been asking me for a step-by-step analysis of a mainstream claim of virus-isolation. Well, here it is.

“Isolation” should mean the virus has been separated out from all surrounding material, so researchers can say, “Look, we have it. Therefore, it exists.”

I took a typical passage from a published study, a “methods” section, in which researchers describe how they “isolated the virus.” I sent it to Dr. Andrew Kaufman [1], and he provided his analysis in detail.

I found several studies that used very similar language in explaining how “SARS-CoV-2 was isolated.” For example, “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States, (Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 26, No. 6 — June 2020)” [3].

First, I want to provide a bit of background that will help the reader understand what is going on in the study.

The researchers are creating a soup in the lab. This soup contains a number of compounds. The researchers assume, without evidence, that “the virus” is in this soup. At no time do they separate the purported virus from the surrounding material in the soup. Isolation of the virus is not occurring.

They set about showing that the monkey (and/or human cells) they put in the soup are dying. THAT’S THEIR KEY “EVIDENCE.” This cell-death, they claim, is being caused by “the virus.” However, as you’ll see, Dr. Kaufman dismantles this claim.

There is no reason to infer that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup at all, or that it is killing cells.

Finally, the researchers assert, with no proof or rational explanation, that they were able to discover the genetic sequence of “the virus” they never isolated. “We didn’t find it, we don’t know anything about it, but we sequenced it.”

Here are the study’s statements claiming isolation, alternated with Dr. Kaufman’s analysis:

STUDY: “We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage [in the soup in the lab]…”

KAUFMAN: “Vero cells are foreign cells from the kidneys of monkeys and a source of contamination. Virus particles should be purified directly from clinical samples in order to prove the virus actually exists. Isolation means separation from everything else. So how can you separate/isolate a virus when you add it to something else?”

STUDY: “…We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in Dulbecco minimal essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (5% or 10%)…”

KAUFMAN: “Why use minimal essential media, which provides incomplete nutrition [to the cells]? Fetal bovine serum is a source of foreign genetic material and extracellular vesicles, which are indistinguishable from viruses.”

STUDY: “…We used both NP and OP swab specimens for virus isolation. For isolation, limiting dilution, and passage 1 of the virus, we pipetted 50 μL of serum-free DMEM into columns 2–12 of a 96-well tissue culture plate, then pipetted 100 μL of clinical specimens into column 1 and serially diluted 2-fold across the plate…”

KAUFMAN: “Once again, misuse of the word isolation.”

STUDY: “…We then trypsinized and resuspended Vero cells in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 2× penicillin/streptomycin, 2× antibiotics/antimycotics, and 2× amphotericin B at a concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells/mL…”

KAUFMAN: “Trypsin is a pancreatic enzyme that digests proteins. Wouldn’t that cause damage to the cells and particles in the culture which have proteins on their surfaces, including the so called spike protein?”

KAUFMAN: “Why are antibiotics added? Sterile technique is used for the culture. Bacteria may be easily filtered out of the clinical sample by commercially available filters (GIBCO) [4]. Finally, bacteria may be easily seen under the microscope and would be readily identified if they were contaminating the sample. The specific antibiotics used, streptomycin and amphotericin (aka ‘ampho-terrible’), are toxic to the kidneys and we are using kidney cells in this experiment! Also note they are used at ‘2X’ concentration, which appears to be twice the normal amount. These will certainly cause damage to the Vero cells.”

STUDY: “…We added [not isolated] 100 μL of cell suspension directly to the clinical specimen dilutions and mixed gently by pipetting. We then grew the inoculated cultures in a humidified 37°C incubator in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and observed for cytopathic effects (CPEs) daily. We used standard plaque assays for SARS-CoV-2, which were based on SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) protocols…”

STUDY: “When CPEs were observed, we scraped cell monolayers with the back of a pipette tip…”

KAUFMAN: “There was no negative control experiment described. Control experiments are required for a valid interpretation of the results. Without that, how can we know if it was the toxic soup of antibiotics, minimal nutrition, and dying tissue from a sick person which caused the cellular damage or a phantom virus? A proper control would consist of the same exact experiment except that the clinical specimen should come from a person with illness unrelated to covid, such as cancer, since that would not contain a virus.”

STUDY: “…We used 50 μL of viral lysate for total nucleic acid extraction for confirmatory testing and sequencing We also used 50 μL of virus lysate to inoculate a well of a 90% confluent 24-well plate.”

KAUFMAN: “How do you confirm something that was never previously shown to exist? What did you compare the genetic sequences to? How do you know the origin of the genetic material since it came from a cell culture containing material from humans and all their microflora, fetal cows, and monkeys?”

—end of study quotes and Kaufman analysis—

My comments: Dr. Kaufman does several things here. He shows that isolation, in any meaningful sense of the word, is not occurring.

Dr. Kaufman also shows that the researchers want to use damage to the cells and cell-death as proof that “the virus” is in the soup they are creating. In other words, the researchers are assuming that if the cells are dying, it must be the virus that is doing the killing. But Dr. Kaufman shows there are obvious other reasons for cell damage and death that have nothing to do with a virus. Therefore, no proof exists that “the virus” is in the soup or exists at all.

And finally, Dr. Kaufman explains that the claim of genetic sequencing of “the virus” is absurd, because there is no proof that the virus is present. How do you sequence something when you haven’t shown it exists?

Readers who are unfamiliar with my work (over 300 articles on the subject of the “pandemic” during the past year [5]) will ask: Then why are people dying? What about the huge number of cases and deaths? I have answered these and other questions in great detail. The subject of this article is: have researchers proved SARS-CoV-2 exists?

The answer is no.


[1] https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/

[2] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/04/21/isolation-of-sars-cov-2-refuted-in-step-by-step-analysis-of-claim/

[3] https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/6/20-0516_article

[4] https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home.html

[5] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/category/covid/


Connect with Jon Rappoport

The Pandemic Virus That Doesn’t Exist

The Pandemic Virus That Doesn’t Exist

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 20, 2021


For the past year, I’ve been offering compelling evidence that: no one has proven SARS-CoV-2 exists. [1]

I’ve explained that the virus was never isolated. In fact, researchers use the word “isolated” to mean its very opposite: “We ASSUME we have the virus surrounded by, and embedded in, a great deal of other material, and we never extract it or purify it.”

No isolation=no discovery of a virus.

I’ve explained that it’s impossible to put together the genetic sequence of a virus that has never been found. Unless, of course, you’re lying.

I’ve published an article in which Dr. Andrew Kaufman [2] took apart, step by step, a typical published study in which the authors described how they isolated SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Kaufman tore this description to pieces and revealed how absurd it is. [3]

When confronted with a mountain of so-called science plus sheer propaganda, most people find it impossible to accept the fact that, at the core of the mountain, there is…


Absolutely nothing.

“Oh, that couldn’t be. There has to be SOMETHING, and the something must be a virus.”

This is on the order of a child saying, “There has to be a ghost in the closet every night when I go to sleep.”

All that fear, and there is nothing? No, no.

But in the medical universe, there are actually several huge institutions that are based on nothing.

Here is one: PSYCHIATRY.

The official bible of the psychiatric profession, the DSM, lists, describes, and labels some 300 separate and distinct mental disorders.

If you plow through the bible, you will notice that NONE of these mental disorders has a defining laboratory test. No saliva, blood, hair, urine test. No brain scan. No genetic assay. NOTHING.

Yes, people have problems, troubles. People experience suffering and pain. But that is quite, quite different from arbitrarily carving up all that suffering into 300 academic and clinical categories called “mental disorders.”

And on top of the astonishing scientific con, the patients who are diagnosed are given toxic drugs, some of which push them over the edge into committing suicide and murder.

All based on a scientific nothing.

(A warning: Suddenly withdrawing from psychiatric drugs can be very dangerous, even life-threatening. Withdrawal should be done gradually, supervised by a caring professional who knows what he’s doing. See breggin.com.) [4]

In a PBS Frontline episode, Does ADHD Exist? [5], Dr. Russell Barkley, an eminent professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, unintentionally spelled out the fraud.

PBS FRONTLINE INTERVIEWER: Skeptics say that there’s no biological marker—that it [ADHD] is the one condition out there where there is no blood test, and that no one knows what causes it.

BARKLEY: That’s tremendously naïve, and it shows a great deal of illiteracy about science and about the mental health professions. A disorder doesn’t have to have a blood test to be valid. If that were the case, all mental disorders would be invalid…There is no lab test for any mental disorder right now in our science. That doesn’t make them invalid.

Oh, indeed, that does make them invalid. Utterly and completely. All 300 mental disorders. Because there are no defining tests of any kind to back up the diagnosis.

We are looking at a science that isn’t a science. That’s called fraud. Rank fraud.

Here is one more newsflash: The so-called “chemical-imbalance” theory of mental illness is dead.

Dr. Ronald Pies, the editor-in-chief emeritus of the Psychiatric Times, laid the theory to rest in the July 11, 2011, issue of the Times with this staggering admission:

“In truth, the ‘chemical imbalance’ notion was always a kind of urban legend — never a theory seriously propounded by well-informed psychiatrists.”



However…urban legend? No. For decades the whole basis of psychiatric drug research, drug prescription, and drug sales has been: “we’re correcting a chemical imbalance in the brain.”

The problem was, researchers had never established a normal baseline for chemical balance. So they were shooting in the dark. Worse, they were faking a theory. Pretending they knew something when they didn’t.

In his 2011 piece in Psychiatric Times, Dr. Pies tries to protect his colleagues in the psychiatric profession with this fatuous remark:

“In the past 30 years, I don’t believe I have ever heard a knowledgeable, well-trained psychiatrist make such a preposterous claim [about chemical imbalance in the brain], except perhaps to mock it…the ‘chemical imbalance’ image has been vigorously promoted by some pharmaceutical companies, often to the detriment of our patients’ understanding.”

Absurd. First of all, many psychiatrists have explained and do explain to their patients that the drugs are there to correct a chemical imbalance.

And second, if all well-trained psychiatrists have known, all along, that the chemical-imbalance theory is a fraud…

…then why on earth have they been prescribing tons of drugs to their patients…

…since those drugs are developed on the false premise that they correct a chemical imbalance?

The chemical-imbalance theory is a fake.

The entire branch of medicine called psychiatry is based on NOTHING.

But again, people find that difficult, if not impossible, to accept. They prefer to believe there must be SOMETHING. That’s what they want to believe. That’s what they’ve been trained to believe.

“Well, you see, every effect has a cause, and that cause is actually the effect of an earlier cause, and you can go back farther and farther in the chain…”

And this idea is somehow the basis for assuming that, if a pandemic is announced, there must be a virus.

“I’ve got to have a virus. I NEED a virus.”

“I fear the virus. I want the virus. I love the virus.”

There are all sorts of variations on the theme.

“The pandemic? There must be something at the core of it. There must be.”


And if someone responds with the familiar battle cry, “Then why are all these people dying?”, I’ve covered that issue from stem to stern in a dozen articles or so. [7]

The entirety of illness and death attributed to the “pandemic” can be explained by multiple factors (not one), and none of those factors involves a virus.

“People dying equals a virus” is about as convincing as “all-cause mortality rising is the result of plane crashes.”

As sure as I’m writing this sentence, someone somewhere will think, “Hmm, plane crashes. I should look into that…”

And he will. He’ll look into planes flying through underground caves, carrying passengers intent on exploring the center of the Earth, where doctors are producing a longevity drug that extends life for 500 years. But the planes are having accidents.

That level of fantasy is on the same bookshelf as “the virus is causing the pandemic.”


[1] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/?s=SARS-CoV-2+exists&submit=Search

[2] https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/

[3] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/04/21/isolation-of-sars-cov-2-refuted-in-step-by-step-analysis-of-claim/

[4] https://breggin.com/

[5] https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/medicating/experts/exist.html

[6] https://web.archive.org/web/20160720061355/https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/psychiatry-new-brain-mind-and-legend-chemical-imbalance

[7] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/tag/dying/


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Stand Your Ground Against Forced Medicine

Stand Your Ground Against Forced Medicine

by Rosanne Linday, Nature of Healing
May 18, 2021


During the  nineteenth century, medical treatments, such as the smallpox vaccination, were made compulsory under state laws in the US., and in Europe. In the twentieth century, vaccines for diphtheria, measles, mumps, and rubella were managed by governmental entities and were eventually required for public school attendance. Later, school-located vaccination programs became a vehicle for increasing vaccination rates. Once the World Health Organization (WHO) was developed in 1948, compulsory vaccine campaigns went global.

What is never disclosed?

That nothing is compulsory. Nothing is forced. Everything is an offer for your consent, a contract. Do you consent or not? Do you concede or stand your ground? Do you give up your rights or do you reserve your rights?

If you do not reserve your rights, you become a statistic of history instead of forging new ground. History recycles itself with new terms replacing old ones. History lives in the past. History does not evolve.

The History Playbook

When you open the History Playbook, you see a pattern. When you see a pattern repeat, then it is time to begin to question the rhetoric and think for yourself. The Pandemic Playbook, or Plandemic, played the world population during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. The same mask mandates were offered. The same vaccine mandates were offered. How many consented? For the results, see Recycling the Spanish Flu Pandemic.

For two generations afterwards, things returned to “normal.” The flu resumed its rightful place in history as a mild infection that required rest and fluids. The flu was again recognized as a right of passage for the body to create longterm, natural immunity.

In 2013, the Playbook opened again, to morph the flu bug into a deadly boogeyman that required new responsibilities of every citizen. In England, published reports in the Independent declared that getting vaccinated was a civic duty. A campaign was launched to increase adult vaccination rates against seasonal influenza, pneumococcal diseases, whooping cough, shingles, diphtheria and tetanus. Since 2013, intimidation by world health officials has only grown bolder to offer mandates that are accepted by trusting people everywhere.

In March of 2020, a newly discovered flu, dubbed Coronavirus (one word), was the talk of the town. Soon reports of excess deaths, later retracted, from the rogue virus filled the news cycles. Mask mandates were offered. Vaccines were offered.

With little reflection of how history works, hospital workers in the U.S., who have accepted medical mandates over the last decade, have created a pattern that is fast becoming a prescription for all. Want to keep your job? Get the jab. Want to attend a sports event? A yoga class? You know the drill.

Before 2020, vaccine mandates had been beta-tested from California to New York, in hospitals, and in nursing homes under state statutes and regulations. These test markets were a prelude to The Healthy People 2020 Act, where all adults, everywhere, would be urged to “catch up” on vaccines. However, research always showed that “there is no evidence that they (flu vaccines) affect complications, such as pneumonia, or transmission.”

It is ironic that government agencies that promote medical treatments fail to acknowledge published medical journal studies showing that these treatments are not only ineffective, but harmful. Based on injury compensation data, the flu vaccine is dubbed as the most dangerous vaccine. In a world where science is king, those who claim to be in charge seem to ignore their own data.

