Dr. Pablo Campra on Graphene, Weird Morgellons-Like Elements & Possible Microbiota in Covid Vaccines
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Observations of Possible Microbiota in Covid mRNA Vaccines
Graphene Morgellons: Dr. Pablo Campra on the Weird Elements He Saw in Vaccination Vials
by Orwellito, Orwell City
November 21, 2021
Dr. Pablo Campra has been interviewed by different media to date. In each of the interviews, he has provided valuable information regarding his research on the real content of vaccines. A very interesting interview was the one he gave for El Arconte TV. In this interview, Dr. Pablo Campra talked about the possible microbiota that he detected some time ago and whose photographs he shared at the time.
In the interview, Dr. Campra shared his hypotheses about what the detected objects may be. While there’s uncertainty with some of them, the doctor holds a hypothesis that he’ll continue to share in other media: graphene Morgellons.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): This. For example, this would also be graphene, in theory. This is AstraZeneca.
Dr. Pablo Campra: Well, the one above is. In the one above is clear because graphene… Show the one above. It’s just that a lot of people get confused if they don’t have experience seeing it a lot. I’ve had to develop it myself. Many times it looks like crystallites, like pebbles. What’s indeed graphene, most probably —I don’t know if I have the spectrum— are objects that look like a handkerchief, like a kleenex that has folds, shadows, wrinkles. That could be graphene. It could be graphene if the spectrum confirms it. What can’t be graphene is…
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): And these ones that look like that? With those folds.
Dr. Pablo Campra: What gives the graphene peaks, I’ll tell you now… The one above… Can you show the one above? Well, that one. That one. Well, these are rare objects. This is not the technical report. These are the rare objects I found, which I find more interesting than graphene.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): If you want, let’s go to the report. Want to see it?
Dr. Pablo Campra: I’m more interested in this, but well, if you want to clarify something in the report because I’ve already talked enough about graphene. Now, the most important thing is what we have already said: magnetism, Bluetooth, and these rare objects. Graphene is there. I already know it’s there. Now, what relationship does graphene have with strange phenomena and thrombosis? Well, it seems to be related to thrombosis, but it’s not the only material that produces thrombosis. And all those strange things have the size of tens of microns. Look, it’s there. I have it measured. I can’t get a good look. 184 microns. That’s quite big. But that’s the spectrum that’s there. I’ve put these spectra up to show that they’re not graphene. If you zoom out we can see the spectroscopy.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): That one there looks like it has folds in it.
Dr. Pablo Campra: You have to show the spectrum to see if it’s graphene or not. Then, if you want, I’ll explain the peaks.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): And what is this we see here?
Well, that looks like the wings of an archon. When I saw it, I thought of you.
Dr. Campra makes a joke about the name Pedro Rosillo uses for his channel (El Arconte = The Archon).
That’s seen when the drop dries. Some material drags and stays like mud. I put the spectrum in, and it didn’t give the graphene peak, but it gave a very strange peak at 1450 cm-1, which is the clue. It’s that little ghost that appears there. That little ghost appears all over the sample. So, I think it’s the medium because there’s a gel there. A kind of strange hydrogel that never dries completely. And I think that’s what’s there because it appears a lot, is that hydrogel. And here there are some strange peaks, the one at 1450 cm-1 and the other one. They’re not graphene peaks, but they’re from some material we have there, and there are several hypotheses about them. This is really weird. What about this? Well, these are strange fibers that appear a lot. They’re a very intense color, like blue and red. Sometimes, they also look green or yellow.
