Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ SGT Report: Something Wicked This Way Comes — On the Hidden Agenda Behind, and Hidden Ingredients Within, the Toxic Covid “Vaccines”
FDA & Pfizer: Something Wicked This Way Comes — Dr. Andrew Kaufman
by Sean Turnbull, SGT Report
August 25, 2021
Video available at SGT Report Odysee and BitChute channels.
TCTL editor’s notes:
As mention in the video —
Provided by The Solari Report: Form for Employees Whose Employers are Requiring Covid-19 Injections
The Scientists Club Analysis – Read or download PDF: Nanotechnological investigations on Covid-19 vaccines. White paper on vaccines’ compositions.
Transcript Excerpts:
Well obviously there is no concern over health and safety — that there’s another agenda going on here. You know, if we look back to the swine flu so-called pandemic in the 1970s there was an experimental vaccine then. And they had just 53 questionable deaths. And they pulled the entire product from the market.
So, obviously, what’s happening now is that the authorities are ignoring these numbers and pushing it through. And that’s because there’s another agenda to use these products in order to affect the population.
And I want to say that also there have been recently contracts between Pfizer and other companies and governments around the world stipulating the agreements or the arrangements around selling these so-called vaccines. And one of the stipulations is that they will not release the adverse events for a period of 10 years.
And so, if there is such a contract signed with the United States government, that could be a reason that they are essentially suppressing the data and not using that in making determinations for FDA decisions.
Well, these injections are really nothing more than poison. And there are several strategies that Pfizer took to prevent some of this information from coming to light.
For example, in their clinical trial that they used to get the EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] status, and I’m sure they submitted this data for the approval that was just granted, they actually stopped the control group after a very, very short time period — and vaccinated them all very quickly. So, in other words, you couldn’t see any long term differences between the vaccine group and the control group in these clinical trials.
And, of course, this covered up all these adverse events from being seen in that official data set. So that’s part of the story, of course, that’s going on. And, you know, it seems like this is just going to be pushed out more and more over time.
And then we have some, of course, lots of reports from different scientists who have looked at what’s actually in these files and they found various undisclosed ingredients that are essentially acting as toxins. And we’re seeing this kind of response going on around the world in people who have received these jabs.
I want to say there’s there’s another really important aspect to why the FDA was able to do this approval. And it has to do with actually that vaccine label that you talked about at the beginning. Because, if this were applied for to the FDA as a gene therapy product, there are additional regulatory experiments that need to be satisfied — and that’s with respect to shedding. So there’s even a guidance from the FDA on this that I’ve reported on before — that any product that is a gene therapy that causes the recipient to make a foreign protein, because that’s what the technology is designed to make codes for the spike protein. So whoever receives this injection would make the spike protein — or that’s what they say how it works.
So you would have to test all the body fluids — for example, like sweat, urine, feces, tears saliva etc. — for the presence of the spike protein in order to satisfy the regulatory guidelines to get FDA approval. Because if it were present in the body fluids then you could exchange it with another person. And since the spike protein is toxic or foreign protein it could cause problems in people that exchange of body fluids with someone who’s been jabbed.
And this is something that has been very expensive in the past and has been a barrier to getting gene therapy products approved. So by designating this a vaccine, and having to redefine what a vaccine is, they’ve bypassed the need for those testing to be done. And that lays this past for potential approval which has now been granted.
…it’s called the Scientists Club Analysis and it’s available on the internet. But I happen to know who one of the main scientists is and I trust their work, so that’s why I’m willing to report on this in the preliminary stage.
I know there’s going to be a better report prepared for public consumption soon, but I think it’s important to know this preliminary analysis — because in several of the injections, including the Pfizer injection, they found the presence of nano materials…
In the Pfizer “vaccine” they actually found elements like chromium, sulfur, aluminum, chloride and nitrogen.. And these these metals, especially the… chromium and aluminum, and in other samples bismuth and copper, are not disclosed ingredients. So they’re not supposed to be in there.
And these metallic substances have different magnetic properties that would make them possibly to be used in nano-metallic particle devices. So there’s a possibility there is some nano technology in here.
Now there also is elemental analysis showing carbon and oxygen. Now this could represent the graphene oxide that we’ve heard about but it’s not a definitive test for that. So we would need additional testing to know for sure to confirm and validate the results put out by La Quinta Columna from Spain. But I think that this is certainly compatible with that analysis and we know there’s much circumstantial evidence that graphene oxide could be in these injections as well.
So we’re talking about now some confirmatory science of nano-metallic particles found in these jabs and these certainly could be responsible for at least some of the toxicity and adverse events that we’re seeing.
……I want to you know just make sure that everyone understands that whether this is emergency use authorization or whether it’s full FDA approval. And, by the way, what I’m saying now is not just relevant to the vaccines but this also goes for any medical procedure that you are coerced or “mandated” to do — like including health questions, answering those, submitting to temperature checks, wearing a mask, getting tested or taking any of these jabs — whether they’re approved or experimental, it’s simply against many different laws… You are guaranteed the sanctity of choosing what happens to your own body.
