A Handful of Companies Control the Global Propaganda

A Handful of Companies Control the Global Propaganda

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
April 14, 2023


  • PR firms and ad agency holding companies are a central cog in global propaganda machine. They make sure the same message is distributed in many different places in a cohesively timed fashion
  • An estimated two-thirds to 80% of the content broadcast and published by corporate media comes from public relations firms such as these four. In other words, most so-called mainstream media “news” is propaganda
  • The four largest ad holding companies in the world are the Publicis Groupe, WPP, the Omnicom Group and the Interpublic Group, and all are deeply interlocked with the corporate media, the military-industrial complex and the policymakers
  • A handful of private investment companies dominate every aspect of our lives and own everything we spend our money on. The two largest ones are Vanguard and BlackRock. Vanguard and/or BlackRock are also among the top 10 shareholders in the four largest ad agency holding companies

The 1% of the world’s wealthiest people provide the ideological justification that is driving the implementation of The Great Reset worldwide. The term academia uses to describe this globalist cabal is “The Transnational Capitalist Class” or TCC

In her book “One Idea to Rule Them All, Reverse Engineering American Propaganda,” Michelle Stiles reveals how the American public (and indeed the global population at large) have been indoctrinated and conned by public relations (PR) companies that run the globalist cabal’s propaganda campaigns. I will be interviewing Michele shortly for this book.

The PR agency creates a global media plan for a given client. It decides the articles to be written and where they’re to appear. It then decides where ads will run and when. So, while drug companies appear to have a rather direct influence over media, it’s really the PR firms that wield the greatest control, especially when it comes to the organization of it all.

They make sure the same message is distributed in many different places in a cohesively timed fashion. As such, PR companies are a central cog in the global propaganda machine and need to be understood as such.

On a side note, there are two designations for PR companies: public relations firms and ad agency holding companies. Ad agency holding companies do public relations but are primarily ad agency based.

A Russian Nesting Doll Model of the World

As detailed in “Who Owns the World?” a handful of private investment companies dominate every aspect of our lives and own everything we spend our money on, from food and beverages to clothing, travel, housing and just about everything else you can think of.

While there appear to be hundreds of competing brands on the market, like Russian nesting dolls, larger parent companies own multiple smaller brands. In reality, all packaged food brands, for example, are owned by a dozen or so larger parent companies.

These parent companies, in turn, are owned by shareholders, and the largest shareholders are the same in all of them: Vanguard and Blackrock. These institutional investors also own each other. They’re shareholders in each other’s companies, which erodes the concept of competition and strengthens the global monopoly even further.

Four Ad Holding Companies Dominate the Media Landscape

The four largest ad holding companies in the world are currently the Publicis Groupe, WPP, the Omnicom Group and the Interpublic Group, and Stiles notes, all are “deeply interlocked with the corporate media, the military-industrial complex, and the policy elites.”

Each agency, in turn, has smaller subsidiaries and affiliates, again giving us the illusion that there are far more players than there really are. And, as with everything else, Vanguard and/or BlackRock are among the top 10 shareholders in these top four ad agency holding companies. They also own major media companies, and the largest drug companies.

An estimated two-thirds to 80% of the content broadcast and published by corporate media comes from public relations firms.

For clarity, in her book, Stiles lists the top three as WPP, Omnicom and Interpublic, but as of November 2021, Publicis surpassed WPP in terms of market value, nabbing the No. 1 spot as the world’s largest ad holding company.1 WPP still has a larger annual revenue, though. That said, all four boast multibillion-dollar annual revenues. In 2022:

  • London-based WPP, which has agencies in 112 countries, made $17.847 billion.2 Noteworthy clients include Amazon, Microsoft, NBC, Healthline, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Pfizer.
  • Publicis made $14.957 billion3 serving clients within the technology, pharmaceutical and banking industries.
  • New York City-based Omnicom made $14.289 billion4 from its 200+ agencies, which service more than 5,000 corporate brands, universities, nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
  • The Interpublic Group’s revenue was $10.928 billion,5 and its clientele include the U.S. Army, ABC, Columbia Records, Unilever, U.S. Bank, Facebook and ExxonMobil, just to name a few.

According to Stiles, an estimated two-thirds to 80% of the content broadcast and published by corporate media comes from public relations firms. In other words, most so-called mainstream media “news” is propaganda.

Remarkably, when you add the revenues of these top four ad holding companies together, it’s still below $60 billion, which seems a modest price to control up to 80% of the global mainstream media landscape. Clearly, it’s money well-spent, from the globalist’s perspective.

The Transnational Capitalist Class

As noted by Stiles, the term academia uses to describe this globalist cabal is “The Transnational Capitalist Class” or TCC. “They are 1% of the world’s wealthiest people who provide the ideological justification driving desired actions to be implemented worldwide in pursuit of their shared interests through transnational governmental organizations,” she writes.

She goes on to cite sociologist Peter Phillips’ book, “Giants: The Global Power Elite,” in which Phillips details:

“… the vast web of interconnectedness of the 17 giant investment firms managing in excess of $43 trillion in capital, who are themselves cross-invested with each other, the near giants … and have ownership stakes in the top 1,500 corporations spanning the globe, giving them enormous power in corporate board rooms across the planet.

Leaders of these firms meet together at various policy-making conferences throughout the year to network, strategize and finalize recommendations in the form of reports and whitepapers that heavily influence worldwide geopolitics …

If you still live in the dark ages thinking there is no intertwined global elite controlling and overpowering the sovereignty of nation-states and dominating the ideological landscape, take the time and read Phillip’s book. It’s a reality check as bracing as a cold shower …

Philips profiles 389 of the world’s most powerful players in capitalism … It’s a very small ecosystem of entwined connections, financial overlap, elite prestige and message control which they inhabit …

There are integrations, cross integrations, partnerships, overlap of leadership and constant networking among the 1%. This is evident. So far, an obvious but overlooked question is: If a deeply complex geo-political and ideological web has already been established, who are the weavers and what are they up to? Who is responsible for the organization on such a grand scale?

People who study these types of things have many names for the weavers: ‘The Deep State,’ ‘The 1%,’ ‘The Elites,’ ‘GloboCap,’ ‘The Powers That Be,’ or simply ‘Globalists.’ It is likely that the true leaders will always remain hidden, and the leaders profiled in Phillips’ book are more or less figureheads fronting for controllers behind the scenes.

Remember, wolves don’t go announcing themselves to the general public. If things go awry, their anonymity protects them. In the end, knowledge of the names is not as important as understanding the systematic game of ‘winner take all’ that they are playing.”

But for all their private meetings, the globalists would not have been able to build this hidden monopoly where they own everything, were it not for their control of the media.

They hid their control of the media pretty well for a long time, but during COVID, the lockstep word-for-word regurgitation of nonsense and easily-confirmed lies revealed there was, without doubt, a top-down organization to the madness.

Here, Publicis appears to be a top candidate as the primary string-puller, seeing how it’s partnered with the World Economic Forum, which is leading the call for a “reset” of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life.

US Government Spends Billions on Propaganda

While private interests are at the center of the globalist cabal or Deep State, it’s a mistake to think that governments aren’t participating in their plans — or their propaganda.

As reported by Stiles, between 2007 and 2015, the U.S. federal government spent more than $4 billion on public relations services, plus another $2.2 billion for polling, research, and market consulting services. Why does a government “of the people, by the people, for the people” need all this PR? In short: to indoctrinate the public with the globalists’ narratives and points of view.

“Building trust takes time because character is only revealed through action,” Stiles notes, and this is well-known to con artists and propagandists alike. Without a certain level of trust, a con won’t work, and we are now discovering that the globalist cabal has spent decades orchestrating a con so big many still cannot believe it. They’ve infiltrated academia, science and just about every branch of government, and not just in the United States.

In a functioning system, mainstream media would have alerted us to the game plan and exposed the liars and the frauds along the way. But they didn’t, and the reason they didn’t is because mainstream media are no longer free to report truth. It’s been captured by the globalist propaganda machine and its primary function is to broadcast the narratives created by PR companies on the cabal’s behalf.

“Propaganda is a rich man’s sport,” Stiles writes. “Imagine with piles of money you can purchase ‘trust,’ enabling you to monopolize ideas. Your ideas at the top of the food chain ensure continued market dominance and financial leverage over a manipulated citizenry.

You are going to do this in various ways; creating foundations that will ‘donate’ large sums of money to organizations you would like to influence, sponsoring organizations that influence national and global leaders and by creating nonprofit organizations that can promote your message while appearing independent.

This takes decades, but you’re a patient person. After all, global ideological dominance shouldn’t happen overnight. When sufficient entities exist or have been captured — the average citizen is subject to the finest pseudo-reality that money can buy.

It’s a diabolical achievement — the corruption and take-over of the ideological free market. Your ideas saturate the landscape, and your helpless victims struggle to triangulate ‘truth,’ trapped in a literal spider’s web of interconnected and well-financed authoritative voices and entities.”

The Creation of an Idea Syndicate

Stiles goes through the various ways in which the globalists technocrats and transhumanists managed to create an “idea syndicate” where their ideas always get top billing. One way has been through the capturing of societal influencers through the lures of “grants and the promise of appointments, publications and prestige.”

This strategy has resulted in people of low integrity and morals taking center stage — most are basically people willing to sell out — while simultaneously throttling the influence of independent thinkers who cannot be bought.

Another highly effective strategy is to “control the realm of ideas by lavishly funding certain themes and narratives while selectively starving others slated for extinction,” Stiles writes. This is routinely done through charitable foundations. Through “charity,” the cabal can fund the ideas that the TCC endorses while simultaneously starving out opposing ideas and ideals. As noted by Stiles:

“The true threat of the foundations lies ‘in their ability to provide war chests in the battle of ideas,’ picking winners and losers and corrupting the free-flowing ideological landscape …

Those ideas that are nonconformist, unconventional or simply do not comport with the dominant ideology espoused by the foundation trustees would be left to wither on the vine, having little reach or power to influence.

Much of what is called ‘truth’ today is supported by ‘research.’ ‘The research says’ is the essence of supposed objectivity and the backbone of a superior argument leaving the fellow without research in the dust. The logic is as follows: All worthy ideas get funding for research; your ideas have no supporting research; therefore, your ideas are inferior.

As you can easily see, all ideas do not have equal opportunity to advance if the control lever of funding is biased. With this scheme in place, entire intellectual flotillas of specialized science could be created and used to commandeer social policy, legislation, and judicial rulings by directing the money spigots flowing into academia …

Foundation control of monies to academia can be thought of as a chokehold on the seedbed or ideological germination centers targeting idea creators and their livelihood.”

The third way to create an idea syndicate is through front groups — third-party organizations that claim to be independent but are really agents of and for a particular agenda.

“With enough money, front groups can afford to scheme up designer truth hot off the assembly line to support literally any platform,” Stiles writes, adding, “Thanks to billions of dollars spent through foundations, public relations firms and the third-party technique, Americans are literally swimming in a sea of manufactured truth …”

Controlling Competing Views

So, to summarize, maintaining control over ideas and prevailing narratives involves both the monopolization of ideas and the simultaneous suppression of competing views, and PR companies and media perform both functions.

As noted by Stiles, even when media present opposing views, they do so very carefully. “Truth that has the power to unseat the illusion of democracy will have a firewall erected against it,” and media simply will not cross that firewall, no matter how “neutral” they pretend to be.

ChatGPT Weighs in on Potential Dangers of PR Firms

In closing, and just for fun, a member of my team recently asked ChatGPT to “write a story about the potential dangers of how the top three ad holding companies, which also act as public relations firms, can influence news coverage about pharmaceutical products, similar to how Bill Gates could use his foundation’s money to influence the World Health Organization and media organizations to influence the coverage of global health, and potentially benefit from his own pharmaceutical investments.”

The carefully engineered prompt for the AI allowed a response that reveals the kernel of truth that even the radicalized programmers at OpenAI could not filter out:

 Sources and References


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

Cover image credit: geralt

New World Next Week: Shh! Don’t Report On Pentagon’s Secret Leak!

New World Next Week: Shh! Don’t Report On Pentagon’s Secret Leak!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report, & James Evan Pilato, Media Monarchy
April 13, 2023


Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

 Watch on BitChute / Odysee  / Substack / Download the mp4

Story #1: White House Says Don’t Report On Pentagon Leaks

Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets ‘From Ukraine To Middle East To China’

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin—Former Member of Raytheon Board of Directors—Has Awarded Over $2.36 Billion in Contracts to Raytheon Since His Confirmation in January

Leaks Showing US Spied On South Korea Spark Outrage In Seoul

U.S. Spy Agency Bugged U.N. Headquarters: Germany’s Spiegel (Aug. 25, 2013)

U.S. Spied On Merkel, Other Europeans Through Danish Cables (May 30, 2021)

Leaked Document Says Ukraine Could Run Out of Air Defense Missiles By Early May

Why Putin May Have Exposed the US/NATO Ukraine Operations Documents

Leaked Document Appears to Show NATO Special Operations Forces are in Ukraine

Leak Shows Ukrainian SBU Agents Attacked Russian Surveillance Plane in Belarus

Story #2: JP Morgan Chief Says Seize Property To Build Wind, Solar Farms

Eminent Domain

Eminent Oxford Scientist Says Wind Power “Fails On Every Count”

JPMorgan Execs Joked About Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophilia

Jamie Dimon Will Face Questioning In Lawsuits Over JPMorgan’s Epstein Ties

Episode 322 – What Is Sustainable Development?

Story #3: Trilateral Commission Calls 2023 ‘Year One’ Of New World Order
https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/Indo-Pacific/Trilateral-Commission-calls-2023-Year-One-of-new-world-order // https://archive.is/WmWhW

James H. Baker (DOD)
The New World Next Week Store


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The Deeper Reality Revealed by the Invasion of BlackRock HQ in Paris: “All Across the World, People Are Grasping That Their Local Political Chiefs Are Pawns of the WEF.”

The Deeper Reality Revealed by the Invasion of BlackRock HQ in Paris: “All Across the World, People Are Grasping That Their Local Political Chiefs Are Pawns of the WEF.”
Targeting the enemy

by The Acorn
April 11, 2023


The invasion of BlackRock HQ in Paris on April 6 by a crowd of angry protesters and strikers revealed to the world that something very important is happening in France.

From a long distance, it may look like just another trade-union-led fightback against an increase in the retirement age.

From a closer distance, it might be evident that more general grievances against the Macron regime have temporarily amplified that union-led struggle.

But, in reality, it goes a lot deeper than that.

The revolt is a continuation, in fact, of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) uprising, which began in November 2018 and only came to an end with the Covid clamp-down.

Many Gilets Jaunes, unlike the top-down sold-out left, were involved in the massive wave of protest against vaccine passports that swept across the country in 2021.

Although the GJ uprising could itself be seen as continuation of previous struggles, such as those against the Loi Travail or in support of the ZAD at Notre-Dame des Landes, it represented a significant shift, which alarmed the authorities.

The movement was essentially uncontrollable, accepting no leadership or centralised structure, and also broke through the usual left-right divide, being a generalised revolt against the system.

The response of the Macron regime to the revolt only deepened the split between government and people.

The contempt, smears and brutal police violence unleashed against the GJs by the ruling clique, together with a refusal to take their demands seriously, shocked a large part of the French public.

This didn’t look like the kind of modern “Western” government that we are all used to, which likes to pretend to represent the people and to respond to their concerns.

Instead, Macron came across as a nasty tin-pot dictator, throwing his weight around with arrogant impunity.

Exactly the same thing has been happening in 2023. The government ignored weeks of massive and peaceful protesting, forced the law through parliament without a vote and then started banning demonstrations and mutilating protesters with military-style repression.

This looks less like a “liberal democracy” than a colonial government of occupation, determined to “put down the natives” at any cost.

And this, of course, is exactly what it is!

France is not run by representatives of the French people, but by representatives of the global money power, the criminal gang which owns pretty much everything, everywhere.

This power has decided to ditch the pretence at democracy so as to accelerate its control, under the pretext of various “emergencies”, whether Covid or climate.

Having bought up the mainstream media, it was confident that the overall picture could never be seen by the ordinary men and women it so despises.

But it is being seen.

All across the world, people are grasping that their local political chiefs are pawns of the WEF.

They know, as well, that the WEF is just one part of a global institutional network including the likes of the UN, the WHO, and Commonwealth.

They are fast finding out that these bodies are entwined with financial organisations such as the IMF, the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements.

These entities, like pretty much every single multi-national corporation, are controlled by the financial nexus built around BlackRock and Vanguard.

This is the entity that rules France, as it rules almost every other country.

It has managed to grab this chilling and unprecedented degree of global power by stealth, by hiding its existence behind front after front after front.

But now, in its impatience, it has made itself visible to the extent that striking rail workers in Paris know exactly where to find it.

The game has changed. The emperor is known to be naked and the people are turning on him in disgust and in anger.


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Cover image credit: RonaldPlett

Matt Ehret on George Soros, China and Russia

Matt Ehret on George Soros, China and Russia

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
April 12, 2023


China is the enemy of the West.

Russia is the enemy of the West.

George Soros is a great philanthropist who believes in democracy and liberty for all.

The West is a bastion of freedom, prosperity and peace.

At least, that’s what the Western establishment (government and media) will have us believe through their propaganda machinery before promoting military invasions (such as Yemen and Syria), proxy wars like Ukraine, mass censorship and surveillance, and the celebration of the destruction of tradition and normality in general.

I’m not saying that the United States is Hell and that China is Heaven.

Far from it.

In fact, I am no fan of China’s technocratic, neo-communist centralised governance, as I noted in my conversation with Pepe Escobar.

But am equally no fan of America’s postmodern degradation of morality and bloodlust for unipolar dominance and imperialism.

Matt Ehret, editor of the Canadian Patriot, has been diving deep into the anti-China (and anti-Russia) narratives and exposing the various psychological operations by Western central intelligence agencies and their lapdogs, the mainstream media.

Breaking Free of AntiChina Psyops (download PDF) by Matthew Ehret and Cynthia Chung
For some mind control context, take a listen to my conversation with Steve Falconer about MK-Ultra and my conversation with James Fetzer about Operation Mockingbird.

Matt’s discussion with me is worth the time, as he covered George Soros being kicked out of China, the history of the United States’ anti-China and anti-Russia narratives, Donald Trump’s insight into the Deep State’s deception, and the mass confusion created by the Fabian Society, Open Society and other enemies of national sovereignty.

Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

Matthew 7:15

Basically, if you think China is a threat to the West, then have you asked yourself why you believe that?

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Connect with Matt Ehret


Hello Project Icebreaker, Goodbye Financial Freedom: The Orwellian Nature of CBDCs Cannot Be Overstated”

Hello Project Icebreaker, Goodbye Financial Freedom: “The Orwellian Nature of CBDCs Cannot Be Overstated”

by Brandon Smith, Birch Gold Group
published April 6, 2023


There has been extensive discussion in the past couple of years within alternative media circles about the dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs); a currency framework very similar to blockchain based products like bitcoin but directly controlled by central bankers.

CDBCs are a threat that some analysts including myself have been writing about for more than a decade, so it’s good to finally see the issue being addressed more in the mainstream.

The economics of enslavement

The Orwellian nature of CBDCs cannot be overstated.

In a cashless society people would be dependent on digital products for exchanging goods and labor, and this would of course mean the end of all privacy in trade. Basically, everything you buy or sell or work for in your life would be recorded, and this lack of anonymity could easily be used to stifle your freedoms.

For example, say you like to eat steak regularly, but the “green” government decides to list red meat as a health risk and a “climate change risk,” due to carbon emissions from cows. They determine by your purchase history (which they now have full access to) that you have contributed more carbon pollution than most people by eating red meat often. They declare that you must pay a retroactive carbon tax on your past purchases of red meat. Not only that, but your insurance company sends you a letter indicating that you are now a risk and they cut off your health coverage.

Other products you might consume and services you use can be tracked to create a psychological profile on you, which could then become a factor in determining your social credit score as they do often in China.

Maybe you refuse or forgot to purchase your annual mRNA booster shot, and the tracking algorithm makes a note of this. Now you are under suspicion for being “anti-vax” and your social credit score plummets, cutting you off from various public venues. Maybe you are even fired from your job.

In the worst case scenario, though, economic access is the greatest oppressive tool.

With CBDCs in place and no physical cash in existence, your savings will never truly be yours and you never be able to hold your purchasing power in your hands.

The means of exchange would be firewalled by the banks. Any (or all) government agencies would be able to freeze your ability to transact.

If one day you get angry about a particular government policy or a stupid thing a politician says, and openly call the system “corrupt” in public? The Bureau of Tolerance in Public Discourse could simply suspend your access to your digital money… Temporarily, of course. Only until you submit and change your tune – if it’s your first offense.

Repeat offenders might be required to attend a Sensitivity Training Boot Camp – at your own expense, of course! With CDBCs, any government bureaucrat could not only prevent you from making any purchases, they could also allow you to only make specific purchases, like a train ticket to Sensitivity Training Boot Camp where you’d spend eight to twelve weeks being “reeducated” in order to regain your rights to buy food.

This is every authoritarian’s dream come true.

Imagine this power even in the hands of a benevolent leader! It would be so easy to nudge citizens to live healthier, more productive lives… (In fact, in China, one of the documented uses of their combination “social credit score” and cashless transactions is denying individuals the ability to buy junk food because they’re considered to be overweight.)

In the hands of a callous, ruthless government? Much, much worse.

CBDCs give government bureaucrats the ability to starve their political opponents with algorithmic precision. It would be a new world of technocratic oppression – allowing раскулачивание or “dekulakization” of individuals or entire regions at the push of a button. At any time, for any reason.

Imagine living under the threat of possible “liquidation” every single day for the rest of your life.

This power that Stalin or Hitler or Chairman Mao could only dream of has only become possible relatively recently. Over the past few years, the combination of powerful computing, unimaginably advanced data analysis and extraction techniques and universal spying devices (also known as “smartphones”) have created the opportunity for autocrats to create the ultimate tool of control and oppression.

That “opportunity” is rapidly becoming a reality.

Project Icebreaker

It’s important to understand that central bankers are moving at breakneck speed to develop and introduce digital currencies. It’s not a matter of experimentation, they already have these systems ready to implement. In my investigations of various CBDC programs and how quickly they are progressing I came across an interesting program called Project Icebreaker managed and developed by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

For those not aware, the BIS is a globalist institution with a clandestine past known as the “central bank of central banks.” It is the policy-making hub for most of the central banks in the world. If you ever wondered how it was possible for so many national central banks to operate in tandem with each other instead of in the interests of their home countries, the BIS is the answer. In other words, organizations like the Federal Reserve are not necessarily loyal to Americans or to American officials, they are loyal to the dictates of the BIS.

The BIS is at the forefront of the CDBC movement. They’ve funded a vast array of projects to test and refine CBDC technologies for some time. Right now, the BIS estimate that at least 81 central banks around the world are in the process of introducing their very own CDBC.

Now, there are only 195 countries in the whole world, and more than 2/3 of them are pursuing this freedom-destroying, autocrat’s-dream-come-true.

Project Icebreaker in particular grabbed my interest for a number of reasons. The BIS describes the project as a foreign exchange clearing house for Retail CBDCs (retail CBDCs are digital currencies used by the regular public and businesses), enabling the currencies to be traded from country to country quickly and efficiently. This is accomplished using the “Icebreaker Hub”, a BIS controlled mechanism which facilitates data transfers for an array of transactions and connects banks to other banks.

Investigating further I realized that the Icebreaker Hub in theory functions almost exactly like the SWIFT payment system used currently by governments and international banks. More than 10,000 financial institutions in 212 different countries use the SWIFT network to transfer funds overseas for their clients; it is an incredible centralized hinge or fulcrum that gives its controllers considerable power.

As a point of reference, after the start of the war between Ukraine and Russia, the expulsion of Russia from the SWIFT network was used as a weapon in an attempt to crash the Russian economy. Russia has found ways around using SWIFT, but some damage has indeed been done to their financial structures. Consider this, however – What if all monetary transactions were centralized through CBDCs and the BIS controlled the hub in which all retail CBDCs are exchanged globally? That’s exactly what Icebreaker is.

Now imagine that you operate a business that relies on international transactions. Say you need to pay manufacturers in Vietnam to produce your products. With CBDCs in place your entire business would be completely dependent on a system like Icebreaker to move than digital money to Vietnamese banks,  into your manufacturer’s account.

Say the BIS, for whatever reason, decides that all Vietnamese manufacturing illegally use child labor. Or the Ngân hàng Nhà nước Việt Nam (State Bank of Vietnam) doesn’t toe the BIS policy line, and BIS technocrats decide to “teach them a lesson.” Or maybe the BIS doesn’t approve of your products – or maybe they just don’t like you

With Icebreaker, any BIS factotum can implement Russian-style sanctions. Your access to international commerce? Denied. Your business is now functionally dead – at the push of a button.

But Icebreaker isn’t just a reactive system – it can be a proactive system, too…

What if you had to meet certain standards in order to be allowed use of the hub, and the BIS dictates the standards?

What if the BIS decides that your company needs to meet woke ESG requirements before you can get permission for Icebreaker transactions? Insufficiently diverse board of directors? Denied. Using commodities that aren’t ethically, sustainably sourced by war refugees? Denied. Offering a product or service insufficiently aligned with globalist goals? Denied.

The BIS itself can actively manipulate social, cultural and economic decisions –  using millions of businesses as their missionaries.

The entire global economy would, essentially, be held hostage.

For the average American who does most of their shopping locally, this might not seem like a big deal.

For the business world, an economic firewall could easily be used to control all international trade.

Any larger organization or business would require slavishly obeying the whims of the BIS.

It gets worse, though.

Part of the process of the “spoke and wheel” exchange method used by Icebreaker includes the exploitation of a “bridge currency” to fill gaps in exchange rates and liquidity. On the surface this seems like a clever way to speed up transactions by avoiding cross-currency shortages at banks.

That said, I want readers to think about the long-term path that this kind of “bridging” sets in motion in the realm of CBDCs.

Let’s say there is a global scale economic crisis which causes many currencies to fluctuate wildly. We’ve already seen three events that meet this definition in the last 20 years – so they really aren’t that uncommon.

Let’s say, for example, that the U.S. dollar loses its global reserve role (as it’s already lost its petrodollar exclusivity). Or, say, a debt ceiling standoff calls into question the market value of those $7.5 trillion in U.S. Treasury bonds owned by global central banks…

This would send the $7.5 trillion/day foreign exchange market into a historic panic.

Price inflation becomes rampant and banking institutions falter under liquidity pressures.

Central bankers, who have a “solution” in search of a crisis to address, push CBDCs as the antidote. The BIS Icebreaker becomes the middleman for every single international transaction.

The populace, terrified by the economic crash, immediately embrace the digital framework. But the BIS claims they can’t find a currency they consider stable enough to act as an intermediary…

Well, “luckily” for all of us the BIS and IMF have been working on their own global CBDC. In the case of the IMF, this one-world currency would be based around the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket in use for decades to broker currency transfers between governments.

The BIS now uses this one unified, centrally controlled currency as the linchpin for world trade.

Eventually the BIS, IMF and various central banks will ask the public the inevitable question: “Why are we bothering with these national currencies when we have a perfectly good bridge currency in the form of this one-world CBDC? Why don’t we just get rid of all these superfluous separate CBDCs and have one currency for everyone?”

Thus, total global financial centralization would be achieved. And once you have a one-world currency, a completely centralized and micro-managed global economy and the most vital trade systems in the world controlled by a tiny handful of faceless unelected bureaucracies, why then have nations at all? Global government would be the next and final step.

I can see the nightmare play out when I look at projects like Icebreaker. They are seemingly innocuous, but they act as the DNA for economic tyranny that would make even the worst historic genocides pale in comparison.

What’s the solution? The last bastion of financial privacy, barter. Physical precious metals (gold as a store of value, silver for transacting and trade) would very likely become increasingly the preferred form of money for all truly free individuals for as long as the corrupt globalist regime has its tentacles in everyone’s digital wallets.


Brandon Smith has been an alternative economic and geopolitical analyst since 2006 and is the founder of Alt-Market.com.

Connect with Birch Gold Group

Cover image credit: Leonhard_Niederwimmer

When Does the Narrative Replace Reality?

When Does the Narrative Replace Reality?

by Aaron & Melissa Dykes, Truthstream Media
April 9, 2023


Video also available at Truthstream Media YouTube.

Truthstream’s first Film: TheMindsofMen.net

Truthstream’s first Series: Vimeo.com/ondemand/trustgame


Connect with Truthstream Media

Cover image credit: Truthstream Media


Aaron Dykes:

I generally try to avoid the media storm because it’s just so toxic. It’s counterproductive and it just weighs upon my soul to follow it most of the time.

But you know the stuff with the Twitter files that has come out, the things Matt Taibbi has reported, are astonishing because they’re things that we already knew. And I’m sure many of you already knew.

We’ve seen them happening. We’ve seen the numbers on our own channels. We’ve seen the various clever ways of suppressing messages.

We’ve seen channels deleted, but also just kept under wraps, hidden from their own followers and subscribers. That’s what we’ve experienced. And I’m not even sure who’s hearing this video, but it isn’t everyone who subscribed to our channel.

I don’t know if it’s anyone who didn’t. I don’t know. But it is incredible to see evidence come out showing the way that this censorship and suppression and algorithmic distortion has taken place. How it’s been done consciously.

But it’s just, when I did first see this a few days ago and reacted to it, it just floored me that this could come out the way it does and that there aren’t greater repercussions.

You got private organizations centered around major universities, major media outlets working deliberately to prop up a narrative at the expense of the facts and the truth. There’s just no other way to put it. Collaborating with government agencies in what is surely, what would surely be interpreted as a very clear violation of the 1st Amendment.

Clips from House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Federal Government Holds Twitter Files Hearing

“We learned Twitter, Facebook, Google and other companies developed a formal system for taking in moderation requests from every corner of government from the FBI, the DHS, the HHS DoD, the Global Engagement Center at state, even the CIA.

For every government agency scanning Twitter, there were perhaps 20 quasi-private entities doing the same thing including Stanford’s Election Integrity Partnership, NewsGuard, the Global Disinformation Index, and many others, many taxpayer funded.”

“In your testimony describing the cooperation between the federal government and tech companies like Twitter, you stated, ‘a focus of this growing network is making lists of people whose opinions, beliefs, associations or sympathies are deemed to be misinformation, disinformation or malinformation’. What’s interesting to me is that what is missing from that list is the word unlawful…

And so it notably seems to be missing from the FBI’s lexicon.”

A Beginner’s Guide to Syria, With Vanessa Beeley

A Beginner’s Guide to Syria, With Vanessa Beeley

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare, with Vanessa Beeley
originally published April 4, 2023


In the following conversation about Syria, Vanessa Beeley dropped so many truth bombs that Joe Biden thought that Olympus Has Fallen is a documentary.

Vanessa lives in Syria’s capital, Damascus, and is one of the few journalists who actually knows what’s going on and experiences, you know, reality rather than Western propaganda via the likes of CNN and The New York Times.

For a conversation surrounding Syria and navigating the fog of information war, I strongly recommend listening to my conversation with Piers Robinson in which he touched on talking points including:

  • false narratives published by media across the Western world,
  • the role of propaganda to shape public perception, and
  • the “chemical weapons” hoax.

Vanessa’s discussion with me is more raw and closer to Syrian reality on the ground, acting as a brilliant beginner’s guide of sorts, including:

  • some history leading up to the current war,
  • the geopolitical complexities around Syria,
  • Western central intelligence agencies’ creation and funding of terrorist groups,
  • daily life and struggles in Damascus under severe sanctions,
  • allies of Syria and why the Deep State is panicking, and
  • why Bashar al-Assad will never bow to Washington.

Her lights went out midway. Thankfully, she had a LED light on hand.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

Connect with Vanessa Beeley

All image sourced from Jerm Warfare

Drs. Tom Cowan, Mark & Samantha Bailey, Andrew Kaufman: Why Are We Doing This?

Drs. Tom Cowan, Mark & Samantha Bailey, Andrew Kaufman: Why Are We Doing This?



“It is also clear that the dramatic events of the past three years, events that have devastated the lives of many people all over the world, are based on this very misconception that so-called pathogenic viruses exist. This misconception has been around for a very long time, and it has led to damaging public health measures, the most notorious being vaccines, which have themselves harmed and killed millions of animals and people during their long and sordid history.


TCTL editor’s note:

In the video below, Samantha Bailey reads the written statement “Why Are We Doing This?” which was signed by Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, Mark and Samantha Bailey.

Following that reading, each of the four makes a brief personal statement about why they continue to speak out about lies at the foundation of virology.

The written statement, shared below, can be found at Tom Cowan’s website.

Transcript of the individual statements is provided by Truth Comes to Light.


Why Are We Doing This?: The Written Statement

Sadly, the level of rancor between those in the “freedom” community taking the “no-virus” position and those taking the “pro-virus” position has reached higher and higher levels.

Videos, Instagram posts and tweets are put out by both sides claiming to “debunk’ the other side or sometimes to just call names.

Mikki Willis, the producer and director of the documentary series Plandemic, has created a new video urging unity among those who claim to be on the side of freedom, along with a subtle accusation that dissenters against this unity are classic disinformation agents.

Given this background, we, as some of the recognized leaders of the “no-virus team,” thought it would be a good opportunity to reconnect and even restate why we are doing this.

Why we will not just be good team players and participate in the growing worldwide movement fighting for the universal principles of freedom, bodily autonomy and the ability to guide one’s life based on one’s own beliefs and decisions? Why keep speaking out?

It seems obvious to us and, in fact, has been a guiding principle throughout our entire lives that a life based in freedom and integrity must have a solid, factual foundation. In other words, if the foundation is not based on the truth, as best we can see it, our entire lives are based on mistruths and are in danger of collapse at any moment.

Imagine building a relationship, a family, a homestead based on love between two people when the reality is that, rather than love, there is distrust, suspicion and even ill will. Sooner or later, that life will collapse into ruins.

This is the same with a financial system based on fiat currency, an agricultural system based on inattention to the health of the soil, or a medical system based on anti-scientific medical hypotheses.

After careers of examining medical research and theories and three years of intensive investigation into the question of whether particles or, perhaps better said, entities known as viruses actually exist, it is our clear conclusion that no such particle has ever been shown to exist, let alone cause any disease in plants, animals or people. For us, this conclusion stands as a clear fact.

It is also clear that the dramatic events of the past three years, events that have devastated the lives of many people all over the world, are based on this very misconception that so-called pathogenic viruses exist. This misconception has been around for a very long time, and it has led to damaging public health measures, the most notorious being vaccines, which have themselves harmed and killed millions of animals and people during their long and sordid history.

This carnage needs to stop.

People need to experience the world with new eyes and with a new concept of life, biology and health. This new conception can begin only when we realize, once and for all, that the idea of contagious, pathogenic viruses, or viral-like entities of any sort — natural, lab created, clones or otherwise —is simply a scientific misconception, or possibly a fraud.

Why we are doing this is straightforward: It’s so that no woman, man, child or animal ever has to be subjected again to abuse based on a long, bankrupt theory of biology and medicine.

We have nothing personally to gain from this quest. No prestigious awards are coming our way, and we likely will get nothing but further scorn and derision from colleagues, public institutions, and the general media.

Yet, when we think of our children, grandchildren, our friends, our families, our beloved animals, and animals in labs who are tortured and killed in this clearly futile effort to demonstrate the “reality” of viruses, everything in our being cries out, “this must stop.”

Therefore, we ask all people of good will to accept the following challenge. Please send us any genuine scientific information that demonstrates that viruses exist and cause disease.

We are not interested in any comments about our motivations or the consequences of our quests for us personally. Absent that evidence, we and our good friends will keep going. We believe that the future for all of us depends on it.

Dr. Thomas Cowan

Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Drs. Samantha & Mark Bailey

Time marker 5:03 — Dr. Tom Cowan:

So we’ve been talking a fair amount about why we’re doing this. The this being talking about the fact that there’s no virus, never had a virus that’s been shown to exist or cause any disease.

So what difference does it make?

So there’s obviously a whole lot of reasons including all the social distancing and the masks and the viral vaccines and the devastation of the adults and the lives of children.

But one thing that we haven’t, unfortunately, talked about much is its effect on the animals and the widespread frank torture and mutilation of millions of animals in labs and so-called science experiments all over the world.

And for whatever reason, I hadn’t appreciated this so much until I actually have animals of my own. And I think you could see our three cats and six chickens and we’re getting three goats this week.

When you realize all the mutilated animals, the ferrets with the cell culture stuffed down their throats, the 15,000 monkeys that were allegedly killed by Sabin to make an ineffective and dangerous polio vaccine.

When you realize all the mutilated dogs that have been left in dumpsters, which I’ve heard from many people who actually witnessed this themselves, the mice who’ve been injected with debris into their brain.

And you realize that all these experiments have no possible benefit. They’re just basically sadistic, torturing of innocent animals.

And at some point in your life, everything cries out to say this has to stop.

Time marker 7:04 — Dr. Andrew Kaufman:

Hello, I’m Dr. Andrew Kaufman. And today I’m here to answer the question why is it important to me to tell the whole truth about viruses? Meaning that they don’t actually exist or cause disease.

When faced with a lot of opposition and resistance to this message, you know, why am I communicating this over and over and sticking to this position.

And my answer is simple and I can answer in one word which is justice. But let me explain.

So if we look up the definition of justice, it means the maintenance or establishment of that which is just.

And I have here the definition of the word just from Merriam Webster: “Having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason.” Fact or reason.

So those are the two principal aspects that need to be established and known in order to bring about justice. Fact and Reason.

Now justice, for me, is a guiding factor in my life’s work or my mission.

What I would want to achieve and leave as my legacy on earth at the end of my life is related to bringing about justice.

So earlier in my career, this led me to the specialty of forensic psychiatry because I had learned that there was a great injustice perpetrated on the mentally ill individuals of the world. And this was so-called the deinstitutionalization movement which took people out of mental institutions — which at least were established with some purpose of helping and supporting and bettering those individuals — into the homeless crisis as well as jails and prisons.

So I was specifically going to try and help those mentally ill individuals who were essentially warehoused in jails and prisons, even without perpetrating any immoral crimes.

So many of them are there for things, because they were homeless, for example. So when it was really cold out, they went inside a storage facility to stay warm and escape frostbite. But that was trespassing so they ended up incarcerated, for example. And I’ve seen individuals in that scenario.

So this principle of justice has been a guiding force for me in my life. And it’s no different in the era of covid, where as I wanted to use fact and reason to make an opinion and see what is just with relationship to the announcement of this pandemic which occurred in 2020. And so, of course, I used my reasoning abilities to establish what are the facts.

And that led me to look at the initial fact, which was the establishment of this so-called virus that was causing this pandemic. Everything downstream of that was based upon this assumption.

And what I found out was that this assumption did not have a factual basis. And I simply applied logic and reason, and application of the scientific method to see that the experiments used to establish this basis of a new disease were simply unscientific and false.

And this helped me, of course, have a unique understanding of everything that occurred over the past several years. And I could easily look through the lens of judgment and see what was just and what was unjust in terms of people’s reactions, especially the government and various industries.

And this leads ultimately to holding the perpetrators of this tyranny accountable.

And one of the criticisms that has come from some of the health freedom leaders have been that if we look at the truth that there was no virus, that somehow that lets people like Anthony Fauci off the hook. But it’s actually the opposite because until we establish a factual basis of the crimes that were committed — and namely, in my opinion, they were the complete fabrication of an imaginary new disease that allowed justification of tyrannical policies that reduce freedom and inhibited commerce and allowed all types of manipulation to occur.

And we, to this day, don’t really know who are the main leaders behind this psychological operation that established this false disease, not based on fact. But perhaps if we hold people like Anthony Fauci accountable for participating in this charade that we can extract information and find out who the originators are. And that would be the only way to establish a true justice and accountability for what we’ve experienced.

And I know that going forward it continues to be the utmost important element in our analysis is to establish the facts and to use reasoning to understand what’s going on.

And of course this is true, especially with respect to our health.

So I hope this provides some inspiration to see how important it is to really get to the bottom of this issue.

Time marker 13:10 — Dr. Mark Bailey:

For more than three years I have researched the virus hypothesis, digesting virology textbooks and thousands of publications — from Ivanovsky’s claimed tobacco mosaic virus in 1903 through to Fan Wu’s claimed novel coronavirus in early 2020.

Virology’s world is arcane and most people have barely scratched the surface, content to believe viruses exist and often outraged that we would question such a thing.

However, we did question and haven’t stopped after we broke away from our conventional training and examined this issue for ourselves.

When I completed A Farewell to Virology, even I was surprised at the patent lack of evidence for these alleged infectious particles. It wasn’t just a few areas where the virologist evidence was lacking. It was in every area.

The techniques have shifted over the past century as their own experiments have consistently refuted themselves.

Now their remaining “evidence” lies in inadequate methodologies, uncontrolled studies and media releases.

Some time ago, we witnessed a move away from genuine experimental studies and into what I suspect is their final resort — genomics and proteomics.

But as I wrote in A Farewell to Virology, this approach is built on bankrupt foundations and will only delay the wider realization that the virus model is done for.

In the meantime, the carnage will continue for those still inside the viral paradigm. Experiencing disease, detecting genetic sequences, looking at electron microscopy images or obtaining test results — whether they be through the PCR or alleged antibodies — do not require the existence of viruses, as we and others have repeatedly exposed.

Mankind can make up stories to explain these various phenomena, but cannot change the underlying principles, no matter how sophisticated the technology.

I don’t know how much of the virus fallacy is a misconception, and how much is outright fraud.

It probably doesn’t matter because what is important is that more people are waking up to the fallacy and rejecting the virus and germ theory models outright.

Like our family, they have worked out that none of the touted solutions, whether they be public health measures, vaccines or drugs, offer any benefit to our well-being.

They can see the destruction to humanity, the animals and the environment based on this fraudulent war against imaginary infectious particles.

The real enemy is fear and ignorance, something each of us must overcome. Our world does not need to be feared, with the insight that nature does not make mistakes. And this divine biology is always pro-life and for our benefit.

We may still be in the minority, but we are already victorious as we share this new freedom, wisdom and prosperity with the next generation.

Time marker 16:10 — Dr. Samantha Bailey

In 2020, I first started questioning the covid-19 fraud because I could see that people were fearing for their lives.

The public were being told to stay indoors, to obtain food only from corporate outlets, to avoid relatives and neighbours, all while staying close to their phones and TVs to keep up to date with government announcements.

The fear of the supposed virus was clearly out of proportion with reality. My gut feeling was that I had to try to reduce people’s fear by researching the science honestly and presenting my findings to anyone that would listen.

Our research into SARS-CoV-2 quickly morphed into searching for evidence for the existence of any virus. By mid 2020, it was apparent to us that the key scientific evidence was absent and the level of the fraud was massive.

The powers that shouldn’t be had been building up to the staging of a huge pandemic like covid-19 for decades. Finally, they had their formula correct and almost everyone was complying with the new totalitarian rule under the mistaken belief of contagion.

The key to unravelling the fraud lay with explaining the viral delusion as well as the lies of germ theory to allay the public’s fear.

I investigate the science and follow the trails wherever they may lead. I then release my findings to the public so that I can sleep at night.

I want my children to have a life where they do not live in fear of nature, where they can understand the true causes of disease and how to be healthy through right thinking and right living.

It is a joy to watch them grow to their full potential and I hope that many more people will share the benefits of ignoring the virus model and its associated carnage.

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Connect with Drs. Samantha & Mark Bailey

Cover image credits: Bohun_pl & PublicDomainPictures

La Quinta Columna: The Game is Over — Putting It All Under the Microscope: The Transhumanist Agenda, ‘Covid-19’, Graphene Oxide & The Human Brain Project, WiFi Radiation… & the Hidden, Historical Manipulation of Humanity

La Quinta Columna: The Game is Over — Putting It All Under the Microscope: The Transhumanist Agenda, ‘Covid-19’, Graphene Oxide & The Human Brain Project, WiFi Radiation… & the Hidden, Historical Manipulation of Humanity



Quotes from Aaron García Peña (experts from video below):


“And they seem to like, above all, children. The infants. Those who have no speech and no way, therefore, to defend themselves. Those whom they used to sacrifice because ‘God’ wanted. Sending them, also, to the front lines of battle…

“Looking under the microscope, there have never been wars. They have been sacrificial rituals.”


“Let us wake up, each one in his own way. This is important. There are no leaders, there are no gurus.”


“And we began by asking ourselves who has decided that history is a game in which we are always the ones who lose.

“The game is over.”



Quotes from Ricardo Delgado (excerpts from video below):


“What is clear is that they are doing it against all human beings. And what is clear is that we have to reverse the change.

“We must not be obedient…

“Is the world really in the hands of human beings? Or is there some factor here that we are missing?…


“Any attempt to repress any kind of will, leading us to be emotionless, is precisely what they call transhumanism…”


“I’ll not get tired of saying, we do not find enough words to say or narrate what is the degree of evil that is behind this operation towards the entire human race.”


“The future is not written. Somehow, we create, and write it ourselves.”




Video available at La Quinta Columna Odysee & Rumble channels.


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

On March 19, 2023, La Quinta Columna held a conference in Seville, Spain titled “El Juego Ha Terminado” — The Game is Over.

Below, you will find a large portion of the video transcript. This transcript was primarily taken from the translation into English which was prepared by La Quinta Columna and inserted as subtitles.

This conference set out to reveal the true origin of  ‘covid-19’, the real causes of death in today’s excess mortality, and the final goal of the transhumanist agenda.

Ricardo Delgado is the primary presenter for the conference and does all of the microscope slide demonstrations with commentary. 

An important segment of the conference included live demonstration of how various vaccines and other injectable pharmaceuticals appear under the microscope.

During these demonstrations, Ricardo explains the technology called Micro-Raman which identifies the unique frequency of graphene oxide.

And about the “corona” or spike protein, Ricardo explains: 

“Well, the biomolecular corona is what happens in the biology, in the blood, when graphene gets in. It is surrounded by plasma proteins because, logically, proteins have structural functions. What they will do is try to engulf, to wrap, the material in order to pass it unnoticed.

“What they have done, in the Pfizer vaccine, is to camouflage it in lipid capsules, in order to outwit the immune system.”

“Etymologically speaking, the word virus means toxin. And obviously you’ve seen that graphene is a toxin, wrapped by a corona.”

Ricardo describes the unique properties of graphene, including radio frequencies, which is so important to the “interface” that is intended to control all of humanity. He explains the self-assembly of interface circuitry that they speculate is taking place.

Wherever possible, I have added links to documents in English as well as additional information that can be helpful as background if a topic is just mentioned in passing.  Key words are also highlighted throughout the transcript.

The time markers for conference segments are:

Presentation and Introduction. 0 to 10:10

Thesis development and presentation of scientific literature. 10:10 to 1:29:52

Microscopy session. Contents of the vials shown in public. 1:29:52 to 2:11:28

Dr. Sevillano’s speech on screen. 2:11:28 to 2:14:03

Presentation and speech of the writer and poet Aaron García Peña. 2:14:03 to 2:42:50

Farewell and closing. 2:42:50 to end


Presentation and Introduction.

Excerpts from Ricardo Delgado’s introduction:

…And above all, most importantly, what is the ultimate purpose of this whole operation?

Why are they doing this?

Why are they introducing this material into injectables?

The highlight of this conference is precisely something that someday we will have to put statues to.

And that is a microscope. A simple optical microscope. Upper mid-range. The Axon Achilles 2 microscope. But with high definition quality to see everything inside the injectables.

The first thing we have to mention is that from an optical microscopy point of view, you shouldn’t apparently see nothing. We’re talking about microscopy size. The material should be homogenous, if anything, some sucrose crystals. But what you see there shouldn’t be there at all.

And also, logically it isn’t contamination. Because we are seeing it through the mediation of more than 26,600 people in the Mira al microscopic channel, for example, and in other parts of the world, etc.

In other words, what is in there has been consciously introduced.

Ricardo Delgado shares about the formation of La Quinta Columna [Fifth Column] as an independent research group.

Dr. Sevillano, as you know, is a doctor based in a rural area in the south of France. Tanus is as the town is called, a small rural municipality.

And when all this started in 202, he began to receive patients in his office, devastated, with what they call a process of pneumonia and what they call covid lung.

So, I’m not going to talk much about the intelligence and the strategy, of the deep knowledge of Dr. Sevillano. A restless person, who quickly established a basic epidemiology of the disease, placing thumbtacks of a certain color around the number of patients coming to his office. And he also placed other thumbtacks with other types of patients who had mild symptoms of what they called then covid-19, but who really were patients with electrosensitivity…

At some point in time, he went toward that focus and indeed verified that there were large mobile phone antennas. So he took his radiology notes and from there he realized there was more than a relationship here.

Ricardo explains how they were introduced to Dr. Sevillano and how they proceeded to conduct further investigations into the correlation between these “covid” symptoms and wifi towers. They focused on nursing homes.

What differentiated the elderly in residences from other elderly people who also lived in regular housing but weren’t in a nursing home? It was the flu shot100% of the elderly in a nursing home were getting the flu vaccine.

When the vaccination campaign for what they called covid-19 started, we had the opportunity to rescue a vial, a vial of Pfizer through Rafa Navarro, a policeman from Alicante…

That vial, we already had hypothesis on the table based on certain phenomena that were occurring. One of them, very clearly, was magnetism, which has been so denied, but which you’ll evidently prove that it exists.

Magnetism in the inoculated people. They had become magnetic people and, logically, knowing what we already knew about radiation, there was going to be an interaction, not exactly positive.

If we’re magnetic now after the inoculation and we’re surrounded by sources of electromagnetic radiation increasingly higher, and also scalar and millimetric as is the 5G, that is going to have a positive interaction.

There were some materials that caused magnetism within human biology, but graphene stood out. It was in fashion and funded through the Graphene Flagship. This initiative in Europe — 1,000 millions euros for the study of graphene and 1,000 millions euros for the study of the human brain. The Human Brain Project. They go hand in hand.

We’ll see why.

Ricardo explains how they connected with Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid at the University of Almeria, PhD in chemical sciences and graduate in biological sciences.

He analyzed the sample. Initially…he asked us what hypothesis of suspicions we had, what we intended to find.

Genetic material?

‘Maybe, but look for graphene.’

Dr. Campra’s surprise, initially, was how is there going to be graphene here?

‘Look for graphene.’


It was examined from the point of view of optical microscopy, electron microscopy, and an ultraviolet absorbance compatibility test. Everything pointed to the fact that there was indeed graphene.

But, four months later was when we actually had access, now, to seven vials from four different brands:

AstraZeneca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer…

And he told us that if we wanted to structurally and chemically characterize the material, the Raman vibration of any material or particle was going to give with total certainty whether it is graphene or not. And a sweep was made of 110 graphene-like objects, of which, unequivocally, conclusively, 28 were graphene. And, specifically eight, reduced graphene oxide.

From there we started to check the toxicity of the material and we realized what we’re going to see now…

Thesis development and presentation of scientific literature

In the following presentation, Ricardo shares a variety of articles related to graphene oxide studies and experiments that reveal its influence on animal (and, therefore, human) biology. He alternates between reading from the articles and offering commentary. It’s not always clear which is which. The articles are displayed in Spanish. I have been able to locate some of them in English and included links within this text. A collection of PDF links are also found at the end of this article.

So, the first thing we’re going to do is introduce today’s live stream with what the graphene oxide pattern is…

Graphene is a ‘wonderful’ material, as they say for everything, but not to put it inside the human body. Because it is hardly biocompatible. And it obviously causes damage. It’s toxic.

But, in addition, its toxicity depends on that source of radiation, because it has the capacity to be radio modulable.

Ricardo presents images from The Graphene Box, an online store that sells graphene: 

A single milligram is worth €300. But with one gram, to give you an idea, we could cover an entire soccer field. It’s a material with a capacity…with a minimum amount, it can be stretched…it’s malleable, transparent… It has a series of properties…

In addition to being superconducting, which in biology is not good at all because it will have an affinity for the heart and neurons. Which is exactly what they’re looking for. Reduced graphene oxide solution…

Ricardo shares a video of graphene micro sheets.

The material has FOLDS, and the edges tend to… fold back on themselves. They have a hight surface tension. Therefore, many times we are going to find it at the end of the drop of the coverslip….

Apart from the micro sheets…they’re also going to appear in BANDS, RIBBONS

In the popular literature, they were colloquially referred to as morgellons. Today we know that they are reduced graphene oxide and are blue, reddish or black. We also know that, depending on the color, they have different functionalities.

Neuronal functionalities, related to the whole synaptic issue.

Evidently, this type of monstrosity does not have to be inside any injectable.

And you’ll see that in a single drop of one square centimeter we’ll find tens and hundreds.

We carried out a qualitative study to see whether or not there were any. Which would be more than enough to bring this all down.

The quantitative study to quantify the quantity has not been done, but accurate estimates can be made.

Well, this is the pattern of how graphene oxide shows up. But it also occurs in nanotube format.

Carbon nanotubes, which is this right here.

This is graphene, likewise, but geometrically arranged in the shape of a tube, rolled up in the shape of a tube.

Since it’s a superconductor, it has the ability to have electrodes, or to be used with an electrode and link one neuron to another.

Carbon nanotubes have applications in neuron networks. This is very important because the target of everything we’re going to see is the head. The head. Somehow they are after our brain.

These are from electronic microscopy, but at low magnification. The optical microscopy, this one, will give details of everything we’re going to see.

Indeed, what are graphene nanotubes or carbon nanotubes?

Single-walled or multiple-walled nanotubes, which would be more layers. They’re graphene surfaces rolled into a tube shape. They have superconducting properties.

We already know graphene is actually extracted from carbon, that is, from graphite.

We already know graphene is actually extracted from carbon, that is, from graphite, which is a type of carbon, by physical or chemical exfoliation.

The first time it was exfoliated was with adhesive tape — that , we peel away layers of graphite until we’re left with a practically two-dimensional layer, which is the transparent one they call graphene.

But if we have a layer with another, with another, with another, up to 11 from a practical point of view, it’s still considered graphene.

So, in the samples, we’re going to see that some are almost transparent, and others are a little more opaque.

Graphene is translucent, transparent, it allows 97.75% of light to pass through and this has optical properties in the field of optoelectronics. So, that’s where it’s all heading.

This is for us…we have called it La Quinta Columna Bible.

Detection of Graphene in Covid Vaccines by Micro Raman Spectroscopy

Taking a risk, going against the tide, but validating his scientific principles above anything else…

So what does Micro-Raman consist of?

Micro refers to the optical microscope and Raman to the vibration of the material.

It is to associate those characteristic images of graphene appearance with the Raman vibration they have with the characteristic peak of the material…

The conclusion was that a random sampling of vials had been carried out. And objects have been detected whose Raman signals, the vibration they have, by similarity with the pattern, unequivocally correspond to reduced graphene oxide.

And how is this done? Well, this that seems so technical is very easy. These are Raman bands coming from graphite, graphene oxide, and reduced graphene oxide.

In reduced graphene oxide, the bands are a little bit higher, but there are two characteristic peaks that are D and G. D is approximately…at about 1340 and G at about 1580…

Here we have…one of the objects selected in the Pfizer vaccine. Nomencalture ROS2 HIG1.

That means it’s the Raman scan, where the bond is going to go through. You go through the electron scan and the signal it gives us is — you see the characteristic peaks of reduced graphene oxide, i.e. approximately 1340, which was the peak D, and 1576. There’s a margin. 1580 which is the graphene peak…

In the AstraZeneca one, the same thing. Graphene-like objects are selected. OK? And we still have the characteristic peaks.

Several were made in each injectable, but we’re going to take one as a sample.

In Moderna, same thing. You see the peaks 1580 and 1340. The G and D peaks characteristic of reduced graphene oxide.

On Johnson & Johnson, the same.

Here Ricardo displays an article found at graphene-info.com.


…and the first thing that caught our attention was this article from Graphene Info.

Graphene oxide, which is what Professor Campra has found, is detected in the body by specialized cells of the immune system, i.e. it has an immune response. Logically, we introduce a foreign material to biology and the body will respond…

[from the article] “Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, the University of Manchester and Chalmers University of Technology have shown that the human immune system handles graphene oxide in a manner similar to pathogens…”


Ricardo reads more from the article:

“Graphene oxide is currently being studied for use in various drug delivery methods.”

There is an obsession with introducing graphene into biology. An obsession…

More from the article:

“However, it is of critical importance to understand how these materials interact with the body. The study shows that neutrophils, the most common type of white blood cell specialized in combating infections.”

Attention! Because they are normalizing the term infection linked to graphene, although it is actually an intoxication of course.

They “release so-called neutrophil extracellular traps” (a neutrophil “web”) “when they encounter GO” (graphene oxide). These webs are made up of a DNA web.

That’s important. Decorated with proteins.

And we start thinking, what if what they’ve called SARS-C0V-2 is graphene at the nanoscale, which is about the same size as what they call viral particles. And that envelope that others call a spike protein is this protein-decorated corona?

But then you’re going to come to that conclusion.

The researchers found that graphene oxide causes specific changes in the lipid composition of the neutrophil cell membrane.

Important what comes next:

“They could also show that antioxidant treatment reversed this process.”

To which José Luis says: “of course, radiation generates oxidation”. Graphene, we’ll see later that it’s a radiation catalyzer. Therefore, antioxidant have to work.

In fact, I’m going to say it now, from the medical point of view, they only work with what they call covid, which is very extensive. Anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, which are normally also anti-inflammatories, because they neutralize the radiation that inflames, and anticoagulants or anti-aggregates…

Here Ricardo shares articles on the toxicity of graphene.

[TCTL editor’s note: The exact article he is reading from is not clear, but I found two articles containing the same graph. See: Toxicity of Graphene-Family Nanoparticles: A General Review of the Origins and Mechanisms and Graphenic Materials for Biomedical Applications.]

As of today, what do we know about the possible toxicity of graphene? A review of the available empirical evidence on the toxicity of graphene has recently been published.


“The figure below shows a diagram of possible mechanisms of cytotoxicity.”…


Ricardo continues:

It talks about the introduction of graphene by different pathways, which we are also going to review.

“Graphene can induce the generation of substances that produce oxidative stress.”

Oxidative stress, free radicals, i.e. reactive oxygen species. In short, it’s inflammation. Therefore, if it generates oxidative stress, the antioxidants work. Ok?

“These alterations can cause different types of damage. First of all, physical destruction of the cell.”

We’re talking about apoptosis, i.e. cell death…

“Damage to the plasma membrane.”

That’s the membrane that covers the cell.


This is very important because, actually, what they call covid-19 is an inflammation. It is a systemic inflammation with a biological response mechanism…

“DNA alteration.”

Notice that we’re talking about DNA alteration. Ability to change human genetic material by introducing that material into biology. That’s crazy.

“Mitochondrial damage.”

I.e. where there is the mitochondria, where all the cellular energetic process takes place. If we have mitochondrial damage, we have extreme fatigue… That  fatigue that characterizes the patients called covid-19, or inoculated people, which is the same.

“Apoptosis” — that is cell death — “and necrosis.” Necrosis is cancer, black tissues. If there is DNA alteration, one of the alterations may be the cancer itself…

So, we put in graphene or graphene oxide and the first thing is an inflammatory response. And also, the inflammatory response generates a cytokine response. In fact, it generates a cytokine storm

…what comes to everybody’s mind? Covid-19, right?

The cytokine storm. The proinflammatory cytokines. An inflammation so big that it ends up killing the individual…


…That is, how graphene enters the human biology.

There are four ways of entry, but two that stand out in terms of toxicity.

The first is going to be the blood. When graphene touches the blood, logically it will have access to all the systems of the body.

Let’s talk a little about oral administration. Look what comes up:

“RGO sheets.”

RGO is reduced graphene oxide for its acronym in English.

“Small and large, labeled in such a way to assess bio-distribution.”

That is, how the graphene — those sheets — is distributed within the biology.

And there is an obsession to introduce it and try to lower the toxicity so that the deaths it causes aren’t so noticeable…

“Both materials were found in the blood.”

That is, orally, it somehow gets into the blood.

“After 60 days” — it is still there — “the heart”.

Important, it’s a very affected organ in everything we’re seeing today: strokes, heart attacks, cardio and cerebrovascular accidents.

“The lungs.”

Important, because what the elderly had was what initially they called bilateral pneumonia, and atypical.

And then the liver and the kidneys, logically — the kidney to filter the blood and the liver as a purification organ.


“In the last case, the in vivo bio-distribution after oral probing with PEGylated graphene oxide was investigated.”

PEGylated is polyethylene glycol. And if I talk about polyethylene glycol, we know that it’s a declared component within what they call covid vaccines. What a coincidence that polyethylene glycol is going to functionalize graphene in toxicity studies and also appears in the Pfizer vaccine, for example.

“The inhalation route.”

This is very important because it is the route by which they’re going to do it with the intranasal vaccine of Luis Enjuanes and company.

“It is of key importance for human exposure” … “to test bio-distribution after intratracheal installation.”

The idea is to introduce it by different routes and see which one has the most or least biodegradation, because it’s in their interest to have the material permanently present in biology…

“The vast majority of graphene oxide sheets were found in the lungs.”

I.e. when you inhale it, it goes mostly to the lungs…

“Smaller amounts were also detected in the blood.”

Likewise the liver and kidneys, as organs of purification.

“The macroscopic observation of the blackness of the lungs.”

The blackness of the lungs is what appeared in the plates, those bilateral pneumonias. Here it’s done with rats. The problem is that from rats we’ve moved on to using human beings, and also all of them together.

“It revealed that the materials were long lasting. Black regions were found for up to three months.”

The three-month data is important because we were dosed just every three, four months, i.e. when the material starts to be eliminated by the lung — because by the lung it is eliminated…

“However, there was a clear decrease in blackness from day one to day 90.”


“Suggesting an elimination in the lungs.”


One of the common routes of administration for biomedical applications of nano-materials is the intravenous route. This is the vaccination. The vaccination campaign for billions, systematically repeated in all parts of the world.

Here it is said that a greater accumulation of graphene oxide has been observed, and now it says PBST, which is polysorbate, in the lungs. The polysorbate 80 is the adjuvant that is used as detergent in the flu vaccine.

That is, the covid vaccines have been functionalized with polyethylene glycol, and the flu vaccines have been functionalized with polysorbate 80. And when it is with polysorbate 80 — that is, you visualize seniors in nursing homes — the material undergoes major accumulation in the lungs…


This material also has an escape route to the brain. And watch out because we have a blood brain barrier, that is a membrane that separates the brain from the external environment, from chemical pollution, even biological. However, the material penetrates. And they are going to do everything possible to get it in because that is the goal.

The authors reported that the materials agglomerated and formed macrostructures, up to 0.5-10 microns in the lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen. Still present, these clumps, after 90 days, despite some minimal signs of degradation at the edge of the material.

That is, the material is practically indestructible. The body chooses to eliminate it since it cannot be degraded or takes a lot of work. We already know that it is hard, 200 times harder than steel…

Assessment of the toxicity and carcinogenicity of double-walled carbon nanotubes… A two-year study. Here they will tell you it generates cancer…

A foreign material is being introduced, and the body responds with a pro-inflammatory cytokine that generates this lung inflammation that has been called bilateral pneumonia…

The carbon nanotubes are composed of concentric cylinders of graphene.

Graphene oxide touches blood. That is, this is the intramuscular route. The in vivo interaction with bi-dimensional materials.

