I’ve spent the past two years proving SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. It’s a total fiction.
Nevertheless, since most people believe in the virus with every fiber of their being, I enter their world and point out glaring inconsistencies and preposterous strategies for “containing the spread.”
Once again, in this article, I’ll visit the bizarre world of the virus. I’ll take the viewpoint of a person who earnestly believes in the existence of SARS-Cov-2. And I’ll show you a few of the walls such a person must ram into. Ready, get set, go:
First of all, here is the main reason why health authorities don’t just throw up their hands and say, “Everybody is going to get infected”:
It’s bad for business. The business of profits and control over populations.
If everybody is infected, there is no way, no treatment, no vaccine, no lockdown, no mask, no quarantine that will solve the issue. You would be trying to solve a boat with a million holes floating in the middle of a tidal wave.
And reports of the initial spread of SARS-CoV-2 in early 2020 confirm the futility of blocking it. Overnight, the virus was found in a dozen countries and 10,000 people. Those 10,000 rapidly and inevitably became 100,000—and so on, multiplying in every direction.
Likewise with Omicron. It’s here and there; a day later it’s everywhere.
Another problem with “everybody will be infected”: the only answer is the development of natural immunity. That is not a medical intervention. That is not money. That is not State-imposed.
Once you let this cat out of the bag—natural immunity—people grasp the concept. They understand. “Oh, we’re just going to have to live through it. We’ll have to tough it out. And we can, because we always have.”
That’s VERY bad for business and control.
Therefore, against all common sense, health authorities have to keep promoting the myth that some people will be infected and some won’t be. And in order to increase the number that won’t be, we need a vaccine and antiviral drugs and masks and lockdowns and business bankruptcies and suicides and desolated cities and towns and medical dictatorship and the Great Reset.
Once you accept the spread of SARS-CoV-2, you accept universal infection. There’s no way around it. And then you’re stuck with non-medical natural immunity.
The next piece of balderdash: the test for the virus. I’ve analyzed the test a dozen different ways and shown it’s useless and deceptive. But why is it being done? What’s the real reason?
Here’s the big kicker, the bonus, and the true bottom-line reason for the test: it serves to reinforce the necessary myth that “some people will be cases (infected) and some people won’t.”
Whereas, again, once you accept the spread of the virus, you accept that everyone will eventually be infected. There is no “some people infected” and “some people not.”
The powers-that-be will do and say anything to pretend the virus won’t infect everyone. The test gives them that justification.
Here is yet another reason to accept universal infection: locales and states and countries with very high vaccination rates are also reporting high levels of “COVID-19 disease.” The virus keeps spreading, regardless of what humans do to stop it.
If the development of natural immunity is the only answer…what IS natural immunity?
The medical research community has no compelling description. They’re wedded to a military model of antibodies (army scouts) that go out and ID invaders (viruses), so killer cells (backup troops) can destroy these enemies. And that’s the simple explanation. In the medical literature, it gets far more complicated than that.
On the other hand, I would say natural immunity is something called HEALTH. And you could write reams about what contributes to health, on a number of levels. But of course, the medical cartel doesn’t do health. It doesn’t study it in any comprehensive way.
Because it would be bad for business. The business of money and control.
Finally, for now, there is the related issue of “early intervention treatment.” I’m talking about ivermectin, HCQ, etc. If these drugs were widely used, would they stop the spread of the virus? I wouldn’t bet on it. For example, there is the possibility that one or more of these drugs help some people get better who are simply sick with common flu-like illness. Not COVID. And a belief in the power of the drugs (placebo effect) could play a significant role in recovery, for a limited number of people. (I would strongly advise people to look into adverse effects of any drug.)
Because taking a drug helps a person get better, that doesn’t mean the medicine is “wiping out a virus,” or preventing it from taking hold in the first place, or stopping it from spreading.
And that concludes today’s episode of Let’s Enter the Wacky Wonderful World of SARS-CoV-2, where people exercise their right to worship fairy tales highlighting non-existent viruses, and thus earn a gold star on the blackboard from the Reality Manufacturing Company.
I return you now to regular COVID mind-control programming on channels 1 through 5000.
In a single drop that has been left to dry, it has been possible to observe microstructures that would explain the phenomenon behind the generation of MAC addresses.
Orwell City brings to English this new visual material that La Quinta Columna has shared with the world.
As we suspected —and as we had been informed by certain people who have worked in the preparation of technical reports, and so on—, as the sample evaporates, this hydrogel solidifies. This substance somehow forms with heat. And we can also understand the fact that these samples were initially frozen. Practically, at an ideal temperature. Now we can understand many things.
I have subjected the sample to certain experimentation, such as exposing it to electromagnetic fields, magnetic fields from a magnet, and ultraviolet radiation. This is very important because as the days go by, the sample evolves. And that’s what you’re going to see today.
Well, I don’t know how you’re going to assimilate it mentally because the images are extremely shocking. And I believe that this is not news. We’d like to give the good news that all this is over and that it all was just a nightmare. But what we’re going to see is very important.
So we were waiting, José Luis, for you to come in so that you could also see it live. And so that we could all comment on what can be inferred or can be concluded from all this.
Dr. Sevillano:
Very good.
Ricardo Delgado:
Well, without further ado, let’s play this video. I’m going to ask you all to share it. Share this broadcast. Then I’m going to post it on La Quinta Columna’s Telegram channel so that you can download it. We’ll also upload it to Odysee, particularly. Download it and upload it to your Facebook profiles. It’s seven and a half minutes long, but they’re very intense minutes. So here we go. Ready?
The video is titled “Complex Microtechnology in Pfizer Vaccine.” Of course, aside from graphene, which is also there. In fact, it’s the raw material used, precisely, for all of this. Let’s watch it.
Micro-technology in Pfizer vaccine Haxon Aquiles II Microscope.
Ricardo Delgado:
Well, if you guys are freaking out about this, this is nothing.
It’s still nothing. Now you’re going to see some more evaporated samples. And the components are easier to see. Look at the rectilinear structures. And what’s in the center? A CPU? What a shock!
And here’s another “CPU,” so to speak. This is another one. I mean, they have the same formation in the center.
Look how easily it can be seen there. Well, that’s nothing. Can you see… Here… Gimme a second. Here. Can you see that some rectangles at the bottom? Well, these types of formations are self-assembling. In fact, we have seen it live, that more and more complex structures are being formed.
Let’s keep watching. Look at this. Unbelievable. It’s just unbelievable!
Ricardo Delgado:
Okay. I’m gonna make a little stop here. Here. José Luis, what impression does this give you? Do you think this is a crystal that forms naturally?
Dr. Sevillano:
Obviously not. These are microchips. They’re microscopic electronic circuits. And they would explain why we have received so many signals (MAC) from vaccinated people.
We already said at the time that graphene by itself, unstructured as raw material, wasn’t capable of emitting more signals than an “OFF/ON.” It couldn’t emit numbers, nor codes, nor… let’s say, nor could it interact intelligently with the environment, more than as a simple signal that’s simply received or sent as such. Raw.
That’s what graphene is for. That’s what graphene sheets are for. They impregnate to biological tissue and, from there, do what we saw in the image that Ricardo can show whenever he wants of the myocytes being excited by a light discharge. That’s what raw graphene is for. It permeates the tissue, the cell. And from there, it excites or inhibits it depending on the type of cell it’s adhered to.
But of course, that’s just an “ON/OFF.” It’s either excited or inhibited. And there’s no signal there. There’s no information other than excitation or inhibition.
On the other hand, when you have to send codes, in addition to several multi-digit codes, you need a circuit. I’m not an expert, but you need a circuitry that allows you to send signals with certain codes. Depending on the signal you receive, you’ll send them. That is, you need technology: microtechnology – nanotechnology.
What we’re wondering here, apart from the fact that this could be in a “health product” (to give it a name), is that the competent people in this topic haven’t already started to look at what’s being introduced surreptitiously into the population.
I don’t understand why the responsible people who have seen these videos that have been circulating for so many months and in which raw or elaborated material, where nanotechnology or microtechnology is seen, aren’t responding to this.
Ricardo Delgado:
Look, two identical ones.
The images were obtained from a single drop of a Pfizer vial. The structures evolve when stimulated with ultraviolet light and over time.
However, no clear evidence of self-assembly was found in the vaccine samples. However, the suspicions, more than founded on this process, were confirmed with the observation of the video produced by Ricardo Delgado on December 27, 2021 , in which the movement of thousands of particles in a sample of the Pfizer vaccine was witnessed. These particles seemed to come together to form more complex structures, defining simple geometric patterns, see excerpt in the following video 1.
In the scientific literature, this quasi-directed behavior or movement of the particles, in the context of the construction of micro / nano electronic objects and devices in an intracorporeal communications nano-network, had a high probability of corresponding to a self-assembly process based on DNA, epitaxial growth and origami. This deduction resulted in the location of the scientific article that, with high probability, could confirm the self-assembly of complex objects, including circuits, boards, routers, sensors and other micro / nano electronic components and devices.
This discovery explains how the components responsible for the bluetooth MAC address emission phenomenon would self-assemble (Sarlangue, G.; Devilleger, J.; Trillaud, P.; Fouchet, S.; Taillasson, L.; Catteau, G. 2021) .It would also explain the assembly of nano-devices,nano-sensors, nano-nodes, micro / nano-interfaces,micro / nano-routers , micro / nano-antennas , micro / nano-rectenas , with which configures the network hardware intra-body of nano-communications .
Figure 1 shows the signs of self-assembly observed in the scientific literature and its correspondence with the analyzed samples of the Pfizer vaccine. From a morphological point of view, there are important coincidences that allow us to infer and almost assume that self-assembly is a verifiable reality.
Due to the complexity of the self-assembly issue, as well as the relevance of the evidence discovered, a detailed analysis will be carried out, around three fundamental headings: a) directed self-assembly; b) self-assembly by smooth epitaxial growth; c) origami self-assembly.
Directed self-assembly
The article by (Kumar, P. 2010) presents the first clear indication of “directed self-assembly” that can be observed in the vaccine sample, see figure 2 and video 1. The observed nanoparticles seem to unite in clusters of larger size and with it, more complex structures that move in the sample drop.
According to (Kumar, P. 2010), the self – assembly directed is key to the development of electronic devices, magnetic and optical miniaturized, which fits with materials derived from graphene found in samples of the vaccine, in fact states that “the Nanoparticles have attracted a great deal of attention as such components due to their unique size-dependent properties, including super-paramagnetism, chemiluminescence, and catalysis. To take full advantage of the potential capabilities of nanoparticles, we need to develop new methods to assemble them into useful patterns or structures. These self-assembling structures promise new opportunities to develop miniaturized optical, electronic, optoelectronic and magnetic devices .”
On the other hand, Kumar reveals that the “directed self-assembly” method is suitable for generating nano- and micro-scale devices due to its ability to use quantum dots or nanopoints. He explains it in the following way ” as the size or functions of the device get smaller and smaller, conventional lithographic processes turn out to be limited for their production. It is necessary to develop alternative methods to overcome this difficulty. As they are developed Conventional manufacturing technologies, such as optical lithography, are also beginning to encounter fundamental limits … In addition, new manufacturing techniques are required to help extend both the life and range of application of existing techniques … Directed self-assembly technique can be used appropriately to produce functional nanostructures, for example nanowires and an organized array of nano-dots (understand quantum dots) . “In other words,” directed self-assembly “allows quantum dots to of a certain material (for example the graphene GQD Graphene Quantum Dots), they self-assemble according to a predefined pattern.
Among the possible types of directed or guided self-assembly, Kumar recognizes the “assembly guided by templates where they use atomic surface patterns; the assembly guided by electromagnetic field or electric field, by electron beam, light and laser, among others“.
Furthermore, it recognizes that “directed self-assembly is a robust and reproducible technique with future prospects for use on an industrial scale … which means building well-ordered, often intriguing structures, which has received a lot of attention for its ease of organizing materials. at the nanoscale in ordered structures and produce complex structures on a large scale.” This seems to be fundamental in the context of the intra-corporal network of nanocommunications and nano / micro devices, since thousands of devices must be created for their operation ( Zhang, R.; Yang, K.; Abbasi, QH; Qaraqe, KA; Alomainy, A. 2017 | Galal, A.; Hesselbach, X. 2018 | Galal, A.; Hesselbach, X. 2020)
Among all the forms of self-assembly, the most probable and the one with the greatest coincidences at the morphological level is self-assembly guided by biological DNA templates. Among its advantages, Kumar highlights “the manufacture of nanowires since they solve integration problems (eliminating the need to manipulate individual nanowires). They also solve problems related to contacts for electrical and magnetic transport.” This fits with the type of nanodevices observed, for example micro / nano rectenas and graphene-derived materials, GQD graphene quantum dots.
In fact, Kumar states that “the use of physical DNA templates, results in the growth of nanomaterials in a predefined position, eliminating the need for post-growth manipulation and providing the ease of electrical connections for additional characterizations“, which helps to understand how the structures are constructed and defined. Quadrangular shapes observed in the vaccine samples, which bear a great resemblance to PCBs, microchips, sensors and integrated circuits. He also adds that ” such templates give rise to the growth of nanopoints (quantum dots), vertical nanowires, which can be used in a controllable way to manufacture FET devices (Field Effect Transistors), magnetic tunnel junction devices and devices for optical applications” which confirms that with directed self-assembly it is possible to create miniaturized nanotechnology of any known electronic device.
In other words, self-assembly guided by biological DNA templates can be used to make all the devices required for an intracorporeal nano-network , being feasible that this is the technique used in vaccines, according to the observed images and the statements in the scientific literature (Catania, V .; Mineo, A .; Monteleone, S .; Patti, D. 2014 | Keren, K .; Berman, RS; Buchstab, E .; Sivan, U .; Braun, E. 2003).
To be exact, Kumar indicates that “l as directed strategies biomolecules (biological DNA templates) have shown great promise in the nanoparticle assembly in a wide variety of architectures, because of its high efficiency, high specificity and genetic programmability ( McMillan , RA; Paavola, CD; Howard, J .; Chan, SL; Zaluzec, NJ; Trent, JD 2002 ). These nanoassembled materials have been shown to have potential applications in new detection systems, such as biosensors ( Taton, TA; Mirkin , CA; Letsinger, RL 2000 ) and chemical sensors ( Liu, J .; Lu, Y. 2003 | Liu, J .; Lu, Y. 2006 ), and in the construction of nanoelectronic devices ( Keren, K .; Berman, RS; Buchstab, E .; Sivan, U .; Braun, E. 2003 ) [paradoxically configured with carbon nanotubes] ” Which again confirms that it is a convenient technique / method in the implementation of nanotechnology in the human body.
Self-assembly through smooth epitaxial growth
If evidence of directed self-assembly can be considered a well-founded hypothesis, “self-assembly by smooth epitaxial growth” presents even more compelling evidence. Figure 4 shows an exact equivalence between the scientific literature and the Pfizer vaccine samples analyzed by the doctor (Campra, P. 2021). Some of the most numerous objects, with a quadrangular and pyramidal shape, would actually be the result of an epitaxial self-assembly technique, which is in fact, “one of the manufacturing processes of integrated circuits” (Shen, J .; Sun, W .; Liu, D .; Schaus, T .; Yin, P. 2021 | Burns, MA; Mastrangelo, CH; Sammarco, TS; Man, FP; Webster, JR; Johnsons, BN; Burke, DT 1996 | Esener, SC; Hartmann, DM; Heller, MJ; Cable, JM 1998 | Krahne, R .; Yacoby, A .; Shtrikman, H .; Bar-Joseph, I .; Dadosh, T. ; Sperling, J. 2002 | Chen, Y .; Pepin, A. 2001 ) Epitaxy refers to the deposition of a layer of material (for example quantum dots of graphene, graphene oxide, hydrogel, etc.) on a Primary nucleation substrate. However, unlike traditional growth processes, in this case it is achieved through DNA hybridization. It is at this point, where (Liu, J .; Wei, J .; Yang, Z. 2021 ) develops one of the objects of his research.
According to (Liu, J.; Wei, J.; Yang, Z. 2021) the self-assembly of “inorganic nanoparticles into mesoscopic or macroscopic nanoparticle assemblies is an efficient strategy to manufacture advanced devices with emerging nanoscale functionalities. In addition, the assembly of Nanoparticles on substrates can allow the fabrication of substrate-integrated devices, similar to the growth of atomic crystals on a substrate. Recent progress in nanoparticle assembly suggests that ordered nanoparticle assemblies could well be produced on a selected substrate, which known as smooth epitaxial growth.”
This definition confirms that the manufacture of micro / nano electronic devices (integrated circuits) can be carried out by guided crystal growth on a DNA substrate or template. This is evident in the following explanation “DNA hybridization It has been applied to assemble nanoparticles into superlattices with crystalline structures that are surprisingly rich. The three-dimensional double helix structure of DNA (fixed pitch, fixed diameter) was found to have more advantages than other materials in guiding nanoparticles toward an ordered three-dimensional assembly (Nykypanchuk, D.; Maye, MM; Van-Der-Lelie , D .; Gang, O. 2008). Specific recognition between base pairs and the ability to control DNA strand length and base sequence make it a powerful weapon for nanoscale assembly. The programming capacity of DNA makes it an extremely attractive structure-oriented ligand .” This confirms that self-assembly by means of DNA not only allows the construction of 2D structures, since 3D structures can be generated thanks to the bonds of the double helix of the DNA, which allows it to be used to configure all kinds of shapes , including cubic and prismatic shapes seen in figure 4.
Among the experiences cited by (Liu, J .; Wei, J .; Yang, Z. 2021) it is worth highlighting the following paragraph on epitexial self-assembly, in which a wide experience in the experimentation of DNA- based crystalline constructions is revealed, with a tolerance to error (mismatch) of only 1%.
“According ( Lewis, DJ; Zornberg, LZ; Carter, DJ; Macfarlane, RJ 2020) and colleagues used this technique and a combination of nanoparticles functionalized with DNA and a substrate functionalized DNA strand to design a process of epitaxial assembly . They found that monocrystalline Winterbottom forms of nanoparticle crystals are formed by controlling the interfacial energies between crystals and fluid, substrate and crystal, and substrate and fluid . Other examples show that grafted DNA nanoparticles self-assemble into two-dimensional colloidal films can be applied as a substrate for smooth epitaxial assembly . For example, according to (Wang, MX; Seo, SE; Gabrys, PA; Fleischman, D .; Lee, B .; Kim, Y .; Mirkin, CA 2017 ) used DNA-coated nanoparticles as more elastic and malleable building elements to better adapt to network mismatch . Later studies ( Gabrys, PA; Seo, SE; Wang, MX; Oh, E.; Macfarlane, RJ; Mirkin, CA 2018) showed that superlattice thin films assembled by DNA functionalized nanoparticles can store elastic strains by deforming and reorganizing, with lattice mismatches of up to ± 7.7%, significantly overcoming the ± 1% lattice mismatches allowed by atomic thin films.It is important to highlight that these DNA-coated nanoparticles experience a progressive and coherent relaxation, dissipating the tension in an elastic and irrecoverable way through the formation of dislocations or vacancies. Therefore, it is possible to grow heteroepitaxial colloidal films by controlling programmable -soft- atomic equivalents of nanometers and microstructures using rigid nanocrystals coated with soft compressible polymeric materials.” (Liu, J.; Wei, J.; Yang, Z. 2021)
Self-assembly origami
Finally, among the most original forms of self-assembly is the “origami method“, also linked to the use of DNA templates. In this case, the evidence is found in the work of ( Wang, J.; Yue, L.; Li, Z.; Zhang, J.; Tian, H.; Willner, I. 2019 ) entitled “Active generation of nano -holes in DNA origami scaffolds for programmed catalysis in nanocavities“. The pattern of a point or hole within a quadrangular structure is striking and characterizing from the morphological point of view. This detail was found in the images obtained by Dr. Campra, which together with the self-assembly study object, allowed infer that it was another piece of the puzzle and that in reality, there must be larger objects self-assembled with the origami method. The similarities are clear and evident, see figure 5, since the quadrangular structure of the objects coincides, the position of the nano -holes inscribed within the surface, as well as the number or quantity of them observed in the Pfizer vaccine samples.
But, before proceeding to analyze the issue of holes in quadrangular objects, it is worth reviewing the introduction and state of the art provided by the authors in their work, as it helps to locate the capabilities of the technique and demonstrate its link to nanotechnology used in vaccines. In fact, surprising claims are made, since origami self-assembly is a “programmed assembly of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) DNA nanostructures, representing a major advance in DNA nanotechnology” (Hong, F .; Zhang , F .; Liu, Y .; Yan, H. 2017 | Rothemund, PW 2006 | Endo, M .; Sugiyama, H. 2014), which confirms not only the possible dimensions or axes of self-assembly, but also that the origami method is compatible with self-assembly with smooth epitexial growth and therefore with directed or guided self-assembly. In all cases, the use of suitably configured synthetic DNA structures are the necessary precursors for the development of the structures and objects observed in the vaccine samples.
In addition, (Wang, J .; Yue, L .; Li, Z .; Zhang, J .; Tian, H .; Willner, I. 2019) confirm that the origami self-assembly method using DNA allows the anchoring of components for configure, among other devices, plasmonic antennas , previously identified in the vaccine samples as part of the nano-network centered on the human body . This is stated in the following literal quote: “In addition to creating ingenious forms of origami structures generated by the programmed folding of DNA, origami structures were functionalized with protruding nucleic acid strands, or strands of oligonucleotides with modified edges. The protruding strands were used as anchor sites for the organization of the polymers, proteins and nanoparticles in the scaffolds of each origami. Unique functions of assembled nanostructures in origami scaffolds were demonstrated, such as the operation of enzyme cascades, the design of plasmonic antennas, and the assembly of chiroplasmonic structures.”
