The Witness of the Prosecutors: Without Viviane Fischer, Reiner Fuellmich Would Be a Free Man

The Witness of the Prosecutors: Without Viviane Fischer, Reiner Fuellmich Would Be a Free Man

by Laufpass
December 6, 2024


Forty days of proceedings against Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. The prosecutors have already decided on the sentence: the system wants to lock up the German lawyer and civil rights activist for almost four years. He has already spent 13 months in pre-trial custody, five months of which were in solitary confinement. Fuellmich has his – alleged – companion Viviane Fischer to thank for that. She sold him out. What’s more, after a few creative twists and turns and the reinterpretation of the facts by the court and the public prosecutor, the impending conviction of the civil rights activist is based solely on the demonstrably false testimony of his “companion”.

“Homo Amicus” is the name of Viviane Fischer’s fictional book. It is a work of fantasy and self-glorification. It was originally intended to describe the heroic struggle of the faithful companions in the clarification of the plandemic – like a look behind the personal scenes of two heroes. In the end, it became proof that neither clarification nor friendship play a role in the author’s life.

Reiner Fuellmich: “The book has nothing to do with reality. I didn’t authorize it either.” Nevertheless, the book has acquired an important meaning, as we will see later.

It is indeed surprising that the court and the public prosecutor’s office jointly decided to make the false statement by Viviane Fischer the sole basis of their conviction strategy. The facts presented in court and the statements by the witness Fischer, but also the statements by the public prosecutor and other witnesses, paint a very different picture. They refute the judicial conviction construction in every detail.

The only witness

In order to reach a conviction, the court has to use a trick: it has to deem the loan agreements between Fuellmich and Fischer to be – invalid – sham contracts. The court claims that they are instead trust agreements. Only by this reinterpretation can a possible criminal liability of Fuellmich be constructed. The court relies solely on the testimony of Viviane Fischer. Because she claims today that they were “sham contracts”.

On the one hand, one has to ask why two lawyers would draw up sham loan agreements when they meant to draw up trust agreements. If they had meant trust agreements, they would have concluded trust agreements. But they did not. They signed loan agreements. And they both lived these contracts as if they were loan agreements that did not impose any restrictions on them in the use of the funds.

Both Fuellmich and Fischer used the funds secured by the loans on a temporary basis in their private lives. Unlike Fuellmich, who had extensive collateral in the form of various properties, Viviane Fischer had no collateral at all. Fuellmich invested part of the funds in his property in order to be able to sell it better. Fischer used up the loan funds in full – which she was also entitled to do.

If the loan agreements were sham contracts and if the mere transfer of funds into Dr. Fuellmich’s private sphere was enough to constitute criminal breach of trust, then the same should apply to Viviane Fischer. Fuellmich and Fischer acted in an identical manner. But why is Fischer not being prosecuted like Fuellmich?

Did Fischer make a deal?

The answer: Fischer’s lawyer Willanzheimer requested that the proceedings against Fischer be dropped. His reasoning: the matter at hand was loan agreements and Fischer had repaid the loan. As a result, District Attorney John dropped the charges. His reasoning: the – literally – “loan proceeds” had been repaid. Thus, John confirms that the matter at hand was a loan. Should something different apply only to Fuellmich? A shame on anyone who thinks for themselves.

This recognizable unequal treatment of Fischer and Fuellmich is reminiscent of a similar situation in this constructed case of the persecution of the civil rights activist: We recall that Fuellmich was not brought to Germany on the basis of an international arrest warrant. He was allegedly “deported” by the Mexican immigration authorities on a trumped-up visa violation.

This “deportation” was an abduction coordinated by the German authorities with the Mexican authorities, as Fuellmich’s lawyers were able to show based on communications from the public prosecutor’s office and the BKA and other services. It is noteworthy that Fuellmich’s wife was not “deported” although her residency situation was identical to her husband’s. It is clear that the FRG was only interested in collecting Fuellmich.

Fischer’s claim that she never wanted to conclude or accept a loan is the next lie. She deliberately concluded loan agreements and not trust agreements. She lived the loan agreement like a loan agreement. And she knew from a question from lawyer Weissenborn that Fuellmich had directed his loans into his real estate.

Fischer used up her loan in full

The claim that the money should have been available at any time is also a lie. Fischer used up the 100,000 euros from her loan in her private sphere and never kept these funds liquid, nor could she have done so. She later paid off the loan in installments, starting with 70,000 euros from the advance on her fantasy book – and this is where the book takes on its significance. Because apparently Fischer had no more funds and her husband had also been without an income for a long time.

Unlike Fuellmich, who had built up some savings and real estate through his life’s work, the Fischer family had no income and was apparently unable to repay the loan from their own assets. It was only the advance on the book project and donations from a friend that enabled Fischer to pay off the loan. In a video distributed by Viviane Fischer herself, in which she recorded an argument with her husband, her husband can be heard shouting that he was “screwed” because he had no income, to which Fischer confirmed, “You haven’t had an income in a year and a half.”

Fischer herself was also destitute. She had not paid rent and had already suffered an account attachment. Reiner Fuellmich had criticized this and pointed out that such irregularities could reflect badly on the committee. Fuellmich also viewed other of Viviane Fischer’s orders critically and as a danger to the committee’s work. Fuellmich was always careful not to leave any open flank in the committee’s work so as not to be vulnerable to attack by the system. The communication between Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer and Wolfgang Wodarg vividly documents this.

In doing so, Reiner Fuellmich overlooked an open flank that he had not expected and could not have expected: Viviane Fischer, of all people, turned against him and opened the hunt for the head of the Corona Committee.

When Fuellmich suggested that in the future they could sometimes go their separate ways so that each could promote their projects, things took their course: On August 26, 2022, Fuellmich sent a letter to Viviane Fischer and Wolfgang Wodarg with constructive suggestions for a viable solution that would enable both of them to continue their work.

At the same time, Fuellmich pointed out inconsistencies and irregularities in the sphere of Viviane Fischer. However, he did not want to pursue this further if things were properly accounted for and explained, so that there could be no danger for the committee. He wanted to ease off on the cooperation with Fischer rather than continue in the same way as before. Did this provide the impetus for the attacks against him?

A few days later – on September 2, 2022 – the absurd charges against Fuellmich and others were filed. At the committee meeting that took place on the same day – without the disinvited Fuellmich – Viviane Fischer’s public attack began, together with the port lawyers she had brought in.

She first created the basis for his prosecution and then offered the court the basis for a conviction with her false testimony. While Fuellmich is only accused of violating trust agreements on the basis of her testimony, she is taken out of the line of fire because of a loan relationship.

Nice game – but easy to see through.


Connect with Laufpass

Cover image credit: „Homo Amicus“, Laufpass

See Related:

An Overview of What Reiner Füellmich Is Facing as His Trial Starts & the Circumstances Leading Up to His Arrest

Judicial Scandal in Germany: The Fuellmich Case

German Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s Persecution in Prison


Mandates for Slaves

Mandates for Slaves

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
November 20, 2024


As we approach the new year of 2025, we face the prospect of old themes remerging.  At such times, it is wise to revisit old patterns to prevent similar consequences.

After experiencing the implementation of illegal mandates in 2020-2022, are we prepared to avoid them when they are reintroduced?

Recently, the old narrative has remerged that the Constitution is threatened.

As we have touched on this subject before, going back to 2017, and 2020, let us remember why the Constitution cannot protect freedom, nor can it protect the violation of inherent rights.

Revisiting 2020

How did free people confront illegal universal vaccine mandates in the year 2020?

Vaccine mandates had been quietly made into laws and orders around the world well before the Coronavirus Pandemic began. Statutes were instituted to harmonize with International U.N. Treaty laws to capture city-by-city, and country-by-country while the people slept:

The United Nations (U.N.) Global Plan had been for compulsory vaccination to expand its reach to all humans, even after the status of COVID-19, had been downgraded in the UK (March 2020). Over the years, movies and TV themes promoted the jabs. By 2020, the concept of compulsory vaccination was in the human psyche.

The Planned 2020 Pandemic

I would love to be able to bring back our country into a great form of unity. Without a major event where people pull together, that’s hard to do. But I would like to do it without that major event because usually that major event is not a good thing.—President Trump, January 30, 2018.

As if they had a crystal ball, officials passed the Healthy People 2020 Act whose guidelines were created more than 40 years ago. Prior to hearing reference to any ‘Coronavirus,’ President Trump signed an Executive Order to Modernize and Improve Flu vaccines based upon a theoretical future pandemic.

September 2019: Experts recently have warned that the nation’s health system isn’t prepared for a pandemic. The president’s Council of Economic Advisers on Thursday estimated the economic damage caused by a pandemic could range from $413 billion to $3.79 trillion, resulting in more than half a million deaths and up to 4.3 million hospitalizations.

Event 201, held, October 2019, by the United Nations and the Gates Foundation, simulated a pandemic from a viral threat. By all estimates, experts were indeed prepared. But the people were not.

Freedom isn’t free. Health Freedom = choice + responsibility. Take away one or the other  – choice or responsibility – and you have neither health nor freedom. Freedom requires the ability to discern when you are not free.

The opposite of freedom is slavery (People = Property). When the government tells you that you must obey, they count on your ignorance of the law: the Constitution, and especially the Declaration of Independence.

Officials often refer to the Constitution when arguing for greater restrictions and less freedom. Why?

Because, hidden in the language of the Constitution is the word “Property.” People = Property = slavery. The Constitution does not specifically mention slavery, because it was an accepted practice of the time.

Slavery is seen in the Constitution in a few key places (the Enumeration Clause, Article 1, Section 9, and the Fugitive Slave Clause). Despite the freedoms reserved in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, slavery was not only tolerated in the Constitution, but it was codified. Today, under the false shield of the U.S. Constitution, individuals have no protections and no rights. The Constitution of 1787 is, thus, the “slave-holder’s Constitution.” The American Civil war changed that.

Or did it?

Does the Constitution, as a legal document, enforce the continued enslavement of all people, long after racial slavery was outlawed? Is the Constitution pro-slavery propaganda? What about the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration is key. It does not contain the word Property. In 1776, Thomas Jefferson changed the phrasing of John Locke’s trinity of “Life, Liberty, and Property” by replacing “property” with “the pursuit of happiness,” even though Jefferson’s own “property” included about two hundred human beings whom he prevented from pursuing their own happiness. Jefferson referred to racial slavery as like “holding a wolf by its ears – you didn’t like it, but you dared not let go.” The Constitution itself reflects this in its 3/5ths clause and fugitive slave clause.

Civil War Connection 

The Civil War was fought to codify the Declaration into law. Prior to the Civil War, the Declaration had no legal weight. The Northern and Southern Territories each had their own Constitutions. However after the formal surrender of the Confederacy, at Appomattox Courthouse, the official end of the Civil War codified the Declaration to become law. The outcome of the Civil War was that only racial slavery ended. i.e., “All Men Are Created Equal.”

After the Civil War, the only thing standing in the way of a Slave State was the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration is the only place where the mention of “God” (secular) in “law” is found. It is the only Charter that declares plainly, “All ‘men’ are created equal.”

Lincoln reiterated equality in his Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863, when he said, “Four score and seven years ago….. this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Four score and seven years ago is the date of July 4th 1776, the DECLARATION —NOT the (slave-holder’s) Constitution of September 17, 1787.

This was no accident. Lincoln could have easily made reference to the Constitution, since after all, he was an attorney and the President of the United States.

Without The Declaration of Independence, “slavery” is still legal under the Constitution, only racial slavery is illegal. After the Civil War, and with the onset of the Industrial Revolution, whites saw their future. They foresaw that ex-slave labor would displace white labor in the territories, thus ALL people needed to be slaves. To those in power, the issue of the Civil War was not one of race but of pure economics.

Privileges Vs. Rights

The result is that, today, everybody is a slave. Privileges replace rights under the cover of democracy and freedom. Thus, under government rights, no one has rights – only the perception of having rights. Rights are not gifts from government. If you disagree, ask yourself the following:

  • Why must people request exemptions pertaining to vaccines (medical, religious or moral/philosophical/personal belief type) or “opt out” unless government has de facto rights over your body?
  • Why do Child Protection Services (CPS) remove children from the home if parents have rights to their children?
  • Why are peaceful protests shut down during “emergencies” if the First Amendment protects free speech?
  • Why is social media censored?

Why? Because People = Property.

If the state has the power to grant a privilege, the state can also remove said privilege. By asking permission to ‘opt out’ from any mandate issued by the state, you inadvertently grant the government de facto authority over your body.

1866; The Year That Reestablished Slavery

In 1866, two events took place to reestablish slavery for all:

  1. The 14th amendment was “ratified” by Executive Order in 1866 and never signed by the President. This represents a color-of-law fraud used by the government and the courts to hold power over the people [Google 14th amendment Trojan horse].
  2. case law ensured that the Declaration would not stand for freedom. In Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company the Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution granted corporations rights above persons. By virtue of the phrase obiter dictum – “by the way”- freedom and the Declaration were legally upended. 

Economic slavery was made legal and expanded by Santa Clara et. seq. under the 14th Amendment which became effective in 1866. Later rulings (Citizens United v. FEC; Bush v. Gore) reinforced this. The result is that People = Property. Inherent rights go unrecognized. Only State-granted privileges are recognized. In re: Bush v. Gore, the majority opinion echoed that the “average citizen” has no constitutional right to elect the POTUS and that this Right rests firmly with the Electors.

The Vax Narrative

Freedom is lost by stealth when individuals give up responsibility and unknowingly become victims. Even before laws are written, “experts” are chosen to reinforce a narrative. For the Vaccine Agenda, there was Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of the University of California, Irvine school of law and adviser to California SB 277, a California law that removed personal belief as a reason for an exemption from the vaccination.

In 2016, Chemerinsky wrote the essay, Compulsory Vaccination Laws Are Constitutional. Chemerinsky used the following arguments:

“There is no doubt that compulsory vaccination is constitutional. In 1905, in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the Supreme Court held that state compulsory vaccination laws are constitutional when they are “necessary for the public health or the public safety.”

“In 1990, in Employment Division v. Smith, the Court held that the Free Exercise Clause cannot be used to challenge a neutral law of general applicability.”

“the profound public health threat posed by refusing vaccinations.”

“Therefore, there is no basis for a First Amendment challenge to compulsory vaccination laws.”

Earlier, in his February 2015 Op-Ed article in the Orange County Register, Professor Chemerinsky wrote, “As a matter of constitutional law, parents have no right to not vaccinate their children. However, the government has a compelling interest in stopping the spread of communicable diseases.” He proclaimed that state law allows for police power to enforce obligatory vaccine laws. Professor Chemerinsky believes the Constitution holds no weight as a tool of freedom. He is averse to the Declaration. His views reflect Postmodernism.

Postmodernism & Scientism

Postmodernism = modernism without the optimism.

If you convince everyone that they’re a victim, they’ll start acting like victims. Postmodernists rule above the law, with no morality, no accountability, and no responsibility. To their mindset, everyone is a slave, though some slaves are above other slaves. Postmodernist recognize no “God” – defined as that power above mortal men and universal. The Declaration of Independence refers to “God” as “natural law or nature’s law, unalienable…and the Creator.”

The Postmodernist dogma says that mortals are gods and that their power to rule over lesser gods is absolute. All “men” are not created equal – some are gods, above the law, with no moral compass, only Agendas.

Postmodernists misuse science to distract from the discussion of power and freedom. They claim science forms the basis of absolute truth about man and the universe. This is Scientism – the fusion of religion & science. Scientism elevates scientists to the level of priesthood.  In Scientism discourse the use of “beliefs” (subjective) replace verifiable evidence (objective).

Scientism rejects any inquiry that does not agree with its agenda. This mindset is embedded in Darwinism (man originating from beast – not God or in his image — thus can be treated as beast) and believes there is no God (agnostic) for without God (pursuant to the Declaration of Independence) there can be no rights. Therefore, Scientism is a PsyOps exercise designed to distract people’s attention away from real truths and solutions, substituting in their place, a rationalization based upon beliefs instead of verifiable evidence.

Scientism is the narrative put forward by any “independent” Task Force on Community Preventive Services appointed by the Centers For Disease Prevention and Control (CDC). The Task Force fulfills a role of providing “disclosure” though its documents, such as one entitled, Vaccination Mandates: The Public Health Imperative and Individual Rights to reiterate that the “The constitutional basis of vaccination requirements rests in the police power of the state.”  (Emphasis added).

Scientism predicts the future: “The police power is the authority reserved to the states by the Constitution and embraces “such reasonable regulations established directly by legislative enactment as will protect the public health and the public safety” (197 U.S. at 25, 25 S.Ct. at 361).

Professor Chemerinsky and others find legal fodder against religious exemption from another Constitutionalist, Supreme Court’s Justice Antonin Scalia who wrote his 1997 opinion in City of Boerne v. Flores:

the right of free exercise does not relieve an individual of the obligation to comply with a ‘valid and neutral law of general applicability on the ground that the law proscribes (or prescribes) conduct that his religion prescribes (or proscribes).’

Scalia stressed that it should be the political, not judicial process, that provides for exemptions in laws to protect religious beliefs. While the Court defers to the State for religious freedoms, and the State defers to Scientism to keep the herd distracted, freedom and rights get lost in the shuffle.

Freedom Is Individual

Freedom in the legal sense is still found through the Declaration of Independence, though it now must be codified into law. In our current system, if anyone is to claim his power to refuse vaccines, or parent a child without government interference, then this document must be reinstated in its rightful place. Without the Declaration, “Constitutional rights” are abolished.

True freedom is knowing Private Property belongs to the individual. You own your body. Freedom is not found in any document or court, not in any group or herd. Freedom is embodied as a state of mind and a way of being. Freedom lives under Nature’s law, created by nature’s God. This is why God matters in the secular context, not a religious one. Note: all NATO countries promote war for a Globalist Agenda. They are Freemason monarchies, except the EU run by the British (City of London). While Russia and Syria recognize the secular God, they also appear to be part of a globalist agenda.

Nature’s law guarantees the power of the Individual and the right to private property, the Self. No one is above Nature’s law. Nature has her own legal argument:

The laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his (God’s) laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. 1772, Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109.

Contradictions & Inconsistencies

Man’s laws (case law) are traps that lead to tyranny. They enforce the Master-Slave dynamic because they are written by a few men with an agenda. They retain the narrative as long as slaves give consent and ask for permission from Masters. Masters are fallible. Chemerinsky’s flawed science reads:

…robust evidence lends strong support to our argument that vaccinations are essential to save children’s lives. But compulsory vaccinations also are crucial to protect those who cannot be vaccinated, such as infants, and those for whom vaccinations are medically inadvisable, such as those with compromised immune systems. Because there always will be a portion of the population for whom vaccinations will not work, achieving the highest vaccination rates possible for all others remains important.

If vaccines are “safe and effective” then shouldn’t the weakest in the community be able to tolerate them? If they are “protective” why did the U.S. Supreme court rule in 2011 that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe?”

Officials do not believe that any “right” exists outside State “rights,” which are  privileges that can be denied as easily as they are granted. Masters are deconstructionists that write laws and change definitions to advance their agenda to abolish Property Rights. Chemerinsky writes:

Simply put, the government’s interest in protecting children and preventing the spread of communicable disease justifies mandatory vaccinations for all children in the United States.

The government’s only true “interest” should be to protect the liberty of the people. Any other interest for “safety” or “security”or “Public Health” is a ruse to take the power of the people away. See The Declaration:

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”

The Ruse of Scientific Consensus

Prior to Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, it was scientific consensus in the South that defined slaves – mostly Africans or Negroes, as scientifically inferior. This consensus formed the foundation that excluded them from any rights guaranteed to others.

Today, nothing has changed.

If the foundation for vaccine rights rests solely and exclusively on scientific arguments, then this is an admission that rights are privileges, based on scientific consensus. No Right was ever granted by scientific consensus and so no science can form the foundation for any abolition of a Right. Science is a moot point when it comes to rights. Arguing the science keeps us slaves when what we seek is the power to make a choice about how we see the science.

Today, as in the past, the Globalist strategy is to control the opposition by becoming the opposition. The Occupy Wall Street movement was hijacked by NGO’s and other Foundations and eliminated. Globalists control both sides of a manufactured ‘divide’ to generate controversy, incite riots, and create turmoil, only to swoop in to quell the chaos and restore order. Order – out of chaos. This is the Hegelian Dialectic of Problem, Reaction, Solution. Experts like Chemerinsky don’t seek to suspend the Constitution, but to abolish it though mandates using the Constitution.

The rights of the individual are not derived from governmental agencies, either municipal, state, or federal, or even from the Constitution. They exist inherently in every man, by endowment of the Creator, and are merely reaffirmed in the Constitution, and restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the citizenship to the agencies of government. The people’s rights are not derived from the government, but the government’s authority comes from the people. -City of Dallas, et al. v. Mitchell, 245 S. W. 944, 945-46 (1922).

How to Protect Rights?

The true Charter of Freedom on which America was founded is the Declaration of Independence. Abraham Lincoln said slavery was never expressed in the Constitution, but it was implied.

The Declaration of Independence, alone, is the legal foundation for freedom in a corrupt judicial system. The Constitution allows for the continuation of slavery and always will—without the Declaration. How can we maintain our collective survival and the freedoms that have been slip-sliding away?

  1. Instead of fighting a never-ending fight over mandates, withdraw consent.
  2. Apply the Declaration of Independence. Self-determination means claiming responsibility for your rights to choose and affirming that you are a body and a soul.
  3. According the Declaration of Independence, human rights come from “God” (secular) not the State. Reaffirmation of “God” means a divorce from Postmodernism where “men” are god—above the law and without any moral compass.
  4. Refrain from arguing the science as the primary foundation for vaccine choice. The vaccine debate cannot become a distraction. If all rights are abolished, there will be no more discussion, no reason to argue the science.
  5. Under quarantine of sick and healthy people, it is impossible to gather communities together to become self-sufficient. Without the ability to create community gardens, create your own garden until you can merge your garden with others.
  6. Create a local, bartering system (Time Bank) for services.
  7. Avoid Smart Cities.
A Coming Civil War?

We cannot allow ‘Coronavirus,’ or any virus, to become a “race-to-the-bottom” in a divide-n-conquer exercise. New apps were tested during the 2020 pandemic to encourage people “snitch” on their neighbors for disobeying quarantine.

Refuse to consent to dictates that turn you into an animal. Unless you consider yourself “nonessential,” know who you are since politicians will not disclose what they will do under an emergency until TSHTF.

If countries, or states, continue to lose autonomy, or if food or water is rationed, there will be new reasons for Civil War in the years to come. Will states secede over basic human rights being lost? What then? Will there be a structure waiting to be filled, by design?

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Rosanne Lindsay is a Traditional Naturopath, Herbalist, Writer, and Author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Consult with her remotely at Listen to her archived podcasts at

Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath

Cover image credit: AHTmedia

Global Tyranny Never Sounded So Good: UN Summit of the Future

Global Tyranny Never Sounded So Good: UN Summit of the Future



“Wading through the finished product, 66 pages of hackneyed phrases passed off as profound policy, requires the stoicism of a saint and a devil’s dictionary in order to translate its conniving “globalese” into a comprehensible tongue.”

~ Michael Bryant




by Michael Bryant, Health Freedom Defense Fund
October 18, 2024


Lost in the hoopla of the coming US presidential election and the pandemonium of current global affairs was an unheralded summit last month that could cause more upheaval on the planet than anything our self-described world leaders have thrown at the populace yet.

On September 22, representatives of 193 sovereign nation-states gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New York City to adopt a Pact for the Future.

The document, which includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations, promises to “open the door to new opportunities and untapped possibilities,” according to UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

The landmark agreement, which Guterres called a “step-change towards more effective, inclusive, networked multilateralism,” contains 56 “actions” that countries pledged to achieve.

The net effect of the Pact for the Future and its two so-called annexes is intended to radically accelerate the push toward completion of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its Agenda 2030.

Marketed as a blueprint to “lay the foundations for a sustainable, just, and peaceful global order—for all peoples and nations” (and who could possibly object to such a heavenly vision?)—this latest flurry of UN paperwork may have set new records in linguistic maneuvers and platitudes per page.

A few questions are in order:

  • What do all the bureaucratic bromides and buzzwords in the Pact actually mean when translated into plain English?
  • How will the Pact’s sound and fury impact us once its “multilateral” wheels are set in motion?
  • Is this “sustainable, just, and peaceful global order” really a pot of gold awaiting us at the end of the United Nations Summit of the Future rainbow?
  • Are these promises of “new opportunities and untapped possibilities” truly wonderful gifts designed to serve the public? Or are they just more Trojan horses that will carry us closer to the cliff’s edge than into a Canaan-like Promised Land flowing with milk and honey?
  • And what exactly did Secretary-General Guterres mean when he said the UN Summit of the Future represented “an essential first step towards making global institutions more legitimate, effective, and fit for the world of today and tomorrow” and that UN member states had gathered to “bring multilateralism back from the brink”?

Wading through the finished product, 66 pages of hackneyed phrases passed off as profound policy, requires the stoicism of a saint and a devil’s dictionary in order to translate its conniving “globalese” into a comprehensible tongue.

Rather than answer the above questions one by one, we can turn to the accompanying four-page Concept Notes for the Interactive Dialogues, which offer a concise version of the Pact’s mind-numbing pages and pages.

The Concept Notes begin by highlighting the need to “transform global governance and turbocharge the implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.” These notes give us a clear idea of what the priorities were for the two-day “Summit of the Future” as well as the direction that UN 2.0 is attempting to steer the planet.

For instance, the opening line of Interactive Dialogue 1 speaks of “[t]he urgent need for reform of the global financial architecture” in order to “modernize the system while accelerating progress to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.” Well, those words end our suspense as to what the UN’s top priority shall be: total control of the world’s financial transactions and systems.

The framework for what that new global economic system might look like is articulated in the World Economic Forum’s guidebook The Great Reset. A deep dive into the details of The Great Reset, made famous by the slogan “You’ll own nothing and be happy,” exposes this pretentious tract as just another long-winded rationale for economic despotism and centralized control over the lives of all the people (read: peons) on the planet.

Next on the globalists’ to-do list is the “urgent” need for a vaguely defined “enhanced multilateralism.”

According to various UN pooh-bahs, the international community is facing challenges that are “too great for any nation, small or large, to tackle alone.” Naturally, the UN proclaims that these undefined “challenges” can be resolved only through mechanisms installed by the UN and its sponsors.

Putting aside the fact that the UN and its affiliates have a track record that proves they are part of the problem instead of the solution to anything, the terms “multilateralism” and “global governance”—repeated throughout the UN documents—need to be exposed for what they actually mean.

Apparently, from what we can ascertain, the UN decided that the more sinister-sounding terms “one world government” and “new world order” had worn out their welcome and were justifiably raising alarm bells in the public square. Thus, kinder, gentler surrogate words have been introduced in an attempt to pacify the people and soften the not-so-fuzzy image of global totalitarianism.

It’s called marketing.

When the curtains are pulled back, exposing the spin machine, we find that the true intent of these autocrats, who claim to “represent the peoples of the world,” is to create a global governance structure with dramatically increased powers over all human activity.

Such a centralized control system would, by design, erode a nation’s ability to control its own domestic and foreign policy, eliminating such “quaint” notions as national sovereignty.

One example of how this might play out in the real world can be found in how the UN pushes the idea that the only possible way to effectively tackle what it determines to be “complex global shocks” is through “multilateralism,” as defined by the UN.

In a March 2023 policy paper titled “Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks — An Emergency Platform,” the UN Secretary-General proposed that “the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”

In practice, what this could mean is that the standing UN Secretary-General would become a “global emergency czar” who is given power to preside over any international emergency, be it real or manufactured.

The proposal would strip nations, businesses, and the public sector of the right to make their own decisions, while handing over all authority to intergovernmental bodies within the UN’s orbit. NGOs, UN agencies and private “stakeholders” would effectively rule, like dictators, over every nation and even over every jurisdiction (province, state, county, city) within each nation. National sovereignty would be null and void.

Another major item on the UN menu is the concept of a “Common Digital Future,” which is embedded within the aforementioned “Global Digital Compact.”

Curiously, the UN directly compares these digital technologies to natural resources, observing that the potential of digital technology can be only optimized through shared access and use of resources such as the air around us and earth’s bodies of water.

Setting aside the fact that we can’t drink technology or eat data, the irony of the UN suggesting that shared access will be a defining feature of any of its programs flies in the face of the UN’s history as a vehicle for increased privatization of the commons.

As part of this Common Digital Future, the UN promotes the idea of “working together to promote information integrity, tolerance and respect in the digital space.” Again, more noble-sounding words, but how does the UN propose to do this?

Here’s a clue: The UN offers to help the public sort through the flotsam and jetsam of the social media landscape by promising to “strengthen international cooperation to address the challenge of misinformation and disinformation and hate speech online and mitigate the risks of information manipulation in a manner consistent with international law.”

If you are uncertain as to what that means, consider that the UN is seeking tighter controls over what they judge to be misinformation in order to manage and restrict what information the public can freely access. The end product, if implemented, would allow certain UN agencies to have complete control over all information sources.

This has long been one of the principal desires of the globocrats, who know that a well-informed public that is able to discern between government deceptions (such as the propaganda used to sell the corona crisis) and on-the-ground realities is exceedingly difficult to control.

At the conclusion of the September summit, UN leaders stressed the importance of the need for “a reinvigorated multilateral system.” The countries in attendance reached the consensus that “the world must accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.”

If you didn’t hear about the summit and its outcome on your evening news, don’t be surprised. It was scarcely covered by any nation’s news media. Are your eyebrows raised at the thought of the world’s “leaders” making plans to reshape the earth, its economy, and its inhabitants without so much as a whisper or a whimper from mainstream journalists?

If these journalists were to scrutinize the UN’s latest plans, they would find that what is being presented as a new and necessary plan of action is really the same old story of the megalomaniacs’ desire for total control of the planet, dressed up in a shiny new package to conceal their intentions.

The bottom line is that any time you see a program being forwarded by a gaggle of unelected, unaccountable globalists, you can rest assured that the program being promised is as thoroughly tyrannical as it can be. And that’s by design. 


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Cover image credit: UrbanOrigami

Disclosure & The Metaverse

Disclosure & The Metaverse

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
October 17, 2024


Since ‘hindsight is 20/20,’ what happened in 2020?

In 2020, the new, experimental mRNA injections rolled out as a premeditated response to Coronavirus. What was on the package inserts of the products?


The inserts were blank. This way, companies could not be held liable for any ill effects following injection. It’s called indemnity, an exemption from penalties.

Fast forward to 2024. Eureka! Suddenly scientists know what was in those Emergency Use Authorized (EUA), FDA-unapproved COVID injections!

Nanotechnology Through a Needle

According to an Argentinian study, scientists discovered 55 undeclared chemicals and metals not listed on package inserts. The study published last week in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research discloses:

Among the undeclared chemical elements were detected 11 of the 15 cytotoxic lanthanides used in electronic devices and optogenetics. In addition, among the undeclared elements were all 11 of the heavy metals: chromium was found in 100% of the samples; arsenic 82%; nickel 59%; cobalt and copper 47%; tin 35%; cadmium, lead and manganese in 18%; and mercury in 6%. A total of 55 undeclared chemical elements were found and quantified…

James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., a member of the journal’s editorial board said, “Individually, these chemicals are known to cause neurological, cardiovascular and immunological damage.”

What is not disclosed? Metals and chemicals are required for nanopolymers. Delivered through a needle, they target specific areas of the body for ‘connectivity’ to the Internet of Things.

Disclosure & Implied Consent

No matter where the information is found in the media, whether in an articlesocial mediacinema, documentary, or hidden in a medical journal study, the architects who create toxic products must disclose the information somewhere, whether perceived positively or negatively.  Of course how you perceive the information is up to you.

In 2020, social media tracking of information suggests 43% of content retrieved on Google was antivaccination in nature. However, today, it is nearly impossible to find a negative campaign against the jab.

As long as the deed is visible, it has been exposed, even if it is after the fact.  This is called implied consent. 

No response is considered to be silent acquiescence. This means that by your non response, you have agreed to the methods used.

When hindsight is 20/20, it means “too little, too late.” The deed is done.

Biodigital Convergence

There is another purpose to the disclosing information after the fact; that is to misdirect an investigation. Four years later, mRNA is old information since, in the Information Age, old news happens yesterday, not four years ago.

For at least two decades, scientists and governments have been paving the way toward Transhumanism, the merging of humans and machines. The way to Transhumanism is through Biodigital Convergence. Read more here.

In the coming years, biodigital technologies could be woven into our lives in the way that digital technologies are now. Biological and digital systems are converging, and could change the way we work, live, and even evolve as a species. More than a technological change, this biodigital convergence may transform the way we understand ourselves and cause us to redefine what we consider human or natural.

In the Covidian Age, “CORONA” represents the addition of metamaterials, to augment humans and upgrade the system with faster speeds to run more applications. According to a 2021 study in the American Journal of Bioinformatics Research, “corona is a non-communicable disease spread worldwide through wireless sensor technology…

To The Metaverse!

The positive side of Hindsight is Foresight.  Instead of looking to the past, we can focus on what is unfolding now, and into the near future.

Biodigital Convergence leads to Smart cities, Cognitive(C40) cities, Blockchain, Reverse engineering, Digital Twin, Self-assembly nanotechnologies, the Internet of Bodies, and more… in the connected future of the Metaverse.

If Biodigital Convergence sound like a Virtual Reality, then you are one step closer to your Avatar. Will you become an Avatar in the Metaverse? Watch the feature film, Avatar for disclosure.

The architects of converging technologies want everyone to live a Metaverse of their construction.

Of course, disclosure is found openly, in Sci-fi movies, and fiction. However, for a drier presentation, it is also found in a slideshow from the 2022 International Electrotechnical Commission. For current and future standards that will run The Convergence, read the 480-page report on the National Nanotech Initiative (NNI).

The NNI recently celebrated its 20th birthday. This proves that mRNA nanotechnology is old news. It does not discriminate against gender, sex, race, or religion. This global initiative seeks to incorporate everyone, everywhere. They have our consent through silent acquiescence.

The concept of ‘vaccine status,’ along with related vaccine science and laws are mere propaganda and distraction. These are symptoms of past strategies that lead to future ‘connectivity.’ Unfortunately, focus on vaccines is exactly where architects want people to be.

Foresight might be fuzzy, but without it, we are left scrambling in the past.


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Rosanne Lindsay is a Traditional Naturopath, Herbalist, Writer, and Author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Consult with her remotely at Listen to her archived podcasts at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath

Cover image credit: denflinkegrafiker

THE TRUMP FILE – Savior or Part of the Deep State?

The Trump File – Savior or Part of the Deep State?


[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

In the excellent documentary video (with transcript} “THE TRUMP FILE – Savior or Part of the Deep State?”, you will find the statement:

“It becomes obvious that even for Trump, the party color doesn’t really matter.” This statement is a conclusion based on Donald Trump’s support of both sides of the left/right, democrat/republican paradigm.

Unrelated to this documentary and its authors, further insight into who Donald Trump is found in the article “Trump’s Great Multipolar Reset: How The Orange Messiah Fooled the World” by 009 at substack which details Trump’s ties with Zionists, Judaism and Israel. This is in clear contrast to his declared dedication to Christianity. [Disagreement with some of 009’s speculation need not stop readers from gaining insight from the data shared in the article.]

Apparently religious belief doesn’t really matter any more than party color does. Yet, clearly, in this “rule the world” game, it is important to make believers/followers think that their leaders share the same values as well as their ideas about God and the history of humanity.

Looking at all of the facts before us, we can each come to our own conclusion about what the puppet masters are attempting to do. If we understand their goal of full spectrum dominance, we see how religion, politics and all forms of “governance” are essential tools as “they” attempt to round us all up into one of the many cattle chutes leading to the same place of enslavement or even slaughter.

Other quotes from “THE TRUMP FILES”, as expressed in Kla.TV’s closing remarks:

“It depends on each one of us to see through this game of right and left and to overcome the artificially created division. It is decisive to focus on the puppeteers in the background. It should be noted that the same masterminds are not just at work in the United States, but act in almost every country around the world.”

“For now, taking up personal responsibility and actively sharing these facts, are definitely among the most promising possible solutions when it comes to freeing the US and every other nation worldwide from the stranglehold of this Deep State. ”]


US Special: THE TRUMP FILE – Savior or Part of the Deep State?

October 19, 2025


Video also available at Kla.TV Odysee, or at Kla.TV Rumble

Donald Trump is running for next US president to eradicate the Deep State. But what is the so-called ‘Deep State’ in the USA? And who is Donald Trump? What role do Kamala Harris and Elon Musk play? A production of KLA.TV-INVESTIGATIVE and KLA.TV-INTERNATIONAL



Donald Trump has put himself up for election, in his own words, to “stand up to the corrupt establishment“ and to “obliterate the Deep State“ as the next President of the United States of America. With his renewed candidacy, he promises to “drain the swamp in Washington“ and to end the war between Russia and Ukraine within a few hours.

“Under my administration, we are fighting against the lobbyists, the special interests and the corrupt Washington politics.”

“We are going to Washington D.C. and we are going to drain the swamp.”

“We are going to Washington D.C. and we are going to drain the swamp.“ [same statement repeated]

“Here is my plan to dismantle the Deep State and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption once and for all.“

“It is time to drain the swamp.“

“Obliterate the Deep State.“

“Either the Deep State destroys America or we destroy the Deep State.“

“On November 5th, 2024 we are going to stand up to the corrupt political establishment.“

“The corrupt establishment in Washington.“

“My personality is what kept us out of war.“

“After we win the presidency I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled.“

“I will end that war in one day. It will take 24 hours.“

“I will prevent, and very easily, World War III.”

“I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled and it will take me no longer than one day.“

Is Donald Trump the peacemaker the world has been waiting for?

The fearless savior who will release the United States of America from the ‘Deep State‘?

What is the so-called ‘Deep State‘ in the USA?

And who is Donald Trump?


US Special: The Trump File – Savior or Part of the Deep State? A production by Kla.TV-INVESTIGATIVE and Kla.TV-INTERNATIONAL,

The US presidential election is stirring up emotions. November 5, 2024 will be election day. The showdown is: Republicans vs. Democrats — Donald Trump vs. Kamala Harris.

Not only this duel, but also Donald Trump‘s personality divides the population far beyond the country‘s borders. Some vehemently reject him, others see him as a long-awaited savior.

While Kamala Harris promises to protect the freedom of the US citizens, Donald Trump presents himself as the savior of the nation. Millions of people all over the world meanwhile put their hope and their faith in his person.

But is this trust justified? In order to get a more clear understanding about this it is imperative to understand what the Deep State actually is and which people are part of it.

In other words: Who really governs the USA? Answering this question only is possible with the knowledge about who has been part of the political establishment since the foundation of the United States.


What Is the Deep State and Who Is Part of It?

The term “Deep State“ is a political catchphrase that stands for illegal power structures within a state — a hidden force implementing its goals without judicial control. The term “Deep State“ is often used in connection with secret societies, “invisible“ masterminds or a shadow government that operates in secret, in the background without people‘s knowledge. and therefore without control.

Now the question is: Does such a shadow government even exist in the USA?


Is There a Deep State in the USA?

• 1.  The Founding Fathers of the USA

Well-known German historian Dr. Michael Hesemann revealed in his piece titled “The War of the Freemasons Against Throne and Altar”, published in 2024, that it was the secret societies who founded the United States of America.

The foundation of the USA was preceded by the American revolution. Key figures of this revolt were the Freemasons Samuel Adams and John Hancock as well as Paul Revere, who is the grand master of the “Grand Lodge of Massachusetts“.

On July 4th, 1776, delegates of the 13 colonies finally declared the United States independence and thereby founded the USA.

The Freemasons grand master Benjamin Franklin [1706 – 1790] was member of the committee which wrote the Declaration of Independence of the newly-founded “United States of America“. The committee assigned Freemason Thomas Jefferson [1743 – 1826] to author the first draft. Fifty-three out of the 56 signatories of the Declaration of Independence were proven to be Freemasons.

When the constitution of the United States was finally adopted in 1787, 19 out of the 39 signatories were Freemasons.

The first president of the United States, George Washington [1732 – 1799], was also a Freemason. In fact, he was Master of the Alexandria Lodge during his presidency and swore his oath on the Freemasons bible of the St. John‘s Lodge of New York at his inauguration.

• 2.  Symbolism in Urban Planning

In 1791, Freemason Pierre Charles L‘Enfant was assigned to plan the new capitol Washington. His draft for urban planning was characterized by the Masonic symbolism and was meticulously implemented during the next decades: The framing square, the compass, the all-seeing eye, the pentagram (a five-pointed star with the tip pointing down, commonly used in satanism) are visible to the trained eye.

It could hardly be more clearly cemented for all times and generations to come whose spirit reigns in Washington and who forms the Deep State that truly rules the USA — behind the presidency facade — than this city plan!

On September 18th, 1793, the foundation stone of the capitol in Washington, which is the seat of the US congress, was laid in a masonic ritual. George Washington was wearing his Mason’s apron.

Later US president and Freemason Thomas Jefferson labeled the capitol as “the first temple consecrated to the sovereignty of the people”.

The construction of the Washington Monument in the immediate vicinity of the White House began in 1848. The foundation stone of this monumental obelisk was donated by a Masonic lodge. The obelisk is an important symbol in Freemasonry. The Washington Monument Lodge is located at the foot of the Washington Monument.

The dollar bill also clearly states who is part of the Deep State in the USA.

On the reverse of the one-dollar note, it is the Eye of Providence above an incomplete brick pyramid. In fact, the so-called Eye of Providence, as well as the pyramid, are still a central symbolism in Masonic lodges today. Incidentally, the pyramid was added to the one-dollar note in 1935 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt was a very active member of the Freemasons and received numerous Masonic delegations at the White House during his presidential years.

The Roman numeral MDCCLXXVI on the bottom step of the unfinished pyramid on the one-dollar note stands for the year 1776.

However, it does not honor the year of the US Declaration of Independence, but the founding of the Masonic Illuminati Order by Adam Weishaupt in Ingolstadt in 1776.

The symbol of the secret society is the owl of Minerva. And interestingly, a tiny white owl peeks out from behind the number ONE in the top right corner on the front of the one-dollar bill.

In the USA, Masonic secret societies spread more rapidly than anywhere else. In the first quarter of a century after the death of George Washington, the number of members increased from 25,000 up to 80,000, which at the time was 10% of adult white men. One hundred years later, in 1930, there were already 16,515 lodges in the United States.

At that time, the George Washington Masonic National Memorial was completed in Virginia. It is a monumental Masonic temple and a highly visible landmark of American Freemasonry.

Today, there are approx. two million US citizens who are members of Masonic secret societies.

• 3.  The Office of the President of the United States

The “Zeitschrift für Politik“ is an academic journal of the Munich School of Politics. In 1943, it published excerpts from a paper entitled “Die nordamerikanische Freimaurerei” (North American Freemasonry), which was actually only intended for Freemasons. It clearly shows that from the appointment of the first US President George Washington in 1789 until 1933, almost every US President was a member of a secret society.

Besides George Washington, these included Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson. Their political administrations were also permeated with Freemasons. During this period only two of the 31 US presidents were not Freemasons, but they enjoyed the support of the secret societies, too.

As Kla.TV revealed in the highly acclaimed documentary “The Assassination of John F. Kennedy – Masterminds Revealed”, the subsequent US presidents up until 2017 were also all Freemasons, with only three exceptions, including John F. Kennedy. These included Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, George Bush senior, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

• 4.  Is There a Shadow Government Behind the US President?

In 1921, the Masonic secret societies installed a strategic control center and called it the Council on Foreign Relations — CFR for short. Declared to the outside world as a think tank, it was henceforth designed to act as a shadow government in the USA.

The society was founded in New York by the high degree Freemason Edward Mandell House in collaboration with the Freemasons Paul Warburg and Otto Hermann Kahn. Other key founders included the high degree Freemasons John D. Rockefeller Jr, Alfred Milner and Lionel Curtis. The writer Walter Lippmann, John D. Rockefeller Junior’s ally, also played a key role in its establishment.

The first president of the CFR, John W. Davis, worked for the Rockefeller family and was also a Freemason.

The money for the founding of the CFR came from Masonic high finance — from the Freemasons J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff. When the CFR moved into the Harold Pratt House in New York in 1945, which are also the current headquarters, Rockefeller donated the money for its maintenance. Since its foundation, the CFR has been largely financed by the Masonic Rockefeller family.

The CFR’s best-known global strategists and board members include the high degree Freemasons Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Allen W. Dulles, John Jay McCloy, Larry Fink and the global strategist George Soros.

The CFR currently has 5,300 members. Since 2017, High Degree Freemason David M. Rubenstein has chaired the CFR.

When the Masonic obelisk — the famous Washington Monument — was restored in 2011, Rubenstein contributed half of the funds necessary to repair the monument. Before the obelisk was reopened in 2014, David M. Rubenstein symbolically placed the final stone, the pyramid, at the top of the obelisk. This piece represents the All-Seeing Eye of Lucifer, as can be seen on the US dollar bill at the top of the pyramid.

The power and influence of the CFR are illustrated nowhere better than in the US government.

John Jay McCloy, the former chairman of the CFR and a high-degree Freemason, once put it this way:

“Whenever we needed a man in Washington, we simply leafed through the Council’s membership list and made a phone call to New York.”

A study by William Minter and Laurence Shoup shows that between 1945 and 1972, more than half of a total of 502 members of government belonged to the CFR.

Numerous US presidents were also members of the CFR, including US Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush.

Since the CFR was founded in 1921, all US presidents have been under its influence. It still makes no difference to the CFR whether they are Democrats or Republicans.

Since its foundation, the CFR has also acted as an “advisor” to numerous US presidents. Here are just a few examples of how CFR strategists have influenced US presidents:

[Photos displayed.]

CFR strategist Henry Kissinger with Jimmy Carter, George Walker Bush and Barack Obama.

CFR strategist David Rockefeller with George Walker Bush and Ronald Reagan.

CFR strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski as security advisor to Jimmy Carter and as advisor to Lyndon B. Johnson.

CFR strategist Robert E. Rubin as Secretary of the Treasury under Bill Clinton and with Barack Obama.

In order to establish this Masonic shadow government beyond US borders, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and the European Council on Foreign Relations were founded by initiative of the CFR.

• 5.  US President Joe Biden and US Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris

Joe Biden has been the 46th President of the USA since 2021. Previously, he was Vice President from 2009 to 2017 under the presidency of Barack Obama.

Like the US presidents before him, Joe Biden is also a high degree Freemason and, together with Barack Obama, Warren Buffet, and Bill and Hillary Clinton (a member of the Maat Lodge — a lodge founded by CFR strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski). The word “Maat” is Egyptian and stands for world order, among other things. The term is embodied by an Egyptian goddess who appears as the Eye of Ra or the All-Seeing Eye.

Biden is also very close to the CFR. Here at an appearance at the CFR in 2018. [Photo displayed.]

Of the 30 members of the Biden cabinet, 17 belong to the CFR or have close family ties to the CFR.

Well-known CFR strategists also repeatedly appear alongside Joe Biden.

These include Henry Kissinger, who died in 2023, current CFR Chairman David M. Rubenstein and Alexander Soros, son and successor of CFR strategist George Soros.

The latter had visited the White House at least 17 times since Biden took office.

George Soros was the best-known Biden supporter in his 2024 election campaign, financing it with 60 million dollars.

Once Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy for the 2024 US presidential election on July 21, 2024, Kamala Harris was nominated as the new candidate of the Democratic Party. She was previously Vice President under Joe Biden.

Kamala Harris also has very close family ties to the CFR. Her sister, Maya Harris, is a member of the CFR. She is one of Kamala Harris’ closest advisors and led her election campaign as presidential candidate in 2019 and vice-presidential candidate in 2020.

Immediately after Biden’s resignation, it became known that CFR strategist George Soros and his son Alexander are financially supporting Kamala Harris in her candidacy.

There had already been several meetings between Alexander Soros and Kamala Harris.


Donald Trump – Savior or Part of the Deep State?

Based on the connections and facts presented so far, it is clear that a Deep State does exist in the USA and who is part of it. Secret societies have been steering political events in the USA since the founding of the state in 1776. The CFR has acted as a political and strategic arm of these secret societies since 1921.

Trump ran for president in 2016 with the aim of eradicating this Deep State.

“Here is my plan to dismantle the Deep State.”

Is Trump, unlike Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the US presidents before him, the long-awaited liberator against the Deep State?

Donald Trump was surprisingly brought into power as the 45th President of the USA in 2017. He was already a famous personality before this in the US. He gained fame as the chairman of the Trump empire, as an eccentric billionaire and the owner of the Trump Tower in New York.

But who is Donald Trump? Is he a fighter for justice and a liberator of the US population from these secret societies? Or is he himself under the influence of the masterminds of the Deep State and connected to them?

• 1.  Trump’s Connections to High Degree Freemasons and CFR Strategist Henry Kissinger

Kissinger met Trump on May 10th, 2017. A follow-up meeting of Kissinger and Trump took place at the White House in October 2017.

At this meeting, Trump explained that he had long been friends with Kissinger.

“Henry Kissinger has been a friend of mine. I’ve liked him, I’ve respected him. We have been friends for a long time. Long before my emergence in the world of politics. We got to know each other very well.“

Besides Kissinger, other CFR strategists have appeared at Trump‘s side, as you can see here [photo displayed] at a meeting with high degree Freemason and current chairman of the CFR, David M. Rubenstein, in his private residence in Florida, or with the CFR strategist and high-grade Freemason Larry Fink [photo displayed].

Among Trump‘s biggest donors is CFR member and Blackstone head, Stephen Schwarzman. Stephen is also a member of the secret society Skull & Bones.

While Trump maintains intense connections with high degree Freemasons, he presents himself in the public as a devout Christian, like many US Presidents before him.

Church leaders in the USA as well as millions of evangelical Christians, who form a decisive voting block, support Trump ardently and have placed their hopes in him.

Trump enjoyed a Jesuit education at Fordham University in New York. His children Eric, Ivanka and Tiffany studied at the Jesuit-run Georgetown University in Washington D.C. The Jesuits are the largest religious order within the Catholic Church. According to an entry in the International Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, the establishment of the Masonic secret societies and Masonic degrees in the 17th century was largely influenced by the Jesuits.

Since his childhood, Donald Trump has regularly visited the Marble Collegiate Church. He has been attending its Sunday services for the past 50 years. Norman Vincent Peale was the pastor in this church up until his death in 1993. What many do not know is that Peale was a 33rd Degree Freemason. Trump has repeatedly praised Peale and has named him as a formative influence in his life. In 1977, Trump married his first wife Ivana in a ceremony that Peale officiated.

Here is a picture of the Trumps from 1988 attending Norman Vincent Peale‘s 90th birthday party [photo displayed].

• 2.  Trump‘s Son-in-Law and Chief Advisor Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner is an American real estate mogul and became the son-in-law of Donald Trump in 2009 when he married Ivanka Trump. Kushner serves as chief advisor and a grey eminence on the US President Trump. Henry Kissinger named Kushner “Trump‘s most trusted” person.

Jared Kushner is part of the Bilderberg Group, which was established by the two high-grade Freemasons Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. He participated in the 2019 Bilderberg Meeting.

Trump has still more support from the governing body of the Bilderberg Group. The investor and high degree Freemason Peter Thiel is part of the group‘s leadership committee. In 2016, Thiel financed Trump‘s campaign with over a million dollars. He was part of Trump‘s transitional team, which prepared his presidency. Since then, he has been an advisor to Trump.

Thiel has also supported Trump‘s current vice presidential candidate, James David “J.D.“ Vance financially. Vance has called Thiel his mentor.

The US investigative journalist Whitney Webb spoke in a recently published interview about Vance’s close relationship to the PayPal founder Peter Thiel.

“J.D. Vance owes both his political career and his previous venture capital career to Peter Thiel. For example, Peter Thiel first met J.D. Vance when J.D. Vance was in law school and subsequently offered him his first job in venture capital at a Thiel-created venture capital firm called Mithril Capital.“

“And subsequently started his own venture capital firm, Narya Capital, with heavy backing again from Peter Thiel.“

“And in addition, when Vance decided to run for office or for Senate, he was heavily funded by Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel donated 15 million dollars to his campaign, which I believe at the time and maybe still is the largest donation, a single donation ever made to a Senate candidate.“

“But aside from PayPal, the clear indicator of intelligence ties with Peter Thiel, comes in the form of Palantir, which he incorporated in 2003.“

“And they directly enable the warrantless spying on all Americans and use that to profile you on behalf of the national security state. And what’s unfortunate too, we know how Peter Thiel’s influence during Trump’s first campaign translated into Palantir getting what The New York Times called a bonanza of contracts with the military, the U.S. military, and even more so with U.S. intelligence.“

• 3.  Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton – Competitive Rivals – or Maybe Not?

In 2016, they were each other‘s biggest rivals. Hillary Clinton ran for the Democrats, Trump for the Republicans. Publicly, they both ran dirty campaigns against each other in the presidential race.

“We cannot take Hillary Clinton anymore. We have had enough of Clinton.”

“We can`t have a loose cannon in the Oval Office.“

Upon closer inspection, however, Donald Trump has had a close relationship with both high degree Freemasons Bill and Hillary Clinton over many years.

Particularly revealing is an article from the Austrian newspaper Kurier, which was published during the 2016 election cycle, titled: “Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton – Two Friends From Manhattan”.

I quote:

“Chelsea and Ivanka are dear friends, even while their parents attack each other. Indeed Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump have built a close bond over many years that has developed, not least, thanks to their parents.”

I continue:

” ‘We were friends before the election cycle for a long time’, stated Chelsea Clinton quite clearly, ‘And we will still remain friends long after these elections.’ “

Also their parents are well connected  to each other throughout a long friendship.

President Bill Clinton has been on very friendly terms with Donald Trump for many years. In 2005, Hillary Clinton sat in the first row in the wedding ceremony of Donald and Melania Trump. Trump donated to the Clinton Foundation as well as to Hillary Clinton‘s senate campaign.

It has been made known, that in May 2015, directly before his candidacy for the presidency, Donald Trump held a confidential meeting with Bill Clinton, while his wife Hillary had just declared herself candidate for the presidency one month before. A Clinton employee subsequently said, Clinton had supported Trump‘s efforts for a bigger role in the Republican Party.

During the following election campaign, Donald Trump promised to introduce investigations against Clinton if he would be chosen to be president and he would bring her to jail due to her many crimes. “Lock her up” was turned into a slogan by the Trump election campaign.

“Donald Trump warned of an instant and ongoing investigation just as soon as this presidential term started.“

“Hillary is likely to be under investigation for many years, probably concluding in a criminal trial.“

“Hillary Clinton will be under investigation for a long long time, for her many crimes against our nation, our people, our democracy.“

This turned out to be a lie after the election campaign. Any and all investigations against Clinton were ended by Trump.


“The designated US President Donald Trump does not want to pursue any further investigations against the defeated democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.”

“Trump doesn‘t want further investigations against Clinton, whether into her private servers for emails during her time serving as Secretary of State, or questioning her practices within the Clinton Foundation.”

Was the rivalry between Trump and Clinton just staged — just like the presidential election campaign between George W. Bush and John Kerry in 2004? The duel between Republicans and Democrats turned out for Bush.

It became known, however, that both of those supposed rivals were members of the same secret society. Kerry was sworn into the Skull and Bones Club in 1966 and Bush just two years later.

• 4.  Donald Trump With Bill and Hillary Clinton in Jeffrey Epstein‘s Network

Something else connects Donald Trump with Bill and Hillary Clinton: their close connections to Jeffrey Epstein.

“The US financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein ran a sex trafficking ring with minors over a period of around 20 years.”

“Victims report sex trafficking and sexual assaults that took place as early as 1996. A total of at least 100 victims are estimated. However, the number of unreported cases is certainly many times higher.”

The Epstein case attracted world-wide attention. In 2019, Jeffrey Epstein was imprisoned and shortly after this reportedly found dead in his cell. Epstein was a member of the CFR. His friends included Donald Trump and Bill Clinton.

[Photo & video clip displayed.]