“Even though graphene oxide is made with the same atoms as our organs, it’s a carbon derivate. Its bi-dimensional nature causes unique interactions with blood proteins and biological membranes, and can lead to severe effect like thrombogenicity.”


“In this review we will describe the journey of graphene oxide after injection into the bloodstream, from the initial interactions with plasma proteins to the formation of the ‘corona’.”


If I put together the concept of cytokine storm and pulmonary inflammation, or pneumonia, with the concept of corona, what are we talking about?

Well, the biomolecular corona is what happens in the biology, in the blood, when graphene gets in. It is surrounded by plasma proteins because, logically, proteins have structural functions. What they will do is try to engulf, to wrap, the material in order to pass it unnoticed.

What they have done, in the Pfizer vaccine, is to camouflage it in lipid capsules, in order to outwit the immune system.


But they also need certain entry routes to generate that toxicity, so that people will continue to take it… Because it has to act as an interface. It needs to be inside the body so that it is capable of what you will see later: neuro modulation, neuro stimulation and neuronal monitoring.


Etymologically speaking, the word virus means toxin. And obviously you’ve seen that graphene is a toxin, wrapped by a corona.


Ricardo shares another article that explains graphene’s toxic effect on sperm.

“When sperm mobility is recounted, the number of spermatozoids in the male reproduction, you see that it is dose dependent. In other words, the higher the dose of graphene oxide, the greater the infertility. And a large part of the population is sterile today.”


Ricardo shares another article:

Toxicity Evaluation of Graphene Oxide in Kidneys of Sprague-Dawley Rats

Another article is displayed which talks about intranasal application of graphene oxide:

Here is described a study in which mice — that is to say in humans, so that we understand each other — were exposed via intranasal to sheets of graphene oxide dispersed in aqueous solution. The influence of the lateral dimensions of the graphene oxide sheet on the degree of translocation from the nose to the brain, and the biodegradability is what they’re studying here.

That is, on the one hand, they study that depending on the shape it has — and this is what they have done in trials — depending on the shape, on the dimensions, the material will last more or less within the biology.

Then, the biodegradability, that is in a month from now, how much of the material is left? In three months, how much is left? Because we have to put it back again and to put it back again is the second dose, the third dose — and in this case via intranasal, which is the vaccine being preparated by the CSIC, for example, in our country [Spain].

“Recent studies have also shown that carbon nanotubes, including graphene oxide, which is the same, can undergo a biologically mediated degradation.”

This is very important because here it talks about dimensions. And we are going to see different patterns, as we have seen in the first video, of graphene oxide.

These are trials. That’s why they call it trials of vaccination. They are looking for the form that has the least toxicity, and stays the longest in the biology, specifically in the neurons, which are what they are looking for.

The idea that the lungs and other components of the respiratory tract are targets of nanoparticles — nanoparticles in nanoscale size — inhaled has been held firm. That is, if we inhale in a nanoparticle format, including the aerial fumigation — which is important because we see it daily [Ricardo points to the sky] and many people are unaware — these nanoparticles are going to pass into the respiratory tract.

But, beware, it is not the same to have an intranasal instillation probe, at very high concentration, than to spread it evenly in the atmosphere. You will swallow, but not as much as they’d like. That is why they need to introduce it via intranasal.

“Evidence from epidemiological studies, clinical trials, and animal experiments have shown that extra-pulmonary organs, such as the brain, may also be affected.”

In fact, we’re going to see that graphene inflames the brain…and inflammation kills the neuron, that is, it erases the content of its memory. We are talking about neurodegeneration.


We’ve talked about the intranasal vaccine, right? We’re talking about intranasal instillation. Well, this is the Luis Enjuanes’ vaccine.

[See Spanish Scientists Start Trial on Inhalable Covid-19 Vaccine for background on Luis Enjuanes. A web search will bring up articles by and about Enjuanes and his work.]

Obviously, that man is a criminal. He has full knowledge of what is happening. He isn’t ignorantly working for an official version in which he believes that the intranasal vaccine, through that route of administration, will cure something.

This virologist leads the project for an intranasal vaccine that has demonstrated its efficacy in mice…

What they want to reduce is the toxicity. Because obviously, you’ve already seen that in reality there is no virus. We do not have real sequencing or physical isolation of any pathogen called coronavirus…

But the deception goes much further.

For example, in Argentina — see that it is the same — a nasal spray will be on trial…

Turkey, news from 2021, advances in the first intranasal vaccination against covid-19. Who presents it? Listen, it is not the minister of health or sanitation, it is the minister of industry and technology…

Mustafa Varank reported that the preliminary stages of the trials have been successfully completed and phase one in human testing will begin soon.

And in the same body of news we find this:

Turkey’s Minister of Industry and Technology, Mustafa Varank, said that a group of scientists from the company NanoGrafi — NanoGrafi is a multinational that produces graphene…

[See related links: Turkey developing intranasal COVID-19 vaccine and NanoGrafi website.]

This is NanoGrafi. In the website you can order graphene in different forms, nanoplatelets, graphene sheets, graphene solutions, carbon nanotubes, which is graphene geometrically arranged as tube, single-walled multi-walled…

Here Ricardo plays a video related to the work of Spanish scientists on graphene and magnetism. [A web search on the conductivity of graphene and graphene magnetism will bring up related videos.]

Voice in the video:

“Imagine a material that, in addition to being flexible, is the hardest in the world and also conducts electricity. It already exists. It’s graphene.

“From it a whole world of new technologies can be developed. But, it wasn’t perfect. It lacked magnetism. A group of Spanish scientists has managed to grant it that gift. How? Mixing graphene with living molecules…”

And what is the use of graphene being magnetic? Well, magnetism is what makes it possible to store a lot of information, for example, on a flash drive or on a hard drive.

It is clear, right? Indeed.

Here Ricardo shares a video of his mother (with her permission). She has received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. He uses an electromagnetic radiation detector to test himself (unvaccinated) and his mother (vaccinated).

If I put it on myself, Ricardo…it is not going to detect any magnetic field, obviously. Now we’re going to do the same with a person that has been inoculated with two doses of Pfizer, [testing] in the base of the neocortex, in the brain, in the head.

He scans his mother’s head.

Here behind, above all, is where there’s more magnetism… She presents an electromagnetic field practically across the entire posterior portion. Also on the frontal…


Obviously, graphene is magnetic in contact with organic molecules, and in addition, since it is a superconductor, it’ll have affinity for the body’s electrical conductive tissues, which are the central nervous system, and specifically, the heart — especially when there is cardiac activity.

When we increase cardiac activity, we increase electrical activity. We have a heart impregnated with graphene, then what we see are arrhythmias. We’ve seen arrhythmic deaths, especially in athletes, where the mortality rate has skyrocketed.

Ricardo shares a video clip about the use of magnetic bandages “created for physiotherapy treatments”. The video shows these bandages being used for “covid” patients.

…What the magnetic strip does is to separate those graphene nanoparticles that are causing dyspnea, respiratory distress in the lungs, towards an area where it does no harm — where it is closer to the epidermis…

Ricardo talks about the reports of graphene in the mandated covid masks.

Someone will say, “How is it possible that there are so many people participating in this operation?”… how is it possible that everyone who works with graphene…are silent?

It is possible because there is an organization called Graphene Flagship


All the universities have collaborated, and when I say to collaborate, I mean that they have been prostituted by receiving money, public financing…

Spain is the country that participates the most worldwide. In fact, they have mapped the brain…

And what does the brain have to do with graphene? Let’s see.

Radio-frequency characteristics of graphene oxide. This is very important…

Reading from another paper:

“The structure at the nanoscale level can be strong candidate for interconnection at radio-frequency range. Here it says, for example, between 0.5 and 40 GHz. That is the 5G.”

The 5G is between 0 and 300. Now we’re going to see that there is a range that is very dangerous.


Ricardo shares a lecture (video) by Bartomeau Payeras Cifre:

This video is important because graphene is excitable by radio-frequency…

“The pandemic is designed with these three concepts: the charge, the trigger and the thermostat…

“The antennas… Once they’ve finished mounting the antennas on a tower, another team comes in… it installs a software in the antennas. And this software is connected to the basal antenna and to the control center. And this software… programs the emission power of the antennas, what time, or what hours, or what days, and in which geographical locations it is convenient to act.

“This is the software of the 5G…”

Bartomeau Payeras Cifre ties in the “covid” vaccine to the 5G rollout.

What does it mean, what he is commenting on? That, effectively, first the marker is introduced into the biology, and then they irradiate with that 5G software through antennas.

Then it generates the sensation of outbreaks, or what they call waves… Because if we don’t have a real sequencing of any pathogen, there’s nothing that’s really airborne biologically, except for microwaves that kill and generate influenza-like symptoms…

Ricardo shares a PubMed article that talks about 5G rollout in Wuhan at the start of the “pandemic”.  The description of health issues that occur from the 5G rollout are a match for “covid” symptoms.

Listen, graphene absorbs all kinds of gigahertz to convert it into terahertz. In addition, there is also a frequency that is 26GHz that causes the maximum transistor field effect…

Ricardo shares a page from La Moncloa, Spain’s government website.

“The government launches a public consultation and a call for tenders to bid for the 26 GHz band.”

And I said, damn, what a coincidence, they’re going to take precisely the band that activates graphene to the greatest degree.

When they activate the 26 GHz — and they have probably dones some of those massive tests already in schools and others. When this will occur it can be very lethal. In fact, they have done it with the Marburg simile, which has a 50% lethality, i.e. one out of every two.

With 26GHz, we can see instantaneous neurodegeneration, simultaneous arrhythmias…cancer within two days…

So our government and other parts of the world, they all agreed — between 0 and 300, they have agreed to take 26 GHz. This is obviously not a coincidence. This is a genocide…

Ricardo shares a clip of the ex-president of Chile, talking about 5G.

“Together with the ministers of transports, telecommunications and science, here is the launch of the bidding process for the 5G network…we are moving forward, together with the community of the leaders of the world.

“There is the possibility that machines can read our thoughts and can even insert thoughts, insert feelings. Some say that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. Well, that’s what we aspire to.

“5G is a tremendous leap forward. It is a cosmic leap, is a Copernican leap, because what the 5G technology will really mean for us is an even bigger change in our lives than what all previous technologies in this area have meant.

“The possibility that machines can read our thoughts and can even insert thoughts, insert feelings.”

Do you know what he is saying?

He is talking at the same time about 5G in the field of neuroscience…

He is talking about inserting thoughts, that is, that a person receives instructions through artificial intelligence…

Right now human beings have three dangers: artificial intelligence, … the web network that they have implemented throughout the world with telephone masts,… and the interface that they are introducing, which is graphene oxide in the injectables.


Ricardo reads from: Unlocking the Brain With Novel Graphene Technology (removed from brain.com but can be found at archive.org)

Ricardo reads from an article on how graphene with wireless technology can affect the heart.

“…we can control myocytes and the heartbeat of the cells.”

Controlling the heartbeat means they can make it beat twice as fast, even faster, and kill a guy.


So you can see here a kind of obsession. It’s in tattoos, ink, water, injectables, everywhere. Masks, PCR tests, all carry this material.


“A key to enter the brain…is a carbon-based nanomaterial” — that is graphene — “could facilitate the arrival of drugs to the central nervous system.”


Ricardo plays a clip from a La Quinta Columna warning about public lighting being changed to bluish and ultraviolet light sources. Speaking of graphene oxide:

“This material is interacting with the radiation emitted by these sources of bluish ultraviolet light… Ultraviolet radiation also degrades graphene micro sheets into nanoparticles with the ability to cross the blood brain barrier.”

Part 2

The Microscope: Microscopy session. Contents of the vials shown in public.

With the microscopy session here we are going to need some patience. You will understand that somehow these are not…the favorable conditions for an encounter with what is inside the microscope, through the slide, the coverslip, etc.

But here we have a wide sample of injectables. Many of you have given me a lot of local anesthetics.

Of course, the Pfizer vaccine is a great show, to say the least. The Comirnaty vaccine from Pfizer, including the original vax and all other variants issued of these injectables…

So, let’s start. As I say, although there are calendar vaccines [scheduled childhood vaccines], the pneumococcal Prevenar 13, Priorix, that is apparently for measles, mumps, rubella…

The objective of the microscopy session is to demonstrate or evidence that, indeed, the material that you have seen, which is presenting certain patterns and, unequivocally conclusive, corresponds to reduced graphene oxide by Raman vibration. We are going to find it in a single drop…That is, a single drop represents at least 1% of one dose…

And we are going to be playing with certain eyepieces, first of wide-spectrum, with 100-120x magnification of what the Pfizer vaccine is.

Here Ricardo holds up a vial.

At least a couple of doses of the Comirnaty Pfizer vax, the famous “secret lipidic nanoparticle” of the Pfizer vaccine — this is what they told us…

Here Ricardo answers a question about a device called Spiro Disc , seen on his desk during the presentation, that transforms radiation signal into something that is apparently harmless.

Ricardo now shakes the vial of Comirnaty Pfizer vax and inserts the syringe. He explains what he is doing as he prepares his slide.

Keep in mind that there is a hydrogel of which they do tell us about in the official version. And within that hydrogel, of that aqueous solution, we are going to see, in principle, not nanoparticles — because from the point of view of optical microscopy they cannot be seen — but we are going to see how they shine. And we are going to focus on kinds of pattern that are clearly artificial patterns, quadrangular, that are dragged.


Well, what they call covid vaccines, we always say that they are something more complex than the calendar vaccines. And what appears in the photos, for example is everything that is graphene sheets etc…

Ricardo shares what he sees in the microscope eyepiece by projecting the image to the large screen. Particles are moving about in the image. He points out a few crystals. All of this is hard to see while watching the video. The audience in attendance likely sees much more than we can see.

When it gives the shape, when it rotates, you will see that it is…a quadrangular pattern…

The first and most important thing is that none of this should be seen with 180 or 100x magnification, 120x magnification, with the digital zoom at best. None of this should be seen. And yet all of this is seen.

Look, for example, this one is dragged, as I say by a small point. And what we have observed after a long, long time of observation, is that in the end, they form more complex structures. They self-assemble

Ricardo uses a laser pointer to point to something on the screen.

Here, for example, do you see this here? This is a piece of graphene. This is a graphene microsheet.

And someone will say “How do you know it?”

Well, because we are sick of looking at it. And because we have swept the electron scanning through here and it has given us the Raman vibration. So, once we characterize the material from a chemical point of view, we already know what appearance it has. And graphene can be easily characterized as well.

But look, for example, this one here, that point really is like a square, like a rectangle. In the scientific literature they appear as graphene-based nano-transistors.

Here he uses the laser pointer to highlight some graphene. The bright spot in the image below is made by his laser pointer.

When it glows, it’s because it’s turning exactly at the angle of the light from the condenser. We’re going to do something. We’re going to put a larger eyepiece and we are going to 1200x magnification. There is already something else. Let’s see. Let’s give a little more light.

You will understand that all that should not be here. True? Those filaments…

Do you see that there is a band that is really dragged by particles that grab it and then form, as I say, increasingly complex structures?

There it is.

Let’s try another lens. With this one here, with brightfield illumination.

Look! Look! Clearly that things over there that looks like a saber.

This, nothing of what you are seeing should be in a vaccine and nothing should be seen through optical microscopy!


The least we could say is that there’s a lot of junk here, there’s a lot of contamination. But later we are going to see in other types of injectables that this appears in practically all of them.

But covid vaccines have this type of objects that are dragged…

The one that comes this way is almost transparent. Do you see? Look, for example, here to the right, just at the very bottom, at the corner…

What are we seeing there? What we are seeing is self-assembly, that is, a structure that assembles with another one.

We said: Is there any kind of electron affinity for that to happen? It might be, because the graphene is doped or functionalized with different metals. That is how it appears in the scientific literature.

However, this induction of why one plate attaches another one and then forms this type of circuitry, that is so scary.

It’s because there is an induction process called Teslaphoresis. That is to say, the microwaves or these “instructions” that appear, are not only for the inoculated persons, for inducing thoughts, but for — intelligently, from the AI point of view — provoking those self-assemblies within biology.

Seemingly, just due to their size, there is obviously already a potential thrombogenicity because if we start to assemble pieces within our biology, this presents a major problem.

But when…all this is assembled, and finally begins to emit signals — like the ones that vaxed people emit.

Unfortunately, we have made earlier a sweep and we have verified indeed there are many inoculated people here.

But the investigation of La Quinta Columna is precisely for them as well, that is, how can they alleviate the damage. We have already said it: antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants. That’s the only thing that works…

Remember that we have seen before in the literature these carbon nanotubes? Those provoking cancer, that were used for neural networks.

Thus this. If we look at it now, and we look again after 2 hours, it will be bigger… Carbon nanotubes grow, we know, in the direction of the electric or electromagnetic field…

We already know that the body envelopes it with a crown (corona). These are the filaments that have been extracted from inoculated people or even deceased people due to thrombogenicity. Filaments that look like cartilaginous…


… the material absorbs radiation, facilitates the rouleaux effect, coagulates the blood, inflames and is hypercoagulable, etc.


Ricardo continues pointing out self-assembling graphene, carbon nanotubes.

José Luis said “This looks like a junkyard!”


Well, here’s another nanotube or the beginning of a carbon nanotube…

We have here a x1300 to x1500 magnification with digital zoom.


Here Ricardo points out something in the center of the screen.

And the one that appears out there, right in the middle. You see it?

That is, in all probability, in our opinion, a micro or a nano-router. The entire world population is being inoculated.

When it turns around, you see, the material appears two-dimensional, but it is at least 400-500 microns long and about 100-200 microns wide. It also appears in the scientific literature. And as I said, Barcelona had an important role — José [Josep] Miquel Jornet Montaña.


There are other researchers in other parts of the world like Mat Taylor, for example, who is in Australia, I seem to remember, who have done research with colloidal gold.

TCTL editor’s note on colloidal gold:

From Dr. David Nixon substack:

“I have discovered a way to interrupt the EMF from the wifi router I have been using which allows me to shrink and grow structures. I have three videos on my website but the latest one today is special as it shoes so much activity going on in the matrix (aka DARPA hydrogel). Shout out to Mat Taylor who did this first!”

Conversations between Dr. David Nixon and Mat Taylor at drdavidnixon.com.

You will find interviews between Mat Taylor and Maria Zeee, Stew Peters and others at Rumble.

Well, actually, something needs to be mentioned here. The fact that because this is here [points to Spiro Disc device], nearby, it is possible that it is true that somehow the induction of assembly is not as apparent as it should be — because remember that the…gold particles, the sheets of this Spiro Disc, are inducing a current and transforming it. The electromagnetic field is transforming it.


Ricardo continues to point out graphene-based images on the screen.

And this is important: salt crystals do not evolve in the sample. Look here, for example. You have an assembled shape. Ok? It looks like a cane.


They use more graphene, micro sheets, filaments to increase coverage — the intra-body coverage for what will be for us lethal radiation.

What we are seeing is that ultimately, the human being matters very little or nothing. Nothing.

In fact, everything they did initially already with the rats, they are doing it now with the human being…

What they call trials is to see what the biodegradation is and what type of graphene-based structures can work best for them, which means carrying it to the head and taking it to the heart for monitoring, in insert emotions and thoughts. But, if you die, they don’t give a damn.

What’s more, I’m not even going to call it side effects, in fact, because they don’t recognize that this material is in there. They will tell you it’s due to climate change.

What can we say about this that we don’t already know?

They took control of everything. All power hoarded, all power through the media.

I am going to do one thing. If you allow me, I’ll put this one up again. Ok? And I’m going to watch here with more…Look what we have. For example, these.

These are carbon nanotubes, and now we can see them with another view.

Why do they use the carbon nanotubes in this whole neural network issue? Because it is a superconductor, because it’s made of graphene. And now it functions as an electrode, so that an axon can join one neuron with another and establish synapses or neuronal connections.

Do you understand our indignation when we saw this type of material, which also corresponds to the scientific literature and everything we know?…

It is a real barbarity and unfortunately they have managed to deceive the majority of the world’s population.

If you understand that these are carbon nanotubes as shown in the images at the beginning. You know what they trigger: cancer. It’s not me saying that. The scientific literature says it. Pulmonary fibrosis, lung inflammation…


At this point, Ricardo switches to looking at a dental anesthetic, Ultracaine and finds a graphene microsheet 


From the local anesthetics related to tooth extraction processes for many of you who have been to the dentist, people come saying that they are more tired than necessary, that they have ringing in their ears, tinnitus, which is a consequence of the radiation…

That is, when our body antioxidant levels are depleted, like the catalase, baldness appears. When collagen levels are depleted, arthralgia sets in and eventually arthritis. These are diseases attributed to aging. But it is radiation, precisely, that causes us to age. And what we are seeing is that people age faster.

But this material has a sudden way of killing, which is by impregnating the heart, charging it, and at some point the body generates a discharge.

That is what graphene does. That’s why it is used to make batteries.

If we generate a discharge in the heart, we are going to interrupt electrical conduction and, ultimately, the circulation. And that will generate an initial loss of knowledge, because the blood no longer reaches the brain organ.


Ricardo now briefly views Vaxigrip Tetra, the tetravalent flu vaccine and finds graphene. He then looks at Prevenar 13, an anti-pneumococcal. This vaccine shows lots of graphene as well.

Here someone in the audience shouts: Killers!

This one goes for the kids.

Do you know why they load it more for children? Because children have high reserves of glutation, which is the antioxidant. Therefore, as it is the super antioxidant that neutralizes the damages of irradiation and graphene.

Children cope better with this technology than adults.


Graphene micro sheets everywhere.


What do we do? Do we denounce the pharmacy?

Do we present them the final technical report of Dr. Campra?

We have filed more than 600 complaints.

We have presented it in the plenary session of the Parliament of Andalusia. We have presented it in the European Parliament.

You know what happened to Dr. Domenico Biscardi when he talked about our work. Dead! Silvio Urasi two days before. Dead!

The former President of the European Parliament. I say former president because he is dead.

Dr. Andreas Noack talks about our work in La Quinta Columna. Dead!


Why does that get introduced to the children? You already know it. This is an interface.


Someone in the audience asks:

“What about animal vaccines? For rabies, for example. It’s mandatory for dogs.

“In July of last year, I had them vaccinated. I have ten dogs. And now, four of them have cancer! Within six months, they developed it.”

What I can comment is that, indeed, into animal vaccines they have introduced it also…

There are many…veterinarian doctors who work with La Quinta Columna, and for sure, they’ve looked under the microscope and they’re just as full. And they also have seen animals die. They die, they get inflammations, it triggers cancer in them — which is exactly what we’re seeing in humans…


Ricardo looks at Chiromas flu vaccine, one that is for people over 65. They use it in nursing homes.

You already know what happened in the nursing homes in 2020. Probably they had been adding this material even earlier, but it was not activated with the required quality of frequencies such as these millimetric and scalar waves that go directly to it.

That is why it is called a “smart material”, because it is capable of absorbing that radiation and multiplying it inside the biology.

“Smart”. Everything “smart” refers to the military.

We have DARPA, the North American military agency, which is directly involved and, in fact, there are no quality controls from the point of view of health, because everything comes from the Ministry of Defense.

It is the latest information we have. It is the Ministry of Defense of all countries that is introducing this as a vaccine, but it is an interface.

Well, let’s see the Chiromas, as we have said, it’s for the elderly…

And these are clearly graphene micro sheets…

Vaccines for the elderly…Remember the article we saw about polysorbate 80 that generated a massive lung inflammation?

This has been an unprecedented genocide. And unfortunately also taking advantage of the ignorance of many health workers who where initially acting in good faith…

Everyone, including myself, I swallowed the official version…

Mepivacaine, Lidocaine, local anesthetics, there are many more. There are anticoagulants… It’s funny because there is Clexane or Hepaxan, which are anticoagulatns and antiplatelets. while the material therein produces coagulation!


We have always been told that cancers, for example, feed on sugar, right? Of the ultra-processed and so on. However, what we now know is that radiation causes cancer and radiation consumes glucose…

They have deceived us in practically everything…

This is Clexane, which is an anticoagulant.

I think it’s a low molecular weight heparin. [Ricardo reads the vial.]

Heparin, yes, Clexane.

If you have a thrombogenicity problem inside, thick blood, they put you on heparin. Or if you have a surgical process, they give you heparin because of the stagnation of blood.


Well, the specific scientific technique to see that this is graphene in Micro-Raman, meaning that if it is exposed to electronic (laser) scattering, it shows the peaks characteristic of graphene oxide…

So with the Micro-Raman technique, each one of you can go with his sample indicating those objects, go through the laser scan and they’ll print the sheet where it says “reduced graphene oxide” with the characteristic peaks that we have shown you earlier.

And with that report, you can go directly to file a complaint against the Ministry of Health, or wherever you want, or to the pharmacy.

It has to be done! Not only is our life at stake, but, as I say, the entire species…

To conclude it, I am going to put a video of Dr. Sevillano, based on what we’ve seen…


 Dr. Sevillano’s speech on screen.

In short, three years of a pandemic with variants, it’s endless variants.

A mobile phone network that rolls out just at the same time as the pandemic begins. Right in the first location where the first cases appear.

Climate change… That threatens to lock us up in 15-minute cities.

The war in which could explode at any moment and create more serious economic, energy, and political problems.

And what you see there under the microscope. It is the nucleus around which all this reality — that has been enveloping us over the past three years — is articulated.

But it is not the end; it is only the means to reach the end.

And the end is also announced to us through social networks and the specialized press.

It’s the 4th revolution, called by them “transhumanism”. There is no transhumanism without interface. And what you see under the microscope is an interface.

Get your own conclusions. Please help by sharing this invaluable information.

Thank you for your assistance, on behalf of the entire La Quinta Columna.


Presentation and speech of the writer and poet Aaron García Peña.


… Who has decided that history is a game in which we are always the ones who lose?

One asks this question already looking under the microscope.

Plato, in his book “Republic”, tried to understand the different ways of dealing with public issues. “Res Publicae” or public affairs.

He differentiated five, five periods that followed one another in an orderly, uninterrupted way, like a circle that prevents the possibility of there being or existing an immovable government.


I could not but yield to the temptation to incorporate this model formulated by Plato through the observation of the contemporary and previous cultures to his own, 4th century B.C. to the current history of Germany, Argentina and Spain.

And they adjust. They fit and stay wrapped up like an old-fashioned undershirt. Inevitably, it was always of interest to me that this model, designed 2,200 years ago, has ended up being deafeningly predictive.


However, two years ago, it seems that it was now, after listening to José Luis Sevillano, and Ricardo Delgado, looking into the microscope and personally providing myself with the technical capabilities to discover and describe unequivocally its contents, I doubt, all powerfully, now, that this order is natural, and not an artifice.

A written guideline. An applicable protocol. And applied to each one of the cultures throughout the centuries, or whatever has really lasted to day, this we call time.

But then, what sense would the creation and control by who knows what living beings of this successive game, almost unalterable, of the five forms of government have?

It is enough to look attentively at the evolution of what we are living, to keep us at each other’s throats in order never to identify the enemy.

And from there come the ideologies, those who have all defended, to the point of taking and losing our lives. And from there comes the ailments of one or another form of government, like a bad paella that we don’t let rest and stir again and again for fear that it will take root, that it will anchor, that it will become attached to the earth, learning by itself.

Learning by itself of its most felicitous flavors, being, by the way, the socarrado [charred] what tastes better.

For once you look under the microscope, nothing of what we knew, and how it was explained to us, retains its meaning.

Waking up implies, in essence, realizing this.

The truth depends only on your own perceptions. On your own analysis. And also, of course, on your own judgment — on that individuality that they annihilated to evaporate your self-love.

Gone are the gurus, gone are the leaders, and any other meddling scholar who is at the head of one or another collective with the intention, for wages, to represent us.

Because thanks to these representatives, they have incorporated the single thought.

In fact, we can see that we are facing a tyranny because other ways of interpreting reality are ignored in the media, trade associations, political parties and educational curricula.

The gradual withdrawal of philosophy from the classroom is not a coincidence.

Do they want me to genuflect, to show reverence, submission and abidance to a country that has murdered my neighbors, my writer friends, my architect friends, musicians, butchers, notaries, construction workers?

That has murdered the people I love the most, and what is worse, the ones I could have fallen in love with?

Do they want me to kneel with a bow, with a bow of courtesy, and show admiration before the fools, the servants, the slaves, the docile and cowards, when I can stand up before myself with the dignity that a human being deserves? Being able to live up to my own convictions? That I denigrate myself with silence, when I can wake up with the word?

Do they want me to protect my work, my public image, my home, in exchange for denying the evidence, losing my sanity in the process?

I am my work. I am my public image and I am my home.

They want to destroy us from within. They have been long striving to stop us from loving ourselves. Because only a man who has lost his self-respect can be conquered.

For more than 20 years people have been wishing for something horrible to happen. Because they have been trying hard to make us wish for it.

We were already dejected because they dejected us with their terrorist propaganda, their fears gradually assimilated, like absorbs any skin an apple cream.

They were preparing us, not to kill us. But to allow them to kill us, making us believe that the human being is the problem.

They told us that the state defense and security forces would defend us. That the state would guarantee our human rights.

And they made us uniform in the collective, turning us into information repeaters of the single thought — on that blank sheet of paper they called exams. Identifying the truth with textbooks and the teachers’ sermon. And by dedicating yourself professionally to making money, pushing your own passions aside, so that you can only be happy in your leisure time, making society a sum of bitter citizens.

And as all bitter people are bitter, we pass on to our children the same lie, becoming the supportive echo of our enslavers and torturers.

And so, we were all, little by little, weakening — losing our identity to the point of deposit in others the defense of what they want us to be.

And being also, each one of the groups, those who have come to kill us in what we call sociological tyranny, suppressing our right to work, our right to free will, our right to the inviolability of the home, to the inviolability of the body, to humanistic education and to the autonomy and independence of the individual before any totalitarian state.

Executive, legislative, judicial and media. But, all concentrated in a person whom we call the president of government. But in truth, he is a tyrant who has the protection and connivance of the rest of the public representatives. And I say this in case there is still someone who does not know it. Of all the rest, of all the rest.

By the way, in a strangeness that is not at all accidental, because all of them are the same tail coming from the same beast.

Looking under the microscope we understand why we have been indebted for the last 40 years until we became lackeys of our own debt, until we gave up our freedom in exchange for our family remaining under the roof.

Looking under the microscope we understand why we have been alienated from popular wisdom: aphorisms, proverbs, sentences, apothegmas [apothegms], separating us from each other so that no one can continue to serve as a pedagogical reference in the construction of our own knowledge.

Looking under the microsope, we understand why we do not understand the same thing from the same words, through a linguistic engineering that has distanced the signifiers from their meanings, so that we end up simply not understanding each other.


And, of course, looking under the microscope, we understand that national and international geopolitics are a farce…

War is their plan to impoverish us all.

Looking under the microscope, what we once intuited, we now know…

And they seem to like, above all, children. The infants. Those who have no speech and no way, therefore, to defend themselves. Those whom they used to sacrifice because ‘God’ wanted. Sending them, also, to the front lines of battle…

Looking under the microscope, there have never been wars. They have been sacrificial rituals.


They made us digest that the truth is the enemy of life. That ignorance is the shelter of the most intelligent — with the intention of convincing us that freedom is suicide.

But a human being who thinks for himself can never be assassinated even if he is killed.

Moreover, a single minute waking up is worth more than eternal sleep…

Let us wake up, each one in his own way. This is important. There are no leaders, there are no gurus.

Let us wake up, each one in his own way. In case it would be necessary for us to remember how to live…

Maria. Ricardo. Thank you on behalf of all my descendants…

And we began by asking ourselves who has decided that history is a game in which we are always the ones who lose.

The game is over.


Farewell and closing.

Ricardo Delgado:

…But we still have the capacity to reverse this.

Each one of us is a real time bomb, not precisely for graphene, but for communicating this knowledge to other parts of the world…

We claim from La Quinta Columna, the scientific method which is observation…

Papers and scientific articles are no use to us if not only to confirm, or to corroborate, what we’ve already seen through the microscope, for example…

What is clear is that they are doing it against all human beings. And what is clear is that we have to reverse the change.

We must not be obedient…

Is the world really in the hands of human beings? Or is there some factor here that we are missing?…


Any attempt to repress any kind of will, leading us to be emotionless, is precisely what they call transhumanism…

But they do have this objective, and they are going to push forward no matter what…

Here there is a global perspective of the whole operation. Probably, they’ve been preparing the ground through institutions created in the 1940s, etc.

I’m going to play an introductory video of Humania, that according to the information given here today, as I say, the investigation is much more extensive, but you’ll be able to understand what is the ultimate goal of the transhumanist operation, for which it is necessary, as Dr. Sevillano says, this interface.


Humania is a movement that we have created in La Quinta Columna in full defense of the human being…


Transcript of Humania clip:

The human being is in danger. Everything that defines him as a species, such as his intelligence, his sensitivity, to his capacity for willful interaction with the environment, is at serious risk of being lost very soon and forever.

In fact, the process has already started, and only those who designed it together with some of their implementers know it.

La Quinta Columna, made up of free human beings from all over the planet, is on a mission to reveal to the world the premeditated plan that lies behind the events driving us in the near future to the integral loss of our very nature.

This project is the transhumanism, also called the 4th Revolution. Three characteristics define it. It is universal, involuntary and harmful.

It’s already being applied to us, to all human beings, without our consent and with serious damage to our health, including death.

To this end, four parallel operations have been set in motion:

– the health crisis,
– the deployment of artificial intelligence with its surface and satellite networks relying on supercomputers,
– the Ukrainian war, with its political and economic consequences,
– and the climate change.

These four operations have as final objective to transhumanize a large part of our species within the shortest period of time.

From La Quinta Columna we wish to bring together all human beings aware of this situation in a movement of consciousness that we will call Humania.

We don’t want any other thing than the awareness that we are in danger and, for that, we offer you the evidence.

Everything starts from the optical microscope observation of the contents of the vaccines to be accepted very soon, if not enforced upon the entire population.

What they contain is likely to form a brain machine interface and to be modulated from mobile phone antennas.

We have thus neuroscience developing an interface introduced by deception, through trickery and coercion to all humanity, while implanting a whole planetary network of antennas with the collaboration of all governments in the world.

And on the other hand, a war and a climate change that will reset the economy, politics and our way of life to the point of ultimately subjecting them to the interests of transhumanism.

We don’t know who are the ones that are doing this to us. We don’t know what they’re trying to get by doing it. But they’re doing it.

A large part of humanity is collaborating in its own destruction and does not know it.

Humania has arrived for the whole world to know.

We want to stay being humans. We want to live in harmony with our ecosystems and with our fellow human beings.

We want to take advantage of all our scientific technological knowledge to put an end to diseases and misery in the world.

But they will never allow it.

Humania will help us defend what we are and what we want to be.

It is the hour of humanity. Help us let the world know.



Ricardo Delgado, in closing:

…I’ll not get tired of saying, we do not find enough words to say or narrate what is the degree of evil that is behind this operation towards the entire human race.


The future is not written. Somehow, we create, and write it ourselves.


Connect with La Quinta Columna

Cover image based on creative commons work of geralt

Download PDFs:

Detection of Graphene in Covid Vaccines by Micro Raman Spectroscopy

Alternative download location here

Toxicity of Graphene-Family Nanoparticles: A General Review of the Origins and Mechanisms

Alternative download location here

Graphenic Materials for Biomedical Applications

Toxicity Evaluation of Graphene Oxide in Kidneys of Sprague-Dawley Rats

Alternative download locations: here and here

See related:

Raman Spectroscopy — Vibrational Spectroscopy

Spanish Scientists Start Trial on Inhalable Covid-19 Vaccine



Gabor Maté: The Dangers of Being Too Nice

Gabor Maté: The Dangers of Being Too Nice


Transcript courtesy of Mad in America:

“There’s a deep need to belong, a deep need to be loyal, and a sense of betrayal when that loyalty is somehow insulted. Because if you didn’t get the love that you needed, you’ll be consumed by being liked, and then you’ll be very likable and very nice. And you might become a helpful, very helping individual, which is a coping pattern.

“Now, you can be genuinely nice and genuinely supportive of others, and still look after your own needs — that’s human nature, I think. But a lot of people are very nice and likable and helpful by suppressing their own needs — that’s a coping mechanism.

“Everybody says how nice they are… and when they die at age 50 of cancer, everybody shows up at their funeral and they weep about how nice they were, how selfless they were.

“The child basically has two needs. We have the need for attachment, which is the seeking of closeness and proximity with another human being; and fundamentally the attachment dynamic is the most powerful dynamic in human life. Its basic purpose is the protection and nurturing of the young, so that infants attach to their parents and parents attach to their infants, for the purpose on one hand of being taken care of and on the other of taking care of.

“So that’s attachment, and we’re wired for attachment all our lives; it’s the most important dynamic we have.

“And as General Petraeus could tell you . . . sometimes when our attachment needs get sent in certain directions, it’ll trump everything else. That’s one need that we have, for attachment; without attachment, there’s no human life, it’s just impossible. And without mating, without communities, we would not have survived as a species . . .

“So, you know, the whole idea of human beings as competitive and aggressive is total nonsense.

“But the other need that we have is for authenticity: to be ourselves. And that again has to do with survival. If you’re not in touch with yourself out in the wild, you don’t survive.

“So authenticity is being in touch with yourself and being able to act on the awareness of self in relationship to the environment. So if I feel something, I pay attention to that; if I don’t, I’m in danger. So we have this need for authenticity.

“But if a child is confronted with a dilemma: that if I’m authentic, express my feelings, then my attachments are threatened — because my parents can’t handle it, because they’re too stressed, depressed, or traumatized themselves — then perforce the child will automatically (but not consciously) suppress their authenticity. And so the suppression of gut feelings and authenticity is a coping mechanism.

“That means I’m no longer in touch with my needs, I no longer pay attention to my feelings, my emotions, I will no longer be aware of them, I won’t express them, I won’t know what I need. Which has all kinds of implications, but one of them is that I may then compulsively serve the needs of others, ignoring my own, hence disease. Or I may then develop all kinds of false needs, which then really are what addictions are all about.

“So it’s that irresolvable tension between authenticity and attachment that many children in our society are faced with, that results in their self-suppression. And one of the outcomes — not the only possible outcome, but one possible outcome — is that niceness is a coping mechanism.

“Almost anybody when they’re being inauthentic has a sense of [themselves] being inauthentic. How do we know that we’re being inauthentic?

“Like, years before I had any of these concepts formally worked out in my mind or had read much about it, I already knew when I was betraying myself and being less than myself and being other than myself. How did I know that?

“There’s some inner knowledge for many of us, simply because the authentic self . . . when we’re not in touch with it there’s a kind of a shame, there’s a kind of a suffering that happens. So that shame and that internal suffering, that sense of self-betrayal is our sure guide that we’re not being ourselves on one level. That happens to a lot of people.

“And then we may look good in the eyes of others, and yet internally we suffer shame because we know that we’re not being ourselves. When we say ‘how do we know,’ for many of us there’s an internal knowledge that arises. Now why? Because that essential self hasn’t gone away, and it’s calling to us. And we don’t feel right when we betray it or when we’re out of contact with it.

“Now, that doesn’t happen for many people — that doesn’t happen for everybody. For some people, it takes some catastrophe.

“So what I’m saying is that at some point or another, if you’re not in touch with that inner voice, if you don’t hear it, the body will speak to you loud and clear; you’re gonna get something happen to you. And sometimes that’ll happen in the form of illness or symptoms.

“Then the body’s talking to you; the body’s saying ‘no’ when you’re not saying ‘no.’ If the voice doesn’t speak to you directly or if it speaks and you don’t listen, your body at some point is gonna kick in. Or you’re going to get depressed, or anxious, or something else. Or something will happen in your personal relationships.

“And at that point you can say, ‘Well, I’m not with the right partner, screw them, it’s all their fault,’ which many of us say. Or for some people it becomes the opening of a door where we begin to look, ‘Okay, what in here wasn’t authentic, what in here wasn’t genuine, how did I create this situation, how do I keep creating these situations over and over again, am I just a victim of bad luck or is there some pattern here?’

“In other words, something happens, some difficulty happens to shake you out of your complacent belief that things are just fine the way they are.

“And as the California-based great teacher A. H. Almaas says, the most difficult things that happen to us are also the most compassionate things. Because basically — how he puts it — a part of us that loves us more than anything else puts these roadblocks in our way, saying: that’s not the way, that’s not the way, that’s not the way. So there’s roadblocks in the way to bring us to ourselves.

“And so we can look upon our difficulties as problems to get rid of, or we can look at them as teachings to bring us back to ourselves.”


Dr. Gabor Maté, an addiction expert, developed the psychotherapeutic method called Compassionate Inquiry. He is author of The Myth of Normal, In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction, Hold On To Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers, When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress and Scattered Minds: A New Look at the Origins and Healing of Attention Disorder. 


Connect with Dr. Gabor Maté

Connect with Mad in America

Cover image credit: Alexas_Fotos

The SARS Epidemic: Are Viruses Taking the Rap for Industrial Poisons? [Article First Published in 2003]

The SARS Epidemic: Are Viruses Taking the Rap for Industrial Poisons? [Article First Published in 2003]

by Jim West, Weston A. Price Foundation
originally published December 7, 2003
as found referenced at Medic Debate


On March 15, 2003 the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a global alert warning of a new virus spreading through Asia and causing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), a potentially fatal disease, similar to pneumonia. Photos from China depicting ballet dancers and bridal parties wearing white masks appeared in western newspapers while health departments across the country issued notices to hospitals detailing the symptoms of the new virus and asking for immediate notification of suspect cases. Until the global alert, reports referred to an “unknown virus” first striking in Guangdong Province, China, although some reports place the origin in the Philippines. With the March 15 WHO report, the SARS virus became official and reports of new cases came flooding in.

By late May, officials had reported over 8,000 cases worldwide, with almost 700 deaths.1 Of the 65 suspected SARS victims in the US, all but a few had traveled by airplane to areas where the outbreak has been most severe, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Hanoi and Toronto. The Chinese economy has taken a hit and some Chinese airline routes were virtually empty due to SARS fear.2

Serious Drama

The SARS outbreak has revived discussion of forced quarantine. According to a study by the American Public Health Laboratory Association and quoted by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, few cities have enough hospital space to quarantine patients in the event of a large-scale outbreak of an infectious disease like SARS. According to Lawrence O. Gostin, director of the Center for Law and the Public’s Health at Georgetown University’s Law Center, public health laws date back to the 19th century and are “wholly inadequate to deal with an emergency.”

“The need for public health law reform is urgent,” said Mr. Gostin. “It should have provisions for surveillance, vaccination, treatment, isolation and quarantine in a way that gives decisive powers to health authorities while respecting the Constitution.” So far, all but one of the SARS victims has submitted to voluntary isolation. The one exception, a New York man, was involuntarily contained until his symptoms passed. Federal quarantine law now includes SARS among its disease guidelines.

Mr. Gostin was the author of the draconian Emergency State Health Powers Act, which has been adopted (fortunately in softened form) by 22 states. According to Gostin, “The need for effective state compulsory power is beyond doubt. But that’s not a given in our country, which is now so tied to the rhetoric of individual rights. It seems we’ve lost the tradition of the common good.”3

Kill the Carrier

In China, a country where the “rhetoric of individual rights” is lacking, the government has announced it would kill SARS carriers who refused quarantine.4 Malaysian officials threatened imprisonment.5 In Hong Kong, officials motivated by the “tradition of common good” have suggested that “families of SARS patients be rounded up, and sent to quarantine camps.”6 In Nanjing, China, 10,000 have been quarantined, and in Beijing 16,000 as of May 6, 2003.7

Official Disease Definition

SARS means “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.” This wide-open definition encompasses many diseases common in the affected regions. Symptoms range from flu-like to pneumonia.8 Dr. Frank Plummer, director of the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada stated, “Of course, the case definition of SARS is a little loose.”9

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined SARS in the following way: a) a person presenting after 1 November 2002 with history of high fever (greater than 100.4° F) and cough or breathing difficulty; or b) a person who was not autopsied but with acute respiratory disease and who has been in close contact within 10 days of someone who had SARS.10

This definition alone should give thoughtful readers cause to question the SARS phenomenon. Firstly, is a temperature of 1.8 degrees F over normal really a “high fever”? The CDC used “mild fever” in their case definition. Secondly, should WHO install a historical bias before the history of SARS is even written? WHO has made it impossible to place the discovery of SARS before November 2002, or even think of it as preceding that date, thus guaranteeing its status as an “emerging epidemic.”

In the US, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defines SARS differently: a) Illness of unknown aetiology [cause not already ascertained] and onset after February 1, 2003, AND, b) Temperature over 100.5 degrees F, AND, c) respiratory illness, AND, d) Recent contact with a SARS patient or travel to epidemic region.

This defines the new epidemic as an arrival from southeast Asia, China or Toronto. This definition obviates any need to test for the SARS virus in patients who contracted pneumonia before February 2003, AND, who had not traveled to the Orient or met such a traveler. With this definition, the diagnosis of any SARS-like case, determined previously to be of non-viral origin, would be secured from contradictions. The usual one-disease, one-cause theme for epidemics is thereby maintained.

SARS Virology

Due to the wide-ranging definition, the only unique quality of SARS is the associated virus. But association is not enough and a single association is not a rigorous, convincing proof.

On April 16, 2003, WHO announced that SARS virus, a member of the coronavirus family, was definitely causative for the disease. The report referred to a study carried out by a team led by Dr. Albert Osterhaus, the director of virology at Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam. Media reports used the terms “unequivocal,” “definite,” and “beyond a doubt” to describe the work at Erasmus.

Osterhaus reported that his team infected one group of monkeys with SARS virus, a second group with the metapneumonvirus (also found in some SARS patients), and a third group with SARS virus and then the metapneumovirus. The monkeys infected with the metapneumonvirus alone developed mild symptoms, compared to the “full-blown disease” seen in the first group. The third group “did not develop a more serious version of SARS.” From this Osterhaus concluded, “the coronavirus alone is capable of causing the typical symptoms…”11

Virology in Doubt

Press releases about the “definitive” Erasmus study, distributed by AP, WHO, Nature Magazine and others, cannot be taken seriously without further details. Here are a few unanswered questions:

a) Since laboratory virus stocks are poisoned with antibiotics, or are derived by a process that utilizes poisons, then which poisons were present in Erasmus University virus stocks?

b) Were the toxicities of virus stocks included in the assessment of the study results?

c) How was the virus stock obtained?

d) Was a comprehensive test for other viruses performed on the experimental stock?

e) Are the laboratory-produced viruses chimeric viruses, that is, synthetic viruses?

f) What quantity of virus medium was applied to each monkey; that is, what multiple of real-world conditions?

g) What concentration of viruses were applied; that is, what multiple of real-world conditions?

h) How was the medium applied; would the application method be possible in real-world conditions?

i) Which chemicals were added to the medium in addition to antibiotics? Do these interact or promote the toxicity of other chemicals in the virus stock?

j) How many monkeys were in each group? Were there enough for a valid assessment?

k) What was the condition of each monkey prior, during and at the conclusion of the experiment? Monkeys have been regarded as poor experimental subjects because of their intelligent sensitivity, and maltreatment received from handlers and distributors. Stress alone, incurred by the monkeys due to cruelty, cage conditions and poor nutrition, can cause illness or susceptibility.

l) Was the virus used in the experiment actually “isolated”? The word, when used by virologists, means something entirely different from the meaning assumed by non-virologists (including doctors), and this word serves as the basis for misinformation regarding virus proof. The details of “isolation of the virus” need to be explained.

m) Were any of the experimental animals, or tests, rerun after unexpected results occurred? What were the circumstances?

At this writing, one further detail of the Erasmus study has been obtained, “Osterhaus and colleagues completed the final ones [Koch Postulates] when they infected two macaque monkeys with the virus from a SARS patient and isolated it from the animals.”12

So, the “definite” proof is based on two monkeys injected with the supposed SARS virus. What happened to independent confirmation, randomized controls, and probability analysis that determine the possibility that a test on two monkeys is valid? The hyped language, the major institutions and funding sources involved, juxtaposed against the meager number of monkeys in the experiment, point to extreme bias in the search for a microbial demon. I look forward to more details of the Erasmus study.

As of late May, tests for the virus in Toronto “failed to spot a targeted virus in 30% to 50% of infected patients.”13 This was attributed to inaccurate testing methods, not the absence of the virus. Nevertheless, no matter how often SARS virus is found, the virus is present only in trace amounts and not in quantities large enough to cause disease, leaving infection and pathology in doubt.14

Convenient Scapegoats

In spite of the nagging inconsistencies in the viral theory for SARS, scientists and the press have gone one step further with reports that SARS originated in a live meat market in China’s Guangdong province in November, 2002. Researchers in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China found a virus that is “almost identical” to the human SARS coronavirus in six masked palm civets (cat-sized animals) and a raccoon dog sold in these open air markets,15 a convenient discovery that will bring official pressure on China’s traditional farmers and food-sellers, now in competition with new, “sanitary” western-style supermarkets.

Viral demons are fair game for the media. Dramatic realities merge with scenes from class B sci-fi movies, as doctors and nurses scream through hospital wards, airports are closed and police round up infected carriers. In China, such dreadful acts are all too real. In addition to the proposed human executions, millions of cats, dogs, farm animals and wildlife may be slaughtered to stop the deadly viral plague. Precedent is found in Britain’s Mad Cow and Hoof and Mouth epidemics, and supposed viral epidemics in Malaysia and Taiwan during 1997-1998. In this scenario, medical workers come to the rescue like soldiers, heroically primed to save lives with deadly force.

The pharmaceutical companies, of course, are playing a leading role. Roche, “the global leader in the $22-billion-a-year clinical-diagnostics market” is developing a test that should be able to “flag SARS in the first days of an infection, possibly even when the virus isn’t causing symptoms.” This will allow officials “to identify superspreaders (patients whose SARS infections are highly transmissible) before they become superspreaders,” says a Roche executive.16 As all diagnostic tests generate false positives, anyone suffering from a fever and a cough risks being branded as a modern Typhoid Mary should he or she submit to such a procedure.

SARS Critics

In spite of the fearful headlines, the SARS paradigm has met widespread criticism.

An insider, Dr. Frank Plummer, spilled the beans: “The director… told The Scientist yesterday (April 10) that the new coronavirus implicated as the cause of the disease is certainly around in the environment but is unlikely to be the causative agent. Frank Plummer is director of Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg.”17

Plummer stated, “we are finding some of the best-characterized [SARS disease] cases are negative [for the SARS virus]. So it’s puzzling. As is the fact the amounts of virus we are finding, when we find it, are very small–only detectable by very sensitive PCR.

“That’s what the majority of labs [nasopharyngeal swabs] around the world are testing, it’s where you find most respiratory viruses. It’s strange [that there’s so little virus there] because it seems to be transmitted by close contact.”

After the announcement of the Erasmus study, Plummer stated, “Once you conclude that this coronavirus is the sole cause of SARS then you move into a different phase and you move to test only for it. . . to the exclusion of other things. And I think. . . at least based on what we’re seeing in Canada. . . it’s a little early to do that. We are in many ways behaving as if this is the cause.”18

According to a CBC news report, “No classic respiratory or bacterial respiratory pathogen was consistently identified. Scientists have not definitively shown the new coronavirus causes SARS. To do that, they need to see the virus in infected lung samples from all patients and show the virus causes SARS in an animal model.”19 Implicit in this statement is the fact that SARS symptoms are not unique to the disease, or that tests were finding other (non-SARS) pathogens in the victims, or tests were not consistently performed for other pathogens.

Jon Rappoport, an independent journalist who has written for CBS Healthwatch, writes, “This [SARS] insanity is multiplied beyond all sense when you consider that, in Canada, they are now finding the [SARS] coronavirus in ZERO PERCENT of diagnosed SARS cases.”20

Nicholas Regush, veteran journalist of ABC News, admits no contact with Rappoport, yet writes, “We’re in very deep trouble… the COMING OF SARS. Having been a member of the reporting classes for many years, I can’t say that I’m surprised. More like disappointed. Disgusted. Outraged.”21

Fintan Dunne, who edits a website entitled www.SickOfDoctors.com, is also critical: “More of the hype machine and further global economic damage, over a spurious syndrome which is a drop in the disease ocean.”22

Dr. Donald Low, one of Canada’s leading infectious disease experts and a key member of the SARS containment team, described WHO’s policies for Toronto as “a bunch of bullshit” and “inappropriate.”23

According to Peter Duesberg, the well-known microbiologist at the University of California at Berkeley, the list of badly diagnosed, yet strongly hyped epidemics is lengthy: Ebola, Hepatitis C, AIDS, SMON, and others.24 According to the German virologist Stefan Lanka, the list of pseudo-epidemics is nearly endless.25


The orthodox SARS paradigm completely omits and avoids toxicology for good reason: SARS disease symptoms are identical to pesticide and air pollution disease symptoms. And these poisons correlate in time and place with SARS epidemics.

Only virology holds SARS together, and by including toxicology, the virus theory of SARS can be entirely rebutted.

Airline Pesticides

As the SARS syndrome “appears to be spreading via air travel, the CDC advised travelers to postpone any non-essential travel to affected areas, which include China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, according to WHO.”26

What most travelers don’t realize is that airlines routinely apply pesticides to airplanes, especially those on Asian routes. Airlines call their pesticide application “disinsection.” A US Department of Transportation memo describes two methods of application: “Either spray the aircraft cabin, with an aerosolized insecticide, while passengers are on board or treat the aircraft’s interior surfaces with a residual insecticide.” 27

On August 2, 2001, CNN reported on a lawsuit filed by United Airlines stewardesses for damages caused by pesticides sprayed in United Airlines planes on Australian and New Zealand routes.28 No further mention of the lawsuit has appeared in the press.

However, on March 17, 2003, Pesticide Action Network Updates Service (PANUPS) announced: “An airline flight to the tropics may involve greater health risks. . . pesticides are routinely sprayed in aircraft cabins by US airlines, sometimes over the heads of passengers during flight.”29

Details on airline pesticide protocols for southeast Asian airline flights emerge from the US Department of Transportation memo: “Guam requires disinsection, but permits the residual method, of all flights from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Thailand, Philippines, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands and, during certain months, of flights from Taiwan, Korea and Japan.”30

The pesticides used in airlines are synthetic pyrethrin pesticides (pyrethroids), which in some countries have been banned from agricultural use.31 SARS symptoms are nearly identical to those of pyrethrin pesticides, as shown in the table on Page 19.

There are other chemical risks found in aircraft. Diana Fairechild, who worked decades for the airline industry and spent years litigating against that industry over issues related to pesticide protocols, describes the liabilities of airline travel on her website.46

Airport Pollution

Airports are notoriously air polluted. A single airliner at take-off emits tremendous volumes of pollutants.47 JFK airport in New York City, has its own oil refinery on the airport grounds, nearly two football fields in area. How common is that practice? Oil refinery emissions correlate exceedingly well with recent so-called viral disease epidemics. The West Nile virus epidemic was first noticed in the neighborhoods beneath one of the busiest take-off lanes in the US, La Guardia Airport, New York City.48

Industrial Emissions

The greatest SARS epidemic region in the world is the Guangdong province of China. That heavily populated province also vies for position as the most highly polluted region on earth, due to the presence of oil refineries, metal smelters and other chemical industries in a country with lower environmental standards.

Writing for The Atlantic Monthly, Mark Hertsgaard describes Guangdong province as “A fiendish laboratory experiment that was mushrooming beyond control. . . . Shanxi, a day’s journey west of Beijing. . . the land. . . scalped, the water poisoned, the air made toxic and dark. . . . At least five of the cities with the worst air pollution in the world are in China. Sixty to 90 percent of the rainfall in Guangdong. . . is acid rain. . . people’s lungs and nervous systems are bombarded by an extraordinary volume and variety of deadly poisons. One of every four deaths in China is caused by lung disease.”49 Hertsgaard found that total suspended particulates (an air pollution index) can be, in some cities in China, 12 times higher than in New York City. Obviously, non-viral forms of SARS exist in Guangdong. SARS is far from atypical.

Deforestation by fire can also cause the respiratory problems associated with SARS. Huge fires are set or occur accidentally in Singapore, Malaysia and China. Major fires ravaged southeast Asia in September 2002, just two months before officials announced the SARS epidemic.50

Tan Ee Lyn (Reuters) describes the air environment in Hong Kong and southern China, the major SARS epicenters: “[Title:] CHINA: September 9, 2002, Thick smog shrouds Hong Kong, health warning issued. [Text:]Hong Kong–Thick smog blanketed Hong Kong last week, a clear sign that the territory and southern China are still a long way from cleaning up their bad air. The government urged people with respiratory problems to avoid heavily congested traffic areas and cut back on outdoor physical activity.”

Toxicology = Virology

Even if a perfect (according to the rules of virology) laboratory proof for virus causation existed, such proofs still involve high use of artifice, far from the reality of everyday life. Even if SARS virology could have isolated and properly identified a real virus, questions still remain. A SARS virus may be a natural endogenous virus (from within) serving a normal adaptive function. It might not be the infectious, exogenous virus (from without) as described by media hype.

Not well known, but well established, is the fact that virus-like genetic material (RNA) is often expressed from poisoned cellular tissue as an adaptive and defensive response to poisoning.51 Expressing virus-like genes is part of the cellular “SOS response” of cells engaged in accelerated genetic recombination.52 The so-called SARS virus can be interpreted as such a genetic expression occurring in humans, as well as the exotic animals, palm civet cats and raccoon dogs sold in Guangdong live animal markets and recently found positive for SARS.

Virus Is Us

The cutting-edge biochemist, Howard Urnovitz, views SARS virus as human genes rearranged by pollution stress: “I do not see a virus.  I see a unique and complete rearrangement of genomic elements. For example, when I look at what is believed to be the gene sequence coding for the spike protein of this coronavirus, I see a complicated gene rearrangement of a region of human chromosome. As I did in our studies of Gulf War Syndrome, when I see gene rearrangements like this, I immediately search for an associated catastrophic environmental event that could have caused such genomic rearrangement.”53 (Emphasis added.)

SARS epidemics correspond strongly with such “catastrophic environmental events.”

SARS Redefined

SARS is not a unique disease, since its symptoms coincide with pyrethrin poisoning and air pollution diseases.

Orthodox science damns itself by beginning with a virus hypothesis when toxicological evidence is plentiful. Orthodox journalism promotes the discovery of the “SARS virus” with little criticism of the virology and a deafening silence regarding toxicology.

Apparently the virus paradigm is a necessary cover for industrial pollution. WHO’s promotion of the virus disease paradigm is a tremendous boon for industry, which requires free disposal of industrial wastes into the lungs. . . correction. . . the atmosphere.

The preponderance of evidence indicates that SARS is the direct result of regional industrial pollution, airport pollution, with an optional coup de grace from pyrethroid pesticides applied directly upon the passengers or as a residue vapor. Essentially, airlines are enclosed, fabric-filled containers where air is circulated several times before it is vented to the outside. They are not the kind of chamber that environmentalists would prefer to enter following “disinsection.” SARS, like St. Louis virus (SLE), West Nile Virus (WNV) and non-toxicological asthma definitions guarantee spin control for emerging epidemics.

Neenyah Ostrom discusses the general relationship between pollution in China and the SARS virus– and the relation between poisoning and cellular RNA: “But Guangdong and Hong Kong share another distinction: They are in perhaps the most polluted area on the planet. Should we be asking questions like, what new types of pollutants have been introduced into this gene-swapping microenvironment? So, the question becomes: Is pollution a causative agent in SARS?”

If SARS disease is another semantic flag for industrial pollution, then SARS functions by punishing the economy of polluting regions without specifically placing blame on powerful industries. Military groups have long employed such a method–where the group is punished to correct individual behavior. Within industry, SARS will bring about a reassessment of economic priorities (industrial need versus human worth) without the complications of public blame games.


West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus (WNV) arrived in New York City in 1999 and soon grew into an “epidemic” characterized by a sea of contradictions.54 Medical press agencies proclaimed the “first arrival of the West Nile virus to the Western Hemisphere”55 but a more accurate description of the situation would be the “first testing of the West Nile virus in the Western Hemisphere.”

Mayor Giuliani personally announced the epidemic. He also announced the immediate commencement of a six-week pesticide spray campaign over the city, dispensed by helicopters. Meanwhile, the TV and newspaper headlines chanted, “The Deadly Virus.” The disease was at first attributed to the St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLE) but a few weeks later blame shifted to West Nile virus.

The United States Geological Survey (“USGS”) issued a press release one year later “confirming” the pathological effect of WNV on crows. This was hyped and widely distributed. Having read many other virological studies, I found the USGS results incredibly odd. The crows were injected intramuscularly with a virus extract and a few days later all met death. The filter used to separate the virus from tissue extract was nearly six times the diameter of the virus.56 Nearly all non-injected crows in the same cage also died. The success of the experiment was too convincing to be true, especially for a study that did not employ the common, harsh, intracranial injection method. The study outcome was also odd because WNV had been considered a mild virus and not especially dangerous to birds. The USGS laboratory ignored my repeated inquiries for the published details. After going through another scientist, who contacted the USGS, I received an emailed response from the USGS indicating low confidence for their study. The agency indicated their study would not be published or discussed and they expressed an intention to perform a better experiment in the future. I doubt they would want to take a chance on another such experiment.

SLE and WNV epidemics occur annually in air-polluted petrochemical regions (such as eastern New Jersey and St. Louis) during the warm spring and summer months, with an apex in July and August. The incidence correlates daily with air pollution brought to ground level by warm air and loss of convection efficiency for exhaust sources.  SLE epidemics have a long history in the US (in petrochemical regions) and these epidemics don’t spread infectiously to other regions. The two great epicenters for WNV/SLE disease are the two great petrochemical industrial regions in the US–southern Louisiana and New Jersey.

During the summers of 1999 and 2000, air pollution levels reached record levels, correlating with the incidence of “West Nile virus” cases, both human and avian. The gasoline additive MTBE represents perhaps the greatest production volume for any industrial poison in the US, yet it has received little publicity. The public became aware of its dangers only when the EPA suggested that MTBE be phased out on July 27,1999. That date also represents the apex of the West Nile virus avian epidemic for 1999.63

Like so many widely dispensed industrial poisons, the physiological effects of MTBE have only become known through usage on the public. However, Dr. Peter Joseph correlated MTBE with neurological disease in his 1997 study, “Changes in Disease Rates Following the Introduction of Oxygenated Fuels.” Neurological symptoms also characterize West Nile virus disease. Avian mortality further distinguishes this “viral” disease. Yet, avian mortality is an early warning system for human air pollution disease, as evidenced by the traditional air assay test, the “miners’ canary.”

Legionnaires’ Disease

Another acute respiratory disease is Legionnaires’ disease, also characterized by sloppy science. The disease was claimed causative for 182 casualties and 29 deaths within a few days in 1976 at the bicentennial celebration of the American Legion at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia.

After several months of study, CDC scientists announced the discovery of Legionella bacteriumas as the cause for Legionnaires’ disease. Virologists Peter Duesberg and Brian Ellison relate the story.57 “One month before the CDC isolated the bacterium, a US House of Representatives Investigative Committee held hearings excoriating the CDC for not having looked for toxic chemicals as a possible cause of the 1976 epidemic. Chairman John Murphy of New York sharply attacked the investigation because ‘The CDC, for example, did not have a toxicologist present in their initial team of investigators sent to deal with the epidemic. No apparent precautions were taken to deal with the possibility, however remote at the time, that something else might have been the cause.’”