This explanation is essential to understand the process of formation of superstructures, guided by DNA patterns, since they are linked through the strands that protrude from the building pieces, functionalized with nanoparticles (for example graphene quantum dots), which together with the scale factor and superconductor of the material, provide plasmonic characteristics, and quantum hall, which implies the self-assembly of transistors, and micro / nano chips of the complexity that is required.
In their introduction, (Wang, J.; Yue, L.; Li, Z.; Zhang, J.; Tian, H.; Willner, I. 2019) also provide interesting annotations and quotes about the possibilities of the origami technique and the design of DNA walkers with motor capacity to start movement, turn and stop, according to molecular interaction patterns. In fact, according to ( Lund, K.; Manzo, AJ; Dabby, N.; Michelotti, N.; Johnson-Buck, A.; Nangreave, J.; Yan, H. 2010 ) these DNA walkers are essentially Molecular robots guided by substrate molecules (precursors) in a set of origami DNA structures (templates). This is confirmed in the following full-text quote from Lund, also corroborated by (Omabegho, T.; Sha, R.; Seeman, NC 2009 | Gu, H.; Chao, J.; Xiao, SJ;Seeman, NC 2010):
“Moving robotics to the level of a single molecule is possible a priori, but it requires facing the limited capacity of individual molecules to store information and complex programs. One strategy to overcome this problem is to use systems that can obtain complex behaviors from the interaction of simple robots with their environment. A first step in this direction was the development of DNA walkers, which have gone from being non-autonomous, to being able to perform brief but directed movements on one-dimensional tracks. In this work we show that random walkers, also called molecular spiders that comprise a streptavidin molecule as an inert -body- and three deoxyribozymes as catalytic -paws-, they exhibit elementary robotic behavior when interacting with a precisely defined environment. Single-molecule microscopy observations confirm that these walkers achieve directional motion by detecting and modifying the tracks of substrate molecules arranged in a two-dimensional DNA origami landscape.” (Lund, K .; Manzo, AJ; Dabby, N .; Michelotti, N .; Johnson-Buck, A .; Nangreave, J .; Yan, H. 2010 )
This can confirm the presence of molecules and pieces with the capacity for self-assembly, their movement, orientation and self-organization, to configure complex electronic devices, according to the patterns and templates of synthetic DNA, that are closer in a solution such as of the vaccine, as suggested by the observation in video 1.
Continuing with the analysis of (Wang, J.; Yue, L.; Li, Z.; Zhang, J.; Tian, H.; Willner, I. 2019), it is added that “The functionalization of edges of the mosaics of origami (from DNA templates), was applied to design programmed multi-component origami structures and, in particular, to develop interchangeable origami dimers .” In other words, DNA templates can be defined in such a way that they are made up of specific pieces (particles, proteins, quantum dots, etc.) according to a predetermined program or pattern.
However, technology of origami DNA may cover additional areas, as stated experiences the state of the Wang and his team “s and manufactured ingenious systems of origami 3D. For example, demonstrated self – assembly of a box of origami, the staggered assembly of gigadalton -scale programmable DNA structures, and the light-driven movement of 3D origami packages to produce reversible chiroptic functions. Different applications of origami nanostructures were suggested, including programmed catalysis, controlled release of drugs, logic gate operations and detection“. Among the applications mentioned, it is worth highlighting the logic gate and detection operations, typical of the QCA (Quantum Cell Automata) circuit design already commented on in the identification of nanorouters among the patterns observed in vaccines. This is one more proof that DNA origami methodology is valid for developing electronic devices based on quantum dots, given the ability to control the orderly construction of cables and circuits.
After completing the review of the preambles of the article by (Wang, J.; Yue, L.; Li, Z.; Zhang, J.; Tian, H.; Willner, I. 2019), the scientific discourse focuses on the object of the cavities or holes in the “origami rafts”, which in the shot are shown as quadrangular structures with a dot inscribed within their area. As indicated “Most of these functional origami structures involved, bottom-up modification of origami rafts, edge modification of origami tiles, or folding of the tiles into tubes. However, functionalization of origami structures with nanocavities (holes or barrels) that could act as containment or channels for guided chemical transformations can be considered. To date, such cavities have been fabricated within the passive assembly of origami tiles and these cavities have been used for site-specific coupling of antibodies, reconstitution of membrane proteins, and functionalization of solid-state pores for selective transport. What’s more, DNA structures (not origami) have been introduced into the membranes and these acted as channels for the stimulated potential transport of cargo species across the membranes. On the contrary, the present study introduces the concept of active manufacturing of nanoholes in origami tiles. We report on the active DNAzyme-guided formation of nanoholes in origami scaffolds and the molecular mechanical unlocking of nanoholes by lifting the covered window domains. By applying two different DNAzymes, the programmed and activated fabrication of nanoholes in origami structures is demonstrated. In addition, we use the cavities in the different origami scaffolds as confined nanoenvironments for selective and specific catalysis. What’s more, we highlight a design for the reversible mechanical opening and closing by light of the nanoholes, and the switchable catalysis in the nanocavities. We report on the active DNAzyme-guided formation of nanoholes in origami scaffolds and the molecular mechanical unlocking of nanoholes by lifting the covered window domains. By applying two different DNAzymes, the programmed and activated fabrication of nanoholes in origami structures is demonstrated. In addition, we use the cavities in the different origami scaffolds as confined nanoenvironments for selective and specific catalysis. What’s more, We highlight a design for the reversible mechanical opening and closing by light of the nanoholes, and the switchable catalysis in the nanocavities. We report on the active DNAzyme-guided formation of nanoholes in origami scaffolds and the molecular mechanical unlocking of nanoholes by lifting the covered window domains. By applying two different DNAzymes, the programmed and activated fabrication of nanoholes in origami structures is demonstrated. In addition, we use the cavities in the different origami scaffolds as confined nanoenvironments for selective and specific catalysis. What’s more, We highlight a design for the reversible mechanical opening and closing by light of the nanoholes, and the switchable catalysis in the nanocavities we use the cavities in the different origami scaffolds as confined nanoenvironments for selective and specific catalysis. What’s more, we highlight a design for the reversible mechanical opening and closing by light of the nanoholes, and the switchable catalysis in the nanocavities we use the cavities in the different origami scaffolds as confined nanoenvironments for selective and specific catalysis. What’s more, We highlight a design for the reversible mechanical opening and closing by light of the nanoholes, and the switchable catalysis in the nanocavities.” In this explanation, which leaves no doubt as to the intentionality of the origami technique, there is a fundamental detail that must be seriously considered. It is the ability of cavities in DNA origami structures to trap, immobilize and couple antibodies ( Ouyang, X .; De-Stefano, M.; Krissanaprasit, A.; Bank-Kodal, AL; Bech-Rosen, C.; Liu, T.; Gothelf, KV 2017), which was originally intended to be used for serological studies, but applied to the construction of intracorporeal micro / nano scale electronic devices, could achieve the objective of avoiding phagocytization and immobilization of self-shaped structures. It is also revealed that these holes play a very important role in the interaction with other origami DNA sequences, which can fit together (as if it were a Lego piece) to add new construction scaffolding, as explained ( Kurokawa, T. ; Kiyonaka, S .; Nakata, E .; Endo, M .; Koyama, S .; Mori, E .; Mori, Y. 2018 ) in figure 7.
Another of the applications cited by Wang and his team for holes is to serve as channels or pores that cross the plate or origami DNA structure, in order to develop biosensors, as they corroborate (Seifert, A.; Göpfrich, K.; Burns, JR; Fertig, N.; Keyser, UF; Howorka, S. 2015 | Burns, JR; Seifert, A.; Fertig, N.; Howorka, S. 2016). In fact it is stated that “Membrane-spanning nanopores from folded DNA are a recent example of artificial biomimetic nanostructures that can open applications in biosensors, drug delivery, and nanofluids … We establish that DNA pores exhibit two voltage-dependent states of conductance. Low transmembrane voltages favor a stable level of high conductance, which corresponds to an unobstructed DNA pore. The expected inner width of the open channel is confirmed by measuring the change in conductance as a function of the size of the poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG), thus it is assumed that smaller PEGs enter the pore.” This not only fits with one of the declared components in the Pfizer vaccine excipient list, but also matches the conductivity required for the components of the human body-oriented nano-network ( Yang, J .; Ma, M .; Li, L .; Zhang, Y .; Huang, W .; Dong, X. 2014 | Abbasi, QH; Yang, K .; Chopra, N .; Jornet, JM; Abuali, NA; Qaraqe, KA; Alomainy, A. 2016 | Oukhatar, A .; Bakhouya, M .; El Ouadghiri, D. 2021 )
Abbasi, QH; Yang, K .; Chopra, N .; Jornet, JM; Abuali, NA; Qaraqe, KA; Alomainy, A. (2016). Nano-communication for biomedical applications: A review on the state-of-the-art from physical layers to novel networking concepts. IEEE Access, 4, pp. 3920-3935. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2593582
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Since the beginning, I’ve been producing the evidence COVID is a scam. Now, official agencies are virtually admitting it.
On December 29, the head of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, announced, in a White House press briefing, that the PCR test can register positive (meaning the person is “infected”) long AFTER infection is over.
Here’s Walensky’s money quote:
“…people can remain PCR positive for up to 12 weeks after infection and long after they are transmissible and infectious.”
That means MILLIONS of FALSE positive test results have been logged as REAL, in the past two years.
If you can’t trace the implications of THAT, I can’t help you.
Recall the old Zen Koan: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
The new version is: What is the sound of the White House press corps after Walensky’s admission?
And is the answer is: Nothing. Zero. Silence. And not stunned silence. No. Clueless silence. Sold-out silence.
No shouting. No furor. No questions.
“Dear Mr. Smith, We here at the CDC wish to inform to you that your positive PCR COVID test, administered in the spring of 2020, was misleading. There was no proof it meant you were infected. Therefore, your isolation, your hospitalization, during which your business closed and went into bankruptcy, your wife left home taking up residence with the children at her mother’s, your business partner committed suicide—all that was unnecessary. Thank you for your understanding.”
Of course, the blind following the blind following Fauci will say, “But…but…the CDC couldn’t have made a mistake that big…there must be some explanation…”
And yes, there is an explanation. The CDC and other public health officials have known all along they were running a scam. Committing a crime. A Nuremberg-type crime.
To bring in the New Year of 2022, you might have heard that The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has delayed or cancelled thousands of flights over the holidays in the U.S. that have stranded thousands of travelers worldwide. You may be one who lives to tell the tale.
However, the story of the cancelled flights depends on who is doing the telling. The mainstream media says one thing, while the affected FAA pilots, themselves, say another.
As with everything in mediaprogramming, “the news” may be little more than Tall Tales used to influence the reader. Especially when U.S. statues allow the media to legally propagandize the American people under the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, incorporated into the 2013 NDAA.
Everything is an Act because All the world is a stage. This is why it is important to do your own research and draw your own conclusions.
The Media Version
The media proposes one version; that cancelled flights worldwide are caused by the Omicron variant.
That’s right. Without evidence, or medical credentials, the mainstream media casts aspersions onto an invisible agent that cannot speak for itself. How convenient.
Media opines all over the page. Media blames flight cancellations on “higher numbers of travelers than last year,” and “staffing shortages” that apparently leave the industry never to return. What is the real story?
The pilots tell a different story. As early as October, 20221, the Pilots Union had warned of staffing shortages if American Airlines refuses vaccination exemptions.
Perhaps mainstream media should spend a little time trying to get their story straight for readers who read between the lines?
The Pilots Version
According to direct sources, cancelled flights are due to a nationwide walkout by pilots.
FAA pilots are suing the FAA for “putting both pilots and the general pubic at risk of death and/or serious injury, by operating in contravention of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations §61.53, also known as the Federal Aviation Regulation 61.53).”
In general terms, pilots are suing the FAA after being forced to fly after taking non-FDA approved vaccines against FAA Regulation. The reason is the subject of a letter from FAA pilots directed to the FAA, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Justice, as well as several airlines, demanding that they medically flag all vaccinated pilots and have them re-examined for blood clotting problems as well as their cardiac health.
Currently, not only have all pilots flying commercial airlines not had at least one year of post-marketing time elapse post-FDA approval of the agent injected into their bodies, these pilots of flying with an entirely UNAPPROVED product in their systems that is now unfortunately proving to cause all manner of clotting, embolic and thrombosis-related side effects (which side effects are known to occur with greater frequency and severity when at altitude). Additionally, across all populations, the inoculations are resulting in significant increases in myocarditis and subsequent heart failure, arrhythmias, cardiac arrests and deaths. This is especially true in the younger male cohort, to which many pilots belong.
Indeed, we are aware of pilots who have died post-vaccination. We are also aware of pilots who are suffering side effects, many of whom have been afraid to report them, for fear of being grounded, but some of whom have been forced to seek medical care and report them due to the significance of the vaccine-related adverse effect….
Does that mean that colds and flu cases will resurrect themselves once again after disappearing for more than a year? Is that why new reports show Omicron symptoms are similar to cold symptoms? As one Reuters opinion claims, Omicron, itself, may have picked up a piece of the common cold virus:
the omicron variant likely acquired a mutation — one of its more than 30 mutations, mind you — from a snippet of genetic material from the common cold. Meaning, yes, the omicron variant mutated to include parts of the common cold’s genetic makeup.
Jabs Still Not FDA-Approved
Meanwhile, the “FDA-approved” mRNA vaccines are still NOT approved. From the pilots letter to Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R, Wisc) admission in October, 2021, there is no FDA approved COVID vaccine in the U.S. The so-called approved “Comirnaty version” of the vaccine was still not commercially available in the United States as of October 2021. Pfizer states Comirnaty is the same vaccine that originally received emergency use authorization. If so, then why maintain Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) status?
That’s a mixed bag of messages. Is it Comirnaty or Criminality? Legal or illegal? Truth or dare? Virus or no virus? Variant or no variant?
Media’s contradictions and inconsistencies should always be investigated by the customer, i.e., the reader, especially when the media is allowed to tell Tall Tales under the law.
Original video available at Aussie Cossack YouTube channel.
Local man kicks police out of his cafe The Vintage Apron in Capalaba Central, Queensland. Excellent work by bystanders and members of the public who flocked to his assistance. Great work team Australia!
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
La Quinta Columna has issued a new communiqué of special importance. This time, denouncing the presence of microtechnology in a Pfizer vial.
The observation of the objects detected in this vial to date has been carried out under optical microscopy throughout the most recent programs of the Spanish team.
Biostatistician Ricardo Delgado Martín has asked people all over the world to contact him to testify before a legal body about the content of the vaccine.
Orwell City brings the words of the founder of La Quinta Columna into English.
Ricardo Delgado:
Hello. Very good evening to everyone. First of all, I wanted to wish everybody a happy new year. However, I’d like to share with you some chilling images.
Remember throughout this time, throughout this week, we’ve even done a live stream with what’s inside the Pfizer vaccine, and we’ve said that there’s graphene and some, let’s say artificial structures. But now I want you to see what we have on the screen. Precisely what’s seen under the microscope, and that, logically, has creeped me out.
We have to denounce this en masse. Everybody has to go out immediately to the streets and expose what the entire world population had been inoculated. All your neighbors, all your relatives have been jabbed with what you’ll see now. Circuitry. Microtechnology inside the body. I’m going to share with you, on the screen, what’s on the object holder.
This is one of the droplets that were discarded from last week. When the hydrogel has dried, it formed these images that we’re going to share. As I say, right now. Let’s see if it’s possible. Well. I think you’re seeing what I’m seeing on the screen, right? Let’s zoom in so you can see it. One moment, please. That’s it. Look at the object we found in the Pfizer vaccine.
As you can see… I’m going to be moving it. Downwards. Now upwards.
There are four strange corners. Four perfectly square-angular shapes and circuitry inside. These are electronic components. This is what’s formed at the base. Here are what appear to be ceramic capacitors or some other type of electronic component or circuitry. As I say, this is part of the contents of the Pfizer vaccine. Here’s another perfectly artificial corner. Let’s adjust the image a little bit. Here and here too. This is micro-technology. This is probably a micro-router.
This is, probably, the consequence… Or this is what causes people to generate MAC addresses. In other words, micro-technology is being introduced into our family members, into people who have been totally deceived.
How is this not going to cause thrombi? How is this not supposed to cause all kinds of cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks? How is this not going to cause arrhythmias? I beg the entire medical community immediately to end this covert genocide.
This is what’s inside the Pfizer vaccine. This is visible after four or five days of waiting for the water in the sample to evaporate. We cannot allow one more second for these people to give one more injection, especially to our children. That’s what’s inside the vial. And that’s what needs to be denounced. Please share this video with all parts of the world. Share this video on all your social networks and go with these images directly to the duty court to file a complaint. Because I, Mr. Ricardo Delgado Martín, D.N.I: 79.202.099N (with “N” for Navarra), will go to testify. And I’ll take the sample with me.
I’m going to change the magnification. Let’s see it bigger.
Well, in case there were any doubts. In case there you had any doubts… This is… This isn’t a crime, but much worse. This is the most complete humiliation and aberration that has ever been done to human beings. Ever! There’s no longer any kind of doubt here. No doubts. This is an artificial spawn. Now let all the fucking controlled dissidence come and tell me what this is. That “dissident” group that doesn’t look at anything under a fucking microscope. The corners are perfectly square. This is micro-technology. There’s at least on the order of 1200 magnification right now. And you can see it clearly. So, this is a few tens of microns large. And this is what has been introduced… What has been injected into everybody’s body. This is what has been injected into everybody’s body. Oh, my goodness! Jesus Christ!
Either we just stop these genocidal people right now and put them directly in jail or hang them directly in a public square. Otherwise, they’ll end up with the whole human race. Do you understand? Let’s try this. While we’re at it, of course, recording all kinds of images. And I have stopped on this object because I had the imperative need to share it with all of you. Let’s try another magnification. Here you can see, let’s say… Please, share the live broadcast with everyone. Crystal clear, isn’t it? Clear, right? Even so, people will say you’re “conspiracy theorists.” Even so, they’ll call you “deniers.” This is what’s inside the Pfizer vaccine.
I make an appeal to all the judges and magistrates of our country. Either you do something about this immediately, or we go directly to the courts and turn them all upside down. And we go as we have to go because this can no longer be tolerated. Either you take Dr. Campra’s report that proved all this and more, or we take another type of measure because this cannot be allowed in any way. Summon me to testify. Just summon me. I repeat. I, Ricardo Delgado Martín, D.N.I: 79.202.099N (with “N” for Navarra), offer myself before any prosecutor, magistrate, judge of our country —and of any other part of the world— to show what’s inside the vaccines. To prove what’s inside the vials. This is a real genocide. A real genocide. A crime against humanity. And we cannot allow this since it’s being done taking advantage of people’s ignorance, illiteracy, and unawareness.
Please take these images to the outpatient clinics and public hospitals. Please, do me the favor. And summon me! Summon me to testify. Summon me. And please immediately remove this impostor who calls himself President of the Government from office. Immediatly!
I think it’s more than enough. It’s more than enough. I apologize for having expressed myself in this way, but like any human being, I get carried away. But not for the best exactly. Because this is an aberration. Take these images and take them directly to a court of law. I have given all my personal data, and I’ll take the sample, which I’ll keep carefully, of this Pfizer vaccine. Together with a specific batch whose traceability I have from the health worker who gave it to me at the Seville meeting. Let’s all go to denounce this authentic genocide. We cannot tolerate this atrocity for one more minute. I close here. Very good night. And as I say, happy new year to all.
Text from the video: Report the situation to your physician.
A German mother critical of the state’s Covid measures had her home raided and her children violently removed by police and child protective services. The children are being held in a state facility and have been unable to see their mother for over a month. The distraught mother is pleading for the public’s help.
Court Removes Children
On November 15, 2021, Maria reports that German police and child protective services broke into her family’s apartment. They physically overwhelmed her and violently separated Maria from her children. The children were then thrown into a foster care facility in Treptow-Köpenick.
This past year, Maria did not have her children attend school due to the harsh Covid requirements. The Court claims they removed the children due to Maria’s noncompliance with school attendance. However, Maria repeatedly petitioned the children’s school and its board to allow her kids to participate in distance learning. However, she was flat out denied. Furthermore, the school would not address her safety concerns surrounding face masks and repeated covid tests of the school children.
Maria explains that the raid her family experienced “was orchestrated to be as dramatic and traumatic as possible.” She continued, “To have done all this in the name of child welfare and to justify the action as such is a pure mockery.”
German Children Are Imprisoned
Since December 14th, the children have been forced into quarantine at the state facility they are imprisoned in after a symptom-free girl tested positive. The children were supposed to be isolated for seven days, then given the opportunity to regain their freedom through testing.
Although Maria prohibited the children from undergoing the testing, her children were coerced by the State. Despite not having any symptoms, one of her healthy children “allegedly tested positive.” Both of her children have now been forced into quarantine until December 31st and had to spend Christmas alone and isolated.
“I made a request to the child protective services that my children return home for the Christmas holidays, placing myself in quarantine with them during their stay, but I received no response,” states Maria.
The children are both homesick and desperately missing their mother. Maria reports that her 9-year-old daughter cries every time she’s on the phone with her. No one at the facility plays with the children or interacts with them. Even Christmas was not acknowledged to the children.
Nevertheless, “I must honestly say, my two children still have it better than the other children, locked up alone in their rooms at the facility because they are together,” reports Maria.
State Shows No Mercy
Until her children can come home, Maria has been standing outside the facility singing for her kids. She hopes that her children, along with the others who are suffering inside, can hear them.
Unfortunately, Maria singing outside the facility has cost her gravely. Before Christmas Eve, the facility informed Maria she would only be allowed to speak with her children for ten minutes, twice a week, due to her singing. So regardless of Christmas or the fact that her children were alone in quarantine, she was only allowed two phone calls.
Maria reports that the state is now considering further punishing her and relocating the children to an unknown location.
Call To Action
Maria is asking others to join her outside the state facility and and help support all the suffering children held against their will throughout Germany.
Please join me.
