Unequivocal Evidence of Our Ability to Weaponize Earthquakes

Unequivocal Evidence of Our Ability to Weaponize Earthquakes
In the wake of Turkey’s horrendous earthquakes, Americans should consider lobbying their legislators to resurrect old legislation that would protect the world from such modern-day wrath.

by Reinette Senum, Reinette Senum’s Foghorn Express
February 11, 2023


I got a lot of responses from my recent post/video regarding the possible use of silent weaponry to create the recent series of earthquakes in Turkey. I had a variety of reactions, including the possibility it was due to a pole shift. While I won’t argue that this is possible, I still don’t believe this is the case.

I also had many people enquire whether or not it is possible to create earthquakes.

That would be an emphatic yes.

I’m not alone in this thinking. Many of our legislators thought the same, dating back to 2001 when legislation introduced H.R 2977 to ban such space weaponry:

The President shall direct the United States representatives to the United Nations and other international organizations to immediately work toward negotiating, adopting, and implementing a world agreement banning space-based weapons.

Whether this assault came from space or land via HAARP or satellite can be debated. But clearly, we have been capable of this destruction for some time.

Why else was legislation put forth to stop it if this type of technology (and more) were not possible?

H.R 2977 didn’t pass, leading one to ponder why not? Who in their right mind would want to subject the global population to such evil? Well, it looks like our leaders do.

One must assume this is because the U.S. government, military, and most likely NATO intended to use it. So, if we assume this is the case, it’s overdue that we look for evidence of its fingerprints.

The most recent earthquakes in Turkey fit the bill, and Dutchsinse does a good job lifting the fingerprints off an Accuweather map seen in the video above.

I grabbed a chronology that had crossed my path regarding the possible build-up to such a military assault on Turkey to give my subscribers an idea of why I continue to think this a real possibility:

Turkey votes against Sweden joining Nato.

The Koran is burned throughout Europe.

This sets up a retaliatory terrorist narrative.

Embassies shut down.

Travel warnings are issued.

Meanwhile, a US War ship causally strolls thru Turkey waters.

Then the next day, a devastating earthquake.

NATO needs Turkey to comply with its WW3 agenda.

Erdogan has been playing both sides for too long. Now they’re going to reign him in.

Elections are coming up in April. Are they done with this puppet? Will they install their next puppet?

Little to no aid from US or NATO at large.

~ Author Unknown

There is plenty of evidence of the capacity to create earthquakes. However, it has become apparent in my recent searches for videos I had seen in the past that they are clearly being scrubbed from the internet. Another sure sign that something is up.

I attempted over and over to watch this video of Catherine Austin Fitts. But Bitchute won’t let me play it. Perhaps you will have better luck.

I made another attempt on Bitchute to watch a video on the topic, but to no avail:

But don’t worry.

There are plenty of puppy videos you can watch unabated.


Connect with Reinette Senum

Cover image based on creative commons work of Angelo_Giordano

Dark Journalist: On UFO Shootdown and Continuity of Government Aerospace Threat

Dark Journalist: On UFO Shootdown and Continuity of Government Aerospace Threat


“So instantly we’re getting all kinds of weirdness about our COG commander. Remember, if there’s an emergency, Continuity of Government button gets pressed. He becomes the Combatant Commander of the United States and assigns to Regional Governors various powers for martial law. And then they are supposed to institute that until conditions are back to the strategic situation and then we can have elections again. Those are the odds and the chips that those guys play with.

Interestingly enough, I also want to get inside somebody like VanHerck’s head. I’ve read a lot about continuity of government and what they plan for is for them to survive after a massive nuclear explosion. And they have to select kind of the fit members of society and who is designated to go on.

So let’s let’s get ourselves in their head a little bit when they’re dealing with the UFO threat thing. Any person who’s in that position, you have to say ‘well it’s their job to think like that’.

Yes, true. But nonetheless they have to think like that. So, therefore, when we’re looking at them, we’re looking at people who are planning for continuity of government.

They’re planning to take over. And they’re planning to select who should survive and they’re planning martial law…”

“So you’re left with a situation of thinking this is a dry run for the UFO-threat/Continuity-of-Government play. That’s what we’re in the middle of.

This is the reason why we need a really good handle on what they plan to do because once they seize those emergency powers they don’t give them back, as we found out with Covid…”


“I want to mention this about NORTHCOM. NORTHCOM runs the United States. I’ll tell you why that’s true.

Before NORTHCOM we had the police and federal authorities and things of this nature. NORTHCOM is a military unit that is set up to control the United States in a state of emergency.

Now, we are technically under a state of emergency from the September 11th attacks.

And every president, be he Bush, Obama, Biden or Trump, signs on to that National Defense Authorization Act every year that says ‘oh yeah, we still want that September 11th Emergency Powers piece there’.

So every time they do that, they’re signing on to this complete continuity of government emergency system. So NORTHCOM comes into play.

What is NORTHCOM? NORTHCOM didn’t even exist before 9/11. And we had a southern command that was monitoring South America for drug running and things like that. And they came up with this ideah ‘hey we’ll create NORTHCOM, Northern Command, and then we’ll put them in charge of everything literally. And it’s a highly unconstitutional military takeover of a military unit that’s just set up to cause martial law under the appropriate emergency circumstance.

However, since we’re under this September 11th emergency attack the NORTHCOM can take liberties with the Constitution…”

~ Daniel Liszt


 Dark Journalist UFO Shootdown COG Aerospace Threat

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist
February 11, 2023


Emergency Powers

Join us for this Special Report on the alleged Shootdown of UFOs over Canada and Alaska as Dark Journalist explores the involvement of the Continuity of Government NORTHCOM Commander Glen VanHerck in the latest UFO Incidents and the unusual activities of NORAD.

DJ sees the CIA operating a UFO Threat narrative to create an Emergency Powers declaration and seize upon the invented crisis.


Connect with Dark Journalist

See related on Continuity of Government:

Dark Journalist Special Report: NORTHCOM [United States Northern Command] COG [Continuity of Government] vs The US Constitution

Dark Journalist: Global Control, Psyops, UFOs, Covid ‘Plandemic’, 5G, Deep State, Continuity of Government & Digitizing Humanity

Dr. Joseph Farrell: Emergency Powers, COVID-19, Bio-Economic EMF Warfare, Deep State, Continuity of Government

Countdown to Gigadeath – From AI Arms Race to Artilect War

Countdown to Gigadeath – From AI Arms Race to Artilect War
Whether it’s the US or China, some would sacrifice humanity to create a digital god

by Joe Allen, Singularity Weekly
February 11, 2023


For true believers, artificial intelligence will inevitably become superhuman. According to their mythos, we’re adrift in a godless cosmos. So it’s up to us to create digital deities. Or rather, it’s up to a few tech geeks to create them. The rest of us can either kneel before their altar or get shoved into the abyss.

As bots swarm into our lives, the tension between us and them is growing. Some days, it feels like we’re hurtling toward a computerized race war between nascent cyborgs and legacy humans. After too much screen time—as my synapses rearrange themselves to fit the data pouring in—it’s not clear which subspecies I belong to.

For the record, I’m more agnostic than true believer. Techies make all sorts of empty promises. They thrive on projecting mystical powers. Even so, we ignore their techno-cultural revolution at our own peril.

Tech corporations hold the real power of information control. They’re literally warping public consciousness at scale. On the military side, enforcers have the ability to blow you up from the other side of the world. You might sneer that US armed forces have created more trans officers than cyborg soldiers. But if you can’t aim your AR-15 faster than their drone can hone in, you’re sniggering from under a boot. Artificial intelligence only strengthens that foothold.


In 2018, the US Defense Advance Research Projects Agency announced it is “focusing its investments on a third wave of AI that brings forth machines that can understand and reason in context.” The director of DARPA’s Information Innovation Office, Brian Pierce, is wildly enthusiastic about a “true symbiosis between Homo sapiens and the emerging Machina sapiens.”

A 2021 white paper from the UK Ministry of Defense affirms: “At the core of future military advantage will be effective integration of humans, artificial intelligence, and robotics into warfighting systems—human-machine teams—that exploit the capabilities of people and technologies to outperform our opponents.”

China has similar cyborg ambitions. So do Russia and NATO. “Artificial intelligence is the future,” Vladimir Putin famously proclaimed. “Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.”

Maybe the generals are wasting money on geek warfare. Maybe they’re just playing with new toys.

I wouldn’t count on it.

Already, we see narrow AIs exceed human pattern recognition in the specific tasks they’re designed to perform—protein modeling, radiologic analysis, battlefield surveillance, and target acquisition, to name  a few. Case in point, the US defense contractor Palantir freely provides their AI to the Ukraine. It’s a major reason they’ve held out so long against the larger Russian forces.

“The power of advanced algorithmic warfare systems is now so great that it equates to having tactical nuclear weapons against an adversary with only conventional ones,” Palantir CEO Alex Karp told the Washington Post. “The general public tends to underestimate this. Our adversaries no longer do.”

In the hands of elite apex predators, these digital tools are deadly serious. When leaders aren’t deploying tech against rivals, they’re turning it on their own citizens. Remember that Clearview AI facial recognition enabled the cops to track down January 6 protesters.

Technology is power. Always has been.


Not everyone is alarmed, though. Doubters scoff at the notion of “intelligent” machines. “AI doesn’t exist,” they say. “It’s just an algorithm.” “Garbage in, garbage out.” Typically, they’re former programmers still living in the 90’s. They repeat “garbage in, garbage out” so often, it’s like they were programmed to say it.

These guys do have point. An AI is only as good as the design of its neural network and the data it’s trained on. It’s not unlike humans in that way. But when it’s good, it’s scary good. If a solid AI is trained to recognized bank statements, for instance, it can dig through mountains of garbage and find one in seconds—like a dumpster-diving Rain Man out to steal your identity.

The AI that shook me awake was AlphaZero, developed by Google’s DeepMind in 2017. Programmed with only basic game rules and the “desire” to win, this neural network taught itself to play Go, chess, and a number of video games in mere hours. The mastery of Go is particularly important. For decades, skeptics insisted no computer would grasp this ancient Chinese game. Go’s complexity, they claimed, requires deep intuition that only humans possess. It turns out that was wishful thinking.

AlphaZero, like its predecessor AlphaGo, invents effective strategies that no human has ever thought of. And most alarming, these digital minds crush human masters at their own games. If people had any damn sense, they would have pulled the plug right then. On all of it. But you know what they say—“You can’t stop progress.”


The next step is to combine these narrow cognitive abilities into a single “artificial brain.” This artificial general intelligence (AGI) would be flexible enough to move from one domain to the next, or enact various modules simultaneously, to solve real-world problems.

In theory, one could glue together any combination of faculties—facial recognition, natural language processing, social modeling, robotic control systems, aesthetic algorithms—anything you might want in a robotic brain. The machine would likely surpass humans in all these areas. But no matter what combination you came up with, it wouldn’t be fully human. Nor would it share our values or experience of the world. It would be a blind, deformed child etched in silicon, but with superb cognitive power—much like the Gnostic Demiurge.

For transhumanists, the advent of a self-improving AGI will mark a “singular moment in history”—the Singularity. From there, legacy humans are just along for the ride. If we’re lucky.

That’s the dream, anyway. And major corporations like DeepMind and OpenAI—as well as their Chinese counterparts at Baidu and Tencent—are racing to make some version a reality. Their CEOs hold out the promise of a digital utopia, or some approximation. They’d prefer you just relax and not ask questions.

However, there are a few alarmists who say runaway AI could mean the annihilation of the human race. Because we’re midwives to AGI, they advise, our central task is to teach this infant Computer God to be benevolent—to align its values with ours. Otherwise, we get enslaved or die. They call this the “AI alignment problem.” As various factions fight over how “woke” or “based” ChatGPT is allowed to be, it’s looking pretty grim.

Oddly enough, some of the loudest alarm calls come from those working on AGI. They include Sam Altman and Elon Musk (OpenAI), Demis Hassabis (DeepMind), and operating out of China, Ben Goertzel (SingularityNET) and the mad prophet of the technocalypse, Hugo de Garis (Xiamen University).

The Oxford transhumanist Nick Bostrom, author of 2014 book Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, and Strategies, explained the significance to a Tesla-driving TED audience:

The potential for superintelligence lies dormant in matter, much like the power of the atom lied dormant throughout human history, patiently waiting there—until 1945. In this century, scientists may learn to awaken the power of artificial intelligence. And I think we might then see an intelligence explosion.

Regardless of the existential risks, these men argue, any nation that fails to embrace AI will fall behind those who do. The same dynamic holds true for individuals and organizations competing against each other within nations. In a digital ecosystem, it’s survival of the fittest cyborgs—with AI held out as a mythic Ring of Power.


Of all the futures projected by transhumanists, the one conjured by Hugo de Garis is the most gruesome. It’s also the most honest. Many in Silicon Valley believe that superhuman machine intelligence will lead to “radical abundance” and limitless knowledge about the universe. As a physicist and robot-builder, de Garis believes all these things will come to pass.

However, he also prophecies that creating “artilects”—short for “artificial intellects”; basically AGI—will probably lead to humanity’s destruction. Maybe these digital gods will have no use for us and squash us like bugs. Or just as likely, de Garis argues, a “gigadeath” event will occur as humans fight over whether to create them in the first place. That means billions die in a flash.

“The question that will dominate 21st century global politics will be, ‘Who or what should be the dominant species on the planet, artilects or human beings?’” This leads him to formulate a disturbing, if confusingly worded slogan: “Do we build gods, or do we build our potential exterminators?”

Inventing wacky new words like an unruly Scrabble player, de Garis explores this conflict in his 2005 book The Artilect War: Cosmists vs. TerransHe expects it to pop off within a few generations. “This war will use the most destructive weaponry ever devised, based on late 21st century science and technology.”

We’re talking super-nukes and AI-designed bioweapons—a dark horizon crawling with robotic hellhounds and nanobot swarms.


The Artilect War will be fought between the “Terrans,” who would kill to preserve organic humanity, and the “Cosmists,” whose religious devotion to build artilects is so intense, they’ll be willing to die for this divinization. In fact, they’ll be willing to see everyone die for it:

In the 20th century, the Nazis wiped out 20 million Russians, the Japanese murdered 20 million Chinese, Stalin killed 30 million in his purges, and Mao starved 50 million Chinese peasants. These are amongst the greatest crimes in history, yet they pale in comparison to the size of the tragedy if ever the artilects decide to wipe out humanity. The tragedy would be total in the sense that there would no longer be any human beings left to mourn the disappearance of the species.

As de Garis notes, it’s astounding that any human would pursue such a goal knowing billions could be slaughtered. But for Cosmists, the creation of superhuman machines is a religious quest beyond good and evil. In the tradition of mad scientists wracked with guilt, de Garis puts himself in the latter camp, gigadeath be damned:

My ultimate goal is to see humanity, or at least a portion of humanity, go Cosmist and to do it successfully by building truly godlike artilects that tower above our puny human intellectual, and other, abilities.

A key concept in The Artilect War is “species dominance.” Having created artificial life, humanity confronts a new evolutionary competitor. As some people fuse to digital life like tapeworms in a mecha-intestine, humanity will split off into sub-species—bot-sucking cyborgs and “puny” humans.

Along with speciation comes competition. Drawing on political and evolutionary theory, de Garis says there’s only so much room on top of the shit heap. Because equality doesn’t exist in nature, species dominance is inevitable. With human history as our guide, that means violence.

Will the top spot be taken by high-IQ computers that orbit the planet and are “faster and better than humans by factors of trillion of trillions”?

Or will it be occupied by the Cosmists who build and deploy these machines?

Or will Terrans kill off this transhuman cult and go back to pounding drums in the forest?

It seems as likely we’ll stumble into a nuclear war with Russia or China, sparing us this Artilect War altogether. There’s plenty of gigadeath to go around without a Super Computer God.

But if we do manage to avoid nuking each other to space dust, it could be that superpower rivalry will drive tech evolution—especially military tech—toward something that resembles de Garis’s vision. Think of it as a Singularity with a bang.


In reality, the importance of Hugo de Garis’s nightmare may be its influence on Chinese tech culture. From 2006 to 2010, he rounded out his professional career in China—first at Wuhan University, then running the Artificial Brain Lab at Xiamen University. Until the pandemic, his close colleague Ben Goertzel ran SingularityNET out of Hong Kong. This AGI project functioned in partnership with Hanson Robotics—still based in Hong Kong—whose robot Sophia is exalted as a transhuman goddess on the world stage.

The extent of the technology transfer to the Chinese Communist Party is unknown. But it’s reasonable to assume that whatever their intentions, de Garis and Goertzel have assisted in China’s aim to surpass the US in artificial intelligence. This ambition includes linking human brains to AI and creating artificial general intelligence—with an eye toward military applications.

The November 2021 volume of PRISM, published by the National Defense University in DC, features an eye-opening research paper, “China’s ‘New Generation’ AI-Brain Project.” There can be no doubt that the transhuman impulse runs through the Chinese soul. The authors quote a top CCP researcher, Xu Bo, speaking to the Ministry of Science and Technology’s official newspaper:

As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the collective study of the Politburo, artificial intelligence research must explore “unmanned areas.” In the areas of swarm intelligence, human-machine hybrid intelligence, and autonomous intelligence, there are large unmanned areas to be explored. … We believe that autonomous evolution is a bridge from weak artificial intelligence to general artificial intelligence.

Or, as the dean of the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence, Huang Tiejun, told a Future of Life conference:

Our human race is only at one stage. Why stop? Humans evolve too slowly. It’s impossible for humans to compare to machine-based superintelligence. It will happen sooner or later, so why wait? Even from the perspective of human centrism or human exceptionalism, superintelligence is needed to face the big challenges we can’t figure out. That’s why I support the idea.

Translating statements from across the Chinese tech establishment, the authors of the PRISM paper dryly observe, “Other such prognostications are commonplace.”


The future looks bleak, but the possibilities are still wide open. Again, I’m somewhere between the doubters and true believers—and I’ll admit, it’s a tepid hedge.

Like smartphones or the Internet, AI will never pan out as advertised. Tech evolution is a saga of unexpected bugs and unintended consequences. It’s rife with pumped stocks, over-hyped government contracts, and over-funded academic projects.

There are no flying cars (yet). There is no cold fusion (yet). There are no mind control nanobots (right?).

Still, only a fool refuses to see that smartphones and the Internet have shredded organic culture. The same goes for mass surveillance and drone warfare. Whatever form AI eventually takes, I’m convinced it’ll have similar impacts, if not worse.

