La Quinta Columna: There’s No Such Thing as ‘Mild Myocarditis’
by Orwellito, Orwell City
December 21, 2021
The media are doing their best to convince people that suffering from post-inoculation myocarditis is normal and that there’s nothing to worry about.
The official press is criminal and chooses to lie.
In a new program, La Quinta Columna shared a brief excerpt from an interview that Spanish writer Colin Rivas conducted with surgeon Juanjo Martinez regarding these so-called “mild myocarditis.”
Dr. Jimenez makes it clear that myocarditis, even mild, is, in essence, myocarditis and can cause immediate, medium, or long-term complications.
Ricardo Delgado:
There’s a short interview with a doctor —in a short video that we’re going to show—, the fantastic Colin Rivas, who’s doing a wonderful job, did. It’s an interview with surgeon Juanjo Martínez, whom I had the opportunity to meet personally in one of the demonstrations in Madrid. And, precisely, he’s talking about the phenomenon of myocarditis related to the jab. To the vax. I can talk about these things (since you can’t). Let’s see what opinion this person, who has also seen these type of cases.
Colin Rivas:
These lies are being made up as an excuse, such as myocarditis being a very normal thing and that you shouldn’t worry.
Dr. Martínez:
This does seem to me to be something very delicate. The fact that the press says that the myocarditis that people are suffering are mild and that they’re of no importance, it’s something that cannot be allowed. The press is full of real criminals. They’re lying. I’m sure they know they are lying, but they don’t care and continue to tell lies.
Myocarditis is a disease of the heart, of the heart muscle, and it’s going to leave —so that people understand— a “scar,” fibrosis in the muscle. And that has medium or long-term consequences. Immediate, possibly, in young people, as we see it happening with vaccines in 12 and 17-year-olds. Those children are going to have complications in the future with absolute certainty because the “scars” left by myocarditis, depending on the extent to which their heart muscle —their myocardium— will generate greater or lesser complications.
But they’ll have them. They’re going to have complications, for sure, because that’s described. That’s how it is. I don’t know what the situation is in children, but in adults, myocarditis have a fairly high mortality rate over five years. We shouldn’t be told lies that they are mild, that no patients have been admitted for this.
Pfizer also said it at the beginning: “Well, but they’re mild myocarditis.”
But they’re myocarditis, anyway, damn it!
And that has consequences. And what’s the need for a child to risk himself having this disease that will leave sequelae for the rest of his life? None. Because there’s no need to vaccinate children. This is the first thing we have to make clear.
Ricardo Delgado:
Well… And we’re only talking about myocarditis.
Dr. Sevillano:
He’s completely right.
Ricardo Delgado:
There are pericarditis too… Many things.
Dr. Sevillano:
Exactly. It’s that… Bear in mind that we’ve been talking about myocarditis, but there’s also the issue I mentioned before.
The conduction tissue is composed of myocytes specialized in impulse conduction. If these become inflamed, sudden death occurs. That’s one of the consequences. It’s not only the involvement of the myocardial wall with fibrosis, with more or less heart failure degree… Let’s say, more or less, high or low ventricular ejection reactions. That’s what gives the severity. It can affect the conduction tissue. And if affected, you get the complication that’s being seen in soccer stadiums.
Do you understand? One thing is to affect the wall —the ventricle— and another one is to affect the conduction tissue. And the mechanism is the same. The etiopathogenic mechanism is the same. Whether we talk about antibodies —according to them—, or about other things that I can’t talk about.
.Do you understand? The question is what’s affected. What does get inflamed? Where does it act? If if acts in the wrong place, it goes from something mild to something that takes you to the other side. And that’s what we might be seeing in soccer players and in children, in young kids playing soccer and so on.
cover image credit: ArtisticOperations / pixabay

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