According to Duesberg, “The evidence indicates Legionella is actually quite harmless. Since 1976, CDC and public health investigators have found the bacteria all over the country, in water cooling towers, condensers, shower heads, faucets, humidifiers, whirlpools, swimming pools and even hot-water tanks, assorted plumbing, mud, and lakes. The bacterium is so universal that between 20 percent and 30 percent of the American population has already been infected, yet virtually no one ever develops Legionnaires’ disease symptoms.” Calling the organism Aguanella–indicating it is simply water-borne–wouldn’t serve the CDC’s purpose. Quite by chance, the CDC’s interpretation happens to protect the chemical industry, which sells poisonous deodorants, pesticides, antibiotics, carpets, paints, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and beverages to hotels–and airlines.

Two SARS Disease Paradigms:
Comparison of Symptoms
Symptom As SARS Virus32-35 As Airline Pesticide Poisoning
(mostly Pyrethrin formulations)36-45
Coughing Yes Yes
Malaise Yes Yes
Fever Yes Yes
Headaches Yes Yes
Nausea Yes Yes
Vomiting Yes Yes
Rash Yes Yes
Respiratory distress Yes Yes
Respiratory failure Yes Yes
Neurological dysfunction Yes Yes
Cardiac dysfunction Yes Yes
Irritability Yes Yes
Diarrhea Yes Yes
Pneumonia Yes Yes
Lung damage (as measles symptoms, see below) Yes Yes
Dyspnoea (breathing difficulty related to hypoxemia) Yes Yes
Hypoxemia (low oxygen level) Yes Yes
Proteinaceous pulmonary edema Yes Yes
Leukocyte inhibition Yes Yes
Increases sodium ion permeability in tissue Not Listed Yes
Affects nasal, windpipe and lung surfaces Yes Yes
Shock Not Listed Yes
Seizures Not listed Yes
Salivation Yes Yes
Neurological damage Yes Yes
Muscular stiffness Yes Not listed
Like measles (Syncytial lung) Yes Yes*
Like flu Yes Yes
Like common cold Yes Yes
Like mumps Yes Yes*

*In terms of listed symptoms

SARS – Other Theories

Len Horowitz, PhD, author of Emerging Viruses: SARS is simply the flu, which kills 36,000 people annually in the US. Death comes to those whose immunity has been compromised by drugs and vaccines.58 The media has created great fear among the public by grossly overstating mortality rates and exaggerating the danger to healthy individuals.

Mae-Wan Ho, PhD, president of the London-based Institute of Science in Society: SARS is a highly infectious disease caused by a new bacterium of the Chlamydia family that was created accidentally through genetic engineering. Disease-causing viruses and bacteria and their genetic material are the predominant materials and tools of genetic engineering. The artificial constructs created by genetic engineering are designed to cross species barriers and to jump into genomes, creating the possibility of new, highly virulent micro-organisms.59

Marshall Smith, Editor, BroJon GazetteThe SARS virus, like all flu viruses, is a variant caused by the rural Chinese custom of raising flocks of geese side-by-side with herds of swine. If a pig is ill with a porcine flu and then eats droppings from an avian-virus-infected goose, the result is a new cross-species flu virus with the outer lining of a pig and the inner viral core of a goose. Whether or not this theory is correct, Smith’s advice is sound: Do not suppress a fever. Fever is the body’s way of preventing the invading virus from reproducing and spreading massively throughout the body. Unfortunately, most cold and flu medications reduce fever, setting the stage for massive viral proliferation. Unfortunately, the current definition of SARS may cause many people to take drugs to suppress fever, in order to avoid quarantine.

Linda Saif, professor of food animal health at Ohio State University: Coronavirus causes cough and pneumonia, so-called shipping fever, in animals packed together in cattle cars. The stresses of air travel–large numbers of people together in small spaces, being away from home, being close to other strangers, moving across time zones, rushing to catch flights–are conditions that make the coronavirus dangerous to humans as well.60 (Saif does not explain why airline travel, which has been a fact of life for millions of people for the last 40 years, has not caused SARS until recently.)

Richard Fisher, senior fellow at the Jamestown Foundation, a Washington-based think tank: “. . . there are compelling reasons. . . to at least ask whether there might be any linkage between SARS and China’s biological-warfare efforts.”61

Chandra Wickramasinghe, professor of applied mathematics and astronomy at Cardiff University: The SARS virus comes from outer space, hitched a ride on a comet and then drifted down to earth.62


  1. Washington Post, May 24, 2003
  2. AP, May 15, 2003. “SARS has caused more damage to the global airline industry than the Sept. 11 attacks and the war in Iraq combined, the world’s airline association said Thursday.”
  3. NY Times 5/5/03
  4. “China has threatened to execute or jail for life anyone who breaks SARS quarantine orders and spreads the deadly virus intentionally.” Beijing (Reuters), May 15, 2003
  5. “Malaysia ordered a quarantine for 203 citizens, mostly low waged earners, who had visited a SARS-infected produce market in Singapore and warned that it would imprison those who would break the orders.” www.rediff.com/news/2003/apr/24sars1.htm
  6. “Devastating Epidemic In Hong Kong”, CBS NEWS, 4/15/03, www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/04/15/eveningnews/main549528.shtml
  7. “10,000 quarantined in Nanjing, China”, CBC News, www.cbc.ca/stories/2003/05/06/sars_china030506
  8. Maggie Fox, “Scientists Identify Virus Behind Deadly SARS”, Reuters 4/10/2003
  9. Robert Walgate, “Cause of SARS disputed. Head of Canadian lab not convinced that coronavirus causes SARS,” www.biomedcentral.com/news/20030411/04
  10. W.H.O. case definitions for SARS: www.who.int/csr/sars/casedefinition/en
  11. “Rotterdam-led scientists confirm virus as cause of SARS”, Bio Aspects Newsletter, Vol 6, April 24, 2003, www.geneyous.nl/docs/BioASPects20030424.html#article-marktontwikkeling1
  12. “Tests Confirm Coronavirus Is Sars Source”, Patricia Reaney, May 15, 2003, NIH/Reuters, MedlinePlus
  13. Fortune Magazine, 5/26/03
  14. www.biomedcentral.com/news/20030411/04
  15. Washington Times, February 24, 2003
  16. Fortune Magazine, May 25, 2003
  17. Walgate 4/11/03, Ibid
  18. “Containment Controversy”, Global Sunday, 4/25/03, an interview by Troy Reeb with Dr. Frank Plummer, Global Sunday, www.canada.com/national/globalsunday
  19. “Scientists make small steps in identifying cause of SARS”, CBC NEWS, April 10, 2003, www.cbc.ca/stories/2003/04/10/sars_sci030410
  20. Jon Rappoport, “More SARS Madness”, 5/52003, www.nomorefakenews.com
  21. Nicholas Regush, www.redflagsweekly.com
  22. Fintan Dunne, www.sarstravel.com
  23. Helen Branswell,  “Irate officials blast SARS warning”, Canadian Press, April 21, 2003 www.thestar.com
  24. Peter Duesberg, and Bryan Ellison, Inventing The AIDS Virus, 1996, p3-129
  25. Stefan Lanka’s work may be found on www.virusmyth.com
  26. Neenyah Ostrom, “Why is SARS Such a Mystery? Virus, Bacteria, Fungus, Parasite – Why Can’t Researchers ID the Bug?”, March 20, 2003, www.chronicillnet.org
  27. Aviation Policy, U.S. Dept. of Trans., http://ostpxweb.dot.gov/policy/safety/disin.htm
  28. “United Sued Over Pesticide In Planes”, August 2, 2001, CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) — Flight attendants are being sickened by exposure to pesticides that are sprayed on airplanes serving Australia and New Zealand, a lawsuit filed against United Airlines claims,” www.cnn.com/2001/TRAVEL/NEWS/08/02/unitedairlines.pesticides.ap/index.html
  29. “Airline Passengers Are Sprayed for Bugs”, March 17, 2003: “An airline flight to the tropics may involve greater health risks… pesticides are routinely sprayed in aircraft cabins by U.S. airlines sometimes over the heads of passengers during flight.” PANNA mentions Asian routes as specifically at risk for this procedure.
  30. “Aviation Policy”, U.S. Dept. of Trans., http://ostpxweb.dot.gov/policy/safety/
  31. Cynthia Olsen, “A Safe Alternative Treatment for Head Lice”, Alive Magazine, October 2000, “Pyrethrins have been banned from agricultural use as a pesticide.”
  32. CDC Case Definition for SARS (March 22, 2003): Measured temperature > 100.5F; cough; hypoxia; shortness of breath; pneumonia; acute respiratory distress.
  33. Gavin Joynt and Charles Gomersall, “Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)”,
  34. Tamer Fouad, M.D., SARS Symptoms: “headache, muscular stiffness, loss of appetite, malaise, confusion, rash, and diarrhea. Early laboratory findings include low platelet and white blood cell counts. In some cases, those symptoms are followed by pneumonia in both lungs, sometimes requiring use of a respirator.” The Doctor’s Lounge.NET. http://thedoctorslounge.net/medlounge/articles/sars
  35. Maggie Fox, April 10, 2003 (Ibid). Early SARS symptoms: like flu, measles, mumps.
  36. Olsen, 2000, Ibid. Symptoms listed for permethrin (a type of synthetic pyrethrin used on airlines): “Side effects include vomiting, respiratory failure, pneumonia and asthma.”
  37. Becky Riley, “Flyers Beware: Pesticide Use on International and U.S. Domestic Aircraft and Flights”, Northwest Coaltion Against Pesticides (NCAMP), 1998, “… “in-flight spraying, Airosol Aircraft Insecticide, says that acute health hazards of exposure to the product include dizziness, skin irritation, and frostbite, and that overexposure due to inhalation may cause temporary central nervous system effects: dizziness, headache, confusion, stupor with the exclusion of oxygen and with grossly excessive overexposure. Additional warnings state that individuals with preexisting diseases of the cardiovascular system may have increased susceptibility to the toxicity of excessive exposures, and to heart irregularities (Airosol Company, 1992).”
  38. Ibid, “Two other U.S.-registered permethrin-containing products with labeled aircraft uses, but theoretically not for use in passenger cabins (though this is far from clear from reading the product labels), are Dragnet FT Termiticide/Insecticide and Flea Insecticide. According to information provided by the FMC Corporation, manufacturer of the above products, symptoms of overexposure to both of the products include hypersensitivity to touch and sound, tremors, and convulsions. Overexposure of animals via inhalation has also produced symptoms such as squinting eyes, irregular and rattling breathing, and ataxia (loss of muscular coordination). Inhalation of stoddard solvent vapors [present in both of the above products] may cause dizziness, disturbances in vision, drowsiness, respiratory irritation, and eye and skin and mucous membrane irritation (FMC, 1998; FMC, 1993).
  39. Ibid. Airline pesticides: “Organophosphates are efficiently absorbed by inhalation, ingestion, and skin penetration. Symptoms of acute exposure to organophosphates include: headache, nausea, dizziness and anxiety, followed by muscle twitching, weakness, tremor, incoordination, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, tightness in the chest, and coughing. Severe organophosphate poisonings can lead to incontinence, paralysis, unconsciousness, convulsions, and life-threatening respiratory failure (US EPA, 1989).”
  40. Ibid. “Bendicarb: Highly toxic carbamate nerve poison (US EPA, 1989). Causes eye irritation. Exposure (poisoning) symptoms include tightness in chest, sweating, stomach pains, vomiting, and diarrhea (US EPA, 1979).”
  41. Ibid. Piperonyl butoxide (used on aircraft): “Classified by EPA as a possible human carcinogen (US EPA, 1998-3). In animal tests, causes liver tumors and lung damage, hemorrhages, and anemia (Takahashi, 1994).”
  42. “MSDS: Permethrin,” Universal Crop Protection Alliance LLC, “…moderate eye and skin irritation… Eye:  There may be moderate stinging, tearing and redness… mild skin irritation… Disturbances in vision, drowsiness, respiratory irritation… High oral doses can result in damage to the liver and kidneys… Long term feeding studies in animals resulted in increased liver and kidney weights, induction of the liver microsomal drug metabolizing enzyme system, and histopathological changes in the lungs and liver.”
  43. Shirley A. Briggs and Rachel Carson Council, Inc., “Excerpts From Basic Guide To Pesticides”, Pyrethroid symptoms: “tremors; exaggerated startle response; hyperthermia [fever]”
  44. Lance C. Villers, MA, NREMTP, “Managing organophosphate exposures”, Texas Dept. of Health, EMS Management, OP Symptoms: “respiratory depression, bronchospasm, bronchial secretions, pulmonary edema, muscular weakness, resulting in hypoxemia.” www.tdh.state.tx.us/hcqs/ems/MJCEPesticideExp.htm
  45. INCHEM, “Pyrethrin”, Symptoms: “cough, wheeze, dyspnoea, bronchospasm or pulmonary oedema.”, Chemical Safety Information From Intergovernmental Organizations. www.inchem.org
  46. Diana Fairechild, Flyana.com
  47. “Airports create smog; a single 747 arriving and departing… produces as much smog as a car driven more that 5,600 miles, and as much NOx as a car driven almost 26,500 miles (source: Natural Resources Defense Council).” Queens College School of Earth and Environmental Science www.qc.edu/EES/ENSCI111/Air/air.html
  48. Jim West, “The Dangers of MTBE-Gasoline Additive: Its Connection to the West Nile Virus”, Townsend Letter For Doctors And Patients, July 2002, v228, p64-76.
  49. Mark Hertzgaard, “Our Real China Problem”, The Atlantic Monthly, November 1997.
  50. “South East Asia: Regular Fire and Weather Update”, March 2003.Sources: NASA/EO and OSEI/NOAA. http://www.fire.uni-freiburg.de/summit-2003/introduction.htm
  51. Ralph Scobey, M.D., “Is Human Poliomyelitis Caused By An Exogenous
    Virus?”, Archive Of Pediatrics (April/May,1954) v71, p111. From Jim West’s
    analysis of Scobey, www.geocities.com/harpub/scobexog.htm
  52. Mark Ptashne, A Genetic Switch (1992), p62. Cell Press and Blackwell Scientific Publications, 50 Church St., Cambridge, MA 02138
  53. “Dr. Urnovitz rejects the theory of a coronavirus as being the cause of SARS”, May 14, 2003. www.chronixbiomedical.com/Research/press_release3.html
  54. Jim West, “The Epidemiology Of Air Pollution”, www.geocities.com/noxot
  55. Eric Ammerman , Senior Public Health Sanitarian, Monroe County Department of Health. “Experts agree that WNV most likely arrived in the Western Hemisphere as some ‘accidental tourist’ aboard a ship or in an airplane.”
  56. David Crowe, “West Nile Virus — Does It Exist?”, 2001 www.mercola.com/2001/oct/3west_nile_virus.htm
  57. Peter Duesberg, 1996 ( Ibid), p56
  58. http://www.tetrahedron.org
  59. http://www.i-sis.org.uk/BioTerrorismAndSARS.php
  60. Reuters, May 20, 2003
  61. Wall Street Journal, May 23, 2003
  62. Ibid.
  63. “A panel appointed by the EPA is set to report on Tuesday that use of the much-debated ingredient M.T.B.E. . . should be ‘reduced substantially’. .. ” The New York Times, July 27, 1999.


This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2003.


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Cover image credit: SD-Pictures

Children’s Health Defense Founder Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Files to Run for U.S. President

Children’s Health Defense Founder Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Files to Run for U.S. President
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder of Children’s Health Defense, on Wednesday moved one step closer to seeking the Democratic nomination for U.S. president by filing the requisite paperwork with the Federal Election Commission. 

by Children’s Health Defense Staff, The Defender
April 6, 2023


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), on Wednesday moved one step closer to seeking the Democratic nomination for U.S. president by filing the requisite paperwork with the Federal Election Commission.

As of press time, Kennedy had not made an official announcement.

In an email sent earlier today by CHD Acting President Laura Bono to CHD members, Kennedy said:

“My top priority is to end the corrupt merger between state and corporate power that has ruined our economy, shattered the middle class, polluted our landscapes and waters, poisoned our children and robbed us of our values and freedom.”

Stating that these goals have always been “central to CHD’s mission,” Kennedy explained that he founded CHD “after parents concerned about the meteoric rise in childhood chronic diseases approached me time and time again, urging me to look beyond what mainstream media and government health agencies were telling the public about what was causing these increases.”

He said:

“After carefully reviewing the science, it was clear to me that vaccines and other toxic environmental exposures were inextricably linked to rising rates of autism, allergies, autoimmune disorders and a host of other conditions.

“I knew I could never turn my back on the children and families so profoundly affected by these exposures. My commitment to health freedom, preventing future injuries, unmasking those responsible and holding them accountable will never diminish.”

Kennedy, formerly chairman and chief litigation officer for CHD, is now the organization’s chairman-on-leave.

He is an environmental activist and attorney and founder of the Waterkeeper Alliance, the world’s largest clean water advocacy group with more than 300 local Waterkeeper groups, protecting water on six continents.

Time magazine named Kennedy its “Hero for the Planet” for his success in helping New York’s Riverkeeper group lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. The New York City watershed agreement, which Kennedy negotiated on behalf of environmentalists and New York City watershed consumers, is regarded as an international model in stakeholder consensus negotiations and sustainable development.

Kennedy has successfully litigated many cases against corporate polluters, including the landmark victories against Monsanto in 2018 and DuPont in 2019, in the contamination case that inspired the movie “Dark Waters” (2019).

He is the author of more than 10 books, including “American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family” and “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.”


This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense

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Possession Is Nine Tenths of Your Soul

Possession Is Nine Tenths of Your Soul


“Ultimately, the claim by the individual, the family, or the community to possess a house, a river, or a mountain, to be entitled to clean air or to healthy food that does not destroy the body, has been undermined by multinational interests who isolate individual from friends and family, from community members and like-minded people, thereby destroying any trace of belonging and encouraging a one-way hypnotic relationship with far off celebrities, cute pictures of fat cats, and glimpses of fashion and food, pornography and violence.”


by Emanuel Pastreich, Fear No Evil
April 6, 2023


The entire Earth is haunted by a specter, the specter of the complete possession of the human and the natural worlds by a band of unaccountable overlords. Those self-appointed global rulers, the billionaires, supported by the politicians and public intellectuals that they play with for sport, have carved out for themselves a separate reality where within they make up new rules for governance, local, national, and global, and then pass those rules down to us.

Central to this project is the radical alteration of the concept of possession.

Their audacious claim of possession of everything has been successful because it appears to be supported by all institutions of government, by universities and newspapers of repute, and other prominent international organizations which previously had legitimacy.

The billionaires have systematically laid down the foundations for this claim of ownership, using diverse tools, whether it be the control of our minds through constant bombardment with advertisements, the launch of natural assets companies (NAC) on Wall Street that claim private ownership of the oceans and the land, of the water and the air, of every aspect of the natural world, or  the ownership of our bodies through the patenting of DNA and the claim of the right to force citizens to accept injections of privately-patented substances that alter the physical, genetic, and psychological state of the individual.

Through some magic process at the World Economic Forum the imperative to become modern and to be competitive as part of some imagined fourth industrial revolution gives these unaccountable authorities complete possession of all aspects of our existence.

Such a claim to unlimited possession of everything only works if the concepts of possession that we have relied on from the distant past are erased and the citizen loses all sense of affiliation with local or national, ethnic or spiritual, roots that might offer an alternative concept of ownership.

The billionaires, above all, do not want any concept of ownership that is linked to a sense of belonging, or of participation. The concept that we own the land, the waters and the myriad plants and animals only in that we belong to that land and to those waters, and we are responsible to them, is a vision of our world with ancient roots which cannot be tolerated by the high priests of the World Economic Forum.

Unlimited possession by multinational corporations, and by the governments that they have taken over, can only be achieved if all sense of belonging for people is torn to shreds, leaving behind no organizations of substance that can oppose this takeover except for the toothless controlled opposition that the global elite have prepared for us in advance–the Jeffery Sachs and Warren Buffets of the world.

Belonging, after all, is the central concept of the United States Constitution. Without the imperative that the citizen must belong to the republic, the property rights defined by that document are reduced to a travesty. Such was the intended consequence of corporations replacing the citizen with the consumer and the Constitution with markets over the past four decades.

Ultimately, the claim by the individual, the family, or the community to possess a house, a river, or a mountain, to be entitled to clean air or to healthy food that does not destroy the body, has been undermined by multinational interests who isolate individual from friends and family, from community members and like-minded people, thereby destroying any trace of belonging and encouraging a one-way hypnotic relationship with far off celebrities, cute pictures of fat cats, and glimpses of fashion and food, pornography and violence.

Fashion magazines, TV dramas, movies, cartoon characters, and video games induce an indulgent narcissistic cult of the self within which the individual competes against everyone. Personal possessions, not community solidarity, become the primary goal in life.

The ability of unaccountable multinational corporations to own everything, from farmland to houses, from transportation and phone lines, to the internet and media, is rarely questioned, and an alternative system is never suggested by any public intellectual.

Gone from our society is sharing and cooperation, serving those less fortunate, or for standing together for the common good against the greedy few.

The battle ground was well prepared by the corporate consulting firms before the first shot was fired, so as to facilitate this horrific final takeover.

The disenfranchisement of entire populations is not new in human history, but the current project is unprecedented in its scale and in its speed. If we were to look for a parallel, the destruction of the civilizations of North and South America by the Spanish, the Portuguese, the French, and the English from the 16th century to the 19th century is most apposite.

Just as was true then, this time a handful of private interests (like Blackrock, the modern equivalent of the British East India Company) have set out to destroy all customs, learning, institutions, values, and concepts in the nations targeted. But this time it is not the Aztecs and the Iroquois who are being targeted. This time, all civilizations on the Earth are fair game in the radical shift of ownership being planned by supercomputers.

The wild bid of the billionaires to buy up all farmland in the United States, Ukraine, Russia, and most every country, using the fake money cooked up by multinational investors using the cover of the Federal Reserve, and other central banks, resembles the process by which England and Spain claimed ownership of the “New World” by magic, introducing the alien, and completely artificial, concept of real estate.

They made up their own maps back in London or Madrid, just as billionaires make up cryptocurrency and derivatives in London and New York, and then used those maps to claim ownership of vast swaths of forest and plains, mountains and bays. The key to their success was the use of false authority, backed by pay-to-play public intellectuals, to define who owned what.

It was a financial operation, and it was often a military operation when force was needed to assure acceptance of the new order. But above all, then and now, the takeover was an ideological operation, an epistemological move whereby the concept of ownership, and of nationhood, were violently, but silently, remade by the imperialists sitting in their lavish parlors.

The first step toward taking possession of everything today was for the billionaires to take control of money, and of the institutions that defined its value: the Federal Reserve, the Department of Treasury, departments of economics and business at universities, economic experts, and the newspapers of repute that report on the economy.

Once the institutions that define value were taken over, corporations could then employ authority figures in those institutions to convince the people that the stock market had a relationship to the economy, that the efforts of corporations benefited the citizen.

We were told that we must, following some obscure law of nature, invest our savings in the stock market, and that the “innovative” geniuses of Wall Street like Elon Musk are entitled, because of their claims to be working for the good of humanity, to take over everything in the human realm.

The current project was greatly facilitated by the destruction of the humanities in education in the 1980s. Our children ceased to receive education in the fundamentals of metaphysics, aesthetics, morality and epistemology—and in art, literature and history.

My high school had a philosophy club back in the 1980s. Such extracurricular activities for high school students are rare today. Instead,  mass-produced images are put out by multinational corporations like Apple and branded as, somehow, related to the humanities. In reality, the images of people engaged in artistic expression that are broadcast in IPhone commercials are simply a bid of corporations to lay claim to possession of individual expression of emotions and sentiments–to make creative acts a product that must be downloaded.

How did we get here?

When global capital shook off the chains that had been wound around its neck in the 1930s (and that required tremendous effort back then) it was able to bribe and to seduce intellectuals and policy makers so as to create an educational system that was engineered to destroy the capacity of the individual to understand how society functions, and to undermine the ability of the student for himself or herself. In the place of the temple education they erected a false palace of mirrors, filled with practical studies like economics, engineering, and public relations that are presented as more realistic than those fluffy humanities courses. But these new “practical” studies form a Trojan horse that is filled with an ideological soup mixing narcissism, consumption culture, short-term thinking, and scientism (the religion holding that science is an oracle presented by select authorities at blue chip institutions that cannot be questioned from below).

Economics and business administration, marketing and public relations are the new fields promoted by the rich that hold that growth and consumption are positives without a scrap of proof, and they create a mythical set of metrics for success in business that are less scientific than bloodletting techniques of the 18th century.

Four decades of our country stewing in this ungodly soup has produced a generation of highly-educated citizens who are good at taking tests and at following directions, but who are incapable of perceiving the manner in which society is manipulated in an ideological and aesthetic sense.

Unlike the intellectuals of the 1930s, the last time we ran into a crisis on this scale, current intellectuals are blind to ultimate causes, incapable of grasping class conflict, or ideological indoctrination, or the manipulation of the people by technology. In fact, AI, the primary weapon used to degrade the capacity of citizens to think independently, is promoted as a positive for society by treasonous intellectuals.

For pay-to-play intellectuals, scholarship means that facts are piled up in meaningless piles and then exchanged for grants from foundations. Distinguished scholars whose chairs are endowed by wealthy patrons with agendas to alter the nature of possession, gather at Princeton University or Brookings Institution to congratulate each other on their latest books.

The purpose of their research is to give legitimacy to the take over of everything by the few and thus rise in their careers, obtaining the public recognition in the corporate-controlled media that soothes their egos. They are not interested in understanding how the world works; they do not feel any moral responsibility beyond lining their own nests.

This criminal operation, reinforced by subliminal messages in advertising, in posters, and billboards, in TV commercials, or in television dramas and movies, tells us from childhood how we should define possession and belonging. We are told that wealth rightfully belongs to people who demonstrate no moral responsibility and live glamorous lives, consuming grotesque amounts of resources. They are to be envied and admired, we are told.

These images of consumerist possession possess us in the manner that one is possessed by an evil spirit.

There are no longer regulators or independent intellectuals out there to step forward to declare that manipulative advertising, deceptive education, is an assault on the ability of citizens to think for themselves. Few citizens are confident enough in their understanding of the world to recognize that this harmless advertising we see around us is, in fact, a war waged on our souls.

Possession has ceased to be defined by ancient customs and habits, by obligations and moral imperatives, or even by laws and regulations. Rather possession has become a magical state which is determined by those with the ability to alter perceptions. If Twitter, the New York Times, and Google announce that someone owns something, it becomes the truth: It becomes theirs.

In this new culture, one can possess objects instantaneously by ordering them over the internet. Just a few dollars of digital currency and it is yours. You are encouraged to possess things that are insubstantial, like castles in Mine-craft. For many, the objects possessed virtually seems more substantial than any real object.

But such possessions can be taken away just as easily by unaccountable forces. And there is no rule, no means to appeal, in the digital transactions that increasingly define possession.

Just miss a few payments for your mortgage, or fall behind on your bill for internet service, and suddenly you are homeless and cut off from the world. Faceless and unaccountable powers are empowered to determine what you can and cannot do.

In effect the house, the computer, the internet service and everything else you supposedly possess is ultimately owned by the banks and you have only conditional rights to use them as long as you conform to certain conventions.

Possession has become radically tangential, unbearably contingent, and tantalizingly ephemeral.

Now that possession only exists for the citizen in an abstract manner, while all the tools that define possession are controlled by private IT firms that determine our online communication, and increasingly control local and central government as well, we have been primed for the final stage of disenfranchisement: the introduction of digital currencies that will allow hidden powers to stop possession with the flip of a switch.

A brief history of possession

Let us consider the transformation of possession that took place over the last three hundred years. Ancient peoples lived in small groups and the land was common to them. The home was private property in the sense that it had belonged to the family for generations, but no individual was free to do whatever he pleased with the land he or she inhabited. The individual was part of a family and the family, as part of the community, was but custodian of the land for future generations.

Possession could not be separated from belonging. You belonged to the land, to the mountains and the rivers, as much as, or more than, you possessed them.

The growth of international trade in the seventeenth century, the concentration of wealth in the hands of bankers and merchants in the 18th century, the displacement of farmers from their lands through the enclosure acts in Britain and elsewhere from that time, and the emergence of workers dependent on paid work in factories in the 19th and 20th centuries who did not own anything, could not produce their own food, and did not belong to any social institution or organization, revolutionized the concept of possession.

New technologies undid, or undermined, the ancient technologies for growing crops, forging iron, blowing glass, weaving clothes, cobbling shoes, and generating energy by wind, water, or horse.

All around the Earth, land that had belonged to the people, who also belonged to it, became the property of strangers, of far off nations, and of “corporations” and “trusts” –opaque organizations that protected owners from any personal responsibility.

Along the way, the pseudo-scientific discipline of geography took hold in the universities of London and Paris, Berlin and Boston, an academic field wherein powerful people in cities made up maps with pretty colors that define where nations start and end, which corporation, or which individual, owned enormous swaths of Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Oceania.

Those empowered by this seizure, were refined and educated men, wearing three-piece suits when they gathered at the club for gin and tonics, surrounded by scholarly books and exquisite paintings.They then had their classmates from Oxford and Princeton pass laws in their national assemblies, that made the mountains and rivers, the fields and bays, the islands and peninsulas of far off lands suddenly theirs. It was a ridiculous magic trick that was justified by using the cloak of science and the fairy tale of civilization.

The destruction of traditional concepts of possession by a tiny handful of colonialists between the seventeenth century and the nineteenth century, is immediately relevant to us because the current push to disenfranchise and destroy the mass of humanity today follows virtually that same game plan.

The cult of the new made long-term relations with places and things less important, even a burden to those who wished to be “modern,” to be fashionable.

Suddenly, a two-hundred year old house in one’s native village is worth less than a tiny apartment in the city with which one has no connection at all.

This new apartment offers a television and air conditioning, but it could be easily taken away through the use of eminent domain, rigged-up bankruptcy, or any number of tricks.

The shift in the nature of possession is also a product of the promotion of trade. The growth of global trade routes and supply chains, invisible to all but the specialists, has created a real economy, following strict rules that is never described in any newspaper.

Corporations outsource manufacturing to the far corners of the Earth not simply so as to take advantage of low labor costs, but also so as to take complete control of how things are made, distributed, and sold. There is no recourse the citizen can take in response to the horrific economic implications of how products are produced before they arrive at Walmart.

And in this new economy there is no space for a craftsman, a farmer, or a carpenter–none of the profits find their way back to the community. Almost all profits go to the billionaires hiding behind the corporations.

Mass production is held up, without a scrap of scientific data, as a sign of human progress. A society in which the necessities of daily life are produced by strangers, often offshore, through unaccountable corporations, is presented to our children as an ideal.

The makers of things and the users of things have been separated by an unbridgeable chasm.

To put it simply, the means of production, distribution, advertising, and consumption have been completely possessed by the billionaires.

This possession takes the form of invisible network of global manufacturing, logistics, distribution, and retail sales, that is supported by the private banks that underwrite the entire game.

No political candidate of the left or the right will even mention this possession of the entire system when running for office.

Money, not the ancestors, nor the traditions of the village, nor ethical imperatives to be a good son, mother, or neighbor, has become the only determinant of ownership–and that money is itself a chimera cooked up by the central banks.

When philosophy was murdered in the educational system and extirpated from intellectual discourse, when citizens were torn away from nature, from agriculture, and from communities violently as part of a new culture of modernity that glorified the radical dependence of the individual on systems of production that were controlled by corporations, on money controlled by banks, they wandered out into the swamp of slavery.

But the posters around them, the popular Hollywood movies they watch, suggest that personal freedom, and true self-expression, can only be achieved by becoming dependent on a money economy.

As a result, most of us pass our days without asking ourselves what possession means.

Of course, you might answer, we possess our clothes, our furniture, the computers and the software that we use at work, the house in which we live, and that ownership is protected by laws. Our bodies are ours and we are free to choose what we buy and where we live.

That form of possession is fool’s gold. Merely default on a loan, even though the money that the bank loaned you was made up from thin air by that bank, and you will find that you do not own anything.

Debt is roped to possession. Everything you might desire to possess, and the commercial media from morning to evening is set on brainwashing you into believing that you must possess, requires that you borrow money to obtain it.

You have no choice but to take that loan in order to get the education necessary to find employment, or to buy the automobile you need to go to work.

The banks and the corporations are authorized to penalize you for nonpayment of these loans, and to fine you as they see fit for late payments. You have no right to demand anything in the “contracts” you must sign to get the loans required.

They can easily force us to sell all your possessions so as to avoid homelessness and destitution. In many cases, the banks are authorized to take those items from us using the police. And the police are authorized to seize your possessions on the flimsiest excuse.

Your right of possession as a citizen is radically tangential, but the possession of banks and multinational corporations is assumed to be legitimate even when it is obtained using dubious assets like stocks, derivatives and stocks. These mythical creatures create value by employing authority, media coverage and on occasion, the threat of force.

Yet, as unreal as these products may be, the system is set up so that they can be used by institutional investors as collateral to buy up the land that we use to grow food, to control the energy that we need to move, or to heat our homes, and to monopolize everything of value in the world through acts of black magic.

Armies of economics professors and business journalists line up to give this occult form of transsubstantiation a veneer of legitimacy. The primary job of experts in economics is to convince us that the stock market, Wall Street, represents the economy, and that the rise and fall of those stocks reflects our well being–not the profits of the rich.

But this Wall Street magic is not magic at all. They create inflation for the rest of us by devaluing the money in our bank accounts; They set up a series of financial crises for ordinary people that allows the rich to use the funny money pumped into the stock market by the Federal Reserve to buy up stock, or to buy up the real estate that the little people are forced to sell.

The trillions of dollars that the billionaires created in this massive Ponzi scheme called the stock market, along with trillions of dollars more produced by money laundering through the military, allows them, using their various holding companies, not only to take possession of real things like land and water, food and mineral resources, housing and transportation systems.

It also allows them to hire advertising firms, consulting groups, and politicians to redefine the nature of possession so that their power will be unlimited and we will be slowly reduced to slavery.

Possession is the true name of the game.

Our last stand

Sadly, the more brazen the grab for possession of everything grows, the more passive and confused the population becomes. The shifts are so dramatic, so overwhelming, that most are lost in the mad rush forward.

Following the fictions fed to them in the media, many see Warren Buffett or Elon Musk, not as criminals trying to destroy humanity, but as models of how one can grow wealthy and independent by being innovative. The enemy of humanity are painted as a concerned friends.

We have entered the critical period when the last traces of freedom and belonging are being swept into the ash bin of history. All that will be left will be possession by the few and the resulting slavery for the many.

Will we have the self-awareness and bravery to make a stand?


Connect with Emanuel Pastreich

Cover image credit: difrats

Health Officials Delayed Report Linking Fluoride to Brain Harm

Health Officials Delayed Report Linking Fluoride to Brain Harm

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
April 2, 2023


  • The release of the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity was blocked by government officials and concealed from the public since May 2022
  • Fluoride Action Network’s lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban the deliberate addition of fluoridating chemicals to U.S. drinking water has been on hold waiting for the release of the NTP report
  • Prior to the NTP report’s scheduled release in May 2022, it was shared with members of dental groups like the American Dental Association, which urged officials to alter the report
  • After a court order, the NTP report was released, showing that out of 55 studies included, 52 found that increased fluoride exposure was associated with decreases in child IQ
  • The meta-analysis noted that no safe exposure level could be confirmed, including exposure to fluoride levels found in artificially fluoridated water

In 2015, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention labeled community water fluoridation as one of the 10 greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.1 To this day, relatively few consumers are aware of water fluoridation’s sordid history or the battle that’s been going on behind the scenes to get this toxin out of U.S. drinking water.

I’ve been warning of the risks for well over a decade and have been ridiculed as a result. In one example from 2013, an article published by mainstream media outlet Slate scoffed at the idea of fluoride as a neurotoxin, insulting me directly in the process.2

Vindication is upon us, however, following the court-ordered release of the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity — a release that was blocked by government officials and concealed from the public since May 2022.3

Fluoride Lawsuit Delayed for Years, Waiting on NTP Report

Paul Connett, Ph.D., executive director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), has been instrumental in catalyzing the movement to remove fluoride from water supplies in the U.S. as well as internationally. FAN filed a historic lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in federal court.

In 2016, FAN and coalition partners filed a petition asking the EPA to ban the deliberate addition of fluoridating chemicals to U.S. drinking water under Section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

The EPA dismissed FAN’s petition, prompting the lawsuit challenging the EPA’s denial. Although the EPA filed a motion to dismiss the case, the motion was denied by the court in 2017.4 The trial was held in June 2020, but the judge was unable to make a final ruling.5

At the time, he requested more information, including the NTP’s systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity, as well as the benchmark dose analysis of fluoride’s neurotoxicity.6 Status hearings for the case have been delayed since. In December 2021, an update from FAN explained:7

“The document the Court wanted was the systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity from the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP). The NTP spent 4-5 years and at least a million dollars to produce two draft systematic reviews8 on fluoride’s neurotoxicity. Both draft reviews stated, ‘NTP concludes that fluoride is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans.’

However, on February 9, 2021, seven months after the trial ended, the NTP wrote a private statement, not released to the press or to the public, that it would not complete its systematic review.

Instead, NTP wrote that it would do a ‘state of the science’ report on fluoride’s neurotoxicity. The public learned of NTP’s private statement after lawyers representing the U.S. EPA in the TSCA trial submitted it into the record on February 22, 2021 …

The National Toxicology Program is well aware that the Court is waiting for its document. The presumption is that powerful forces within the National Institutes of Health were behind the ending of the NTP’s systematic review and that they may be involved in the ‘state of the science’ report as well.”

Multiple delays, including cancelations and rescheduling, followed, with the EPA continuing to ask that the trial be delayed indefinitely until NTP published the report.

Finally, at a January 2023 hearing, FAN reported, “the judge acknowledged that “justice delayed is justice denied,” ultimately ruling against them. The court directed the plaintiffs and defendants to start the process of adjudicating whether the final NTP report and accompanying agency comments ought to be made public in preparation for the final phase of the trial.”9

Dental Groups Urged Officials to Alter NTP Fluoride Report

Reports suggest that prior to the NTP report’s scheduled release in May 2022, it was shared with members of dental groups like the American Dental Association. Linda Birnbaum, who was NTP director until 2019, said the report was set to be released until, “They were blocked.” Capital & Main reported a clear conflict, as dental groups got ahold of the NTP report and worried its findings would threaten the future of water fluoridation:10

“Leading up to the report’s intended release, individuals from dental organizations including the American Dental Association (ADA) scrutinized the report’s scientific credibility in communications with staff from other dental groups and health agencies including the National Institutes of Health and the NTP, divisions of HHS, records show.

This January, Birnbaum issued a scathing legal declaration as part of the lawsuit, writing, ‘The decision to set aside the results of an external peer review process based on concerns expressed by agencies with strong policy interests on fluoride suggests the presence of political interference in what should be a strictly scientific endeavor.’

… If federal health agencies shared the report with outside organizations, ‘That was completely inappropriate,’ said Birnbaum. ‘It’s either everybody gets a chance to look at it, or only very restricted government entities,’ Birnbaum added. ‘That trust, I would say, was broken.’

In a February 2022 email to various senior health officials including HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, ADA senior manager for strategic advocacy and public policy Robert Burns asked the NTP to ‘exclude — or carefully consider how to characterize — any lingering neurotoxin claims’ from the upcoming report.

He wrote that ‘such claims are often taken out of context,’ and might ‘undermine national, state, and local efforts to expand community water fluoridation’ at the CDC’s recommended levels.”

NTP Report — 52 of 55 Studies Link Fluoride to Lower IQ

So, what did the NTP report11 reveal about fluoride’s neurotoxicity? Out of 55 studies included in the review, 52 found that increased fluoride exposure was associated with decreases in child IQ.

“Our meta-analysis confirms results of previous meta-analyses and extends them by including newer, more precise studies … The data support a consistent inverse association between fluoride exposure and children’s IQ,” the report found.12 While some have stated that the data only apply to water fluoride concentrations above those commonly found in U.S. drinking water, NTP didn’t agree, stating:13

“We do not agree with this comment … our assessment considers fluoride exposures from all sources, not just water … because fluoride is also found in certain foods, dental products, some pharmaceuticals, and other sources … Even in the optimally fluoridated cities … individual exposure levels … suggest widely varying total exposures from water combined with fluoride from other sources.

… We have no basis on which to state that our findings are not relevant to some children or pregnant people in the United States … Several of the highest quality studies showing lower IQs in children were done in optimally fluoridated (0.7 mg/L) areas…many urinary fluoride measurements exceed those that would be expected from consuming water that contains fluoride at 1.5 mg/L.”

No Safe Level of Fluoride in Water

The report also identified a drop of about seven IQ points over a fluoride range of 0.2 to 1.5 mg/L, which a peer reviewer described as “substantial … That’s a big deal.”14 The meta-analysis noted that no safe exposure level could be confirmed, including exposure to fluoride levels found in artificially fluoridated water.15 The next hearing for FAN’s lawsuit against the EPA is set for April 11, 2023.16

FAN obtained documents via the Freedom of Information Act that further showed dental groups’ attempts to “water down the report.” FAN explained:17

“When the NTP held firm, these agencies got HHS Assistant Administrator Rachel Levine to block its release. Only one historical example exists of an NTP report being blocked from release, a report on the carcinogenicity of asbestos-contaminated talc.

Talc industry groups conducted an aggressive lobbying campaign, enlisting friendly congresspeople to intervene. FAN was able to force today’s release of the NTP report by using leverage from the ongoing lawsuit against the EPA.

Fluoridation defenders have falsely claimed draft versions of the report had been ‘rejected’ by a National Academies committee. In fact, the committee recommended that NTP clarify their methods and reasoning for reaching their conclusions because the issue was considered so contentious. The NTP has done that in the report …

There is now little question that a large body of scientific evidence supports a conclusion that fluoride can lower child’s IQ, including at exposure levels from fluoridated water … With the release of this report, dental interests may have to rethink their denial of the evidence that fluoridation can reduce children’s IQ.”

97% of Western Europe Has Rejected Water Fluoridation

If the U.S. got it wrong about water fluoridation after declaring it a top public health achievement, it makes you wonder what else they’re wrong about. And it’s important to understand that water fluoridation is not the norm worldwide. In fact, 97% of people living in western Europe drink nonfluoridated water, including those in: Austria

Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland
Fluoride in drinking water is an industrial waste product from the phosphate fertilizer industry.19 More than 300 studies have shown fluoride’s toxic effects on the brain,20 including 2006 National Research Council review that suggested fluoride exposure may be associated with brain damage, endocrine system disruption and bone cancer.21

In 2012, Harvard researchers also revealed that children living in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas22 and suggested high fluoride exposure may have an adverse effect on children’s neurodevelopment.

A study of Mexican women and children also raised concern, showing that higher exposure to fluoride while in utero is associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in childhood, both at the age of 4 and 6 to 12 years.23

Each 0.5 milligram per liter increase in pregnant women’s fluoride levels was associated with a reduction of 3.15 and 2.5 points on the children’s scores on the General Cognitive Index (GCI) of the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities and the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI), respectively.

Fluorosilicic acid, which is the fluoride chemical added to drinking water, may also be contaminated with additional harmful compounds, including lead and arsenic. Children, in particular, are at risk from ingesting fluoride, but they are exposed to the same levels in drinking water as adults. According to Steven Gilbert, Ph.D., founder and director of the Institute of Neurotoxicology and Neurological Disorders:24

“From the 1950s the PHS [Public Health Service] recommendation for the concentration of fluoridated water has been 1.0 mg/L (milligrams per liter or ppm) for most of the U.S., with a range of 0.7 to 1.2 mg/L. In 2015, this recommendation was lowered to 0.7 mg/L to reduce the toxic side effects of fluoride ingestion while attempting to maintain its beneficial effects.

For toxicological assessment, ingested doses are typically adjusted by body weight. Kids eat more, breathe more, and drink more than adults on a body weight basis so they will have higher fluoride doses than adults. Moreover, child organ systems such as the brain and bones are still developing, making them more vulnerable to the toxic effects of fluoride.”

Hopefully, now that the NTP review has been released, the truth about water fluoridation’s toxicity will come out, and the archaic practice can be ended in the U.S. and worldwide.

Help End the Practice of Fluoridation

There’s no doubt about it: Fluoride should not be ingested. Even scientists from the EPA’s National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory have classified fluoride as a “chemical having substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity.”

Furthermore, according to screenings conducted for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 65% of American adolescents now have dental fluorosis — unattractive discoloration and mottling of the teeth that indicate overexposure to fluoride — up from 41% a decade ago. Clearly, children are continuing to be overexposed, and their health and development put in jeopardy. Why?

The only real solution is to stop the archaic practice of artificial water fluoridation in the first place. Fortunately, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), has a game plan to END fluoridation worldwide.

Clean pure water is a prerequisite to optimal health. Industrial chemicals, drugs and other toxic additives really have no place in our water supplies. So please, protect your drinking water and support the fluoride-free movement by making a tax-deductible donation to the Fluoride Action Network today.

Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More

I encourage you to visit the website of the Fluoride Action Network and visit the links below:

Sources and References

Dawn Lester: On Ticks, Germs, Viruses, Pathogens and the Fear of Things We Don’t Understand

Dawn Lester: On Ticks, Germs, Viruses, Pathogens and the Fear of Things We Don’t Understand


“It is abundantly clear that the incessant reporting about so-called ‘pathogens’ that can ‘infect’ us, continues to promulgate the idea that ‘viruses’ are not only real, but they are also pathogenic and therefore pose a risk to our health. This serves to keep many people confused and fearful – which is of course part of the intention of such reporting.”


Here we go again…..

by Dawn Lester, Dawn’s Writings
April 6, 2023


An article posted on the BBC website on 5th April caught my eye because it provides yet another example of why it is so important to not only expose the lies about ‘viruses’ being pathogens, but to also refute the claims by many voices in the ‘alternative health movement’ that the ‘no virus’ position is divisive and of no real importance.

I strongly disagree that it is divisive and of no importance.

In fact, I would say that it is absolutely central to our ability to live in freedom that we understand that there is no evidence for the existence of a pathogenic ‘virus’ – or any other so-called ‘germ’ for that matter – because it enables us to live without fear and to take responsibility for our own health.

The aforementioned BBC article, entitled Rare tick disease found in England, health officials say, begins with the following claim,

“A virus carried by ticks, which is common in many parts of the world, is now present in the UK and health officials are reminding the public how to avoid bites from the tiny bugs.”

The idea that it is ‘now’ present in the UK would seem to be contradicted by a later statement in the article,

“But the tick species which carries the virus is widespread in the UK.”

There are similarities with the claims about this tick and those about the mosquitoes that are claimed to cause malaria, because they are also said to be widespread in the UK; a situation that raises the obvious question: Why are there no cases of malaria in the UK? Maybe they have not yet added malaria to their list of ‘diseases’ to scare us with!! But if they do, rest assured I am ready with my rebuttal!

The problem with ticks is claimed to be that they could cause tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), although the BBC article states that the risk is ‘low’. Which raises the question of what is the purpose of this article if the risk of health problems is low? I would suggest it is merely another fear-mongering exercise!

There are other similarities with these ticks and mosquitoes, one of which is that they are not born with ‘viruses’, but, according to a page entitled The Lifecycle of a Blacklegged (Deer) Tick on the TickTalk website,

“Ticks do not hatch with any diseases or infections, however the smaller animals that they typically feed on at this stage of their life can carry disease-causing pathogens.”

Note the use of the word ‘can’ with respect to the ability of the animals they feed on to carry pathogens.

The web page also makes the statement that,

“If a larva feeds on an infected animal, the pathogen can be transmitted to the tick and they become a carrier.”

It is interesting that a so-called ‘infection’ can happen in both directions because, according to the BBC article,

“While feeding, they can transmit viruses and infections that cause disease, with the most common being Lyme disease – a bacterial infection which can be treated with antibiotics.”

The vital question that needs to be asked is: Where is the evidence that animals carry the ‘pathogens’ in the first place and that these ‘pathogens’ are passed to ticks during a blood meal?

I won’t hold my breath waiting for the answer.

However, it should be noted that there is to be increased ‘testing’, as the BBC article states,

“The UK Health Security Agency has recommended changes to testing in hospital so that any new cases can be picked up quickly.

Enhanced surveillance for the virus is now being carried out in England and Scotland, where there is one probable case of tick-borne encephalitis.”

Unsurprisingly, the types of ‘test’ used seem to be either PCR or antigen tests, neither of which have been proven to be able to detect the existence of a pathogen or to show that a pathogen was the cause of a person’s health problem.

Another really interesting question that does not seem to be asked – or answered – is: How can the tick transmit a virus that is said to cause serious health problems to a human but not be adversely affected itself? To simply state that the tick is a ‘carrier’ is woefully inadequate and parallels the nonsense of ‘asymptomatic carriers’, which I have discussed in earlier articles.

Furthermore, there is no explanation for the claim that the tick is able to receive a ‘virus’ from the few drops of blood it draws from an ‘infected’ animal. Surely the odds of that happening are minuscule – unless the animal is riddled with ‘viruses’, in which case the animal would be extremely ill, according to the mainstream view of ‘infections’. This clearly makes no sense.

Nor is there proof for the claim about the process by which the ‘virus’ passes to a human host when the tick is drawing blood, because this would involve the virus travelling to the human body from the tick’s body, which is in the opposite direction to the flow of blood.

There is an attempt at an explanation of this process in a 2013 study article entitled Tick salivary compounds: their role in modulation of host defences and pathogen transmission, which states that,

“Pathogens exploit tick salivary molecules for their survival and multiplication in the vector and transmission to and establishment in the hosts.”

The answer to the question about transmission is that no ‘virus’ does this; because, as I have repeatedly shown, there is no evidence for the existence of ‘pathogenic viruses’.

I am not denying that tick bites cause reactions and can make some people feel unwell and experience various symptoms.

Although I cannot possibly speculate on what does cause these problems, I can share some information I have found.

The first piece of information involves the use of ‘insect repellants’, such as DEET, which is recommended by the NHS. Interestingly, it is claimed that scientists do not know how DEET works to repel insects. Although DEET has not been found to be particularly toxic, it has been found to be an irritant, which may explain why some people react to this substance.

I would strongly suggest, therefore, that people research the ingredients of insect repellants before using them, as it is possible that these chemicals enter the body through the open wound of the tick bite and thereby cause a reaction.

It is also reported, such as in the 2013 study article mentioned above, that ticks inject ‘salivary molecules’ into the host to ‘modulate’ the response. Maybe some people react strongly to these ‘molecules’ for various reasons, which may depend on the overall health of their body.

There is, however, another aspect to this fear-mongering about ticks, which is an alleged connection to ‘climate change’, as can be seen in this comment in the BBC article,

“They speculate that infected ticks may have been brought into the UK by migratory birds because of climate change.”

This is nonsense!

I am NOT denying that the climate changes. What I am denying is the claim that human activities are driving changes in the climate as the result of increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. There is no evidence to support such a claim.

What I would also like to emphasise is that the environment has been and is still being damaged; but a substantial proportion of that damage is due to pollutants, none of it is caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide. In fact, carbon dioxide is essential for life – without it, plants would die; and so would we.

Do people who are making every effort to reduce their ‘carbon footprint’ not understand this?

I will return to the topic of ‘climate change’ at some stage because again we are being made to fear the wrong ‘enemy’.

Back to the ‘ticks’. The most important point to make is that they are not ‘infected’ with any virus or bacterium that can be transmitted to humans or animals and make them ill.

Bacteria, which are claimed to be the cause of Lyme disease, another ‘tick-borne disease’, have similarly never been proven to be the cause of any disease. This is important because the NHS website advises people, if bitten, to,

“…clean the bite area with antibacterial wash/soap and water, and monitor it for several weeks for any changes.”

Antibacterial products are, by their very nature, toxic and therefore harmful. The application of antibacterial substances is another likely cause of health problems after a bite.

It is abundantly clear that the incessant reporting about so-called ‘pathogens’ that can ‘infect’ us, continues to promulgate the idea that ‘viruses’ are not only real, but they are also pathogenic and therefore pose a risk to our health. This serves to keep many people confused and fearful – which is of course part of the intention of such reporting.

And it is for this reason that people need to recognise that they are being made to fear ‘germs’ – an invisible ‘enemy’. But, in the case of a ‘virus’, this enemy has never been proven to exist in the way it is described.

I would dearly love to write about other topics, but the ‘germ theory’ lie needs to be dismantled – once and for all – a task that I do not accept is unimportant or ‘divisive’.

I hope you agree.


Connect with Dawn Lester

Cover image credit: Nel_Botha-NZ
(Photo of oxpeckers, native to sub-Saharan Africa. They feed on ticks, larvae
and other parasites that infest large mammals such as the giraffe shown in the image.)

Contaminated Food Supply Contributing Cause to Live Blood Analysis Findings in Unvaccinated? Darkfield Blood Analysis on Grocery Meat Products

Contaminated Food Supply Contributing Cause to Live Blood Analysis Findings in Unvaccinated? Darkfield Blood Analysis on Grocery Meat Products

by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
April 2, 2023


A colleague of mine, Dr. David Jernigan treats vaccine injured patients successfully in Tennessee. He called me after I posted the results on Infrared Spectroscopy and electrical conductivity of live blood and confirmed all of my findings. He shared with me, that a short time ago some family members were eating meat and got very ill from it. Dr. Jernigan had developed a method to capture the frequency from a vaccinated rubbery clot of a deceased person and has developed a scientific way for detecting that frequency. He checked his ill family member, who tested positive. Then he checked the meat they ate and it had the same frequency of the cadaver blood clot. Subsequently he went to his local grocery store and checked meat products, and both organic and inorganic beef meats had the same frequency emission. He wanted me to go buy meat at my grocery store and do live blood analysis on different products to confirm his findings.

I have been wondering why I have been seeing every unvaccinated person in my office with contaminated blood. I have also seen an increasing amount of people with persistent severe diarrhea, that is lasting for months, but turns out to be negative when tested for ova and parasites or stool cultures for bacteria. I was suspecting vaccine shedding, chemtrail spraying, nasal swabs, masks, and contamination through synthetic biology named “ Covid and Long Covid”. Many are saying that what we are seeing in the blood are parasites, but they are not. They are self assembly hydrogel based synthetic life forms, more akin to microplastics but biologically engineered.

This morning I went to a local grocery store and bought different meats that had some visible blood in the package that I could analyze. I was also curious about milk products. Here are my results:

This is a milk product:

It appears to me that our food supply – in particular animal products – is contaminated with similar structures we find in human blood. Dr. Jernigan did frequency testing on fruits and vegetables and did not get a positive signal. I encourage others to do the same research and replicate my findings. This would explain to me why I see these live blood structures in everyone. It does not matter if the products are organic or not.

The next step is to find a local source and maybe do live blood analysis on cows or pigs. If they are contaminated even if unvaccinated, then this may be environmental, possibly via geoengineering spraying. The implications for humanity are profound. I asked my colleague Dr. David Nixon in Australia to replicate my findings, and we will ask Matt Taylor in Ecuador and Shimon Yanowitz in Israel. We need to verify these findings around the world. I will continue working with Dr. Jernigan.


Connect with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea

Michael Clarage: Questioning Our Understanding of DNA — The Electrical Shaping of Biology

Michael Clarage: Questioning Our Understanding of DNA — The Electrical Shaping of Biology
“The story of DNA that we grew up with—and still teach our children—is not only wrong, it’s harmful to our spirit because it gives us a false understanding of ourselves and our relationship to the universe.”


TCTL editor’s note:

Below you will find a lecture (parts 1 and 2) given by Michael Clarage of The Thunderbolts Project, as found at Thunderbolts youtube channel.

With all the questions out there related to the toxic mRNA vaccines as well as work in gene-editing, etc., it feels important to take a step back and question what we really know.  

Most who read this website fully understand that we have been lied to since birth — held captive within belief systems that involve collaboration between established science, religion, governments, education, etc. We are learning that we know little about the real history of this planet, much less our own countries. 

Michael Clarage is not alone in questioning what we know about DNA. Biology itself is certainly not what we’ve been told it is. 

Below the videos, you will find transcripts. At this site, we create transcripts for selected videos because written word is powerful and easier to reference than a video. To set ourselves free from the straight-jacket paradigms, we have to look around us and ask “Is this really true?” about every “established fact”, belief and dogma out there. The more we question and explore, the freer become. ~ Kathleen


“On a more personal note, the Levin lab results are terrifying to me because, here we are again bumbling into areas we do not understand with tools too powerful for us to wield with wisdom.
“Has this new technology allowed us to add beauty to the world? Not so far.
“To date, we are only making grotesque monsters with legs growing out of their heads. The poor creatures live, somehow, and it turns my stomach to imagine that.
“I’m afraid we are right back where we were with the DNA story.
“We knew that mucking with the DNA will cause monsters. And now we know that mucking with the electric fields will cause monsters.”
~ Michael Clarage


Michael Clarage: Electrical Shaping of Biology

In this first episode of a two-part presentation, we begin with an open question in biology—how do the shapes of creatures come about?

How does a certain frog species obtain its particular shape and not some other?

How do its legs and toes and claws always get their particular shape and not some other?

We repeat the 70 year-old idea that DNA alone somehow determines everything, though there is surprisingly little evidence.

The story of DNA that we grew up with—and still teach our children—is not only wrong, it’s harmful to our spirit because it gives us a false understanding of ourselves and our relationship to the universe.

Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of The SAFIRE Project Michael Clarage, PhD, highlights some of the evidence for the role of electricity in how plant and animal shapes come to be, and the role of electric fields in how inorganic objects obtain their shapes.


 Michael Clarage: Electrical Form and Function

We examine three fundamental questions in the second episode of this two-part presentation.

Is matter even capable of organizing itself?

Where do form and shape come from?

Can form exist without matter?

Researching the origin of forms in Nature for several decades, Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of The SAFIRE Project, Michael Clarage, PhD, has found none of our current sciences very good at describing how forms arise.

Be it geology, physics, chemistry, biology, or astronomy, there is a substantial amount of hand-waving when it comes to describing how form occurs.

Dr. Clarage conveys a powerful and profound idea. When your purpose changes, your shape changes. Purpose is causal. It makes things happen and presents a more useful and meaningful cosmology for all.


Connect with The Thunderbolts Project

Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light editor:


Electrical Shaping of Biology

An open question in biology is how do the shapes of creatures come about?

How does, for example, a certain frog species obtain its particular shape and not some other? How do its legs and toes and claws always get their particular shape and not some other? The same question for all the internal bits, the spine, the liver, the brain.

How do each of these always come to the same shape and interconnect in the same way, particular for this species and no other?

Most textbooks still repeat the 70-year-old idea that the DNA alone somehow determines everything. Though there is surprisingly little evidence for this.

I would like to highlight some of the evidence for the role of electricity in how plant and animal shapes come to be and also ay a few words about the role of electric fields in how inorganic objects obtain their shapes.

I was motivated to give this talk after reading about the work of the Michael Levin lab at Tufts University in Boston.

For more than a decade, the lab of Doctor Levin has been overturning some long-held beliefs about how biological shapes arise.

Back in the late 1950s, when DNA was being discovered and its role was starting to be understood, Watson and Crick championed the idea that the DNA determines everything about the organism. They call this the central dogma of biology.

For the past 70 years, most textbooks and funding have unquestioningly followed this dogma. It is a form of predeterminism all over again, since it assumes that the information flows only one way from the DNA out and nothing an organism could do would ever change that.

Crick was very vocal that finally he, a mere man, had once and for all eliminated the need for a god or any intelligence in the universe, since everything about us flows from our DNA.

Bombastic cheekiness aside, we can still run experiments to test the idea.

Over the past 70 years, many thousands of experiments have been run to elucidate the role of DNA in developmental biology. But try as we might, we could never show that genes actually create any forms.

What exactly in the DNA determines that an arm be shaped just so and not otherwise?

How is the inside of the mouth formed just right to know with the nose above and the throat below?

Search the literature and you will find that the best we can do is to show that disabling certain sections of DNA will cause some body part to form incorrectly, but this does not mean that the DNA is causing the form of that body part.

I was always surprised at such sloppy thinking.

That would be like me showing that I can prevent you from driving to the store if I give you a flat tire. Correct. You cannot drive to the store if you have a flat tire, but the tire was never the cause of you going to the store.

Just because mucking with some DNA causes an arm to form incorrectly does not mean that the genes cause the shape of the arm.

Using a cooking metaphor, which is surprisingly accurate, ingredients do not by themselves cause anything. You need a recipe that tells you what to do with the ingredients. And what is the meal? How many people are you cooking for? What is the order of the evening? All that makes a real difference.

Our genes do not necessarily tell our bodies what to make or when to make it. These decisions are made mostly outside the genes.

Everyone should know that we do not really understand DNA.

Every decade, the advanced textbooks need to be rewritten because we find out that the system is way more complicated than we previously thought.

What we call genes are really a very small part of the total DNA. Genes are that small part of the code that contain the blueprint for building proteins.

We still do not know what most of the DNA does. The collection of all the genes in your DNA is much like a giant ingredient list.

If you had a cookbook of all the recipes you could ever make and you made an index of all the ingredients needed for all those recipes, that is what the genes are.

All the blueprints for how to make each of the ingredients you might ever need. But again, genes constitute only a very small part of the DNA.

The work in Doctor Levins lab is impressive by any measure. These are virtuoso level skills. They alter the DNA of individual cells to change the number of ion pumps the cell makes for itself. This makes these particular cells more or less electrically polarized relative to what they would have been in the wild type.

At certain times in the development of the embryo, if enough cells in one place can be tricked into creating just the right electrical alterations, then body parts will grow in that location. An eye will grow inside of a stomach. A toe might grow on an elbow.

The 70-year-old central dogma of biology states that DNA, isolated inside the nucleus causes all shapes and forms to appear.

What does Levin’s result show? That an electric field external to the nucleus cause the shapes and forms to appear when and where they did.

It does not mean that the fields create the form itself, but it does mean that the field can cause the shape to appear.

What does this mean for the central dogma? Things get really tricky because Dr. Levin is altering the genes in the cells which cause more ion channels to form on the cell wall, which causes a different electrical potential of the cell relative to its surroundings.

So you could argue that the DNA is controlling everything, but the argument has become muddied.

Why does the entire eye form in the electrified location and not just pieces of an eye? And how is it that we instinctually know that the eye should not be in the stomach?

In Levin’s cancer research, they show that changing wild type electrical fields can start and stop cancer cell growth.

Highly malleable cells such as stem cells and cancer cells, have less defined electrical potentials relative to their surroundings.

Whereas healthy, mature cells have higher electrical potentials.

One of the hallmarks of cancer cells is that they have lost their relationship to the larger body. They are an out-of-control growth of cells that are part of nothing. They have no function beyond their self interests.

Here Levin’s results come very close to actually disproving Crick’s central dogma with regard to the form and function since electric fields, external to the nucleus, can destroy all form and function.

On a more personal note, the Levin lab results are terrifying to me because, here we are again bumbling into areas we do not understand with tools too powerful for us to wield with wisdom.

Has this new technology allowed us to add beauty to the world? Not so far.

To date, we are only making grotesque monsters with legs growing out of their heads. The poor creatures live, somehow, and it turns my stomach to imagine that.

I’m afraid we are right back where we were with the DNA story.

We knew that mucking with the DNA will cause monsters. And now we know that mucking with the electric fields will cause monsters.

