It’s All Getting So Ridiculous! (Pt. 1)
“The definition of a ‘virus’, as described by Dr Mark Bailey in his essay entitled A Farewell to Virology, is,
“a replication- competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human.”
Nothing that matches this description and possesses this ability has ever been observed as an isolated and distinct entity. There is no evidence that ‘viruses’ exist as described.
Although it is often said that this claim needs to be proven, that would be a burden of proof reversal logical fallacy. The burden of proof lies with those who propose a theory; but with respect to the theory relating to ‘viruses’, this proof does not exist.”
“Unlike ‘viruses’, bacteria do exist; they are living micro-organisms; however, they are also incorrectly described as pathogens. Bacteria are not ‘invaders’; the human body is one of their normal habitats where they perform various important functions. The idea that bacteria are ‘pathogens’ is based on observations of these entities within the tissues of people who were ill, but the presence of bacteria does not prove they caused the illness.
If an entity is the cause of a disease, it should always be found within every person with that disease and never be found in a person without that disease. This is logical; it is also the first of Koch’s Postulates. However, there are many examples of bacteria not being found in people with the relevant disease and of bacteria being found in people without the relevant disease. This alone demonstrates a lack of evidence that bacteria are pathogenic.”
It’s all getting so ridiculous! – Part One
by Dawn Lester, Dawn’s Writings
February 18, 2023
It would seem from the recent slew of ‘news stories’ (translation = propaganda), that the ‘would-be controllers’ have reached a state of sheer desperation or maybe even hysteria or possibly both!
The level of fear-mongering on various topics, such as ‘UFOs’, so-called ‘climate change’, the rising cost of living, ‘spies’ or deadly diseases, to name just a few, has definitely increased lately. There are many reasons that ‘they’ may be intensifying their efforts to maintain fear about an array of different topics; however, we need to be aware that this tactic may also be used to distract us from something else; something ‘they’ want us not to notice or think about. We must therefore remain alert and continue to exercise discernment when discussing these topics, especially as ‘divide and conquer’ is a core aspect of their strategy.
I had originally intended to make this a single article but soon realised that there was so much to cover that I felt it best to make it into a 2-part ‘mini-series’. This first part will provide an outline of the latest nonsense about ‘deadly diseases’ that are claimed to be caused by ‘infectious agents’ of one kind or another. Part 2 will dive deeper into the claims being made.
1) Bird Flu
According to the UK Government webpage entitled Bird flu (avian influenza): latest situation in England,
“There have been 280 cases of (HPAI) H5N1 in England since the H5N1 outbreak started in October 2021.”
It should be noted that so-called ‘bird flu’ is not a recent phenomenon; the ‘virus’ is alleged to have been ‘discovered’ in 1996.
The severity of the situation is not restricted to the UK, as can be seen by a 3 February article entitled Bird flu detected in mammals but risk to humans low: experts,
“Since late 2021, Europe has been gripped by its worst-ever outbreak of bird flu, with North and South America also experiencing severe outbreaks.”
This latest ‘outbreak’ is described in the article – by a virologist of course – as constituting a “panzootic”: a term that means ‘a pandemic among animals’. It is clear that the narrative is intended to retain the notion of ‘pandemics’; as will also be seen in another ‘story’.
What is new within this recent spate of ‘reports’ is the promotion of the idea that this condition could spread to humans because it is claimed to have already spread to certain mammals’, as the article states,
“Experts have warned that the recent detection of bird flu in mammals including foxes, otters, minks, seals and even grizzly bears is concerning but emphasised that the virus would have to significantly mutate to spread between humans.”
The article also asserts that some of the mammals that have ‘tested positive’ have been affected by a mutated version of the ‘virus’. This leaves the question of what they mean by a ‘significant’ mutation, or is it intentionally left unclear so that people can speculate on whether that is possible?
There are many aspects to this story that will be covered in part 2, but suffice it to say that there is no such condition as ‘bird flu’, which means that it cannot ‘spread’ to other animals – nor can it mutate and ‘spread’ to humans.
2) Stomach Flu
This ‘disease’ also relies on the existence of ‘pathogenic viruses’, although in this instance, the ‘virus’ is claimed to affect the human digestive system. A 2015 study article entitled Norovirus refers to it as,
“…the first viral agent shown to cause gastroenteritis. Illness due to this virus was initially described in 1929 as “winter vomiting disease” due to its seasonal predilection and the frequent preponderance of patients with vomiting as a primary symptom.”
It appears that ‘stomach flu’ mainly affects the US at the moment, but that does not rule out the possibility that ‘news stories’ will start reporting this problem elsewhere. The typical style of reporting about this ‘disease’ can be seen in a 9 February article entitled Have YOU caught the stomach flu recently? Cases are rising across the US, CDC warns — here’s what to know about the symptoms and treatments that starts with these statements,
“Doctors are warning parents to be on the lookout for the ‘stomach flu’ in the coming weeks as infections rebound following years of lockdowns.