Trump with his future wife, Melania, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Trump with sex offender Epstein at a party in Palm Beach in Florida.

In an interview with the New York Magazine in 2002, Trump said:

“I‘ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He‘s a lot of fun to be with.“

During the proceedings against Epstein‘s accomplice and partner Ghislaine Maxwell in 2021, it was brought to light that Trump had flown in Epstein‘s jet during the 90s on many occasions.

Epstein used his airplane, amongst other things for flying under-aged women and exclusive guests to his private island. Because of this, this airplane is nicknamed the “Lolita Express” in the media.

“We know from previously released flight logs, that Bill Clinton and Donald Trump and Britain`s Prince Andrew were frequently among the passengers on board… Clinton in fact is listed as a passenger 26 times, Donald Trump is listed as a passenger at least 7 times.“

On 16th April 2019, Maria Farmer, one of Epstein‘s victims, delivered a sworn statement to the New York Federal Court in which she declared that she and her sister Annie were sexually abused by Epstein and Maxwell in many locations.

Maria Farmer stated in a later interview, that she saw Donald Trump as well as Bill and Hillary Clinton coming and going with Epstein.

“I named everybody, I named Donald Trump. I named everyone who I thought was a co-conspirator at the time. Donald Trump, absolutely the Clintons. These were people, that I saw coming and going, that I knew were part of it.“

In contrast, Trump presents himself in public as a savior against the sexual exploitation of children. In 2016, as Trump came to power as president, he promised that “his administration was committed to leveraging every resource of the Federal Government to end the scourge of human trafficking.“

In April 2018, Trump signed effective immediately a law against sexual trafficking and against the exploitation of children.

“My administration is putting unprecedented pressure on human traffickers at home and abroad and we are freeing innocent victims at every single turn.“

“I want to make it clear today, that my administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking.“

“We are challenging foreign regimes that facilitate this horrible evil of sex- trafficking.“

How trustworthy can someone be in the fight against sexual trafficking, when he has apparently been part of this himself?

With respect to the question, if Trump would reveal Jeffrey Epstein‘s records, he stated the following in June 2024 in a Fox News interview:

“If you were president, would you declassify, you can answer yes or no to these, would you declassify the 9-11 files?


“Would you declassify JFK files?”

“Yeah. I did a lot of it.”

“Would you declassify the Epstein files?

“Yeah, yeah. I would, I guess I would. I think that less so. Because you don’t know. You don’t want to affect people’s lives.”

• 5.  Elon Musk Provides Donald Trump a Large Platform

Elon Musk reveals himself to be one of Trump‘s biggest supporters. With estimated assets of 243 billion US dollars, the Tesla boss ranks as the richest man in the world. Musk announced in July of 2024 his support of Trump‘s presidential candidacy. “I fully endorse President Trump“, wrote the tech billionaire on platform X, which he has taken over since 2022.

Multiple media outlets reported that Musk has stated his intention of supporting Trump‘s election campaign to a tune of 45 million dollars per month.

At the beginning of September, it became known that Trump and Musk are planning to work closely, hand-in-hand in the future. If Trump becomes US President, he plans to set up a commission for government efficiency. The head of this board would be led by Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

‘Elon Musk says, that he plans to turn X/Twitter into half of the financial system. And it`s going to be a bio-metric digital ID at some point and then have this all link to your finances, your financial wallet.“ [Whitney Webb]

[Headline displayed] “Elon Musk’s company implants a brain chip in a human being.”

Musk‘s intention veers heavily into this direction, as he plans to insert a chip into people‘s brains, with which it could network with a computer. In other words, the thoughts of chipped persons could be monitored.

A live conversation between Trump and Musk posted online on Musk‘s platform X found a great audience. In this conversation broadcast on August 12th, Musk heavily advertised on behalf of Trump. Musik said to Trump:

“I believe we are standing on a turning point with regards to the destiny of civilization. And I believe we need to choose the right way. And I think, you are the right way,“

“I think we’re at a fork in the road in destiny of civilization, and I think we need to take the right path., And I think you’re the right path. So I think that’s what it comes down to.”

In this live conversation with Trump, many in the audience noticed a particular photo of Elon Musk, that he has used on the Platform X as his avatar. It shows Musk in a Baphomet costume.

Musk has published more such photos on X. Baphomet is displayed on the front side. This is the representation of the devil‘s goat that is worshipped within satanic circles as Lucifer. Printed on Musk‘s back is the unmistakable depiction of the upside down cross, better known as the Luciferian Cross.

This costume seems to hold great meaning to Musk as he uses it as his official profile photo on X. This satanic avatar is obviously not chosen by chance.

The Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, published a photo with Musk after a meeting. It can be clearly seen that Musk and Abbot display the Lucifer symbol with their hands.

This hand signal, better known as the Devil‘s Horns, symbolizes “Lucifer reigns” or “All Power and Glory to Lucifer”. Despite this fact, fact-checkers have declared that Musk‘s hand symbol represented the Texas Longhorns. The same explanation was given by official bodies to silence warning voices when US presidents George Bush and Barack Obama kept showing this symbol repeatedly in front of the camera.

However, it became known that Bush and Obama are part of the Luciferian high degree Freemasonry.

Besides Elon Musk, Barack Obama and George Bush, founder and high priest of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey, showed this satanic symbol during many appearances.

Also Prince Harry at an official meeting with first lady Melania Trump. And French President Emmanuel Macron at an official visit by Donald Trump. [Photos displayed.]

• 6.  Trump – The Chosen Peacemaker?

Trump presents himself on the world stage as an international peacemaker. One of his central election promises is to end war between Russia and the Ukraine in just a few hours.

“I will prevent. and very easily, World War III, Very easily.”

“I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled and it will take me no longer than one day.“

But what does reality look like?

The Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser commented:

[translation] “Trump approved the empire’s defense budget for the next year in August 2018. And it amounts to 716 billion dollars. That gives the Pentagon a budget of two billion dollars a day.“

The war record under Trumps term of office as 45th president of the United States looked like this:

In the first two years of his presidency alone, the USA fired around 79,000 bombs and missiles. That is more bombing in just two years, than George W. Bush in his entire eight-year tenure.

According to the declassified figures of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, there were more than 12,000 drone attacks in the four years under Trump. That is seven times the amount of Obama’s eight years‘ term of office.

In terms of war, Trump acted in the same manner as the earlier US presidents, and as the puppeteers of the deep state, in the USA, who have done this for centuries.

When asked the question, how he wants to end the war between Russia and Ukraine, Trump gave a clear answer in a CNN interview:

“I want Europe to put up more money, because they are in for 20 billion we are in for 170. And they should be … and they should equalize.“

In other words that facilitates an extra money flow of billions for the arms industry. An additional weapons‘ upgrade would certainly cause an additional escalation in the Russia-Ukraine war.

Trump’s criticism of NATO already during his first term of office aimed to release additional money in the billions for the war industry. The declared goal by Trump was to move the NATO member states to massively increase arms spending to 4% of their gross domestic product.

“President Donald Trump is calling on NATO members to double their spending targets on defense. According to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, Trump suggested at the NATO summit on Wednesday that countries increase defense spending goals from two percent of their gross domestic product to four percent.“

And I quote again: “We must also ensure that NATO members meet their financial obligations and pay…“

Trump needs to explain. Decisive key persons and Trump’s most important advisors are part of Luciferian high degree Freemasonry, or they’re strategically established CFR. His close friendship with Henry Kissinger and his entanglements with Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Jeffrey Epstein as well as Bill and Hillary Clinton raise big questions.

With a closer look, numerous promises and announcements by Trump turn out to be Masonic figures of speech. That means that in practical action the exact opposite is being implemented of what he has said in public.

While Trump officially pretends to effectively go against sex and child trafficking, he himself is part of the Epstein network. In the same manner Trump presents himself as international peacemaker.

Particularly during the Covid period, it became obvious that also Trump followed the agenda of the Deep State.

Besides the rigorous restrictive measures, Trump himself promoted the Covid-19 mRNA jabs while important expert voices of immunologists, physicians and the free media warned of the dangers of the jab.

Trump commented in an interview with FOX-News as follows:

“It works incredibly well, 95% maybe even more than that. It works incredibly well. And it’s really saving our country and it’s saving, frankly, the world.”

Being asked, whether Trump recommends the mRNA vaccine for the US American population, he pumped the advertising drum:

“I would, I would recommend it. And I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it, and a lot of those people voted for me frankly, but it’s a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine, and it’s something that works.”

It doesn‘t matter to the puppeteers of the Deep State whether the U.S. presidents or presidential candidates are Democrats or Republicans. They are happy when the different parties and their supporters fight each other in public and they themselves are not in the focus of the public attention.

At the 2024 Anti-Censorship Conference, the British investigative jounalist and author David Icke put it aptly in a nutshell:

“What we’re looking at in terms of politics, left and right, it’s theater. It’s vaudeville, right?

“And that’s to keep us believing in the political system and the fact that, because we have a vote every four or five years, somehow we’re in control of who runs the government.

“But the thing is, that you have the left and the right in this puppet show, and then you go one step back in the shadows and the same hands are controlling both.

“So we’re fighting each other while not looking up and seeing the same hand is controlling the strings of all these different factions.“

It becomes obvious that even for Trump, the party color doesn’t really matter. In August 2001, Trump registered as Democrat. In the years 2004 and 2008 he already indicated that he would run for the Democratic Party in the U.S. presidential elections against George W. Bush.

Finally he registered again, as a Republican this time, in 2009. Until 2012 he distributed his party donations in equal portions to both major parties, among others for example, a donation to his current rival Kamala Harris in the year of 2012.

It depends on each one of us to see through this game of right and left and to overcome the artificially created division. It is decisive to focus on the puppeteers in the background. It should be noted that the same masterminds are not just at work in the United States, but act in almost every country around the world. Watch the investigative broadcasts on Kla.TV #octopus-en about this topic.

For now, taking up personal responsibility and actively sharing these facts, are definitely among the most promising possible solutions when it comes to freeing the US and every other nation worldwide from the stranglehold of this Deep State. On the one hand it is very important to not set one’s hope on supposed “saviors” — and certainly not when they are connected to the deep state masterminds. On the other hand the order of the day is to become part of a network of upright and just, truth-seeking people, originating from the people.

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US Election on November 5, 2024

What does the term Deep State mean? staat-mehr-als-eine-verschwoerungstheorie/25826318.html

Founding Fathers of the USA
Dr. h.c. Michael Hesemann, Der Krieg der Freimaurer gegen Thron und Altar, p. 341 -343

Symbolic Washington D.C. city planning
Dr. h.c. Michael Hesemann, Der Krieg der Freimaurer gegen Thron und Altar, p. 344 – 345

US capitol in Washington – Foundation stone through Freemasons
Dr. h.c. Michael Hesemann, Der Krieg der Freimaurer gegen Thron und Altar, Seite 345 national-memorial

Washington Monument – Freemason‘s symbol

Freemason symbolism on Dollar bill 44628200.bild.html auf-der-dollarnote-a-847862.html

Rapid spread of secret societies in the USA
Dr. h.c. Michael Hesemann, Der Krieg der Freimaurer gegen Thron und Altar, Seite 346–geheimbund-ohne-ein-geheimnis-30638590.html

George Washington Masonic National Memorial as Freemason temple

1789 – 2017: Nearly all US presidents Freemasons
Eugen Lennhoff, “Die nordamerikanische Freimaurerei“, Basel 1930
Giole Magaldi, Massoni – Società a responsabilità illimitata. La scoperta delle Ur- Lodges, 2019 verschwoerungstheorien_id_2197119.html

Council on Foreign Relations 1921 founded by high degree Freemasons
Karl Heise, Die Entente-Freimaurerei und der Weltkrieg, 1920
Ralph Epperson, Die unsichtbare Hand – Der Einfluss geheimer Mächte auf die Weltpolitik, 2004

Financing for founding of the CFR through Freemason high-finance
Lars Schall, Denken wie der Feind – 20 Jahre Ausnahmezustand 9/11 und die Geopolitik des Terrors, 2021, p. 44

CFR Directors and Board of directors since 1921

David M. Rubenstein financed the restauration of the Washington Monument monument-he-can-climb-any-ladder-inside-he-wants/2019/09/17/8ea8a486-d974-11e9-a688- 303693fb4b0b_story.html

CFR influences the US government the-council-on-.html

CFR spreads shadow government served-the-world/2017/03/30/bd4789b0-13f6-11e7-ada0-1489b735b3a3_story.html

Joe Biden: member of the Freemason lodge Maat

CFR – Joe Biden‘s cabinet policy-outcomes

George and Alexander Soros well known Biden supporters biden-took-office-records-show engagieren-sich-fuer-trump-und-biden_id_260148192.html

Kamala Harris and her close connection to CFR

George and Alexander Soros finance candidacy of Kamala Harris kamala-harris-a-e446e9af-a2df-4ae3-b68d-6c44da562845–diese-grossspender-unterstuetzen-die-us- politikerin-34904082.html

Donald Trump the 45th President of the USA

Trump‘s friendship with CFR strategist Henry Kissinger trumpblackstone-ceo-schwarzman-will-doch-gelder-fuer-ihn-einsammeln/100039877.html

Donald Trump’s Jesuit Education

Lennhoff, Eugen; Poser, Oskar; Binder, Dieter A.: Internationales Freimaurer Lexikon, p. 432-433
Trump‘s connection to 33 degree Freemason Norman Vincent Peale evangelikale-waehler-19616046.html evangelikale-zum-auserwaehlten-23819.html ld.1793118 213220 vincent-peale.html

Jared Kushner – the gray eminence behind Trump

Investor Peter Thiel financed Trump‘s candidacy with more than a million dollars ld.1706059 unterstuetzt-ld.1846181

J.D. Vance and his mentor Peter Thiel about-the-relationship-between-trumps-vp-pick-and-the-billionaire

Donald Trump‘s close friendship with Bill and Hillary Clinton 13656454.html clinton.html manhattan/228.939.270 donald-trump-s-wedding 2016-launch/2015/08/05/e2b30bb8-3ae3-11e5-b3ac-8a79bc44e5e2_story.html

Trump closes investigation against Hillary Clinton investigations-n687116

George Bush and John Kerry are members of Scull and Bones

Donald Trump with Bill and Hillary Clinton in Jeffrey Epstein‘s network ghislaine-maxwell-have-been-photographed-together an-uncomfortable-connection-xsbhcxjkq

Epstein ran sex-trafficking ring with minors!5820761

Donald Trump and Bill Clinton on flight protocol of the Lolita Express niemand-103017978 musste-ich-sauber-machen-78406304.bild.html 66056783

Epstein victim Maria Farmer saw Trump and Clintons going in and out at Epstein‘s

Trump signed law against sex trafficking

Trump would not like to make Jeffrey Epstein files public

Elon Musk and Donald Trump plan future close collaboration 93284541.html

Elon Musk advertises for Trump to-support-trump-report-says

Satanic symbolism on Elon Musk profile

Elon Musk and Greg Abbott show Lucifer sign devil-horns-gesture unidos_0_rkz4LLyTz.html

79,000 bombs and 12,000 drone attacks – Trump‘s war balance bombing 106.html

Trump challenges NATO member states to massively increase armament funding
Militaerausgaben-von-vier-Prozent-auf.html percent-idUSKBN1K12BW

Trump accuses WHO – mistakes in fight against Corona pandemic

Vaccine experts, immunologists and doctors warn against mRNA Corona shots

Trump changes party colors and donates to both Democrats and Republicans contributions-democrats-and

Further Programs:

World Danger: Highest Degree Freemasonry –

World in the Trap of Freemasons –

Further Octopus-Disclosures: –


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Brace Yourselves: A Tsunami Approaches

Brace Yourselves: A Tsunami Approaches

by John & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
October 15, 2024


“What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security… And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.”

—Historian Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45


Brace yourself: a tsunami approaches.

While we squabble over which side is winning this losing battle to lead the country, there is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country.

Anytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by the antics of the political ruling class that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware.

Anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of force, and rules by fiat, you’d better beware.

And anytime you have a government so far removed from its people as to ensure that they are never seen, heard or heeded by those elected to represent them, you’d better beware.

We’ve got to get our priorities straight if we are to ever have any hope of maintaining any sense of freedom in America.

As long as we allow ourselves to be distracted, diverted, occasionally outraged, always polarized and content to view each other—rather than the government—as the enemy, we’ll never manage to present a unified front against tyranny (or government corruption and ineptitude) in any form.

Mind you, by “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.

This is the hidden face of a government that has no respect for the freedoms of its citizenry.

So, stop with all of the excuses and the hedging and the finger-pointing and the pissing contests to see which side can out-shout, out-blame and out-spew the other.

Enough already with the short- and long-term amnesia that allows political sycophants to conveniently forget the duplicity, complicity and mendacity of their own party while casting blame on everyone else.

This is how evil wins.

This is how freedom falls and tyranny rises.

This is how good, generally decent people—having allowed themselves to be distracted with manufactured crises, polarizing politics, and fighting that divides the populace into warring us vs. them camps—fail to take note of the looming danger that threatens to wipe freedom from the map and place us all in chains.

The world has been down this road before, as historian Milton Mayer recounts in his seminal book on Hitler’s rise to power, They Thought They Were Free.

We are at our most vulnerable right now.

The gravest threat facing us as a nation is not extremism but despotism, exercised by a ruling class whose only allegiance is to power and money.

We’re in a national state of denial, yet no amount of escapism can shield us from the harsh reality that the danger in our midst is posed by an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution, Congress, the courts or the citizenry.

No matter how often the team colors change, the playbook remains the same. The leopard does not change its spots.

Scrape off the surface layers and you will find that nothing has changed.

The police state is still winning. We the people are still losing.

In fact, the American police state has continued to advance at the same costly, intrusive, privacy-sapping, Constitution-defying, heartbreaking, soul-scorching, relentless pace under the current Tyrant-in-Chief as it did under those who occupied the White House before him (Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.).

Consider for yourselves:

  • Police haven’t stopped disregarding the rights of citizens.
  • SWAT teams haven’t stopped crashing through doors and terrorizing families.
  • The Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security haven’t stopped militarizing and federalizing local police.
  • Schools haven’t stopped treating young people like hard-core prisoners.
  • For-profit private prisons haven’t stopped locking up Americans and immigrants alike at taxpayer expense.
  • Censorship hasn’t stopped.
  • The courts haven’t stopped marching in lockstep with the police state.
  • Government bureaucrats haven’t stopped turning American citizens into criminals.
  • The surveillance state hasn’t stopped spying on Americans’ communications, transactions or movements.
  • The TSA hasn’t stopped groping or ogling travelers.
  • Congress hasn’t stopped enacting draconian laws.
  • The Department of Homeland Security hasn’t stopped being a “wasteful, growing, fear-mongering beast.”
  • The military industrial complex hasn’t stopped profiting from endless wars abroad.
  • The Deep State’s shadow government hasn’t stopped calling the shots behind the scenes.
  • And the American people haven’t stopped acting like gullible sheep.

So you can try to persuade yourself that you are free, that you still live in a country that values freedom, and that it is not too late to make America great again, but to anyone who has been paying attention to America’s decline over the past century, it will be just another lie.

The German people chose to ignore the truth and believe the lie.

They were not oblivious to the horrors taking place around them. The warning signs were definitely there, blinking incessantly like large neon signs.

“Still,” historian Robert Gellately writes, “the vast majority voted in favor of Nazism, and in spite of what they could read in the press and hear by word of mouth about the secret police, the concentration camps, official anti-Semitism, and so on.”

The German people backed Hitler because for the majority of them, life was good.

In a nutshell, life was good because their creature comforts remained undiminished, their bank accounts remained flush, and they weren’t being discriminated against, persecuted, starved, beaten, shot, stripped, jailed and turned into slave labor.

Life is good in America, too.

Life is good in America as long as you’re able to keep sleep-walking through life, cocooning yourself in political fantasies that depict a world in which your party is always right and everyone else is wrong, and distracting yourself with bread-and-circus entertainment that bears no resemblance to reality.

Life is good in America as long as you don’t mind being made to pay through the nose for the government’s endless wars, subsidization of foreign nations, bloated workforce, secret agencies, fusion centers, private prisons, biometric databases, invasive technologies, arsenal of weapons, and every other budgetary line item that is contributing to the fast-growing wealth of the corporate elite at the expense of those who are barely making ends meet—that is, we the 99%.

Life is good in America for the privileged few, but as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, it’s getting worse by the day for the rest of us.

So, please spare me the media hysterics and the outrage and the hypocritical double standards of those whose moral conscience appears to be largely dictated by their political loyalties.

Anyone who believes that the injustices, cruelties and vicious callousness of the U.S. government are unique to any one particular administration has not been paying attention.


Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at


Connect with The Rutherford Institute

Cover image credit: SingingAngler

German Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s Persecution in Prison

German Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s Persecution in Prison
Today, Germany Has Become Neo-Nazi on Steroids

by Reiner Fuellmich and Peter Koenig, Global Research
October 14, 2024


Introduction by Peter Koenig

13 October 2024 will be the first anniversary of Reiner Fuellmich’s pre-trial prison custody. His conditions, especially for someone who has not committed and is not suspected of a criminal act of violence are, to say it benignly, horrendous, bordering on torture.

Let me remind you, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in 2020 founded the Corona Investigative Committee (CIC) in Germany, investigating the worldwide corona fraud. In a CIC internal strife, probably instigated from outside forces and secret services, he was unjustly accused of embezzlement. The CIC collapsed. Dr. Fuellmich attempted to return to California, where he had a license to practice law and where he also owned a house.

For some “bureaucratic” formalities (cooperation secret services Germany-US), he was “temporarily” refused entry to the US. He then settled with his wife in Mexico, where he created the International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC), and continued investigating crimes committed by the covid scam, as well as related social and economic misconducts by those who dictated the “rules-based order”, overriding all international, national and local laws.

In March 2023, the German Government issued an arrest warrant for Dr. Fuellmich. Since he had not committed a violent crime, an extradition order has no value outside of the EU / Schengen countries. 

Therefore, the German Government – through their secret agents – lured him to a German representation in Mexico, where they kidnapped him on 12 October 2023, took him immediately – as is, without a change of clothes, or even a toothbrush – to the airport, and flew him between two German guards to Frankfurt, where he was immediately arrested on 13 October 2023. Ever since, Reiner has been in pre-trial custody, under the most inhumane conditions, in the Göttingen high-security prison in Rosdorf.

Pretrial custody is on average six months in Germany, at most 11 months. He is detained in solitary confinement, cannot see and talk to anyone, not to his fellow prisoners, must walk alone for his daily hour of exercise in the prison yard, and can have contact by phone or visits by his family for no more than three hours a month.

For every court appearance, Reiner is body-searched, then handcuffed, tightly foot-shackled, and accompanied by two fully machine-gun armed prison guards with bulletproof vests – as if he was a mass murderer.

He is shackled and body-searched, naked, every time the court interrupts, and he is led to an isolated basement room of the court to wait.

This deeply dehumanizing humiliation reminds of German concentration camps during Hitler’s Third Reich regime over 80 years back. 

One would think that humanity has learned from the horrors of WWII, but nada, zilch, nothing.

Humanity is led by the same inhumane monsters; except much worse today. 

Then, the Third Reich was confined to Europe and North Africa; today, the New World Order or One World Order –  one that wants to become One World Government, for which Germany is again playing a leading role, spans the entire globe, all 193 UN member countries.

There is seemingly no way to escape. 

But as history has shown time and time again, any system of excesses, be it injustice no end, war atrocities, abhorrent dehumanization with torture, corruption and genocide no limits, will fall. There is no doubt that the diabolical Cult that allows Germany to hold an honest citizen in such atrocious prison conditions, wants to scare and shut up any others that may speak up against the crimes committed, and are still being committed, by the German Government, and by association, other western governments. 

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a western world political prisoner.

Reiner’s description, illustrations and photos speak for themselves.


Reiner Fuellmich – A Political Prisoner in the Federal Republic of Germany

A report by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on his conditions of detention in the Göttingen high-security prison in Rosdorf, in response to the author Kerstin Heusinger, Germany correspondent for the French-language online publication BAM! With exclusive photos from the courtroom and sketches.

7:00 a.m., court date for the civil rights activist and lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:

“Heavily armed officers with pistols and submachine guns equipped with bulletproof vests are there to greet me. They try to persuade me to put on a bulletproof vest, which I consistently refuse. They then make me sign a waiver releasing them from liability if I am injured or killed by gunfire.

One of the officers searches my body and then, as always, forces me to kneel on a stool while he puts ankle cuffs on me.

He ties a wide leather belt around my waist and then puts handcuffs on me, which are attached to the belt with chains that are in turn secured with a large padlock.

The ankle cuffs force me to take very small steps, making it difficult to get in and out of the transport vehicle. If I were to trip while cuffed like this, I would not be able to stop or soften my fall and would likely break my wrists.

Prison officials told me that they had never seen a defendant held in pre-trial custody for more than 11 months for a simple offense (and not for a serious crime or an act of terrorism), kept in solitary confinement, and, above all, brought to court hearings handcuffed at the hands and feet.

In court, I was taken to the basement, to a tiled cell with a simple wooden bench. Another strip-search. Then I had to wait to be handcuffed and led into the courtroom. Each time the proceedings were interrupted, I was handcuffed again and taken back to the “basement”.

Each time I returned from court, I was stripped naked in a transit room to undergo a thorough body search.

Harassment, humiliation, punishment

Mr. D., the deputy director responsible for pre-trial detention, ordered my complete isolation on the grounds that my legal advice to other detainees could incite them to revolt.

The Rosdorf prison is divided into two sections: the penal section (400 detainees) and the pre-trial detention section (80 detainees), where I have been detained since October 13, 2023.

The pre-trial detainees are spread over 4 levels. Those considered to be particularly dangerous or vulnerable are isolated on level A0, where security is increased and additional restrictions are imposed. I was placed there.

Like the other inmates on level A0, I am strictly forbidden to talk to any other inmate.

For 11 months I have had no internet access, no computer, and no cell phone. I am only allowed to watch TV. My only contact with the outside world is my lawyer and the 3 hours per month for visits or phone calls with my family. Yes, a total of 3 hours per month.

My isolation goes so far that even my daily walk in the courtyard must be done alone. This one-hour walk is suspended if I am caught communicating with another inmate, even if it is only a hand signal. Yes, if I exchange a greeting with a fellow inmate through the bars of a window, even if I just nod my head – he and I will be punished immediately.

All disciplinary measures are imposed without stating reasons and without the possibility of appeal.

Everyone is guilty!

The treatment of pre-trial detainees is particularly poor and borders on torture. Mr. D., who administers pre-trial detention, and also works as a social worker, makes no secret of his convictions: he believes that if you are in pre-trial detention, you are guilty.

His disregard for the presumption of innocence is the main reason why I was placed in solitary confinement.

He has committed serious and intentional breaches of duty, which I have witnessed. These violations were covered up by the prison management. With two exceptions, the security officers carry out the orders they receive without compunction, like robots.

On August 8, 2024, I asked to speak to the deputy director of the penal institution. I informed her that personal belongings and documents had disappeared from my cell during my absence for court hearings. The cells are normally searched regularly according to strict rules. These thefts occurred outside of the official inspections, which are recorded.

Persecution: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich refers to the case of Redzep [another, former case of unjustly incarcerating a man for murder which he did not commit, and the court knew it]

“The seriousness of the situation is demonstrated by the attacks on a pre-trial detainee, Kevin Redzep, who was seriously injured. He has allowed me to publish his name and story. He comes from Montenegro and although he is intelligent and speaks several languages, he cannot write or read German fluently. He was placed in a department where there were several violent inmates or those accused of premeditated murder. He was called a “gypsy” by his fellow inmates, threatened, and asked for help from Mr. D., who refused to take him to the high-risk inmates. The next day, Kevin Redzep was attacked by three fellow inmates during a walk. He was hit over the head with a glass bottle so severely that the zygomatic bone above his left eye was crushed and his vision was at risk.

On July 9, 2024, Kevin Redzep had to undergo surgery before returning to Rosdorf Prison, even before he had recovered. He was involved in another physical altercation with five or six prison officers who threw him to the ground and injured him again in the head. Mr. D. then ordered the isolation of Kevin Redzep, who was already severely traumatized.

Kevin Redzep, who wanted to sue Mr. D, the penal institution, and the state of Lower Saxony for assault, asked me for help. When Mr. D. learned that I had advised this inmate and provided him with a lawyer, Kevin Redzep disappeared. It is assumed that he was transferred to another prison. Since then, Ms. Wörmer, my lawyer, has been trying in vain to find him, hoping that he is still alive.

A glimmer of hope.

Despite the disciplinary punishments they face, the pre-trial detainees show solidarity with me. They encourage me. They shout to me, for example, “Don’t give up, keep going.”

Some prison officials have seen through the pandemic scam and know that my trial is a sham staged by the secret services. They let me know and wish me well.

What helps me most is the enormous support from the international public.

I receive a large number of letters that are no longer read by the prison administration. I read all the letters and I am deeply touched by the affection they show. I try to respond as best I can.

Sometimes I see the pickets and the people who greet me, while I’m sitting in the transport vehicle to court.

I feel the remarkably strong connection to all those who support me. It is this connection that allows us to overcome adversity together.

I have to go to the medical service twice a week to be examined because I refused to give blood. I argued that any medical act, especially any invasive medical act, constitutes a violation of physical integrity if the patient does not voluntarily give consent. I am therefore regularly examined because a prisoner suffering from tuberculosis could potentially have infected people with whom he has been in contact.

One of the prison doctors expressed sympathy for my work. He also told me that the medical staff believe that the health of many detainees is incompatible with detention. However, the prison management prefers to ignore this fact.

After having personally witnessed what happens in pre-trial detention – the suspension of the fundamental rights of the accused, their difficulties in accessing a defense that really cares about their fate – I am convinced that prisons only benefit those who profit from them, with pre-trial detention being more lucrative than post-sentencing detention.

I have not met a defendant who I would describe as “evil”. I have met many, many remand prisoners who appear innocent to me, or who, above all, need therapeutic treatment, as a prison doctor admitted.

If we did not need a few prisons for a few sociopaths, for example those responsible for the pandemic, the wars, the massacres like in Gaza and for the corrupt of the system, I would be in favor of abolishing prisons.”

This statement was recorded by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on the phone of his lawyer, Katja Wörmer.

It was translated into French by Kerstin Heusinger; and translated into English by Peter Koenig via

Photos and sketches: Kerstin Heusinger

Plan of his cell: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Concept and design of the original article: Michel Caulea and Karo

Click here to read the original German version.

This report first appeared (in French) on BAM! NEWS.

All illustrations can be seen in the original German article.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.


Featured image is by Kerstin Heusinger


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Uncovering World Tyranny and Its War Strategies

Uncovering World Tyranny and Its War Strategies. Peter Koenig and David Icke
An introduction by Peter Koenig

by David Icke and Peter Koenig, Global Research
October 07, 2024



Everyone interested in where we are going in this dystopian civilization and ever-more tyrannical world, must see this extraordinary interview with David Icke by Kla.TV.

It can, and hopefully does, bring a larger awakening to the people around the globe.

David Icke talks about the corralling of the world population into ever smaller spaces under the pretext of “climate change” that requires a “net-zero” CO2 world, no travel, no industry, promoting the “15-minute cities”. It is absurd. 

“Zero-Net” – by 2050 – is propagated by the globalists as a must for humanity’s and Mother Earth’s survival. It will not happen. Humanity will survive. 

And all this while they – the self-declared masters of the universe – namely the financial establishment know very well that CO2 is a life essential gas; without which there would be no life, no plants, no food, no economic development — no-nothing.

But the believers in authority follow the masters’ orders and practically commit suicide by following and obeying a lie, attempting the reduction to zero of CO2. 

David explains how world events are connected. With a little research and a clear-thinking head, you will find that all major geopolitical, socioeconomic events are not just haphazardly occurring side by side or in certain sequences, they are all linked up throughout the world. So, connecting the dots, you will see that we are living in a well-orchestrated web, where all makes sense – for those who are in command of the web — and to the detriment of the vast bulk of populations.

There is a tiny-tiny elite behind the web, pretending to have all the power, only because we believe all the lies from our government and institutional so-called authorities, dictated to them by this elite.

We have been taught in school to trust in authority and to obey authorities. It is a difficult axiom to break. 

The constant drill of the mainstream media assures a steady drop-by-drop indoctrination of lies becoming the truth.

David Icke also describes how true non-mainstream media some 20 years ago, gradually was converted into “mainstream alternative” media, also called “controlled opposition” by the big media outlets, Murdoch, Disney, Warner Brothers and more.

As a new, controlled alternative media, he mentioned Tucker Carlson, among others. They are promoted and funded by Big Tech and Big Finance, but cannot trespass their given boundaries. 

The TRUE non-mainstream and independent remaining journalists and news sites are cornered, cyber-attacked and censored. That is how a small group of financial and big-tech oligarchs takes ever more control of society.

We MUST break out from this giant net or worldwide matrix controlled by a tiny elite that controls technology, finance, and decides over our heath or death, through WHO, supported by Big Pharma. Exiting the matrix is our condition to become free and sovereign citizens again.

And, yes, we can —by becoming self-asserted and independent thinkers, joining up with others and together breaking the elite-bullies “rules-based order” back to legality, international, national and local laws, respecting one another, and respecting the rights of people, indigenous, westerners, easterners, Africans and Middle Easterners and whatever ethnicity you may find.

We are all the same.

Our souls are not bound to a pyramid order of hierarchy.

They are equal.

David’s motto is: “Know the goal, then you will see the way leading there!” In the interview he shows that even free educators are in danger of supporting the development of a centrally dictated global dystopia.

David Icke, the Dot-Connector, starts the interview by saying,

“If you look at the world as a series of random events, random happenings, it makes no sense. Why do they do that? Why do they do it this way? Why don’t they do it that way? It would be much better if they did it that way. And so on and so forth. Why does this happen? But when you connect the dots, you connect these events, you find that they do all connect. It suddenly makes all sense. And, you know, people say sometimes about me: “You see a conspiracy everywhere.””

“No, I do not. I see one conspiracy to turn the world into a global dystopia. And that one conspiracy has endless facets and forms. But it is actually one conspiracy. It is one gigantic web. And that is literally true in terms of what I call the Global Cult, which is a global network of secret societies which are operating outside or in the shadows from those that appear to be running the world.”

David’s clear-sight points to a key element that may lead us into a dystopian world. Our societal behavior is based on our perception. The perceptions are based on the messages we receive. The Global Cult that pretends to control us, formulates the messages as lies, to make us believe there is a problem, the people react, then they can present, or impose us a solution.

He calls it simply, “Problems, Reaction, Solution”. 

David uses the recent example of covid. He says,

“People caved in to the COVID hoax because they perceived there was a dangerous virus. And they perceived, that the fake vaccine, not a vaccine under previous criteria, was a way to save them from the dangerous virus.

That perception led to people submitting to what were fascistic impositions all over the world. So, if you want to control behavior, you must control perception. And if you control behavior, well, collectively, that is what we call human society. And then you ask the question, where do perceptions come from? Well, they come from information received”.

And information is controlled and manipulated to serve the purpose of the controllers.

David Icke’s presentation is brilliant. It is a MUST-SEE for every truth seeker.


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.


The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © David Icke and Peter Koenig, Global Research, 2024


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Cover image credit: geralt

La Quinta Columna: Targeting the Brain

Targeting the Brain

by La Quinta Columna
October 6, 2024


Video available at OdyseeRumble



Self-assembling technology, that has an affinity for the central nervous system, whose purpose is to impregnate neurons, thereby creating an artificial neural network.

Optoelectronics is a branch of photonics related to the study and application of electronic devices that interact with Light, systems in which electrons and photons coexist.

Optoelectronic devices operate as electro-optical or opto-electrical transducers.

Millions of people have been IMPLANTED with graphene-based liquid nanotechnology through the co-called COVID “vaccines”.

Currently, all types of injectables contain graphene, which acts as fuel to make all this technology work.

Self-assembling technology, that has an affinity for the central nervous system, whose purpose is to impregnate neurons, thereby creating an artificial neural network.

You can see it for yourself by accessing the Telegram channel: Mira al microscopio []

What you are going to see next is not optogenetics. It’s optoelectronics.

Rafael Yuste, Spanish neurobiologist and ideologist of the Human Brain Project.


Optoelectronic locomotion control.

Experiment realized by Ranier Guiérrez at the Stanford OIL Workshop on 25 July 2011.


“The possibility that machines can read our thoughts and even insert thoughts. Insert feelings and ….”

~ Former President of Chile, Sebastian Pinera


The cover is called Neuralink and apparently we have been made to see that it is voluntary.


“But does this not imply some kind of surgery?”

~ [unidentified interviewer]

“Not necessarily. You can go through the veins and arteries.”

~ Elon Musk


“There are also people who think that the vaccines against COVID put a chip in us whereby the Chinese, from any laboratory in Beijing going to control our lives.

“What does it sound like, a joke?”

~ President of Spain, Pedro Sanchez


Recording with night vision camera HYCMICRO CHEETAH



Don’t use Bluetooth headsets unless strictly necessary.

Similarly, mask the camera of your mobile phone if you don’t need it.


Thanks to Rafa Calvin and Miguel Angel for the recordings.


Do you understand it now?



Connect with La Quinta Columna

See Related:

The Effects of Pulsed Microwaves and Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves on Human Brains? Governments Routinely “Classify Information” Pertaining to the Manipulation of the Human Nervous System

5G Frequencies Mimic COVID: The Evidence

GeoEngineering & Particles of Mass Destruction

GeoEngineering & Particles of Mass Destruction


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: The audio recording shared here was shared by The Liberty Brothers nine years ago. It can be found at their YouTube channel. Because YouTube randomly deletes “controversial” videos, I am embedding a version that was mirrored at Odysee. It can also be found mirrored at Rumble.  Find the work of Clifford Carnicom here. Elana Freeland’s work can be found here. In light of the current genocidal “weather events” and the ongoing assault on every living being on the planet, a look back at what has been shared by researchers over the past decades can be helpful, especially for those who are just now learning about all that has been going on in the arena of the globalists’ push for “full spectrum dominance”.

~ Kathleen


Originally published at The Liberty Brothers YouTube, March 2015. The channel does not appear to be currently publishing new material. The last upload to the channel was six years ago. Their website link is no longer active.


Is Geo-Engineering transforming Earth and killing its inhabitants?

Particles of Mass Destruction

One troubling fact that we can all probably agree on is that we are being bombarded with chemicals from almost every direction. Whether it be our food, our water, our vitamins, our personal hygiene products, etc.; chemicals and their derivatives have, sadly, become a part of our daily lives.

Since few of us reading this article possess a laboratory with proper equipment, determining the type and amount of chemical poison in the above mentioned items would be nearly impossible. However, one can easily just “look up” in many areas of America and quickly discern that something is being sprayed in our skies. The idea that some sort of spraying is going on is not in dispute. The question is whether the spraying is harmless, or are we all breathing particles of mass destruction?

Perhaps no other topic, amongst the many that we have covered on The Liberty Brothers Radio Show, or that I have covered on NorthWest Liberty News, has been more divisive that the idea of “Chemtrails,” or the more accurately applied term, Geo-Engineering.

Good, and not-so-good, friends of mine seem to be evenly divided on the idea that our so-called leaders are spraying harmful particles into our atmosphere. One of my not so good friends even put a link on their respective website with the sole purpose of lampooning yours truly… C’est la vie.

One fact that is not in dispute is the pedigrees of our panel of guests who were invited on The Liberty Brothers Radio Show to discuss everything Geo-Engineering. Joining Jason and myself for the entire 2-hour broadcast was a virtual “all-star” cast, as we welcomed:

Clifford Carnicom – Clifford Carnicom is a self-employed professional computer consultant in Santa Fe, New Mexico for the past thirteen years. He provides unique on-site personal services to small businesses and individuals including system analysis, networking, software development, and website consultation design, and implementation services.

Clifford Carnicom is also the founder and President of the Carnicom Institute, a non-profit research and educational organization that is devoted to environmental and health issues. Clifford also worked as a technical research scientist acting in a professional capacity supporting analysis and development of major Department of Defense physical and weapons modeling systems, with extensive computer programming and system application development experience. He has held a Top Secret/SCI clearance. He was appointed for and completed two years of intensive graduate level studies in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and geodesy under the auspices of the Department of Defense.

Elana Freeland – Elana Freeland came of political age during the COINTELPRO decade of Vietnam, street riots, political assassinations, and all-night rap sessions about the downfall of the Establishment. Researching Sub Rosa America included discovering how deeply her US Navy father was enmeshed with the very military-industrial complex she was writing about, and like the characters in the book, learning how every major event and personality in the United States political establishment over the past forty years is tied in one way or another to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas.

She has a BA in creative writing and wrote her Master’s thesis on historiography. Besides ghostwriting books on a variety of subjects, she has just finished a book on chemtrails and HAARP for Feral House Press

Billy Hayes- Billy Hayes, a good friend of the show, is known in Geo-Engineering circles as the “HAARP Man,” as Billy helped design, engineer and implement the well-known, HAARP Project.


Cover image credit: SeashellGypsy

Zionists, War, Election Madness, Southeast Horror, and Longshoreman Strike Happening Simultaneously!

Zionists, War, Election Madness, Southeast Horror, and Longshoreman Strike Happening Simultaneously!

by Gary D. Barnett
October 2, 2023


“Maybe you’re just wandering around out here with your thumb up your ass, waiting for some answer that might let you off the hook.”

~ Peter Matthiessen, In Paradise


The only thing I believe is not to believe, but to know. Believe nothing coming from the government or media, trust nothing without extreme scrutiny, accept that nothing is accidental or coincidental, and that everything happens for a reason, and therefore is planned in advance and by design. To live in this manner is eye-opening, and lends itself to a life protected by sanity and critical thinking. Without this attitude, one is subject to every form of propaganda, due to a dependence on seeking a false reality based upon the opinions of others. This is merely a recipe for an enslaved tyranny.

What a life of governance comes down to is simply a State-sanctioned complicity of terror necessary in order to control the masses. The more chaos created, the more plotted risks at hand, the easier it becomes to rule the herd. Simultaneous threats coming from every angle will confuse the crowd, allowing for unsettled and unbridled havoc; upsetting the entirety of the natural order of things to such an extent as to even further divide this ignorant, weak, and pathetic population.

Most everything happening today is intimately tied together. These seemingly separate events all coincide with the evil agendas of the State and its ruling cabal. The evil Zionists, with their owned and controlled U.S. government partner, are committing genocide against the Palestinians, but at the same time are attacking Lebanon, aggressively I might add, all with U.S. funding and collusion. The same is true of the Ukraine fiasco, with both being used to transfer tens of billions of dollars to the so-called ‘elite’ through extensive money-laundering means, and wealth transfers to the monsters in power. Because of this insane aggression, Iran has begun an attack against Israel, a defensive position I might add, and this could lead to at least a vast regional war in the Mideast that will affect all of you. This is exactly what the Zionists wanted, and if the U.S. physically joins in this war, there will be no end to the slaughter and risk involved.

At the same time, the so-called U.S. ‘election’ cycle is coming to a head in one month, which could cause domestic chaos at levels never seen, allowing for more control measures by this heinous government, including partial or massive martial law controls over large swaths of this country. In essence, this could lead to domestic and international war concurrently, causing unrest in an already fragile atmosphere due to many other connecting factors.

Hurricane Helene, a storm that was almost certainly created, guided, and enhanced in order to destroy large portions of the Southeast U.S., fits in perfectly with the destruction of food sources sought by the globalists, the fake ‘climate change’ agenda, elimination of farming causing huge shortages, supply line disruption, an insurance implosion, famine, and the destruction of vital resources necessary for day to day life. All this is happening just after the abominable U.N, with the consent of 193 countries, (governments) just put forth its evil “Pact for the Future,” all based on using manipulated weather events as a springboard to restrict, control, and regulate the globe based on fake ’emergency’ events.

At the same time, the entire East coast and Gulf regions, are facing a dockworker’s strike that could literally shut down much of the country’s ability to get food and vital goods delivered, all during the total chaos specifically created by this piece of shit government, its corporations, its banks, its military, and all the involved partnered State bureaucracies. Remember, all of what I am describing, and this is only a partial list, is happening in tandem, and each piece of this puzzle is completely connected, which did not happen by accident.

While all this is going on at the same time, the threat of more bogus ‘viruses’ and ‘pandemics,’ are being floated as imminent in the near future, which could lead to, and during these insane times of total madness, more lockdowns, restrictions, poisonous bioweapon injections, job loss, and bans on travel. All of this and much more is certainly possible given the monumental challenges facing so many already, with more madness to come.

We are also just one step away from full digitization of currency in all aspects of the financial system, this due to the quantity of complicit and connecting tragedies being purposely foisted on all at the same time. The State needs assumed multiple threats and catastrophes, so that the sheep will accept any and every mandate and order from the ruling class so as to get government stipends for goods and services, and permission to simply exist without constant extreme harassment or worse during the coming chaos.

In just the past few days, the infrastructure in a large portion of the U.S. has been completely decimated, communications, utilities, and internet have been destroyed or shut down, food and fuel are non-existent in much of the Southeast, and the rest of the country will be unable to get the food and goods necessary due to the very suspicious timing of the dock workers strike that coincides perfectly with all the panic consuming so many.

As I write this, there are multiple reports of Bank of America customers not being able to access their accounts, or if possible to access, many are showing zero balances, with the disclaimer that balances cannot currently be seen. I hope all of you try to understand the scope of, the complicity, the timing, the collusion, and the conspiratorial nature of all this simultaneous madness. This once again is not accidental, and I hope you are prepared for any and every possible inconvenience, aggression, and dire threat awaiting to be released on the masses during this insane assault on humanity.

“The reason it is difficult is that we have been conditioned to laugh at conspiracy theories, and few people will risk public ridicule by advocating them. On the other hand, to endorse the accidental view is absurd. Almost all of history is an unbroken trail of one conspiracy after another. Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception.”

~ G. Edward Griffin


Reference links:

UN Pact for the Future

How to steer hurricanes

Longshore Union threatens to cripple the U.S.

Bank of America down

Iran and Israel declare war

North Carolina (and the entire Southeast) damage far underestimated



Connect with Gary D. Barnett substackwebsite

Cover image credit: TungArt7

The Transhumanist, Anti-Natural-Life Agenda: What Is CERN Really About? Whose Civilization Is This? What Is the Purpose of These Parasites Who Seem to Control This World?

The Transhumanist, Anti-Natural-Life Agenda: What Is CERN Really About? Whose Civilization Is This? What Is the Purpose of These Parasites Who Seem to Control This World?


“So the world we live in, we have to rewrite it according to how we gradually understand it now.
“It is our world, not their world. And we have to write it in a human code.
“But this is their civilization. It is only when we realize that, that we start our year zero of civilization, and we start to write our history.”
“We don’t really know anything about ourselves and what we’re doing here.
So when we start to see things this way, then we can open the windows… that the truth can come in, through.”

~ José Luis Sevillano



Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

For those of you who, like me, have always found themselves observing from a place mostly “off the map” and seeking to understand more about the nature of our perceived reality, this video conversation hosted by La Quinta Columna will likely interest you.

I’m going to make a brief comment here about Dr. José Luis Sevillano’s speculations about the connection between Switzerland’s gold and CERN…

Last night I was listening to a man speak about the strange events in 1933 in the US wherein all “citizens” were directed to turn in their gold. It dawned on him, as he studied the financial history of what has now come to be known as the United States, that historically gold has been given to conquerors as tribute when a new power steps in (and a bowing down to or submission to this “authority”).

There is a lot of speculation about the events during that time and who intended what. It’s clear that our ancestors who were already living on these lands and those who came here seeking a freer life, were coerced, brutally forced, as well as bamboozled into consenting to be governed. And that somehow the clever pro-freedom word-spells led them to imagine that being governed could somehow equate to being free.

This mention of gold, for me, also brought to mind the stories of Annunaki and humans as enslaved gold miners. Michael Tellinger is one who has a lot to share about that topic. Listen to the video or read the transcript below to hear about José Luis’ speculation related to gold.

There is so much discussed in this latest by La Quinta Columna: control of humans and all life via frequency and induced thoughts, that strange project known as CERN, the creepy centuries-old connections between the various central global control locations and organizations, so-called aliens, underground bases and tunnels, the inversion of so much knowledge, the need to completely rewrite human history, and much more. 

La Quinta Columna has always had the courage and intelligence to look deeper into what is unfolding around us. They don’t have all the answers but, since the start of the “covid” global-spell, they have consistently pointed out clues to what might be happening, have asked essential questions that few even thought to ask, and have continued to challenge prevailing narratives in the mainstream and in the “alternative” spheres of influence.

I’ve prepared some show notes, excerpts and partial transcript, which can be found below the video. Reference links and explanations are for the benefit of readers who aren’t familiar with some of the words used in the video. About half way through the video, instead of full transcript, key excerpts and bullet points are shared. I simply ran out of time to complete a full transcript. Any errors in the transcript are mine. 

As always, this is provided in the spirit of conversation for those of us who have freed ourselves to question everything.

This is all about the questions and exploring ideas, not about creating or adopting rigid belief systems about how things are. It is also not about accepting whistleblower information as infallible. (None of us are infallible here. Not a one.) This is not about “believing” anything but is about questioning everything about our ourselves and about all that we perceive around us on all levels of perception. And it is about allowing the truth to come to light.

As always, no fear. We always have the power to find and stand in the eye of the storm, stay in peace and trust life on its deepest, often unseen, levels. 

~ Kathleen


The E-Factor: Interview with Dr. Astrid Stückelberger and La Quinta Columna

by La Quinta Columna
September 22, 2024


Video available at Odysee & Rumble


Show Notes & Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:

Following an introduction to the Humania (Humanity) project which includes an overview of the key concepts to be discussed, Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano of La Quinta Columna, share conversation with Dr. Astrid Stückelberger.

Ricardo and José Luis speak in Spanish in this video. For the convenience of English-speaking listeners, their natural speech is covered by an English translation in a female voice. The video is available in Spanish at their various channels.

La Quinta Columna describes its work this way:

La Quinta columna is a movement of free thought, a website of reflection, of critical thinking of a creative nature, current news and dissemination of topics of interest apart from the current indiscriminate censura.

The fifth column has as its primary objective to show reality, however uncomfortable the truth may result from the nature of the events or news in which it participates, without being subject to damages and conflicts of economic, moral, ethical, political, religious interest, ideological or otherwise.

In the video shared below, Astrid speaks in English (not her first language).

Astrid is a scientist, researcher and teacher for 25 years at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva and Lausanne (Switzerland) who previously worked with the WHO on International Health Regulation (IHR) and public health emergency management between 2009 and 2013. She is now a whistleblower, exposing the WHO’s attempts to tighten control over its member states and the entire planet.



The human being is in danger.

Everything that defines him as a species, such as his intelligence, his sensitivity, to his capacity for willful interaction with the environment, is at serious risk of being lost very soon and forever.

In fact, the process has already started, and only those who designed it, together with some of their implementers, know it.

La Quinta Columna, made up of free human beings from all over the planet, is on a mission to reveal to the world, the premeditated plan, that lies behind the events driving us in a near future to the integral loss of our very nature.

This project is the transhumanism, also called the fourth revolution.

Three characteristics define it. It’s universal, involuntary, and harmful.

It’s already being applied to us to all human beings, without our consent and with serious damage to our health, including death.

To this end, four parallel operations have been set in motion.

The health crisis, the deployment of artificial intelligence with its surface and satellite networks relying on supercomputers, the Ukrainian war with its political and economic consequences, and the climate change.

These four operations have a final objective to transhumanize a large part of our species within the shortest period of time.

From La Quinta Columna, we wish to bring together all human beings aware of this situation, in a movement of consciousness that we will call: Humania.

We don’t want any other thing than the awareness that we are in danger, and for that we offer you the evidence.

Everything starts from the optical microscope observation of the contents of the vaccines to be accepted very soon, if not enforced, upon the entire population.

What they contain is likely to form a brain-machine interface, and to be modulated from mobile phone antennas.

We have thus neuroscience developing an interface introduced by deception through trickery and coercion to all humanity, while implanting a whole planetary network of antennas with the collaboration of all governments in the world.

And on the other hand, a war and a climate change that will reset the economy, politics and our way of life to the point of ultimately subjecting them to the interests of transhumanism.

We don’t know who are the ones that are doing this to us. We don’t know what they’re trying to get by doing it, but they’re doing it.

A large part of humanity is collaborating in its own destruction, and does not know it.

Humania has arrived for the whole world to know. We want to stay being humans. We want to live in harmony with our ecosystems and with our fellow human beings. We want to take advantage of all our scientific technological knowledge, to put an end to diseases and misery in the world.

But they will never allow it.

Humania will help us defend what we are and what we want to be. It is the hour of humanity. Help us let the world know. Humania. [Humanity]

Ricardo Delgado:

Hello and good morning. Welcome to this meeting, this talk, conversation with La Quinta Columna.

And obviously we have Dr. José Luis Sevillano with us and also Dr. Astrid Stückelberger, who is our special guest because we want to talk about a series of subjects that we think are of great importance for the development and the future events with regards to human beings.

So we’re going to be partial in this meeting and we can talk freely because probably later we will edit some parts that they otherwise be censored by the official narrative and has to do with everything to do with the message.

So just to put this in context, Astrid, you know the empirical scientific result of the first part of La Quinta Columna’s research.

And at a certain moment in time we opened up to the energy paradigm in order to look into another series of entities that were purely energetic in nature.

And just to summarize, basically we have reached the conclusion that this type of entities direct or govern the world. They govern our civilization and they’ve been doing this forever. And quite possibly they also did this with older humanities that they’ve already resetted.

So in this respect, one of the subjects that we would like to touch upon is everything to do with the CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, based in Switzerland.

I’m not giving anything any new news because they might say that they’re going to discover the famous “God particle” or the boson. But quite obviously that is not its purpose, that famous physics laboratory that is located in Switzerland.

And so based on our research, we have come to the conclusion that this type of entity needs two types of energy, either to be able to survive or to feed themselves.

They prey on the human being.

And one of them is geo-energies, i.e. energies that are within or on the planet with a high magnetic content, or an electromagnetic content in an artificial fashion.

And bio-energies, which they extract from human beings in this case.

Even from animals. And this, therefore, leads to everything that we know about sacrifices or history.

It would appear that the CERN was founded in 1954 as a big physics laboratory, where the so-called logistical deployment and the economic deployment was to find the famous “God particle”.

And that is everything that they tell us. But quite clearly, that is not its purpose.

And we very much suspect that all of this has to do with food, energy, energetic food to these entities, i.e. these people, within this terraforming of the planet, they are generating the conditions that are suitable for a very probable appearance.

And so, therefore, what we would like to know is what it is you’ve been able to discover about the CERN, any information you might have, and probably amongst us all, we may be able to gain some more knowledge about all of this.

Perhaps José Luis would like to add something before you take the floor?

José Luis:

Well, I actually will wait until Astrid has spoken, because I have an idea that’s just come to me in the last few days that will surprise, I think, surprise people.

I mean, I think everything we’re living through is like a book almost, a novel, and I believe that the CERN, which is located in a mountainous area in Switzerland with underground tunnels, right next to the biggest gold deposits in the world, maybe there’s a manufacturing of a huge coil with a high level of conductivity, which is probably manufactured with gold.

And quite possibly these people are using the gold from the reserves of the Swiss banks, that they’ve accumulated since this existed, in order to generate a very high level field that allows them to exist. Not in an entry portal, but rather it allows for their existence in our medium in conditions that are kept very secret.

And this has to do maybe with the satanic ceremonies and the inauguration of the [?] facility, which is not far from the CERN, and all those tunnels that are being… exist in all directions underground in Switzerland towards Zürich and Bern.

And that… this country is plagued with tunnels. And it’s probably the only country out of all the countries around it that has maintained, even in the most awful wars throughout the last few centuries, they’ve maintained these tunnels to maintain the reserves of goodness-knows-what down there.

So, for many centuries now, it is a place that accumulates its gold as countries in Latin America did.

So gold is being accumulated underground, such as the [?] out there in Peru. It’s called the Golden Chamber.