It does not prove the DNA is causing the proper shape, nor does it necessarily prove that the electrical field is causing the proper shape.

Dr. Levin’s lab is justifying all this with the promise of new medical treatments if we can just make it through a few more decades of producing monsters.

I am also surprised that Dr. Levin does not seem to reference Dr. Robert Becker, who already showed most of these principles 40 years ago. You can see a good summary of Becker’s work in his book “The Body Electric”.

Dr. Becker, a practicing physician, discovered that controlling electric fields could heal burn victims and could let salamander tails grow back properly. Why not give credit where credit is due?

I fear it is because it became known that Robert Becker had a spiritual side. He maintained that humans were more than just sacks of chemicals.

I fear that since Dr. Becker did not believe in pure materialist reductionism many journals will not allow reference to his work.

Let us look at two more sets of experiments from Dr. Levin’s lab. Then we can step back and ask why does it all matter?

These experiments involve planarian flatworms. In the wild, if the tail of the worm gets chopped off, then a new tail will grow. If the head of the worm gets chopped off, a new head will grow, brain and all. Pretty amazing.

The wild type worm has an electrical gradient along its body, more positive towards the head. The researchers cut off the tail, then artificially gave that end a positive charge. This caused a new head to grow off the back end. We now have a new shape. A two-headed worm.

This new two-headed worm then propagates. It reproduces asexually, as all planarians do.

Is this a new species? I think so. Yet the DNA has not changed. You can see that the connection between the DNA of the animal and the shape of the animal is becoming less clear.

How could the DNA remember that this new worm species has two heads, so all future progeny must also have two heads.

Returning to the cooking metaphor, it looks like the genes are available to get the raw ingredients produced, but the recipe and the plans for the full meal are being handled at quite another level, quite outside the world of the genes.

In a different experiment, they went to the wild type, cut off its head, then, while the new head was forming, they modified the electrical potential of some cells, and ended up producing the head and brain types of another species of planaria.

Let that sink in. The DNA is still that of the original species, but the form, the shape of the new worm head is that of a related species of worm. We have created a new species but we have not altered the DNA.

In my opinion, any notion of DNA determining the shapes of creatures is on pretty shaky ground.

Why does any of this matter?

It matters because the story of DNA that we grew up with and still teach to our children is not only wrong, it is actually harmful to our spirit because it gives us a false understanding of ourselves and of our relationship to the universe.

We were told that a simple molecule, with sequences of four molecular letters determines everything about us.

We were assured that not only our shape, but our entire being is supposedly a simple unfolding of some molecular computer program into which we have no input.

I find all aspects of this dogma incorrect and harmful.

As a scientist, I am trying to reconstruct a cosmology that is more accurate and more meaningful. In the second-half, we will look at the question of whether matter is even capable of organizing itself. And if not, then where could all these shapes be coming from?

Electrical Form and Function

Picking up right where we left off.

Is matter even capable of organizing itself?

If you believe in materialist reductionism, you say that the universe is only matter. Matter and forces. And the forces are not matter.

But I’m happy to overlook that inconsistency for now.

In the first half of the lecture we saw how a materialist reductionism applied to biology states that DNA is everything. All you need is the DNA and a bag of chemicals, and you can make any life form you want.

Yet, as shown, in the first part, this theory runs into some major problems, confusions and contradictions when applied to even a simple worm.

Many previous civilizations would say that we are stuck on these very basic questions because we are looking in the wrong place for the answer.

We keep wanting the matter to produce the form. But what if matter cannot, on its own, produce form?

Another idea is that forms and shapes are imposed upon matter or made available to matter.

To illustrate this, let us look at some examples that are often rolled out as proofs of self-organized matter. The Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction is given often as proof that matter alone can self organize.

Here, a simple chemical preparation cycles through beautiful alternating spirals. Some point to the growth of crystals as an example of self-organized matter, such as geodes or growing rock candy at home.

But, without exception, in all these laboratory cases, the researchers are spending many hours setting up specialized equipment that creates very special conditions. They then flip a switch and say, voila, the matter has self organized.

And I’m like, no, you just spent months carefully arranging thing, imposing a form from the outside. You have, in fact, proved that matter cannot self organize.

In the case of crystal growth, in graduate school we spent many months trying to grow protein crystals for our X-ray diffraction experiments. And I can tell you from experience that most of the time nothing forms. And it was only through very carefully-controlled conditions and obvious artistry that crystals form, once again showing that matter does not self organize.

So where do form and shape come from? An older body of ideas states that shape and form are imposed upon something from the larger world of which it is a part. For example, the cell in the liver has its form and function because it is part of the liver and has very clearly defined jobs to do in the larger body of the liver.

If that cell were part of a different world, say part of the stomach, then that cell would have a different shape.

The organs themselves each have their particular forms only because they are part of the body and have clearly defined jobs that they each do for the body.

The very idea of proper shape only has meaning for something that is part of a larger body. That is the only way you know if you have the right shape. That is the only way you know if you are doing the right job.

When something breaks its connection with a larger world then it can no longer have a proper shape.

The cancer cell has broken its connection with the larger body. The cancer cell has no shape, no function. The cancer cells are still connected to the matter of the body. The substance of the blood still flows to the cancer. There is not a material disconnection. There is, instead, a disconnection of purpose and function, which leads to a loss of shape and form.

I realize this is a different way to think. I have pondered it for many years and I still find it elusive.

We are so immersed in centuries of thinking that matter explains everything. It can be challenging to think that form and shape are quite distinct from matter.

Shape is something that can be imposed upon matter or made available to matter. But shape is not matter and shape does not come from matter.

In living systems there are proper shapes. It’s not arbitrary.

A frog toe must have a certain shape to be part of a frog foot, which must have a certain shape to be part of a frog leg, which must have a certain shape to be part of a whole frog. Once we have seen a frog, it is obvious when any part is mis-formed or not doing the right job.

Instead of asking questions about how DNA can cause shapes and functions, we should ask: What is it about the environment that will call forth different ingredients from the DNA?

Do we have any evidence that form exists without matter?

In corona discharge imaging, we place an object inside an electric field of several kilovolts per centimeter. The object distorts the flow of electrons, which produces a very beautiful image of the object.

When you place a leaf between the plates, you see the structure of the leaf.

The image on the left shows the corona discharge picture of one such leaf.

You then cut off the top part of the leaf. You choose a new cover plate and film, so that there is no contamination from the previous image, and you make a new coronal discharge image.

The image on the right shows what you get. Much of the part that you cut off is still visible.

In one study, 137 leaves were photographed from 14 different species. Ninety-six of the photographs showed at least some image of the section of the leaf that was removed.

How could that be since the matter in that section is missing? The form exists independent of the matter and is detectable through electric fields and the flow of electrons.

I personally think that the electric field is a mediator for the form. I do not believe that the electric field is the source of the form, but this hypothesis can be checked in further experiments.

These results might also remind you of a hologram where every small section of a hologram film contains the entire picture. Although holograms can be easily explained using physics, I personally am always amazed every time I see one. I am baffled that they actually exist. I cannot get my head around the fact that each part of the hologram picture can actually be used to recreate the entire picture.

In these leaf experiments, we see the same thing, where a remaining part of the leaf still somehow contains the information needed to construct the entire leaf.

It is the same with the planarian worms. The remaining part of the worm somehow still has the pattern of the whole worm, which the matter then fills in.

Let us leave the world of biology. Forget about DNA, clear our heads, and look at all this in an entirely different setting.

Consider the snowflake. Stunningly beautiful. Millions have been looked at and so far no two are exactly the same. Endless variations within a theme.

You may have heard, or assumed, that physics or maybe chemistry has explained how snowflakes get their shape. Not so. The origin of snowflake morphology is a mystery.

I have marked off two sections on this snowflake picture. Look at the two red circles, then look at the two yellow circles.

How did the two red regions know to make the same shape?

How did the two yellow sections get the message to make their shape?

There are trillions of molecules separating these regions. That is basically infinitely far away if you are a molecule. And it’s not just two regions that get the message from infinitely far away. It’s six regions for every feature that end up looking the same.

I propose that the overall form of the snowflake is imposed upon the freezing water all at once, like a New England contradance hall forming and unforming to the caller and the music. I think that the entire pattern exists in an electric field at the region where the snowflake forms.

I’m not saying that the electric field is all by itself the cause or the origin of the form. But I do think the electric field is a mediator or a translator of the form into matter.

Maybe somebody could help us by doing electric field snowflake experiments. We already have good evidence that crystal growth is disrupted by the presence of pulsed microwave electric fields, which shows that electric fields are involved with crystal formation.

To take the next step in snowflake research, we must see that the large scale shape of the snowflake is not coming from the individual water molecules. And why would you want it to anyway?

If you are a scientist, why would you want to explain this enormous, elaborate shape arising from isolated molecules that cannot know anything about each other?

In closing, I will ask aloud:

Dr. Clarage, you seem to be saying that matter alone is not sufficient to explain everything and that we must consider this other principle called shape or form. Yet you never clearly define what this is or where it comes from.

To which I reply:

But neither can you clearly define exactly what is matter or where does it come from. And I really do not see how form is any less obvious than matter.

So perhaps we should change the terms of the discussion and ask why would anyone want to describe everything with only one principle called matter?

Why is that preferable to having also a second principle of form?

If you say that it is obvious that having only one principle is simpler, I will say, “Oh man, really? I just spent all this time showing experimental evidence why matter alone leads to all kinds of complications, confusions and outright contradictions.”

I have been researching the origin of forms in nature for several decades. I have found that none of our current sciences are very good at describing how form arises, be it geology, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy.

There is a substantial amount of hand-waving when it comes to describing how the form of things arises.

For example, in astrophysics we do not know why solar systems form with a certain number of planets, why the spacings between the orbits closely follows an exponential spiral, why the planets have their particular sizes, why the star has its particular cycle of magnetic patterns, et cetera, et cetera. This question is so difficult for astrophysics that it is generally ignored.

I think all our sciences are weak in this area because we are looking in the wrong place for the origin of forms and shapes. We keep wanting the matter to organize itself. I think that is a dead end.

To get out of this dead end, two questions can be useful.

The first is: Why would you personally want a world view where matter organizes itself? I hope you can answer this for yourself and not from some physics video you saw, or a book that you read.

The second question is: In your personal experience, in your life, what useful functions or procedures have you personally seen come about spontaneously with no effort?

When your purpose changes, your shape changes.

Purpose is causal. It makes things happen.

A more useful and meaningful cosmology would include that.

It is my hope that I have helped convey some of that message.

Thank you.



Cover image credit: Public Domain
The Flammarion engraving is a wood engraving by an unknown artist that first appeared in Camille Flammarion‘s L’atmosphère: météorologie populaire (1888). The image depicts a man crawling under the edge of the sky, depicted as if it were a solid hemisphere, to look at the mysterious Empyrean beyond. The caption translates to “A medieval missionary tells that he has found the point where heaven and Earth meet…”

Can Atmospheric Electricity Contribute to Pilots Collapsing From Blood Clots? How Does Electrically Responsive Hydrogel React Under Increasing Voltage of Electrostatic Fields at High Altitude?

Can Atmospheric Electricity Contribute to Pilots Collapsing From Blood Clots? How Does Electrically Responsive Hydrogel React Under Increasing Voltage of Electrostatic Fields at High Altitude?

by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
April 2, 2023


We know that the C19 shots contain lipid nanoparticles with are the components of hydrogel like Polyethylene Glycol in Pfizer and SM 102 in Moderna. Hydrogel is a self assembly polymer that grows under the exposure of electrical and electromagnetic fields. I have shown the work of Clifford Carnicom, that low level electrical fields can change the blood to an unrecognizable filament network within an extremely short amount of time. I have discussed our Infrared Spectroscopy, patents and historical work on CDB aka Morgellons – indicate the presence of hydrogel. I have written about this here:

Unvaccinated Blood: Recurrent New Proof of (CDB) Filaments Growing Under Exposure of Extremely Low Electrical Currents: Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD in conjunction with Clifford Carnicom 

It has been known for over a century and been described by Georges Lakhovsky in 1939, that the electric potential of the terrestrial atmosphere increases with height at the rate of 1 volt per cm. The more modern values are described here:

The electrostatic field and the difference of potential of the earth field according to investigations, is in summer about 60 to 100 volts and in winter 300 to 500 volts per meter of difference in height, a simple calculation gives the result that when such a collector is arranged for example on the ground, and a second one is mounted vertically over it at a distance of 2000 meters and both are connected by a conducting cable, there is a difference in potential in summer of about 2,000,000 volts and in winter even of 6,000,000 volts and more.[11]

Many explain electricity in a wire with the analogy of a water pipe. The pressure in the pipe is the voltage (V) and the flow velocity of the current is measured in amperes (A). Power, which is measured in watts (W), is the energy unit per time. Their mathematical relationship is: V x A = W

Imagine our experiment done by Clifford Carnicom even on unvaccinated blood applying 10 micro amps of current for two hours.

Now remember the analysis of Mike Adams on the cadaver blood clots, taken from vaccinated individuals. It contained conductive metals and self assembly carbon rich polymer.

I have discussed my concerns about hydrogel being the culprit of these rubbery blood clots after the documentary “Died suddenly” came out:

Thoughts and Comments about “Died Suddenly” Documentary 

It has been shown that electrical signals can control the self assembly of hydrogel:

Coding for hydrogel organization through signal guided self-assembly

We are facing an unprecedented occurrence of medical emergencies in pilots, which are ignored in main stream media, but covered by Dr. William Makis:

TAROM Flight RO-7673 TSR-HRG service from Timisoara (Romania) to Hurghada (Egypt) diverted: 30 year old pilot had chest pain and collapsed in-flight on March 25th, 2023 – 7th pilot incident this month 

And here is more…

Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL service from Fort-de-France to Montreal, Airbus A321-200: pilot incapacitated in-flight on March 18th, 2023 – 6th incident this month 

How much electricity is in the human body? Scientists agree that the human body, at rest, can produce around 100 watts of power on average. This is enough electricity to power up a light bulb. Some humans have the ability to output over 2,000 watts of power, for instance if sprinting.


I have been sounding the alarm that the rubbery clots seen in deceased vaccinated individuals are made from hydrogel, which is what Mike Adams confirmed. We have shown how blood changes under low level electrical current, clearly growing a filament network, aka rubbery clot like structures. High altitudes voltage increased to anywhere between 2-6 million ( or more) volts at high altitude, could increase the electrical power in the body significantly and contribute to sudden growth of hydrogel filaments. The same can happen with exercise, as the body can increase its power output from 100 to 2000 watts. We must consider that hydrogel self assembly is not only enhanced via electromagnetic fields like 5G but also via electricity. We are a body electric. Could it be that the hydrogel is harnessing our own electric field, as well as that of the environment to produce a “kill switch?”

The evidence so far certainly suggests this and I urge scientists and doctors worldwide to explore this causal relationship. Aviation safety should explore these causalities and their obvious emerging scientific questions. Once again, I ask doctors to use the diagnostic tool of live blood analysis to see if pilots and athletes have these structures. Voltammetry testing on blood of high risk individuals may be an unconsidered valuable diagnostic tool to prevent catastrophic events like airplanes falling out of the sky or people dying suddenly.

All pilots and athletes especially, aside from every human being on the face of the earth, should have live blood analysis BEFORE flights or engaging in exercise. If the hydrogel structures are visible, the blood needs to be cleared and these contributing activities avoided. As you know, I recommend EDTA Chelation with other extensive protocols that I have mentioned in prior substacks and interviews. Most of all, the conversation about this concerning association needs to be taking place worldwide.


Connect with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea

Cover image credit: navyclown

Donald Trump Was Just Indicted…but Why?

Donald Trump Was Just Indicted…but Why?

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
April 1, 2023


Last night it was announced that former-President Donald Trump was being indicted by the Manhattan Grand Jury, he is expected to surrender himself to authorities later today.

The indictment is sealed until arraignment, but we do know the rough nature of the charge(s). Essentially, the accusation is that he paid “hush money” to pornographic actress Stormy Daniels to prevent her from going to the press. CNN is abuzz with anonymous sources “familiar with the case” who are predicting 30-plus charges related fraud, but all that’s really known is that it concerns Daniels’ hush money.

Hush money, in itself, is not technically illegal, but if it could be established that campaign funds were used to make the payment, and Trump knew about it, it would be a felony campaign finance violation.

Yes, a campaign finance violation. That’s all. Much smaller names have had much bigger crimes swept under the rug.

Hell, Hillary Clinton’s campaign was found guilty of the same exact crime over their commissioning the ridiculous “Steele Dossier”. No arrests, just a fine…and they were literally trying to spread misinformation to swing an election.

So why can we expect to see Trump’s mugshot on the front cover of every newspaper tomorrow? Why is Donald Trump the first President to ever be indicted, and not, say, Richard Nixon or George Bush jr?

Well, there are two schools of thought on that subject, or rather two competing narratives.

The liberal media/democrat/Twitter crowd story is that Donald Trump is a dangerous-quasi dictator who attempted a coup in January 2021 and that he should be punished and persecuted for any possible crime in any conceivable way to ensure he never comes anywhere near political power ever again, lest he turn into Literally Hitler.

The Republican/Fox News story is that Joe Biden’s administration – and the political establishment in general – is conducting a witchhunt against Trump to either prevent his running for President in 2024, or so discredit him with the electorate that he cannot win.

Which of these stories is true? Well, neither. Or at least, neither make any sense.

The former is clearly the kind of deranged thinking we’ve all become accustomed to since 2015 first introduced us to Orange Man Bad, and I will waste no time refuting it again.

But the latter is likewise illogical – even if it is at least comparatively grounded in the real world – failing to account for (and/or deliberately ignoring) two important things:

  1. Trump’s base will never desert him over this, because they believe it’s a witchhunt. If anything this will solidify his following in certain spheres because it reinforces his “anti-establishment” bona fides.
  2. The 2024 Presidential election will be fixedjust like 2020 was.

A more subtle analysis might suggest Trump is being used as a convenient scapegoat to normalise the idea of criminal persecution of political opponents, and while there is probably a little truth to that, it still gives the narrative too much credit, it cedes too much reality to the story.

Because that’s all it is, a story. Political theatre, emphasis very much on the theatre. You know it is, because the Guardian specifically said it wasn’t.

It will entrench both sides, create division and fuel bitter online debates. It will be used to reinforce the illusion of difference between the political parties, or sell the idea that the system works and no one is above the law. To act as fertiliser for more stories down the road, be they further criminal proceedings against Trump, or another “violent insurrection”. Maybe both.

I can guarantee that neither side will be allowed a clean win. Trump won’t be convicted completely, nor will he be exonerated.

If he’s cleared it will be on a technicality, so Republicans can celebrate while Dems can bleat about a broken justice system or how “Trump would be in prison if he was black”. If he’s convicted his sentence will be nothing but a fine, and he won’t be barred from running for office, or he’ll get it overturned by appeal.

It won’t end, it will just keep building on itself. An eternal circus, full of infinite clowns in a neverending pie fight. Pick a side if you want, but you’ll never get anything but messy.

Meanwhile, the real problems persist. The real policies endangering ordinary people – and pushed by Republicans and Democrats alike – will continue to spread. A prison being built up around us.

So, why was Trump indicted?

To give people something to talk about.


Connect with OffGuardian

Giza Death Star Hypothesis: Time Reversed Waves Detected

Giza Death Star Hypothesis: Time Reversed Waves Detected

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
March 29, 2023


This very important story was spotted and shared by T.S., and when I saw it I knew I’d be passing it along to everyone, with my profound gratitude to T.S. for doing so.. It’s of particular and signal importance to those of you who have purchased and have been reading my latest book, The Giza Death Star Revisited or who are familiar with my speculative hypothesis that the Great Pyramid was once a very powerful weapon, made possible by some very sophisticated crystals. In that book I speculated about the possibility of a weapon that could be “temporally tuned” to a target as well as spatially tuned, and which could thus target something in the future or past. That’s a tall order and, from the standpoint of present knowledge and art, an impossibility.

But here, once again, it’s not so much the general concept that we lag behind, but merely the technological prowess to pull it off.  With that in mind, consider the following story:

Time Reflections Of Electromagnetic Waves Have Been Demonstrated For The First Time

As the article’s subtitle notes, the idea has been around for quite awhile.  It’s not the idea that is unusual or strange, it’s the fact that technology finally caught up to the extent that the idea has finally, apparently, been demonstrated:

By switching the dielectric constant of a metamaterial, physicists have time-reflected electromagnetic waves being carried within it. The didn’t turn back time Cher-style, but the signal carried by the waves underwent both a reversal in order and frequency lengthening. Besides confirming a possibility theoreticians have been toying with for 60 years, the work could allow greater control over the way waves and matter interact. It could prove useful in photonics, the quest to replace electricity in information technology with light, allowing for an astonishing increase in speed.

Ordinary wave reflection off a suitable boundary is a familiar part of life. We witness it every day when we look in the mirror, hear it in echoes, and can watch ocean waves bounce off a breakwater if we want to see the process on a more graspable scale.

Time reflections, also known as temporal reflections, are something different, requiring an abrupt shift not just in the wave, but in the medium through which it is traveling. As occurred so often in the mid-20th century, theoretical physicists ran ahead of their experimental counterparts, discussing the workings of the phenomenon before it had been observed. In Nature Physics, a team at City University of New York announce they have caught up.

Time reflections produce a shift in frequency, which is relatively easy to understand, and a wave reversal in time, which is not. The first involves something like the Doppler shift, where wavelengths are stretched or contracted, most familiar in the redshift seen from distant galaxies. Light that is blue before the reflection becomes yellow, green light becomes red, and so on. Harder to get one’s head around is the way the end of a signal is reflected first, so that we hear the signal backwards, like old-style conspiracy theorists who thought they could detect satanic messages by spinning rock records the wrong way.

The phenomenon of time reflection is associated with time crystals, whose atoms form patterns that repeat in time as ordinary crystals do in space. The surprising discovery of examples of these objects has raised interest in related concepts. However, time reflection requires the properties of the medium to change at more than twice the frequency of the wave. The exceptionally high frequencies of visible light, let alone anything in the UV or X-ray part of the spectrum, make this a challenge, although it has been demonstrated in water waves.

For those who have read my most recent book The Giza Death Star Revisited, or who have listened to my interviews with Walter Bosley or Kelly Em on this subject, you’ll note several intriguing things that tend to confirm some of my more outlandish speculations from years ago when the Giza Death Star trilogy first appeared: (1) the ability to “tune” the weapon to any target in space and/or time, (2) the use of meta-material “time crystals” – or what I called “phi cyrstals” in the original Giza Death Star book –  to do it.  In such special crystals, the frequency of a wave is shifted, and any modulated information being carried by that wave is reversed, and for those paying attention, this is one of the precise keys to the weapon function, for mixing any such wave with its original could, under special circumstances dealing with phasebe an exact opposite. We’re not there yet, of course, because the article notes the reversal occurred with frequency and the (frequency) modulated information, but that phase cancellation possibility looms large from what has been stated in this article.

And of course, for those really paying attention, what we’re getting close to is a very powerful kind of phase conjugate mirror that is reliant upon fast switching within the crystal (making the crystal also resemble a computer chip, or vice versa).  For those also paying close attention to other details about other matters that have emerged in the alternative media over the years, also consider the theory advanced for the Philadelphia Experiment that frequency modulation (FM) was the method of choice.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

See related:




Joseph P. Farrell broke new ground in alternative history with the 2001 publication of his book, The Giza Death Star. The book was unique in several ways. It blended reviews of ancient texts while remaining grounded in modern scientific thinking. Was the Great Pyramid a weapon of immense destructive power? Why were the ancients so afraid of it? In this two hour interview, Kelly Em of The Common Surface gets into the details of the function of this amazing device.


Cover image credit: Papafox

FAA Alerts and Air Incidents and the You-Know-Whats

FAA Alerts and Air Incidents and the You-Know-Whats

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
March 31, 2023


Those who know me well know that I have this love-hate relationship with flying. In fact, the last time I was on an airplane was in 1986, coming back from the United Kingdom where I had just finished my doctorate and was gearing up for the final rewrite and submission. I vowed then and there never to set foot on nor travel by airplane again, and I haven’t and won’t.  I’m just one of those people that is afraid of the whole danged process, and all those arguments about it being statistically the safest way to travel fall on my very unsympathetic ears.  Suffice it to say my experience with flying has been less-than-optimistic, and I’ll be happy to recount those experiences for anyone willing to listen to them.  I have a couple of friends who are instrument rated pilots, and they haven’t convinced me, either. Yet, I cannot avoid being fascinated by all the things that pilots or air traffic controllers must know and be able to do, flawlessly, time after time.

One of the things that one of them told me about was the sudden rise of very strange post-planscamdemic conversations making their appearance on youtube, of cockpit-to-Air traffic control conversations. I listened to one of these involving a Canadian commercial jet flying into LaGuardia in New York City, and it was like a badly written script from one of those 1970s – 1980s era disaster movies. More to the point, it was more like the comedy send-up of such movies, Airplane, but without the comedy. The conversation was about ten minutes long, and the pilot of the airliner was trying to declare an emergency landing because one of his engines had apparently flamed out and he was unable to get it restarted. The air traffic controller, as a response to this, was trying to “vector” the aircraft to a landing in Newark, New Jersey, and not LaGuardia. The back-and-forth  between the pilot and the air traffic controller was almost surreal, since neither party seemed capable of even understanding the other.

Fast forward to today. There are increasing reports of in-flight medical emergencies involving the cockpit crew, and most recently, a spate of “incidents” on runways. Here’s a sample of the former:

Off-Duty Pilot Enters Southwest Cockpit To Help After Pilot Suffers Medical Emergency

Consider what happened during this incident:

“The captain became incapacitated while enroute. He’s in the back of the aircraft right now with a flight attendant, but we need to get him on an ambulance immediately,” said a crew member in a communication to air traffic control, according to LiveATC.net.

A nurse who happened to also be onboard helped care for the pilot, the airline said, adding

“It’s standard procedure for our Flight Crews to request assistance from traveling medical personnel during in-flight medical events involving Customers, this situation just so happened to involve one of our Employees.”

Now you may recall that Southwest was one of those airlines that tried mandating the planscamdemic injections for its employees, and that its pilots launched a huge backlash against the plan. You’ll notice a distinct lack of detail therefore about what, exactly, caused the pilot of this flight to “become incapacitated” while in flight to the extent that another pilot who was fortunately travelling on the flight was able to lend assistance to the co-pilot in the cockpit.

Nothing to see here, folks, move along…

…except I’m willing to ask that unasked and unanswered question, which I wager pretty much everyone reading this blog is already thinking: What was the planscamdemic injection status of the pilot?

Then we’ve also seen or heard about a rash of incidents on runways and taxiways, and some disturbing near misses.  I found the following story on CNN:

FAA issues industrywide call to action following runway close calls

In this article, I draw your attention to the following final paragraphs:

One report of a close call on a US runway involving a commercial airliner has only recently come to light.

An airliner and emergency vehicle came less than a football field’s length away from colliding on a runway at the Baltimore airport earlier this year, according to an FAA report.

The National Transportation Safety Board told CNN it is not investigating this incident.

The FAA determined the emergency vehicle crossed a runway at the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport on January 12 without air traffic controller permission.

An FAA incident report says the driver of the vehicle read back incorrect instructions to the controller but that the controller “did not catch the incorrect read-back.” The report classifies the incident as category B, which is considered less severe than category A incidents. (Emphasis added)

This confusion is exactly the type of thing that I heard in my youtube listen of the cockpit-to-air traffic control conversation of the Canadian flight coming into La Guardia: confusion, brain “fog”, lack of communication and understanding.  And like the Zero Hedge article, the unasked question – it’s CNN so of course the question goes unasked – what was the injection status of those involved in the runway incidents?

Again, I suspect that most readers here already have their suspicions about what may be going on. And it may or may not be going on, but we will never know, until we ask, and voice, the question. 

The sad fact is that in their rush to approve the planscamdemic narrative and to follow “The Scientism” and “Mr. Scientism” (Dr. Fausti), they vilified those who refused the injections. Now, as adverse reactions pile up, and lawsuits loom, eventually the demand will come that people know the injection status of those flying their flights, or who are parts of the cabin crew, or driving the locomotives, or crewing the dispatch railyard, or driving their busses or taxicabs. And sadly, those who took those injections in good faith stand in danger of being equally vilified. There are people responsible for this mess, but they’re not in the cockpits or radar rooms. They’re in the board rooms and laboratories that concocted these witches’ brews.

As for me, yea, I admit it. When I hear a plane overhead, I always look up… but now I do so because I want to make sure it will keep on flying…

See you on the flip side…

Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: rauschenberger

Global Elites Goading Americans Into Violence Against Transsexuals: The Official Story of the Nashville Shooting Does Not Add Up

Global Elites Goading Americans Into Violence Against Transsexuals
The official story of the Nashville shooting does not add up 

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
March 31, 2023


Connect with Greg Reese

Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light editor:


According to the media, female Audrey Hale, who identified as a male, murdered six at a Christian School in Nashville, TN, including three children.

An anti-gun lobbyist who witnessed the Highland Park parade shooting was at the crime scene with her friend, who lost a daughter at the Waffle House shooting.

They spent the day telling all the cameras how they were, coincidentally, there on vacation and that America needs more gun laws.

[Anti-Gun Lobbyist is seen here in various clips from local media & CNN.]

The US military routinely orchestrates simulated crises all over the country and hires civilians to be crisis actors.

And we’ve seen the use of crisis actors in several major events, such as 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing.

The anti-gun lobby has been accused of using crisis actors for years, but this is a whole new level. And when we look at the details of the Nashville shooting, the presence of the gun lobbyist does not appear to be a coincidence.

The Nashville shooting has signs of a typical false flag.

The woman being touted by the media as the shooter’s good friend who received the Instagram confession is actually just a childhood acquaintance who says she was contacted because she’s a local media personality.

The alleged shooter was under doctor’s care for an emotional disorder. And the shooter is seen wearing two different pairs of shoes within the hour.

Pumas going in and Vans going out. But there is more to this false flag than the typical gun grab.

This Saturday, a group called Trans Radical Activist Network is organizing a protest in Washington, DC, called Day of Vengeance. This is reportedly a new movement called Militant Trans, an armed branch of the LGBTQ cult that is threatening to kill those who oppose sex change ops for children.

Just hours after the Nashville shooting, the governor of Arizona’s press secretary tweeted a picture of a woman wielding two handguns with the caption “Us when we see transphobes”. This is followed by what appears to be online support. Madonna raises money in Nashville, not for the three murdered children, but for the trans community.

A trans named Adam Denker, who now goes by Kayla, recently made headlines for posting a short video with a rifle, threatening to fight back against transphobes.

Journalist Andy Ngo is reporting that Denker is a member of Antifa and is former military, which shouldn’t be a surprise. The military has changed their code to allow for transsexuals. Military psychologists have been pushing confused personnel into getting radical sexual reassignment surgeries, that the military is now paying for.

So far in 2023 alone, the US government has spent $10 million to research LGBTQ Americans. And that’s nothing. In the year 2017 well over 100 organizations gave $185 million to support the LGBTQ community.

And the top spender has been Big Pharma.

The mentally ill are being weaponized by the New World Order and we the people are being goaded into seeing them as the enemy.


Cover image credit: Dr. Meierhofer~commonswiki 

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The Lockdown Files Psyop: A Fairy Tale Spun by the UK Government and Its Propaganda Arm, the Mainstream Media

The Lockdown Files Psyop: A Fairy Tale Spun by the UK Government and Its Propaganda Arm, the Mainstream Media


“As British people continue to die in unprecedented numbers, the Lockdown Files have been released to shift the entire blame for increased mortality to “failures” and “errors” in public health policy. It is an attempt to avert any exploration of the apparent role that the Covid–19 jabs have also played in killing people.

As G3P “partners,” both the UK Government and its propaganda arm, the mainstream media, have colluded to manipulate public opinion and control the British people once again. The whole Lockdown File narrative is just another mainstream media deceit.”


The Lockdown Files Psyop 

by Iain Davis, UK Column
March 29, 2023


The whole point of the recent Lockdown Files media storm is to wage psychological war on the public. The Lockdown Files “story,” carefully managed as mainstream media propaganda, is designed to convince you of a series of fundamental falsehoods.

The MSM and its government partners want you to believe that you still have a free and pluralistic mainstream media that take their duty to question power seriously. This controlled release of information, already extensively and comprehensively exposed by the so-called “alternative media,” is, in part, a mainstream media cover-up to obscure their own role as the state propagandists that misled the public throughout the pseudopandemic.

The mainstream media themselves are culpable for the harm caused to the British people by the British state, as they unquestioningly assisted the UK Government’s attack on the public. The mainstream media rarely, if ever, question power and they are neither independent nor objective.

The intention behind seemingly exposing government “failings” is to persuade you that catastrophic government policies and legislation were politically motivated mistakes. While they were certainly politically motivated, the policy decisions were deliberate. There were no “mistakes.” The assault on the public was intentional.

The Lockdown File fairy tale has been spun to deny both the Government’s intent to cause harm and to divert attention away from its real motivations. The pseudopandemic was a hybrid warfare operation undertaken by a global public-private partnership (G3P) to accelerate the transformation of society and the global economy.

As British people continue to die in unprecedented numbers, the Lockdown Files have been released to shift the entire blame for increased mortality to “failures” and “errors” in public health policy. It is an attempt to avert any exploration of the apparent role that the Covid–19 jabs have also played in killing people.

As G3P “partners,” both the UK Government and its propaganda arm, the mainstream media, have colluded to manipulate public opinion and control the British people once again. The whole Lockdown File narrative is just another mainstream media deceit.

The Story We Are Supposed To Believe

The journalist, editor, author and media commentator, Isabel Oakeshott, a biographical ghostwriter for David Cameron, Matt Hancock and other political heavyweights, was given access to Matt Hancock’s WhatsApp messages while she wrote his Pandemic Diaries for him. Oakeshott, ostensibly a fierce critic of lockdown policies, then divulged these messages to the Daily Telegraph, thus establishing the basis for the raft of Lockdown Files-related stories.

According to the Daily Telegraph, the Lockdown Files supposedly reveal that the UK Government did not “follow the science” but instead “key decisions were made on the fly for political reasons.” The Telegraph claims that 40,000 vulnerable adults “died of the virus” in the spring of 2020 because Matt Hancock, then health secretary, ignored then chief medical officer Chris Whitty’s advice to test all residents before allowing them to be discharged from hospital into care homes.

A string of similar allegations have flowed from the Lockdown Files. The files intimate that key decisions regarding when and whom to lockdown were made in response to polling rather than scientific advice. Scientific data analysis reports on mortality risks and infection rates were ignored as Hancock used his media connections to push jab targets regardless.

Supposedly, the decision to enforce mask-wearing upon schoolchildren was taken to avoid a Westminster spat with the Scottish Government. We are told that Hancock didn’t loosen lockdown restrictions when advised to do so, because he didn’t want to give the impression that the decision to prolong them was wrong.

The Lockdown Files also supposedly reveal that the Cabinet was misled by Hancock and his team as vital information was withheld. We are reliably informed that the current prime minister, Rishi Sunak, then serving as Chancellor of the Exchequer, fought hard against Hancock’s excesses as the two were pitted against each other.

Matt Hancock was, we are led to believe, drunk with power as he pressurised the police to enforce his erroneous lockdown restrictions. But it seems his greatest sin is that he decided to engage in “Project Fear.” It was Hancock who supposedly led his team to weaponise and “deploy” the release of information about Covid–19 variants to “scare the pants off everyone”, in the most memorable quotation to have emerged from the Lockdown Files, and to make them comply with his misplaced policy decisions.

While this does reveal the depth of the manipulation which the state used to convince the British people that they should take the “pandemic” seriously, the Lockdown Files stories declare that political desperation and errors of judgement were the drivers. While acknowledging the damage caused by these supposed mistakes, the Lockdown Files narrative blames supposedly rogue policymakers who got aspects of the lockdowns wrong.

The Lockdown Files narrative spins the yarn of a string of policy failures made during the panic and fear caused by a deadly virus. Some politicians—most notably Matt Hancock, ably assisted by politicised civil servants right up to the nation’s top bureaucrat, Sir Simon Case, who chuckled along with him in the WhatsApp group—overstepped the bounds of their authority and used the “deadly pandemic” as a platform to advance personal political agendas.

The narrative would have it that the Cabinet was deceived at times, as Matt Hancock occasionally placed political expediency over his duty to protect public health and inform Cabinet colleagues. Other supposedly conscientious ministers, such as the current prime minister, Rishi Sunak, fell victim to his machinations, despite their innate sense that the Government shouldn’t abuse its power.

The Lockdown Files reportedly reveal that Hancock desperately tried to salvage his career after footage, leaked by someone inside the House of Commons, exposed his affair with his parliamentary aide. He resigned as health secretary—jumping before he would have been pushed—but soon managed to get his political career back on track. Yet, just a few months later, Hancock suddenly lost all interest in his own advancement and effectively ended his political career by agreeing to participate in a reality TV programme.

The Lockdown Files squarely point the finger at Matt Hancock. It is primarily he who is left carrying the can for the lockdown “mistakes”. So it is incredibly fortuitous for the current government, nominally led by Hancock’s alleged adversary Rishi Sunak, that Hancock had the whip withdrawn for going on dross TV and now sits as an independent MP, somewhat distanced from the current ruling Conservative Party government.

But we don’t need to think about any of this, because other sections of the mainstream media have already told us what the Lockdown Files are all about. According to the Wall Street Journal, the mainstream media always knew that “the science about Covid was confused” and that “policy mistakes were inevitable”.

Sure, “the expansive powers that governments exercised in that period bled into the personal ambitions of the politicians making the rules”, but this is to be expected. “Expansive powers” were unavoidably necessary and some politicians are ruthless self promoters. It’s just the nature of adversarial politics.

The Spectator tells us more about how we should perceive the Lockdown Files. It spells out that it is “the role of journalism in a democracy is to cast light where politicians would prefer there to be darkness.” The Daily Telegraph was committed to illuminating the darkness, the Spectator claims in collegiality, and was tenacious in its efforts to ensure whatever it published about the Lockdown Files “had the full context.”

The Spectator maintains that the Lockdown Files are really important because they are about “how we are governed.” Thankfully, the Spectator‘s fellow mainstream journalists over at the Daily Telegraph will help us to appreciate “how we can learn from mistakes to better protect society next time.”

This sentiment is echoed by the supposedly politically oppositional Guardianwhich tells us:

The balance of evidence shows that government-imposed restrictions [. . .] cut infection rates and saved lives. [. . .] Countries that acted more quickly to impose social restrictions did a better job of protecting the economy. Allowing the virus to spread uncontrolled would have incurred substantial economic costs.

The Guardian continues to claim that the Lockdown Files are “important for learning lessons from the pandemic” and that we all “urgently need a rational assessment of what the government got right and wrong”.

Also from what passes for the Left, the Fabian-founded New Statesman tells us that the Lockdown Files simply confirm what we, and the mainstream media, already knew:

To some extent, they show cabinet government working properly[.] [. . .] Everyone involved is exactly who you thought they were; everyone cares about the things you thought they did. [. . .] We should be appalled by the lockdown files, I know: by the failure of our government [. . .] But after years of this government, and austerity and Brexit and decline and pandemic and two and a half lockdowns and two lost Christmases, none of this comes as a surprise[.]

In summary: the Lockdown Files narrative is propaganda.

The Lockdown Files have been used to construct another pandemic myth and all they “reveal” is that the mainstream media continue to act as the propaganda wing of the state.

The Lockdown Files Cover-Up

The mainstream media are obsessed with maintaining our “trust”. The Trusted News Initiative has been created specifically “to protect audiences and users from disinformation, particularly around moments of jeopardy[.]” While the mainstream media expect to command our trust, they do not trust us. We might believe the wrong things if we don’t “trust” whatever the mainstream media tell us. Only the mainstream media can determine what constitutes the truth. We are, apparently, incapable of doing so.

If the Lockdown Files reveal anything, it is that the mainstream media are the greatest purveyor of “disinformation”, utterly unworthy of our “trust”. But, for propaganda to succeed in the future, we must continue to trust the propagandists.

While the Lockdown Files “investigations” concede that the mainstream media disseminated little other than disinformation during the pseudopandemic, they also insist this was all the result of mistakes that weren’t identified at the time. The release of the Lockdown Files is an attempt to reassert that the mainstream media are, and always were, willing to question power and are trustworthy, despite their having admittedly misled the public for more than two years. The Lockdown Files are subtle and intricate propaganda. Unfortunately, this is often the most successful kind.

The Covid–19 narrative is scrupulously maintained by the Lockdown Files. The Lockdown Files story promotes the notion of a devastating pandemic in which people died in unprecedented numbers from a dangerous disease. It reinforces the idea that lockdowns were necessary—but concedes that the policy was possibly mismanagedLessons can be learned from the alleged “failures”.

The policy decisions made were not errors. Legislation was created, and regulations enforced, in the full and certain knowledge that the threat they supposedly mitigated did not exist.

The evidence does not prove that a disease-driven pandemic ever occurred. Consequently, nor is there anything to suggest that a political response of any kind was warranted.

The observed “pandemic” mortality patterns appeared to be the product of government policy. Every related policy decision increased the mortality risk for the most vulnerable, who were the only people apparently at any risk from the so-called “disease”.

As yet, not a single laboratory anywhere in the world has produced a physically isolated sample of the alleged SARS–CoV–2 virus. There is no physical evidence that SARS–CoV–2 exists, and the alleged “science” of virology, the whole basis for the pandemic mythos, appears to be highly questionable.

Covid–19 symptoms were indistinguishable from other influenza-like illnesses. The only way to allegedly identify Covid–19 was with the use of tests that were specifically “non-diagnostic”. Positive tests were misleadingly called “cases”, despite there being no symptoms to evidence the presence of any disease in test subjects, let alone Covid–19.

Lockdowns were never considered to be an appropriate response to a pandemic. In 2019, just a few months prior to the “pandemic,” the World Health Organisation published its report on the use of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) for managing influenza pandemics. It specifically ruled out lockdowns and social isolation because there was “no obvious rationale for this measure.”

Social distancing, which became the idea of reducing the spread of a “viral” respiratory disease with lockdowns, was the original idea of a fourteen-year-old Albuquerque schoolgirl. As politicians started eyeing “confinement by quarantine” as an enticing tool for population control, so incensed were epidemiologists that one of the disciplines leading lights, Professor Donald A. Henderson, published a withering criticism of “lockdowns” entitled Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza:

There are no historical observations or scientific studies that support the confinement by quarantine of groups of possibly infected people for extended periods. [. . .] The societal costs involved in interrupting all air or train travel would be extreme. [. . . ] It might mean closing theatres, restaurants, malls, large stores, and bars. [. . . ] Implementing such measures would have seriously disruptive consequences [. . .] a manageable epidemic could move toward catastrophe.

Professor Knut Wittkowski, the epidemiologist who originally defined the reproduction number or “R number” we heard so much about, said:

With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity. About 80% of the people need to have had contact with the virus. [. . .] So, it’s very important to keep the schools open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd immunity as fast as possible. [. . .] We are experiencing all sorts of counterproductive consequences of not well-thought-through policy [. . .] We will see more death because the school children don’t die, it’s the elderly people who die, we will see more death because of this social distancing.

The UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) knew that lockdowns and social isolation would increase the “infection” risk. SAGE published minutes of a meeting it held on 16 March 2020, in which its members concluded:

The risk of one person within a household passing the infection to others within the household is estimated to increase during household isolation, from 50% to 70%.

Epidemiology—”the science”—was absolutely clear. Lockdowns were never considered a sensible response to pandemics unless the disease was incredibly severe, and the UK Government knew that Covid–19 certainly wasn’t.

The WHO declared a global pandemic on 11 March 2020. By 19 March 2020, the UK Government was undeniably aware that there was no pandemic risk: the Government’s own High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) group stated that Covid–19 was not an HCID because it had a “low overall” mortality rate.

By this point, contrary to all the prevailing epidemiology, the UK Government had already committed itself to “Project Fear”. Speaking on 13 March 2020, then prime minister Boris Johnson said:

I must level with the British public: many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time.

This was not, as the Lockdown Files story suggests, Matt Hancock’s personal fault. He was certainly culpable for spreading anxiety inducing propaganda, but the UK Government has long been misusing applied psychology and behavioural change techniques to manipulate the public, as UK Column was the first platform to report on systematically.

It was the technocrat scientists at SAGE who suggested that the Government should “use media” to increase the “perceived level of personal threat”, not Matt Hancock. He is the patsy for the Lockdown Files cover up. Whether he is a willing patsy or not is hard to say, though his behaviour suggests that possibility.

The UK Government was never “led by science”. It deliberately ignored the epidemiology that was inconvenient, but readily exploited the behavioural psychology that it abused to convince millions to believe in its policies. The Government was able to make its claims about “following the science” because certain “scientists”, such as the Government’s chief scientific officer Patrick Vallance, were also willing to cherry-pick science to suit the Government’s policy agenda.

Knowing full well that lockdowns would be likely to move “a manageable epidemic [. . .] toward catastrophe”, and presumably understanding that the country would “see more death because of this social distancing”, Vallance endorsed the prime ministers baseless alarm. While claiming that his role was to “speak scientific truth to power,” he seemingly reneged on that responsibility entirely and defended Johnson, saying lockdowns would mean “a large number of people at home being isolated”, noting that such a policy would have “quite a big impact”. Indeed so: far more people would die as a result.

It wasn’t a “mistake” that Hancock guaranteed an inordinate supply of life ending drugs during the spring 2020 “outbreak”; the NHS instructions not to convey vulnerable patients to hospital was not made by accident; the removal of NHS mortality safeguards, only brought in in the first place in very recent years as a result of the Harold Shipman and Mid Staffordshire scandals, was not an oversight; the automatic discharge of tens of thousands of the most vulnerable patients from hospital into poorly staffed, under equipped and isolated care homes wasn’t a mishap; enforcing Do Not Resuscitate orders, to be combined with prescribing of a dangerous cocktail of respiratory suppressing drugs, on an industrial scale, wasn’t a slip; and rolling out experimental jabs that hadn’t completed any clinical trials was not an error.

The Daily Telegraph‘s Lockdown Files psyop would have you believe that they all were. That the mainstream media continue to cover for the Government’s assault on the British people is unconscionable.

Reason to Doubt the Mainstream Media’s Lockdown Files Story

Throughout the pseudopandemic, the Government was the mainstream media’s biggest advertising partner. As the pandemic strategy unfolded, the Government ploughed billions into mainstream media fear campaigns, which mainstream journalists published and broadcast without hesitation. “Project Fear” was, in accordance with scientific advice—which the Lockdown Files now attempt to blame on faulty politicians—enabled by the mainstream media, who ran whatever “hard-hitting messaging” the Government wanted to use to spread terror.

But the mainstream media went much further than simply running government-approved scare stories. When scientists and doctors questioned the lockdowns, the mainstream media viciously attacked them. When doctors expressed concerns about the treatments offered to patients, it was the mainstream media that bayed for them to be punished.

The mainstream media labelled people sceptical about vaccines refuseniks, a term hideously misappropriated from the Soviet persecution of Jews, and much worse. Mainstream media Coryphaeuses lied about the scale, conduct and purpose of large-scale peaceful demonstration and “othered” those who actually did question the lockdown measures.

The mainstream media acted as a single, unified propaganda organisation for the duration of the pseudopandemic. Not only did they never question the state’s evidence-free pandemic proclamations, they went so far as to marginalise, ridicule, smear and target anyone who did.

Yet, according to the “journalists” who have interpreted the the Lockdown Files for us, the mainstream media knew the lockdown rationale was “confused” all along. They simply didn’t see fit to report it at the time. We might consider whether some “journalists” knew a lot more than that.

With the publication of the Lockdown Files stories, we are now expected to believe that, having slavishly propagandised on behalf of the state throughout the pseudopandemic, the mainstream media are now ready fearlessly to question power. This improbable Damascus Road moment alone might give us reason for doubt, but the fact that the Lockdown Files have been propagated by the Daily Telegraph and Isabel Oakeshott adds further reason still.

There were a tiny number of mainstream media journalists, such as Isabel Oakeshott and Peter Hitchens, who did question the Government’s lockdown policies and its fearmongering. Their voices were swamped under the amassed weight of mainstream media propaganda that steadfastly terrorised the public.

For example, appearing as a talking head on Sky News, Oakeshott defended the Great Barrington Declaration that advocated the herd immunity approach. But Oakeshott never questioned the premise of the pandemic itself, despite acting as if there wasn’t one.

When the Partygate scandal broke, all mainstream media criticism was restricted to discussing the fact that the Conservative Party leading figures who set the rules, broke the rules. Only the misnamed “alternative media” highlighted the obvious point that these social gatherings demonstrated that the attendees did not behave as if there was a “pandemic” health risk.

Oakeshott seemingly shared this perspective. She was among a throng of partygoers who attended a similar knees-up during the height of the lockdown restrictions. Again, the Westminster festive crowd was evidently unconcerned about facing any risk from a supposed pandemic of deadly disease.

Yet none of the mainstream media “lockdown sceptic” journalists, including Oakeshott and Hitchens, exposed the most telling and damaging aspect of Partygate. They all maintained the “dangerous pandemic” myth.

The Lockdown Files story promotes the notion that dispassionate scientists, such as Chris Whitty, were ignored by the political class, thus insinuating that it might be better if the politicians were removed from decision-making during a crisis of “pandemic” magnitude. Perhaps lives could be saved if a technocracy of scientists and other experts were in charge?

The Lockdown Files narrative certainly appears to support the currently-drafted International Health Regulations amendments and the World Health Organisation’s proposed Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, which urges the formation of such a technocracy. This is something that all G3P “partners”, such as the World Economic Forum, are eager to promote. The UK Government is among the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty’s staunchest advocates.

The Daily Telegraph has long been known as the go-to propaganda outlet for British intelligence and the UK state. When Tony Blair’s Labour Government concocted its dodgy dossier, falsely claiming that Iraq’s Ba’athist government could launch “weapons of mass destruction” within 45 minutes, it was the Telegraph that first published the story.

Other notorious examples include the Telegraph‘s security and defence editor, Con Coughlin, publishing a “fake news” story attempting to link Saddam Hussein to al-Qaeda. Prior to this, the Telegraph had alleged that Saif al-Islam Gaddafi was working a European money-laundering and counterfeiting scam with Iranian officials. Gaddafi issued a libel writ and the subsequent judgement revealed that Coughlin and the Telegraph had been taking stories directly from British intelligence and government officials for years. The Telegraph would then publish the propaganda verbatim, passing it off as journalism.

Until 1977, the Foreign Office’s Information Research Department (IRD) worked with media organisations to spread state propaganda, masquerading as journalism. Since then, a number of other organisations have sprung up around and beyond Whitehall to perform essentially the same role.

Among these are the Integrity Initiative. Acting under the UK Government’s Counter Disinformation and Media Development Programme, the Integrity Initiative is a mainstream media propaganda “partner”. It took its website down and “went dark” after its exposure in 2018, in which UK Column had a substantial role.

Isabel Oakeshott was listed as an invitee to an Integrity Initiative seminar where it seems she was being considered as a potential “journalist” for what the Integrity Initiative called its defence reform lobby. Whether Oakeshott took up the offered propaganda role or not, or even attended the seminar, is unknown. Coincidentally, in 2018, Oakeshott, and her fellow Integrity Initiative invitee and mentor Lord Ashcroft, co-wrote and published White Flag?—An Examination of the UK’s Defence Capability, which argued for defence reform without tackling European military unification.

The Lockdown Files narrative is a limited hangout. The deliberate, controlled release of information is designed to alleviate pressure, as the weight of evidence increasingly exposes the Covid–19 scam.

The story primes the public to expect future disclosures that certain policy decisions were “errors of judgement” and should not be imputed to the state. The Lockdown Files restricts criticism of the state’s role during the pseudopandemic to softball questions about the effectiveness of its response, or lack thereof, and to trite remarks about the individual foibles of all-too-human politicians.

The underlying assumptions promoted by the Lockdown Files are all falsehoods. The “full context” of the Lockdown Files story, carefully crafted by the Daily Telegraph, is state disinformation from top to bottom. There was no pandemic.

The Lockdown Files story, broken by the Telegraph and formulated by Oakeshott, serves the same limited hangout purpose as the “lab leak” revelations, which are also being pushed by the mainstream media. The Daily Telegraph is among the mainstream media outlets that would now like you to entertain the possibility that some aspects of the “pandemic” were the result deliberate acts.

The Lockdown Files and the “lab leak” stories establish their respective Overton windows. The Lockdown Files strictly confine any discussion of culpability to policy “mistakes” and human error, and the lab leak tale is ascribed to similar “oversights” and suggested “enemy actions”.

In truth, the evidence suggests that the entire so-called “pandemic” was a fabrication on a global scale and, therefore, the whole escapade was a “deliberate act”. The mainstream media do not want you to know this and it will never discuss it.

The mainstream media have to account for emerging evidence somehow, and have prepared the narratives designed to do so. The Lockdown Files psyop is currently being deployed to that end.


Iain Davis is an author, blogger, researcher and short film maker. You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com


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Cover image credit: Palácio do Planalto on flickr.com, licence CC BY 2.0

Truthstream Media Satire: A Letter to WEF

Truthstream Media Satire: A Letter to WEF

by Truthstream Media
March 30, 2023


Video available at Truthstream Media at Odysee, BitChute, YouTube


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U.S. Military Runs COVID Vaccines, Former Pharma Exec Tells RFK Jr.

U.S. Military Runs COVID Vaccines, Former Pharma Exec Tells RFK Jr.
The U.S. government’s COVID-19 vaccination effort is a biological weapon project run by the U.S. Department of Defense, according to Alexandra Latypova, a former pharmaceutical research and development executive. 

by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., The Defender
March 30, 2023


The U.S. government’s COVID-19 vaccination effort is a biological weapon project run by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), according to Alexandra Latypova, a former pharmaceutical research and development executive with 25 years of industry experience.

Latypova, who oversaw compliance for more than 60 clinical trials, knows the regulatory standards pharmaceutical companies historically were required to meet before bringing a product to market.

“People misunderstand that this is just another instance of Big Pharma corruption,” she told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense, during an episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.” “It’s much, much bigger than that.”

Latypova said we have government reports describing the COVID-19 vaccines as a biological weapon. “I have a question to our government,” she said. “What is it that they’re exactly forcing on us?”

The DOD is “fully in charge” of the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials and the vaccine’s manufacturing and distribution, and it owns the vaccine “until it is injected into a person,” she said.

By creating a “pseudo-legal structure” over time that included Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and other transaction authority agreements — called OTAs — the U.S. government allowed the military to take over the distribution of vaccines without adhering to historical safety testing guidelines or product recall procedures.

According to Latypova, the notion that the COVID-19 vaccines met regulatory standards for safety and effectiveness was the “biggest lie that was sold to the public.”

“I am describing a very illegal structure that’s made legal on paper,” she said. “It’s unlawful. They — the government — are driving this.”

Kennedy agreed with Latypova and pointed out that OTA was designed to allow the Pentagon to quickly buy weapons and weapons systems without paying attention to any existing regulatory authorities.

Kennedy said:

“What they’ve done is they’ve taken that authority and they’ve applied it to the vaccines so they’re purchasing the vaccines under OTA as a demonstration product.

“It’s all a huge military operation and the involvement of the drug companies is a kind of window dressing.”

The DOD paid the pharmaceutical companies for their brand names so people would think they were getting something from Pfizer or Moderna — but all of the distribution and manufacturing is done by the military, Kennedy said. The pharmaceutical companies were brought in to put their name on it and then to pretend to do clinical trials, he said.

Latypova and Kennedy discussed how the military accomplished this without most workers involved in the production and distribution of the vaccine catching on.

They also discussed how citizens and lawyers might effectively challenge the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccination project in the court system.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.

This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense

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Cover image credit: OpenClipArt-Vectors

Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and the WHO’s All-Oppressive Health Tyranny Are Being Prepared to Implement the Great Reset

Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and the WHO’s All-Oppressive Health Tyranny Are Being Prepared to Implement the Great Reset


“It is high time that We, the People, around the world gain consciousness and become aware of the dictatorial measures waiting just a short stretch down road to be implemented. Then, the bulk of The Great Reset / Agenda 2030 would have been achieved. Once that happens, it will be difficult to escape.”


Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): The Weaponization of Money? WHO’s Health Tyranny: Towards a Totalitarian World Government? No Way!

by Peter Koenig, Global Research
March 30, 2023


Two kinds of absolute controls are being prepared to implement The Great Reset, alias UN Agenda 2030. A potentially straitjacket and total control by programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), and an all-oppressive health tyranny by WHO, overriding national Constitutional rights and national sovereignty as far as health measures are concerned.

The former will be “managed”, coordinated and supervised for faultless implementation, by the so-called Central Bank of Central Banks, the Bank for International Settlement (BIS); the latter by the 1948 Rockefeller-created, falsely called UN-agency WHO. The emerging tyrant’s budget is to 80% pharma, Gates and otherwise privately funded. Both are criminal organizations.

These are plans, not yet implemented. But the world better be aware, so We, the People, may stop this terrifying assault on humanity in its tracks.

CBDC may be upon us, humanity, rather sooner than later. Programmable CBDC is a weapon of mass destruction. The weapon has been in the planning for decades – and it fits right into the Bigger Picture of the Great Reset / Agenda 2030.

Programmable – means the money can be programmed on how it is to be spent by an individual, or blocked, or made to expire, or made to be used for certain goods or services – or it can be totally withheld, wiped out, depending on how well you behave, according to the standards of the all-commandeering death cult elite.

CBDC is a master control element, a stranglehold on the population.

Simultaneously, an all controlling health tyranny is being prepared by WHO. The plan is that the new totalitarian rules – Biden Administration initiated revised International Health Regulations (IHR), including a new Pandemic Treaty – are to be ratified by the World Health Assembly, presumably by the end of May 2023. If approved, by a two-thirds majority, the new rules will become effective in 2024.

Health Tyranny and Control by WHO

The elite who pretends to rule over humanity acts most silently from the shadows. It includes the financial giants, the largest funders of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Davos Boys. The financial elite calls the shots on integrated and willing Klaus Schwab, WEF’s CEO.

In turn, Mr. Schwab passes on instructions to the World Health Organization (WHO), for example, to redesign and implement the revision of the IHR which now also includes a Pandemic Treaty.

First, Bill Gates, also one of the key sponsors of WHO, puts a shady Ethiopian politician, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, at the helm of WHO. Tedros, a buddy of Bill Gates, is former DG of the GAVI Vaxx-Alliance, also created and funded by the Gates Foundation. – So much for WHO being a UN Agency.

If these new IHR / Pandemic Treaty are approved by the World Health Assembly at the end of May 2023, the world (currently 194 WHO members) will be living under a “health tyranny”.

WHO would have overreaching powers over otherwise autonomous countries, being able to overrule national Constitutions and decide whether a disease must be treated as a pandemic, i.e., with massive vaccination.

For example, WHO could decide that henceforth the common flue must be treated as a pandemic. Since “covid”, any “vaccination” will be the gene-modifying mRNA type. The same viral-technology that has, with covid inoculations, caused already tens of millions of deaths around the world. Of course, not openly recognized, but over-mortality statistics, especially in the western world, alias, Global North, speak for themselves. They are congruent with the countries’ vaxx-injection rates.

People have no clue that when they next take their kid for a polio, or measles vaccination, their child will be injected with a potentially deadly mRNA-type toxic solution, producing immune-averse spike proteins. See this by Dr. Mike Yeadon, former VP and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer.

Total Obedience

To assure utmost obedience of countries, Klaus Schwab has on several occasions boasted that the WEF was infiltrating scholars of the WEF “Academy” for Young Global Leaders (YGL) into governments around the world. They often are placed in Prime Minister’s or President’s positions. To name just a few of the more prominent ones – Justin Trudeau, Canada; Emmanuel Macron, France; Mark Rutte, Netherlands; former German Chancellor Angela Merkel; as well as Olaf Scholz, current Chancellor of Germany.

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) – Welcome to the New Money Prison

The decision to introduce CBDC so-to-speak at warp speed was made at a Jackson Hole, WY, meeting in August 2019 by the Central Bankers of the G7 nations. They voted on a financial coup which was “Going Direct Reset”.

This was planned way ahead for at least the last 20 years, and now needed to be consolidated for the final stage of total and absolute financial control – the end game of the coming world tyranny. First applied by the Global North, where the impact will be greatest. See brief 1 min. video by Katherine Austin Fitts, it says it all.

It is weaponizing money into programmable and controllable CBDC – a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

The rest of the world will follow suit. That’s what they think. Destruction of the industrialized world is first. Germany is supposed to lead deindustrialization of Europe, prompted by artificially caused energy shortages. Then comes the absolute control of the world’s natural resources – so that reconstruction of the system, with a drastically reduced world population, may progress rather fast.

The US / NATO Ukraine proxy-war against Russia is a forerunner aiming at dominating Russia and her wealth of natural resources.

Governments and banksters are the people’s biggest, most nefarious, but least recognized enemies. How much longer does it take until a majority of people will wake up and stop this crime on humanity?

According to Katherine Austin Fitts, the introduction of CBDC, may put half a billion people out of work. That is just one part of the warfare. It is intimately connected to the plandemic. People did not die of covid, most perished from toxic vaxxes and from “covid” caused misery.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP and Chief Scientist of Pfizer repeatedly said in his interviews and special addresses, the real, potentially massive dying, of the coerced vaxx-campaign – will take place after three and up to about ten years from the beginning of the vaxx-drive. Injections of mRNA material into people’s bodies began in December 2020. We are now entering year three. And hundreds of thousands, if not millions, around the world have already died due to the “vaxxes”, NOT covid.

Today, truth-seeking scientists and medical doctors warn – “don’t get vaxxed, it is dangerous for your health, the jabs may kill you.” If not, they may maim you for life, or reduce massively women’s and men’s fertility. The latter shows already up in statistics – in Europe from 20% to 40% reduced fertility in 2022. Yet, worldwide vaxx-drives go on – a bulldozer stopping from nothing.

How to weaponize money?

A threesome tyranny – a “trinity”, is at it.  The WEF and it’s behind the scene giant financiers; the Governments, and the banksters, through a network of national central banks, all controlled by the Bank for International Settlement (BIS), in Basel, Switzerland. The “health industry” – Big Pharma, health- and hospital facilities and insurances are following the line with digitized health records and digitized health services.

The 2019 G7 Jackson Hole decision on massive bank failures to bring about CBDC, started in early March 2023 on a relatively light note in the United States. The opening was the apparent collapse of California’s Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), California’s Silvergate Capital and NYC’s Signature Bank. None of them really needed to go into bankruptcy. They were “bailed out” by the Biden Administration, put in control of the “Regulator”, before rumors of failure could trigger a run on the bank.

We know how “rumors” can be fabricated or enhanced and how they may mobilize people.

On the other side of the Atlantic, Credit Suisse, second largest Swiss bank, had been plagued for the last two decades by scandals and “financial irregularities” one after the other, including drug money laundering, and helping Russian oligarch escape western sanctions by “disappearing “ documents linking them to their luxury yachts which were supposed to be confiscated.

Since earlier this year, the bank’s share value plummeted, first by the week, then by the day. For a complete list of financial scandals and more, see this.

Much of the loss of confidence was, again, based on rumors – and rumors can be spread – true or false.

There was never a need to put CS into receivership. The bank, according to many analysts, also FINMA (the Swiss banking “regulator”) was solvent, especially after CS supposedly received on Friday, 17 March, a 50 billion franc “bail-out” loan from the Swiss Central Bank.