Now is a critical time, I fully agree with you Sean, because once people enroll in any kind of digital surveillance program — and I’m talking about vaccine passports of any kind — that is truly the end of all semblance of freedom that we may still have.
And, of course, if you submit to the injection then you’re essentially changing your body in a way that may not be reversible. And you’re gonna most likely end up part of this surveillance state, should be able to you know come to fruition as the planners have intended.
…There actually is no virus whatsoever. And no real new disease except for possibly some poisoning by various means that may occur in certain areas…
This vaccine is being rolled out for a different agenda. And if we just look at the other vaccines — now I realize that these are different technology but I think it’s a model that we can look to — and since I have actually taken the time to research what’s going on with the vaccines, I’ve come to the conclusion that much of the chronic illness that we see in our population worldwide is actually a direct result of these combinations of vaccines.
And I’m talking about specifically neuro-developmental diseases like autism. I’m talking about autoimmune diseases. I’m talking about dementias. And so a lot of the burden of illness that we experience right now is due to this old vaccine technology.
Now this new technology, of course, has the potential to do a lot of different things because it can result in gene modification. And even if the current round of this technology doesn’t have all of that machinery, we know that it exists and it’s used in all kinds of experiments.
And I’m talking about, for example, like the CRISPR technology which allows gene editing — where it can take a gene out of you and pop in a replacement gene, and can even be tuned so that you pass that on to your children… You can see that already researchers have designed and tested devices that are nano-particulates that are injectable. And many of them are involved with gene therapy that can actually control behaviors of animals… So this is a a field that’s already in existence and if we can imagine how this may be applied to these injections — because we see a regimen going on…
…on some of the vaccine passports they’ve shown online they actually have spots for up to eight boosters to be recorded. So we can see that they can keep coming up with new formulations, change the ingredients, maybe even under the FDA approval or they could get further emergency use authorizations for things that they say would address variants.
And so we see that this campaign is going to intensify. And I believe that the ultimate goal is related to the transhuman agenda, which is documented by many organizations and in many places…
We’ve essentially seen a lot of rituals play out during the the course of this pandemic. And I think the masks are one fantastic and primary example.
Because if we look at initiation rituals we see that the masks are almost universally applied… And this plays an important psychological role — that you shed your prior identity and you do that through the use of a mask, which makes you anonymous. Right? It de-identifies you. And then you go through the initiation ritual and on the other side of it you come out with a new identity as part of the group.
And I think that one of the big purposes of the mask is to initiate people into this surveillance state of a technocratic totalitarian type of structure.
This summer I’ve heard a lot of anecdotal reports…of summer cold or respiratory illness…
But what I think is going on is that we have seen first of all tremendous wildfires across the western part of the United States, creating a tremendous amount of air pollution. And who knows what types of accelerants or chemicals were used, you know, in those fires that may be in the air that we’ve been breathing.
And then, in addition, there’s been just an incredible geoengineering spraying campaign this summer.
In the area where I live and many other areas, the leaves are falling off the trees. And if you look at them you see that they are — what appear to look like chemical burns on these leaves, that they’ve turned black and falling off. And I believe there’s a good chance that this is what people are breathing in and is causing… the wave of respiratory illnesses.
Now we have this whole story about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine being able to relieve symptoms and be very clinically successful — and there’s quite a bit of data.
And there’s also quite a bit of propaganda…
There are several reasons for this. One main reason is that in order to have the emergency use authorization for the vaccines there has to be no other alternative that’s safer.
And, of course, we know ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been on the market for a long time. They’re past their patent protection and we know that they’re generally safe.
Hydroxychloroquine if given in high doses but we know what those doses are, so we can use it effectively.
But I don’t actually agree with using that strategy and I’ll explain why. What those drugs actually are as they are anti parasite drugs. So they actually kill parasites. And when I say parasites, I am talking about things like worms.
And we have been led to believe that parasites are not something that live in our bodies or contribute to illness in the western developed world.
But, I’ll tell you, based on my experience that’s absolutely not true because I’ve had so many clients who have used different types of natural healing protocols send me pictures of worms coming out of their body left and right.
So the reason why I believe these drugs are effective is because what the illness is — is that there is toxicity in the body and the body is trying to get rid of it through the in the acute infection by all the secretions, coughing things up, dissolving things with fevers etc.
But the people who are more vulnerable to getting a more severe illness they’ve had a more of a toxic burden to the point that it has attracted parasites to try and clean it up. And sometimes if they can’t clean it up it can express as one of these infections.
The same way that a strep throat, if there’s damage to the throat, the streptococcus bacteria come in to try to clean it up but they cause the symptoms of an infection….
I do want to close with some optimistic thoughts… I believe this is an amazing opportunity for us to step up and start to take responsibility as individual men and women for the situation that we’re in… In health care this is really could be a golden age where we get rid of this toxic pharmaceutical system and empower ourselves to take charge of our health and vitality…
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