And so those golds have existed everywhere. Energy entities, and like this, they can generate big electromagnetic fields.

So we’re not seeing a portal through where they can come in and out, but rather a condition — well, they need that energy and they generate that energy with those elements that they find.

And so they are quite clever. And they find these precious metals. And they make human beings accumulate these metals so that we work on devices that we think are for a certain purpose, but they’re actually for another purpose.

And so it’s another trap that they use so that we can work for them without actually knowing what for. And like this, we can condition the medium in which they can survive very nicely.

So to go to the CERN, to the 15-minute cities, is a question of power and electromagnetic…

And we see what they’re doing with our density in all these electromagnetic fields all over the world. And this will continue to be the case.

But the fact that they’re talking about the CERN — this is one of the main mysteries that exist — means that we are touching upon something — the existence of these beings amongst us — and we are discovering the reality.

And probably you, as you’re in Switzerland and are in touch with people who have worked on this, you may have been able to discover things that go along these same lines. And so it’s good for us to be able to exchange ideas.


Woah. Thank you very much, José Luis and Ricardo, for inviting me to this extraordinary approach to humanity, which is hidden to all of us. And I think that you’re the only one who goes so far.

And I’m very grateful, because I’ve always been very interested in going beyond and finding the power, scientific explanation, and metaphysical explanation to what we’re living. So we’re right here.

So about the CERN first, in Switzerland. I want to say that Switzerland — actually, you’re absolutely right. Switzerland is situated on a geo-biological apex of Europe.

It is the highest mountain is Monte Bianco that I see since 30 years from my window. And working with geo-biologists, the Monte Bianco and the mountains of Switzerland, from Zermatt — which is a pyramid, actually — and all the chain up to [?], are very powerful in the vortex of our electromagnetic earth field.

As we all know, free energy comes from the highest mountains down.

And so when I speak with people who understand energy, geo-energy, they say that Switzerland is a highly telleric1, powerful plant.

And many have gone to study this in the mountains, in the highest mountain. And there’s even a person who gave me a book that I can show you.

You see, I can give it to you. [Astrid holds up a book titled “Genève – Mont-Blanc”] but it’s written by [Jacques ?], and he says Geneva Mont-Blanc, a very high planetary energy field — because of his feng shui, [?], sacred geometry, geomancy, geobiology.

So this is important to know that very often — it’s not just very often, it’s always — the satanic and the dark energy comes and positions itself, specifically in places where the high energy are.

You have Tibet, you have Maui, who was attacked, and etc.

So the CERN is no wonder that, in fact, the CERN is situated like a broadband from the Mont-Blanc down to Geneva. That’s how they explained it, those experts.

And they can measure that with their instruments of high frequency, low frequency, and above its scale, which was known since a long time. Merme Abbé [Abbé Mermet] — and it comes actually from a lot of monks who were very advanced.

But anyway, so you’re right, I never heard about this gold, but it makes completely sense why Switzerland has become the root of where even the CIA is based.

I have documents here. Ten reasons why Switzerland is home to the CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, is because all the UN agencies, the most important, are in Geneva. And the Bank, the International Bank of Settlement, which decides for the gold, for everything, is in Basel, which is Baal, where Stückenberger is from origin of Baal… So I’ve been interested in the story.

So this makes sense, I want to say energetically. Now, I’ll just give one more information.

So I was very interested in the CERN, and I had relations with them because they are part of the United Nations. Nobody knows this, but they have exactly the same type of documents and agreements.

It’s always the same thing referring to the International Court of Justice, the UN, and it was the history — dates just after the World War. You know, all the Nazis were in Switzerland, and they started rebuilding this UN Euro lab, and the Euro lab with CERN2.

CERN is, it stands for European Council for Nuclear Research, but actually it was — the first resolution was in 1952 and 11 countries signed an agreement of provisional countries in 1953. And then more and more came. And then there was a convention. And then now, I mean, the United States is part of it, etc.

So they have a name CERN that refers to Cernunnos, which is the god of the deer, and you can go and look at the history of where it is situated.3

It is an altar of Appolyon [also spelled Apollyon] and this altar is actually a cult, a cult for evil.

And they are having cults… I had just last week, a French priest, exorcist, said that he was there when they have killed the baby on the altar of Shiva, this symbol that you see in CERN.

So I’m just taking case studies to exemplify things that are hidden to us. You can even see on YouTube a video of the CERN making their cult in the CERN.

So it is a very mysterious place, it’s a place where I have been for scientific collaboration for showing what they do at the UN Open Day. And I was always shocked to see very old officers. The museum is pitiful, like if they don’t do anything, like they’re all, you know, old presidents who don’t know how to decorate the buildings. And when you know what they’re doing, it’s absolutely crazy.

And I will say one more thing, and then we can discuss more in detail. I encountered — I’ve always been interested to meet those nuclear physicists. And I was in Portugal in 2016 for the kind of wedding dinner, and I was lucky enough to not be at a boring table, I was with two physicists, nuclear from the CERN.

So the whole dinner, I bombarded them with questions. And my key question was: how many dimensions do we have in this world. Because we know one, two, three, four, some say there are six. Michio Kaku says there are 11. But, in fact, they said 17. Very clearly.

And I said ‘is there an agreement with the whole CERN that there are 17 dimensions?’. He said ‘yes’. I said, ‘so where is it published?’. They couldn’t answer that. And I said ‘give me a proof’, (I’m making it short), but ‘give me a proof’. And they said that something extraordinary that happened.

And that’s when they said, (I might have said that before), but that’s when they said ‘well, we have a portal of the LHC, the Large Hadron Collider4, you know, where they put all our subatomic experiment, and they were sitting in front of that door. And they opened the LHC, and another being came out, and sat at the table.

And I said ‘what type of entity is that, what type of being?’. And they said ‘We can’t describe. We don’t know. We are just second-hand in the CERN, we know that.’

And then I said, ‘Well did it come back?’ And he said ‘Yes, they came back.’ And this being, it left a scarf. ‘What type of scarf?’. I was like very puzzled. And they had not more information, but they had that information in 2016.

And it’s confirmed now by the CERN agenda. Just to go and type the CERN research agenda and the director called Sergio Bertolucci. On 8th of April, when there was the eclipse, there was a whole, a big propaganda that the CERN was going to roll out their activity again with the Large Hadron Collider LHC.

And this director said in a report that he was expecting beings to come through the portal — entities, he said entities. He said the word entities. And he says that they’re exploring ways in which extra dimensional space and entities might interact with our own

That’s very important for what you’re doing.

The second thing is that the research agenda has different topics that we can go in details another time. It’s entities, extra dimensional dimension with entities coming in and out, portals. The other one is wormholes. The other one is black holes. Another one is space time change.

There are many others like that. All the things that nobody understands. It’s like you know micro lab at one point nobody understands, and space is exactly the same. So we are in front of something not normal, that nobody knows. And it’s great we can talk about it here.


Well there is something very interesting in what you said because you’ve spoken in terms of inter-dimensional portals whereby these type of entities would come in and out.

For us, all of this is a kind of confusion. It’s there to confuse us, because they don’t need a portal to come in and out. What they need is electromagnetic density to be able to manifest themselves.

And CERN is not a portal. It is that electromagnetic density that is manifest probably through very strong magnets and electromagnetic fields.

And, in fact, in the introduction that you have done, yes, Mont Blanc, the mountain, the first condition is that it is a geomagnetic field of the energies that they need. And then the second thing, the bioenergy you referred to, you said that sacrifices are done there. So therefore they have the necessary conditions to be able to coexist.

I’m going to allow José Luis to take the floor now

José Luis:

Yes, the most innovative thing here, because what it’s all about is that lately we have a mindset in that inter-gloom there whereby we create a barrier in terms of all the concepts that they’ve conveyed to us from parascience or official science, and we try to look at things in a different way.

We try to think out of the box as it said. Because otherwise we’re managing incorrect concepts as they want us to do. Because we realize that the information comes from them. So we constantly place a shield around us.

In terms of the wormhole, for example, and the energy portal, in our opinion, we think these hide a trap. They try to induce that in our minds. And it’s because they actually come from other dimensions or elsewhere. That’s what they say.

Whereas we know that they govern everything. And what they’re doing is hiding themselves behind that idea, and that there are portals, that they come from elsewhere, so that we don’t realize that they actually live amongst us.

The difference from us is that we know that they are here and that they need an energy, and an extra contribution of energy to be able to manifest themselves, before our ability to perceive them.

And so, therefore, what we’re seeing lately is a global manifestation of these entities in our reality. And it could be called the apocalypsies or other religious terms because I’m sure they’ve manipulated those texts too.

But basically that translates into the idea that they are attempting to be present amongst us as they already were in the past, in older civilizations. And there’s ample proof of that in our own physical world with drawings of them, stories about them, carvings in stone.

So we know that these people were here and they were visible for older humanities and for us. There are certain cultures that have co-existed with us up until very recently in terms of millenniums.

So this CERN business, we believe, is part of one of the mysteries that hides their presence amongst us.

And the fact, as you quite rightly said, the fact that there are governmental bodies of a very high level means precisely — that confirms our hypothesis or our thesis that those people govern the world, and they need to be present in certain places from where they can govern our world.

And in fact, I haven’t taken a look but from the time in history where Switzerland started collecting gold, we need to know when those people then started locating themselves in that place in the world. Since when are they there and governing the world?

There were centers of the world elsewhere, but when did it go to the center of Europe and when did they start looking at the possibility of being able to create the necessary machinery to manifest themselves to us?


José Luis, this business about gold, I think it’s because of the high conductivity it has. Is that right?

José Luis:

Yes, I’m not obviously a physics expert but gold is the third element with the highest conductivity I believe, whereas the micro circuits only use gold very occasionally in certain devices, giving it privilege over copper and other metals.

Now, why would they use only small amounts of gold in some circuits to give greater quality and rather than using it, maybe to make it not too expensive, these circuits — but maybe they’re hiding the fact that gold actually has a higher conductivity than other metals.

In fact, gold impregnates the walls of the tunnels of the Kongkancha,in Lima, in Peru and we know that it is full of energy entities of this nature — where they carried out sacrifices, and where they go have always come in and out, and they’ve been described in the Inca culture. So we know that they need gold and mercury, metals of high conductivity, to manifest themselves or to relate with us.

So the fact that gold is the third element in terms of conductivity and they gather it. It’s not a precious metal for us. It’s not us that say it’s a precious metal, vis-a-vis others. It’s them that say these are precious metals. And then we have to get it out of the mines and gather it, and consider it precious, and place it in certain places.

But if I had access to CERN and could find out what those coils were made out of, I’m sure there would be gold there. And it’s interesting to know that a huge coil might be impregnated or mixed,\, to be able to create an alloy or even pure gold that is next to the highest reserves of gold in the world.

It just seems like chance or random, but there’s no, it’s not by chance at all. And if we take into account the E-factor — which for us is that those that govern the world, that represent those who govern the world — that’s when we start to understand how the world works, why the CERN is in Switzerland, why everything is underground in tunnels.

So for us this is one of the many mysteries where we can look into this and discover what world we’re living in under this idea of the E-factor.

I don’t know if you’ve been able to read the book, Astrid, and whether you think these ideas might be true, but when you start looking at things in this light you see the economy, war, science, medicine in a totally different light.

Look, lately I’ve been drawing up a list of authors, famous writers, who have been parasitized, prayed upon by these beings to insert thoughts into human beings.

So even the culture that we’ve inherited from times back, they’ve actually taken possession of the authors and they have used them to convey messages.

So there’s no manifestation in our culture. It’s not their culture through ours. And we can’t know that what surrounds us is their world. It’s ours.

I just want to say that this is really a passionately interesting work of fiction. So really these reserves in the paving of Zurich is being used for the construction of the work in CERN. And this is the demon’s work for human beings.


Astrid, I wanted to ask you, when you talk to those physicists who worked at CERN, did you have the impression that they were developing any kind of technology? Collaborating more likely in our destruction, self-destruction? Perhaps actually realizing they were collaborating in this destruction?


Well, the physicists I talked to at the table, they were very kind and nice and looked naive.

But what I can witness is, when you go to CERN itself and you are with the high level people, they’re always very secretive about it and this is all about research, research, research.

But like you said, when now we can reread everything they’re saying, everything they have done, as I said, the movie they’re making is that it is very old buildings.

But this since “covid”, the pseudo-covid, they have made new incredible tubes above ground that look like some space ship. So what I think, like, I really think it’s absolutely right, what you’re saying. Where you’re going with the book is that they are actually now manifesting much more obviously their presence on earth.

I have been there. I’ve met people. I thought they were alien from the club of Rome when they wanted me to get in. I thought this guy doesn’t look like a normal person. Anyway, I’ve met on my way.

But now everything that’s happening, of deception, and everything they’re lying about is so crazy that we have to do what you’re doing — is question everything.

Even the linear way of evolution, the linear way of history, the dates of history are not correct.

I mean, we know that, but we are very high beings and, for me, they also want to use, like you said, Ricardo at the beginning, our very high level frequency. They want to bring it down and they want to take off the gold from us, because everybody has gold in his being. That is something in biology, I didn’t know.

And some people who did the vax have lost the gold, which means the light, which means the vagues5.

So there is something about gold, which is also used in all the religious or the geometric sacred geometry, because it is also a protector apparently. You cannot conduce, like with other material.

So we have to look at both sides. That we are getting elevated and they don’t want that. So they’re manifesting.

I want to get back to how Switzerland was constructed. And I see now the origin was founded by the Knight Templars and Saint John in the 1300s.

And then what is interesting in the story that the Nazi started to put — the dictator(s) all came here. And the Holy See6 has a very important “Holy C”. The “C” is for CIA, they say, and it is because CIA is in Switzerland, headquarters in Switzerland. I was confirmed by a military, from the US military retired and I would really trust him and I never mentioned his name.

But I said, ‘Is it right that the CIA is under the lake of Geneva, the headquarters?’ And he said, ‘Yes. And I can even tell you there are 400 people, entities, living there. And that they have tunnels all over it. That’s we know this, to Jerusalem, to the Vatican. And the tunnel goes to Genova.

And I have a hard time to believe this, of course, because we have been programmed that we cannot live under a lake.

But the Russian army came. There’s a monastery on the other side of the lake, San Benedicto, you know, those guys who combat the devil. And I had a talk at the beginning in 2021. They invited me and we discussed.

And I said, ‘You have any manifestations around?’.

And he said, ‘Yeah, the Russians came, and they did it with a big submarine to go and look what is under the Lake of Geneva.’

So you have it there also — this whole power plant of granite and mix of the geobiological. I think there are many things they’re doing. But there’s one thing they do, they try to get rid of our power of electromagnetic field.

And in the mountains, it’s much easier for us to be heightened. If you go up 1000 meters, I know this from geobiologists, and exorcists and priests, because I think we have to read this in many ways. If you go high up in the mountain, it’s much easier to not be polluted by all their their horrible things. So we are safer.

So this whole Switzerland. So the Holy See has a base in Switzerland. It makes so much sense.

And Switzerland is called confederate, “Confoederatio Helvetica” CH. [This is the Latin name for the Swiss Confederation. This term is often abbreviated as “CH.”]

Helvetica, I say many times, “helvetet”… you say in Swedish and Norwegian, which means go to hell. So Helvetia, I never understood why they use this word, is the door to hell.7

And many people with the Appolyon, everything I read, a site, is that it is a door to hell.

So they’re trying to make a hole for themselves to block our own free energy and freedom. Beautiful Switzerland doesn’t understand this.

I always wanted to leave, but I’m here probably for my mission. I signed to come here, to talk about it, and to collaborate with you, because it’s a very important, energetic place. But I never liked Geneva energy.

It’s cosmetically nice, but the energy here with the banks, the Freemasons, the secret societies, this materialism that’s so, so hard. It is very difficult to take.

Show Notes & Excerpts (starting at approximately 37 mins in).


    • Calvinist agenda.
    • Attempt to disrupt and confuse the equilibrium between men and women.

“Why are they wanted to do confusion in this. Is because we create energy…”


“There is something there that we have to go and look into because they really try to replace a man with woman, and woman and man, and confuse everything about our own creation, not only geobiologically. Those entities are crazy…”


“It’s not just about human animal biology, but it’s synthetic biology, technological and alien.”

    •  Reference to the work of Robert (Bob) Dean on government/alien connection.

José Luis:

“So, well, what is definitely true for — whatever reasons, we don’t know exactly — all this is accelerating, has been accelerating lately, something we didn’t expect. So that we seem to have entered an apocalyptic stage that we cannot, we did not expect. And this is true, but we don’t know exactly why this is being done.

“Why? Perhaps we’re at a technological level that has allowed us to speed up and speed up, because these are not material entities. They depend on us to work in the reality that they live in.

“So they depend on us, in our work, and we’re not going to talk about dimensions here, but in this reality, our reality, material-energy-based reality, which is dense as it works, this is thick energy or dense energy. And in this reality, we are the only people that can modulate and contribute to the reality, but they’re directing it…”


“And now we’re at the moment where they are very, they’re all powerful because they are directing their societies, with total secrecy, and nobody realizes and they’re being totally effective in this…”


“So perhaps possibly in the CERN, you were contacting scientists possessed by these beings, so that they themselves didn’t realize they were creating portals and mediums which would suit these beings…

“So it was a German scientist after the war who talked about people suddenly disappeared when they wouldn’t collaborate in the scientific projects.

“And they were one or two people who were kept alive even if they didn’t collaborate because they were particularly necessary. But their thought … put into human beings’ minds so that the science that these beings want is being developed by human beings.

“So this is perhaps too big for most people to understand. It’s almost impossible, for most people to believe that our world is being directed by others. But this is the only way that we can really understand what’s going on.

“So the world, these thinking physicists are not so free-thinking or independent-thinking as we might think…”

    • Creation of coils, isolators Insulator
    • Creation of underground tunnels and underground bases, including the work of engineer Rafael “Raph” Kamler8

“So all beings, human beings who are able to develop great things are interesting for these beings and they induce in us this ability to be able to create what they want…”


“So what’s going on here is a center of research which is a human research base but directed by these beings. And they are experimenting with densities which are needed by these beings, so that they can finally manifest themselves in front of us…”


 “So the general idea that José Luis is talking about, and I agree with this, is that these people lead human beings, talented human beings that they channel, so that they will develop the technology that these beings want, and they can manifest themselves indirectly and then directly in our world later on…”


“So this is why they are officially creating with these coils what they need. And so, when they talk about portals and dimensions, as you mentioned Astrid, this is the argument that they want to keep away from human beings. But they need densities, electromagnetic densities, to be able to exist and be able to manifest themselves to show themselves.

“So this is why they’ve placed millions of antennas of all around the planet…”


“And part of this fumigation, this spraying from the air with these self-assembling polymers which amplify microwave signal, that’s all part of it.”

José Luis:

    • Mysterious, very tall, castles of the Rhine that have never been inhabited by human 0beings and could not have been used for defending routes

“So we are being fooled totally. Whatever they want to fool us with — at the top of the pyramids, for example…

“So the world we live in, we have to rewrite it according to how we gradually understand it now.

“It is our world, not their world. And we have to write it in a human code.

“But this is their civilization. It is only when we realize that, that we start our year zero of civilization, and we start to write our history.”


 “Our civilization is theirs. They’re directing us. They’re not just passing through…”


“We don’t really know anything about ourselves and what we’re doing here. So when we start to see things this way, then we can open the windows… that the truth can come in, through.”


    • Shares some information about the work of engineer Diego Hernandez
    • Video demonstration of a football event and human emotion being measured on an electro-magnetic meter
    • Correlation of animal sacrifice in amphitheaters to generate emotional response that can be harvested
    • Symbolism used in public events 
    • The tie-in with religions

José Luis:

“So they are everywhere, these beings. Absolutely everywhere. Their rights, their cultural rights are directed by these beings.”

    • Catholic church and exorcisms

“So nothing in our civilization, when we looked at these events, can be considered as real. Because there is a filter. They’ve touched everything that we’ve done. And everything is useful to them, everything that helps them to fight against us is approved, and everything’s manipulated. And we are made to think that we created these things.”

    • Governments are working for these beings, and operate to protect these beings and harm human beings.
    • CIA, UFO narratives
    • Comets in medieval times seen as bad omens


“I want to say there is a constant. When I listen to you also, it makes clear it clearer that they need fear. They need despair, fear. Even a football match.”

    • Australian studies on changes in hormones when fans team is winning or losing.

“They don’t they don’t want us to have happiness. This is a constant.”

    • Media promotion of how horrible everything is.
    • Promotion of mass vaccination
    • The UN propaganda about “the future”

“They need to say that the world is a horrible place when it’s not true.”

    • Difference between Christus and Fibonacci energies. Christus energy repels lower “satanic” energies. 9
    • The “covid” injection to lower human frequency and transhumanize us. They also do this with vaccinating our animals.
    • QR codes lower frequencies by structural design
    • The importance of gaining more understanding of how plasma is used
    • How the history of the Vikings has been hidden. 
    • Gods, demi-gods, etc. as part of history and not just myth


“Yes, quite clearly the energy that they use, or that they need, is that of suffering. And this is why human sacrifices generate the conditions to create concern, fear in humans…”

    • The attempt to genetic-modification and vilification of tobacco, which has been used in healing by indigenous people throughout history.
    • Recently nicotine has been shown “to neutralize, or offset, or even destroy the inter-body technology that has been into introduced into us via those inoculations”.

“So they have the capacity to be able to organize, control and govern our world to that extent. And most human beings will work and collaborate hand-in-hand with them, thinking they’re actually doing some good.

“Everything works in the same manner. Just like technicians and engineers, high level engineers, that may be working in the CERN, they think that they are working on positive things for the good of humanity, doing or making certain discoveries. Nevertheless, they are actually developing or carrying out the agenda of these entities, because it is in their interest to do so. And it includes sacrifice and suffering of many human beings.

“José Luis, would you like to add anything to that?”

José Luis:

“…This fight between species and the meaning that this has for creation on a global level…”


“But this, in terms of Creation, is important. Nothing is by chance. It submits species into very difficult situations to perfect these species. And we haven’t actually touched upon this yet.

“That if we touch about on this we come to what the Mexican chap said. He said the human beings, when they were able to have a high vibrational level, they could not be attacked by these other species.

“And, so those human beings that have a behavior that allows them to live full lives as human beings, and not vibrating on low levels but a higher level, they are protected by the Creation system. …”

    • First part of our work is to describe everything that is happening
    • Second part is to understand what we are living through
    • We have been living through a physical chapter the last few years
    • We are now coming into the metaphysical world and the meaning of all this


“Yeah, I really do agree with you all. It’s this hive which David Icke was talking about. This hive group that they’re trying to collect during those Olympic games and those ceremonies…”

    • Misleading us through diagnostics including in medical treatment
    • Carbon-dating is another incorrect diagnostic for historical records
    • “I think they they are trying to lead us in the wrong place for many things with diagnostics…
    • Essential oils of lemon and grapefruit for dissolving nano-tech.
    • Cinnamon and black cumin seed oil are also mentioned for healing.


“I think that this business about the CERN, I see this as a neurologic center of their operations… And probably they will manifest through them — not through a portal, but because they have the electromagnetic conditions to manifest their density, which is the nature that they are made of.”



1 The term “telleric” is often associated with “telluric” energy, which refers to natural electromagnetic phenomena that arise from the Earth. Telluric currents are low-frequency electrical currents that flow through the Earth, influenced by various factors like solar activity and the Earth’s magnetic field. In some contexts, it can also relate to earth energies in alternative healing or spiritual practices, where it’s believed that the Earth’s energy can affect human well-being.

2 The “C” in CERN stands for “Conseil,” which is French for “Council.” The full name is “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire,” or “European Organization for Nuclear Research” in English. Despite the English name, CERN is often referred to by its French acronym.

3 Cernunnos is a deity from ancient Celtic mythology, often associated with nature, fertility, and animals, particularly deer. He is typically depicted as a horned figure, sometimes with antlers, which symbolize his connection to the wild and the animal kingdom. Cernunnos is often linked to themes of abundance and the cycles of life, embodying the spirit of the forest. He is commonly recognized as a god of the earth and wilderness, and he is sometimes associated with the underworld and the afterlife.

4 LHC stands for the Large Hadron Collider, which is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator located at CERN. The LHC is designed to collide protons and heavy ions at very high energies to explore fundamental questions about the universe, including the properties of particles, the forces that govern them, and the conditions that existed just after the Big Bang. One of its most famous achievements was the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012.

5 The word “vagues” is French, and it translates to “waves” in English. In various contexts, it can refer to:

1. Physical Waves: Such as water waves or sound waves.
2. Electromagnetic Waves: Including light waves and radio waves.
3. Metaphorical Use: Describing general ideas or movements, like “waves of change.”

6 The Holy See (pronounced “see”) refers to the jurisdiction of the Pope and the central governing body of the Catholic Church. It encompasses the Vatican City and its administrative functions. The term “see” comes from the Latin “sedes,” meaning “seat,” indicating the bishop’s authority.

The Holy See is distinct from the Vatican City itself, which is the physical territory. It has its own sovereign status and conducts international relations, making it a unique entity in global affairs.

7 The Swiss word for Hell is “helvetet”. Helvetia is the Latin name for Switzerland, often used in formal contexts. Helvetisk is an adjective meaning “Swiss,” derived from “Helvetia.”

8 Rafael “Raph” Kamler was known for his involvement in the construction of underground tunnels during World War II, particularly in connection with the Nazi war effort. His work focused on creating extensive tunnel systems that were used for various purposes, including munitions storage and hiding military assets.

9 Christus Energy likely refers a higher spiritual consciousness attributed to Jesus Christ (or others with “Christ consciousness” regardless of religion) that would include the qualities of love, compassion, healing, and enlightenment.

Fibonacci Energy typically relates to the Fibonacci sequence, symbolizing natural patterns, growth, and harmony found in nature, such as in the arrangement of leaves or the spiral of shells. It can represent a balance and connection to the universe, as this sequence is often linked to the Golden Ratio, which is aesthetically pleasing and prevalent in art and nature.

Christus energy often implies a connection to the divine or a higher spiritual plane, whereas Fibonacci energy reflects universal laws and natural phenomena.


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Astrid Stuckelberger on the Purpose of the World Health Organisation


Cover image credit: Lumapoche

The Corruption Is Real and Sickening

The Corruption Is Real and Sickening

by Paul Cudenec, The Acorn
September 3, 2024


The difference between conspiracy realists and conspiracy deniers is, of course, that the latter never question anything, never think for themselves, never do their own research.

They simply lap up every last drop of drivel and delusion presented to them, including the laughable conceit that in so doing they are proving themselves somehow more “advanced”, more “adult”, more “astute” than those tin-foil-hat-wearing idiots who dare challenge official top-down truth.

As they remain rooted to their theatre seats, stuffing their faces with propaganda popcorn and fizzy fakery, their scientifically-sealed minds cannot even grasp the possibility that others might have taken the initiative to have a peek backstage and work out what The Spectacle is all about.

I don’t suppose there are many conspiracy deniers reading this, but just in case one or two have wandered in by mistake, here are some more stones to look under, if you can find the courage to face the reality of the seething maggot-infested corruption that lies beneath the surface of our society.

First of all, have a read of Hedley Rees’ Inside Pharma blog and in particular his reporting on what he describes as “the latest Big Pharma feeding frenzy”.

He points us to the existence of an annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, which will next be held in San Francisco in January 2025.

Its site states: “This premier conference is the largest and most informative healthcare investment symposium in the industry which connects global industry leaders, emerging fast-growth companies, innovative technology creators and members of the investment community”.


J.P. Morgan is, as I set out in Enemies of the People, a longstanding front for the Rothschilds, those leading members of “the investment community” who have long been involved in profiting from bio-tech and the grotesquely-misnamed “healthcare” industry.

As I report in my booklet, International Biotechnology Trust (IBT), a division of Rothschilds, says on its website that it “offers investors access to the fast-growing biotechnology sector”.

Predictably, in view of the Rothschilds’ intimacy with UK governments, their biotech wing was involved in the country’s “response” to Covid.

IBT proudly relates that its investment manager Kate Bingham was in May 2020 appointed chair of the UK Vaccine Taskforce “reporting to the Prime Minster to lead UK efforts to find and manufacture a COVID-19 vaccine, on a six-month engagement”.

It says: “On December 8th 2020 the UK started COVID-19 vaccinations – the first Western country to do so. She [Bingham] was awarded a DBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in June 2021 for services to the procurement, manufacture and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines”.

One of the most prominent UK enthusiasts for the Covid jabsvaccine passports and the digital ID to which they were designed to lead is former Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Last November I wrote about the research by the UK Column’s Ben Rubin which revealed that in June 2022 Blair was the main speaker at a conference on the “Future of Britain” hosted, with the organisation My Life My Say, by the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College, London.

In investigating My Life My Say, Rubin discovered that trustee Glen Manning was a senior banker with Rothschild & Co.

Blair himself, after resigning from British politics, in January 2008 joined the Rothschilds’ JPMorgan Chase in a “senior advisory capacity”, on a modest salary of £2.52m per year.

A thank-you, perhaps, for having led the UK into the invasion of Iraq in 2003, among many other invaluable services to the money power?

Blair is very keen on the “modernisation” of public services in the UK, including, of course, the National Health Service.

This would involve our data being held centrally in a “new NHS cloud infrastructure” and “used as a collective national asset to help our life-science sector to be world-leading”.


In the light of all that, it is hardly surprising to read, back on the Inside Pharma blog, that the key speaker at the 2024 JP Morgan Healthcare Conference was none other than “The Rt. Hon. Tony Blair: Executive Chairman of the Institute for Global Change”.

I would once again echo Rubin’s warning that “Tony Blair is coordinating with the Rothschild family to fundamentally reshape British society and implement a global, digital slave state”.

Of course, for my (probably imaginary) conspiracy-denying readers this will all no doubt be seen as a meaningless series of complete coincidences.

So I would suggest they also take a peek at this article from Australian researcher Warren Ross about the climate scam.

Rightly describing this as “a whole new area of investment and opportunity” for the billionaire class, he notes that “BlackRock are eager to fill as much of this space as they can and have proved their commitment to this by purchasing infrastructure investment fund Global Infrastructure Partners”.

He adds: “ESG compliance is used by companies like BlackRock to direct investment away from companies that choose not to comply or don’t comply with sufficient zealotry”.

BlackRock is part of the Rothschilds’ empire.

In addition, as I note in Enemies of the People, Edmund de Rothschild was the key player behind the World Conservation Bank, later renamed Global Environment Facility (GEF).

The Corbett Report has explained that the idea for an international “conservation” bank had been around for some time before France put forward a formal proposal at a joint ministerial meeting of the IMF in 1989.

“The project was put under the umbrella of the World Bank and by 1991 the World Conservation Bank was formally established”.

The article adds that the GEF has made and co-financed tens of billions of dollars worth of grants and “is the funding mechanism for five different UN conventions, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”.

As well as establishing so-called “protected areas”, it has funded Chinese companies producing solar cells and wind farm technology…

The reality that conspiracy deniers cannot bear to see, and that those in power want to keep hidden, is that our society is dominated by one single giant global organisation.

I have seen this time and time again through all the joined dots, all the revolving doors, all the zig-zagging public-private career paths that are incomprehensible unless they amount to a series of internal transfers within one single entity.

This mega-organisation is not one that aims to do good for us or for our world, which is why it has to take such pains to conceal its existence and its activities.

It is an unimaginably vast, ruthless, greedy, destructive crime syndicate which has grabbed global control by means of lies and usury, blackmail and bribery, manipulation and murder.

The sooner we all wake up to this nauseating reality, and get together to do something about it, the better.


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Cover image credit: CDD20

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Covid, 9/11 & Forever War

Covid, 9/11 & Forever War
From the war on terror to the “pandemic”, the elite are constructing fake threats to start wars that never have to end. 

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
originally published September 13, 2021



“The war was not meant to be won. It was meant to be continuous.”

George Orwell, 1984


Our 9/11 coverage this year, the 20th anniversary, has been focused on viewing the attacks of 2001 through the lens of the Covid “pandemic” rollout.

The point is not that both Covid19 and 9/11 are necessarily part of the same grand plan, were carried out by the same people, or were in any way directly connected. Rather, they are thematically connected, on the meta-level.

They spring from the same collective urge all rulers and governments harbour, and are employed to the same end.

They are different tools designed to achieve the same end. Different approaches to the same problem. Different evolutionary stages of the same animal: The decades-long change in the core aims of warfare and even the very meaning of “war” itself.

War has always been vital to the preservation of the state. Wars make rulers rich, and people scared. They unite nations behind leaders, and distract from domestic political issues.

But, as nations become more powerful, weapon technology more advanced, and global power centralises in giant corporations rather than nations, war – in the traditional sense – becomes more expensive, more dangerous, and largely meaningless.

Essentially the old-fashioned motivations for warfare no longer apply, but the ancillary domestic benefits of war-like policy remain. While the state, and their corporate backers, no longer need to take part in pitched battles over the best farmland, they do still need their subjects to believe they are under attack.

In short, by necessity, “war” has gradually shifted from genuine inter-state conflicts over control of resources, into a top-down tool of psychological manipulation.

And the first stage of that evolution was 9/11.

9/11 and the war on terror

9/11 was an inside job. Any objective examination of the evidence can only lead to that conclusion. (I’m not going to lay that out here, we have dozens of articles detailing that. That’s not what I’m writing about today.)

The US government blew up their own buildings, killed their own civilians, terrified their own people. The ruling class engaging in what Orwell called “war against their subjects”, in a very literal sense.

Much like the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany, this staged “attack” was done to create a war-like mentality. To make people believe they were under threat, and serve as the basis for new “temporary emergency powers” for the government.

But 9/11 went further, serving as the casus belli for a war: “The war on terror”.

The War on Terror was a new kind of war, yes it was used as a starting point for more traditional wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and then proxy wars in Syria, Libya and Yemen, but its main target was actually domestic. A nationwide psy-op war designed to keep 350 million people in a semi-permanent state of fear.

It was the natural next step in the Orwellian redefinition of “war” as a concept.

If the primary aims of your war are a) To maintain domestic control of your population, and b) To funnel tax-payer money into bloated contracts with the private sector, then do you really need to declare war on a foreign country?

In fact, do you need an actual physical “war” at all? Isn’t the idea of a war just as good?

And if all you need is the idea of a war, what better way than to declare war on an idea. Why not make your enemy an abstract concept?

Because the great thing about going to war on an abstract concept is you can’t ever lose, and you never have to win. The war can go on forever.

This idea was first trialled with “the war on drugs”. But that didn’t work because a) people actually quite like drugs and b) Drugs are a vital income stream for the deep state. So it fizzled.

The war on terror is better. Since “terror” is an abstract noun with no solid reality, it can mean anything you want it to mean. “The war on terror” can be domestic or foreign, political or military, overt or covert or both. It can’t be won, it can’t be lost, and it only ends when you say it does.

It’s perfect.

Well, almost perfect.

There are still a few issues.

For example, it’s actually quite difficult to keep people afraid of an abstract concept. You need real-world reminders. Essentially, for the war on terror to continue, you need to keep reminding people terror is out there. Which means terrorism needs to happen. Which means either letting it happen or making it happen (the vast majority of the time it’s the latter).

If you’re staging terror attacks they either have to be real, resulting in real victims and real grieving families asking real questions…or they’re fake, meaning paying actors. Either way is logistically complicated, difficult to control and potentially embarrassing.

There’s also the problem of the terrorists themselves. You’ve publicly declared war on them…but they’re also very useful. There’s a reason you’ve funded them for decades. The inevitable result is you end up with “good terrorists” in country A, and “bad terrorists” in Country B. And when they are revealed to be essentially exactly the same, well that looks bad.

But the biggest problem, really, is that it caps your ambition.

You may have chosen an abstract concept as the target of your war, but that concept needs to take human form somehow. And any human enemy can only be so scary, and can only do so much damage. There’s no way you can frighten everyone at once that way.

Plus, picking a human enemy – along racial, national, ethnic or ideological lines – is inescapably divisive. You can’t ever unite everyone behind that flag.

In short, a war on terror and terrorists is fine if you want to rule a country, but what if you want to rule a planet?

Well, what you need then is a new enemy. An enemy that can be anywhere and everywhere, and that definitely isn’t human.

The war on Covid

The Covid19 “pandemic” has been pitched to the public as a war from the beginning.

As early as March 2020, the UN Secretary General was urging countries to “declare war on the virus” and already calling Covid “the greatest threat since World War II”. A sentiment UN spokespeople have repeated. A lot.

National leaders were just as eager to equate Covid as a new grand cause, in line with the fight against fascism.

Italy’s Prime Minister referred to the nation’s “darkest hour”. New South Wales premier Gladys Berejiklian told the press “this is literally a war” just last month.

In the UK, the government made numerous transparent attempts to instil a Churchillian “spirit of the Blitz” atmosphere. Unashamedly working World War II parallels into all their Covid messaging, the Queen’s cloying public speech of shamelessly using the line We’ll Meet Again.

In America, ever the hub of military metaphors, Trump called himself a “wartime President” fighting an “invisible enemy”. Former Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo referred to healthcare professionals as “soldiers” in the battle against Covid.

Worldwide, pundits frequently compare Covid to the war on terror, and Covid to terrorists. The war metaphor has been ubiquitous in speeches, headlines and TV spots.

The message is clear and simple: The virus is our enemy. We are at war.

And this war really is perfect.

It has all the benefits of a real war, and none of the drawbacks. All the ephemeral malleability of the “war on terror”, and none of its potential complications.

Think about it…

In the name of Covid we have seen taxation, censorship, surveillance, state expenditure to the private sector and state powers all increase. These are all the cliche “emergency powers” the state seeks out in wartime.

And they’ve achieved it with a simple three-stage trick.

First, take a virus, give it a name and attribute to it the exact same symptoms of every other cold and flu virus. You just created a new disease.

Second, take a test that can “find anything in anybody”, run it on everyone who goes into hospital (especially the terminally ill) and change the legal definition of “cause of death”. You just created “deaths” from your new disease.

Third, start running that same test on everyone, multiple times a week. You just created millions upon millions of “asymptomatic cases”.

Combine these three, and you have created a “pandemic”.

They created an enemy out of thin air, through a wave of propaganda and statistical manipulation. “Covid” is nothing but a filter, a lens placed in front of the public eye that distorts reality without actually changing anything at all.

Just as with the “war on terror”, the real threat is almost entirely imaginary, but this time the optics are so much better. Instead of worshipping the troops, we now pay homage to “healthcare heroes”, the “soldiers on the frontline against the virus”. No bombs, no violence, just dancing nurses.

And what can’t happen with Covid? Simple, anything they don’t want to happen. Because of the very nature of the manufactured pandemic, they have total control of the narrative.

They can control the “cases” through the tests. They can control the “deaths” through the definition of “cause of death”. They can just tweak the meaning of a word here and there, and start and stop the “pandemic” on a whim. They can slow down the “spread”, or speed it up. Introduce a new test or treatment or “cure” it, then create a new variant to bring it back.

This war doesn’t even really exist, so it never has to end and they definitely can’t lose.

Meanwhile, every new law that passes expands the power of the state over the citizen, and every step of the way there new bloated private sector contracts up for grabs. Testing and tracing and PPE. Vaccines and ventilators and quarantine hotels. Public money is pouring into private hands.

And the best part? It’s all being done in the name of “helping people”.

Following 9/11, the Patriot Act empowered mass surveillance, detention without charge and huge infringement of civil rights, because people might be terrorists.

Now, allegedly anti-Covid “public health measures” are allowing the exact same things…because people might be sick.

The state has transformed. What was once considered paranoid and aggressive, is now simply beneficent and paternalistic.

That’s the genius of the War on Covid.

The real forever war

So…how are Covid and 9/11 linked?

One flows directly into the other. They form a continuum of control narratives designed to frighten people into accepting draconian limitations on their freedom, whilst justifying a permanent society-wide warlike mentality.

“The war on terror” and the “war on Covid” are twin psy-ops that show the transformation of “war” from a foreign policy into a purely domestic one.

Orwell described it perfectly in 1984:

War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our own day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact.

In just the last two years we have all seen the truth of this. Covid has shown us supposedly enemy nations suddenly come to an accord and demonstrate almost total unity of purpose to spread one big lie.

The global capitalist hegemony doesn’t need to conquer land or steal resources anymore. They already own everything worth owning, all they need now is to control their workers and preserve the inequality they have created.

That’s the real war being waged here. Not the ridiculous war on terror. And not the laughable war on Covid. No, the real “forever war” is what Niels Harrit calls the vertical war, waged by the very top against everyone below them.

Covid is the most recent and most overt expression of this, but for years now the corporate media has been the spokesperson of the authoritarian heart of the state.

I have written before that we are entering the era of “progressive” statism. Where tyranny is sold as a regrettable inevitability and our leaders are portrayed as a new breed of reluctant dictators, sculpting dystopian political landscapes out of necessity, and with only the purest intentions.

We’re told that our caring masters aren’t controlling or dictatorial because they want to be, but because they need to be, for our sake.

The “great reset” is not a malign “conspiracy theory”, it’s just our kindly overlords child-proofing the world to protect us from ourselves. Tearing our society down so they can build back better into a neo-feudal utopia, where nobody owns anything and everyone is happy and everyone does what they’re told…or else.

This “pandemic” is the thin end of a rapidly widening wedge. Next comes the flu and obesity and global warming. No more meat. No more sugar. No more vacations. They’re bad for you, and bad for the planet, and bad for the polar bears.

Ban homeschools and protests and misinformation. Ban the wrong kind of books and the wrong kind of speech and the wrong kind of thoughts.

Wear the mask and take the jab and live in the pod and eat the bugs.

Global hegemony isn’t going to come about via traditional warfare or Imperial conquest, instead it is being shaped by a conglomeration of restrictions on individual freedom.

That’s the war that links 9/11 and Covid. The real war, and it’s not against drugs, or terrorism or even Covid…it’s against us.


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Cover image credit: DangrafArt

‘We Will Not Comply’ With Pandemic Treaty, 26 Republican Governors Tell WHO

‘We Will Not Comply’ With Pandemic Treaty, 26 Republican Governors Tell WHO
In a joint statement issued Aug. 29, the governors accused the WHO of using the Pandemic Agreement to attempt “one world control over health policy.”

by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., The Defender
September 4, 2024


Twenty-six U.S. governors — over half of the nation’s state leaders — have stated publicly that they will not comply with a World Health Organization (WHO)-led global attempt at controlling U.S. Americans’ health.

In their Aug. 29 statement, the 26 governors — all Republicans — and the Republican Governors Association accused the WHO of “attempting one world control over health policy” by promoting a “pandemic agreement” or “pandemic treaty.”

“Put simply,” they wrote, “Republican Governors will not comply.”

Since 2021, the WHO has been drafting proposals for a pandemic agreement and amendments to its International Health Regulations.

During the organization’s most recent World Health Assembly session, which ended on June 1, WHO negotiators did not agree on a final draft of a pandemic agreement. However, they did make “concrete commitments to completing negotiations on a global pandemic agreement within a year, at the latest, and possibly in 2024,” the WHO stated.

Health freedom activist Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist and founder of Door to Freedom, an organization that lobbied against the WHO pandemic treaty proposals, told The Defender the governors’ statement is “very necessary at this time” because the United Nations (U.N.) — which runs the WHO — “seeks to gain world control over emergencies such as cyber emergencies, supply chain emergencies or outer space emergencies.”

“The jig is up,” Nass said. “It has become widely understood that the U.N. system is being used in an attempt to centralize its control and usurp national sovereignty.”

The governors said they refuse to comply with a WHO pandemic agreement because it would consolidate power in the hands of the WHO, thereby threatening nationa

Nass said:

“This was every Republican governor in the United States with the single exception of Vermont Republican governor [Phil Scott]. He governs a state that is strongly Democrat and may have felt he could not expend the political capital required to go along and make this statement unanimous.”

The 26 governors pointed to a May 22 letter to President Joe Biden in which 24 Republican governors voiced their concerns about the WHO’s proposal.

According to the letter, the WHO’s proposed treaty would “empower the WHO, particularly its uncontrollable Director-General, with the authority to restrict the rights of U.S. citizens, including freedoms such as speech, privacy, travel, choice of medical care, and informed consent, thus violating our Constitution’s core principles.”

WHO fails to pass pandemic treaty but says it’s still committed to it 

For more than two years, the WHO has been trying to pass a pandemic treaty deal.

In December 2021, the agency’s World Health Assembly established an “intergovernmental negotiating body” to draft an international agreement under the WHO’s constitution to strengthen the agency’s pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. The U.S. federal government supported the initiative.

Although WHO negotiators disagreed on a final draft of the agreement during the most recent World Health Assembly session, they did approve a set of revisions to the WHO’s International Health Regulations.

However, the approved revisions did not include many of the most restrictive proposals that worried health freedom advocates, The Defender reported.

Nass wrote on her Substack that the World Health Assembly “had to adopt something to save face, and it had become apparent to the globalists that they would not do any better if they delayed a decision.”

U.S. states’ actions ‘central’ to defeating WHO pandemic plan

Action by U.S. states was “central” to defeating the WHO plan to centralize control of public health during declared emergencies, Nass told The Defender.

Children’s Health Defense and Door to Freedom were central in devising this strategy,” she said, adding:

“The Constitution’s 10th Amendment reserves for the states all powers that were not specifically granted to the central government. Healthcare was never a federal authority.

“Therefore, we urged citizens to contact their attorneys general, governors, legislators — and federal officials — to demand they not turn over authority for health to the WHO.”

In May, in addition to 24 governors writing their letter of opposition, 49 senators called on the Biden administration to reject the WHO agreement.

Additionally, 22 attorneys general told Biden they would “resist any attempt to enable the WHO to directly or indirectly set public policy for our citizens.”

Numerous states — including Utah, Florida, Louisiana and Oklahoma — wrote legislation to prevent the WHO from overriding states’ authority on matters of public health policy.

“I am certain,” Nass added, “that these efforts reverberated around the world and helped lead to rejection” of the WHO’s proposals.


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From Agrarianism to Transhumanism: The Long March to Dystopia

From Agrarianism to Transhumanism: The Long March to Dystopia

by Colin Todhunter, Global Research
August 18, 2024


“A total demolition of the previous forms of existence is underway: how one comes into the world, biological sex, education, relationships, the family, even the diet that is about to become synthetic.”

 — Silvia Guerini, radical ecologist, in ‘From the ‘Neutral’ Body to the Posthuman Cyborg: A Critique of Gender Ideology’ (2023)

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world. [1]

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and big financial institutions, like BlackRock and Vanguard, are also involved, whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland,  pushing biosynthetic (fake) food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating and financing the aims of the mega agri-food corporations. [2]

The billionaire interests behind this try to portray their techno-solutionism as some kind of humanitarian endeavour: saving the planet with ‘climate-friendly solutions’, ‘helping farmers’ or ‘feeding the world’. But what it really amounts to is repackaging and greenwashing the dispossessive strategies of imperialism.

It involves a shift towards a ‘one world agriculture’ under the control of agritech and the data giants, which is to be based on genetically engineered seeds, laboratory created products that resemble food, ‘precision’ and ‘data-driven’ agriculture and farming without farmers, with the entire agrifood chain, from field (or lab) to retail, being governed by monopolistic e-commerce platforms determined by artificial intelligence systems and algorithms.

Those who are pushing this agenda have a vision not only for farmers but also for humanity in general.

The elites through their military-digital-financial (Pentagon/Silicon Valley/Big Finance) complex want to use their technologies to reshape the world and redefine what it means to be human. They regard humans, their cultures and their practices, like nature itself, as a problem and deficient.

Farmers are to be displaced and replaced with drones, machines and cloud-based computing. Food is to be redefined and people are to be fed synthetic, genetically engineered products. Cultures are to be eradicated, and humanity is to be fully urbanised, subservient and disconnected from the natural world.

What it means to be human is to be radically transformed. But what has it meant to be human until now or at least prior to the (relatively recent) Industrial Revolution and associated mass urbanisation?

To answer this question, we need to discuss our connection to nature and what most of humanity was involved in prior to industrialisation — cultivating food.

Many of the ancient rituals and celebrations of our forebears were built around stories, myths and rituals that helped them come to terms with some of the most fundamental issues of existence, from death to rebirth and fertility. These culturally embedded beliefs and practices served to sanctify their practical relationship with nature and its role in sustaining human life.

As agriculture became key to human survival, the planting and harvesting of crops and other seasonal activities associated with food production were central to these customs.

Humans celebrated nature and the life it gave birth to. Ancient beliefs and rituals were imbued with hope and renewal and people had a necessary and immediate relationship with the sun, seeds, animals, wind, fire, soil and rain and the changing seasons that nourished and brought life. Our cultural and social relationships with agrarian production and associated deities had a sound practical base.

People’s lives have been tied to planting, harvesting, seeds, soil and the seasons for thousands of years.

Silvia Guerini, whose quote introduces this article, notes the importance of deep-rooted relationships and the rituals that re-affirm them. She says that through rituals a community recognises itself and its place in the world. They create the spirit of a rooted community by contributing to rooting and making a single existence endure in a time, in a territory, in a community.

Professor Robert W Nicholls explains that the cults of Woden and Thor were superimposed on far older and better-rooted beliefs related to the sun and the earth, the crops and the animals and the rotation of the seasons between the light and warmth of summer and the cold and dark of winter.

Humanity’s relationship with farming and food and our connections to land, nature and community has for millennia defined what it means to be human.

Take India, for example. Environmental scientist Viva Kermani says that Hinduism is the world’s largest nature-based religion that:

“… recognises and seeks the Divine in nature and acknowledges everything as sacred. It views the earth as our Mother and hence advocates that it should not be exploited. A loss of this understanding that earth is our mother, or rather a deliberate ignorance of this, has resulted in the abuse and the exploitation of the earth and its resources.”

Kermani notes that ancient scriptures instructed people that the animals and plants found in India are sacred and, therefore, all aspects of nature are to be revered. She adds that this understanding of and reverence towards the environment is common to all Indic religious and spiritual systems: Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

According to Kermani, the Vedic deities have deep symbolism and many layers of existence. One such association is with ecology. Surya is associated with the sun, the source of heat and light that nourishes everyone; Indra is associated with rain, crops, and abundance; and Agni is the deity of fire and transformation and controls all changes.

She notes that the Vrikshayurveda, an ancient Sanskrit text on the science of plants and trees, contains details about soil conservation, planting, sowing, treatment, propagating, how to deal with pests and diseases and a lot more.

Like Nicholls, Kermani provides insight into some of the profound cultural, philosophical and practical aspects of humanity’s connection to nature and food production.

This connection resonates with agrarianism, a philosophy based on cooperative labour and fellowship, which stands in stark contrast to the values and impacts of urban life, capitalism and technology that are seen as detrimental to independence and dignity. Agrarianism, too, emphasises a spiritual dimension as well as the value of rural society, small farms, widespread property ownership and political decentralisation.

The prominent proponent of agrarianism Wedell Berry says:

“The revolution which began with machines and chemicals now continues with automation, computers and biotechnology.”

For Berry, agrarianism is not a sentimental longing for a time past. Colonial attitudes, domestic, foreign and now global, have resisted true agrarianism almost from the beginning — there has never been fully sustainable, stable, locally adapted, land-based economies.

However, Berry provides many examples of small (and larger) farms that have similar output as industrial agriculture with one third of the energy.

In his poem ‘A Spiritual Journey’, Berry writes the following:

“And the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles,
no matter how long,
but only by a spiritual journey,
a journey of one inch,
very arduous and humbling and joyful,
by which we arrive at the ground at our feet,
and learn to be at home.”

But in the cold, centralised, technocratic dystopia that is planned, humanity’s spiritual connection to the countryside, food and agrarian production are to be cast into the dustbin of history.

Silvia Guerini says [3]:

“The past becomes something to be erased in order to break the thread that binds us to a history, to a tradition, to a belonging, for the transition towards a new uprooted humanity, without past, without memory… a new humanity dehumanised in its essence, totally in the hands of the manipulators of reality and truth”.

This dehumanised humanity severed from the past is part of the wider agenda of transhumanism. For instance, we are not just seeing a push towards a world without farmers and everything that has connected us to the soil but, according to Guerini, also a world without mothers.

She argues that those behind test-tube babies and surrogate motherhood now have their sights on genetic engineering and artificial wombs, which would cut women out of the reproductive process. Guerini predicts that artificial wombs could eventually be demanded, or rather marketed, as a right for everyone, including transgender people. It is interesting that the language around pregnancy is already contested with the omission of ‘women’ from statements like ‘persons who can get pregnant’.

Of course, there has long been a blurring of lines between biotechnology, eugenics and genetic engineering. Genetically engineered crops, gene drives and gene editing are now a reality, but the ultimate goal is marrying artificial intelligence, bionanotechnology and genetic engineering to produce the one-world transhuman.

This is being pushed by powerful interests, who, according to Guerini, are using a rainbow, transgenic left and LGBTQ+ organisations to promote a new synthetic identity and claim to new rights. She says this is an attack on life, on nature, on “what is born, as opposed to artificial” and adds that all ties to the real, natural world must be severed.

It is interesting that in its report Future of Food, the UK supermarket giant Sainsburys celebrates a future where we are microchipped and tracked and neural laces have the potential to see all of our genetic, health and situational data recorded, stored and analysed by algorithms that could work out exactly what food (delivered by drone) we need to support us at a particular time in our life. All sold as ‘personal optimisation’.

Moreover, it is likely, according to the report, that we will be getting key nutrients through implants. Part of these nutrients will come in the form of lab-grown food and insects.

A neural lace is an ultra-thin mesh that can be implanted in the skull, forming a collection of electrodes capable of monitoring brain function. It creates an interface between the brain and the machine.

Sainsburys does a pretty good job of trying to promote a dystopian future where AI has taken your job, but, according to the report, you have lots of time to celebrate the wonderful, warped world of ‘food culture’ created by the supermarket and your digital overlords.

Technofeudalism meets transhumanism — all for your convenience, of course.

But none of this will happen overnight. And whether the technology will deliver remains to be seen. Those who are promoting this brave new world might have overplayed their hand but will spend the following decades trying to drive their vision forward.

But arrogance is their Achilles heel.

There is still time to educate, to organise, to resist and to agitate against this hubris, not least by challenging the industrial food giants and the system that sustains them and by advocating for and creating grass-root food movements and local economies that strengthen food sovereignty.

Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  


[1] See Food, Dispossession and Dependency: Resisting the New World Order.

[2] See Sickening Profits: The Global Food System’s Poisoned Food and Toxic Wealth

[3] A debt of gratitude is owed to Paul Cudenec and his article Truth, reality, tradition and freedom: our resistance to the great uprooting on the Winter Oak website, which provides quotes from and insight into the work of Silvia Guerini.

>The original source of this article is Global Research

Copyright © Colin Todhunter, Global Research, 2024


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Return of The Monkeypox!

Return of The Monkeypox! 

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
August 15, 2024


Get ready for a feature event sequel!

Remember, the original Monkeypox story from 2022? If not, read The Monkeypox Story:

Do you have a desire to swing from trees, pick breakfast bugs off your mate, to screech, yell, and generally monkey around? But seriously…. 

Back in 2022, the CDC called Monkeypox a “rare” disease, but spreading. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a public health emergency of international concern. Amidst many contradictions, suddenly, the story ended. Nothing more was reported. Of course, at the time. another event had taken center stage.

But we all know how stories become epic sagas.

What is once considered rare soon becomes ripe (as a banana) for an epidemic then a pandemic.  Give it two years and one outbreak of rash goes global. Today’s Monkeypox story claims that back in 2023 there were warnings similar to HIV-AIDS in how the disease was targeted:

Some of these cases are being found in communities of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. Transgender people and gender-diverse people may also be more vulnerable in the context of the current outbreak.

However, in 2024, Monkeypox has been renamed Mpox, perhaps because we all have shorter attention spans. All reference to HIV-AIDS has all but disappeared. Early reviews of this feature story include the following:

Mpox is an infectious disease closely related to but much less severe than smallpox, and is suspected to originate in African rodents and non-human primates. Mpox spreads through close contact with an infected person, including from sexual and skin-to-skin-contact. Pregnant people can also pass the virus to their child during pregnancy and after birth. The most common symptom of mpox is a blister-like rash that typically lasts for two to four weeks. Other symptoms include fever, fatigue, muscle aches, cough, and sore throat.