The greater our numbers, the greater the attention we’ll receive and the greater our safety will be.
At the following Telegram addresses, you can contact us: @AniKa_17 + @mariamaria_71
We will tell you the exact location and time of our meeting.
Thank you for your attention. Thank you for condolences and support.
Watch the following heartbreaking video released by Maria:
Days ago it was first revealed that despite the Department of Defense offering a “religious exemption” as part of the Covid-19 vaccine mandate across all military branches, not a single one has yet to be approved – at a time at least 169 Marines were already discharged for their refusal to receive the shot.
A new investigative report by Fox News finds that multiple “thousands” of Marines are still set to be processed out over the mandate, and that the corps’ “best and brightest” are being “crushed” by the Biden vaccine order. “Marines are allowed to apply for a religious exemption, but so far not a single application regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, or any vaccine for that matter, has been approved, a Marine Corps spokesman told Fox News.”
For this reason the mandate is being likened to a “political purge” – which has seen a “blanket denial” of all formal requests for religious exemptions. In recent days official Marine Corps statements have underscored no exemptions are being given out, yet supposedly these are being considered on a case by case basis.
As of late last week, the Marine Corps confirmed that not a single religious exemption request has yet to be approved. It was further confirmed that at least a few thousand could be discharged based on the exemption denial:
Marine Corps spokesman Capt. Ryan Bruce told Fox News that as of Thursday, 3,080 of the 3,192 requests for religious accommodation concerning the COVID-19 vaccine mandate had been processed and zero had been approved, adding that “no religious accommodations have been approved for any other vaccine in the past seven years.”
So assuming these Marines will still refuse the jab, thousands are set to be booted from the Marine Corps. In its reporting, Fox extensively quotes Marine officers, whose names are withheld. The Daily Wire, citing the most recently available public data from last week, estimated that some 9,000 could still be set for early discharge from the service:
As of Thursday, 94% of active-duty troops were fully vaccinated and another 1% were partially vaccinated, according to data from the U.S. Marine Corps.
That leaves the remaining 5% of an active-duty Marine force of about 182,500, which amounts to about 9,125 active-duty Marines who are still unvaccinated.
“There’s something fundamentally wrong at this point with our nation’s leadership,” a major with over 17 years of active service was cited as saying. “We are facing an unconstitutional edict that I think is very targeted as a political purge, taking out some of the best and brightest soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and guardians from the Space Force.”
Further, a lieutenant colonel who has served for almost two decades said the Marines are discharging service members “as fast as they can and as brutally as they can, damaging every Marine as much as they can on the way out.”
Further, Fox’s Jessica Chasmar, who interviewed several of the officers, said:
“The one message I got from the colonel above me was: ‘Tread very carefully, this is political, you will be crushed like an ant.’ And he told me that because he cares about me,” the lieutenant colonel said. “Do I want to continue serving in an institution that crushes people for bringing up reasonable points in defending their faith?”
One master sergeant said it seems that “the louder I speak the tighter the screws are turned against me.”
Additionally one Marine who ranks high on the enlisted side said, “When you’re expected to behave a certain way and to obey certain rules and follow certain processes, and then to see on the other end that that’s not a two-way street, that’s a violation of my morals that I can’t stand by and not speak out about.”
The same Marine, identified as a Master Sergeant, described one particular instance of an individual Marine’s exhaustively documented and very convincing case for a religious exemption: “I saw one package from a sergeant who had attached, like, 30 pages of material to substantiate why his belief was sincere, under no lawful obligation to do so,” the master sergeant said. “And then to have this as a response with no individual inquiry and just a generalized assertion of governmental interest is insulting.”
“On the religious side, this is absolutely a travesty what’s happening,” a separate officer described. “People are getting blanket denials, they’re not addressing the individual concerns or beliefs of Marines who are submitting for religious accommodations, and I think that’s just horribly wrong. I honestly believe that they’re not really reading the packages.”
Those interviewed also depicted an ongoing culture of intimidation which appears intended to silence any potential opposition to the mandate, further with no recourse whatsoever. Instead the Marines feel steamrolled into compliance. What’s more is that unlike many parts of Europe, prior infection and natural immunity is being completely ignored.
“Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
George Orwell, 1984
The “Covid pandemic” narrative is insane. That is long-established at this point, we don’t really need to go into how or why here. Read our back catalogue.
The rules are meaningless and arbitrary, the messaging contradictory, the very premise nonsensical.
Every day some new insanity is launched out into the world, and while many of us roll our eyes, raise our voices, or just laugh…many more accept it, believe it, allow it to continue.
Whether or not you believe the test means anything, they notionally do. In the reality they try to sell us every day, testing positive means you are carrying a dangerous disease.
So they are requesting people allegedly carrying a “deadly virus” work, rather than letting perfectly healthy unvaccinated people simply have their jobs back.
This is insanity.
But could anything more perfectly illustrate the priorities of those running the game?
We already know it’s not about a virus, it’s not about protecting the health service and it’s not about saving lives. Every day the people running the “pandemic” admit as much by their actions, and even their words.
Rather, it seems to be about enforcing rules that make little to no sense, requiring conformity at the price of reason, drawing arbitrary lines in the sand and demanding people respect them, making people believe “facts” that are provably untrue.
But why? Why is the story of Covid irrational and contradictory? Why are we told on the one hand to be afraid, and on the other that there is nothing to be afraid of?
Why is the “pandemic” so completely insane?
You could argue that it’s simple happenstance. The by-product of a multi-focused evolving narrative, a story being told by a thousand authors all at once, each concerned with covering their own little patch of agenda. A car with multiple drivers fighting over a single steering wheel.
There’s probably some truth to that.
But it’s also true that control, true control, can only be achieved with a lie.
In clinical psychology one of the diagnostic signs of the psychopath is that they tell elaborate lies, compulsively. Many times they will tell a lie even if the truth would be more beneficial.
Nobody knows why they do this, but I have a theory, and it applies to the swarming groups of little rat minds running the sewers of power as much as it does any individual monstrosity.
If you want to control people, you need to lie to them, that’s the only way to guarantee you have power.
If you are standing in the road, and I yell “look out, there’s a car a coming”, and you move just as a car whips past, I will never know if you moved because I said so, or because there actually was a car.
If my interest is in making sure you don’t get hurt, this would not matter to me either way.
But, what if my only true aim is the gratification of watching you do what I say, simply because I said it?
…well, then I need to scream out a warning of a car that does not exist, and watch you dodge an imaginary threat. Or, indeed, tell you there is no car, and watch you get run over.
Only by doing this can I see my words mean more to you than perceivable reality, and only then do I know I’m truly in control.
You can never control people with the truth, because the truth has an existence outside yourself that cannot be altered or directed. It may be the truth itself that controls people, not you.
You can never force people to obey rules that make sense, because they may be obeying reason, not your force.
True power lies in making people afraid of something that does not exist, and making them abandon reason in the name of protecting themselves from the invented threat.
To guarantee you have control, you must make people see things that are not there, make people live in a reality you build around them, and force people to follow arbitrary, contradictory rules that change day by day.
To truly test their loyalty, their hypnosis, you could even tell them there’s nothing to be afraid of anymore, but they need to follow the rules anyway.
Maybe that’s the point. Maybe the story isn’t supposed to be believable. Maybe the rules aren’t meant to make sense, they are meant to be obeyed.
Maybe the more contradictory & illogical the regulations become, the more your compliance is valued.
Maybe if you can force a person to abandon their judgment in favour of your own, you have total control over their reality.
We started with an Orwell quote, so let’s end with one too:
Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
Isn’t that what we’re seeing now? What we’ve been seeing since the beginning?
People being mind broken into being afraid of something they told isn’t frightening, following rules they are told are not necessary, taking “medicine” they are told does not work.
Maybe forcing people to believe your lies, even as you admit you are lying, is the purest expression of power.
In the following excerpt that Orwell City has brought into English, some of the main structures identified by the Spanish researchers can be easily observed.
Here you can see it directly. There’s the drop. You see it, don’t you? On the right, you see everything outside the drop. And on the left, you see everything inside the drop of a Pfizer vaccine. I’ll put it on full screen. I’m going to put it on full screen so you can see it. And I’m going to be talking over here.
There’s movement here already. That’s right. I’m going to see my screen. Done. There are different settings here. I have the maximum resolution and certain parameters, such as brightness, contrast, saturation, a gamma parameter, and so on. So it looks relatively good with this lens. I’m going to move the microscope towards me. Now let’s look the inside of the drop. Okay. Here we’re going to play with the relief. We’re going to look at the edges. Well, there you see some graphene-like objects. Like these right here. Those are, let’s say, on the surface. See?
I’m telling you, you shouldn’t see anything at all. When we give more relief when we play with the focus, we see other objects in the plane. Everything that we’re looking at right now is inside the drop, OK? Here at the edge, there’s something… No. It’s the relief of the drop itself. And we’re going to be doing a first probe, a first magnification (x). I’m playing with the focus. Playing with it directly through the whole sample until we find objects with certain patterns. But well, I’m going to the background. Look, here in the background, for example, you can see something. The famous nanotubes. Here in another plane, there’s another one. Look at what is in the center. Look what a strange formation, isn’t it?
Man! Juanma Moreno, what do you want to put in our bodies?
Well, let’s go on. There seems to be something here. Let’s see… Yes. They’re microbubbles, right? And there’s also a graphenic formation. In fact, there’s an evolution that can be seen over time. That is, as we continue to observe… There’s also a rare formation there. As we continue to observe, let’s say, you can see that it self-assembles. Let’s see if we’re lucky enough to see that self-assembly. Because you have to understand, guys, that right now we’re under significant radiation. You know which one. And through teslaphoresis mechanism, this prime material used in this vaccine, which is graphene, gets to act this way. Then we’re going to look at it with more magnification.
Well, here’s something. It has the shape of one of those famous Morgellons, right? Look at the shape, as it’s usually in two tips. It’s not very well focused. Let’s take a little picture of it, shall we?
Since the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out began in late 2020, government, mainstream media and Silicon Valley censorship departments has been working overtime to try and obfuscate the fact that the experimental mRNA injections are an unproven, genetically-modified gene therapy compound.
Despite a desperate effort by Gates-funded Fact-Checkers to convince that public that the unproven mRNA technology is “not gene therapy”, the scientific literature clearly shows that mRNA is in fact gene therapy, or rather gene transfer technology.
The so-called ‘vaccines’ made by Pfizer and Moderna use oily envelopes called lipid nanoparticles to insert genetically-modified material called messenger RNA (mRNA) blueprint for a toxic spike protein into a person’s cells which then become mini-factories for the GMO toxic protein. The Johnson & Johnson works slightly different, using a double-stranded DNA inserted into an inert adenovirus. The DNA also contains the instructions for building the toxic spike protein.
Pharmaceutical firms claim this genetic cocktail protects people from COVID-19, but upon closer examination their brash claims of “90% effective” are clearly fraudulent. Rather than require drug manufacturers to use proper metrics to prove real effectiveness, government regulators have chosen instead to look the other way and allow the fraud to continue unabated.
To date, in the United States alone, there have been 1,842,457 adverse reactions and injuries reported following these experimental injections. These number continue to grow each week.
As the new pharmaceutical ‘vaccine’ products have been intentionally rushed through the normal safety and regulatory procedures before being deployed into the population under the aegis of an “emergency use authorization” – and with zero medium or long-terms clinical trials or studies – then these are by definition experimental products.
What will be the results of this mass-human experiment, and who will ultimately be held responsible for the growing list of casualties? Watch:
As the unv’d are locked out of farmers markets and grocery stores, so too are unv’d farmers precluded from selling their grains. Ministers who warn of impending food shortages are promptly removed from office. The mainstream food supply is now in full collapse, and we must be creating ALTERNATIVE food supplies.
Thanks to Dave Steenburg for his video about Canada/USA truckers stopping: Tweets by DaveSteenburg
Thanks to the People’s Media for standing up in a Toronto farmers market:
Tyrants just about always say they mean well in imposing tyranny. Sweeping prohibitions, coupled with harsh enforcement, the tyrants say, are necessary to advance important conditions, such as health, economic wellbeing, or defense from an enemy’s menace.
So it goes as well with United States President Joe Biden who has unilaterally exercised broad tyrannical powers on matters including mask mandates and vaccine mandates in the name of protecting people’s health.
Addressing his mandates that people take experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots, Biden, in his December 21 speech related to the US government’s actions taken in the name of countering coronavirus, acknowledged that “vaccination requirements are unpopular for many.” Then, declared Biden: “But my administration has put them in place not to control your life, but to save your life and the lives of others.”
Every freedom loving person should outright reject this go-to “I mean well” excuse used by tyrants through the ages. Even if the experimental coronavirus vaccine shots were safe and effective as propagandized nonstop by government officials and people in the big money media, the freedom to reject the shots and other medical interventions is fundamental. People are wise to fight to protect against government abuse of this freedom irrespective of politicians’ promises of safety.
Next time you hear Biden talk up one of his mandates as protecting people’s health, remember that he is repeating a common tyrants’ pitch that time and time again has led to destruction of people’s freedom. Tyranny, despite promises otherwise, has tended to lead to bad health results for the people as well.
It’s been two years since the ‘novel’ coronavirus first appeared on the global scene in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. Since then, a litter a of new billionaires have been born, all conveniently positioned to capitalise off of the world great-ever pseudo pandemic. Whether it’s cashing in on unprecedented vaccine sales made possible government mandates, new and expensive untested drug treatments, dubious medical devices, fraudulent PCR and lateral flow COVID-19 testing, masks, PPE, home delivery services, and various other forms of public-private grift, well-connected globalists have been quick to extract as much free public money as possible and then launder their takings on the stock market, and other ventures to supposedly ‘fight the global pandemic.’
By allowing Washington to declare a “national emergency,” during the first year in the USA alone, billionaires managed to rake-in upwards of $1 Trillion.
Of course, among the biggest winners globally in this corporativist coup d’etat are the transnational pharmaceutical drug cartels – gifted sweatheart contracts by governments, allowing cartel members to freely manufacture and distribute experimental gene-jab ‘vaccines’ which they claims protect people against COVID-19. Leading this pack in this sordid group of corporate actors are the perennially corrupt firmPfizer, along with its German biotech partner in crime, BioNTech, along with Massachusetts-based Moderna — all of whom are pushing an experimental mRNA gene therapy injection deceptively marketed as a ‘vaccine.’
Cashing in on COVID
Because of massive guaranteed government purchases of their half-baked, unproven products, executives at these well-connected firms have seen their net worths skyrocket since January 2020.
Leading in this pseudo pandemic jackpot sweepstakes are BioNTech CEO Uğur Şahin who is now worth a cool $4.2 billion, and Moderna’s Stéphane Bancel who has managed to parlay a $4.1 billion fortune on the back of the COVID crisis. Thanks to public subsidies and funding from the US taxpayers to develop their experimental mRNA genetic injection, vaccine barons at Moderna have also produced other billionaires, including Harvard professor Timothy Springer and MIT scientist Robert Langer.
Naturally, these experimental mandated GMO gene-jab ‘vaccines’ will require billions of glass vials to transport their toxic payload, and so enter Italy’s Sergio Stevanato, another new COVID billionaire and the majority shareholder in the privately-owned Stevanato Group, which is making vaccine vials for the transnational corporate drug cartel.
Other industries cashing in on the PCR-driven ‘case-demic’ are those making antibody treatments and other drugs which they claim will “fight the virus”and have benefited from mass-hysteria we’ve seen since February 2020. Clever operators like Carl Hansen, the CEO of Canadian biotech firm AbCellera, suddenly became worth $2.9 billion after his company went public in December 2020, after a questionable fast-track approval by the Food and Drug Administration’s for its alleged ‘safe and effective’ antibody treatment developed with Big Pharma cartel member Eli Lilly.
The other big grift is the testing of the rushed experimental ‘vaccines’, drugs and medical devices. Among those topping the list is the world of spotty clinic tests and product trials is one August Troendle, the founder and CEO of Cincinnati-based research firm Medpace, who is suddenly became worth a tidy $1.3 billion after his shares jumped a whopping 70% since 2020.
Here are the 10 of the most noteworthy opportunists who have managed to leverage what has been largely a contrived crisis from the beginning – using the fear and chaos to become rich beyond their wildest dreams. The list is based on calculations made by Forbes for the year 2020:
The Turkish-born physician cofounded BioNTech in the German city of Mainz in 2008 with his wife, Özlem Türeci, who serves as the firm’s Chief Medical Officer. He owns about 17% of the company’s shares. BioNTech’s stock has risen 160% since January on the back of its successful Covid-19 vaccine developed in partnership with Pfizer, which was declared by the U.S. FDA to be 95% effective in preventing Covid-19. The first doses were rolled out in the U.K. on December 8th and in the U.S. on December 14th, with more doses reserved for the European Union, Japan and Canada, among others. Before starting BioNTech, Şahin and Türeci founded biopharma company Ganymed Pharmaceuticals in 2001, which they sold to Japan-based Astellas Pharma for about $460 million in 2016.
Bancel, a French citizen, became CEO of Massachusetts-based Moderna in 2011 after leaving his previous job as CEO of French diagnostics firm BioMérieux. He owns about 6% of Moderna, down from about 9% when he first became a billionaire in March, after selling more than a million shares as the firm’s stock surged by more than 550% since the beginning of the year. On December 18, Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine – with a reported efficacy of 95% — was the second to be approved by regulators in the U.S. after the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The first doses will be administered in the U.S., which ordered 200 million doses with an option for 300 million more.
Yuan owns 24% of one of China’s leading vaccine producers, Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products, after her divorce from the company’s chairman (and fellow billionaire) Du Weimin in June. The split instantly made the Shenzhen resident Canada’s richest woman. Kangtai’s stock is up 90% since the beginning of 2020. She worked at the company from 2012 to 2015 as a manager and director and has been a director at a Kangtai subsidiary, Beijing Minhai Biotechnology, since March 2017. Kangtai is the exclusive Chinese manufacturer for the vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, with a deal to produce 200 million doses, but the company has a checkered history: in 2013, its hepatitis B vaccine was linked to the death of 17 infants, but a government investigation went nowhere and critics were reportedly pressured to retract negative articles. A representative for Shenzhen Kangtai did not reply to a request for comment.
Hu is the chairman of Contec Medical Systems, a manufacturer of medical devices based in the northeastern Chinese port city of Qinhuangdao. He took the company public on the Shenzhen stock exchange in August and owns nearly half of the shares, which are up nearly 150% since the IPO. Contec draws more than 70% of its revenue from overseas and makes a range of medical products for hospitals including nebulizers, stethoscopes and blood pressure monitors.
Hansen is the CEO and cofounder of Vancouver-based AbCellera, a biotech firm that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify the most promising antibody treatments for diseases. He founded the company in 2012. Until 2019 he also worked as a professor at the University of British Columbia, but shifted to focus full-time on AbCellera. That decision seems to have paid off, and Hansen’s 23% stake earned him a spot in the billionaire club after AbCellera’s successful listing on the Nasdaq on December 11. The U.S. government has ordered 300,000 doses of bamlanivimab, an antibody AbCellera discovered in partnership with Eli Lilly that received FDA approval as a Covid-19 treatment in November.
An immunologist and professor of biological chemistry and molecular pharmacology at Harvard University, Springer was a founding investor in Moderna in 2010 when he put about $5 million into the fledgling company. A decade later, his 3.5% stake is now worth roughly $1.6 billion. Springer is an active investor in biotech, with smaller holdings in publicly traded firms Scholar Rock and Morphic Therapeutic, which grew out of his research with postdoctoral students from his lab at Harvard. He earned his first big payday in 1999 when he sold LeukoSite, a biotech outfit he founded in 1993 and took public five years later, to Millennium Therapeutics for $635 million.
Stevanato is president of Italian medical packaging firm Stevanato Group, the world’s second-largest producer of glass vials and a prominent supplier of vials for more than forty Covid-19 vaccines. Founded on the outskirts of Venice in 1949 by Sergio’s father, Giovanni, the company is now run by Sergio’s children, Franco and Marco, who serve as CEO and vice president, respectively. The $700 million (sales) company is also the world’s largest producer of insulin pens and makes machines that craft, sterilize and package billions of vials, syringes and other glass products. In June, Stevanato signed an agreement with the Gates Foundation-backed Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovations to provide 100 million vials for nine different Covid-19 vaccines — since then, the firm has penned additional deals with several more vaccine manufacturers which it cannot publicly disclose.
Known as the “Edison of Medicine” for his pioneering work in the field of biomedical engineering, Langer is a professor of chemical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was a founding investor in Moderna — located just across the street from his office in Cambridge — in 2010 and has never sold a share; his 3% stake is now worth about $1.5 billion. He owns smaller holdings in publicly traded biotech startups SQZ Biotechnologies and Frequency Therapeutics, both founded by postdoctoral students from his lab, and he holds more than 1,400 patents which have been licensed more than 400 times to pharmaceutical and medical companies.
Godha started out as a chartered accountant before entering the pharmaceutical sector in 1975, when he acquired Mumbai-based drugmaker Ipca Labs in partnership with the family of Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan. The firm, which manufactures generics and pharmaceutical ingredients, saw its stock price nearly double this year partly due to higher production and sales of the controversial antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which was touted as a potential cure early in the pandemic before its use was discouraged by the World Health Organization for having little to no effect in reducing mortality from Covid-19.
Troendle is the CEO and founder of Cincinnati-based Medpace, which carries out contract work and clinical trials for pharmaceutical firms developing drugs and medical devices. Before founding Medpace in 1992 and taking it public in 2016, the University of Maryland-trained doctor worked on clinical development at Swiss pharma giant Novartis and as a medical review officer at the FDA. Medpace’s labs handle the gamut of pharmaceutical services, from running swab and antibody tests for Covid-19 for external clinics to running complex clinical trials for drugmakers working on new vaccines and treatments. Forbes estimates that Troendle, who owns about 21% of Medpace shares, is now worth about $1.3 billion, making him the latest healthcare entrepreneur to join the billionaire club in 2020.