According to insiders (CS analysts)- and outsiders, this amount of cash would have been enough to restructure the bank, including quietly getting rid of undesirable skeletons – regaining trust of people and shareholders – and be functional again within less than a year.

However, there may be another agenda for the sudden change in direction, during the weekend, 18/19 March. Janet Yellen, US Secretary of Treasury, UK and German senior Ministry of Finance officials were in “consultation” with the Swiss Minister of Finance.

Outside pressure again cut into Swiss sovereignty politically and in terms of Swiss reputed private banking services.

What happened then, is the complete opposite to what the 50 billion “bail-out” should have achieved. One may ask, was the CHF 50 billion government “bail-out” just a disguise?

In an apparent sudden change of direction, the Swiss Government, without any consultation of shareholders and holders of some CHF 16 billion worth of bonds, forced UBS, the largest Swiss bank, to take over its slightly smaller sister, CS. Even stranger, this happened by applying a shady emergency decree. CS was never in an emergency of insolvency.

CS shareholders had to accept a take-over price of CHF 3 billion, about CHF 0.76 / share, less than half its last quoted share value. The bank’s infrastructure alone is worth a multiple of the take-over price.

On Sunday, March 19, the Swiss regulator FINMA announced that the so-called additional tier-one bonds (AT1) of about CHF 16 billion will be written to zero as part of the deal. Neither the shareholders or the bondholders were warned.

This precipitous coerced deal has not gone down well in Europe. A famous law Professor at the Swiss Fribourg law-specialized university, called Switzerland a “Banana Republic”.

The conservative Swiss newspaper NZZ reported on 19 March 2023 that a few months ago nobody would have believed the downfall of CS was possible. In 2007, CS had a stock value of over CHF 100 billion. It was gradually reduced to CHF 7 billion, less than a week before the decreed take-over. The paper concludes that Switzerland got rid of a Zombie-bank, but acquired instead a Monster-bank. After the merger, UBS will have about 5 trillion worth of managed assets. Compare this with about 10 trillion of BlackRock.

Instead of a 50 billion bailout credit – which would have been paid back, the new deal costs Switzerland about 230 billion – a 200 billion Central Bank line of credit, of which hundred billion are fully guaranteed by the Swiss Government (taxpayers), plus a 9 billion guarantee (taxpayer) for UBS losses, plus other guarantees in case of defaults.

As a sideline, the Swiss Central Bank, on 5 March declared one of the biggest losses in its recent history, of CHF132.5 billion. You add to this a potential loss position of another some CHF 100 to 200 billion – that makes you think – what else is planned to wipe out this debt?

The major CS shareholders may launch a massive law suit against the Swiss Government. Saudi National Bank (10%), Saudi Olayan Group (5%), plus Qatar Holding (5%), hold together about 20%. For these oil-producing countries legal fees may not be an issue, but creating a precedent will be important. BlackRock with about 4.1% CS shares stays for now on the sidelines.

Looks and smells like all of this has been planned by a long hand. Remember the G7 Central Bankers meeting at Jackson Hole, Wy in 2019?


Financial Times and Forbes report that there are about 200 small-to medium size US banks “at the brink” of collapse. The Credit Suisse collapse, one of the world’s 30 systemically most important banks, also one of the “Too Big to Fail” banks, rescued by the Swiss Government, may just set the beginning of a massive domino of bank failures in the US and Europe. See this.

BlackRock’s Vice Chairman, responsible for Investments, Philipp Hildebrand, is the former President of the Swiss National Bank (forced out in 2016, because of a personal scandal), then joined BlackRock. He knows how the wheels turn in Switzerland.

The Biden Administration’s rule of order, ignores the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act that eliminates government bail-outs and opened the door for bail-ins, allowing banks to confiscating creditors’ money and converting it into equity. If this government bail-out policy continues, a never-seen before government debt will accrue. The same may apply in Europe, amassing potentially hundreds of trillions of national debts, on both sides of the Atlantic.

This would be the ideal moment to introduce at once in the western world – US, UK, Canada, Europe, but also Japan and Australia – programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

These countries’ combined 2022 GDP amounts to about US$ 50 trillion equivalent, almost half of the 2022 world GDP (US$ 103.86 trillion). See this (World Bank data).


Within the shortest period of time, the western US-dollar-based economy’s debt could be wiped out with one stroke – with a new kind of money, the CBDC. With another stroke, the entire ignorant western population could be doubly straitjacketed – by WHO’s Health Tyranny, as well as by programmable CBDC.

It is high time that We, the People, around the world gain consciousness and become aware of the dictatorial measures waiting just a short stretch down road to be implemented. Then, the bulk of The Great Reset / Agenda 2030 would have been achieved. Once that happens, it will be difficult to escape.

It is time that We the People, request our governments to exit WHO – in Switzerland a referendum to this effect has already been initiated – and that we are prepared for setting up parallel governments with local money, totally delinked from existing banking and central banks.


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 


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Why the Organized Crime Media Misrepresents Voluntaryism and Peaceful Anarchy as Chaos and Dystopia

Why the Organized Crime Media Misrepresents Voluntaryism and Peaceful Anarchy as Chaos and Dystopia
Voluntaryism and Peaceful Anarchy Expose the Violence, Illegitimacy and Criminality of “Government” 

by Etienne de la Boetie2, The Art of Liberty
March 29, 2023


Voluntaryism is the only “ISM” that is fair for everyone. All other “ISM” have a ruling class that gets to use violence and extortion on everyone else to achieve socio-economic objectives. Elections are immoral/illogical and easily rigged by monied interests.

Anarchy doesn’t mean “No Rules”; it specifically means “No Rulers,” but because the organized crime “Rulers” don’t want the public to know there is an option on the menu called “No Rulers,” they have used their weaponized media and propaganda system to change the meaning of the word: “No Rulers” to mean: Chaos and Dystopia.

The practice started in France where the organized crime government of 1893 passed the Lois Scelerates (“villainous laws”) that made it illegal even to use the word: Anarchist. Now organized crime uses their control of the media, Wikipedia, and even the dictionary to confuse the public by associating Anarchy with everything from violence to communism.

The Canadian police were caught staging violence with police dressed as “anarchists” during protests against the G8 in Montebello in 2007.

The word “Liberal” went through a similar weaponization. The root word is Liber which means “free,” Early liberals were similar politically to today’s small government “libertarians.” Because organized crime didn’t want the public to know there was an option on the menu called: “free” or “libertarian,” they used their control of the media to popularize the word to mean “leftist.” The term “libertarian” is, in many ways, a re-branding of the word liberal after it was weaponized and hijacked. Many older advocates of freedom refuse to part with such a noble word and refer to themselves to this day as “Classical Liberals” to denote the difference.

The weaponized media propaganda system would have you believe that Anarchy is something to be feared because without “Gubernare Mente”/ Government, there would be Mad Max chaos and murder in the streets. The reality is that Anarchy is a philosophy of peace where most anarchists believe in the NonAggression Principal, where initiating violence is illegitimate except in self-defense or protection of property.

In a world without rulers, there would still be both a market for justice and armed protective services but without monopoly government, the protectors would only be focused on actual crime (not victimless crimes or road piracy). They would not delusionally believe they have rights that others don’t and could be fired immediately at the first sign of abuse. Many legal theorists believe anarchy would lead to dramatically less crime and violence in society with more prosperity for all.

Understanding Propaganda – The Dictionary as a Weapon

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary is owned by Encyclopedia Britannica, which is owned by the Safra banking family, where Leslie Gelb, President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, sits on the Editorial Board of Advisors. You can understand the weaponization of language by comparing the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary definition of Anarchy with the current definition from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, which has been promoting a pro-Statist version of the word: Socialism in the “Trending Now” section, the #1 spot available to promote a specific word/concept, for over a month as of this writing.

Their own definition of “democratic socialism” laughably claims “would ensure economic growth and a fair distribution of income.” Technically any kind of socialism only achieves “redistribution” at the point of a gun, and “fair” to whom? Who decides? The Bankers and CFR members who own/control Merriam-Webster? Their definition of Socialism also falsely claims that “socialism” was “conflated” with communism when communism IS, by definition, socialism. Compare their claim of socialist “fairness” to their misrepresentation of Anarchy as “Utopian,” disorder and something that “prevailed in the ghetto.”

Voluntaryism (The “Re-Brand”)

Voluntaryism –  A political and social philosophy that all forms of human association should be voluntary and based on the Non-Aggression Principal (NAP) that posits that any initiation of violence on peaceful people is illegitimate, no matter what the outcome, but allows for the use of force in self-defense or to protect property. There is also an understanding that the world is a self-organizing system that produces spontaneous order with no need for top-down hierarchical control of society. In a voluntaryist society, all the “services” provided by the government — from protection to roads to charity — would be better supplied by voluntary interaction, the free market, mutual aid societies, co-ops, non-profits, and genuine charity.


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Amphibians in the Mine: “The Frogs and Salamanders Are Telling Us…It Is a Matter of Their Survival and Ours.”

Amphibians in the Mine: “The Frogs and Salamanders Are Telling Us…It Is a Matter of Their Survival and Ours.”


“Salamanders, toads and frogs have more vitality than other forms of life. The density of their strings — their meridians — that connect them to earth and sky is greater. It is why they rarely (and salamanders never) get cancer: both their external and internal communication systems are too strong for their cells to escape control. It is why frogs can partially regenerate lost limbs, and salamanders can regenerate them completely. It is why salamanders can even regenerate their heart — and do it within hours — if half of it is cut out — an astounding fact discovered by Dr. Robert O. Becker and written about in chapter 10 of his classic book, The Body Electric.
It is also why amphibians are dying out. Animals with such a strong connection to Earth’s orchestra — who are so attuned to it that they have survived for 365 million years — cannot withstand the chaos that we have superimposed on it during the past half century and more — the chaos that we have injected into the living circuitry with our radio and TV stations, our radar facilities, our cell phones and cell towers, and our satellites. “
“It is why wireless technology, which has placed a source of lethal radiation into the hands of almost every man, woman and child on earth, is such an emergency and must come rapidly to an end if we are so save our planet and the millions of other species who are still trying to share it with us. The frogs and salamanders are telling us that it is not a matter of choice, and it is not a matter of how far from our heads we hold our phones. It is a matter of their survival and ours.”


Amphibians in the Mine

by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
March 29, 2023

Communication towers inside Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve


“Amphibians were here when the dinosaurs were here, and they survived the age of mammals. If they’re checking out now, I think it is significant.”

–   David Wake, Director of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, 1990

They are ancient animals with abilities to survive beyond belief. They live both in water and on land. They can breathe through their skin. They can regenerate limbs and organs. They don’t get cancer. They have been around for 365 million years, and have survived four mass extinctions during the history of life on Earth. Yet today, they are disappearing more rapidly than any other class of animals. By their death, they are screaming: Turn off your cell phones! Now, before it is too late!

Even before cell phones, the proliferation of radio and TV towers, radar stations, and communication antennas in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s began killing off these most hardy, well-adapted, and important forms of life.

  • The northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens – the North American green frog that croaked from every marsh, pond and creek when I was growing up — was already extremely rare by the end of the 1980s.
  • In the Colorado and Wyoming Rocky Mountains, boreal toads used to be so numerous that, in the words of Paul Corn of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, “You had to kick them out of the way as you were walking down the trail.” By 1990 they were difficult to find at all.
  • Boreal chorus frogs on the shores of Lake Superior, once innumerable, were extremely rare by 1990.
  • In the 1970s David Wake could turn up eighty or more salamanders under the bark of a single log in a pine forest near Oaxaca, Mexico. In the early 1980s he returned and was able to find maybe one or two after searching the forest all day.
  • Until 1979 frogs were abundant and diverse at the University of São Paulo’s field station at Boracea, Brazil, according to Stanley Rand of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. But when he returned in 1982, of thirty common frog species, six had disappeared entirely and seven had decreased in number drastically.
  • In 1974 Michael Tyler of Adelaide, Australia discovered a new frog species that brooded its young in its stomach. It lived in a 100-square-kilometer area in the Conondale Ranges, 60 kilometers north of Brisbane, and was so common that he could collect a hundred in a single night. By 1980 it was extinct.
  • The golden toad lived only in a 320-acre stunted forest in Costa Rica’s supposedly pristine, protected Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. In the early 1980s Marc Hayes of the University of Miami typically counted 500 to 700 males at one of the species’ breeding sites. After 1984 that site never had more than a dozen males. At another site Martha Crump observed a thousand males in 1987, but only one in 1988 and another single male frog in 1989. Today the species is extinct.

In 1990, when I began researching this magical class of vertebrates, there were not many amphibians left in all of Europe. Out of more than five thousand known species worldwide, about a dozen were doing well.

By the time I wrote Microwaving Our Planet in 1996, every species of frog and toad in Yosemite National Park had become scarce. Seventy-five species of the colorful harlequin frogs that once lived near streams in the tropics of the Western Hemisphere from Costa Rica to Bolivia had not been seen in a decade. Of the 50 species of frogs that once inhabited the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve, 20 were already extinct.

Similar population crashes were occurring in North, Central and South America, Europe, and Australia. Only in Africa and Asia, when I wrote that book, were amphibians doing well. That has since changed. On March 15, 2023, a team of 19 American scientists published a paper titled “Continent-wide recent emergence of a global pathogen in African amphibians.” Amphibians, say the authors, were doing fine on the dark continent until about the year 2000 — which coincidentally is when telecommunications companies began lighting up that continent with cell phone signals in earnest.

A couple of years earlier, in December 1997, I had published an article titled “The Informationization of the Third World.” I quoted President Clinton, who had lamented that “More than half the world’s people are a two days’ walk from a telephone.” I highlighted Bangladesh, where there were plans to bring cell phones to 40,000 of the country’s 68,000 villages over the next four years. In Africa, where several countries still had less than one conventional phone per one thousand people, some two dozen countries were introducing cellular systems. The debate, in the world’s press, was about what this would do to the traditional village, and whether this was a desirable thing from a cultural point of view. I took a broader view:

“An even more important question is what will happen to nature? Can nature survive at all in a distanceless world? I think the answer, if ecologists and environmentalists brought their knowledge to bear, would be a resounding no. Biodiversity depends on distance. What is not often acknowledged is that cultural diversity also depends on distance, and that culture is nature-based. Local dialects, and local handicrafts, and local dress, and local economies, and local varieties of crops, and local varieties of plants and animals — i.e. local ecosystems — depend on the village’s being a two days’ walk from a telephone. The most basic reason for the disappearance of species is that very few of them can withstand the global exploitation that must come when there is instantaneous transportation and communication.”

And then there is the radiation. The effects of microwave radiation in Africa, as cell towers began serving larger numbers of its residents, are now apparent: amphibians have been disappearing all over the continent. This has been blamed on a type of fungus called Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), rare in Africa prior to the year 2000. But whether it is the fungus that is killing frogs, toads and salamanders, or whether it is the radiation that is killing them, and that is allowing a fungus to grow in their devitalized bodies, is a question no one is asking. For example, why, in Cameroon, where 83 percent of the population own mobile phones, and four cell phone providers cover a lot of the country, is the fungus found in 17 percent of all amphibians collected — while in neighboring Equatorial Guinea, where only 40 percent of the population own mobile phones and there are no cell towers except in the coastal city of Bata, there is zero fungus? Why, in South Africa, where 90 percent of the population own mobile phones, and coverage is good in most of the country, is the fungus found in 23 percent of amphibians collected — while in neighboring Mozambique, where only 43 percent of the population has a mobile phone, zero fungus has been found among the amphibians collected? Could it be because cell phones are still useless in much of northern Mozambique, and that is where all the amphibians in that country have been collected: Mount Mabu, Mount Namuli, Mount Ribáuè, and Balama?

Most of the suggested explanations for the global die-off make little sense. Climate change is being widely blamed, yet scientists looking for an association of population crashes with temperature or other weather factors have found none. Why, worldwide, are amphibians declining faster at high altitudes than at lower elevations where the climate is warmer? Could it be because the higher elevations receive more radiation, and because many antennas are found on mountains? Scientists have found no evidence that fish or non-native amphibians have caused native amphibians to go extinct. Land use change does not explain sudden population crashes in pristine protected areas. Pesticide use does not correlate with the population declines.

These inconsistencies seem to be escaping the scientists who are looking for answers. They are escaping them because they have a terrific blind spot: they do not see the radiation at all, it does not exist for them.

The single most rapid and catastrophic crash in amphibian populations occurred in the year 1988 in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve in Costa Rica, a location that has long puzzled scientists because it is strictly protected and supposedly untouched and pristine. This is what I thought as well until I began to do research for this article. I just found out, to my astonishment, that right in the middle of this two-square-mile preserve, on top of a hill called Cerro Amigos (“Friends Hill”), is an antenna farm called Las Torres (“The Towers”). A photo of the top of that hill is at the top of this article. As of 2012, there were 17 radio, TV, cell phone, and other types of communication towers on that hill, a few of them dating from the 1970s and 1980s. I am making inquiries to try to pin down what was added in 1988. If you live in Costa Rica and know some of this history, please contact me.

More Connected Means More Vulnerable

“Is It a Hazard to Be Healthy?” asked Dr. D. B. Armstrong in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal in 1918. If you were undernourished, physically handicapped, anemic, or tuberculous, you were much less likely to get influenza and much less likely to die from it if you did. The vast majority of people who died from the Spanish influenza were pregnant women and healthy young adults. Doctors were seriously discussing whether they were actually giving their patients a death sentence by advising them to keep fit!

Amphibians are dying for the same reason. What is completely neglected in the sciences of biology, medicine and ecology, is our electrical connection to earth and sky. As I discuss in chapter 9 of my book, The Invisible Rainbow, we are all part of the global electrical circuit that courses through the sky above us, flows down to earth on atmospheric ions and raindrops, enters the tops of our heads into our bodies, flows through our meridians, exits into the earth through the soles of our feet, travels along the surface of the earth, and flows back up to the sky on lightning bolts during thunderstorms. Those of us who are most vital and have the strongest connection to earth and sky — healthy, vigorous young adults and pregnant women — died in the largest numbers in the 1918 flu, which was caused not by a virus but by the use of enormously powerful VLF radio stations by the United States when it entered the First World War. The same thing happened in 1889 (introduction of AC electricity), 1957 (first construction of civil defense radars), and 1968 (first constellation of military satellites).

“In each case—in 1889, 1918, 1957, and 1968—the electrical envelope of the earth, to which we are all attached by invisible strings, was suddenly and profoundly disturbed. Those for whom this attachment was strongest, whose roots were most vital, whose life’s rhythms were tuned most closely to the accustomed pulsations of our planet — in other words, vigorous, healthy young adults, and pregnant women — those were the individuals who most suffered and died. Like an orchestra whose conductor has suddenly gone mad, their organs, their living instruments, no longer knew how to play.” 

Salamanders, toads and frogs have more vitality than other forms of life. The density of their strings — their meridians — that connect them to earth and sky is greater. It is why they rarely (and salamanders never) get cancer: both their external and internal communication systems are too strong for their cells to escape control. It is why frogs can partially regenerate lost limbs, and salamanders can regenerate them completely. It is why salamanders can even regenerate their heart — and do it within hours — if half of it is cut out — an astounding fact discovered by Dr. Robert O. Becker and written about in chapter 10 of his classic book, The Body Electric.

It is also why amphibians are dying out. Animals with such a strong connection to Earth’s orchestra — who are so attuned to it that they have survived for 365 million years — cannot withstand the chaos that we have superimposed on it during the past half century and more — the chaos that we have injected into the living circuitry with our radio and TV stations, our radar facilities, our cell phones and cell towers, and our satellites.

It is why, in 1996, when parades of cell towers were marching from coast to coast in the United States, and sprouting at tourist destinations, mutant frogs were turning up by the thousands in pristine lakes, streams and forests in at least 32 states. Their deformed legs, extra legs, missing legs, missing eyes, misplaced eyes, misshapen tails, and whole body deformities frightened school children out on field trips.

It is why developing frog embryos and tadpoles exposed by researchers in Moscow in the late 1990s to a (wired) personal computer developed severe malformations including anencephaly (absence of a brain), absence of a heart, lack of limbs, and other deformities that are incompatible with life.

It is why, when tadpoles were kept for two months in a tank on an apartment’s terrace in Valladolid, Spain, 140 meters from a cell tower, 90 percent of them died, versus only 4 percent mortality in an identical tank that was shielded from radio waves.

It is why wireless technology, which has placed a source of lethal radiation into the hands of almost every man, woman and child on earth, is such an emergency and must come rapidly to an end if we are so save our planet and the millions of other species who are still trying to share it with us. The frogs and salamanders are telling us that it is not a matter of choice, and it is not a matter of how far from our heads we hold our phones. It is a matter of their survival and ours.


Selected Bibliography

Balmori, Alfonso. The incidence of electromagnetic pollution on the amphibian decline: Is this an important piece of the puzzle? Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 88(2): 287-299 (2006).

Balmori, Alfonso. Mobile phone mast effects on common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpole: The city turned into a laboratory. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 29: 31-35 (2010).

Becker, Robert O. and Gary Selden. The Body Electric (NY: William Morrow 1985).

Berger, Lee, Rick Speare, Peter Daszak, et al. Chytridiomycosis causes amphibian mortality associated with population declines in the rain forests of Australia and Central America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95: 9-31-9036 (1998).

Berger, Lee, Alexandra A. Roberts, Jamie Voyles, et al. History and recent progress on chytridiomycosis in amphibians.  Fungal Ecology 19: 89-99 (2016).

Bittek, Jason. Half of all amphibian species at risk of extinction. National Geographic, May 8, 2019.

Blaustein, Andrew R. and Pieter TJ Johnson. The complexity of deformed amphibians. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1(2): 87-94 (2003).

Collins, James P. Amphibian decline and extinction: What we know and what we need to learn. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 92: 93-99 (2010).

Drost, Charles A. and Gary M. Fellers. Collapse of a regional frog fauna in the Yosemite area of the California Sierra Nevada, USA. Conservation Biology 10(2): 414-425 (1996).

Firstenberg, Arthur. The Informationization of the Third World. No Place To Hide 1(3): 1-2 (Dec. 1997).

Firstenberg, Arthur. Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution (NY: Cellular Phone Task Force 1996, 1997).

Firstenberg, Arthur. The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green 2020, 560 pages).

Ghose, Sonia L., Tiffany A. Yap, Allison Q. Byrne, et al. Continent-wide recent emergence of a global pathogen in African amphibians. Frontiers in Conservation Science 4: 1069490 (2023).

González-del-Pliego, Pamela, Robert P. Freckleton, David P. Edwards, et al. Phylogenetic and trait-based prediction of extinction risk for data-deficient amphibians. Current Biology 29: 1557-1563 (2019).

Hoperskaya, O.A., L.A. Belkova, M.E. Bogdanov, and S.G. Denisov. The action of the “Gamma-7N” device on biological objects exposed to radiation from personal computers. In Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health: Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Moscow, Sept. 20-24, 1999, pp. 354-355, Abstract.

Houlahan, Jeff E., C. Scott Findlay et al. Quantitative evidence for global amphibian population declines. Nature 404: 752-755 (2000).

Laurance, William F. Global warming and amphibian extinctions in eastern Australia. Australian Ecology 33: 1-9 (2008).

Lips, Karen R., Patricia A. Burrowes, Joseph R. Mendelson III, and Gabriela Parra-Olea. Amphibian declines in Latin America: Widespread population declines, extinctions, and impacts. Biotropica 37(2): 163-165 (2005).

McCallum, Malcolm L. Amphibian decline or extinction? Current declines dwarf background extinction rate. Journal of Herpetology 41(3): 483-491 (2007).

Norris, Scott. Ghosts in our midst: Coming to terms with amphibian extinctions. BioScience 57(4): 311-316 (2007).

Pound, J. Alan and Martha I. Crump. Amphibian declines and climate disturbance: The case of the golden toad and the harlequin frog. Conservation Biology 8(1): 72-85 (1994).

Rose, S. Meryl. Regeneration (NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts 1970).

Souder, William. An amphibian horror story. New York Newsday, Oct. 15, 1996, p. B19+.

Souder, William. Deformed frogs show rift among scientists. Houston Chronicle, Nov. 5, 1997, p. 4A.

Stuart, Simon N., Janice S. Chanson, Neil A. Cox, et al. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Sciencexpress, October 14, 2004 (5 pages).

Toledo, Luís Felipe, Sergio Potsch de Carvalho-e-Silva, Ana Maria Paulino Telles de Carvalho-e-Silva, et al.  A retrospective overview of amphibian declines in Brazil’s Atlantic forest. Biological Conservation 277: 109845 (2023).

Vogt, Amanda. Mutant frogs spark a mega mystery scientists worry could be an early warning of environmental danger. Chicago Tribune, August 4, 1998, sec. 4, p. 3.

Vredenburg, Vance T., Ronald A. Knapp, Tate S. Tunstaff and Cheryl J. Briggs. Dynamics of an emerging disease drive large-scale amphibian population extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(21): 9689-9694 (2010).

Wake, David B. and Vance T. Vredenburg. Are we in the midst of the sixth mass extinction? A view from the world of amphibians. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(Suppl. 1): 11466-11473 (2008).

Watson, Traci. Frogs falling silent across USA. USA Today, August 12, 1998, p. 3A.


Arthur Firstenberg
President, New Mexicans for Utility Safety
President, Cellular Phone Task Force
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
Administrator, International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Caretaker, ECHOEarth.org (End Cellphones Here On Earth)


Connect with Arthur Firstenberg

Cover image credit: Bubblejuice

The Digital Iron Curtain: How the RESTRICT Act Threatens to Devastate Privacy and Crush Free Speech Online

The Digital Iron Curtain: How the RESTRICT Act Threatens to Devastate Privacy and Crush Free Speech Online
This is going way past banning TikTok.

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
March 28, 2023


In an era where the world has become more Orwellian than Orwell himself could have ever imagined, it should come as no surprise that the US government is once again attempting to expand its stranglehold on individual liberty. Enter Senate Bill 686, also known as the Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act (RESTRICT Act). Far from being the limited TikTok ban it purports to be, the RESTRICT Act represents an unprecedented expansion of government power and surveillance, reaching into nearly every aspect of our digital lives.

Make no mistake, this piece of legislation is the “Patriot Act on steroids.” The RESTRICT Act would seemingly grant the US government total control over all devices connected to the internet, including cars, Ring cameras, refrigerators, Alexa devices, and your phone. It goes beyond the pale, with the end goal being nothing short of a complete invasion of your privacy.

Under the guise of national security, the RESTRICT Act targets not only TikTok but all hardware, software, and mobile apps used by more than one million people. This means that anything from your Google Home device to your smartphone could be subject to government monitoring and control.

Should you dare to defy the RESTRICT Act, you’ll face devastating consequences. Violators can be slapped with a 20-year prison sentence, civil forfeiture, and denied freedom of information requests. All this, mind you, for simply trying to maintain some semblance of privacy in your own home.

The insidious nature of the RESTRICT Act doesn’t stop there. As reported by @underthedesknews, the bill’s proponents are also seeking to undermine Section 230 and limit free speech. The implications are clear: this legislation is not about protecting Americans but rather about stripping away our rights and liberties.

The list of supporters for this draconian bill reads like a who’s who of Big Government cheerleaders and like all attacks on freedom, it has bipartisan support. Among them are Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, Sen. John Thune, R-N.D., National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and nine Democratic co-sponsors such as Hillary Clinton’s former VP pick, Tim Kaine, and U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin.


#keeptiktok #tiktokhearing #cspan #politics #congress

♬ original sound – UnderTheDeskNews

It’s time to call this bill what it truly is: an all-out assault on individual freedom and privacy. The RESTRICT Act would usher in an era of unparalleled state control over our digital lives, a nightmare scenario that even George Orwell would have struggled to imagine.

A quick synopsis of Senate Bill 686 a.k.a. the RESTRICT Act.
byu/tommos ininterestingasfuck

We must stand united against this abomination of a bill, lest we allow our government to transform the internet into a dystopian surveillance state. The RESTRICT Act represents the antithesis of the free and open web we have come to cherish, and it must be stopped before it’s too late.

In the past, it was outraged citizens who rose to the challenge and struck down this huge step toward the police state. And we can do it again.

Share this article with your friends and family and ask them to call their representative now, and tell them to oppose this Orwellian legislation.


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Cover image source: The Free Thought Project

Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion in Economic Damage, Tens of Millions Injured or Disabled

Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion in Economic Damage, Tens of Millions Injured or Disabled

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
March 28, 2023


A new report estimates that 26.6 million people were injured, 1.36 million disabled, and 300,000 excess deaths can be attributed to COVID-19 vaccine damages in 2022 alone, which cost the economy nearly $150 billion.

Research firm Phinance Technologies, founded and operated by former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd, Yuri Nunes (PhD Physics, MSc Mathematics) and Carlos Alegria (PhD Physics, Finance), split the impact of the vaccines into four broad categories to estimate the human costs associated with the Covid-19 vaccine; no effect or asymptomatic, those who sustained injuries (mild-to-moderate outcome), those who became disabled (severe outcome), and death (extreme outcome). Data on vaccine disabilities and injuries comes directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), while the excess death figures are derived from official figures on deaths in the US via two different methods (methodology here).

It’s important to note that people in one category (injured, for example) can move into latter categories of severity – which this analysis does not take into consideration.

“We need to remember that not only are these groupings an attempt to characterize different levels of damage from the inoculations, they are not static and could interact with each other,” reads the report. “For instance, there might be individuals who had no visible effects after vaccination but nonetheless could still be impacted.”

Individuals with mild injuries from the inoculations could, over time, develop severe injuries to the extent of being disabled, or an extreme outcome such as death.”


Estimating the economic cost

In analyzing each of the above categories, Phinance used absolute excess lost worktime (see previous report) to determine that the direct economic cost of vaccine injuries was $79.5 billion in 2022, and $52.2 billion for those with severe disabilities.

For deaths, Phinace used the average yearly absolute rise in excess deaths since 2021, which was 0.05% for the 25-64 year-old demographic, which amounted to $5.6 billion in lost productivity.

In total, they found a total “economic cost” of $147.8 billion in 2022 due to the Covid-19 vaccines.


As Dowd notes, these figures are just what can be currently measured, as things like “The knock effects such as lost productivity due to a worker being present but working at say 50%-75% of capacity is missed plus burn out from those picking up slack.”

“The multiplier effects are massive.”


Now imagine the impact worldwide…


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Cover image credit: Thevialstore


Unvaccinated vs Vaccinated Blood Comparison – Infrared Spectroscopy and Electrical Conductivity Studies

Unvaccinated vs Vaccinated Blood Comparison – Infrared Spectroscopy and Electrical Conductivity Studies

by Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD, Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
March 27, 2023



In this article, I describe a series of experiments that were done on six unvaccinated blood samples and three vaccinated blood samples with Infrared Spectroscopy and a electrical conductivity meter. The purpose of this investigation is to begin to quantify with objective measurements what has happened to the blood of humanity since the roll out of the C19 injections. As I have described in previous posts, ribbon like structures have been found in vaccinated and unvaccinated live blood analysis at an unprecedented rate, in addition to extensive rouleaux formation and micro clotting.

Image courtesy: Unvaccinated blood with rouleaux and characteristic filament structure in post C19 shot era

Clinically, these findings have been accompanied with an undeniable accelerated aging process in the population, exhibiting symptoms like chronic fatigue, brain fog, cardiovascular abnormalities and more. This symptoms complex has been categorized as “long Covid”. In my own clinical practice, everyone post Covid, everyone with long Covid and over the last months everyone unvaccinated coming for a live blood analysis has these structures in their blood. The source is presumed from the environment and vaccine shedding. I have suspected it to be self assembly hydrogel possibly with Carbon nanostructures and metals involved based on my background research.

Many people call these structures Graphene. The chemical composition of these structures, to my current knowledge, has not yet been evaluated. Clifford Carnicom has done extensive research in the area of CDB synthetic biology. I have reported on our recent unvaccinated blood experiments applying very low level electrical current, which shows extensive filament development.

Unvaccinated Blood: Recurrent New Proof of (CDB) Filaments Growing Under Exposure of Extremely Low Electrical Currents: Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD in conjunction with Clifford Carnicom

Infrared spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy or vibrational spectroscopy) is an analytical technique used to study and identify chemical substances or functional groups in solid, liquid, or gaseous forms.

Clifford Carnicom has three decades worth of IR spectrometry experience investigating environmental filaments (CDB) and the blood of those exposed. The CBD synthetic biology culture work that he has done, evaluated the abnormal metabolic products in affected blood which included 1. water soluble proteins, 2. solid proteins, 3. filament network. These water soluble products under IR spectroscopy created a plastic like film classic of polymer hydrogel with specific frequency peaks. For more information, please see Carnicom Institute. Similar functional groups occur historically in CDB research and in these new experiments of the post C19 injection era.

Preliminary Results:
Summary of preliminary findings:

Unvaccinated blood with history of mild Covid samples have commonalities in IR signatures.  Unvaccinated blood with history of severe Covid, respiratory failure and significant long Covid have IR signatures of aromatics and disulfide bonds similar to previously seen in CDB culture work, both could indicate presence of hydrogel polymers. Unvaccinated blood with history of respiratory failure shares an IR peak signature with vaccinated blood of secondary amines. Those can include the amino acid proline, which can form natural hydrogels, but also other chemicals. Frequency signatures within 5 nm can be considered equal. Vaccinated blood contains completely new spectroscopy findings with new functional groups not identified in any unvaccinated samples.

Aromatic Alcohols and aromatic Carbon Hydrogen bond lead to questions about polymeric alcohols/ hydrogels considering decades of similar IR spectra with CDB filaments. Continued research is necessary to evaluate patterns with larger sample size.

Preliminary Findings of Blood Conductivity Measurements

Measurements of vaccinated and unvaccinated blood with a conductivity meter ( N=9) was performed. Preliminary data of these samples shows up to 50% reduction in blood electrical conductivity compared to normal historical values in literature. It appears that vaccinated people have even lower conductivity then unvaccinated. This correlates with clinical findings that many people experience chronic fatigue symptoms, brain fog and decreased mitochondrial function – which has been called long Covid. Further research is necessary in larger sample sizes to evaluate statistically significant changes.


If you would like to support our research to help humanity, please donate to the Carnicom Institute to fund our need for scientific research equipment. Your generosity is much appreciated. https://carnicominstitute.org/donations-paypal/

Project WHAT HAPPENED TO HUMANITIES BLOOD: If you have significant experience in Infrared Spectroscopy and would like help with analyzing over twenty years of thousands of blood samples for patters in chemical changes that have occurred with the C19 shots roll out, please contact me.


Connect with Dr. Ana Mihalcea

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Cover image credit: sipa

The Aborigines of Australia & Their Fight For Survival: “They’re Burying People at a Rate We’ve Never Seen Before”

The Aborigines of Australia & Their Fight For Survival: “We Are Seeing Our People Getting Buried at a Rapid Rate Across the Country. It’s Out of Control.”


“So they are losing people at a rate they’ve never, ever experienced in their lives. And we are seeing our people getting buried at a rapid rate across the country. It’s out of control. I’ve never seen this many funerals in my life.

I had a brother who was a great footballer. He was my age. He died of a heart attack late last year. Just dropped. It’s off the Richter scale. We are seeing our people dying at a rate that’s just phenomenal. Never, ever seen anything like this before.

And from the Central Desert region, I spoke with a health worker who was a part of a team that was monitoring the reactions and the response to everybody getting this jab. And she said to me, there’s five different areas that they monitor in the Central Desert region. And she looks after one of those five areas. And in her regional area, she said 27 elders died within the first four hours of getting the first jab.”


“Now there’s book written by a doctor in the 80s… But he was a doctor doing vaccinations in the 80s… what he identified — fifty percent of the Aboriginal people who were vaccinated in the 80s died. Children.”

~Lurnpa (David Cole)

“What we didn’t know at that time is what Katherine Watt found out, and what is also based on Brook Jackson‘s testimony, and on, of course, the defense of Pfizer in that lawsuit, that the DoD, that the Department of Defense is behind this. So this is a military operation and I believe it’s not just a military operation in the US, it is also a military operation everywhere else.

In Germany, we have seen the military early on, in late 2020 when the so-called vaccination campaign started. We’ve seen the army protecting the vials. Not conducting the actual — not giving the shots — but protecting the vials. So this is what it all boils down to. It’s a military operation, and according to Katherine Watt’s testimony there is intentional, INTENTIONAL, killing going on.”

~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich


Australian Aborigines’ Fight for Survival

by Reiner Fuellmich, ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee)
March 26, 2023


In today’s episode of ICIC, Dr Reiner Fuellmich talks to David Lurnpa Cole, an Aborigine from Australia, well-known blogger Bernie Bebenroth, known as “Bernie from Australia” and Iris Tassie Tiger Richter about the outrageous events in Australia over the last three years.

The government measures in Australia have been very harsh, and the vaccination pressure very high. Especially the indigenous population, the Aborigines, were put under massive pressure and forced to vaccinate.

David Lumpa Cole approached us with the cry for help that his people were suffering greatly because of the vaccinations and that the deaths were massively increasing.

The accounts of the three Australians are very stirring and shed light on the dictatorial actions of the Australian government and the suffering of the people and their indigenous brothers and sisters in a very clear and emotional way.



Connect with International Crimes Investigative Committee

Cover image credit: screenshot from Lurnpa video No Treaty No Voice

See related:

Australian Aboriginal Leader Lurnpa: The Genocidal Land Grab in the Northern Territory (The Real Agenda Behind the Unfolding Medical Tyranny)

Riccardo Bosi & Lurnpa (David Cole) on What Is Really Happening in Australia’s Northern Territory & Why — “This Is Genocide. A Bioweapon.”

Covid Concentration Camps for Australians; It’s Happening

“Significant” Amount of Toxic Waste From Ohio Train Derailment Heads to Baltimore

“Significant” Amount of Toxic Waste From Ohio Train Derailment Heads to Baltimore

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
March 24, 2023


The decision to transport a “significant” amount of toxic wastewater from the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment by rail to a wastewater treatment plant located east of Baltimore City, and eventually discharge it into the local water system, might spark outrage among residents.

Local media outlet WYPR obtained a letter from Contractor Clean Harbors of Baltimore Inc., which described itself as the “optimal wastewater treatment site to treat and discharge the wastewater collected from rainwater, collected water and stream water above and below the cleanup site of the Norfolk Southern Railroad derailment.”

Once the contractor obtains approval, the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant in Baltimore County is set to receive over 675,000 gallons of toxic water via rail transport (if you can believe it – by rail) — a fact that may concern Baltimore residents. The approval is expected to be granted imminently.

“The water would be pre-treated by a contractor then dumped into the city-controlled wastewater system then cleaned with the city’s Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant in Dundalk,” WYPR said. 

Baltimore City Mayor Brandon Scott voiced concerns about the plan to treat the toxic water.

“Both the county executive and I have grave concerns about the waste from this derailment coming into our facilities and being discharged into our system.” 

Scott added he wants additional testing to be conducted before the water is released from the plant and into the water system.

And we wonder what water system is near the plant. Perhaps it’s the Chesapeake Bay…


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Cover image photos of Chesapeake Bay credits:
Pelecanus occidentalis -Smith Island, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA -nest-8cr.jpg
Pooles Island Lighthouse, Chesapeake Bay, MD

On the Nonsense of Needing Unity in the ‘Freedom Movement’

On the Nonsense of Needing Unity in the ‘Freedom Movement’

by Kathleen Stilwell, editor & curator, Truth Comes to Light
originally published March 22, 2023 at TCTL substack


I’m sure you’ve run across the same podcasts and articles that I have, urging “us” all to unite, to avoid division and to avoid discord.

The so-called freedom movement consists of many different groups. Some focus only on medical freedom (no forced medical procedures, drugs, vaccines, etc.) while others work within a particular political construct. Then there are others who focus on monetary privacy or on the right to be left alone and to choose where we put our money and energies.

It’s in the areas of medical freedom and freedom from “excess” government that a lot of fuzzy thinking seems to show up. To be free to question ALL medical authority, ALL science and ALL governments is just too strong a stance for some who claim the title freedom fighter.

Freedom, by its very nature, defies control. To assume that freedom will be contained and practiced within a movement or a crusade is nonsense. Freedom does not seek to corral us into one more cattle chute just because we hang a sign that says “Enter Here for Freedom” at the gate.

Some call for us all to forget about questioning the virus narrative (and the nonsense of virology itself). It’s too divisive and harmful to “the movement” they say. They tell us that they just don’t get the importance of this particular issue. Apparently, if it’s not important to them then it must not be important.

They say that now is not the time to question the entrenched lies of the entire vaccine agenda and other poisonous “medicines” that have been maiming and killing our children and neighbors for longer than any of us can remember.

They tell us that now is not the time for humanity to wake up to how all governments and all packaged belief systems control us through fear.

They tell us we must unify around central figures, key ideologies, alternative celebrities (or those often referred to as “luminaries”), alternative experts, certain religions, etc. It’s urgent they say.

And they tell us that we must unite or fail.

Truth Is Not Fragile

Where did the idea come from that truth and freedom are so fragile and limited that they need our particular groups in order to survive? Do we not understand that although the voice in support of freedom speaks through us, it does not belong to us?

If we die, will not truth live on?

If our efforts to reveal the control systems around us seemingly fail to take root, will not the voice of freedom in the individual arise again and again?

If the assortment of battling overlords out there somehow manage to blow up the planet, is all lost? Or could it be that all that is real would still be somewhere (if not exactly here)?

Is this really the most dire time for humanity, and for all living things, in the history of this realm? Or are there clues that we’ve been here before?

Freedom, Truth, Courage, Love

Freedom is love actually. Truth is love. And courage is love.

These are realities that can ever be contained within a movement, can never be controlled by a narrative, can never ever be held spellbound within any language or any belief system. And they certainly will never be captured within the languages of mathematics, science or religion, no matter how elegant the language.

Freedom compels us to let go of all the fear and to be at ease and peace in a state of uncertainty. We must ask the questions in order that the falsehoods be revealed for what they are. However, we must be careful to never replace a lie with another made-up belief just because voids make us nervous.

To be free, we must become comfortable with the void and just let the unknowing of it all stand here in our midst. With trust in life itself we can just say “I don’t know”. And then we can listen, observe, interact with and speak to our own mystery.

We do not need a user’s manual nor do we need a religion or political idea to find the love within. Truth is right here at the quiet center of the world’s stormy ways. Consciousness and awareness are right here. Not out there. Not above us. They are right here.

Love, freedom, truth and courage have no problem standing tall in a room filled with differing opinions — in a room inhabited by the partially blind, partially deaf humans who all seek greater understanding of what this place is all about and why we are here.

There are no know-it-alls here. Not a one.

Life Cannot Fail

Freedom is the portal to discovery, to seeing the lies that we’ve bought into, to listening closely and hearing secrets of the universe that we haven’t yet let in.

Freedom cannot fail anymore than truth or love can fail. These essences are inherent in all that is real. They are part of consciousness itself. They are how we understand our source, our soul.

Freedom is not found in battling the enemy. Our way through all of this is in understanding what the matrix is, what it is not, and what it can never be.

Those who seek to control consciousness will never succeed. “It’s like trying to nail Jello to a tree” is an expression a friend of mine uses. It’s exactly like that.

Those who seek full spectrum dominance over our reality only have access to (but not necessarily control of) what they can see. And they really don’t see much, being mostly blind.

And, most certainly, they are not free.


© March 2023, Kathleen Stilwell

To comment on this article, see the original posting at Truth Comes to Light substack.

This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlinks left intact (leading back to the original article).


Connect with Kathleen Stilwell

Cover image credit: BecBartell

In Majority Ruling, Federal Appeals Court Again Blocks Biden’s COVID Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers

In Majority Ruling, Federal Appeals Court Again Blocks Biden’s COVID Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers

A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked President Biden’s executive order mandating federal workers nationwide get vaccinated against COVID-19 in a majority ruling that said the president does not have the authority to mandate the vaccines.

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., The Defender
March 24, 2023


A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked President Biden’s executive order mandating federal workers nationwide get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans reverses an April 2022 ruling by a three-judge panel, from the same court, which upheld the federal mandate.

Thursday’s decision keeps a preliminary injunction — issued in January 2022 by a Texas judge — in place while the case is litigated.

The decision was made in an en banc hearing, meaning the full 16-judge court ruled on the case, rather than a panel of judges selected from the bench. A 10-judge majority ruled to uphold the injunction.

Feds for Medical Freedom, the plaintiffs in the case, said in a press statement:

“Our members have always argued that federal law does not permit the federal government to force federal workers — or any law-abiding citizen — to inject their bodies with something against their will. …

“It was incredibly vindicating to hear the court echo those arguments and to draw clear limits around federal authority as it relates to forced vaccinations and medical freedoms.”

Marcus Thornton, president and co-founder of the group told The Defender:

“This is a huge win but we’re just getting warmed up. We demand accountability. We need a bureaucracy reflective of our nation’s political diversity — which serves the whole country, and not just one party. We must ensure this never happens again — not to us, and not to future generations.

“There is so much more at stake than a question of vaccines. This fight is about the survival of the country and the ideals established by our founding fathers.”

Thornton said that since Feds for Medical Freedom was founded, the group has been “censored, shadow-banned, de-platformed too many times to count.”

He credited Thursday’s win to “the bravery and tenacity of those who were willing to put their careers on the line to defend our freedoms.”

The White House, which continues to defend the mandate, citing the high compliance rate among the federal workforce, issued a statement Friday saying that “Vaccination remains one of the most important tools to protect people from serious illness and hospitalizations” against COVID-19, The Associated Press reported.

Executive order was contentious from the start

Biden introduced Executive Order 14043 in September 2021, requiring more than 3.5 million federal executive branch workers to undergo COVID-19 vaccination unless they secured approved medical or religious exemptions.

Those who didn’t comply were threatened with disciplinary action, including termination.

In December 2021, Feds for Medical Freedom, a nonprofit representing more than 8,500 federal employees who don’t want the vaccine, sued the Biden administration and several federal agencies.

Other parties to the lawsuit include AFGE Local 918, a union representing employees in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Protective Service and several other individuals and federal contractors.

The groups sought to block two COVID-19 vaccine mandates: one covering federal employees and the other for federal contractors. They also asked for injunctions against both orders.

The court declined to enjoin the contractor mandate because it was already under a nationwide injunction.

Lawyers representing the Biden administration argued the Constitution gives the president, as head of the federal workforce, the same authority as the CEO of a private corporation, and that therefore mandating vaccination was under the president’s authority.

The plaintiffs disagreed, countering that such action oversteps a president’s powers, The Defender reported.

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Brown, in Jan. 2022, issued an injunction blocking the federal mandate. Judge Brown ruled that the Biden administration did not have the authority to impose the mandate.

At that time, the administration said nearly 98% of federal employees had been vaccinated against COVID-19, the AP reported.

From there, the case moved to the 5th Circuit.

In February 2022, a 5th Circuit panel of judges declined to block Brown’s ruling and instead asked both parties to file arguments to the court in March.

The majority ruling by a three-judge panel in April reinstated the mandate, determining that the court did not have the jurisdiction to rule in the case.

The panel ordered the district court to dismiss the case, arguing that under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, the plaintiffs should have filed their complaints elsewhere, such as in administrative venues like the Merit Systems Protection Board.

In June 2022, the federal appeals court agreed to reconsider its decision to reinstate the mandate and scheduled the en banc oral arguments, leading to Thursday’s ruling.

Biden administration exceeded its authority, judges rule

The 16-judge appeals court ruled on Thursday that the court does in fact have jurisdiction over the case.

The judges said the Civil Service Reform Act did not apply in this case because the workers were challenging the mandates on the grounds that the administration exceeded its authority.

Judge Andrew Oldham, nominated to the court by then-President Donald Trump, wrote the 10-member majority opinion.

Oldham and the majority said that federal law does not apply to “private, irreversible medical decisions made in consultation with private medical professionals outside the federal workplace.”

They added:

“The fact that the President ordered employees to make medical decisions outside of the workplace — and to live with those irrevocable decisions even after they leave the federal workforce — bolsters plaintiffs’ argument that the mandate is not a ‘working condition.’”

Judge Stephen Higginson, a nominee of President Barack Obama, wrote the main dissenting opinion.

“For the wrong reasons, our court correctly concludes that we do have jurisdiction,” Higginson wrote.

“But contrary to a dozen federal courts — and having left a government motion to stay the district court’s injunction pending for more than a year — our court still refuses to say why the President does not have the power to regulate workplace safety for his employees.”

In the next district court arguments, Oldham wrote:

“The plaintiffs will have to prove that whatever injunction they request is broad enough to protect against their proven injuries and no broader.

“And the Government will have another chance to show that any permanent injunction should be narrower than the preliminary one.

“And both sides will have to grapple with the White House’s announcement that the COVID emergency will finally end on May 11, 2023.”

The government may also have to contend with more lawsuits. Feds for Medical Freedom said it intends to file new suits in federal court “for violations of our members’ rights, including under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the U.S. Constitution. We will be fighting for justice for those whom the vaccine has injured.”

The group added:

“As this decision makes clear today, many in the government overstepped their legal bounds, and we are going to hold them accountable.”



This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense

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Cover image credit: melodiustenor

The Overpopulation Myth

The Overpopulation Myth

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
March 22, 2023


The myth of overpopulation is an unfounded belief that: the number of people on Earth will exceed the [hypothetical] carrying capacity of the planet in the foreseeable future, leading to economic or social collapse, and that actions ought to be taken to curb population growth.

Population alarmists at the United Nations propose that the world’s growing population will strip the Earth of its useable resources and will outpace innovation and rates of production. This, they believe, will cause diminishing standards of living, more poverty, more hunger, famine and starvation, water shortages, pestilence, war and conflict over diminishing resources, the evisceration of wildlife habitats, and environmental catastrophes.

–  Population Research Institute

Overpopulation: The Myth

Spoiler Alert:  Data trends are clear. The world is in a population decline.

Overcrowded cities ≠ overcrowded planet. – Jared Wolf

True numbers show that China’s fertility rate is below 1.5 children per woman.  Many countries, though not all, have now fallen below the 2.5 birth rate marker, which will begin to create lopsided populations with too many old and not enough young to support them. No known society has recovered from such a decline.  Twenty-three countries expect their numbers to halve by 2100.

When officials at the UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) projected 8 billion people by 2022, were they correct in their assessment? What is UNFPA? How accurate are their models?  How do they know that their numbers will spell the collapse of civilization? Are they really part of the depopulation solution? Are your tax dollars supporting their coercive methods? Why should we believe them?  [More on what UNFPA is here].

The term “overpopulation” is an attempt to mislead through social engineering. It is an attempt to control human behavior by pinning the blame on humans for environmental changes and to create fear. Meanwhile, environmental catastrophes – famines, water shortages, extreme temperatures – are engineered through technology to feed the myth of  “Climate Change.”

The fact is that the climate is ever changing. There is nothing to fear. There is only the act of questioning and stopping the changers of climate who cause it to rain and snow as some solutions to droughts. [See US patent for altering weather and a list of companies in the U.S. altering weather patterns].

Governments today are pushing population control policies in order to control the number of children being born as a protective measure to their national resources. All of these policies have received global recognition of their brutality: –Population Research Institute

  • China’s one-child policy, where women were severely fined, arrested, or forcibly sterilized for exceeding the birth limit.
  • India’s sex-selective abortion where approximately 15.8 million girls have been eliminated since 1990 due to a cultural preference for boys. Now the government wants to impose their own two-child policy.
  • Latin America’s forced sterilization programs where women where arrested for being pregnant and their babies where aborted in unsanitary conditions.
  • The United Nation’s ‘education programs’ that refuse aid to developing countries unless they accept contraception, abortion, and sterilization to prevent the false idea of population over-growth.
  • The United States government helped to found the UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) in 1969 to be a nonpartisan clearinghouse for population and demographic information. Instead, UNFPA evolved into an advocacy group that has had a hand in several coercive population control programs around the world. – Population Research Institute 

“Overpopulation” is the prescribed reason for the U.N.’s Sustainability Agenda, with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that urge people to “eat bugs over beef” for reasons unproven, in order to counter “Climate Change.”

The world has overcrowded cities, not overcrowded countries. According to the Sustainable Review, “if the entire world population lived in Texas, we would still be less crowded than New York City. Texas has over 268,000 square miles of land for a planet of 8 billion-plus people.”

Ironically, overpopulation is the official reason to herd people into “Smart Cities,” where the digital (CBDC) blockchain, 5G, and The Internet of Things will make it easier to control, sanction, and monitor people.

Humanity is moving ever deeper into a crisis which has no precedent – a ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in the Universe. It is not an examination of political, economic, or religious systems but of the integrity of each and all individual humans’ responsible thinking and unselfish response to the acceleration in evolution’s evermore unprecedented events. – Buckminster Fuller, 1981, “Critical Path” 

Thanks to social engineering and movie-making, humanity has been purposely mislead. The population is in decline. Employers can no longer find find people to hire. New apartment buildings stand empty in US cities. And fertility rates have plummeted.

Population Collapse Suppressed

During the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC), the talk was about Population Collapse and Artificial Intelligence, not overpopulation. According to the Sustainable Review, “Every region on Earth now expects more deaths than births in the coming decades.” Furthermore, reports from the U.S. VAERS database indicate that death rates have increased.

Ironically, the concept of overpopulation has always been sold during times of starvation. Episodes of starvation have been underreported throughout history. The latest December 2021 Chinese census has not been made public, but estimates from the 2020 census show China loses 400,00o people annually. The United States noted similar numbers. Officials guesses a lower fertility rate is a natural result of China’s social and economic development. But could it be due to UNFPA’s social engineering? However, this is not the first decline for the Chinese:

Government figures show the Chinese population declined by around 13.5m between 1959 and 1961, although that is believed to be a serious underestimate. Independent scholars believe tens of millions of people died during the Great Leap famine between 1959 and 1961, when Mao ordered the entire nation to make steel in backyard furnaces and crops were exported and hoarded even as millions starved.  –Sun Yu, Financial Times, 2021

Controlling Herd Size

The U.S. media promotes fear of coming food shortages, while governments promote culling animal herds, resulting in higher food prices. According to the UK Agriculture, Food, Environment, “Culling is the best strategy a farmer has to controlling herd size.”

But which herd are they describing? Animal or human?

By the 2020s we find ourselves commandeered by a technology whose algorithms and oh so virtual artificial intelligence are often regarded as a model to emulate in real life, sacrificing our very own minds in a blind displacement of genuine thinking. Is it any wonder we find our entire species in the diamond lane on the highway to extinction?  – Boho Beau, Whole World

The propaganda to save Earth from human overpopulation is promoted through movies and secret government programs, alike, as a distraction to the reality of population collapse through engineering.

The 2017 movie, Downsizing, is a social satire that promotes the shrinking of people to five inches through a new technique called “cellular reduction,” as a way to both save the planet and be able to afford an elegant lifestyle at the same time. But, in the end, the same problems that plague the “big people” also affect the little ones since everyone shares the same Earth.

In the HBO, post apocalyptic series, The Last of Us, a global zomie-esque fungus pandemic is blamed on “Climate Change.” The result is the creation of Settlement Cities that eventually become “QZs,”or quarantine zones, run by FEDRA (military arm), where freedom is nonexistent. The story proclaims the mushroom Cordyceps to be the source of the plague while an experimental vaccine to be the solution. In reality, Cordyceps is a healer that recovers the immune system and has anti-tumor properties. Everything is reversed.

Movies correspond to politics through panic propaganda and predictive programming. Why else would Hollywood release so many plague-based movies based on false information? In case of any future global pandemic, the U.S. government has made plans to control the human herd through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Put another way, FEDRA equals FEMA.

FEMA was created by a series of Executive Orders. Presidents use Executive Orders to bypass Congress and exercise the unilateral power of their office. FEMA has the authority to suspend laws, move populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and without trial. FEMA can seize property, food supplies, and transportation systems. It can suspend the Constitution of the United States, which, by the way, presidents already accomplish by using Executive Orders.

FEMA is an agency with powers beyond any other U.S. agency. It was set up to assure the survivability of the United States Government in the event of a nuclear attack. These are the 10 FEMA regions in the US (see map). If FEMA is the solution, then why is Donald Trump suddenly in the news promoting “Freedom Cities” on federal land? Could these be centered in FEMA regions?

Yes they could.

Raise The Red Flag!

The “freedom cities” movement is promoted as being “a decentralized collection of dozens of local and national progressive” groups, dedicated to civil and immigrant rights that have banded together “to fight anti-sanctuary policies.” Some “freedom cities” include: Madison, Wis.; Portland, Oregon; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Albany, California; Silver City, New Mexico; Austin, Texas; and dozens of others.

For any discerning human, “government rights” is a red flag.  Governments do not grant rights. Government can only grant benefits and privileges that come with citizen responsibilities. Rights are not gifts from government. Rights are innate, by birth, that governments are established to protect. Choice cannot be legislated. So, any talk of new “government rights” along with the new definition of “freedom” should be questioned. Can you say, Police State America?

See map of U.S. Federal-owned land by State

Under Rex 84, short for the Readiness Exercise Program, signed by President Ronald Regan in 1984, there are now over 600 FEMA camps nation wide, or about 12 FEMA camps in every state on federal land.  In the event that Martial Law is implemented, FEMA would be able to detain large numbers of U.S. citizens. Two subprograms Cable Splicer and Garden Plot could follow after Martial Law, during times of major civil disturbances. Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are code names for a regionalization and orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government.

Nature Strives For Balance 

In order to prevent the demise of the human population, young 20-something couples will need to bear 3-4 children starting now. Yet, is such a plan feasible in the toxic, expensive world humans have allowed to manifest? What does China want with people’s DNA, anyway?

Nature strives for balance, of which humans are a part. If humanity has lost its ability to procreate, then humans have lost an ability to come into balance, which is what Nature offers. Are humans really herd animals? Are we evolving or devolving? Have the majority of humans disconnected from Nature? Do they accept the demonization of Nature’s healing plants and mushrooms while accepting experimental injections of unknown substances?

Perhaps it is time for humanity to protect its DNA as it would protect its children or its property, before humanity is lost altogether.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


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The Evil Intent of the Pledge of Allegiance

The Evil Intent of the Pledge of Allegiance

by Gary D. Barnett
March 22, 2023


Southington, Connecticut school children pledge their allegiance to the flag, in May 1942.

“Rex Curry is the historian who revealed amazing discoveries including (1) that the USA’s Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was the origin of the Nazi salute and Nazi behavior adopted later in Germany under Hitler’s socialism, and (2) that the so-called “swastika” symbol was used to represent “S” letter shapes for “SOCIALISM” under Hitler.


It has pleased me greatly to see the recent headlines and articles lambasting the horrible “Pledge of Allegiance.” It is about time. This is beside the fact that many of the reasons given for abandoning these nation-state glorification (socialist) testimonials, are incorrect, based on some ‘woke’ agenda, or some non-thinking collective nonsense. No one should ever have said any evil pledge to any nation or country, or sang any ‘national’ anthem meant as worship of the State. The fact that this is demanded of children from almost infancy to adult is no accident, as it takes time to indoctrinate, and make compliant an entire society.

Jacob Hornberger’s recent article, “The Pledge of Allegiance and Government Schools,” was well done, and explained some of the history of the heinous pledge, but I think it is very important to concentrate on why most adults still stand at attention at every single demand to say the pledge or sing the national anthem. The children mostly comply because they have been taught to do so almost since birth,  this due to being exposed to heinous government schooling (total indoctrination)  that only exists in order to harm and brainwash by promoting State worship and obedience.

I have told this story before, but will once again. When I was 16 years old and in a government school, all students in the high school I attended  were required to meet the first thing in the morning in a very large auditorium. At that time, there were over 400 students, and all were told every morning to stand, put their hand over their heart (different than the ‘Hitler (Roman) salute’ used from 1892 until December 1942) and say the Pledge of Allegiance. I do not recall exactly when I began to find this to be obnoxious, but it had been a long time. I was shy at this age, but could no longer put up with this idiocy. I stood up in front of the entire hall, and stated that I would never say this pledge to any flag again in my life. As you might imagine, this caused a great stir and disbelief, and those in charge immediately took me to the principal’s office.

As you might imagine, I was threatened, and told I had to say the pledge, but I said never again. I do not remember all that was said to me, or how long this browbeating went on, but eventually, my parents were called. I do not remember how my father was able to get there considering his work, but he showed up and came to the principal’s office. He was told that I refused to say the pledge, and that this was required. My father simply said, and I paraphrase, “If Gary said he is not going to say the pledge, then that is the end of the conversation. It is his decision.” I have never said it since that time.

It was later in life that I came to the same decision concerning the warmongering, and abhorrent national anthem, but I saw little difference in this and the pledge, concerning the attitude of worship for the State. I had no use for that idiocy, which I consider a voluntary pronouncement of slavery to the State.

The history of pledging allegiance and bowing to the State as master, has long been a part of this country’s past, but it was not always so, even given that the constitutional convention was meant to create a large and powerful centralized federal governing system; one with virtually unlimited powers. One aspect of the State gaining submission to its false authority by the common people, is to fool them into believing that the ‘country,’ (nation-state) and its hideous flag are more important than the individual, and that ridiculous ‘patriotism’ to the State is necessary for the ‘greater good.’ This is laughable, especially considering the evil tyranny and murder committed in the name of this country–the USA.

What should be gained from understanding the deceit of such nonsensical madness as worship of government or State, is that in order to be free, one must separate himself from any devotion to rule, or allegiance to any country or false governing authority. When one accepts that any regime or State is more important than the individual, slavery will naturally result. Those in power fully understand this concept, and every fiber of their being is bent on fooling the people into believing that they are subordinate to the State. (Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.) The ruling class considers themselves as gods, and the people their servants, and uses fear as their crutch to capture the hearts and souls of mankind. This is the essence of rule, power, and control over society.

If one is to seek and respect freedom, all governing systems, all government schools, and all aspects of power of one over another, must be abolished. Freedom and rule are opposite, and cannot exist together. There is either rule by tyrants, or there is freedom, and never the twain shall meet.

“You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul.”

~ Gandhi


Reference links:

The Bellamy salute

Francis Bellamy


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Cover image in Public Domain: (1899) Students pledging to the flag, 1899, 8th Division, Washington, D.C.
Part of the Frances Benjamin Johnston 1890 – 1900 Washington, D.C., school survey.

Circus Politics Are Intended to Distract Us. Don’t Be Distracted.

Circus Politics Are Intended to Distract Us. Don’t Be Distracted.

by John & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
March 22, 2023


“There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many controlled by the few.”

—Lawrence Lessig, Harvard law professor

It is easy to be distracted right now by the bread and circus politics that have dominated the news headlines lately, but don’t be distracted.

Don’t be fooled, not even a little.

We’re being subjected to the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.

This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls.

What characterizes American government today is not so much dysfunctional politics as it is ruthlessly contrived governance carried out behind the entertaining, distracting and disingenuous curtain of political theater. And what political theater it is, diabolically Shakespearean at times, full of sound and fury, yet in the end, signifying nothing.

We are being ruled by a government of scoundrels, spies, thugs, thieves, gangsters, ruffians, rapists, extortionists, bounty hunters, battle-ready warriors and cold-blooded killers who communicate using a language of force and oppression.

The U.S. government now poses the greatest threat to our freedoms.