Review of the Data
  • Published data in the 2011 Journal of Autoimmunity and the 2012 J Trace Elem Med Biol. shows aluminum adjuvants in vaccines, including the flu vaccine, can induce autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome, (ASIA), which include encephalitischronic fatigue syndrome, macrophagic myofasciitis, subcutaneous pseudolymphoma, and siliconosis.
  • Adjuvants in the flu vaccine have been associated with an increase in antibodies leading to antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), also known as Hughes Syndrome. The alum-antigen in many vaccines is identical to phospholipids, which form the cell membrane in every cell, it can attack any part of the body – the eye, cardiovascular system, brain, nerves, skin, reproductive system – but is becoming known for causing heart attacks and fetal death.(Journal Lupus. June 2012.)
  • Children who get flu vaccine are at three times the risk for hospitalization for flu! (American Thoracic Society).
  • The 2010 Cochrane Database Systems Review – a systems review of primary research in human health care and health policy – found “no evidence that flu vaccines affect complications, such as pneumonia, hospitalization transmission of flu between people or death.”  Further, claims that the flu vaccine cuts elderly deaths in half were negated: “Due to poor quality data of the available evidence any conclusions regarding the effects of influenza vaccines for people aged 65 years or older cannot be drawn.”
  • In the aftermath of the 2009/2010 swine flu scare, a 2010 study in the British Medical Journal showed that children in England and throughout the world given the Pandemrix flu vaccine had a 1,400 percent increased risk of developing narcolepsy compared to those not vaccinated.
  • A 2011 study in the Journal Vaccine, showed inflammatory adverse events, such as preeclampsia and preterm birth, among pregnant women taking the trivalent influenza vaccine.
  • A 2011 study in the  Journal of Internal Medicine revealed flu shots result in inflammatory cardiovascular changes indicative of increased risk for serious heart-related events such as heart attack.
  • According to a 2012 double-blind, randomized, controlled trial in Clin Infect Dis. March 15, 2012, (the first of its kind) conducted in healthy children 6 to 15 years of age, getting a flu shot was found to increase the risk of other respiratory viral infections over four-fold.
  • According to a 2005 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, “There are not enough influenza-related deaths to support the conclusion that vaccination can reduce total winter mortality among the U.S. elderly population by as much as half.”

In response to mandatory flu vaccines for medical staff, a group of medical professionals published an open 2013 letter in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, questioning whether such mandates are medically warranted and ethically correct. They cited that the flu vaccine: 1) is a “statistical gamble” in targeting actual circulating viruses; 2) shows seventy percent of people are already immune at the time of vaccination, according to FDA studies; and 3) shows no evidence that it affects complications of pneumonia or transmission from person to person, as advertised. No answer ever followed.

Do Not Volunteer for “Mandatory” Treatments

Today, an experimental mRNA COVID injectable treatment is lumped into the category of vaccines, but is not entirely a vaccine. The COVID injectable is not FDA-approved as a vaccine. Moderna refers to its injectable as “an operating system.” Unlike FDA-approved flu vaccine package inserts that disclose trial data and adverse reactions, the COVID injectable package insert is blank.

Today, official mandates do not require scientific scrutiny. Mandates only require people to give up their power.

When people give up their power of discernment to the authority of governments, they can expect tyranny in the form of unenforceable mandates. This is a perfect time to question authority and falsehoods when the risks are unknown and undisclosed.

There are no mandates in a free society, unless you ALLOW them. In other words, you do not have to volunteer for mandates.

When faced with Totalitarian tactics, do you “take your medicine” or walk the other way? Do you fall in line or undo the conditioning? When you see Panic Propaganda in the news cycle, do you turn off the news? Or do you listen to my podcast on The Playbook of Tyranny and How to Close It?

If you do not protect your rights, be prepared to lose them. If enough people say NO, the tide will shift. Remember, there is always a choice. So choose wisely.

When people realize they are born healers with defense systems called immune systems, there will be no reliance on chemical-laden injections that offer artificial immunity with no guarantees. Even though you will not be told you have a choice, you always retain your rights to choose. You can still choose to protect your innate immunity using organic, nutrient-rich foods, herbal medicines, naturopathy, homeopathy, and many natural modalities.

Remember, colds and flus are part of a natural immune response by your body to strengthen itself. Rest and a return to Nature are the best remedies. Dis-ease need not be feared when it offers the body a chance to remember how to realign itself back to a sense of Ease.

Returning to the time before the Playbook is as simple as remembering who you are and your power to choose. Why fear the body’s natural ability to heal itself when evidence shows there is more to fear from the injectable?

On the verge of more draconian government mandates, the question that you must ask yourself is, Do you want to be a statistic of history and remain stagnant, or do you want to evolve? 

Stand your ground.

Originally posted in the November 2013 blog.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

FRIDAY: Medical Freedom Advocates to Hold Rally at Rutgers, as Students Push Back Against Vaccine Mandates

FRIDAY: Medical Freedom Advocates to Hold Rally at Rutgers, as Students Push Back Against Vaccine Mandates
Legislators, students, community representatives and others will speak on the topic of informed consent at a health freedom rally at Rutgers University this Friday, May 21 at 11 a.m. ET, in protest of the university’s COVID vaccine mandate.

by Stephanie Locricchio , The Defender
May 19, 2021


Rutgers was the first university to announce it will require the COVID vaccine for all students returning in the fall.

Since then, hundreds of universities — including the University of Notre Dame, Brown, Cornell, Northeastern University, New York’s State University (SUNY) and City University (CUNY) systems, and many other colleges and universities throughout the country — have said they will require COVID vaccines for the upcoming fall semester.

The Rutgers announcement prompted Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) chairman and chief legal counsel, to send a letter to Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway to remind him that mandating Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) products violates federal law.

Kennedy informed Holloway that COVID vaccines, which are EUA products and therefore by definition experimental, cannot cannot be mandated. Under federal law, individuals have the right to accept or refuse EUA products. “Under the Nuremberg Code, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is absolutely essential,” Kennedy wrote

The college and university mandates have sparked a new wave of voices in the health freedom movement, as many college students are speaking out against mandating an experimental vaccine for a virus that has a 99.74% survival rate.

As reports to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of injuries and deaths following COVID vaccines continue to increase, many students say they are concerned about the long-term safety and efficacy of the vaccine, and want more time to see the long-term impacts of the vaccine before rushing to get it.

The latest VAERS data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 7, 2021, a total of 192,954 adverse events were reported to VAERS including 4,057 deaths and 17,190 serious injuries following vaccination with PfizerModerna and Johnson & Johnson  vaccines.

Students also have questions about conflicting information on whether this vaccine even prevents transmission or infection.

Yet the social pressure to get the vaccine, and the potential consequences for not getting it, are creating stress for many students.

Sara Razi, Rutgers student and New Jersey chair of the Rutgers chapter of Young Americans for Liberty, told me she was “extremely disappointed that the Rutgers bureaucracy mandated this vaccine despite previously announcing that they wouldn’t.” She is still undecided about getting the COVID vaccine and feels pressured to make a decision.

Razi, who described herself as “not anti-vax but definitely anti-mandate,” said she doesn’t want to be forced to waste another year of her life doing school via a laptop.

Frustrated and uncertain how a “public university can get away with this,” Razi said, “The Rutgers bureaucracy has taken away students’ ability to make the personal decision on whether or not they want to take this vaccine.”

Brandi Clark, student at Fairleigh Dickinson University, said she was “shocked” when she received the notification that her school will require the vaccine. After extensive research, Clark decided she won’t get the vaccine, so she submitted a religious exemption which is currently under review.

Through her research, Clark discovered there are two ingredients in the vaccines that were in a medication that previously caused her to experience an allergic reaction, which she has documented in her medical file. Knowing that anaphylaxis is a side effect of the COVID vaccine, Clark shared her concerns with her physician, who refused to provide a medical exemption because Clark’s previous reaction was not considered “life threatening enough.”

Clark, who is passionate about health freedom and stood with the freedom fighters in Connecticut as the bill to remove religious exemption passed, said she knows New Jersey is battling to retain its medical and religious freedom.

Clark is waiting to see if Fairleigh Dickinson University accepts her religious exemption.

“I didn’t come this far and accrue all this debt only to be told I either can’t continue or I can continue but I have to get this experimental drug,” Clark said. She said she is willing to sacrifice her education and “find a school that doesn’t require this.”

Both Razi and Clark, who represent the next generation of the growing health freedom movement, have been actively engaged in working with local New Jersey advocacy groups to organize at Rutgers University. They co-hosted a call with First Freedoms’ Kevin Barry and me to connect parents and students who are against COVID vaccine mandates.

Mary Holland, president and general counsel of CHD, said her advice to parents and students is to “organize, organize, organize.”

Holland said:

“If the majority of students will not return with a vaccine mandate or passport in place, the school will go under. The students and the parents have the power to turn this around.”

Holland said CHD’s view is that EUA vaccine mandates are clearly unlawful. She cited the legal precedent set by the courts when the U.S. Department of Defense tried to compel soldiers to take the EUA anthrax vaccine. A federal court decided federal law did not permit EUA vaccine mandates, and said soldiers could not be used as guinea pigs.

While the vaccines are EUA there is no legal question, Holland said, but once they have been approved, licensed and recommended by the CDC, the situation could change. “But we still believe COVID vaccines will not meet the threshold under U.S. Constitutional law for a vaccine mandate,” Holland said.

If you are a parent or a student against vaccine mandates here are some action steps:

  1. Connect with local legislators. Ask them to sponsor and support bills that support freedom and prohibit vaccine mandates and discrimination. New Jersey residents can reach out to your local elected officials to request their support of  A5610/S3674 and A9999/S5607. A5610/S3674 prohibits the state from requiring private businesses to confirm individuals received COVID-19 vaccine for entry.   A9999/S5607 prohibits discrimination against individuals who have not received COVID vaccines.
  2. Be the change. Show up to stand against mandates. Rally on Friday, May 21 at 11 a.m. ET at Rutgers New Brunswick Campus, Brower Plaza, 145 College Avenue. Details here.
  3. Print out CHD’s legal notices. Inform your school that mandating EUA products violates federal law.
  4. Vote with your wallet. Boycott the universities and businesses mandating the COVID vaccine. Support only those that support individual choice.


©May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Connect with Children’s Health Defense

Shocker: Why Is This Substance in the Moderna COVID Vaccine?

Shocker: Why Is This Substance in the Moderna COVID Vaccine?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 19, 2021


Verifying that it is in the Moderna COVID vaccine, I find a 12/30/20 CDC document titled: “COVID-19 Vaccines: Update on Allergic Reactions, Contraindications, and Precautions.” [1]

If you scroll down halfway through the document, you’ll see a chart titled, “Ingredients Included in mRNA COVID vaccines.” (pg 20)

The right-hand side of the chart shows ingredients in the Moderna vaccine. The fifth ingredient down is “SM-102: heptadecan-9-yl 8-((2-hydroxyethyl) (6-oxo-6-(undecyloxy) hexyl) amino) octanoate.”

Now we go to a document published by the Cayman Chemical Company of Ann Arbor, Michigan: “Safety Data Sheet acc. to OSHA HCS.” (04/11/2021) [2]

This data sheet lists the effects of SM-102. Here is the opening note: “For research use only, not for human or veterinary use.”

Far from comforting.

Then the safety data sheet lights up with adverse effects/warnings re SM-102. For example: “Suspected of causing cancer. Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child. Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.”

Several things to point out here. First, what dosage level of, and what duration of exposure to, SM-102 are we talking about? Details on these toxicity factors need to be known. HOWEVER, all that is overridden by the fact that SM-102 is being INJECTED into the body via the Moderna shot. We’re not just talking about inhalation or skin contact.

Obviously, the human body has layers of defense against attack. With injection, a number of those layers are bypassed.

And once deep within the body, where does SM-102 travel as it causes damage along the way?

I doubt that the Cayman safety data sheet even considered the possibility that SM-102 would be injected.

The experts and authorities will assure us SM-102 is safe. They’ll say only miniscule amounts are being injected. They’ll say the clinical trials of the vaccine revealed no problems. They’ll parrot, over and over again, as they always do: “safe and effective.”

You’re walking along a country path. You see a snake lying just ahead of you. He slowly raises his head and looks at you. On his hood, you read the words: “emergency use authorization granted.”


[1] https://emergency.cdc.gov/coca/ppt/2020/dec-30-coca-call.pdf

[1b] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RcgAXSKQyw

[1b1] https://youtu.be/9RcgAXSKQyw?t=638

[1b2] https://youtu.be/9RcgAXSKQyw?t=840

[2] https://www.caymanchem.com/msdss/33474m.pdf

Notice of Liability for Harm and Death to Children Served on all Members of the European Parliament

Notice of Liability for Harm and Death to Children Served on all Members of the European Parliament

by Doctors for Covid Ethics
May 19, 2021


On May 18, 2021, with COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 12–15 expected to gain approval from the European Medical Regulator, notices of liability for vacccine-related harms and deaths to children were served on all Members of the European Parliament. The full list of recipients can be viewed here.

All Members of the European Parliament received the following notice:



May 18, 2021

This Notice of Liability has been SERVED to you personally.

You may be held personally liable for harm and death caused by LEGISLATION, which is designed to coerce widespread acceptance of EXPERIMENTAL VACCINATION OF CHILDREN. If you take further action supporting such LEGISLATION, and if you take no steps to mitigate your past actions supporting such LEGISLATION, you may be held personally liable for resulting harm and death.

Severe illness and death in children and young adults caused by SARS-CoV-2 is extremely rare. It is absurd to claim that any measure can or will protect against a danger that does not exist. The claims that these experimental vaccinations induce production of protective antibodies are fundamentally flawed. Antibodies in the blood cannot prevent entry of air-borne viruses into cells of the lower respiratory tract. Secretory IgA antibodies are also known to be unable to efficiently prevent viral pneumonia. Severe adverse effects occur at high frequency following application of all gene-based agents. Children have already joined the tragic list of victims.

Attached as appendices and as integral parts of this Notice of Liability are the documents: Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns; Reply from the European Medicines Agency to Doctors for Covid Ethics; Doctors and Scientists Accuse Medical Regulator of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers; Rebuttal Letter to European Medicines Agency from Doctors for Covid Ethics; Doctors for Covid Ethics Signatories; COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety.

Furthermore, you may be held personally responsible for supporting CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, defined as acts that are purposely committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, committed in furtherance of state policy.

Please respond to this NOTICE OF LIABILITY within 14 days from the DATE OF SERVICE to:

DOCTORS FOR COVID ETHICS Doctors4CovidEthics@protonmail.com

Cc: Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dr. Reiner Fuellmich


1. Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns

2. Reply from the European Medicines Agency to Doctors for Covid Ethics

3. Doctors and Scientists Accuse Medical Regulator of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers

4. Rebuttal Letter to European Medicines Agency from Doctors for Covid Ethics

5. Doctors for Covid Ethics Signatories

6. COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety


Connect with Doctors for Covid Ethics

Uniformed Troops Go to Bars & 7-Eleven in Dallas to Randomly Vaccinate “Younger Crowd”

Uniformed Troops Go to Bars & 7-Eleven in Dallas to Randomly Vaccinate “Younger Crowd”

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
May 18, 2021


For much of the past month national media has been replete with headlines decrying “vaccine hesitancy” as coronavirus infection rates continue on the decline. Amid dire “warnings” this may “hinder” herd immunity goals, local and federal health agencies are busy pouring vast resources into vaccine-promoting ad campaigns. “The United States has a surplus of coronavirus vaccine doses on its hands, and long gone are the days when people waited hours to get jabbed. Dwindling demand has forced governors and mayors to get creative,” The Washington Post observed this week.

