Obituary: The Nuremberg Code, 1947-2022
by Michoel Green, Rabbi Michoel Green’s Newsletter
sourced from OffGuardian
August 21, 2022
The Nuremberg Code just died after a lengthy illness. Covid has been identified as the official cause of death, but pundits claim that the Code was actually struggling with terminal illness for the past three years, even before the Wuhan virus made its debut.
Numerous factors contributed to the Code’s demise, but metastatic tyranny is the underlying condition chiefly responsible for the Code’s slow and torturous death.
In fact, the Code was on life support ever since lockdowns and mask mandates were imposed in 2020.
After years of systematic abuse and gang rape by the WHO, CDC, and world governments, the Nuremberg Code finally succumbed to her wounds and was pronounced dead on June 30, 2022, when the Supreme Court refused to take action against vaccine mandates that could have effectively resuscitated the Code. The Court claimed that a DNR (do not resuscitate) order had been placed on the late Nuremberg Code, and that only palliative care would have been allowed.
The Code’s death also coincided with NY State’s recent plans to set up quarantine camps for people whenever the state deems it “necessary.”
Instead of a traditional burial, the Nuremberg Code will be incinerated, since her remains have been deemed a contagious public health threat. “Right to informed consent is a dangerous idea that risks going viral and infecting the masses,” remarked Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH, “so it must be disposed of carefully like all other hazardous materials.”
When asked for evidence supporting his statement, Fauci responded impatiently: “Just TRUST the SCIENCE.” People Magazine recently discovered that “Science” is Anthony Fauci’s middle name. So there you have it, folks. The Science has indeed spoken.
In honor of the Nuremberg Code’s incineration, a special crematorium has been reconstructed at Auschwitz for this purpose. After the cremation, her ashes will be scattered over her birthplace, Nuremberg, Germany. The empty urn will be ensconced atop an obelisk erected at the United Nations. This will serve the purpose of reminding the masses – and especially the fundamentalist conspiracy theorists – that the Nuremberg Code is dead and will not be resurrected. A memorial monument will likewise be placed in the Vatican, which has released a statement banning any talks of resurrecting the Nuremberg Code. “Resurrection is no longer an acceptable Catholic belief,” said Pope Francis.
Israel’s Chief Rabbinate agreed with the Papal decision, as did nearly all other religious establishments worldwide. “There is no major world religion that supports resurrecting the Nuremberg Code,” wrote Attorney Alan Dershowitz in an op ed. The ACLU agreed. “This has nothing to do with civil rights,” said Anthony Romero, executive director of the ACLU. “It’s just about selfishness. Who gave you the right to defy the Greater Good?” He also noted that the very term “rights” is odious and should be abolished, since it implies that the “left” is wrong.
Rabbi Yoseph Y. Braun of the Brooklyn neighborhood of Crown Heights applauded the death of the Nuremberg Code. “You do NOT own your body,” Braun screamed at his adherents in a recent recording. “It’s NOT your choice. Only the medical authorities and government authorities get to decide. WHO do you think you are!?” He then muttered a few words that were unintelligible. He probably couldn’t read the prompts being dictated to him by Dr. Eli Rosen of the Haredi Health Commission (believed to be sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, and other population reductionists).
Speaking of unintelligible, President Biden weighed in on this momentous occasion as well. The White House declared the anniversary of the Nuremberg Code’s death, June 30th, as a new national holiday. It will be called “Vaccination Day USA.” Every year, the Code’s death will be celebrated by the rolling out of a new booster. All fully vaccinated individuals will get the day off from work in celebration of the occasion. All individuals who aren’t fully vaccinated will be fired.
Israel’s Prime Minister applauded the creation of the new holiday celebrating the death of the Nuremberg Code. He said that the Knesset plans to adopt this date as the new Israeli Independence Day, since “vaccination macht frei.” This translates loosely to: “the only way to be free [read: alive] is by being vaccinated.” Germany’s Prime Minister said that her country is planning similar legislation. They are planning mass rallies in Nuremberg and Munich to enact these developments.
The Nuremberg Code, born in 1947 and died in 2022, was seventy-five years old at time of death. However, many conspiracy theorists argued that she’s actually been dead for decades, and that she was actually a fabrication since day one! They claim that no world government ever acknowledged anyone’s Right to Informed Consent in the first place.
Of course, this theory was easily debunked by social media Fact Checkers. They point to the Nuremberg Code’s child, UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, as a proof that Code actually existed.
However, the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights has gone missing for many years and her whereabouts are unknown.
NASA was called upon to search for her up in orbit, but NASA Director Bill Nelson stated: “Sadly, we have lost the technology to leave the earth’s outer atmosphere,” so there’s no way the Declaration can ever be retrieved.
The Nuremberg Code was predeceased by her cousin, the First Amendment, who died suddenly on June 13th, 2019, when the NY State legislature eliminated religious exemption to vaccine mandate. The US Constitution died shortly thereafter, on January 6th, 2021.
Another one of the Code’s cousins, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, died more recently later in 2021 when covid vaccine was mandated for employees.
Ironically, the Nuremberg Code is survived by her arch nemesis, the Nuremberg Laws, which has been reinstated in modern times in the name of public health policy. “Jews” and “biological inferiors” have been replaced with “the unvaccinated” and “genetic inferiors,” but the rest of the wording is pretty much intact. See our recent article on this topic, the Vaccinberg Laws.
Millions of people around the world are mourning the Nuremberg Code’s untimely death, but Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum said that there’s no reason to be sad. “Don’t vorry,” he told a crowd of mourners, “You vill own nothing and be happy. Just eat ze bugs.”
Rest in peace.
cover image based on creative commons work of Pexels

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