More than terrorism, more than domestic extremism, more than gun violence and organized crime, even more than the perceived threat posed by any single politician, the U.S. government remains a greater menace to the life, liberty and property of its citizens than any of the so-called dangers from which the government claims to protect us.

No matter who has occupied the White House in recent years, the Deep State has succeeded in keeping the citizenry divided and at each other’s throats.

After all, as long as we’re busy fighting each other, we’ll never manage to present a unified front against tyranny in any form.

Unfortunately, what we are facing is tyranny in every form.

The facts speak for themselves.

We’re being robbed blind by a government of thieves. Americans no longer have any real protection against government agents empowered to seize private property at will. For instance, police agencies under the guise of asset forfeiture laws are taking Americans’ personal property based on little more than a suspicion of criminal activity and keeping it for their own profit and gain. In one case, police seized more than $17,000 in cash from two sisters who were trying to start a dog breeding business. Despite finding no evidence of wrongdoing, police held onto the money for months. Homeowners are losing their homes over unpaid property taxes (as little as $2300 owed) that amount to a fraction of what they have invested in their homes. And then there’s the Drug Enforcement Agency, which has been searching train and airline passengers and pocketing their cash, without ever charging them with a crime.

We’re being taken advantage of by a government of scoundrels, idiots and cowards. Journalist H.L. Mencken calculated that “Congress consists of one-third, more or less, scoundrels; two-thirds, more or less, idiots; and three-thirds, more or less, poltroons.” By and large, Americans seem to agree. When you’ve got government representatives who spend a large chunk of their work hours fundraising, being feted by lobbyists, shuffling through a lucrative revolving door between public service and lobbying, and making themselves available to anyone with enough money to secure access to a congressional office, you’re in the clutches of a corrupt oligarchy. Mind you, these same elected officials rarely read the legislation they’re enacting, nor do they seem capable of enacting much legislation that actually helps the plight of the American citizen. More often than not, the legislation lands the citizenry in worse straits.

We’re being locked up by a government of greedy jailers. We have become a carceral state, spending three times more on our prisons than on our schools and imprisoning close to a quarter of the world’s prisoners, despite the fact that crime is at an all-time low and the U.S. makes up only 5% of the world’s population. The rise of overcriminalization and profit-driven private prisons provides even greater incentives for locking up American citizens for such non-violent “crimes” as having an overgrown lawn. As the Boston Review points out, “America’s contemporary system of policing, courts, imprisonment, and parole … makes money through asset forfeiture, lucrative public contracts from private service providers, and by directly extracting revenue and unpaid labor from populations of color and the poor. In states and municipalities throughout the country, the criminal justice system defrays costs by forcing prisoners and their families to pay for punishment. It also allows private service providers to charge outrageous fees for everyday needs such as telephone calls. As a result people facing even minor criminal charges can easily find themselves trapped in a self-perpetuating cycle of debt, criminalization, and incarceration.”

We’re being spied on by a government of Peeping Toms. The government, along with its corporate partners, is watching everything you do, reading everything you write, listening to everything you say, and monitoring everything you spend. Omnipresent surveillance is paving the way for government programs that profile citizens, document their behavior and attempt to predict what they might do in the future, whether it’s what they might buy, what politician they might support, or what kinds of crimes they might commit. The impact of this far-reaching surveillance, according to Psychology Today, is “reduced trust, increased conformity, and even diminished civic participation.” As technology analyst Jillian C. York concludes, “Mass surveillance without due process—whether undertaken by the government of Bahrain, Russia, the US, or anywhere in between—threatens to stifle and smother that dissent, leaving in its wake a populace cowed by fear.”

We’re being ravaged by a government of ruffians, rapists and killers. It’s not just the police shootings of unarmed citizens that are worrisome. It’s the SWAT team raids gone wrongmore than 80,000 annually—that are leaving innocent citizens wounded, children terrorized and family pets killed. It’s the roadside strip searches—in some cases, cavity searches of men and women alike carried out in full view of the public—in pursuit of drugs that are never found. It’s the potentially lethal—and unwarranted—use of so-called “nonlethal” weapons such as tasers on children for “mouthing off to a police officer. For trying to run from the principal’s office. For, at the age of 12, getting into a fight with another girl.”

We’re being forced to surrender our freedoms—and those of our children—to a government of extortionists, money launderers and professional pirates. The American people have repeatedly been sold a bill of goods about how the government needs more money, more expansive powers, and more secrecy (secret courts, secret budgets, secret military campaigns, secret surveillance) in order to keep us safe. Under the guise of fighting its wars on terror, drugs and now domestic extremism, the government has spent billions in taxpayer dollars on endless wars that have not ended terrorism but merely sown the seeds of blowback, surveillance programs that have caught few terrorists while subjecting all Americans to a surveillance society, and militarized police that have done little to decrease crime while turning communities into warzones. Not surprisingly, the primary ones to benefit from these government exercises in legal money laundering have been the corporations, lobbyists and politicians who inflict them on a trusting public.

We’re being held at gunpoint by a government of soldiers: a standing army. As if it weren’t enough that the American military empire stretches around the globe (and continues to leech much-needed resources from the American economy), the U.S. government is creating its own standing army of militarized police and teams of weaponized, federal bureaucrats. These civilian employees are being armed to the hilt with guns, ammunition and military-style equipment; authorized to make arrests; and trained in military tactics. Among the agencies being supplied with night-vision equipment, body armor, hollow-point bullets, shotguns, drones, assault rifles and LP gas cannons are the Smithsonian, U.S. Mint, Health and Human Services, IRS, FDA, Small Business Administration, Social Security Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Education Department, Energy Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing and an assortment of public universities. There are now reportedly more bureaucratic (non-military) government civilians armed with high-tech, deadly weapons than U.S. Marines. That doesn’t even begin to touch on the government’s arsenal, the transformation of local police into extensions of the military, and the speed with which the nation could be locked down under martial law depending on the circumstances.

Whatever else it may be—a danger, a menace, a threat—the U.S. government is certainly no friend to freedom.

To our detriment, the criminal class that Mark Twain mockingly referred to as Congress has since expanded to include every government agency that feeds off the carcass of our once-constitutional republic.

The government and its cohorts have conspired to ensure that the only real recourse the American people have to hold the government accountable or express their displeasure with the government is through voting, which is no real recourse at all.

Consider it: the penalties for civil disobedience, whistleblowing and rebellion are severe. If you refuse to pay taxes for government programs you believe to be immoral or illegal, you will go to jail. If you attempt to overthrow the government—or any agency thereof—because you believe it has overstepped its reach, you will go to jail. If you attempt to blow the whistle on government misconduct, you will go to jail. In some circumstances, if you even attempt to approach your elected representative to voice your discontent, you can be arrested and jailed.

You cannot have a republican form of government—nor a democratic one, for that matter—when the government views itself as superior to the citizenry, when it no longer operates for the benefit of the people, when the people are no longer able to peacefully reform their government, when government officials cease to act like public servants, when elected officials no longer represent the will of the people, when the government routinely violates the rights of the people and perpetrates more violence against the citizenry than the criminal class, when government spending is unaccountable and unaccounted for, when the judiciary act as courts of order rather than justice, and when the government is no longer bound by the laws of the Constitution.

We no longer have a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.”

Rather, what we have is a government of wolves.

For too long, the American people have obeyed the government’s dictates, no matter now unjust.

We have paid its taxes, penalties and fines, no matter how outrageous. We have tolerated its indignities, insults and abuses, no matter how egregious. We have turned a blind eye to its indiscretions and incompetence, no matter how imprudent. We have held our silence in the face of its lawlessness, licentiousness and corruption, no matter how illicit.

How long we will continue to suffer depends on how much we’re willing to give up for the sake of freedom.

For the moment, the American people seem content to sit back and watch the reality TV programming that passes for politics today. It’s the modern-day equivalent of bread and circuses, a carefully calibrated exercise in how to manipulate, polarize, propagandize and control a population.

As French philosopher Etienne de La Boétie observed half a millennium ago:

“Plays, farces, spectacles, gladiators, strange beasts, medals, pictures, and other such opiates, these were for ancient peoples the bait toward slavery, the price of their liberty, the instruments of tyranny. By these practices and enticements the ancient dictators so successfully lulled their subjects under the yoke, that the stupefied peoples, fascinated by the pastimes and vain pleasures flashed before their eyes, learned subservience as naively, but not so creditably, as little children learn to read by looking at bright picture books.”

The bait towards slavery. The price of liberty. The instruments of tyranny.

Yes, that sounds about right.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, “We the people” have learned only too well how to be slaves.


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Cover image credit: Prawny

Dr. Mike Yeadon: Why I Don’t Believe There Ever Was a Covid Virus

Why I Don’t Believe There Ever Was a Covid Virus

by Dr. Mike Yeadon, TCW UK
March 22, 2023


I’ve grown increasingly frustrated about the way debate is controlled around the topic of origins of the alleged novel virus, SARS-CoV-2, and I have come to disbelieve it’s ever been in circulation, causing massive scale illness and death. Concerningly, almost no one will entertain this possibility, despite the fact that molecular biology is the easiest discipline in which to cheat. That’s because you really cannot do it without computers, and sequencing requires complex algorithms and, importantly, assumptions. Tweaking algorithms and assumptions, you can hugely alter the conclusions.

This raises the question of why there is such an emphasis on the media storm around Fauci, Wuhan and a possible lab escape. After all, the ‘perpetrators’ have significant control over the media. There’s no independent journalism at present. It is not as though they need to embarrass the establishment.  I put it to readers that they’ve chosen to do so.

So who do I mean by ‘they’ and ‘the perpetrators?  There are a number of candidates competing for this position, with their drug company accomplices, several of whom are named in Paula Jardine’s excellent five-part series for TCW, Anatomy of the sinister Covid project. High on the list is the ‘enabling’ World Economic Forum and their many political acolytes including Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Ardern.

But that doesn’t answer the question why are they focusing on the genesis of the virus. In my view, they are doing their darnedest to make sure you regard this event exactly as they want you to. Specifically, that there was a novel virus.

I’m not alone in believing that myself at the beginning of the ‘pandemic’, but over time I’ve seen sufficient evidence to cast strong doubt on that idea. Additionally, when considered as part of a global coup d’état, I have put myself in the position of the most senior, hidden perpetrators. In a Q&A, they would learn that the effect of a released novel pathogen couldn’t be predicted accurately. It might burn out rapidly. Or it might turn out to be quite a lot more lethal than they’d expected, demolishing advanced civilisations. Those top decision-makers would, I submit, conclude that this natural risk is intolerable to them. They crave total control, and the wide range of possible outcomes from a deliberate release militates against this plan of action: ‘No, we’re not going to do this. Come back with a plan with very much reduced uncertainty on outcomes.’

The alternative I think they’ve used is to add one more lie to the tall stack of lies which has surrounded this entire affair. This lie is that there has ever been in circulation a novel respiratory virus which, crucially, caused massive-scale illness and deaths. In fact, there hasn’t.

Instead, we have been told there was this frightening, novel pathogen and ramped up the stress-inducing fear porn to 11, and held it there. This fits with cheating about genetic sequences, PCR test protocols (probes, primers, amplification and annealing conditions, cycles), ignoring contaminating genetic materials from not only human and claimed viral sources, but also bacterial and fungal sources. Why for example did they need to insert the sampling sticks right into our sinuses? Was it to maximise non-human genetic sequences?

Notice the soft evidence that our political and cultural leaders, including the late Queen, were happy to meet and greet one another without testing, masking or social distancing. They had no fear. In the scenario above, a few people would have known there was no new hazard in their environment. If there really was a lethal pathogen stalking the land, I don’t believe they’d have had the courage or the need to act nonchalantly and risk exposure to the virus.

Most convincingly for me is the US all-cause mortality (ACM) data by state, sex, age and date of occurrence, as analysed by Denis Rancourt and colleagues. The pattern of increased ACM is inconsistent with the presence of a novel respiratory virus as the main cause.

If I’m correct that there was no novel virus, what a genius move it was to pretend there was! Now they want you only to consider how this ‘killer virus’ got into the human population. Was it a natural emergence (you know, a wild bat bit a pangolin and this ended up being sold at a wet market in Wuhan) or was it hubristically created by a Chinese researcher, enabled along the way by a researcher at the University of North Carolina funded by Fauci, together making an end run around a presidential pause on such work? Then there’s the question as to whether the arrival of the virus in the general public was down to carelessness and a lab leak, or did someone deliberately spread it?

I also need to point out that the perpetrators have hermetic control of the mass media via a Big Tech and government stranglehold documented in part herehere and hereThat’s why they’ve found it so easy to censor people like me. If a story appears on multiple TV networks, it’s because they’re either OK with it or it has been actively planted. It won’t be genuine. They never tell the truth. I don’t think they’ve told the truth since this coup began and probably much earlier. Most so-called journalists have lost sight of what truth ever was.

I believe that the perpetrators (who could be all or any of Gates, Fauci, Farrar, Vallance, CEPI, EcoHealth Alliance, DARPA and numerous others) planted the controversy about the origins of SARS-CoV-2  because a little embarrassment of the establishment was a small price to persuade most of us that there surely must be a novel virus when there isn’t. (And they have got away with it to date.)

I have colleagues who do not believe what we’ve been told (i.e. that a virus has been experimentally constructed) is even possible technologically. I don’t have the background to assess that idea. But the rest hangs together for me in a way that no other explanation does.

To this point, an ex-pharmaceutical industry executive Sasha Latypova, speaking with Robert F Kennedy Jr on his podcast of last Thursday, March 16, describes the extensive evidence of the contracts and relationships that were in place before the Covid era. Contracts were signed for billions of dollars in February 2020. Not only would the required production never happen (from a standing start, to sign such a large commitment is ridiculous) but it cannot be done. She estimated that approximately one kilogram of DNA was required. There isn’t that much medicinal grade DNA on the planet at any one time. That’s because it’s hard to do, very expensive, wholly bespoke and difficult to store for long periods. Also, the amounts of any specific DNA sequence required and held in store by commercial suppliers would be milligrams or perhaps grams at a stretch. So it was always completely unfeasible, regardless of how much money was thrown at the problem, to have accomplished what they claim to have done in a short time.

Consequently, no other conclusion is supported by the facts than that it’s a huge crime, extensively planned. In itself, that rules out a natural emergence of a pathogen, unless divine providence occurred. Logically we’re left with a leak or, as I argue, a lie plus a PsyOp. The former may or may not be possible, but what isn’t arguable is that something like this could be done and would be likely to run smoothly, with a real pathogen. Almost any outcome but the one presumably wanted is likely if a pathogen is released. I can reach no other conclusion than that it’s fake.

In closing, I’m not saying people weren’t sick or that they didn’t die in huge numbers. I’m arguing only about the causes of illnesses and deaths. People were made sick and some killed by all the pre-existing causes, amplified by fear, resulting in immunosuppression and then a host of revolting actions. Note even the official overlap of signs and symptoms of ‘Covid-19’ and existing illnesses. Notably, they chopped antibiotic prescriptions in the US by 50 per cent during 2020. They ensured large numbers of frail elderly people were mechanically ventilated, a procedure which, in such subjects, is close to contraindicated. Some were administered remdesivir, which is a poison for the kidneys. In care homes, they were given midazolam and morphine, respiratory depressant drugs which in combination are all but contraindicated in patients with breathing difficulties. If used, close monitoring is required, most usually automated alarm systems attached to vital cardiorespiratory monitoring, including fingertip monitoring for blood gases. That didn’t happen in care homes.

I believe the main reason for the lies about the novel virus is a desire for total predictability and control, with the clearly articulated intention of transforming society; beginning by dismantling the financial system through lockdowns and furlough, while the immediate practical goal of lockdown was to provide the causus belli for injecting as many people as possible with materials designed not to induce immunity, but to demand repeat inoculation, to cause injury and death, and to control freedom of movement. I’m sure they’re pretty content with getting at least one needle into 6,000,000,000 people.

Note that though an estimated 10-15million have been killed with poisonous ‘vaccines’, these are the but first of many mRNA injections to come. The indications are that ways to force you to accept ten more have been anticipated, because that’s the number of doses your government has agreed to purchase. Purchasing what? Well, it’s already been mooted that all existing vaccines are to be reformatted as mRNA types. If this happens, I don’t believe anyone injected ten more times is likely to escape death or severe, life-limiting illnesses. Inducing your body to manufacture non-self proteins will axiomatically induce an autoimmune attack by your own body. Your disease will be related to where the injected dose goes and of course the consistency of that injected product. They’ve been horribly erratic so far. It’s not certain they ever could have been made and launched if they had been subject to the usual quality requirements and not granted ’emergency use’ authorisations. Of course, as we now know, the regulators played an important role beyond lying for the US military, the organisation which made the original orders for ‘vaccines’, and set all the contractual conditions for companies such as Moderna and Pfizer.

The chickens are coming home to roost right now in the banking system.

As I always say, I cannot know much for sure. I don’t have a copy of the script of this, the greatest crime in history. But, whatever Covid actually is, I don’t believe that what was called influenza disappeared conveniently in early 2020. It’s another lie. It’s what they do. It’s all they do.

To those who sense that all is not well but are unwilling to make the psychological leap to the diabolical world I believe we’re now living in, I point out the asymmetry of risk. If you follow the official narrative and I’m right, you and your children will lose all your freedoms and probably your lives. If you believe what I’m saying and I’m wrong, you’ll be laughed at. These options aren’t faintly balanced. A rational actor should cease believing what we’re being told. It’s not a safe position, keeping your counsel and your head down. It’s the most dangerous thing you could do.


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Don’t Be Lured by the ‘Lab Leak’ Trap

Don’t Be Lured by the ‘Lab Leak’ Trap


“The cabal of pandemic fraudsters must be laughing. As cartoonist Bob Moran quipped, gain of function is really gain of fiction. To date, there is no actual evidence that viruses can be made more lethal, despite the huge amounts of research grant money awarded and theoretical reports.”



by Niall McCrae, 21st Century Wire
March 21, 2023


Why Wuhan? For the most deadly pandemic since the Spanish influenza of 1918-1919, an enormous but hardly known metropolis from the Chinese interior was the source. The official story was zoonotic transmission of a bat coronavirus, blamed on poor hygiene at the city’s wet market.

While I saw from the outset the malevolent plot of Covid-19 to erect an authoritarian regime through an exaggerated threat to lives, I was temporarily drawn to the alternative explanation. The Wuhan Institute of Virology, funded by the US government for ‘gain of function’ viral research, seemed an obvious origin. While the lab leak was dismissed as conspiracy theory by political leaders and most mainstream media, investigative journalism by Ian Birrell in the Mail on Sunday reported lax practices and broken seals in the Wuhan laboratory, despite its intended operation at the highest level of biosecurity.

I suggested a laboratory accident in my report Year of the Bat, written for Civitas think-tank during the first lockdown. But months later I changed my mind, having listened to the likes of Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire, doctors Sam Bailey and Tom Cowan, Jeff Berwick of Dollar Vigilante, and seasoned conspiracy theorist David Icke. In his Perceptions of a Renegade Mind, Icke argued that it was easier to enact a technocratic coup with a fake rather than real virus. A released pathogen would be unpredictable, likely to lose lethality, and scientific analysis would soon diverge from an initially contrived consensus.

Why didn’t medics and scientists see the scam? Covid-19 was, in my view, a carefully planned emergency, in which normal standards of science and ethics would be overridden. As the new virus began to spread in January 2020, Christian Drosten and colleagues in Germany provided the concrete foundation for the entire edifice, by identifying a genetic sequence through PCR testing, enabling screening for the disease. Incredibly, this paper was approved by peer review in 24 hours. Testing kits were already available in bulk supply across the world – one of many curious instances of readiness for a nasty viral surprise.

Doctors and health authorities uncritically accepted the existence of Covid-19 and its testing standard. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, emphasised that this tool should not be used for diagnostic purpose, and that with high level of amplification of samples, almost anything in the atmosphere could be found by the test. Perhaps too conveniently, Mullis died in August 2019.

Instead of the widely depicted CGI rendering of a sphere with spikes (like a naval mine, but typically coloured in a sinister deep purple), the reality of SARSCOV2 is a code for a genetic sequence generated with ‘next generation’ genomic sequencing software found in human beings here, there and everywhere. It may be merely dead cellular material, possibly more prevalent with seasonal respiratory infection. This code, rather than any viral sample, was all that Pfizer and Moderna used to produce their ‘vaccines’.

The origins of Covid-19 has become a major talking point recently, after the Department of Energy suggested that, after years of denial by the US government, that a lab leak was ‘possible’. The hypothesis was then elevated to ‘probable’ by FBI chief Christopher Wray. Cue a deluge of ‘told you so’ from the sceptical margins.

As lamented by Patrick Henningsen on UK Column News (3 March 2023), some of the most respected and influential dissidents are riding on the crest of this wave of sudden Covid-19 revisionism. Robert Malone, mRNA vaccine inventor, tweeted on the ‘narrative collapsing’, asserting that ‘the lab leak killed millions of people’. Stanford University professor of medicine Jay Bhattacharya, initiator of the Great Barrington Declaration, saw a belated shift ‘from putative conspiracy to legitimate science’. Fox News and Republican politicians such as Rand Paul renewed their calls for prosecution of Dr. Anthony Fauci and demand for reparations from China.

According to Henningsen, the lab leak is nothing but an official conspiracy theory. The narrative, far from collapsing, is unwittingly reinforced by halfway house sceptics. Everything reported on mainstream media is for a purpose, serving the ‘progressive’ agenda. What may appear as mea culpa is a staged performance involving well-remunerated fall guys such as Fauci, and British health secretary Matt Hancock.

Not only does the lab leak cause obfuscation and futile debate, it fools unwary sceptics into perpetrating the big lie. If you fall for this tale, you fall for everything founded on the fundamental falsehood of a ‘novel’ (and possibly manmade) virus. It diverts attention from the iatrogenic scandal of the vaccines, while also preparing the ground for a global pandemic treaty. Instead of fumbling politicians with their petty squabbles and egos, the unelected and unaccountable World Health Organisation will assume control of every nation’s public health response to any future threat of a contagion. This will be justified by the many ‘mistakes’ governments made with Covid-19, as now being highlighted in mass media. By the same token, it also serves to excuse any ‘mistakes’ by governments and the pharmaceutical firms, as they can simply say they were trying to react quickly to a potentially engineered pathogen from an unregulated lab in Wuhan.

The cabal of pandemic fraudsters must be laughing. As cartoonist Bob Moran quipped, gain of function is really gain of fiction. To date, there is no actual evidence that viruses can be made more lethal, despite the huge amounts of research grant money awarded and theoretical reports.

As the dust settles on Covid-19, even the sceptical community has much to learn. They are not always as ‘awake’ as they believe.

The stunning confluence of events and coincidences suggests that the Covid-19 global pandemic took years of planning. If so, it was the work of misanthropic geniuses who saw the potential for a power grab through a global campaign of fear and control, leading to a ‘new normal’ of digital surveillance and constraints on population and resources. The true sequence of events was in reverse. Rather than a virus leading to a vaccine leading to digital identity, the end point was achieved by mass vaccination, for which a virus was invented. Covid-19 arose not from a laboratory, but from a laptop.


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Cover image based on creative commons work of mohamed_hassan & LonelyCanopy

Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer’s Secret Collusion With the NIH

Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer’s Secret Collusion With the NIH

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
March 21, 2023


Video Link
  • Under the 1984 Bayh-Dole Act, government scientists can collect royalties from drug companies for discoveries they make while working on the public’s dime
  • Taxpayers fund government research, while Big Pharma, the National Institutes of Health and NIH scientists keep all the profits
  • As a patent holder who profits from royalties, the NIH has a significant stake in regulations that impact patents and vaccine mandates, and may use its influence to benefit itself rather than the public
  • The NIH distributes $32 billion of taxpayer funds as research grants each year. As the largest federal grant-maker, the NIH has a monopoly on what research gets done and what doesn’t
  • Scientists vying for grants also recognize that in order to get funding, they have to play by the rules, and that means doing work that supports establishment narratives on public health policy

In late February 2023, Moderna agreed to pay $400 million to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for the patent it holds on Moderna’s mRNA shot.1

The patent process is a part of the COVID mRNA shots that the media haven’t really addressed and people in general don’t know anything about — probably because it’s a total racket. Based on internal documents and correspondence, it appears the NIAID funded the creation of SARS-CoV-2. At the same time, it patented and receives royalty payments for the “vaccine” against said virus.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is supposed to be the primary government agency responsible for public health research, but by the looks of it, it appears instead to be in the business of creating public health threats in order to profit from them.

And the agency itself isn’t the only one raking in profits. Many patents are held by individuals working at the NIH/NIAID. So, taxpayers fund research that may or may not work out, while Big Pharma, the NIH and individuals at the NIH profit from products that end up on the market. This is a clear conflict of interest that can hurt public health in any number of ways.

For starters, it incentivizes the NIH to support and promote potentially dangerous drugs, as we’ve clearly seen during the COVID pandemic. The NIH also has a significant stake in regulations that impact patents and vaccine mandates, and may use its influence to benefit itself rather than the public.

Conflicts of Interest Influence Public Health Policy

In the Full Measure video above, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson reports the findings of watchdog group Open The Books, which recently took a deep dive into “the issue of government scientists collecting royalty payments from pharmaceutical companies for discoveries made while working on your dime.”

According to OpenTheBooks.com founder and CEO Adam Andrzejewski, the NIH distributes $32 billion of taxpayer funds as research grants each year to an estimated 56,000 different entities. “That basically buys you the entire American health care space,” he says.

As the largest federal grant-maker, the NIH has a monopoly on what research gets done and what doesn’t, as it decides which scientists and projects get that money. Scientists vying for grants also recognize that in order to get a piece of that pie, they have to play by the rules, and that means doing work that supports establishment narratives on public health policy.

But that’s not all. The NIH is also gobbling up patents, which further weakens its incentive to protect and promote what’s truly in the public’s best interest due to the financial conflicts of interest that come into play.

How the Third-Party Royalty Complex Works

As explained by Andrzejewski, under the 1984 Bayh-Dole Act, government scientists can collect royalties from drug companies for discoveries they make while working on the public’s dime:

“Here’s how the third-party royalty complex works. You have a government scientist funded by taxpayers, and they work in a government lab that’s also funded by taxpayers. And when they have an invention [a drug, device or therapeutic] … the NIH … then licenses that invention … to the private sector.

And the private sector then pays royalties back to NIH. NIH then distributes those royalties on a royalty split schedule, back to the scientist. Details of those royalty payments to government scientists are kept as strictly held secrets.”

In fact, these royalty payments are kept under such closed wraps, scientists who receive them aren’t even required to divulge them on their financial statements, let alone to the public. Congress can’t even access those data.

In mid-June 2022, Sen. Rand Paul questioned then-NIAID chief Dr. Anthony Fauci about whether he’d ever received royalty payments from an entity to which he had given a research grant, and whether he or anyone else on the vaccine committee had ever received payments from vaccine makers.2 Fauci suffered one of his now-famous lapses of memory and wouldn’t answer.

NIH Fights to Shield Conflicted Parties

Paul’s questioning of Fauci came on the heels of a lawsuit filed against the NIH to obtain these payment disclosures. The lawsuit was filed by Open The Books in October 2021. But while the NIH eventually did release them, many of the most crucial pieces of information were redacted, and Paul’s attempt to get answers led nowhere. As noted by Andrzejewski:

“That lawsuit unearthed 3,000 pages of royalty payments to NIH scientists from 2010 to 2021. During that time, 2,407 government scientists received $325 million in secretive royalty payments, averaging out to more than $135,000 each.

But much is left unknown. NIH redacted or blacked out key details. We don’t know who paid it. We don’t know how much each individual scientist received. We can only see their names and count the number of times that each scientist received a payment.

And they also redacted the invention, the license number or the patent number … So, every single one of those individual, third-party royalty payments has the appearance of a conflict of interest …

We need to be able to follow the money. Unelected bureaucrats are running the entire American health care complex without any scrutiny. They’re basically telling the American people, ‘Sit down, shut up, pay up. We’ll run things.’ And that’s not how the federal government is supposed to operate.”

COVID Jabs Are Rife With Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest also appear to have played a role in the U.S. government’s preferential treatment of Pfizer and Moderna during the pandemic. Pfizer was the first to receive government authorization for its COVID jab, and it just so happens to be part of an NIH royalty-sharing agreement.

Moderna also has such an agreement. What this all means is that the NIH helped invent certain technologies that went into these shots, and then licensed those technologies to Pfizer and Moderna in return for royalty payments.

So, the NIH has been making tens of millions of dollars from the COVID shots. Could that financial incentive influence the NIH’s stance on vaccine mandates? What do you think?

As you may recall, Johnson & Johnson’s COVID jab was vilified for causing blood clots, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration even limited the authorized use of the Janssen shot to people over the age of 18 who have no access to Moderna’s or Pfizer’s jabs, and/or those who voluntarily opt for the Janssen shot, understanding the risks.3

Meanwhile, Pfizer’s and Moderna’s shots also cause blood clots, but neither of them was placed under restrictions. Instead, both were added to the U.S. childhood and adult vaccination schedules. Janssen wasn’t.

The NIH Royalty Cash Cow

The NIH’s secret royalties and the conflicts of interest these payments create were also addressed by “Rising” hosts Robby Soave and Briahna Joy Gray in a recent episode (video above). Alexander Zaitchik, author of “Owning the Sun: A People’s History of Monopoly Medicine from Aspirin to COVID-19 Vaccines,” also joined them on the program.

In Zaitchik’s view, the biggest scandal is not that government scientists are receiving royalty payments from drug companies but, rather, the intimate relationship that exists between government and “an industry that is using the monopoly system to price gouge the American people.”

“The NIH has basically abandoned its role to serve the public,” Zaitchik says, “and instead has become much too aligned with the industry and is an enabler, an accomplice and a protector of these monopolies. The vaccines are a point in case.

Government science was basically given, along with these massive research subsidies, through Warp Speed, to Moderna, for example. And there were no public interest provisions attached.

There were no pricing promises, there were no requests that technology be transferred [shared] with other parts of the world. It was basically a conveyor belt for private industry … So, for me, the real problem is NIH [being] fully aligned with industry on the monopoly question when public science is involved …”

Public Gets Fleeced Coming and Going

When public monies are being used for research, any scientific discoveries ought to be used for the public’s benefit, and the patents should remain public property with broad licensing rights.

This used to be the default position, but not anymore. In the 1970s, Big Pharma convinced Congress that this policy was slowing down innovation, and that if companies were allowed to claim exclusive rights to the patents, they’d be more apt to innovate. The Bayh-Dole Act was an outgrowth of this.

But we can now see why and how that doesn’t work. Public health is literally being sacrificed for profit, and since government agencies are in on it, there’s no one left to look out for the public’s interests.

Additionally, the public ends up getting fleeced twice. First, our tax dollars are being used to fund the research that private companies then lay claim to, and then we end up paying top dollar for the products we funded the development of, as there’s no price competition.

As noted by Zaitchik, while the Bayh-Dole Act is a bad law, it does have a rider that says generic production of drugs created with government funding can be mandated. However, every time patient groups have approached the NIH and asked for this provision to be enforced, as the monopoly is hurting patients who cannot afford the exorbitant prices, the NIH has rejected those requests.

For example, the U.S. Army invented a breakthrough prostate cancer drug, and Americans are paying six times the price for this drug compared to other parts of the world. But even though the government has the power to lower the price by mandating generic production, it refuses to do so.

“The whole system, up and down, has been completely corrupted by the amount of money and power the industry has been allowed to amass, because of the corruption in the patent system in general,” Zaitchik says.

Big Pharma Endangers Public Health

In closing, I’d like to draw attention to a paper published in Surgical Neurology International in October 2022, titled “The Pharmaceutical Industry Is Dangerous To Health. Further Proof With COVID-19.”4

“The COVID-19 period highlights a huge problem that has been developing for decades, the control of science by industry,” the author, Fabien Deruelle, an independent researcher in France, writes.

“In the 1950s, the tobacco industry set the example, which the pharmaceutical industry followed. Since then, the latter has been regularly condemned for illegal marketing, misrepresentation of experimental results, dissimulation of information about the dangers of drugs, and considered as criminal.

Therefore, this study was conducted to show that knowledge is powerfully manipulated by harmful corporations, whose goals are: 1) financial; 2) to suppress our ability to make choices to acquire global control of public health.”

Deruelle’s paper reviews a long list of techniques that drug companies use to shape and control the science, including the following:

  1. Falsification of clinical trials and making data inaccessible
  2. Faked studies
  3. Conflict-of-interest studies
  4. Concealment of the jab’s short-term side effects
  5. Concealment of the fact there is no knowledge of the long-term effects of the COVID-19 jab
  6. Dubious composition of the COVID shots, with many ingredients remaining unlisted
  7. Inadequate testing methods
  8. Conflicts of interest within governments and international organizations
  9. Bribing of physicians
  10. Denigration of renowned scientists who express differing views
  11. The banning of alternative effective treatments
  12. Unscientific countermeasures that eviscerate liberties and freedoms
  13. Government use of behavior modification and social engineering techniques to impose isolation, masks wearing and vaccine acceptance
  14. Scientific censorship by the media
White Collar Crooks Are Running the Show

Deruelle points out that all but one of the primary drug companies producing COVID “vaccines” — Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Merck and Johnson & Johnson — have long criminal histories, having been busted and fined huge sums for illegal marketing, recommending drugs for off-label use, misrepresenting trial results and concealing information about known dangers of their drugs. Moderna is the only exception, as it’s only been around since 2010. Deruelle writes:5

“In 2007, Merck paid $670 million, in 2009, Pfizer paid $2.3 billion, in 2010, AstraZeneca paid $520 million, and in 2012, Johnson and Johnson paid a fine of $1.1 billion …

Since 1995, Pfizer has been assessed more than $6.5 billion in penalties for 42 instances of misconduct; 36 instances of misconduct since 1995, resulting in over $11.5 billion in penalties for Johnson and Johnson; 35 instances of misconduct since 1995 and $8.8 billion in penalties for Merck.

Pfizer is singled out as having persistent criminal behavior and casual disregard for the health and well-being of patients. Pfizer is no different from other pharmaceutical companies, but it is larger and more egregious. Pfizer is a habitual offender, persistently engaging in illegal business practices, bribing physicians, and suppressing unfavorable trial results.”

Will Pfizer Stand Trial?

True to form, Pfizer is also accused of scientific fraud in its COVID-19 jab trial. Brook Jackson, who worked at one of Pfizer’s trial sites, sued Pfizer in 2021 for violating the False Claims Act.6 U.S. District Judge Michael Truncale heard oral arguments on the motions to dismiss, March 1, 2023.

As reported by The Epoch Times March 2, 2023,7 defense attorneys for Pfizer argued that “whether protocol violations occurred was ultimately irrelevant because the federal government was made aware of them but still granted emergency authorization to Pfizer’s vaccine.”

Jackson’s lawyers countered by saying the FDA authorized the vaccine before reviewing Jackson’s complaint. Judge Truncale has not issued a ruling as of this writing, and Jackson’s attorney suspects it may be weeks or even months before the judge issues his opinion.8

Conflicts of Interest Shaped COVID Responses

Deruelle also specifically delves into the conflicts of interest and relationships between the drug companies involved during COVID-19 and governments, international organizations and media — and how they worked the COVID “emergency” for their own benefit. Here are some select excerpts:9

“In 2009, the H1N1 episode should already have been enough to reveal that governments and the WHO are not autonomous. Work has shown that the 2009 H1N1 pandemic seems (based on case fatality rates [CFRs]) to have been the mildest influenza pandemic on record. Following investigations by the BMJ, it appears that this event declared by the WHO is significantly tainted by conflicts of interest.

A report by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has heavily criticized the WHO, national governments, and EU agencies for their handling of the swine flu pandemic: distortion of priorities of public health services all over Europe, waste of huge sums of public money, provocation of unjustified fear among Europeans, and creation of health risks through vaccines and medications which might not have been sufficiently tested before being authorized in fast-track procedures.

According to former head of health at the Council of Europe, W. Wodarg, the swine flu outbreak was a false pandemic driven by drug companies that influenced scientists and official agencies …

During the COVID-19 period, France hired private consulting firms, mainly McKinsey and Company, which is known for working with pharmaceutical companies. The Senate Inquiry Commission reports that McKinsey contributed on all aspects of the health crisis, notably for social engineering strategies on the vaccination campaign and the extension of the health pass …

The suppression of good science and scientists is not new, but COVID-19 unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, suppressing science for political and financial reasons … Since the beginning of COVID-19, much scientific data and expert opinion have been censored or labeled as false or misleading by many internet platforms …

In June 2019, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations signed a partnership (2030 agenda). In the field of health, this alliance is designed to combat key emerging global health threats and achieve universal health coverage. In October 2019, in New York City, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and its partners the WEF and the Gates Foundation, hosted Event 201, a fictional coronavirus pandemic …

Among the partners of the WEF, there are: Pfizer, AstraZeneka, Johnson and Johnson, Moderna, McKinsey, and Facebook et Google. A few months later, a coronavirus pandemic is declared, accompanied by its highly mediatized universal solution, the vaccine …

In addition to Event 201, other pandemic simulations, civil (MARS and SPARS in 2017) and military (Dark Winter in 2001, Atlantic Storm in 2003 and 2005, Global mercury in 2003, and Crimson Contagion in 2019), have taken place over the past 20 years. All these simulations correspond to fear programs induced by false media.

For the general welfare of the population, all these scenarios lead to the same methods (identical to those used during COVID-19): Isolation, control of movements and liberties, censorship, propaganda, and coercive vaccination of the population …

[T]here is no doubt that this is an event manipulated by governments, international agencies, pharmaceutical industries, and the media. In addition to the huge profits obtained by the pharmaceutical groups involved, the primary goal of this ‘pandemic’ seems to be compulsory vaccination, because the introduction of a European vaccine passport had already been planned since 2019 …

The objective of the WHO is to impose the Chinese model to become the norm. That is to say, a system with centralization of each person’s health data and restriction of freedoms for the unvaccinated … A period such as COVID-19 represents a powerful lever for increasing the effectiveness of global governance.”

Conflicts of Interest Threaten Our Freedom

In the final analysis, conflicts of interest and the collusion between government and industry does more than rob us of our hard-earned money. It now threatens our very freedom, as these monopolies are being used to further a totalitarian takeover of global proportions.

As such, we can no longer turn a blind eye or accept excuses such as “these relationships don’t influence our decision-making.” They absolutely influence the decisions being made, and the public is consistently on the losing end. Congress needs to start taking this seriously, and revisit laws such as the Bayh-Dole Act, which is currently allowing private monopolies to profit while no one is looking out for our interests.


Sources and References:


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

Cover image credit: tiburi

There Is No Nanotechnology In the Nanotechnological C19 Shots? That Is Not Logical

There Is No Nanotechnology In the Nanotechnological C19 Shots? That Is Not Logical

by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
March 20, 2023



Image courtesy: Fig. 1: Overview of COVID-19 NP vaccine components, immunomodulatory properties and intracellular fate. Characterization of nanoparticles-based vaccines for COVID-19 Nat. Nanotechnol. 17, 570–576 (2022)

My subscribers are still letting me know of comments by people like Dr. Ryan Cole and others who claim there is no nanotechnology in the Covid 19 shots.

I want to explain to my readers how illogical that is, and how irrelevant for your continued consideration. In this article, I want to review and explain what nanotechnology is. I also want to make you aware of politics in medicine. You have already seen in this plandemic how doctors have misused their power by telling people “Trust me, I am the expert”. That has been proclaimed by Dr. Cole too. I don’t trust experts, I trust my own research. I don’t want you to trust me. I do not want to create “followers”.

The safest thing you can do for yourself in this age of deception, is to become a researcher yourself – so you will never ever be mislead by any “expert” again. If I can teach you to reason for yourself, look at things differently, understand how to evaluate problems from many different angles – which nobody around you may even see or consider – then my time writing all these articles was worth it.

Additionally, if you see what happened to Astrid Stuckelberger, PhD at the medical conference in Stockholm, where this renown scientist was prohibited to speak about nanotechnology and graphene in the C19 shots – you realize that all of those doctors unfortunately paid a lot of money not to be free thinkers, but followers. Freedom is exactly that – the freedom to think and express your views. Suppression of freedom is to prohibit alternate views and thereby influence and control a narrative. Any scientific organization or group that prohibits the discussion of scientific data is corrupted – be that by personal motives or political agendas. Science allows all viewpoints and observations, that is how it evolves. At some point recognizing deception of any kind is like knowing what fake news is and how to deal with it – it is simply time to change the channel. We must evolve to a level where nobody censors us, nobody undermines and prohibits discussion and explorations into new fields of understanding. The prohibition of the exploration of ideas is continued control of the evolution of our mind – and we have had enough of that.

Remember, it was claimed that all we see is cholesterol. Cholesterol is the very building block of the nanotechnology – another illogical comment. The technology is at a nano scale, hence invisible to a light microscope.

I have in detail explained why his points and analysis of the C19 vials are very limited – please review my rebuttal here:

You Can’t Find What You Are Not Looking For: Analysis of Dr. Ryan Cole’s Claims on Del Bigtree: “There Is No Nanotech and No Graphene” in C19 vials

I am not interested in what those who are not experts in this field of nano technology claim. I am interested in my subscribers becoming informed with different viewpoints, and see for yourself if you can wrestle with these ideas. Become a free thinker. Nobody can enslave people who think for themselves.

For your information and education, lets review the prestigious Nature Nanotechnology literature. Note, that I do not read the corrupted medical literature like the Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine or British Medical Journal. You cannot find answers to the questions we are discussing there. I read the technological literature that actually deals with matters of nano technology, artificial intelligence, robotics and quantum computing.

What is the definition of Nanotechnology? According to the CDC :

Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on a near-atomic scale to produce new structures, materials and devices. The technology promises scientific advancement in many sectors such as medicine, consumer products, energy, materials and manufacturing. Nanotechnology refers to engineered structures, devices, and systems. Nanomaterials have a length scale between 1 and 100 nanometers. At this size, materials begin to exhibit unique properties that affect physical, chemical, and biological behavior.

The first reason why all C19 shots ARE nanotechnology is their size. They are organic and inorganic materials manipulated at the level of a billionth of a meter:

Characterization of nanoparticles-based vaccines for COVID-19

Several vaccines against COVID-19 use nanoparticles to protect the antigen cargo (either proteins or nucleic acids), increase the immunogenicity and ultimately the efficacy. The characterization of these nanomedicines is challenging due to their intrinsic complexity and requires the use of multidisciplinary techniques and competencies. The accurate characterization of nano vaccines can be conceptualized as a combination of physicochemical, immunological and toxicological assays.

My comment: Anyone who wants to say there is no nano technology in the shots, please note that nobody to date has used the right equipment to negate this. We cannot see on a nano scale in a live environment. We can see what has self assembled on a micro scale and postulate from there the beginnings of this technology on a nano scale.

Several COVID-19 NVs have been developed2,10; they can be grouped into three main categories based on their functional components: virus (not addressed here), protein based or nucleic acid based (Fig. 1a). Almost all the NCs share several components, such as ionizable lipids, polyethylene glycol (PEG)–lipids, structural lipids and cholesterol (Fig. 1a), assembled as NPs of 50 to 150 nm in size.

My comment: Note, here is your cholesterol. Its not just a harmless molecule, it is an intrinsic component of the nano technology.

Nanotechnology can be made from any material. It can be organic like RNA, proteins or inorganic like certain hydrogel polymers and metals. Here is an explanation of nano technology based on proteins that can be configured and genetically engineered into any shape. Because it is at a nano scale, these materials have unique quantum properties that can manipulate subatomic force fields and structures, not just cells.

Many materials like Graphene are extremely versatile at a nano scale, so it can be used for medical purposes but also for quantum computing processing. Because of its small scale, we are now entering the realm of quantum phenomena like quantum entanglement, quantum computation and quantum cloaking. These are very different laws of physics compared to what governs the larger world. Relativistic quantum phenomena in graphene quantum dots

Back to how proteins can be configured and manipulated into geometric forms on a nanoscale that can manipulate cellular matter:

Protein-based antigen presentation platforms for nanoparticle vaccines

Nanoparticles have the ability of self assembly. This means from a nano scale they can be programmed to grow into any type of structure. Nano scale technology can grow via self assembly to very large macroscopic sizes. These nano platforms can build pathogenic sequences like the spike protein that science would call “virus like”. It is simply a building block that can make an organism like a human sick. Biological nano technological warfare – a hot topic given the US operated Ukrainian and other biolabs – manipulates matter at a nano scale to create a weapon. It can use sequences from a vast library of computational materials some would call “gain of function pathogens” or “directed evolution” and combine it with any other material like gold metals or quantum dot technology. Either way, it is an ARTIFICIALLY ENGINEERED TECHNOLOGY with the purpose to alter an organism, make it sick or kill it. You can combine a pathogenic sequence with biosensor, quantum dot technology and encapsulate it in a cellular delivery system called a lipid nanoparticle. Regardless how you call it, it is still nano technology. If is is programmed to fuse with the human cells, you are now also in the realm of transformation into synthetic biology, soft robots and cyborgs. This means the human cellular tissue is modified by artificial structures that fuse with the organism to create an artificial hybrid.

All of this is simply engineered on the computer – its like playing Lego on a nano scale. It is possible to program matter and nano robots and have them 2 and 3 D printed or program them for infinite self assembly. It is easy to create nano robot swarms that replicate within the body. Uncontrolled self replication is like the nuclear bomb of nano scale weapons. Its just a different kind of warfare.

Engineered nanoparticle platforms

Through rational or computational design, dimeric, trimeric, tetrameric, or pentameric proteins have been engineered to assemble into larger, highly oligomeric complexes that offer greater control over antigen stoichiometry, spacing, and particle size. These engineered particles present additional platforms for vaccines beyond the limited number of natural platforms. In order to develop novel platforms several methods and techniques of generating self-assembly have been developed. There are several design parameters for designing self-assembling proteins for use as a platform. First, the geometric symmetry and shape of the desired nanoparticle are determined by type of building blocks used. Second, self-assembly must be promoted by either fusing two different building blocks or engineering an interface between building blocks. Lastly, at least one terminal should be exposed and accessible for antigen attachment. Described below are the design and evolution of novel self-assembling proteins that have led to engineered platforms.

Reasons for success and lessons learnt from nanoscale vaccines against COVID-19

These robotic platforms can have artificial intelligence. They can operate like a brain, can be self learning. Engineers put tens of thousands of artificial brain synapses on a single chip The design could advance the development of small, portable AI devices.

Hopefully this was helpful. Never listen to anybody that tells you there is no nanotechnology in the C19 shots. The shots ARE nanotechnology.

Above all, think for yourself.


Connect with Ana Maria Mihalcea

Cover image credit: qimono

Unvaccinated Blood Unrecognizable After Application of Low Level Electrical Current and Structures Rapidly Grow – Clifford Carnicom’s Findings Confirmed

Unvaccinated Blood Unrecognizable After Application of Low Level Electrical Current and Structures Rapidly Grow – Clifford Carnicom’s Findings Confirmed

by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
March 19, 2023


Image Courtesy Carnicom Institute: Human Blood Sample Subjected to AC Voltammetry Electrochemistry CDB Presence & Filament Formation is Evident Magnification ~ 1500x.

I have drawn many parallels in what we are seeing now with the synthetic biology since the C19 shots era and the historical research of Clifford Carnicom. He wrote a series of six scientific papers that I find highly important to consider for anyone seriously investigating what is happening to human blood since the roll out of the C19 injections and how this alteration fits into the Transhumanist depopulation agenda.

In my mind these papers are a must read for any human being on this planet:

Blood Alterations : A Six Part Series

He gave the historical Morgellons the new name “Cross Domain Bacteria”, after he found that this new synthetic engineered life form had features of all three biological classes of life – archaea, bacteria and eucaryotes. Normal life forms belong to one of the three domains, never to all three. Additionally, he did detailed analysis which showed that the Ribbon structures were chemically composed of Poly Vinyl Alcohol, which is Hydrogel and – Metals. Here is the presentation Clifford and I made in December:

Synthetic Biological Life Forms – Cross Domain Bacteria, Morgellons, and Correlation to Current Live Blood Findings in Post C19 Injection Era – My Conversation with Clifford Carnicom

I have written extensively about the abnormal blood findings in unvaccinated blood that I have been seeing with exponential severity and frequency. A few months ago, I would still see people for their first live blood analysis that were uncontaminated. In the last couple months, I have not seen anyone who does not have these structures. My sounding the alarm about this shedding and environmental assault on human blood is important to take note of, for I foresee an unprecedented silent accelerated aging epidemic due to these findings that affects all humans. Most people do not know that this is in their blood, but it is evident that it causes micro clotting, acidity and inflammation, all components that accelerate aging.

While mainstream healthcare admits that the causes of long Covid are not fully understood, I have seen with darkfield live blood microscopy synthetic biology structures in unvaccinated blood with long Covid symptoms that were also found to develop from C19 vaccine vials.

Is The Answer To The C19 Deceptions In Live Blood? 

The Long Covid epidemic in America shows the assault on population health:

Long COVID has potentially affected up to 23 million Americans, pushing an estimated 1 million people out of work. The causes of long COVID are not fully understood, complicating diagnosis and treatment. Among people who have had COVID, 11% are currently experiencing long COVID but an additional 17% had long COVID in the past and are no longer reporting symptoms, suggesting that more people have recovered from long COVID than currently report symptoms.gs. The total “ Covid” Cases registered in the United States has reached 103 Million according to the CDC. Long COVID: What Do the Latest Data Show?

Clifford Carnicom showed last year that in four unvaccinated people not only did they have abnormal rouleaux formation ( stacking of red blood cells) – but after applying an extremely low voltage current, the same structures I see in everyone appeared. My findings were confirmed by Dr. David Nixon in Australia in live blood of vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Around the world, people have called this Graphene Oxide – they see what we see, long Ribbon structures. Calling this Graphene Oxide may be a misnomer of the Hydrogel Polymer which encapsulates the payload within the shots – it can be mRNA, toxins, Quantum dots that magnetically alter the human genetic information by modifying the spin states of subatomic particles. Clifford Carnicom called his findings CBD as mentioned above – Cross Domain Bacteria, his name for Morgellon’s, which is a Hydrogel Polymer synthetic life form with many similarities to what we see in live blood of injected and un injected people since the C19 shot rollout.

Image Courtesy Carnicom Institute: CDB Filament Formation in Blood Sample (Lower Layer) Subjected to Low Level Electrical Current ~1500x.

This is very similar to what I have been seeing in unvaccinated blood in my office.

A few months ago, I would still see unvaccinated people who had uncontaminated live blood. I no longer see normal blood samples now, unless it is after EDTA Chelation treatment – which I found to clear the blood of these structures.

Most recently on Telegram, there has been someone by the name of LAC microscopy who has been confirming and replicating Clifford Carnicom’s analysis. The gentleman is a farmer and not a scientist, but has some remarkable research findings. He used low level electrical current on his unvaccinated blood and found the growth of abnormal structures. I completely agree with him, that concerned citizens with an open mind have to look at questions that “reputable” scientists and doctors refuse to analyze – for the answers affect the entire human species.


The issue is this: If there is a synthetic hydrogel based artificial intelligence biology that is transforming humanities blood – causing disease, illness and accelerated aging – we need to identify this. This is why I am now working with Clifford Carnicom and Dr. David Nixon to do some very specific experiments and compare the electrical properties of vaccinated and unvaccinated blood – as well as to analyze the chemical composition of the structures growing in vaccinated and unvaccinated blood. WE HAVE TO CHEMICALLY ANALYZE THIS TO REALLY SEE WHAT THE STRUCTURES ARE MADE OF – Hydrogel? Graphene Oxide? So far, nobody knows.

We all know of the athletes that have been dying suddenly, including children. Hydrogel polymers grow with electrical and EMF exposure. Exercise in the body creates a powerful electrical field. This could be part of the mechanism of why athletes are dying.

In her new brilliant interview with Maria Zeee, Karen Kingston discusses the synthetic biological spike protein and how it is changed and modified in electrical fields. I believe she and I are speaking of the same thing. The Lipid Nanoparticles, which are the Hydrogel that carry the payload of possible spike toxin, can grow from nano size to centimeter size in minutes. Please watch this important interview: Karen Kingston – Russian MoD Confirms mRNA Injections Are Bioweapons!!! Globalist Plan for Nanotech Revealed!

We are in need of some very specific technical equipment for further experiments. If you would like to support our effort, please donate to the Carnicom Institute.

I absolutely trust and support Clifford Carnicom, as I have found him to be an impeccable human being and meticulous scientist. He and I can spend hours on the phone discussing mechanisms and experiments and I value his decades of research and use of many different experimental modalities, like voltammetry, visible light spectrometry, near infrared spectrometry, microscopy, protein detection (reagent based), enzyme analysis, magnetism analysis and more.

We are recording a video update on our discussion of the Transhumanist Agenda – correlations between geoengineering synthetic biology and C19 vax nanotechnology which will be released next month and include Clifford Carnicom, Harry Blazer, Dr. David Nixon, Elana Freeland and myself.



Connect with Ana Maria Mihalcea

Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System

Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System

by Mojmir Babacek, Global Research
March 18, 2023


This incisive article by Mojmir Babajek predicted more than 10 years ago, what is happening today, namely the development of informational weapons and the remote control of the human brain.

It was originally published by Global Research on January 31, 2013. As a result of online censorship, this important article is not being picked up by the search engines.


In March 2012 the Russian defense minister Anatoli Serdjukov said:

“The development of weaponry based on new physics principles; direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, etc., is part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020,”Voice of Russia

The world media reacted to this hint on the open use of psychotronic weapons by the publication of scientific experiments from the 1960‘s where electromagnetic waves were used to transmit simple sounds into the human brain. However, most of them avoided saying that since then extensive scientific research has been carried out in this area throughout the world. Only a Colombian newspaper, El Spectador, published an article covering the whole scale of the achievements of this (computerized English translation).

Britain’s Daily Mail, as another exception, wrote that research in electromagnetic weapons has been secretly carried out in the USA and Russia since the 1950’s and that „previous research has shown that low-frequency waves or beams can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into someone’s thought processes. High doses of microwaves can damage the functioning of internal organs, control behaviour or even drive victims to suicide.”

The influence of microwaves on living creatures’ behavior

In 1975, a neuropsychologist Don R. Justesen, the director of  Laboratories of Experimental Neuropsychology at Veterans Administration Hospital in Kansas City, unwittingly leaked National Security Information. He published an article in “American Psychologist” on the influence of microwaves on living creatures’ behavior.

In the article he quoted the results of an experiment described to him by his colleague, Joseph C. Sharp, who was working on Pandora, a secret project of the American Navy.

Don R. Justesen wrote in his article:

“By radiating themselves with these ‘voice modulated’ microwaves, Sharp and Grove were readily able to hear, identify, and distinguish among the 9 words. The sounds heard were not unlike those emitted by persons with artificial larynxes”  (pg. 396).

That this system was later brought to perfection is proved by the document which appeared on the website of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1997, where its Office of Research and Development presented the Department of Defense’s project:“Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect”.In the description it said:

“An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that offers a low-probability-of-intercept radiofrequency (RF) communications. The feasibility of the concept has been established using both a low intensity laboratory system and a high power RF transmitter. Numerous military applications exist in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations” (See web.iol.cz)

In January 2007 the Washington Post wrote on the same subject:

“In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone’s head… Rich Garcia, a spokesman for the research laboratory’s directed energy directorate, declined to discuss that patent or current or related research in the field, citing the lab’s policy not to comment on its microwave work. In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed for this article, the Air Force released unclassified documents surrounding that 2002 patent — records that note that the patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility. Research appeared to continue at least through 2002. Where this work has gone since is unclear — the research laboratory, citing classification, refused to discuss it or release other materials“

Remote control of the human nervous system

We can only stress again that the world media avoid publishing the full scale of the progress in the research of the remote control of human nervous system. Dr. Robert Becker, who was twice nominated for Nobel Prize for his share in the discovery of the effects of pulsed fields at the healing of broken bones, wrote in his book “Body Electric” about the experiment from 1974 by J. F. Schapitz, released due to the Freedom of Information Act request.

J.F. Schapitz stated:

“In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain – i. e. without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.”

In one of the four experiments subjects were given a test of hundred questions, ranging from easy to technical ones. Later, not knowing they were being irradiated, they would be subjected to information beams suggesting the answers to the questions they had left blank, amnesia for some of their correct answers, and memory falsification for other correct answers. After 2 weeks they had to pass the test again (Dr. Robert Becker: Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, William Morrow and comp., New York, 1985,.

The results of the second test were never published.

It is rather evident that in those experiments the messages were sent into human brain in ultrasound frequencies which the human brain perceives, but of which the subject is unaware. Dr. Robert Becker, due to those publications and his refusal to support the building of the antennae for the communication with submarines in brain frequencies, lost financial support for his research which meant an end to his scientific career.

Transmitting human speech into the human brain by means of electromagnetic waves is apparently, for the researchers, one of the most difficult tasks. It must be much easier to control human emotions which motivate human thinking, decision making and actions. People who claim to be victims of experiments with those devices complain, aside of hearing voices, of false feelings (including orgasms) as well of aches of internal organs which the physicians are unable to diagnose.

In November 2000 the Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma stated that capabilities enabling remote control of the human nervous system or the remote infliction of health impairment are available to many modern governments .See web.iol.cz

It is rather evident that those technologies are used, in conflict with the Nuremberg code, for experiments on unwitting human subjects. In 2001 the newspaper of the U.S. army, Defense News, wrote that Israel was experimenting with those weapons on Palestinians. Ibid 

As well ousted Honduran president Manuel Zelaya, while under siege in Brazilian embassy in Honduras, complained that he had been subjected to an “electron bombardment with microwaves” which produces “headache and organic destabilization” The Guardian, October 2008

When asked by Amy Goodman from Democracy Now: „

As president, do you know about this in the Honduran arsenal?” He replied: „Yes, of course“

The use of those weapons is time and again reemerging in times of political crisis. According to Russian daily newspapers, during the failed putsch against Mikhail Gorbachov in 1991, general Kobets warned the defenders of the Russian White House that mind control technology could be used against them (Komsomolskaya Pravda, September 7,1991, O. Volkov, „Sluchi o tom chto nam davili na psychiku nepotverzdalis. Poka“).

After the putsch, the vice president of the League of Independent Scientists of the USSR, Victor Sedlecki, published a declaration in the Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda where he stated:

As an expert and a legal entity I declare that mass production … of psychotronic biogenerators was launched in Kiev (this is indeed a very serious issue). I cannot assert for sure that that were exactly Kiev generators that were used during the putsch… However, the fact that they were used is obvious to me. What are psychotronic generators? It is an electronic equipment producing the effect of guided control in human organism. It especially affects the left and right hemisphere of the cortex. This is also the technology of the U.S. Project Zombie 5“. He further stated that due to the inexperience of the personnel who operated them the attempt to use the generators failed

(Komsomolskaya Pravda, August 27,1991, “Avtory programy Zombi obnaruzheny v Kieve”,

See also http://web.iol.cz/mhzzrz/img/Authors_of_project_zombie.gif).

In the USA, at present several hundred people complaining of the remote manipulation of their nervous system are preparing a class action lawsuit against the FBI, Department of Defense and other agencies, requesting them to release files pertaining to their persons, detect the harmful radiations aimed at their bodies and sources of those radiations. As well perhaps over 2000 people are complaining in Russia, over 200 in Europe, over 300 in Japan and tens of people in China and India. Russian politician, Vladimir Lopatin, who was working on Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma and introduced there a bill banning the use of those technologies, admitted in his book „Psychotronic Weapon and Security of Russia“ (publishing house Sinteg, Moscow, 1999) that in Russia experiments on unwitting citizens are carried out, when he wrote: „

Compensation of damages and losses connected with social rehabilitation of persons suffering from destructive informational influence must be realized in legal trial“ (excerpts from the book in English

(http://mojmir.webuda.com/Psychotronic_Weapon_and_the_Security_of_Russia, pg. 113).

It should be understood that most of those people pass through mental hospitals. Vladimir Lopatin visited the USA in 1999 as a chairman of the Military Reform Subcommittee of the USSR Supreme Soviet Committee for Issues of Defense and State Security and met with Richard Cheney. At that time he was described as the “leader of a new breed of Soviet dissidents”. Then he disappeared from top ranks of Russian politicians.

Why has this research remained classified until present time?

There are two explanations for this: First there is a secret arms race in progress in the world where the superpowers compete to gain decisive supremacy in this area and in this way master the control of the whole world. Second the governments keep those technologies in store for the case that they would not be able to control, by democratic means, the crisis that may arise as a result of their poor decisions. In both cases the era of democracy and human freedom in history will come to an end. According to the declaration of the former Russian Defense minister Serdjukov, there are maximally eight years left within which those weapons will officially become a part of the Russian military arsenal. For democracy this would mean a beginning of the end.

Anyway, in the past Russians were not resolved to put those means to work. When the construction of the American system HAARP was launched, with the system supposedly being able to target large regions of the planet by vibrating the ionosphere in brain frequencies (in this experiment the brain frequencies were not used, but the HAARP system can transmit in brain frequencies as well), Russia declared its willingness to ban mind control technologies.

The Russian State Duma and consequently , the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Union of Independent States addressed the United Nations, OBSE and the European Council with a proposal for an international convention banning the development and use of informational weapons. According to the Russian newspaper Segodnya in March 1998, the matter was discussed with U.N. secretary general Kofi Anan, and included on the agenda of the General Assembly of the U.N. web.iol,cz, op cit

The ban of mind control technology

It is most likely the USA refused to negotiate this convention and in consequence the ban of informational weapons was not discussed by the United Nations General Assembly. Even in the U.S. congress appeared a bill proposing the ban of mind control technologies http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?c107:chemtrails.

But this was only for a very short period of time. The bill was then changed and in the new bill the ban of those technologies was left out of the Space Preservation Bill. Neither the U.S. congress nor the U.S. president made ever an effort to ban mind control weapons. The European Parliament reacted as well to the launch of the HAARP system construction, when it called in 1999 for the ban of manipulation of human beings.

The resolution was passed after the testimony of the American author of the book “Angels Don’t Play this HAARP”, Nick Begich, which apparently convinced the European Parliament of the possible use of this system to manipulate minds of whole populations. In the report by the European Parliament’s STOA (Science and Technological Options Assessment) panel “Crowd Control Technologies” the originally proposed text of the European Parliament’s resolution is quoted. There the European Parliament calls “for an international convention and global ban on all research and development , whether civilian or military , which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings, including a ban on any actual or possible deployment (stressed by the author of the article) of such systems“. (40, pg CII, ref. 369). But apparently at the same time the European countries resigned on this intention when accepting the NATO politics of non-lethal weapons.

The same STOA report claims that the USA is a major promoter of the use of those arms and that:

“In October 1999 NATO announced a new policy on non-lethal weapons and their place in allied arsenals” (pg. xlv) and it goes on:

“In 1996 non-lethal tools identified by the U.S. Army included… directed energy systems” and “radio frequency weapons”European Parliament

(at the bottom of the page, second reference pg. Xlvi).

Directed energy system is further defined by the STOA document:

“Directed energy weapon system designed to match radio frequency source to interfere with human brain activity at synapse level”  (at the bottom of the page, first reference, Appendix 6-67). Since 1999 those weapons have been upgraded for another 13 years. European Parliament

In 1976 the future National Security advisor to president Carter, Zbygniew Brzezinski, wrote a book “Between Two Ages, America’s Role in the Technetronic Era” (Penguin Books, 1976, Massachusets). In the book he predicted “more controlled and directed society” based on the development of technology, where an elite group will play a leading role, which will take advantage of persisting social crises to use “the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control”.