But one initiative in Dallas County in Texas is going far beyond anything we’ve seen thus far, and as many on social media have observed, it is downright creepy and bizarre in its brazenly coercive optics. Texas has long been fully opened and bars and restaurants are now packed, but vaccine sites are not, apparently. So naturally Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) thought it would be a good idea to go to the bars with the vaccines… along with uniformed US Army National Guard soldiers.

On a busy Friday night in a Dallas neighborhood widely dubbed the “live music capital of North Texas” US military personnel entered popular venues, including random convenience stores (as seen in the video), to coerce coax unvaccinated individuals to get the jab on the spot.

So right now we are going to give a COVID vaccine to someone inside a 7-Eleven – this is what community service looks like and getting the community vaccinated,” a video narrator states.

The Dallas County HHS featured its efforts in a short social media clip showing a couple of US Army solders in full camouflage fatigues flanking a top Dallas health official.

“We’re going out tonight too administering the COVID-19 to bar goers in Deep Ellum,”the Twitter post said.

“By getting vaccinated you’ll be able to enjoy going out again knowing that you’re safe & protected” – except of course the people in the popular nightlife area this past weekend were already clearly quite comfortable “going out again” to have a good time. A local CBS-DFW news clip said of the new Dallas HHS-National Guard campaign that Dallas County is hoping to attract the “younger crowd”.

Not only were multiple uniformed federal troops manning a “pop-up” vaccine table on a Deep Ellum street, but they were filmed going into the venues to confront encounter people.

The local CBS affiliate emphasized the campaign “targets” young people (as the above local news coverage of the initiative spells out exactly).

“Specifically where the younger people are,” as “this week the FDA announced it’s expanding emergency use authorization for Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for those 12 and up,” CBS said. And one top Dallas health official told the broadcaster: “That’s why we are here” …as uniformed soldiers stood behind him.

One 7-11 clerk who agreed to receive the shot was asked by the troops: “How do you feel that you got the vaccine right here, at work, by US soldiers?”

The man then extolls the benefits of being a US citizen – which given the weird optics of the whole encounter between the jab-proffering Army personnel and an apparently somewhat recent immigrant to the US, brings up some serious questions…

For starters, when a “vaccine crew” of literal uniformed soldiers randomly walks up to citizens saying they “need to get vaxxed”… do the individuals understand it’s entirely an option and not an authoritative mandateAnd would (in the example of the video) a recent immigrant to the country or even new American citizen understand the nature of the encounter?

But of course this appears to be the entire point…

“Since Feb. 24, it [Dallas] has served as one of several federal vaccination sites run by the U.S. military and Federal Emergency Management Agency aimed at increasing immunity in underserved and highly vulnerable communities,” The Dallas Morning News wrote previously.

With vaccine hesitancy on the rise, and with President Biden’s new bizarre announcement that “Those who are not vaccinated will end up paying the price” – is the new “creative” strategy all about putting “muscle” in terms of serious federal authority in the room (or on busy nightlife venue streets) for added pressure?

Are vaccine-bearing troops coming to a neighborhood near you?


Connect with Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge

cover image source: ZeroHedge

Federal Law Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks — 3 Resources You Can Use to Inform Your School or Employer

Federal Law Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks — 3 Resources You Can Use to Inform Your School or Employer
Under federal law, employers and universities cannot legally mandate COVID vaccines because they are unlicensed Emergency Use Authorization products which are, by definition, experimental.

by Aimee Villella McBride & Stephanie Locricchio, The Defender


With more than 100 U.S. colleges mandating COVID vaccines for in-person attendance and schools enforcing mask mandates, it’s critical people understand their rights.

The bottom line is this: mandating products authorized for Emergency Use Authorization status (EUA) violates federal law as detailed in the following legal notifications.

All COVID vaccines, COVID PCR and antigen tests, and masks are merely EUA-authorized, not approved or licensed, by the federal government. Long-term safety and efficacy have not been proven.

EUA products are by definition experimental, which requires people be given the right to refuse them. Under the Nuremberg Code, the foundation of ethical medicine, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is “absolutely essential.”

Earlier this year, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense president and general counsel, and attorney Greg Glaser stated that federal law prohibits employers from mandating EUA COVID vaccines (or EUA COVID-19 tests or masks).

Holland and Glaser wrote:

“If a vaccine has been issued EUA by the FDA, it is not fully licensed and must be voluntary. A private party, such as an employer, school or hospital cannot circumvent the EUA law, which prohibits mandates. Indeed, the EUA law preventing mandates is so explicit that there is only one precedent case regarding an attempt to mandate an EUA vaccine.”

What to do if your school or employer says you must get the COVID vaccine

The Children’s Health Defense legal team has written three legal notifications that anyone faced with a COVID vaccineCOVID test or mask mandate can use to inform employers and universities that they are violating federal law. You can download the three notifications here.

All of the notifications include this language: 

“Federal law, Title 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I-III) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, states the following about products granted emergency authorization usage:

Individuals to whom the product is administered are informed—

(I) that the Secretary has authorized the emergency use of the product;

(II) of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown; and

(III) of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.

Any entity or organization that requires EUA COVID-19 vaccinations, COVID-19 tests or masks are in violation of federal law, and will likely face lawsuits if they don’t allow exemptions or alternatives.”

Submitting the notices prepared by Children’s Health Defense is the first step prior to seeking an exemption or taking legal action.

Vaccine exemption laws vary by state. Go to the National Vaccine Information Center to learn more about your state exemptions.

It’s critical to stand against mandates and preserve legally protected, fundamental human rights on issues related to health freedom. Don’t fall prey to coercion and pressure, use the resources available to protect your legal rights.


© May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: “Show Me the Virus” — Answering Questions About Variants, Wuhan Lab Creations, Vaccines, & What Really Makes Us Sick

Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: “Show Me the Virus” — Answering Questions About Variants, Wuhan Lab Creations, Vaccines, & What Really Makes Us Sick


The Germ and Virus Theory We “Believe” Is a Lie, Dr.s Andrew Kaufman and Thomas Cowan, Mar 17, ’21

by Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network


Video available at Patrick Timpone BitChute channel.

Dr. Tom Cowan is an innovative Health Coach who gave up his California medical license after becoming disenchanted with his former profession’s small-mindedness and harmful disinformation. He has served as vice president of the Physicians Association for Anthroposophical Medicine and is a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation. He is the author of “Human Heart, Cosmic Heart”, “Cancer and the New Biology of Water”, and co-author of “Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness”.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman is a New York psychiatrist and a prominent voice in exposing the Covid-19 hoax. He has received thousands of views on online video-sharing platforms for exposing the “global agenda” and the “manufactured crisis” of the Great Reset. The American public knew virtually nothing about “exosomes” and extracellular vesicles until Dr. Kaufman gained an ever-growing audience of truth-seekers.

Patrick interviews Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman, two medical doctors well-versed in terrain theory. Both have been interviewed on One Radio Network on separate occasions. (Use the “Search” function to listen to them.)

Has every policy enacted the past year been based on germ theory, i.e., germs invade us and spread from one person to another?

What part did Nobel laureate John Enders play in the dissemination of “modern germ theory?” How was his virology research flawed? What was the outcome of his controlled experiment “mixing snot with measles”?

Is there any evidence or research to support the theory that viruses cause illness?

What do poisoning, toxicity, EMF, malnutrition, trauma, and stress have to do with illness? Why invent virus theory to explain something easily explainable by these concrete and provable factors?

Dr. Ray Peat believes a virus doesn’t have to be isolated to prove it exists. Isn’t this just a judgement call? What’s the flaw in this reasoning?

What is Dr. Cowan’s “ping pong ball hitting the wall” analogy, and how does it pertain to viral theory over-simplification?

Why is it impossible to isolate a virus? Is it a thing, a feeling, or a thought?

How do they explain women menstruating when they’re all together at the same time? Is menstruation spread by a virus?

Is laughter “contagious” because of a virus? “Show me the virus!”

Exosomes can be isolated. Why not viruses?

How is it possible that people in the same household all get the flu? Patrick says he often gets e-mails with this question.

Are flu and cold symptoms just the body’s way of getting rid of toxins?

Rose asks about Antoine Béchamp’s theory of microzymas. Are they living organisms?

Can microzymas be observed with dark-field microscopes? What did Dr. Royal Rife observe with his time-lapse microscope? Was he observing dead or live tissue?

What helps the body heal from symptomatic forms of illnesses? Is clean water involved?

Patrick describes how his mother wrapped him up in blankets whenever he had a fever, and the next day he was off to school.

People used sweat lodges and saunas to get well until the radical theory of modern medicine took over with vaccines.

Michelle asks about measles. Is it a maturation process all children go through?

Do bacteria purify people? What is their role in health and disease?

Do people with cholera die of the bacterium or of dehydration?

Do we share bacteria? How do we explain diarrhea and food poisoning? How do we explain rabies virus?

“Show us the isolated rabies virus,” challenge both doctors. A primary isolate is required for proof of existence.

George asks about pneumonia treated with antibiotics.

Why is pneumonia a pathway to death? Does an antibiotic only suppress the symptoms but not the outcome?

What about leprosy? Can a “pure heart” keep you from getting sick?

Patrick asks a question about root canals. What is Dr. Stuart Nunnally finding in them?

Casey asks, “Is coronavirus being found in autopsies?

Can a virus be injected to make people sick?

Can robot mosquitoes spray a virus on people that can make them sick?

How does our stomach acid help us eliminate toxins?

Do vaccines contain aluminum? Can we excrete aluminum from our body?

Do vaccines cause dementia and autism?

Patrick and Drs. Cowan and Kaufman discuss Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Are his statements valid or is he “a master at playing chess”?

Is there a California variant of COVID-19?

How many other virus deniers are there? Is the number growing? Are people “waking up?”

Patrick recommends sharing the video of this interview with friends and relatives who are afraid of COVID and so-called “infectious diseases.”

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufmann

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OSHA Returns: Employers May Be Liable for ‘Any Adverse Reaction’ From Mandated Vaccinations

OSHA Returns: Employers May Be Liable for ‘Any Adverse Reaction’ From Mandated Vaccinations

by Patrick Delaney, LifeSiteNews
sourced from Technocracy News & Trends
May 17, 2021


A setback for Technocrats and Transhumanists: OSHA should have shut down employer-mandated face masks as a safety and health risk, but did not. Now it releases a blockbuster statement that employers who mandate experimental gene therapy shots will be liable for harm caused. Technocracy News Editor


The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has put employers on notice that should they attempt to require employees to receive injections of experimental COVID-19 gene-therapy vaccines a resulting adverse reaction will be considered “work-related” for which the employer may be held liable.

OSHA released its new guidance on April 20 under a “Frequently Asked Questions” section of its website having to do with COVID-19 safety compliance.

The question asks whether an employer who mandates employees receive these experimental COVID-19 shots is required to record any adverse events as a result of these injections. Such recording requirements of serious work-related injuries and illness may not only leave an employer vulnerable to worker’s compensation claims, but such incidents could also impact the employer’s safety record.

The question and answer in full:

If I require my employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of their employment, are adverse reactions to the vaccine recordable?

If you require your employees to be vaccinated as a condition of employment (i.e., for work-related reasons), then any adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine is work-related. The adverse reaction is recordable if it is a new case under 29 CFR 1904.6 and meets one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7.

This clarification comes as an increasing number of employers seek to mandate the experimental injections despite possible illegality. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported this beginning trend in varieties of fields, including machine operators, office workers, restaurant waiters, and medical staff.

“The Houston Methodist Hospital network is mandating vaccines for both existing employees and new hires, barring an exemption,” Chip Cutter of the WSJ wrote. “Those who fail to comply will at first be suspended without pay, and later terminated.”

Under the new OSHA clarification, such employers may be held liable for injuries due to these requirements.

For example, 39-year-old nurse aide Janet More died last New Year’s Eve within 48 hours of receiving one of these injections. According to her brother, she at least had the impression “it was a mandatory vaccine that she had to take for her job.”

A similar case involves the sad death of 28-year-old Sara Stickles, a nutritional specialist at Swedish American hospital in Rockford, Illinois who died just five days after her second shot of one of the mRNA gene-therapy vaccines. She too had the clear impression that these injections were required by her employer.

While the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 shields pharmaceutical manufacturers from any liability due to injuries or death caused by their products (which many Americans have said is significantly problematic in itself), scenarios such as these could still leave employers who mandate these injections liable for significant damages.

And adverse events with regard to these shots are not uncommon. Data released from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last Friday reveal that between December 14, 2020 and April 30 a total of 157,277 adverse events were passively reported to the U.S. government’s primary reporting system (VAERS), including 3,837 deaths and 16,014 serious injuries.

While causation is not explicitly confirmed through the VAERS reporting system, neither can it be presumed that all such adverse events are reported. Indeed, one study in 2010 found that “fewer than 1 percent of vaccine injuries” are reported to VAERS, suggesting the actual numbers of deaths and injuries due to these experimental substances are significantly higher.

Read full story here…

In Dracula’s Castle Vaccination Is Rewarded by Access to the Torture Chamber. What’s Plunging With the Needle? (Romania) 

In Dracula’s Castle Vaccination Is Rewarded by Access to the Torture Chamber. What’s Plunging With the Needle? (Romania) 

by Nicole Delépine, Children’s Health Defense Europe
May 15, 2021


Nicole Delépine, paediatrician and oncologist, responds to an article in The Mirror, as published on msn.com, about a curious Romanian marketing campaign for Covid-19 vaccines. You can read it here.

During the Black Death (the real one, which decimated millions of Europeans; not the one invented by our Minister of “Health”—to give him his official title) peasants fled from their infested villages as the dead were piled high.

Do you think, if an effective treatment had been available, it would have been necessary to convince people of the need for miracle treatments?

Yet, here in the 21st century, we get to see it all. From the €25 bonus to the beer voucher, or the 20 extra points French journalist Bernard Pivot suggested for school pupils sitting their final exams (a joke, surely?), legion are the carrots dangled before guinea pigs in fear of the jab, with its inconvenient lack of obvious benefit.

Unpaid guinea pigs

The fact is that the covid vaccines are in the experimental phase and citizens are increasingly aware of this. Big Pharma, to be fair, is doing pretty well. It doesn’t have to pay its guinea pigs for starters. Normally one would receive several hundred euros for taking part in a trial. Moreover, the health agencies and government have relieved pharma companies of any penal or financial responsibility in case of mishap… including death. Instead government will pay using… taxes paid by the jabbed, dead and injured. It’s going to be a great year for Big Pharma!

As for the covid epidemic, coming to its natural close, having mysteriously replaced the flu in the process, the population must of course remain in a state of panic. The financial rewards from vaccination for Big Pharma are as fantastic as the political gains for the leaders of the New World Order, who now freely impose liberticidal laws and increase police surveillance.

Imaginative merchants

We should really admire the commercial nous of the vaccine merchant. It’s obvious this is no longer a question of medicine, but of commerce and therefore of marketing.