It could be that AI chatbots and virtual sex slaves will peel some people from actual reality, driving them more insane than they already are. Or it could be that an army of AI-enhanced, genetically modified, brain-chipped cyborgs will descend on clouds of nanobots to wage a race war against what’s left of legacy humans.

Only time will tell. Keep your tinfoil tight and your powder dry. And for God’s sake, turn off your smartphone. That’s how they get you.


Connect with Joe Allen

Cover image credit: Mollyroselee

Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici Șoșoacă Speaks to Parliament About “Earthquakes on Demand” Technology: “By Killing People, They Served Their Interests.”

Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici Șoșoacă Speaks to Parliament About “Earthquakes on Demand” Technology: “By Killing People, They Served Their Interests.”


Romania Senator Diana Lovanovici Speaking in the Parliament on the Uses of HAARP Technology in Turkey

Румыния Сенатор Диана Йованович, выступающая в парламенте с докладом об использовании технологии HAARP в Турции!

by Rory Winter

Video source: Rory Winter channel at VK.com.  Mirrored at TCTL Odysee & BitChute channels.


[Transcript was obtained from video subtitles provided by the video creator.]

Thank you.

The title of my political statement:

“People Had to Die, and It’s Not Over Yet”

Dear fellow senators,

For three years we have been experiencing a real campaign of mass killing worldwide, either through alleged pandemics and the imminent need to inject untested vaccines that kill people, or through wars that reduce the world’s population, but rearranges international politics, realigns power […]

We have lived to witness the production of earthquakes on command, which is actually an attack on Turkey by the greatest of the world who totally disliked being set up by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of Turkey.

Moreover, his position of neutrality and mediator in the Ukrainian-Russian war deeply disturbed them, especially since Turkey is the second great power from a military point of view within NATO.

His position to block Sweden’s accession to NATO, his speech in Davos, as well as the gesture of leaving in the middle of the press conference defying Schwab, did not remain without an echo in the cold world of leaders of the world.

But no one thought that people would have to die — so many people and in such a terrible way.

And it’s just a warning because it wasn’t the most populated area of Turkey.

One hundred fifty (150) after shocks of a devastating earthquake, the second larger than the first, without the existence of an […] — the area being artificially stimulated, geological weapons having existed for a very long time, being used so far without causing too many casualties, probably for experiments.

Now it has been put into practice.

If we look carefully at the map of Turkey, we will see that it is furrowed by gas and oil pipelines, this being actually one of the goals.

But 10 seconds before the occurrence of the so-called earthquake, the Turks closed these pipelines.

In addition, 24 hours before the earthquake, 10 countries withdrew their ambassadors from Turkey.

Five days before its occurrence, the Romainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a travel warning for Romanian citizens in Turkey, although there was no danger, as did other countries.

By killing people, they served their interests.


Connect with Rory Winter

Cover image
(Members of the UK’s International Search & Rescue team at work in Hatay, Turkey, looking for survivors of the devastating earthquakes)
credit: Gargarapalvin

Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘Militaristic’ Medicine Linked to Excess Deaths, Especially Among Poor and Disabled

Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘Militaristic’ Medicine Linked to Excess Deaths, Especially Among Poor and Disabled
COVID-19 countermeasures — such as lockdowns and social distancing — were key contributors to the rise in excess deaths since the onset of the pandemic, according to Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., all-cause mortality researcher and lead scientist for 23 years at the University of Ottawa in Canada.

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., The Defender
February 9, 2023


The narrative that the COVID-19 virus was largely responsible for excess deaths during the pandemic isn’t supported by statistical analyses, according to Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., all-cause mortality researcher and former physics professor and lead scientist for 23 years at the University of Ottawa in Canada.

During an episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” Rancourt told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense, that the numbers suggest COVID-19 countermeasures — such as lockdowns and social distancing — imposed by governments and public health officials were key contributors to the rise in excess deaths since 2020 when the pandemic began.

Rancourt — author of more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles — said that if the COVID-19 virus had a “certain property” that was most responsible for causing death while the virus spread, then that idea should be reflected in the rate of deaths during that time period.

“But in fact,” he told Kennedy, “that’s not what was happening in terms of the overall deaths.”

Rancourt said:

“The people who died were overwhelmingly disabled and extremely poor, and they were obese and they had diabetes, and they normally get a lot of antibiotics.

“A lot of them were institutionalized, and they were now isolated in their rooms and no one wanted to touch them and so on. These are the people who died, overwhelmingly: 1.3 million in the U.S.

“That’s the kind of evidence that leads us to conclude that it was about the measures — what was being done — and how treatment was being done or not done.”

According to Rancourt, looking at which states and jurisdictions applied strong lockdown measures is a “proxy for what’s going on” in that area with the people who live there.

“The states and the jurisdictions that applied strong lockdowns are also the same states that have a more militaristic approach to medicine in the big hospitals and in how they treat institutionalized people.”

Psychological stress, social isolation take higher toll on poor, disabled

Rancourt said his data showed that “when you destroy people’s lives by destroying the local economies, and you tell people they have to be isolated — they have to stay at home, they can’t have social contact — they’re going to be psychologically stressed.”

Moreover, he said, this was further compounded particularly for individuals with mental or physical disabilities, who were already living in a medical institution and who, therefore, experienced extreme social isolation.

Suddenly, the individuals’ caregivers are wearing masks and do not want to touch them, Rancourt explained.

“They [the individuals] have to be isolated in their room,” Rancourt said. “They can only go to a certain washroom at a certain time.”

Rancourt said he talked to people who were isolated in this way, and “it was horrendous for them.”

According to Rancourt, the notion that COVID-19 primarily killed the elderly is not supported by all-cause mortality statistics because factors other than age — such as mental disability and poverty — appear to play a larger role.

“The correlation is to disability and to poverty,” he said. “It’s not to age. You cannot find a clear correlation to age. We weren’t able to find it.”

“So it wasn’t just the elderly that were killed at that time — institutionalized young people were also killed.”

Rancourt said:

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that they were … I think ‘scared to death’ is not the right way to put it, but ‘demolished to death.’ Their lives were dissolved. They could have no social contact. All of a sudden they lost their caregivers. They were locked in.

“I think that many, many people were killed this way and it’s hard to have that discussion with scientists because they cannot let go of their theoretical immunology and everything they want to believe about how viruses spread and so on.”

3.7 million excess deaths in India linked to vaccine rollout

Kennedy and Rancourt also discussed a study Rancourt recently published that “shows 3.7 million excess deaths [were] almost certainly related to the COVID-19 vaccine and not related to COVID-19 [the virus].”

According to Rancourt, a “very dramatic” surge in the number of overall deaths in India — “like 500% more than the baseline total deaths in India major’’ — coincided with the rollout of the vaccine in India.

“We concluded in our study that it was the vaccines that were doing this because we had seen in the United States peaks like that, when you had the so-called vaccine equity programs that would go into institutions and vaccinate people that had not yet been vaccinated, who were more fragile.”

Watch the interview here:


This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense

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Cover image credit: ElasticComputeFarm

New World Next Week: Balloon Bombing Baffles Believing Buffoons

New World Next Week: Balloon Bombing Baffles Believing Buffoons

by James Corbett & James Evan Pilato, The Corbett Report
February 9, 2023


Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin Rumble / Substack /  Rumble / Download the mp4


Story #1: U.S. Uses $400K Missile to Shoot Down Chinese ‘Spy Balloon,’ Destroys All Its Electronics


Pentagon Testing Mass Surveillance Balloons Across the US (Aug. 2, 2019)


U.S. Military Launches Giant Balloons To Spy On the Midwest (Aug. 4, 2019)


Video: Dolly Moore says she saw jets and an explosion over Billings. Officials, the Governor, City leaders say— they don’t know what she saw/it didn’t happen.


Video: Ok, so here’s what I just caught I few minutes ago out my window. I saw a jet go by so fast and then explosion in the sky. Holy crap!


Montana Authorities Address ‘Massive Explosion’ Rumors in Sky Where Chinese Spy Balloon Was Spotted


When a Canadian Weather Balloon Veered Into Russian Airspace In 1998


The Attack of the Killer Balloon


NORAD Commander: Chinese Balloons That Entered US Under Trump Went ‘Undetected’


BalloonTalk: Emergency Edition


Episode 320 – Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War


When Japan Launched Killer Balloons in World War II


Hoodwinked at Shanksville


‘Balloon Boy Hoax’ Parents Pardoned In Colorado (Dec. 24, 2020)


Story #2: Biden Regime Quietly Frees One of 9/11 Terrorist Planners From Gitmo As the Whole Country Watches the Chinese Spy Balloon


Majid Khan (detainee)


The Torture of Majid Khan


Episode 428 – Torturing the Truth


Audio: John Yoo Explains That Presidents Can Crush a Boy’s Testicles If Needed


Pakistan Blocks Wikipedia for ‘Blasphemous Content’


Story #3: Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s Ex-President, Dies Aged 79


Video: Pervez Musharraf, Former Pakistan President, Dead At 79


Beyonce Dedicates Grammy Wins to “Queer Community” After $24M Concert In Anti-Gay Dubai


Osama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead…For the Ninth Time


Episode 424 – False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda – Part 3: The War of Terror


Video: Pervez Musharaff on ‘The Daily Show’ With Jon Leibowitz


Have the Ending Credits of ‘Rambo III’ Been Changed?


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The Final Chapter of Slavery Hinges on Widespread Implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies

The Final Chapter of Slavery Hinges on Widespread Implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies

by Gary D. Barnett
February 9, 2023


“We don’t know, for example, who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a $1000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBCD the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.”

~ Agustín Carstens–General Manager, Bank for International Settlements

I do not mean to indicate that CBDCs are our only or single greatest risk, but when fully implemented, it will be the final breaking point of this country’s freedom. Digital control of every transaction, total surveillance, and total central bank control over all monetary processes, will also demand tracking and tracing of every individual, which in turn will necessitate social scoring, identity, and social passports. Any and all transactions will be centrally controlled, cash will be eliminated, so that only ‘allowed’ purchases, travel and any movement, energy use, and carbon emission allowances will be the excuses used by the central bankers and the technocrats as to what is and what is not tolerated by your masters.

This may be very confusing to most, but those few who have contemplated the true ideas of freedom, and have come to the conclusion that the only laws and the only ‘rights’ that exist are those of the individual, have a better understanding. In addition, only natural law is of any value or consequence, and only natural law is valid as a moral purpose of actual justice for any individual, or any group of individuals. Therefore, should any state or government come into existence, and claim any authority whatsoever, and for any reason, it should do absolutely nothing other than protecting the individual and his inherent natural rights, for any other function would necessarily expose that each individual is nothing more than the property of the state, and therefore a slave. In other words, there is no legitimacy in any governing system whatsoever that chooses to make any laws, to enforce those laws, or in any way restrict the peaceful individual.

Discussing these concepts at this time and in this manner seems absolutely insane, as no government that has ever existed has held itself to only protecting the natural and inherent rights of the individual, without aggressing against those very same rights. What this clearly indicates then, is that no government and no state or nation, has any right to exist in any free society. No government has any right to ‘make’ laws, because natural law is already apparent and obvious. Nothing mandated by the state should ever be called a law, as no legitimate right whatsoever allows one man to make a law with authority over another. No one can even count the ‘laws’ on the books, or will even attempt to do so. There are over 300,000 state and federal gun laws alone, so how many hundreds of thousands or millions of laws are claimed by one or the other government; local, state and federal? The insanity of this is beyond imagination to any intelligent individual.

Everything that is happening and has happened, including all the wars of aggression, taxation at every level, the multitude of laws and changing laws, banking and corporate control of finance and government, all state restrictions, the 9/11 inside scam, and the fake ‘covid’ pandemic, were planned long in advance in order to achieve certain agendas. All is a constant progression of events meant to lead to a total control situation, where a ruling class is master of all. The pinnacle of this heinous plot is technocratic globalization, where the few will rule the world. By digitizing most every aspect of life, including every monetary transaction, this will allow for a fully centralized governing system where each and every individual is dependent on the state. This would be the crowning achievement of the globalists, and central banking digital currency as the global fiat system, would allow for mass control of virtually every single condition of life.

Centralized digital money, artificial intelligence, chipping of the population, movement and ‘health’ passports, 15 minute cities, and the like, will change forever the structure of power. It is imperative to understand the scope of this plot, and even though many more are turning against these changes, the state is going full steam ahead with its plan to roll out CBDCs worldwide, and the central bank of central banks, the Bank of International Settlements, is openly discussing and implementing these heinous strategies around the world without pause.

Consider the consequences of this control insanity. Once the Bank of International  Settlements reorganizes the entire central financial system into a total transaction control grid; one that allows for the central banks to fully control everything from a global centralized position, all freedom instantly disappears. Almost every country on earth is completely consumed by debt, this by design, especially the United States. Because of this planned outcome, debt consolidation on a global scale will be the biggest financial coup of all time. This is the agenda sought by the ruling class, as once this consolidation coup is in place, the world’s financial systems will act as one; all controlled by the central banks. Huge wealth transfers have been taking place aggressively for some time, but especially these past three years. Now consider that most every debt-ridden country will band together as one, taking complete control out of the hands of individuals and sovereign nations, and placing all power and control in the hands of the global central bank, the Bank of International Settlements.

At that point, traveling outside your home, whether 5 miles or more, will be controlled. What foods you choose to buy, what products you want or need, how many digital credits you are allowed to hold and use, how much energy you will be allowed, etc., and this is just the tip of the iceberg. As I write this, the drive toward this financial and digital control agenda is going forward continuously, and the CBDC push is the linchpin of the great reset coup.

Keep in mind that this short essay is meant only to explain in as simple of terms possible, the absolute deadly threat of central bank control over financial systems and economies. It is a complicated agenda, and is being pursued from many angles all at once across the entire world. The heads of the central banks, especially the most powerful central bank, The Bank of International Settlements, are openly discussing and implementing policies to take over all financial systems, to digitize all transactions, and to control every aspect of our lives through technocratic means. This is not ‘conspiracy theory, ‘this is conspiracy fact.

Control over people and nations requires that populations voluntarily comply with, and accept that control. Without the masses acquiescence to state laws, mandates, lockdowns, taxation (criminal theft) and monetary control, the state ceases to have any power. At this point in time, we are on the verge of not only national control by the few, we are on the verge of international control by the few. The central banking system is the key to this planned takeover, so resistance to this takeover at every level by the masses is mandatory if freedom is to survive.

 “The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.”

~ Carroll Quigley


Reference links:

Agustin Carstens comments on control via use of CBDCs

Vision of cross-border payments and central bank heads on CBDCs

Catherine Austin Fitts–CBDCs and The Financial Coup

John Titus on the Split Purpose Monetary System

CBDCs and the Fed’s plan to weaponize money


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: GDJ

Turkey; Withstanding a Modern-Day 5th Generation and Silent War — Natural Catastrophes May Not Be So Natural

Turkey; Withstanding a Modern-Day 5th Generation and Silent War
Natural catastrophes may not be so natural, and modern warfare has turned our communities into the frontlines.

by Reinette Senum, Reinette Senum’s Foghorn Express
February 7, 2023


I’m tired of seeing the unabated destruction of our planet and all things beautiful, watching much suffer from what seems to be the direct result of an illusive hand.

I am surrounded by a once healthy and robust forest in the lower Sierra Nevada range, now dying from an onslaught of nearly 2-decades of incessant aerosol spraying. I see day in and day out, like today, a clear blue sky in the morning, only to be crisscrossed into a choking geo-engineered haze by afternoon.

The pollinators and insect populations have plummeted.

Forests and crops alike are suffering.

“Died suddenly” and “unexpectedly” are a common thread that can be found in our community obituaries.

And living in my hometown today is like living in the remnants of a community that once was; annihilated by an invisible bomb. The buildings remain, but the community no longer resembles what it was pre-Covid.

The battles we need to win are so numerous and dauntless that it’s overwhelming. My only hope to end this madness is a full-on economic crash that comes with its inherent risks and tribulations.

It’s the proverbial wolf chewing off its paw to escape a trap.

While an economic, Federal Reserve, and Central Bank crash would be painful on many levels, it seems the only chance we have to stop the digitized open-air prison expanding all around us.

We are the first generation globally to be subjected to what is known as 5th Generation and Silent Warfare. It is inconspicuous, ugly, and unforgiving, targeting unsuspecting citizens in every community worldwide.

Many are unaware that they are a casualty of war in their own hometowns.

There is nowhere to hide.


Now, we have Turkey and its unfathomable series of earthquakes.

I watched in horror as the scenes unfolded in the Turkish aftermath yesterday. I spent a few weeks there a couple decades ago and was enthralled by the history, traditions, food, architecture, and beautiful, soulful people.

Seeing them gripped in horror each time the earth shook, subjecting them to ongoing psychological horror and trauma, was more than I could bear on many levels.

While at first glance it may seem Mother Nature dealt them a rough blow, this may be anything but natural.

Please bear with me.

What initially caught my attention were the aftershocks that followed the M7.8 earthquake (starting at the bottom right of the chart below). These were not typical aftershocks but earthquake after earthquake that followed the original M7.8. And they continued unabated, pummeling an already terrorized and decimated population.

This is highly unusual for aftershocks, as seen in this example below, of an analysis of a similar M7.8 earthquake and subsequent aftershocks in the 1994 Northridge earthquake in California:

Below is a forecast of what can be expected following most earthquakes.

Any aftershock over M3 is not the norm. Turkey’s aftershocks were between M5 and M7.

In addition, the timing of the Turkey earthquake and subsequent staggering aftershocks is highly suspect, considering recent geopolitical developments surrounding Turkey.


Turkey’s rhetoric against Washington and several European capitals has grown more belligerent, most recently, with the interior minister calling out the American ambassador Jeffry Flake.

Embassies in Turkey, of which many are NATO nations, were issued security warnings, and a mass exodus of embassy staff and officials ensued. The excuse was due to possible targeting in retribution for recent Quran-burning protests throughout Europe.

Earlier this week, the US Embassy in Ankara and several European diplomatic missions issued security warnings against potential “terrorist” attacks by jihadist groups targeting Westerners in response to Quran-burning protests across Europe over the past few weeks. Some of the European missions, foreign cultural centers, and even foreign schools were closed down temporarily this week over the security threats.