They aren’t fibers from my sweater because there’s another doctor in Tenerife and other people who’re seeing them too. They have also taken samples of this from the masks, and… Is this one of the many weird things you say you have seen? This is the most intriguing thing. I’ll share with you the hypothesis, but it’s not confirmed. These are hypotheses derived from my work, and I’m going to share them with you. And when I’m interviewed by the American Stew Peters, I’ll also share it. Because I know that many people are working on this subject. So, these could be plant fibers that have gotten there through the air. But when they appear so frequently and are seen by so many researchers and in so many vaccines… And you see that they have some luminescence, too. That light there. No matter how many times I rotated the light source of the microscope, that luminiscence was still there. Well, is that until you see it there like…
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Is this something biological or not? This looks like…
Dr. Pablo Campra: It’s either a textile fiber or a plant or fungal fiber. Or nanotechnology. Because here, what you have to do… These, I think, haven’t given me the graphene signal. But there’s a theory that we’re handling. And it could be the famous Morgellons. Mysterious Morgellons, which I don’t want to talk about because they would put us on the same level as Iker Jiménez and the like. But this is a disease. It’s a lot like those fibers that appear on people’s skin. It’s like hives, a bad disease. It appears… The only thing missing is that they put a router in the vaccine. They’ve put everything in there, haven’t they? Those are other theories. The fact is that it gives a Bluetooth signal. That’s confirmed.
This fiber… Well, there’s a theory which is that of the Morgellons. It’s a real disease that people suffer from it manifests on the skin as an itch. It’s not luciferase, which I have used a lot. That’s a test that’s done a lot to detect some substance. That’s something else. And then, regarding the origin of the Morgellons’ disease, there are all kinds of more or less bizarre hypotheses: that they come from outer space, that they’re extraterrestrials, that they’re demons… I don’t want to go into this subject. When you come here, we’ll have a beer and talk about whatever you want. But they really look very, very much like the Morgellons. Above all, because of the intense blue or red color that the famous Morgellons usually have. The Morgellons are cited as having electromagnetic properties. Of interacting with electromagnetic fields. So, it’s a hypothesis derived from my work that I’m going to state, but I don’t have it worked out.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): But of course. But those Morgellons in which I’ve been particularly interested… I’ve investigated, and they say that it’s not biological, that it’s something artificial. And I wonder: How can it be artificial if it reacts with the environment? It’s like it’s looking for… It moves like it’s looking for you.
Dr. Pablo Campra: I know… some doctors who have been working…
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): But they say they aren’t biological, but that…
Dr. Pablo Campra: I know some doctors… There are some doctors who have worked on it a lot. They have treated people and are still treating them. There’s a doctor in Seville, but I don’t know her name. It’s a real disease. Now, whether it comes from space or not, I don’t go into that subject. But it’s a real disease, and they shouldn’t be in the vaccine. And we have to see if they really are because I want to analyze Morgellon’s hair and analyze this to see if it has the same structure. Because it does appear, over there, cited that there are graphene Morgellons. We can see the relationship with graphene.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): So, there are graphene Morgellons.
Dr. Pablo Campra: Yes. That’s cited. But if I do analysis…
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): But of course, you can’t rule out anything.
Dr. Pablo Campra: Exactly. In science, nothing is ruled out. That’s a common mistake: to close oneself to hypotheses. Hypotheses are put on the table, and then you analyze them. And you state them with supporting data. If you don’t, then let those of us who are working do their job. One doesn’t close oneself to a hypothesis. So, is there the Morgellons? I’ve stated the hypothesis because people who work with Morgellons have told me that they are. I have shown them my photos of the fibers, and they have told me: ‘Man, those are Morgellons! That’s really bad.’ So, I don’t say that vaccines have Morgellons, but needs to be studied. You cannot close yourself to the possibility. Of course. Now, if people start searching the net for ‘Morgellons’, they’ll find a German saying that this is extraterrestrial technology and that the demons are this and that. I’m neither in nor out. I have to know what that fiber is and what it is doing there. Yes. The other thing is philosophizing, let’s say. That’s all. In science, you only talk about what you can prove with certainty, right? Exactly.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Let’s see more photos because I hallucinate. I hallucinate with everything you see around here. -This, for example…
Dr. Pablo Campra: Some say that these are vegetable fibers, trichomes, textile fibers… I’m not the only one who has seen these things with such an intense color. This is what a Polish guy over there said they are like octopuses. Here, everybody is naming them. But I think the most plausible clue, for the moment, is that of the Morgellons. Anyway, we have to check it out.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): This is the same kind of thing, isn’t it?