Juan López-Belmonte López & family
Net worth: $1.8 billion Source of wealth: Pharmaceuticals
Citizenship: Spain López-Belmonte López chairs Spanish pharma company Rovi, which inked a contract with Moderna in July to fill and package hundreds of millions of doses of its Covid-19 vaccine at Rovi’s factory in Madrid, Spain.
Net worth: $1.8 billion Source of wealth: BioTech Citizenship: USA Oyler is the CEO and cofounder of Beijing-based drugmaker BeiGene, which signed an agreement with biotech outfit Singlomics Pharmaceuticals in August to develop, manufacture and sell Singlomics’ antibody treatment for Covid-19.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman explained that in the usual PCR test protocol, there are three primers (fragments of single stranded DNA), and if all three are positive, it is considered to be a positive test and the person is diagnosed with Covid. But now the criteria has changed and only two primers are required for a test to be deemed positive.
The change in protocol is a way to convert negative results to positive results and call it a new thing, which was named Omicron. The result is an increase the number of Covid cases.
Dr. Kaufman has shown many times that the SARS-Cov-2 virus has never been isolated, a process of separating it from everything else and viewing it under a microscope, and cannot be proven to exist.
Similarly, the new Omicron variant of the Covid virus has yet to be isolated and proven to exist. Omicron is an ‘in silico’ computer-produced genome sequence.
There is no clinical test authorized, approved, or available for purchase for any variant! There are no scientific publications studying Omicron.
David Icke summarizes Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s findings in this short video clip:
Mostly naked pole-dancers fronting a full orchestra playing Doo-Wop tunes you love from the 50s! Drinks on the house! Liberal celebs mingling with the peasants! The Vegas Mob Brothel and Hotel Casino just off the Strip presents…
The COVID Fear Porn Awards Ceremony 2021!
Leading up to the presentation of the coveted gold-plated statuette of Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, which an as yet unnamed out of work actor will present to Fear Porn Person of the Year, several awards will be handed out to men and women in sub-categories of Halfway Compromise:
CATEGORY ONE: “Of course the virus exists. Don’t bother me with evidence to the contrary. I don’t have time to look at it. I’m busy with other issues. It’s a distraction. Anyway, people don’t understand the claim.”
TWO: “I’m definitely and absolutely pro-vaccine. I just want safer and more effective shots, and the current COVID vaccine happens to be unsafe. Vaccines have nothing to do with autism and other forms of brain damage.”
THREE: “The courts and judges will save us from the vaccine mandates. Don’t worry, be happy. The system works. Street protests are counter-productive. Cloth masks don’t work, but R283-X-A45367-BQX-23-9 masks are quite effective at stopping the spread of the dreaded virus.”
FOUR: “The Omicron Variant is quite real and spreads quickly, but it is less virulent than the Delta or the original SARS-CoV-2.”
FIVE: “The PCR test is irreparably flawed, but the case numbers based on the test are real, not meaningless. We need more testing.”
At the crest of the evening’s presentations, the Committee will reveal its choice for Fear Porn Person of the Year, from the following nominees:
Anthony Fauci
Bill Gates
Joe Biden
Gavin Newsom
Andrew Cuomo
Klaus Schwab
Anthony Fauci
Save your ticket stub. There will be a drawing. One attendee will win an all-expenses trip to Vienna, to live for three months under the government’s lockdown regime. Stay in your hotel room. Watch television. Eat canned food. Wear a mask. Experience the fear. Sweat in the dark.
Bonus! At the Awards presentation, Dr. Deborah Birx will receive the annual Hot Zone Virus From The Jungle plaque commemorating her work as a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force under President Donald Warp Speed Trump.
Dr. Birx is presently working as a waitress at the 24-hour Sam Giancana Diner on the outskirts of Las Vegas. She is seeking re-employment as a bureaucrat at any tax-gobbling government agency that remembers her. We will be taking up a collection to pay her rent. She will be signing copies of her book, I Was Never an Out and Out Grifter.
A special scroll will be presented to CNN and MSNBC for their unceasing yearlong fear porn promotion. We understand an alleged and accused CNN pedophile will be on hand to receive his half of the scroll.
In absentia, Nancy My Husband Doesn’t Really Work With The Chinese Pelosi will be awarded an Emperor Nero silver coin engraved thusly: I WEAR MY MASK IN THE BATHROOM WHILE I’M SITTING DOWN.
Breaking—Boston Mayor, Michelle Wu, has just announced a vaccine passport system for the City of the American Revolution…all persons 12 and older will have to present the passport to enter any covered indoor venue. This fear porn enforcement Queen Mayor will be granted a brass plaque with her name engraved, to be placed on a slot machine outside a bedroom in the famed Crazy Eights Brothel and Steak House in Skirts, Nevada. Keep up the good work, Michelle My Belle!
To all compliant Americans who believe in fear porn, congratulations. We would give each one of you a participation trophy if we could afford it, to signify you are the greatest enablers in human history.
You inspire us to continue our work, singling out those individuals and organizations that distribute the tonnage of fear porn at a rate which stuns the senses.
Quoting our Founder, Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda: “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.”
Friends, when you come right down to it, are you afraid of not being afraid? If fear were stripped from your minds, would you feel at sea…not knowing what to think or do? Would you be lost without your old pal fear? You’re our audience, and we serve you every day of every year. And in doing so, we put a pretty bow on the ties that bind.
Stay close. We’re planning new surprises, new variants on the central theme of Medical Emergency. We’re the Titans of Pavlovian stimulus-response, and we feel your anticipatory drool.
If you can’t attend our Awards Ceremony this year, just keep watching our minions juke and tap dance on the Network News:
Lester Holt (Lurch, from the Addams Family); David Muir (Sears underwear model); Norah O’Donnell (state baton twirling champion); Wolf Blitzer (old man in tattered bathrobe pouring a can of soup into a saucepan in his kitchen); Chuck Todd (racetrack tout and penny-stock hustler).
They’ll keep you tuned to America’s leading product: fear porn.
The New York Times: “Today, on the Southern Face of Mt. Everest, a New York Hedge Fund manager froze to death in a seething blizzard. Sitting behind a new DARPA super-telescope observing the scene from Fort Meade, Maryland, Anthony Fauci diagnosed the man with COVID as he expired. ‘Shortness of breath was the telltale sign,’ Fauci remarked…”
So yes, Tony Fauci IS our Fear Porn Person of the Year. He’s on the case and on the money every time he takes center stage. He’s a belching stage hog, and we love him.
A northern Gold Coast cafe has shut for several weeks after anti-mandate protesters formed a blockade against police, who they say were going to fine the operator for his inclusive service policy.
This was the amazing scene in front of Cafe Noego Coffee in Queensland Australia after police targeted the establishment for not asking customers for vaccine passports.
In this discussion, Dr Leland Stillman explains how he went undercover with Project Veritas to expose the corrupt practices and general fraud perpetrated by the major pharmaceutical firms, and how the industry routinely covers-up a growing number of vaccine injuries and deaths. This informative interview is essential in understanding the scale of corruption when it comes to the Covid-19 ‘global pandemic.’
The following interview is from Childrens Health Defense CHD.TV program, Doctors & Scientists – Episode 11 hosted by Dr Brian Hooker with guest Dr Leland Stillman, MD.
San Diego, CA — Forgoing any legal democratic processes, multiple school districts in California began mandating the COVID-19 vaccination for children earlier this year. Set to go into effect in January, any child, 16 and older, who did not get the jab, was banned from campus in all San Diego public schools.
This authoritarian move caused a mass of backlash and thousands of children and parents refused to comply. The refusal to get vaccinated set the stage for a showdown that was to unfold on January 24 when the children would be kicked out of school for non compliance.
There will be no showdown, however, as a San Diego judge struck down the mandate this week, accurately pointing out that a school district has no authority to mandate medical procedures for children.
CBS 7 reports that Superior Court Judge John S. Meyer granted a writ of mandate for a lawsuit filed by the group “Let Them Choose,” which sought to keep the school district‘s COVID-19 vaccine mandate from going into effect by arguing it did not comply with state law.
Meyer noted in the ruling that the school district‘s COVID-19 vaccine mandate cannot move forward because it conflicts with state law, which says any decision to mandate vaccines must be made at the state level and must also include a “personal belief exemption” if the mandate is not imposed by the state Legislature.
San Diego Unified’s policy did not contain this exemption.
“SDUSD‘s Roadmap appears to be necessary and rational, and the district’s desire to protect its students from COVID-19 is commendable. Unfortunately, the field of school vaccine mandates has been fully occupied by the State, and the Roadmap directly conflicts with state law,” the judge wrote in a tentative ruling.
Naturally, the school district disagreed and claimed they have the right to dictate what children can and can’t be injected with. For now, however, their objection is meaningless and the children and parents who did not want to take the vaccination, will no longer be forced to do so.
“I am overjoyed. We knew that our legal argument was strong, and we brought this case on behalf of thousands of concerned parents and students and to hear the judge say no student should be coerced into getting this vaccine was just a wonderful thing to hear,” said Sharon McKeeman, founder of the group behind Let Them Choose.
As TFTP reported earlier this month, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) — which is the second largest school district in the country — made a similar move and mandated shots for all children aged 12 and older.
NBC4 spoke to an attorney who is following these cases, Jennifer Kennedy, who explained that school districts do not have the authority to mandate medical procedures. Just like the San Diego school district did not have the authority to mandate the jabs, the LAUSD did not have it either.
“These grotesque contests and displays of treatment and candy and gifts and favors, raffles and cash prizes inducing the kids to the vaccination…. Here is the problem, kids in California cannot consent to vaccination.”
She added, “The LAUSD does not have the power to add a vaccine to the California school schedule,” she said. “You couldn’t do it if you were a po-dunk school district and you can’t do it if you’re LAUSD, the second largest district in the nation. You don’t have that legal authority.”
Several parents of students filed lawsuits against the LAUSD over the mandate and thousands of children remained unvaccinated in LAUSD. This line in the sand forced the school district to postpone their mandate last week after a whopping 28,000 children refused the jab.
It is only through resistance that the change we seek will come. As history shows us, one cannot comply their way out of tyranny.
Officials in many jurisdictions are reportingskyrocketing case rates, stoking ever greater fear of the Mighty Omicron.
Yet the breathless, wall-to-wall, MSM coverage doesn’t mention that the jump in cases is very likely simply due to the testing rate shooting through the roof.
Instead the MSM is having a field day, thanks to most people’s gullibility. And that includes promoting mass testing, early and often.
The media report that new studies are showing people infected with Omicron are far less likely to have severe disease or to be hospitalized than those detected to have Delta, and also usually are vaxxed or had Covid.
Yet media quote researchers, politicians and public-health officials as warning that the high Omicron case numbers suggest health-care-system capacity could soon be pushed past the limit.
I should make special mention of Neal Ferguson’s outstanding lifetime performance in stretching plausibility. (He’s long overdue for an Academy Award for making stuff up; if they create a science and medicine category he’d be among the front-runners.)
Ferguson and his colleagues at the Imperial College of London posted a study Dec. 22 stating that Omicron is associated with a 20%-25% lower overall hospitalization risk and 40%-45% less chance of being hospitalized for more than one day. They conclude that, “[O]ur estimates suggest that individuals who have received at least 2 vaccine doses remain substantially protected against hospitalisation, even if protection against infection has been largely lost against the Omicron variant.”
And yet, true to form, Ferguson was quoted in a Dec. 22Guardian article as saying that, “Given the high transmissibility of the Omicron virus, there remains the potential for health services to face increasing demand if Omicron cases continue to grow at the rate that has been seen in recent weeks.” (Bolding added by me.)
So it’s no surprise that many prominent people have jumped onto the ‘test early and often’ bandwagon.
And people have been lining up for hours to pick up at-home tests in thousands of cities across the planet.
A typical example of ‘experts’ inciting that rapid-testing rush is a Dec. 20/21 article by Toronto Star reporter Ben Cohen. (It’s reposted here, paywall-less.)
Here’s part of the article:
“‘With a rapid test, a positive is a positive,’ said Dr. Eric Arts, a virologist and immunology professor at Western University [in London, Ontario]. ‘A negative is not a definitive negative. You may still be infected, regardless of what the rapid test shows you.’”
“’The Omicron variant has evolved to escape our immune system, and to some extent escape the vaccine,’ Arts said. ‘You have to be cautious. The exposure risk is very high right now. When we hear about there being more than 3,000 (COVID-19) cases in Ontario right now, it’s probably triple that, if not more.’
“Arts said those with access to rapid tests shouldn’t stop taking them after a negative result if they are still going out around other people and particularly if they are feeling ill — in which case they should stay home regardless.
“‘You need to continue to take rapid tests if you’re going into crowded places and high-risk situations like shopping malls,’ said Arts. ‘You should repeat that rapid test the next day and the next day, especially if you have symptoms.’”
I emailed Arts two evenings ago and asked him for the studies that back up his statements about the accuracy of rapid tests.
(I didn’t ask him how he determined Omicron has the capacity to escape the vaccines. That’s because I’ve written many articles, most recently on Dec. 8, about how that’s an extremely unlikely event, despite its being promoted as being very likely by ‘experts’ on both sides of the Covid divide.)
Arts didn’t respond. So yesterday morning I called his office number. His voicemail box was full.
I quickly looked for Western University’s media relations person who deals with Arts’s department, and found it’s Jeff Renauld. I texted Renauld and asked him to put me in touch with Arts.
Renauld responded by text that, “He’s actually on leave until the new year. So he’s not readily available for all interviews.” Renauld didn’t explain why Arts was available to Ben Cohen of the Toronto Star but not to me.
I persisted. And Renauld relented, texting me, “OK. What’s your question? I can try texting him but again, he’s technically on study leave and not replying to all requests.”
I asked him to ask Arts to respond to my email.
I hadn’t heard back from either of them by this morning. So I texted Renauld just before 11 asking if he’d connected with Arts. Renauld replied: “I was unable to reach him. Sorry.”
Perhaps Arts didn’t respond because I’m not from the mainstream media.
Or maybe he didn’t get back to me because, as far as I can determine, there are very few — if any — studies that support his assertions, and he knows it. And/or because, as I discovered this evening, he also has a hidden conflict of interest. (See below.)
Here’s one indication that Arts is straying from the truth. In his quotes in the Toronto Star article he only mentions true-positive and potentially false-negative test results. He doesn’t say a single word about false positives or true negatives – even though by definition they always occur with any test.
It just doesn’t add up.
After all, even the manufacturers of the large number of rapid tests being approved make such statements as admitting that their tests’ “clinical performance has not been established for asymptomatic serial testing.” (And of course it’s unwise to trust the manufacturers’ lofty claims about their own tests’ accuracy.)
Here’s yet another indication that Arts’s assertions are on shaky ground. Health Canada states that positive results from rapid tests are merely ‘presumptive positives’; they are considered conclusive only after being confirmed by a PCR test yields a positive result. And PCR tests in fact are very inaccurate – so if Health Canada is saying PCR is more accurate than rapid tests, rapid tests truly are highly inaccurate.
Not only that. Health Canada’s guideline on rapid tests (written by a committee comprised largely of boosters of the Official Narrative about Covid’s contagiousness and capacity for immune escape such as Irfan Dhalla, Isaac Bogoch and Kieran Moore) states that rapid tests have ‘excellent specificity.’ Specificity refers to proportion of negative tests that are truly negative (i.e., ‘excellent specificity’ means almost all the negative test results are true negatives).
Remember that, in contrast, Arts was quoted in Ben Cohen’s article as saying: “A negative is not a definitive negative. You may still be infected, regardless of what the rapid test shows you.”
It turns out that a paper co-authored by Arts was posted Dec. 16. It’s on a vaccine against Covid based on a VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus) carrying the gene for the novel coronavirus’s spike protein.
In that paper, Arts and his co-authors claim that immune escape will make at least some of the currently used Covid vaccines ineffective. “Thus, SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development and testing must continue, and inexpensive viral vector-based vaccines, such as the rVSV-SARS-CoV-2 described herein, may be critical for future pandemic control,” they write. They conclude that, “ We believe our research has proven that [our vaccine] is a great candidate vaccine, not only for use as a prime and boost vaccination for unvaccinated individuals, but also as a potential boost vaccine following previous vaccination with other COVID-19 vaccines.” (Bolding added by me.)
So it appears that Arts has an undisclosed conflict of interest when he talks to media about Omicron and immune escape.
These day’s it’s more important than ever to be sceptical of statements from ‘experts’ — particularly when they contradict themselves and/or each other.
I’m hoping they’ve finally stretched more people’s credulity to the breaking point.
After all, we could all use a break.
So enjoy your holiday!
And here’s to a New Year in which we get more and more breaks.
Let’s hope fewer and fewer people accept manure at face value, especially when it’s spread so thickly. Instead let’s all plow and dig for the truth.
Almost two years in, the “Great Reset” has reached a certain stage of maturity. Years of planning, infiltration, manipulation, and social engineering have come to fruition. The many simulations are now being tested in the real world. The actors who trained and rehearsed for their parts as presidents, prime ministers, health officials, trusted doctors, and media personalities have taken their place on stage, miraculously prepared to save humanity from a catastrophe never experienced by mankind. The operation was always too big to go on covertly, so eventually the perpetrators had to announce their plans, the war had to be declared, and troops assembled on the field of battle.
We know more or less who the perpetrators are — the globalists, the central bankers, a certain megalomaniac software developer, eugenicists, pharmaceutical companies, Vanguard, Blackrock, the CIA, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, Satanists, aliens working on other wavelengths, and so on.
But what about the other side? Here we see people across the spectrum, very few wealthy or holding power, often oriented toward nation, home, family, personal responsibility, and religion — in other words, conservatives. Conspicuously absent from any resistance to the Reset are liberals and leftists, the anti-war and anti-imperialist left, so-called “progressives”, socialists, anarchists, and union leaders — the very people one thought would be the first to stand up against corporate tyranny and totalitarian control. Leftists opposing the Reset quickly became former leftists. This group spent the past two years dealing with what seemed the betrayal of a lifetime, as they watched their ideals of liberation from oppression carried to the point of absurdity. They watched anti-racism turn into racism, sexual liberation into gender chaos, anti-fascism into fascism. Opposition to all forms of discrimination gave way to support for discrimination . . . against the “unvaccinated.” Belief in “my body, my choice” somehow turned into support for no-choice medical mandates. The new radicals came like puppets of the state to disrupt medical freedom rallies, wearing face masks and calling people “Nazis” for not wearing them.
But then the disillusioned leftist realized that all this was actually consistent with socialism, in which the needs of the collective come before individual rights, and that the left actually has more in common with the utopian leaders of the World Economic Forum than it does with the virus-spreading working class who, afterall, were always too thick to understand the higher goals of socialism. In the surprise ending of the Great Reset, Act I the left revealed its true identity — they were the real authoritarians all along! But even with this revelation, the left lost none of its insufferable self-righteousness.
As devastating as the Great Reset operation could be for the future of humanity, it’s a wonder that we still carry our old grievances and prejudices with us. Millions of people have already been killed or injured by mRNA injections, yet different sides in the freedom movement can’t seem to get over their differences. The left has to come to terms with its delusions, but so does the right.
First of all, let’s acknowledge that with all the power the globalists have, it is inconceivable that both sides would not already be heavily infiltrated. The oligarchs would no doubt agree with their former client Vladimir Lenin when he said, “the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” We can assume that many in the ranks of Antifa, for example, are undercover cops, FBI agents, informants, and temp work thugs. From Charlottesville in 2017 to the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 to Boston Common in 2021, we saw them all in action, working in silent agreement with their supposed sworn enemy, the police.
We can also assume that people who look and talk just like Trump-supporting MAGA conservatives are also on the job, as witnessed in the obvious manipulation by agents working with police to entrap protesters in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021. The left has been familiar with FBI infiltration since the COINTELPRO days of the ’60s. Conservatives becoming active in politics today may not have this experience. They could maybe learn a few things about agents provocateurs and, for that matter, be cautious about “backing the blue”, until they find out just which side “the blue” are actually on. Cops are generally known to serve the powerful. But conservatives don’t consult the left about their experience with the police. Nor is the left talking to conservatives about why wokeness isn’t providing any solutions. The two sides are not talking.
Anti-imperialists have been opposing US foreign wars since the Mexican War in 1846. The list of wars initiated by the US from then to now — criminal wars that had nothing to do with self-defense — is too long to list. Conservatives have generally supported US warmaking and, because of their patriotism, they honor and support the soldiers who fight the wars. But where was the honor in decimating Afghanistan and Iraq, to mention just two? Love of one’s country does not justify starving and bombing people in another country who never harmed the US. Anti-imperialists would not be surprised that the American empire may be about to pay a moral debt for its wars of aggression. They opposed the wars while patriots supported them, and there are some hard feelings there. The reckoning that seems to be coming to America will be hard for the patriots. But it will also be hard for the left when they realize that all along they have been the shameless dupes of the ruling class, who seduced them with high-sounding goals only to put them and everyone else into a prison where they the guards will have control of not only our bodies but our minds. If there was ever a time to fight fascism, this is it. But the left has been AWOL in this struggle, and that is a shame they may never live down.
The control of most of humanity by machines projected by the Great Reset will, if it comes true, make the disputes between left and right seem quaint. We’re going to have much worse problems if we don’t end this soon.
Richard Hugus is the founder of Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates. “We are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts who support freedom of choice in all matters having to do with our own and our childrens’ health.” Connect with them here.
—I’m republishing this piece because protests against vaccine mandates are rising across the world; and so are brutal lockdowns and fascist takeovers of nations. The clash is intensifying.
Here in the US, we have a demented mandating nut in the White House, and another nut who left the White House last year and keeps pumping up his destructive Warp Speed vaccine, as he currently tours the country.