On Thursday, Ankara conveyed displeasure over the temporary closures and security alerts, with the Turkish Foreign Ministry summoning ambassadors of the United States, Sweden, France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

Turkey’s Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, who accused the West of waging a “psychological war” against Ankara on Thursday, renewed his accusations today by singling out the United States. 

“I’m calling out to the American ambassador here,” he said. “Get your filthy hands off Turkey. We know very well what you have done … how you have attempted to stir up Turkey,” Soylu added, reiterating his frequent attacks on Washington. https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2023/02/ankara-lashes-out-us-envoy-over-security-alerts-get-your-filthy-hands-turkey

The Turkish interior minister has lashed out at the US ambassador in Ankara after Washington and eight European countries issued travel warnings and moved to temporarily close their diplomatic missions in Turkey over purported security concerns.

Suleyman Soylu, an outspoken critic of the United States who accuses Washington of the 2016 military coup attempt and plots to portray Turkey as an unstable state, railed against US ambassador Jeffry Flake on Friday, telling him to take his “dirty hands off Turkey.”

“Every US ambassador who arrives in Turkey is hurrying to find out how to make a coup possible in Turkey,” Soylu said in an address at a ministerial event in the Turkish city of Antalya.

“I address the US ambassador from here. I know the journalists you made write articles,” he added. “Take your dirty hands off Turkey. I’m being very clear. I very well know how you would like to create strife in Turkey. Take your grinning face off from Turkey.”

Soylu also accused US embassies in Europe of convening together in an attempt to control the continent. He stressed that US efforts in Turkey were “futile” thanks to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The US, along with eight European countries, including Germany, France and the Netherlands, have since last week either temporarily shut their embassies and consulates in Turkey or issued travel warnings after widespread protests against the desecration of the Holy Qur’an in Europe.”

On Thursday, Soylu condemned the closures as an attempt to meddle in campaigning for Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections, which are scheduled for 14 May. The Turkish interior minister and other officials also suggested that the Western states had issued the security warnings in order to pressure Turkey to tone down its criticism of the sacrilegious move and resolve the NATO dispute.

Far-right activists burned copies of the holy Muslim book in Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands last week. The conduct led to a halt in negotiations for Turkey to lift objections to a bid by Sweden and Finland to join NATO.

Conveniently, days after the security warning and a stampede of exiting embassy workers, the string of unprecedented “aftershocks” struck Turkey, collapsing thousands of multi-level buildings.


The war against Turkey may have transitioned into next-level modern-day warfare, using HAARP to initiate earthquakes.

Now, for those who continue to disbelieve in the existence of this wicked power, watch the video at the top of this post, and take a breath.

Whether or not you like to hear this, we are all on a ubiquitous battlefield: Our communities are the frontlines.

And now, Turkey and their beautiful citizen are paying the ultimate price for standing up against the US/NATO machine.

The NATO evil-doers are losing their battle in Ukraine and have nothing to lose, so they are pulling out all the stops.

For those who are unfamiliar with 5th Generation and Silent Wars, here’s a little primer, per a previous Corbert Report substack:

In a nutshell, Lind et al.’s thesis are that the “modern age” of warfare began with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which, Lind opines, “gave the state a monopoly on war.” From that point on, modern warfare went through three generations, namely:

  • First-generation warfare: the tactics of line and column, developed in the era of the smoothbore musket;
  • Second-generation warfare: the tactics of indirect fire and mass movement, developed in the era of the rifled musket, breechloaders, barbed wire and the machine gun; and
  • Third-generation warfare: the tactics of nonlinear movement, including maneuver and infiltration, developed in response to the increase in battlefield firepower in WWI.
  • Fourth-generation warfare—the lines between “civilian” and “military” become blurred, armies tend to engage in counter-insurgency operations rather than military battles, and enemies are often motivated by ideology and religion, making psychological operations more important than ever.

This leads us to today, 5th-Generation Warfare:

By its very nature Fifth Generation Warfare is difficult to define, though it is based heavily on the aspects of deception, intelligence and misinformation. Fifth Generation Warfare also known as Information Warfare is military driven action based on accumulation and manipulation of data to influence public thought.

And this is a primer for those unfamiliar with what HAARP is and what it can do:

According to the Environmental Impact Statement, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program – or otherwise known as HAARP – is an ionospheric research program that is funded by the United States Military for the purpose of analysing the ionosphere and investigating the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance.

Built in the year of 1993, little has been made known about what exactly the project is researching which has gained the facility quite the reputation – which isn’t really positive. To make matters worse, hundreds of millions of tax payer’s hard earned dollars are being spent on this facility each and every year, despite the general US population not knowing exactly what they are working on inside the remote facility.

  • It is capable of being a geophysical weapon
  • It can cause climate change (when experts say climate change is manmade, they aren’t kidding)
  • It can affect our brains
  • It is funded by the military
  • It has the ability to cause earthquakes
  • It can manipulate our actions
  • The project was kept very secretive

This is why I postulate that our only hope is a complete economic collapse. Not an easy pill to swallow, but how else do we prevail over what we cannot see?

With so much being at stake in Europe and the surrounding regions, we cannot doubt that anything is possible.

I know my subscribers will have much to share on this matter…. and please do.


Connect with Reinette Senum

Cover image credit: Voice of America, public domain

Five Times August Music Video: “Gates Behind The Bars”

Five Times August Music Video: “Gates Behind The Bars”

by  Brad Skistimas, Five Times August
February 6, 2023


“Gates Behind The Bars”

The wimp’s on the loose
He’s bought all the land
He’s out for revenge
To hurt every man
He’ll print all the food
And drug every kid
Pretend like he’s good
Then hide what he did

Nobody’s safe
Nobody’s safe
Nobody’s safe
‘Til we have gates behind
Gates behind the bars

The geek’s in control
He’s changed his disguise
His chemical world
Will be your demise
He’s sick and he’s cruel
And acts like he’s God
Speaks on the stage
While zombies applaud

Nobody’s safe
Nobody’s safe
Nobody’s safe
‘Til we have gates behind
Gates behind the bars

He’s coming for you
His plans at the door
He’s climbed through the windows
He’s part of the war

He deals in the dark
And buys his own truth
He’ll package it up
And he’ll sell it to you

All the sheep will believe
Afraid they will die
Trapped by the one
Who has wrapped them in lies

The creep’s not alone
He plots with his friends
The forum they have
Is a circle of sin
There’s snakes all around
Who traffic and kill
They’ll dope up the world
With needles and pills

No body Is safe
Nobody’s safe, Hey Hey
No body Is safe
‘Til we have gates behind
Gates behind the bars

No body Is safe
No body Is safe, Hey Hey
No body Is safe
‘Til we have gates behind
Gates behind the bars


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The Truckers Freedom Convoy – and the Grapes of Wrath

The Truckers Freedom Convoy – and the Grapes of Wrath
“What’s it to you?”

by Francis Christian, Francis Christian’s Essays
February 4, 2023


On the first anniversary of the Truckers for Freedom Convoy, I must modify somewhat President Lincoln’s Gettysburg address and state quite unequivocally that “the world will continue to take note and long remember what Canadian Truckers did here, and it can never forget what they achieved here.” 

The Convoy has passed through the narrow confines of time and become immortal.

In John Steinbeck’s novel, “The Grapes of Wrath,” (turned into a widely acclaimed film), two Truckers do an enormous good deed to an unsuspecting diner and store keeper. The very hard times of the great depression (the “Grapes of Wrath”) were of no consequence to the Truckers. With triumphant grace, humble nonchalance, they handsomely reimburse with several dollars, the bewildered store lady for giving two poor kids two nickel-worth of candy, for a penny.

Kris Kristofferson turned this beautiful story into a beautiful song, in which the store lady calls out to the Truckers as they leave – “hey you left too much money.” The Truckers tell her as they pick up their coats to leave, “what’s it to you?” 

Here’s what the Canadian Trucker’s Freedom Convoy was to us – a reason to hope again, a reason to believe in humanity again, a reason for millions of Canadians to show the world that tyranny has a defined lifespan and that peaceful civil disobedience can shake its fragile foundations.

It was all that and more to us!

In the frigid temperatures of a very cold Canadian winter, we lined the highways and stood with large maple leaf flags waving with a furious indignation at the terrible suffering that the totalitarian tyranny had inflicted upon our people. On the overpasses across the nation, the very young and the very old and every age in between leaned into the convoy with their flags, willing them forward on their mission of liberty.

It was all that and more to us!

Across the world and over the airwaves of new and dinosaur media the peaceful, powerful Freedom Convoy embarrassed and scared the hell out of our totalitarian Canadian politicians – one went into hiding (Trudeau) and within days of the Freedom Convoy reaching Ottawa, the other (O’Toole) was quickly voted out by his own party!

South of the longest land border in the world, our American cousins held their breath in awe, in admiration and in utter disbelief that the “polite” Canadian masses could rise in their millions in peaceful revolt and challenge a totalitarian tyranny. The roar of the Canadian bear was heard across the world and Trudeau’s fellow tyrants everywhere heard too – and trembled.

Almost exactly a year later, the dictator of the banana republic New Zealand (otherwise called its prime minister) has resigned. Four months ago, the blundering buffoon tyrant in Downing Street (Boris Johnson) was also told he had to go! Without a shot being fired, the Freedom Convoy has dethroned dictators and reminded the world that the sum total of reality is resolutely set against evil.

It was all that and more to us!

It was no accident that during and soon after the Convoy, the mandates started to fall. The science had not changed. The desire of the politicians, corporations, globalists, “experts” and health czars to control, manipulate, abuse and insult the population had not changed. These petty tyrants were made to change – forced to give way to the peaceful assault of a determined, tenacious civil disobedience movement.

The Freedom Convoy literally linked the hands of millions of Canadians and made them dance together; literally increased the hug rate exponentially in Ottawa; literally brought all shades, hues and sizes of Canadians together; and literally did more for French-English unity than decades of political polemics!

It was all that and more to us.

I wrote an essay a few weeks ago about why the Trucker is smarter – than the doctor, the scientist, the lawyer, the philosopher, the college professor, the politician and the bureaucrat!

The Truckers who constituted the Freedom Convoy also possessed that most elusive of all human virtues – humility.

I don’t believe any of the Freedom Convoy Truckers brought about what Mr. Carlson described as “The Single Most Successful Human Rights Protest In A Generation” for selfish reasons. Many of them even today, are unaware of the seismic nature of their collective, peaceful protest. The aftershocks of the earthquake they caused are being felt today in peoples homes, in the places they work and up and down the halls of tyranny – and will be felt long after this generation is gone.

They did what they did for humanity, for the oppressed, for freedom, for liberty, for human rights, for free speech, for our family, for our friends, for us all.

And they did all that with exemplary demonstration of the timeless words of Jesus who said we ought to do our good deeds with humility: “let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.”

This is what the Truckers of the Freedom Convoy did. This is why, “great shall their reward be.”


Connect with Francis Christian

Cover image credits: MaksimsokolovΙΣΧΣΝΙΚΑ-888 (1), ΙΣΧΣΝΙΚΑ-888 (2)

Aluminum Snow: Lab Test Confirmed

Aluminum Snow: Lab Test Confirmed

by Dane Wigington, Geoengineering Watch
February 3, 2023


Geoengineering Watch will start to release as of yet unseen footage from the filming of The Dimming, this is the first installment. Aluminum nanoparticle fallout from climate engineering operations are building up in our snow, soils and runoff waters, the levels are far beyond alarming. Lab test results of snow from the side of Northern California’s Mt. Shasta are a truly shocking example. Testing samples from this formerly pristine water source have revealed levels of aluminum that are so astronomically high that the meltwater can only be considered completely contaminated. This 7 minute video contains important GeoengineeringWatch.org footage. The testimony revealed in this video is from a highly degreed former USFS government scientist, it serves as a sobering wake up call and warning for us all.


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Pfizer Vaccine Bonanza Slows — But Bill Gates Sold Early, Made Huge Profits

Pfizer Vaccine Bonanza Slows — But Bill Gates Sold Early, Made Huge Profits
Pfizer on Tuesday announced 2022 profits of $31.4 billion on record sales of $100.3 billion but warned investors to set their sights much lower in 2023, as sales of COVID-19 vaccines and Paxlovid slow amid growing questions about their safety and efficacy.

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., The Defender
February 1, 2023


Pfizer on Tuesday announced 2022 profits of $31.4 billion on record sales of $100.3 billion. Sales from its COVID-19 vaccine and Paxlovid, used to treat COVID-19, totaled $56 billion — more than half the vaccine maker’s annual revenue.

However, the company warned investors to expect sales of those two products to plummet up to 58% in 2023, to only about $21.5 billion — $3 billion short of Wall Street projections. Pfizer projected total 2023 revenue of only about $67-$71 billion.

The news followed on the heels of a string of developments calling into question the COVID-19 vaccines — including comments last week by billionaire and vaccine investor Bill Gates, who criticized the efficacy and durability of the vaccines during a talk at Australia’s Lowy Institute.

Investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel on Tuesday revealed the extent of Gates’ profit-making from his investments in Pfizer partner BioNTech. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation made 15 times its initial investment when the foundation sold its BioNTech shares at the height of their value in 2021.

Pfizer’s stock fell 15% in January.

Pfizer and Moderna said they likely will quadruple the price of their COVID-19 vaccines to between $110 to $130 per dose when the U.S. government stops paying for the shots later this year.

Bill Gates reaped massive profits from ‘impeccably timed’ sale of Pfizer stock

Schachtel reviewed Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings and found the Gates Foundation downsized its BioNTech holdings by 86% — from 1,038,674 to 148,674 shares — over the third quarter of 2021, BioNTech’s best-performing quarter.

The foundation had purchased the shares in September 2019 — just months before the pandemic was announced — at a pre-public offering price of $18.10 per share.

When the foundation sold the shares — at an average sale price of $300 per share — it pocketed a profit of approximately $260 million, or more than 15 times its original investment.

Schachtel said $242 million of that profit is untaxed because the money was invested through the foundation.

The Gates Foundation sold an additional 2 million shares prior to the third quarter of 2021, and subsequently sold 1.4 million shares of CureVac, a German-based mRNA company, making another $50 million, Schachtel found.

“Bill Gates secured hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from his foundation’s impeccably timed investment in BioNTech — the Pfizer partner for its mRNA Covid shots — before dramatically reversing course and proceeding to openly cast doubt on the whole of mRNA technology,” Schachtel wrote.

After dumping his stocks, in November 2021, Gates said, “We need a new way of doing the vaccines,” because the vaccines didn’t stop transmission, despite all of his previous claims to the contrary.

Speaking at the Lowy Institute, Gates said:

“We also need to fix the three problems of [COVID-19] vaccines. The current vaccines are not infection-blocking. They’re not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people.”

With those comments, “Gates amped up his doubtful rhetoric about mRNA, continuing to distance himself from the once hyped technology that he used to secure hundreds of millions of dollars in pandemic profits,” Schachtel said.

More questions swirl around COVID vaccines

Over 85% of the U.S. population hasn’t been boosted, despite the massive government-sponsored media push, suggesting people aren’t buying the narrative that the boosters are necessary, safe and effective, Russell Brand said.

The U.K. announced last Wednesday it will no longer recommend COVID-19 boosters for healthy people under 50 and will discontinue free distribution of the primary two-shot series.

Denmark ended its universal COVID-19 vaccination campaigns for healthy individuals in February 2022.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration last month said it is considering changing the vaccination schedule, recommending adults be boosted just once a year to “stay protected” against COVID-19.

And the Biden administration announced that it will end the COVID-19 national and public health emergencies on May 11, which will end government-sponsored testing, vaccination and treatment.

Several prominent doctors have also publicly raised concerns about the adverse effects of the vaccines.

British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra recently “truthbombed” the BBC during a live appearance telling viewers the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines pose a cardiovascular risk.

This weekend a number of healthcare professionals and doctors also took to Twitter, swearing not to take any more vaccines without randomized controlled trials.

Vinay Prasad, M.D., MPH, said he wouldn’t take any additional shots until clinical trial data become available. “I took at least one dose against my will,” Prasad said. “It was unethical and scientifically bankrupt.”

Notable participants in the campaign also include Dr. Todd Lee, an infectious disease expert at McGill University, Dr. Mark Silverberg, Ph.D., who founded the Toronto Immune and Digestive Health Institute, Dr. Tracy Høeg, Ph.D., an epidemiologist at the University of California, San Francisco and Kevin Bass, M.S., a medical student whose op-ed in Newsweek Monday called out the scientific community for its role in perpetuating a false COVID-19 narrative.

Late Sunday night, Retsef Levi, Ph.D., with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, posted a video on Twitter calling for an end to COVID-19 mRNA vaccination, The Defender reported.

Levi said the vaccines failed to deliver the promised efficacy, and that based on his risk analysis, the vaccines “cause unprecedented levels of harm, including the death of young people and children.”

Meanwhile, Pfizer officials face a potential ban from the European Parliament due to the company’s lack of transparency regarding COVID-19 vaccine purchase agreements during the pandemic.

Pfizer in a ‘transition year,’ CEO says

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in the earnings press release that 2023 would be a “transition year” for Pfizer’s COVID-19 products, before likely returning to growth in 2024.

Bourla said:

“Our focus is always on what is next. As we turn to 2023, we expect to once again set records, with potentially the largest number of new product and indication launches that we’ve ever had in such a short period of time.”

Reuters reported Tuesday that Pfizer also will lose patent protections for some big-selling drugs after 2025.

To make up for the loss of revenue the vaccine maker has turned to acquisitions, spending about $25 billion to buy Biohaven Pharmaceutical, Arena Pharmaceuticals and Global Blood Therapeutics.

The company also launched five new products last year and hopes to introduce as many as 14 more over the next year and a half, including a vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus and an mRNA flu vaccine.

Pfizer expects the vaccination rate to increase again after 2023, Fierce Pharma reported, assuming a combined COVID-19/flu shot is developed.

During a meeting last week of the FDA’s vaccine advisory committee, the agency said it was investigating whether the stroke safety signal the FDA identified, associated with the bivalent vaccines, might be related to the co-administration of the flu and COVID-19 vaccines.


This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense

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Cover image credit: A1Cafel

The Pfizer Exec Who Confessed to Project Veritas Now Tells Me the Whole Truth

The Pfizer Exec Who Confessed to Project Veritas Now Tells Me the Whole Truth
And nothing but the truth about the virus and the vaccine—in the back room of an Irish bar after a few Bushmills 

by Jon Rappoport
February 1, 2023


Last Saturday, I woke up to the sounds of my pigs squealing out on the land. My wolves were herding them back into their pens.