That isn’t contamination that has come from the air to my sample, because they appear too many times. And these things can cause thrombi, I guess. Because they’re pretty big. I’m not a doctor, but thrombi are any clumping of platelets.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): I don’t know if they’re are Morgellons or not, but the tought is terrifying.
Dr. Pablo Campra: What you see there is kind of embedded in the gel. It’s like that’s kind of ‘sucking’ on the gel. And that’s when the people who grow these things come along. Some people grow them. And they say they, in fact, grow. Look at that… Here are things like… Also, there’s one thing… If you want, I’ll show you a picture taken by the German guy. It’s very curious. He has them very well studied. And the life cycle is like a fungus, but then it’s like nanotechnology. And then, the sporangia, which are the structures that release spores, it turns out that has a hexagonal mesh.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Holy cow.
Dr. Pablo Campra: A big mesh. Not like graphene, which is atomic. No. This one is big and hexagonal. Curious, isn’t it? It’s not a coincidence. None of this is on the package insert. But how much crap they’ve put in the vaccine! They’re never going to tell you that the vaccine is full of ‘hairs.’
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Mother of God!
Dr. Pablo Campra: Well, I’m not saying that in vaccines in general, but they’re present in the ones I’ve seen. Look at this one that looks like an intestine… People are speculating that it could be Morgellons or something else. But the important thing, really, is that none of this should be in the vaccine. That’s true. That’s a fact. The important thing is that it shouldn’t be in them and that there’s no comprehensive batch control system in continuous to see if this is or isn’t there. To rule out that it was only in the batches they sent me. Or that they added it in the batches they sent me. This is classic Morgellon.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Mother of God! It’s scary. It’s really scary. This is in Moderna. But they’re in all the vaccines! Well, Janssen, Moderna…
Dr. Pablo Campra: Well, I haven’t seen it myself, but this doctor from Tenerife… I don’t want to give the other people’s names, but well… He doesn’t care if I say it. He has a very nice name, though. Well, he has detected these hairs in graphene solutions. Of course, I don’t know if they’re made of this stuff. There, next to it, goes the spectrum. Look at the spectrum. There you have a peak. The one at 1611 cm-1 could be graphene or not. I’ve put it in the grid. And the important peak is the other one, the one at 1450 cm-1, and something because that one isn’t graphene. And we’re investigating what it is. There are 4 or 5 things that may be. It could be polyvinyl alcohol or some polymers. All of those are cited in interaction with graphene. Anyway. We don’t know what it is. But that peak comes up very frequently, and we have to find out what it is, which isn’t difficult if we’re allowed to work.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): My goodness!
Dr. Pablo Campra: Here’s another peak. That’s a huge peak. That could be a ‘pollen’ right there. I haven’t seen much, but if you keep going… Well, now we’re talking about it.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): And this is seen in Pfizer. And what is this roundel that you see here that has more roundels in it?
Dr. Pablo Campra: That could be pollen that’s gotten on me or somebody. But the thing is that it’s not Easter week to be struggling with pollen. But if you go down, you’ll see there’s more. Yes. I call this structure ‘morula.’ I don’t know what they are. Some can tell you that are bubbles, that they have air. These are things you have to check. I don’t say anything about it in this document that I have shared because I don’t know what they are. I put it there because someone with experience in this type of thing can formulate a hypothesis we can corroborate. What you can’t do is to go around pontificating, as there are many experts out there… Not even a Nobel laureate is an ‘expert.’ That laureate is just an expert in the research that has led him to the Nobel Prize. But if you take him out of his field, he is lost. So, an expert…
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Here the followers say ‘spores.’
Dr. Pablo Campra: An expert has to tell you, exactly, if this can be Morgellons or what they say here about ‘spores’ of Morgellons. I don’t know. I’m not an expert on Morgellons either. It’s necessary to leave all the hypotheses open and to observe this with the available analytical techniques and go discarding or accepting things. One cannot close oneself to anything and, above all, one cannot block an investigation of this type, as is being done at the level of the scientific system with coercion of all kinds that violate academic freedom and many others.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Someone asks: Has Dr. Campra received threats or pressures for his research?
