Decency Inverted
by Eric Peters, Libertarian Car Guy
November 19, 2020
It’s a simple ask:
How does a “mask” prevent a person who isn’t sick from distributing a sickness he does not have? A full Moon Suit connected to a closed-circuit oxygen rebreather system would not “stop the spread” if the “spreader” hasn’t got anything to spread.
The Coronamonomaniac’s answer, of course, is that the “mask” protects against the possibility that you might be sick and not realize it – i.e., “asymptomatic” – and their fear of this possibility – no matter how unlikely it may be in fact – obliges you to wear the “mask.”
One might ask, in that case, whether the possibility that someone might be a thief obliges the suspected person to keep their hands in plain sight at all times – so as to assuage the fear of theft?
If not – and most reasonable people would probably agree that it does not – then why must a person who isn’t sick be made to pretend – eternally – he is sick because other people are afraid he might be?
The answer to that should be obvious: He shouldn’t have to pretend he is sick. Ever. Nor be made to appear to agree with the tenets of the Sickness Cult, which the wearing of the “mask” implies he does.
There is something very wrong with this business of insisting that people alter their behavior in degrading ways – as by walking around in fear of other people, avoiding proximity, wearing a silly “mask” over their faces – because some people are afraid.
Why doesn’t their fear oblige them to deal with it rather than others to accommodate it?
Without regard to the impact on others of their insisted-on accommodations?
The mental disease of Coronamonomania requires that everything – and everyone – be subordinated without limit to the unlimited fear some people have of a sickness that by any fact-based metric poses far less threat of actual harm to almost everyone than the impositions being insisted upon.
This is a sound working definition of mass hysteria, an extremely dangerous phenomenon when allowed to run amok.
The question becomes – how to stop its spread?
The difficulty is the natural – and reasonable – aversion most people have for conflict. Their desire to not make others feel bad, if they can avoid it. We say nice things about people’s bad haircuts – or don’t say anything about them at all. We refrain from criticism we know will not be well-received.
We seek to live – and let live.
This decent instinct is being used against decency – by making good people feel bad about not deferring to the rabidized fear of others.
This is a hobble which must be overcome and the way to overcome it is to realize you are not a bad person for not submitting to emotional blackmail. To being made to actually say that a bad haircut is the best one you’ve ever seen and to agree with viewpoints you disagree with.
You know you are not sick. Therefore, decline to pretend you are sick.
If someone else dreads the possibility that you might be sick, that is their problem to deal with. It is not your obligation to accommodate and if they insist it is, then it is time to tell them no.
Just as you would tell a screaming, foot-stomping child attempting to make you bend to his wishes no. That it’s not going work. Scream and stomp your feet to your heart’s content. We’re not buying that toy to get you to calm down.
And we’re not going to wear a “mask” to get you to calm down, either.
There will of course be screaming and foot-stomping. There already has been. And it is precisely because of the deference of good people to this noxious foot-stomping and screaming that the emotional blackmail for more “masking” has been increasing.
We endure what we tolerate.
Let’s stop tolerating it.
There is, unfortunately, no other way to deal with foot-stomping, screaming emotional blackmail. Let them scream and stomp. Let them see that their emotional blackmail no longer has power over us; that our willingness to put up with it and give in to it at any cost is over.
When someone says, “we’re all in this together” – point out that “we” aren’t in this together. Don’t presume to speak for me.
When someone says, “stay safe” – tell them you’d rather stay free. Walk confidently into stores that aren’t enforcing “masking” bu
If you own a business, let your customers know you don’t expect them to “mask” and maybe even consider placing a sign to that effect on your front door. This may draw down the Sickness Polizei upon you but so be it. Put them in the position of having to charge you with a violation of law – as opposed to “not following guidelines” – and place the onus on the courts to prove you guilty under the law.
Stop backing up. Stop giving in to get along.
This whole show is utterly dependent on acquiescence to emotional blackmail. It can be halted and dialed back if people decide to stop giving in to it for the sake of not making the blackmailers upset.
t depending on emotional blackmail to get you to put one on.
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