I struggled out of bed and plowed through the 16 messages on my cell. FOX, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. They somehow knew I was on to The One, and they were clamoring and pleading for an exclusive.

No dice.

My agent and lawyer, Gloria Torquemada, showed up as I as was downing my 4th cup of coffee. Her CIA contacts had located Jordan Walker, the suddenly infamous Pfizer exec. He was now waiting in Mick Flaherty’s bar 16 miles away from my farm. I called Tucker and told him to hold on, I’d get back to him by nightfall.

I donned my white coat, hung a stethoscope around my neck, pinned an old Blockbuster member card to my chest pocket (“Jon Rappoport, MD”), and we were off in the Bentley.

An hour later, Jordan and I were sitting in Mick’s back room. We had a few drinks and chatted. Maybe more than a few.

Then this is what followed:

What about the virus, Jordan?

What about it?

The isolation problem.



You get right down to it, Jon.

Time is money.

Of course. Well, you have to promise, first, that none of what I tell you in this conversation will go public. This is on background only.

Of course. I would never reveal your comments.

OK, good. So, the virus. Well, scientists never actually FIND a new virus. They INFER its existence.

Infer it from what?

A bunch of presumptions about their own lab procedures.

What they’re doing in the lab—

Is really just a hodge-podge of mumbo-jumbo. They don’t isolate anything. And then, using computer programs, they stitch together genetic sequences for “the virus.” These sequences are metaphors.


Mythical science.

So there is no proof SARS-CoV-2 exists.

No more proof than, say, “demonstrating” there is a bath house on Mars. Or a gay caballero is roaming the galaxy singing Country and Western.


But we need these metaphors. They satisfy so many interests.

Not least of all, vaccine manufacturers.

Right. If there are no viruses, why would we produce and sell vaccines?

Then all this talk about Pfizer intentionally mutating the virus and giving it more power…which is what you told Project Veritas…is sheer nonsense?

No, not nonsense. High level bullshit.


It’s simple. 99.999 percent of virologists in the world believe their own bullshit. They really think they’re discovering new viruses. They really think they can increase the power of those viruses. They’re actually doing METAPHOR, but they think they’re doing LITERAL.

My, my.

Yes. It’s a WOW. And it works brilliantly. No one wants to rock that boat. Too many people are making too much money and exerting too much political power.

So there is no need for a COVID vaccine.

No. And it’s not actually a vaccine. It’s a shot of nanoparticles. They supposedly instructs cells of the body to produce a spike protein. The nanos contain RNA, which does the instructing. So I’m told.

A lot of rigmarole.


So why is the injection injuring and killing so many people all over the world?

I don’t know. There are all kinds of theories. The point is, when you screw around with the human body, forcing unnatural processes on it, with genetic material [RNA], there is a ripple effect down the line. Things happen.

Unpredictable things.

Yes. The processes of the body are interlocking. Disturb one process, and you get bad reverberations.

Does Pfizer understand this?

All legitimate researchers realize it. It’s not a secret. The COVID injection is experimental. The open medical literature is very frank about the dangers of putting nanoparticles in humans.

In a sense, Pfizer is a marketing firm.

I would call it a PR firm that is also injuring and killing huge numbers of people. We front for an operation that aims at political control of populations. Hence the lockdowns. The lockdowns were a prime political objective. The fake science—which Pfizer peddles—was the cover story.

So you’re personally corrupt.

Of course.

You don’t care?

I’m just trying to make a good living.

With no conscience.

Having no conscience helps.

It occurs to me that this claim Pfizer is doing gain of function research on the virus could send people up a blind alley.

Well, sure. Because legally, Pfizer can quite probably get off the hook. They can say they’re protecting the public by mutating the virus and developing new vaccines that prevent these more dangerous variants from harming everybody. Whereas, a real court case that attacks the VACCINE for the harm it’s causing…that would be a jackpot. A verdict against Pfizer THERE would be devastating. If you could ever get the case into court…

Then why did you tell Project Veritas about Pfizer mutating the virus?

I was speaking metaphorically.

In what sense?

I was telling Veritas what Pfizer is doing with an imaginary virus. Think of it this way. This is a rough analogy: At the end of World War Two, an exec at a major American corporation tells the New York Times his corporation supplied badly built weapons to US troops in Europe. There is no truth to that, because his company didn’t make weapons—but the real story is, his corporation was supplying vital parts to the US AND Germany. Parts used in factories that manufactured planes. Making money from both sides. But the exec says nothing about THAT.

He pointed the finger at his own company. But for the wrong reason.


And that’s what you did when you talked to Project Veritas.

Sort of. Yes.


I was pissed off about a few things at work I don’t want to go into. And I might have been a little high.

On drugs?

Absolutely not. On one drug. Maybe.

You fucked up.


So what are you going to do now?

I think the question is, what are they going to do to me?

Will you testify in front of Congress?

I doubt they’ll invite me. Pfizer has a lot of clout. And several hundred Congressional legislators and other federal officials don’t want me in public under oath. But if I had to appear, I’d lie. I’d say my comments to Project Veritas were misinterpreted, with no context.

You’d try to bullshit your way out of trouble.

Yes. It’s a time-honored tradition. And think of how many journalists would come to my aid.

Pfizer is evil.

I thought we’d already established that.

Why do so many people work there? Some of them must know it’s a nest of evil.

They have bills to pay. They want to live a comfortable life.

It’s that simple?

For most people, it always is. Look, there’s a guy at Pfizer. He knows everything I’ve been telling you here today. He makes about 700K a year. He snitched to the head of security about a woman in his department who was about to go all whistleblower. He snitched because he wanted to protect Pfizer, the cash cow, who hands him his paycheck every month. That was the long and short of it for him. His paycheck. His standard of living.

The truth, the facts, the crimes meant nothing to him.

Less than nothing.

Were you always corrupt?

I’d say I went through three stages. As a child, I was pretty much like other children. After I went to work for Pfizer and gradually saw what was really happening there, I was troubled. But when I was promoted and got a substantial raise, I settled in. I experienced the perks of my new life.

“The banality of evil.”

Yes. Hannah Arendt’s phrase. To describe the Nazi bureaucrat, Adolph Eichmann.

Didn’t Arendt say Eichmann was unaware, detached? He was following orders in order to advance his career. You’re aware.

I am, but it doesn’t SINK IN. I’m like a researcher who’s designing a death ray shot from space, but focuses on the MATH problems in front of him. In a sense, he knows what he’s doing, but it doesn’t bite him.

The vaccine. It’s a killer.

Yes. But you have to remember, it’s the first vaccine given to so MANY people. I dare say if this was, say, the HPV [Human Papilloma Virus] vaccine, the results would be even worse.

If nobody from the company goes to prison—

We never do. We’re aliens.

Excuse me?

When you settle into one of the big pharmaceutical companies and work there for a decade or more, you’re not quite human anymore.

Is it cold in here? I just felt a chill.

You’re not the first person I’ve talked to who’s told me that.

— Jon Rappoport


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Plandemic Phase II: Admit Wrongdoing

Plandemic Phase II: Admit Wrongdoing

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
January 30, 2023


For those who have been following the Plandemic Playbook, we have now reached Phase II.  That is, officials admit to wrongdoing, after the fact. They are coming clean, by design, as part of the Script.

The open disclosures are designed to preempt the planned negative consequences. As evidence is leaked and admitted by officials, the response by those who feel abused and persecuted is predictable, but only as much as they can be led and misled. Just how are people expected to react?

Rage? Retaliation? Retribution? Rebellion?

All of the above?

Evidence of Wrongdoing

Phase II opens with an Op Ed, titled, It’s Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives by Kevin Bass, an MD/PhD student at a medical school in Texas. It reads:

I was wrong. We in the scientific community were wrong. And it cost lives.

I can see now that the scientific community from the CDC to the WHO to the FDA and their representatives, repeatedly overstated the evidence and misled the public about its own views and policies, including on natural vs. artificial immunity, school closures and disease transmission, aerosol spread, mask mandates, and vaccine effectiveness and safety, especially among the young. All of these were scientific mistakes at the time, not in hindsight. Amazingly, some of these obfuscations continue to the present day.

But perhaps more important than any individual error was how inherently flawed the overall approach of the scientific community was, and continues to be. It was flawed in a way that undermined its efficacy and resulted in thousands if not millions of preventable deaths.

What we did not properly appreciate is that preferences determine how scientific expertise is used, and that our preferences might be—indeed, our preferences were—very different from many of the people that we serve. We created policy based on our preferences, then justified it using data. And then we portrayed those opposing our efforts as misguided, ignorant, selfish, and evil.

We made science a team sport, and in so doing, we made it no longer science. It became us versus them, and “they” responded the only way anyone might expect them to: by resisting.

We excluded important parts of the population from policy development and castigated critics, which meant that we deployed a monolithic response across an exceptionally diverse nation, forged a society more fractured than ever, and exacerbated longstanding heath and economic disparities.

Our emotional response and ingrained partisanship prevented us from seeing the full impact of our actions on the people we are supposed to serve. We systematically minimized the downsides of the interventions we imposed—imposed without the input, consent, and recognition of those forced to live with them. In so doing, we violated the autonomy of those who would be most negatively impacted by our policies: the poor, the working class, small business owners, Blacks and Latinos, and children. These populations were overlooked because they were made invisible to us by their systematic exclusion from the dominant, corporatized media machine that presumed omniscience…..

It’s OK to be wrong and admit where one was wrong and what one learned. That’s a central part of the way science works. Yet I fear that many are too entrenched in groupthink—and too afraid to publicly take responsibility—to do this.

To keep reading, go here.

Phase I: The Plandemic Script

Before this Phase II medical community disclosure, there was Phase I of the Script. For that we go back to 2015.

1. In July 2015, a U.S. patent for “an attenuated coronavirus” (SARS-CoV) was filed, and subsequently granted in November 2018 to the CDC. .

2. By September 19, 2019: the U.S. President signed an Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health. Under the Commerce Clause and by Executive Order, the President could quarantine Americans if the CDC declared a flu pandemic.

3. On October 18, 2019: Event 201, took place in NYC, a high level “pandemic exercise” with a script about a runaway virus. In March 21, 2020, Secretary of State Mark Pompeo declared that Americans are in a “live exercise.

4. In March, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic.

5. In July 2021, page 40 of a CDC document admitted that Coronavirus has not been isolated.

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.

In other words, the spiked suspension “isolates” were created in a lab. See #1. No virus has ever been proven to exist.

6.  The CDC Admitted the COVID Pandemic was the product of an inappropriate test.  On December 31, 2021, The CDC admitted the PCR test cannot differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.

“After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only.”

7. On December 28, 2021, the mainstream media says that cloth masks are useless. The published science shows the evidence.

8. On Jan 1, 2022, the CDC recognized PCR as an invalid test for detecting COVID19.

9. January 13, 2022, a French court ruled that death after COVID vaccine is suicide, No death benefit. Read the fine print. This applies over the life of the policy. This is an expected reaction from insurance companies. Read more at Jabbed and Denied Life Insurance. Alternatively, the Singapore government has paid out nearly $1.9 million in financial assistance to people who suffered serious adverse reactions or died after getting a COVID-19 shot under the country’s Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Program (VIFAP).

10. September 2022, the CDC admits myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID shots.

11. January 2023, Social Media, under Elon Musk’s Twitter allowed “antivax” information to be shared, along with claims Musk suffered “side effects” from the injection.

12. January 28, 2023, The American Heart Association’ s Journal Circulation  reports COVID injections cause myocarditis, injury, and sudden death, with claims of 50% youth deaths in the next five years. Most with one shot plus booster will die by 2027.

When It Is OK to be Wrong

In his Newsweek approved Op Ed, Kevin Bass, 7th year medical resident, appears to speak on behalf of all of medical research, medical officials, medical organizations, and medical practices, everywhere. But where are the echoes from his colleagues? Is it OK to admit wrongdoing after the fact? Is that a natural consequence of trusting the science?

Is it OK to be wrongas Kevin wrote: “when strong scientific voices like world-renowned Stanford professors John Ioannidis, Jay Bhattacharya, and Scott Atlas, or University of California San Francisco professors Vinay Prasad and Monica Gandhi, sounded the alarm on behalf of vulnerable communities?”

Is it OK to be wrong, as Kevin wrote: “despite the fact that pandemic policy was created by a razor-thin sliver of American society who anointed themselves to preside over the working class—members of academia, government, medicine, journalism, tech, and public health, who are highly educated and privileged?”

Is it OK to be wrong, as Kevin wrote, when: “We crafted policy for the people without consulting them?.”

Is Kevin really stating that it is OK to be wrong when all of the above is true?

If no one responds to Kevin or the officials who led the Plandemic, is that considered informed consent?

Well, consider this article a response, on behalf of humans who prefer the truth. We do not consent. It is not OK, not before or after the fact.

Phase III: The Planned Consequences of Wrongdoing

After Phase II is fulfilled, and wrongdoings are revealed, the Planners expect everyone to become enraged.

As increased deaths are documented and reported from the effects of experimental inoculations, people are expected to fight back. Perhaps we will see groups incite violence, such as ANTIFA, who, throughout history, have been used as instigators of violence for preplanned insurrections. Unlike Australia and Canada, the US government did not take away people’s guns. According to one source:

THE PLAN is essentially to turn every citizen of every country, violently against their own government. 

In an article by Ben Zimmer in the Atlantic: “according to Mark Bray’s 2017 book, Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook. Bray gives the pronunciation as an-tee-fa, reflecting the word’s origins in a number of European languages, including German, where it abbreviated the noun Antifaschismus or the adjective antifaschistisch. As Bray explains,”

…antifa was first used in Germany in the 1930s for a militant movement opposing the Nazi regime, and “Antifa committees” emerged toward the end of World War II with a revolutionary socialist bent. The modern antifa movement grew out of the punk scene in Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall, when young leftists clashed with neo-Nazi skinheads.

The full plan is for governments to collapse, at which times a new global government will emerge as a great savior, and an easy sell. The Great Reset is such a thing. But only if the people play along.

Perhaps with foresight of these first two Phases, the people of the world will not be fooled again. Perhaps they will ignore the Plandemic Script played out through the headlines. Perhaps they will choose to rebuild society to accommodate freedom with cooperation. Perhaps people will organize without corrupt governments under old top-down structures, digital currencies, social credit scores, vaccine passports, and the Megaverse.

The current model of governing brings pandemics into play every 100 years. This script is part of a pattern, like clockwork. In 1347-51, reports of the Bubonic plague killed two-thirds of the population. In 1520 and 1620 and 1720 ‘plague’ pandemics were noted. Cholera shook the world in 1820. In 1920 it was The Spanish flu. And here today, we are in the throws of The Covidian Age.

A century after the Spanish Flu, the results are the same. The Pandemics are markers in time when thousands of people lose their lives, not to an invisible virus, but to the planned Script of misdeeds. Public health measures are always implemented with the same deadly results: plague doctors, or medical inspections, isolation of people in plague hospitals, experimental injections, and the control of movement of people and goods. Interestingly during the 1918 Spanish Flu, the survivors chose a different path using Homeopathy.

A new model, as yet undefined, is possible. However, in order to officially close The Plandemic Playbook, we must not be duped again.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


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Cover image credit: Craig_Steffan

Artificial Intelligence Caught Lying About Viruses

Artificial Intelligence Caught Lying About Viruses

by Dr. Sam Bailey
January 28, 2023


“Viruses” have been used as a cover story for over a century now. There are so many vested interests and smoke screens that it can be difficult to get people to look into the “science” for themselves. They are content to believe second hand accounts from the media, governments and so-called health institutions.

Artificial Intelligence or AI platforms have been on the rise recently and millions of people are now engaging with them. We decided to put some questions about “viruses” to one of the most powerful chatbots currently in existence – ChatGPT. Are these platforms independent arbiters of truth or have they already been corrupted?

Is Artificial “Intelligence” even possible?


  1. Secrets of Influenza”, Dr Sam Bailey, 21 Apr 2021
  2. Spanish Flu”, Wikipedia
  3. SARS-CoV-2”, PubMed search
  4. Human Action, Ludwig von Mises
  5. ChatGPT
  6. The Measles Myth”, Dr Sam Bailey, 9 Nov 2021
  7. Stefan Lanka: “Virus, It’s Time To Go.”“, Dr Sam Bailey, 12 Aug 2022
  8. FLASHBACK: The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! (2022)”, James Corbett 22 Jan 2023
  9. Nick Cave response on The Red Hand Files


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Cover image credit: geralt

The West Must Never Again Go Totalitarian

The West Must Never Again Go Totalitarian

by Joakim Book, Brownstone Institute
January 26, 2023


The West can never again go totalitarian.

We saw it happen generations ago. We fought two of humanity’s most destructive wars and faced the horror of industrial-scale extermination. Never again, said the world’s peoples in the late 1940s, and they began the difficult task of uncovering all that had been done, all that had gone wrong.

The mass graves, the German and Soviet labor camps, the Japanese massacres in the Far East, America’s internment camps, the secret police and the mutilations, the ever-present threat of violence hanging over every member of society. We saw the personality cults around Hitler or Stalin for what they were, the blatant ideologies for what they had resulted in.

When the Berlin Wall fell in November of 1989, and with it the remains of the Evil Empire that had put it there, we discovered more horror. The archives of East Germany and the Kremlin showed that informants were everywhere happily giving up information – real or invented – on their fellow humans. We found more bodies. We learned that under enough fear and pressure, human life wasn’t worth anything. When push came to violent shove, bonds of family and community meant nothing.

The error of this terrifying history is to think that this was a problem of “the other,” someone far away who is nothing like us. Asks Thorsteinn Siglaugsson in a recent article: ”How do you find your inner Nazi? And how do you get him under control? Most people would have participated in the atrocities of their time, had they been put in that position – or at least sat by and allowed them to happen.”

In The Gulag ArchipelagoSolzhenitsyn’s oft used and highly relevant phrase says that the line between good and evil passes “right through every human heart.” The passage goes on, and Solzhenitsyn digs even deeper into the most horrifying self-reflection a man can reach: the line of good and evil goes through all human hearts, mine included, “This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained.”

It oscillates. What is evil isn’t always an identifiable thing, a clear enemy, but a blurry line that moves and becomes clear only in hindsight. History is hard like that. It’s us, but in the past, doing things we couldn’t imagine ourselves doing. Yet millions of our prior selves did. Are we really confident enough that with the right external circumstances “we” wouldn’t once again?