No threats, but institutional pressures, of course. But it’s because the whole scientific system has bet on vaccination. So anyone who calls it into question… As the UNESCO treaties say about the rights of university researchers, among them is the right to question public policies with research free of coercion. Threats haven’t been made. But we’re under as much pressure as journalists, doctors… Everyone is under pressure here. The only thing missing here is pressure on the judges, which will come when this reaches the courts. This need to be investigated as well. Someone told me that they could be Morgellons’ eggs. I don’t know what they are, but they aren’t bubbles. And they usually have that little dot that looks like an embryo. Anyway. I have contacted people who know more about Morgellons, to see if we close the hypothesis. Let’s see if we confirm it, disprove it, or whatever. In other words, we cannot rule out anything here.
(Dr. Campra is making reference to the book of Revelation).
That’s why I tell you that there’s nothing definitive, only the second death, but for that, we have to wait a thousand years.
(Dr. Campra is making reference to the book of Revelation).
What about this? It’s the same thing, isn’t it? That’s a strange thing. Besides, I have many videos where they appear surrounded by those little dots. I mean, it’s like a nano-sized microorganism that you can’t see with the naked eye, and they move and interact with that. They appear there moving.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Question: Have you seen magnetism in people, Dr. Campra?
Dr. Pablo Campra: Yes, I’ve seen the magnetism. I have measured it. Now, I have seen very few cases. Of all the people I know, only in one person did I see it. But it’s what we all have seen. And the instrument did beep when I brought it close to the whole body. And then, over time, it went away. In most of the people I have passed the instrument over, I haven’t seen the phenomenon of magnetism. But, in short, magnetism is a real thing. What I’m seeing a lot is the phenomenon of Bluetooth. That’s easy to see. Anybody who has a cell phone with Bluetooth, which is not all of them… I don’t think the iPhone or the Samsungs. But the Chinese ones do. In the Resmi that I have, if I choose to locate Bluetooth without a name and go to a place where there’re many people, I check it. Some say that contactless credit card readers and smartwatches detect it. But well, you see this as Dr. Luis De Benito is researching it.
Well, this is a very curious thing. It looks like a Klimt painting. Curious, isn’t it? It seems to be reminiscent of 50 years ago. I don’t know how long ago. These are some rare discs. This was also shown by Dr. Carrie Madej on Stew Peters’ show. I’ve been watching it for a while. These are from AstraZeneca, and I’ve also seen them in Pfizer when the samples dry. And they’re like discs. I call them discs. Some said it could be graphene, that it was a variant of graphene.
However, I put the laser on it, and I don’t know if you see the spectrum, but it’s not graphene. It’s something else. And some say they are bubbles, for example, this researcher from Info….. I don’t know if it’s InfoVacunas or InfoCorona… There are two very good blogs: Corona2Inspect and InfoVacunas. Both are doing quite a commendable job, technically speaking. Of literature review and comparing photos. Well, but there’s a lack of analytics, isn’t there? But they find things similar to all these objects we are seeing now. The comparison of photos isn’t enough. You have to do an analysis. And those who’re saying that this is graphene, well, it doesn’t give me a spectrum.
If you show the spectrum, for example, it seems to me that the peak was at 1450 cm-1. So I haven’t seen the graphene peak. That’s one of the hypotheses of this man from InfoVacunas, whose name is Dani. And he’s doing a good job. Very few people are doing research, of course. Of those scientists from the system, only two have answered me. And one hasn’t even told me his name, so you can see what’s going on. Well, I don’t know what this is either.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Come on, I’m amazed because it turns out that graphene is the last thing to worry about.