Official data shows norovirus infections are up 66 percent in 2023 compared to last year and are rising across the country.
Experts say the virus is taking off earlier than normal, and there are also concerns the illnesses could be more serious than usual after lockdowns robbed children of vital immunity for fighting viruses.”
The explanation for the claim that lockdowns have been a factor in the increased concern over this ‘disease’ is because,
“…lockdowns have stopped children from being exposed to germs they need to build up a strong immune system.”
It is amusing – or would be if the consequences weren’t so tragic – that they now seem to be claiming that ‘lockdowns’ may not have been such a good idea – except that the reason they provide is false; children do not need to be exposed to ‘germs’ to build their ‘immune system’.
3) Marburg
A 16 February article with the rather long title Race against time for a vaccine for Marburg virus: Fears over stealthy disease that masquerades as a cold for days then suddenly causes organ failure and bleeding from multiple orifices – as outbreak in Africa spreads claims that,
“An outbreak of the extremely deadly virus – which kills up to nine in 10 sufferers – was declared in Equatorial Guinea Monday after nine deaths and 16 suspected cases.”
A 90% mortality rate is definitely a worrying statistic! But that does not mean that a ‘virus’ is the cause of this disease.
The first symptoms are claimed to be ‘flu-like’, but can progress to include a ‘non-itchy rash’. However, there are other potential symptoms associated with Marburg, as the article states,
“Other, less common, signs of the illness within the first few days include jaundice, severe nausea, abdominal pain, pink eye, throat irritation, spots appearing within the mouth and extremely watery diarrhea.”
These are obviously more serious, but not the most worrying symptoms, as the article continues
“Usually, around the fifth day, the disease will progress to what doctors describe as the ‘early organ phase’.
At this point, a patient may start suffering bleeding out of their eyes, inflammation around the body, and visible swelling around their body – usually on the legs, ankles and feet.”
These are extremely serious symptoms; they may be accompanied by internal bleeding and may lead quite rapidly to death.
Strangely, Marburg does not feature as a disease of concern on the most recent WHO Outbreak News listings.
4) Syphilis
A 13th February article claims that Mississippi hit by 900% increase in newborns treated for syphilis. Although the article only refers to the situation in Mississippi, the CDC web page dated April 2022 and entitled Congenital Syphilis – CDC Fact Sheet refers to,
“…a sharp increase in the number of babies born with syphilis in the United States.”
The web page reports that cases of congenital syphilis have recently more than tripled.
Syphilis is claimed to be caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum and, because it is said to be bacterial, the ‘treatment’ for this condition inevitably involves the use of antibiotics.
Syphilis is one of many conditions claimed to be sexually transmitted. The concern raised by the CDC web page refers to congenital syphilis (CS), which is claimed to impact a developing baby whilst still in the womb. The page states that CS can cause: miscarriage, stillbirth, prematurity, low birth weight, and death shortly after birth.
According to the CDC page, many US states routinely require screening tests for syphilis. These tests are described as follows,
“Serologic tests for syphilis require the use of two tests: nontreponemal tests that use a nonspecific cardiolipin antigen and confirmatory tests that use specific T. pallidum antigens. A nontreponemal test, such as VDRL or RPR, may be used for screening. Positive results on these nontreponemal tests should be confirmed using a treponemal test (e.g., FTA-ABS, TP-PA, EIAs, chemiluminescence immunoassays).”
It seems rather strange that the diagnosis of a disease claimed to be caused by Treponema initially involves a ‘nontreponemal’ test; although confirmation occurs via a treponemal test!
Many new parents are obviously going to be very concerned about this condition and will no doubt agree to the test, especially when the CDC claims that,
“For babies born with CS, CS can cause:
Deformed bones,
Severe anemia (low blood count),
Enlarged liver and spleen,
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes),
Brain and nerve problems, like blindness or deafness,
Meningitis, and
Skin rashes.”
Two points that need to be emphasised here are: that no tests have proven to be specific; and that no disease has been proven to be sexually transmitted.
5) Cholera
According to the WHO Disease Outbreak News web page entitled Cholera – Global Situation dated 11 February,
“Since mid-2021, the world is facing an acute upsurge of the 7th cholera pandemic characterized by the number, size and concurrence of multiple outbreaks…”
Here’s the other reference to a ‘pandemic’!
Strangely, however, the ‘news’ that there is a ‘cholera pandemic’ does not seem to be reported by the mainstream media, except for a few reports about cholera being a health problem in areas that were recently affected by the devastating earthquakes.
Interestingly, an article entitled Amid cholera outbreak, health fears grow in quake-hit Syria indicates that cholera was perceived to be a pre-existing problem in Syria. It claims that a cholera outbreak was reported in September 2022 and makes the usual assertion that this condition is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.