We received a small-scale test with the upheaval of societies in the last three years. Many of us wonder both what went wrong in the Covid saga and how the future will look upon the events that took place. Are the anti-vaxxers the unsung heroes who stood up against unjust tyranny, or the new 9/11-truthers nobody really cares about? Are the lockdowners wise lifesavers who hadn’t yet perfected a tool that the future takes for granted as obvious and necessary? Only on a long enough historic timeline will we know.

Take the following segment from Michael Malice’s The While Pill: A Tale of Good And Evil, a newly released and much-needed account of the Soviet Union’s totalitarianism:

“Even if the man on the street felt something wasn’t quite adding up, it was very difficult for him to get the full picture – especially in a culture where questioning authority could have deadly consequences for oneself and one’s entire family. The newspapers were filled with boasts about enormous achievements of production and the success of heroic ‘Stakhanovite’ workers, yet there were no clothes in the stores and no food on the shelves.”

Even to the regular Joe (or Vladimir…), something wasn’t adding up:

“Sure the papers might make mistakes or have a bias, but they couldn’t realistically be filled with lies, week after week, year after year. … Only crazy people would think that there was a conspiracy to control the news and what information reached the public. The only possible logical alternative was that someone must have been keeping the productive socialist bounty from reaching the people. It had to be the wreckers.”

The echo of 2020-22 intrudes, too close for comfort. For is not this precisely what happened to us?

In the early days of Covid, the newspapers were filled first with outrageous disaster porn and fear-mongering and later with “boasts about enormous achievements of production and the success of heroic [Big Pharma] workers,” all the while there were “no clothes in the stores and no food on the shelves.” Everyone took outlandish personal actions, yet the catastrophic numbers shot higher and higher.

Clearly, somebody must have been ruining the good men’s neatly laid plans, those who chanted messianic faith in “two weeks to flatten the curve.” They told us what to do; it got worse than they said; somebody must be wrecking the process.

did my pandemic part, many people reasoned: I masked and desanitized and kept my distance and vaxxed myself over and over to Fauci’s delight. Yet, the pathogen kept spreading and people kept dying and I even got sick, again and again – something the rulers repeatedly said was impossible. And then it wasn’t, which they said was always going to happen.

It felt scripted, of course. When I for Brownstone reviewed Mattias Desmet’s great book on totalitarianism last summer, I wrote that toying with objective truth is precisely what totalitarian regimes do:

“The collective hums together and upholds the rules, no matter how insane or ineffective at achieving their supposed aim. Totalitarianism is the blurring of fact and fiction, yet with an aggressive intolerance for diverging opinions. One must toe the line.”

It matters not whether the charge holds water or has logic on its side; it just has to stick, by endless repetition if need be. Like all propaganda. In the last few years surely, there must have been some evil group of detractors undermining the Party’s good efforts. Those fifthly pandemic wreckers, the anti-vaxxers! They are nothing; less than nothing, and it’s OK to blame them!

Replace “wreckers” with anti-vaxxers, the media’s boasts of Soviet production with today’s establishment elite’s never-ending yapping about vaccine efficacy or lockdown effects or responsible monetary policy, and Malice’s distant history feels much closer to our recently lived-through present.

We might still have food on the shelves — though of worse quality and at much higher prices. We might still have the ability to move and work and travel, but heavily circumscribed, always at risk of canceling and always with papers showing the number of needles in your arm, or your scarred heart tissue. Nobody is torturing us (yet anyway) and for the most part we have some semblance of rights and freedoms remaining.

But we’re closer to that horrific totalitarian world today than we were, say five years ago. Or perhaps it was just always there, calmly waiting to be unleashed like Solzhenitsyn implied.

What Malice’s book so expertly chronicles is that elites can be wrong. Wrong in facts, wrong in morals. It is possible that whole sways of intellectuals, scientists, journalists, professionals, and civil servants can be deceived and deluded, for decades stubbornly refuse to admit their error.

The 1930s US intelligentsia’s view of Comrade Stalin and the Soviet Union is one such episode. The warmongering early 2000s in Britain and the US, though far from unopposed by the public, is another.

Nothing shows this better than my own field of economics, riddled with wrong calls and embarrassing prediction errors. The Great Moderation of stable growth, low inflation and unemployment, circa 1990 to 2007, is another collective bout of madness and mistaken optimism.

Four years before the Great Recession began, Nobel laureate Robert Lucas gave a presidential address to the American Economics Association saying that macroeconomics had succeeded: “its central problem of depression prevention has been solved, for all practical purposes, and has in fact been solved for many decades.” In the summer of 2008, already nine months into the recession and merely weeks before Lehman Brothers collapsed, Olivier Blanchard, then at the IMF, published “The State of Macro is Good.”

The year 2020 marked the beginning of just another such episode of collective insanity. It will take some time and soul-searching before we can once again view the errors of our time the way we now view the “adulation of Stalin’s professed ideology,” or laugh at them like we do the crooks in The Big Short.

But Malice’s message is ultimately optimistic. “I’m not saying nothing bad ever happens,” he confesses, but that evil isn’t almighty, doesn’t have to win. It might take a while, but even for the West’s most malevolent elements, the “costs are just going to be too much for them to bear – and they’re going to fold.”

One day, a future chronicler might look upon the Covid era with the same deep incredulity that Malice’s readers look upon the Soviet Union.

Joakim Book is a writer and researcher with a deep interest for money and financial history. He holds an MSc from the University of Oxford.


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Cover image: Polish Jews captured by Germans during the suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Poland) – Photo from Jürgen Stroop Report to Heinrich Himmler from May 1943. One of the most famous pictures of World War II. (Public Domain)

Are Pfizer REALLY “Directing the Evolution” of Covid?

Are Pfizer REALLY “Directing the Evolution” of Covid?

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
January 28, 2023


Yesterday independent investigative journalists Project Veritas released their latest undercover report: A recording of a research director from Pfizer allegedly admitting the pharma giant is deliberately mutating the Sars-Cov-2 virus.

The process, which the researcher – Dr Jordan Walker – refers to as “directed evolution”, would apparently help Pfizer pre-emptively develop new vaccines:

BREAKING: @Pfizer  Exploring “Mutating” COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines

So, what can we trust about the story?

Well, first, the video does appear at first glance to be genuine. Research shows a complex and detailed online presence for a “Dr Jordan Trishton Walker”.

That includes a (now deleted) LinkedIn page showing he worked as a research director for Pfizer, although there are some gaps and contradictions in the record that would require a more detailed look.

But what about his claims? Or the claims of the rest of the video?

Well, let’s breakdown what “Dr Walker” actually says:

  • Covid is real and mutating
  • Their vaccines are not as “effective” against “variants”
  • Pfizer is researching mutations to pre-empt vaccine development
  • The public finding out would scare them
  • They don’t want an “evolved” virus to escape and cause “another outbreak”
  • This kind of research “probably” created the virus in the first place, aka the “lab leak theory”.

Outside of the idea that Pfizer is “directing the evolution” of the virus, this is all narrative reinforcement.

From the beginning, the only totally verboten position has been that the pandemic is a lie.

You’re allowed to think the virus was natural, or created in a lab.
You’re allowed to believe masks work or don’t. You’re allowed to believe in hydroxychloroquine and other “alternative treatments”. You’re allowed to believe in natural immunity, or vaccines and boosters.

But you’re NOT allowed to believe “Covid” doesn’t exist. That they just rebranded the flu to push through an authoritarian agenda.

You’re allowed to believe anything, so long as you concede that the “Covid” is a new, scary disease that requires special public health measures.

That is the big lie.

And this video – real or not – not only doesn’t challenge this lie, but actually 100% supports it.


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“The Science Delusion”: A Banned TED Talk by Rupert Sheldrake

“The Science Delusion”: A Banned TED Talk by Rupert Sheldrake

by News Voice
January 28, 2023


“Ten years ago, in January 2013, I gave my TEDx talk on The Science Delusion, which was later ‘banned’ by TED and has subsequently had more than seven million views on other websites. Last week this talk was re-released in a new, brilliantly illustrated version by an organization called After Skool.”

~ Rupert Sheldrake

[Video available at AfterSkool odysee and youtube channels.]


Transcription by AI@NewsVoice

Science delusion is the belief that science already understands the nature of reality in principle, leaving any of the details to be filled in. This is a very widespread belief in our society.

It’s the kind of belief system of people who say, I don’t believe in God, I believe in science. It’s a belief system that has now been spread to the entire world. But there’s a conflict in the heart of science between science as a method of inquiry based on reason, evidence, hypothesis, and collective investigation, and science as a belief system or a worldview.

And unfortunately, the worldview aspect of science has come to inhibit and constrict the free inquiry, which is the very lifeblood of the scientific endeavor. Since the late 19th century, science has been conducted under the aspect of a belief system or worldview, which is essentially that of materialism, philosophical materialism.

And these sciences are now wholly owned subsidiaries of the materialist worldview. I think that as we break out of it, the sciences will be regenerated. What I do in my book, The Science Delusion, which is called Science Set Free in the United States, is take the ten dogmas or assumptions of science and turn them into questions, seeing how well they stand up.

If you look at them scientifically, none of them stand up very well. What I’m going to do is first run through what these ten dogmas are and then I’ll only have time to discuss one or two of them in a bit more detail.

But essentially the ten dogmas which are the default worldview of most educated people all over the world are first, that nature is mechanical or machine-like. The universe is like a machine. Animals and plants are like machines.

We’re like machines. In fact, we are machines. We are lumbering robots in Richard Dawkin’s vivid phrase with brains that are genetically programmed computers. Second, matter is unconscious. The whole universe is made up of unconscious matter.

There’s no consciousness in stars, in galaxies, in planets, in animals, in plants and there ought not to be any in us either if this theory is true. So a lot of the philosophy of mind over the last hundred years is being trying to prove that we’re not really conscious at all.

So the matter is unconscious. Then the laws of nature are fixed. This is dogma three. The laws of nature are the same now as they were at the time of the Big Bang and they’ll be the same forever. Not just the laws, but the constants of nature are fixed which is why they are called constants.

Dogma four the total amount of matter and energy is always the same. It never changes in total quantity except at the moment of the Big Bang when it all sprang into existence from nowhere in a single instant.

The fifth dogma is that nature is purposeless. There are no purposes in all nature and the evolutionary purpose, and the evolutionary process has no purpose or direction. Dogma six the biological heredity is material.

Everything you inherit is in your genes or in epigenetic modifications of the genes or in cytoplasmic inheritance. It’s material. Dogma seven memories are stored inside your brain as material traces.

Somehow everything you remember is in your brain in modified nerve endings, phosphorylated proteins. No one knows how it works, but nevertheless, almost everyone in the scientific world believes it must be in the brain.

Dogma eight your mind is inside your head. All your consciousness is the activity of your brain and nothing more. Dogma nine, which follows from dogma eight. Psychic phenomena like telepathy are impressive possible.

Your thoughts and intentions cannot have any effect at a distance because your mind is inside your head. Therefore, all the apparent evidence for telepathy and other psychic phenomena is illusory. People believe these things happen, but it’s just because they don’t know enough about statistics or they’re just they’re deceived by coincidences, or wishful thinking.

And dogma ten mechanistic medicine is the only kind that really works. That’s why governments only fund research into mechanistic medicine and ignore complementary and alternative therapies. Those can’t possibly really work because they’re not mechanistic.

They may appear to work because people would have got better anyway or because of the placebo effect. But the only kind that really works is mechanistic medicine. Well, this is the default worldview that is held by almost all educated people all over the world.

It’s the basis of the educational system. The National Health Service, and the Medical Research Council governments. And it’s just the default worldview of educated people. But I think every one of these dogmas is very, very questionable.

And when you look at it, they’re, they fall apart. I’m going to take first the idea that the laws of nature are fixed. This is a hangover from an older worldview. Before the 1960s, when the Big Bang theory came in, people thought that the whole universe was eternally governed by eternal mathematical laws.

When the big bang came in. Then that assumption continued, even though the Big Bang revealed a universe that’s radically evolutionary, about 14 billion years old, growing and developing and evolving for 14 billion years, growing and cooling, and more structures and patterns appear within it.

But the idea is, all the laws of nature were completely fixed at the moment of the Big Bang, like a cosmic Napoleonic code. As my friend Terence McKenna used to say, modern science is based on the principle give us one free miracle and we’ll explain the rest.

And the one free miracle is the appearance of all the matter and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it from nothing in a single instant. Well, in an evolutionary universe, why shouldn’t the laws themselves evolve?

After all, human laws do. And the idea of laws of nature is based on a metaphor for human laws. It’s a very anthropocentric metaphor. Only humans have laws. In fact, only civilized societies have laws.

As CS. Lewis once said, to say that a stone falls to Earth because it’s obeying the law and makes it a man and even a citizen. It’s a metaphor that we got so used to that we forget it’s a metaphor. In an evolving universe, I think a much better idea is the idea of habits.

I think the habits of nature evolve. The regularities of nature are essentially habitual. This was an idea put forward at the beginning of the 20th century by the American philosopher C. S. Purse. And it’s an idea that various other philosophers have entertained.

And it’s one which I myself have developed into a scientific hypothesis, the hypothesis of morphic resonance, which is the basis of these evolving habits. According to this hypothesis, everything in nature has a kind of collective memory.

Resonance occurs on the basis of similarity. As a young giraffe embryo grows in its mother’s womb, it tunes in. To the amorphic resonance of previous giraffes. It draws on that collective memory. It grows like a giraffe, and it behaves like a giraffe.

Because it’s drawing on this collective memory. It has to have the right genes to make the right proteins. But genes, in my view, are grossly overrated. They only account for the proteins that the organism can make, not the shape or the form, or the behavior.

Every species has a kind of collective memory. Even crystals do. This theory predicts that if you make a new kind of crystal for the first time, the very first time you make it, it won’t have an existing habit.

But once it crystallizes, then the next time you make it, there’ll be an inference from the first crystals to the second ones all over the world. By morphic resonance, it’ll crystallize a bit easier the third time.

There’ll be an inference from the first and second crystals. There is, in fact, good evidence that new compounds get easier to crystallize all around the world, just as this theory would predict. It also predicts that if you train animals to learn a new trick, for example, rats learn a new trick in London, then all around the world, rats of the same breed should learn the same trick quicker just because the rats have learned it here.

And surprisingly, there’s already evidence that this actually happens anyway. That’s my own hypothesis. In a nutshell in morphic resonance, everything depends on evolving habits, not on fixed laws. But I want to spend a few moments on the constants of nature, too, because these are again assumed to be constant.

Things like the gravitational constant, and the speed of light, are called fundamental constants. Are they really constant? Well, when I got interested in the question, I tried to find out. They’re given in.

Physics handbooks, handbooks of physics list the existing fundamental constants, and tell you their value. But I wanted to see if they changed, so I got it. The old volumes of Physical handbooks. I went to the Patent Office library here in London and they’re the only place I could find that kept the old volumes.

Normally, people throw them away when new values come out, they throw away the old ones. When I did this, I found that the speed of light dropped between 1928 and 1945 by about 20 kilometers per second.

It’s a huge drop because they’re given arrows of any fractions of a set. Ah, practical points of error. And yet all over the world, it dropped. And they were all getting values very similar to each other with tiny errors.

And then in 145 it went up at 48, it went up again, and then people started getting very similar values again. I was very intrigued by this and I couldn’t make sense of it. So I went to see the head of Metrology at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington.

Metrology is the science in which people measure constants. And I asked him about this, I said, what do you make of this drop in the speed of light between 1928 and 1945? And he said, oh, dear. He said You’ve uncovered the most embarrassing episode in the history of our science.

So I said, well, could the speed of light have actually dropped? And that would have amazing implications if so. He said, no, no, of course, it couldn’t have actually dropped, it’s a constant. So oh, well, then how do you explain the fact everyone was finding it going much slower during that period?

Is it because they were fudging their results to get what they thought other people should be getting? And the whole thing was just produced by in the minds of physicists? We don’t like to use the word fudge.

I said, well, what do you prefer? He said, well, we prefer to call called it intellectual phase locking. So I said, well, if it was going on, then how can we be so sure it’s not going on today? And that the present values are produced by intellectual phase locking.

And he said, oh, we know that’s not the case. And I said, how do we know? He said, well, he said, we’ve solved the problem. And I said, well, how? He said, well, we fixed the speed of light by definition in 1972.

So I said, but it might still change. He said, yes, but we’d never know it because we’ve defined the meter in terms of the speed of light. So the units changed with it. So he looked very pleased about that.

They’d fixed that problem. But I said, well then, what about big June E, the gravitational constant known in the trade as big G. It’s written with a capital G, newton’s universal gravitational constant that’s varied by more than 1.3% in recent years.

And it seems to vary from place to place and from time to time. And he said, oh, well, those are just arrows, and unfortunately there are quite big errors with big G. So I said, well, what if it’s really changing?

I mean, perhaps it is really changing. And then I looked at how they do it. What happens is they measure it in different labs, they get different values on different days, and then they average them.

And then other labs around the world do the same and they come out, usually with a rather different average. And then the international committee on Metrology meets every ten years or so and averages the ones from labs around the world to come up with the value of big G.

But what if g were actually fluctuating? What if it changed? There’s already evidence actually, that it changes throughout the day and throughout the year. What if the Earth, as it moves through the galactic environment, went through patches of dark matter or other environmental factors that could alter it?

Maybe they all change together. What if these errors are going up together and down together? For more than ten years, I’ve been trying to persuade metrologists to look at the raw data. In fact, I’m now trying to persuade them to put it online on the internet with the dates and the actual measurements, and see if they’re correlated, to see if they’re all up at one time, all down at another.

If so, they might be fluctuating together, and that would tell us something very, very interesting. But no one has done this. They haven’t done it because g’s are constant. There’s no point looking for changes.

You see here’s a very simple example of where a dogmatic assumption actually inhibits inquiry. I myself think that the constants may vary quite considerably well within narrow limits, but they may all be varying.

And I think the day will come when scientific journals like Nature have a weekly report on the constants like stock market reports and newspapers. You know, this week big G was slightly up. The speed of the charge on the electron was and the speed of light held steady and so on.

That’s just one area where I think thinking less dogmatically could open things up. One of the biggest areas is the nature of the mind. This is the most unsolved problem that sounds simply can’t deal with the fact we’re conscious and it can’t deal with the fact that our thoughts don’t seem to be inside our brains.