New Classification System

This time, Mpox is divided into two clades.  A clade indicates a grouping of animals or plants (or in this case, a strain of virus) from a shared ancestor.

There are two main strains of mpox: clade I, which causes more severe illness and has historically been confined to central Africa, and clade II, which has historically caused infections in west Africa.


Why call it a clade when we all know a group of monkeys is a troop?

The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses has not determined an official name for the virus.  Various groups of scientists argue over the clades, while others avoid tying pathogens or diseases to geographic areas (Africa) by name because “it can be stigmatizing” to the area.

while the virus was first discovered in monkeys, it’s thought that the natural reservoir of the virus may be a rodent, leading to complaints that monkeypox is a misnomer.

Why shorten the name from Monkeypox to Mpox? Why not just make the “k” silent?

This time there is also a Monkeypox Tracker!

According to a situational WHO report, published in August 2024, as of June 2024, there were 175 cases (of Monkeypox) reported across North, Central, and South America; 100 cases were reported in Europe, and 11 cases were reported in Southeast Asian countries.

Monkeypox Rash

In 2022, officials released photos of rash dubbed “Monkeypox.”

Looking closer, any image labelled “Monkeypox” could double as an image labelled as Shingles.

Any skin rash often traces back to a congested liver. The liver needs to be cleansed for the skin to clear. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a blood imbalance, which involves the health of the liver.  Even the 2007 Journal of Hepatology states:

Chronic liver disease of any origin can cause typical skin findings.

What the WHO and CDC have not disclosed is that vaccine ingredients are widely known to cause rashes, often a full body rash.

A vaccine-associated rash is a consequence of an influx of toxins to the body that results in a suppressed immune system. Frequent Strep Throat infections are another indication of a suppressed immune system. A.S.I.A is not a continent when it comes to vaccine damage. A.S.I.A is Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants, (ie, induced by toxins), where adjuvants are vaccine ingredients (eg. aluminum sulphate).

Is there a relationship between the pox and a rash? Between the CoV-SARS vaccine/boosters and a rash? Between the new SHINGRIX recombinant vaccine and a rash?

Dermatological reactions have been reported following Shingrix vaccine administration. 

Will Chickenpox become Cpox? Will Horsepox become Hpox?

It is recommended to do your own research. Reflect before you inject.

Spoilers to Endings

Beware of the spoilers! We may know how the story ends! The question is, do we share it and spoil the ending for everyone else?

Recent news reports fail to disclose that in February of 2021, patent application #20210260182 was filed for RECOMBINANT POXVIRUS BASED VACCINE AGAINST SARS-CoV-2 VIRUS. This is a combination pox/COVID vaccine patent filed over a year ago. After all, where there is a will, there is a vaccine patent!

The terms “chimeric” or “engineered” or “modified” (e.g., chimeric poxvirus, engineered polypeptide, modified polypeptide, engineered nucleic acid, modified nucleic acid) or grammatical variations thereof are used interchangeably herein to refer to a non-native sequence that has been manipulated to have one or more changes relative a native sequence.

In some embodiments, the SARS-CoV-2 protein is inserted into the Thymidine Kinase (TK) locus (Gene ID HPXV095; positions 992077-92610; SEQ ID NO: 1) of the horsepox virus or the synthetic horsepox virus.

Then came the pipeline of new patented pox-combo vaccines.

There are more than 292 COVID-19 candidates’ vaccines being developed as of July 2021 of which 184 are in human preclinical trials. 


In the movie business, sequels are made to increase profit not gained by the first movie. The directors do not always expect people to remember the first version, especially if it was a flop. But now, the virus has mutated! It’s spreading!

So the red carpet is being rolled out.

Of course, there are those who question the merit of vaccination schemes as “the light at the end of the tunnel.”

But the era of Reverse Genetics is here. That is: engineering viruses from deadly Smallpox, which they admit could lead to the reemergence of Smallpox, as well as to future pandemics.

Since the first Monkeypox event, many labs have been developing tests for the unseen Monkeypox virus.

Get ready for the temperature checks. You know the routine.

Are we watching science fiction or have we become part of the script?

This story does not mean that humans need fear monkeys or eradicate them, like they did when they agreed to put chickens into lockdown from Pennsylvania to France, then exterminate 95 million chickens, turkeys, and other poultry out of fear since February 2022.

Do we care where this sequel goes? Or that it goes back to a patent?


Related Articles:


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath

Cover image credit:jonleong64

China — From Real Tao to Mao, and Then to Multipolar Fake Tao

China — From Real Tao to Mao, and Then to Multipolar Fake Tao

by Mees Baaijen, Winter Oak
July 29, 2024



This article, the second in a series, provides an overview of the manipulations that led to the incorporation of the former Chinese Empire into the global power structure designed by the Global Mafia (or Glafia, i.e. the Predators), the criminal owners of most of the planet’s wealth, governments, corporations and institutions. Many details and references not mentioned here can be found in my book The Predators versus The People.


Chinese civilization goes back thousands of years and is one of the oldest in the world. It has seen many changes and wars, and someof these wars were certainly not defensive. The same goes for the Great Wall, which in part protected the Empire’s newly annexed territories.

Until the early 1800’s, Asia and especially China, was the dominant player in the world economy and technology (James PetrasJoseph Needham). The ships used in Admiral Zheng’s “charm offensive” in the 15th century to visit India, Arabia, Egypt and Africa were up to 4 times bigger than the European ones. Yet China never colonized the world, probably for philosophical reasons (Confucianism, Taoism) and also because the rest of world had little of interest to offer to China (G. Arrighi).

In the early 19th century, the hidden driving force behind world history in the last 500 years – Glafia – placed China on its list of Eurasian empires to be “normalized”, to provide a “level playfield” for their plan to dominate the whole world. Activities were started to weaken all great Eurasian empires, in the case of China mainly the opium wars and the making of a subordinate (or comprador) elite.

However, for the final conquest of the still highly sovereign empires of Eurasia, a very strong force had to be established: an alliance between Glafia’s already fading but still very powerful British Empire, and its rising American Empire, helped by its European proxy states. That coalition, in which many Zionist proxies also participated, would instigate and execute the World Wars, the communist revolutions in Russia, China and elsewhere, and financial crises.

Indeed, in 1897 Britain and the USA made a secret agreement to carry out the gigantic project to subdue and colonize the whole of Eurasia, China included. This project, which included the setting up of bogeymen Hitler and Mussolini, is here called The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia. It affected humanity more destructively and on a larger scale than had ever happened in history.

Rockefeller in China

In 1863, John D. Rockefeller (just 24 years old) sold his first (lamp) kerosene in China and made his first “disinterested” gift to China missions. In the usual Rockefeller style, he quickly established a monopoly. At the time, China had been made “the sick man of Asia”, due to the devastating opium wars launched at it by the British Empire. In cahoots with the USA, it forced China to accept opium produced in British India (and not bullion) as payment for its exports of luxuries to the West.

The Rockefellers and their influence would never leave China. Across the 20th century, their “philanthropic” investment in China’s science, medicine, and higher education officially surpassed one billion dollars. Mary Brown Bullock writes:

“Over the course of the 20th century, several hundred Chinese institutions and many thousands of Chinese scholars and practitioners received Rockefeller philanthropic support.  Rockefeller philanthropy’s sustained emphasis on science and medicine transformed and secularized the American cultural role in Republican China. It legitimized an American scientific influence and a tradition of intellectual and professional relationships that transcended Mao’s China and continues to distinguish the bilateral relationship.

Rockefeller philanthropic institutions have long served as a bellwether for the American non-governmental presence in China. Their formative influence on China’s science and medicine defined the post-missionary era in the first half of the [20th] century. Their re-entry into China after Nixon’s [1972] opening was carefully orchestrated by China’s leaders.”

Glafia, together with the Rockefellers and other minions, led China’s trajectory from sovereign Empire to global hegemon in three revolutionary steps, which are discussed below.

The first Glafia-led revolution in China: Sun Yat-sen

Japan had been corrupted since the 1860’s by Glafia’s British, and later also American, hegemon (for example through Jacob Schiff’s $200M loan to Japan), to serve as a future battering ram against China and Russia, which started with the 1904-05 Russo-Japanese war. Japan also served as the base for Sun Yat-sen’s overthrow of China’s Qing dynasty in 1912, financed by Wall Street & The City. According to A. Sutton:

“The best-documented example of Wall Street intervention in revolution is the operation of a New York syndicate in the Chinese revolution of 1912, which was led by Sun Yat-sen. Although the final gains of the syndicate remain unclear, the intention and role of the New York financing group are fully documented down to amounts of money, information on affiliated Chinese secret societies, and shipping lists of armaments to be purchased.”

Sun, a Christian who had studied in the USA, wanted to develop China in the same way. But as in the case of Russia, Glafia’s bankers did not, at least not at that time: their plan for the 20th century was to make the USA their new hegemon. China had to be suppressed, by placing it in the “communist fridge”, under Mao Zedong, together with Russia (which had been in the communist fridge since the 1917 Revolution). Never forget that communism was also a Glafia project!

In 1925, Sun Yat-sen was poisoned, probably by the British, and died. Under Chiang Kai-shek and his successors, the Chinese Nationalists were sabotaged by the treasonous Americans, who officially supported them. That’s why, since 1928, they had to govern mainland China from Taiwan. In 1949, the Chinese Communists took over control of the Chinese mainland, and the Nationalists were left with the small island of Taiwan.

Glafia’s second revolution in China: communism

Already by 1919, Mao had been headhunted and earmarked by “Yale in China” school. It was a US intelligence front, in collaboration with members of the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University, which had been founded in the 1830’s by the US Russell family, opium dealers in China. Under the cover of WW2, the USA betrayed China into Communism (see James Perloff), with a treasonous key role for Glafia pawn General George Marshall, America’s wartime commander and name giver to the later Marshall Plan.

Mao received several Glafia advisors, all Jewish, to assist in the creation of a Glafia-desired totalitarian state. After David Rockefeller visited China in 1973 with his faithful agent Henry Kissinger, he was very satisfied about “this” – or should we say “his” – experiment:

“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution … [this] social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history”.

With “whatever the price”, Rockefeller coldly referred to the fact that in the 1950’s and 60’s, Chinese communists slaughtered tens of millions of Chinese non-communists, often people dedicated to Tao. Today’s pro “pacifist, harmonious and Taoist” China and pro “multipolar order” Westerners – like Pepe Escobar and Matthew Ehret – seem to have forgotten this horrible episode.



An important reason for the US hegemon to put China on the communist path was to keep it backward and isolated for several decades, the same “refrigerator” trick as applied earlier on in Russia. That eliminated China and Russia as economic competitors, so the USA, the “great champion of liberty and free trade”, could have a typical, soaring Glafia career. It was also an experiment in the creation of the modern, Glafia-controlled totalitarian Chinese state – which it remains until today. Klaus Schwab and his pupil Justin Trudeau are big fans of present-day Communist China, and they show it on YouTube.

Glafia’s third Chinese revolution: global hegemon

When Glafia’s US hegemon started to prepare their “China hegemon” project in 1971 (a year of great change), that was because:

·      Glafia has no loyalty to any nation, religion, race, or ethnicity, and presently they see Communist China (assisted by Russia) as the best global system for their domination project (see also the Yalta Conference during WW2, in which the Allies gave Central Europe and North Korea away to communism).

·      China, with well over one billion clever and hardworking people, had by far the largest economic potential – just as it had shown before 1850.

·      China was severely humiliated in the 19th century, which it will never forget, and was only going to participate in Glafia’s New World Order as its leader state (as confirmed in this George Soros interview).



In that very same year 1971, the People’s Republic of China, led by the Chinese Communist Party under Mao, was recognized as “the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations”; with support of Glafia’s US hegemon, of course. The representatives of the Republic of China in Taiwan were immediately removed from the UN organization. So again a seed for a future conflict was planted, a trick also used by splitting North and South Vietnam, North and South Korea, and the giveaway of Crimea by Khrushchev.

Forty years ago, Antony Sutton prophesied about the development of China by American corporations. As it turned out, he was right – again:

Bechtel Corporation has established a new company, Bechtel China, Inc. to handle development, engineering and construction contracts for the Chinese government… It appears that Bechtel is now to play a similar role to that of Detroit-based Albert Kahn Inc., the firm that in 1928 undertook initial studies and planning for the First Five Year Plan in the Soviet Union. By about the year 2000, Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill…

And who is to say that the Chinese Communists will not make their peace with Moscow after 2000 and join forces to eliminate the super-super-power, the United States?”

In recent years, it was easy to see how all Western actions against China and Russia – the Ukraine war included – had their unification and reinforcement as main goal. The Pentagon’s 2017 budget was the first driven by Glafia-created bogeymen China and Russia. Yet another Glafia project to upset the global balance of powers is arriving at its harvest time! History shows that the Global Powers have no loyalty to any nation, religion or race, and Glafia-supported China is now simply their best totalitarian and hegemonic model.

This is how countries are used as “pieces on a chessboard upon which is being played out a great game for the domination of the world” (Lord George Curzon, 1859-1925, British politician, Vice Roy of India). Remember that there’s only one player behind the board!



The Great Shift: after 500 years, Glafia goes East     

To quickly recap: according to Giovanni Arrighi (1994), the world capitalist system developed in four cycles, each led by a temporary hegemon, respectively Spain, Holland, England, and the United States. Each cycle was divided into three phases:

1.   An accumulation phase, through trade (piling up of capital).

2.   A phase of industrial expansion.

3.   A period of financialization (investment, mostly foreign, of capital), dominated by bankers (the earlier merchants lending out their capital).

This last phase is “burning hot and then fading away”, or as Braudel called it, “a sign of autumn”. In it, not only the finance era runs its final course, but also the leader state itself. The gradual demise of one cycle would become the gradual birth of the next, on an ever grander and more global scale.

For Glafia’s present hegemon, the Arch-Fascist informal empire of the United States of America – officially “the free and democratic USA” – the turning point to autumn can be dated to 1971. When we take the recent developments into account, including the war in Ukraine, there can be no doubt: China, and Russia too, will be the new horses pulling Glafia’s chariot.

This time the move is cleverly being sold by stating that we will go from a bad and disgraced uni-polar world to a good, harmonious and even Taoist multi-polar world. With ALL LANDS now brought under control, and the Global Digital Prison on its way to controlling ALL PEOPLE, that powerful Western-Zionist coalition is no longer needed and is being dismantled.

The “China hegemon” project


Like practically all meteoric careers since the start of the Glafia project around 1500, either of persons, corporations or countries, Communist China’s skyrocketing rise after 1971 was Glafia-made.  Glafia’s proxy for this new state-building project was of course its 20th century hegemon, the United States of America. Special roles were given to Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, and members of Yale’s Skull and Bones Society, amongst others as US ambassadors to China.

The US hegemon started the “China hegemon” project overtly in 1971, when the visible part of the preparations took off, with Henry Kissinger’s famous visit. No doubt that secret preparations had started long before (the book The Secret History of America’s First Central Intelligence Agency [OSS] provides evidence of such). To recap, the reasons for this project were:

  1. Glafia’s core of dynastic families sees Communism – which they themselves launched and helped to establish in Russia, and later in China and elsewhere – as the best control system for their global domination project. Under their guidance (see here for an example), China has become the global leader of the “Digital Prison” project. Many Western leaders criticize it, while omitting to mention that their own countries are covertly implementing the same system.
  2. China, with far over one billion capable and industrious people, has by far the largest potential for economic capacity – as it had already showed for thousands of years.
  3. China, which was severely humiliated in the 19th century, was only going to participate in Glafia’s New World Order as its leader. George Soros openly admitted this in 2009 (see George Soros interview).
  4. The rude, brutish, and ruthless USA, with its constant see-through lies, has on purpose lost its credibility in most parts of the world, while China has been doing its best to gain – and buy! – global popularity.

China wasn’t the USA’s first big-state-making project: it had also managed Russia’s transformation into a communist empire, the Soviet Union. Then, after the Glafia-planned fake de-colonization, it made all the post-WW2 “newly independent” ex-colonies their dependent proxies, via bought and paid for sub-ordinate elites (also called vassals or puppet regimes). And in fact, there’s no difference in how they “made” Israel, the European Union, NATO, Japan as their battering ram in Asia, the 19th century unification of Italy, and also of Germany, et cetera: as always, they bribed and corrupted the political and blueblood elites in those countries, including the mainstream media and academia.

Is China’s new role a reason for HOPE?


Will an era of global peace, prosperity and freedom rise with the proposed multipolar order led by China and Russia?

The answer is: Sorry, but NO, for the five major reasons are given below.

First, the Covid litmus test: China, and Russia too, knew that cheap HCQ and Ivermectin work, as shown on a large scale in China, Uttar Pradesh, Japan. But even so they suppressed their people massively with such crazy measures as mRNA jabs (Russia, not China) and lockdowns.

Second, read General Chi’s chilling speech (The secret speech of General Chi Haotian). Anthony Hall confirmed this is not a forgery. It leaves you wondering what’s really behind China’s big smile.

Third, the criminal Triads, who had a role akin to Freemasons in the West, have since long been in cahoots with the Hong Kong tycoons and the Chinese Communist Party, together forming a “Glafia-subordinate gangster elite”.

Fourth, a shocking 2014 article shows how nearly 22,000 members of China’s communist elite hold secretive offshore companies in British and other tax havens, which makes them highly dependent on Glafia’s banksters. Like all Glafia’s proxies, they can never stray from the agenda, because just as Glafia made them, it can also break them. Yes, that’s “autonomous” China!

An important fifth reason is the money system litmus test. Indeed, the whole multipolar effort will be futile if the present usurious money system, fully under control of Glafia’s banksters, is maintained, as it is totally incompatible with peace, prosperity, sustainability, and freedom. As long as Glafia’s bankers stay in charge of our money system, there will be no “autonomous” China, nor any other “self-reliant” countries or regions, or a “sustainable” world, or a “free” world.

Of course the new Chinese hegemon is sold to the public as a benovolent, and even Taoist country, “on the path to socialism with Chinese characteristics”. Just as the criminal and genocidal American hegemon was always presented as “the great champion of democracy and free trade”!

Only if we can create awareness in lots of people, if we re-discover our strength as miraculous and spiritual human beings, and if we cooperate in an open-minded manner with others seeking the truth, can this gigantic problem be tackled.


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Connect with Mees Baaijen, The Predators versus The People

Renowned False Flag Researcher Ole Dammegard: Trump, Shot – Or Not?

Renowned False Flag Researcher Ole Dammegard: Trump, Shot – Or Not?

by Ole Dammegard, Light on Conspiracies
July 21, 2024


View video at Light on Conspiracies

What actually happened on the day Donald Trump was almost assassinated… Or was he?

Was all of it staged to ‘earmark’ him for his next big task, and if so, by whom? Or was it a real attempt on his life, brought forward by hidden political forces? Could this actually be tracked all the way back to 1995? And who is Donald Trump actually?

World renowned researcher Ole Dammegard, who has predicted and/or connected over 70 false flags, will lead you through an extremely detailed powerpoint-presentation, revealing the incredible truth surrounding this multi-layered event. Please be warned, you may not be able to look at the world the same way after this mind-blowing exposé.


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Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Ole mentions The Illuminati Card game. See the cards here. He also references the strange video “I, Pet Goat II” which those of us who have been looking into global manipulation for a while will remember from 2012. Before that there was a “I, Pet Goat I”. 

See Related:

Jason Liosatos w/ Ole Dammegard & Cody Snodgras: The 9/11 False Flag Event — What Really Happened, Why It Was Done & Who Was Behind It All

The Bird Flu Blues: The Sky Is Falling…Again

The Bird Flu Blues: The Sky Is Falling…Again

by Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) Team
July 19, 2024



Here comes the rain again
Raining in my head like a tragedy 

– The Eurythmics, “Here Comes the Rain Again”

The pandemic pandemonium machine appears to be revving up its engines for yet another campaign as Bird Flu Mania Redux is being unleashed across the airwaves, onto every screen and into every cranium still naive enough to believe the masters of microbial terror are on the up and up.

The pandemia industry is rolling out its version of stale, exaggerated plot lines and ham-fisted Hollywood sequels that make Grade ‘B’ movies seem avant-garde.

Hysterical headlines fill the airwaves screeching end-times tales of the coming avian apocalypse:

“This could be 100 times worse than covid” – “Now is the time to take action on H5N1 avian flu, because the stakes are enormous” –  “Concerns grow as ‘gigantic’ bird flu outbreak runs rampant in US dairy herds” – “Health warning over new pandemic ‘with 50 percent mortality rate’ after first human death confirmed.”

Running counter to the unsubstantiated caterwauling of the pharma influenced media parrots Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer countered the WHO’s claim that a 59 year old Mexican man had died from this latest presumed bird flu strain.

In unequivocal terms Alcocer rebuffed the WHO’s latest round of fear mongering stating, “I can point out that the statement made by the World Health Organization is pretty bad, since it speaks of a fatal case (of bird flu), which was not the case.” Noting that the man had numerous underlying medical conditions and had been bedridden for three weeks Alcocer added that the man had, “died from other causes, mainly kidney and respiratory failure.”

Lead role in this latest bird-brained episode of the Avian Flu H5N1 sequel seems to have been handed over to lifelong bureaucrat Rick Bright, former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and self described Pandemic Nemesis.

Pandemia Theater
All the world’s a stage, 
And all the men and women merely players; 
They have their exits and their entrances; 
And one man in his time plays many parts

– William Shakespeare, from “As You Like It”, spoken by Jaques

No stranger to the bright lights of pandemic theatrics, Rick Bright was recently showcased at a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) webinar, “Avian Flu Outbreak and Preventing the Next Pandemic,” that was broadcast to 300 state and local officials from 47 states.

Bright kicked off the hifalutin CFR symposium with an oblique reference to this latest viral hobgoblin, menacingly pronouncing it to be a “shapeshifter.”

With nary a piece of evidence in sight, Bright commenced to “educate” the audience on this potential plague with a performance reminiscent of the Mad Hatter:

“We know it can rapidly change. We know it can jump to different hosts and different species rapidly, and change, and evolve.

“And those mutations can help it be more lethal, or adapt, or spread to humans and other hosts. Sometimes because the genetic makeup of the virus is fragmented, there’s all these segments inside that virus, you can have two viruses infect a person, or an animal, or a seasonal virus and the H5N1 virus. And they’ll recombine and reassort. And you’ll have this virus that comes out with some of the best or worst of all worlds. And so we know the tricks of this virus.”

Bright’s breathless rambling of ifs, andsors and mights, coming on the heels of the most massive medical money grab in history might cause one to pause and consider the reliability, if not integrity, of such pronouncements.

These doomsday warnings come from the same pandemic fanatic “man-in-the-know” who in October of 2019 bizarrely foreshadowed the coming covid storm, “But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere.”

Lessons From the Past: Avian Flu 2005
“I don’t know of any biotech company that’s so politically well-connected” 

Andrew McDonald, analyst at Think Equity Partners referring to Gilead Sciences Inc.

For those who still do history it’s worth noting that the original H5N1 fright flick was shown across TV screens back in 2005.

In the original screenplay then President Bush primed the panic button by declaring that a minimum of 200,000 people would die from the avian flu, with as many as 2 million dying in the US alone.

President Bush called for $7.1 billion in spending to “stop the spread” of this fearful, feathered contagion and prompted Congress’ enactment of the infamous Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act).

This key Act, invoked during the covid crisis, protects pharmaceutical manufacturers from financial risk during a declared public health emergency. The act specifically provides immunity, from Federal and State liability, to drug makers involved in the manufacture, testing, distribution, administration and use of countermeasures, arising from public health emergencies.

While it’s not clear if even a single soul in the US perished from this predicted plague, what is clear is that certain companies and well-connected individuals made a killing off these dire prophecies.

Before taking a position in the Bush administration, as US Secretary of Defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld, served as Chairman of the Board of Gilead Sciences Inc., a biopharmaceutical company that focuses on developing antiviral drugs. In 1996 Gilead would patent the drug Tamiflu which was marketed as salvation for the pending avian armageddon of 2005. Gilead Inc., is also the developer of the controversial drug remdesivir that was used in covid protocols.

The avian flu scare of 2005, promoted by the Bush administration, would ultimately be used to justify the purchase of $2 billion worth of Tamiflu and as luck would have it Donald Rumsfeld would make more than $5 million in capital gains from selling his shares in Gilead.

Back to the Future: Follow the Money
Birds have been on this planet, Miss Daniels, since Archaeopteryx, a hundred and forty million years ago. Doesn’t it seem odd that they’d wait all that time to start a…a war against humanity.

Mrs. Bundy, “The Birds” by Alfred Hitchcock

In Hitchock’s classic, while trapped in a house that is being pecked into oblivion by an inexplicable mass bird attack, Cathy desperately asks a beleaguered Mitch, “Why are they doing this, the birds, why are they trying to kill people?” Mitch responds, “We don’t know, honey. I wish I could say.”

In this latest Pharma production there’s no need to look to the heavens for a supernatural explanation. Bereft of new ideas the pandemic profiteers pull from their predictable playbook, complete with tired lines delivered by some of the same seedy CDC actors,  Reciting the sweet syrupy notes straight from the BioPharma hymn book, the all too human actors and their mendacious mouthpieces give away the hustle.

Shortly after his performance at the influential CFR, Rick Bright made an appearance on the Biocentury Show and spoke to the supposed need for better surveillance, speedy mRNA vaccines, better therapeutics and the need to stockpile all of the above to be better prepared for alleged bird germ emergencies.

In that interview Bright went through the entire pandemic preparedness inventory, a wish list every Pharma executive dreams about. In a single sentence the not-so-subtle Pharma lifer gave away the not-so-hidden secret as to how this racket would be financed, “Industry will respond if the government makes the money available.”

When translated, Bright’s coy confessional is an unambiguous lesson in how to siphon off public monies for private interests.

They will invent the problem.

One day, a leaf landed on Chicken Little’s tail. Chicken Little feels the leaf and jumps in surprise. He ran to Henny Penny and cried, “The sky is falling!” “Oh, I must tell everyone!” cried Henny Penny. Chicken Little jumps up and down in panic! Henny Penny looks worried. Soon, Henny Penny met Ducky Lucky. “The sky is falling!” cried Henny Penny. Ducky Lucky asked, “How do you know that?” “Chicken Little told me,” said Henny Penny. “We must tell everyone!” cried Ducky Lucky.

Soon, they met Foxy Loxy. “The sky is falling!” cried Turkey Lurkey. Foxy Loxy asked, “How do you know that?” “Goosey Loosey told me,” cried Turkey Lurkey. “Ducky Lucky told me,” cried Goosey Loosey. “Henny Penny told me,” cried Ducky Lucky. “Chicken Little told me,” cried Henny Penny. The birds point back at each other. Chicken Little covers his eyes. 
“Look!” said Foxy Loxy. “Do you see the sky falling?” “No, we don’t see it falling,” they said. “Listen!” said Foxy Loxy. “Do you hear the sky falling?” “No, we don’t hear it falling,” they said. “Feel!” said Foxy Loxy. “Do you feel the sky falling?” “No, we don’t feel it falling,” they said. “Silly birds!” said Foxy Loxy. “Next time, see, hear, and feel for yourselves before you tell everyone else!”.

– “Chicken Little: The Sky is Falling” – An English Folk Tale.

The pattern of problem-reaction-solution embedded in The Hegelian Dialectic is a repeating pattern that plays out in reality.

This analytical lens is “frequently used to scrutinize major global events and policies [and] suggests that powerful groups or entities engineer a problem, anticipating a public reaction that allows them to offer a pre-planned solution. While ostensibly solving the issue, these solutions often serve hidden interests, whether they be financial gains, increased power, or expanded control.”

In the universe of the Pharmaceutical Industry this is a seasoned and time honored strategy.

In the theatrical production of Avian Flu 2024, the media-manufactured fowl-based fear factor was founded on a mere four “confirmed” cases “discovered” in dairy workers. The primary symptom that sounded the alarms for the Pharma friendly bureaucrats at CDC Inc. was conjunctivitis (pink eye), a catch-all term for inflammation of the eye.

Eliminated from consideration were more reasonable explanations for why farm workers might have eye irritations such as, ever-present dust and dander found on farms, the boatload of chemical residues (from Roundup e.g.) that circulate throughout factory farms, or the ubiquitous dairy farm mountains of manure which release toxic ammonia.

To kick start the next pandemic bonanza the virus hunters, who dutifully serve the pharmaceutical syndicate, call upon the tried and true PCR shell game to hornswoggle the public into believing that another sinister, free-floating microbe is on-the-move.

Known for its ability to be manipulated in order to obtain the desired results, the decidedly non-diagnostic PCR process has proven to be the perfect tool for the art of medical deception and for casting a spell on an ill-informed public. No matter the well-documented history of PCR being used to invent non-existent epidemics and to “identify” non-existent diseases the PCR voodoo is being rolled out yet again as proof positive that this bird flu baddie represents reality.

Truth to be told, identifying The Virus™ is nearly superfluous, as all they need to do is create the perception of a pandemic, manufacture mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, and doomsday models and use the fraudulent PCR tests to manufacture the perception of an incoming alien invasion.

The CDC then starts squawking about another “deadly virus” in order to justify a multi million dollar government handout to a Pharma darling, like the recent $176 million government giveaway to Moderna to develop an “mRNA bird flu pandemic vaccine.”

Voila! Another boondoggle to funnel tax dollars to Pharma executives and shareholders.

You’d think by now it would be glaringly obvious the emperor’s wearing no clothes and that the only pandemic to be feared is not coming from barnyard animals but one of snake oil salesmen.

Whatever their motives, be it the sadistic inclinations of Nurse Ratched dying to jab everyone again; or Billy Bug Gates and Co. looking to decimate the food supply by culling millions of birds and cattle in order to crank up his failing bug and chemical fake meat factories; or central bankers looking to give payouts of fake currency to farmers for their “losses” in order to further exacerbate hyperinflation in order roll out their CBDCs, one thing is for sure, despite all advertisements none of this is being done for public health.

So the next time you hear the carnival barkers of the Medical Mafia and their media parrots whistling dixie about some deadly bird bug ignore their self-serving hype and whistle your own tune:

Meet the new flu – same as the old flu.


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Cover image based on creative commons work of OpenClipart-Vectors

Earth in the Crosshairs: UN’s Link to the Poisoning of Our Skies in Its Pursuit of Controlling “the World’s Weapons, Wars, Courts, Tax Collectors, and Economy”

Earth in the Crosshairs: UN’s Link to the Poisoning of Our Skies in Its Pursuit of Controlling “the World’s Weapons, Wars, Courts, Tax Collectors, and Economy”


The Abstract episode 38 “Earth in the Crosshairs”

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
July 14, 2024


What better organization is there to serve as a central locus of power for a global weather modification program than the United Nations? They are yet another product of the Rockefeller/CFR combine which we have been covering in recent articles and videos. They have been deeply involved in promulgating and leveraging the given excuse for spraying us with tens of thousands of megatons of toxic materials. They have myriad sub-organizations with functions directly applicable to what is referred to here as the New Manhattan Project. A seemingly endless stream of evidence indicates that the UN is integral in bringing us today’s chemtrail spraying operations. For the whole story here, please refer to my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

On September 25, 1961 President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) addressed the United Nations, proposing a global system of weather control. He said, “We shall propose further cooperative efforts between all the nations in weather prediction and eventually in weather control.” This was far from a one-off event and, in fact, extremely telling. JFK made his speech at a venue steeped in the New Manhattan Project.

The United Nations was first conceived in a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) study group funded by the Rockefellers. The plans for the UN were then drawn up in the U.S. State Department. In their masterpiece Killing the Planet, Williams and Howard-Browne write that the UN, “…was conceived to become an international regime that would control the world’s weapons, wars, courts, tax collectors, and economy.”

The Dumbarton Oaks Conference was then held in 1944 which subsequently produced the proposal for the UN. In order to finalize this proposal, diplomats from around the world gathered in San Francisco in April of 1945. The American delegates to the San Francisco conference included Nelson Rockefeller (1908-1979) and John Foster Dulles (1888-1959) and almost all of them were CFR members. Since its founding, the CFR has consistently advocated on behalf of the UN.

After moving their headquarters around quite a bit early on, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-1960) offered the UN $8.5M to buy a piece of real estate situated alongside the East River in central Manhattan previously known as Turtle Bay. The United Nations headquarters were mainly designed by the same architect who designed Rockefeller Center. The buildings were completed in less than 6 years and the new, world famous UN headquarters complex opened in 1952.

President Kennedy’s 1961 speech at the United Nations pertaining to weather control was followed that December by the American presentation of a draft UN resolution which included a recommendation to, “advance the state of atmospheric science and technology so as to provide greater knowledge of basic physical forces affecting climate and the possibility of large-scale weather modification.” The resolution was passed on Dec. 20, 1961. Out of this resolution grew the UN World Weather Watch.

There is a slew of other UN organizations pertaining to the atmospheric sciences and/or weather modification and therefore relevant to our investigation. Here is a partial list: the World Meteorological Organization, the World Climate Research Program, the World Weather Research Program, the Expert Team on Weather Modification, the EARTHWATCH program, the International Global Observing Strategy and the Global Atmosphere Watch.

~ ~ ~

Beginning in the late 1960s, the socio-economic solutions to the purported problem of man-made global warming were being formed at the Club of Rome and the United Nations. This is relevant to our investigation because the theory of man-made global warming is the official justification given for spraying the earth and all of its inhabitants with tens of thousands of megatons of toxic materials.

Shortly after the formation of the Club of Rome, in 1969 the UN General Assembly decided to convene the first major inter-governmental conference on environmental issues called the UN Conference on the Human Environment. It was funded by the Rockefellers. UN Secretary General, U Thant (1909-1974) invited a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, Maurice Frederick Strong (1929-2015) to lead it as Secretary General of the Conference and as Undersecretary General of the UN responsible for environmental affairs. The resulting 1972 meeting, known as the Stockholm Conference, adopted a declaration of principles and an action plan to deal with global environmental issues. It was the kick-off of the establishment’s big, phony environmental movement. During this UN Conference on the Human Environment, the global management of natural resources was promoted. This was to be accomplished through a new global bureaucracy called the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Subsequently, in December of 1972, the UN General Assembly established the UNEP and elected Strong to head it. The UNEP promptly began issuing a steady stream of news releases about, among other things, the pollution of the air by carbon emissions.

Later, in 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created. The IPCC was created to promote the theory of man-made global warming and they have produced a long series of reports that deceive and spin in favor of their chosen hypothesis. The aforementioned creator of the UNEP, Maurice Strong set up the IPCC through the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This allowed the IPCC to receive national funding. IPCC members were chosen from national weather organizations through the WMO with the caveat that they would identify human activities as the cause of global warming. In America, the national weather organization chosen to feed the WMO and the IPCC with both money and personnel was the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The IPCC was to consider only man-made sources of atmospheric carbon emissions. Natural sources were to be ignored.

The founder of both the UNEP and the IPCC, Maurice Strong, was the mastermind behind the global warming deception, and in June of 1992, Strong rolled out the last pieces of the puzzle as Secretary General of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, known as the Earth Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The last pieces of the puzzle were The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Agenda 21. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change defined the problem while Agenda 21 provided the solutions. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change provided the definition of man-made global warming which the IPCC used to guide their research. This allowed the IPCC to establish man’s emission of atmospheric carbon dioxide as the demonic gas that was destroying the planet. The Agenda 21 documents then provided directives and guidelines presented as socio-economic solutions to the purported problem of man-made global warming. This way, policymakers, the media, and misguided environmentalists had their marching orders. We see the legacy of Agenda 21 today in all the government policy and law that is geared towards the reduction of carbon emissions. The IPCC provided support for the science while Agenda 21 provided support for the policymakers. If the IPCC science was ever found to be inadequate, policymakers were encouraged to employ the precautionary principle and go ahead with carbon mitigation measures anyway. Something called the Conference of the Parties (COP) was also created as a forum for political leaders to make socio-economic decisions based on IPCC science. The first COP was held in Berlin in 1995 and the first meetings produced the Kyoto Protocol. The Earth Charter, touted by Maurice Strong at the 1992 Earth Summit, was written by Steven Rockefeller.

Now does their excuse for spraying us look like it holds any legitimacy whatsoever?

~ ~ ~

Kurt Waldheim (1918-2007) was elected the fourth secretary-general of the United Nations in December of 1971. He served at that post for 10 years. Waldheim was later found out to have been a Nazi and to have been lying about it repeatedly. The Nazi connections to today’s New Manhattan Project are very significant and will be covered in an upcoming article and video.

~ ~ ~

Evergreen Aviation did a lot of work for the UN. We briefly touched upon Evergreen’s significant implications for the New Manhattan Project in a previous article and video. One of Evergreen’s ancestors known as Civil Air Transport was formed at least in part to fly United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration supplies into the Chinese mainland, another part was flying the opium out.

Evergreen’s operations bankrolled by the UN often involved the aerial spraying of insecticides in locations all over the world. Just as today’s geoengineers say they will save us from the dreaded global warming, one can rest assured that Evergreen’s global spraying operations were all humanitarian efforts as well. Evergreen has ferried cargo into Africa for the UN’s High Commission for Refugees and the UN’s World Food Program. Evergreen has also supported the UN’s ‘peacekeeping’ efforts in: Angola, Liberia, Mozambique, Somalia and the Western Sahara.

~ ~ ~

The United Nations backed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a 1999 report with a cover photo of three jet planes flying in formation and emitting trails titled “Aviation and the Global Atmosphere.” This report contained chapters titled, “Aviation-Produced Aerosols and Cloudiness” and “Modeling the Chemical Composition of the Future Atmosphere.” The report bolstered lies about contrails by stating that they can form cirrus clouds.

~ ~ ~

A 2004 document titled “The Changing Atmosphere: An Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation Theme” depicts on the cover an unmarked, all white jet airplane emitting visible trails and outlines a program for comprehensive and continuous global atmospheric observation. The authors of this report describe a system of atmospheric observation and analysis which would be sufficient for conducting today’s New Manhattan Project. Their proposed system involves ground based radar, aircraft-based measurements, satellite-based applications and a comprehensive data modeling system. This document was produced by the International Global Observing Strategy, which is run by the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization and the European Space Agency.

~ ~ ~

Lastly, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) issued a report in November of 2011 titled “Engineering the Climate: Research Questions and Policy Implications.” It proposes SRM geoengineering and features a full color illustration of a jumbo jet spraying stratospheric aerosols (chemtrails).


UNESCO chemtrails illustration


Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Find his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco at Amazon. Join his email list at his website


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A Brief History of the United States Corporation & the Hidden Contracts Tricking You Into ‘Voluntary Servitude’


by Jeremy Griffin, J-Griff
published March 18, 2022


 In this episode, Jeremy dives into how this “Country” came to be, how the system is actually setup, and how the world got to where we are today.


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Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:


Hello, my friends. I am pretty excited to dive into today’s topic for you guys.

This is definitely going to challenge your belief systems if you’ve never heard this before. And you might find yourself upset or angry or triggered or whatever it may be. So this is my fair warning that if you don’t feel like keeping an open mind at this moment or during this season of your life, then maybe this episode isn’t for you.

Having said that, I know that if you appreciate my podcast and if you’re tuning in, you’re likely eager for the type of knowledge that tends to trigger and upset people because it conflicts with what we’ve been taught to believe.

So without further ado, what I’m going to be diving into today has everything to do with the history of the United States of America.

And if you’re anything like me, you were taught all about our forefathers, and our presidents, and Lincoln freeing the slaves, and maybe the Revolutionary War. And you were taught that the United States of America is a nation, that it’s a country, and that we should be proud to, you know, wear our flag or whatever it may be.

And what I have come to learn in my own self-education, when I stopped letting people feed me what I’m supposed to believe, and I actually went out to seek all sides of the argument and put together my own beliefs, I have come to find that the United States of America isn’t a nation at all. It’s a corporation. It’s a business.

And when I say that, I’m not saying that figuratively. I’m not saying, you know, politics are business as usual. No, no, I’m not saying that as a clever statement. I’m being literal.

The United States is no longer a nation. It is a corporation. And the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can free yourself, your family, and your loved ones from unnecessary oppression. Because as we’re going to dive into today, so much of what is going on in this 2022 world, which is when I’m filming this, has to do with the fact that we are property of the United States, Inc. corporation. And we don’t know that.

So we think that we’re supposed to have rights. We think that we’re ‘we the people’ under the Constitution, and we think that our vote actually matters. And we think that things are going to get better. But what we don’t understand is that this was all masterfully planned and executed and continues to be.

And so I’m going to be outlining some of the basics of our history. And I’m going to keep this as short as I can. I don’t want this to be longer than maybe 40 minute episode. So I’m going to do my best. So let’s dive in.

We’re going to start around the Civil War, and I’m just going to keep things at a very macro level.

So during the Civil War, the constitutional republic, which is what we had at the time, abandoned Congress, which forced President Lincoln to issue martial law. At this time, the republic was taken over by foreign insurgents who replaced it with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc. (in all caps). This occurred in 1871.

This corporation was later purchased by the banking powers that were behind the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1912.

Wait, what? Yes. So let me recap that.

What am I saying here? And I’m not really saying this. I’m just translating it for you. I didn’t make this up. I wish this weren’t true, honestly, but I’m not ever going to live in ‘ignorance is bliss’ land. This is what I know to be true.

So what I just laid out to translate, make it a little more simple: We were a nation. We were a country. But what happened was foreign insurgents took over the constitutional republic that we used to have — which was based off of the Constitution, which was a nation with free sovereign people, individuals — and replaced it with a corporation that had the same name.

It’s just like when a magician is doing a card check on you and they want you to pay attention to their right hand so that you don’t notice the slight of hand that they’re doing with their left hand. That’s exactly how manipulation is often done.

So the United States, what better way to replace it without anyone noticing that they just got turned into a business and commercialized? Just call it the same exact thing, the United States of America Inc. And this occurred in 1871.

Now this corporation was later purchased by the banking powers behind the Fed in 1912. Now the Fed was created in 1913.

So if you do your due diligence on your history, and more so on the financial side, on the commerce side of history, you’re going to start to put together… Wait a minute. So this aligns perfectly.

The United States corporation was purchased by the same few wealthy families who are behind the IMF [International Monetary Fund], such as the Rothschilds. And they basically purchased the United States of America one year or less before the creation of the Federal Reserve, which we have witnessed what that has done to our dollar supply inflation, the average living wage, et cetera, et cetera.

Hmm. Okay. So let’s go a little bit more into that.

When they purchased this, why did this happen? Well, the US was bankrupt. We went straight up bankrupt and could not afford to carry on business as usual. So they had to do something about that. And so they were in a position where they were actually willing to sell the United States and basically commercialize it, turn it into a corporation.

So when we sold this (I say ‘we’, but just, you know, didn’t have to do with me, but we’ll say ‘we’ because I am American) — When we sold the United States to foreign banking cartels, if you will, salvage liens — (for those of you who are familiar with a lien, that’s basically a security interest, like the bank has on your house, if you have a mortgage or your car if you have a unpaid-off car) — salvage liens were placed on every asset — check this out — including the people of the new federalized states.

Now let’s fast forward to 1933. The USA Inc. went bankrupt. Seems to be a recurring theme, huh.

So the USA Inc. goes bankrupt and an income tax was placed on the people to pay these foreign bankers who own the IMF, which owns the IRS.

And I try to educate people who want to try to have debates with me about paying taxes. Just look into what the IRS actually is. Go deeper than googling ‘ what is the IRS?’ or trusting that it says so it’s a government organization. You got to go deeper. Of course, it’s going to say dot gov. This is a private corporation that is owned by the IMF. Who is the IMF owned by? You got to follow the money. You can’t just search that. You have to follow the money. Who funds it. Go find those things out.

It’s the same people that own the United States, Inc. Same few families and they’re not American. So when I say foreign insurgents, that’s what I mean.

So 1933, USA Inc. goes bankrupt. So an income tax is placed on its people, we the people. And this income tax is basically used to pay the foreign insurgents back. That’s basically how they’re using it.

So in other words, you and I were turned into property, aka chattel. C-H-A-T-T-E-L. Look it up. Sounds like cattle, doesn’t it? Spelled just like it.

We were turned into cattle, property. And we were collateralized in order to turn us, humans, flesh and blood, into a means of paying off a massive debt to foreign banking powers, foreign money, European money, those who actually run the world.

So it’s important to have this minimal, minimal background. You notice I didn’t need to go super deep at all. We’re not going to be going super deep in any of this. These are just foundational things that we need to understand. Because if you can understand that, then you can understand now why you’re taxed.

You can understand why you don’t actually have rights. Because this whole time you’ve been thinking that you’re a person, a person with feelings who has rights, who gets to vote and stand up for what they believe in. But the problem is, is that while you are technically a person, you’ve entered into contracts that you’re completely unaware of — such as your birth certificate, social security number, marriage, etc. that have consented (oh, driver’s licenses, passports, etc.) — that are all saying I consent to being collateralized, digitized and turned into a fictitious entity, a.k.a. a corporation. And this corporation is the property of the United States, Inc. which is the property of European money.

So when you think you’re pledging allegiance to the flag or you think you’re being patriotic about America, we have to realize what we’re actually pledging to or supporting. America is a business. It would be like if you were a really, really, really loyal follower of Apple, the publicly traded company. Well if you’re supporting Apple, well you would want to know who is the largest owner or shareholder of Apple. And that is who you would actually be supporting by supporting Apple. Do you see what I mean? That’s a publicly traded company.

Well this is no different. The only difference is that America isn’t on the publicly-traded stock market in the same way. Even though you can look this up on Dun and Bradstreet, and I would encourage you to. And if you don’t know what Dun & Bradstreet is, that’s a basically business credit — uses a completely different credit score and scoring system. And instead of a FICO, they go off of a Dun & Bradstreet number. And so you enter in an EIN or you can search different businesses and you can see if they exist or the name or where they’re located or blah, blah, blah. And you can look into it.

The United States corporation, the In God We Trust, Cede & Co. I’m just saying y’all.

So if you own something — let’s circle back to this property discussion. If you own something, that thing doesn’t have rights. I want you to think about it. You have 100% say over how your property is treated. And that is the situation that we’re in today.

You don’t get to choose what goes in your arm, or your mind, or how much you get taxed, or any of that, because you’re living as property as opposed to living as a blood and flesh natural being, a child of God, the most high.

And this is literally why commerce and law is spiritual. Because we are sinning when we are not living in alignment with the most high. Right?

Problem is is religion taught us that that meant one thing. But what that actually means is allowing situations like this to occur. That’s a great example.

When you’re living as property, when you’re allowing the system to categorize you as cattle — once again, I’m not being metaphorical. I’m not being cute here. I’m being literal. There are serious implications to these things.

On paper, you are property. You are a corporation right now. And people have no idea.

And before we can get into getting all pissed off, what do I do about it, Jeremy? I know I’m going to have so many messages after you guys hear this episode. All right. ‘I’m pissed off. What do I do about this?’. Well, before we can even get into all that, you need to firmly, firmly understand your roots. And your roots are the history, the history of all of this.

How did this situation come to be? It’s very, very fascinating stuff.

So something that’s important to understand on this topic is that none of this was done with full disclosure when it was being done.

I mentioned that we entered into contracts because we didn’t know what we were entering into. For example, a birth certificate, social security number, a driver’s license, checking that you’re a US citizen on certain boxes, just different situations, right? We don’t understand what these words actually mean. Therefore, when we look at contracts, we think they mean one thing, but they mean another. And even further than that, even outside of written contracts, we’re entering into contracts every single day of our life, constantly.

Contracts can be written. They can be something you’re aware of, something you’re unaware of. So we’re constantly entering into contracts. And what happened in this type of a situation when we got turned into property is this wasn’t fully disclosed. It was somewhat trickery, right? And so because of this, it’s not legally binding. And this is why taxes and many laws are voluntary, regardless of how many people try to argue with me or fight me on that. Taxes are voluntary.

And to go a little bit further into this, I would encourage you guys to look up what fraud in the inducement means. I-N-D-U-C-E-M-E-N-T, fraud in the inducement. Look up what that term means on Cornell Law website. And I want you to think about the implications of that.

Now that you understand the background and the history of the United States of America — which once again, you think we’re talking about a nation, but multiple United States of America’s exist. And as far as the politicians are concerned, as far as taxes are concerned, as far as speeding tickets are concerned, as far as voting is concerned, as far as your wages are concerned, as far as your rights are concerned, as far as your freedoms and your sovereignty and what happens to your children, as far as all of these things are concerned, which is basically everything, the United States is a corporation. And you need to start understanding that and exercising your rights and treating everything you do as if it is a contract, as if it is commercial, as if you’re a corporation doing business and engaging in commerce with another corporation, because that’s exactly what’s happening.

Anytime you, who you think is a person, but you’re actually operating as a corporation, does or speaks to or communicates with or engages with any other entity, you’re doing business and creating contracts. And you don’t even realize it.

And a lot of the reason that we’re in the situations we’re in today, many of us, is because we’ve consented to things that we don’t realize we’ve consented to — because we don’t understand our rights, we don’t understand what hat we’re wearing, we don’t even understand that the game’s being played. The other team knows the game’s being played. They made the rules and they’re playing it. But we don’t even know that the game started, so how could we possibly win?

That’s the situation that many Americans are finding themselves in right now. And no, this is not just specific to Americans. I’m going into the history of America, but as you can see, this has heavy implications into Europe. And these things are just as applicable, whether you’re in Australia, whether you’re in Europe, whether you’re in Canada. Those are the main ones that I will speak to as those are going to be the most relevant tied into America.

So as a natural person (which is what we actually are, we are natural persons), we are in fact creditors in life, but we have been programmed that we’re debtors. And due to ignorance and inaction, we the people have given our sheepish consent to pay back this fraudulent debt, and these fraudulent debts, and remain under control of this foreign government.

Now I’m going to wrap things up in the next few minutes here and I want to kind of bring this full circle so that you guys can understand. On the one hand, you might be hearing this and thinking, ‘we’re fucked. We’re property. Are you kidding me? We have so basically we have no rights because we’re property.’

And that’s true. We are property and property doesn’t have rights. But here is both the blessing and the curse. There are multiple of you, just like there’s multiple United States of Americas. Slight of hand, remember. What hat do they want to wear?

There are multiple of you. There’s the lower case you, the natural person. There’s the upper, all caps. Upper case, all caps you, which is your straw man. And there’s many other hats you could wear to be honest. The executor, the administrator, trustee. It just depends. Beneficiary. I’m not going to get into those, but if you know, you know.

Now the insane irony in all of this is the fact that because the United States Inc. has turned you into property, they are actually now liable for all of your alleged obligations, aka debts. That’s what a debt means. Go look up on Cornell Law what a debt means. Any obligation or alleged obligation.

So I want you to think about this. If you want to be pessimistic, yes, you were turned into property. If you have children right now, they are property. If you got them a birth certificate, you killed them and turned them into a fictitious entity, a corporation, which is a debt entity, corp-oration coming from corpse and oration meaning speak. Dead speak. Yes, that’s true. And you can wallow in that if you want. But is all hope lost? Are you screwed? Is it all over? No. No.

You can play a wrong move in chess and still win the game. And commerce is chess. So yes, you’ve been turned into property. And yes, you’re currently a corporation who doesn’t have rights, you’re property. Because the United States Inc. owns your corporation, aka what you think is you, what you’re used to doing business as.

Anytime you’ve ever filled out an application, they have your name in all caps, don’t they? They want your social, don’t they? There you go. That’s what I’m talking about. That’s you as a corporation.

Now that same thing — their greatest attempt to set us back, to trick us, to oppress us, to keep you in bondage, right? — actually is their greatest weakness. Because since they turned us into property, I want you to think about what happens to the property that you own. Aren’t you liable for it? If you own a car, don’t you have to pay taxes and insurance on that? Yeah. Interesting.

So the United States Inc., because they turned us into property, is actually liable for all of our alleged obligations, aka debts. So this is why it’s so important to understand foundational history before we can talk about: ‘Jeremy, I heard you discharged a car. How do you, how can I do that? Jeremy, I heard, I see you posting you discharge credit card debt. How can I do that?’. Before we get into that, we need to understand the history of this stuff and the foundations of this stuff at a deep, deep level.

So how can we owe debt if the United States is liable for all of its property? If we’re its property, then it’s the United States’ burden to pay our debt. And that is exactly what the law says. So to wrap things up, I’m going to leave you guys with two different codes that I highly recommend you look into and study until you understand what you’re actually reading.

First is going to be the House Joint Resolution Act 192. HJR 192, and I believe that is from 1933. I really recommend you look into that. And what you will find is quite interesting to give you a quick, tiny bit of context. And I’m not going to go too much into it because I want you guys to do your own studying… The dollar is no longer worth any amount of money, right? We know that it was taken off the gold standard. And when that occurred, the dollar was turned into what is called Federal Reserve Debt Notes. So if we’re being asked to pay debts, but all we are given from the system is debt notes, aka fiat money, to pay back those debts, how can we pay a debt with a debt? I just want you to sit with that.

How can you possibly pay your taxes, for example, with a debt? Because that’s what debt notes are. They never gave you lawful money. They never gave you gold. They never gave you silver. That’s sound money. That’s real money. They stopped circulating that. There is no peg for the dollar anymore.

So that’s one side of it. The other side of it is looking into 18 USC 8, 18 United States Code 8. And you read that enough times and decipher what each and every word in there means first, under a legal dictionary like Black’s Law or see how Cornell defines it, until you can piece together what this is actually saying. And you’re going to come to find out that that’s literally telling you that the United States is liable for all debt.

All of your debt, the United States is liable for it. So why are you paying it? Someone else should be paying it. And that someone isn’t you. So in this episode, I hope you’re at least walking away with a few simple understandings now.

Number one, how can you pay a debt with debt notes? Don’t let that go over your head.

Number two, if you’re the property of the United States, then the United States is liable for all of your alleged debts and anything you may owe. So why would you be paying it twice? They already got paid. Whoever’s coming after you saying you owe debt whatever, they already got paid. Why would you be paying it twice?

And then number three, the United States is not what you think it is. Your day to day life is not what you think it is. You’re entering into business contracts every day of your life, whether you’re on the phone, whether you’re having a conversation, whether a cop pulls you over, whether you apply for a credit card, whether you… literally anything, you’re entering into contracts constantly. And many of them, you have no idea what you’re entering into or that you’re even entering into one because you would not think of it as a contract. But it is, it is, and no signature is required.

Words bond as well. Words are very powerful. So is the pen and our ink, but words are very powerful. And all of this started because we are ignorant to the law. And before we can learn law, we have to learn the history of how the laws were created and what the laws are actually used for.

The laws are not used for what you think they’re used for. The laws are used to keep the property of the United States within certain confines so they don’t get out of hand — to regulate the chattel. The laws are not for the natural blood and flesh man.

Common law, a completely different higher level set of law that comes from God, the Creator, is for a natural blood and flesh man. And yet you have been following legal law your entire life.

And that is why you have things forced in your arm. That is why you might have lost your job if you refuse to get vaccinated. That is why maybe you did get vaccinated and you betrayed yourself just for some fake debt notes. That is why you’re having to make decisions with your children that you’re extremely uncomfortable with. That is why you’re paying taxes. And I could go on.

So I’m going to stop there guys. Very powerful episode. We’re going to build on this, but I’m just going to give you guys breadcrumbs, things that are digestible one at a time and we’re going to take you on a journey.

So if you found this valuable, please do me a favor and leave me a review. [Leave feedback at J-Griff YouTube or at J-Griff website.] Let me know your honest thoughts. Any feedback you have for me, super open to it as well. But I really want to hear you guys honest thoughts. As far as I know, no one else is putting out this information. And I’m taking on a lot of energetic risk by putting this information out there. This is not something I need to put out. This is not something that the system wants me to put out at all. And I’m definitely going out on a limb to help you guys. So please help me help you by allowing this to reach more people. And the few ways in which you can do that are number one, leaving me a quality review. Number two, screenshotting this and sharing it on your social media and tagging me in it. And then number three, sending it to a friend whom you know would be open to this information or whom really needs this information.