In the Mirror article we learn of the vaccination of Romanians at Dracula’s castle. With the absurd misery of it all laid bare, one doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. In spite of the tragedy, knowing as we do the various possible side effects, including death (nearly 9,000 European dead post-vaccination, many of whom were at zero risk from covid. In addition, since 27 April 2021 the European Medicines Agency and EudraVigilance has already recorded 2 million incidents of side effects in the EU alone excluding the UK, all likely from covid “vaccines”) and outbreaks in countries previously free of the disease after the commencement of vaccination campaigns.

The pseudo-vaccine of Castle Dracula

Looking at the article, we see the usual terminology is present and correct. Romanians are “jabbed” at Castle Dracula in Bran. I’m retired now but in my time we would say “vaccinate”. Sometimes we’d also say “put down”, though that was reserved for animals euthanized at the end of their life by the vet. Jabbed… Must be quite the medical treatment programme at Castle Dracula!

Then we learn about the carrot offered to the guinea pigs—free access to the castle’s medieval torture exhibition—and must ask: why is this form of encouragement necessary? Did we do the same for DTPolio? Perhaps there was less need for mystery and threatre with that “jab”.

But, worst of all, just like children who get a swimming badge or a road safety certificate, the jabbed receive a diploma. But attesting to what? Well, “their courage and responsibility”. But if this pseudo-vaccine is harmless, as the media would have us believe, how are they courageous?

Anyway, the brave guinea pigs who make their pact with Dracula will receive an almost-eternal reward: access to his castle for the next hundred years. It makes one wonder whether the ghost of Faust is haunting Castle Dracula.

Who is behind these Faustian goings-on?

Well, it couldn’t be a doctor. He would explain the advantages (if he could find any compared to much safer, early treatments) and possible disadvantages of these products, such as the frequent side effects; much more frequent than with the flu vaccine, as reported by the European Medicines Agency.

No, it couldn’t be a doctor. He would honour the Hippocratic Oath and the Nuremberg Code, sanctified by the Helsinki Declaration and the Oviedo Convention.

No, here in Bran, as in Disneyland Paris, we are in the business of fun. So it’s the MARKETING director who’s in charge. Obvious, isn’t it? As advertising leaves no room for doubt, the director arranges for guinea pigs to visit the fortress ‘torture room’. How appealing this must be to tourists!

Here deep in the Carpathians, at the home of the Vlad ‘The Impaler’ Tepes, a bloodthirsty 15th century Romanian prince and the inspiration for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s memorable character, Dracula, the Romanians are speaking, whether voluntary or unconsciously, in powerfully metaphoric terms.

As in the USA, and in France in particular, not everyone is keen to become an unpaid guinea pig in history’s biggest ever drug trial—a trial of drugs whose predecessors (attempted vaccines against the SARS and Mers viruses) killed test animals.

With the covid vaccine however, the laboratories skipped the animal stage. There was an unfortunate lack of laboratory animals and a number of activists opposed to animal suffering. It would help if these associations would include human animals in their fight for justice.

Meanwhile, through vaccination drive-ins and 24-hour vaccination marathons in historical locations like Royal Palace in Bucharest, pressure is piled on the Romanians who already resisted repressive measures. Why not in hospital wards?

No, it’s rather like the Long Night of Museums! Those under 50 (of whom less than a thousand died in France in the last fourteen months from this easily treated disease, when treated early), travel with their families. It’s a Sunday outing. It’s a vaccination circus.

And as everywhere else, the vaccination campaign is accompanied by a rise in deaths.

Beatrice Mahler, director of the Marius Nasta Hospital in Bucharest, says that nearly 3.6 million of the 19 million Romanians have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine. She wants to reach the 5 million mark by early June.

But why? For whom? Under what pressure? At least we know the reason for Stella Kirikiades’ enthusiasm, the Cypriot Minister of Health of the European Union who signed the contracts for the covid vaccines with the pharmaceutical companies and whose private bank account has since been credited with 4 million euros. Now there’s a nice carrot.


© May 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible

CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible
VAERS data released today showed 192,954 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 4,057 deaths and 17,190 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 7, 2021.
by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
May 14, 2021


The number of reported deaths following COVID vaccines topped 4,000 according to data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 7, a total of 192,954 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 4,057 deaths — an increase of 220 over the previous week — and 17,190 serious injuries, up 1,176 since last week.


In the U.S., 254.8 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of May 7. This includes 110 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 136 million doses of Pfizer and 9 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

Of the 4,057 deaths reported as of May 7, 24% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

This week’s VAERS data show:

CDC find’s ‘plausible’ link between J&J vaccine and blood clotsOn May 13, The Defender reported officials with the CDC acknowledged a “plausible causal association” between J&J’s COVID vaccine and potentially life-threatening blood clot disorders after identifying 28 cases — including three deaths — among people who received the vaccine.

Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, deputy director of the CDC’s immunization safety office, identified 28 cases of rare blood clots in VAERS among people vaccinated with the J&J shot.

Shimabukuro said four of the 28 people remained in the hospital as of May 7, one of whom was in the ICU. Two were discharged to a post-acute care facility, 19 patients were discharged and three resulted in deaths.

Current evidence “suggests a plausible causal association” with the J&J vaccine and cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, Shimabukuro said. The CDC’s Dr. Sara Oliver said the benefits of the vaccine still outweigh the risk and no updates to vaccine policy are needed at this time.

Children’s Health Defense queried the VAERS data for adverse events associated with the formation of clotting disorders and other related conditions and found 3,272 reports for all three vaccines from Dec. 14, 2020, through May 7.

Of the 3,272 cases reported, there were 1,218 reports attributed to Pfizer, 1,034 reports to Moderna and 1,000 reports to J&J.

FDA approves Pfizer vaccine for adolescents ages 12 to 15

NPR reported May 10 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said children 12 to 15 years old are now eligible to be vaccinated for COVID as the agency expanded its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Pfizer submitted an amendment to their current EUA for an unapproved product on April 9 to expand use of its vaccine for adolescents ages 12 to 15 — with only six months of clinical data.

“Parents and guardians can rest assured that the agency undertook a rigorous and thorough review of all available data, as we have with all of our COVID-19 vaccine emergency use authorizations,” Dr. Janet Woodcock, the acting FDA commissioner, said.

Until now, Pfizer’s vaccine had been authorized only for people age 16 and older. The company said it plans to seek new EUA expansions for kids younger than 12 in September, with an expansion aimed at infants and toddlers during the fourth quarter this year.

CDC Says OK to give COVID vaccine along with routine vaccines for kids

On May 13, CNN reported a CDC expert said Wednesday it’s OK to give an experimental COVID vaccine in conjunction with other vaccinations.

Doctors and other clinicians were previously advised against giving a COVID vaccine within two weeks of any other vaccine, but Dr. Kate Woodworth of the CDC’s birth defects division said Wednesday that advice has now changed —saying there is substantial data on the safety of the vaccines.

Woodworth said the clinical considerations are being updated to say that COVID and other vaccines can be administered “without regard to timing,” including on the same day.

The American Academy of Pediatrics also said it supports giving routine childhood vaccines together with COVID vaccines.

Teen hospitalized with blood clots in brain after Pfizer Vaccine

On May 10, The Defender reported a Utah teen remains hospitalized with blood clots in his brain after receiving his first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

Everest Romney, 17, received the vaccine April 21 and one day later began experiencing neck pain, fever and severe headaches. After more than a week of symptoms and being unable to freely move his neck, he was diagnosed with two blood clots inside his brain, and one outside.

Romney’s mother didn’t want to discourage parents from getting their kids vaccinated because she believes each parent must make the decision for their children, but said she wished her choice had been a different one.

The Utah Department of Health said the CDC is tasked with investigating possible vaccine side effects. After administering nearly 100 million doses of Pfizer’s vaccine, the CDC reported there hasn’t been a single related case of a blood clot forming in the brain as of April 12.

Brazil suspends AstraZeneca vaccine after pregnant woman dies, Slovakia suspends after woman’s death

On May 12, The Defender reported that Brazil’s federal government suspended AstraZeneca’s vaccine for pregnant women after an expectant mother in Rio de Janeiro died from a stroke possibly related to the vaccine. The 35-year-old woman, who was 23 weeks pregnant, died of a hemorrhagic stroke after checking into a hospital five days earlier.

Brazil’s federal health regulator, Anvisa, said in a statement the use of AstraZeneca’s COVID shot by pregnant women should be “immediately suspended” as authorities investigate the reported death. AstraZeneca said in a statement that pregnant women were never included in clinical trials of its vaccine.

Slovakia also announced Tuesday it was suspending AstraZeneca’s vaccine for first-time vaccinations after a 47-year-old woman died from cerebral venous sinus thrombosis — a blood-clotting disorder where clots form in the veins that drain blood from the brain — connected to the shot.

“Genetic examination also revealed blood-clotting disorders in the patient,” the regulator said. “Due to the existence of a genetic predisposition to a thrombophilic state, an association between [the AstraZeneca jab] and subsequent venous sinus thrombosis was established as likely,” it added.

New study links vaccine to blood clots

As The Defender reported May 12, new research published in The BMJ confirmed evidence of blood clotting and found a small risk after receiving just one dose of AstraZeneca’s vaccine.

Researchers investigated the likelihood of blood clotting events for 282,572 people in Denmark and Norway. Using data from healthcare registries, they reviewed information on people 18 to 65 years old who received their first dose of AstraZeneca between Feb. 9 and March 11.

Researchers observed an “increased rate of venous thromboembolic events, corresponding to 11 excess venous thromboembolic events per 100,000 vaccinations and including a clearly increased rate of cerebral venous thrombosis with seven observed events versus 0.3 expected events among the 282,572 vaccine recipients.” There was also a small increased risk of pulmonary embolism, lower limb venous thrombosis and other venous thrombosis.

The Canadian provinces of Alberta and Ontario said Tuesday they will stop offering first doses of AstraZeneca’s vaccine, with Ontario citing evidence the risk of rare blood clots was higher than previously estimated. Quebec and New Brunswick followed suit Thursday, Reuters reported.

Dr. David Williams, chief medical officer of health for the Province of Ontario, made the decision out of an abundance of caution and due to an increase in cases of Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) — a rare, potentially fatal blood clotting syndrome linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Norway will not use AstraZeneca vaccine, J&J paused

As The Defender reported May 12, Norway will not resume use of the AstraZeneca vaccine due to concerns of rare blood clots reported in some patients after their first dose, while the J&J vaccine remains on hold. An expert committee, set up by the Norwegian government, conducted a comprehensive risk assessment of the two vaccines and recommended AstraZeneca & J&J’s vaccine be dropped from Norway’s vaccination program.

“We do not recommend that the vaccines be used in the national vaccination program due to the serious side effects that have been seen,” chair of the expert committee, Lars Vorland, said.

Denmark was the first country in Europe to officially drop AstraZeneca and J&J’s vaccines due to the risk of blood clots, but many countries have restricted use of AstraZeneca in certain age groups.

67 days and counting, CDC ignores The Defender’s inquiries

As The Defender reported May 12, we have made repeated attempts to contact the CDC with a list of questions about COVID vaccine injury reports in VAERS, including ongoing investigations into reported deaths. Our questions remain unanswered.

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. We requested information about how the CDC conducts investigations into reported deaths, the status of ongoing investigations into deaths and injuries reported by the media, if autopsies were being conducted, the standard for determining whether an injury is causally connected to a vaccine, and education initiatives to encourage and facilitate proper and accurate reporting.

After repeated attempts, by phone and email, to obtain a response to our questions, a health communications specialist from the CDC’s Vaccine Task Force contacted us on March 29 — three weeks after our initial inquiry.

The individual received our request for information from VAERS, but said she had never received our list of questions, even though employees we talked to several times said CDC press officers were working through the questions and confirmed the representative had received them. We provided the list of questions again along with a new deadline, but never received a response.

The Defender also followed up with the CDC’s media department, which told us  the COVID response unit would be informed that the health communications specialist never responded. No explanation was given as to why our inquiries were ignored. We were told to call back, which we did numerous times.

We asked why the taxpayer-funded CDC seemed to respond to other news media outlets in a timely manner, but hasn’t responded to The Defender. No answer was provided. We were told someone would get back to us.

It has been 67 days since we sent our first email inquiring into VAERS data and reports, but still no response.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


© May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

URGENT: D.C. Parents, Take Action to Protect Children From Being Vaccinated Without Parental Consent

URGENT: D.C. Parents, Take Action to Protect Children From Being Vaccinated Without Parental Consent
Children’s Health Defense is seeking plaintiffs with legal standing in order to file a lawsuit to stop District of Columbia schools from vaccinating children without their parents’ knowledge or informed consent. 

by Rolf Hazlehurst, Children’s Health Defense
May 11, 2021


Children’s Health Defense and Parental Rights Foundation are preparing to jointly file a lawsuit challenging the D.C. Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020 as unconstitutional.

The recently enacted law allows children 11 and older to receive vaccinations at school without the knowledge or consent of a parent. Under the new law, even if the parent has previously submitted a written religious exemption statement, school officials may secretly administer vaccines to the child against the parents’ written directive.

Immediate legal action is necessary to protect children and parental rights, especially now that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in children ages 12 and older.

On May 12, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices will meet to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the CDC recommended childhood vaccine schedule. Once this occurs, D.C. public health officials will be able to immediately vaccinate children with the COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines against their parents’ wishes.

If a child is injured by a vaccine, the pharmaceutical industry and the school system will be shielded from liability.

In order for Children’s Health Defense and Parental Rights Foundation to file a lawsuit to stop the administration of vaccinations to children without the parents’ knowledge or informed consent, we must find plaintiffs with legal standing now.

To be a plaintiff in a case challenging the new law, the parent and child must meet the following requirements:

  1. The parent and child must be residents of the District of Columbia.
  2. The child must be between the ages of 11 and 18.
  3. The child must be eligible for enrollment in school in the District of Columbia.
  4. The child’s school may be public or private.

If you and your child meet these requirements and you wish to stand up for your constitutional rights and liberty, please use the form [link here and scroll down] to contact Children’s Health Defense.

Remembering Nuremberg: Is History Repeating Itself?

Remembering Nuremberg: Is History Repeating Itself?

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
May 10, 2021


In 1947, The Nuremberg Code was established. It was a tragic necessity after the world witnessed the abominable atrocities of criminal medical experimentation enacted upon people during World War II.

IG Farben (later dissolved into Bayer, BASF and others), along with Germany’s Nazi party, brought untold horrors upon large numbers of people in the name of science, research and medicine.

Post-World War II, the planet enacted moral and ethical guardrails – codes of conduct that codified a ‘Never Again’ high-water mark of human compassion. The Nuremberg Code laid out basic principles which must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts in the sphere of medical experimentation. It states:

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”

Fast-forward to now. Fear has been purposely and malignantly amplified. A failed public health pandemic response, missing science and data from day one, has predictably led to confusion, widespread collateral damage and unnecessary suffering. A carrot-and-stick approach that some have called ‘a totalitarian tip-toe,” has been used to enroll the public into the world’s largest medical experiment.

All Covid shots are currently considered experimental. In the U.S., this is denoted by an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, those receiving the shot, whether they know it or not, are agreeing to be part of an ongoing medical experiment with zero long term safety data and a litany of other unknowns.

In no uncertain terms, The Nuremberg Code demands voluntary consent of participants in medical experiments. It forbids duress, overreach and coercion to obtain such consent.