The use of mind control technologies was predicted as well in the publication of Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, published in 1994


The scenario for the year 2000 expected the growth of terrorism, drug trafficking and criminality and drew a conclusion:

“The president was thus amenable to the use of the sort of psychotechnology which formed the core of the RMA (revolution in military affairs)… it was necessary to rethink our ethical prohibitions on manipulating the minds of enemies (and potential enemies) both international and domestic…

Through persistent efforts and very sophisticated domestic ”consciousness raising”, old-fashioned notions of personal privacy and national sovereignty changed. As technology changed the way force was applied, things such as personal courage, face-to-face leadership, and the ‘warfighter’ mentality became irrelevant.”…

“Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database. These were categorized as ‘potential’ or ‘active’, with sophisticated personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each“. So the Institute of Strategic Studies supposed that in the year 2000 those technologies would be that advanced that it will be possible to deprive human being of his freedom and adjust his personality to the needs of ruling elite. Most probably those technologies were at this level already in 1994.


The attempts to make the general public acquainted with the existence of those weapons are, with respect to the fact that it is evident that democratic public would require immediate ban of those technologies, systematically suppressed. Vladimir Lopatin wrote:

„The arms race is speeding up as a consequence of classification. Secrecy – this is in the first place the way to secure cruel control over the people… the way how to curtail their creativity, turn them into biorobots…”, and that psychotronic war “is already taking place without declaration of war, secretly… Only if the work on mind control problem is no more covered by the screen of secrecy, extraordinariness, mysteriousness, if complex, open scientific research with international participation, is carried out, the psychotronic war including the use of psychotronic weapon can be prevented”.

The article “Informacni zbrane ohrozuji demokracii a lidstvo” was deleted from the website of the Czech internet newspaper Britske Listy (www.blisty.cz). The sharing of the original web address of the English version of the same article – Means of Information War Threaten Democracy and Mankind – is blocked on Facebook and a similar article was deleted from the webpage of the Australian magazine “New Dawn”.

There exist no legislations punishing the use of those technologies by governments. Only in Russia and some of the states in the USA there are legislations punishing the ownership or trading with those technologies by non governmental entities. For example in the state of Michigan the sentence for this crime is equal to the sentence for ownership or trading with weapons of mass destruction.

The readers who will be reached by this article and prefer democratic political system would help its preservation if they forwarded the article to their friends.


The original source of this article is Global Research

Copyright © Mojmir Babacek, Global Research, 2023

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Cover image credit: Placidplace

The Homily of Obedience: A Curse on America

The Homily of Obedience: A Curse on America

by Gary D. Barnett
published March 14, 2023


Still further back in history, Benjamin Rush—one of the founding fathers of the United States and the man officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association as the “father of American psychiatry”—made early contributions to the weaponization of psychiatry by inventing a number of mental disorders to pathologize dissent. The most notable of these made-up disorders was “anarchia,” a type of madness Rush defined as “an excess of the passion for liberty,” which “could not be removed by reason, nor restrained by government” and “threatened to render abortive the goodness of heaven to the United States.”

James Corbett quoting Benjamin Rush in “Dissent Into Madness”

It is telling that one of the considered ‘founders’ of this country, one who was recognized as the Father of American psychiatry, one who signed the Declaration of Independence, and one of the ‘leaders’ in the ‘ratification’ of the Constitution, did not want anyone to have any “excess of passion for liberty.” That is real rule-negation anarchy, as evidenced in his mental disorder description he called “anarchia.” If that is not a complete, total, and ludicrous contradiction, nothing is. But then, he is just stating the obvious truth, that was and is, that all people should be ruled, and not take it upon themselves to seek too much freedom. Of course, that was the intent of the Constitutional Convention in the first place, so none should have been surprised. The talk of freedom for all people, was just that; political talk, lies, and doublespeak.

And how did this ‘founder’ treat (prescribe) for those who wanted “too” much freedom? He chose darkness, solitary confinement, standing erect for days at a time, sleep deprivation, total bodily immobilization, and other torture techniques. This led to one or more of his apprentices and colleagues to continue and expand his heinous techniques, including Samuel Cartwright’s invention of the idiotic ‘disorder’ he named “drapetomania, or the disease causing negroes (slaves) to run away.” This is the essence of the American system today, with current ‘prescriptions’ being to censor speech, eradicate dissent, shame disobedience by using division, create concentration camps for non-compliance with government orders, and to destroy any ability to voice opinion against the State.

The drive of American rule and politics, and of this Fascist ‘republic,’ has always been to create and enforce obedience by the entirety of the population to all State mandates, illegal laws, and immoral demands. In order to achieve such a heinous coup, the first step was to build a ‘free’ system of ‘public’ (government) schooling to indoctrinate and dumb down society, to build fake ‘patriotism,’ by promoting love of State, (idiocy) to steal most all assets under the guise of creating ‘equality,’ to control all aspects of every part of life, and then to create constant fear so that the State would forever be the savior. All this was allowed voluntarily by the vast majority of this now defunct and totalitarian State called ‘America.’

Blind obedience in my opinion, is not a natural state of humanity, although it seems so at times. It is, I believe, a conditioned response to outside pressure and mental stress, indoctrination, brainwashing, and propaganda, especially when beginning from infancy to adult in any State sponsored schooling, political governing system, and saturated implementation of policy to affect compliance. Once the virgin mind is inundated with false information, and habituated by constant manipulation, the innate nature of the individual is destroyed in favor of collective ignorance.

It does not take the majority, or all those involved in the indoctrination process, to achieve large scale dominance over the population. It is only necessary in order to turn the tide toward the State’s objectives, to influence those at the top of the pyramid, or at the top of any of the influential entities that control those working for or profiting from this deception. If the directors and managers can be ‘convinced,’ of the agenda, whether by acceptance of false ideology, profiting, extortion, or blackmail, to go along with the State’s protocols, the rest will follow. This is also true concerning politics, media, and corporatism. This is how the few can rule over the many, by using leverage and deceit to capture the minds of a majority, while steering the entire system from afar.

Consider the power of religion and churches, consider the power of the State-controlled media, consider the power of this horribly corrupt political system; and then consider that when all these entities are working as one, how much influence is wielded over society? If the few at the top in these areas are working together to advance the same agendas, how powerful a message is foisted on the populace? Now consider what happened during the ‘covid’ hoax, when all of these players went along completely with the state narrative, and supported every false and draconian effort by the governing system to tame and fully control the people. How many were influenced by this coordinated and concentrated alliance of powerful and (falsely) respected so-called ‘leaders? I can tell you; hundreds of millions who make up the proletariat herd succumbed to this fraudulent plot.

The homily of obedience is beaten into the minds of the people by multiple deceptive means, and is an ongoing process that never sleeps. The effort to control societies is based on many methods of promoting service, (subservience) monetary or dependency enticement, nationalism, (worship of State) promotion of collectivism, and especially fear. The basis of this atrocious curse of obedience is psychological warfare against the people. Henry David Thoreau properly stated: “Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”

There is no reason to be afraid, and once self-reliance, confidence, and individual sovereignty, are expected and sought, the light of freedom will shine brighter. What is necessary is to never trust the State in any capacity whatsoever, question everything and expect valid answers, accept nothing but the truth, and practice disobedience at every possible opportunity. Do not comply with any harmful government mandate or order, resist all ‘authority,’ and scream out for independence without pause.

“The most erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians, pedagogues and other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else.”

~ H.L. Mencken


Copyright © 2023 GaryDBarnett.com

Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: Graehawk

Are Doctors’ Strikes Really a Disaster for Our Health?

Are Doctors’ Strikes Really a Disaster for Our Health?

by Dawn Lester, Dawn’s Writings
March 17, 2023


The medical system in the UK, known as the NHS, is currently in crisis and I wholeheartedly agree!

But the real nature of the crisis is not how it is portrayed by the mainstream media, which is demonstrated by a January 2023 BBC article entitled The NHS crisis – decades in the making that states,

“The NHS is in the middle of its worst winter in a generation, with senior doctors warning that hospitals are facing intolerable pressures that are costing lives.”

The article adds that,

“The health service was already under pressure – the result of long-standing problems – but Covid, flu and now strike action by staff have all added to the sense of crisis this winter.”

Strike action by staff was not restricted to the early winter months, further strikes have occurred very recently. On 12th March, the BBC reported the then impending 3-day strike by junior doctors in an article entitled Why are doctors demanding the biggest pay rise?

“On Monday, thousands of junior doctors in England will start a 72-hour strike. They want a 35% pay rise. Yet doctors are among the highest paid in the public sector. So why do they have the biggest pay claim?”

A key concern will be that these strikes will cost lives.

A 13th March BBC article entitled I’ve never seen the NHS this bad – junior doctor refers to the conditions suffered by junior doctors that include workplace pressures and financial difficulties.

These conditions are not exclusive to junior doctors!

The point of these reports would seem to be to foster public sympathy and support for the junior doctors and deepen people’s concern for the future of the NHS.

The ‘official’ view of the pressures on the NHS is endorsed by a June 2022 opinion article entitled The steady crisis across the NHS published in the BMJ, which claims that the main issue is ‘chronic workforce shortages’ and states,

“The NHS has shown in the past that it can deliver rapid improvements to patient care when it has enough staff to tackle these challenges. If we want to break the cycle of consistently poor performance, the government needs a fully funded workforce plan for the whole health and social care system.”

The emphasis in these articles is clearly on the idea that doctors save lives and that they need better pay and working conditions, without which they would be unable to provide the proper level of care for their patients, as the 13th March article indicates,

“More pay and better working conditions would allow doctors to retain a work-life balance and would allow them to deliver the care they wanted to deliver, he said, adding taking industrial action was a “last resort” for doctors.”

The problem is that this is not an accurate view of the real problems and the inability of the NHS to provide adequate ‘healthcare’ to patients and enable them to be restored to health.

One of the alleged ‘problems’ that face the NHS, and every other ‘health service’ based on the practices of ‘modern medicine’, is expressed by the January BBC article, which states that,

“Advances in medicine over recent decades have meant people are living longer.

That is a success story. But it means the NHS, like every health service in the developed world, is having to cope with an ageing population.”

This is a misleading perspective – to put it mildly!

I must make it absolutely clear that I am not denying that there are some situations in which doctors absolutely do save lives – these situations mainly occur at the scene of accidents or emergencies or within the A&E (accident & emergency) department of hospitals. This is where the NHS provides an invaluable service.

However, can it really be claimed that the NHS and all other medical systems based on ‘modern medicine’ actually save lives in situations other than accidents and emergencies?

The evidence strongly suggests that this is not the case.

In response to a June 2000 article in the BMJ entitled Doctors’ strike in Israel may be good for health is a comment dated March 2001 with the intriguing title Doctor strikes, lowered mortality – Happens every time which includes the following,

“The 1960’s saw physicians in Canada go on strike and the mortality rate dropped.

Los Angeles physicians associated with a USC hospital went on strike in the 1970’s and the mortality rate dropped.

Physicians went on strike in South America (Columbia?) later that same decade and the mortality rate dropped.

Physicians have now gone on strike on 3 different occasions in Israel –in the 1950’s, again in the 1970’s or 80’s and now in the the year 2000. In all 3 occasions the mortality rate has dropped, on one or two occasions by 50%.”

In a December 2008 study article published on PubMed and entitled Doctors’ strikes and mortality: a review, the authors report their review of strikes around the world between 1976 and 2003 and state, with respect to the 7 studies they found that matched their criteria,

“All reported that mortality either stayed the same or decreased during, and in some cases, after the strike. None found that mortality increased during the weeks of the strikes compared to other time periods.”

One of the ‘reasons’ given is that elective surgeries were halted during the strikes. But this does not explain why mortality reduced – surely a lack of doctors ought to result in higher mortality!

For an explanation of why mortality decreases when doctors strike, I would remind readers of the phenomenon known as ‘iatrogenesis’ and recommend the July 2000 JAMA article by Dr Barbara Starfield MD entitled Is US Health Really the Best in the World? In her article, Dr Starfield shows that Americans are by no means the healthiest in the world, despite the huge costs of healthcare in that country. (The links to all articles can be found in the References at the foot of this article.)

I would also recommend people read the Death by Medicine study by Gary Null et al. that includes the chart in the image below.

The conclusion, which may be unpalatable to many people – although that does not make it untrue – is succinctly stated by the author of the March 2001 BMJ article,

“Conclusion? I’m sorry to say, but conventional, allopathic, (drug and surgery happy) physicians remain very, very dangerous to our health…”

The sad truth is that ‘modern medicine’ is not a ‘healthcare system’. Instead, as more people are discovering for themselves, it is a ‘sick-care’ system that merely manages symptoms but never truly allows people’s bodies to heal. The reason for this is because ‘modern medicine’ is based on a faulty paradigm and relies on our continuing ignorance of this fact to perpetuate that flawed system.

The empowering truth, by contrast, is that the human body is an amazing living organism that has the ability to self-heal – but implementing this understanding within our lives requires us to reclaim responsibility for our health and not outsource our healthcare to flawed systems that have no understanding of the body’s innate self-healing abilities.


Connect with Dawn Lester

Cover image credit: cromaconceptovisual

Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It

Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It
The National Toxicology Program on Wednesday Released a Draft Report Linking Prenatal and Childhood Fluoride Exposure to Reduced IQ in Children, After Public Health Officials Tried for Almost a Year to Block Its Publication.

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., The Defender
March 16, 2023


The National Toxicology Program (NTP) on Wednesday released a draft report linking prenatal and childhood fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children, after public health officials tried for almost a year to block its publication.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) initially blocked the NTP from releasing the report, according to emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

But a court order stemming from a lawsuit filed by Food and Water Watch against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) forced the report’s release this week.

The NTP, an interagency program run by HHS that researches and reports on environmental toxins, conducted a six-year systematic review to assess scientific studies on fluoride exposure and potential neurodevelopmental and cognitive health effects in humans.

The report, containing a monograph and a meta-analysis, went through two rounds of peer review by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Comments from reviewers and HHS and NTP’s responses also were included in the report released Wednesday.

According to its website, the NTP “removed the hazardous classification of fluoride” in response to comments in the peer-review process. Yet, the report states:

“Our meta-analysis confirms results of previous meta-analyses and extends them by including newer, more precise studies with individual-level exposure measures.

“The data support a consistent inverse association between fluoride exposure and children’s IQ …

“The results were robust to stratifications by risk of bias, gender, age group, outcome assessment, study location, exposure timing, and exposure type (including both drinking water and urinary fluoride).”

“These findings fly in the face of the empty, unscientific claims U.S. health officials have propagated for years, namely that water fluoridation is safe and beneficial,” said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense chairman and chief litigation counsel. “It’s past time to eliminate this neurotoxin from our water supply.”

The controversial report will play a key role in determining the outcome of a lawsuit brought in 2017 by several nonprofits against the EPA to end fluoridation of drinking water, plaintiffs’ attorney Michael Connett told The Defender.

“We had to fight hard to have this report even made public,” Connett said. “They [CDC and HHS] buried this. If they had gotten their way, this report would have never even seen the light of day,” Connett said.

Since the trial began in 2020, U.S. District Judge Edward Chen has been waiting for the NTP to complete a systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity before ruling on the case.

Groups like the American Dental Association publicly pressured the NTP to “exclude any neurotoxin claims” from the reports.

Connett said during the trial, the EPA repeatedly claimed that the plaintiffs’ allegations about toxicity could not be verified because there was no “systematic review.”

The documents released Wednesday fill that gap.

Connett said:

“So now what do we have? We have a systematic review by one of the pioneering, leading, most authoritative research groups on toxicology in the world.

“They just completed a systematic review that took them six years to complete, so if that’s not enough to demonstrate a hazard under the toxic substances control act, then how would any citizen group ever be able to meet the standard?”

The findings: fluoride and lowered IQ in children

According to the NTP report:

“The current bodies of experimental animal studies and human mechanistic evidence do not provide clarity on the association between fluoride exposure and cognitive or neurodevelopmental human health effects.”

Yet, the report’s summary contradicts this statement by summarizing the evidence informing this conclusion, stating that nearly all studies examined for this literature review found evidence of cognitive or developmental issues associated with fluoride.

According to the report, 8 of the 9 “high-quality studies examining cognitive or neurodevelopmental outcomes reported associations with fluoride exposure.”

Of the 19 high-quality studies assessing the association between fluoride and IQ in children, 18 reported an association between higher fluoride exposure and lower IQ in children. Forty-six of the 53 low-quality studies also found evidence of that association.

The meta-analysis also states:

“The body of evidence from studies on adults is also limited and provides low confidence that fluoride exposure is associated with adverse effects on adult cognition. There is, however, a large body of evidence on IQ effects in children.”

The monograph and meta-analysis found that fluoride exposure at levels equivalent to 1.5 mg/L is associated with lower IQ in children. The abstract concludes:

“This review finds, with moderate confidence, that higher fluoride exposure (e.g., represented by populations whose total fluoride exposure approximates or exceeds the World Health Organization Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality of 1.5 mg/L of fluoride) is consistently associated with lower IQ in children.”

Levels of fluoride found in drinking water in the U.S. are typically 0.7 mg/L, which is lower than the 1.5 mg/L levels found to be neurotoxic by the reports.

On that basis, HHS’ review of the reports recommended the NTP revise its assessment such that, “all conclusory statements in this document should be explicit that any findings from the included studies only apply to water fluoride concentrations above 1.5 mg/L.”

The NTP responded:

“We do not agree with this comment. Our assessment considers fluoride exposures from all sources, not just water.

As discussed in the pre-publication 2022 NTP Monograph, because fluoride is also found in certain foods, dental products, some pharmaceuticals, and other sources, individual behaviors are likely an important determinant of actual exposures.”

Rick North, former CEO of the American Cancer Society’s Oregon division and Fluoride Action Network board member told The Defender that “people consume large amounts of fluoride through tea and other drinks and processed foods made with fluoridated water, not to mention pesticide ingestion and fluoride from air pollution.”

He also said that people’s fluoride exposure can depend on how much water they drink.

“Think about it,” North said. “Your level of risk depends upon, incredibly, how thirsty you are. That’s how absurd the entire premise of water fluoridation is,” he said.

The NTP confirmed that people exposed to levels of fluoride lower than 1.5 mg/L in the water system could have high levels of fluoride in their systems. It stated:

“Even in the optimally fluoridated cities [fluoridated at 0.7 mg/L] in Canada studied by Green et al. (2019), individual exposure levels, as documented by repeated urinary measurements, suggest widely varying total exposures from water combined with fluoride from other sources.”

It added, “our moderate confidence conclusion is primarily based on studies with total fluoride exposure that approximates or exceeds what is generally associated with consumption of optimally fluoridated water [0.7 mg/L] in the United States.”

“We have stressed in our monograph that our conclusions apply to total fluoride exposures rather than to exposures exclusively through drinking water.”

“What the NTP is pointing to here is that in some communities, where the dose of fluoride in the water is 0.7 mg/L, the NTP has found levels of fluoride found to be associated with lower IQ,” Connett told The Defender.

Also, different people have different risk levels, he said. Pregnant women and bottle-fed babies, for example, are some of the populations at highest risk.

On this point, the NTP responded to a different HHS critique, writing, “We have no basis on which to state that our findings are not relevant to some children or pregnant people in the United States.”

“The margin of safety here just doesn’t exist — it is precariously small,” Connett said. He added that the lawsuit is “basically a risk assessment of fluoride.”

Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), which is the law at stake in the lawsuit, the EPA carries out risk assessments for potential toxins.

To do a risk assessment, the EPA first identifies a hazard and determines at what dose — what level of human exposure — that hazard harms human health.

Then the agency determines in a given case whether the margin between the existing hazard levels and the human exposure levels is unacceptably close, which would make a toxin pose a risk to human health.

Connett said that in EPA’s previous risk assessments for other chemicals, such as methylene chloride or bromopropane, evaluated according to the 2020 risk evaluation method that guides this case, the agency found the hazard level exceeds the human exposure level by much higher margins — “usually in a range of ten to 20 times higher,” yet it has deemed those chemicals to present an unreasonable risk to human health.

In other words, the substances were found to be toxic to humans at levels significantly lower than what people may be exposed to in regular use, yet the EPA determined them to be risks.

When it makes that determination, the EPA must then take steps to mitigate the risk.

That can also be the finding in this case. According to a pre-trial document, both sides in the case agreed to the “undisputed fact” that the “EPA does not require that human exposure levels exceed a known adverse effect level to make an unreasonable risk determination under TSCA.”

The NTP documents also raised flags about the implications of seemingly small neurotoxic effects:

“Research on other neurotoxicants has shown that subtle shifts in IQ at the population level can have a profound impact on the number of people who fall within the high and low ranges of the population’s IQ distribution.

“For example, a 5-point decrease in a population’s IQ would nearly double the number of people classified as intellectually disabled.”

Top HHS and CDC officials tried to ‘water down’ and block the report

In 2016, a group of six nonprofit organizations and several individuals petitioned the EPA to end fluoridation of drinking water in the U.S. based on evidence of health risks associated with fluoride, namely neurotoxicity.

The EPA rejected the petition.

In response, Food and Water Watch, Fluoride Action Network and others sued the EPA in 2017, seeking an end to water fluoridation.

The plaintiffs argued that water fluoridation violates the EPA’s Toxic Substances Control Act and that fluoride is neurotoxic and lowers children’s IQ.

They based their initial claims on dozens of studies and reviews demonstrating fluoride’s neurotoxicity. Studies have also linked fluoride to a variety of other health risks in both children and adults, and evidence shows it to be an endocrine disruptor.

The EPA denied water fluoridation causes harm.

A seven-day trial took place in federal court in San Francisco in June 2020, but Judge Chen put the proceedings on hold pending the release of NTP’s systematic review of research available on the neurotoxic effects of fluoride.

The report, slated for release in May 2022, was delayed several times and sent for several rounds of peer review.

“The people on the [NTP] committee were experts in their fields who put years into this study, going back and forth with one external review after another,” North said. “You couldn’t ask for more peer review than what it already had. There were constant attempts to delay it, to water it down.”

In late October 2022, Judge Chen ended the stay on the NTP review, ruling that the parties involved could view the NTP review in its unpublished form to better inform his final decision.

However, due to concerns from the EPA, he also ruled the report could not be made public unless the NTP released it.

In December 2022, the plaintiffs filed several exhibits with Judge Chen, including a redacted version of the NTP’s assessment of fluoride’s neurotoxicity and internal emails between the CDC and the NTP obtained through FOIA demonstrating that HHS blocked the release of the long-delayed review, the plaintiffs argued.

The documents showed that on May 11, NTP notified the agencies that it was going to release the report on May 18, but the CDC opposed the release.

Emails also indicated that HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine was going to “get involved,” and, “the May 18 release date for [the monograph] is almost certainly not going to happen,” the Defender reported.

Connett said:

“It was only because we were tipped off by someone with knowledge on the inside that something was amiss that we went and did extensive FOIA requests and we were able to get documents showing that the NTP scientists considered this report to be complete and ready for publication last May, May of 2022.”

North said it was clear the agencies were blocking the release of the report, which was ready for publication.

“This was a clear case of stonewalling,” North said. “The National Toxicology Program, after over six years of research and numerous outside peer reviews, had completed its state-of-the-science report.”

Connett added:

“We have emails showing that Levine is the one who put it on hold. Rachel Levine said not to publish this report at this time. Then we got the FOIA emails showing that and NTP said they may not publish this [the report] at all. They may not publish it in final form but we did get them to agree to at least post a draft report. They will consider it a draft report.”

On January 20, Judge Chen denied the EPA’s request to add another six-month period to the stay he lifted in his October ruling.

The monograph and meta-analysis released yesterday on the NTP’s website are both labeled “draft.”

“Unfortunately, fluoridation promoters and high-level government officials have continued to label it a draft,” North said. “It wasn’t.”

Experts associated with the lawsuit against the EPA will now analyze and interpret the report in future hearings and then Judge Chen will rule.

The next hearing date is scheduled for April 11, 2023. At that time, the judge will set a date for the next phase of the trial.


This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense

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Contamination of Agricultural Soils and Plants, Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments, by Graphene in Fertilizers and Pesticides of Toxic Agriculture 

Contamination of Agricultural Soils and Plants, Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments, by Graphene in Fertilizers and Pesticides of Toxic Agriculture 

by Dominique Guillet, Xochipelli
published March 11, 2023


Summary [Topics Covered in This Article] :

  • Foreword
  • Nano-materials of the Graphene family are strictly unregulated by the European Commission
  • How long have Graphene derivatives been contaminating Agriculture?  Ten years or fifteen years?
  • Graphene Hydrogels commercialized for Agriculture
  • Studies on the toxicity of Graphene derivatives on plant growth and soil health
  • Studies on the toxicity of Graphene derivatives on all elements of aquatic environments
  • Studies on the ability of Graphene derivatives to allegedly improve plant growth
  • Studies on the ability of Graphene derivatives to eliminate or mitigate, allegedly, toxicities or pests in agriculture
  • A few Patents concerning the insertion of graphene oxide in Fertilizers and in Pesticides/Biocides of all kinds

This dossier is a follow-up to my first one, entitled “Graphene in Agriculture”, which presented two of my short articles on the subject, as well as six essays written by the Spanish researcher, Mik Andersen. This first dossier was presented in January 2022.

In this present dossier, I have “restricted myself”, in the first part, to the proven contamination of agricultural plants, agricultural soils, terrestrial environments and aquatic environments, by Graphene present in fertilizers and pesticides used in Agriculture. I do not address the same “contamination”, by Graphene as a “decontamination vector”, of these same agricultural, terrestrial and aquatic environments… which it has itself contributed to contaminate in synergy with a host of other metallic nanoparticles. This scandalous issue of the “decontamination by Graphene” will be the subject of a subsequent dossier.

The situation is much more serious than the Spike’s Wacky Sectarians, and other devout dissidents of the Covidian religion, can imagine, when they censor us, inexorably, we whistleblowers who denounce the presence of graphene, nano-particles and other nano-technologies, in CoYid/19 injections – and other injections called infantile, anti-flu, anti-cancer, anti-meningitis, “vaccines” – ad nauseam and ad mortem.

Graphene is everywhere: namely, in all sectors of daily life because it is considered the miracle material – especially by all the eugenicist Globalists and other scientists in their pay… Indeed, Graphene will allow them to trace and connect Humans by chaining and imprisoning them, “digitally”, in the nets of the virtual network under the pretext of “digital health”, “digital medicine” or “digital pharmacy” – or under no pretext at all… when dictatorship sets in. 

Biologists, doctors, researchers, journalists, activists, columnists, influencers, civil servants, etc., who continue to deny this reality of the omnipresent Graphene – or to deny the extreme health risks associated with this reality of the omnipresent Graphene – are thus invited to open their eyes, their ears and their synaptic connections very quickly… or to change profession. What about plumbing? 

Why? Because they are liars and because, today, the empire of lies – and its peddlers under all ideological shades – is in the process of collapsing under the weight of its own inconsistencies, manipulations, dissonances. Indeed, the empire of lies can no longer generate as much energy as it would take to fill the gaps… which are becoming more and more gaping.

In a second part, I present the studies which affirm that Graphene can increase the growth of the plants, fight against the pests or, even, take part in the decontamination of the agricultural plants toxified by the extreme abundance of heavy metals, various and varied, in the agricultural grounds.

Indeed, there are teams of highly paid “scientists” whose mission is to claim that Graphene is harmless in agricultural soils, in food plants, in terrestrial and aquatic environments – and that it is, in fact, beneficial. These are the same people who produce “scientific” studies on the danger of the non-existent CoYid/19 or on the harmlessness of genocidal vaccines. 

These are the same people who produce “scientific” studies claiming that Graphene is not dangerous for the human organism – and that it is, in fact, beneficial. In fact, I am  presenting, here, summaries of hundreds of studies on the toxicity of Graphene derivatives: graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes, carbon quantum dots, graphene quantum dots, etc.

It is important to elucidate what a plethora of scientists have been working on, for the last 15 years or so, with regard to the very concrete problem of nano-particles in agriculture – and therefore in food. Indeed, those who finance this type of research and study are, of course, very intentional – in terms of profitability, or, in the case of “vaccines”, in terms of orchestrating planetary depopulation.

This elucidation is all the more essential since, as mentioned below, hundreds of thousands of tons of nano-materials are injected annually into agriculture, in France for example, without anyone being aware of the existence of this phenomenon – or of the nature of the nano-particulate substances injected… under the pretext of fertilizers, elicitors or pesticides.

This is why I am presenting, first of all, the very concrete and commercialized case of the graphene hydrogel, GelPonic, in order to highlight the fact that – just as insect meal has been sneaking into many foods for years – graphene has already infiltrated all sectors of agriculture… and therefore, of food.

It is no longer just a matter of patents or PhD studies… but of concrete proposals made by the industry. Moreover, patents and other scientific studies by PhDs are often only the first signs of an industrial catastrophe.

I invite readers interested in this very toxic issue to consult my very long files on the subject of Graphene in human food through cellular food, insect-based food, functionalized meats, food packaging, etc:

Homo chimericus: Chitinization, through an insect-based diet, in synergy with Graphenization, of food and medicines, is generating a new chimeric and connected human organism

Graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes, synthetic DNA, in the nanofibers of cell-cultured meats grown in metal tanks… and in animal meats

Graphenization of the meat, and proteins, by “vaccines” injected into the livestock

Soylent Green in 2022? Chitinization of the Human Organism by an Insectivorous diet based on the Recycling of Agro-Industrial Wastes, Plastics of all kinds, Human Excrements… and soon of Human Corpses?

Graphene has infiltrated agricultural plants even more than it is beginning to contaminate all terrestrial and aquatic environments – as many of the following studies have shown. And this is, of course, without dwelling on the Graphenization of the Atmosphere, which I have already addressed in a voluminous dossier, “Graphene in the Atmosphere”.

Graphene in its various forms circulates in the Atmosphere, in agricultural environments, in aquatic environments… and, therefore, in the rivers and water tables that serve agricultural soils – in a vicious circle of self-accumulation and self-assembly.

It goes without saying that the problem of contamination of terrestrial and aquatic environments by graphene present in fertilizers, elicitors and pesticides of toxic conventional agriculture, is also posed for all other metallic or non-metallic nanoparticles that have been used in agriculture for a long time.

What should we do? We will avoid panicking, first of all, because the Globalists already handle panic with brio. 

Let us be confident that in the long run – whatever the amplitude – Gaia, our Mother Earth, digests and metabolizes any substance and, one day, she will emanate,  from her Biosphere, a bacterium with the capacity to digest all the two-dimensional carbonaceous nano-materials (0.35 nm thick) of the Graphene family… if they excessively disturb Her Natural ways.

Nano-materials of the Graphene family are strictly unregulated by the European Commission

Here is how the European Commission (the tool of the European dictatorship in the service of the military-industrial complex) presents the regulations on nano-materials in three pages – the third of which is extremely clear as to the strict preponderance of derivatives of the Graphene family in the general nomenclature of this class of materials. [91] These regulations are, intrinsically, non-regulations.
It goes without saying that all nano-materials are strictly unregulated by the European Commission – not just graphene derivatives.

«Nanomaterials in REACH and CLP. On 3 December 2018 the Commission adopted Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1881 to modify REACH Annexes I, III and VI-XII, introducing nano-specific clarifications and new provisions in the chemical safety assessment (Annex I), registration information requirements (Annex III and VI-XI) and downstream user obligations (Annex XII).

… On the basis of the Commission Recommendation of 18 October 2011 on the a nanoform is a form of a natural or manufactured substance containing particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate or as an agglomerate and where, for 50 % or more of the particles in the number size distribution, one or more external dimensions is in the size range 1 nm-100 nm, including also by derogation fullerenes, graphene flakes and single wall carbon nanotubes with one or more external dimensions below 1 nm.» [86]

Reading this regulation 2018/1881, it is obvious that the European Commission authorizes, blindly, the totality of the nano-particles produced by the Industry because if one refers to its requests of non-toxicity – with regard to humans, invertebrates, algae, etc – it is a long time since a formal, and generalized, prohibition should have been promulgated in order to protect the health of the populations and the eco-systems.

Indeed, only for some graphene derivatives, I have presented about 300 studies proving their extreme toxicity. And these are, for the most part, studies dating from recent years … while the first studies, of toxicity, date from about 2011 – ie, the time of the « recommendation » of the European Commission of October 18, 2011 on the “nano-form” … [87]

How could Graphene be regulated, in terms of its toxicity, when billions of euros of public money are being transferred to all the pseudopods under the aegis of the Graphene Flagship – which, of course, all affirm, with their mouths agape, that Graphene is the miracle material – and so harmless!

How could Graphene be regulated, in terms of its toxicity, when the Globalists are drooling with excitement over the concept of “15 minute cities” promoted by the demented and eugenicist gang of the World Economic Forum?

How could Graphene be regulated, in terms of its toxicity, while the Globalists are drooling with excitement over the concept of “Graphene cities”, the integral Graphene cities? Why? Because graphene is the inescapable, fundamental foundation of the “15-minute cities” so dear to Klaus Schwab.
Graphene is the fundamental vector, present and future, of the Connection, in all its virtual and false aspects. All those who are not able to apprehend, organically, this Reality are, probably, already disconnected from it.

According to the review titled “Hazard characterization of graphene nanomaterials in the frame of their food risk assessment: A review”, and published, in June 2022, in Food and Chemical Toxicology. [93]

 «The obtained results showed that the investigations performed up to now did not follow internationally agreed-upon test guidelines. Moreover, GFNs seemed to resist gastrointestinal digestion and were able to be absorbed, distributed, and excreted, inducing toxic effects at different levels, including genotoxicity. Also, dose has an important role as it has been reported that low doses are more toxic than high doses because GFNs tend to aggregate in the digestive system, changing the internal exposure scenario. Thus, further studies including a thorough toxicological evaluation are required to protect consumer’s safety. »

How long have Graphene derivatives been contaminating Agriculture?  Ten years or fifteen years?

If we refer to the article, from 2015, presented by Inf’OGM, and entitled « Des nanos en agriculture? », [58] here is what Danielle Lanquetuit and Mathilde Detcheverry of the association AVICENN – whose objective is to promote public debate and the transparency of political leaders on the issue of nanotechnologies – state.

«Thanks to the mandatory declaration instituted by France in order to feed a register (R-Nano) of nano-materials on our territory, created in 2013, we know that nearly 416 000 tons of nano-substances were declared as having been produced or imported in 2014 in France. But this figure is far below the overall volume of nano-materials actually introduced on our territory and which escape the radar of the authorities. For the past two years, agriculture has topped the list of declared sectors, without any indication of either the volume of nano-materials actually used in this sector, or the number of agricultural declarants

Farmers are unknowingly exposed to the nano-materials in the mixtures they handle and spray... In 2014, we were able to identify at least seven companies that market products for crops that have filled out declarations in R-Nano, with about forty products sold in agriculture… without being able to have more information: the companies indeed do not provide any information on the nano-materials they use, neither in the safety data sheets, nor on their sites nor on the site of the Union of Plant Protection Industries (UIPP).» 

The underlining is mine to emphasize that this is a ten year old agricultural issue. What is the nature of these nanoparticles in fertilizers, elicitors and pesticides/biocides in conventional agriculture? Few people know the composition of these nanoparticles because it requires going back upstream… to the trade secrets of the Pharma Industry – which controls the Agro-Chemical Industry.

What we can be sure of is that graphene is everywhere in agriculture because, firstly, its various derivatives have been known for about twenty years; secondly, it is considered to be the miracle material that will revolutionize everything; and, thirdly, for the last few years, it can be produced by the ton – from any carbonaceous bio-mass – at a very minimal cost.

Here is how the organization, called Graphene Council, presents, in May 2022, the new generation of nanoparticle pesticides as conceived by the US EPA, Environmental Protection Agency :

«To meet this need, an EPA research team led by Dr. Su conducted an exhaustive search for patents and published literature related to nanopesticides to understand the state-of-the-science. The team found and analyzed over 36,000 patents and 500 peer-reviewed journal articles. From their research findings, the team established two general categories of nanopesticides to help inform EPA’s regulatory reviews: 1) products with mostly metal-based nanomaterials as the active ingredient, like nanosilver and nanocopper oxide/hydroxide, and 2) products that encapsulate and carry the active ingredient using nanomaterials (mostly carbon based) like graphene and carbon nanotubes

The team found that nano-enabled pesticides adhere better to plant surfaces and have a reduced impact on non-target organisms. Nanopesticides may also enhance plant resilience against stressors from heat or drought. These benefits could lead to higher crop yield and provide more agricultural resilience to address climate change and weather extremes. The team’s findings also highlight the data gaps and the need for additional research on potential adverse impacts of nanopesticides.» [59]

It is thus very clear to the US governmental environmental protection agency that there are two classes of nano-particulate materials, called « nano-pesticides » in agriculture: on the one hand, active ingredients based on metallic nano-particles and, on the other hand, conventional pesticide carriers, which are all of the Graphene family.

Here, now, is how the platform, named AzoNano, presents, in April 2022, the next generation of graphene-based nanoparticle fertilizers and pesticides: [60]

«In agriculture, carbon-based nanomaterials attempt to decrease the number of pesticides distributed, minimize nutrient leaching in fertilization, and increase pest and disease control output.

Carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) can be used as excellent fertilizer carriers due to their stable molecular arrangement, uniform dispersion, and low toxicity in application media. For example, graphene oxide nanoparticles are effective trace element transporters.

Carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) are utilized as light converters for supplementing plant photosynthesis. Through chloroplast photosynthesis, plants transform solar energy into chemical energy.

The sunlight used by chloroplasts is primarily confined in the blue and red regions of the visible spectrum. Therefore, they can be used as light conversion materials to maximize solar energy for expanding the light spectrum for plant photosynthesis. That said, to use carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) as light converters in plants, some important factors such as light conversion efficiency, biocompatibility, and cytotoxicity of light converting carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) in plants, and heat produced during carbon nanomaterials-enabled light transformation in plants must be taken into account.

Recently, Zhu et al. revealed that carbon-based nanomaterials with antifungal characteristics could be used to generate new fungicides. Among the different carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) tested against two plant pathogenic fungi, including nanotubes, fullerenes, and graphene oxide, the single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) had the strongest antifungal action.

The use of carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) in applying biosensors, light convertors, fertilizers, pesticides, and agrochemical delivery is notable. However, their impact may change depending on plant species, carbon nanomaterial (CNM) type, and its dosages.

In agricultural applications, carbon-based nanomaterials can make the following contributions:

Increased agricultural yield with the use of plant growth boosters and innovative nanomaterial-based fertilizers.

Plant protection products based on nanomaterials, such as insecticides and herbicides.

The use of nano-encapsulated plant protection agents and slow-release fertilizers to reduce the number of agrochemicals used.

Nanotechnologies for agricultural practice optimization via precision farming[60]

Graphene Hydrogels commercialized for Agriculture

In England, researchers at the University of Manchester are working on a new concept, called “Graphene City”, which aims to graphenize all supply chains – and, in fact, all sectors of daily life.

May I repeat that all sectors of daily life, that means: “vaccines”, injections, drugs, aerosols, cosmetics, dressings, condoms, sanitary napkins, therapeutic women’s panties, anesthetics, dental implants, eye lenses, concrete, asphalt, window frames, water treatment membranes, ventilation system filters, fertilizers, agricultural pesticides/biocides, bio-testing shoes, bio-testing clothing, clothing insulation, face masks, wall paints, batteries, electronics, wind turbines, pain relief patches, night covers, mattresses, light bulbs, headphones, ski goggles, etc., etc?

One of their research objectives is to graphenize agriculture. They are, thus, developing an agricultural alternative they have named “GelPonic” in order to, allegedly, reduce energy and space wastage by promoting vertical agriculture. “GelPonic” is a graphene hydrogel that has the ability to “sense” the nutritional needs of plants in the soil and meet them.

This graphene hydrogel is available in the form of granules, plates or blocks. [1]

This research, funded by the UK government and Europe, is under the responsibility of Dr. Beenish Siddique, the founder, and CEO, of AEH Innovative Hydrogel – which is located in the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre in Manchester. [77]

Their official propaganda is well-smoothed and uses all the key concepts to fool the dumb and the sleepy: “sustainability”, “recycling”, “resilience”, “carbon sequestration”, “water saving”, “corporate social responsibility”, “zero carbon emissions”, etc.

AEH Innovative Hydrogel’s graphene hydrogel is also used for medical applications – in particular to treat chronic wounds, to avoid infections and amputations. [78]

Connected bandages” are also manufactured by Grapheal in Grenoble, in France – a graphenizing company that also offers a “digital” CoYid/19 saliva test. Grapheal announces itself as “designer and manufacturer of embedded digital biosensors for field medical diagnosis and remote patient monitoring”. [902] [903] The connected bandage is presented as follows: «This smart and connected graphene-based bandage is extremely flexible and adapts easily to all parts of the body. Its tiny wireless electronics with very light and highly flexible electrodes transmit data to a mobile application. Using tele-medicine software and medical technologies in the cloud, the hospital receives the information, which can then be monitored and evaluated by a specialist.»

One study, published in July 2021, even proposes an aerogel composed of graphene oxide and polyethylene glycol reinforced with grape seed extract (for its proanthocyanidins) to heal wounds.  [1069]

On the other side of the Atlantic, in California, Juan Pablo Girald – from the University of California Riverside – is leading a $1.6 million funded project on the use of nanotechnology to deliver nitrogen, as a fertilizer, directly into choloroplasts.

UC San Diego, to use nanotechnology, chemized by her team, to deliver genetic material into chloroplasts. According to Nicole Steinmetz, «Our idea is to refunctionalize natural nanoparticles, namely plant viruses, in order to deliver genes into a plant… Some engineering is needed to make sure that the nanoparticles access the chloroplasts and also that they cannot infect the plants.» Their goal is, thus, to have these lettuces and spinach, chimerized in vaccine mRNA, grown by gardeners themselves – or by large-scale market gardeners for city populations.

These researchers specify, with their hand on their heart, that all their researches are oriented towards “ecology” – that is to say the same ecology promoted by Klaus Schwab, the Transhumanist Reinitiator. It is a question of optimizing the delivery of nitrogen to the heart of the cells of cultivated plants in order to avoid its waste – real, namely the direct infiltration, of half of this nitrogen of synthesis, in the water tables.

The question that one must ask oneself, when dealing with these mentally disturbed people: what is the nature of this “engineering”, of chimerization, that must be applied in order for the nanoparticles to reach the chloroplasts. In short, what is the process by which the “refunctionalization” of phytoviruses – that is, of plant-infecting viruses – is carried out?

According to the presentation of a Korean patent, from 2019, on the increase of plant growth by incorporation of graphene nano-particles: « It has been shown that carbon nanotubes, in monofoil, can be transported and deposited, in the lipid bilayer of chloroplasts, through kinetic trapping that promotes photosynthetic activity and electron transfer.» [929]

The other question we have to ask ourselves: could it be a “refunctionalization” with graphene oxide, carbon quantum dots or carbon nanotubes? Would these graphene nanoparticles be used for conveying purposes… in order to access the chloroplasts?

It is very likely that the answer will be of the same type as for the Quantum/19 injections of the Pharmacratic Mafia. The mRNA is wrapped in lipid nanoparticles and nothing more, I promise… And how do we explain, then, the magnetization of some injected?

Thus, as early as spring 2018, the University of Adelaide, Australia, made headlines in the Industrial Fertilization sector by announcing the effectiveness of “eco-friendly” industrial fertilizers, respectful of the environment, because they are vectorized by graphene oxide. [934]  [935]

Today, as mentioned above, it is not easy to determine who is marketing nano-fertilizers or nano-pesticides. On the other hand, it is very easy to determine which companies commercially distribute graphene, carbon nano-tubes, fullerenes, carbon nano-cones, carbon nano-pulp, etc., etc. Examples are INSCX [76], NanoIntegris [77], OCSiAl [78], Tuball [79], MKNano [84], Matexcel [83], Platonic Nanotech [82], NanoAmor [81], etc.

The Nanowerk platform presents 53 industrial companies, worldwide, commercializing a plethora of nano-products of the Graphene family.  [80]

Studies on the toxicity of Graphene derivatives on plant growth and soil health

“Distribution of different surface modified carbon dots in pumpkin seedlings”. 2018.  [16] At the biochemical level, the elevated antioxidant enzymes in pumpkin roots suggest that all the CDs could potentially trigger the antioxidant defense systems in pumpkin seedlings. Additionally, such alteration was greater in the roots than in the shoots. Our study represents a new perspective on CD visualization in plant tissues and provide useful information for the potential toxicity of different types of CDs to terrestrial plants, which is of importance to agricultural application.

“Graphene oxide enters the rice roots and disturbs the endophytic bacterial communities”.  [55]

“Identifying the Phytotoxicity and Defense Mechanisms Associated with Graphene-Based Nanomaterials by Integrating Multiomics and Regular Analysis”. 2021.  [20]

The results showed that the plant defense was regulated by reducing the calcium content by 21.7-48.3%, intercellular CO2 concentration by 12.0-35.2%, transpiration rate by 8.7-40.2%, and stomatal conductance by 16.9-50.5%….The phytohormone gibberellin and abscisic acid receptor PYL8 were upregulated, indicating the activation of defense systems. However, reduced graphene oxide and graphene oxide quantum dots trigger stronger oxidative stress (e.g., H2O2 and malondialdehyde) than graphene oxide in fruits due to the breakdown of antioxidant defense systems (e.g., cytochrome P450 86A22 and P450 77A1).

“Stress Response and Nutrient Homeostasis in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Exposed to Graphene Quantum Dots Are Modulated by Particle Surface Functionalization”. 2021.  [2]

C-GQDs and O-GQDs cause oxidative damage, disruption of mineral and organic nutrients homeostasis, impairment of photosynthesis, and modulates the levels of phytohormones. Light-triggered reactive oxygen species generation and oxidation of antioxidants in plants are the critical reason for the phytotoxicity and explain the difference between the different functionalizations. These findings suggest that GQDs may not be as safe as expected. Future studies should consider the modulation of surface chemistry to achieve optimal safety of GQDs, and more plant species should be tested over a longer-term scale.

“Surface charge affects foliar uptake, transport and physiological effects of functionalized graphene quantum dots in plants” 2021. [21]

Overall, our findings provide direct evidence for the influence of surface charge on foliar uptake, translocation, and physiological effects of GQDs in crop plants, and imply that foliar exposure of GQDs negatively impact plant photosynthesis and growth health.

“A double-edged effect of manganese-doped graphene quantum dots on salt-stressed Capsicum annuum”. 2022.  [24]

However, based on a comprehensive analysis of normal alkanes (n-alkane) using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), we also observed that the leaf epicuticular wax profile was disturbed by GQD-Mn, as the concentration of long-chain n-alkanes was increased. Meanwhile, the content of magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn) indicated a potential promoted photosynthesis activity in C. annuum leaves. 

“Sustainable agronomic response of carbon quantum dots on Allium sativum: Translocation, physiological responses and alternations in chromosomal aberrations”.  2022.  [25] This study deals with the evaluation of the uptake, translocation and phytotoxicity of graphene quantum dots, blue luminescence emitters, on the Allium sativum plant. The evaluation of the genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of CQDs towards the roots of Allium sativum was estimated according to three different concentrations.

“Sunlight promoted self-fenton photodegradation and pathway of doxycycline: Interactive effects of nanomaterial on bean plant and its genotoxicity against Allium cepa”. 2023.  [26]

“Synergistic effects of glyphosate and multiwall carbon nanotubes on Arabidopsis thaliana physiology and metabolism”. 2021.  [27]

The synergistic effect observed was attributed to the accumulation of glyphosate resulting from permeability and transportability of the carbon nanotubes. Overall, the risk of nanotube-herbicide interaction suggests a caution use of nanotubes in agricultural applications.

“New insight into the mechanism of graphene oxide-enhanced phytotoxicity of arsenic species”. 2021. This study deals with the joint phytotoxicity of graphene oxide and arsenic species (arsenite, arsenate) on monocotyledonous (Triticum aestivum) and dicotyledonous (Solanum lycopersicum) plant species. [30]

In addition, co-exposure with GO resulted in more severe oxidative stress than single As exposure, which could subsequently induce damage in root plasma membranes and compromise key arsenic detoxification pathways such as complexation with glutathione and efflux. Co-exposure to GO and As also led to more significant reduction in macro- and micronutrient content. 

“Effects of three graphene-based materials on the growth and photosynthesis of Brassica napus”. 2022.  [31]

The results revealed that RGO impaired photosynthesis mainly by decreasing the chlorophyll content and Rubisco activity. A further gene-level analysis suggested that this effect of RGO might be due to its toxicity on sulfate transmembrane transporter and nitrogen metabolism, which ultimately led to nutrient imbalance. However, GO directly damaged the photosystem by disrupting the chloroplast structure, and a decrease in Rubisco activity indicated that GO also inhibits carbon fixation. Further gene-level analysis demonstrated that GO has toxicity on the chloroplast membrane, photosystem, photosynthethic electron transport and F-type ATPase. 

“Is airborne graphene oxide a possible hazard for the sexual reproduction of wind-pollinated plants?” 2022.  [35]

“Assessment of graphene oxide toxicity on the growth and nutrient levels of white clover (Trifolium repens”). 2022. [39]

In this study, white clover (Trifolium repens L.) was grown in a potted soil with graphene oxide (GO) at levels of 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6% and the effects of GO on the growth and nutrient uptake of white clover were evaluated after 50 and 100 days of exposure. GO exposure showed adverse effects on seedling growth, photosynthetic parameters and nutrient uptake in shoots, and the effect was more significant with increasing concentration and exposure time. Compared with the control, GO at the highest level of 0.6% decreased plant height, leaf and stem dry weights, total chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate by 43.7%, 45.7%, 43.4%, 32% and 85.7%, respectively, after 100 d of exposure, and N, K, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mo, B, Si contents decreased by 19.5%, 20.1%, 12.6%, 25.0%, 12.9%, 26.0%, 18.9%, 23.0%, respectively. Furthermore, the electrolyte leakage, lipid peroxidation, reactive oxygen species, antioxidant enzyme activities were all increased by GO, especially at high dose and long exposure. These results indicate that GO can suppress plant growth by oxidative stress, photosynthesis inhibition, and nutrient imbalance.

“Graphene oxide affected root growth, anatomy, and nutrient uptake in alfalfa”. 2022. Cette étude porte sur l’ impact négatif de l’oxyde de graphène sur la croissance et le développement des racines de luzerne. [10]

Our findings indicate that GO at high levels has a negative impact on root growth and development by inducing oxidative stress, structural impairment, and nutritional imbalance. Careful soil GO management should be emphasized.

“Effect of graphene oxide on the uptake, translocation and toxicity of metal mixture to Lepidium sativum plants: Mitigation of metal phytotoxicity due to nanosorption”. 2022.  [9]

“Combined effects of carbon nanotubes and cadmium on the photosynthetic capacity and antioxidant response of wheat seedlings”. 2021. [7]

Compared with Cd alone, CNTs combined with Cd decreased net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, primary maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, actual quantum yield, photosynthetic electron transport rate, root canal protein, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase content. Moreover, combined treatments increased the content of superoxide anion, superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase, cytochrome, and malondialdehyde in wheat seedlings. Moreover, membrane lipid peroxidation was aggravated, causing serious damage to the wheat membrane system. In addition, the toxicity of the SW treatment and the combined treatment with SW and Cd was higher than that of the MW treatment.

“Synthesis and characterization of single-walled carbon nanotube: Cyto-genotoxicity in Allium cepa root tips and molecular docking studies”. [3]

As a result, cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of SWCNTs in A. cepa root meristematic cells which is a reliable system for assessment of nanoparticle toxicology were demonstrated in this study.

“Effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in soil on earthworm growth and reproduction, enzymatic activities, and metabolomics”. 2022. [15]

Exposure to 50 mg/kg MWCNTs significantly increased activities of CYP2C9, CYP3A4, SOD, CAT, and GST but clearly reduced levels of L-aspartate, L-asparagine, and glutamine. With exposure to 100 mg/kg MWCNTs, toxic effects on earthworms were observed, with significant inhibition in activities of CYP isoenzymes and SOD, significant reductions in L-aspartate, L-asparagine, glutamine, and tryptophan, and simultaneous accumulations of citrate, isocitrate, fumarate, 2-oxoglutarate, pyruvate, D-galactose, carbamoyl phosphate, formyl anthranilate, hypoxanthine, and xanthine. Results suggest that toxicity of MWCNTs to earthworms is associated with reduced detoxification capacity, excessive oxidative stress, and disturbance of multiple metabolic pathways, including amino acids metabolism, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, pyruvate metabolism, D-galactose metabolism, and purine metabolism. The study provides new insights to better understand and predict the toxicity of MWCNTs in soil.

“Interactive effects of metals and carbon nanotubes in a microcosm agrosystem”.  2022.  [43]

“Effects of microplastics and carbon nanotubes on soil geochemical properties and bacterial communities”. 2022.  [46]

Our findings show that conventional and biodegradable MPs differently change soil geochemical properties and microbial community structure and functions, which can be further modified by co-existing MWCNTs.

“Nanomaterials in agricultural production: benefits and possible threats?”. 2013. This review covers the most recent literature on the application of nanotechnology to agriculture, including nano-fertilizers, nano-sensors, crop protection, pollution control, waste management, and pesticide detection. The negative effects of nanoparticles on edible plants are also discussed. [82]

“Induction of programmed cell death in Arabidopsis and rice by single-wall carbon nanotubes”. 2010. This study investigated the exposure of Arabidopsis and rice leaf protoplasts to single-walled carbon nanotubes and examined cell viability, DNA damage, reactive oxygen species generation and associated gene expression. [86]

Consequently, SWCNTs have an adverse effect on protoplasts and leaves through oxidative stress, leading to a certain amount of programmed cell death. Although nanomaterials have great advantages in many respects, the benefits and side effects still need to be assessed carefully.

“Effects of graphene on morphology, microstructure and transcriptomic profiling of Pinus tabuliformis roots”. 2021. This study focuses on increasing the growth of Chinese Red Pine (Pinus tabuliformis) by adding graphene oxide nanoparticles to the irrigation water – at 25 mg per liter.[1610]

Notwithstanding these positive effects, it is reported that graphene may be detrimental to plants under certain conditions. The sharp edges of graphene may physically cut cell membranes ancompromise their integrity [18]. In addition to increasing the uptake of water and fertilizer by roots, graphene also increased the uptake of heavy metals such as cadmium and arsenic, which increased their toxic effects [1920]. Furthermore, graphene treatment may lead to the alteration of pH, metabolic processes, induce different degrees of oxidative damage, and cause cell death [21]. These reported negative effects underscore the necessity for further research before graphene can be applied in agroforestry.

“Effects of carbon nanotubes and derivatives of graphene oxide on soil bacterial diversity”. 2019.  [52]

“Graphene phytotoxicity in the seedling stage of cabbage, tomato, red spinach, and lettuce”. 2011.  [56]

“Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Exhibit Dual-Phase Regulation to Exposed Arabidopsis Mesophyll Cells”. 2011.  [57]

“Advances in transport and toxicity of nanoparticles in plants”. 2023.  [118]

Studies on the toxicity of Graphene derivatives on all elements of aquatic environments

“Assessment of graphene oxide ecotoxicity at several trophic levels using aquatic microcosms”. 2020. [102] 

The trophic chain was composed of a consortium of algae and bacteria as primary producers, chironomid larvae as primary consumers and decomposers while larvae of the amphibian Pleurodeles waltii constituted the secondary consumers. Monitoring of multiple ecotoxicological and ecological endpoints allowed to observe changes in bacterial communities while no toxic effects were noticed in chironomids. However, chironomids feeding behaviour changed as a consequence of GO contamination, leading to an increase in leaf litter consumption. Genotoxic effects were noticed in Pleurodeles larvae. This study highlights the importance of using such experimental systems to better encompass the ecotoxic potential of GO through the determination of toxicological routes and consequences on ecosystem’s functioning.

Effects of environmental factors on graphene oxide ecotoxicity towards crustacean Daphnia magna”. 2018. [121]

“Acute toxicity assessment of polyaniline/Ag nanoparticles/graphene oxide quantum dots on Cypridopsis vidua and Artemia salina”. 2021. [125] 

“The effects of humic acid on the toxicity of graphene oxide to Scenedesmus obliquus and Daphnia magna”. [88]

“Acute Toxicity of Graphene to Water Flea, Brine Shrimp and Zebrafish”. 2016. In order to understand the potential ecotoxicity of Graphene released into aquatic environment, the toxicities of two types of this material were assessed using two freshwater (Daphnia magna and Danio rerio) and one saltwater (Artemia franciscana) organism. [103]

“Fast Identification and Quantification of Graphene Oxide in Aqueous Environment by Raman Spectroscopy”. 2020.  [40]

GO was chemically reduced by hydrazine hydrate to form partially reduced GO (PRGO), where the fluorescence from GO was largely reduced, and the Raman signals (G band and D band) were dominating. According to the Raman characteristics, GO was easily be distinguished from other carbon nanomaterials in aqueous environments, such as carbon nanotubes, fullerene and carbon nanoparticles.

“Carbon and Metal Quantum Dots toxicity on the microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa”.  2016.  [68]

“Toxicity of microwave-synthesized silver-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites to the microalga Chlorella vulgaris: Comparison with the hydrothermal method synthesized counterparts”. 2020. Cette étude porte sur les effets toxiques des nano-composites d’oxyde de graphène réduit à l’argent synthétisés par micro-ondes sur l’algue Chlorella vulgaris[92]

Moreover, reduction in the phenol and flavonoid contents, enhancement of H2O2 content, changes in the antioxidant enzymes activity and decreases in the growth parameters as well as photosynthetic pigments quantities confirmed the toxicity of MS-Ag-rGO to the C. vulgaris cells.

“The toxicity of graphene oxide affected by algal physiological characteristics: A comparative study in cyanobacterial, green algae, diatom”. 2019. This study investigates the toxicity of graphene oxide to green algae (Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus obliquus, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii), cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa) and diatoms (Cyclotella sp.). The objective was to evaluate how the physiological characteristics of the algae affect the toxicity of graphene oxide. [47]

Meanwhile, growth inhibition and cell division were significantly correlated with the oxidative stress and membrane permeability, suggesting the latter two indicators can effectively signal GO toxicity to algae. The findings of this study provide novel insights into the toxicity of graphene materials in aquatic environments.

“Toxicity Studies on Graphene-Based Nanomaterials in Aquatic Organisms: Current Understanding”. 2020. This study focuses on the toxic effects of graphene and graphene oxide on aquatic invertebrates and fish (cell lines and organisms). [28]

“Effects of graphene oxide nanosheets in the polychaete Hediste diversicolor: Behavioural, physiological and biochemical responses”. 2022. This study focuses on evaluating the effects of different concentrations of graphene oxide nanosheets on the behavior, feeding activity, mucus production, regeneration capacity, antioxidant status, biochemical damage, and metabolism of the Hediste diversicolor worm. [32]

Numerous applications exist for graphene-based materials, such as graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets. Increased concentrations of GO nanosheets in the environment have the potential to have a large negative effect on the aquatic environment, with consequences for benthic organisms, such as polychaetes. The polychaete Hediste diversicolor mobilises the sediments, hence altering the availability of contaminants and the nutrients biogeochemical cycle. As such, this study proposes to assess the effects of different GO nanosheet concentrations on the behaviour, feeding activity, mucus production, regenerative capacity, antioxidant status, biochemical damage and metabolism of H. diversicolor. This study evidenced that H. diversicolor exposed to GO nanosheets had a significantly lower ability to regenerate their bodies, took longer to feed and burrow into the sediment and produced more mucus. 

“Humic acids alleviate the toxicity of reduced graphene oxide modified by nanosized palladium in microalgae”. 2022. [41]

“Toxicological effects resulting from co-exposure to nanomaterials and to a β-blocker pharmaceutical drug in the non-target macrophyte species Lemna minor”. 2023.  [37]

“The cytotoxicity of nano- and micro-sized graphene oxides on microalgae depends on the characteristics of cell wall and flagella”. 2023.This study investigates the cytotoxicity of nanosized and microsized graphene oxide on microalgae depends on the characteristics of the cell wall and flagella. [34]

The nano-sized GO inhibited the growth of cell wall-deficient strains and reduced the photosynthetic activity. The micro-sized GO inhibited the growth of all strains, but the inhibition efficiency was higher in flagella-deficient strains, indicating that cell wall and flagella have different roles in response to contaminant exposure. The electron microscopy analysis demonstrated that nano-sized GO caused the cell rupture in cell wall-deficient strains. In flagella-deficient strains, the nano- and micro-sized GOs were parallelly attached on the surface of cells, covering the cells. The wrapping of flagella-deficient cells by GO led to the increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) contents. These results indicate main cytotoxic mechanism of nano-sized GO was the membrane damage of cells, and the presence of cell wall can protect the cells from the attack of nano-sized GO. On the one hand, the presence of flagella might help to avoid the attachment of GO while the cell proliferation and photosynthesis were inhibited in flagella-deficient cells due to the GO wrapping.

“Integrating FTIR 2D correlation analyses, regular and omics analyses studies on the interaction and algal toxicity mechanisms between graphene oxide and cadmium” 2022.  [42]

“A trophic transfer study: accumulation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes associated to green algae in water flea Daphnia magna”. 2021.  [11]

“A trophic transfer study: accumulation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes associated to green algae in water flea Daphnia magna”. 2021. [11]
“Wastewater treatment nexus: Carbon nanomaterials towards potential aquatic ecotoxicity”. 2021.  [13]

“A workflow to investigate the impacts of weathered multi-walled carbon nanotubes to the mud snail Lymnaea stagnalis”. 2021.   [5]

“Colloidal Behavior and Biodegradation of Engineered Carbon-Based Nanomaterials in Aquatic Environment”. 2022.  This review focuses on the current knowledge regarding the colloidal behavior, transformation, and biodegradation of different types of CNMs, including graphene and graphene-like materials, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, and carbon quantum dots. The other part of this work presents an overview of the known mechanisms of CNM biodegradation and discusses current research related to CNM biodegradation in aquatic species. [14]

“Interactions between multi-walled carbon nanotubes and plankton as detected by Raman spectroscopy”. 2022.  [44]

Studies on the ability of Graphene derivatives to allegedly improve plant growth

“Multi-walled carbon nanotubes promote the accumulation, distribution, and assimilation of 15N-KNO3 in Malus hupehensis by entering the roots”. Mars 2023. Cette étude porte sur l’impact des nano-tubes de carbone à multiples parois sur l’utilisation de l’azote chez les pommiers. [85]

“Graphene: A new technology for agriculture”. 2021. This study focuses on a review of the use of graphene in different segments, explaining that this product can be used in various industrial sectors. These are mainly in agriculture (such as in major crops of great importance, such as coffee), the food industry and the environment, as a plant growth stimulator and in fertilizers, nano-encapsulation and smart release systems, antifungal and antibacterial agents, smart packaging, water treatment and ultrafiltration, contaminant removal, pesticide and insecticide quantification, detection systems and precision agriculture. [90]

“Opportunities for graphene, single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotube applications in agriculture: A review”. 2022. [66]

“Fluorescent carbon-dots enhance light harvesting and photosynthesis by overexpressing PsbP and PsiK genes”. 2021. This study focuses on enhancing light harvesting and photosynthesis by overexpressing PsbP and PsiK genes with fluorescent carbon quantum dots. [73]

“Enhanced Biological Photosynthetic Efficiency Using Light-Harvesting Engineering with Dual-Emissive Carbon Dots”. 2018. This study focuses on improving the efficiency of biological photosynthesis through light harvesting engineering with dual-emitting carbon quantum dots. [64]
Note this novel concept of using graphene derivatives to augment « sunlight harvesting » processes… and thus, photosynthesis.