Dr. Pablo Campra: I don’t care about graphene because it has already been detected. What matters in all this are the adverse and anomalous effects. The least important thing is graphene, which is present, but given the number of strange objects we see, it means that graphene is the least important thing. In other words… Once the regulatory system starts to get off its butt, it will make any court-appointed judge or the military, as you said, say, ‘Okay, let’s see, let’s do analysis. Meaningful sampling. Come on, do it to hundreds of vaccines. Do it to all the departments in all the universities that can do this. Each one with its own technique.’ In two days, we’re going to find out for sure.
On top of that, we’re talking about drugs that come, as you say, from foreign powers and are controlled by European drug agencies. Of course. For example, food. If something comes from abroad, the first thing you have to do is analysis because you don’t know if it can bring something… The agricultural sector of Almeria, which has been much vilified because decades ago a lot of agrochemicals were used, it’s the most controlled thing in the world. You would be amazed at the controls we have here to eat a tomato. On the other hand, a German is taking a shot of anything.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Question: Can graphene cross barriers until it reaches the brain? Does the intramuscular puncture reach the bloodstream? I don’t know much about that, I’m not an expert either, but the little I’ve read in papers says that it does. Because there may be graphene nanoparticles that are even called… What was the name? Quantum dots. Look at how big it can get, and it can go through barriers. You can take a look at the papers that are published. But I don’t think they the particles I saw can, because they’re too big. The ones I was able to locate were the size of tens of microns. I don’t know if they do or don’t pass through.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): They say here: ‘Russian roulette is more reliable than inoculation’. But come on, I think that after what we’re seeing tonight, the last thing to worry about is graphene. The last thing!
Dr. Pablo Campra: Let’s see. Here are the major adverse effects that I don’t know how many are going. About 40,000 official deaths in VAERS. I don’t know how many are in Europe. Why do they occur? We don’t know. I don’t know. There’s a lack of a control system. Of continuous monitoring. And then, we have the issue of magnetism and Bluetooth. If it’s denied, then it’s not investigated. But both phenomena are a fact. Well… That’s the serious thing, not whether it’s graphene or Spike protein.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): That’s the least worrisome issue here. Well, this is the same thing…
Dr. Pablo Campra: Yes, but I put the spectrum there, I think. Show the spectrum. It’s on the right. Not that one. It seems to me that, also, you’ve enlarged the PDF a lot. On the right is the spectrum of the phantom peak, a peak at 1450 cm-1, another at 1355 cm-1, and another at 1200 cm-1. As I’m not a Raman expert, I’m waiting for someone expert in Raman or who has software to analyze the spectra well to do it. I don’t have such software because it has to have a big data database. And boom, boom, boom! It tells you what it is because it compares it with thousands of substances and tells you more or less which of them it might be, with a margin of error. I think that, as I see a lot of this subject of the peak but not graphene, it could be the above gel, which is the one that is mentioned together with graphene for a series of biomedical applications.
And it’s a peak that I get too much. I think that it may be, that this signal is masking the disk below. These lumps show up a lot. Then, if you enlarge it, you will see that there are some dots there, like a dope. And this could be something doped with heavy metals, which you know, have been found in the vaccine. I don’t do that, but this Antonieta Gatti, an Italian woman with whom I was working at the beginning… Then, we had a fight because she leaked photos for others to plagiarize, like Dr. Young, do you realize? Well, she had detected heavy metals in all the vaccines, and she had already published it some time ago.
But there are also heavy metals in these. You detect them with a technique that is similar to this one. In which you introduce an electron microscopic spectroscopy, you put them… It’s called EDS, you introduce electron spectroscopy, and you know what heavy metal is present. Now, with this technique, you cannot see graphene. So, several heavy metals have been detected.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): So what is this?
Dr. Pablo Campra: This is a rare thing. This weird thing that you see here is seen in dark-field microscopy. If you look at the picture below, you’ll see it’s the same thing, but in a bright field.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): It looks a little different, doesn’t it?