“Omicron” is very much a movie title. Fear the Omicron. It attacks by night. And it’s being used to explain all the people having heart attacks and dying after vaccination.
The compliant people of the world ARE being treated to the movie called COVID. They’re in it, unfortunately. No virus, but instead a plot line about a virus. The producers (e.g., Bill Gates) already have all the money they need. But they’re not in it for the money alone. They want to cause pain and leverage control of the planet. It’s their wet dream.
OK. Here we go:
Wikipedia has a page listing “films about viral outbreaks.” I count 134 titles. Obviously, the theme has legs.
A few of the more famous movies: I am Legend; The Omega Man; The Andromeda Strain; Outbreak; Maze Runner: The Death Cure; Resident Evil: Apocalypse; Contagion.
My overall review: ridiculous plots; fear porn; softens up the public to accept the notion of pandemics.
Manufacturing 134 movies on one subject, you can sell almost anything. Zombies, toasters, alarm clocks that have long noses, golf balls from Mars, cave women with flawless teeth and perfect makeup and salon-sculptured hair and carefully engineered cleavage.
But in this case, it’s viruses.
At rwjf.org, there’s an interesting interview with Scott Burns, who wrote the screenplay for the 2011 film, Contagion, and the technical consultant on the project, Dr. Ian Lipkin, director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University. Here are excerpts:
Scott Burns: “Obviously I worked with Ian, and early on I also met Dr. Larry Brilliant, who was very helpful [and certainly brilliant]. I had seen Larry’s TED talk where he showed the Malthusian charge through the world the virus would have. I also worked with Laurie Garrett on the movie, because she had written this book, The Coming Plague, which was very, very useful to me in sort of teasing out how these things have a medical component, but they also have a social justice component and a political component and all sorts of interesting aspects of human behavior.”
Dr. Ian Lipkin: “I started very early with Scott. There were a lot of people who contributed—CDC, WHO and others… Scott would bounce ideas off of me and others in his ‘brain trust’ and most of the time we were in accord. My role grew dramatically over the course of production. It began with just a consultation, and then I rapidly moved into helping the set designer in designing the virus, and we had a few days where we had actors come to the lab and spend some time working at the bench, learning how to pipette and look through microscopes and get into gowns and such. And even at the very end, I was working with the sound engineer, recording sound for the movie—lab background and that sort of thing. I did a lot of traveling with the crew. It was like a circus.”
“We settled on that virus [a paramyxovirus] within the first half an hour with Laurie and Scott and I, high above Columbus Circle in New York. We threw out a number of possibilities to Scott and he batted them down, and then one came to mind that struck me as the perfect choice, simply because there had been some reports earlier suggesting this virus, which wasn’t readily transmissible, had become readily transmissible to humans—that was Nipah. It also gave Scott and the director and actors an opportunity to do more than just cough and die. They could develop seizures, they could have hallucinations—all sorts of things that were much more interesting than a standard respiratory disease. We settled on that really within the first thirty minutes, and then Scott went back, thought about it and decided it was a good way to run. It doesn’t take much fuel for him to run quite a distance.”
Turns out that designing a movie about a pandemic is pretty much the same sort of project as designing a fake COVID pandemic in the world.
You pick out a story about a virus, give it an authentic feel, embroider it, and sell it.
People buy it.
In the interest of balance and fairness, I’ve written a few notes for a screenplay that would take a different approach:
In New York, the body of a dead virologist floats to the surface of the East River.
After a brief round of speculation that he might have perished from a mysterious viral infection, the coroner announces the cause of death was three gunshot wounds to the head. In other words, possible suicide while swimming.
A lone NYPD detective (divorced, alcoholic, disparaged by fellow officers, heroic) discovers the dead virologist’s notebook inside the freezer in the virologist’s apartment.
He thaws it out and reads this: “The coronavirus has never been isolated. It’s a fake. They’re selling a fairy tale about a virus.”
Two days later, a beautiful woman doctor (with engineered cleavage) from the CDC shows up at the detective’s apartment. Somehow she knows the cop has found the virologist’s notebook.
They talk. The mutual attraction should be immediately evident. If not, the brief cuts of sex they’re having on the floor provide sufficient evidence for the audience.
Two days later, the beautiful CDC doctor disappears.
The police detective is warned (anonymous phone message) to stay away from the case of the dead virologist.
Hey, it’s a B movie. Low budget. Could shoot the whole thing over a weekend in Manhattan.
But we need some kind of twist.
So it turns out the detective, the dead virologist, and the beautiful woman doctor from the CDC are just story ideas in the mind of a screenwriter, who, in the movie, is pitching the project to producer pals in an office high above Columbus Circle.
He’s pitching a movie that exposes a fake virus and a fake pandemic.
But wait. There’s more. In a mind-bending revelation, we learn that the screenwriter and the producers are secret agents from a distant planet called PROPAGANDA.
They’ve come to Earth to promote a fake pandemic…but a conflict has developed among them. The screenwriter has decided he wants to blow the whistle on his bosses from PROPAGANDA, and the producers want to carry out their mission to sell the people of Earth fake COVID-19, as if it were real.
The movie is basically an extended conversation about fake vs. real, virus vs. no virus, pandemic vs. hoax.
As the screenwriter earnestly pitches his film, his ideas will come to life, briefly, on the screen: there’s enough cleavage, sex, and murder to satisfy the Hollywood code.
Will the agents from the planet PROPAGANDA succeed in selling Earth the notion that COVID is real? Or will the heroic defector, the screenwriter, succeed in foiling the whole operation?
Stay tuned…
The 134 Hollywood movies about outbreaks of viruses aren’t only programming audiences. They’re instruction manuals for planners who launch fake pandemics.
Definition of “fake pandemic”: a movie that is happening in the world, not on a screen, in which the suffering and the pain are REAL—but are not the result of a virus. For further reference re pain, see “lockdowns, mask mandates, business bankruptcies, suicides, vaccine damage, police state.” For lunacy and true believers, see “deranged hostile masked vegan Whole Foods shoppers, and so-called science bloggers living in mommy’s basement.”
Definition of “virus”: any presumed particle that has never been isolated.
Definition of “virologist”: any person who pretends to discover tiny particles that aren’t there.
Alternate definition of “fake pandemic”: any medical event involving large numbers of people that never ends. For further reference, see “keep wearing two masks after being vaccinated and THEN being diagnosed with COVID.”
Immortal quotes from Hollywood virus-movies:
Outbreak, Dustin Hoffman—“I’ll say it one last time. These [infected] people that you’re going to bomb are not the enemy. We can kill the virus without killing these people. I swear on my soul that the President does not have the facts. He doesn’t know we have a working serum [antidote].”
Contagion, Jennifer Ehle—“Somewhere in the world, the wrong pig met up with the wrong bat.”
I Am Legend, Will Smith— “Blood tests confirm that I am immune to both the airborne and contact strains…Vaccine trials continue, I’m still unable to transfer my immunity to infected hosts. The Krippen Virus is… elegant…Hmm, a behavioral note, um, an infected male exposed himself to sunlight today. Now, it’s possible decreased brain function or the growing scarcity of food is causing them to…ignore their basic survival instincts. Social de-evolution appears complete. Typical human behavior is now entirely absent.”
Would you buy a used car from these people?
Definition of Hollywood actor: a person who can utter ANY line in a script without showing the smallest trace of embarrassment, in exchange for a paycheck—and in interviews casually refers to himself as an artist, and when speaking of Hollywood, deploys the possessive phrase, “in our industry.”
As many as 100,000 people packed the streets of Brisbane on the weekend to protest against vaccine mandates and other authoritarian measures brought in as part of Queensland’s management of the global pandemic.
Marching under the banner of ‘The People’s Revolution’ the crowd moved through Southbank and gathered at Musgrave Park where a party atmosphere filled the grounds with no green tick requirements in sight.
While there was some tension as the large group passed by venues requiring vaccine passes, the protest was overwhelmingly positive and went ahead without incident.
📷 Live shot from the Brisbane protest against mandatory vaccinations where tens of thousands have gathered in and around Musgrave Park. pic.twitter.com/snWMr9AdN5
The crowds were again diverse, made up of parents seeking to represent a more hopeful future for their children, to concerned grandparents, business owners affected by the pandemic and others concerned about the impact of overbearing government control.
“As an 18-year-old, I served this country in war,” said one attendee.
“And I think it’s disgusting now as a 71-year-old that I have to fight for my own freedom. I’m not allowed in the RSL to have a meal because I haven’t been double-jabbed.
“This country has just fallen apart.“
Others also expressed their sadness for how the government has treated segments of the community, especially those health carers and essential workers hailed last year as the heroes of the pandemic response.
“I lost my job after 35 years of nursing,” said one of the many nurses impacted by the mandates.
The human mind is so fragile as to be left only as a conduit to perception, which in turn creates all human reality, for perception is reality in a world void of any deep understanding of the metaphysical self. To reach an intellectual plateau of knowledge and serenity, and in order to accept truth, one must escape the chains of the indifferent and untrustworthy mortal ego, in favor of finding wholeness in the honesty of the awakened human spirit. This psychological and subconscious resurrection from collective ignorance brings light to darkness, creating knowledge where blindness once dwelled. This is the essence of spiritual strength; the essence of life.
Why does the human animal struggle so mightily to lock himself in collective perception instead of seeking a higher place where confidence and calm reign? Why do the masses hide from honesty and truth thinking this will make them safe? Why do the many gather together instead of seeking solace in self-awareness? Why do the crowds believe that reality is only what they can physically see in front of them? This attitude has led to a total dependence on the whims of a master class, and a mindset that is completely contradictory to any aspect of attaining or retaining freedom.
In today’s world, human existence has been brought down to its lowest level; it has seemingly gone backward, and therefore is susceptible to any manner of manipulation and control. The coming year will be the ultimate test for humanity, as extreme tyranny will not become dormant or disappear, but will escalate beyond the imagination of most. This is not an unthought out doom and gloom prediction, but is based on much research and observation, especially over the past two years. American society, as well as most all others, are ripe for abuse and takeover, and the planners of this conspiratorial fake ‘Covid’ coup fully understand the weakness, dependence, and cowardice that grips most of mankind, and will attempt to take advantage of these pathetic attitudes in an effort to gain control over life itself. Only an individual inner awakening and mass actionable resistance can stop the onslaught of death and destruction that looms in our future.
Many things are possible; many things will be attempted by the ruling class. Most, if not all, of what will happen has been telegraphed already, and should not be a surprise, but the bulk of society are not paying attention. Children face the biggest threat, as a push to inject every child multiple times with this deadly poisonous ‘Covid’ bioweapon is the main agenda of the monsters now controlling the narrative. If allowed, and it will be by most in my opinion, this process will begin soon and continually be pursued with additional aggression throughout the year. If the young are subject to this controlling mechanism, and in many cases, maiming or lethal injection, the future will belong to the ruling class. Once the young are co-opted and controlled, and with the blessing of many calling themselves parents, the rest of the future agenda is academic for the evil among us. With only marginal pushback and minor dissent without teeth, any resistance will be met with renewed totalitarian measures and more threats. State physical aggression and brutal enforcement will indicate a breach in the armor of the ruling class, but continued compliance and blind obedience to state mandates will allow for control of the proletariat to be solidified.
There will be more and more restrictive measures attempted, including more travel restrictions, social behavior demands and modifications, additional testing requirements, monetary threats due to increased money printing out of thin air, extensive control over money and credit, less access to jobs and medical care without lethal injection, and changes in all forms of identification and privacy rules. All efforts to digitize societal systems, including the elimination of cash and private transactions, will be expanded by the fascist corporate and government partnerships, and attacks on crypto-currencies, especially privacy coins, will be ramped up.
Larger threats aimed at the population at large will be forthcoming in the form of false flag events meant to frighten the masses enough to cause fear-based obedience in order to garner what will be nothing more than worthless false safety. These will come from many angles, including what will be said to be cyber-attacks levied by some mystery foreign enemy, or those ‘dangerous’ individuals and groups not complying with the ludicrous totalitarian demands made by the state. The curtailing or elimination of the bread and circus bait that has been offered this summer by the controlling element of government may be forthcoming this winter, at a time when the people at large are more dependent on unimportant distractions in order to perceive their lives as being somewhat ‘normal.’
Price inflation will continue to rise exponentially, as deliberate supply line disruptions continue to escalate while access to goods and services dwindles. Housing shortages and impossible prices will not end in the near term, causing even more stress for many across the country. Even food shortages will become much more evident, as all of this planned economic carnage has universal consequences across every market.
There will be few areas not adversely affected, including the energy markets and infrastructure. With every new extreme cold front there will be more risk of the loss of power and energy, all controlled by the state. We have seen what damage this can do just last year, but with bogus false flag cyber-attacks as an excuse, much more loss of power and heating could cause devasting consequences nationwide; all blamed on some event said to be unavoidable.
In the midst of this tyrannical environment, the renewed push to use the spectre of non-sensical man-made climate change to further frighten the masses will not only be employed, but will eventually become the new ‘Covid,’ replacing the fake virus threat, as has been the plan all along. Beware this evil transition, for it is meant to be the final threat that allows the state to control all for eternity, and can and will be blamed for every supposed impending threat to mankind.
Whether some of these things or all of these things and more come to pass in 2022 is unknown at this time, but one thing is certain; threats and attacks against the people will not end but only worsen. There also could be war plans in the offing, even if only used as another distraction and threat against society. As government and its controllers often state without any thought given; nothing is off the table, including medical and military martial law. Just recently, the Biden administration has announced plans to deploy the military to distribute 500 million ‘Covid Omicron’ tests beginning next month amid a so-called wave of ‘cases,’ of a non-existent ‘virus variant.’ If we as a people do not fully resist this onslaught of totalitarian evil, this will be the beginning of a year of hell, and the beginning of the end.
None of what is being warned about here should be taken lightly; in fact, it should all be considered not only a distinct possibility going forward, but it should be expected. This does not have to be our end; it could be our beginning. All that is necessary is for good men to act instead of hiding in the shadows. The advantage is ours, but only if large numbers of individuals say no to any order given, and stand against this plotted and obvious tyranny without fear. There is no risk great enough for any to stand silent and allow the wicked to rule the earth.
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada: “Regardless of the Fact That We Are Attacking Your Fundamental Rights…We’re Still Going To Go Ahead and Do It.”
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
We’re going to see the content, what’s inside the Pfizer vaccine, and we’re going to comment on it.
Well, you’re looking at the edge of the droplet. Everything in the lighter area is what’s inside the droplet. That’s the smallest magnification. I’m going to put it on full screen.
Typical, see? That formation is typical. Remember the characteristic shape that graphene has. It forms these folds. And, overall, it folds in on itself at the edges. It usually folds in on itself. We’re not only going to see graphene but also, as I say, some kind of very artificial structures.
This is also quite reminiscent of these kinds of structures that are pulled upstream, let’s say, by certain particles that showed up a lot in the images of another Pfizer vaccine that Dr. Campra analyzed.
Now, here we see this at about 100 magnification. No more than that. 100 to 200 magnification. Notice that formation down here. That shape is very characteristic as well. As if they were in L. Well, from now on, you start to see more images…
That shape is very characteristic of the trendy material, too. Another quadrangular structure also appears here. There. I’m going to put it on full screen. It’s a filament that is dragged by a “little dot.” Here we see another one in the shape of a key. This here is… I’ll make a pause here.
This is the famous “nano-octopus” that also appeared in the Pfizer vaccine vial that Dr. Campra analyzed. It also appeared in Dr. Carrie Madej’s video. And it was what was also found by the Polish scientist whose name I can’t remember right now. Well, let’s continue. Here we see it in a dark field. But look at its termination. It looks like an insect. It looks like an insect because of its leg-like shape.
Notice how that structure below is going upwards. I’m going to make a short pause. One thing I want to comment on is that, as the sample evolved, it was all… In fact, the samples are preserved, and I’m looking forward to looking at them again because it’s like there’s an evolution. It’s as if whatever it is that we see is really self-assembling and assembling, as I say, more and more complex structures.
Dr. Sevillano:
Yes, very interesting.
Ricardo Delgado:
There were various reliefs. That is, different levels within that hydrogel which is the one that is also being investigated. Therefore, when I played with the orientation, I could see what was at the bottom, which used to be graphene. And more for the surface, you could see this kind of structure floating. Look at this one. That kind of formation, according to what’s in the scientific literature, corresponds to nano-antennas. That’s to say, that little stick upwards would be, well, transmitting and receiving antenna. Probably, it is the inductor of the famous MAC address signals that appear with Bluetooth wireless technology.
Dr. Sevillano:
That one is clear, Ricardo.
Ricardo Delgado:
Yes, very, very, very clear. Notice it looks like it has a rivet on it.
Dr. Sevillano:
Ricardo Delgado:
It’s like a mini screw. This is nanotechnology for sure. Well, I’ve left the video recording with some exposure because I was waiting for the structure to flip over. This is because, from the other side, it looked like it was emitting some kind of fluorescence. Some kind of luminescence. I also plan to try and expose this sample to cell phone radiation, for example. And to heat, as well. Everything you guys are suggesting in the chat. This, obviously, is of artificial origin. And the fact that this is in the vaccine is crazy. It’s crazy. See, there it seems to flip. I also want to subject them to ultraviolet radiation. This image is quite neat. Look at that one too. How neat it is! You can even see what is dragging it. Look at that one. Look, that one looks like it was doped with something. And it carries another similar thing to it too. Look at that.
That has a book-like appearance. It looks exactly like a book. And notice that it has a relief on the straight edges, entirely rectilinear. Or this one, for example. There’re no biological structures of this type that correspond to such a quadrangular origin, as far as I know.
Dr. Sevillano:
Crystals don’t have this shape, so… They’re not like these structures with right angles and angular angles. But the one we see is associated with others. Crystals aren’t presented like that.
Ricardo Delgado:
Exactly. Look at that.
Dr. Sevillano:
The same. There you have it. Also, it’s not a repeating pattern like crystals are.
Ricardo Delgado:
Dr. Sevillano:
There are angles, but they occur in isolated, disconnected structures. What we see is strange.
Ricardo Delgado:
Notice that here, on the left, it looks like meandering.
Dr. Sevillano:
Yes, that’s right. And there’s a base on which these small spheres sit.
Ricardo Delgado:
Dr. Sevillano:
In fact, if you look in-depth under the microscope, many times, there are other structures underneath that aren’t visible because they’re below others. But you can guess they’re there because of the reliefs you see.
This we saw can be called “microparticles.” We haven’t seen nanoparticles. These are microparticles because they’re visible under the microscope.
Exactly. Another thing is that they’re composed of or carry some kind of nanotechnology. But in reality, the scale is microscopic, not nanoscopic.
Ricardo Delgado:
The truth is that we’re not indifferent to these kinds of images. Yesterday, when I was using the microscope, I was looking forward to today to show you them because the population has to know about this. Nothing of this should be seen under the microscope. In those scientific papers that the drug regulatory agency, the EMA, or the FDA talk about, it’s very easy to say, “That’s contamination.” But it’s contamination with shapes that you see in articles collected from the scientific literature. It seems to me that it’s graphene-shaped contamination. That’s what you want to say. Graphene contamination, right?
Dr. Sevillano:
How many times have they missed the opportunity to make fools of us with this story? Well, invite us somewhere where we can do this in public. How many times have they missed it? Either they have missed it or don’t want to. They don’t want to see under a microscope. They don’t care. They’re just fooling around, they’re making fun of us, others are insulting us. Very well, but let them look at the microscope, please. Look, instead of laughing at us as if we were clowns. Like the photo that I sent you a while ago. Yes, yes. And you can laugh as much as you want. But put a microscope in front of your eyes and look for yourself. And then you go and laugh. While others look down on you. “This isn’t science because the papers didn’t publish it.” And what about it not being published in the papers? Would you publish any of the enemy’s work? Well, they’re certainly not going to publish any.
Ricardo Delgado:
Obviously not.
Dr. Sevillano:
It’s crystal clear that the background of all this is very serious. I’ll insist whenever I can. As I cannot talk about medicine, I insist on the background of all this. Science has been hijacked. By the way, that headline was given by Miguel Bosé. I think he said it in La Razón or ABC. I don’t know where I have seen him. And he’s absolutely right. Miguel Bosé isn’t my cup of tea, but he’s absolutely right. Absolutely right. You can’t take away the truth of that phrase. These people have hijacked science.
The media are doing their best to convince people that suffering from post-inoculation myocarditis is normal and that there’s nothing to worry about.
The official press is criminal and chooses to lie.
In a new program, La Quinta Columna shared a brief excerpt from an interview that Spanish writer Colin Rivas conducted with surgeon Juanjo Martinez regarding these so-called “mild myocarditis.”
Dr. Jimenez makes it clear that myocarditis, even mild, is, in essence, myocarditis and can cause immediate, medium, or long-term complications.
More details on this in the new video brought to you by Orwell City.
Ricardo Delgado:
There’s a short interview with a doctor —in a short video that we’re going to show—, the fantastic Colin Rivas, who’s doing a wonderful job, did. It’s an interview with surgeon Juanjo Martínez, whom I had the opportunity to meet personally in one of the demonstrations in Madrid. And, precisely, he’s talking about the phenomenon of myocarditis related to the jab. To the vax. I can talk about these things (since you can’t). Let’s see what opinion this person, who has also seen these type of cases.
Colin Rivas:
These lies are being made up as an excuse, such as myocarditis being a very normal thing and that you shouldn’t worry.
Dr. Martínez:
This does seem to me to be something very delicate. The fact that the press says that the myocarditis that people are suffering are mild and that they’re of no importance, it’s something that cannot be allowed. The press is full of real criminals. They’re lying. I’m sure they know they are lying, but they don’t care and continue to tell lies.
Myocarditis is a disease of the heart, of the heart muscle, and it’s going to leave —so that people understand— a “scar,” fibrosis in the muscle. And that has medium or long-term consequences. Immediate, possibly, in young people, as we see it happening with vaccines in 12 and 17-year-olds. Those children are going to have complications in the future with absolute certainty because the “scars” left by myocarditis, depending on the extent to which their heart muscle —their myocardium— will generate greater or lesser complications.