The world we’re living in right now is not what you think. And the way out of the situation or the situations that you may be in right now, that your loved ones may be in right now, that your family may be in right now, is not praying or wishing on a star. We can be a lot more specific, tangible and practical than that.

And it all starts with the foundations of understanding what is actually going on so that we can understand the game before. And then once we understand the game, we can start playing the game so that we can start winning at the game.

The problem with most people I see is that they don’t even understand that there’s a game going on right now. And so of course you’re losing the game. How could you possibly win a game that you don’t even know is going on? So with that, I bid you all well, peace and love, and we will see you guys next time.

And then once we understand the game, we can start playing the game so that we can start winning at the game. The problem with most people I see is that they don’t even understand that there’s a game going on right now. And so of course you’re losing the game. How could you possibly win a game that you don’t even know is going on? So with that, I bid you all well, peace and love, and we will see you guys next time.



Cover image based on creative commons work of geert_roeffenhankaverzichova


See related:

The United States Is Running Parallel Governments

The U.S. Is Running Parallel Governments. All U.S. Citizens Have Dual Citizenship & Are “Volunteered” as Property. How to Unvolunteer: “U.S. National / State Citizen Comprehensive Guide (Non Citizen National)”

Julian Assange – Do the Trusting Fall?

Julian Assange – Do the Trusting Fall?

by Francis O’Neill, OffGuardian
July 3, 2024


In recent years the lockdowns, mandates, and toxic injections, have served to reveal the true nature of people in positions of influence.

Before 2020 we had a different measure of people’s ethical standing -the 9/11 litmus test. This was articulated in a video, the transcript of which reads,

“Everyone in government and every field of endeavor the world over is defined by their position on this event…By what they have said and by what they have not said, one can accurately judge who is an enemy of the people’s of the world.”

In 2010, Julian Assange told the Belfast Telegraph,

“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”

The litmus test continues,

“Anyone who promotes the official story; who accepts the official story, who oppresses those who doubt the official story, who does not question the official story, is involved or too stupid to pat their head and chew gum at the same time.”

At the Holberg Debate in 2017, Assange answered a question by saying,

“on the 9/11 issue generally I don’t think it is particularly important.”

The litmus test concludes,

“Everyone in government; in the media, in entertainment, in organized religion, in the public eye and in the public who accepts and promotes the official story is either a traitor or a tool.”

Assange’s views on 9/11 tally with those of his supporter, MIT professor Noam Chomsky, who despite knowing better, said of the case for controlled demolition,

I think it’s completely wrong- but also I think it’s diverting people away from serious issues. I mean even if it is true, which is extremely unlikely, who cares? I mean it doesn’t have any significance.”

There are those who consider the truth of the foundational event of the ‘War on Terror,’ to be important, and the concordant evidence that disproves the official 9/11 story to be significant.

As with others who failed the 9/11 litmus test, Chomsky went on to advocate for the medical tyranny of the 2020s, in relation to which Assange’s Wikileaks was notable only for selling masks.



Assange’s comments on 9/11 came after Barack Obama’s information czar, Cass Sunstein, addressed the question What can government do about conspiracy theories? in a paper that concluded,

“ that government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories”


“-counterspeech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories.”

“-formally hiring credible private parties to engage in counterspeech.”

“-informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help.”

Sunstein announced the arrival of Wikileaks to the world in a 2007 Washington Post article and was co-author of the ‘nudge theory‘ utilised by governments during the lockdown era. ‘Nudge’ techniques had previously been known as propaganda, coercion, and brainwashing.

Interestingly, for a man with a messianic image, Assange’s mother’s partner was a member of a child-drugging cult called ‘The Family’. This cult had echoes of the CIA mind control programme ‘MK-Ultra’ that was officially winding down as ‘the Family’ was founded in Australia.

Though there are photographs of a boy who resembles Assange in the cult, he is instead said to have attended 37 separate schools, but,

“If Julian spent 4 years at one school…and the school year is only 9 months long… Julian was swapping schools every 6 weeks.”[source]



The Family disbanded in 1987 following a police raid when Assange was 16. Its founder,

“Anne Hamilton-Byrne … was never prosecuted for child abuse, false adoptions, forgery, social security fraud or for overseeing the administration of narcotics and psychiatric drugs on children.” [source]

Assange then operated under the hacker alias ‘Mendax’ which means ‘liar’ in Latin. He was caught and “in December 1996, he pleaded guilty to twenty-five charges. His ‘disrupted childhood’ was ‘cited to justify his lenient penalty.”

A relationship with the US government is suggested by Assange’s inclusion in a 1994 email with employees from NASA, Los Alamos Laboratories and SEMATECH. His former hacking comrade Pieter Zaitko, who went on to work for a DARPA military contractor, said,

“Julian told me that his graduate work had been funded by a US Government grant, specifically NSA and DARPA money which was supposed to be used for ‘fundamental security research.’”

John Young, an early Wikileaks collaborator who registered the domain has subsequently been scathing in his criticism of the group, commenting that, “everyone associated with WL is a bald-faced liar, an agent of the authorities and the worst of the world,” and that ‘Wikileaks has always been a commercial enterprise hiding behind a narcissistic “public interest” PR.’ ”

In leaked emails Assange suggested wikileaks could run on $50,000 per year but his desire to secure $5 million led to “delicate negotiations with the Open Society (George Soros),” and a “strategy for division and support.” Assange was reported to own 94% of the (for profit) company that owns wikileaks. He planned that wikileaks would:

“appear to be, the reclusive ubermench of the 4th estate.”

and to,

“continually inject our informational strain…. to dominate the culture when opposed by relatively random influences of others… to push our desired perceptions of what WL is into the world, to set the key in which future bars of our song are to be played by the public orchestra, BEFORE it faces any serious opposition.”

The extensive media coverage Assange has received contrasts starkly with the way the truth of 9/11 or vaccine harms is ignored and censored.

Other whistleblowers remain largely unknown. Seeking to avoid being extradited to the US he was forced to stay in London, one of the media centres of the world, in the embassy of Ecuador, a US ally.

During the lockdown period the media highlighted prominent figures campaigning for his release whilst demonstrations against the incarceration of the wider public were under-reported.

Assange is said to have endured a lack of daylight at the embassy -which has windows and where he appeared on a balcony. Similarly, he is said to have suffered constant surveillance but also to have sired two sons in a relationship that was kept secret until 2020 and during which he enjoyed visits from Pamela Anderson. He apparently married in prison but we are told the photographs of the event are too grainy to be recognisable. When he was forcibly carried from the embassy in full public view a Gore Vidal book was not dislodged from his grip.



Assange remains the only one of the wikileaks team to be given a high profile and pursued by the authorities. Alongside dissidents Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning, he has been depicted in a statue that has been given prominence around the world. The trio operate as examples to those in the respective fields of journalism, intelligence, and the military.

Like Snowden, who also fails the 9/11 litmus test, Assange has had a Hollywood movie made about him.

Despite the reported psychological torture imposed upon him, Manning was permitted to pursue his trans-gender inclinations whilst in custody, setting a precedent for the US military.

Critics of Wikileaks observe that its leaks do not pack a punch that western imperialists cannot stomach, and instead they seem to support narratives concerning western targets such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, and favour allies such as IsraelConcerns have been raised that Wikileaks could serve as a filtering system for disclosures and a honey-trap for whistleblowers.

As the Assange story provides a long-running cautionary tale for journalists, its most infamous leak features the murder of war correspondents. Wikileaks’ revelations of spying, torture, and war crimes, expose those lower down the chain of command and address the symptoms of the ‘war of terror,’ but not its instigators or its cause.


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All images credit: original OffGuardian article post

CIA as Day-to-Day Manager of Poisoning Our Skies

CIA as Day-to-Day Manager of Poisoning Our Skies



“CHEMTRAILS Brought to You by the CIA?”

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
June 30, 2024


The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) appears to be the overall, day-to-day manager of all aspects of today’s chemtrail spraying operations. To detail every documented connection between the CIA and what is referred to here as the New Manhattan Project (NMP) would be truly tedious. It suffices to say that their presence is pervasive – more so than any other organization. Their history is steeped in associated people and organizations such as the Nazis, the Council on Foreign Relations and William Francis Raborn. The CIA has been involved in many associated technologies and activities such as the operation of fleets of clandestine aircraft, the promotion of the theory of man-made global warming and the promotion of SRM geoengineering (chemtrails) itself. For the whole story of the New Manhattan Project please refer to my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

The CIA officially came into being in 1947 and its formation had everything to do with the Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): two groups with intertwined histories and abundant connections to the New Manhattan Project. We covered the Rockefellers last week where we only touched upon the CFR, but we will cover the CFR in-depth next week.

The CIA’s most significant predecessor organization was the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In June of 1941, six months before America declared war on Germany, the OSS was set up in Rockefeller Center. The wife of the first Director of the OSS was a director of the Rockefeller Foundation. Similar to some of the first CIA agents, the first agents of the OSS were bankers, lawyers, businessmen, and accountants deeply embedded with the CFR and the international money cartel. The OSS was the dominant U.S. intelligence agency during WWII.

Shortly after the conclusion of the war, President Truman abolished the OSS and placed its operations under something called the Strategic Services Unit (SSU). Within months, the SSU officially morphed into another organization, then yet another. General Hoyt Vandenberg (1899-1954) then recruited Allen Dulles (1893-1969) to draft a proposal for the organization that would become the CIA. It was all financed by Rockefeller and Carnegie. In their epic book Killing the Planet Williams and Howard-Browne write:

“In 1946, General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, as director of Central Intelligence (DCI), recruited Allen Dulles, a lawyer for the House of Morgan and the president of the CFR, ‘to draft proposals for the shape and organization of what was to become the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947.’ The meeting took place within offices within Rockefeller Center. By the time the CIA was officially established by President Truman in 1947, David Rockefeller assumed control of the inner core of the CFR and the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations allocated $34 million for the new Agency to engage in covert activities.”

Williams and Howard-Browne continue, “As soon as Dulles took charge of the CIA, the Rockefellers became the private bankers for the new intelligence empire, and David became an important source for off-the-books cash to the spy agency.” Once established, the CIA’s ranks were filled with white shoe boys. New CIA recruits included John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

Throughout all of this, this group that had morphed from the wartime OSS into the post-war CIA was secretly bringing hundreds of former Nazi scientists and their families into America. Many of these scientists went to work on projects associated with the New Manhattan Project. There is a chapter in my book titled ‘The Nazis and the CIA’ which covers this in-depth and we will be covering this story in a future episode of The Abstract as well.

~ ~ ~

Running a large, clandestine fleet of jumbo jet aircraft, such as that which routinely dumps tens of thousands of megatons of toxic waste over humanity and the earth today annually, would not be a stretch for the CIA. In fact, there is a grand history of just such a thing. The evolution of today’s proprietary chemtrail spraying fleet will be yet another topic for a future article and video, but let’s just dip our toe in the water here, shall we?

As touched upon last week, the beginnings of today’s proprietary fleet of chemtrail spraying aircraft are apparently found in something you may have heard of called the Flying Tigers – which was an American paramilitary, private air force that operated in China in the early 1940s. Also as noted last week, there was an ad hoc political lobby supporting the Flying Tigers which operated out of Rockefeller Center in Manhattan.

In 1942, the Flying Tigers were disbanded and integrated into the U.S. Army Air Force when the United States armed forces officially entered the ongoing China/Japan conflict in support of Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist Chinese. Then, after the dropping of the atomic bombs and the subsequent Japanese surrender in 1945, U.S. troops were pulled out of the theatre. The aforementioned ad hoc political lobby that had previously supported the Flying Tigers, along with some new players from both America and China, then formed something called Civil Air Transport (CAT). CAT was a fleet of commercial aircraft initially tasked with flying relief supplies into China’s interior. They were also flying the opium out.

In 1950 the CIA purchased CAT and the CIA proprietary airlines collectively known as ‘Air America’ were born. CIA airlines such as Air America, Intermountain Aviation, Air Asia, Southern Air Transport, CAT and others were all organized under something called the Pacific Corporation and were all often referred to as ‘Air America.’ The Pacific Corporation was run by a longtime CIA employee named George Doole (1909-1985). The Pacific Corporation ran airlines that collectively were larger than any other single airline in the world at the time. In the 1960s and 70s, the operation was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. By 1973, near the end of their reign, Air America had contracts with the defense department worth 41.4 million dollars.

Pilots of these airlines organized under the Pacific Corporation smuggled everything from currency to drugs to precious metals to human beings. Air America’s slogan was ‘Anything, anywhere, anytime.’ Of these different contrabands, opium was the most prevalent. Southern Air Transport was later involved in the Iran-Contra scandal.

In 1973, the secret war in Laos ended and a major portion of Air America’s business operations vanished with it. In 1974, all the airlines of the Pacific Corporation were finally disbanded due to federal legislation passed as a result of congressional hearings conducted by Idaho Senator Frank Church. Shortly before it was broken up, the Agency’s Pacific Corporation and all its proprietary airlines employed about 20,000 people, more people than the CIA itself. The Church Committee Hearings also uncovered that the Pacific Corporation was majority-owned and controlled by Chinese interests.

As previously noted, one of the airlines formerly under the Pacific Corporation was Intermountain Aviation. In 1975, after the Pacific Corporation had been broken up, Evergreen International bought Intermountain Aviation. Evergreen’s specialty was spraying substances from aircraft. They called it ‘application’ work. Evergreen is so heavily implicated in the New Manhattan Project that we’re just going to have to stop right here. Please look forward to the upcoming article and video where we go further into the formation of today’s dedicated chemtrail fleet. But, for now, please know that the CIA has an extensive history in the ownership and operation of large, covertly operating fleets of aircraft.

~ ~ ~

A former head of the CIA named William Francis Raborn, Jr. (1905-1990) is extensively implicated in the New Manhattan Project. There is an entire chapter about William Raborn in my book.

On April 22, 1965 retired Vice Admiral Raborn became the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In November of 1965, during Raborn’s CIA directorship, LBJ’s Environmental Pollution Panel of the President’s Science Advisory Committee issued the landmark document titled “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment.” “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment” was the first top-level U.S. Government document to state the catastrophic theory of man-made climate change. Not only did the authors of “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment” provide us with the problem, they also provided us with the solution. They wrote that small particles in the atmosphere could reflect sunlight back into space, thus cooling the Earth and saving us from the problem of climate change. Way back in 1965, the authors of “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment” advocated for SRM geoengineering, also known as chemtrails. Although the CIA does not take credit for “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment,” they have produced lots of similar material and they (in theory at least) serve at the pleasure of the President. Doesn’t it make sense then that the CIA was involved in the production of “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment?” One of the document’s co-authors, the infamous Gordon J.F. ’How to Wreck the Environment’ MacDonald, was CIA.

Prior to Raborn’s CIA directorship, he had written an article titled “New Horizons of Naval Research and Development” in which he advocated for a second generation, global weather modification project involving the use of electromagnetic energy and manipulations of the ionosphere. Does that sound familiar? He was also directly involved in the production of machines which can do just that.

The United States Navy, of which Mr. Raborn was a vice admiral, was one of the managers of the gigantic HAARP ionospheric heater facility in Alaska and Raborn was directly involved in its production. Ionospheric heaters such as HAARP are used to carry out the electromagnetic aspects of today’s New Manhattan Project. In 1970 Raborn became a member of the board of directors of a company called LTV Electrosystems to which he also served as a consultant. In 1972 LTV Electrosystems’ parent corporation Ling-Temco-Vought sold the company and it became E-Systems. Admiral Raborn stayed on the board of directors throughout. In the 1990s, E-Systems built the first version of HAARP. E-Systems was also the buyer of the aforementioned CIA proprietary Air Asia.

William Raborn has other potential connections to the New Manhattan Project involving: an ELF transmitter at Clam Lake, the Polaris missile system, an administrative technique known as PERT, and a company called Aerojet General. Details are in my book.

~ ~ ~

The CIA has extensively promoted the theory of man made global warming, which is the given excuse for today’s chemtrail spraying operations. Through their Operation Mockingbird, the CIA has been running the American mainstream media news for a long time and we have all seen the MSM’s pervasive and enduring promotion of global warming. It’s exemplified by all the hot air blowing out of their mouths.

The CIA has also produced reports fear mongering about all the catastrophes that might result from a minor fluctuation in the earth’s average global temperature. To top it off, we have at least one documented example of the CIA funding the promotion of SRM geoengineering (chemtrails).

The CIA funded a study resulting in the 2015 National Academy of Sciences report titled “Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth.” This study was also supported by some of the usual suspects: the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Department of Energy. In “Climate Intervention” the authors cite the faulty and discredited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) data to assert that global warming is occurring. Then they write that, because global warming is a such a problem, the potential solution of SRM geoengineering needs more research.

~ ~ ~

There’s too much to cover here. The connections between the CIA and the New Manhattan Project simply go on and on. But let’s give it a shot. John von Neumann (1903-1957) was one of the most important scientists in the development of the NMP and he was CIA. I have already produced an episode of The Abstract detailing the connections between former head of the CIA John Deutch and the NMP. Rear Admiral Luis de Florez (1889-1962) chaired a special science advisory board of the CIA and he advocated for a second generation global weather modification system many times. From there the connections go into something called the MEDEA Committee, the JASON Group, Enron, black budgets, the global narcotics racket, a second, secret CIA and more. As noted last week, former CIA director John Brennan spoke in favor of chemtrails at the CFR.

A most probable place for the New Manhattan Project to reside inside of the CIA is in their Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T). This Directorate has historically been at the cutting edge of two areas of technology relevant to the New Manhattan Project: satellite reconnaissance and over-the-horizon radar. Satellites can monitor atmospheric conditions and track atmospheric particles while over-the-horizon radar is the direct predecessor of today’s ionospheric heaters which can modify the weather in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project.

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Find his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available at Amazon. Join his email list at his website


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Cover image credit: amber_avalona

The Untold History of the GWEN Towers Military Psyop: Cell Towers. Cellphones. Google Maps. Nukes. Poisons Dumped From Our Skies. Underground Bases & Tunnels.

The Untold History of the GWEN Towers Military Psyop: Cell Towers. Cellphones. Google Maps. Nukes. Poisons Dumped From Our Skies. Underground Bases & Tunnels.


“To tie it all together, we first must go back in time to 1941, when The Five Eyes alliance was formed. The Five Eyes consisted of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, agreeing to joint cooperation in intelligence, which means surveillance, which means spying.”


“They converted the GWEN Towers into radiation weapons, also known as nukes but, before they can nuke us using their radiation towers, they needed to map us. They used the maps to determine where more towers needed to go to ensure full coverage of the United States…”

~ Agent131711, What if They’re NOT 5G Towers? Untold History of GWEN Towers: a Deep Dive into an 80-Year PSYOP


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Below you will find key excerpts from Agent131711’s substack article “What if They’re NOT 5G Towers? Untold History of GWEN Towers: a Deep Dive into an 80-Year PSYOP“. I recommend reading the entire article as it includes much greater detail, many images, videos and reference links. Those familiar with Agent131711’s work will recognize his intelligent research and unique dot-connecting skills, presented in his (often-humorous) easy-to-read style.  ~ Kathleen


What if They’re NOT 5G Towers? Untold History of GWEN Towers: a Deep Dive into an 80-Year PSYOP

by Agent131711
June 23, 2024



In the early 1980s, nukes were such a threat that television stations, like Channel 4, did its part to warn people by broadcasting shows like QED Nuclear War; A Guide To Armageddon which basically told the public, when the nuke hits, you and your family are going to burn to death. Then there was CBS news, who aired A Day Called X which explained what could happen to Portland, Oregon when it is attacked. Meanwhile, Bombs Will Make the Rainbow Break, had children explain to adult viewers how terrified they were of being nuked. Reliability and Risk: Computers and Nuclear War outlined how a simple computer malfunction could escalate into a national crisis, and let’s not forget about Protect and Survive Nuclear Explosions, produced by the UK government to explain all of the aforementioned. Time Life published a show called Nuclear Strategy for Beginners, informing the public that there were currently over 50,000 nuclear weapons in the world, and that is just to name a few. Based on the media’s involvement, clearly, citizens needed to recognize that nuclear weapon attacks were a grave concern for them. Although it was a time of peace, because of the fear of nukes, it was imperative that the US and its allies take proactive measures. Enter: The GWEN Towers.

GWEN stands for Ground Wave Emergency Network. The towers were a network of radio transmitters and receivers installed in the United States in the 1980s as a backup communication system in the event of a nuclear attack. These towers were designed to transmit low-frequency radio signals which would allow for communications to continue in the event of a nuclear explosion disrupting traditional radio systems (keep playing along here). So, the nuke hits us and decimates traditional communication methods, but it’s totally fine because the GWEN towers utilize a network of underground cables that work with 240 radio transceivers distributed across the continental USA (which also work on the same low frequency) therefore military and government co . Praise Jesus! – That’s the official story, just roll with it for a moment.

The Bizarre History of the GWEN Towers

In his 1985 inaugural address, President Ronald Reagan said, “A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.”… but then, that exact same year, literally the same f*cking year, the Air Force began constructing the GWEN towers, which the Reagan administration said were a key component of its strategy for “supporting controlled nuclear counter-attacks over a protracted period.”. These towers were verbally sold to the public as protection against the Soviets who were planning to nuke us, hence the urgent need to get them installed pronto, even though a nuclear war must never be fought

As part of the Pentagon’s Ground Wave Emergency Network, each tower was 299 feet tall (91 meters) and featured guy wires with a steel trusswork structure. Yes, 299 feet, not 300, and each tower cost $1.4 million. The entire system was planned to cost a billion dollars (thank God we cut it off at 299 feet. Imagine the cost with the added foot). Here’s a little diagram for you, so you can see what your hard-earned tax money bought you:

The truth was, citizens across the nation were pointing out that it doesn’t make sense, “Wouldn’t the Soviets aim for the GWEN towers? Wouldn’t this make my neighborhood a massive target if one is in it?”, they asked.

Because it didn’t make a damn bit of sense and government wasn’t providing adequate answers, citizens began becoming highly suspicious of what was actually going on here. To get the public to STFU, the Department of Defense and other military agencies sent representatives to hold public hearings in some of the areas of the installs. The purpose of these hearings was to assure the citizens that the towers were just for Soviet nukes, communications and counter attack stuffs (for their safety, of course) and everything else was conspiracy theory (technically, the word at the time was misinformation)…


The peoples outrage was ignored, hazard studies were hastily performed and marginal at best, and the towers were rush-installed across the USA because the safety of the people must come before the safety of the people because nuclear war was at our doorstep! Makes sense to me! Oh, and they were also put up all over Canada…


What the general populous didn’t know was that behind the scenes, in 1996, Presidential Decision Directive NSTC-6 was penned. This directive designated the Department of Transportation (DOT) as the “lead agency for all Federal civil GPS matters”. In addition, the President directed the DOT to “develop and implement U.S. Government augmentations to the basic GPS for transportation applications.”. In normal people speak, he was like, “I command you to expand the GPS system!” (then he ate a handful of grapes, brought to him by a squire, on a plate made of solid gold).

Less than a year later, in January of 1997, the DOT formed an interagency DGPS Executive Steering Group to investigate the development of a nationwide GPS system. The four-letter group was like, “You know, it would be really nice of us if we saved the taxpayers money for once. What could we do to save them a few bucks? AH HA! What if we could save them money by building this newfangled GPS system upon existing infrastructure?!”. (You totally see where this is going, right?…)

Then, someone within that 1997 DGPS group was like, “Yo! We got those GWEN Towers that the military just blew hundreds-of-millions-or-maybe-a-billion of the peoples money to build and they don’t work. It would be a shame to waste them, so you just wanna use those?”. The group was like, “And those all nukes suddenly aren’t a problem, so we totally should!”.

So, in 1998, with the fear of nukes forgotten, the US Department of Transportation in conjunction with the US Coast Guard and Department of Homeland Security proposed repurposing 29 of the existing GWEN towers. Those 299-foot GWENs were now officially suggested to be used to construct a Nationwide Global Positioning SystemThe proposal document is now scrubbed from the US Coast Guard / DHS site…


Then they started converting the gosh-darn-don’t-work GWENs into GPS’s…


So, we deployed the towers for the second (known) time in 1996, then randomly decided they didn’t work. Instead of fixing them, less than a year later a make-a-massive-GPS-system team was assembled and less than a year after that (which was under 24 months after the second known deployment) we already had a plan to use the towers for a totally different purpose than the nukes which they were rush-installed for… and this is where sh*t starts to get crazy…

The Mindf*ck, Part 1:

In 1998, (yes Sweetheart, it was indeed the exact same year the military and DOT officially proposed reusing those 299-foot-failure-towers that the DOD fought so hard to get installed against the people’s wishes cuz nukes), two men, Larry Page and Sergey Brin did something history-changing… they launched Google.

During the same timeframe, the CIA had launched its own business called In-Q-Tel. In-Q-Tel was a Silicon Valley venture capital fund whose mission was to invest in tax dollars in start-up companies because why the hell not?

In 1999 and 2000, Saddam Hussein was still whipping up Weapons of Mass Destruction even though he had been told to stop (don’t worry babe, he would later throw them all away and destroy all evidence of them existing, but that is later in the timeline. At this point, we are very afraid of what this mad man will do with his WMDs). It was a cryin’ shame those towers didn’t work to protect us but at least the good government found a new use for ‘em.

This brings us to 2001, a year when something nobody would have ever expected to happen, happened. It was not a Soviet nuke that attacked the USA. It wasn’t a Saddam WMD, no ma’am, it sure wasn’t. It was actually a dude, living in a hole in a desert far, far away, who sent his men, the terrorists, to the USA to hijack airplanes and fly them into steel towers so the US Military could retaliate by obliviating his country.

And, I’m sure it’s completely nonrelated, but did you know that shortly after the terrorists airplanes cut through those steel skyscrapers like a hot knife in butter, 3G became operational in the USA? Well technically, it would later be realized that we have no idea when exactly 3G became operational, but we can infer it was 2002 because this is when the people learned of it…


March 20th, 2003: The US invades Iraq. For you youngsters that don’t remember why exactly we invaded this country, there was a laundry list of reasons, which meant everyone could choose the reason, or reasons, they liked best…


97 days post-invasion: Call it irony, call it fate, perhaps it was destiny or just good luck, it just-so-happened that In-Q-Tel (the CIA), while scouting for investments, found a company desperately in need of the people’s tax money. This company was called Keyhole. The story is that Keyhole was somehow developing cutting-edge mapping technology… just like their investors, the CIA, did back in the 1960s. Do you know what the CIAs 1960s cutting edge mapping and spying program was called? Go ahead and guess…

ANSWER: KEYHOLE! IT WAS F*CKING CALLED KEYHOLE! You can’t make this sh*t up…


The following year, while the War in Iraq was raging and the military was trying so damn hard to locate Osama Bin Laden’s hole and Saddam’s Weapons of Mass Destruction, despite Keyhole being funded by tax dollars and used by the CIA, Pentagon and CNN, someone popped up out of the blue and bought it. That someone was Google.


Then, within months, Google Maps was released


And shortly after, Google Earth Viewer was released using the identical technology used to map and spy on Iraq combined with the (GWEN Tower) GPS system. Yes, the technology was now sold to the American people as being helpful tools, not a tax-funded military spy system. Isn’t it to cool that we can zoom in on your house?…


Google launched Google Federal, which is exactly what it sounds like. Google Federal hired managers and staff from the Army, Air Force, CIA, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. They landed a bunch of intelligence-related contracts, including with the NSA.

Researchers on Team Truth began looking into these GWEN Towers, now being called 3G Towers, and what they discovered was shocking…

[Here Agent131711 shares a clip from this video, uploaded to YouTube in 2013]

 Mindf*ck Part 2: The Satellite Photos

And if that wasn’t odd enough, as we looked at “Satellite photos”, we began realizing there were no airplanes in any photo…


How is this possible? If the satellite is in space, surely airplanes would be between the cartoon satellite and Earth, right?…


In fact, there are a sh*t ton of planes in the sky…


You’d think, if the satellite is at this height, or higher, some would get in the photo, right?…

…yet none are in any satellite photo…


Not even a flock of seagulls…


After discovering satellites are actually airplanes and balloons, I assumed they must be flying under the normal level of planes, because how else would planes not get in the photos? Yet that can’t be true because when have you ever been on a plane and flown over a giant balloon? Never…


But the icing on the cake of strangeness was there were no airplanes in airports either!…


No planes in between the satellite and the airport and no planes in the airport itself…


And every satellite photo I could find was like this!


This photo was taken by the International Space Station and still no planes!…


It didn’t make any sense… until today, when it hit me…

THESE AREN’T PHOTOS, THEY ARE A.I. CGI! THAT IS WHY THERE ARE NO PLANES ANYWHERE! This is why birds do not get in the photos. This is why there’s never a hot air balloon tour blocking the satellite photo over the Grand Canyon. There’s no clouds, no rain, no little Cessna airplanes Cloud Seeding. This is why nothing gets between the satellite and the ground! These images are not coming from something orbiting in outer space while the earth spins at 1,000 mph. These images are not even from balloons or planes. These are nothing more than 3D graphics coming from cutting-edge GPS mapping! My mind is officially blown.

Need more proof? Yes you do, because you are on Team Truth and you refuse to settle for someone saying something so outlandish without evidence, so bear with me here: I am not a technology person, but you don’t need to be a techie to understand what I am about to show you. I located this video, uploaded in 2016, which appears to show the back-end inner-workings of Apple’s map system, which is the same as Googles (although I would guess Googles is far more advanced). Whoever the person is who uploaded this video also uploaded another of the same nature. It appears they are part of the development team for the map system, because in their other video they appear to be programming locations on the back-end of Apple maps. But what they are doing doesn’t matter, just watch and you will see, it is all CGI with photos taken from the ground added in: (2:34 video)

[Here he shares a video clip found at Internet Archives]


Mindf*ck Part 3: Piecing the Puzzle Together = Major Revelations

To tie it all together, we first must go back in time to 1941, when The Five Eyes alliance was formed. The Five Eyes consisted of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, agreeing to joint cooperation in intelligence, which means surveillance, which means spying.

Only a few years after the formation of the worldwide spying collaboration, The Federation of American Scientists and Philip Ragan Associates began publishing Atomic Bomb content which warned of the threat of nuclear war coming to American and our allies, and Oh Thank God the Five Spies Eyes was just established because now they could save the people through mass surveillance! (This is the first video they released in the 1940s. It’s 9 minutes long and worth your time to watch the extreme propaganda.)

[Here he shares the One World or None video, which can be found at]

Only four years later, on October 24, 1945, the United Nations was established.

Only a matter of years after that, the CIA was Keyholing and Operation LAC was taking place.

Operation LAC

Operation Large Area Coverage (LAC) took place in the 1950s and involved the United States military, Canada and Britain dousing select cities within their countries with Zinc Cadmium Sulfide, a toxic glowing compound. The alleged purpose, as we have been told, was to simulate what would happen during a chemical or biological attack, specifically, they wanted to know how far the chemicals would disperse. So, to simulate an attack, the nations sprayed toxic chemicals all over their countries. That actually happened…


Operation LAC never made sense to me, but neither does the majority of the military experiments so I didn’t put much thought into it… until today.

Let’s switch gears for a moment.

How Mapping Works

Quote, “Radar, sonar and lidar can determine an object’s distance, or range. For that measurement, time plays an important role. Lidar, radar and sonar systems all include timing devices. Their clocks record the length of time needed for a wave to travel to an object and back. The farther the distance, the longer it takes for an echo to return.

Radar, sonar and lidar also can reveal information about an object’s shape, size, material and direction…. lidar helps read the lay of the land or features on Earth’s surface. Lidar’s laser pulses can penetrate forest cover to record the shape of the ground below. That makes this technology especially valuable for mapping.


The Revelation

I’m pretty damn sure Operation LACs Zinc Cadmium Sulfide was not used to simulate a biological attack and was instead used for mapping purposes for the military and CIA Keyhole spying program as part of The Five Eyes. The metals in Zinc Cadmium Sulfate, dumped over major cities, allowed for the sonar / lidar signals to reflect evenly.


Occam’s Razor: My theory is, the reason they wanted the materials they dispersed to glow was to ensure the ground was fully covered for the mapping… which makes a helluva lot more sense than dousing your countries major cities in chemicals to see what a biological attack would look like when you have no idea which biological materials a hostile nation would have chosen to release let alone where the enemy would have chosen to release them or even what method they would use to disperse them. They selected main cities to be coated in chemicals because that was where they wanted to test out mapping. FFS, the name of the operation was Operation LARGE AREA COVERAGE.

Google / CIA / Pentagon / DHS / NSA / Dot Mapping & Bombshell Revelations

We know graphene oxide, along with Smart Dust, is coming down in rain water and snow….


Smart Dust Graphene is nanotechnology, “no bigger than a grain of sand”…


It can be deployed into the sky by aircraft. In fact, they are now researching having unmanned aerial vehicles deploy it…


What is released into the sky will eventually come down in the rain and snow. But why release it in the first place? It turns out that Smart Dust has a variety of uses including numerous military applications. The military uses include reconnaissance and surveillance…


But that’s not all. Smart Dust is also used by the military for …

… (pause for suspense)…



Now watch how fast this timeline goes:

1940s through 1994: Ze Noookz are coming!”

1995: Second known GWEN Deployment

1996: “It doesn’t work. Let’s use it for something else” and “How ‘bout a nationwide high-tech spy system GPS?”

1997: Converted 29 of the GWEN Towers into part of the nationwide GPS system

ALSO IN 1997: Smart Dust was funded by DARPA

2002: 3G network goes live to the public and most of the tower panel ownership information is hidden from the public.

2003: The CIA’s In-Q-Tel inked the deal with Keyhole for their mapping program

2004: Google quickly bought the tax-funded Keyhole

Also in 2004, the same year Google bought Keyhole, a document was published relating to the creation of “smart clouds” using Nanotechnology…


2005, Google Maps and Navigation were released, CGI programd developed using cutting-edge mapping.

2007reports of clouds falling to the ground began appearing, but were quickly labeled tinfoil hat nonsense and “edited videos”:

[Here Agent131711 shares seven short YouTube videos 1  2  3 4 5 6 7.]

2008, Google fully integrated Street View into Google Earth (combined the cutting-edge mapping with real photos and videos taken from the ground)


In 2009, with strange clouds still unexplainably falling to the ground, Google Earth 5.0 was released which featured Google Ocean, followed by Google Great Lakes.


How’d they do it? I would have to assume the tax-funded GPS system on the GWEN Towers was used with DARPA-funded Smart Dust to map the country just like OPERATION LAC that took place during the same time the CIA was running Keyhole for spying and mapping. I expect that these towers may not be able to stretch across oceans, therefore, to map over large bodies of water, Smart Clouds were developed. …but it gets crazier…

Mindf*ck Part 4: The Final Piece Is Inserted Into the Puzzle


Because of the fear of nukes, the militaries of the world built Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.Bs) and were heavily planning utilization of the tunnel system in the United States, including utility tunnels:

(1967 document)


Was the military truly planning to save the people from a nuclear attack? Or just themselves? Or was everything just an illusion? Or is it deeper than that?

We know these evil doers we are dealing with play the long game. While you and I plan what we will have for dinner a day in advance or we might plan a vacation a year in advance or even set a 10-year-goal, these villains have plans spanning literal centuries.

Operation LAC and the CIAs Keyhole spying and mapping took began in 1950.

45 years later, the GWEN towers were deployed for the second known time

55 years later, Google released the ultimate spying and mapping technology upon the American populous

What is 100 years after 1950? Agenda 2050, which is slotted to be, essentially, the end of the world as we know it.

To understand these evil doers, you must understand that they believe in the Revelation of Method (RoM), also known as The Law of Karma, or, as I call it, “they have to show us”. They believe that if they tell us what they are going to do before they do it they are relieved of all bad karma, regardless of terrible their actions are. The specific method they use to show us varies. It can be symbolism, phrases repeated in the media, news headlines, the method is flexible, as long as the citizens are shown what will happen…


Folks, they have spent 80 years telling us a nuke is coming which will create a massive flash followed by a radiation nightmare.


They then built the GWEN Towers. The GWENS are the machines assembled by saboteurs


They converted the GWEN Towers into radiation weapons, also known as nukes but, before they can nuke us using their radiation towers, they needed to map us. They used the maps to determine where more towers needed to go to ensure full coverage of the United States


They had to release the Google / Military mapping system to us so we can unknowingly help build it using the GPS on our cell phones and vehicles. Each time we travel somewhere with our GPS turned on we are perfecting the system.


They have already told us that when the nuke comes the government will be in their specialized underground bunkers…


Meanwhile, We the People, should Duck and Cover..


Connect with & support the work of Agent131711 at substack

Cover images credits:
Tom.jennings — Photo of the differential GPS gear added to
the Essex, CA GWEN site; California, USA. (Trimble gear).
US government public domain — Diagram of a US military Ground
Wave Emergency Network automated radio relay station

Fire Chief Full Interview | Lahaina Fire Anomalies Revealed & Confirmed Suspicious

Fire Chief FULL Interview | Lahaina Fire Anomalies Revealed & Confirmed Suspicious

by Maui Community Investigation
June 16, 2024


Video is mirrored from original Hawaii Real Estate YouTube channel.




Connect with Maui Community Investigation

All images, including cover, are screenshots from the video found above.

Message From Reiner Fuellmich, June 12, 2024: “…Do Not Forget That We’re Fighting Against Psychopaths”

Message From Reiner Fuellmich, June 12, 2024: “…Do Not Forget That We’re Fighting Against Psychopaths”

by Reiner Fuellmich, ICIC
sourced from Reiner Fuellmich telegram channel


A new statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on the latest events in the court proceedings before the Göttingen Regional Court and on current world events.


Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:


Dear friends,

I think I have a really interesting story to tell you.

The synchronicity of events all over the world is, in a somewhat eerie way, astonishing. Everywhere, things are coming to a head. The fog of propaganda and manipulation is clearing so fast now that our happy ending is clearly visible.

But there’s a rough road ahead of us, at least of me. Despite all the efforts of the usual suspects in the mainstream media and politicians, this past Sunday’s EU elections resulted in the war mongers and economic destroyers losing heavily, and those who criticized them for it winning massively.

The Belgian Prime Minister stepped down and the French puppet of the World Economic Forum was forced to dissolve parliament.

The German Chancellor is reduced to the status of a largely incapacitated lame duck.

Sure, mainstream media and politicians immediately scramble to ramp up their propaganda and manipulation machine as soon as they heard the results. But it is too late. They’ve lost control.

Those who have woken up, among them now many young people, will not go back to sleep.

In fact, it is the young generation that, with their worldwide student protests, made sure that the monsters’ attempts at concealing the horrific massacres in Gaza failed. Not so much in Germany, but in the rest of the world, it failed.

One day before the EU elections, another military raid in Gaza with tanks and fighter jets killed 274 Palestinians and injured more than 700. Even though four hostages were freed, three others, according to TRT, the Turkish broadcaster that has journalists on the ground there, three others were killed.

Since October of last year, more than 37,000 Palestinians were killed, 70% of whom are women and children and more than 85,000 Palestinians were injured; 15,000 children are dead and 1,000 children lost a limb, that is, an arm and or a leg.

Anyone who has seen these images — and TRT does have journalists on the ground there that have witnesses and they capture the images — anyone who has seen these images will never be able to unsee them.

If only half of what the journalists who were there tell us with their pictures and their witnesses, if only half of this is true, then no one, none of those who are responsible, will ever get out of prison again.

The Turkish president Erdogan called Netanyahu (and I’m sure he chose his words carefully and deliberately) a psychopath and a bloodthirsty vampire.

But in protest of the indiscriminate and chaotic horror at Gaza, an important member of Netanyahu’s war cabinet resigned.

And here’s something else, two brave Israeli journalists uncovered through their research that the former chief prosecutor of the ICC, the International Criminal Court, at the behest of Netanyahu, was followed and threatened by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad.

The two journalists were not able to publish their story in Israel, but managed to get it published in the UK through the Guardian and in Germany through [Süddeutsche Zeitung ?].

And the successor of that chief prosecutor was not intimidated and he asked for arrest warrants, as we all know, not just against Hamas leaders, but also against Netanyahu and the Secretary of Defense.

Sure, as a response, US puppets are now threatening to sanction officials of the ICC if they go any further. However, they’re now forced to do this in broad daylight and before the eyes of the world, thus demonstrating that the puppets (the puppet masters actually) are not just standing with their backs against the wall, but already halfway through the wall.

It seems odd that what is happening in my criminal case is almost simultaneously mirroring these events. But I am, after everything I’ve learned over the past four years, sure that this is not a coincidence.

After it became clear that the charges against me lack any substance whatsoever as the indictment was based on a criminal complaint filed by deeply-disturbed criminal liars, the presiding judge’s last resort was to exchange the facts and invent new ones out of thin air.

To match this bizarre behavior with more of the usual intimidation and dehumanization tactics, they simply ramped them up. In addition to me being transported from the prison to the court in handcuffs that are chained to a belt around my waist, they now put chains around my ankles as well. Plus, they had two busloads of heavily-armed police officers accompany the transport. And the two heavily-guarded officers who drove me to the court building wore bulletproof vests and asked me if I wanted one too. I wonder why they didn’t ask me if I wanted my Winchester.

When I declined, they asked me to sign a waiver and declare that wearing a bulletproof vest is a good idea as accidents may happen. Hmmm. I wonder what that was supposed to mean.

In court, my attorney, Katja Wörmer asked the presiding judge if he knew what this was all about. He said he didn’t. But he lied, of course.

Back in prison, the deputy chief officer in charge of the prisoners who were only in preliminary detention (as opposed to those who were here to serve a prison term after having been found guilty in a final judgment) told me that the presiding judge had received anonymous threats, including death threats.

Now instead of investigating this and inevitably coming to the conclusion that this is a false flag operation instigated by those same people who are trying to get my money and put me behind bars, it seems to have been easier for these people to act as usual — shoot first and then ask questions.

To top this, the deputy chief officer looked at me, explained that I’m very athletic and that one other inmate may feel threatened by me. This was enough of a justification for him to transfer me once more to the maximum security ward in this maximum security prison, where there’s no communication with my friends, with all the other inmates, and no opportunity for sport. I suppose they think they defused me.

This whole charade is now beginning to feel like our defense team is kind of landing on Omaha Beach, except we do not intend to become victorious cannon fodder. Rather, we prefer the image of John Wayne in ‘True Grit’ when he, reins between his teeth, gun in one hand, rifle in the other, charges and wins against the bad guys.

However, let us not forget two things. First, what is going on in the world has nothing to do with black against white, Russians against Americans, Muslims against Jews, et cetera. Rather, the reality is this is about good against evil.

Everything else is an illusion created by the monsters who are playing the only game they know, the divide and conquer game.

Second, I think a word of caution is in order for our own protection on this final leg of this war.

We’re all of us — black people, white people, Muslims, Christians, Americans, Russians, Chinese, et cetera — fighting for peace and for a human world with love.

But do not forget that we’re fighting against psychopaths, that is people who lack any empathy and any capacity for love. They, in fact, they practice human emotions in front of the mirror in order to make us believe that they’re humans. But they only do it to fool us and to get what they want.

Remember the video I made a year ago about the psychology behind all the panic mongering and the psychopaths who are the puppet masters behind all of this, who use idiots and psychopaths as their most important puppets?

Well, in that video, I explained that a famous brilliant Polish psychologist by the name of Dr. Lobaczewski and his group of psychologists had found out already in the 1960s, psychopaths lack any human qualities. And they’re born that way.

Unlike sociopaths who lose their human qualities as a result, for example, of early childhood abuse, of early childhood trauma, psychopaths cannot be cured and will, under any and all circumstances, continue to do what they want.

In this case, the goal is, of course, population reduction and population control.

That’s why another psychologist described these psychopaths as aliens who are very good actors pretending to have the human qualities that in reality they lack. And that’s why you will not reach them when you preach empathy and love to them.

Never forget how three years ago they forced old people in nursing homes to die in complete isolation. Don’t forget this.

And this is why some of us need to be in armor and carry the sword of justice to make sure that we will not be stopped by the monsters when we finish this final lap on our way to a happy ending as real humans.

Let me close by expressing my heartfelt thanks for your truly invaluable, just life-saving support. This is indeed what keeps me going. And this is how we will cross the finishing line. All of us, being connected as humans through a band that the others do not even know it exists.

I’m not sure if I told you about these songs already.

Van Halen: ‘Jump’ and ‘Dance the Night Away’. [? from Italy]. Amy Winehouse: ‘Valerie’. Eddie Money ‘Take Me Home Tonight’.

And then there’s a movie ‘Out of Africa’. I think it’s great. Robert Redford and Meryl Streep.

See you all soon.

We will not give in. We will not give up.


Connect with Reiner Fuellmich website | telegram

The Future of Food: “We Are Witnessing a Controlled Demolition of the Food Supply Chain.”

The Future of Food: “We Are Witnessing a Controlled Demolition of the Food Supply Chain.”

by James Corbett & Broc West, The Corbett Report
June 11, 2024


We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad as things are, they’re about to get even worse. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself. This is The Future of Food on The Corbett Report.


Video available at Odysee, Rumble, BitChute


If it is true that “you are what you eat,” as the old adage has it, then what does that make us?

As consumers of heavily processed, chemically treated, GMO-infested gunk, we in the modern, developed world have solved the problem of hunger that plagued our forebears since time immemorial by handing our food sovereignty over to a handful of corporate conglomerates.

The result of this handover has been the creation of a factory farming system in which genetically engineered crops are doused in glyphosate and livestock are herded into tiny pens where they live their entire lives in fetid squalor, pumped up with antibiotics and growth hormones until they are slaughtered and shipped off to the supermarkets and fast food chains.

There are plenty of documentaries and exposés detailing the dangers of this industrial farming system that we find ourselves beholden to. Any number of activists ringing the alarm about these problems. Numerous campaigns and marches organized to raise awareness about these issues.

Yet still, nation after nation gets fatter and sicker as traditional diets based on fresh produce sourced from local farmers are displaced by the fast food pink slime sourced from the industrial farms of the Big Food oligopoly.

But, as bad as things may be, they’re about to get even worse. As crisis after crisis disrupts the food supply, the “solution” to these problems has already been prepared.

New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself.

This is your guide to The Future of Food. You are watching The Corbett Report.

Food As A Weapon

So what is food, anyway?

To a normal human being whose head is screwed on straight, that sounds like a dumb question. Food is fuel for the body, obviously.

Oh, sure, we could get fancy about it. Scientists might talk about the caloric content of different foods, or measure their macronutrient levels. Sociologists might point to food as the basis of human community, drawing people together into families, tribes and communities to break bread and engage in social relations. Theologians may even discuss the transubstantiation of bread and wine and the communion with God that such sacred acts of consumption make possible. . . .

. . . But then there are the psychopathic would-be world controllers. These Machiavellian schemers would define food in a very different manner. To them, food is a very different thing altogether.

To those seeking to rule over nations, food is a weapon.

For millennia, attacking armies have known that a city can be conquered by blockading it. Eventually, the besieged city’s inhabitants will run out of food and will either starve to death or surrender.

The English knew that food was a powerful tool of control. They created the conditions that led to the Irish Potato Famine and then stood idly by as millions died or were displaced, because—in the memorable words of Charles Trevelyan, who was in charge of the British government’s response—”the judgement of God sent the calamity to teach the Irish a lesson, that calamity must not be too much mitigated.” But the Irish were neither the first nor the last to feel the brunt of the British Empire’s indifference to their hunger; just ask the Bengals about their own famine.

The 20th-century example of this “food as a weapon” mindset that immediately springs to mind is the Holodomor, a brazen act of genocide perpetrated by Josef Stalin’s Soviets against the Ukrainians in order to force through his campaign to collectivize agriculture in the USSR and to silence the agrarian peasants who were rebelling against that policy. The ensuing famine killed millions of Ukrainians.

But the Holodomor is certainly not the only time that food was weaponized in the previous century. Who can forget arch-globalist Henry Kissinger’s National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests? This now-infamous document—drafted by Kissinger in December of 1974 and adopted as official policy by President Ford in 1975—argues that since “[g]rowing populations will have a serious impact on the need for food,” food aid to the developing world may need to be tied to mandatory sterilization programs or population reduction quotas. Even the coolly calculating Kissinger was forced to concede that such a scheme would turn food into “an instrument of national power.”

But that was then. This is now! Surely this “food as a weapon” idea has been retired, hasn’t it?

Lest there be any doubt that food is still being weaponized against us in the 21st century, we only have to turn to the latest news headlines to see that this idea is far from a relic of the past.

From the disruptions to the global food supply caused by the COVID lockdowns and restrictions to the decimation of the Ukrainian wheat harvest caused by the Russian invasion in 2022, the shocks to the global food supply chain have contributed to a doubling in the number of people facing acute food insecurity in the last four years.

Given this vivid demonstration of just how fragile the global food supply is and just how much economic and societal chaos can result from any shock to this system, it would be unthinkable that governments would now be deliberately attempting to undermine that supply chain further, wouldn’t it?

Well, think again. From the Netherlands to Ireland to Poland to Italy to Canada to Argentina to Sri Lanka, governments are cracking down on farmers, forcing them to cull herds, lower production, dump milk and comply with onerous new operating restrictions in the name of reducing pollution.

These governments are not stupid. Like the British, the Soviets, the Americans and other repressive regimes throughout history, they know that these measures, if played out to their conclusion, will result in widespread hunger and unrest. In fact, we’ve already seen massive protests against these restrictions in numerous countries, from Germany to Italy to Poland to Spain to Panama to Argentina to Canada. And that’s to say nothing of the mass Dutch farmer protests in recent years and Sri Lankans running their president out of the country when it became obvious that the government’s green policies and farming restrictions had contributed to the collapse of that nation’s economy.

And now, we find that the food supply itself is under attack.

ANCHOR: 40,000 pounds of food meant to feed people in a food desert near Maricopa, south of the valley, is completely gone.
And tonight, investigators are still trying to figure out what caused the fire.

SOURCE: Fire at Maricopa Food Pantry destroys 40,000 pounds of food

ANCHOR: Breaking news out of Pasco County: crews battling a huge fire at a chicken farm. It’s all happening on Cal Main Foods along Simpson Farm Lane in Dade City.

SOURCE: Dade City poultry farm fire likely killed 250,000 chickens

ANCHOR: Firefighters trying to figure out what sparked a fire at a food processing plant on the west side. It happened around 9.30 last night on Merida Street near South Zarzamora.

SOURCE: West Side food processing plant left with smoke damage after fire, SAFD says

ANCHOR: Breaking news in eastern Oregon, where crews are battling a major fire at a potato chip processing plant. Air 12 flew over the scene at Shearer’s foods on highway 207 in Hermiston.

SOURCE: At least two people injured in explosion at Hermiston food plant

ANCHOR: Crews were on the scene of a massive fire at an egg farm earlier this afternoon. The fire broke out at the Hillendale Farms location on Schwarz Road. The Salvation Army says around 100,000 chickens may have died in that fire.

SOURCE: VIDEO: 100,000 chickens die in Bozrah egg farm fire

series of mysterious fires, explosions, incidents of arson and even cyberattacks on food processing facilities across the United States in recent years has prompted law enforcement agencies to warn of a coordinated attack on the food supply.

In April 2022, the FBI even issued an official notice to private industry warning that “ransomware attacks against the entire farm-to-table spectrum of the FA [Food and Agriculture] sector occur on a regular basis” and noting that such attacks are “disrupting operations, causing financial loss, and negatively impacting the food supply chain.”

This mysterious attack has taken place at the same time as a massive disruption of the global food supply has left the world one crisis away from disaster. With nitrogen fertilizer shortages fueling food inflation even as governments around the world crack down on their farmers’ use of fertilizers and farming inputs, and with wardrought and trade disruptions also playing havoc on food production, the global farm-to-fork system’s ability to feed the world’s population is coming into question.

Organic farmers and local agriculture advocates have been warning about the precarious nature of the global just-in-time supply chain and its lack of resilience for decades. But one group didn’t just warn about the current crisis, they predicted it in surprising detail.

In November of 2015—as you can learn from an official press release on the Cargill website—”65 international policymakers, academics, business and thought leaders gathered at the World Wildlife Fund’s headquarters in Washington DC to game out how the world would respond to a future food crisis.” Over the course of two days, the participants in this “Food Chain Reaction” crisis simulation role-played a response to a number of converging and overlapping catastrophes in the 2020s, including “two major food crises, with prices approaching 400 percent of the long term average; a raft of climate-related extreme weather events; governments toppling in Pakistan and Ukraine; and famine and refugee crises in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Chad and Sudan.” The game—which, we are assured, “was built over the course of months, with maximal realism in mind”—went on to envision some very specific scenarios that bare an eery resemblance to current-day reality, including “a steep price spike with looming global food shortages in 2022” that prompted the EU players to impose a tax on meat.

Lest the meaning of this exercise be lost on the general public, the World Wildlife Fund went on to spell it out in their after-action report on the simulation: “Only by stopping agricultural expansion, augmenting agricultural production, increasing resource-use efficiency, and reducing food waste, can we provide the food and nourishment we need, while ensuring we are conserving nature for future generations.” Accordingly, this “game” ended with the imposition of a global carbon tax.

In February 2024, the European Union ran its own food crisis simulation. The exercise—which brought 60 EU and government officials together for a 2-day conference in Brussels—envisioned a cascading series of food emergencies unfolding over the next two years, from harvest failures and fertilizer shortages to popular uprisings and unrest. The war game ended, predictably enough, with the government bureaucrats calling for more centralization of food reserves and stockpiles in the name of biosecurity and concluding that “diets need to shift toward healthier options and away from meat.”

This EU crisis simulation and the “Food Chain Reaction” exercise, combined with a series of government and NGO-sponsored awareness campaigns related to food security—including the Rockefeller Foundation’s “Reset The Table” report calling for further consolidation of the global food supply and the Chinese government’s “Clean Your Plate Campaign,” which aims to bring technocratic management of the economy into every citizens’ dining room—throw the current round of mysterious and unexplained attacks on food processors and farmers into stark relief. Together, these campaigns and exercises suggest that the current food crisis is not a naturally occurring event, but a deliberately engineered phenomenon.

But if this food crisis is being knowingly engineered, the question is why? What could governments gain by creating food shortages for their own people?

The answer is simple. We are witnessing a controlled demolition of the food supply chain, one that is intended to result in the destruction of the current industrial farming system as we know it. But this changeover is not intended to return us to truly sustainable farming practices, with local, organic farmers producing crops in accordance with age-old agricultural wisdom. Far from it.

As it turns out, the “solution” to this food crisis, the one being proffered by the billionaires of the corporate-pharmaceutical-medical-industrial-philanthrocapital-military complex, is being engineered in laboratories and sold to the public via a bought-and-paid-for mainstream media.

One thing is for certain: the future of food will look very different from anything that we have seen in human history.

The Future of (Weaponized) Food

Now, anyone who has been paying attention in recent years will already know the direction that the food industry is heading.

Yes, by now we all know the “Eat Ze Bugs” agenda being pushed by Klaus Schwaub and his Davos minions. I guarantee that wherever you are, in whatever corner of the world you are reading this editorial, you will have seen (or could easily find) a local news story about high school students “spontaneously requesting” cricket powder dumplings in their school lunch or a puff piece about how valiant scientists are working to save the world with worm burgers.

And we all know about the GMO problem: genetically modified organisms making their way into our food supply. We know about the multiple health studies that have proven time and time again the deleterious health effects of GMO consumption. We know about the insane lengths that the GMO giants have gone to to suppress bad news about their products and the insane lengths that the press has gone to to assist them in this cover-up. And we know about the additional harms that this technology causes, ruining farmer’s livescontaminating the genome of the planet and causing associated products like glyphosate to further contaminate the food supply and further endanger our health.