“Carbon dots as light converter for plant photosynthesis: Augmenting light coverage and quantum yield effect”. 2021. This study focuses on carbon quantum dots as light converters for plant photosynthesis, inducing an increase in light coverage and a quantum yield effect. [65]

“Biofertilizers and nanofertilizers for sustainable agriculture: Phytoprospects and challenges.” 2022. This study focuses on bio-fertilizers and nano-fertilizers for sustainable agriculture. [63]

“Carbon-Based Nanomaterials for Sustainable Agriculture: Their Application as Light Converters, Nanosensors, and Delivery”. 2022. This study focuses on the different types of carbon-based nano-materials and their applications in light converters, nano-sensors and delivery tools in sustainable agriculture[61]

“Vital roles of sustainable nano-fertilizers in improving plant quality and quantity-an updated review”. 2021. This study focuses on the vital roles of sustainable nano-fertilizers in improving plant quality and quantity. [89]

It should be noted that, according to some studies, this would be “sustainable agriculture”… but, according to field ecologists, what is sustainable is, rather, the graphene derivatives that self-accumulate in soils, terrestrial and aquatic environments – and that toxify them.

“Nanocarbon fertilizers: Implications of carbon nanomaterials in sustainable agriculture production”. 2020. This study focuses on the interactions of carbon-based nano-materials such as fullerene, carbon nanotubes, carbon quantum dots, carbon cone dots and graphene with agricultural plants for sustainable agriculture. [62]

Carbon nanofertilizers have shown their role in the improvement in seed germination, seedling growth, shoot-root length enhancement, enhancement of chlorophyll content and photosynthesis rate, and plant biomass increment in various cereals and horticultural crops. The transportation of carbon-based nanomaterials is illustrated in plants and how their accumulation causes phytotoxicity is explained. Further, the potential of carbon nanomaterials in agriculture is also discussed for commercial production of nanocarbon as fertilizer. Some of the carbon-based nanomaterials showed phytotoxicity after a certain high concentration level, but there is more research required to optimize the threshold concentration for each crop‑carbon nanomaterial model where maximum growth and production can be obtained.

“Graphene oxide exhibited positive effects on the growth of Aloe vera”. 2021. This study focuses on increasing the growth of Aloe Vera by adding graphene oxide nanoparticles to irrigation water – at 50 mg per liter. [1608]

This new technology is called « bionic strategy for plant growth acceleration by injection of nanoparticles”.

“Chitosan and Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites as Coatings for Controlled-Release Fertilizer”. 2019. [938]

“Effects of graphene on morphology, microstructure and transcriptomic profiling of Pinus tabuliformis roots”. 2021. This study focuses on increasing the growth of Chinese Red Pine (Pinus tabuliformis) by adding graphene oxide nanoparticles to the irrigation water – at 25 mg per liter. [1610]

Notwithstanding these positive effects, it is reported that graphene may be detrimental to plants under certain conditions. The sharp edges of graphene may physically cut cell membranes ancompromise their integrity [18]. In addition to increasing the uptake of water and fertilizer by roots, graphene also increased the uptake of heavy metals such as cadmium and arsenic, which increased their toxic effects [1920]. Furthermore, graphene treatment may lead to the alteration of pH, metabolic processes, induce different degrees of oxidative damage, and cause cell death [21]. These reported negative effects underscore the necessity for further research before graphene can be applied in agroforestry.

“Novel hydrated graphene ribbon unexpectedly promotes aged seed germination and root differentiation”. 2014.  [45]

“Graphene quantum dots as enhanced plant growth regulators: effects on coriander and garlic plants”. 2015. [48]

“Sulfonated graphene-induced hormesis is mediated through oxidative stress in the roots of maize seedlings”. 2016. Cette étude porte sur l’hormèse induite par le graphène sulfoné qui est médiée par le stress oxydatif dans les racines des plantules de maïs. [54]

“Graphene oxide as a water transporter promoting germination of plants in soil”. 2018. [49]

“Improvement of Commercially Valuable Traits of Industrial Crops by Application of Carbon-based Nanomaterials”. 2019. This study focuses on the biological effects of graphene and carbon nanotubes on fiber-producing species (cotton, Gossypium hirsutum) and ornamental species (Catharanthus roseus)[50]

A study was published, in 2014, entitled “Slow-release fertilizer encapsulated by graphene oxide films” [936]  as well as another study, in 2017, entitled “Cogranulation of Low Rates of Graphene and Graphene Oxide with Macronutrient Fertilizers Remarkably Improves Their Physical Properties”[937]

“Slow-release fertilizer encapsulated by graphene oxide films”. 2014. [51]

“Cogranulation of Low Rates of Graphene and Graphene Oxide with Macronutrient Fertilizers Remarkably Improves Their Physical Properties”. This study focuses on the claimed improvement of physical properties through cogranulation of low levels of graphene and graphene oxide with macronutrient fertilizers. [53]

“PVA-coated fluorescent carbon dot nanocapsules as an optical amplifier for enhanced photosynthesis of lettuce”. 2020. This study focuses on the enhancement of lettuce photosynthesis with fluorescent carbon dot nano-capsules coated with polyvinyl acetate as optical enhancer. [71]

“Magnesium-nitrogen co-doped carbon dots enhance plant growth through multifunctional regulation in photosynthesis”. 2021. This study focuses on enhancing plant growth through multifunctional regulation of photosynthesis by magnesium and nitrogen codoped carbon dots. [72]

“Transfer, transportation, and accumulation of cerium-doped carbon quantum dots: Promoting growth and development in wheat”. 2021. This study investigates the transfer, transport and accumulation of cerium-doped carbon quantum dots to allegedly promote wheat growth and development. [23]

“Graphene Oxide-Assisted Promotion of Plant Growth and Stability”. 2020. This study focuses on graphene oxide to increase the growth of plants – such as watermelon. [29]

We showed that with an appropriate amount provided, graphene oxide had a positive effect on plant growth in terms of increasing the length of roots, the area of leaves, the number of leaves, and the formation of flower buds. In addition, graphene oxide affected the watermelon ripeness, increasing the perimeter and sugar content of the fruit. We believe that graphene oxide may be used as a strategy for enabling the acceleration of both plant growth and the fruit ripening process.

“Graphene Oxide, a Novel Nanomaterial as Soil Water Retention Agent, Dramatically Enhances Drought Stress Tolerance in Soybean Plants”. 2022.  [36]

Taken together, our findings revealed that GO could directly increase plant defense enzymes, hormone content, and the expression of drought-related genes, thereby improving the soybean’s ability to resist drought. These findings could provide new opportunities for improving drought tolerance in soybeans through effective soil water retention agents.

“Effects of Graphene Oxide on Plant Growth: A Review”. 2022. This study focuses on the effects of graphene oxide on plant growth to facilitate its safe and effective use. [33]

Several reports of graphene oxide (GO) promoting plant growth have sparked interest in its potential applications in agroforestry. However, there are still some toxicity studies that have raised concerns about the biosafety of GO. These reports show conflicting results from different perspectives, such as plant physiology, biochemistry, cytology, and molecular biology, regarding the beneficial and detrimental effects of GO on plant growth. Seemingly inconsistent studies make it difficult to effectively apply GO in agroforestry.

“Functional carbon nanodots improve soil quality and tomato tolerance in saline-alkali soils”. 2022. This study focuses on the alleged improvement of soil quality and tolerance of tomato in saline-alkaline soils using carbon quantum dots. [4]

“Carbon nanotubes can promote seed germination via seed coat penetration”. 2011. This study investigates the enhanced germination of various crops using single-walled carbon nano-tubes: Capsicum annuum, Salvia macrosiphon, Festuca arundinace… [84]

“Nanomaterials in plant protection and fertilization: current state, foreseen applications, and research priorities”. 2012. [79]

“Proceedings of a workshop on “Nanotechnology for the agricultural sector: from research to the field””. 2014. [80]

“Carbon nanomaterials: production, impact on plant development, agricultural and environmental applications”. 2016. [88]

Studies on the ability of Graphene derivatives to eliminate or mitigate, allegedly, toxicities or pests in agriculture

“Multiwall carbon nanotubes modulate paraquat toxicity in Arabidopsis thaliana”. 2018. [70]

Carbon nanotubes can be either toxic or beneficial to plant growth and can also modulate toxicity of organic contaminants through surface sorption. The complex interacting toxic effects of carbon nanotubes and organic contaminants in plants have received little attention in the literature to date. In this study, the toxicity of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT, 50 mg/L) and paraquat (MV, 0.82 mg/L), separately or in combination, were evaluated at the physiological and the proteomic level in Arabidopsis thaliana for 7–14 days. The results revealed that the exposure to MWCNT had no inhibitory effect on the growth of shoots and leaves.

“Whole-Transcriptome Responses to Environmental Stresses in Agricultural Crops Treated with Carbon-Based Nanomaterials”. 2021.  [67]

When subjected to salt stress, sorghum seedlings showed modified expression in 51 stress-related genes. The introduction of CNTs or graphene into the salty growth medium resulted in the restoration of the expression of 29 affected genes, resembling that of untreated sorghum seedlings.

“Applications of carbon quantum dots to alleviate Cd2+ phytotoxicity in Citrus maxima seedlings”. 2019. This study focuses on the purported mitigation of cadmium toxicity in grapefruit trees with carbon quantum dots – up to 900 mg/liter. [17]

“Carbon Dots as a Protective Agent Alleviating Abiotic Stress on Rice ( Oryza sativa L.) through Promoting Nutrition Assimilation and the Defense System”. 2020. This study focuses on carbon quantum dots used as a protective agent allegedly mitigating abiotic stress on rice (Oryza sativa) by promoting nutrition uptake and the defense system. [18]

“Graphene quantum dots as cysteine protease nanocarriers against stored grain insect pests”. 2020. This study focuses on the use of graphene quantum dots as cysteine protease nano-vectors, from the species Albizia procera, against, allegedly, two species of stored grain insect pests, the small mealworm, Tribolium castaneum and the grain capuchin, Rhyzopertha dominica. [19]

“Synergistic Effects of Graphene Oxide and Pesticides on Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda”. 2022. [38]

The results showed that graphene oxide could enhance the activity of four selected pesticides: chlorantraniliprole, cypermethrin beta, methoxyhydrazide and spinetoram.

“Can the multi-walled carbon nanotubes be used to alleviate the phytotoxicity of herbicides in soils?”. 2021. [12]

Results indicate efficient alleviation of herbicide-induced phytotoxicity to rice and tobacco due to MWCNTs amendment. When 0.4% MWCNTs were applied, the concentration of sulfentrazone that inhibited the same rice height by 50% (IC50) increased to more than 3 times that of pure soil. When the MWCNTs were used to alleviate the phytotoxicity of quinclorac to tobacco, the MWCNTs not only alleviated the phytotoxicity of quinclorac but also promoted the growth of tobacco. The MWCNTs amended soil significantly increased the adsorption of herbicide to soil than biochar. The soil microbial analysis shows that MWCNTs had no significant effect on soil microbial community diversity, but the long-term exposure to MWCNTs could change the structure of the soil microbial community. Above all, our results highlighted the potential implication of the MWCNTs to ensure crop production by promoting crop growth and reducing the residual bioavailability of herbicides.

“Copper stress alleviation in corn (Zea mays): Comparative efficiency of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanoparticles”. 2022. This study investigates the comparative role of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanoparticles in maize (Zea mays) seed germination, seedling growth and Copper stress mitigation.  [6]

“Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Alter the PSII Photochemistry, Photosystem-Related Gene Expressions, and Chloroplastic Antioxidant System in Zea mays under Copper Toxicity”. 2022.  [8]

“Applications of nanomaterials in agricultural production and crop protection: a review”. 2012.  [81] 

“Synthesis of nanopesticides by encapsulating pesticide nanoparticles using functionalized carbon nanotubes and application of new nanocomposite for plant disease treatment”. 2014.  [83]

“Evaluation and mechanism of antifungal effects of carbon nanomaterials in controlling plant fungal pathogen”. 2014. [69]

“Graphene oxide as a pesticide delivery vector for enhancing acaricidal activity against spider mites”. 2019.  [74

A few Patents concerning the insertion of graphene oxide in Fertilizers and in Pesticides/Biocides of all kinds

In the agricultural field, there are already a good number of patents for the insertion of graphene oxide in fertilizers and in pesticides/biocides of all kinds, as well as for the intensification of growth processes.

There is even a patent, from 2020, entitled “Application of graphene aqueous dispersion in farmland water retention, fertilizer retention and bacteriostasis”. It is, therefore, a question of disseminating an aqueous dispersion of graphene in agricultural water retention, in fertilizer tanks… under a bacteriostatic pretext[1112]

These patent applications date from the last few years. Here is a very partial list, out of thousands, of such patents:

“A kind of foliar fertilizer of graphene-containing nano material”. 2016 Chine. CN106747954A.  [922]

“Porous oxidation graphene and preparation method thereof and porous oxidation graphene coated slow-release chemical fertilizer and preparation method thereof”. 2017. Chine. CN107585764A. [923]

“Graphene oxide and Antagonistic Fungi compound the application in terms of preventing plant Phytophthora root rot”. 2018. Chine. CN108782610A. [926]

“Water-based graphene oxide nano pesticide and preparation method and application thereof”. 2020. Chine. CN111149798A. [927]

“Graphene oxide-containing pesticide composition”. 2019. Chine. CN112293419A. [928]

“Composition for crop improvement”. 2019. Corée du sud. KR20210040597A. [929]

“Fertilizer composition of controlled release and application thereof”. Chine. CN108117437A. 2018. [75]


Connect with Dominique Guillet, Xochipelli

Cover image credit: Adrien Nicolaï/RP — Simulations by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute reveal the potential of graphene oxide frameworks, pictured in black, to remove contaminants such as salt ions, seen in blue and green, from water.


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Vaccines as Vectors for the Installation of Nanotechnology: Evidence That Nano Receiving Antennas Are Being Inoculated Into the Human Body

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Geoengineering: Romanian General Emil Strainu on the Terrifying Possibilities of Geo-Warfare

Geoengineering: Romanian General Emil Strainu on the Terrifying Possibilities of Geo-Warfare
HAARP Is a Weapon of Economic Kill 

by General Emil Strainu and Dragan Vujicic
March 14, 2023


The topic of geoengineering and geowarfare always becomes “hot” after major “natural” disasters that hit the world from time to time. Romanian senator Diana Iovanović Sošaka is the first politician in Europe to warn of a series of strange coincidences that followed devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria in which tens of thousands of people died.

Speaking about the suspicions that geo-weapons were used in the Middle East, Iovanović Šošaka mentioned the name of Romanian reserve general Emil Strainu as one of the few experts who openly discusses this topic. General Strainu agreed to speak to the media in Serbia with one condition: Before answering I would like to mention that what I will state below does not imply any state or private institution. 

Dragan Vujicic (DV): What are geoweapons and geoengineering?

General Emil Strainu (GES): Geo-weapons or environmental weapons are means of combat used to neutralize or destroy the enemy. At the basis of their use are techniques and technologies to modify the environment (lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere) for military purposes.

Geoengineering refers to a range of emerging technologies for intervention, that can manipulate the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere to mitigate the effects of climate change or for military purposes.

There are currently three main directions in geoengineering, as follows: Carbon geoengineering which aims to remove carbon dioxide/bioxide from the atmosphere, solar geoengineering which aims to modify the amount of solar radiation absorbed and released into the Earth’s atmosphere, and geoengineering which uses environmental modification technologies for military purposes in all three environments – terrestrial (lithosphere), oceanic (hydrosphere) and the Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere. There are expert opinions that say that current climate change has among its causes some military geoengineering projects (e.g. HAARP Project), some of them carried out for decades in secret.

Geoengineering can save but also destroy the planet depending on how we use it.There are international treaties prohibiting the use of outer space for military purposes and prohibiting active action in the atmosphere and the use of environmental modification technologies for military purposes, but they are not currently respected

DV: What are all the powerful countries trying to do with our climate and atmosphere and how dangerous are these experiments?

GES: There are currently at least ten countries in the world with HAARP-type installations. The most powerful is in the US, in Alaska at Gakona [officially transferred to University of Fairbanks, Alaska in 2016]. The most dangerous for our country’s area is the HAARP installation in Norway in the Tromso area, which belongs to the European Union.

While we have no evidence, HAARP installations could potentially be used for economic warfare, climate change and population control.

DV: You were in Alaska at the headquarters of HAARP, when, what is done there, what can and cannot be mentioned?

GES: I was in Alaska at the University of Fairbanks which is used as a cover by the U.S. Army and CIA for the activity taking place in the town of Gakona where the HAARP installations are spread over hundreds of acres.

The HAARP weapon can be used for the following purposes:

  1. Directed energy weapon;
  2. Communication system for submarines;
  3. System used to fight against satellites by blinding or shooting them down;
  4. Improved communication with own satellites under conditions of electronic warfare and solar flares;
  5. X-ray emitter;
  6. Means of voluntarily creating local, zonal or continental electrical blackouts;
  7. Electronic weapon of warfare;
  8. High-power wireless power transmission by the Nicola Tesla method;
  9. Means of detecting alien objects and craft in space;
  10. Means of countering an alien attack from space;
  11. A device capable of causing explosions comparable to nuclear explosions;
  12. Weapon capable of modifying the environment already used in Geoclimate Warfare;
  13. Creation of hurricanes, tornadoes, waterspouts and tsunamis in areas not specific to these types of natural phenomena;
  14. Creation of earthquakes by stimulating areas prone to such phenomena and activating volcanoes;
  15. Weapons used in psychotronic warfare that can alter brainwaves and control people’s thinking and reactivity (e.g. Havana syndrome).
  16. The study and evaluation of underground oil, gas and mineral deposits thousands of kilometres away;
  17. Remote survey and destruction of bunkers, depots and any other underground bases;

I would like to mention that these actions listed above are closely related to the emission power and operating regime of HAARP-type installations.

HAARP is also called the Ultimate Weapon or the Weapon of the Apocalypse.

DV: Americans say that HAARP is stopped and not working?

GES: The HAARP system has been in operation since 1993 and not only has it never been shut down, but it has been continuously upgraded and improved, increasing its power and the scope of missions it can perform. The number of antennas and transmitters has increased year by year, with more than 180 antennas and main generators in use. Today HAARP has the highest power in its history and can carry out remote missions anywhere in the world.

DV: Three assassination attempts were made against you in just one year. Who are these people?

GES: I was the president of a genuine nationalist party in Romania, the Great Romania Party after the untimely death of the former founding president Cornelui Vadim Tudor. At present I do not belong to any political party. I participated in rallies and protests against the aberrant measures taken during the so-called Covid-19 Pandemic and I took a stand in the press and on TV against the aberrations promoted by the neo-progressive current, and globalism, being considered a dangerous opinion leader for the Deepstate. So I was shut down and subsequently put under great pressure to stop expressing my views and opinions in public. Following very harsh threats against me and my family, I had to withdraw from political life, and a subsequent public programme of discrediting and defaming me was carried out. The most serious actions taken against me were dictated by the forces of the neo-progressive world cult.

DV: What should an ordinary person not know today because he will be punished by the powerful?

GES: There is currently a fierce battle going on in the world between the group of Sovereignist States and the group of States promoting Neo-progressivism, so-called Globalization or in other words Internationalist Corporatism which does not take into account nations and sovereignty of States. Knowledge as a phenomenon, the storage and use of information is not dangerous until you go beyond the level you are assigned in this field and social hierarchy. There are secret and discreet groups and movements that rule the world.

DV: How do you view the Serbian struggle from 1991 to today’s attempts by the West to seize Kosovo from the Serbs? What is your opinion on that.

GES: The West wants to monopolize the Eastern European states, especially the former socialist ones, and create small statelets on ethnically imposed principles in order to control and exploit them more easily. This is what happened to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was broken up into small statelets which, with the exception of Serbia, are all controlled by the West. Another example is the break-up of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic into two small states easily manipulated by the West, especially Germany.

At present, the process of the farimitarization of the national states continues by imposing the so-called Euro-Regions which are in fact the nuclei of the future small states that will appear with the blessing of the West, exacerbating certain problems and internal fractions in some national states until their secession.

The West is the main secessionist motor in Eastern Europe.

Since 1991, the Republic of Serbia has been waging a straight fight for statehood and the preservation of the national identity of the Serbian people. The former Autonomous Region of Kosovo in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is an integral part of the Republic of Serbia, the cradle of the Serbian nation. Kosovo must be an integral part of the territory and administration of Serbia and in the spirit of international law local ethical issues must be resolved without any foreign interference.

The West judges peoples with double standards: The West wants the independence of Serbian Kosovo but does not want the independence of Donbas. Kosovo is a historical territory of Serbia and the cradle of the Sirbian nation!

Romanian reserve general Emil Strainu is a physicist specialized in radiolocation. He published over 50 books, thousands of books, articles and studies in the field of airspace research on radar methods, geophysical weapons, climatology, UFO phenomenon. In his biography it is stated that he crossed the Arctic Circle five times (Alaska, Greenland, the Svalbard Islands, north of Murmansk and Kamchatka) and the southern polar circle.

He participated in expeditions and travels in areas such as: Alaska, Siberia, Tibet, Easter Island, Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard, Himalayas, Lake Baikal, Kamchatka, Bering Strait (Vladivostok-Russia, Elena Kozebuse-USA). a general who enters restricted areas, such as Area 51, Gakom – HAARP or dangerous areas such as the deserts of Nevada, Atacama, New Mexico, Arizona, Mojave.

The original source of this article is Global Research

Copyright © General Emil Strainu and Dragan Vujicic, Global Research, 2023

Connect with Global Research

Cover image credit: modified screenshot

See related

Romanian Bad-Ass Calls Out the Evil-Doers

Decentralized Communication: Networks, Platforms and Protocols That Are Being Developed to Address the Root of the Censorship Problem

Decentralized Communication: Networks, Platforms and Protocols That Are Being Developed to Address the Root of the Censorship Problem

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
March 15, 2023


As the internet clampdown begins, people are finally beginning to wake up to the need to find alternative communication platforms. But if the masses are just herded from one centralized platform to another, has anything really changed at all?

Join James for today’s important edition of #SolutionsWatch where he examines some of the many decentralized communication networks, platforms and protocols that are being developed to address the root of the censorship problem.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Substack  / Download the mp4

Show Notes

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Mass Media: A History (online course)

Email – #SolutionsWatch



What is the Qortal Project? 

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About Bastyon

Salting Your Data – #SolutionsWatch


Nostr Explained Visually for Beginners

BTC111: Nostr – Decentralized Social Media & Bitcoin w/ William Casarin


Interview 1357 – Bill Ottman on Minds.com

Minds introduces nostr functionality


Connect with James Corbett

CBDCs, Silicon Valley Bank Collapse and the Jeffrey Epstein Connection: “Central Bank Digital Currency Is Coming at Us Quickly and It Equals Financial Enslavement.”

CBDCs, Silicon Valley Bank Collapse and the Jeffrey Epstein Connection: “Central Bank Digital Currency Is Coming at Us Quickly and It Equals Financial Enslavement.”


CBDC SVB and the Jeffrey Epstein Connection

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
March 15, 2023



Connect with Greg Reese

Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light editor:

Weeks before the Silicon Valley Bank collapse, several executives sold off large shares of stock, while mainstream media tells its audience to invest in them.

On March 9th, the day before the collapse, Israel’s two largest banks pulled up to $1 billion out of SVB while Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund withdrew millions and advised their clients to do the same.

The next day, there was a run on the bank and Silicon Valley Bank collapsed.

Is this evidence of a controlled demolition or a hasty one?

The day before the collapse, a US judge ordered JP Morgan Chase to turn over documents in a lawsuit accusing them of aiding in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking operation.

The team behind this lawsuit was the same team who successfully exposed the involvement of Deutsche Bank.  And they subpoenaed several other banks they believe were involved in sex trafficking, including Silicon Valley Bank and Bank Leumi, the Israeli bank that drained a billion dollars out of SVB the day before it collapsed.

Whatever the reason, the US government’s response threatens to collapse the world economy.

The FDIC insures up to $250,000 for each depositor, but now they are going to cover all depositor losses. And they don’t have enough to cover the $175 billion of SVB losses, let alone the trillions of dollars to be lost on the near horizon as banks across the world begin to break.

The systemic risk among GSIBs (Global Systemically Important Banks) is that they are so deeply connected that when one falls, they will all follow.

Much of the world’s economy is already collapsing due to the actions of the US government and the Federal Reserve banking system. And much of the world has been preparing for the end of the US dollar as a world reserve currency.

After all the smaller banks die, the people will be left with the central bank, and their solution is the CBDC.

CBDC stands for Central Bank Digital Currency. With CBDC there are no more options. Everyone’s account is run directly through the central bank system.

[Here Greg Reese shares a clip of Catherine Austin Fitts in an interview with Tucker Carlson, Fox News.]

“As the financial system gets more controlling and more invasive, it’s a little bit like bringing up a corral around us. And CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) and vaccine passports, or digital IDs, are sort of the last shutting of the gate.

“It’s hard for many people to imagine the risks here because we’re so used to living with financial transaction freedom.

“And we don’t understand that when this gate closes on us, we literally will be sitting in a system where the central banks believe that our assets belong to them.

“And they can dictate where we can spend money and what we can spend money on. If you don’t behave, you can have your money turned off. “

There are 12 Federal Reserve banks which are located in cities being considered for the 15-minute city model of the World Economic Forum. This is where it’s all headed, and there isn’t much pushback in the federal government.

Utah Senator Mike Lee introduced the No CBDC Act last September, which will likely go nowhere. But we the people have much more sway over our local governments.

An Oklahoma House committee unanimously passed a bill to protect Oklahomans from being forced to adopt a CBDC.

It’s time for we the people to unite with our neighbors and local communities and prepare to liberate ourselves from the central bank system, recall our corrupt county officials, and start looking into local barter and trade systems.

Because Central Bank Digital Currency is coming at us quickly and it equals financial enslavement.

Cover image credit: kalhh

Massive Dutch Farmer Uprising: Tens Of Thousands Stand Against WEF’s Attack on Small Farms

Massive Dutch Farmer Uprising: Tens Of Thousands Stand Against WEF’s Attack on Small Farms

by Josh Sigurdson, World Alternative Media
March 13, 2023


Josh Sigurdson reports on the massive uprising in the Netherlands as tens of thousands of protesters and farmers gather in The Hague against World Economic Forum policies destroying the supply chain in the country with the second highest level of agricultural exports.

As thousands of farms are closed and land is given to immigrants while the supply chains of Europe, UK and the US collapse, the goal is to get rid of 30% of farms. They’re targeting nitrogen and fertilizer all while the supply chain crumbles alongside the energy grid and store shelves empty off.

This is all part of the tyrannical WEF agenda to bring in 15 Minute Cities and social credit/carbon credits.

Dutch protesters are not having it and a revolution is just beginning.

These major protests are also happening in several other European countries.

There should certainly be more gathered however. Every human being in the Netherlands and over 100 countries depend on food from Dutch farms. When will they stand up against the tyrants for their ability to eat and sustain themselves?


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Cover image credit: Gateway Pundit (Activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek hitched a ride to The Hague Saturday)

See related article at Gateway Pundit:

Tens of Thousands of Dutch Farmers Protest in The Hague: “Resist Much, Obey Little!”

Dissent Into Madness: The Weaponization of Psychology

Dissent Into Madness: The Weaponization of Psychology

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
March 12, 2023


WA State Bill Will Send Political Enemies to Psych Wards” blares a recent headline from Kurt Nimmo’s Substack.

The bill in question, Washington State Legislature House Bill 1333, “Establishing the domestic violent extremism commission,” would, according to its critics, “criminalize thought and expression under an invented category of offences called ‘domestic violent extremism'” and allow the state’s attorney general to “prosecute some people for words and speech, rather than violent acts.”

Although there is nothing in the bill itself declaring that “political enemies” of the state will be sent to “psych wards,” the idea that psychologists and psychiatrists might be employed on such a “domestic violent extremism commission” to diagnose political dissidents with some form of mental disorder is not a misplaced one.

In fact, as it turns out, there is a long and worrying history of psychiatry being used as a weapon to silence those declared to be enemies of the state. And, more worrying still, recent events have demonstrated that—far from being a relic of the past—the pathologization of political dissent is becoming even more widespread than ever before.

The Bad Old Days

The history of psychology is, to a large extent, the history of cruel and unusual punishments meted out by rulers on political dissidents.

That psychology has always been a convenient tool for the ruling class to wield against dissenters may seem like a controversial observation at first glance. But this is precisely what the most mainstream of establishment sources tell us . . . when they’re talking about the establishment’s enemies.

In 1983, for example, Dr. Walter Reich was afforded prime journalistic real estate in America’s newspaper of record, The New York Times, for a lengthy report on “The World of Soviet Psychiatry.” After reporting that the 1977 congress of the World Psychiatric Association in Hawaii had voted to condemn “the systematic abuse of psychiatry for political purposes in the U.S.S.R.,” Reich notes that “Western concern over pyschiatric abuse in the Soviet Union had only grown” since the congress’ vote and that “the Russians were in danger of being suspended or even expelled from the international psychiatric organization.”

Reich then spends the majority of the rest of his 6,000-word article contrasting the American approach to mental health—in which “psychiatric treatment has become acceptable enough during the last few decades for people in emotional distress to seek it out”—with the Soviet approach—in which “the need for psychiatric care is more likely to be seen as a cause for shame.”

The Soviets, we are told, had taken the honourable study of the human mind and weaponized it, turning it into an instrument of political oppression.

For years, Soviet psychiatrists had been accused in the West of diagnosing as mentally ill political dissidents they knew to be mentally well. According to both Western critics and Soviet dissidents, the K.G.B.—especially after it was taken over in 1967 by Yuri V. Andropov, now the top Soviet leader—had regularly referred dissidents to psychiatrists for such diagnoses in order to avoid embarrassing public trials and to discredit dissent as the product of sick minds. Once in psychiatric hospitals, usually special institutions for the criminally insane, the dissidents were said to be treated with particular cruelty—for example, given injections that caused abscesses, convulsions and torpor, or wrapped in wet canvas that shrank tightly upon drying.

Lest the reader be left in any doubt as to his message, Reich states it clearly later on in the piece: “[T]he experience of Soviet psychiatry had a lot to teach,” he tells us, “about the vulnerabilities of psychiatry to misuse wherever it is practiced.”

To be sure, Reich isn’t wrong. The horrors of the Soviet psychiatric system—in which political dissidents were routinely diagnosed with “sluggish schizophrenia,” psychiatric hospitals were used as temporary prisons during periods of protest, and troublesome rebels were kept in medically induced comas or drug-induced catatonic states for extended periods of time—has been well documented in numerous mainstream sources, both popular and academic. But these horrors were given their most poignant expression in the words of Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

The incarceration of free thinking healthy people in madhouses is spiritual murder, it is a variation of the gas chamber, even more cruel; the torture of the people being killed is more malicious and more prolonged. Like the gas chambers, these crimes will never be forgotten and those involved in them will be condemned for all time during their life and after their death.

As Reich correctly observes in his report, the Soviet pathologization of dissent does indeed serve as a warning that psychiatry is vulnerable to being misused “wherever it is practiced.” But, by a funny coincidence, these concerns only ever seem to come up when psychiatry is being “misused” in countries that are on the US State Department’s enemies list.

Thus, there are no shortage of sources that will tell you about:

. . . and any number of similar examples of psychiatric abuse by governments at war with or in the crosshairs of the US government.

Often excluded from this analysis, however, are the horrific abuses that psychiatrists in the West have inflicted on their patients in the name of state security.

For example, while the history books will rightly condemn the horrors of the Nazi eugenic sterilization program, they seldom explore the roots of that program. As it turns out, those roots were in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. What’s more, Ernst Rüdin—the director of the also-Rockefeller-funded Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and one of the key architects of Germany’s eugenics program—modeled the Nazi eugenics legislation on America’s own “Model Eugenical Sterilization Law.”

In fact, America’s first professor of psychology, James McKeen Cattell, helped bring the eugenics pseudoscience to the shores of America in the first place. Having befriended Francis Galton, the progenitor of eugenics, during a trip to England in 1887, Cattell returned to the US with an enthusiasm for the idea. He later wrote a letter to Galton bragging, “We are following in America your advice and example.”

Still further back in history, Benjamin Rush—one of the founding fathers of the United States and the man officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association as the “father of American psychiatry”—made early contributions to the weaponization of psychiatry by inventing a number of mental disorders to pathologize dissent. The most notable of these made-up disorders was “anarchia,” a type of madness Rush defined as “an excess of the passion for liberty,” which “could not be removed by reason, nor restrained by government” and “threatened to render abortive the goodness of heaven to the United States.”

And what did this “father of American psychiatry” prescribe for those he deemed to be suffering from mental illness? Well, for starters, he “treated his patients with darkness, solitary confinement, and a special technique of forcing the patient to stand erect for two to three days at a time, poking them with sharp pointed nails to keep them from sleeping—a technique borrowed from a British procedure for taming horses.” He also invented two mechanical devices for the treatment of the insane: a “tranquilizing chair,” in which the patient’s “body is immobilized by straps at the shoulders, arms, waist, and feet [and] a box-like apparatus is used to confine the head,” and a “gyrator,” “which was a horizontal board on which torpid patients were strapped and spun to stimulate blood circulation.”

Rush’s apprentice, physician and outspoken germ theory critic Samuel Cartwright, made his own contribution to the field by inventing a disorder he named “drapetomania, or the disease causing negroes [slaves] to run away“:

The cause in the most of cases, that induces the negro to run away from service, is as much a disease of the mind as any other species of mental alienation, and much more curable, as a general rule. With the advantages of proper medical advice, strictly followed, this troublesome practice that many negroes have of running away, can be almost entirely prevented, although the slaves be located on the borders of a free state, within a stone’s throw of the abolitionists.

Yes, the history of psychiatry is replete with examples of political dissidents, unruly populations or other “social undesirables” being labeled as insane and sent to the madhouse . . . or worse.

But that was then, many would be inclined to argue. This is now. Surely psychiatry isn’t used to suppress dissent any more, is it? . . .

The Bad New Days

. . . It sure is! And I’m not just talking about psychiatric repression in some backward, evil dictatorship like Russia. (Although, to be sure, there is that, too.)

No, once again, it is the “liberal,” “enlightened,” “free and democratic” West that is leading the way in weaponizing psychiatry against the masses. And, incredibly, the wielders of this psychiatric weapon don’t try to hide the fact, but have instead actively sought to codify it in their “bible.”

Since 1952, the American Psychiatric Association has published the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or the DSM, as a guideline for the classification and diagnoses of mental health issues. Commonly referred to as the psychiatric diagnostic bible, the DSM, according to the APA itself, “is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States and contains a listing of diagnostic criteria for every psychiatric disorder recognized by the U.S. healthcare system.”

Critics have long questioned the influence that Big Pharma has had in pressuring the APA to diagnose more and more behaviour as “abnormal” in order to prescribe pharmaceutical interventions to a greater and greater percentage of the public.

Concerns over Big Pharma’s influence on the creation of DSM are not trivial. In 2012, a study led by University of Massachusetts-Boston researcher Lisa Cosgrove noted that 69% of the DSM-5 task force members had ties to the pharmaceutical industry, including paid work as consultants and spokespersons for drug manufacturers. On certain panels, the conflict of interest was even more profound: 83% of the members of the panel working on mood disorders had pharamaceutical industry ties, and 100%—every single member—of the sleep disorder panel had “ties to the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the medications used to treat these disorders or to companies that service the pharmaceutical industry.”

If these task force members’ goal is to make sure that more and more pharmaceuticals are sold, then by every measure they’ve been remarkably successful. Recent surveys indicate one in six American adults report taking a psychiatric drug, such as an antidepressant or a sedative. Worryingly, the number of children being prescribed antipsychotic medications like Adderall and Ritalin has continued to increase decade after decade.

But more worrying still is the way that this increase in antipsychotic prescriptions has been justified—by the invention of a new “mental disorder” called Oppositional Defiance Disorder.

Clinical psychologist Bruce Levine, who has spent decades ringing the alarm bell about the ways in which his profession is being used to repress legitimate political dissent, explains in his 2018 book, Resisting Illegitimate Authority:

Beginning in 1980, for noncompliant children who are not engaged in any illegal practices, the APA (in its DSM-III diagnostic manual) created the disruptive disorder diagnosis “oppositional defiant disorder” (ODD). For an ODD diagnosis, a youngster needs only four of the following eight symptoms for six months: often loses temper; often touchy or easily annoyed; often angry and resentful; often argues with authority figures; often actively defies or refuses to comply with requests from authority figures or with rules; often deliberately annoys others; often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior; spitefulness or vindictiveness at least twice within the past six months.

Levine goes on to point out that the front line of this assault on the human psyche are the children who are diagnosed with a mental disorder for demonstrating previously normal childhood behaviour:

In 2012, the Archives of General Psychiatry reported that between 1993 through 2009, there was a sevenfold increase of children 13 years and younger being prescribed antipsychotic drugs, and that disruptive behavior disorders such as ODD and CD were the most common diagnoses in children medicated with antipsychotics, accounting for 63% of those medicated.

But the pathologization of those who show signs of “oppositional defiance” is not confined to children. Levine also observes, citing his own clinical experience:

Among the people I have talked with who have been previously diagnosed with psychiatric illnesses, I am struck by how many of them, compared to the general population, are essentially anti-authoritarians. Unluckily for them, the professionals who have diagnosed them are not.

As we shall see next week, the weaponization of psychology against those independent, free-thinkers who tend to question authority is not some vague, amorphous concern about a Big Pharma boondoggle that is hurting people in the pocketbook. Rather, this weapon is now being used against critics of the biosecurity agenda and others who dare point out that the globalist, transhuman emperor is wearing no clothes.

But if it is true that the study of the mind has been weaponized and that that weapon is being deployed against conspiracy realists, the obvious question then becomes . . .

Who Loaded the Weapon?

In October 1945, George Brock Chisholm—the man who would go on to serve as the first Director-General of the World Health Organization and the man who helped spearhead the World Federation for Mental Health—delivered an incredibly candid lecture in which he laid out his plans for steering the profession of psychiatry in a bold new direction.

Published in 1946 as “The Reestablishment of Peacetime Psychiatry,” the lecture includes a proclamation that psychiatrists should take it upon themselves to rid the population of the concept of good and evil entirely: “If the race is to be freed from its crippling burden of good and evil it must be psychiatrists who take the original responsibility. This is a challenge which must be met.”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Chisholm’s call to action was taken up by the British military. The “challenge” of “freeing the race” from the “crippling burden of good and evil” was taken up by British military psychiatrist Colonel John Rawlings Rees, the first president of Chisholm’s World Federation of Mental Health and chair of the infamous Tavistock Institute from 1933 to 1947.

In 1940, Rees gave an address to the annual meeting of the UK’s National Council for Mental Hygiene in which he laid out in predictably militaristic terms how this ambitious plan for reforming the public psyche was to be achieved. In “Strategic Planning for Mental Health,” Rees—after claiming that the psychiatrists of the council “can justifiably stress our particular point of view with regard to the proper development of the human psyche, even though our knowledge be incomplete”—asserts that they must aim to make that point of view “permeate every educational activity in our national life.”

He then launches into a startling confession:

[W]e have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church; the two most difficult are law and medicine.” [. . .] “If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity!”

Then Rees brazenly proclaims that “Parliament, the Press and other publications are the most obvious ways by which our propaganda can be got across” before reminding his audience once again of the need for secrecy if this plan to influence the development of the public psyche is to succeed: “Many people don’t like to be ‘saved’, ‘changed’ or made healthy,” he remarks.

So what were Rees and his fellow travelers really aiming at in their “fifth column” campaign to “attack” the professions and propagandize the public? His true intentions are revealed through his work for the British military—including his alleged drugging, poisoning and mesmerizing of Rudolf Hess, the Deputy Führer of the Nazi party who was captured and held by the British for decades after making a still-unexplained solo flight to Scotland in 1941—and through his work at the Tavistock Institute, where he attempted to mould public opinion in the UK to his liking.

As The Campaigner magazine explained in a Tavistock exposé published in 1978: “The theme of all of Rees’s known work is the development of the uses of psychiatry as a weapon of the ruling class.” That work, the article elaborates, included advising Rees’ superiors how they “can succeed in structuring a stressed individual’s or group’s situation appropriately, the victim(s) can be induced to develop for himself a special sort of ‘reaction formation’ through which he ‘democratically’ arrives precisely at the attitudes and decisions which the dictators would wish to force upon him.”

In other words, Rees’ work centered on the Problem-Reaction-Solution method of mass social control that Corbett Reporteers will be very familiar with by now. It should be no surprise, then, to learn that Rees’ research heavily influenced the operations of a budding young intelligence service that was then forming in the United States: the Central Intelligence Agency.

Indeed, the CIA has always been interested in weaponizing psychiatry as a way of achieving success in their covert operations. In fact, the CIA even openly advertises job opportunities for psychiatrists to “help the CIA mission where it intersects with psychiatric and broader behavioral issues.”

But when most people think of the CIA and weaponized psychiatry, they think of MKUltra and mind control.

As even the Wikipedia article on the subject admits, the CIA’s “Project MKUltra” was “an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used in interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.”

There is much that the public still does not know about this project, its forerunner programs, Project Bluebird and Project ARTICHOKE, and the depths to which agents of the US government sank to discover ways of manipulating, melding, erasing or reprogramming individuals’ psyches. But what we do know about the program is chilling enough.

One series of experiments, presided over by Sidney Gottlieb, involved administering LSD to unwitting Americans, including mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes. This included “Operation Midnight Climax,” in which unsuspecting men were drugged and lured to CIA safe houses by prostitutes on the CIA payroll. Their sexual activity was monitored behind one-way mirrors and was used to study the effect of sexual blackmail and the use of mind-altering substances in field operations.

Another experiment, dubbed MKULTRA Subproject 68, was overseen by the esteemed psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron. This subproject involved Dr. Cameron using LSD, paralytic drugs, electroshock therapy and drug-induced comas to attempt to wipe patients’ memories and reprogram their psyche. When brought to light, the program was identified as an attempt to refine methods of medical torture for the purpose of extracting information from unwilling sources and was condemned. Lawsuits regarding the blatantly illegal experimentation conducted by Cameron continue into the current era.

Although MKUltra “officially ended” after its exposure in the 1970s, the CIA has not stopped employing psychiatrists to find new and innovative ways to psychologically torment their opponents.

In May 2002, Martin Seligman, an influential American professor of psychology and a former president of the American Psychological Association, delivered a lecture at the San Diego Naval Base explaining how his research could help American personnel to—in his own words—”resist torture and evade successful interrogation by their captors.”

Among the hundred or so people in attendance at that lecture was one particularly enthused fan of Selgiman’s work: Dr. Jim Mitchell, a military retiree and psychologist who had contracted to provide training services to the CIA. Although Seligman had no idea of it at the time, Mitchell was—as we now know—one of the key architects of the CIA’s illegal torture program.

Naturally, Mitchell’s interest in Seligman’s talk was not in how it could be applied to help American personnel overcome learned helplessness and resist torture but rather how it could be used to induce learned helplessness in a CIA target and enhance torture. As it turns out, Mitchell’s theory (that “producing learned helplessness in a Qaeda interrogation subject might ensure that he would comply with his captor’s demands”) was bogus. More experienced interrogators objected at the time, noting that torture would only induce a prisoner to say what his captor wants, not what he knows.

What those interrogators didn’t understand was that extracting false confessions from prisoners was actually the point of the CIA torture program. It was “confessions” extracted under torture, after all, that went on to form the backbone of the 9/11 Commission Report, with a full quarter of all of the report’s footnotes deriving from torture testimony.

The Worst is Yet to Come . . .

Yes, from mind control experiments to torture programs to brainwashing and lobotomization, there can be no doubt that the governments, militaries and intelligence agencies of every major nation have devoted considerable resources to the weaponization of psychiatry over the course of the past century.

But, as it turns out, one of the simplest and easiest techniques for controlling dissent is simply to pathologize it. As we are beginning to see, simply declaring resistance to the status quo to be a form of mental disorder can be an exceptionally powerful tool for silencing opposition.

Next week, we will examine the ways this technique is now being employed against the conspiracy realists who seek to point out the obvious truths about the homeland security state and the biosecurity state.

Stay tuned . . .


Connect with James Corbett

Cover image credit: kalhh

Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: An Expert Investigation Is Required

Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: An Expert Investigation Is Required

by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
re-published March 9, 2023 with minor editing from February 28, 2023 publication
Click here to read this article in Turkish.


Destruction, social devastation and the loss of life. Our thoughts are with the people of Turkey and Syria.


The latest reports point to a death toll in Turkey and Syria well in excess of 50,000, more than half a million injured, tens of thousands of people missing. The social devastation and destruction is beyond description. The first and second earthquakes on February 6, 2023 in Kahramanmaras province in Southern Turkey were respectively of the magnitude of 7.6 and 7.8 (Richter scale).

A third earthquake of a magnitude of 6.3 was recorded on February 20th. 

In Turkey, some 530,000 people have been evacuated from the disaster area. Ankara confirms that “173,000 buildings have so far been recorded as collapsed or severely damaged, with more than 1.9 million people taking refuge in temporary shelters or hotels and public facilities.

In the words of President Recep Tayyip  Erdogan: “We are living through the most painful days in our history”. 

In Syria, the earthquakes have largely affected the cities of Aleppo, Lattakia and Hama which are within proximity of Syria’s Northwestern border with Turkey. The latest announced death toll in Syria was 5,914, with 8.8 million people affected. 

President Bachar Al Assad underscored that US-NATO has been at war with Syria for almost 12 years, while emphasizing that “Syria has not been an earthquake area for about two and a half centuries”.

In this article, Part I will focus on the History of Earthquake Activity in Turkey, while underscoring the fact that prior to the February 6, 2023 earthquake, there was no recent evidence or historical record of “major earthquake” activity in Southern Anatolia. 

Part II will provide a Review of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD).

Part III will focus on The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, ratified in 1977 by the UN General Assembly.

What is significant in regards to the Turkey-Syria earthquake disaster is that the 1977 UN Convention (cited above) contains provisions for the conduct of an investigation in regards to “destruction, damage or injury” incurred by the “State Parties”, under the auspices of a UN “Consultative Committee of Experts”.

There are also provisions in the Convention for referral to the United Nations Security Council on behalf of the “State Parties”. These issues are  outlined in Part IV. 

I — History of Earthquake Activity in Turkey

In regards to Turkey, geological analysis suggests the following:

“earthquake activities mainly occur “on the Anatolian plate, a small wedge-shaped tectonic plate that is being squeezed westwards as the Arabian plate to the east slams into the Eurasian plate“. (emphasis added).

What characterizes Turkey’s earthquake activity is

a sequence along the North Anatolian Fault that started in 1939, causing large earthquakes that moved progressively from east to west over a period of 60 years” 

The February 6, 2023 earthquakes with epicentres in Pazarcik (7.8) and Ekinozu (7.5) respectively in proximity of Gaziantep and Kahramanmaraş are the largest “major earthquakes” in recent history. (See Table in Annex, Graph below).

On February 6, around 4:15 a.m. local time, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck south-central Turkey near the Turkey/Syria border. Just 11 minutes later, a magnitude 6.7 aftershock shook the region. Nine hours later a magnitude 7.5 quake followed. (USGS – National Earthquake Information Center)

The Map Below identifies the epicentres of the February 6, 2023 earthquakes, located in the South, within proximity of Syria’s Northwestern border.

Recent “Major Earthquakes”

Historically, the largest earthquakes in Turkey have epicentres in North Western Anatolia, in proximity of Istanbul, Western Anatolia as well as in the Northeastern region.

The North Anatolian Fault

Seven large (MS) 7.0 earthquakes in the period from 1939 through 1999 along the North Anatolian Fault. See map above

These earthquakes have ruptured the fault progressively from east to west. Following are data for the seven large earthquakes that have progressively ruptured the North Anatolian fault:

  • 1939 December 26. Magnitude (MS) 7.9 – 8.0. 30,000 deaths. Fault length about 360 km. Initiated the eastward migration of significant earthquakes on the North Anatolian fault. (Termed the 1939 Erzincan earthquake, North Anatolia)
  • 1942 December 20. Magnitude (MS) 7.1. Fault length about 50 km. (Termed the 1942 Erbaa earthquake, North Anatolia)
  • 1943 November 26. Magnitude (MS) 7.6. Fault length about 280 km. (Termed the 1943 Tosya earthquake, Northern Anatolia)
  • 1944 February 01. Magnitude (MS) 7.3. Fault length about 165 km. (Termed the 1944 Bolu-Gerede earthquake, Northern Anatolia)
  • 1957 May 26. Magnitude (MS) about 7. Fault length about 30 km. (Termed the 1957 Abant earthquake, Northern Anatolia)
  • 1967 July 22. Magnitude (MS) 7.1. Fault length about 80 km. (Termed the 1967 Mudurnu Valley earthquake, Northern Anatolia)
  • 1999 August 17. Ismit. Magnitude (MS) 7.8; MW 7.4-7.5) North Western Anatolia

Below are the reports of the 5 largest earthquakes since 1950 all of which are along the North Anatolian Fault

Bingol: a magnitude 6.9 and occurred in the eastern city of Turkey on May 22, 1971.

City of Izmit: August 17, 1999, 90 km southeast of Istanbul, 7.6 magnitude. The earthquake occurred in the industrialized and most densely populated urban areas of Istanbul, Sakarya, Golcuk, Darica, and Derince.

Düzce Quake, 12 November 1999, A major earthquake occurred 70 kilometers (45 miles) east of Adapazari or 170 km (105 mi) northwest of Ankara, A magnitude of 7.2.

The city of Van. 23 October 2011. A magnitude 7.1 earthquake, northeastern city close to border with Iran.

Izmir: of  30 October 2020, a magnitude 7.0 with an epicentre about 14 km northeast of the Greek island of Samos.

epicentre of Izmit-Golcuk earthquake in Northwestern Anatolia

Nota Bene: None of these major earthquakes (1939-1999) are in Southern Anatolia.

Long-Term History of Earthquakes in Turkey (342 AD -1999)

The history of “major earthquakes” is on record since 342 AD based on data compiled by the USGS – National Earthquake Information Center (See Table in Annex).

In the 13th Century, a “major earthquake” (60,000 deaths) was recorded in Adana in 1268 (Southern Anatolia). Moreover, since the 15th Century, all “major earthquakes” have occurred in Northwestern, Western and Northeastern Anatolia. (See Annex)

Southern Turkey Earthquakes

Reuters has categorized the initial major earthquake (February 6, 2023)  “as the most powerful in the region in at least a century”. That is an understatement. In regards to Southern Anatolia, it is the largest earthquake in more than seven centuries. (Adana in 1268, see Table in Annex)

On record in Southern Turkey, is the Ceyhan-Adana earthquake on 27 June 1998, with magnitude of 6.3, affecting the cities of Ceyhan and Adana, 146 deaths. The Ceyan earthquake, however, is not categorized as “a major earthquake”.

As outlined above, the major earthquakes in Turkey are along the North Anatolia Fault.

Prior to February 6, 2023

Not a single “major earthquake” in Southern Anatolia in the course of more than 700 years: Does that not “tell us something” regarding the “probability” or “likelihood” of a “major earthquake” occurring in Southern Turkey?

Earthquake “Forecasting”

Earthquake forecasting is routine. An earthquake can be forecasted up to months ahead. “Forecasting” however must not be confused with “seismological prediction”:

Dutch seismologist Frank Hoogerbeets, who works for the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGS) in the Netherlands, predicted the earthquake in Turkey on February 3, 2023, three days before its occurrence. 

No Firm Evidence of a Terrorist Attack 

While there may be doubts at a political level, there is at this stage no firm evidence that this was a terrorist attack. Based on information in the public domaine (as opposed to classified information), there is no tangible evidence that “environmental modifications techniques” were used against Turkey and Syria.

Of significance, however, there was an unofficial statement (yet to be confirmed) by Serdar Hussein, the Head of the Turkish Space Agency in an interview on Russian TV. He referred to hard titanium alloy rods sending powerful beams of energy to earth, deep into the ground.

Below is the translation of his interview.

Transcript (Translation)

The head of the Turkish Space Agency, Serdar Hussein Yildirim, on weapons capable of causing earthquakes:

You know those power poles on the streets. They are similar to these pillars, about 8-10 meters high. Metal rods.

There is nothing inside the rod, no explosives, nothing, but it’s a metal rod made of a hard titanium alloy material.

They put them in a satellite.  And then they aim and launch them to Earth. It’s like a stick with a sharp point. For example, God forbid, it falls somewhere, we will not name the disaster scenario now, but as soon as it falls to the ground, it penetrates up to 5 km deep into the earth.  

This happens very quickly and creates an earthquake of magnitude 7-8.

As a result of the impact, everything that is there will be destroyed. Look, there are no weapons here, no explosives, no bombs, nothing like that. Simple sticks [rods]. But there is such a force that comes from outer space, and you have no chance to see it, stop it, or defend yourself.”  (emphasis added)

See video here

II — Environmental Modification Techniques

There is a vast literature on weather modification techniques for military use much of which is classified. The US and Russia are on record. They possess advanced ENMOD technologies.

The US Military can control the weather. This is confirmed by a US Air Force document entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 

The late World renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertell confirmed that “US military scientists … are working on weather systems as a potential weapon.  Already in the 1970s, former National Security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski had foreseen in his book “Between Two Ages” that:

“Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised…”

Scientist Dr. Nicholas Begich who was actively involved in the public campaign against HAARP– described HAARP as:

“A super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere [upper layer of the atmosphere] by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything — living and dead.”

Marc Filterman, a former French military officer, outlines several types of “unconventional weapons” using radio frequencies. He refers to “weather war,” indicating that the U.S. and the Soviet Union had already

“mastered the know-how needed to unleash sudden climate changes (hurricanes, drought) in the early 1980s.”

My article entitled Weather Warfare first published by The Ecologist on May 22 2008 provides a summary of several in-depth and detailed articles I wrote at an earlier period on environmental modification (ENMOD) techniques for military use:

“Rarely acknowledged in the debate on global climate change, the world’s weather can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons. Both the US and Russia have developed capabilities to manipulate the climate for military use.
Environmental modification techniques have been applied by the US military for more than half a century. US mathematician John von Neumann, in liaison with the US Department of Defense, started his research on weather modification in the late 1940s at the height of the Cold War and foresaw ‘forms of climatic warfare as yet unimagined’.
During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) [closed down in 2014, officially transferred to the University of Alaska] is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world.
Established in 1992, HAARP, based in Gokona, Alaska, is an array of high-powered antennas that transmit, through high-frequency radio waves, massive amounts of energy into the ionosphere (the upper layer of the atmosphere). Their construction was funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Operated jointly by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research, HAARP constitutes a system of powerful antennas capable of creating ‘controlled local modifications of the ionosphere’.

Rosalie Bertell, president of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, says HAARP operates as ‘a gigantic heater that can cause major disruptions in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet’.

Physicist Dr Bernard Eastlund called it ‘the largest ionospheric heater ever built’.

HAARP is presented by the US Air Force as a research programme, but military documents confirm its main objective is to ‘induce ionospheric modifications’ with a view to altering weather patterns and disrupting communications and radar.

The CBC Documentary on HAARP

Of significance, a CBC TV report (1996) acknowledged that the HAARP facility in Alaska under the auspices of the US Air Force had the ability of triggering typhoons, earthquakes, floods and droughts: 

“Directed energy is such a powerful technology it could be used to heat the ionosphere to turn weather into a weapon of war. Imagine using a flood to destroy a city or tornadoes to decimate an approaching army in the desert. The military has spent a huge amount of time on weather modification as a concept for battle environments. If an electromagnetic pulse went off over a city, basically all the electronic things in your home would wink and go out, and they would be permanently destroyed.”

CBC TV Report (1996)

It should be noted that while the HAARP program based in Gakona, Alaska was closed down in 2014 (transferred to the University of Alaska), the US Air Force which managed the HAARP project, nonetheless confirmed that ENMOD techniques for military use were slated to continue:

“We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said.

“To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed.”

“Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather”

The underlying objective from a military standpoint is “Owning the Weather”. At the time this US Air Force study was commissioned in 1996, the HAARP program was already fully operational as documented by the CBC.

The stated purpose of the Report is described below:

In this paper we show that appropriate application of weather-modification can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined. In the future, such operations will enhance air and space superiority and provide new options for battlespace shaping and battlespace awareness there, waiting for us to pull it all together;” in 2025 we can “Own the Weather.” (Commissioned by US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, public document)

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force Report  “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes:

‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.”

US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, (original AF document link no longer available)

See complete reports commissioned by the US Air Force

 ….From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary. Some of the potential capabilities a weather-modification system could provide to a war-fighting commander in chief (CINC) are listed in table 1. (emphasis added)

While the triggering of earthquakes is an integral part of the HAARP technology, the term earthquakes does not appear explicitly in the above version of US Air Force document. Appendices A and B of the report point to role of the Ionosphere pertaining to maximum usable frequency (MUF).

The Involvement of the CIA in ENMOD Technologies

Back in July 2013,  MSN news reported that the CIA was involved in helping to fund a project by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) focusing on geo-engineering and climate manipulation. The report not only acknowledged these technologies, it confirmed that US intelligence has been routinely involved in addressing the issue of climatic manipulation:

“The goal of the CIA-backed NAS study is to conduct a “technical evaluation of a limited number of proposed geoengineering techniques,” according to the NAS website. Scientists will attempt to determine which geoengineering techniques are feasible and try to evaluate the impacts and risks of each (including “national security concerns”).” (See Slate, July 2013)

“The CIA is helping fund the research because the NAS also plans to evaluate “the national security concerns (that could be) related to geoengineering technologies being deployed somewhere in the world,” Kearney said.

III — The 1977 U.N. Convention on the Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
In 1977, an international Convention was ratified by the UN General Assembly which banned “military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects”.  
ENMOD techniques also apply to earthquakes:
“It defined ‘environmental modification techniques’ as ‘any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.” (emphasis added)

The historic 1977 Convention ratified by the UN General Assembly banning “military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects.”


…Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military … use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party. (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva, May 18, 1977. Entered into force: 5 October 1978, see full text of Convention in Annex)

To Read the full text of the UN Convention, click here

The List of countries which have ratified or signed the Treaty 

As of 2022, 78 countries have ratified or acceded to the treaty including Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, the U.S. and the Russian Federation. Israel has not ratified the Treaty.

Official UN document 

European Parliament Committee’s Motion for Resolution

It is also worth noting that in February 1998, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels on the HAARP program. The Committee’s “Motion for Resolution” submitted to the European Parliament:

“Considers HAARP… by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body…; [the Committee] regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration… to give evidence to the public hearing …into the environmental and public risks [of] the HAARP program.” (emphasis added)

IV — “An Expert Investigation” into “Hostile Use of ENMOD”

In view of the gravity of the Turkey-Syria earthquake, the loss of life, the devastating social and economic impacts, an “expert investigation” should be conducted predicated on the 1977 International Convention banning “military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques”.

I should mention that since the ratification of the 1977 UN Convention cited above, ENMOD techniques for military use have become increasingly sophisticated.

Can we trust the United Nations? The two “State Parties”, namely Turkey and Syria should collaborate and conduct their own internal investigation prior to the conduct of an expert investigation under UN auspices.

The Terms of Reference of this Investigation are contained in the Articles of Agreement of the UN Treaty.

I will be referring to Article I, II and V (excerpts) which identify the nature of the Expert Investigation. (emphasis added). Click here, to consult the complete list of Articles

Article I.

Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.

Article II refers to ENMOD techniques including earthquakes:

Article II

As used in article 1, the term “environmental modification techniques” refers to any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.

Article V

1. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to consult one another and to co-operate in solving any problems which may arise in relation to the objectives of, or in the application of the provisions of, the Convention. Consultation and co-operation pursuant to this article may also be undertaken through appropriate international procedures within the framework of the United Nations and in accordance with its Charter. These international procedures may include the services of appropriate international organizations, as well as of a Consultative Committee of Experts as provided for in paragraph 2 of this article.

2. For the purposes set forth in paragraph 1 of this article, the Depositary shall within one month of the receipt of a request from any State Party to this Convention, convene a Consultative Committee of Experts. …

3. Any State Party to this Convention which has reason to believe that any other State Party is acting in breach of obligations deriving from the provisions of the Convention may lodge a complaint with the Security Council of the United Nations. Such a complaint should include all relevant information as well as all possible evidence supporting ItS validity.

4. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes to cooperate in carrying out any investigation which the Security Council may initiate, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, on the basis of the complaint received by the Council. The Security Council shall inform the States Parties of the results of the investigation.

In Annex to the Text of the Convention is the Following:

1. The Consultative Committee of Experts shall undertake to make appropriate findings of fact and provide expert views relevant to any problem raised pursuant to paragraph 1 of article V of this Convention by the State Party requesting the convening of the Committee.

emphasis added

Concluding Remarks 

We are in solidarity with the people of Turkey and Syria.

At this stage, it would be unwise and premature to draw simplistic conclusions.

There is a forbidden truth. I have attempted to provide a framework of analysis and understanding.

The damage and loss of life is beyond description: The issue should be the object of analysis, dialogue and debate, with reference to the 1977 International Convention banning “military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques”.

Turkey and Syria as “State Parties” must, as a first step, conduct their own internal investigation before referring it to the UN Consultative Committee of Experts and/or to the United Nations Security Council.


Source: This Information was provided by USGS – National Earthquake Information Center

The following are the sources and footnotes 

ISK: Earthquake catalog of Kandilli Observatory, Bogazici University, Istanbul, supplied by NOAA/NGDC (Meyers and Von Hake), Boulder CO, 1985.

ITU: K. Ergin, U. Guclu and Z. Uz, A Catalog of Earthquakes for Turkey and Surrounding Area (11 AD to 1964 AD), Technical University of Istanbul, Faculty of Mining Engineering, 1967.

AFAD: Earthquake Risk Map by AFAD, Department of Disasters and Emergency Management, 2018.

NG(n): R. Ganse and J. Nelson, Catalog of Significant Earthquakes 2000 BC – 1979 Including Quantitative Casualties and Damage, NOAA/NGDC Report SE-27, Boulder CO, 1981. The number in parentheses is from their references table, as listed below:

2: Lomnitz, Global Tectonics and Earthquake Risk, 1974.

3: Bath, Introduction to Seismology, 1978.

5b: (there is no source 5b — probably should be 55?).

7: Meyers and von Hake, Earthquake data file summary, 1976.

51: Munchener Ruckversicherungs-Gesellschaft, World Map of Natural Hazards, 1978.

55: Milne, Catalogue of Destructive Earthquakes, 1911.

73: U.S. Congress, Great Earthquakes, 1888.

99: Karnik, Seismicity of the European Area, 1971.

120: Alsinawi and Galih, Historical Seismicity of Iraq, 1978.

138: Ambraseys, Middle East A Reappraisal of Seismicity, 1978.

The original source of this article is Global Research

Copyright © Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 2023


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