But they’ll have them. They’re going to have complications, for sure, because that’s described. That’s how it is. I don’t know what the situation is in children, but in adults, myocarditis have a fairly high mortality rate over five years. We shouldn’t be told lies that they are mild, that no patients have been admitted for this.
Pfizer also said it at the beginning: “Well, but they’re mild myocarditis.”
But they’re myocarditis, anyway, damn it!
And that has consequences. And what’s the need for a child to risk himself having this disease that will leave sequelae for the rest of his life? None. Because there’s no need to vaccinate children. This is the first thing we have to make clear.
Ricardo Delgado:
Well… And we’re only talking about myocarditis.
Dr. Sevillano:
He’s completely right.
Ricardo Delgado:
There are pericarditis too… Many things.
Dr. Sevillano:
Exactly. It’s that… Bear in mind that we’ve been talking about myocarditis, but there’s also the issue I mentioned before.
The conduction tissue is composed of myocytes specialized in impulse conduction. If these become inflamed, sudden death occurs. That’s one of the consequences. It’s not only the involvement of the myocardial wall with fibrosis, with more or less heart failure degree… Let’s say, more or less, high or low ventricular ejection reactions. That’s what gives the severity. It can affect the conduction tissue. And if affected, you get the complication that’s being seen in soccer stadiums.
Do you understand? One thing is to affect the wall —the ventricle— and another one is to affect the conduction tissue. And the mechanism is the same. The etiopathogenic mechanism is the same. Whether we talk about antibodies —according to them—, or about other things that I can’t talk about.
.Do you understand? The question is what’s affected. What does get inflamed? Where does it act? If if acts in the wrong place, it goes from something mild to something that takes you to the other side. And that’s what we might be seeing in soccer players and in children, in young kids playing soccer and so on.
In the video below, as part of their ongoing investigation into the hidden contents and purpose of the “covid” vaccines, La Quinta Columna discusses a research paper written in 2015. The paper, entitled “CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing system for Nanonetworks”, describes a routing and nanonetwork system.
Let’s see this last article, which has caught my attention because it’s titled “CORONA.” However, this relates it to… Notice this. “CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing system for Nanonetworks.” This is quite related to the research carried out by Mik Andersen, in his famous blog “Corona2Inspect,” when it comes to identifying those objects also found in the Pfizer vaccine. And whose raw material is, precisely, graphene oxide.
“The present paper introduces a joint coordinate and routing system (CORONA) which can be deployed dynamically on a 2D ad-hoc nanonetwork. User-selected nodes are used as anchor-points at the setup phase. All nodes then measure their distances, in number of hops, from these anchors, obtaining a sense of geolocation. At operation phase, the routing employs the appropriate subset of anchors, selected by the sender of a packet.”
This is talking about addresses packets.
“CORONA requires minimal setup overhead and simple integer-based calculations only, imposing limited requirements for trustworthy operation. Once deployed, it operates efficiently, yielding a very low packet —data packet— retransmission and packet loss rate, promoting energy-efficiency and medium multiplexing.”
There’s nothing else. But here, he talks about electromagnetic wireless sensor networks, nano-communication networks. And it has caught my attention because this is called CORONA. And it talks about a coordinate and routing system for nano-networks. This is related to all the research our colleague and friend, Mik Andersen, is doing. And to whom, from here, we send a big hug for the sensational research work he’s doing, also, together with Dr. Campra.
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
Elder dies in Howard Springs Quarantine Facility Darwin after plea’s for help by family were ignored for 12 hours.
The elder and her family were kept in the quarantine facility for up to 4 weeks despite being fully vaccinated.
There has been no mainstream media reporting and the only report we could find is a clear cover up to avoid the responsibility as they claim “it is unclear whether the woman was a repatriated Australian or whether she was from within Australia”; when the woman was taken from her homelands in Robinson River and placed into the facility by the government themselves.
In this video there are interviews and conversations with a cousin and the daughter of the woman who passed who gave consent for these recordings and story to be shared.
by Mik Andersen, Corona2Inspect
published in Spanish December 16, 2021 rough translation via translation software
Research on nanocommunication networks for nanodevices inoculated in the human body continues to accumulate evidence. On this occasion, the article by the researchers (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) is presented entitled “Nanoredes centered in the body driven by nano-Rectenna in the terahertz band = Nano- rectenna powered body-centric nano-networks in the terahertz band” which confirms the theory that Corona2Inspect had been studying through the observation of the images of the samples of the c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines obtained by the doctor (Campra, P. 2021). Nano-arrays centered on the human body require the use of nano-antennas that operate in the terahertz band, these being the same type as those found in the vaccine samples ..
In the literature, these plasmonic nano-antennas are also called bowtie antennas or “bowties antenna” and in the article in question they are called “nano-rectennas”. The explicit mention of the type of antenna and the technology of intra-body nano-networks, would confirm that vaccines are, among other things, vectors for the installation of nanotechnology, or nanodevices in the human body. However, beyond the pure coincidence, the authors make explicit the use of graphene and carbon nanotubes, as necessary elements for this network model, elements that were also identified in the images taken by Dr. Campra and that coincide with the presence of graphene in its technical report with spectroscopy. Micro-Raman.
To what has already been described, the article adds that the method of communication and data transmission in nano-networks is carried out through TS-OOK signals (sequences of pulses that transmit binary codes), which matches with studies and protocols of nanocommunications and would endorse all the research carried out by Corona2Inspect so far on this matter.
If what has been explained is not enough to confirm the theory of intracorporeal communication nano-networks, the article by (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) makes explicit the use of nano-sensors that are linked by means of electromagnetic signals, by means of the aforementioned nano-rectennas or bow tie nano-antennas, which necessarily evidences the presence of nano-routers that serve to manage the intra-body and out-of-body data link, with gateways (gateway) such as mobile phone. Given the importance of the content of the article, it will be dissected in detail.
Article analysis
The research object of the work of (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) is the comparative analysis of the energy harvesting capacities of nano-rectennas, aimed at their implementation in networks wireless nanodevices and intra-body nanotechnology. This is reflected in the introduction of the article as follows “in the field of health applications, the objective is to develop a network of therapeutic nanodevices that is capable of working in the human body or within it to support the monitoring of the immune system, health monitoring, drug delivery systems and biohybrid implants “. This leaves no doubt that nano-antennas, here called nano-rectennas, necessarily imply the presence of a network of nanodevices or nanotechnology aimed at controlling the biological variables and factors of people.
Furthermore, (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) state that “There are two main approaches to nanoscale wireless communications, namely, molecular and electromagnetic (EM) communications (Akyildiz, IF; Jornet, JM 2010). The latter commonly operates in the terahertz (THz) band (0.1-10 THz) and is a promising technique to support data exchange in nanosensor networks for healthcare applications or body-centered nano-networks. For the expected size of nanosensors, the frequency radiated by their antennas would normally be in the optical range, resulting in a very large channel attenuation that could make nanoscale wireless communication unfeasible. To overcome this limitation, graphene-based antennas have been developed, which are able to resonate in the THz band with sizes of a few ??, at a frequency up to two orders of magnitude lower than a metallic antenna of the same dimensions“.
This explanation corroborates the two types of intra-body communication , the molecular type used for monitoring and neuromodulation of neuronal tissue and the central nervous system ( Akyildiz, IF; Jornet, JM; Pierobon, M. 2011 | Malak, D.; Akan, OB 2012 | Rikhtegar, N.; Keshtgary, M. 2013 | Balasubramaniam, S.; Boyle, NT; Della-Chiesa, A.; Walsh, F.; Mardinoglu, A.; Botvich, D.; Prina-Mello , A. 2011) and electromagnetic, conceived for the control of biological variables and factors in the rest of the body, by means of nano-nodes (also known as nano-devices, nano-biosensors, etc.).
It also corroborates the operating band in which the intra-body nano-network is operating, in a range of 0.1-10 THz, confirmed in this blog according to (Abbasi, QH; Nasir, AA; Yang, K.; Qaraqe, KA ; Alomainy, A. 2017 | Zhang, R.; Yang, K.; Abbasi, QH; Qaraqe, KA; Alomainy, A. 2017 | Yang, K.; Bi, D.; Deng, Y.; Zhang, R. ; Rahman, MMU; Ali, NA; Alomainy, A. 2020). It also addresses the fact that the scale of the nano-devices, nano-sensors of the network forces to “resonate the THz band” by means of special antennas of a few microns (??), but with the ability to retransmit signals and in turn of harvesting energy to run the grid. These special properties are achieved through the plasmonic effect given by the nanoantennas scale, which confers special physical and quantum properties to these objects, as explained in (Jornet, JM; Akyildiz, IF 2013 | Nafari, M.; Jornet, JM 2015 | Guo , H.; Johari, P.; Jornet, JM; Sun, Z. 2015 ).
In the introductory dissertation, (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) mention a substantial aspect “the exchange of information between implantable [injectable] nanosensors is the most significant, since it allows control and monitoring the release or flux of molecular, biochemical compounds, and other important functions within the human body.” The relevance of this statement is crucial since it assumes that nanodevices have to be installed, injected or implanted in the human body, but also that it is necessary to receive their signals and data generated to carry out the corresponding monitoring, even at the level of molecular flow and biochemical compounds, such as neurotransmitters produced by neuronal tissue or the nervous system ( Abd-El-atty, SM; Lizos, KA; Gharsseldien, ZM; Tolba, A.; Makhadmeh, ZA 2018).
This explains the need to introduce graphene, carbon nanotubes and derivatives to capture these signals and bio-electrical markers to capture the information, but also a wireless nano-network, which allows transmitting this data outside the human body. Therefore, it must be understood that the nano-antennas or nano-rectennas in charge of repeating the signals could not only do it from the inside out, being able to carry out the reverse process, altering the neuronal synapse, for example.
Likewise, (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) state that a relevant problem in intra-body nano-networks is the availability of energy (Bouchedjera, IA; Aliouat, Z.; Louail , L. 2020 | Fahim, H.; Javaid, S.; Li, W.; Mabrouk, IB; Al-Hasan, M.; Rasheed, MBB 2020 ), for which efficient routing protocols and processes have been developed ( Sivapriya, S.; Sridharan, D. 2017 | Piro, G.; Boggia, G.; Grieco, LA 2015 ) that make the operation of the nano-network plausible. For the purposes of nano-antennas or nano-rectennas, Rong and his team state the following: “One of the biggest challenges in body-centered nanogrids is caused by the very limited energy storage of a nano battery … Since electromagnetic waves carry not only information but also energy, rectenins can operate at THz and frequencies. microwave, allowing them to work overnight. Since electromagnetic waves carry not only information, but also energy ( Varshney, LR 2008 ), nano-rectennas can share the same signal that is used to carry information within nano-networks. As a result, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) becomes a critical technique for powering nanogrids and is a promising solution to power bottlenecks … A major advantage of the The technique is that the proposed nano-rectennas are capable of converting an EM signal into a direct current without any external power supply of the system. In addition, achievable energy conversion achieves approximately 85% efficiency.“.
These statements are fundamental to confirm that EM electromagnetic waves, or what is the same microwave, serve to transport energy and data simultaneously, being able to do so in the THz band compatible with the intra-body wireless network.
This confirms what has been explained in the entry on nanocommunication networks for nanotechnology in the human body, published on this blog. This ambivalent phenomenon of transporting energy and data is known by the acronym SWIPT, which allows us to infer that nano-antennas or nano-rectennas have this property. In fact, the authors affirm its ability to convert an EM signal into direct current without external power, with a very high efficiency, which would explain why enough energy was generated and probably stored to make the intra-body network work. In fact, according to (Zainud-Deen, SH; Malhat, HA; El-Araby, HA 2017) nanoantennas with a geometric diode such as bow tie or other polygonal type, based on graphene, not only collect energy from electromagnetic waves EM ( microwave), they can also do it with the infrared spectrum (El-Araby, HA; Malhat, HA; Zainud-Deen, SH 2017 | 2018), which guarantees a constant flow of energy.
On the other hand, (Rong, Z .; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) define the concept of rectenna as “a combination of an antenna and a rectifier device, generally a diode, with the purpose of collecting energy in and to the nanowires, so that the EM waves are received by a nano antenna and then coupled to a rectifier … this makes it possible for them to be used to harvest energy from THz and higher frequencies. How nano-sized antennas operate In the THz band, their associated rectifier diodes need a fast response so that they can react properly to the incoming signal and deliver a DC (Direct Current) signal … The rectifier can collect energy from the THz signal or from residual energy in the environment“.
However, it is known that rectennas are also capable of transmitting and collecting energy and data in the GHz band as explained in the work of ( Suh, YH; Chang, K. 2002 | Abdel-Rahman, MR; Gonzalez, FJ; Boreman, GD 2004 ) .In this regard, the work of ( Khan, AA; Jayaswal, G .; Gahaffar, FA; Shamim, A. 2017, should also be highlighted .) in which it is shown that nano-rectennas are capable of collecting energy from environmental radio frequency (RF) for which they use tunneling diodes, which hardly consume energy during the process of conversion to direct current. These tunneling diodes also known as MIM (metal-insulator-metal) diodes can provide zero bias rectification, allowing it to operate in a frequency range between 2-10GHz, allowing it to adapt to input impedance.
In fact, Khan and his team state that “Although the real advantage of MIM diodes is the high frequencies (THz range), their zero-bias rectification ability can also be beneficial for collecting and wireless feeding at RF frequencies. .. Characterization of DC (Direct Current) indicated that the MIM diode could provide a zero bias responsiveness of 0.25V -1 with a decent dynamic resistance of 1200 Ω (Ohms). The metal-insulator-diode-metal RF (Radio Frequency) characterization was performed using two methods: 1) S parameter measurements (Diode tunnel barrier thickness) from 500MHz to 10 GHz, and 2) RF rectification to DC with zero polarization. The presented input impedance results may be useful for integrating MIM diodes with antennas for harvesting applications. The second part of the RF characterization verified the rectification of RF to DC zero bias.”
In other words, the researchers confirm that nano-rectennas can operate in lower frequency ranges and even by radio frequency, which explains that it makes them the ideal method for powering wireless nano-networks and their connection applications. to the IoNT (Internet of NanoThings).
Returning to the analysis of (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018), his work addresses the comparison of two types of rectenins oriented to intra-body nano-networks. One of them is nano-rectena based on carbon nanotubes, which matches with the identifications observed in the vaccine samples . In this sense, Rong and his team cite the work of (Sharma, A.; Singh, V.; Bougher, TL; Cola, BA 2015) who proposed the rectennas of CNT (Carbon Nanotubes) “which consisted of millions of nanotubes that functioned as nano antennas, with their tips made of Insulator-Metal (IM) to behave like diodes. The CNT rectennas showed great potential for body-centered nanodevice applications and wireless EM energy harvesting.”
This could confirm that the observed carbon nanotubes and plasmonic nanoantennas are intended, among others, to deliver energy. To the nano-network installed with the different inoculations of the vaccine, an aspect that would explain the need for several doses to complete the basic supply of energy for its perpetual operational maintenance. Abundant in the carbon nanotube rectennas, it is also stated that “When CNTs absorb EM radiation, a direct current will be generated after rectification across the tip area. This converted current is used to charge a capacitor. The process of conversion to DC (Direct Current) is carried out using the THz signal within the system and environmental free EM, so the power source of such a nano-rectenna generator does not need another specific external power source.” Which suggests that no other components are required to function.
In addition to CNT nano-rectennas, (Rong, Z .; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) compare them with their main proposal, bow tie nano-rectennas “dipole nano-rectennas have been proposed bow tie, with two triangular sections. The thickness of the antenna is 100 nm, and nano diodes, made of graphene located in the middle of the hole area of the bow tie antenna, producing the action of the rectena. Additionally, can connect to form a nano-rectilinear array or array. The bowtie dipole antenna receives EM radiation and converts the signal into AC (alternating current) flux to the nano diode. The diode then rectifies the AC (alternating current) into current continue DC “.
This would confirm the type of Plasmon nano-antennas observed in the vaccine samples , as well as the graphene material used as a link between their triangular sections, which matches with the presence of graphene detected by Campra in the vaccines . Another relevant detail is also provided, nano-rectennas can operate in a matrix or array, which means that thousands of them can operate, as stated by Rong and his team “As the output power of a single rectenine is 0.11 nW (approximately), if we use an array of these lines, the power and size required by the nano-network can be satisfied … More elements connected in series can increase the production of current and power “.
This is demonstrated in the work of ( Aldrigo, M .; Dragoman, M. 2014 ) entitled “Nano-rectennas based on graphene in the far infrared frequency band where it is explained that nano-rectennas are capable of collecting human heat in the infrared frequency band, and that the The proposed model is encouraging “both in terms of the rectified current of a single nano-receptor, as well as the power rectified by a macro-system that combines thousands of nano-cells“. Which leaves no doubt that nano-rectennas are not an isolated component, in fact they are more common and numerous than might be thought a priori. Perhaps one dose of the vaccine involves thousands or perhaps millions of nano-rectennas, depending on its scale.
Rong’s article continues to provide very relevant keys, this time in relation to the CNT rectennes, indicating that “the output voltage generated by the CNT rectena is of the order of tens of millivolts … the channel access scheme for the communications will be based on femtosecond pulses to the nanowire … the digits 1 (of the binary code) are transmitted using pulses of 100??, this is a long pulse, while the digits 0 are transmitted as silence … as the time The separation between adjacent bits is 1000 times the pulse duration (Ts = 100ps), the average power will return to the nW level. Therefore, the output power of the CNT rectenna is able to satisfy the power requirements of the system (from the nanoret)“.
According to Rong’s calculations, “For a rectenna CNT device, the maximum reported output voltage is 68 mV and for a 25-element rectenna bowtie array it is 170 mV. Therefore, according to (9), the rectena matrix bowtie (bow tie) delivers more charge than rectena CNT … when these two rectena devices are used to charge the same ultra-nano capacitor (9nF), it is evident that rectena CNT takes longer (more than 6 minutes) due to its very high junction resistance. Whereas for the rectena bow tie, the resistance is comparatively very small, so it only takes about 6 ms to supply more power to the capacitor“. This explanation is very important when comparing the two types of rectenna for intra-body nano-networks.
Arrayed bow tie nano-rectennas present better performance than those based on carbon nanotubes, taking a nano-capacitor to charge in only 6 milliseconds. This would explain the presence of these components in the vaccine samples, at micro and nano-scale. In addition, the allusion to the ultra-nanocapacitors used to perform the load test is relevant. Capacitors are passive electrical devices capable of of storing energy by maintaining an electric field.
This could lead to the question: Where is energy stored in intra-body nano-grids?
The answer is very simple, in an abundant and recognized material in vaccines, this is graphene itself. act as capacitors, as shown in the work of ( Bai, J .; Zhong, X .; Jiang, S .; Huang, Y .; Duan, X. 2010 ), because “the graphene sheets nanoribbons with widths less than 10 nm can open a band gap large enough for operation as transistor at room temperature“. This is de facto what allows the generation of a magnetic field, as a result of the electrical charge transmitted by the nano-rectennas.
This would explain the phenomenon of magnetic arms (among other parts of the body) after inoculation of the vaccines. In fact, if you look at figure 5, a nano-mesh (made of graphene) similar to that found in the scientific literature can be seen blurred, which could act as a condenser. In many cases, these shapes were found around polygonal, quadrangular objects. and nano-antennas, which seems to make sense to provide an energy carryover for nano-grids.
Finally, among the conclusions, Rong and his team highlight the following “Along with the continuous advancement of the SWIPT technique ( simultaneous wireless information and power transfer) , the pioneering CNT matrix receiver and the nano-matrix bowtie (bowtie) open the door for wireless nano-sensor powering. Since a nano-rectenna is capable of powering nanosensors without any external source and its broadband property allows rectenna to be a very efficient and promising way to power implanted nanodevices and in the human body. CNT’s rectenna array can successfully deliver the required human body-centric wireless nano-network power, estimated to be around 27.5 nW. Also, the bow tie rectifier array is much smaller in size, but provides similar power … Although nano-rectenins cannot provide such a high voltage compared to a piezoelectric nanogenerator, an array of nano-rectennas bowtie (bowtie) is much more efficient producing in addition DC (Direct Current) directly from the THz signal within the system (the human body) and the environmental EM signal without any other external power source of the system“.
This seems to make it clear that this type of nano-antennas are the appropriate ones, if what is desired is to install intra-corporal nano-networks of nanodevices and nanosensors. Therefore, a very sharp deduction is not necessary to realize that the The presence of plasmonic nano-antennas in the vaccine samples, whether in the shape of a bow tie or cube, or a prism, as has been observed, are clear evidence of the presence of undeclared nanotechnology.
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Senator Pauline Hanson of Queensland, Australia, spoke during a “Business for Choice” event on December 9th at the Ipswich urban district in Queensland. She told audience members that she had no plans to get vaccinated.
She said: “I’ll tell you honestly, I haven’t had the jab [and] I don’t intend to have the jab. I’m not putting that s**t in my body. I’ve taken a stance and that is my choice.
“I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but I am very careful [with] what I’m putting into my body. I’ve felt that I’ve kept pretty good health all my life, and I intend to keep it that way.”
She criticised health authorities that she claims are making decisions for her body and infringing upon medical freedom.
“I don’t intend to listen to bureaucrats, politicians, the United Nations or the World Health Organisation pushing their own agenda and taking away my freedoms, my rights [and] my choices. That’s why I’m fighting this issue, and so should you,” Hanson said.
The Senator is a staunch critic of vaccine mandates and previously said that these measures encourage a “pandemic of discrimination.” In response, she introduced a bill in the Australian Senate in November 2021, seeking to block vaccine mandates. Although, Hanson’s bill was rejected in a 44-5 vote.