A look at recent headlines will tell readers all they need to know about this unfortunate chapter in medical and public health folly.

The vaccine passport effort rages on. It attempts to make anyone unwilling to enroll in a medical experiment second-class citizens, effectively eliminating them from society. Yet increasingly overt duress and coercion are now in your face daily.

Over the past month, Budweiser and Sam Adams began offering a free beer to get your shot. Krispy Kreme is offering a free glazed donut. Major League Baseball’s Cincinnati Reds are offering $10 off tickets to enroll in this medical experiment.

As demand to be injected with an experimental medical product began to taper off, bribery efforts increased.

Studies on how best to psychologically manipulate citizens to consent to enrolling in an experiment were undertaken by, among others, UCLA’s COVID-19 Health and Politics Project. Marketing, not science was part of the focus.

Cash payments were shown to be the best persuasive method. Enter West Virginia’s governor who is offering $100 savings bonds to anyone 16-35 years old who gets the shot.

Beyond the overt Homer Simpson-ish coercion of donuts, beer and money, Covid-era public health ‘officials’ and the medical community have recently fallen in love with a new level of manufactured duress. It’s rooted in military psychological operation or PSYOP techniques.

Despite shots not being approved under emergency use for children, schools are backing mass vaccination campaigns for kids using ‘peer pressure’ to ‘boost uptake.’ Speaking to The Telegraph, Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) stated: “The peer pressure of seeing that your friends are lining up to do it is likely to make the overall numbers taking up the vaccine higher,”

The duress PSYOP isn’t stopping with schools. With a straight face, USA Today ran an opinion piece titled It’s time to start shunning the ‘vaccine hesitant.’ They’re blocking COVID herd immunity. The article calls people who refuse to enroll in medical experiments “human petri dishes,” crossing an alarming and dangerous line of open dehumanization of a people.

The dark irony, of course, is that same kind of propaganda was a key method that led to the horrors of WW2 Nazi experiments in which the Nuremberg Code was meant to lead us away from. In Hitler’s Germany, Jews were labeled disease carriers and a public health risk to justify the creation of ghettos.

In the Covid fear fog of war, a full force blitzkrieg has been launched upon the citizen/experimental patient. A 21st century enrollment propaganda campaign has been blasted across captured media channels, news agencies, pharmaceutically-lobbied legislatures and the medical establishment itself.

As much repugnant as it is unethical, through the eyes of long-standing codes of ethics and robust protections once agreed upon across the global, many have been left stunned at how rapidly manufactured fear campaign could evaporate ethical behavior, human dignity and essential safeguards.

The Washington Post is now calling for the application of a ‘Warp Speed to Vaccinate the Global.’ The world is at an important inflection point. What the past year has taught us is that, in the face of unjust edicts, silence is seen as compliance.


Connect with Jefferey Jaxen

The Variant and the Vaccine

The Variant and the Vaccine

by Rosanne Lindsay, Nature of Healing
May 10,  2021


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. – Newton’s Third Law

For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth. – Bo Bennet

For every variant there is a vaccine.

For a year beginning in March 2020, no one died of natural causes anywhere in the world. Everyone died of COVID19.

Then, after the COVID19 vaccine rollout began, the elderly began dying in nursing homes of natural causes.

If you start looking at where the deaths are occurring post-vaccination, you find that they’re mainly in nursing homes,” – Arnold Mondo, professor of epidemiology and global public health, University of Michigan

The media says:

“Experts are sure that the U.S. has not reported any deaths caused by COVID19 shots.”

Why haven’t vaccine-induced deaths been reported in the U.S.?

As the press puts it…. “They suddenly crash…. The people who die from COVID-19 are probably dying from many different causes.”

Is it now possible to die from COVID and many different causes, at the same time?

The expert statisticians who are paid to know how to calculate the results of all the COVID testing that took place, call the deaths, “unexplained.”

Thousands more people are dying than we would normally expect in normal times…. “There’s not enough information to know whether this is under-reporting of Covid or whether this is ‘collateral damage’ as a result of the lockdown.”  – Dr Jason Oke, senior statistician in the Oxford University Medical Statistics Group

What about the warnings of collateral damage that could results from an experimental vaccine? From November 2020:

One warned the “collateral damage” of introducing a less than “safe and effective” vaccine could exacerbate the world’s “current problems insurmountably.” – Alexandra Thompson, UK news

The goalposts keep changing because scientists claim that viruses mutate into variants that only they can identify.

How do you capture a moving target?

You don’t!

The spin about variants is doctored by the media much like a casino controls its slot machines.  As gatekeepers, they hold all the cards:

The system is designed to be random within a range of percentages. The software decides when and how much to pay but won’t go over the monthly limit. It should be obvious that this limit could be reset.

The terms of COVID keep changing because the cause, currently Coronavirus, is only visible to the “experts” who write the rules. The current experts are unknown groups at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which Control the narrative to Prevent you from understanding the true cause and the true risks.

According to the CDC, the most at-risk group for deaths from COVID is seniors. Yet, it is also the CDC that urged seniors to be the first to be injected with an experimental vaccine. The media dutifully puts out the message:

In December 2020, CNN warned viewers to expect an increase in deaths after the vaccine:

We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine.

One of the things we want to make sure people understand is that they should not be unnecessarily alarmed if there are reports, once we start vaccinating, of someone or multiple people dying within a day or two of their vaccination who are residents of a long-term care facility. That would be something we would expect, as a normal occurrence, because people die frequently in nursing homes.

Shortly after that warning, in January 2021, CNN reported:

You can still get COVID19 after getting the vaccine.

Experts now suggest that seniors could be dying of a mutation of COVID19 called a variant. Before you can say another experimental vaccine, vaccine makers are now looking for ways  to attack variants via a vaccine.

The Spin

If you have extreme symptoms, including death, then your immune system is over reacting.Once upon a time, doctors and the CDC warned of “adverse health effects” from drugs and vaccines. Adverse health effects were tracked and reported to a medical professional to be catalogued by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). However, today the message is reversed. If you are experiencing adverse effects of the experimental vaccine, then the vaccine is working well!

They are going to know they got a vaccine. They are probably not going to feel wonderful. But they’ve got to come back for that second dose. – Dr. Sandra Fryhofer of the American Medical Association

Experts say that those previously infected with COVID19 may have “worse side-effects from the vaccine.”

There have been some anecdotal reports of COVID survivors experiencing more severe side effects — feeling achy, sick or even feverish — after the first dose of vaccinations. – David Wohl, an infectious disease physician at the University of North Carolina

Today, the media reports that seniors are still dying from COVID19 despite efforts to vaccinate them.

Despite or as a consequence of…?

As people begin to experience adverse health effects from experimental vaccines, the CNN narrative changes:

Anti-vaccine groups are exploiting the suffering and death of people who happen to fall ill after receiving a COVID shot, threatening to undermine the largest vaccination campaign.

To understand previous failed vaccination campaigns, see Operation Warp Speed, To ponder the purpose of predictable pandemic campaigns, see Reengineering Humanity.

What remains “unexplained” in the current pandemic are answers to the following questions that the CDC has not elucidated:

  1. If people have already been infected with Covid19 and recovered (at a rate of 99%) then shouldn’t they acknowledge their innate immune systems, which accomplished the job of immunity without an experimental treatment?
  2. Why were experimental vaccines rushed to market, without FDA approval  for emergency use when we have entered the recovery phase?
  3. Why did the vaccine treatment skip early stage testing, receive no peer-reviewed late stage testing? Why is there no data on vaccine trials? Why will COVID trial study data not be released until the year 2023, or never?
  4. If the mRNA experimental treatment  is“gene therapy then does it set up autoimmune disease, and worse?
  5. Will life insurance companies insure people for participating in an experiment?
  6. Why are pharmaceutical companies immune from civil liability, and cannot be sued for damages resulting from their products?
  7. Why is CNN pretending it didn’t warn everyone to expect more deaths after taking the vaccine?
  8. Why wear a mask to prevent transmission of the COVID-SARS2 only to inject yourself with it later?
  9. COVID19 or BS19?
Know The Risks

Scientists allege that there are more than 200 different varieties of cold viruses. This is because viruses continually mutate to become variants, as is their nature, over millennia.

COVID comes from the family of Coronavirus … i.e., the common cold and/or flu. However, there is no vaccine for the common cold/flu and there never has been. Why? Because symptoms of colds and flus are expressions of detoxification from your body’s immune system to bring you to recovery.

Studies on people who were exposed to Covid and then recovered have shown that their antibodies remained pretty stable, and only dropped “modestly” after six or eight months. Another promising outcome: coronavirus-specific B and T cells (which work together to remember and destroy infections) also appear to increase and remain high after infection.

What about the risks from experimental vaccines?

recent study published in the journal PLOS Biology was presented by some media as claiming that certain vaccines make viruses more dangerous. A study from 2001 published in the Journal Nature stated the same thing.

Not widely publicized, the COVID-SARS2 vaccines can increase your risk of “breakthrough infections,” while continuing to test positive for COVID and variants. And Israeli study showed:

Interestingly, the evidence showed that these breakthrough infections with the B.1.1.7 variant occurred slightly more often in people after the first vaccine dose compared to unvaccinated people.

They identified nearly 250 instances [out of 800 tests] in which an individual became infected with SARS-CoV-2 after receiving their first vaccine dose, meaning that they were only partially protected. Almost 150 got infected sometime after receiving the second dose.

In fact, in a recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine, NIH-supported researchers detailed the experiences of two fully vaccinated individuals in New York who tested positive for COVID-19. Could the reaction be a reinfection based in Newton’s 3rd law where every action has an equal and opposite reaction? Inject the infection, get the infection?

The Virus and the Exosome

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. – William Shakespeare, play Romeo and Julie

The virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word. – William A. Wells Journal of Cell Biology

Viruses are produced within each cell and cannot survive on their own. Viruses are not organisms. Therefore, they are not contagious. You cannot “catch a virus.” Viruses are really self-cleaners known as exosomes.

Demonizing exosomes is the lie that explains the dangers of the flu vaccine and the failure of the annual flu vaccine program, year after year. It explains why the Germ Theory is only a theory, and does not exist in reality.Exosomes are cell-made to detoxify the cell. When they leave the cell, they die. Exosomes are part of each individual’s innate healing system.

For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth

Your immune system creates viruses as exosomes and then your body expresses them, job done! Your risk of ever “catching a virus” is zero, unless that virus is embedded inside a tissue specimen and injected into your body, bypassing your innate immune system.

Get ready! Each new variant, determined by the CDC, will come with its own vaccine.

Remember, when it comes to all vaccines, there is no liability to pharmaceutical makers or doctors, no informed consent to patients, no insurance coverage for experimental procedures, and no COVID study data to prove effectiveness, or lack thereof.

You, the recipient assumes all the risk by your consent.

When it comes to the variant and the vaccine, you are asked to make a choice: will you be part of the experiment or part of the control group?



Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.

Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


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Backdoor Deals: CDC & American Federation of Teachers

Backdoor Deals: The CDC & American Federation of Teachers

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
May 7, 2021


After promising to “follow the science,” most of corporate media has stood by silently as emails surfaced exposing how the CDC and Biden administration leaned on a powerful teacher’s union to write the ‘science’ guidelines to restart in-person learning.


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COVID Vaccine Deaths: The Numbers Point to a Catastrophe

COVID Vaccine Deaths: The Numbers Point to a Catastrophe

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 10, 2021


A new May 4 report by independent researcher, Virginia Stoner, reveals US vaccine-death figures. The report is titled, “The Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine Coverup.”

Stoner uses the US government’s own numbers.

Here are key quotes from her report:

“There has been a massive increase in deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) this year. That’s not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that’s an indisputable fact.”

“We’re talking about a huge and unprecedented increase—so massive that in the last 4 months alone, VAERS has received over 40% of all death reports it has ever received in its entire 30+year history.”

“The increase in VAERS death reports is not due to more vaccination.”

“Most recently, the death count went from 2794 on April 5, to 3005 on April 12, to 3848 on April 26….1054 deaths in 21 days.”

“One hypothesis…is that the elderly and infirm, many in long-term care facilities, were the first to be targeted by the COVID-19 vaccine campaign, and they are much more likely to die coincidentally. These coincidental deaths then lead to an increase in suspected vaccine-induced deaths reported to VAERS.”

“VAERS data just does not support that hypothesis. First, because all age groups—not just seniors—had a dramatic increase in VAERS death reports from COVID-19 vaccines…Across the board, all age groups experienced a dramatic increase in deaths reported to VAERS from the COVID-19 shots—even the under 18 group, which has had very few COVID-19 shots (so far).”

Stoner constructs a chart showing reported deaths from vaccinations in years prior to COVID, and deaths reported so far from COVID vaccines.

For prior years, we’re talking about roughly 100 deaths a year from somewhere between 250 million and 350 million vaccines administered. On the other hand, we’re talking about 3800 deaths from about 150 million COVID shots—not in a full year; in only four months.

The experts would say neither death figure (100 or 3800) is alarming, given the huge number of vaccines administered. But this is a deception.

Over the years, much has been written (even in the mainstream) about what sits behind REPORTED vaccine injuries and deaths. Estimates of TRUE injury numbers range from 10 to 100 times greater than the reported figures.

3800 reported deaths from COVID vaccines would skyrocket when you estimated the true figure.

As Stoner points out in her report, public health officials, in Orwellian fashion, keep repeating, “The vaccine is safe and effective.” A straightforward analysis of their own numbers completely contradicts their stance.

Likewise, the mainstream press, politicians, corporations, and celebrities are on an all-out push to convince the public that the vaccine is a) necessary and b) a marvel, if only the “hesitant” people would “follow the science” and see the light.

Well, some cults are small; that one is huge.

Virginia Stoner’s report is a stark refutation of the conspiracy theory the cult is promoting.

When the entire population is being subjected to a vast experiment deploying a never-before-released RNA technology; when the shot in the arm is actually a genetic treatment; when the entire field of genetic research is riddled with pretense and lies and alarming miscalculations, leading to ripple effects in overall genetic structures; what else would you expect?

You would expect exactly what Stoner’s report shows and implies. The COVID vaccine is a building disaster.


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WhatsHerFace: Covid-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases

WhatsHerFace: Covid-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases

by WhatsHerFace
May 9, 2021

The CDC will soon be changing how they record covid-19 breakthrough cases. With this change, breakthrough infections in vaccinated individuals will no longer be recorded unless the infection results in hospitalization or death.

As expected, this change is happening at a time when thousands of breakthrough cases are being reported in the fully vaccinated. I suppose when you start seeing numbers you don’t like, it’s easiest to just stop counting.

It’s like that classic scientific adage says “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.”.

So in a few weeks, when you start seeing the artificial drastic decline in covid infections among the vaccinated, remember to give the CDC a big ol’ pat on the back for its hard work… or lack of it.

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CDC Reports Two More Infant Deaths Following Experimental COVID Injections During Clinical Trials

CDC Reports Two More Infant Deaths Following Experimental COVID Injections During Clinical Trials

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News
May 7, 2021


The CDC released more data in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) today, and it included two new deaths of infants age 2 and age 1.