Our experiences don’t all seem to be inside our brains. Your image of me now doesn’t seem to be inside your brain. Yet the official view is there’s a little Rupert somewhere inside your head and everything else in this room is inside your head.

Your experience is inside your brain. I’m suggesting actually that vision involves an outward projection of images. What you’re seeing is in your mind but not inside your head. Our minds are extended beyond our brains in the simplest act of perception.

I think that we project out the images we’re seeing and these images touch what we’re looking at. If I look at you from behind, you don’t know I’m there. Could I affect you? Could you feel my gaze? There’s a great deal of evidence that people can.

The sense of being stared at is an extremely common experience and recent experimental research suggests it’s real. Animals seem to have it too. I think it probably evolved in the context of predator-prey relationships.

Prey animals that could feel the gaze of a predator would survive better than those that couldn’t. This would lead to a whole new way of thinking about ecological relationships between predators and prey, and also about the extent of our minds.

If we look at distant stars, I think our minds reach out, in a sense, to touch those stars and literally extend out over astronomical different distances. They’re not just inside our heads. Now, it may seem astonishing that this is a topic of debate.

In the 21st century, we know so little about our own minds that where our images are is a hot topic of debate within consciousness studies. Right now, I don’t have time to deal with any more of these dogmas, but every single one of them is questionable.

If one questions it, new forms of research, and new possibilities open up. And I think as we question these dogmas that have held back science for so long, science will undergo a reflowering, a renaissance. I’m a total believer in the importance of science.

I’ve spent my whole life as a research scientist, my whole career. But I think by moving beyond these dogmas, it can be regenerated once again and become interesting and I hope, life-affirming.

Thank you.


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Refutation of Virology: There Is No Scientific Proof That Natural Pathogenic Viruses Exist

Refutation of Virology: There Is No Scientific Proof That Natural Pathogenic Viruses Exist

commentary sourced from Medic Debate
video by ALightOn
January 28, 2023


Refutation of Virology

There is no scientific proof that natural  pathogenic “viruses” exist.

Following the rules of thought and logic there can be no  mutation or gain-of-function of non- existent virus. There is no viral spike protein, etc.

One cannot mutate something in the labs that does not exist to start with.


[Video available at ALightOn bitchute and odysee channels]


Transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light:

Dear world, viruses don’t exist.

I know that sounds crazy, but sometimes we get things wrong, and it gets passed along for centuries and centuries until a few brave people try and change things.

See, they take a sick person and assume they have a virus without ever finding and isolating that viral particle and validating that it’s there.

So they take a sample of that sick person’s boogers and put it on some monkey kidney cells that are already be weakened and starved of nutrients.

In the same culture they add a number of ingredients. Two of those ingredients are amphotericin and gentamicin. These are nephrotoxic antibiotics.

Antibiotics kill life. Nephrotoxins specifically kill kidneys.

Now, the marker for proving any new virus is the cytopathic effect, aka cell death. When those monkey cells die, boom, you got yourself a new virus. At least according to mainstream science.

That’s like putting paper into fire and expecting it not to burn.

Yep. Viruses are an inside job.

The problem here, besides the fact that they never validated a virus to begin with, is that virologists don’t do a control experiment. How scientific.

Dr. Stefan Lanka, however, decided to actually do controls.

He did the same culture experiments without adding any sample from any sick person. And guess what? Those monkey cells still died.

So the marker for proving a virus is present with no virus, even if you believe there was ever one in there.

This can only mean that there is no such thing as viruses according to the process they use to prove them.

And, yes, all viruses are proven this way.

I know what you’re thinking. Well, if there are no viruses, then what’s making people sick?

Well, it’s not my job to figure that out. I’m refuting a theory.

Imagine your kid tells you he heard noises and there’s an evil butt gremlin under his bed. So you check under the bed, and there’s no evil butt gremlin anywhere in sight. You’ve refuted his theory of evil butt gremlins. And he says, well, if there are no evil butt gremlins, then why did I hear those noises?

Who knows? Could have been a drafty window. Could have been a creaky floor. But we do know it wasn’t an evil butt gremlin.

Just like we do know people aren’t getting sick from a floating submicroscopic particle.

Could have been common exposure to toxins, bad food, bad water, bad air, household cleaners, bad feelings.

It would be silly to continue to believe in evil butt gremlins when it was only ever an idea.

Just like it would be silly to continue to believe in viruses when they’ve never been proven.


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Cover image credit: andremsantana

Mexico Becomes First Nation to Admit Harms of Geoengineering, Halts Future Experiments

Mexico Becomes First Nation to Admit Harms of Geoengineering, Halts Future Experiments

by Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond
January 25, 2023


The Mexican government has announced a moratorium on solar geoengineering experiments following an unauthorized small scale experiment by a U.S. startup. How will the decision impact the plans of globalists who aim to use geoengineering as a gateway to world governance?

Only weeks ago, Luke Iseman, the CEO of Make Sunsets, the company behind the experiment, announced to the world that he had released two weather balloons filled with reflective sulfur particles as part of publicity stunt meant to spark conversation around the science of geoengineering.

Geoengineering is a controversial science of manipulating the climate for the stated purpose of fighting man-made climate change. There are several types of geoengineering, including Solar Radiation Management (SRM) or solar geoengineering.  Stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, is a specific solar geoengineering practice which involves spraying aerosols into the sky in an attempt to deflect the Sun’s rays. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is currently developing a five-year research plan on solar geoengineering.

Iseman launched the balloons in Baja California, Mexico without seeking approval from the Mexican government or local authorities. This prompted the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources to release a statement condemning the experiment and banning further solar geoengineering attempts until further notice. The Mexican government also said it will practice the precautionary principle to protect communities and the environment against potential dangers of geoengineering.

The Secretariat noted that “studies show negative impacts due to the release of these aerosols and that they cause meteorological imbalances”. The statement also mentions previous international agreements which are designed to limit the use of geoengineering techniques, including the 2010 United Nations (UN) Convention on Biological Diversity, which established a moratorium on the deployment of geoengineering.

The Center for International Environmental Law applauded Mexico’s response and called on “all governments to take steps to ban solar geoengineering outdoor experiments, technology development, and deployment.”

Luke Iseman, CEO of Make Sunsets, appears to be something of a climate change extremist. In December, Iseman told Climate Change News that the experiment was “part entrepreneurial and part provocation, an act of geoengineering activism”. Iseman also said that within his company, “We joke slash not joke that this is partly a company and partly a cult”.

Iseman also recognized that some groups will make him “look like the Bond villain”, but he believes “it’s morally wrong, in my opinion, for us not to be doing this”.

The Potential Dangers of Solar Geoengineering

The Mexican Secretariat promised further coordination with experts to review the existing scientific research to “expose the serious risks that solar geoengineering practices represent for the environment, peoples and their community settings”. The Secretariat also acknowledged that,

“there are enough studies that show that there would be negative and unequal impacts associated with the release of these aerosols, which cause meteorological imbalances such as winds and torrential rains, as well as droughts in tropical areas; in addition to generating impacts on the thinning of the planet’s ozone layer”.

For the last decade I have reported on studies highlighting the dangers posed by solar geoengineering. For example, in 2018, I reported that a team at University of California, Berkeley found evidence that geoengineering will likely reduce the yields of certain crops. The researchers came to this conclusion by studying previous volcanic eruptions in Mexico and the Philippines. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines and El Chichon in Mexico in 1982 caused a decrease in wheat, soy, and rice production due to the volcanic ash blocking sun light.

The researchers concluded that “projected mid-twenty-first century damages due to scattering sunlight caused by solar radiation management are roughly equal in magnitude to benefits from cooling”.

One of the other dangers of solar geoengineering is the potential loss of blue skies. According to a report by the New Scientist, Ben Kravitz of the Carnegie Institution for Science has shown that releasing sulphate aerosols high in the atmosphere would scatter sunlight into the atmosphere. He says this could decrease the amount of sunlight that hits the ground by 20% and make the sky appear more hazy.

Although a number of authorities have warned about the dangers of geoengineering techniques, the risks are seen as secondary to the perceived risks of climate change. The interesting thing to note is that although proponents of geoengineering hail it as the solution to climate change and sustaining life, research indicates that geoengineering could actually have the reverse effect of heating the Earth.

According to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Geophysical ResearchAtmospheres, if geoengineering programs were started and then suddenly halted the planet could see an immediate rise in temperatures, particularly over land. The study, titled “The impact of abrupt suspension of solar radiation management”, seems to indicate that once you begin geoengineering you cannot suspend the programs without causing the very problem you were seeking to resolve.

Further, in February of 2015, an international committee of scientists released a report stating that geoengineering techniques are not a viable alternative to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat the effects of climate change. The committee report called for further research and understanding of various geoengineering techniques, including carbon dioxide removal schemes and solar-radiation management before implementation.

The scientists found that solar geoengineering techniques are likely to present “serious known and possible unknown environmental, social, and political risks, including the possibility of being deployed unilaterally.” The report was sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, the U.S. intelligence community, NASA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the U.S. Department of Energy.

The Intelligence-Military-Weather Manipulation Complex

As more studies confirm the dangers posed by geoengineering technologies it’s time for an honest public conversation about the reality of geoengineering programs. While any suggestion that these programs may actually already be taking place is derided as the “chemtrails conspiracy theory”, one must only look at the history of U.S. military and intelligence interest in modifying and controlling the weather.

Geoengineering itself is part of a broader category of weather manipulation technology that also includes more common tools like cloud seeding. Cloud seeding was used in the Vietnam War as the U.S. military attempted to flood the Viet Gong with rain storms as part of Operation Popeye.

From 1967 to 1972, the U.S. military conducted cloud-seeding operations over the Ho-Chi Minh trail during the Vietnam War. Cloud-seeding typically involves planes flying overhead and spraying silver iodide into the air. The goal in Vietnam was to extend monsoon season and flood out the enemy. It was reported that the operations were “tightly controlled” by Henry Kissinger, who was serving as Secretary of State at the time. Operation Popeye is the first modern example (that we know of) where attempts were made to use weather as a weapon of war.

In April 1976, the New York Times wrote about the situation and the challenges weather modification created:

“Can a nation that tampers with natural balances deny responsibility for what follows? This question, together with recognition that United States policy condemns warfare aimed at civilians, prompted Senator Claiborne Pell in 1973 to introduce a resolution calling for an international treaty to prohibit environmental warfare ‘or the carrying out of any research or experimentation directed thereto.’ The Senate voted 82 to 10 to approve the resolution, which lacks force of law.”

The international treaty referred to is the Environmental Modification Treaty implemented and signed by the United States and other nations to halt global weather modification in the wake of the bad publicity. The Times noted:

Unfortunately it is far weaker than the Senate resolution. For example, it fails to prohibit military research or development of environmental‐modification techniques, and allows all ‘peaceful’ work on such things.”

Essentially, as long as a nation claims they are conducting peaceful weather modification they are not violating the treaty. There is also a 1996 document entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather by 2025”  in which the U.S. Air Force discussed a number of proposals for using the weather as a weapon of war.

The weak enforcement of the Environmental Modification Treaty or UN agreements and lack of a mechanism to enforce and punish violations of the treaty, has also been used as a way to call for global governance schemes. I warned back in 2017 that Geoengineering was a gateway to global government.

The U.S. military is not alone in their interest in geoengineering technology. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has also discussed the potential use of geoengineering.

In 2015, I reported that Professor Alan Robock gave a speech where he discussed the possibility that the CIA is using the weather as a weapon of war. Robock has previously conducted research for the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Robock stated he was phoned by two men claiming to be from the CIA, asking whether or not it was possible for hostile governments to use geoengineering against the United States.

“I got a phone call from two men who said we work as consultants for the CIA and we’d like to know if some other country was controlling our climate, would we know about it?”

[…] “I’d learned of lots of other things the CIA had done that haven’t followed the rules and I thought that wasn’t how I wanted my tax money spent. I think this research has to be in the open and international so there isn’t any question of it being used for hostile purposes.“

One year later, in June 2016, John Brennan, then-Director of the CIA, spoke at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting about threats to global security. Brennan mentioned a number of threats to stability before discussing the science of geoengineering. Brennan said the technologies “potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.”

Brennan specifically mentions stratospheric aerosol injection. As Brennan notes, SAI is “a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do. Brennan goes on to claim that an SAI geoengineering program could limit global temperature increases, a claim that has been disputed in several studies.

With all we know about the lies of the CIA, the U.S. government, and military, is it really that outlandish to suspect the U.S. government (and other governments) could be shielding the public from the truth regarding geoengineering programs?

Learn more about the U.S. government’s history of weather modification and hurricane experimentation.


Derrick Broze, a staff writer for The Last American Vagabond, is a journalist, author, public speaker, and activist. He is the co-host of Free Thinker Radio on 90.1 Houston, as well as the founder of The Conscious Resistance Network & The Houston Free Thinkers.


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Cover image credit: Hans

The Monster Is Going to Serve Up the Pharm Patsy

The Monster Is Going to Serve Up the Pharm Patsy
“Grifters Grifting Shit” Protects the Long Planned Operations Moving Forwards

by Sage Hana, Sage’s Newsletter
January 26, 2023


Alright, I may as well weigh in on this story and join the chorus with my spicy hot enchilada take.

Pfizer Director Speaks Giddily About Manipulating SARS-CoV-2 

Here was my comment on John Leake’s post:

Sage Hana

Writes Sage’s Newsletter

18 hr ago

They can afford to be intellectual lightweights since they appear to be backed by the full might of the US DOD and nobody wants to tangle with the Monster.

They will say, “Look we were told to do it this way”, and I bet this Jordan dude doesn’t even know about the Operation as Sasha said the FDA worker bees didn’t know that they were doing fake trials.

Sasha and K-Dub both covered this as well.

Movie script where “Contagion” meets “Idiocracy”.

 Why all the breathless finger-wagging at Pfizer?

This angle: effectively, Pfizer Bad, Grifters gonna grift, makes a lot of people happy for a variety of reasons.

The dominant reason is that nobody wants to pull on the string that opens up the door to the vault of the DOD House of Horrors.

Once you start pulling on that string, there is no stopping point.

And you will have to keep going and in the process of keeping going you will have to plow through Donald Trump’s actions, Barack Obama’s actions, and keep right on going to the neo-Cons who did 9/11 and anthrax and then all the various actions all over the world since WW2 and JFK and Operation Northwoods and Lyme Disease and did all those emerging viruses in Africa really occur naturally and there is nobody involved in public life in America for 70-80 years who is going to come out great.

The entire fake two party paradigm will have scores of villains with guilty looks on their faces.

The entire Mockingbird Media that decides that Donald Trump is “Presidential” when he drops some bombs somewhere will be absolutely decimated.

Start pulling on this string and it will decimate Jabs Bad Island, aka Half Measures Island’s world views.

Far better to just “let sleeping dogs lie” and go with, “Look at this corporate corruption” and anyway Russia and China are evildoers and are plotting against us and we still need to keep the Biomedical War Stuff operational and expand it and go watch some more football and Shut the Fuck Up adults are talking.

Nobody really wants to do this because the stakes are very high and the cognitive dissonance is and will be off the charts. Code Red.

Nobody wants to accept that almost everything they were led to believe is a lie.

That yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and he’s a fucking sociopathic genocidal maniac.

Yes he is. And Socio-Santa is doing it right in front of your face and trolling you in the process.

They still need THIS:

This is their whole game. Programmed forever and a day.

 Germ Warfare 101 with Professor Robert Kadlec

 IT’S AN EMERGENCY! The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions and Plausible Deniability

So to preserve this:

They are going to give you this:

So The Monster that runs our nation and shot a sitting President in the head and then murdered a bunch of witnesses will thank you to just focus on these Bad Pharm people and pay no attention to those Monster Contracts and those biolabs all over the world and anyway even if we did tell them to do it it’s only because we love you and we are an Abusive Parent and America is now a completely shellshocked Stockholm Syndrome Battered Citizen Syndrome Identify with the Aggressor dysfunctional family.

So protect that Monster at all costs, because the Monster only hits us because he loves us.


 Letter to Rand Paul Staffer Sub: US Congress Critters Must Address the Biomedical Security Model of Fascism that is The Great Reset
And the Coup of the United States by our Security State

See also:
How the Project Veritas *bombshell* is being presented to the world
The Monster Protection Racket


Connect with Sage Hana

Cover image credit: aarigalangg

The Pentagon, Big Pharma, and Globalist War

The Pentagon, Big Pharma, and Globalist War


“Covid began as, and still is, a worldwide operation. While biological warfare agents may have been created for nefarious purposes in a secret lab, these agents would probably have minimal effect on the world population. The real attack was relentless propaganda about a pandemic and coercing “everyone on the planet” (as Bill Gates put it) into taking an injection of the actual biowarfare agent — the C-19 “vaccine.” That injection has now killed and injured millions of people in many different countries. The coverup for this is ongoing, despite the appalling evidence of harm and sudden death.”


The Pentagon, Big Pharma, and Globalist War

by Richard Hugus
January 26, 2023


Meme “Davos kicked off with Uncle Klaus spinning his Wheel of Misfortune” — sourced from OffGuardian


There is nothing new under the sun, but it’s always a surprise to hear the details of how governments have once again betrayed the people they claim to  serve.  ‘Betrayed’ is putting it mildly. In the past month, we’ve seen government criminality on three fronts:

1) the covid narrative on social media being micromanaged by FBI agents and White House staff who directly violated the 1st Amendment by telling Facebook and Twitter who and what to censor on their platforms,

2) government spokespeople making statements that anyone who disagrees with the official medical fascist narrative is spreading disinformation and is a threat to society, and

3) a trail of contracts between federal bureaucracies proving the covid operation was run not by the supposed health authorities — CDC, FDA, etc. — but by the war authority, the US Department of Defense.

We already know mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the state. And we know that propagandists don’t allow alternative views. So let’s concentrate on item 3 — the DoD contracts.

You have to hand it to bureaucracies — they follow the rules. It turns out they keep records and make proper legal contracts even when engaged in mass murder. According to documents obtained through FOIA by Sasha Latypova and  Katherine Watt, the US government saw Covid-19 as terrorism, to which the appropriate response was counterterrorism. In other words, C-19 was not a health emergency but a national security emergency, one so sensitive that the public couldn’t even be informed about it. The contracts describe the development of pharmaceutical products which would act as “countermeasures” — namely, mRNA “vaccines” never before used on a mass scale. Beginning in 2020 under Operation Warp Speed, the federal government used an Emergency Use Authorization and other legal measures to go around normal procedures for testing and approval of new medical products, controlling the quality of these medical products, and coercing the public into taking them. Product safety was not a priority. All this was done without American citizens ever being told they were supposedly being attacked by a “foreign threat.” It is now almost three years since the covid operation started, and the documents uncovered by Latypova and Watt are the first news most of us have ever heard about a foreign threat.