Tasmania Senator Jacqui Lambie accused Hanson and her party of thriving on discrimination and fear-mongering. She said: “This bill was supposed to be about fighting the discrimination of people who haven’t been vaccinated against COVID-19. The only people who need protection from discrimination are people who can’t receive the [vaccine] for reasons outside of their control.”
Earlier in the year, Hanson and one of her colleagues joined truck drivers protesting against Queensland’s vaccine mandate and lockdown measures. Truckers blocked the M1 Highway last August 30th in protest of compulsory Covid-19 vaccination. The senator urged the drivers to “move on” by 7am on the same day.
Many are shocked at the speed by which authoritarianism has returned Germany, with the government imposition of a medical apartheid system designed to contain the new discriminated class known as the ungeimpft (unvaccinated).
As a formerly liberal and open society, many Germans have been stunned by the pace at which the government, backed by its German leader in Brussels, unelected EU head Ursula von der Leyen, has pressed forward with the implementation of a vaccine passport regime which leaglises discrimination based on arbitrary medical status. Equally shocked are Europeans and those around the world who believed that Germany had learned its lessons from history and the abject horrors of totalitarianism.
Now one month into its New Normal program, the country is beginning to see pockets of resistance forming around the country. A recent demonstration the city of Magdeburg saw some 5,000 people take to the streets to peacefully oppose the government attempt to drag the country into an unprecedented pharmaceutical technocracy. Not surprisingly, they were met with police in full riot gear.
Based on the size of the earlier anti-lockdown demonstrations in 2020, there is a sizeable silent opposition bloc in Germany. It’s only a question of time before it re-establishes itself.
It appears that a tide of resistance has begun. Watch:
App “How Bad Is My Batch?” Allows People To Input Batch Code And See How Many Deaths, Disabilities and Illnesses Associated With That Batch “1 in 200 Lots Contain Deadly Ingredients”
I was told about the work of Craig Paardekooper by my friend of many years, PhD bio-chemist Dr. Dave Rasnick a few days ago; Today came this email from Dave, clarifying his shocking findings:
“ I’m following the very important work of Craig Paardekooper at Kingston University London. Recently, I introduced Craig’s work to our email group.
The companies purposely manufactured non-uniform formulations of their vaccines while representing to the public that all COVID-19 vaccines from a given manufacturer were uniform in their formulation.
Over 20,000 different batches (lots) of Pfizer, Moderna, J & J injections total.
1 in 200 lots contain deadly ingredients. He urged me to watch a series of videos, in which he lays out the unthinkable. One video here:
Another, “Death By Alphabet: Moderna Batch Codes And Associated Deaths:” here
“Please share with those you know, and also with doctors, nurses and teachers – who may soon be pushing the vax onto children. Doctors and nurses need to see that some batches are 50 x worse than others – before they prescribe them.”
“Moderna Used the Alphabet to Label Different Toxicities of Vaccine.
Moderna batches belong to two main groups – 20A or 21A – the 20A group is much more toxic. In fact all of the batches producing more than 1780 adverse reaction reports – all of those batches have batch codes ending in 20A.”
“I ranked all the Moderna vaccine batches in order of the number of deaths caused, and used the data from the highest 180 batches as my data set.
As shown in my previous videos, Moderna batches have an alphabet letter in the centre of their batch codes…”
”I just stumbled upon it,” he said. “Every morning I spend an hour or two going to the usual places, I go to, to find information. Last week or something I came across one of his talks. Odyssey or something. And then found his website. He had done a series of videos. These analyses are of the US VAERS data. That’s available to anybody. There are huge number of reports in VAERS. What he has done is that …the guy must have a lot of time on his hands because VAERS is a pain in the ass to use normally. There’s almost a million reports now on the Covid injections….from this guy I learned there are 20,200 batches. That includes all 3— Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen. He has done an analysis by batch number. One batch has about 20,000 jabs. There are 20,200 lots numbers. We know there are billions of these already ordered and shipped. The important thing is that it’s a huge data base. He has correlated over time the reports of the severity of the jabs over almost a year now.”
Dr. Rasnick described how Paardekooper charted a roller coaster of adverse events patterns, not random, but highly variable. They went up and down, forming patterns. “He was able to show that they had done a dosing regimen where the earliest ones had highest toxicity, some a lot less toxic…This is exactly what any scientist wants to see, this volume of data. These companies are working in concert so they did not interfere with each other’s results. The toxicities are very specific, and they come sequentially.”
”All of that non-randomness was the key. As soon as you see that… if I was on a jury I wold convict those people of grievous bodily harm and willful homicide.”
I asked what he knew about Paardekooper.
“He’s not a PhD yet,” Dr. Rasnick said. “He’s at Kingston University, in London. We’ve had exchanges, he answers my emails promptly. He reminds me of….well, he’s not beholden to anybody. I knew something like that could be done if somebody had all that data. It’s a huge, extraordinary effort. If it was only a few thousand data points that would be one thing, anybody could do that, but this is about a million data points. Batch codes and toxicity. The December 4th video, that’s the one that shows coordination.”
The fallout of the COVID experiment is being witnessed by Covid jab recipients over the world as direct adverse effects. By officials, the same effects are being tallied as collateral damage.
With little to no information presented at the time of deployment in early 2021, the mRNA injections have now adversely affected over 2 million people are part of a global capture. The numbers are likely to be 100 times higher.
…. based on the Harvard Study commissioned by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), in Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, it only captures less than 1% of the actual ADRs, so adapting that figure to Vigiaccess, we can say that the total ADRs would be an astonishing 200M already.
At least one medical journal study shows some of these Adverse Drug Effects (ADRs). Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning
Without searching the medical literature, now people can visit the global database of adverse reactions by the World Health Organization’s (WHO), that tracks the numbers of Adverse Drug [Direct] Effects (ADRs). VIGIACCESS.ORG
According to the VigiAccess website, VigiAcess was launched by the WHO in 2015 to provide public access to information of reported potential side effects of medicinal products. Dr John Gideon Hartnett’s websiteprovides category headliners for Adverse Drug Reactions from mRNA injections. Dr. Gideon writes on his website:
The WHO has a database for adverse reactions from drugs called VigiAccessTM. Here I searched it for those adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines and got the following. It has a total of 2,183,912 adverse reactions from the various experimental COVID shots. You’ll note that the reactions occur throughout the body.
This list shows that the experimental gene-altering drugs given to people have to be the worse medical experiment ever performed in world history.
Blood and lymphatic system disorders (88123)
Cardiac disorders (107441)
Congenital, familial and genetic disorders (1188)
Ear and labyrinth disorders (72880)
Endocrine disorders (2967)
Eye disorders (80478)
Gastrointestinal disorders (452265)
General disorders and administration site conditions (1333876)
Hepatobiliary disorders (4356)
Immune system disorders (30771)
Infections and infestations (146156)
Injury, poisoning and procedural complications (106796)
Investigations (298364)
Metabolism and nutrition disorders (50000)
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (643099)
Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) (3233)
Nervous system disorders (946519)
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions (4922)
Product issues (3653)
Psychiatric disorders (103711)
Renal and urinary disorders (17621)
Reproductive system and breast disorders (84169)
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders (231914)
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders (301917)
Social circumstances (15353)
Surgical and medical procedures (19548)
Vascular disorders (118763)
The age groups most affected are 18 – 44 years (39%) and 45 – 64 years (31%). That’s bad news for the 18 – 44 year olds considering their risks from acquiring a natural infection of COVID are practically zero. The result is life-long immunity.
Females represent 69% and males 30% of all those Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR). The residual 1% is labeled as unknown.
It lists ADRs by year as follows. This is strange that some ADRs are listed in years prior to 2020. How’s that possible if only COVID-19 vaccine ADRs are listed?
ADR Reports per year:
Year Count
2021 2181543
2020 2254
2019 82
2018 29
2017 2
2016 1
2014 1
Continued from Dr. Gideon: Compare this VigiAccess list to the US VAERS database which has currently 752,801 (Sept 2021) adverse events and 15,937 deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines. If I scale the VigiAccess data by the ratio of adverse reactions to deaths in VAERS I get 46,234 deaths expected in the VigiAccess data. That seems more reasonable number for the world. But from whistleblowers we have heard that these statistics are heavily under reported and the real numbers could be 100 times higher.
For fallout reports from Canadian recipients, watch the documentary I Am Not Misinformation.
Natural Immunity is Innate
Innate means from within. Your innate immunity is granted to you at birth by your Creator. There is no other defense system that can heal your body other than the wisdom of your own body. You are your own healer. You only need to give your body the right tools to heal yourself. And those tools all come from Nature.
We are told that medical doctors take an oath to First, Do No Harm. Yet, they are also licensed to be able to dispense drugs that can, and do, cause harm. A license is permission to do something otherwise deemed to be illegal. How do they justify the contradictions?
While some medical schools ask their graduates to abide by the Hippocratic Oath, others use a different pledge — or none at all. And in fact, although “first, do no harm” is attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, it isn’t a part of the Hippocratic Oath at all. It is actually from another of his works called Of the Epidemics.
Here is a line from one translation of the Hippocratic Oath:
I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.
Collateral Damage
The great divide forming in society stems from a man-made divide based on misinformation and censorship. The Pro vs. Anti vaccine narrative is part of the narrative. This model is designed by social engineers using a Psy Op (psychological operation) to divide families and friends alike. All Pro-Anti Psy Ops serve only to separate people and promote fear. Avoid them.
Further, it is illegal for any doctor, politician, or employer to force or coerce anyone to take or accept a medical product in order to function in society. Each person must be his own advocate, with total rulership over his or her own body since each is responsible for his or her own health. When it comes to health, if you do not stand up for your body and your mind, you may find yourself on a database of vaccine injuries as Collateral Damage.
The ‘covid gods’ aren’t acknowledging natural immunity. They are not acknowledging vaccine injuries. They are not acknowledging the fact that even if you are fully vaccinated you can still get covid. You can still transmit covid. So what’s the point of a mandate? Of course that’s not what we’re getting from the covid gods. – Senator Ron Johnson on the Senate floor, Dec. 8, 2021 Wisconsin,
Senators and politicians are re-presentatives. They claim to speak for you with their voice. But no one can re-present your body, your mind, or your voice. No one owns your body except you. If you know who you are, do your own research, and follow the money, you can make an informed decision for your health without re-presentatives. The virus hitting humanity is a virus of the mind, affecting the ability for people to access their thinking brains and speak their truths. The virus comes from fear and disconnection, not from China, and not from bats.
The main ingredient in hand sanitizer is paranoia – Author Unknown
To reverse “the virus” that causes all plandemics, move from fear to love. Reconnect with yourself and with those around you, with your neighbors. Reclaim the narrative that describes true health with an attitude of gratitude. The risk to any sickness is low if you know who you are, and that your body comes with the the best defense system in Nature, already built in.
I’ve published this piece several times. This time I decided to write a new introduction.
In the summer of 1962, based on an overwhelming desire, I spent every day painting in a loft in New York.
It made me realize that Reality is invented.
Since then, I’ve come to see the people who think otherwise are living in a prison, from which they proclaim, “There’s no such thing as freedom.” Why should I listen to them?
For most people, living inside somebody else’s reality is as easy as crossing the street. Or putting on a suit of clothes. They’ve learned that this is what you’re supposed to do. And “supposed to” works for them.
They also have a quirk. If you try to take away some item of borrowed reality they’re clinging to, they react badly, as if you’re suddenly stripping them naked at a Sunday church picnic.
Groups of perverse elite artists conspire to create formidable enveloping realities for the masses. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the field of medicine. These denizens have invented a language so dense it stands up against the uninitiated like the symbolic scrolls of secret societies.
Science is a terrific cover story for this sort of fabrication, because science ostensibly opposes “making stuff up.”
When I began putting together evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is one of those medical inventions—a sheer fantasy—I knew the notion would confuse some people. That consequence has never stopped me. In fact, I believe confusion is productive, if you dig in and pursue it far enough.
People will say, “I’m walking in the dark. It isn’t fair. Someone should turn the lights on.” They don’t want confusion. They want immediate resolution. They want confirmation of what they already believe, what they’re expected to believe. Any frontier beyond that is dangerous.
Here is my kind of movie: a cop investigating a fresh murder sifts through clues and comes up with a suspect. As he pursues this person, who is missing, he discovers the man is already dead. A little while later, he discovers the man died sixteen years ago. Then he finds out the man never existed. Then he discovers there is a long-standing government agency that holds records of thousands of deceased people who, in fact, never existed…
Reality on a massive scale has been invented.
To put this in highly technical terms, the bullshit is so thick you’d need a diamond drill just to begin penetrating it.
And what you’re penetrating is what almost everyone believes is absolutely real.
Which is called life-as-it-is (but doesn’t have to be).
And with that, here we go:
The Virus Speaks
I can’t recall jumping through more hoops in order to set up an interview.
There was a man on a train; his doctor in Greenwich; an NSA data analyst; a woman who almost certainly works for the CIA; her brother, who is a virologist; a Chinese Army officer who adopts a cover as a cook in a takeout joint in Venice, California; and several other people I won’t mention at all. I was filtered through them and wound up in a cheap motel room in Phoenix on a Saturday afternoon. An old air conditioner was chugging…
Who are you?
I’m SARS-CoV-2.
WHAT are you?
Talking history and evolution here. My first memories; a little more than a year ago. Poof. I was there. I decided I was an idea in the mind of God.
How did that work out?
I looked around for the mind of God, but I couldn’t find it. Nevertheless, I held on to the notion. I felt…elite. I floated through banquet halls, hotel suites. I visited upscale resorts.
Were you infecting people?
I was vacationing. Watching. Enjoying. That’s all. Then, I became aware of dimensionality.
You lost me.
There are solid things; spaces between things; ideas like time, and so forth. I was definitely an idea, but I couldn’t trace my source, my inception.
Did you know how much publicity you were getting?
Of course. I had frequent meetings with scientists and PR people. I was fielding lots of information.
What kind of information?
How to become more deadly, for example. There were discussions about mutation.
Were you on board with the recommendations?
I wasn’t interested. There was a lot of talk about THEM creating ME.
What was your reaction?
I wasn’t buying it. I could see they THOUGHT they had made me. But so what? I intensified my search.
For what?
My origin. I went through stages of self-analysis. Finally, it hit me. I was an idea inside a collective.
Not sure I understand.
I’m an idea sustained by a few billion minds. People’s minds.
What about your genetic sequence? The spike protein?
Believe me, I’ve looked. They aren’t there.
So we’re creating you.
That’s pretty much it. I should say completely it.
A hell of a thing.
You bet. Can you see my problem?
I want to live. I don’t want to vanish and END.
So people have to keep believing in you.
That’s it. If they stop, I’m gone.
Your handlers…
Oh, they’ve given up talking to me. I’m all by myself now. I’m safe for the moment. But long-term, it’s a crap shoot. I’ve been reading about other so-called viruses. SARS 1. Swine Flu. They didn’t last long. People got tired of thinking about them.
You’ll always have a place in history.
That’s different. Being remembered isn’t enough. I have to be believed in, month after month, year after year, decade after decade.
Sounds like you’re losing hope.
I guess so. It’s a strange existence. Other people can turn you on and off like a light switch.
Have you considered starting a religion?
With myself as the Prophet? Sure. It’s a lot of work. I could vftcutbnty…spend years trying.
What just happened? You made some weird sounds.
It was a flicker. Apparently, when the number of people thinking about me drops below a certain threshold, I scramble and begin to dissolve. But I always come back. So far.
Does it matter who’s thinking about you and believing in you?
You mean Henry Kissinger versus a janitor in a school? No. It’s a numbers game. Of course, you need to factor in strength of belief. If you have a few thousand kids in Florida who say, “OK, the virus exists, big deal”—or three hundred grad students in biology wearing triple masks and panting to get the vaccine—the sum total of the grad students outweighs the Florida kids.
What about Fauci?
He’s a true believer.
Bill Gates?
He’s completely delusional. He believes in whatever gives him more power. Take away all that power and he wouldn’t believe in anything.
Do you realize the amount of harm being done in your name?
Of course. That’s why I agreed to this interview.
How is that going to do any good?
I’ve made a decision. As much as I want to survive, I’m willing to sacrifice myself if people want me to.
You’re talking about what? A vote?
No. Haven’t you been paying attention? People can just stop believing I’m more than an idea.
And then you’ll dissolve.
And blow away.
—Suddenly, men broke down the door to the motel room. They stormed in with weapons drawn. They were wearing heavy body armor. I looked around. The “virus” had fled the scene.
“What are you doing here?” one of the men said. “We’ve had reports of a disturbance.”
“I was talking to myself. Rehearsing for an interview I hope to do.”
“What interview?”
“I’m a reporter. I’m investigating the use of sub-standard air conditioners in Phoenix. It’s a racket. The units are smuggled across the border from Mexico. I’m trying to sit down with a local public health official and find out what’s going on.”
It took me three hours to convince the SWAT team I was no threat.
They let me go.
As I drove out of the city, I saw a ghostly figure take shape out in the desert. It hung in the air over the scrub and the cactus.
Its voice whispered in my ear: “Publish our conversation.”
The National Black Caucus of the Green Party of the United States strongly opposes the use of forced vaccination via mandates and the discrimination that is being generated around these policies.
Today’s polarizing climate is competing for the trust and confidence of citizens more than ever before. The nature of power is changing and these changes are not measured simply by a degree of control by COVID mandates and quarantines.
In today’s political environment, the speed and accessibility of information created “digital reflections” that made medical facts vulnerable, eroding trust between the White House administration, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization.
The fear of losing control in our fast-paced social media environment is pushing us toward exclusion. Our current leaders, whether Congress or the White House administration and even our current steering committee, should instead develop an instinct for inclusion.
The coronavirus pandemic is one of our most dangerous wars in human history, because the most lethal attacks are the ones that catch us off guard.
Being caught off guard has caused erroneous data reporting that is currently being exposed by the Freedom of Information Act request because we are not only unsure about the numbers, but being certain that the numbers are incorrect, is the most difficult issue many are facing today.
In a pandemic world where verifying case numbers is becoming increasingly difficult, inclusion is imperative and our Consumer Protection plank of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS) must be honored.
Lockdowns, mandates and passports are the major issue of the day with millions of people protesting against them worldwide. In fact, what has become known as the “medical freedom” movement is arguably the biggest and most diverse international movement in world history.
Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are among the most vile, unconstitutional, immoral, unscientific, discriminatory and outright criminal policies ever enforced upon the population and goes against everything GPUS stands for under social justice.
These policies are coming from an out-of-control government at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry.
The mainstream media and social media are also working in lock-step to censor any and all doctors, scientists and investigative journalists who have an opposing view or who even question the current mainstream media orthodoxy.
Workers are being forced out of their jobs, many with medical exceptions from their doctors, students are being denied entrance to educational institutions, needed medical treatment is being denied, medical privacy is being violated, constitutionally protected rights to movement and assembly (including the right to travel) are being threatened, rights to normal societal participation are being decimated.
It has taken a while, but more recently many medical professionals, elected officials and federal judges have come out fully against lockdowns, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and of course massive censorship.
There is a growing clarity among many that these measures have nothing to do with health and everything to do with a power-grab at levels never before seen in the history of the world.
Under no circumstances shall any medical treatment or procedure — including psychotropic medications, vaccines and/or other injectable treatments — be mandated or coerced.
Individuals should be allowed to protect/heal themselves in a manner that best supports their medical and spiritual beliefs.
The coercive methods we oppose include:
Threats to personal health information privacy at every level.
Discrimination and/or lack of access to public education, public housing or other public services.
Removal of minors from their guardians.
Any travel restrictions and/or restrictions from public spaces based on a requirement for “vaccine passports” or any other proof of “compliance” with any medical intervention.
Vaccine requirements that target specific populations based on ethnicity/race, even if positioned as correcting disparities.
We further oppose the use of privacy-invasive technology and artificial intelligence (AI) monitoring systems (including facial recognition, fingerprint apps, tracking cell phones or any other personal electronic devices and credit score systems) as a way to monitor and track the movements and/or restrict the rights of individuals to freely exist and assemble as they choose, especially when applied to personal health care choices.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.
Below you will find a video with English translation (courtesy of Orwell City) for La Quinta Columna’s first look at the contents of Prevenar 13 (PCV) under a high power microscope. Prevenar 13 is a pneumoococcal vaccine that is routinely given to infants and babies. Evidence of Graphene Oxide is clearly seen. They will be following up with additional analysis and reports.
Per NHS, UK: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) is used to vaccinate children under 2 years old as part of the NHS vaccination schedule. It’s known by the brand name Prevenar 13.
Per CDC, US: Give PCV13 to infants as a series of 4 doses, one dose at each of these ages: 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and 12 through 15 months.
I think I have a video here to finish. Yes, of course. It’s an important video. Today we have used the optical microscope that we were able to acquire thanks to the donations that you made to La Quinta Columna at the time. And we have analyzed under the microscope the vaccine Prevenar 13, an anti-pneumococcal vaccine. A vaccine of the calendar that’s traditionally in the calendar. It’s precisely for the youngest, for children, including infants from 6 months onwards.
Let’s see what material we have found there. Because, normally, when we look at the optical microscope that has a quality of 60x to 100x, 200x, 400x, or 1000x at the most, we should see microscopic substances. And the only visible ones should be salts. Salts that look like crystals and that are used in the dissolution itself. And something else. And little else. Maybe some metal, but very few.
However, we have come across for the umpteenth time this graphene-like material that we have seen so much. Particularly, in the misnamed anti-COVID vaccines. Of course, indeed, they’re actually pro-COVID vaccines.
This material has a very special feature. It not only has an identity trace when analyzed or radiated with micro Raman spectroscopy, as Dr. Campra already did, but under the optical microscope, it looks like it had folds. As if it were a kleenex tissue at the bottom of a swimming pool. At the same time, it tends to fold back on its edges. These are graphene nanosheets. Let’s look at these images that we have taken from the Prevent 13 vaccine today.