But do we know about the next evolution in culinary technology? Now that scientists are playing around with the fundamental building blocks of life, reengineering organisms at the cellular level, an entire field of biotechnology is opening up that is threatening to fundamentally transform what we think of as food itself.

Moving beyond the simple insertion of foreign genes into an organism, scientists are now working on creating foodstuffs from designer microbes, engineering organisms into “bioreactors” that can be used to grow proteins and other materials for food production, growing meat-like products from cells in the laboratory and dozens of other zany ideas.

NARRATOR: The meat of the future will likely be lab-grown. Compared to our conventional methods of putting meat on the table, lab-grown meat—which debuted in 2013—doesn’t involve slaughtering of animals, nor does it require as many environmental resources.

SOURCE: The Meat of the Future: How Lab-Grown Meat Is Made

HOST: I’m about to be one of the first people on Earth to eat real chicken grown entirely in a lab. That’s right, we’re talking the most futuristic nuggets ever.

SOURCE: Lab-Grown Meat is Here… and I Taste-Tested It!

AMNA NAWAZ: Nearly 90 percent of Americans eat meat as a part of their diet. But earlier this year the Agriculture Department approved the production of what’s known as cultivated meat. That is, chicken grown in a lab.

SOURCE: How ‘lab-grown’ meat is made and will people accept it?

NARRATOR: This machine is 3D printing steak. The goal is to create a piece of meat without killing a cow. And this Israeli startup is one of the dozens of companies racing to perfect the process.

SIMON FRIED: It turns out that cows aren’t necessarily the most efficient way of making beef.

SOURCE: Can Lab-Grown Steak be the Future of Meat? | Big Business | Business Insider

After a near-decade-long PR campaign, you’ve probably heard of Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat, companies that employ the latest techniques in chemical engineering to create plant-based meat substitutes. But there are many more technologies around the corner that threaten to transform our food supply in even more bewildering ways.

Scientists are bioengineering spores that can be inserted into crops and livestock, allowing companies to identify and track food products all the way through the food system, from farm to factory to fork.

VISHAAL BUYAN: We use microbes as tracking devices. So what we do is we convert data digital data into strands of DNA. We insert that little bit of DNA into a microorganism. A probiotic microorganism, to be honest. And then we can sort of apply that organism and sort of “hitch a ride” on any food or agricultural product or really anything through the supply chain. And the reason we use a microbe to do it is because we engineer it to go into a spore, so that dormant state allows it to be impervious to high temperatures and UV light sort of protect that DNA barcode through transit.

SOURCE: Eating Bioengineered Spores

DARPA is doling out multi-million-dollar contracts for researchers to find ways “to turn military plastic waste into protein powder” for human consumption.

STEVE TECHTMAN: What we’re trying to do is to use microbes to take plastic and other inedible plant material and turn that into something that’s nutritious.

REPORTER: The idea is to turn components of plastic into protein and other nutrients like fats and sugars. If that sounds kind of gross to you, well . . .

TECHTMAN: I don’t want to eat plastic either. What we’re trying to do is to take that plastic and turn it into something completely different.

SOURCE: Turning Plastic Into Protein?

A company called Amai Proteins is using genetically engineered microbes to create peptides that taste like sugar but are digested like proteins, a process that, the company brags, allow their product to be legally sold as non-GMO even though, as they openly admit, these microbes are technically genetically engineered.

ILAN SAMISH: Then, we grow the protein. We biomanufacture it using yeast, just like you do in a brewery. We harvest the protein to get 100% pure protein. And last, our ProTaste food technology incorporates the protein to replace up to 70% of the sugar without compromising taste.

SOURCE: Sweet Protein | BBC StoryWorks

And then there are companies like Indigo Ag, a Boston-based agricultural technology company, and tech companies like EY Global and Microsoft, who are ushering in The New Normal Of Agriculture by—as their thinly-disguised corporate PR masquerading as “investment news” likes to boast—”utilizing advanced AI and machine learning techniques to create a revolutionary agronomics platform that boosts farmland sustainability and productivity through next-gen microbiome treatments, digital regenerative content, time-series satellite imagery, advanced crop monitoring and data analysis, and grain quality testing.”

NARRATOR: What if you could predict the best crops to grow using the power of data, recognize crop disease or pests faster, connect with vendors seamlessly, doing all this knowing you control your own data? With data captured from each field and connected to predictive analysis, farmers have an unprecedented view of their crops.

SOURCE: Innovating for Agribusiness – EY and Microsoft

Of course, these technologies will be sold to the public as a way to remarkably improve upon the boring old “food” that humanity has relied on for untold millennia. This isn’t food after all, this is Food 2.0!

Molecular gastronomy will allow for the creation of all sorts of zany and unimaginable dishes, from spherified juices to deep-fried hollandaise to lollipopified octopus!

In the nutrigenomical kitchen of the future, the AI systems that plan our meals and assemble our food will be able to precisely tailor our diet to our individual genome, calculating the exact portions of foodstuffs (or lab-grown food substitutes) we need to consume to meet our desired health goals!

And who needs a chef? In the future, we’ll bring the Star Trekkian idea of the replicator into reality by 3D printing all our food right in our own kitchen!

NARRATOR: You’re hungry. But instead of whipping up a meal, all you have to do is enter your menu choices into a computer and your dinner appears before you. So magical!

It may seem like science fiction, but it isn’t. Well, not completely. The future is now, my friends!

Is 3D printed food in your future?

SOURCE: Is 3D Printed Food the Future?

The propaganda that is being rolled out to sell the public on this transformation of our food supply sounds like the sales pitch of a used car salesman. This should not be surprising. For those who know the players who are pushing this “Food 2.0” agenda and their real intentions, it is obvious that the enormous and unbelievably hubristic effort to replace natural food with laboratory-made food substitutes is not about helping the poor and starving to achieve food security, but rather to deprive them of the earth’s natural abundance.

The end result will be a population dependent on the laboratory-produced food substitutes produced by a handful of corporations and a population at the mercy of the scientists these corporations employ. These molecular magicians will, after all, be able to insert all manner of exotic agents into the food supply at any time.

But to really understand where this agenda is heading and how quickly we are likely to get there if it is not opposed, we need look no further than the story of Future Fields. This company and its product has managed to combine the Unholy Trinity of fake food: GMOs, bugs and biotech.

MATT ANDERSON-BARON: So, today I’m here to talk about the humble fruit fly and how one day it could save your life—and perhaps all of humanity! So, science has given us countless medical miracles. You know: pandemic-stopping vaccines, life-saving therapies. But one of the most impactful things that it’s given us and given modern medicine is genetic engineering of biological systems.

SOURCE: How can a fruit fly save your life? Future Fields at Collision 2023

Future Fields, a Canadian biotech company, has notified the Canadian government of its intention to commercialize “EntoEngine,” a type of fruit fly that “has been genetically engineered to express a growth factor isolated from cows.” This growth factor, it turns out, is an important component of the lab-grown meat recipe, which has so far required the use of “fetal bovine serum” (FBS)—a substance extracted from unborn cattle—to grow the meat cells. But now that the “EntoEngine” has been created, Future Fields is excited to use these flying “bioreactors” to produce the growth factor faster and more cheaply than before.

Yes, from cricket powder dumplings and bug  burgers to GMOs and glyphosate to bioreactors and designer microbes to nutrigenomics and 3D printed materialthis is the future of food if the mad scientists get their way.

But who is funding these mad scientists? Where do they get their support? And what drives these shadowy billionaires and their non-profit organizations in their quest to reengineer the world’s food supply?

The Rockefeller Foundation

The Rockefeller family and their namesake foundation are in many ways the progenitors and the architects of the Great Food Reset. From the beginning of the so-called “Green Revolution” to the so-called “Gene Revolution,” the Rockefellers have been there, helping to move things along with their “philanthropic” donations.

In the 1940s, they founded the Mexican Agricultural Program in Mexico and the International Basic Economy Corporation in Brazil, both of which have been criticized for hooking farmers on expensive machinery and Rockefeller-supplied petroleum products. This formed the basis of the “agribusiness” concept that emerged, predictably enough, from the Harvard Business School out of research conducted by Wassily Leontief under a Rockefeller Foundation grant.

The Rockefeller’s agribusiness model arguably did more to change the course of human civilization in the 20th century than anything other than war. It transformed farming and traditional agriculture into the business-led, input-intensive industrial enterprise that it is today, and led to the creation of the global food supply chain.

But the Rockefellers’ influence did not end in the 21st century.

In 2006, The Rockefeller Foundation co-founded the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, whose stated goal of “elevat[ing] the single African voice” on the world stage is belied by the fact that over 200 organizations have come together to denounce the alliance and its activities, claiming that the group has not only “unequivocally failed in its mission” but has actuall y “harmed broader efforts to support African farmers.”

And in 2020 the Rockefeller Foundation released a report entitled “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System” calling for a further centralization of control over the food supply, including “a new, integrated nutrition security system.”

Bill Gates

Having explicitly cited The Rockefeller Foundation as one of its main inspirations, it’s no surprise that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has emerged to become one of the most important players in the Great Food Reset in recent years.

Gates was an important early backer of “Impossible Burger” and its lab-grown synthetic biology food substitute. He also provided capital to Impossible rival Beyond Meat . . . until Beyond’s stock began to crumble. Miraculously, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust was able to divest itself of its Beyond Meat stock right before the shares tanked in 2019.

And, as has pointed out, Gates is also investing millions into “hacking your microbiome” to reengineer humans’ gut bacteria.

Ominously, Bill Gates has also recently become the biggest owner of US farmland, a move that allows him unprecedented control over the future of farming in America.


Created in 1961 by executive order, USAID is a US government agency that has participated in subterfuge and counterinsurgency operations in VenezuelaCubaUkraine and numerous other countries under the guise of providing humanitarian assistance and, of course, food aid.

Last year, USAID, in conjunction with “Feed the Future” (the U.S. government’s global hunger and food security initiative), released a working paper titled “Systemic Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.” The paper argues that:

. . . a perfect storm of circumstances in which supply chain issues, regional agricultural and nutrition challenges, the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and regional conflict have combined to form a looming food security crisis.

Their proposal for addressing this (generated) crisis includes:

  • linking “carbon markets” to “regenerative agriculture” in a move that continues the financialization of nature;
  • using ESG scores as a way to pressure companies into acquiescing to the nebulous and ever-changing demands of the Food Reset agenda;
  • and, of course, “the promotion of insects as sustainable sources of proteins.”

Throughout the document, USAID’s “leverage” over developing countries is referenced no less than 125 times. Given the Kissingerian food-as-a-weapon mentality that is the very basis of USAID and its mission, the document perfectly represents the kind of Rockefeller-inspired, Gates-funded, USAID-promoted,  agribusiness-based neocolonialism that people in Africa and elsewhere have been warning about for decades.

This list of Great Food Reset culprits is of course incomplete. I haven’t even mentioned the participants in the “Food Chain Reaction Game” or the “nitrogen reduction” schemes being pushed by national governments around the world or the Global Crop Diversity Trust and its ominous Svalbard seed vault or any of a million other relevant players and factors in this grand transformation.

But from this (admittedly incomplete) exploration we can begin to make a list of the types of players that are behind this push to “transform the global food supply” and better understand their methods and motivation. And, armed with that knowledge, we can start formulating our own plans for counteracting this agenda.


Now, if there is any good news to be had in the sad saga of future (fake) food, it’s that the people are waking up to the Great Food Reset agenda and they are not happy about it.

For a trivial example of the pushback against the fake food agenda and the oligarchs stewarding over it, witness Bill Gates’ recent “AMA” (ask me anything) thread on reddit, where one heavily upvoted question put the issue to America’s largest farmland owner directly:

Why are you buying up so much farmland, do you think this is a problem with billionaire wealth and how much you can disproportionally acquire? [sic]

Gates’ answer—employing the fact checkers’ ACKSHUALLY! by pointing out that he “own[s] less than 1/4000 of the farmland in the US [sic]” and that his only interest in farms is “to make them more productive and create more jobs”—is to be expected from a man who has spent billions on PR and propaganda in recent decades to transform his public image from that a reviled tech monopolist to that of a revered billionaire philanthropist.

The response to that answer, however—observing that 1/4,000th of US farmland is still an incredibly large amount of land and that Gates did not explain how consolidation of farmland in fewer hands will transform the agricultural sector—shows that the public is not buying Gates’ PR wholesale anymore.

A less trivial example of the pushback against Gates and his ilk is to be found in the “Open Letter to Bill Gates on Food, Farming, and Africa” published last November and signed by no less than 50 organizations dedicated to food sovereignty, including the Community Alliance for Global Justice/AGRA Watch and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa. The letter derides Gates’ role in “creating the very problem” of global food shortages that he is ostensibly “fixing,” accusing him of pushing ineffective (but profitable) technocratic solutions instead of simpler, less expensive agricultural solutions:

There are already many tangible, ongoing proposals and projects that work to boost productivity and food security—from biofertilizer and biopesticide manufacturing facilities, to agroecological farmer training programs, to experimentation with new water and soil management techniqueslow-input farming systems, and pest-deterring plant species. What you are doing here is gaslighting—presenting practical, ongoing, farmer-led solutions as somehow fanciful or ridiculous, while presenting your own preferred approaches as pragmatic. Yet it is your preferred high-tech solutions, including genetic engineering, new breeding technologies, and now digital agriculture, that have in fact consistently failed to reduce hunger or increase food access as promised.

The pushback against the transformation of the food supply is not limited to Gates and his eponymous foundation’s efforts, however.

Resistance against GMO foods, for instance, is massive. In fact, the more the biotech billionaires try to shove their genetically modified monstrosities on vast swaths of the human population, the more the public is rising up to reject them. In recent months alone we have seen people rebelling against GMOs in TurkeyKenyaNigeriaMexicoPakistan and Indonesia.

All of these protests against the Great Food Reset are hopeful signs. They show that the public are not simply going to swallow anything that is put on their plate.

But even more important than these examples of protest and pushback are the things that we can do to take the Future of Food away from the agribusiness conspirators and their bought-and-paid-for politicians and put it back in the hands of the people.

It involves getting our hands dirty and getting to work . . . but that’s the way it’s always been. And the alternative to this, this working of the land, is, as we have seen, no alternative at all.

And in the end, the future of food is ours to decide. Happy planting!


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Dr. Mark Bailey: “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”

Dr. Mark Bailey: “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”


“The claim that ‘SARS-CoV-2’ contains “HIV inserts” is emblematic of the propagation of decades of virological pseudoscience. Peng Zhou’s team could not engineer a virus as there was no evidence
of a virus to begin with, just as there is no evidence of ‘HIV’. The debate over the origin of the 38 39 COVID-19 “pandemic” has been presented as a false dichotomy where the uninitiated are asked to pick between: (1) ‘zoonotic spillover’ (wet market/bat cave, etc) or (2) ’lab leak’ (accident vs deliberate). The overall story is not disrupted by those throwing ‘HIV’ into option 2, in fact, it helps maintain the virus model on multiple fronts.”

~ Excerpt from “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks” by Dr. Mark Bailey


 “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”

by Dr. Mark Bailey
June 2, 2024


More people than ever are becoming aware of the COVID-19 Fraud, not just with regard to the purported tests“responses” and vaccines but with the foundational claim that a pathogenic virus ‘SARS-CoV-2’ exists. However, the notion that there are “bio-weapons” and “gain of function” activities taking place keeps many people believing that the virus model may have some validity.

My latest essay focusses on the origins of the COVID-19 “lab leak” and ‘HIV insert’ narratives and why they continue to serve multiple pandemic industries. At the heart of it, an examination of gp120, a protein first described in 1984 and attributed to ‘HIV’, unravels the propagation of virological fraud into the present era…

Read & Download PDF


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Cover images credit: PublicDomainPictures

The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel

The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel
By way of deception thou shalt do war

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
May 30, 2024



Adolf Hitler’s father was Alois Schicklgruber, the bastard child of Maria Schicklgruber, who changed his name to Hitler to hide the fact that he was an illegitimate child. Many historians have claimed that Maria was impregnated by Baron Rothschild when she worked for him. The Rothschilds have been known to breed thousands of illegitimate children under different names to serve the family’s agenda. And their name isn’t really Rothschild. In the late eighteenth century, Mayer Amschel Bauer was the private banker for the Black Nobility through the House of Hesse, and changed the family name just before expanding the family business.

Rothschild means, “Red Shield,” which was their company logo. A six-pointed star which has become known as the Star of David. This was not a Jewish symbol, it was introduced by the Rothschilds who later funded the Zionists. And in 1948, Rothschild influence compelled the state of Israel to adopt the hexagram as their national symbol.

In the late 1800s, Cecil Rhodes set up a secret society to preserve the expansion of the British Empire. Known as the Milner group, their main focus from 1920 to 1938 was to maintain the balance of power in Europe by building up Germany and pitting them against France and Russia. They discussed creating a situation that would compel Germany to start a second World War.

During this time, the reparations from the Treaty of Versailles led to hyper-inflation in Germany. And in 1930, as the international banking system was collapsing, the Young Plan was enacted which required Germany to pay about two billion Reichsmarks annually payable through 1988. This scheme was funded by JP Morgan, led by the founder of RCA, and directed by members of the Milner group. It broke the German economy.

In 1933, Hitler secured funding from the Bank of England, which was run by the Rothschild banking dynasty. This deal was brokered by John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, who later headed the CIA.

With initial funding from the Rothschild bank of England, Germany invaded Poland and received additional funding from the Bush family’s Brown Brothers Harriman. The Germans were fueled by Standard Oil and supported by Ford, General Electric, DuPont, and IBM, all of which profited greatly from the war.

World War Two accomplished the stated goals of the Milner Group, it made the banks and their cronies even richer, and it directly led to the creation of the United Nations, and Israel.

Theodor Herzl, the founder of the Zionist movement, was not a religious Jew. Officially he was an atheist, but more likely he was an occultist agent of the Rothschilds. He was no fan of the Jews. In his own words he sympathized with anti Jewish sentiment. His original plan was to have them all convert to Catholicism. And when that failed, he decided they should be expelled from Europe.

In 1933, the Haavara Agreement, or “transfer agreement,” was made between Nazi Germany and the Zionists wherein German Jews would be sent to Palestine. Non-Zionist Jews did not want to leave, and so the NAZIs encouraged them through persecution.

In 1917, the British Government announced its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, known as the Balfour Declaration, and seized control of the land. After the second world war, with Holocaust propaganda used as the catalyst, this land was gifted to the Zionists from the British, and the state of Israel was officially created.

Between 1947 and 1949, the Zionists murdered the locals, destroyed hundreds of villages, and expelled more than seven-hundred-thousand Palestinians. A savage invasion celebrated every May 15th known as, Nakba Day.

Before Zionism created the state of Israel, Jews did not have a common language or nationality, and they were not considered to be a race.

The historical record tells us that the Khazars were known for starting wars through deception. And about seven hundred years ago, they all converted to Judaism. These are the Ashkenazi Jews who later became Zionists, and persecuted the Sephardic Jews of Palestine. They do not follow the teachings of the Torah, they follow the Talmud, ancient teachings that can be described as anti-christian or satanic. The motto of Israeli Mossad “By way of deception thou shalt do war,” really sums up the nature of Zionism, which includes Evangelical Christians and certain sects of Islam. With eighty percent of the world being religious, religion is the easiest way to ignite war. Which is what the central banks always want.


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Vera Sharav on the Debasement of Human Life Today and Obedience Leading to Slavery

Vera Sharav on the Debasement of Human Life Today and Obedience Leading to Slavery

by Vera Sharav, Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP)

sourced from AHRP Newsletter
May 30, 2024


Greetings fellow lovers of freedom,

Over the Memorial Day weekend here in NYC, I attended and spoke at a protest regarding the World Health Organization. Not enough of us showed up, but wow, what a fierce group of freedom fighters. Citizens around the world must open their eyes to the damage that WHO continues to do. They must be stopped!

Here is a short excerpt from my speech:

The declared, but fake pandemic was a ruse – an excuse to issue draconian lockdown directives that caused irreparable harm. Forbidding doctors to prescribe life-saving medicines was an intentional medical crime

The debasement of human life today – and the evisceration of moral values and standards—bears a chilling similarity to the culture that facilitated the genocidal operations of the Holocaust.

Once again, systematic indoctrination and incessant media propaganda has gained 
the support of the medical profession, and prestigious medical-scientific institutions to participate in crimes against humanity.

The 1947 UN Charter bestows legal immunity from all legal liability for the UN and for each of its agencies. Neither the UN nor any of its agencies can be taken to court over any subject matter – in any country.

Obedience is the gateway to slavery. We must never ignore government infringements on our freedom and our constitutionally protected rights—
or to ignore the infringement of our neighbors’ rights.

Failure to speak up is to facilitate a Totalitarian dictatorship.

I also recently had a dynamic conversation with Canadian investigative journalist Dan Fournier. We spoke about science vs. scientism, and more! Link below. Again, I think it’s important that we all keep having conversations, whether in person or virtual, whether we agree or disagree, let’s keep talking and figuring out ways to move forward together.–60031521

In June, I plan to announce a new documentary film that my team and I have been working on. I’m very excited about it. More on that very soon…

Wherever you are in the world reading this, I’m grateful for your contribution whether as an information seeker, an activist, a dreamer, whether you are injured or your loved ones are injured, whether you are out there in the trenches, whether you’re a whistleblower or a donor (yes, we need your help for those who can.) Thank you all. We will win these collective battles together. We must.

Never Give In, Never Give Up


Vera Sharav is founder and president of The Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP), a national network of lay people and professionals who are committed to upholding the humanitarian values and ethical standards of medicine enshrined in the Hippocratic Oath: “First, do no harm”; the Nuremberg Code (1947): “The Voluntary informed consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”; and the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005): “Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information.” Read Vera’s bio here.


Connect with Vera Sharav at AHRP

Hailstones by Acme?

Hailstones by Acme?

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
originally published May 15, 2024


Every now and then I receive a story – or in the very rare instance, a video – that is so  bizarre and “out there” that I just have to blog about it, even if it means violating my own “no videos” rule. That’s the case with today’s blog about a video that was shared by V.T., because this is so out there that I simply have to add my two cents’ worth of extremely high octane speculation.

Indeed, today’s speculation is a sprint to the end of the twig of the speculation tree and altogether off the twig into a Wile E. Coyote nosedive into a very deep canyon. In this case, the “Anvil by Acme” is the hailstone itself.

As most of you are aware, much of this country has been having what seems like wave after wave of unstable atmospheric conditions, with accompanying wave after wave of severe storms. I can remember a time when the weather forecasts distinguished between thunder showers and thunderstorms, and even a time when not every thunderstorm was more often than not going to be a severe weather event. Not so any more: if there’s a thunderstorm headed your way, the likelihood is that  – these days – it will be severe.  And as for thunder showers, they just don’t seem to happen any more. In the past two weeks, for example, Shiloh and I have had to take shelter in our storm shelter five times, and each time for more than three hours. This is, decidedly, not fun. In Oklahoma and Tennessee whole towns have been wiped off the map and in other states, like today’s example from North Carolina, we’ve seen bombardments by hail…

… hail it seems that has been made and manufactured and distributed by Acme:


Now there’s just plain odd behavior here. Clearly, for a moment, the hail appears to melt, but, as one can see from the video, there are scorch marks on the hail, and this implies that there is a chemical composition to this hailstone that goes beyond mere water. In fact, to my eyes, it looks like the hailstone is, at least to some extent, plastic.

So I have two very high octane speculations to advance here: am I the only one, or do others genuinely have the same impression that the thundershowers that I recall from my youth and its weather predictions on the news, are all but vanished? When was the last time you remember a weather prediction for thunder showers? Did the category disappear? Or is something else going on? Are “they”, for example, out of an abundance of caution, deciding to treat every thunder shower as it if is a thunderstorm and capable of becoming a severe weather event? or is the weather, in fact, becoming more severe? I suspect the latter, but it’s a question I genuinely have. I cannot think of any rationale for changing categories and definitions of those categories out of an abundance of caution, for such an effort would seem to be self-defeating in the long run; we all know the scenario: the more the boy cried wolf, the less seriously he was taken, and then the wolf really showed up, but the help did not; no one wished to be taken in any more.

So now we have (apparently) a hailstone in North Carolina that does not appear to want to melt in an ordinary fashion, and after a little dripping under a flame, appears to take on scorching marks. As I noted above, this suggests some sort of chemical composition to me, beyond mere water, and I am bold to suggest that perhaps we are looking at the weather equivalent of the nanotechnology alleged to have been covertly placed in some of the cofib planscamdemic clot shots: a nano-plastic that can be activated and agglutinated under certain conditions of electrical stress, such as within the human body, or such as within the plasma conditions of a thunderstorm and its electrical events.

Now if that wild and woolly idea has any traction at all, then it leads us to yet another implication, one even more disturbing: is the purpose or motivation in creating such things quite literally to create mimicry of biblical plagues of hailstones? is the purpose, literally, to create a means of kinetic bombardment by making “hailstones” that will fall from the sky and damage or destroy crops, or homes, or livestock, or people? Spray enough crud into the atmosphere, and by itself it is merely a bunch of particulate crud, that, with the right recipe, might fall to earth and be absorbed into the food supply and thence into the body for whatever nefarious purpose one has cooked up. But turn on the electricity, let it congeal into big hailstones, and commencer le bombardement.

I don’t know, but what I do know is that under the doctrine of mens rea, the globaloneyists have made their murderous intentions quite clear, so bombardments of hailstones? I put nothing past them…

…See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: DerTobiSturmjagd


See Related:

More Evidence That All Of Life Is Contaminated With Plastic Polymers: “UNM Researchers Find Microplastics in Canine and Human Testicular Tissue” — And Associated Lower Sperm Count

Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal

Our Geoengineered Skies: Evidence Points to the MITRE Corporation & New Manhattan Project

The Polymerization (Clotting) of Blood : A Model

Polymer Rain, 90 Second Alert


How the WHO Plans to Take Over the World

How the WHO Plans to Take Over the World

by Health Freedom Defense Fund Team
March 20, 2024


The World Health Organization (WHO) is set to convene the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting for May 27 – June 1, 2024 at the plush InterContinental Hotel in Geneva, Switzerland.

This in-person meeting of the WHA, the decision-making body of WHO, will bring together senior representatives from governments, multilateral organizations, and the private sector to discuss two international legal instruments intended to increase WHO’s authority in identifying and managing health emergencies.

The two documents, (1) Amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR), and (2) A Pandemic Treaty, termed ‘ÇA+’ by the WHO, when viewed together in the context of the globalist pandemic preparedness agenda represent an ambitious attempt towards monopoly power in global health governance.

These two instruments, the Pandemic Treaty and the IHR Amendments, are designed to operate in concert and consolidate the influence of the WHO as the world’s “global health authority.” If adopted and approved by member states these proposals would bring about significant changes in how the WHO operates.

The draft IHR amendments would lay out new powers for the WHO during health emergencies, and broaden the context within which they can be used. The draft CA+ (‘treaty’) if implemented would support the bureaucracy, financing and governance that underpins the expanded IHR amendments.

Under the guise of a “One Health” approach these proposals and amendments would grant the WHO sweeping powers, under its Director General, in the arena of health management and broaden the WHO’s reach into areas of governance on food economies, the environment and issues surrounding allocation of national resources.

If implemented, the IHR Amendments and the Pandemic Treaty working in tandem would grant administrative authority to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats at the WHO.

These unilateral, wide-ranging decisions would assuredly benefit those who work for the various public-private partnerships that control the financial and political machinery of the WHO.

While there are countless reasons this latest hijacking of power by the WHO must be opposed, the list below highlights some of the primary concerns and consequences entailed in the IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty:

  • Changes the existing IHR provisions from non-binding “advice” to legally binding regulations;
  • Allows the WHO to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) which can oblige national governments to “undertake” border closures, lockdown of individuals, mandated medical examinations and vaccination;
  • Expands the WHO Director General’s (DG) authority to unilaterally declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC);
  • Empowers Regional Directors to declare regional public health emergencies;
  • Expands the definitions of what constitutes pandemics and health emergencies;
  • Maintain a perpetually operative pandemic preparedness bureaucracy through the development of a “framework convention” that would establish a new $30 billion per year international health authority. This new global health bureaucracy would choreograph the WHO’s role in developing global “allocation plans for health products” (including vaccines);
  • Require member States to support censorship and suppression of information that diverges or dissents from WHO opinions and directives;
  • Sets up wide-ranging health surveillance systems in all member States, which WHO will monitor regularly through administrative mechanisms;
  • Gives WHO control over some measure of country resources, including requirements for financial contributions to fund “capacity building and “technical assistance” structures by requiring a percentage of national health budgets be devoted to health emergencies as defined by the WHO;
  • Removal of a clause that required regulations must be in accordance “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons”, and replacing it with a new clause that reads regulations shall be “based on the principles of equity, inclusivity, coherence and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities of the States Parties, taking into consideration their social and economic development”;
  • Expands WHO’s scope by emphasizing a ‘One Health’ agenda which includes a broad range of health, economic, social and political life which impact health, and therefore fall under the dictates of a declared international health emergency.

In addition to creating a multi-billion dollar self-perpetuating pandemic-preparedness industry, which will fund itself by looting the world’s taxpayers, this latest power grab by the WHO and its globalist sponsors represents a fundamental threat to national, medical and bodily autonomy and is a clear and present danger to the citizens of the world.

This entire process under which unelected delegates negotiate terms and conditions which would place people at the mercy of medical officers, public health bureaucrats and health enforcement gendarmes, who will be immune to any penalty for any acts carried out in the name of “public good,” stands in direct opposition to, and are in direct violation of informed consent and stands in direct opposition to multiple long-standing national and international principles of medical ethics such as:

The Nuremberg Code of 1947: ′′The consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights resumed this ban against unintentional experimentation, in its 1966 text, which states: no one may be subjected without his consent to medical or scientific experiment.”

The Geneva statement for doctors from 1948: “I will respect the autonomy and dignity of my patient. I will not use my medical knowledge to infringe human rights and civil liberties, even under force. I will keep absolute respect for human life, from conception. I will consider my patient’s health as my first concern.”

The Declaration of Geneva of the World Medical Association that binds the physician with the words, “The health of my patient will be my first consideration,” and the International Code of Medical Ethics declares that, “A physician shall act only in the patient’s interest when providing medical care which might have the effect of weakening the physical and mental condition of the patient.”

The Belmont Report on voluntariness which asserts, “[the] element of informed consent requires conditions free of coercion and undue influence. Coercion occurs when an overt threat of harm is intentionally presented by one person to another in order to obtain compliance. Undue influence, by contrast, occurs through an offer of an excessive, unwarranted, inappropriate or improper reward or other overture in order to obtain compliance.

Unjustifiable pressures usually occur when persons in positions of authority or commanding influence — especially where possible sanctions are involved — urge a course of action for a subject.”

UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights in 2005: “to provide a universal framework of principles and procedures to guide States in the formulation of their legislation, policies or other instruments in the field of bioethics [and to] promote respect for human dignity and protect human rights, by ensuring respect for the life of human beings, and fundamental freedoms, consistent with international human rights law.”

The World Health Organization, a UN agency with no national legal oversight and no legal accountability at all, seeks to establish itself as global health dictator by demanding member States respond to perceived threats through autocratic decrees formulated and given by the WHO which are certain to accrue profits and power to its corporate sponsors.

Make no mistake, whatever bylines and selling points the WHO offers, be it called “treaty,” “agreement” or “accord,”the practical intent and desired effect of this latest autocratic assault on our rights is to create the legal and financial basis for an internationally coordinated bio-surveillance regime that will significantly strengthen the authority of the World Health Organisation.

The historical precedence of coercive and oppressive actions seen throughout the Covid-19 crisis provides a clear warning to all and demonstrates that the WHO will assuredly attempt to leverage the Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments to gain monopoly power through a global health governance pact that will inevitably result in global health despotism.

The WHO Pandemic Treaty which creates a world of “declared pandemics” and rolling “perpetual lockdowns” that will take away people’s inalienable human rights and bodily autonomy must be rebuked by all citizens of the world and formally rejected by all local, state, regional and national governments of the world.


Connect with Health Freedom Defense Fund

Cover image based on creative commons work of: Wikingo_Design

More Evidence That All Of Life Is Contaminated With Plastic Polymers: “UNM Researchers Find Microplastics in Canine and Human Testicular Tissue” — And Associated Lower Sperm Count

More Evidence That All Of Life Is Contaminated With Plastic Polymers: “UNM Researchers Find Microplastics in Canine and Human Testicular Tissue” — And Associated Lower Sperm Count

by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD



I have discussed extensively that the scientific community is gaslighting everyone by claiming that microplastics are from environmental pollution from degraded plastics. The polymers found are the same seen in the blood polyethlene and polyvinyl alcohol.

But remember, these same microplastics were found in the placenta, but also in the Moderna patent and the chemical signatures in C19 injected and uninjected blood:

Damning New Research Study Finds Self Assembly Plastic Polymer Nanoparticles In Every Placenta

These same polymers are mentioned in geoengineering patents:

Smart Dust, Biosensors, Polymers For Geoengineering And The Multinational Corporations That Manufacture Them

If have previously shown that there are correlations between the chemicals found from geoengineering operations and the C19 shots:

Chemical Analysis Comparison of Hydrogel Filaments from C19 Shots and Environmental Geoengineering Sources – Project What Happened to Humanities Blood?

Microplastics – aka Nanotechnological Self Assembly Polymers – Are Everywhere – Poisoning Our Biosphere, Food Supply And Humans

We also know there is increased risk of vascular diseases:

New England Journal Of Medicine Microplastics Article Shows Higher Risk Of Heart Attacks, Stroke And Death

These polymers are also associated with turbo cancers and all diseases of aging:

Self Assembly Nanotechnology Microplastic Polymers Contributing To Turbo Cancers, Accelerated Aging And All Diseases

I have previously explained how phthalates are the breakdown products of these polymers:

C19 Vax Analysis Shows Dozens Of Toxic Phthalates That Have Been Associated With Endocrine Disruption And Death From Heart Disease

And how come the entire biosphere is being contaminated with these microplastics? Because it is sprayed via chemtrails, otherwise there is no way you would find the same polymers in snow on the highest mountains on earth and even in the Arctic. GEOENGINEERING OPERATIONS ENDANGER ALL LIFE ON EARTH.

As I have said so many times before, you cannot ensure the survival of the human species by just working to ban the C19 biological and technological weapons of mass destruction. The same poison that self assembles in the blood and they call microplastics is being inhaled by every living thing on earth, flora and fauna, animals and humans alike. Everything is contaminated and dying because of covert military aerial spraying. Chemtrails are GENOCIDE for our entire planet.

White and wonderful? Microplastics prevail in snow from the Alps to the Arctic

Microplastics (MPs) are ubiquitous, and considerable quantities prevail even in the Arctic; however, there are large knowledge gaps regarding pathways to the North. To assess whether atmospheric transport plays a role, we analyzed snow samples from ice floes in Fram Strait. For comparison, we investigated snow samples from remote (Swiss Alps) and populated (Bremen, Bavaria) European sites. MPs were identified by Fourier transform infrared imaging in 20 of 21 samples. The MP concentration of Arctic snow was significantly lower (0 to 14.4 × 103 N liter−1) than European snow (0.19 × 103 to 154 × 103 N liter−1) but still substantial. Polymer composition varied strongly, but varnish, rubber, polyethylene, and polyamide dominated overall. Most particles were in the smallest size range indicating large numbers of particles below the detection limit of 11 μm. Our data highlight that atmospheric transport and deposition can be notable pathways for MPs meriting more research.

Here is the original publication and abstract that shows fertility once again impacted in humans and dogs:

Microplastic presence in dog and human testis and its potential association with sperm count and weights of testis and epididymis

The ubiquitous existence of microplastics and nanoplastics raises concerns about their potential impact on the human reproductive system. Limited data exists on microplastics within the human reproductive system and their potential consequences on sperm quality. Our objectives were to quantify and characterize the prevalence and composition of microplastics within both canine and human testes and investigate potential associations with the sperm count, and weights of testis and epididymis. Using advanced sensitive Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS), we quantified 12 types of microplastics within 47 canine and 23 human testes. Data on reproductive organ weights, and sperm count in dogs were collected. Statistical analyses, including descriptive analysis, correlational analysis, and multivariate linear regression analyses were applied to investigate the association of microplastics with reproductive functions. Our study revealed the presence of microplastics in all canine and human testes, with significant inter-individual variability. Mean total microplastic levels were 122.63 µg/g in dogs and 328.44 µg/g in humans. Both humans and canines exhibit relatively similar proportions of the major polymer types, with PE being dominant. Furthermore, a negative correlation between specific polymers such as PVC and PET and the normalized weight of the testis was observed. These findings highlight the pervasive presence of microplastics in the male reproductive system in both canine and human testes, with potential consequences on male fertility.

Here is the write up

UNM Researchers Find Microplastics in Canine and Human Testicular Tissue

“Our study revealed the presence of microplastics in all human and canine testes,” Yu said. The team was also able to quantify the amount of microplastics in the tissue samples using a novel analytical method that revealed correlations between certain types of plastic and reduced sperm count in the canine samples.

Yu, who studies the impact of various environmental factors on the human reproductive system, said heavy metals, pesticides and endocrine-disrupting chemicals have all been implicated in a global decline in sperm count and quality in recent years. A conversation with his colleague Matthew Campen, PhD, a professor in the UNM College of Pharmacy who has documented the presence of microplastics in human placentas, led him to wonder whether something else might be at work.

“He said, ‘Have you considered why there is this decline (in reproductive potential) more recently? There must be something new,’” Yu said. That led Yu to design a study using the same experimental method Campen’s lab had used in the placenta research.

His team obtained anonymized human tissue from the New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator, which collects tissue during autopsies and stores it for seven years before disposing of it. The canine tissue came from City of Albuquerque animal shelters and private veterinary clinics that perform spay-neutering operations.

The team chemically treated the samples to dissolve the fat and proteins and spun each sample in an ultracentrifuge, leaving a nugget of plastic at the bottom of a tube. Then, heated the plastic pellet in a metal cup to 600 degrees Celsius. They used a mass spectrometer to analyze gas emissions as different types of plastic burned at specific temperatures.

In dogs, the average concentration of microplastics in testicular tissue was 122.63 micrograms per gram of tissue (a microgram is a millionth of a gram). In human tissue the average concentration was 329.44 micrograms per gram – nearly three times higher than in dogs and significantly higher than the average concentration Campen found in placental tissue.

“At the beginning, I doubted whether microplastics could penetrate the reproductive system,” Yu said. “When I first received the results for dogs I was surprised. I was even more surprised when I received the results for humans.”

The researchers found the most prevalent polymer in both human and canine tissue was polyethylene (PE), which is used to make plastic bags and bottles. In dogs that was followed by PVC, which is used in industrial, municipal and household plumbing and in many other applications.

The team was able to count the sperm in the canine samples (but not in the human ones, which had been chemically preserved) and found that higher levels of PVC in the tissue correlated with a lower sperm count, Yu said. There was no correlation with tissue concentration of PE, however.

“The plastic makes a difference – what type of plastic might be correlated with potential function,” he said. “PVC can release a lot of chemicals that interfere with spermatogenesis and it contains chemicals that cause endocrine disruption.”

The study compared human and canine tissue for a couple of reasons, one being that dogs live alongside people and share their environment. They also share some biological characteristics.

“Compared to rats and other animals, dogs are closer to humans,” he said. “Physically, their spermatogenesis is closer to humans and the concentration has more similarity to humans.” Canine sperm counts also seem to be dropping, he added. “We believe dogs and humans share common environmental factors that contribute to their decline.”

Microplastics result when plastic is exposed to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight and degrades in landfills. It can be blown about by the wind or carried into nearby waterways, and some bits are so small they are measured in nanometers (a billionth of a meter). They’re now ubiquitous in the environment – even as global use of plastics continues to grow. Yu noted that the average age of the men in the OMI autopsy samples was 35, meaning their plastics exposure began decades ago, when there was less plastic in circulation. “The impact on the younger generation might be more concerning,” now that there is more plastic than ever in the environment, he said.

The findings point the way for additional research to understand how microplastics might affect sperm production in the testes, he said. “We have a lot of unknowns. We need to really look at what the potential long-term effect. Are microplastics one of the factors contributing to this decline?”

In disseminating his findings, Yu doesn’t want anyone to panic. “We don’t want to scare people,” he said. “We want to scientifically provide the data and make people aware there are a lot of microplastics. We can make our own choices to better avoid exposures, change our lifestyle and change our behavior.”


Don’t panic? Our planet is being poisoned to death. Modify lifestyle? What are people and animals going to stop breathing the poisoned air?

People need to revolt against the covert military operations of destroying our earth for the sake of climate change and military operations.


Connect with Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Cover image credit: Joshua_seajw92

Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal

Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal 
A means of monitoring and controlling the entire human population

by Greg Reese
May 23, 2024




For decades, those with eyes to see have been aware of Chemtrails in our skies. And for decades we were called conspiracy theorists. But in 2016, while serving as Director of the CIA, John Brennan admitted that Chemtrails are real at the Council on Foreign Relations.

“Another example is the array of technologies, often referred to collectively as geo-engineering, that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection. Or SAI. A method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do. An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures, and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. This process is also relatively inexpensive. The National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly.”

~ John Brennan

In 2007, it was announced that nanosized particles, known as Smart Dust, can be dispersed over the battlefield via aerial spraying.

The military has contracted several multinational corporations to develop “wearable” biosensors. Biosensors and smart dust can become something known as body dust that can spread inside the human body as an active network capable to provide telemetry from inside the body for the use of monitoring humans.

There is a patent for using polyethylene glycol derivatives as a way to modify the weather, the same substances used in the COVID19 lipid nanoparticles. These polymers can be integrated with biosensors and soft robotics for smart materials, materials that can be modified by external stimuli. Soft robotics is a subfield of robotics that utilizes compliant materials rather than rigid ones. Such as the hydrogels found in the experimental COVID shots.

DuPont is manufacturing Elastomers for fast moving soft robots. And have developed the fastest DEA-driven soft robots ever reported. Designed for bio-sensing, interacting with biological entities, and actuating on a cellular level.

In her recent article, Smart Dust, Biosensors, Polymers For Geoengineering And The Multinational Corporations That Manufacture Them, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea points out that these are the transhumanist technologies that will be giving A.I. enormous amounts of data, as Bill Gates said, “to understand 100 trillion organisms.“

She also points out the important fact that the elastomers being fabricated by DuPont for this soft robot technology are made of the exact same chemicals found when analyzing the mesogens, a compound that displays liquid crystal properties, found in targeted individuals. And they appear to be the same compounds she found in the blood of the vaxxed, as well as the blood of the unvaxxed. Which appear to be the same structures used as part of electronic circuitry in self assembly nanotechnology.

Smartdust is a system of tiny microelectromechanical systems that can detect light, temperature, vibration, magnetism, or chemicals. They are operated wirelessly on a computer network, can be used for medical or military surveillance purposes, and can be dispersed through the air via Chemtrails. Which would greatly go unnoticed by the sleeping masses who have come to accept them. When combined with the mesogen soft robot technology, which has already been found in several blood samples of unwitting victims, they could create a means of monitoring and controlling the entire human population.


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Cover image credit: sharathsu

2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics

2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
May 21, 2024


Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts lately? Are you getting emailed verification codes that take forever to arrive, so you have to request another?

Perhaps you are asked to do captchas to “prove you’re human” and they seem to be getting more complex all the time or simply not working at all?

Why do you think that might be?

We’ll come back to that.

Did you know we’re in a “breakthrough year” for biometric payment systems?

According to this story from CNBC, JPMorgan and Mastercard are on board with the technology and intend a wide rollout in the near future, following successful trials.

In March this year, JPMorgan signed a deal with PopID to begin a broad release of biometric payment systems in 2025.

A Mastercard spokesman told CNBC:

Our focus on biometrics as a secure way to verify identity, replacing the password with the person, is at the heart of our efforts in this area,”

Apple Pay already lets you pay with a face scan, while Amazon have introduced pay-by-palm in many of their real-world stores.

VISA showcased their latest palm biometric payment set-up at an event in Singapore earlier this year.

As we covered in a recent This Week, PayPal is pushing out its own biometric payment systems in the name of “preventing fraud”.

As always, this is not just an issue in “the West”.

Chinese companies have been leading this race for a while, with AliPay having biometric payment options since 2015.

Moscow’s Metro system has been using facial recognition cameras for biometric payments for over a year.

And it’s not just payments, “replacing the password with the person” has already spread to other areas.

Hoping to corral support for biometrics from the right, national governments are collecting biometrics to “curb illegal immigration”. You can expect that to spread.

The European Union will be implementing a new Biometric Entry-Exit System (EES) as soon as October of this year.

Biometric signing is on the rise too.

Laptops tablets and smartphones already come with face-reading and fingerprint scanning technology to confirm your identity.

Social media companies have been collecting biometric data “for security and identification purposes” for years.

Google Play launched a new biometric accessibility feature only a couple of weeks ago.

It’s all just so convenient, isn’t it? So much faster than e-mailing security codes and solving increasingly impossible captchas (both of which have unaccountably got harder and more complicated recently, and will doubtless continue to do so).

That’s how they get you: Convenience.

They won’t ever remove the “old-fashioned” ways of accessing your accounts, but it will get increasingly slow and difficult to use while biometrics get faster and easier.

Meanwhile, the propaganda will begin to flow.

Influencers will be paid to use “cool” “futuristic” biometric payment options that “feel like having superpowers” in contrived “viral” videos. Biometrics will save the day in a trendy movie or TV show. Some old fuddy-duddy will go on Question Time and rant about the new technology…just before saying something racist or denying climate change.

Maybe a major hack or cyber-attack will only affect those who haven’t switched to biometric authentication yet.

You get the idea.

And all the while supra-national corporate megaliths will be creating a massive database of voice recordings, finger and palm prints, facial and retinal scans.

It’s a good thing we’re ruled by a morally upright elite. Imagine the damage they could do with all of that.


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Our Geoengineered Skies: Evidence Points to the MITRE Corporation & New Manhattan Project

Our Geoengineered Skies: Evidence Points to the MITRE Corporation & New Manhattan Project


The Abstract episode 30 “Why is nobody else talking about the MITRE Corporation?” 

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
May 19, 2024


Many participants in our noble anti-geoengineering movement appear to be confused as to exactly who is spraying us while answers to this question are extensively detailed in my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project. Among many other heavily implicated organizations, one stands out as the lowest of the low-hanging fruit: the MITRE Corporation. The evidence for their building and maintaining the many technical aspects of today’s ongoing SRM geoengineering operations is simply legion.

Evidence suggests that the MITRE Corporation has been in charge of the New Manhattan Project’s systems architecture. Systems architecture refers to the organization and harmonization of all the different scientific New Manhattan Project sub-operations such as: operation of the ionospheric heaters, control of the aircraft, collection of atmospheric data, satellite communications, etc. MITRE can make all these things work together and create an elegant end-user experience to boot.

Along with designing and building technical systems architecture, the MITRE Corporation of Bedford, Massachusetts designs and helps build military aerospace command and control centers. In fact, they have designed and helped build every major aerospace command and control center in America. From the National Military Command Center under the Pentagon to Strategic Air Command (SAC) in Nebraska to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) facility in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, MITRE has built them all. MITRE also worked with NASA to develop the Apollo Mission Control Center in Houston (now the Johnson Space Flight Center).


The MITRE Corporation has extensive involvement in just about every sub-operation of the New Manhattan Project. From satellite communications to atmospheric monitoring to remotely controlling fleets of airplanes to supercomputing to operating ionospheric heaters, MITRE can do it all. The New Manhattan Project is operationally right up their alley – so much so that it makes one wonder if the MITRE Corporation was created specifically to be the New Manhattan Project’s development coordinator and technical manager. As far as the author can tell, the MITRE Corporation is the only American corporation with the right skill set to build the systems architecture of the New Manhattan Project – probably the only one in the world.

Much of the information recounted here is contained within the pages of a 1979 book titled MITRE: The First Twenty Years. It was written and published by the MITRE Corporation. There may not be a single book more important to the history of the New Manhattan Project.

MITRE was founded in 1958 with about 500 employees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory to resolve a technical mess made by the previous administrators of a system called the SAGE Air Defense System. The RAND Corporation, the Ford Foundation, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were disproportionally represented on MITRE’s first board of trustees. Connections to the original Manhattan Project, Edward Teller, Rockefellers, and Rothschilds are readily found. Although they themselves do not specify exactly what their name means, the author speculates that MITRE is an acronym for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Radiation Experiment.

The SAGE system was another tremendously huge, covert effort involving radar, computers, command and control centers, and fleets of unmanned, remotely controlled missile-like jet aircraft designed by Boeing to hit enemy bomber aircraft before they could reach American cities. Originally named Project Whirlwind, it was a direct spin-off of the nascent automated missile battery systems developed at the MIT Radiation Laboratory during WWII. This was all, of course, to keep us safe from the Russian nuclear threat. This effort involved the first use of centralized computers for air traffic control. MIT and the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories then founded the SAGE project which dates back to a 1950 committee called Project Charles headed by an MIT professor named George E. Valley (1913-1999). John von Neumann (1903-1957) was a consultant to Project Charles. The chief architect of the SAGE system was an MIT scientist by the name of Jay Forrester (1918-2016). The project was known originally as Project Lincoln and it was launched in 1951 at MIT’s former Rad Lab in Kendall Square.

Jay Forrester

The earliest official mention of something like the SAGE system is found with Theodore Von Kármán and the other authors of a report titled “Where We Stand” who wrote of, “large numbers of long-range ground-to-ground pilotless aircraft” controlled by a central location. Nikola Tesla and Vannevar Bush theorized about such things as well. For more information about all of this, please see the author’s book.

Information gathered in the field from radar and other sensors was to be fed into a central computer which was designed to streamline and automate the process of launching the missiles. The central computer of the SAGE system was known as Whirlwind and later as the IBM AN/FSQ-7. Work on the SAGE system was originally conducted at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory, which was created for the purpose. Like the MITRE Corporation, Lincoln Laboratory’s headquarters were and are in Bedford, Massachusetts.


SAGE system schematic

The SAGE system never fully attained its planned capabilities. There were many delays and cost increases during the course of SAGE’s development. On top of this, in the meantime, the enemy’s offensive capabilities changed from bombers to intercontinental ballistic missiles which created a situation of moving goalposts. Due to these factors, in the late 1950s the Department of Defense recognized the realities of the situation and cut their losses by beginning to scuttle the project before it was completed.

Nevertheless, it is this SAGE system from which large portions of today’s New Manhattan Project evolved. In fact, it is this SAGE system that has served as the nucleus of the New Manhattan Project – passed on throughout the decades. Most notably, the air traffic control systems of today’s NMP evolved from SAGE.

Over the years, MITRE has consistently developed many different air traffic control systems capable of remotely controlling large numbers of aircraft. In 1959, MITRE partnered with the Federal Aviation Agency to develop something called SAGE Air Traffic Integration (SATIN). MITRE had been developing this system since their founding. According to a book commemorating their 50th anniversary, SATIN, “…was aimed at developing a single, unified system for managing all aircraft in the nation’s airspace.”

Later, something called Position Location, Reporting, and Control of Tactical Aircraft (PLRACTA) took shape. Let us reference a passage from MITRE: The First Twenty Years:

“In the late 1960s, the activities being pursued separately under CNI [Communications, Navigation, and Identification] and CASOFF [Control and Surveillance of Friendly Forces] were combined into a single advanced development program called PLRACTA, standing for Position Location, Reporting, and Control of Tactical Aircraft, headed by C. Eric Ellingson. PLRACTA’s goal was to provide information exchange among a maximum of one thousand aircraft and other, ground elements of the control system.”

PLRACTA later became known as Seek Bus, then later still as the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS). JTIDS is in use today. There is a JTIDS Wikipedia page. The New Manhattan Project probably utilizes an enhanced and customized version of the JTIDS system.

The NMP’s air traffic control is most probably operated out of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. This location is the most dominant North American air traffic controller and the site of intense MITRE activity over the years. NORAD is a joint U.S. and Canadian operation. Word is that NORAD’s command center has actually been moved recently to underneath Denver International Airport, but at this time, this story cannot be substantiated.



Separately, MITRE did the big study that provided a scientific basis for the Environmental Protection Agency’s 1976 Toxic Controlled Substances Act. Before they produced that study, MITRE worked with the Department of the Interior’s Office of Coal Research to produce a study about possible cleaner uses of coal. For the Interior Department, MITRE investigated methods for doubling or tripling coal production as well. These facts are interesting because chemtrails usually consist of coal fly ash. Maybe MITRE and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) worked together to make sure that plenty of toxic coal fly ash was removed by government mandated coal fly ash scrubbers and therefore available as New Manhattan Project chemtrail spray.

Since their founding and throughout the production of the New Manhattan Project, MITRE Corporation’s world headquarters has been in Bedford, Massachusetts. This is interesting because Bedford is in the Boston metropolitan area. As noted in the author’s book, the Boston metropolitan area has an abnormally high concentration of organizations involved in the development of the New Manhattan Project such as: the American Meteorological Society, Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and many more. In order to produce history’s largest scientific endeavor, it would be advantageous to have a community of some of the world’s top academic, research, and development institutions located within a 15 mile radius; all answering to MITRE the coordinator. The Boston area was the New Manhattan Project’s developmental epicenter and MITRE was most probably the NMP’s late-stage development coordinator.

Once this Project became operational, it would be advantageous to retain the maintenance and support services of the people that designed and built it. It’s like buying a brand new car from the dealer and getting premium factory service. Doing it this way makes things as easy as possible. As they are an ongoing concern, the MITRE Corporation probably continues to manage the systems of the New Manhattan Project to this day. They’ve been sucking up our taxpayer dollars this whole time. Now, where is our congressional investigation?

Believe it or not, there is actually much more evidence implicating the MITRE Corporation in the pages of my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project. Let us wander in confusion no longer. The who, what, why, where, when and how of the New Manhattan Project has already been discovered and made available to the public in an easily accessible and concise fashion. If you have not done so already, please educate yourself and read my book. If we are to engage the enemy, it is helpful to know their ways. Thank you.

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. His books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available now exclusively at Amazon. Join his email list at his website


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The Zionist Death Grip on the United States Government

The Zionist Death Grip on the United States Government
From JFK to 9/11 the Zionist agenda comes first

by Greg Reese, Reese Report
April 30, 2024



When Netanyahu demanded that the protests against Israel be stopped, the US government complied because our members of Congress have all been bought and paid for with tax dollars given to the American Israeli Political Action Committee, known as AIPAC. AIPAC openly brags about this on their official website, because they don’t have to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which requires agents of foreign principals to register and provide transparency.

Beginning in 1962 they were known as the American Zionist Council, and President John F. Kennedy was ordering them to register as a foreign agent. Along with members of the US government, the Zionists fought against this. In October of 1963, forms were prepared for them to register. But the next month, JFK was assassinated. And Israel has never been asked to register since.

Four years later, Israel attacked the USS Liberty, murdering dozens of Americans and injuring over a hundred. The US government helped them cover it up as an accident.

On the day of 9/11, five Israelis who were seen photographing the collapse of the twin towers and celebrating were arrested and detained for several weeks. In documents later released by FOIA requests, the FBI redacted their faces in pictures where they were posing in front of the burning towers. And described them as being happy and jovial. One of them stated that, “Israel now has hope that the world will understand us.” The end of the declassified document asks if they had foreknowledge of the event and were there to film it, and the answer was redacted. As soon as they were released, they returned to Israel and went on television where they confirmed that the answer was yes.

The dancing Israelis had fake student IDs. And several accounts of suspicious Israeli art students were reported to be infiltrating government buildings. Over a hundred of these Israeli art students were arrested. Fox NEWS reported that these art students served in military intelligence and explosive ordinance units.

In March of 2000, several of these Mossad art students were living in the World Trade Center as part of the World Views Artist-in-Residence program. They occupied floors 90 and 91 where walls were unfinished and structural beams were exposed. A member of this group of artists, Hanan Serfaty, was arrested by the DEA as part of the Israeli spy ring. But the identities of an additional 14 Israelis who were with him have never been released to the public. These Israeli artists were sharing the space with a group of Austrian artists known as Gelatin who were working on a project called “The B thing” that involved removing windows on the 91st floor of the North Tower. A small balcony was constructed for people to stand on while photographs were taken by a helicopter. Another group called, E-team, managed the helicopter with the designation number, N666LH. This helicopter was to be in an art exhibit memorializing this project scheduled for September 11th 2001.

