James Corbett with James E. Pilato: Courts Around the World Strike Down “Covid” Mandates
by James Corbett with James Evan Pilato, The Corbett Report
May 19, 2022
This week on the New World Next Week: courts around the world strike down biosecurity mandates, orders and overreach; gene therapy for heart attacks looms on the biomedical horizon; and the breast milk crisis puts the Q in biomilq.
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Story #1: Courts Overturn Covid – India’s Supreme Court Overturns Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination Policy
Crown Drops Another 24 Tickets Against Three BC Pastors Who Refused to Shutter Churches
Court Finds COVID Restrictions for Tokyo Restaurant Chain Illegal
Indian Supreme Court Judgement Against Vaccine Mandates
False Claims About Indian Supreme Court Judgement Against Vaccine Mandates Debunked
World Bank to Receive $450 Million to Start Pandemic Preparedness Fund
PDF: “Strengthening WHO Preparedness For and Response to Health Emergencies”
Overview of FDA’s Planned June Blitzkrieg to Authorize Useless Toxic Shots Now and Forevermore
Story #2: A One-and-Done CRISPR Gene Therapy Will Aim to Prevent Heart Attacks
PDF: “Verve Therapeutics Announces Clearance of First VERVE-101 Clinical Trial Application and Outlines Global Clinical Development Strategy; Reports First Quarter 2022 Financial Results”
Putting an End to Heart Attacks By Editing Human DNA; Verve Therapeutics Targeting Cholesterol-Causing Genes to Clear Arteries With Its Experimental Therapy
CRISPR Cockroaches? A New Gene-Editing Breakthrough Makes Them Possible
The Tick That Causes a Meat Allergy Is on the Move
Story #3: Babies Breastfeeding From Covid-Vaxxed Mothers Becoming Sick, Some Dying
Search Results from the VAERS Database: This is VAERS ID 1532154
Breast Milk Banks Receive Surge In Calls From Parents
Baby Formula Shortage Has Anxious Parents Stalking Shelves Nationwide
Bill Gates’ Climate Change Investment Firm Bets On Lab-Produced Breast Milk (Jun. 16, 2020)
Artificial breast milk firm that offers an environmentally-friendly alternative to baby formula gets $3.5 million from investment fund backed by Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg
NWNW Flashback: Gates Invests In Lab-Made “Breastmilk”
“Here’s a fun game… Suggest urgent investigation of rising hepatitis cases in kids based on the reasonable hypothesis of spike proteins in breast milk and watch the ‘be kind’ Ukraine flaggers tell you to shut up with your self-serving craziness…”
Remembering The Nestlé Baby Formula Scandal That Rocked The 1970s
Video: ‘The Stuff’ Trailer (NSFW)
Video: ‘It’s Alive’ Trailer (NSFW)
Controversial 33-Yr-Old ‘Ministry of Truth’ Head Nina Jankowicz Resigns from Disinfo Board
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