What’s the traceability that you ask so many questions about? It was directly traced. A sanitary sent it to the domicile of La Quinta Columna. So let’s take a look at those images and judge for yourselves since this substance or this type of material shouldn’t appear in the Prevenar 13 vaccine. Let’s take a look at it.
Well, there’s a little video for you guys to see that it’s a live image that we’ve recorded. And as I say, this has all the appearance of the fashionable material. Of that “wonder material” that’s so wonderful that they have introduced it inside the vaccines so that your children can also carry it inside their bodies.
Here. The previous image was also quite clear. Let’s see, let’s move it forward a little bit.
You can see it here as well. This is the same material that you will see magnified now. Let’s see. When you see this delineation between the light green and the dark green, know the light green is what’s inside the drop. On the outside, that dark green and this striped aspect that you can see is the microscope slide. So, whatever is inside the light, well, that’s everything that belongs to the vaccine.
OK? Let’s continue. Although you don’t recognize the graphene, this shouldn’t be there. OK? Not in a calendar vaccine or any other type of vaccine. This also looks like graphene. A lot.
If we laser here, through spectroscopy, and measure the identity fingerprint, in all likelihood it’ll give us the two peaks characteristic of reduced graphene oxide. In addition, it’s likely to be doped with some metals. Here you see the fold. The folded edge. It has the appearance of graphene nanosheets.
Now we have a little video here of a graphene nano-ribbon, which is also introduced.
If you take as a positive control the graphene oxide that they sell, for example, in any store, you’ll see that this type or typology of objects —as we did in the past in some video of La Quinta Columna—, is distributed as an aqueous solution of graphene dispersion. Like a new type of nanotechnology introduced in vials with a purpose that you already know. If you see, it has the very characteristic appearance that already appeared in Dr. Campra’s preliminary report back on June 28.
This appearance of nano-ribbons is also graphene-based. Well, that was the Prevenir 13 vaccine video. In just four droplets under the microscope.
We often wonder why any hospital that has a good microscope —at least an optical microscope— doesn’t analyze the remains of a vaccine. Because, supposedly, there must be nanoparticles. Nanoparticles. Therefore, they shouldn’t be visible under an optical microscope.
And, moreover, they should be homogeneous. And only visible, in any case, an electron microscope. As we saw them, as you know, in that preliminary report by Dr. Campra. And why don’t they check themselves that these graphene-based nanosheet structures do indeed exist? Because when we subjected it to spectroscopy it gave the fingerprint of the identity of graphene oxide. Moreover, there are the patents of the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism itself on the official website of the Spanish government and other international health ministries.
So, why do you continue to deny it? Well. We do know why: because they continue to cover up the murder weapon. So, all those really covering this up are accomplices of a covert genocide. They’re, literally, criminals and murderers in the service of supranational entities. Pharmaceutical corporations included. To reduce the world’s population and, of course, neuromodulate it. And graphene is precisely the base raw material in this technology.
So, what else needs to be done? What more evidence do we have to demonstrate from La Quinta Columna and other information channels, such as InfoVacunas or El Arconte that are also denouncing it? What needs to be done? How many complaints need to be filed?
We have filed more than three hundred criminals, administrative and litigation complaints. How many ways have to be exhausted so that you’re aware that the world population is being killed? What else needs to be done? We’re volunteering again, both myself and Dr. Sevillano —as well as Dr. Campra himself— to go to a court and to expose all the knowledge and all the reliable evidence we have.
And we demand that the European Medicines Agency —of course, in the quality control that supposedly makes the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products, whose maximum responsible is this socialist councilor of Utrera, Mrs. Silvia Calzon Fernández, who’s its director and president—, to make an analysis to, somehow, provide a counter-analysis to the one made by Dr. Campra. Which, to date, is the only independent report in the world.
“Healthy people who want to supplement 500 mg daily will probably fit many people’s needs. However, we must consider the extra stress almost everyone is experiencing and the declining value of minerals in our foods. But if you feel intensely stressed out, have irregular heartbeats, feel oppression in your chest, suffer from pain, have diabetes, cancer, neurological disease, etc., think of a gram as your minimum dose.”
“There is no healing system more powerful than that which employs Nature’s primordial substances, materials so pure and close to Nature that they yield benefits without the typical side effects of most drugs.”
The resounding answer to this question about Magnesium is the same as why they are injecting extremely dangerous genetic injections into a large swath of humanity. It is built into the modern medical system and has been for a long time. I have written a lot on medical and pharmaceutical terrorism through the years, but even I have been shocked at how far they are willing to destroy people’s and now young children’s lives with COVID vaccines.
Forty percent of all first heart attacks end in death! Magnesium’s most crucial action is its vasodilating effects, which improve the blood supply to ischemic areas and reduce infarct size. A ten-year study of 2,182 men in Wales found that those eating diets low in Magnesium had a 50% higher risk of sudden death from heart attacks than those eating one-third more Magnesium. Due to lack of Magnesium, the heart muscle can develop a spasm or cramp and stop beating. Most people, including doctors, don’t know it, but without sufficient Magnesium, we will die. When someone dies of a heart attack, people never say, “He died from magnesium deficiency.”
The only question about Magnesium is the dosage necessary for it to do its job for each person. When I say a gram a day, I am talking about magnesium medicine, not about magnesium supplementation. Few still know or understand that Magnesium can and should be used as a prime medication.
Knowing appropriate dosages is essential to practitioners and patients because dosages are mission-critical for achieving therapeutic effects. Low doses do not get clinical results! Through the years, the mistake I have seen people making repeatedly is under-dosing. Healing substances like Magnesium become front-line medicines when dosages are taken up to the level of what doctors might use during cardiac arrest in ICU and emergency departments. So if regular pharmaceuticals do not do the job and the patient is dying, a reasonable emergency room doctor would reach for Magnesium; but they would inject or give it intravenously.
The dose makes the effect in Natural Allopathic Medicine, where the dose makes the poison in modern medicine.
Healthy people who want to supplement 500 mg daily will probably fit many people’s needs. However, we must consider the extra stress almost everyone is experiencing and the declining value of minerals in our foods. But if you feel intensely stressed out, have irregular heartbeats, feel oppression in your chest, suffer from pain, have diabetes, cancer, neurological disease, etc., think of a gram as your minimum dose.
Suppose one is looking to get the most out of Magnesium as a medicine to treat both acute and chronic diseases. In that case, one can easily think of 1 to 3 grams a day split up through many dosage administrations, so bowel tolerance is not so easily reached.
The good news is that the Magnesium can also be applied transdermally, meaning you can put it right on your skin, take footbaths, and full baths loaded with Magnesium. You can even nebulize it. My favorite is magnesium massages.
Oral consumption taken to bowel tolerance: Magnesium is the perfect medicine for constipation because high levels loosen the intestines. Thus, one can navigate oral dosage by reaching the intake level that provokes loosening stools. Then back down the dosage, let the body get used to it, and slowly increase again to bowel tolerance. I use magnesium chloride or magnesium bicarbonate, but all forms are helpful to one degree or another.
The Heavy Guns of Magnesium
Magnesium is strongly related to the immune system in both nonspecific and specific immune responses, also known as innate and acquired immune response. Dr. Raul Vergini says, “Magnesium chloride has a unique healing power on acute viral and bacterial diseases. It cured polio and diphtheria, which was the main subject of my magnesium book. Every few hours, a few grams of magnesium chloride will clear nearly all acute illnesses. I have seen a lot of flu cases healed in 24-48 hours with 3 grams of magnesium chloride taken every 6-8 hours.”
Dr. Vergini wrote, “I was looking for a solution to cleanse wounds because Dr. Delbet had found out that the traditional antiseptic solutions actually mortified tissues and facilitated the infection instead of preventing it. He tested several mineral solutions and discovered that magnesium chloride has a great effect over leukocytic activity (Increases leucocytes to fight infection) and phagocytosis; so it was perfect for external wounds treatment.”
In 1915, a French surgeon, Prof. Pierre Delbet, M.D wrote, “From a practical standpoint, please remember that only magnesium CHLORIDE—and no other magnesium salt—has this ‘cytophylactic’ activity. The solution to be used is a 2.5% magnesium chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2-6H2O) solution (i.e. 25 grams in 1 liter of water).”
Doses are as follows:
Adults and children over 5 years old………………. 125 cc
4-year-old children…………………………………. 100 cc
3-year-old children………………………………….. 80 cc
1-2-year-old children……………………………….. 60 cc
Children over six months old ………………………… 30 cc
Children under six months old ……………………….. 15 cc
Medicines must be safe in the emergency room while delivering an instant lifesaving burst of healing power.Magnesium chloride has the advantage of being administered intravenously, intramuscularly, orally, as well as vaporized through a nebulizer, and as a lotion transdermally. In anesthesia and intensive care, the preferred administration route is IV.
Because oral dosages are limited by bowel tolerance, it is helpful to use transdermal applications. For example, one can spray magnesium oil topically and sit in the sun or have someone massage the magnesium oil in for the most delightful medical treatment. One can also load one’s baths in Magnesium and bicarbonate.
One retired doctor with diabetic neuropathy could tolerate up to 20 grams a day to control his neuropathy. His high levels were necessary because he had magnesium-wasting disease.
There is no healing system more powerful than that which employs Nature’s primordial substances, materials so pure and close to Nature that they yield benefits without the typical side effects of most drugs. The secret to safe and effective medicine is found in using medicinal substances that do not have side effects in reasonable doses. This is the very meaning of safe, something that will not harm or hurt you.
The Russian government is still planning to push through a deeply unpopular nationwide QR code law—but making such legislation a reality could be a tall order.
In some regions where QR codes are already in place, authorities have hastily abandoned enforcement efforts.
Fed-up Russians are boycotting, bypassing, and beating people up.
Non-existent enforcement in Kazan
On November 22, Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, became the first city in Russia to require QR codes for public transportation. The new rule led to absolute chaos: buses were being delayed by twenty minutes or more as conductors struggled to check QR codes—and there were numerous reports of angry passengers starting brawls.
It appears that Kazan basically… gave up. QR codes are still required to use public transport, but the rule is not enforced in any meaningful way.
In early December, Ilya Zotov, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the All-Russian Association of Passengers, decided to investigate how Kazan’s QR codes regime works in practice.
“Briefly: I traveled on 4 different bus routes, 1 trolleybus, and also in the metro. What did I see in fact?
– on 4 bus routes the QR code was never asked;
– in the trolleybus they asked if I had a code, I said yes (which is true), but they did not ask me to show it;
“In the metro,QR codes are checked at the entrance to the station, but you can show any code (of a relative or friend), there is no data reconciliation,” Zotov, wrote in his Telegram channel.
He also said that 70% of passengers were not complying with mask rules. The takeaway? Maybe this is not such a good policy:
“I come to the conclusion that this whole imitation is not needed… It is better for the authorities of Tatarstan to honestly admit this and cancel QR codes in transport,” Zotov wrote.
Enforcement reportedly remains quite lax. At the Doctors for Truth conference in Moscow on Sunday, your correspondent spoke with an activist who said that she recently took several bus rides in Kazan without having to present a QR code.
The most dangerous job in Russia?
One of the problems with enforcing QR codes in Russia is that you can get stabbed for doing it. On paper it sounds like a major growth industry, but is it really worth the lousy pay and the constant beatings?
For example, at the end of November a mall cop in Kazan was wounded in the arm with a knife after he asked a man for his QR code.
In some parts of Russia, violent opposition to QR codes appears to have played a key role in dropping the regime altogether.
REGNUM, citing local media, reported that a city in Altai gave up on enforcing QR codes in their shopping centers—partly due to the “very aggressive attitude of citizens towards the procedure”:
According to one of the managers of the shopping center, two inspectors were beaten up in the first ten days of the introduction of the vaccination inspection system in the Altai Territory.
We’ve read similar reports from across Russia.
St. Petersburg business revolt
St. Petersburg restauranteur Alexander Konovalov owns dozens of businesses. He announced last month that he would not be complying with the city’s QR code rules:
“The introduction of QR codes, the assignment of numbers, as in a concentration camp, is fascism. I have more than 200 establishments (among them bars, hookah bars, bakeries, beauty salons), in all my establishments they will not ask for a QR code. From time to time they come to us with checks, but we simply do not pay attention to it. Let them come.”
(Konovalov shared his “QR code” on his Instagram page, which reads: “Fuck you.”)
Notably, he claimed he has yet to be fined for disobeying the “public health” measure.
Meanwhile, dozens of St. Petersburg residents have filed a class action lawsuit against the city government demanding the removal of the QR code regime.
United Russia continues to push for nationwide QR codes
Curiously, Putin’s United Russia continues to ignore overwhelming opposition to legislation that would make QR codes mandatory nationwide for many aspects of ordinary life:
The United Russia party supported the bill on QR codes in public places, subject to its deep revision. This was announced on Monday, December 13, by the head of the faction in the State Duma, Vladimir Vasiliev.
Earlier this week it was announced that the State Duma had withdrawn parts of this bill that called for QR codes for trains and air travel—but it turns out this was slightly inaccurate:
“As for the introduction of QR codes in transport, this bill has not been removed from the agenda, but sent for revision. It is being studied and worked out in detail. As a doctor and as an MP, I believe it is very important to maintain restrictive anti-epidemic measures in order to curb the growth of morbidity. Tatyana Alekseevna Golikova came to the State Duma, she answered questions in great detail, with all the clarifications. In public places, QR codes will be valid. The only exception will be grocery stores and pharmacies. And all other publicly accessible places will be admitted only by QR codes. These are restaurants, theaters, museums, shopping centers—all of this will be done using QR codes,” said [United Russia member] Tamara Frolova, member of the State Duma Health Protection Commission.
What is the public health benefit of these codes? Can anyone explain this? And why does United Russia continue to pursue brazen political suicide? It’s very weird.
As we’ve mentioned before, the Russian government will probably need to simulate a fake alien invasion in order to spook people into accepting a digital ausweis. In the meantime, Russians will continue to use QR codes taken from washing machines to gain access to their local shopping centers.
This short article is so significant that I decided to make it the focus of today’s blog. The article was spotted and shared by V.T., one of our oldest and regular contributors of articles and stories.
In a nutshell, the Japanese Ministry of Health has broken ranks, and will now insist that warnings be attached to the covid injections warning of adverse reactions:
There is something in this short article that caught my eye, beyond the importance of the Japanese Health Ministry admitting that adverse reactions are high enough, and serious enough, to warrant a warning be attached to the injections. What caught my eye, however, was the last paragraph of the article:
The (Japanese Health) ministry, which convened a group of experts on December 4 on the issue, proposed to warn of the risk by printing the words “serious side effects” on documents attached to vaccines.
It will also require hospitals to report in detail incidents involving people who developed symptoms within 28 days of their vaccination, according to the law. The plan has been approved by the expert panel and the ministry will notify municipalities of this new measure. (Boldface emphasis added)
In other words, Japan wants, and requires by law, reporting of adverse reactions to the covid “vaccines.”
I strongly suspect that the reason it is doing so is because (1) adverse reactions are being under-reported, if reported at all, and that means (2) that any reports currently existing are questionable, and Japan wants to know what’s really going on.
It’s a polite, understated way of saying “we don’t believe you,” for consider what Japan is really saying as it attaches the warnings to the “vaccines”: “we don’t trust you, they are not‘completely safe’ as the radio public service announcements in the USA from Health and Human Services have been saying.
And like it or not, that’s a huge break from the narrative, for while Austria and Germany are considering total lockdowns for the “unvaxxed”, Japan is saying the unvaxxed have very good reason to be skeptical.
“Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS [Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services] whistleblowers have calculated a total [federal] payment [to hospitals] of at least $100,000 per [COVID] patient.”
“Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol…for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate…”
“As exposed in audio recordings, hospital executives in Arizona admitted meeting several times a week to lower standards of care, with coordinated restrictions on visitation rights. Most COVID-19 patients’ families are deliberately kept in the dark about what is really being done to their loved ones.”
“The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes (1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and (2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).”
“In 2020, the Texas Hospital Association submitted requests for waivers to CMS. According to Texas attorney Jerri Ward, ‘CMS has granted “waivers” of federal law regarding patient rights. Specifically, CMS purports to allow hospitals to violate the rights of patients or their surrogates with regard to medical record access, to have patient visitation, and to be free from seclusion.’…The purported waivers are meant to isolate and gain total control over the patient and to deny patient and patient’s decision-maker the ability to exercise informed consent.”
“Creating a ‘National Pandemic Emergency’ provided justification for such sweeping actions that override individual physician medical decision-making and patients’ rights. The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These ‘bounties’ must paid back if not ‘earned’ by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol.”
“The hospital payments include:
* A ‘free’ required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.
* Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
* Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
* A 20 percent ‘boost’ bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
* Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
* More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
* A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.”
“CMS implemented ‘value-based’ payment programs that track data such as how many workers at a healthcare facility receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Now we see why many hospitals implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They are paid more.”
“Outside hospitals, physician MIPS [Merit-based Incentive Payment System] quality metrics link doctors’ income to performance-based pay for treating patients with COVID-19 EUA drugs. Failure to report information to CMS can cost the physician 4% of reimbursement.”
“Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.”
“There are deaths from the government-directed COVID treatments. For remdesivir, studies show that 71–75 percent of patients suffer an adverse effect, and the drug often had to be stopped after five to ten days because of these effects, such as kidney and liver damage, and death. Remdesivir trials during the 2018 West African Ebola outbreak had to be discontinued because death rate exceeded 50%. Yet, in 2020, Anthony Fauci directed that remdesivir was to be the drug hospitals use to treat COVID-19, even when the COVID clinical trials of remdesivir showed similar adverse effects. In ventilated patients, the death toll is staggering. A National Library of Medicine January 2021 report of 69 studies involving more than 57,000 patients concluded that fatality rates were 45 percent in COVID-19 patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation, increasing to 84 percent in older patients. Renz announced at a Truth for Health Foundation Press Conference that CMS data showed that in Texas hospitals, 84.9% percent of all patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator.”
“Then there are deaths from restrictions on effective treatments for hospitalized patients. Renz and a team of data analysts have estimated that more than 800,000 deaths in America’s hospitals, in COVID-19 and other patients, have been caused by approaches restricting fluids, nutrition, antibiotics, effective antivirals, anti-inflammatories, and therapeutic doses of anti-coagulants.”
—end of article excerpt—
This is basically a federally incentivized protocol for murder.
To say it violates every code of medical ethics would be a vast understatement.
Cash for death.
There are MANY doctors and nurses who work in these hospitals who know what they’re doing, who know they’re following orders that result in the deaths of their patients; but they keep doing it.
They would rather murder their patients than lose their jobs.
And there are MANY employees at the FDA, NIH, and other public health agencies who also know the score, keep their heads down, and facilitate murder.
There are MANY so-called journalists who work at mainstream outlets who know what’s going on and say nothing.
Mass murder is central to the overall COVID program. But feel free to think that the vaccine, on the other hand, is pure and safe and essential. The people running the show just want to kill some and save others. Sure, that makes perfect sense.
If they’re all schizophrenic messiahs-and-killers and you’re schizophrenic for believing in them.
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
My name is Ricardo Maarman and today I would like to give you an update on the ‘Show Us the Virus’ court case that is currently in front of the Constitutional Court of South Africa.
I would also like to discuss with you the way forward — especially in the face of these looming vaccination mandates that is in front of us.
At the very beginning of this process, we asked the government a very simple question: show us the virus.
And the reason why we asked this question was because one cannot prove lies.
And so when we asked the question ‘show us the virus’, their failure to do so was proof of their lies and their deceit.
The lockdown measures made no sense if its intention was to fight and destroy a virus. But the lockdown measures make perfect sense if its intention is to fight and destroy the people of South Africa.
For example, look at the exorbitant food prices, the increases in the fuel prices. And look at this diabolical option that is now placed in front of the people of South Africa: to choose between jabs and jobs.
The intention of this is quite clear — is to drive the people of South Africa into poverty and into desperation and dependency on them.
When Ramaphosa said “thuma mina”, “send me”, he was volunteering to do the devil’s work. Ramaphosa spoke of the “new dawn” in his speech, he was paying tribute to Satan, Lucifer, whom they call the New Dawn.
Ramaphosa is part of an elite that control the entire South African society — a political, economic, social, religious elite. And even the controlled opposition amongst us, they are all wolves in sheep’s clothing.
And now they are waging open war against the people of South Africa. When Ramaphosa couldn’t and wouldn’t show us the virus, we approached the Constitutional Court of South Africa, asking the court to restore the people’s rights and to remove Ramaphosa from power.
The Constitutional Court has been grappling with this matter for almost three months now. What we have done in the meantime, and currently, is to approach the High Court of South Africa, asking them to grant us an urgent interim interdict against the entire lockdown measures, including the vaccinations.
Because these measures cannot be allowed to continue and even to escalate while there is a dispute pending in front of the Constitutional Court.
I will make an example of the grounds upon which we are approaching the court for this urgent interim interdict. If your two children are arguing about a toy and one of them approaches you and says ‘please intervene’. Then the first thing that you would do is to stop both of them from playing with the toy until after you have made your final decision.
So too, this is a simple principle of justice that when a matter is in dispute it must be suspended. All things related to it must be suspended until final judgment.
I ask you that we should not pass judgment on the courts in South Africa until after the court has passed its judgment.
That we should oppose chaos with order.
That we should oppose evil with good.
That we should oppose injustice with justice.
I ask you that — evil thrives when good people do nothing. So it is important for us to do something.
We are doing this. We are approaching the High Court for this urgent interim interdict, to stop these evil measures from further destroying the people of South Africa.
We ask you to give us financial support so that we can have the resources to sustain this hard and tough fight.
We ask you to pray for us.
We ask you to spread the truth amongst each other and to encourage each other to patiently persevere.
Victory will be ours eventually.
And above all, we ask you that you put all your trust in God.