While none of the COVID injections have emergency use authorization for children under the age of 17 yet, there are ongoing trials with children being injected with the experimental shots as young as 6 months old.

One of the infants who died was apparently in a Pfizer trial, while the other one was apparently in a Moderna trial.

VAERS ID 1255745 involved a 2-year-old baby girl in Virginia who died 5 days after she was injected. The VAERS entry appears to be made by a family member who laments that the child’s death “was going to happen anyway,” apparently repeating what health officials were telling them, and that they would probably claim her death “had nothing to do with the shot.”

VAERS ID1255745 – Pfizer

Symptoms: Death, Product administered to patient of inappropriate age

SMQs:, Medication errors (narrow)

Write-up: she was going to die/dies after vaccine; 2-year-old patient; This is a spontaneous report from a non-contactable consumer via a Pfizer-sponsored program.

A 2-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), second dose at the age of 2-years-old via an unspecified route of administration on 25Feb2021 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as single dose for covid-19 immunisation.

The patient”s medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. It was reported that the 2-year-old dies after vaccine on 03Mar2021. Reported on VAERS.

Look for the researchers to exclude her from the study, probably claiming her death had nothing to do with the shot, she was going to die that day, five days after vaccination anyway.

That”s how they roll. The patient died on 03Mar2021. The outcome of the event was fatal. No follow-up attempts are possible. Information on lot/batch cannot be obtained. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: she was going to die

VAERS ID 1261766 involved a year-old baby boy in Florida who suffered convulsions and seizures after the Moderna shot and died 2 days later.

VAERS ID1261766 – Moderna

Symptoms: Body temperature increased, Death, Seizure

SMQs:, Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Convulsions (narrow), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Generalised convulsive seizures following immunisation (narrow), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad), Hypoglycaemia (broad)

Write-up: increased body temperature, seizure, death

TV Doctor Puts 5-Year-Old and 7-Year-Old Children on TV After Participating in Duke Pfizer Trial for Children Age 5 to 11

I can’t even imagine what it takes to convince parents of young children to allow their children to be guinea pigs for a vaccine trial.

In what looks more like a publicity stunt to convince parents and children to sign up for the experimental COVID shots, Dr. Cameron Wolfe, an infectious disease specialist at Duke University who makes regular appearances on WRAL-TV talking about COVID, brought his two children on TV to show how they got the experimental shots and are now “feeling great and full of energy.”

A clinical trial at the Duke University Health System is currently studying its use on ages 5 to 11.

WRAL News spoke with two young boys who are excited to be part of that trial.

Their father is someone who has become familiar in the Triangle during the pandemic. Dr. Cameron Wolfe, infectious disease specialist at Duke, makes regular appearances on WRAL-TV talking about COVID.

He and his wife, who is also a doctor, hope sharing their story about their kids getting the vaccine will encourage other parents about the vaccine’s safety.

Wolfe tweeted photos of his boys getting their second doses of the Pfizer vaccine on Monday.

Drs. Sarah and Cameron Wolfe said they had no reservations about their 5-year-old Lachlan and 7-year-old Callum joining the Duke trial for kids ages 5 to 11.

“I think it was an easy choice to get the vaccine, and early,” said Sarah. “We were going to have peace of mind for caregivers, teachers, and the kids they interact with in school that we were adding safety.”

And the kids were eager to get the shots.

“I thought it would protect me. And also stop me from spreading it – protecting me, and protecting everyone else,” said Callum. “And the scientists would get to know if it works on kids also.”

After getting the vaccine, both kids seem to be feeling great – and full of energy.

When asked what he would tell other kids about the vaccine, 7-year-old Callum said, “Well, that you should do it. Because then you’ll be safe and you’ll be protecting everyone else around you.”

His father agrees with him, pointing out that if enough school children get vaccinated, the community can get closer to herd immunity level.

Unlike some of the adult trials where you might get placebo, everyone gets the real shot in this trial. Health officials are looking at dose level and how much to give.

As far as a timeline — Pfizer expects to have approval from the FDA for kids as young as 2 by this fall. (Full story.)

The corporate media, the government health agencies, and the pharmaceutical companies for many months now have been conditioning the public to always expect serious side-effects to these shots, and that when they become seriously ill after an injection, that this is “proof” that the shots work.

And this kind of propaganda works, if one just spends a few minutes on social media reading about people’s reactions.

So if this is the “logic” that convinces people to just accept side effects as “proof” the shots “are working,” what does it mean when there are no side effects (other than maybe injection site temporary pain) and are reported “to be feeling great – and full of energy”?

Was this just a publicity stunt to get more parents and children to sign up for the trials?

For the baby girl in Virginia and the baby boy in Florida who participated in these COVID “vaccine” trials and were added to VAERS, they are not “feeling great and full of energy.”

They’re dead.

They are now just a number, a statistic, to be added to the other 4000+ unprecedented deaths that have been recorded by the CDC following non-FDA approved COVID shots during the last 4 months.

And earlier this week it was announced that Pfizer has requested the “emergency use” authorization on their COVID shot to be fully approved by the FDA, which would open the door to making them mandatory.


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Fauci Defends the Crown, Descends the Evolutionary Ladder

Fauci Defends the Crown, Descends the Evolutionary Ladder

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 6, 2021


Anthony Fauci woke up in the middle of the night.

In the dark room, he saw a man sitting in a chair and reached for his masks on the night table.

“It’s all right, Anthony,” the man said. “I know you don’t wear them apart from public occasions.”

“Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?”

“It doesn’t matter, Little Anthony. Would you like a banana?”


“You’re descending the evolutionary ladder. You’re turning into an ape. You’re losing it.”

“Losing what?”

“The knowledge of freedom, of course, Little Anthony. What it is. How it came to be.”

Fauci stood up, found his bathrobe, put it on, and sat on the edge of his bed looking at the man in the chair.

Recently, Anthony, you expressed annoyance at people questioning you about liberty. You said liberty was not the issue. The issue was public safety and health.

Well, it is. Safety. Freedom from lockdowns is CONDITIONAL. WE, the professionals, decide…

Are you sure you don’t want a banana, Anthony? Maybe a nice peach. They’re coming into season. I think I have a bag of peanuts in my car.

Stop that with the fruit. No one can be free until the virus is under control.

Anthony, remember John Adams? “There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.”

That was in the 18th century. We didn’t have a PCR test then.

How about a bag of grapes or a melon? Adams also wrote, “…mighty struggles and numberless sacrifices made by our ancestors in defense of freedom.” Anthony, you toss aside freedom with a casual shrug—you have no knowledge of the ten thousand years of war fought to achieve even the BEGINNING of liberty—spilled blood, courage…

I’m a scientist.

And that excuses you? Little Anthony, little ape, there is a line that can’t be crossed. You can’t take away people’s Constitutional freedom FOR ANY REASON. You can’t take it away because of floods, earthquakes, volcanos, war, disease, terror attacks.

We did. We did take it away. We imprisoned millions in their homes.

Yes. And you have great confidence as you swing from branch to branch in the trees. But freedom and liberty are on the move again.

I know which side I’m betting on.

You’ve always been on the side of power for its own sake, Little Anthony. Hubris. It delivers blowback.

I don’t think so. America is a nation of cowards and fools. They’re more than willing to surrender what’s left of their so-called liberty.

The ghosts are gathering, Anthony. They’re coming back. The souls who fought for what you want to take away. “Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” —Consent of the governed. The people give it, and they can remove it.

Nonsense. We’re locked into a system.

You would believe that, because you’re so shortsighted. You believe you can call Liberty counterfeit money and take it out of circulation. The Jesuits at Regis High School and Holy Cross College taught you well. Strategy, advantage, deception. You traded your soul for underground skills. And now you’re gradually slipping back into the monarchy of apes.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Of course you do. Your old teachers would be disappointed in you, Anthony. You’ve been contradicting yourself in public—about masks, the test, the vaccine. The Jesuits taught you Aristotle. You’ve been violating his logic.

I’m the preferred authority. That’s the overriding factor.

Among the other apes. But among humans, rebellion arrives.

This is always the gamble, isn’t it? I’m shoving in all my chips on slavery.

As I said, Anthony, we spirits are coming back. We don’t like what we’re seeing. We can still disturb the sleepers.

I doubt it.

I woke you from your dream of ape glory.

By the way, have you been tested?

I’m immune. To you.

Even if you have no symptoms and are completely healthy, you could be a COVID-19 case.

Remember, Little Anthony, when you said asymptomatic people never ever drive an epidemic through transmission of a virus?

Well, it turns out I misspoke then.

You mean you let the cat out of the bag. Remember when you said masks are useless? And then you said everyone should wear one, then two, then three, and now one again? Remember when you said the PCR test, when performed at high sensitivity, turns out meaningless results—but neglected to mention that all laboratories do in fact perform the test at high sensitivity? Remember when you said the vaccine was the light at the end of the tunnel? And now you’re saying people have to wear masks after they’re vaccinated, and they have avoid large gatherings?

The people don’t understand these issues. They just accept what I tell them to accept.

You’re doing evil things, Anthony. And like all major criminals, you redefine freedom in the process. You make it into a protection racket.

Well that’s what it is. What else do people want?

You’re living proof that devolution of the species is possible. The land crawlers go back into the sea. The many-celled organism retreats into a single cell. The human opts for apehood.

I want to go back to sleep now. I have to give a speech in the morning.

I could take you on a tour of your past crimes, Anthony. It would be a long trip. But I’ll just let those crimes nag at you. Not because you feel guilt. You know your devious actions were necessary to maintain the structure you’re standing on. And the structure, although it looks firm, is unbalanced. The architecture is all wrong. That’s what keeps you up at night.

Nothing is perfect. Every position carries risks. Only the daring succeed.

You’re an ape with homilies.

The virus has many strains and mutations.

There is no virus, Anthony. You know it. I know it. There is a STORY about a virus. Your ape masters have appointed you salesman of the story. You’re a cheap hustler selling a used car.

I’m the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Presidential coronavirus advisor.

Funny thing, Anthony. I called over there, to NIAID and the White House, and they said they’d never heard of you. I asked several people.

Don’t be ridiculous.

I’m serious. One person said, after a search, that a research lab connected to NIAID has a monkey in a cage in a lab. They call him “Fauci,” but no one seems to know why.


—For the second time that night, Fauci woke up in bed. He suppressed a howl and grabbed his phone and pressed a name.

A sleepy voice answered. “Who the f—k is this?”

“Hillary, it’s me, Tony. Tell me I’m the head of NIAID. I’m Biden’s coronavirus advisor. Please.”

“Jesus, Tony, having that dream again? Yes, you’re all that. You’re a big shot. We all love you blah-blah. You’re good-looking, sexy, a goddamn matinee idol. Now f—k off and go back to sleep before I have Bill put you in the psych ward at Walter Reed.”

“Bill wouldn’t do that to me.”

“Not my husband, you idiot. Bill Gates.”

“Shit, don’t tell BILL. Please.”

“You’re our boy. Now go back to sleep.”



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The Dearth and Rebirth of Truth

The Dearth and Rebirth of Truth

by Adam Abraham, Thought for Food
May 5, 2021


It’s time to STOP acting as though “scientists” *know* all there is to know, and have the FINAL or DEFINITIVE word on ANY subject.

It is more likely that discoveries or advisories from said “scientists”, as well as the schools that taught them, and organizations that employ them, favor the goals of their financial or professional benefactors, which are not the organizations, but the people who hide behind them.

Whatever the subject, it is time to ask the simple question, “is this True?” “Can this be independently corroborated?” “Are there other metrics available that affect, or are affected by this discovery, either supporting or refuting the finding?”

It’s time to demand that unbiased evidence be presented to corroborate or refute any postulate or theory that promoters would advance that infringes upon the rights, health, and liberties of millions.

I’m talking in generalities, but you can imagine specifics that are involved here.

Possession of the financial resources necessary to produce such reports does not transform checkbook data into biological facts. Nature shares Her secrets to all sincere seekers, at little to no cost. Nature can corroborate or refute any and all theories that humankind has adopted, many of which we are grossly and to our grave detriment, misaligned with.

The good news is the re-aligning with the Laws and physics of Nature, could yield blessings that we might not have room to receive.

A ‘Narrative’ that is NOT Too Big (or Old) to Fail

If you dared persist in questioning the Narrative while “in school”, you faced the risk of being deemed a “problem”, and “treated” like one.

It took me about 40 years to realize that “matriculation” through, and graduation from “schools of higher learning” had devolved into a system that took children and young adults with ideals and open minds and turned them into adults with a narrow vision of the future, and a dim, if non-existent concept of their inherent self-worth that is not tethered to dollars, social or professional standing, or material things.

“Fed” with incomplete, incorrect, or slanted information (e.g., various flavors of “his-story”, “common core” mathematics, and most recently, “Critical Race Theory”… etc), they are certain that the “answers” that they went in debt to learn are the ONLY ones that apply to the questions and issues of life, (especially when they see that they can get “money” by regurgitating their “knowledge” or trying to force or shame it on others),

For generations we have been psychologically conditioned to seek or favor money without seeking Truth, to “do” what money versus Truth tells us is best. Generally its someone else offering money who says one path is “better”, tempting us to override the Voice of Reason, Truth or Common Sense, that suggests a different, and better option. This is a recipe for having little appreciation of the consequences, and diminished ability to stand up to lies when they become known, or to reverse the injustice.

Going Through Life Without a ‘Rudder’

We tend to be blind to, and cut off from the existential evidence of an ongoing and persisting existence that is independent of both “physical” life as we know it, and religious affiliation or leanings.

In other words, survival after the change of state known as physical “death” is not based on membership or affiliation in one religious group, professional, cultural, or ethnic clique, or another, or non-membership in any, is no litmus test of “goodness” or “badness”. or the quality of their experience after physicality.

Their state of mind is a major factor, which can be changed by Truth. Love sustains ALL life and consciousness. Only Truth aligns the unloving with the highest that Love offers.
We see a lot of people doing unloving things, to themselves and each other. Before you “judge” them, examine the lies that their minds are filled with, and imagine them if they knew the truth… starting with the truth of the amazing Being that they really are… if they only knew.

It’s time to START asking for, seeking, discovering, and when found, being guided by TRUTH which unless functionally numbed by chemical contaminants, each has the ability to discern and CHOOSE.

April 8, 1966 Cover Time Magazine

In 1966, Time magazine immortalized the question, “Is God Dead?”. The more salient question to ask was, and is today, “Is Truth Dead?”.

March 23, 2017 Time Magazine cover.

Unfortunately, they revisited the subject in 2017, but the focus was political, as the media remained constantly vigilant with regard to then president Donald Trump’s apparent deviations from truth. That vigilance was set aside throughout the 2020 election process and installation of Joe Biden as titular president. However, the massive fraud ~ in the biological context ~ of the Pandemic itself, which has been a pretext behind many of the social atrocities that are still being propagated today, goes unnoticed.

The short answer to the question of is “Truth Dead?”is “NO!” What we’re witnessing and experiencing is not “the death of Truth;” it is the Dearth of Truth. However, it appears that Truth is dead, not important as long as people allow “authorities” of all stripes to push their agendas without sufficient push back. Godlessness will appear to be rampant, unless Truth is chosen, not by someone else for you, not by you for others, but by YOU, for YOU.