In March of 2001, E Team had an art project called “127 windows.” Officially, they were going to write their name on the exterior of the tower. They had an artist’s rendering of what the project was supposed to look like, but it never appears to have happened. And on 9/11, American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the exact spot where they were supposedly preparing to do this.

In 2001, Gelatin published a book on the project and described it as conspiratorial work. It includes a drawing of someone falling headfirst from the 91st floor with the words, 300 meters of pure pleasure.

Gelatin was originally spelled the same as the explosive, but was officially changed in 2005.

And the 9/11 Commission report does not mention Gelatin, E-Team, or any of the Israeli Mossad art students.


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Catherine Austin Fitts With Greg Hunter: Insane vs Sane, Demonic vs Divine

Catherine Austin Fitts With Greg Hunter: Insane vs Sane, Demonic vs Divine

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog
April 27, 2024


Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), has long said, “The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not just a little criminal, but a lot criminal.”  Now, CAF contends what is going on in America is much more than greedy criminals.  CAF says, “This has turned into warfare against “We the People” on a spiritual level.”

CAF goes on to point out, “There is so much effort in persuading people to think there is nothing you can do, and it’s hopeless.  Let me tell you something . . . the central bankers are telling you what they are going to do, and this is not far away in the future.  You have all these merchant codes where you cannot use your credit card to buy a gun or the bank throws you out.  That’s the control grid getting built.”

What can you do to fight for freedom?  CAF says, “Bring transparency, and the second thing is to use cash.  If we can all use cash, build cash back up and keep checks going, if you have cash and checks, they cannot go to an all-digital financial system.  Find out who is leading the way in your state, and see what you can do to support them.  Above anything, you can pray because this is a spiritual war.  The devil wants you to believe it’s hopeless and there is nothing you can do. . . . It’s not true.  The sane cannot go along with the insane.  The divine cannot go along with the demonic.  You have to say NO!  I am seeing this all over the country.  I am seeing Treasurers and State Attorney Generals, and they are all pushing back because they realize this is insane.  You cannot go along with this.”

CAF says not only do the Deep State globalists want control of the financial system, but they also want control of your food.  CAF says, “You see at this level when you are trying to protect freedom, they cannot get financial control unless they can control the food supply.  People can always start their own currencies as long as they can grow food.  If you look at the push for financial control and central bank digital currency, it is the same push.  They are pushing to control the food supply.”

CAF thinks Washington is so broken, corrupt and criminal that whoever wins the Presidential Election it will not make much of a difference.  CAF points out, “Look at how quickly Speaker Mike Johnson caved.  Speaker Johnson caved for Ukraine and war all over the world, but he won’t protect our borders.  Mike Johnson, Christian, conservative and not a dime to protect our borders. . . Washington is a criminal enterprise, and there is no electing someone big enough to change this.  This is not Trump vs Biden.  This is the pro-centralization team in Washington.  We have to pull power back from Washington.”

There is much more in the 56-minute interview.


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Cover image credit: geralt

GMO Bio-Imperialism

GMO Bio-Imperialism

by Dr. Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
April 26, 2024


Over the past few decades, GMO crops have been imposed in countries around the world, touted as a solution to food insecurity and malnutrition crises. However, hunger, disease and malnutrition have increased, while biodiversity has declined and toxins have spread. GMO imperialism has destroyed the lives and livelihoods of small farmers and biodiversity in the centers of origin. These centers of biodiversity origin are the cradles of the world’s food supply and protection against disease, climate challenges, natural disasters or other obstacles to food production.

In Mexico, which is the center of origin of corn, there has been a long struggle by society and organized communities against GMO imperialism which threatens the subsistence and culture of local peoples. It is following this mobilization that the Mexican society obtained a ban on planting genetically modified corn through a collective lawsuit brought against the companies Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta and Corteva Agriscience. This ban is still in effect.

Recently, the Mexican government issued an executive order phasing out the use of glyphosate and banning the use of genetically modified corn in tortillas, a staple food. Faced with this decision, the US government, on the basis of the United States-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement (USMCA), activated the dispute resolution mechanism with the aim of canceling the order and forcing the introduction of GMOs into the country.

The Mexican government as well as the non-governmental organizations from Mexico presented their Technical Opinions before this Panel, based on detailed scientific evidence, including new found evidence by Mexico’s scientific advisory board CONAHCYT, rooted in scientifically rigorous evidence from academic institutions. This evidence pointed out and warned about the multiple risks that make it pertinent and urgent to stop the presence of genetically manipulated maize in the food of the Mexican population, and as raw material for other industries.

From 12 to 16 March 2024, Navdanya International, together with Latin American partners and the Mexican Government, organized a series of events in Mexico City to build a common strategy against the imposition of new and old GMOs. The mobilization in Mexico City counted on the presence of representatives of Latin American movements such as Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Costa Rica and others, in collaboration with Mexican civil society organizations, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Culture. It was at the Ministry of Culture that the Garden of Milpa, the biodiverse traditional farming system of Mexico, was blessed at the Museum of Corn.

The case of Mexico represents the attempt of a people to protect their biodiverse cultures, their thousand-year-old food heritage, the health of their population and ecosystems. It is the case of a people who demand respect for their sovereignty and represents a beacon of hope for the places where this imposition continues. People have the right to have sovereignty over their health, and that starts with food sovereignty.

However, the GMO agenda has always been about patents and profits, not food and health. Food sovereignty is a high-level concept, because it implies the sovereignty of beings to manage and organize themselves and protect their right to health. This is why the goal of industrial agriculture has always been to push farmers off the land. It is inherent in the very definition of industrial agriculture. The sovereignty of people, farmers and nature has been violated by the imposition of agrotoxins, GMOs and ultra-processed foods, destroying diversity and ancient food cultures and threatening land, water and biodiversity.

Agribusiness and biotechnology giants are trying to circumvent existing biosafety regulations, such as the Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols of the Convention on Biological Diversity, by subtly making changes to GMO regulations, in order to promote GMOs under new acronyms, such as NBT (New Breeding Techniques), NGT (New Genomic Techniques) or TEA (Techniques of Assisted Evolution). These new GMOs have been silently inserted into the agricultural legislation in force in various countries, with the aim of maintaining patent monopolies in the hands of the chemical and biotechnology giants.

Today, our seed sovereignty is threatened by intellectual property rights and new GMO technologies that have transformed seeds from a common good into a commodity under the control and monopoly of multinational agri-food companies. Impositions continue to take place, violating the sovereignty and rights of people and nature, in furtherance of the corporate agenda. While multinationals get rich by stealing our biodiversity. Faced with this, building relationships, based on common struggle and the vision of an ecological future, contributes to creating international networks of resistance and solidarity. Together, as global citizens, we must unite to oppose the bullying of GMOs and defend our seeds.

Citizens are rising up against the unscientific, anti-democratic and anti-ecological imposition of GMOs by multinationals and the US government. The first generation of GMOs failed. But multinationals continue to impose genetically modified organisms, or new GMOs, in centers of diversity. They continue to shift the narrative towards framing nature and biodiversity as commodities to be commercialized and monopolized. In the wake of Mexico’s battle against the United States, it is necessary to support and strengthen international solidarity against the corporate imposition of industrial food systems.


Connect with Dr. Vandana Shiva

Cover image credit: Nguyen_Khac

From Bird Flu to Climate Snakes

From Bird Flu to Climate Snakes

by Breeauna Sagdal, Brownstone Institute
April 25, 2024


Seasoned veterinarians and livestock producers alike have been scratching their heads trying to understand the media’s response to the avian flu. Headlines across every major news outlet warn of humans becoming infected with the “deadly” bird flu after one reported case of pink-eye in a human.

The entire narrative is predicated upon a long-disputed claim that Covid-19 was the result of a zoonotic jump—the famed Wuhan bat wet-market theory.

While the source of Covid is hotly contested within the scientific community, the policy vehicle at the center of this dialectic began years prior to Sars-CoV-2 and is quite resolute in force and effect.

In 2016, the Gates Foundation donated to the World Health Organization to create the OneHealth Initiative. Since 2020, the CDC has adopted and implemented the OneHealth Initiative to build a “collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach—working at the local, regional, national, and global levels—with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.”

In the aftermath of Covid-19, the OneHealth Initiative began taking shape, due largely in part to millions of tax dollars appropriated through ARP (American Rescue Plan) funding.

Through its APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Investigation System) the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) was given $300 million in 2021 to begin implementing “a risk-based, comprehensive, integrated disease monitoring and surveillance system domestically…to build additional capacity for zoonotic disease surveillance and prevention,” globally.

“The One Health concept recognizes that the health of people, animals, and the environment are all linked,” said USDA Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Lester Moffitt.

According to the USDA’s press release, the Biden-Harris administration’s OneHealth approach will also help to ensure “new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate smart food and forestry practices,” by “making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America.”

In other words, the federal government is using regulatory enforcement to intervene in the marketplace, in addition to subsidizing corporations with tax dollars to direct a planned economic outcome—ending meat consumption.

Climate-Smart Commodities – Planning the Economy through Subsidized Intervention

Under the recently announced Climate-Smart Commodities program, the USDA has appropriated $3.1 billion in tax subsidies to one hundred and forty-one new private Climate-Smart projects, ranging from carbon sequestration to Climate-Smart meat and forestry practices.

Private investors such as Amazon founder Jeff Bezos – who just committed $1 billion to the development of lab cultured meat-like molds, and meat grown in petri dishes, to

Ballpark, formerly known for its hot dogs but is now harvesting python meat, is rushing to cash in on this new industry, and the OneHealth/USDA certification program.

Culling The Herd – Regulatory Intervention in the Marketplace 

Meanwhile, the last vestiges of America’s food freedom and decentralized food sources are quietly being targeted by the full force of the federal government.

The once voluntary APHIS System is poised to become the mandatory APHIS-15, which among many other changes, “the system will be renamed Animal Health, Disease, and Pest Surveillance and Management System, USDA/APHIS-15. This system is used by APHIS to collect, manage, and evaluate animal health data for disease and pest control and surveillance programs.”

Among those “many changes” that APHIS-15 is undergoing, one should be of particular interest to the public—the removal of all references to the voluntary* Bovine Johne’s Disease Control Program.

“Updating the authority for maintenance of the system to remove reference to the Bovine Johne’s Disease Control Program.”

In addition to removing references to the once-voluntary herd culling program, the USDA is also implementing mandatory RFID ear tags in cattle and bison.

According to the USDA/APHIS-15, expanded authority places disease tracing in their jurisdiction and the radio frequency ear tags are necessary for the “rapid and accurate recordkeeping for this volume of animals and movement,” which they say “is not achievable without electronic systems.”

The notice clearly spells out that RFID tags “may be read without restraint as the animal goes past an electronic reader.”

“Once the reader scans the tag, the electronically collected tag number can be rapidly and accurately transmitted from the reader to a connected electronic database.”

However, industry leaders and lawmakers alike have said the database will be used to track vaccination history and movement, and that this data may be used to impact the market rate of cattle and bison at the time of processing.

Centralized Control of Processing/Production via Public-Private Partnership Agreements

In addition to the vast new authority of the USDA funded through the OneHealth Initiative, and the ARP, the EPA has also created its own unique set of regulatory burdens upon the entire meat industry.

On March 25, 2024, the EPA finalized a new set of Clean Water Act rule changes to limit nitrogen and phosphorus “pollutants” in downstream water treatment facilities from processing facilities. While the EPA’s interpretation of authority and jurisdiction over wastewater is concerning long-term, the broader context of consolidated processing under four multinational meat-packing companies is of much greater concern for the immediate future.

With few exceptions, in the United States it is illegal to sell meat without a USDA certification. Currently, the only way to access USDA certification is through a USDA-certified processing facility.

According to the EPA, the new rules will impact up to 845 processing facilities nationwide, unless facilities drastically limit the amount of meat they process each year.

With processing capabilities being the number one barrier to market for livestock producers, and billions of dollars in grants being awarded to Climate-Smart food substitutes, the amount of government intervention into the marketplace becomes very clear.

The Rise of Authoritarianism and Economic Fascism – Control the Supply

The United States, once a consumer-demand free market society, is currently witnessing the use of government force, and intervention tactics to steer and manipulate the marketplace. Similar to 1930’s Italy, this is being achieved by the state within the state, through the use of selectionism, protectionism, and economic planning between public-private partnership agreements.

The long-term and unavoidable problem with economic fascism is that it leads to authoritarian and centralized control, from which escape is impossible.

As each industry becomes centralized and consolidated under the few, consumer choice simultaneously disappears. As choice disappears, so does the ability of the individual to meet their specific and unique needs.

Eventually, the individual no longer serves a role outside of its usefulness to the state—the final exhale before the last python squeeze.


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Cover image credit: susan-lu4esm

The World Out of Kilter: Occupation and Zombification

The World Out of Kilter: Occupation and Zombification

by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak
April 22, 2024



The kind of society I long for is an organic one, in which people live in the way they see fit, guided by their own inclinations, the customs they have inherited and the circumstances of place.

As an anarchist, I am obviously opposed to all authority imposed from above, to any kind of formalised, entrenched power, but that does not mean that there could be no kind of moral “authority” or guidance in the world I want to see.

Traditional societies often look to village elders, wise women, and other respected individuals to help steer their decision-making.

The advice they give arises from within the community concerned and, in order to be followed, will have to correspond to a generally-shared sense that the proposed direction is the right one.

This is not the case with those who exercise power over us today. Due to the corruption of our society, authority is wielded in the interests of a group which neither identifies with the people as a whole nor is prepared to be guided by its wishes.

Instead, it seeks to impose its own agenda on the population by any means necessary – by propaganda and persuasion, if possible, or otherwise by outright deceit, intimidation and physical violence.

Even worse is that this ruling gang, which is essentially nothing but an occupying force, shares neither the specific local moral codes of the various peoples it rules over, nor the general human sense of right and wrong that would once have been shared by its own ancestors.

This is because it is a rogue element, a criminal entity, intent only on increasing its own wealth and power, and has no use for ethics.

Indeed, it takes sadistic pleasure out of using, manipulating and inverting the majority population’s values – their sense of justice, their fondness for their homeland or their love of nature – in order to advance its own venal programme.

Individuals in such a society are unable to follow their own moral compass, to act according to their own innate desires, to follow their dreams, pay respect to the archetypal template in their unconscious.

This is not just because they are physically constrained, by authority, from acting and living in ways that they feel are right, but also because they have been mentally conditioned not to listen to the voice within.

They are besieged, through all their waking hours, by messaging, by propaganda that tells them they have to live, think and behave in the ways set out by the ruling gang.

A natural society will produce all kinds of individuals who complement each other in the ways that they contribute to its well-being.

There are those who are drawn to caring for others, to teaching the young, to growing, to feeding, to building, to physically defending the community, to resolving disputes and so on.

There are also the artists, poets, preachers and prophets, the antennae of the people, who are sensitive to the overall feel of the society and can sense when something is wrong.

Young people often start out with this gift – think of all the different generations rebelling, in their varying ways, against this modern world! – only to be ground down into compliance by the satanic mills of power.

But some carry on noticing and sounding the alert, with the aim of waking up the population as a whole to the danger they are facing.

It is therefore important for the ruling occupying force to isolate the small minority who remain connected to their own deep knowing and to the organic spirit of the community.

They do this by insulting, mocking, demonising, dismissing, intimidating, criminalising and imprisoning them – by presenting them, in their usual inverted manner, as a menace to the very society whose well-being they are trying to defend.

This is psychologically difficult for these social antennae, who risk being deeply wounded by a rejection that they feel comes as much from their own community as from the occupying force.

Banding together in self-defence, they can become inward-looking, cultish, and unable to properly communicate with others outside their ranks.

Or, as individuals, they can become bitter and angry with those who refuse to listen to them, dismissing most members of their community as ignorant fools who deserve no better.

In either case, they have completed the work of the ruling gang by cutting themselves off from the social organism to which they belong.

That organism therefore has no more brain, no more soul, but is a social zombie, staggering on towards its own destruction under the malevolent control of the life-sucking criminocracy.


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Cover image credit: CDD20

Russia: NATO and Individuals Under Investigation, and the Rumor of Der …

Russia: NATO and Individuals Under Investigation, and the Rumor of Der …

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
April 19, 2024


You may have noticed I’ve been following the messaging coming out of Russia for some time, and today’s article submitted by so many of you is no exception. Except, today, I’m going to dive off the end of the twig of speculation and tie something else into it as a speculation.

Firstly, Russia is now being crystal clear as to whom its regards as being under suspicion for involvement in the Crocus terrorist attacks in Moscow:

Russia launches terrorism probe into US and NATO officials

There are a number of things to note about this article, not the least is the specific and explicit mention of who is under investigation in Russia for involvement in the Crocus terrorist attack:

Investigators are currently looking at the potential involvement of “specific individuals from among government officials, people with civic and commercial organizations of Western countries,” said committee spokeswoman Svetlana Petrenko.

It has already been established that funding for terrorist attacks inside Russia has been funneled through Ukrainian companies, including the notorious Burisma Holdings – former employers of US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter – Petrenko added.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia has also said it would follow the evidence leading to “persons and structures located in the US, Germany, France and Cyprus.”

In addition to last month’s Crocus City Hall attack, the investigation is looking at other terrorist acts, including the assassinations of prominent public figures and the bombing of the Nord Stream gas pipelines in international waters.

What is of interest to me today is not the explicit mention of Burisma nor its connections to the Bai Den Dzhao mafiosi in the USSA.

Rather, I am more concerned about that cryptic statement that the subjects of investigations are “persons and structures located in the US, Germany, France, and Cyprus.”

Persons and structures covers a lot of ground. For example: in addition to NATO (a structure), one could have various governments and their agencies (The USA, Germany, France, Cyprus!?!? and presumably all their financial and intelligence agencies), but also “structures” like corporations and private security and intelligence services, or even “structures’ like the World Health Organization (are they involved in the Ukrainian biolabs?), and the World Economic Forum.

In other words, Russia is painting with a very broad brush.  That contains some implications that we’ll come back to.

But there’s another message contained in this article, and that message is in the form of the picture which heads it:

If one scrutinizes this picture closely, there is an image displayed on the shield that any Russian Orthodox (or for that matter, Greek or Serbian or Arab or Romanian or Bulgarian Orthodox, and many many Roman Catholics) will recognize, and that is the horse-riding figure of St. George wielding a spear and slaying the dragon, or serpent.  This on a shield which is boldly emblazoned on the old Romanov double-headed imperial eagle.  The choice of such a backdrop to accompany the text of the article is nothing less than deliberate, and a very clear warning that, as Mr. Medvedev recently put it, the old immunities will not protect the perpetrators nor their financiers and organizers. The dragon – which in this case I suspect is meant to represent Mr Globalooney and all his miserific institutions and agendas – will be slain.

The key to my interpretation here is terrorism, and its deliberate mention by these figures in the Russian government, not only prior to the Crocus attacks, but with increasing frequency since then. The use of that term in connection with Russian warnings – like the iconic picture – is also deliberate, and here’s why: recall that in the wake of the 9/11 attacks the USA and its allies (but principally the USA), claimed the right to try, convict, surveille and even to execute foreign leaders if they were involved in acts of terrorism. Simply recall the alleged capture and execution of Osama Bin Laden, or the many drone attacks on various individuals accused of terrorism, or (equally important and probably more so for our purposes of analysis here) involved  in planning or supporting terrorist acts. To put a finer and simpler point on it, Russia is claiming the same right and precedent the USA claims and utilized in its “war on terror,” and Russia is saying that the West, by being involved in the planning, financing, support, and execution of such acts, is itself subject to its own “rules based order” and that Russia will therefore respond similarly respond, whether that response comes in the form of drones, Spetznaz teams or other elite military teams sent in to kidnap or literally execute a suspect, and so on.

In short, Russia is announcing that it intends to play by America’s rules.

With that high octane speculative interpretation of the article in mind, consider, briefly, the following story submitted by K.M., which some say is a rumor. But let’s assume just for the sake of argument for a moment that it’s true:

If one assumes this is true, then I for one hope der Hochklaus Freiherr von Blohschwab und Bloviation does, indeed, have a change of heart from the path he has been on, and changes course. But let’s be realistic too: such massive and sincere repentances, while they do occur, are for that very reason rare. I can hope, because every individual that “changes sides” is important, but in the case of someone like this, would be a serious blow to the other side. I retain the hope, therefore, but I also retain reality, and therefore, skepticism.

But hope or skepticism aside, in the context of all that is going on in the world, and especially in the context of the statements in this article and the timing of both the article and the tweet on “X”, I have to wonder if such events, when reported, might represent something else perhaps, and that “sudden hospitalizations” and the “subsequent denials” might have hidden aspects, and if, in fact, we might be looking at a very public example of “horizontal escalation” with correspondent attempts at narrative control.  Time will tell, of course.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: GDJ

Bio-imperialism vs. Bio-diversity

Bio-imperialism vs. Bio-diversity

by Navdanya International
April 15, 2024


Global Context: Seeds and GMOs 

Seeds are emblematic of the connections between our lives, our food, our health and our freedom. They are the first link in the food chain. They embody our heritage and enfold the future evolution of life. The cultivation of seeds and their free exchange among farmers is the core foundation of our biodiversity and our food security. To have control over seeds is to have control over our lives, our food and our freedom.

Bio-imperialism severely threatens this freedom today through intellectual property rights. Old and  new GMO technologies that have transformed seeds from a commons shared by farmers, to a commodity under the control and monopoly of agribusiness corporations. This imperialism seeks to appropriate the world’s seeds, destroying the lives and livelihoods of peasant communities, as well as biodiversity, but more seriously, in territories recognized as centers of origin. These centers of origin of biodiversity are the cradles of the world’s food supply, and the protection against plague, climate challenges, natural disasters or other hindrances to food production.

Also read: Resisting GMO Imperialism – Events in Mexico – March 2024

Over the last few decades, GMO crops have been imposed in countries all over the world, advertised as a solution to food insecurity and the malnutrition crisis. However, hunger, disease and malnutrition have increased, while biodiversity has declined and toxins have spread. Corporations have forced the introduction of genetically manipulated seeds to impose Food Imperialism through various tools such as regulatory frameworks for intellectual property of seeds, such as UPOV 91, and other legal mechanisms like Trade Dispute Settlement Panels. GMO imperialism has destroyed the lives and livelihoods of small farmers and biodiversity around the world and especially in these centers of origin.

Most recently, agribusiness and biotech giants are attempting to bypass existing biosafety regulations, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols by quietly making changes to GMO regulation around the world, in order to promote these new GMOs under new acronyms, such as NBTs (New Breeding Techniques), NGTs (New Genomic Techniques), or TEAs (Techniques of Assisted Evolution). These new GMOs have been silently dovetailing into different countries’ existing agricultural legislation, with the aim still being patent monopolies in the hands of the big chemical and biotechnology giants.

This deregulation would allow gene edited crops to:

  • Be commercialized with no environmental or consumption safety testing
  • Require no labeling
  • Have little to no traceability
  • Be free from public disclosure of gene edited organisms
  • Mass deregulation
  • Be patented without disclosure

These new GMOs are leaving farmers, and citizens completely in the dark as to what is in their food and are an attempt to subvert sovereign governments, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity and biosafety laws, with their imposition. The biotech industry has claimed that their gene edited products, including seed, plants, microorganism, and animals, are to be considered the same as their conventional counterparts. This deregulation of old and new GMOs absolves the biotech industry from any responsibility and is a continued attack on food sovereignty.

Agribusiness companies have not solved any issue for humanity on the pretext of false narratives around GMOs solving problems of food supplies. The true basis of the world’s food supply is free seeds, the heritage of humanity that contain the answers to pests, climate challenges and other threats to the world’s production of healthy and sufficient food, not GMOs and Bio-Imperialism. GMOs cannot be forced upon communities, violating norms of democracy and freedom.

All over the world, citizens are rising against the unscientific, undemocratic, anti-ecological imposition of GMOs by corporations. The first generation of GMOs has failed, but corporations continue to impose gene-edited organisms, or new GMOs, in centers of diversity. They continue to shift their narrative towards framing nature and biodiversity as commodities for commercialization and patent monopolies.

Imposition of GM corn in Mexico has global ramifications

In Mexico, which is the center of origin of maize, just as in other centers of biodiversity, there has been a long struggle by society and organized communities against GMO imperialism threatening the subsistence and culture of  its peoples. To date, Mexican society has achieved a ban on the planting of GM maize in Mexico through a class action lawsuit filed against the companies like Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta and Cortiva Agriscience. This ban is still in force, which since 2013 has prevented the planting of genetically manipulated maize in Mexican territories.

Mexican NGOs have bravely continued to resist genetically modified maize to strengthen access to healthy, sustainable and culturally appropriate food for all people; to defend the food sovereignty of peasant and indigenous communities, responsible for developing the 59 breeds and thousands of varieties of maize existing in Mexico, which are also part of the milpa, a holistic, sustainable and biodiverse system that involves other staple foods such as beans, chili peppers, squash, quelites and amaranth.

Recently, the Mexican government issued an executive order that proposes the gradual prohibition of the use of glyphosate and the use of GM maize in food products, such as tortillas, a staple food for Mexicans. GMOs compromise access to healthy, sustainable, culturally appropriate foods free of genetically modified organisms. Faced with this decision, the U.S. government, based on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement (USMCA), and under the duress, of agribusiness lobby, installed a dispute settlement panel to reject the Mexican government’s decision to restrict the use of genetically manipulated (modified) maize in human food and the importation of glyphosate, citing lack of scientific evidence of their harm. This Dispute Settlement Panel neglects the risks to human health, the environment and biodiversity associated with genetically manipulated maize. In addition, it jeopardizes the food sovereignty of the entire Mexican population, since maize is an indispensable food.

In response to this omission, on March 15th, non-governmental organizations from Mexico presented their Technical Opinions before the Panel, arguments based on reliable scientific evidence, including new found evidence by Mexico’s scientific advisory board CONAHCYT, rooted in scientifically rigorous evidence from academic institutions. This evidence points out and warns about the multiple risks that make it pertinent and urgent to stop the presence of genetically manipulated maize in the food of the Mexican population, and as raw material for other industries.

In stark contrast, the US refused to do new experiments and engage in real science and continued to stick to pseudo-science funded by the same agribusinesses that produce this GM corn and make the unscientific claim that it is safe to consume this GM corn.

The case of Mexico is a people’s attempt to guard their biodiverse cultures, inheritance, food, health and fields. It is a case of a people demanding their sovereignty be respected. It is a statement to the world and to agribusiness that they cannot continue to impose their system that violates and destroys sovereignty at all these levels, and has wave after wave destroyed health, the land and biodiversity.

On March 5, 2024 Mexico published its formal response to the dispute where its submission presented evidence supporting the implementation of precautionary measures aimed at safeguarding consumers from potential health risks associated with imported GM corn from the U.S. and residues of glyphosate. They noted that the scientific data regarding the safety of GMOs presented by the U.S. was outdated, with a significant portion originating from industry-sponsored studies lacking peer-reviewed support. They pointed out that the regulatory process in the U.S. lacks sufficient stringency to guarantee the safety of products for consumption by Mexicans. Furthermore, the Mexican submission highlighted that Genetically modified (GM) corn, designed to eliminate insect pests, has strong potential to pose negative effects on non-target animals with research that has demonstrated that mammals can experience harm to their digestive systems due to a GM trait that targets the guts of pests, leading to unintended consequences.

While the US claimed that Mexico’s ban is “unscientific”, IATP Senior Advisor Timothy A. Wise highlighted that Mexico’s response “refutes that claim, presenting hundreds of academic studies that show cause for concern about human health and the threat to native corn diversity.”

Significantly, The US claim that Mexico’s ban is unscientific is completely unjustified as the US never signed onto the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. It has no biosafety regulatory organism to judge the safety of these GM foods.  It is based instead on “substantial equivalence” which is not enough to be considered as a safety assessment in itself. This principle doesn’t prioritize consumer protection from health risks nor does it provide consumers with comprehensive information regarding the actual level of risks and hazards associated with “novel foods” (in this case GMO foods) compared to traditional ones.

In its formal submission to the trade dispute panel, Canada aligned itself with the arguments presented by the US government, claiming the safety of genetically modified (GM) corn for consumption in Mexico. However, CBAN’s (Canadian Biotechnology Action Network)’s response refuted this stance by asserting that scientific evidence supported Mexico’s precautionary measures, particularly due to the extensive use of minimally processed corn in the daily diet of the majority of Mexicans.

Lucy Sharratt of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN), stated that, “Mexico is a sovereign nation with the right to determine the future of its food supply and its needs to take action to protect native corn from GM contamination.”

Globally, Mexico’s case is important due to the current context of the world. Due to the industrial food system, we are seeing the rise of chronic diseases rooted in metabolic disorders, increasing ecological disasters, lack of water and declining biodiversity. Mexico defending its cultural and food heritage is equivalent to a country taking a stand, backed by scientific evidence and government support, against the continuation of these multiple crises.

Furthermore, the significance of this case is that an unfavorable resolution for Mexico in this Panel, would limit Mexican people’s right to decide which seeds to plant and which types of maize to feed themselves with. This directly jeopardizes the traditional Mexican cuisine which is central to the cultural identity of the communities that practice and transmit it from generation to generation and has been recognised as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

This in turn also has the potential to devastatingly affect all other centers of biodiversity and interconnected food cultures around the world who will continue to face such attacks on their sovereignty.

Mexico holds the legacy of being one of the first constitutions globally to incorporate enforceable social rights, encompassing health and a clean environment (Article 4). Thus, a right to health is a legally enforceable provision under its national constitution. This along with achieving universal health coverage (UHC) for its 100 million citizens makes Mexico a country that continues to stand up for biodiversity, for health, for the environment.

Convergence: Interconnected strength, interconnected resistance

In the face of this local and global Bio-imperialism, Navdanya International joined together with the campaign Sin Maiz No Hay País, and Via Orgánica, along with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER) and the Ministry of Culture, along with other Latin American movements to organize events from March 12th to 16th in Mexico City to carve a common strategy against the further imposition of new and old GMOs around the world, sharing experiences, struggles and solidarity in defense of Biodiversity, Food and Seed Freedom, through strengthening the support and solidarity, in cultivating and connecting different organizations, movements and people.

These meetings and convergences helped create a gathering place for solidarity by bringing together representatives from movements from all over Latin America and beyond to demonstrate that this struggle goes beyond individual borders. All over the world the impostions continue to take place, directly violating the sovereignty and rights of people and nature, in favor of corporate agenda.

José Bernardo Magdaleno Velazco (Nino), President of the Peasant Union, Totikes, Chiapas emphasized that “we are not alone in this fight”. Together with activists and organizations such as the Campaña Nacional Sin Maíz No Hay País, Semillas de Vida, Vía Organica, Regeneration International, Bloque Verde, Probioma, Naturaleza De Derechos, and Semillas de Identidad- Colombia, Navdanya International joined the demand for governments around the world to stop genetically manipulated seeds, which threaten the survival of food and agricultural systems based on biological and cultural diversity.

These events carved a convergence of movements, to stand in defense of our biocultural diversity and food heritage across the world, in resistance to old  GMOs and new GMOs.

It is in this coming together of different movements and voices united in their goal of food and seed sovereignty that these events in Mexico led to the emergence of an interconnected strength and resistance. Where the nurturing of solidarity and a reminder of a common resistance despite varied contexts, echoed and re-iterated that together, we are all more than the sum of the parts. Building relationships and connections, across organizations, across movements and beyond countries is necessary for effectively resisting this GMO imperialism. This interconnected strength is what we have to tap into, to continue our struggle in defense of life, diversity and freedom.

Significance: Food sovereignty as a driving force for political sovereignty 

The current socio-political context of Mexico’s demand of autonomy based on being a center of diversity and cultural heritage is unique because food sovereignty is the driving force behind the political sovereignty of the people. This reiterates that every kind of autonomy  is rooted in food and seed.

At the event held on March 12, 2024 at Mexican Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER), Mexico City called “In Defense of Food Sovereignty”, Dr. Vandana Shiva, President of Navdanya International in her keynote lecture on food sovereignty, mentioned that it was so important to celebrate  cultures where cultural diversity and biodiversity are not seen as separate. She added that “Food sovereignty is a high level concept, because it implies the sovereignty of beings to manage and organize themselves toward health.” The cultivation of biodiversity has to imply sovereignty at all levels. Sovereignty is needed at all levels for organisms to be able to freely develop and evolve, self organize toward health.

Leydy Pech, evocatively added in the same event that “In Maya, we have no word for GMO, we call them instead seeds that have no heart, seeds with no life.” Furthermore, she asked a significant question, potent for everyone around the world: “Our seeds, our knowledge is our inheritance, with this destruction what will we inherit in the future?”

As also highlighted by Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, general coordinator of social communication and spokesperson for the Government of the Mexican Republic, “Mexican sovereignty starts with food sovereignty.” It is food sovereignty and the sovereignty of all interconnected beings to self-organize and grow with health that holds the power of resistance politically, economically and socially.

GMO imperialism is an attack on this sovereignty of all interconnected beings at all levels of self organization. It is an attack on life itself.

As Leydy Pech echoed: “You cannot call what goes against life, development”. Dr. María Elena Álvarez-Buylla Roces, general director of the National Council of humanities, sciences and technologies (CONAHCYT) said that “On a global level the deregulation and imposition of GMOs and toxic food systems is a denial of sovereignty and right to health on multiple levels.” She added that Mexico’s success in asserting its own sovereignty on seeds and food policies would be a beacon for other countries to be able to assert their food sovereignty and seed freedom in turn.

Biodiversity at all levels

A Seminar on Biodiversity Protection titled “Protection and Conservation of Biodiversity in Centers of Origin” was held on March 15, 2024 at the Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) Headquarters, Mexico City. This seminar analyzed and discussed strategies to conserve and protect natural resources in countries that are centers of origin and genetic diversity of species, through a dialogues, work round tables, and discussions for common strategy with key actors of the Mexican government, representatives from Latin America, Asia, the United States, and others in the protection and conservation of biodiversity in Latin America and other regions.

Maestro Iván Rico López, Subsecretary of Environmental Planning and Policy, SEMARNAT highlighted that “Megadiverse countries, the centers of origin of crop varieties, have greater responsibility in protecting the world’s biodiversity. We have learned that our plant genetic heritage is our cultural heritage. Natural and Social aspects go hand in hand, as those who have preserved the genetic diversity are the indigenous peoples.”

Columba López, Director of the Commission for Natural Resources and Rural Development, CORENADR, emphasized the key to this biodiversity being in the hands of the farmers. It is the farmers who are the custodians of  these biodiverse foods, cultures, seeds, knowledges. She said that “We work on native seeds in our Seed Houses. We cultivate and replicate seeds through agroecological practices in the field. We develop seeds that adapt in the mountains or near the water, that are climate resilient and we do it through farmers’ participatory breeding.”

Biodiversity at all levels produces health, diversity in our farms, our seed, our foods, our cultures etc. having a biodiverse field in line with local ecosystem and cultural heritage, gives us a diversity of foods, and a diversity of food cultures. This is how we create health first in our fields all the way to our plates and our guts.

Dr. Vandana Shiva, of Navdanya International highlighted that, “Indigenous peoples and communities know that seeds continuously evolve. By turning biodiversity into technology they (corporations) deny the creativity of biodiversity, they go against how nature works. Diversity is a living necessity.” She further reiterated that, “The colonizing mentality considers living beings as disposable and nature as raw material to be extracted. Mexico is recovering the dignity of natural resources, which are the basis of our health and well-being & the health of the planet.”

Similarly, at the event held on March 16, 2024 held at Cencalli, Museo de maíz y centro de la cultura alimentaria, Los Pinos, Ciudad de México, in the presence of the Alejandra Frausto Guerrero, from the Ministry of Culture, Victor Sanchez reaffirmed the need to resist the food imperialism that destroys our cultures by defending our biodiversity and strengthening seed freedom. Navdanya International co-organized this event with Campaña Nacional Sin Maíz No Hay PaísVia Organica and Regeneration International. Andre Leu, Director of Regeneration International, discussed the latest evidence of negative health effects caused by exposure to glyphosate: “There’s scientific evidence about the correlations between the introduction of glyphosate and transgenic crops and the increase in diseases such as cancer, obesity, kidney failure and autism.”

Mercedes López Martínez from Vía Orgánica, Mexico, discussed the great importance of protecting small farmers and indigenous communities as the backbone of a thriving food culture. Miguel Ángel Crespo of Probioma, Bolivia shared how, “The fight to protect biodiversity and genetic resources is also political, legal and scientific.”

It is this interconnection of diversity at all levels, including diversity of organizations and movements reflecting the interconnection and sovereignty of organisms that is needed to resist GMO imperialism from the ground up.

Also read:

Vandana Shiva makes an International call to support Mexico in the defense of Seed Freedom and Biodiversity

Events in Mexico: Resisting GMO Imperialism

Joint Declaration in Defense of our Biodiversity, Seed and Food Freedom – Resisting GMO Imperialism

Open Letter from Diverse Women for Diversity to World Leaders

US pressure to impose GM corn in Mexico threatens global genetic heritage of Maize Diversity


Connect with Navdanya International

Cover image credit: GildAix

The Eclipse Obscured, & and Other Goings-On

The Eclipse Obscured, & and Other Goings-On

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
April 15, 2024


It’s been a week since the solar eclipse, and just as I sat down today (Sunday) to sort through all the emails in my inbox and schedule blogs, I received the following intriguing article on Substack from a “new” contributor, whom we’ll just call D.S.G., who also happens to be an old friend. Before we get to that, I have to confess that I was not one of those that spent a lot of time outdoors looking at the eclipse. Where I live, the totality was not visible anyway. What happened was simply that the day visibly “dimmed”, not that I could have seen much anyway, since it was an overcast day. As the days approached, I began to get emails from a few of you telling me that your weather forecast was not favorable to viewing, and that of this small group, a few of you were even going to travel a fair distance to be able to view the totality.  But then, as we shall see, after the eclipse, a few odd stories began to roll in, and this one tops the list:

Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide?

The beginning of this article says it all:

I haven’t been on Twitter much these days. After hitting 20,000 followers I became so shadow-banned that the purpose of it has become pointless. With that being said, on April 8th, 2024, the day of the Eclipse, I shared some photos of my Michigan sky, which started off as beautiful blue then, only two hours before the eclipse, filled the infamous lines. I then scrolled a bit to see if anyone else was noticing the same; I was quite surprised at how many posts there were. I began bookmarking the posts, downloading lots of videos and logging the locations the reports were coming from so I could plot them on a map.

Today, we are first going to check out many of the posts (there are way more than I can possibly document), then I am going to provide some theories regarding why this excessive spray campaign was ran, then we will look at other interesting stuff that happened on April 8th, 2024.

This, I think you’ll grant, is very intriguing, and given the scale and breadth of the selection the article’s author has gathered, is hardly accidental or coincidental. In my case, as most regular readers here know, I tend to go to sleep between 4 and 5 AM, and to wake up very late in the morning, usually around noon. Eclipse day was no different for me, and as a result, I have no idea if, where I live, the day began clear and later clouded over due to the spraying that “they” deny that they’re doing, even while Baal Gates, in his busybody billionaire insanity, wants to blot out the sun. But if the reader looks at the assembly of videos and pictures in the article, it becomes evident that much chemtrail activity was reported on the day of the eclipse, raising the question of what “they” were trying to accomplish with it. The article’s headline says it: “They” were trying to hide “something”, rather like the old fable about ostriches hiding their heads in the sand when confronted by something they don’t like. Removing it from view and pretending it does not exist will make it go away.

The author notes that NASA was warning people not to try to take pictures of the event with cellphones. The author then notes that satellite photos show the cloudy cover that resulted from the spraying, and the “coincidence” that it lies right along the path of the eclipse. He also notes that NASA announced that it would launch rockets to study the eclipse (studying what, exactly?), and indeed it did so.  And on top of all of this, there was “eclipse sickness”:

But the media isn’t reporting on poison air or lines covering the sky, instead they are publishing “Eclipse Sickness”, which is causing Americans “weird feelings” in addition to headaches, fatigue, changes in menstrual cycle and insomnia.

Much of the article then deals with an alleged psychological operation to make everyone feel sick in connection with the eclipse, and then the author gets right down to his thesis: a second “sun” or light source in the sky:

Interestingly, in January 2024, I published two articles. The first was called 2 Suns in the Sky: Optical Illusion or Military Operation?. In this article we looked at all kinds of evidence people have recorded, clearly showing two sources of light in the sky (and no, it isn’t lens flare, a “Sun Dog”, reflections, camera tracking, etc.). In the second part of that series, Sun Simulators Deployed Worldwide? Shocking Evidence of a Fake Sun, we looked at all kinds of crazy stuff regarding the patenting and manufacturing of new suns. Both of those pieces are worth your time, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors abd have been feeling suspicious about what has been going on around you for the past couple years. Anyway, in those pieces, it really looks like they have been practicing with their sun simulators.

As mentioned, I published those pieces in January. Ever since January, here in Michigan, our sun has been blocked. I detailed this in Gov Using Frequency to Move Clouds to Block the Sun: 2024 Arctic Freeze was Manmade, 100% ProofNo matter where the sun has been in the sky, it is always blocked by a cloud. You can literally watch them shift the clouds, using frequency (I know it sounds crazy, but read the article). All along I have wondered if the real purpose of this is to continue to hide their sun simulator testing.

So there you have it: “sun simulators” or other major light sources in the sky. In aid of this very wild hypothesis, we get interesting videos that appear to show more than one Moon eclipsing more than one Sun, some very strange reflections, a low rumbling sounds (which, incidentally, I myself have heard on occasion including on eclipse day), and then the article just sort of peters out, leaving one with a hypothesis of “sun simulators”, rumbles, and strange reflections.

So before we get to my own contribution of high octane speculation (and perhaps silly nonsense), let us not forget that in addition to NASA launching three rockets to “study something” that day, that CERN was going to fire up its large hadron collider on that precise day. As E.E. said in the email that accompanied the article: “Just follow the ritual…er… science”:

CERN to test world’s most powerful particle accelerator during April’s solar eclipse to search for ‘invisible’ matter that secretly powers our universe

At least in the case of the CERN-collider-eclipse business, they’re at least being consistent with their narrative that they’re still looking at particles in the quantum particle pantheon zoo, and for dark matter and all of that. Regular readers who’ve been following me for a while know that I think what they’re really looking for are hyper-dimensional effects, including torsion effects, which in my hack-from-South-Dakota thinking, would be very likely to manifest during eclipses, provided one has a sufficiently accurate means of measuring them, and a circular collider with its built-in implied precessional wobbles might be just the ticket. (And for those really paying attention, remember Richard Hoagland’s Bullova accutron watch experiments?)

There were other, possibly related, events, like the fact that the northern terrestrial polar vortex was spinning backward recently (thanks to M.D. and T.S. for this catch):

The Polar Vortex Is Suddenly Swirling Backwards

And just for kicks and giggles, let’s not forget the South Atlantic anomaly, and NASA’s satellites:

NOAA Satellites View Total Solar Eclipse

Weird dent in Earth’s magnetic field is messing with auroras in the Southern Hemisphere

And let’s add to this “anomalies stew” those claims of “UFOs near the Sun” and even that there are UFO reports in connection with the eclipse.

So… what is going on?

Answer: I have no answer. Not. A. Clue. Nothing. Nichts, Nadda.

Do I think that “they” might have been deliberately trying to cover up the existence of UFOs, other “light sources” and so on, with the spraying? Very possibly.  Could there even be such “light sources” or “sun simulators”? Possibly. Are “they” looking for torsion effects, perhaps even torsion effects that could, so to speak, “roll up the heavens like a curtain”? Sure “they” could be.  After all, I put nothing past “them.” Baal Gates wants to blot out the sun because of “climate change” and in so doing seeks an apocalyptic, godlike power that could possibly end mankind itself. But what if, indeed, the whole climate change narrative is a convenient cover story for an operation that is really designed to keep certain things veiled and secret behind a cloud screen and fog?

Clearly “they” are hiding something, and when you boil my high octane speculations of the day down to their quintessence (yes, the alchemical term is deliberate), they amount to this: there are aspects of celestial mechanics – astrophysics and cosmology – that might be dramatically different than the “public physics” models taught in the schools, and something is threatening to break through those models, and dash them to the ground like so many Tinker Toys and Lincoln Log constructions, and “they” are trying desperately to keep those models and their favored narratives intact.

Someone else, in other words, may be entering the game…Ringmakers of Saturn, anyone?

….See you on the flip side…


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Cover image credit: Vilkasss

Was the Iran Attack Orchestrated by Amateurs?

Was the Iran Attack Orchestrated by Amateurs?
What actually happened and didn’t happen? 

by Jon Rappoport
April 16, 2024


Something’s wrong here. Very wrong.

First, when have you heard a major enemy (Iran) ANNOUNCE AND LEAK AND LEAK AND ANNOUNCE that they’re GOING TO attack their enemy (Israel)?

Who’s kidding who?

“Yes, we want to make sure Israel is ready for us. We want to make sure all their defense systems are turned on and on high alert before we actually attack…”

Second—the DEBRIS.

I’m watching the news which is showing (if I can believe the footage) explosions in the sky over Tel Aviv. The Israeli shoot-down of drones and missiles. But NOT ONE WORD about falling debris raining down on the city.

Who’s kidding who? There should have been thousands of pieces of debris wreaking destruction on the ground.

Finally—hours later, we’re told that, in all of Israel, one civilian, a girl, was slightly injured. There was some damage, but it was at an Israeli military base. Convenient. When will we see pictures of that? Never?

What really happened in this attack? Were there hundreds of missiles and drones? 99% of which were shot down?

Read more (available for Jon Rappoport’s paid subscribers at substack)


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Cover image credit: CDD20

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Was Iran’s Strike Against Israel a Psy-Op?

Was Iran’s Strike Against Israel a Psy-Op?

Was Iran’s Strike Against Israel a Psy-Op?

by Janet Phelan, Activist Post
April 15, 2024


Image credit: CBS


Saturday saw a rather spectacular night-sky display over Tel Aviv and elsewhere in Israel, as Iran sent hundreds of drones and missiles aimed at the Jewish state. From all reports, the display of force exhibited by Iran was stopped cold by a coordinated response by Israel, the US, the UK and even Jordan and Saudi Arabia, as around 99% of the projectiles were blown up before reaching the target. There was one critical injury reported–that of a Bedouin child who has subsequently been hospitalized. Physical damage was also reported as minor.

The strike by Iran, the first ever that came directly from Tehran and not via its proxies, was in retaliation to an attack by Israel on an Iranian consulate building in Damascus, killing Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zaheoi, a senior IRGC commander, and seven other IRGC officers. This Israeli assault came as a result of Iranian attacks on Israeli citizens which took place along the Syrian border. Since October 7, Iran and Israel have engaged in escalating exchanges which many fear will erupt into outright war.

As stated by Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an expert in Iran’s missile capabilities, and quoted in Politico,

“Until now, Iran had never directly targeted Israel from Iranian territory in an overt and attributable fashion…. The strike also was the first ballistic missile attack from Iranian territory against a defended target.”

There are a couple of ways to view such a dramatic failure as Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel. One is to thank the Master of the Universe for intervening and protecting Israel. Another way is to recognize the effectiveness of Israel and its allies in successfully stopping the Iranian attack.

A third way involves some dispassionate analysis of what Iran intended and what it may have set in motion by its actions in launching the failed assault. The remainder of this article looks at the events as a possible psy-op, ostensibly launched by Iran but further promulgated by the general Western response to the attack.

The amount of media attention given the Iranian attack in the days leading up to Saturday’s attack was definitely…weird. Media outlet after outlet broadcast the pending attack, and even nailed down the probable time frame. “Iran to Attack Israel Within 48 hours,” bleated headline after headline. And sure enough, within the predicted time frame Iran stepped up.

With an attack which could not have been less stealthy–the drones taking about six hours to reach Israeli air space–and with all the formal pomp and circumstance accorded such a well publicized attack, Iran sent its projectiles against Israel. As one commentator. Reid Baron, put it,

“This is a strategic move by Iran to see how Israel and it’s allies will reply. Why else would many Iranian drones have their lights on and take ~6 hrs to reach Israeli airspace? That’s like telling someone you’re going to punch them in the nose and taking 10 minutes to set up the punch.”

If all the advance notice and the fact that the attack was so easily tracked and therefore thwarted was not enough, the media gave considerable attention and weight to the failed attack. CNN posted over 50 updates, giving a blow by blow account as the drones entered Israeli airspace and were duly blown out of the sky. CNN also gravely informed us of Biden’s high level meetings during the air strike and actions by other state parties, such as the UK, which rushed to Israel’s defense. CNN also covered Iran’s announcement that the assault had “concluded.”

But has it really? And was Iran’s attack on Israel anything more than a decoy, a psy-op?

In an article published April 14, Politico asks the bold question

“Iran’s Attack Seems Like It Was Designed to Fail. So What Comes Next?”

If indeed the Iranian attack was “designed to fail,” the reasons for this must include the fact that Israel will most likely respond. And this presents the likelihood of a full blown Iranian/Israeli war.

Coming at a time when President Biden exhibits such waffling in his support of Israel, and coming at a time when it appears that Iran has indeed achieved its long-sought goal to obtain a nuclear weapon, this does not bode well for the future of stability in the region. Also of concern is that public sentiment seems to have turned somewhat against Israel, largely due to the success of Hamas’s propaganda in convincing people that the Palestinian death toll is much larger than it really is.

And given Israel’s remarkable lapse on October 7, when the fence breach and invasion by Hamas took place, one wonders who is really watching over Israel’s defenses. Not only was advance notice that Hamas was doing drills around the fence ignored, not only was the technologically state-of-the-art fence somehow breached and the IDF failed to respond for hours following the breach, but no adequate reason has yet been tendered for this massive failure on the part of Israel’s defenses.

Although Biden has stated that his support for Israel is “ironclad,” his recent actions reveal a different mindset. When the US failed to veto a recent UN call for a ceasefire in Gaza, the Israeli response was stunned. When Biden authorized billions in aid for Iran, the Israeli response was equally redolent of shock and betrayal. And the President has made it very clear that should Israel respond to the failed Iranian attack, it is on its own.

What better way to lure Israel into a war with an enemy that has an undisclosed nuclear arsenal than to launch a faux attack? And given that Israel’s “BF” has tipped us off that it won’t support Israel should Israel retaliate, what better way to ensure that the tiny Jewish state suffers a lethal blow than to hang it out to dry at the ultimate challenge?

Citing a Wall Street Journal article, another commentator, Yan Gulko, had this to say

“The Iranian strike was largely performative, not directed against population centers, communicated clearly hours in advance and designed to be intercepted with the resources available. Its intention was to clearly cross the red line, but do it in such a way that the world powers would not rally behind Israel’s retaliatory strike.”

In other words. “Come and get us. And make sure you come alone. We’ll be waiting for you.”


Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. 


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Cover image credit: tswedensky

No Oaths of Office in the Federal Government

No Oaths of Office in the Federal Government
Enemies destroying US government from within 

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
April 9, 2024


On January 10th of 1963, forty-five current communist goals were submitted to the Congressional record. Number thirteen was, “Do away with loyalty oaths.”

Sixty years later on the very same day, Biden, Obrador, and Trudeau met in Mexico City for the Declaration of North America which states a plan to unify North America under the ideas of diversity, climate change, migration, health, and regional security. The beginnings of a North American Union, which is a step towards a one world government.

According to law, elected officials must swear an oath that they will support, defend, and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And through the Freedom of Information Act, US attorney Todd Callender, along with his team at Project Proper Oath, found that not a single member of the existing cabinet has a valid oath of office.

US Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, has no oath of office, and has also failed to register as a foreign agent, which is required due to serving on the boards and conducting international business with Raytheon, Nucor, and Tenet Healthcare.

US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, has no oath of office.

US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, responsible for declaring a national emergency during COVID, has no oath of office.

Former director of the Centers for Disease Control, Rochelle Walensky, had no oath of office.

US special counsel, Jack Smith, responsible for investigating the January 6th U.S. Capitol attack, has no oath of office.

US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Matthew Graves, chief prosecutor of Jan-sixers, has no oath of office.

Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, has no oath of office.

Within 30 days of appointment to public office, all public officials are legally required to have a signed and notarized copy of their oath of office. And it appears as if no elected officials in the Federal government have one. They are either non-existent, incomplete, or fraudulent. The fraudulent ones are missing signatures, are not notarized, and in most of them, the words “SO HELP ME GOD” are in all caps. In the US Constitution, “So help me God” is not in all caps. And this matters. As many have been telling us for decades, including the great Jordan Maxwell.

“Today, the entire world of mankind operates under a world law which is referred to as the law of the high seas or, International Maritime Admiralty. When you were born, you came out of your mother’s water. Since you came out of your mother’s water, you are a maritime product. This is why, when you were born, the doc (dock) has to sign your birth (berth) certificate. It’s a maritime Admiralty manifest showing that your mother brought you into the world and you are going to make money. Anything in this country, if it’s a lawful legal document of any kind, your name must be, according to maritime law, be in all capital letters. Why? Because you do not own your body. You do not own yourself. All capital letters name implies that you are a maritime admiralty product. You are not a human. You’re not a living entity. You’re a product.

“Your living entity person, the actual you, is represented under law by upper and lower case name. So you are a corporation, whether you know it or not. But you are merely a subsidiary of a larger corporation called UNITED STATES. This is the way the law works.”

~ Jordan Maxwell


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The Fury of Europe’s Farmers Shocks EU Technocrats

The Fury of Europe’s Farmers Shocks EU Technocrats

by Fraser Myers, sourced from Technocracy News & Trends


The continent-wide fury of EU farmers is blazing a trail straight to the heart of Technocracy, namely, the green agenda, net zero, and the war on energy and food. The late Rosa Koire warned Europe between 2010-2015 about “the blueprint, the comprehensive plan of action for the 21st century to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all law enforcement, all health care, all food, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.” 

The farmers got it and are now fighting for their lives and livelihoods. Technocrats spin out these suicidal policies using their oracle of pseudoscience as their god. However, it is no god but rather base scientism, which C.S. Lewis laid bare in his Abolition of Man (1943). 

These are those whose intent is to destroy the earth (Rev. 11:18). Will we stop them before it is too late?

~ Technocracy News Editor

Europe’s farmers are rising up – and the elites are terrified. In France, farmers recently staged a four-day ‘siege of Paris’, blocking major roads around the French capital. In January, thousands of tractors descended on Berlin in Germany, lining the streets leading up to the Brandenburg Gate. In Brussels, farmers have gathered from all over Europe to demonstrate against the EU and pelt the European Parliament with eggs. In the Netherlands, tractors have caused the longest traffic jam in the nation’s history, as part of a years-long battle between farmers and the government. This farmers’ revolt is now truly Europe-wide. From Portugal to Poland, from Ireland to Italy, almost every EU country has been rocked by protests. So what is driving this populist uprising? What do the farmers want?

Farmers in each country have their own specific grievances, of course. But there is a common root to their anger. What connects them is the European Union’s green agenda, which has been imposed on agriculture from on-high. It has made farmers’ lives a misery, sacrificing their livelihoods at the altar of climate alarmism. Bureaucrats who have no idea how farmers work and live, have essentially been condemning farms – many of them run by families for generations – to oblivion, all at the stroke of the regulator’s pen. And farmers are simply not putting up with it anymore.

