In 2021 Interview, RFK Jr. Reveals How Former Pres. Trump, Who Was Very Aware of the Serious Injuries Caused by Vaccines, Asked RFK Jr. to Lead a Commission on Vaccine Safety. Trump Changed His Mind Following Pfizer’s Million Dollar Contribution to His Inauguration
TCTL editor’s note: In 2021, Theo Von interviewed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Clips from this interview are found mirrored around the internet. In this interview, RFK Jr. talked about his meetings with Donald Trump wherein Trump asked RFK Jr. to head a vaccine safety commission. Trump was well aware of the serious dangers and great harm caused by vaccines as he personally knew people whose children developed serious health issues following vaccination. However, Trump changed his mind about the vaccine safety commission following a million dollar contribution from Pfizer to Trump’s inauguration. RFK Jr. was pushed aside and Scott Gottlieb, who was a Pfizer consultant, was selected by Trump to run the FDA. ~ Kathleen
Partial transcript:
Theo Von:
…Trump almost gave you a position… Wasn’t there talk of that? And then it kind of went away…
RFK, Jr.
Well, what happened was he … over the Christmas vacation… 2016, he’s elected right? And obviously the election is in November.
So I was skiing and with my kids in Colorado over Christmas vacation and I got a call from his chief of staff saying the president-elect wants to meet and he wants to talk about vaccines.
So, you know, I’ve been an activist on trying to get safer vaccines for a long time. And, of course, I agreed to meet with him.
So…immediately after getting home, I went … to New York and met with him at Trump Tower. It was about a two hour meeting.
Theo Von:
Had you ever met with him before?
I had sued him twice before successfully. And I had met him. And, you know, the lawsuit was not something that had hurt our relationship. I stopped him from building two golf courses in the New York City watershed. And those lawsuits were about two or three years apart.
And he knew me, and he knew my family… When my sister ran for governor of Maryland, he made a big contribution to that.
He contributed to my brother, who was then in Congress. And I had a cousin who was a congressman from Rhode Island, and he made a contribution. He was a big democratic donor at that point.
He called me. He asked me to come in. I had, as I said, about a two hour meeting with him. At that meeting, people were coming in and out of that meeting.
So Steve Bannon was there. Reince Priebus. You remember him? Hope Hill was there. Kellyanne Conway. And Jared Kushner. And both the president’s sons at various times were in that meeting.
Theo Von:
A lot of people.
RFK Jr.:
I had a lot of time alone with President Trump too.
He said that he believed that vaccines were making people sick. Specifically, he had three women friends who were mothers, one who was in the building that day, who had perfectly healthy kids who had gotten … their wellness visits. And they were around two years old.
And the children never were the same after those visits. And they all had been subsequently diagnosed with autism. And he believed that it was linked to vaccines.
And… because he had been open about that during the campaign, hundreds of women had — the same thing that happened to me, that got me into this, you know, this career killing advocacy, vaccine safety advocacy…
People start coming up to you and saying… “This happened to me. This happened to my son.”
“I had a perfectly healthy child who exceeded all his milestones. And I took him in at 16 months and he, you know, he was speaking, he was toilet trained, he had social interactions. And I took him in and he had a shot or a series of shots usually — could be up to nine — and that night, he’s like fever 103.”
I mean the stories were usually all identical. They had a seizure. And then over the next three months, they lose all of their capacity to… their social interactions, their eye contact…
I go in there and he tells me these stories. He wants to do something about it.
Theo Von:
And does he seem serious when he’s saying that?…
RFK Jr.:
Yeah, he was dead serious. And he asked… whether I would run a vaccine safety commission. And then he asked what I would do.
And I said, listen, I don’t think you have to do a big political lift. All I think you need to do is open up the databases and allow independent scientists in there to actually look at the science. Because the HMOs have all the vaccine data down to batch for every child in America. And they also have the medical records.
So all you have to do — in fact… AI can do machine counting and you can do cluster analysis.
And you can figure out very, very quickly whether all of these epidemics — not just of neurodevelopmental diseases like all the ADD, the ADHD… Tourette’s syndrome, narcolepsy… Autism. The allergic diseases, food allergies, peanut allergies… Asthma and then all the autoimmune diseases…
And they’re all listed, by the way, on the vaccine inserts, as vaccine side effects.
Because the only way that you can sue — you know, they passed this law in 1986 and made it illegal to sue a vaccine company for injury.
You still can sue them if they know of an injury that’s caused by their vaccine and they don’t list it on the side effects.
So they list 400 injuries…
But they’re not allowed to list it unless there is significant evidence that it is actually being caused by the vaccine.
FDA is not allowed to allow them to list it unless FDA believes it’s being caused by the vaccine.
Theo Von:
So you have this meeting with Trump, just to get back to that… Did you leave out of the meeting kind of hopeful about it?
RFK Jr.:
Well, I said to him, what do you want me to do? And he said we want you to announce it. Jared Kushner escorted me to the press scrum…
So then I went down and announced it. Talked to the press.
And then a week later, Pfizer made a million dollar contribution to Trump’s inaugural.
And then Trump comes in. And we continue to have some meetings with Fauci — that he had set up, were part of this process and we’re rolling, to get this thing started.
Theo Von:
Did Fauci seem legit when you talked to him?…
RFK Jr.:
Oh, he’s very, very charming…
Listen, Fauci — I’m about to publish a book on Fauci [see “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health”, published by Children’s Health Defense in November 2021]… He’s been there for 50 years, so he’s like J. Edgar Hoover.
And the only way that you last at that agency for 50 years is by carrying water for the pharmaceutical industry.
And under his watch, he’s supposed to prevent autoimmune and allergic diseases. Under his watch, chronic disease has gone from affecting 12% of the American population to 54%. And we take more pharmaceutical drugs than anybody in the world. We pay the highest prices.
He’s made this country Pharmaceutical Nation.
Theo Von:
My brother is allergic to sesame seeds.
RFK Jr.:
…And the way that you get allergies is from the aluminum adjuvant in the vaccine, which is meant — is put in that vaccine to initiate an allergic response.
So if you have sesame seed oil as an excipient in the vaccine, or if you’re eating sesame seeds when you have that aluminum adjuvant in you, it can provoke a permanent allergy…
So anybody who was born after 89 — I think it’s one in 12 now. Autism went from one in 10,000, in my generation, to one in every 34 kids. And it’s the same with all these chronic diseases that are all listed as side effects.
Theo Von:
So the proof seems to be right there.
RFK Jr.:
Well, that’s correlation, which isn’t actually proof. But if you actually go into the scientific literature, the proof is there.
Theo Von:
… So whenever you talked to Trump, you said, okay, let’s open up this database, right, this information…
RFK Jr.:
Yeah… I said you don’t have to do any heavy lifting. You don’t have to go to Congress. You don’t have to change regulations. All you have to do is open up the vaccine safety data link, which is the medical records for the top nine HMOs, and allow independent scientists to go in there. And just open it up so they can start publishing.
Theo Von:
And did he do it?
RFK Jr.:
No, he didn’t. It’s still… locked down.
Tony Fauci makes sure nobody can get in there.
And you know, even when Congress ordered these two scientists … to go in there, and they let them into the place, they gave them one study room. They would not allow them near a copy machine. They allowed them pencils and they had to write down the data. And they cranked the heat in the room up to 105…
So anyway, so Big Pharma stepped in and Trump appoints Pfizer’s lobbyist to run FDA (Scott Gottlieb) and Eli Lilly’s lobbyist is Alex Azar to run HHS. And as soon as they came and they shut us down.
Connect with RFK Jr. — substack — telegram — CHD
Cover image credit: geralt

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