This means that the US government treated Covid as an act of war. What are the implications of this?

First, who was attacking us? Was it Russia? Not likely, as Russia was involved in the same program ― declaring a pandemic and treating it with their own “countermeasure” — Sputnik. Was it China? Not likely, as China declared a pandemic and also massively locked down. China then rolled out its “countermeasure” —  Sinovac. It is also widely reported that China worked cooperatively with the US on gain of function research. According to Latypova, a large Chinese company called Fosun Pharmaceuticals had cooperative agreements with Pfizer, BioNtech, and the Israeli government to develop an mRNA product to be used as the countermeasure. Most governments around the world followed the covid script, declaring a pandemic on cue and using purposely generated fear to push medical products from Pfizer/BioNtech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Astra Zeneca. Finally, the foreign threat is not identified in any of the documents. They have been heavily redacted

Since it appears the war on corona in the US was in the hands of the national security establishment, we were apparently wasting our time blaming the clown directors of the NIAID, CDC, and FDA for incompetence, malfeasance, and fraud. They were just running cover for the DoD as it mobilized to defend us from an outbreak of biological warfare so dastardly that American citizens of the US couldn’t even be informed. In this scenario, Fauci, Collins, and Walensky agreed to look like they were in charge, take flak,  and deceive us,  for our own good — a kind of patriotic duty. And, as career bureaucrats, they knew they were covered legally because, afterall, our country was under attack — we were at war. This might explain their galling arrogance.

The 2020 war on viruses has a lot in common with the 2001war on terror. One was enabled by a factitious pandemic, the other was enabled by a factitious terror attack. In both cases, the designated enemy was not a nation or group but a concept,  invisible, uncapturable, and ever-changing — the perfect enemy if you want an unlimited budget and a pretext for attacks on civil liberties and wars there would otherwise be no justification for. Wars are more often than not started in this way. The US Department of Defense knows quite well how to start a war and they aren’t shy about casualties either. To be sure, big pharma and the health establishment both have experience with “interventions” which cause injury and death, but pharma’s model is more nuanced. Pharma promotes products that create chronic illness, which in turn increases product sales, so killing people is bad for business. Not so for DoD.

Covid began as, and still is, a worldwide operation. While biological warfare agents may have been created for nefarious purposes in a secret lab, these agents would probably have minimal effect on the world population. The real attack was relentless propaganda about a pandemic and coercing “everyone on the planet” (as Bill Gates put it) into taking an injection of the actual biowarfare agent — the C-19 “vaccine.” That injection has now killed and injured millions of people in many different countries. The coverup for this is ongoing, despite the appalling evidence of harm and sudden death.

This is surely the most insane war the Pentagon has ever conducted, but it is of a kind with other wars. How many died in the Philippines, in the World Wars, in Korea, in Vietnam, in Central America, in Iraq, in Palestine, in Somalia, in Sudan, in Libya, in Yemen. in Syria? How many are now dying in Ukraine in a proxy war with Russia which US neocons — the same who created and led the war on terror — did everything in their power to provoke?

The question now is, do the people who seem to be running everything have any qualms about destroying the United States as well? Do they have allegiance to any particular nation, or are they a power above nations?  This question is hard to avoid with all the bragging by globalists at Davos and their plans for our world. Reducing the world population is a stated goal for many of them. Is it too much to imagine the US Department of Defense would be the most likely tool to use for that project? Is it too much to imagine that the people telling the DoD what to do may see no further use for the United States? Is it too much to imagine that the same people who were willing to wipe out so many innocent people everywhere else in the world would eventually turn their sights on Americans? The US has not had preferential treatment –it has seen vaccine injury and death at a higher rate than most other countries. That does not seem to be a problem for whoever is running the show.

We are left to conclude from the documents published by Latypova and Watt that the “vaccine countermeasure” which was developed under the DoD was itself the attack. The un-named “foreign threat” was a just a projection of those who invented the entire operation. Whoever the perpetrators are, their enemy is not any one country, but humanity itself. Infants, pregnant women, the elderly, black, white, rich, poor, children, athletes, pilots, celebrities, high school students, husbands, wives, moms, dads, African, Asian, American — the jab targets everyone. Whether this war is for economic gain, for empire, or even the lofty goals claimed by globalists, nihilism and hatred of life pervades it all. This path only leads to darkness. It is our obligation to take the opposite path.


Richard Hugus is the founder of Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates.  “We are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts who support freedom of choice in all matters having to do with our own and our childrens’ health.”  Connect with them here.

Read more of Richard’s writings: http://www.richardhugus.com/


Connect with Richard Hugus

Cover image credit: Willgard

New World Next Week: Latin America Preparing Regional Currency

Latin America Preparing Regional Currency

by James Corbett with James Evan Pilato, NewWorldNextWeek
January 26, 2023


Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4


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PDF: “War and Currency Statecraft”


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Story #2: Appliance Makers Sad That 50% of Customers Won’t Connect Smart Appliances


LG, Whirlpool Target Customers Disconnected From ‘Smart’ Appliances


“idk about a future where i pay A LITERAL GARBAGE CAN a monthly subscription fee.”


CIA Chief: We’ll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher


Smart Tyranny: How to resist the smart grid


Evidence Grows for Narcolepsy Link to GSK Swine Flu Shot (Jan. 24, 2013)

https://mediamonarchy.com/evidence-grows-for-narcolepsy-link-to-gsk-swine-flu-shot/u Shot

Nurses Fired for Refusing Flu Shot (Jan. 24, 2013)


Story #3: Utah Doctor Allegedly Destroyed Vaccines, Gave Fake Shots to Children


Vermont Town Employee Quietly Lowered The Fluoride In Water For Years (Oct. 8, 2022)


Anti-Vaxxer Nurse Who Injected Up To 8,600 Elderly Patients With Saltwater Instead of Covid Vaccine Walks Free From Court In Germany (Dec. 1, 2022)



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The Rise of Ev-D68 & the Death of the Flu

The Rise of Ev-D68 & the Death of the Flu

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
January 26, 2023


Lions and Tigers and EV-D68!

Recently, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been reigniting fear of the enterovirus known as EV-D68, called back from its discovery in 1962. This virus was once considered uncommon, and caused flu-like symptoms. However, post-COVID, every old virus is  new again and potentially dangerous.

The CDC states that EV-D68 is not the flu and it is not COVID. It has the same symptoms as the common cold. It could also have serious complications that require hospitalization.

Confused yet?

The Disappearing Flu Act

Since the arrival of COVID, the common “flu” has all but disappeared from the medical lexicon. Flu Season no longer exists, even if all previous pandemics, going back to the 1500s, were considered to be blamed on the flu.  Goodbye Flu Season! Hello Stroke Season!

That is what one medical expertDr. Bhardwai, MD, claims:

…it turns out that after flu season, about three or four weeks later, there is a stroke season” Bhardwaj continued, “getting an annual flu shot can help prevent strokes.

Who knew? No matter, just remember to get that “annual flu shot,”…. for a flu that no longer exists.  

Pre-COVID, the flu was a top public health death threat. In 2005, the CDC acknowledged a difference between flu death and flu-associated death, but it used the terms interchangeably. The effect of lumping all deaths into “flu deaths” served to create fear to drive people to the prescribed solution: the flu vaccine. The data showed that flu deaths were more about PR than science. Especially when, in 2018, the DOJ admitted the flu vaccine to be the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S.

In 2013, according to Johns Hopkins scientist, Peter Doshi, the flu is characterized as a syndrome with many causes:

promotional messages conflate “influenza” (disease caused by influenza viruses) with “flu” (a syndrome with many causes, of which influenza viruses appear to be a minor contributor).  Source

The article stated that most flu cases are “bacteria cases,” “fungal cases,” “pollution cases,” “tainted food” cases, “eating GMO cases,” “weak immune system” cases, or something else. But they are not the flu. Further, he warned against the flu shot because why target something that may not be the cause in the first place?

This lack of precision causes physicians and potential vaccine recipients to have unrealistic assumptions about the vaccine’s potential benefit, and impedes dissemination of the evidence on nonpharmaceutical interventions against respiratory diseases. In addition, there are potential vaccine-related harms, as unexpected and serious adverse effects of influenza vaccines have occurred. I argue that decisions surrounding influenza vaccines need to include a discussion of these risks and benefits.  Source

Today, the “flu” is defined as: A disease caused by virus infecting the respiratory tract. Treatable by a medical professional.

Thus, by all definitions, EV-D68 is a flu. And, therefore, a flu vaccine for EV-D68 will be next.

Todays flu vaccines are “entirely new” mRNA technology that direct cells to make new proteins that the body has never seen before.  Pfizer will be in charge of early tests that will ready the shot for an August 2023 release date. Moderna has also created a new vaccine that aims to provide combined protection against both flu and COVID-19.  The FDA intends the COVID booster to be an annual flu shot.

The Universal flu vaccine is a quadravalant annual flu shot considered to be a game changer. When it was first proposed a decade ago, people had little interest. Thanks to the rise of EV-D68, the shot should be available within the next two years.

The Official EV-D68 Narrative

The CDC website states the official opinion:

EV-D68 typically causes respiratory illness, which can be mild (like a common cold) or more severe. Non-polio enteroviruses, like EV-D68, are thought to be very common, with most infections causing no symptoms or only mild symptoms. 

Pediatric doctors suggest the worst; that EV-D68 has the potential to become a severe illness that can spread person to person through sneezing and coughing. Serious symptoms include muscle paralysis and muscle weakness, or Acute Flaccid Myelitis, another name for Polio…. eyelid droop, inability to use arms or legs. It can last longer than a typical viral infection, more than 10 -14 days.

Nothing is common or typical since the introduction of the COVID mRNA inoculations for kids.  Just as before, doctors remain uncertain how to slow the progression of EV-D68. In other words, doctors have found no cure for the common flu.  But any search will disclose that EV-D68 has been studied down to its nucleic acids and proteins, which are patented.

History of EV-D68 In Children

In 2015, Enterovirus D68 was a top News Story for its damaging effect on children. In 2014, CDC “confirmed a total of 1,116 people in 47 states and the District of Columbia” with respiratory illness caused by EV-D68 and one confirmed death. To pump up the volume, the CDC called it “Non-Polio Enterovirus Infection” to describe features similar to polio in the most sensitive children who develop paralysis in the arms and legs.

The pattern of this “killer virus” always showed up from July through September, just in time for back-to-school shots. Therefore, it is reasonable to associate vaccines with these infections.  In  September of 2022, recycled headlines promoted renewed fear when the CDC Issued A Health Alert About Enterovirus in Kids.

In 2015, no vaccine or medical “cure” existed for this patented EV-D68, mainly because people were reluctant to add another vaccine to the already long list of vaccines on the childhood schedule. But that didn’t stop officials from pushing the flu vaccine. Fast forward to 2020, now that the flu is no longer an issue for anyone, a company called Intravacc has received a contract from the NIH to develop the enterovirus D68 vaccine!

The EV-D68 vaccine uses sIPV vaccine technology. sIPV stands for inactivated polio vaccine, which is marketed to contribute to the eradication of polio. Intravacc is also developing an intranasal, broadly protective Betacoronavirus vaccine. These vaccines are produced in China and authorized by the China FDA or Chinese National Medical Products Administration (NMPA).

Flu Vaccine Track Record

Influenza vaccine production has grown parallel to increases in the perceived need for the vaccine. – Peter Doshi, BMJ, Sept. 2018

Unfortunately, the flu vaccine has been not something to write home about. In 2012, it was  reported in the medical journal Clinical Infectious Disease that the inactivated flu shot came with an increased risk for noninfluenza respiratory virus infections.

In 2019, the effectiveness of the flu vaccine was dubbed to be “the second lowest rate since 2014.”  “The experts” claimed that the 2019 flu vaccine had 29% the effectiveness of the previous year’s vaccine.  Put on your thinking caps and realize that the effectiveness of  the 2018 vaccine was dubbed to be only 29%.  What is 29% of 29%? 8.41%!  That is what you agree to as the best defense against the flu virus!  See this graph for a short history of effectiveness.

Even though the flu vaccine’s effectiveness has been negligible, the CDC always recommended “getting it now and early.” Then, they also recommended natural modalities, to boost the immune system: 1) nutritious meals, 2) low sugar intake, 3) 7-8 hours of sleep, 4) stress management, such as meditation, yoga, belly breathing, 5) vitamin supplements, and 6) herbs, such as Echinacea.

Since the dawn of The Covidian Age, all holistic recommendations have gone AWOL.  The only option now is to get the Emergency-Use-Authorized (EUA) experimental mRNA inoculations. So if you experience vaccine injuries?

Call your doctor.    

The Business of Vaccines

Government officials have long used their influence to convince people to inject unknown viruses and toxins into their bodies in the name of “health & safety.” These substances include mercury, toxic levels of aluminumphenol, borax, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue cells, animal cancer cells, micro and nano-contamination, viruses, mycoplasma, among other contaminants. This is standard policy, despite knowing that:

From the last three bullet points, is this science or business?

The need for continuous boosters mean the science is not working, but the business is.

Vaccine Adverse Events from Past Flu Vaccines

Eight years ago, children who received the flu vaccine were at three times the risk for hospitalization for flu, this according to the American Thoracic Society. Vaccinated children were two to five times more likely to be diagnosed with a disease than unvaccinated children. And infant mortality rates regressed when fewer vaccines were given, suggesting a synergistic toxicity with multiple vaccines.

The World Fact Book lists countries by mortality rate (IMR) under the age of 1. Of all developed countries, those that gave the most vaccines have the highest IMR. The U.S. ranks lower than Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia in infant mortality rate at number 169 out of 224.

In 2022, the new mRNA vaccines are  still not FDA-approved for kids. According to a FACT SHEET, “The FDA approved COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) ………..However, “the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is authorized under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for individuals 12 years of age and older, when prepared according to their respective instructions for use, can be used interchangeably.” Americans may not be able to get the FDA-approved COMIRNATY.

Meanwhile, no safety data was ever released by the vaccine makers until Pfizer was forced to release information under a lawsuit. As of January 31, 2022, “Pfizer documents disclosed a number of spontaneous adverse events reports.”

Pfizer also documented that the first adverse event associated with the vaccine was 1P36 Deletion Syndrome. This is a congenital genetic disorder that affects fetuses and deletes parts of their chromosomes, causing them to be born with severe intellectual disabilities.

The Consequences of EUA mRNAVaccines?

While it’s too soon to know whether mRNA flu vaccines will work better than traditional flu jabs, Levin is confident that they will be as safe and effective as the COVID-19 vaccines. –Katie Kerwin McCrimmon, UC Health, Aug 2022

VAERS Reported Deaths from COVID inoculations continue to climb. Could these statistics be the reason FDA will not approve this technology for use in humans? A running tally of deaths and injuries, in all age groups can be found here, with the understanding that these reports are less than 1% of actual numbers. Deaths in children are also being reported with the EUA inoculations:

1. 5 months old boy, 1 day after Pfizer, exposure via breast milk
2. 17 year old girl, 8 days after Pfizer injection
3. 16 year old girl, 9 days after Pfizer injection
4. 15 year old boy, 1 day after Pfizer injection
5. 17 year old boy, 8 days after Pfizer injection
6. 17 year old boy, 4 days after Pfizer injection
7. 15 year old boy, 23 days after Pfizer injection
8. 16 year old boy, 4 days after Pfizer injection
9. 17 year old girl, 15 days after Pfizer injection
10. 13 year old boy, 1 day after Pfizer injection
11. 16 year old girl, 21 days after Pfizer injection 
12. 17 year old girl, 6 days after Pfizer injection
13. 13 year old boy, 17 days after Pfizer injection
14. 16 year old boy, 27 days after Pfizer injection
15. 16 year old boy, 6 days after Pfizer injection
16. 16 year old boy, 4 days after Pfizer injection
17. 13 year old girl, 26 days after Pfizer injection
18. 13 year old girl, days until death after Pfizer injection not noted 
19. 17 year old boy, 94 days after Pfizer injection
20. 16 year old girl, 9 days after Pfizer injection
21. 11 year old girl, days until death after Pfizer injection not noted 
22. 16 year old boy, 23 days after Pfizer injection 
23. 16 year old girl, 1 day after Pfizer injection
24. 15 year old boy, 6 days after Pfizer injection
25. 12 year old girl, 22 days after Pfizer injection
26. 13 year old female, 15 days after Pfizer injection
27. 17 year old girl, 33 days after Pfizer injection

Pandemic Control 

In the name of “health and safety,” Pandemic Control is coming soon. China has already tested a DNA biochip assay that detects subtypes of influenza viruses using the PCR test. The WHO has developed ICD-11, an international system of disease classification, including a code for under-vaccinated.

The detection of viruses and vaccine status will likely be part of a social credit score system. Before this new system of “tracking and tracing” is deployed in a neighborhood near you, many obvious questions still need to be asked and answered:

1. When is the flu not “the flu?” (substitute pandemic for flu)

2. Why use PCR for viruses, when PCR is an invalid test for viruses?

3. If the coronavirus has not been officially isolated, why proceed further?

4. If holistic modalities heal the body and reverse disease, why inject anything?

Repeating Patterns

Little is known about the longterm direct effects of the experimental mRNA technology simply because it is experimental.