When you choose Truth for YOU, a benefit will be bestowed on everyone else. As they choose Truth for themselves, the benefit will continue and expand.

Your WORDS will gain power, as you speak more consciously and conscientiously, then act in accordance with them.

Left or right, Democrat or Republican, religious or none, God will be unwrapped and uncovered within ALL, …”scientists,” politicians, doctors, bankers… even attorneys who embrace and embody Love *and*… the Rebirth of Truth.


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Alberta Government’s Own Data Shows Hospital Bed and ICU Utilization at Five-Year Low

Alberta Government’s Own Data Shows Hospital Bed and ICU Utilization at Five-Year Low

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
May 5, 2021


CALGARY:  The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms today released extensive government data (see links and images throughout) showing that Alberta’s hospitals are not overcrowded, are in no immediate danger of being overwhelmed, and haven’t been in serious danger of turning away patients for more than a year.

Alberta Government data contradicts the assertion of Premier Jason Kenney that further restrictions on Charter freedoms of association and peaceful assembly, and the shutdown of personal wellness, bars, restaurants and small businesses, are necessary to protect Alberta’s health-care system from being “overwhelmed.” On Tuesday, May 4, 2021 Jason Kenney announced a fourth wave of extreme lockdown measures including closing hair salons, tattoo shops, personal wellness services, schools, post-secondary institutions and outdoor patios, among other closures.

Evidence uncovered by the Justice Centre through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests reveal that regular hospital beds as well as Intensive Care Units were in significantly less demand and usage during 2020 and 2021 than in any year as far back as 2015. In fact, 2020 ICU admissions were at their lowest level since 2015.(FOI Request)

In January 2021, bed utilization was 90.12%, compared to 95.21% bed utilization in January 2020. The same pattern is repeated for February 2021, when Alberta was eleven months into lockdown restrictions. View the dataset.

In March through May 2020, bed utilization plummeted, likely as a result of lockdown cancellations of more than 22,000 scheduled surgeries, which resulted in the death of Gerry Dunham in Medicine Hat. In early 2021, the 93% utilization rate was below the 96% level recorded in the years 2015 through 2019.

The government has not provided further ICU utilization numbers for 2021. However, during the last quarter of 2020, ICU utilization province-wide was comparable to, or less than, previous years. There was a slight rise in December 2020, but ICU spaces in Alberta were still well below full capacity.

On 3rd April 2020, the Alberta government had 1,935 acute care beds available for COVID-19 patients. According to a modelling document the government posted on its website on April 8, 2020, AHS planned to expand the number of acute care beds dedicated to COVID-19 patients to 2,250 by the end of April 2020. The same document also stated: “AHS plans to be able to increase ICU capacity by 1081 beds for COVID-19 patients by the end of April, if necessary.”
“Obviously the Alberta government has failed to follow through on these commitments made in April of 2020. Creating necessary capacity to treat patients would have cost a lot less than the daily damage that lockdowns inflict on Alberta’s society and economy, and the physical, mental, emotional and financial well-being of Albertans,” states lawyer and Justice Centre President John Carpay.

“We are now in our fourteenth month of Charter violations and economic destruction. The government has had ample time to increase hospital and ICU capacity, but instead blames Albertans for trying to live their lives normally,” concludes Mr. Carpay.


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According to the CDC 4,178 Americans Have Died Following Experimental COVID Injections

According to the CDC 4,178 Americans Have Died Following Experimental COVID Injections


CDC: 4,178 Americans DEAD Following Experimental COVID Injections – Deaths from COVID Shots now Equal 21 Years of Recorded Deaths Following Vaccines Since 2001

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News 
May 5, 2021


The CDC has just released the newest total of deaths reported following the experimental COVID shots since they were granted emergency use authorization (EUA) in early December through May 3, 2021, and that total now stands at 4,178 deaths reported to VAERS. (Source.)

The number of deaths recorded following the experimental COVID injections now equals the total number of recorded deaths following vaccines for the past 21 years.

We have previously covered the work of Dr. Peter McCullough, a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He is a Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center.

Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with over 1000 publications and over 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

He is the most published scientist in the history of his field.

He was recently interviewed by Alex Newman of The New American.

During this interview he stated:

A typical new drug at about five deaths, unexplained deaths, we get a black-box warning, your listeners would see it on TV, saying it may cause death. And then at about 50 deaths it’s pulled off the market.

Dr. McCullough compared what is happening today with the experimental COVID shots, which now have 4,178 recorded deaths, according to the CDC themselves, with the last time a vaccine was given an EUA in 1976 during the “Swine Flu Pandemic.”

In 1976 they attempted to vaccinate 55 million Americans with the experimental shot, and it had a recorded 500 cases of paralysis and 25 deaths, and so it was pulled from the market.

What we are seeing today with so many recorded deaths after the use of experimental pharmaceutical products is unprecedented, according to Dr. McCullough.

Watch the entire interview here.

The U.S. Government is Deliberately Allowing Big Pharma Kill American Citizens – Children are Next

The official response to all these recorded deaths in VAERS by the CDC remains:

A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines. 

The only thing that changed this week, after the FDA gave the go ahead to resume using the Johnson and Johnson COVID shots that cause fatal blood clots, is that they added this disclaimer:

However, recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets—which has caused deaths.

So they admit there is a causal relationship of the shots causing death, but they put it back on the market anyway, claiming that these adverse events are “rare.”

The next target for these killer injections are children, as Pfizer has applied for emergency use authorization with both the FDA in the U.S., and the EMA in Europe, to inject 12 to 15 year olds with their experimental COVID mRNA shots. (Source.)

FiercePharma has reported that Canada has just approved the Pfizer shot for 12 to 15 year olds. It was announced on Pfizer’s website today.

And the majority of the world’s population seems to be oblivious to the fact that genocide is happening right in front of our eyes, and prefer instead to believe the government “health authorities” who are lying and telling everyone this really isn’t happening.


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Tucker Carlson: Americans Shouldn’t Be Forced to Take One-Size-Fits-All Vaccine

Tucker Carlson: Americans Shouldn’t Be Forced to Take One-Size-Fits-All Vaccine
Fox News commentator, Tucker Carlson, told viewers even though President Biden said COVID vaccines won’t be mandated, Biden is supporting mandates by allowing private industry to require the vaccines.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
May 4, 2021


In the segment below on last night’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson said, “there are unresolved concerns” about the long-term health effects of COVID vaccines, including on female fertility and pregnant women.

The American people should not be forced to take a one-size-fits-all medical treatment, Carlson explained. “No medicine is designed for every person in all circumstances,” he said.

Last month, the Biden administration said the federal government will not require all Americans to get the COVID vaccine, nor will it require vaccination passports. But the truth is, when it comes to COVID vaccines, President Biden is not pro-choice, he’s pro-mandate, Carlson said.

He added:

“The question of whether to take them, whether to have powerful drugs injected into your body is the most intimate kind of personal health decision. Politicians and bureaucrats should have no role in a decision like that.”

But just because there’s no federal mandate to get the COVID vaccine doesn’t mean you or your family won’t be required to get it, Carlson explained. With support from the Biden administration, “private industry and nonprofits may be forcing you to,” he added.

Carlson noted that colleges and universities are requiring COVID vaccinations in some form, including the entire University of California system, the largest in the country.

Based on what we know about COVID and its effect on young people, Carlson said it doesn’t make sense to require them to get the vaccine — yet nobody is asking why college students need the vaccine.

“Why would we immunize people against a virus for which they already have antibodies?” Carlson asked. On top of that, he reminded viewers, no coronavirus vaccines have been fully licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Carlson said:

“From a medical standpoint, it’s hard to understand the reasoning behind this. As a group, young people are not at risk of dying from COVID. Huge numbers of college students have already been infected with the coronavirus and therefore have natural immunity to it.”

Watch Tucker Carlson’s segment here:

© May 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Is the Genetic COVID Vaccine Creating a Hurricane Inside Cells of the Body?

Is the Genetic COVID Vaccine Creating a Hurricane Inside Cells of the Body?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 4, 2021


Picture this: Contrary to medical claims, the genetic injection called “COVID vaccination” forces cells of the body to produce not one, but hundreds of DIFFERENT proteins. Some of these proteins launch severe and fatal allergic reactions. Other foreign proteins stimulate the body to produce a powerful and continuing immune response that goes on too long; the person becomes severely ill or dies. Still other proteins, which are inherently needed by the body, are now viewed as evil intruders which must be neutralized…

I’ve written articles criticizing the COVID vaccine, from a number of perspectives. “Criticizing” is too mild a word. [1]

In this article, I want to examine a narrow claim about the COVID RNA vaccine: It instructs cells of the body to manufacture ONE AND ONLY ONE specific protein. [2] [3]

In fact, this is touted as THE major action of the genetic vaccine. Supposedly, that protein is similar to a protein in the purported SARS-CoV-2, and it “prepares and rehearses the body for the real thing.”

However, what guarantee do we have that the cells of the body are manufacturing only the one desired protein during the rehearsal?

How do we know the cells are always making the same protein?

Where is the proof? Where is the large confirmatory study that has examined thousands and thousands of human cells, from thousands of people who have been vaccinated?

I haven’t been able to find such a study.

If it exists, where are the large follow-up studies, carried out by different teams of researchers—verifying or rejecting the original research?

Well, in the analogous area of GMO plants, which are injected with genetic material, long-time researcher and author, Jeffrey Smith, writes about—guess what?—the runaway production of unintended proteins: [4]

“For example, long after Monsanto’s Roundup Ready corn had been consumed by hundreds of millions of people, a team led by Dr. Antoniou found more than 200 significant changes in its proteins and metabolites, compared to non-GMO corn of the same variety. Two of the compounds that increased are aptly named putrescine and cadaverine, because they produce the horrific smell of rotting dead bodies. More worrisome; they are also linked to higher risks of allergies and cancer. Another Monsanto GM corn has a new allergen and their cooked soy has up to seven times the level of a known soy allergen, compared to cooked non-GMO soy.”

There is more. Injected genetic material—as in the COVID vaccine—can cause ripple effects. Jeffrey Smith writes: “…back in 1999, a study showed widespread changes in the DNA due to gene insertion; but many GMO companies conveniently ignored the findings and continue to do so.”

“In that study, scientists studying cystic fibrosis inserted a gene into human cells. Using a microarray, they discovered that the insertion ‘significantly affect[ed] up to 5% of the total genes in the array.’ This means that the presence of a single foreign gene might change the expression of hundreds, possibly thousands of genes. In the case of the human cell being studied, the scientists were at a loss to determine the impact. ‘In the absence of more biological information,’ they wrote, ‘we cannot discern which directions [genetic changes] are better or worse, since any of these may have positive or negative effects’.”

Getting the picture?

The simplistic portrait of the genetic insertion called “COVID vaccine” is ready-made propaganda for a gullible audience.

And as HUGE numbers of serious adverse effects and deaths pile up from the vaccine, the medical establishment has twisted explanations on board:

“If a person experiences ‘severe discomfort’ after vaccination, this is a good sign; the vaccine is working.”

“If a person becomes seriously ill, he was attacked by SARS-CoV-2, or a ‘co-morbidity,’ not the vaccine.”

“If a person dies, that, too, was the virus, or an underlying genetic disorder.”

I refuse to accept—among other lies—that the COVID vaccine forces cells of the body to produce exactly and only the same single protein every time, in every case—unless I see convincing proof.

And I’m NOT talking about a study that takes test samples from a small number of patients. I’m talking about thousands of samples from thousands of patients—which is called SCIENCE, in case anyone has forgotten.

“So, Dr. Mengele, are you sure the COVID vaccine inserts RNA into the correct place in the human cell every time? Are you sure the cells produce only the intended protein?”

“Of course. We’ve shown that in the lab.”

“I’m not talking about the lab, Dr. Mengele. I’m talking about thousands of samples taken from humans after they’ve been vaccinated.”

“Oh no, that would be a very laborious process. We don’t have time for that.”

“In other words, the people of Earth are all vulnerable guinea pigs in your vast vaccine campaign.”

“Of course. I thought this was well understood. We have a captive audience, we have new technology, so we run an experiment. This is what life IS.”


[1] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/category/covid/

[2] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/tag/protein/

[3] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/05/03/covid-vaccinated-people-shedding-and-spreading-genetic-disaster-to-unvaccinated-women/

[4] https://www.responsibletechnology.org/research-exposes-new-health-risks-genetically-modified-mosquitoes-salmon/


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Significant Jump This Week in Reported Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccine

Significant Jump This Week in Reported Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccine
VAERS data released today showed 118,902 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 3,544 deaths and 12,619 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 23, 2021.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
April 30, 2021


Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines showed a significant jump in reports of injuries and deaths compared with last week’s numbers.

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 23, a total of 118,902 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 3,544 deaths — an increase of 358 over the previous week — and 12,619 serious injuries, up 2,467 since last week.

In the U.S., 222.3 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of April 23. This includes 97 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 117 million doses of Pfizer and 8 million doses of the Johnson &Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

Of the 3,544 deaths reported as of April 23, 25% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 17% occurred within 24 hours and 40% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

This week’s data included three reports of deaths among teens under age 18, including two 15-year-olds and one 16-year-old who died unexpectedly from a blood clot 11 days after receiving her first Pfizer dose.

A 15-year-old female died of cardiac arrest after receiving the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, and a 15-year-old male died of cardiac failure two days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

This week’s VAERS data show:

CDC ignores The Defender, no response after 53 days

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

The Defender reached out to the CDC on March 8 with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines, the status of ongoing investigations reported in the media, if autopsies are being done, the standard for determining whether an injury is causally connected to a vaccine, and education initiatives to encourage and facilitate proper and accurate reporting.

We made numerous attempts to contact the CDC via phone and email. As of April 30, 53 days after our initial inquiry, we still have yet to receive answers to our questions.

First ‘acknowledged’ case of J&J blood clots in a male

On April 27, The Defender reported a 30-year-old California man was hospitalized with blood clots after receiving J&J’s COVID vaccine. It is the first time U.S. public health officials have specifically acknowledged “vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia syndrome” in a male who received J&J’s shot.

The news came days after an independent advisory panel for the CDC on April 23 voted 10 to 4 to recommend the continued use of the J&J vaccine with no restrictions after acknowledging a “possible link” between the vaccine and rare blood clotting disorders, mostly in young people. The panel concluded the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks.

Children’s Health Defense queried the VAERS data for a series of adverse events associated with the formation of clotting disorders and other related conditions. VAERS yielded a total of 1,845 reports for all three vaccines from Dec. 14, 2020, through April 23.

Of the 1,845 cases reported, there were 655 reports attributed to Pfizer, 577 reports to Moderna and 608 reports to J&J — an increase of 448 J&J-related cases in just one week. U.S. health officials only acknowledged 15 blood clot cases associated with the J&J vaccine at the April 16 meeting.

Children as young as 6 months in COVID vaccine trials

On April 27, ABC News reported children as young as 6 months old are now in COVID vaccine trials. Dr. Zinaida Good, research fellow and immunologist at the Stanford Medicine Cancer Center, enrolled both her sons in Stanford Hospital’s Pfizer trial. Good said she and her husband are confident in the safety of the vaccine.

