David Icke w/ Former FEMA Operative Celeste Solum: Barcoding You Via PCR Tests, Vaccines, Mass Depopulation, Terraforming & Transforming All Life on Earth
Video by David Icke.
Links and excerpts provided by Truth Comes to Light editor.
Conversation excerpts:
Celeste Solum:
“My breaking news is, anyone, anyone who has taken a covid test — they have placed a magnetic beacon. You have been tagged. You have been barcoded. And I am going to provide you the evidence of that today…”
“I also want to draw people’s attention to the word ‘illuminate’…I don’t know if you’ve recognized it, but as an organic farmer, I have. It’s like things looked like a different color. The colors were not the same as before. .. I tripped on, in my research, that these forces and powers that are retooling and restructuring our planet, have restructured light.”
David Icke:
“A lot of people are now seeing about changing humans and barcoding humans — changing the nature of humans — but they want to change the nature of all life on earth, no matter what it is…”
Celeste Solum:
“Right now, your doctor can get paid for your execution…”
David Icke:
“It’s a difficulty that people have… to grasp just the scale of psychopathic, frikking evil that we’re dealing with.”
Celeste Solum:
You can imagine my horror when, in January, I went to the World Economic Forum and I saw all those plans and they had been operationalized. So, no longer were they on the shelf. No longer were they sitting in computers. All the public leaders around the world were declaring that they were operationalized, which means that they were activated…
This covid situation is the first deployment of a construct, a new lifeform, if you will It is not a virus. It is a nano, synthetic, biological life…– and what I mean by that is they have learned how, through evil technology, to fuse biological life and robotics. And the purpose of that is for extermination — because they don’t want anything of the old world. They want a new world…
I can show you military documents that talk about the old humans and the new humans. And they want, by 2025, to have the old humans eradicated. And any human from now on basically has to be engineered in a laboratory and enhanced and augmented and part of the matrix…”
David Icke:
“It makes perfect sense to me because, where I’m coming from… is that behind all this is a force that isn’t human. And it’s working through this network of, I think, largely hybrids — running this web that I call the global cult. And this non-human force is basically assimilating and transforming humans and human life — and, indeed, all life on earth, to fit its own design. And it’s been operating in the background. You can see it mentioned in all the ancient cultures, the Bible, everywhere… And it then makes sense that they would see us, as humans, in the way some humans see animals.”
Celeste Solum:
“Yeah. Basically, they believe that they are the custodians of the animals or the stock, the chattel. We’re nothing to them. And now is the time. They tolerated us for a time… But now is the time that they want to eradicate all life that is not made in a laboratory…”
David Icke:
“…It seems, as I’ve observed their mentality through the years, that they are obsessed with order… They are very ill-at-ease with states of flux that they don’t control…”
Celeste Solum:
“They are retooling and rewiring our bodies. Each one of us right now has 20,000 to 30,000 nanoparticles… They’re not active… Right now, they are in a sensory capacity…”
David Icke:
“It’s clear — the whole agenda of transforming the human body. How is this going to be impacted by the covid vaccine? Because when you’ve got these psychopaths insistent, not least through mandatory, that every man, woman and child on the planet is vaccinated with this thing. It’s obviously not about a virus. It’s about the transformation of everyone’s body….”
Celeste Solum:
“So many years ago, like over decades ago, DARPA wanted to put chips into…”
David Icke:
“For people who don’t know, DARPA is the technological development arm of the Pentagon and gives evil a bad name.”
Celeste Solum:
” Well, they do black ops…
So they wanted to put chips and RFIDs… in people’s brains but they didn’t want to have to do surgery. So after many, many years they came up with a gel that would do the same thing… This gel is called hydrogel or Quantum Dot…
So what will happen with the vaccine is, you’ll get it injected into you and then it assembles — it self assembles. And then it swarms through your body. There are 33 different classifications… of robots — each with a different mission and a payload deployed into your body…”
David Icke:
“What’s the relevance to all of this… of the whole tecno-electromagnetic-5G web that’s being built all around us?… Does it have an effect of activating this to another level?”
Celeste Solum:
“So basically, how it works is they deployed all these…nano synbios into our body that… Their bellies are hollow. They can carry a poison… It can carry a virus, a bacteria, a fungus. It can carry… it has explosive capabilities — more explosive capability (one nanoparticle) than TNT… It gets its marching orders from the frequency that is being aimed at it. “
Celeste Solum:
“Back at the parting of the Red Sea in the Bible, it says the seas split. In the Hebrew… it talked about the sea coagulated like curds… And so, another breaking news story that I’m going to be sharing this week is — between an enzyme and these nanoparticles they are coagulating our body like cheese curds.
…what the doctor’s perceived as pneumonia was not pneumonia but a swarming of the nanoparticles into the lungs, making a… primitive coagulation– but they intend to do this to the whole bloodstream. So, if they’re not going to get you one way, they’re going to get you another way.”
David Icke:
“What’s the significance then of … sticking this probe up people’s noses — just fo this test — right up to the brain?”
Celeste Solum:
“A couple of different things. One, if you pierce the blood-brain barrier… But they really don’t need that because they’ve already figured out how to get this — these nanoparticles — to cross the blood-brain barrier. But you are then getting, in many instances, the hydrogel straight into the brain. It doesn’t even have to travel through the body…”
David Icke:
“The bottom line is, take your mind back. And stop just doing or believing what authority tells you…
Whatever happens, we keep going. Because not keeping going is just not an option.”
Original video is available at David Icke BitChute channel.
[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video will be available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
Links mentioned in this interview:
World Economic Forum: Pioneers of Change Summit 2020
Consortium for the Barcode of Life
Clade X Pandemic Exercise Segment 1, Segment 2, Segment 3, Segment 4
CIA Declassified & Sanitized version of The Adam and Eve Story (PDF)
World Organisation for Animal Health
Terrestrial Animal Health Code Terrestrial Animal Health Code PDF
Terrestrial Manual — Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals
Manual on Procedures for Disease Eradication by Stamping Out
The Beacon® Optofluidic System
Bill Gates and MIT Unveil Quantum Dots to Mark Children
DNA-Conjugated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bio-Analytical and Biomedical Applications
Celeste has a paid website/channel/community at $25 per month here: https://celestialreport.com
Celeste’s Christian/blblical-focused (free) website is shepherdsheart.life
Free content for Celeste will be coming soon on YouTube. Previously her free content was shared at diamondisc channel but will be moving to a new channel. Check back with diamondisc for details: https://www.youtube.com/user/diamondisc/videos
Connect with David Icke at DavidIcke.com & Ickonic.com
See videos related to The Story of Adam and Eve unclassified CIA document:
The Next End of the World | C.I.A. Classified
Bizarre Secret Files Released on Lost Ancient Human Civilizations…

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