There is absolutely no doubt that ‘unsafe water’ can cause illness, especially symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhoea; but ‘unsafe’ does not demonstrate the presence of bacteria nor does the presentation of these symptoms prove that bacteria are the cause.
6) Fungi
It should not have been surprising that the example chosen for fear-mongering stories about fungi would be a rather extreme one, as can be seen by the January BBC article entitled The Last of Us: Could a fungal pandemic turn us all into zombies? It would seem that The Last of Us is the name of a video game that has been made into a TV series. The BBC article begins,
“Let me introduce you to something truly horrifying – the fungus that turns its victims into zombies.”
The BBC are not the only media outlet to discuss this, which just shows the effort being put into this ‘story’. An April 2019 National Geographic article entitled How a parasitic fungus turns ants into ‘zombies’ discusses an episode of their Hostile Planet documentary that features this parasitic fungus and states that,
“The Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungus has just one goal: self-propagation and dispersal.”
The idea that they ‘know’ the goal of this fungus is pure speculation, although it could be said that self-propagation is a feature of all living beings, so why would this fungus be any different? The obvious answer is that claiming this is the intention of the fungus makes the story more compelling – but that does not make it true.
An important point to emphasise here is that these organisms, the fungus and the ant, must have always co-existed, otherwise how did Cordyceps survive before the ant came into existence? Interestingly, the article points out that the fungus does not kill all of the ants in a colony,
“For ecosystems to stay balanced, fungi have to keep host populations in check. In fact, only a few ants in a colony are infected at any given time.”
This raises serious questions about any suggestion that the fungus needs to ‘evolve’ to find new hosts to ‘infect’. If there is an adequate supply of ants, Cordyceps has no need to find another ‘host’.
The behaviour of Cordyceps as ‘invaders’ of the bodies of ants was first televised in the 2006 Planet Earth TV series narrated by David Attenborough; so this is not a new ‘discovery’. But it is clearly being used as a scare tactic to make people believe it could be possible for this fungus to ‘evolve’ to infect humans, as suggested by a January National Geographic article entitled Could a parasitic fungus evolve to control humans? The subtitle of the article reads The zombie-creating fungus in The Last of Us is real, but there are many other fungi to fear. Of the 5 million fungal species in the world, a few hundred are dangerous to people.
That article is certainly supporting the fear narrative!
The above stories can all be refuted by the simple statement that there is no evidence that any so-called ‘germ’ is the cause of any disease; however, a little more detail is provided below.
The definition of a ‘virus’, as described by Dr Mark Bailey in his essay entitled A Farewell to Virology, is,
“a replication- competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human.”
Nothing that matches this description and possesses this ability has ever been observed as an isolated and distinct entity. There is no evidence that ‘viruses’ exist as described.
Although it is often said that this claim needs to be proven, that would be a burden of proof reversal logical fallacy. The burden of proof lies with those who propose a theory; but with respect to the theory relating to ‘viruses’, this proof does not exist.
Unlike ‘viruses’, bacteria do exist; they are living micro-organisms; however, they are also incorrectly described as pathogens. Bacteria are not ‘invaders’; the human body is one of their normal habitats where they perform various important functions. The idea that bacteria are ‘pathogens’ is based on observations of these entities within the tissues of people who were ill, but the presence of bacteria does not prove they caused the illness.
If an entity is the cause of a disease, it should always be found within every person with that disease and never be found in a person without that disease. This is logical; it is also the first of Koch’s Postulates. However, there are many examples of bacteria not being found in people with the relevant disease and of bacteria being found in people without the relevant disease. This alone demonstrates a lack of evidence that bacteria are pathogenic.
Fungi do not usually receive the same amount of media attention as ‘viruses’ and bacteria. One well-known ‘fungal infection’ is claimed to be caused by Candida albicans, which is described as a yeast, a ‘type’ of fungus. However, it is readily acknowledged by the CDC that,
“Candida normally lives on skin and inside the body, such as the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina, without causing problems.”
Clearly, this cannot be a pathogen, otherwise everyone with Candida in their bodies would be ill.
Furthermore, with reference to the whole group of fungi, the textbook Medical Microbiology states that,
“Fungi rarely cause disease in healthy immunocompetent hosts.”
This provides a strong demonstration that fungi have also never been proven to be fundamentally pathogenic.
As I stated at the beginning of this article, there is much more to be said about all of the above ‘stories’; Part 2 will follow soon…….
Resources for further information:
Bird flu (avian influenza): latest situation in England
Bird flu detected in mammals but risk to humans low: experts
Mississippi hit by 900% increase in newborns treated for syphilis
Congenital Syphilis – CDC Fact Sheet
Amid cholera outbreak, health fears grow in quake-hit Syria
The Last of Us: Could a fungal pandemic turn us all into zombies?
How a parasitic fungus turns ants into ‘zombies’
Could a parasitic fungus evolve to control humans?
Cover image credit: geralt
See related:
German Engineer Marvin Haberland Challenges the Existence of Covid Virus in German Court

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