The first stirrings of revolt began in 2019, in the Netherlands, with the so-called nitrogen crisis. The Dutch Supreme Court ruled that the government was failing to cut nitrogen pollution to EU-approved levels. In response, the Dutch government promised ‘drastic measures’ to cut nitrogen emissions. In all but name, it declared war on its nation’s farmers. Suddenly, the government had turned against one of its most important and impressive sectors. You see, the Netherlands, despite its small size, is the second-largest exporter of food in the entire world, thanks to the world-beating efficiency of its farms. And nitrogen is intrinsic to this efficiency. Fertilisers are rich in nitrogen, and farmers need fertilisers to maximise their crop yields. Nitrogen is also an inevitable byproduct of animal farming. Livestock release ammonia, a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen, through their excrement. The Netherlands has over four million cows, 13million pigs and 104million chickens. Which is a lot of manure and a lot of nitrogen. Any crackdown on nitrogen emissions was always going to hit farmers hard. Even so, the Dutch government’s proposals went even further than anyone could have imagined. It said it would buy out thousands of the most polluting farms and simply shut them down. Other farms would have to cull a proportion of their animals. This would mean slaughtering around half of all the livestock in the Netherlands. In all, this represented an unthinkable act of national economic self-harm.

Thus, the farmers’ revolt was born. Huge protests erupted in 2019. After a brief hiatus during the Covid pandemic, they came roaring back in 2021 and 2022. Dutch farmers blocked roads, railways and canal bridges with tractors and hay bales. They defied government bans to bring tractors into the Hague. Tens of thousands took part in the demonstrations. But the Dutch government did not back down. It kept proposing new targets, new measures and new restrictions on nitrogen. In 2022, the government’s own figures revealed that around 30 per cent of farms would have to close to meet their targets. And last year, it drew up a list of the 3,000 farms that it wants to forcibly close within the next few years.

All of this has been done with the approval and encouragement of the EU. And there is worse to come in the Netherlands and beyond. The absurd nitrogen rules that are threatening Dutch farms come from an EU environmental directive that dates back to the 1990s. But the EU’s eco-mania has intensified massively since then. Farmers now have to contend with the drive to Net Zero, too. According to Laurence Tubiana, chief executive of the European Climate Foundation and the architect of the Paris Climate accords, Net Zero will require ‘the biggest overhaul of farming since the Second World War’. And yet, once again, farmers haven’t been consulted on this. Targets have simply been drawn up by the technocrats and rubber stamped by national governments, without any consideration for their impact on farmers and their ability to produce food.

Under the EU’s so-called Green Deal, every EU member state has to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050. And the EU’s emissions rules for agriculture are especially, insanely, stringent. The punishing green policies don’t stop there, either. The Farm to Fork strategy, announced in 2020, calls for 10 per cent of farmland to be set aside for non-agricultural use. It says that at least a quarter of EU farms should become organic. It says fertiliser use must fall by 20 per cent. Pesticide use must be cut by 50 per cent. And all of this should be done by 2030. Each of these demands would be enough to put thousands of farms out of business on their own. When combined, they pose an existential threat to European agriculture. And if the EU’s laws weren’t bad enough, member states are actually gold plating these regulations. The EU had already demanded the impossible of farmers. Now national elites in Berlin, Paris and The Hague want to go even further.

This is why farmers are out on the streets across the continent. It’s why they’re taking matters into their own hands. It’s why they feel they have no choice but to block roads with their tractors, bring life to a standstill and dowse public buildings with manure. They are determined to remind the powers-that-be just how essential they are to the functioning of modern life.

At first, the elites tried to dismiss the protests. They resorted to their usual playbook. They called the farmers fascists, far right and pawns of online disinformation. But this propaganda campaign has flopped. Not only have these smears failed to demoralise the farmers, they have also failed to turn the public against the protests. In country after country, European peoples are backing their farmers, even as the protests disrupt daily life.

In the Netherlands, where our story began, a farmers’ party briefly managed to storm electoral politics, too. The Farmer-Citizen Movement – or BBB – was set up in 2019 amid the nitrogen-crisis demonstrations. Less than four years later, the BBB swept the board in the Dutch provincial elections. It won the popular vote in all 12 provinces – the first time any party had achieved this in Dutch history. While the farmers’ protests managed to bring tens of thousands on to the streets, the farmers’ party managed to mobilise almost 1.5million voters.

The fury of the farmers has now become impossible to ignore. The usually tin-eared elites across Europe have been forced to listen and respond. In Germany, farmers have got their government to delay planned cuts in subsidies for agricultural fuel. And they have managed to keep their tax breaks on tractors and farm vehicles, which were also under threat. In France, farmers have extracted millions of euros in additional grants. And they’ve put paid to government plans to hike fuel taxes. In Ireland, a deranged government proposal to cull 200,000 cows has quietly been shelved. Even at the EU level, farmers have already chalked up some significant victories. Remember that plan to halve the use of pesticides by 2030? It’s now been torn up.

But the protests aren’t going to stop anytime soon. How could they? These concessions, though welcome, do not go nearly far enough. The green agenda is diametrically opposed to the interests of agriculture. So long as European politicians are committed to Net Zero, then the farmers will always be in their sights. What’s more, the farmers’ cause will continue to resonate with ordinary people, who are also served poorly by their environmentalist leaders, whose policies are pushing up prices and obliterating food and energy security. The farmers are merely the canaries in the coalmine. They were just the first group of people to be pushed to breaking point – and to get organised in response.

The farmers offer a cautionary tale to Europe’s rulers. The green elites assumed that farmers would take their bitter medicine. They had no idea just how devastating their regulations would be to farmers’ way of life. They failed to see the human beings behind the emissions figures on their spreadsheets. And the broader push for Net Zero could soon generate much more resistance, from a much broader section of society. After all, under the current plans, our energy bills are set to soar, as we replace reliable fossil fuels with unreliable renewables. Our trusty gas boilers could soon be ripped out, replaced with expensive and inefficient heat pumps. Older, cheaper vehicles are being banned or taxed off the road in the push towards electric cars. Yet again, the establishment seems to think it can change our way of life and shred our living standards without a peep of discontent. This is bound to provoke an almighty backlash. And the farmers have shown us the way.

Long may the farmers’ revolt continue. And here’s hoping it inspires many more people to take a stand.


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Cover image credit: European Commission (Christophe Licoppe)
Demonstration of farmers in the European Quarter in Brussels, Feb 1, 2024
Creative Commons

The Psychological Battle for Truth — and the Power of the Farmers’ Uprising

The Psychological Battle for Truth — and the Power of the Farmers’ Uprising

by Julian Rose
sourced from Activist Post
April 1, 2024


The ‘deep state’ has no power over you. None. It can only try and make you believe it does.

And in this it is very clever, using sophisticated psychological techniques that give the impression of holding the dominant position and exercising the dominant power.

But this is a chimera; and immediately one sees it as such one manifests the authoritative position and the deep state is in check; it can only operate defensively.

This it does by putting up ever greater barriers to freedom of expression, movement and choice.

It knows it’s on the losing side, so has to pull all the tricks in the trade to make itself appear to be in control. It’s a psychological battlefield.

Edward Bernays, the founder of modern advertising, has had much to do with weaponising the powers of perception and deception. He found that you can get people to believe and do almost anything once you learn how to exploit their psyche with carefully chosen imagery and words.

Once you tap into people’s widespread subconscious attraction to the trappings of seductive consumables.

The deep state’s corporate/banker led ‘seeming’ global dominance draws on Bernays’s cunning, using advanced insights concerning how to influence the functions of different areas of the human brain.

The objective is to come up with a blanket like web of virtual signposting pointing to the direction life must go in in order to overcome some purposefully manufactured crisis. A crisis that is claimed will otherwise cook, starve or destroy people and the planet.

People in a state of funk take all this to be real, of course, and plod on with their tunnel vision acceptance of the pathological diktats of the status quo.

The deep state cabal has a mental hold over their perception of what is and is not true, and rolls out the moderators, fact checkers and ‘sudden silencers’ to counteract anything that emerges as an emissary of truth. Many of us have had firsthand experience of this executioner formula.

Nevertheless, ‘we the purposeful people’ are winning through. There is simply too much informative material on the loose for the thought/surveillance police to cover, in spite of their algorithmic interventions.

Their tactic is therefore to try to gain the upper hand by pushing harder on the ‘disaster agenda.’ This is exemplified by the global dissemination of the dystopian agenda laid out in Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The most ubiquitous cooked-up disaster is, of course, ‘man-made global warming’ – with its stated solution to be the Transhuman. All steps in between are sold as vital to advancing the speed and efficiency of the ‘human to inhuman’ transformation process.

The digitalisation of life is central to the architects of control argument that humanity is incapable of managing itself and that, without their intervention, the outcome will be the complete breakdown of planetary life.

Only a race of soulless computer assisted ‘super beings’ can save the day, say the likes of Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk and Klaus Schwab.

Consider how this agenda plays on the psychology of those who have yet to find in themselves the self-assurance to discard that which has no practical sense of purpose and no foundation in basic common sense.

The architects of control count on the majority remaining unresistant to the rolling out of their high-tech hegemonic master plan. So much so that they can freely announce that by following it “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”

In the psychological battle for truth, the perpetrators of the lie have access to a vast storehouse of mind-bending persuasion techniques to make their agenda seem the only choice.

They recognise that when a high percentage of individuals believe themselves to be unable to operate without a mobile phone – they will be sufficiently unfocussed and distracted so as to be unable to rebel against a fateful acceptance of slavery to the big brother of convenience.

Easily manipulated victims of digital mass hypnosis.

Here lies the rub: if the upwardly mobile urban ‘educated’ segment of society sees no problem conducting their lives within a credit card bubble of hypermarket convenience shopping, digital EMF communication systems, computer fed entertainment packages and a well-paid job in a global or trans national corporation – where is the resistance going to come from?

If this genre of people is already too far gone to register an internal kick when faced by a high-level plan to ‘happily’ have all their material assets taken away from them – then who or what is going to raise the alarm?

It looks to me as though only a small percentage of mankind can read the script being outlined for their future behind bars. Only a few can grasp the psychology of the insentient psychopath and his soulless urge to possess and control, at any price.

But once one moves outside the world of Godless urban shopping obsessed nine to fivers and ‘well-educated’ university trained job hunters, a potential to get real starts to emerge.

Amongst those working people who regularly get their hands dirty, who till the fields; build shelters; repair cars; mend pipes; fix electrics and dig drains, the virtual reality digital cybernetic future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution – and Green New Deal – looks like pure fantasy. The ravings of the unhinged.

They don’t need to mentally struggle in order to try to grasp the twisted logic being broadcast by the global media mafia. They simply know in their gut that it’s so much ‘bull’.

It is those who form the foundation of pyramid who hold society together. Who glue together the basic infrastructure which supports our daily lives. And it is from here that an increasing percentage reject the psychology of mental indoctrination and the promotion of a digitalised virtual future.

The ‘Throw out Green Deal’ remarkable, unified farmer uprisings happening in all parts of Europe and beyond are testimony to this. They are rising up against the imposition of phony ‘Net Zero by 2045’ rules that demand an end to farmers working the land and an end to the livestock that keep that land fertile.

These farmers are out in their tens of thousands. In Poland they are mounting month long tractor blockades of cities, supermarkets and border crossings. Coals miners, faced by being shut out by large scale ‘stop global warming’ redundancies, are joining the uprising.

Farmers say they will not cease their disruptions until their demands are met by government and by the EU.

This is the refreshingly undiluted language of genuine defiance.

It has the authorities rattled. Green Deal is, after all, the very backbone of the agenda to enslave us all to a Brave New World of synthetic everything – from food to nature to people.

The general public are in sympathy with the farmers’ actions.  Approximately 80% of European citizens are on their side according to opinion surveys.

Getting a solid core of consumers to rise up and participate in this bottom-up movement for the survival of real food and real farming will be vital to maintaining the momentum.

Coming from an unlikely place, a solid earthed uprising is gathering pace. The farmers’ demands are essentially for economic fairness, respect and recognition of the vital roll they play in the food security of the nation.

Under ‘Green Deal’ none of these demands are taken seriously. The WEF solution is not to support the agricultural community but to destroy it!

In the 2024 battle for truth, everyone should behave as resolutely as the farmers. The need is to be uncompromising in one’s face to face dealings with political liars and hypocrites.

We are the trustees of Planet Earth. In order to maintain its balance and equilibrium – we have no choice other than to enter into a pactless fight against all opposing forces.

Those who have land, can grow food and draw water from the well, are the last independent individuals on the planet. They are not about to capitulate to a bunch of psychos in Brussels, London, Warsaw, Washington or Paris – and nor are we.

Everyone’s life is dependent upon having access to nourishing food. Therefore, everyone’s life is dependent upon the survival and future prosperity of the farmer.

Support them now in their hour of need. Their need is also your need.

They have no future – and nor do we – without a lifesaving revolution that re-establishes the priorities for what is actually important in life. Think deeply about this and then act on it without delay.

And if you’re left in doubt – ask farmers who actually controls the food chain. Who is really in the driving seat when it comes to feeding the world?

Rise up, all good people. Take your destiny in both hands. Vigorously join together in forging a great victory for humanity over inhumanity.

Allowing oneself to slide into a state of abject slavery is a doctrine of the graveyard.

All those retaining some life-giving red blood corpuscles know that the road to truth accepts no compromise and can never be subverted by the orchestrated opium of mass indoctrination.

Julian Rose is an organic farmer, writer, broadcaster and international activist. 


Connect with Julian Rose

Cover image credit: European Commission (Christophe Licoppe)
Tractors parked and road traffic at a standstill in the European Quarter in Brussels, February 1, 2024 — creative commons

Too Many Humans? Forget That. There’s Too Many Animals.

Too Many Humans? Forget That. There’s Too Many Animals.

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
March 29, 2024


The Malthusian madness that’s been gripping the “elite” of the west ever since the Most Serene Republic of Venice first proposed the idea of “maximum carrying capacity” of human population (long before Malthus popularized the notion) has taken a step toward the truly insane, according to this PDF document that was shared by “D.J.” (no, not Dark Journalist):

AVMA Guidelines for the Depopulation of Animals: 2019 Edition

Now, I readily admit that I’m still wading through this monstrosity, but I thought I’d share just a few quotations illustrative of how insane, diabolical, and anti-life the so-called experts of the West truly are.

Take a gander of the table of contents alone, and you get the idea: under various headings of types of animals, from “Companion” animals to “Laboratory animals” to “Aquaculture” and along the way dragging in “bovine”, “swine” and “equids” in its train, these sections all contain a subsection titled “Events Necessitating Depopulation.”

Under the heading of Companion Animals, which incidentally, heads the list of animal populations to be “depopulated”, we read the following about the “Events Necessitating Depopulation” on page 19:

Emergency events that may necessitate the consideration of depopulation of companion animals may include the widespread loss of essential survival resources during natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods; non-natural disasters such as incidents involving terrorism, bioterrorism, conventional or nuclear attack or accidents, or toxic chemical spills; contamination of food and water supplies; zoonotic or pandemic disease that threatens public health and the food supply; and contagious veterinary disease in a single locality or species. Public perceptions, political and legal interventions, logistic difficulties, and compliance issues are likely to complicate depopulation efforts directed at companion animals, as was seen with the euthanasia of an Ebola virus victim’s pet dog in Spain in 2014.

Think of all of this as a kind of “template for action”: claim that there is a planscamdemic deadly to humans and transmitted through your pet cat, dog, turtle, bird, or whatever, and voila, one might be able to rid whole areas of the pesky fur-, feather-, or shell-bearing useless eaters. The reason that companion animals may be heading this bizarre list might have something to do with what is said under the “Bovine” offering of the document, again under the sub-header of events requiring depopulation (from pages 29-31):

Fortunately, animal health incidents that require the use of depopulation methods to eradicate or prevent disease, protect public health, or maintain a secure food supply are rare. Every animal health situation involving depopulation as part of the response is unique and should be evaluated individually to determine optimal response methods.

Whew! What a relief! I thought for a minute there we were out of the woods, with only companion animals being the number one concern. But no, there’s always “agro-terrorism”:

Agroterrorism may be defined “as the deliberate introduction of an animal or plant disease with the goal of generating fear, causing economic losses, and/or undermining social stability.”13 Lists of potential agroterrism pathogens by species14,15 may be found on the Center for Food Security and Public Health website along with an overview of potential bioterrorism diseases’ effects on humans and animals.16

Now so far, I’ll bet the reader is thinking, “Well, yea, but there is nothing here that really could nor should be taken as diabolical. Granted, the ‘elite’ often uses or sponsors such emergency planning studies in ways they did not inform their hired experts about when they commissioned the study.” For the hired experts, such studies are just that, contingency planning in case of an emergency, not a template for widespread action. And that argument is indeed true and often the case.

But I suspect that may not be the case here, when one considers what is said about “animal depopulation” under the “aquatic” section (page 66); note the language and terminology:

There are a number of potential situations that could result in a decision to depopulate a captive population of aquatic animals. Depopulation of captive aquatic animals may be necessary for disease control, for alleviating animal suffering, for biosafety and human safety issues, or any combination of these. Additionally, depopulation may be necessary for food safety issues or elimination of undesirable species. The method of depopulation should also take into consideration the containment of infectious materials, the zoonotic risk of the pathogen involved, and carcass disposal options. On the basis of these considerations, the type of depopulation chosen may be a preferred method, a method allowable in constrained circumstances, or a method that is not recommended. Examples of particular situations follow to demonstrate general scenarios, but are not intended to represent a comprehensive list of all potential rationales for depopulation. (Emphasis added)

What I found intriguing with this passage (particularly in the context of Wednesday’s blog about undersea mining), is the language about “elimination of undesirable species,” which species are, of course, unspecified. Under such a broad umbrella, and notwithstanding all the subsequent speculations and caveats in the article, this is alarming. What, exactly, constitutes undesirable?

There is a hidden and implicit premise here and it is the same implicit and hidden premise that haunts – yes my choice of words is deliberate – all such Malthusian arguments, and which the few attempts to exorcise have proven to be unsuccessful, and that is the premise of “staticness”, particularly of the staticness of science and technology. Consider: what may be an “undesirable species” today may subsequently come to be understood by science to be a key component of the ecosystem supporting human life, or indeed, all life, such as to eliminate it would be to ultimately doom mankind to a death by “cascading consequences” of the “depopulation” (unless of course one managed so keep DNA samples of such species in an ark, for cloning and “resurrection” in case we “guess wrongly”, and, cross your fingers, we’re able to clone enough to avert the catastrophe in time). Indeed, I have pointed out that when the Venetian Republic’s banksters first proposed the idea of a maximum human population carrying capacity for the planet, their “learned and scientific estimation” was one billion people. True enough, with the agricultural and medicinal science of their day, that estimate may have been accurate. But the trouble is, science and technology do not stand still. There may indeed be maximum carrying capacities, but we do not have a sufficiently developed science of dynamic change in complex macrosystems to know what it is, and I strongly suggest that anyone claiming to know what an “undesirable species” is, is subject to the same problems of the implicit staticness and hence falsity of all such Malthusian proposals.

And that, I submit, is why we’re not looking simply at “emergency contingency planning” with this document. We’re looking at some sick individuals’ template and plan of action.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover images credit: JoeBreuer & Joenomias

Nano Drug Delivery Systems in Smart Healthcare

Nano Drug Delivery Systems in Smart Healthcare

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
March 14, 2024


In the interest of answering questions generated by the article, ”Pretending to be Alternative,” I am expanding on nano delivery systems. Buckle your seatbelts!

Are all brands of Ivermectin alike?

There are many formulations of Ivermectin on the market. If Ivermectin is used ‘off-label’ then it can be prescribed for unapproved uses. Ivermectin was intended as an anti-parasitic medication, for repeated use, since it only kills adult parasites, not the eggs.

Several pharmaceutical companies manufacture and supply Ivermectin on a global scale. Unless you, as a patient, request the package insert of the drug, you will not necessarily know the specific lot# or ingredients to ask questions of the medical doctors who dispense them.

Today, as an ‘off-label’ drug, Ivermectin is sold for many different symptoms.  In Australia, since June 2023, the prescribing of oral ivermectin for ‘off-label’ uses will no longer be limited to specialists such as dermatologists, gastroenterologists and infectious diseases specialists. In the U.S., Ivermectin is still not FDA-approved to treat COVID.

Most people who choose to take Ivermectin, do so because it is marketed as “alternative” and is “not FDA-approved.” These phrases seem to hold special powers to some people, even though Ivermectin is still a pharmaceutical drug.

At the same time, pharmaceuticals have been upgraded to keep up with “advances” in technology.

Do All Ivermectin drugs contain Nano Lipid Particles (NLPs)?

Little is known about when lipid nanocarriers first appeared on the Ivermectin scene, but lipid and nano-drug delivery systems have been used in pharma-drugs since at least 1995. A 2017 study used nano lipid carriers as an Ivermectin delivery system for head lice.

Ivermectin was not well publicized before doctors began prescribing it ‘off-label,’ as an “alternative” treatment for COVID-19.

To assess the efficacy and safety of Ivermectin for COVID, a 2021 study reported: “Of the 41 study results contributed by included studies, about one third were at overall high risk of bias.”  The study concluded:

Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID-19 outside of well-designed randomized trials.

Generally, if scientists are writing about a protocol in their research, it implies it is used in practice as an industry standard. How else are these drugs delivered to the right part of the body? A 1995 study described the Nano Lipid Carrier delivery method:

Nano lipid carriers are a delivery system composed of a solid matrix that contains liquid nano-fatty particles. These nanoparticles are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) and possess a controlled and continuous release capability, have a cellular dimension and are compatible with tissues and cells

Did Ivermectin, in 2021, contain NanoLipid Carrier (NPC)  Delivery Systems?

It is confusing to know for sure whether Ivermectin, or other “alternative” pharmaceutical drugs, of 2021 or earlier, used lipid nanoparticles as a drug delivery system. From the the 2019 study featured in my earlier article on Ivermectin, this statement is noted under “Methods:”

To overcome the limitations observed in some drug formulations and resistance, we used nano lipid carriers (NLCs) as a targeted and sustained drug delivery system for IVM.

This statement does not make known whether NLCs are standard practice in the market, or typical for this drug. However, we can assume this methodology is standard practice at least in the last few decades. According to this 2023 study:

Over the past several decades, liposomes have been extensively developed and used for various clinical applications such as in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and dietetic fields, due to its versatility, biocompatibility, and biodegradability, as well as the ability to enhance the therapeutic index of free drugs.

Per this 2016 study: the authors wrote: “Nanomedicine is an emerging field that employs nanosized materials for applications in disease diagnosis and therapeutics. For example, nanotechnology-based methods and materials have been developed for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Nano-carrier delivery systems are also used in the treatment of Neuropsychiatric disorders and as targeted therapy in chronic diseases since 2019. Further, off-label medications for psychiatric disorders are frequently used for unapproved indications.

To be clear, my article on Pretender Alternatives focused on nanotechnology in general not only on NLCs. Whether products are lipid-based-nano or Beeswax-based-nano, it is still “nano.”

The doctors who prescribe nano-drugs are not trained in nanomedicine or their delivery systems. By plausible deniability, doctors can deny any knowledge of nanotech in their drugs. Thus, they are not responsible for disclosing known health effects of nanobots to patients.

Nano-electric Delivery Systems

Nano-medicine implies electronics.

In the 1990s, research conducted in the microelectronics industry was applied to the design of immunoassays, and since then the applications for immunoassays have expanded using nanotechnology.

This movement has been dubbed as microfluidic and lab-on-a-chip technology. Research in LOC systems is expected to extend towards downscaling of fluid handling structures as well, by using nanotechnology.

In 2024, the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), celebrates 25 years of nanotechnology. That suggests 25 years in products, medicines, and food. It is also floats in the air as Smart Dust and microplastic rain.  Cloudy with a chance of plastics? The purpose of Smart Dust Smart rain, and Smart Healthcare is for wireless monitoring and surveillance.

Smart dust is a system of tiny electromechanical sensors that detect and wirelessly transmit real-time data from their environment. Measured at one cubic millimeter or less, these devices are dispersed in large quantities as a networked cluster suspended in mid-air.

Point of Care Diagnostics

Biosurveillance, through biosensors, implies remote access to the body as part of the global Smart Health evolution.  This happens through point of care diagnostics:

Glucose meters can also be used by diabetics at home to monitor levels and to adjust their insulin if necessary.

Biosensors are electrochemical transducers found on, and inside, the body that turn biological signals into wireless electrical signals. See Timeline here.

There is no reason to look for chip technology as RFID chips, or implantable chips. In a digital-nano world chips are invisible. Biosensors are now wireless and non-invasive, used in Point of Care applications to monitor people in biomedical healthcare settings such as Telehealth and Biotelemetry.

What about binders, such as zeolites? 

Zeolites are advertised to remove toxic metals by binding to them for removal from the body. Would zeolite be of assistance when it comes to nanotech?

The industry has already thought of that. Today, zeolite binds, while also building its own system.  Zeolites are used in many biomedical applications from detoxification to Diabetes and bone formation, including biosensors. This way, a biosensor map of the world can identify people in real-times, whether you are pharmaceutical-friendly or “alternative.” Biosensing is basis of Smart Delivery, Monitoring, Surveillance, and Healthcare.

Usage of zeolites improves characteristics of the biosensors. In particular, sensitivity, linear range, and limit of detection are enhanced.

Everyone must do their own research to understand the world of electronics, its applications, and its implications for the future of health.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Traditional Naturopath, Herbalist, Writer, and Author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Consult with her remotely at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath

Cover image credit: CDD20

See related:

Pretending to be Alternative: Toxic Pharmaceuticals With “Intelligent Surfaces”

The Manchester Arena False Flag — Richard D. Hall Deserves Our Support 

The Manchester Arena False Flag
Richard D. Hall Deserves Our Support 

by Iain Davis
March 1, 2024


Richard D. Hall is an independent investigative journalist and documentary film maker who has gone further than any other journalist to examine the evidence surrounding the alleged 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. If we look at the evidence, which is the only way to ascertain the truth, the Manchester Arena bombing was, in my view, a false flag.

The official Manchester Arena Bombing narrative asserts the following as “fact.”

On 22nd of May 2017, 22 people were killed by a 22 year old Islamist terrorist Salman Abedi who committed suicide when he detonated his TATP (triacetone triperoxide) backpack bomb at around 22.30. The bomb detonated just after Ariana Grande ended her set following the conclusion of her 22nd song.

Initially 59 people were reportedly injured, 38 directly by the bomb. By 2018 it was more than 800. The majority must have been injured in the stampede and this significantly increased number includes those psychologically traumatised by the event.

Among those initially injured were Ruth Murrell, Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve. Martin was reportedly struck by 22 pieces of shrapnel.

The terrorist, Salman Abedi, was known to the intelligence agencies and was considered a to be among a tiny group of individuals, marked as a “subjects of interest” (SOI), who “merited further examination.” Despite being “of interest,” Abedi frequently flew back and forth between the Libya and the UK, passing numerous UK border check without issue.

This appeared to be the continuation of the “open door policy” the UK government had with the terrorist members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which was linked to al Qaeda. In a subsequent 2018 parliamentary written statement, Alistair Burt MP wrote:

​During the Libyan conflict in 2011 the British Government was in communication with a wide range of Libyans involved in the conflict against the Qaddafi regime forces. It is likely that this included former members of Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and 17 February Martyrs’ Brigade, as part of our broad engagement during this time.

Members of the LIFG Islamist terrorist group, including Salman Abedi’s father, Ramadan Abedi—also known as Abu Ismail—and their families were settled in the UK from where they could plan and coordinate attacks in Libya. Salman grew up in Fallowfield, Manchester among the UK-based Islamist terrorist community.

As a teenager, Salman joined terrorist operations in Libya during the school holidays. A very frequent flyer, he arrived back in the UK from Libya, via a stopover in Germany, just four days before the alleged attack. As usual, no one questioned him.

Richard D. Hall has “questioned” the official narrative of the Manchester Arena bombing in its entirety.

Following his extensive and diligent research, Hall subsequently published his book “Manchester: the Night of The Bang” in 2020. He released an accompanying film.

Hall reported, in both the book and the film, a significant body of evidence that strongly suggests the official account of the Manchester Arena bombing is false. He has continued to conduct his research and added further evidence since publication.

For me, that body of evidence is compelling and shows the official State narrative of the Manchester Arena bombing is not true. The evidence indicates it was a false flag operation conducted by the UK state or elements within the UK state. I reserve the right to maintain my opinion until someone can show me some evidence to change my mind.

There is no evidence in the official account that leads me to believe Manchester was not a false flag. The official account is not plausible and I have no reason to accept it.

Hall has clearly demonstrated, to anyone that actually familiarises themselves with his work, that the official narrative is constructed from a partial record of the evidence. Virtually none of the evidence reported by Hall has been discussed or examined in any depth by either the authorities or the legacy media (LM). Any conclusion that does not account for all of the evidence is questionable. A conclusion based upon an investigation that ignores or deliberately evades evidence is meaningless.

The Establishment simply insists you believe whatever it tells you about Manchester without discussing, or even acknowledging, the bulk of the evidence. Hall is the only named journalist to have reported the information otherwise excluded from public discourse. For doing so, he has been attacked by the entire UK legacy media and faces bankruptcy in the courts.

One of the reported victims of the Manchester Arena bang, Martin Hibbert, has lodged a civil claim against Hall alleging that Hall’s investigative journalism amounts to harassment and GDPR breaches. Hall has shown evidence that strongly suggests the BBC were instrumental in instigating the case against him.

Mr Martin Hibbert

In an interview aired on ITV’s Good Morning Britain (GMB), Martin Hibbert spoke about his relationship with Andy Burnham, the mayor of Manchester. Mr Hibbert stated that if he wins the case against Hall, he, Burnham and his legal team are seeking to use the ruling to push for the creation of a new criminal offence.

Hibbert and his supporters want to make it illegal to question any reported victim account of an alleged terrorist attack. If enacted, it will ensure that no investigative journalist can ever question State narratives about terror events. Once on the statute books, it is highly likely that the offence will be extended to prohibit the questioning of other State narratives, wherever it is claimed someone was harmed. Murder, for example.

At no stage did GMB question anything Mr Hibbert said. They noted that the case against Hall was ongoing, but then allowed Martin Hibbert to make a series of unchallenged, false claims about Hall. Thus, further jeopardising Hall’s defence.

The GMB interview appeared to contravene Sections 5 and 7 of the OFCOM Code. Some people have submitted complaints to OFCOM. An example of the kind of complaints raised can be read HERE. If you are satisfied that the interview breached OFCOM regulations, perhaps you might consider submitting something similar yourself.

The UK High Court of Justice has issued a summary judgment in Hall’s case. High Court Master Davison decided that all of the evidence we are about to discuss was “farcical” or “preposterous” and ruled it inadmissible. Hall cannot present key evidence in his own defence.

Journalism and its ability to question power is directly threatened by the civil action brought against Richard D. Hall. Yet virtually no legacy media nor independent media outlet, with a couple of notable exceptions, is seemingly willing to publish anything that broaches this issue or defends either Hall or his work.

A possible injunction could see all of Hall’s research and the evidence he has reported removed from the internet. His books will be burned. It seems obvious that the UK state is determined to silence Hall but, more importantly, to hide and destroy the evidence he has reported.

The UK government, the compliant legacy and many in the so-called independent media have reported a Manchester Arena “story,” primarily based upon witness testimony. The official narrative is largely anecdotal and there is a dearth of physical evidence corroborating any of it.

As Hall showed, the State’s relied upon witness testimonies are contradictory and many are not consistent with the authorities’ yarn.

For example, Hall reported the published witness testimonies of the 21 eyewitnesses who say they saw the explosion. Ten described a bright flash or orange light or fireball when it occurred and five described smoke. TATP, the explosive allegedly used, does not emit either light or smoke when it explodes.

At the subsequent public inquiry into the Manchester Arena bang—the Saunders Inquiry—paramedic Simon Butler testified that he “treated” survivors for more than three hours but added “I didn’t see a patient actively bleeding.”

Hall discovered and reported that the first people to respond to 22 dying and 38 seriously injured people in the City Room were Manchester Arena medical staff. To give you some sort of unpleasant mental image of what they supposedly faced—according to the official account—the blast was so immense that Salman Abedi’s dismembered head and torso were flung more than 160 feet through the air to land near the Victoria Station ticket stall.

Hall has provided photographic evidence—not shown at the inquiry—of the Manchester Arena medical team leaving the Arena, immediately after working in the bloodbath. They didn’t have any blood on them. Perhaps they had time to wash it off and get changed or perhaps they “didn’t see a patient actively bleeding” either.

Manchester Arena Medics leaving the Arena after being the first to respond to a bloodbath where 22 people were slaughtered and 38 seriously injured


Hall has scrutinised every single available image and CCTV frame offered as “official evidence” of what happened that night. He even created an online tool to enable anyone else to peruse the images. Which is highly recommended.

He reports, and I agree:

There are no CCTV images that show any deceased victim or seriously injured victim in the City Room or anywhere else in the Arena.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence but, following a major terrorist bombing that supposedly killed 22 people and directly injured at least 38 more, any reasonable person would expect to see some physical evidence that a bombing had, in fact, occurred. None, nada, zilch, showing anything remotely corroborative of the official account has ever been shown anywhere.

There is no publicly available, physical evidence of a large TATP bomb, packed with metal shrapnel, detonating in the City Room. To ignore this and maintain that the official story is beyond doubt, is utterly ridiculous.

The physical evidence reported by Hall has not been acknowledged by anyone who claims the Manchester Arena bombing happened as described by the authorities. It seems likely that it has been ignored because it completely contradicts and wholly undermines everything we are supposed to believe about the Manchester Arena bombing.

Perhaps the most absurd pieces of evidence analysed by Hall is the Nick Bickerstaff video. Widely reported by the legacy media, the selfie-video shows Bickerstaff, supposedly searching for his daughter, having just seen the devastation in the City Room.

Unlike the legacy media, Hall took the time to analyse and investigate the clip. He provided verifiable evidence that proved the Bickerstaff footage was filmed before the explosion occurred. In the video, Bickerstaff said there were people in the City Room who were “bashed to bits.” This clearly indicated that Bickerstaff was relaying foreknowledge of the alleged Manchester Arena bombing.

Nick Bickerstaff: Filming himself searching for his daughter having just witnessed a bombing that hasn’t happened yet.

Hall interviewed John Barr. Barr was an eyewitness who was in the City Room within four minutes of the explosion. This was 40 minutes before the first paramedic arrived and the only medical first-responders on the scene at that time—according to the official account—were the Manchester Arena medical staff, who, apparently, weren’t bloodstained by their ordeal.

John Barr filmed the scene and posted it on social media. Barr possessed a documentary record of the physical evidence observable in the immediate aftermath of a major terrorist attack. Barr was not invited to testify at the subsequent inquiry and his footage was not entered into evidence or examined.

To be clear: the Barr footage captured the scene inside the Arena Foyer (City Room) less that four minutes after the alleged explosion.

We are told that a terrorist had just detonated a massive TATP suicide bomb that sprayed deadly shrapnel over a wide area, scything through a densely packed crowd. It killed 22 people and severely injured at least 38 more. Nearly all of those 60 people would still have been in the City Room when Barr shot the footage.

So let’s consider what we can see on the John Barr video, as reported by Richard D. Hall.



Of course, what we think we see and what we imagine we see is entirely subjective. But let me briefly describe what I don’t see.

I don’t see 22 people killed by a bomb. I don’t see 38 people seriously injured by a bomb. I do not see dismembered tissue nor anywhere near enough blood to corroborate the story we are given.

I don’t see any notable panic nor, indeed, any frenetic activity at all. I don’t see anyone attempting any kind of emergency medical procedure.

I don’t see “any” structural damage.


Plate glass doors to the City Room: What sort of massive explosion is incapable of cracking even a single pane of glass?


Now please allow me to say what I do see.

I see people stood around amiably chatting. I see entirely intact paper posters and flimsy merchandise stalls—supposedly located close to the epicenter of the blast—that have not sustained any damage at all. I see completely undamaged and fully operational lighting. I see intact glass panel doors. I see unmarked walls.

I see a Ruth Murrell, who supposedly just had a bolt blown through her right leg, walking with ease in high heels, without even a limping, bringing her full weight to bear on her right leg. I see Ruth’s jeans, without any damage, despite a shrapnel supposedly passing through them. I see what looks like some minor “bleeding” that I suspect is fake.

I see too few people lying on the ground and what appears to be some limited moulage. I see an event that looks practically identical to the fake mass shooting and suicide bombing that occurred in Manchester’s Old Trafford Shopping Center one year prior, almost precisely, to the alleged Manchester Arena bombing.

I see a simulation of a terrorist attack. I see a training exercise. I see crisis actors. I see a hoaxed false flag.


Scene inside the City Room? No, this is the Old Trafford Center on the 16/05/2016.


Were this the only evidence that Hall had reported it would be enough, in my view, to cast significant doubt on the official narrative. But this is just one tiny slither of the evidence he has tried to draw to public attention.

Taken from his latest video covering the court case, the claimant’s media statements and the alleged Manchester Arena bombing, let’s just consider a few more examples of the evidence Hall has unearthed.

Richard D. Hall reported:

Evidence in witness testimony [given to the Saunders Inquiry] from the emergency services suggests emergency services did not act in a normal fashion and were deliberately inhibited by their chains of command. British Transport Police were kept out of the City Room until after the blast [emergency response was concluded] despite it being standard practice for them to be there to help manage egress from the concert. Greater Manchester Police, who arrived 15 minutes after the blast, did not establish any chain of command with the senior officer at the scene throughout the emergency response period and did not declare a major incident. [. . .] [The whole police response] was isolated from any control outside [of the City Room].

As has been widely reported elsewhere, Hall also highlights the “bizarre” decision to direct Fire Service crews from their station located near the Arena to a rendezvous point two miles further away. Thus moving them three miles away from the building, where a bomb had supposedly exploded, and keeping them there for two hours. Apparently, they weren’t needed.

If that makes no sense, the ambulance response is mind-bending. Consider what we are told about the horrific scale of this alleged terrorist attack.

Hall reported:

North West Ambulance Service was only allowed to send three paramedics to attend a scene with 60+ alleged casualties, two of the paramedics arriving 44 minutes after the blast despite there being four more hazardous trained area paramedic on-site. Eight of the first trained people to respond at the scene—the Arena medical staff—were not interviewed by the public inquiry.

Hall reported the statements of key paramedics and doctors who attended the scene. Paddy Ennis, Dan Smith, Christopher Hargreaves, Joanne Hedges, Dr Edward Tunn and Helen Motram. All of them stated that it was not their role to treat any dying or injured people and they testified that they did not treat “any.”

Hall reported that Greater Manchester Police (GMP) inspector Mike Smith and British Transport Police (BTP) Constable Dale Allcock, testified that a member of the public reported seeing an Asian male—matching Abedi’s officially reported appearance on the night—place a rucksack in the City Room before running out of the Arena. This reported sighting was confirmed by Operational Firearms Commander Edward Richardson.

Hall has presented evidence that the Saunders inquiry entered incorrectly time-stamped still images into the public inquiry. The inquiry stated they were taken 1 second before the “blast” but Hall has convincingly shown it is highly likely they were taken 30 seconds prior to detonation. This apparent 30 second gap possibly indicates an attempt to hide what happened in the City Room in the immediate moments before the bang. Did the missing CCTV images show Abedi fleeing?

In short, there is no solid evidence supporting the official narrative of the alleged Manchester Arena Bombing. It is notable only for its absence. Richard D. Hall has investigated, collated and reported the hard, verifiable evidence that casts immense doubt on the official Manchester Arena “story.”

This brings us to the most contentious aspect of Hall’s findings. People allegedly died and many were injured. Clearly, Ruth Murrell’s account of the injuries she sustained is extremely dubious.

The evidence presented by Hall indicates that the Manchester Arena bombing was a false flag. Evidence, such as the John Barr video, also suggests the possibility that it was a simulated or “hoaxed” false flag. Thus, the potential seemingly exists that no one died and no one was injured in the City Room on 22nd May 2017.

Therefore, with the information he had already uncovered in hand, Hall set about investigating the claimed deaths and injuries. He did so knowing what an immense risk he was taking. Few journalists have the guts to even contemplate undertaking such an investigation.

I will not explore the perfectly plausible theories that Hall presented in his book potentially accounting for many of the deaths and the injuries. Suffice to say, in my view, the Manchester Arena terrorist attack was a hoax and the claimed deaths and injuries cannot simply be accepted as proven facts without further investigation.

But no one, and I mean no one, wants to hear that.

The notion that the state could fake such an attack is hard enough for most people to swallow. Although some awareness of the State’s long history of using false flag terror might help overcome this strain of cognitive dissonance. As would some knowledge of the crisis actor industry.

What people blankly refuse to consider is that the State would ever claim deaths and injuries happened when they either didn’t or transpired as a result of unrelated events. The State habitually lies to us about pretty much everything, so why people find this impossible to even contemplate is hard to say, though we can speculate.

Lives lost to terrorist attacks, especially children’s, have a significant emotional impact upon us. When the entire legacy media constantly reinforces the emotions elicited by those reported deaths, if convinced by this, we run the risk of basing our comprehension of politically significant terrorist attacks on nothing but emotion, rather than on the evidence.

It is the alleged deaths and injuries that renders questioning the event unthinkable for the vast majority. Reported deaths and injuries are essential if you are going to convince an entire nation that a large-scale terrorist attack struck a city like Manchester. Especially if you haven’t got any other evidence to substantiate your claim.

We know that the UK state has been actively involved in terrorism that killed civilians. It doesn’t care about our lives. Begging the question why bother with a hoaxed false flag? Why not use a real bomb?

Again, we can only speculate.

The hoaxed false flag inevitably draws researchers to conclude that the reported deaths didn’t happen. We have seen a slew of court cases, on both sides of the Atlantic, focus upon the highly emotive and controversial claim that no one died. As the public is wholeheartedly convinced that this is an egregious and despicable slur on the memories of those who perished, juries and benches are predisposed to find these researchers guilty of defamation or harassment. Based on their emotions, few would question such rulings.

This, in turn, supports the State’s assertion that measures need to be taken to stop the so-called “conspiracy theorists” making such outrageous claims and spreading supposed disinformation and “hatred.” The United Nations is using this claim as justification for its proposed global Cybercrimes Treaty. Once signed, every signatory nation will pass laws to stop the sharing of any information that “may have an adverse impact on States, enterprises and the well-being of individuals and society.”

Is the hoaxed false flag an effective honey trap? Is the intention to lure independent journalists and researchers into exposing apparently fake deaths and then capitalise on the resultant outrage, using the media, public opinion and the courts to seemingly legitimise laws to end free speech?

If people are genuinely killed that leaves grieving families who will never let go of seeking the truth. If they aren’t, if the participants have signed some sort of enforceable contract or have been coerced in some way, this is less likely.

For example, the families of the 9/11 victims are still pursuing the US government, not to examine alleged “failures” of intelligence, as is often the case, but to ascertain what actually happened.

It should be noted that some of the families of the Manchester Arena attack are also seeking answers. While there is no questioning of the event itself, many want to know more about the apparent intelligence failures.

In truth we don’t know why a hoax was evidently favoured for the Manchester Arena false flag. Investigating State crimes without being censored or prosecuted or worse, is extremely difficult and high risk. By its nature, the evidence is not easy to gather. Often, we are left with questions and not many answers.

But questions can be well informed and rooted in the evidence. In the case of Manchester, certainly the questions posed by Hall’s work are founded firmly upon the solid evidence he has reported.

Hall would be the first to admit he doesn’t have all the answers. His work is not beyond dispute and it should be critically evaluated. The only way to start doing that is to appraise yourself of it.

“Appeal to emotion” is both a logical fallacy and a propaganda technique. Our emotions are subjective feelings and do not constitute evidence. If we care about the truth we must pursue the evidence and nothing but the evidence. That is what Richard D. Hall has done.

We may not like his conclusions and they may not be entirely correct, but the evidence he has reported is more than enough to determine that the official account of the Manchester Arena bombing is false. A reported victim of the bombing is now pursuing Hall through the courts—supported by politicians, the legacy media and a very expensive legal team—with a view to establishing a law that could end any possibility of questioning State fabricated terror events or any State narrative relating to harm supposedly caused.

So powerful are our emotions that even so-called independent media journalists either can’t see beyond them or use “appeal to emotion” as if it were a rational argument.

Richie Allen

In a recent podcast [go to 28:36] about Hall’s case and his Manchester work, independent radio host, Richie Allen, focused almost exclusively on the emotions surrounding the Manchester Bombing to largely discredit Hall’s work. Listening to the podcast is recommended because Allen neatly packaged the “appeal to emotion” propaganda, used by the legacy media to dissuade anyone from looking at the evidence Hall reported, in his podcast.

Saying that he hadn’t read Hall’s book and that he wasn’t overly familiar with his work, Allen nonetheless felt he was sufficiently well informed to pontificate on the evidence he presumably knew nothing about. He said Hall wasn’t a “real” journalist and stated that Hall didn’t have any evidence to back up his claims. Apparently, according to Allen, none of the evidence reported by Hall—discussed in this article—exists.

Richie Allen acknowledged many of the anomalies in the official narrative. He conceded that hoaxed false flags have happened before, he even mentioned the Nick Bickerstaff video. Allen said he was “at a loss” to understand it and that it was “one of the most bizarre” things he had ever reported. Had Allen read Hall’s analysis he might have been able to understand that the Bickerstaff video demonstrates foreknowledge of an alleged terrorist attack.

Allen offered an anecdote—told to him by a friend—about injured people being treated on the night as “evidence” that proved everything Hall has investigated and reported is baseless. He called Hall’s work “bollocks.”

When the bangs were heard, as shown in numerous TV reports, the crowd panicked and a stampede ensued. Thanks to Hall’s investigative journalism, this is is one of the reasons we can deduce that the Bickerstaff video was shot before the bang. The absence of the warning sirens heard in the Barr footage being another.

Thirty eight people were reportedly treated for injuries caused by a bomb. Many hundreds were reportedly treated for injuries that were not caused by a bomb.

Evidently, this hasn’t crossed Allen’s mind. He apparently assumes that all treated injuries were incurred as the direct result of bomb blast shrapnel.

Allen insisted that the victims were killed by a bomb because funerals were held which mourners attended. Of course, a funeral is not evidence demonstrating how, when or where a person died. Although Allen found it substantive.

Allen noted that many of the funerals had been covered extensively by the legacy media. He said that the people who attended the funerals believed they were saying their last goodbye to someone they cared about. While Hall has questioned some funeral attendees, he has never suggested that the majority of the mourners weren’t genuine, despite Allen telling his listeners that he did.

When his guest, Nick Kollestrom, highlighted the John Barr video (above), Allen speculated that it might show some sort of “hybrid event.” He proffered that there could have been both a real terrorist attack and a fake one which were, coincidentally, identical. Presumably, Ruth Murrell, a prominent “injured” survivor of the Manchester Arena bombing, just happened to attend both simultaneously—if Allen’s off the cuff hybrid theory is to be believed.

Ultimately, by focusing upon nothing but the emotions evoked by Hall’s claims, Allen effectively, indeed overtly, endorsed the High Court claim made against Hall. He stated, without offering any evidence, that Hall had, in some way, harassed the claimants, primarily it seems by questioning their personal accounts and seeking evidence to verify how, where and when they sustained their injuries.

Allen asked what was in it for the claimants in Hall’s case. What could they possibly gain from challenging Hall?

Richard D. Hall is being sued for £50K plus costs. Richie Allen is very well known “journalist” in the “independent media” which he frequently castigates as the “truther industrial complex.”

Richard D. Hall has uncovered the evidence that clearly indicates Manchester was a hoaxed false flag. If I am honest with myself, and if you also find his evidence compelling, then this leaves us with no choice but to agree with Hall that the reported deaths and injuries were not caused by a bomb that exploded in the Manchester Arena City Room at approximately 22.30 on the 22nd May 2017.

This is Hall’s specific allegation. He does not assert that no one died or that none of the claimed injuries are real. He suspects that some of the alleged deceased didn’t die and that some people’s injuries are fake. His only assertion, in this regard, is that no one died or sustained injuries as a direct result of Salman Abedi detonating a bomb in the Manchester Arena.

Like Hall, I don’t know what happened to those people. Hall has looked at the evidence and suggested some possible explanations. He has also presented more than enough high quality, verifiable evidence to question the State’s narrative and that includes questioning the stories we have been told about the alleged deaths and injuries. We have every right to ask those questions and to seek the answers.

Any personal offence caused is an unfortunate consequence of asking perfectly legitimate questions. Being offended is no reason to silence those questions.

Hall has requested that the claimants in his case provide the medical records that show where and when they sustained their injuries. He has asked the High Court to provide the moving CCTV footage that places the claimants in the Arena. The claimants say they have seen these images, as have their solicitor and an unnamed family liaison officer apparently. So all we have to “prove” these images exist is hearsay.

Reviewing this alleged medical and CCTV evidence in the High Court would categorically demonstrate that Hall’s theories about the claimants are wrong. You would imagine that the claimants would be eager to submit it themselves. Instead, the claimants have successfully obtained a summary judgement enabling them to avoid providing that evidence. It is not unreasonable to ask why they would do this?

Richard D. Hall’s Manchester book and all his films are freely available to the public from his Richplanet website. If you want to support Richard D. Hall’s work you can also buy a hard copy of his book from Amazon—or Richplanet. You can go to the Richplanet store and purchase more of his books and merchandise there. These sales enable Richard to earn a modest income from his work.

Richard D. Hall is one man fighting the entire UK State. Hall is appealing against the summary judgment and needs your financial help to press ahead with his ongoing legal battle. It is argumentation that Hall neither sought nor started. He is defending himself against attack.

Richard D. Hall deserves support from all who care about the truth.


Connect with Iain Davis: website | substack

Cover image credit: Ardfern
Tributes and memorials at St Ann’s Square,Manchester, England, re Manchester Arena bombing, May 2017
(creative commons license, vignette framing added)

Fake Terrorism and the Genocide Agenda

Fake Terrorism and the Genocide Agenda

by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak
originally published February 26, 2024




The criminocracy is in danger of losing its carefully-constructed shield of invisibilty as it accelerates its deranged bid for total and permanent global control.

It is therefore obliged to ramp up its attacks on those who dare expose its existence, its crimes and its lies.

While Julian Assange is the most famous victim of its war on real journalism, another important case is that of Richard D. Hall.

Iain Davis writes: “UK independent journalist, researcher and documentary filmmaker Richard D. Hall faces conviction, sizeable damages and an injunction that could potentially end his career and his livelihood.

“The High Court of Justice has denied Hall the opportunity to present any kind of meaningful defence. This travesty of justice has potential implications, not just for Richard D. Hall, but for all journalists who dare to question power”.

The overall situation is that Hall is being sued by two alleged victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena “bombing”, which he convincingly argues was nothing of the sort, but a manufactured psy-ops.

In a recent video, Hall describes in detail the issues involved and wonders whether the case against him is really being instigated by the alleged victims or by other, hidden, forces.



He mentions in particular Marianna Spring, the BBC’s first ever “disinformation specialist and social media correspondent”, who has been actively seeking to discredit his work.

Kit Klarenberg writes on The Grayzone site that there are “troubling questions” about Spring, who appeared out of nowhere to take up the newly-created thought-police post in March 2020, at the tender age of 24.

She played a leading role in “diminishing and discrediting sizable anti-lockdown protests that engulfed the streets of central London” and depicted them as “comprised almost entirely of fringe lunatics”, he writes.

Klarenberg points to Spring’s links with the extremely dodgy “think tank” the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, which I described in this recent article.

As I explained, the ISD was co-founded by ardent Zionist George Weidenfeld and enjoys an “institutional partnership” with the even more ardently pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League.

A 2022 episode of the BBC’s Panorama programme presented by Spring featured ISD boss Sasha Havlicek discussing “how and why people come to believe that terror attacks are hoaxes”.

Hall’s admirable forensic investigation into the Manchester event was presented as evidence of a supposed “mainstreaming of extremism, hatred and conspiracy”, with Spring and Havlicek stressing “the impact these conspiracy theories have on the survivors of terror attacks”.

The ISD’s Zionist affiliations are particularly pertinent here, since the Manchester “bombing” is officially regarded as having been the work of “Islamic extremists”.

Wikipedia describes it as “the deadliest act of terrorism and the first suicide bombing in the United Kingdom since the 7 July 2005 London bombings”, also blamed on “Islamist terrorists”.

The same familiar enemy is said to have been behind pretty much every big “terrorist” attack of the 21st century, starting with 9/11, and pesky “conspiracy theorists” have been asking questions about all of them.

There is certainly historical evidence to suggest that terror attacks are often not what they appear to be.

Gianfranco Sanguinetti wrote in 1980: “I have never said that the secret services were behind every single attack, given that these days even a Molotov cocktail or a workplace sabotage are considered to be ‘attacks’: but I have said, and I have been saying for nearly ten years now, that all spectacular acts of terrorism are either remote-controlled, or directly carried out, by our secret services”.

He was referring to the terrorist attacks, in Italy and across Europe, which are now known to have been co-ordinated by NATO under what is often termed Operation Gladio.

The aim of that wave of killing – which was not faked but very real – was seemingly to push scared populations into the arms of the security state and to discredit radical groups falsely accused of being responsible.

The first of these aims is most likely still true today – who, since 2020, can seriously doubt that deliberate fearmongering plays an important part in keeping populations under control?

But the second aim must be slightly different now, because the “terrorists” involved are said to be “Islamist”.

Why would the system feel the burning need, one might ask, to create fake or false-flag events to discredit Islamist groups that do not present an obvious domestic political threat to the governments of the various countries targeted?

The answer, I suspect, lies in the way in which our political institutions have been systematically captured by elements favourable to, and often funded by, Israel – a reality that has become all too obvious since the onslaught against Gaza began.



We might also consider a document published by Jerusalem Summit nearly 20 years ago. The Acorn reported in 2016 that the leadership of this Zionist organisation included Daniel Pipes, the pro-Israel and anti-Islam US commentator, and Britain’s Baroness Cox, described by Craig Murray in 2014 as “a prominent supporter of organisations which actively and openly promote the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from Gaza”.

The document in question envisages “relocation” of Palestinians from their homes in Israeli-controlled territory “to allow them to build a new life for themselves and their families in countries preferably, but not necessarily exclusively, with similar religious and socio-cultural conditions”.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has been in the limelight in recent months, accusing Israel of crimes against humanity and, in turn, being depicted as a tool of Hamas by Israel and its supporters.

Interestingly, the archived Jerusalem Summit document declares that “the dissolution of UNRWA is an essential prerequisite for any comprehensive, durable solution of the Palestinian issue”.

Also, crucially in the context of this article, it states: “The de-legitimization of the Palestinian narrative becomes a vital prerequisite to any comprehensive resolution of the Palestinian issue”.



How exactly could that “narrative” be delegitimized – thus allowing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, by whatever means necessary, to go ahead without too much global opposition?

One way would be to associate Palestinians, in the minds of the international public, with terrorists who have been attacking their own communities.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long been trying to make this link, claiming back in 2014: “ISIS and Hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree. When it comes to their ultimate goals, Hamas is ISIS and ISIS is Hamas. And what they share in common, all militant Islamists share in common”.

He made the same claim in October 2023, declaring: “We have always known what Hamas is. Now the whole world knows. Hamas is ISIS… We will defeat [Hamas] precisely as the enlightened world defeated ISIS”.

With many people pointing out that Hamas was created and propped up by Israel itself, insisting that ISIS is “a US-Israeli creation” and wondering if the October 7 attacks were a false-flag event, a disconcerting possibility emerges.

Could it be that all or most of the big “Islamist” terror attacks of the first two decades of this century were fake or false-flag events, designed to whip up hatred and fear of Muslims and thus of Palestinians, to demonise and dehumanise them in order to achieve the “de-legitimization” of their cause, as recommended by Jerusalem Summit?

Was this all part of a long-term plan to pave the way for the ethnic cleansing horrors that we have seen unfolding in Gaza since October 2023?

If so, is this why the Israel-linked IDS is so keen, through its boss Havlicek and her sidekick Spring, to shut down all investigation of the truth behind these events and the genocidal agenda they were designed to advance?

[Audio version]

Richard D. Hall’s videos about the Manchester Arena “bombing” and other subjects can be viewed here.


Connect with Paul Cudenec: Winter Oak website | substack

Cover image credit: Syaibatulhamdi