Dr. Pablo Campra: That’s what I call a mushroom. This one I’ve only been able to see at AstraZeneca. It appears —as you know— when the drop is drying out. There’s a carryover and, in the end, objects just sit there. Like that gel that never dries. And that crystallizes. This can be either an inorganic crystal or an organic crystal. I don’t know what it is. I’ve even shown it to mushroom experts. I have no idea what it is. That only appears in the AstraZeneca. And, again, there’s the mysterious peak at 1450 cm-1. And that’s a big object. Anyway. You have to enter the values of those peaks in a database, a suitable software, to know which substances are compatible with that spectrum. And I couldn’t do that because I don’t have the means to do that. I don’t have the range of spectra. To me, the machine has given me the minimum analysis. This is the same thing. They look like arborescent forms. They may be a crystallization of salts that go in the vaccine. The manufacturer is the one who has to tell us. What’s surreal here is that we’re breaking our heads while everyone is silent: manufacturers, regulatory agencies, and, on top of that, all the media do nothing more than to crush us. That’s what’s not normal.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): You saw this in Janssen.
Dr. Pablo Campra: This is very rare. This has only been seen in Janssen. This has a very strange insectoid look. This is indeed cited in the Morgellons. Morgellons look like these insectoid structures. That’s what I call ‘noodles,’ because they look like noodles. Now, we’ll look at it in more detail. Go down in the document. OK. This appears when it dries. It’s also quoted as appearing when you dry graphene suspensions. Someone sent me that information. I think it was Corona2Inspect, Mike Andersen. These weird noodles appear when the droplet dries. This isn’t a crystal. Crystals don’t form that. This is something else. And if you go further down in the document, it appears larger. That there grows when the drop dries. They are like nuclei that are condensing. If you go down further, you’ll see them even bigger. There’s a kind of a nucleus from which they start to grow. And if you look further down, you’ll see… this. This is much more magnified and with their appearance next to it. And, again, we have the same little ghost peak.
1457 cm-1.
Dr. Pablo Campra: It’s not just the peak. It’s that phantom appears to me in everything I looked at in Janssen. So, here it appears as a rosary of little balls. It could be Morgellons. It could be. It’s certainly not what it says on the package insert. These are not nanoparticles with RNA related to the protein Spike. Nor is it any salt that is cited in the package insert that dries that way. These are dark fields. These are videos, actually. I haven’t embedded them because they’re heavy. But in the dark field, you can see all these little dots quite frequently. This is what’s called symbionts. I’ve been seeing this for a long time in cell culture. But they’re living things. That’s not in random Brownian motion.
And well, I don’t know if it’s the result of contamination or not, but it appears quite frequently. And there you have a sign, for example… Look at that one that looks like a rhombus. The bug or whatever it is. That little dot or nanobots or whatever. I don’t know what it is. These little dots are always kind of ‘fiddling’ with those little crystals. They go like dragging them as if it were a layer. These crystallites always have that rhomboid shape. And these little dots are playing with them. These are microbiota. It doesn’t float around and moves. I can’t put videos in the document, though. If you go further down, there’s another strange shape. See? Here’s one that’s a little bit bigger, and the little dot is always clinging to the little crystal. Here you see another one.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Yes, yes, yes. Keep scrolling. As I’m Andalusian, I speak as such. The good thing about talking to you is that I don’t have to pronounce the ‘s’.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): I understand you. I ‘peak.
Dr. Pablo Campra: Look at this circle. This is a very strange thing. The little I’ve read says there’s nanotechnology called ‘SiN cells,’ which are these weird spheres. These spheres appear and, sometimes, they have the diamond inside with the little dot moving.
El Arconte (Pedro Rosillo): Well, some people say it’s alien technology. Well, all I know…
Dr. Pablo Campra: Bring me a beer, and you and I can talk all you want. But here… The only thing we know for sure is that this shouldn’t be in the vaccine. The rest is philosophizing. It’s not just that it shouldn’t be. It’s that there’s no one monitoring it. The fact that they don’t test for it or the FDA… Look, here’s what I’m telling you. That circle that has that little diamond inside it with the little dot moving. I’m not a microbiologist, but no microbiologist has been able to tell me what the hell that is.
cover image credit: Dr. Pablo Campra

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