Category: Insight
Social and Spiritual Discombobulation
Social and Spiritual Discombobulation by Adam Abraham, Thought for Food February 24, 2021 When Joe Biden declares, as he did recently at a meeting of G7 countries (which was…
February 24, 2021
‘Unseen Enemy’: Coronavirus as an Archetype of Perception.
‘Unseen Enemy’: Coronavirus as an Archetype of Perception. by Ludovic Noble, OffGuardian February 11, 2021 My conjecture is that ‘perception of an enemy’ could be a Jungian archetype…
February 11, 2021
When Things Fall Apart
When Things Fall Apart Tibetan Buddhist Nun and Teacher Pema Chödrön on Transformation Through Difficult Times by Maria Popova, the marginalian July 17, 2017 “Only to the extent that…
July 23, 2017