“It would be wonderful if we knew how to communicate better the benefits of the vaccine and its safety. The data is very clear,” Good said. “Those who get vaccines like this, mRNA vaccines, at least they are protected and they don’t really have any real side effects, not any real long-term consequences.”

Dr. Angelica Lacour’s 3-year-old daughter, Eloise, is also participating in the trial for young children. Lacour said she was told about potential side effects. “They said that it’s incredibly rare, but anyone can have an anaphylactic reaction to it. But it’s so rare they couldn’t even give us an example,” Lacour said. “So [side effects were] not something I was very concerned about.”

It is unknown whether Pfizer informed parents of potential side effects beyond just “anaphylaxis.” According to VAERS data, 45,508 of the 118,902 total reported adverse events were attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine. Of those 45,508 adverse events, 13,116 were related to anaphylactic reactions.

Possible link between Pfizer vaccine and heart inflammation

The Defender reported April 26 on details leaked from an Israeli Health Ministry report that raised concerns among experts about a possible link between the Pfizer vaccine and myocarditis.

The preliminary report found 62 cases of myocarditis, including two deaths, in people who received the Pfizer vaccine. Fifty-six of the cases occurred after the second dose of the vaccine, and 55 cases occurred in men — most between the ages of 18 and 30.

Israel’s pandemic response coordinator, Nachman Ash, confirmed “tens of incidents” of myocarditis occurred in vaccinated people, primarily after the second dose, but emphasized the health ministry had yet to draw any conclusions.

Pfizer said it had not detected similar findings in the rest of the world but would look deeper into the phenomenon. Yet a search for “myocarditis” in VAERS revealed 75 cases of myocarditis, with 73% occurring in people between the ages of 17 and 44. Of the reported cases, 33 were reported after the Pfizer vaccine.

COVID vaccines and menstrual cycle disruption

Researchers this week called for clinical trials to track and document menstrual changes in vaccinated women after some women reported changes to their menstrual cycles after receiving a COVID vaccine, The Defender reported April 28.

Women have reported hemorrhagic bleeding with clots, delayed or absent periods, sudden pre-menopausal symptoms, month-long periods and heavy irregular bleeding after being vaccinated with one or both doses of a COVID vaccine.

There’s no data linking COVID vaccines to changes in menstruation because clinical trials omit tracking menstrual cycles. But two Yale University experts wrote in The New York Times last week there could be a connection.

“There are many reasons vaccination could alter menstruation,” wrote Alice Lu-Culligan, an M.D./Ph.D. student at Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Randi Epstein, writer in residence at Yale School of Medicine.

“Periods involve the immune system, as the thickening and thinning of the uterine lining are facilitated by different teams of immune cells and signals moving in and out of the reproductive tract,” Lu-Culligan and Epstein explained. “Vaccines are designed to ignite an immune response, and the female cycle is supported by the immune system, so it’s possible vaccines could temporarily change the normal course of events.”

To find out whether the COVID vaccine truly disrupts menstrual cycles, experts say there needs to be a controlled study with a placebo group. Rather than treat menstrual cycles as unimportant or too complicated, researchers should view tracking periods in future studies as a potential opportunity, Lu-Culligan and Epstein said. Clinical trials should track and document menstrual changes as they do other possible side effects.

Government considering COVID vaccine mandate for U.S. troops

President Joe Biden said today he has not ruled out requiring all U.S. troops to get the COVID vaccine after the shots win final clearance from federal regulators, but cautioned that such a decision would be a “tough call,” Politico reported.

The comments come as the Pentagon sounded the alarm that roughly one-third of troops and 40% of Marines had declined the vaccine as of February, according to congressional testimony from military officials.

In March, a group of Democratic lawmakers demanded Biden make the vaccine a requirement for service members, while Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby confirmed the military’s top brass was weighing a mandatory vaccination order.

As The Defender reported this week, military officials held a virtual town hall this month in which leaders touted the vaccines and urged service members to get vaccinated, or miss out on perks granted exclusively to those who get the vaccine.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


© April 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Cult of Covid v. GraceLife Church

Cult of Covid v. GraceLife Church

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
April 30, 2021


Pastor Coates and GraceLife Church, represented by the Justice Centre have been charged with violating the Public Health Act for having held normal church services, which were commenced after many months of lockdown restrictions.

Pastor Coates spent one month and six days in jail before his release on March 22, 2021 because he would not sign an agreement to stop pastoring his church according to the congregation’s beliefs.

The GraceLife Church building near Stony Plain, Alberta, has been barricaded by the government for over three weeks, and the locks changed, such that the congregants have gathered for worship at secret locations these last three Sundays.

(See article below for details about the upcoming trial and how challenges to the constitutionality and legality of the lockdown measures will be presented.)

Original video available at Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Trial of Pastor James Coates to Proceed in Edmonton on May 3 


EDMONTON: The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms today announced that the trial of Pastor James Coates, of GraceLife Church, will proceed on May 3, 2021 at 9:30 AM in Provincial Court in Edmonton, in courtroom 514 of the Edmonton Law Courts.

The trial will proceed for up to four days initially, but will then be adjourned because government lawyers are not yet prepared to present any medical or scientific evidence that might support the health orders under which Pastor Coates is charged. Pastor Coates’ Charter challenge to the constitutionality and legality of Dr. Deena Hinshaw’s lockdown restrictions will be heard by the Court at an unknown later date.

The Provincial Court has determined that the first part of the trial will proceed in Edmonton, instead of Stony Plain, specifically so it can take place in a courtroom that has the infrastructure to permit the expected audience of hundreds to observe the trial virtually.

Earlier this afternoon, Judge Robert Shaigec decided that up to 1,000 people will be permitted to attend the trial virtually through the court’s virtual software. However, the Court has decided that those people will only be able to hear the trial, and not be able to watch it. There will be no video feed. The Judge’s Decision follows a request by the government prosecution lawyer that the trial not be viewable virtually. The prosecution lawyer did not want any images or video stream of her to be viewable during the trial. The Court additionally granted the prosecutor’s request that her name not be used during the trial.

Virtual access to the trial is important as the court has limited the number of people able to attend inside the courtroom to a total of 12 people (of which eight are directly involved with the trial). The Court is allowing two Alberta Health Services (AHS) lawyers to attend personally or via Webex. The Court is allowing two of its own legal counsel (lawyers representing the Provincial Court) to attend. The Court is allowing four members of the media in the courtroom during the trial. Although the Justice Centre is pleased that up to 1,000 people will be able to listen to the trial, it is our position that restricting video access to the trial goes against the open court principle and removes the Crown Prosecutor from public accountability.

Judge Shaigec ruled that a link to access the audio of the trial will be made available by the Court, on the Court’s website prior to the trial. The Justice Centre does not have this link.

Pastor Coates and GraceLife Church, near Stony Plain, Alberta, are charged with violating the Public Health Act for having held normal church services, which were commenced after many months of lockdown restrictions. Pastor Coates spent one month and six days in jail before his release on March 22, 2021 because he would not sign an agreement to stop pastoring his church according to the congregation’s beliefs. The GraceLife Church building has been seized and barricaded by the government for over three weeks such that the congregants have gathered for worship at secret locations these last three Sundays.

Representing Pastor Coates and GraceLife Church, the Justice Centre intends to argue at this Monday, May 3 trial that Pastor Coates’ Charter rights and freedoms have been violated, and the court should therefore throw out the Public Health Act charge against Pastor Coates. One expert witness will be called by the Justice Centre during this first part of the trial.

“The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms requires governments to justify demonstrably – with compelling evidence – any law, policy or health order that violates any of our fundamental freedoms to move, travel, associate, worship, assemble, and express ourselves. This very basic constitutional requirement has been ignored completely by governments at every level in the past 14 months. Unfortunately, the courts have permitted the government to delay facing accountability in regard to Charter violations,” states lawyer John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre.

“By May 3, the government will have had almost fourteen months to assemble proper medical and scientific evidence to justify lockdowns and the resulting violations of our fundamental Charter freedoms. Yet the government cannot or will not put that evidence before the courts. But, somehow, the Alberta government would have us believe that it has enough medical and scientific evidence to shut down hundreds of small businesses, pushing many of them into bankruptcy, and to cancel over 20,000 medically necessary surgeries, and to force Albertans into a third lockdown as of yesterday, with its resulting harms of unemployment, poverty and despair,” continues Carpay.

“The Charter requires Canada’s federal and provincial governments to support and justify restrictions on Charter freedoms whether a court challenge to those restrictions exists or not. The inability or unwillingness of the Alberta government to present medical and scientific evidence at this May 3 trial suggests that lockdown restrictions since March of 2020 are based purely on speculation, not science. If these measures were based on evidence, the government would be able to produce that evidence in court, after almost 14 months of lockdown restrictions,” concludes Carpay.


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Dr. Vernon Coleman on Chipping & Vaxxing Cats — And Mysterious Big Pharma Death

Dr. Vernon Coleman on Chipping & Vaxxing Cats — And Mysterious Big Pharma Death


My Scepticism Knows No Bounds 

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
April 29, 2021


It’s difficult not to be sceptical these days.

I’m constantly finding myself looking for the hidden agenda in everything we’re told by politicians, doctors, advisors and the pharmaceutical industry. They all lie about everything and there is always some malignant underlying reason for everything they do or say.

So, for example, cat owners in the UK are now told that they must microchip their pets.

If it isn’t already a global law then it soon will be.

They say it’s because gangs of catnappers are rushing round the countryside stealing cats, and if you believe that I’ve got some newly minted £3 notes I can sell you at a very reasonable price.

The real reasons are rather more subtle.

They want to control everything we do. They want to charge us fees for as many things as possible. They want to ensure that all cats are vaccinated against covid-19 because that will massively increase drug company profits (and, doubtless, get rid of a few million cats).

And, most important of all, they want to be able to track us every minute of the day. Putting a tracker in your cat is a good way to keep an eye on where you live.

The other news item that caught my eye today was the report that the head of Research and Development for oncology at AstraZeneca (best known now as a vaccine manufacturer) had died at the age of 61.

According to a Spanish newspaper, the man died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) – a rare brain condition (infamously linked to mad cow disease).

Now I have no doubt that the company and the media and the fact checkers will deny that the unfortunate fellow’s demise had anything to do with the Astra Zeneca mRNA vaccine.

But it’s a hell of a coincidence.

Did he have the vaccine?

And if he didn’t have the vaccine, was his lethal condition linked to his work?

This is important – both for those who work for drug companies and for those who have had the vaccine.

The world is currently taking part in the biggest medical experiment in history.

We know that thousands of people who have been injected with the mRNA vaccines have died or been seriously ill.

Is CJD another disease we should be looking for and worried about? Is it going to go from rare to very common?

If governmental advisors and drug companies were a little more honest and prepared to discuss and debate the mRNA vaccines (instead of suppressing information and demonising those asking sensible questions) we would be in a better position to understand what is or might be happening.

But in the absence of any discussion (and remember the BBC boasts that it will not discuss vaccines) the wise will consider this yet another problem potentially linked to the vaccines.

Copyright Vernon Coleman April 2021

The Capture of Goodness

The Capture of Goodness

by Sinead Murphy, OffGuardian
April 25, 2021


‘Goodness’ is not the word I wanted to use in this article. But ‘ethics’ sounded too abstract, ‘morality’ too rule-bound, ‘virtue’ too archaic, and ‘kindness’ too corporate (at least since ‘random acts of kindness’).

The ubiquity of that dreaded term ‘safety,’ brayed at us from every angle, has made all the old names for concern for each other’s welfare seem ill-fitting and out of date. ‘Goodness,’ for all its faults, will have to do.


On Tuesday 30th March, leaders of 23 countries, including the UK, France and Germany, issued a statement on the matter of ‘pandemic preparedness.’

Its key phrase was reprinted across the media: Nobody is safe until everyone is safe.

As we embark on our second Covid year, the sentiment is chilling.

Nobody is safe until everyone is safe is the latest phase in the capture of human goodness that has been the most profound effect of Covid.

At first, we were asked to keep our distance. Other people, for whose sake we do most of the good things we do, were put beyond our reach.

We no longer held the door for the next person to pass through. We no longer offered to carry an old lady’s shopping. We stopped shaking one another’s hand and patting each other on the back. We no longer hugged.

Almost all of the ways in which we knew how to be good to each other were paused; the bonds of mutual support were severed.

Then, for the first time uncertain about how to do good – then, we were asked to mask up. Not for our own sake. For the sake of the other person – I mask for you, you mask for me. Being good to other people was returned to us. But it was not quite like it had been before.

Other people, still at a distance, were now also without faces, and faces are so important in arousing our pity, commanding our assistance, eliciting our smile. Goodness had been readmitted, but for the sake of newly anonymous beings.

Then, still at a distance, still masked up, we were encouraged to take the jab. Not for our own sake – at least, not directly. For the sake of the herd. For herd immunity.

This concept, so energetically rejected as cruel during the first months of Covid, was returned to us. But it was not quite like it had been before. It was cleansed of its natural components, redefined by the World Health Organisation as an achievement of vaccination, its taint of ‘let it rip’ buried under a great enthusiasm for pharmaceutical engineering. Herd immunity was back. And goodness was redirected towards an anonymous crowd.

And now we are told that nobody is safe until everyone is safe. Now we are to be good, not even to a masked and distanced other, not even to an anonymous herd, but to everyone.

Everyone? All seven billion inhabitants of the earth? It is worse than that. The statement issued by world leaders on 30th March champions a concept of ‘One Health,’ which is described as encompassing ‘humans, animals and our planet.’

How in the world is any of us to act for the good of this everyone? The idea is sublime. It may strike us with awe, even admiration, but there is nothing we can do for its sake. Our good deeds, already scrambled by distancing and masking and herding, are now, at last, out of play.

One year ago, we were tempted from the well-trodden paths of goodness onto a seemingly higher road, emblazoned with slogans of sacrifice, decorated with rainbows and resounding with the clapping of people pulling together. But the road leads nowhere. It is a dead end.

In January, in the northern snow, I was saying hello to my neighbour over the low garden wall. So that she could find her key, she placed her little girl, ten months old and all wrapped up in her snowsuit, onto the soft ground. While my neighbour was searching in her bag, her baby slowly keeled over. Without thinking, I stepped across and leaned down to lift her. But it was the wrong thing to do. Her mother snatched her up and I retreated in vague apology.

What is now the right thing to do when a small baby falls sideways onto the snow? The answer: nothing. Goodness is cancelled. Or, rather, it is redirected through an idea so sublime that nothing follows from it for mere humans with their merely human faculties. Everyone means nothing to us. For the sake of everyone, we can do nothing.

But there is a problem about doing nothing. Because it may just be that human beings are only good insofar as they do good things. Goodness requires practice and wastes away from lack of practice. It is more like playing the piano than riding a bike; you have to keep it up or you can no longer really do it. How long before our good natures grow rusty and flake away? How long before we no longer know how to be good?

Which is why, I presume, we now have these badges of goodness: masks, certificates.

Our enthusiasm for both may have little to do with their dubious efficacy in stopping the spread of a respiratory virus, and much to do with our need for reassurance that, even though we no longer do good things, we still really are good people.

Sinead Murphy teaches Philosophy at Newcastle University. Her most recent publication is Zombie University: Thinking Under Control (Repeater, 2017).

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