Humans are doomed to repeat history if they continue to follow old patterns of trust in government officials who practice medicine without a license. People only have to look at the past to see what lies ahead.  When it comes to conflicts of interest and harmful vaccines, much has not changed:

  • Adjuvants (e.g., aluminum) in vaccines, including the flu vaccine, can induce autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome, which include encephalitischronic fatigue syndrome, macrophagic myofasciitis, subcutaneous pseudolymphoma, and siliconosis. (Agmon-Levin, N. et al,  Journal of Autoimmunity 36, no. 1, February 03, 2011; Guillard, O. et al, J Trace Elem Med Biol. 26, no. 4 , October 26, 2012).
  • Adjuvants in the flu vaccine have been associated with an increase in antibodies leading to antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), also known as Hughes Syndrome. The alum-antigen in many vaccines is identical to phospholipids, which form the cell membrane in every cell, it can attack any part of the body – the eye, cardiovascular system, brain, nerves, skin, reproductive system – but is becoming known for causing heart attacks and fetal death.(Blank, M. Lupus. Vol 21, no.7 June 2012.)
  • The 2010 Cochrane Review – a systems review of primary research in human health care and health policy – found “no evidence that flu vaccines affect complications, such as pneumonia, hospitalization transmission of flu” between people. (Jefferson, T., et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev7, July 7, 2010). Further, claims that the flu vaccine cuts elderly deaths in half were negated: “Due to poor quality data of the available evidence any conclusions regarding the effects of influenza vaccines for people aged 65 years or older cannot be drawn.”
  • In the aftermath of the 2009/2010 swine flu scare, children in England and throughout the world given the Pandemrix flu vaccine had a 1,400 percent increased risk of developing narcolepsy compared to those not vaccinated. (Collignon, P. et al., Bmj 340, no. 3 (June 09, 2010)
  • A 2011 study in the Journal Vaccine, showed inflammatory adverse events (preeclampsia and preterm birth) among pregnant women taking the trivalent influenza vaccine (Christian, L. M.et al., Vaccine. September, 2011).
  • A 2011 study in the  Journal of Internal Medicine revealed flu shots result in inflammatory cardiovascular changes indicative of increased risk for serious heart-related events such as heart attack (Lanza et al. J. Intern. Med)
  • According to a 2012 double-blind, randomized, controlled trial (the first of its kind) conducted in healthy children 6 to 15 years of age, getting a flu shot was found to increase the risk of other respiratory viral infections over four-fold. (Benjamin J. et al., Clin Infect Dis. March 15, 2012).
  • An open 2013 letter published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons questioned whether flu vaccine mandates for healthcare workers are medically warranted and ethically correct, citing that the flu vaccine: 1) is a “statistical gamble” in targeting actual circulating viruses; 2) shows seventy percent of people are already immune at the time of vaccination, according to FDA studies; and 3) shows no evidence that it affects complications of pneumonia or transmission from person to person (as advertised) (Leib, Lee H. et al.,  Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons18, no. 2. 2013).
  • According to a 2005 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, “There are not enough influenza-related deaths to support the conclusion that vaccination can reduce total winter mortality among the U.S. elderly population by as much as half.” (Simonsen, L, Archives of Internal Medicine 165, no. 3, February 14, 2005).
  • The Fluzone flu vaccine insert for 2015 identifies 23 seniors who died during the trial.
  • In September 2015, England reported that the flu jab only works in 3 out of 100 or “virtually nothing.”
  • In 2019, Canadian research published in Clinical Infectious Diseases showed that those who vaccinated consecutively in 2012, 2013 and 2014 appeared to have a higher risk of being infected with new strains of the flu. The more flu shots, the greater the risk of flu!
Let The Healing Begin

It is time to return to Nature for self-healing. For self-healing tips to prevention and reversal of the flu, see my article, Andrographis Instead of the flu shot.

There is always a choice. Natural immunity or artificial immunity. You can choose to gather all the information at your disposal, even as it disappears off the internet. You can choose to rest and take it easy when faced with the flu. You can choose to boost immunity with natural foods, herbs, and homeopathy. But you must act on your choice, and not sit idle. The best defenses against illness, while protecting healthy cells, have been the age old remedies, common sense, and your own immune system.

Colds and flus allow the body to strengthen itself as it was created to do.  The immune system develops through its multi-layer interactions with stimuli in its internal and external environments. Babies first receive immune protection from their mother’s milk, as nature intended since the dawn of time.

Why fear the body’s innate wisdom to heal itself when evidence clearly shows there is much more to fear from the flu shot?

Updated from 2015, The Flu Is Not A Season


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


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Cover image based on creative commons work of pendleburyannette and kalhh

Debunking Claims That Gene Editing Will Revolutionise Crop Breeding in Africa

Debunking Claims That Gene Editing Will Revolutionise Crop Breeding in Africa

They remind us that older-style GM was also claimed to be precise until gene editing emerged – when GM advocates suddenly turned against older-style GM and admitted it wasn’t precise at all. “In reality,” the authors point out, “aspects of both genome editing and older techniques of genetic modification are imprecise and haphazard”.

Article debunks claims that gene editing will revolutionise crop breeding in Africa

by GMWatch
January 24, 2023


Gene editing has captured the imagination of academics and professionals working on agricultural development in Africa. They claim the technology has the potential to revolutionise crop breeding, based on assertions of precision, cheapness and speed.

However, these claims are strongly challenged in a new peer-reviewed article by an international group of development experts led by Joeva Sean Rock, Professor of Development Studies at the University of Cambridge, UK. The authors review the evidence and experience of older-style GM crops in Africa, as well as the research findings to date on gene editing. They conclude that unless hard lessons are learned from experience with first-generation GM crops, gene editing projects “are in danger of repeating mistakes of the past”.

The article is open access and written in an easy-to-understand style, and we recommend reading it in full.

We’ve heard it before

The authors find that the narratives around gene editing closely echo the earlier ones underpinning the introduction of older-style GM crops into Africa: “But the reality of GM crops in Africa has not lived up to the hype”. Problems include the introduction of seeds that demand costly inputs and restrictive crop management regimes, limited inclusion of African scientists and farmers in research and breeding programmes, public‒private partnerships (PPPs) that prioritise donor interests over farmer priorities, and inadequate evaluation of the compatibility between GM seed technologies and the farming systems they are supposed to enhance.

Precision? Not exactly

Regarding the supposed precision of gene editing compared with older-style GM techniques, the authors point out that gene editing tools like CRISPR are often used with older-style techniques and that gene editing can insert foreign DNA, either intentionally or unintentionally. In a withering swipe at those who claim gene editing is totally different from, and superior to, older-style GM, they state, “The effort to distinguish genome-edited organisms from GM crops, due to the claimed absence of transgenes, is a goal-oriented discursive strategy deployed by stakeholders who find it expedient to highlight technical differences between the two technologies rather than acknowledge their similarities, or overlaps between them.”

They remind us that older-style GM was also claimed to be precise until gene editing emerged – when GM advocates suddenly turned against older-style GM and admitted it wasn’t precise at all. “In reality,” the authors point out, “aspects of both genome editing and older techniques of genetic modification are imprecise and haphazard”.

Costs and patents

The authors state that genome editing is claimed to have minimal infrastructure requirements and low production costs, making it a widely accessible technology that “democratises” plant breeding. Interestingly, they show that the same claims were made for older-style GM crops as well. But what actually happened is that “Any hope of genetic modification serving as a low-barrier, decentralized technology was dashed by the rise of a highly concentrated biotech industry fortified by strict patent enforcement.” Today, four firms – Bayer-Monsanto, ChemChina-Syngenta, BASF and Corteva Agriscience – control over 65 per cent of the global seed market.

Attempts to make some GM crops accessible to African farmers have failed, say the authors: “Only one of these projects — Bt cowpea in Nigeria — has reached the stage of commercialization while several others… remain mired in scientific and regulatory delays”. The delays, the authors say, stem from public-private partnerships that prioritised the interests of multinational corporations over those of African scientists and farmers, relied upon unstable funding from international donors, and attempted to operate in countries that lacked permissive legal and regulatory policies regarding biotechnology.

Contrary to claims that gene editing will democratise plant breeding and make it widely accessible, the authors explain that the rapid pace of patenting of the technology “circumscribes the space available for future humanitarian and public-good ventures in genome editing”. They write, “The broad array of CRISPR-related patents held by Corteva Agriscience means that future ventures seeking to apply its proprietary techniques or constructs will need to enter into licensing agreements with the company.” Summarising the situation, they state, “The patenting trends underway could result in a concentration of corporate control similar to that which constrained the release of GM technology.”

Speed questioned

The third and final claim underpinning genome editing that the authors challenge is that it is faster, in terms of technical facility and the time it takes to get from lab to market. The authors recall that first-generation GM was also claimed to speed up plant breeding – “But with the advent of genome editing, GM is now being depicted as slow, clunky and cumbersome.” Some advocates claim that gene editing can halve the amount of time needed to complete the breeding process. They also hope that gene editing will escape regulation, further cutting the time needed to get crops to market.

However, the authors caution that these expectations might be unrealistic, due to lack of acceptance of GMOs by politicians and the public in many African countries.

Need to move beyond the genome

The authors conclude that “proponents of new technologies such as genome editing ought to temper big promises” and “move beyond the genome” to “prioritize the co-development of technologies with farmers, seek out non-patented material and acknowledge that seeds are a single component of highly complex agroecological and production systems. Otherwise, no matter how well funded or how valiant the effort, genome-editing projects are in grave danger of repeating mistakes of the past.”

The new article:
Rock JS et al (2023). Beyond the genome: Genetically modified crops in Africa and the implications for genome editing. Development and Change https://doi.org/10.1111/dech.12750


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Doctors for COVID Ethics: Getting Away From the Control Grid

Doctors for COVID Ethics: Getting Away From the Control Grid
Symposium 5, Session III: Getting Away From the Control Grid

by Doctors for COVID Ethics
originally published January 20, 2023
all videos available at Doctors for Covid Ethics at Rumble


Session III of our fifth symposiumIn the Midst of Darkness Light Prevails, focussed on the means by which the entities and actors responsible for the abuses of COVID-19 have circumvented due process, regulatory safeguards, and the law.


Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari Inc. opened Session III by inviting viewers to consider speakers’ presentations with the following principle in mind: If we can understand the nuts and bolts of the how the incoming control grid is invading our lives and communities and societies, we can stop helping, and we can refuse to comply.

Part 1 – John Titus: CBDC Suicide Pill for Sovereignty

(18 minutes 40s)

Attorney John Titus discussed how and why the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) currently being proposed and trialled in a number of countries spell an end to individual and national sovereignty. He defined sovereignty in terms of answering the question ‘who decides?’ If central banks can decide how you spend your CBDCs, as Augustin Carstins, General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), foreshadowed in October 2020, “the impact on personal sovereignty ought to be obvious enough.”

“Less obvious though,” John Titus said, “is how that is going to end national sovereignty as well.” He went on to outline why CBDCs are a “Trojan horse for global control of nations.”

“The real reason for central banks’ dominance over commercial banks within any given country,” he explained, “is not that the central bank regulates those other banks.” It is that central banks create the cash that depositors (citizens) are legally entitled to withdraw from the commercial banks. In this way, central banks keep commercial banks “on a short leash”, by controlling the liquidity they need in order to honour their legal commitments to depositors.

John Titus said that in parallel fashion, on a global level under CBDCs one single entity, like the BIS (which describes itself as the central bank of central banks), will keep the national central banks such as the US Federal Reserve on the same short leash. This will make national banking systems “subordinate to the [global] BIS… That is going to be more or less how people and how nations lose their sovereignty via CBDC. And Carstens decides what you and your country are allowed to buy, and are allowed to eat.”

John Titus concluded, “You don’t like that? I have three words for you: vote down CBDC. Or three other words: stick with cash.”

Part 2 – Overriding Sovereignty with International Treaties and Organizations.
Corey Lynn: Laundering with Immunity – The Control Framework

(9 minutes 18s)

Investigative journalist Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs described a number of mechanisms by which many of the world’s most globally powerful organisations operate not only above the law “but completely outside it.” One key mechanism enabling this is the little-known International Organisations Immunities Act of 1945. The Act grants sweeping legal immunities to transnational organisations with deeply vested interests, including the WHO, the UN, and the Gates-founded Global Fund.

Corey Lynn explained that the International Organisations Immunities Act was passed by US Congress after WWII under the guise of an imperative to rebuild without impediment. It stipulates that any organisations nominated by presidential executive order, “shall enjoy the same immunity from suit and every form of judicial process as is enjoyed by foreign governments.” Those immunities include:

  • Immunity from search and seizure
  • Exemption from taxes
  • Exemption of officers and employees from customs checks
  • Exemption of officers and employees from legal action in regards to activities related to work
  • Exemption of officers and employees from alien registration or fingerprinting, and registration of foreign agents

“And here we are 77 years later”, she pointed out, with 76 organisations still enjoying legal immunity under the Act, granted by Presidents from Truman to Obama. Those organisations include:

  • The WHO
  • All branches of the UN
  • The Gates-founded Global Fund, pertaining to vaccines
  • All five branches of the World Bank
  • The IMF
  • And many more

Corey Lynn noted that in addition to the US Immunities Act, various treaties and headquarters agreements, for instance in Switzerland, grant additional organisations similar immunities, including Gates-founded GAVI the Vaccine Alliance and CERN. The Bank of International Settlements also enjoys sovereign immunity, with constituent immunities extending to its 63 member banks. Together with Big Pharma’s immunity from legal liability for harm by its vaccines, this vast global network creates “an entire system operating outside the law.” For more detailed information see the extensive report on Corey’s Digs.

Panel Discussion

(15 minutes)

Catherine Austin Fitts was joined by Attorney Carolyn A. Betts Esq. for a panel discussion on real world implications of an entire global system operating outside the law. They covered:

  • The tens of trillions that have gone missing from the US Department of Defense and Department of Housing and Urban Development, with the potential to launder those trillions around the globe
  • The global financial crisis of 2008 and the legal immunity enjoyed by banks
  • The potential to engineer reduced life expectancy as a means of addressing the US crisis in retirement savings
  • Atrocities and abuses committed in the name of COVID-19, where a series of immunities have been delivered in the healthcare sector, and through the application of military laws to “vaccine” authorization and manufacture under emergency powers, to be discussed by upcoming speakers. All of which dovetails, they noted, with the immunity enjoyed by international financial organisations such as the BIS, IMF and World Bank, which has enabled a “tusanami of money” to prop up WHO directives and subsequent military-medical countermeasures.

Catherine Austin Fitts noted that we are now watching a “pincer movement of immunities, indemnifications and protections… One group of society is literally getting away with murder while the other side of society is subject to exploding numbers of laws.” Carolyn Betts stressed that the primary objective of the founders of the BIS was indeed to create just such an organisation that, “basically is not subject to any laws.”

Carolyn Betts concluded by highlighting the promise of legal actions against COVID-19 measures “to educate people nationally and internationally about what’s been going on, and what’s been leading up to where we are today.” Catherine Austin Fitts added,”I dare any international organisation to march into court and say that their sovereign immunity gives them the power to implement mass atrocity and murder worldwide.” Carolyn Betts agreed: “I just don’t see how you can say there’s sovereign immunity for murder.”

Part 3: Overriding Sovereignty with Military Law and Emergency Power

(Alexandra Latypova: 20 minutes 20s, followed by Panel Discussion: 11 minutes 20s)

Alexandra Latypova: Intent to Harm – Evidence of Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DoD, HHS and Pharma Criminal Enterprise

Pharmaceutical entrepreneur Alexandra Latypova followed by providing bombshell revelations concerning several pieces of legislative architecture, dating back decades, that combined in 2020 to hand US military-intelligence agencies control over COVID-19 vaccines and interventions. Contrary to public knowledge, this legislative framework enabled COVID ‘medicine’ to be taken out of medical regulators’ hands, and placed under the control of the National Security Council (NSC) and the Department of Defense (DoD). The shift from public health to military oversight took place on orders from the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), a political appointee. It set in motion an organizational structure and money flow enabling what Alexandra Latypova described as a criminal enterprise to deploy products that were toxic by design.

Alexandra Latypova underlined the fact that COVID vaccine manufacturers and regulators have flagrantly circumvented usual safety and efficacy standards and good manufacturing practices, as she has detailed previously. “In fact there is no enforcement of the current Good Manufacturing Practices by any regulatory body in the world, which should be a big red flag for everyone,” she said.

Drawing on the research of Katherine Watt at Bailiwick News, Alexandra Latypova pinpointed three recent pieces of legislation that have enabled abrogation of the usual checks and balances over COVID vaccines, and militarization of their deployment. These include the Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) law of 1997, a 2015 amendment to the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) law, and The PREP Act with its “Public Health Emergency” provisions, which were “significantly bullet-proofed” under Trump, shortly before the announcement of a public health emergency in 2020.

These three pieces of legislation “clicked together” in 2020, along with other laws, to create a “legal cage” and “pseudo-legalization of murder,” Alexandra Latypova explained. The legal framework was activated once a Public Health Emergency had been declared, and the COVID vaccines designated a “countermeasure” by the Secretary of HHS (which occurred on March 10, 2020, retroactive to February 4, 2020). From that time, the usual clinical and ethical standards could be dispensed with, as countermeasures are NOT required to meet any standards.”

Alexandra Latypova stressed that the authorization of ‘countermeasures’ under EUA law is subject only to the sole discretion of the HHS Secretary, who unilaterally decides whether any given countermeasure, including the COVID vaccines, ‘may be effective’. The HHS determination may be made irrespective of whether the necessary evidence is available. The FDA, in contrast, has “no authority to regulate countermeasures.” As a result, the FDA’s role in the COVID response has amounted to nothing other than “performance art”.

“And in fact the FDA is fully aware of this because they cited this particular piece of law in their draft guidance for the development of COVID-19 vaccines. This is a very important piece of deception that the FDA has practiced on everyone: on US citizens but also a global audience, and global regulators probably, and governments. Because they all follow the FDA.”

In further revelations Alexandra Latypova revealed that not only did the FDA have no legal authority over COVID vaccines, it was the NSC – the US president’s national security forum, devoid of any public health agencies – that directed COVID policy, not HHS. Under NSC direction, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) rather than HHS led the US pandemic response, which was the first time FEMA had ever taken charge of a public health incident.

Contracts for supply of COVID vaccines and other COVID products, moreover, were struck by the DoD, with the vaccines defined not as pharmaceutical products, but as “military prototypes”. This was enabled by legal sleights of hand under Other Transaction Authority (OTA) legislation, which relegated COVID vaccines to the catch-all category of “other”, placing them outside any normally regulated or accountable contracting arrangements. In tandem, the PREP Act conferred immunity to all manufacturers and contractors in the DoD contractual chain.

For a more detailed overview of the militarized pseudo-legal structure governing COVID countermeasures and vaccines, see Alexandra Latypova’s longer video presentationIntent to Harm – Evidence of the Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DOD, HHS, Pharma Cartel.

For additional detail about the role of the DoD, including an undisclosed collaboration with a Chinese conglomerate headed by a high-ranking CCP member, see her stunning Substack exposéThe Role of the US DoD (and Their Co-investors) in “Covid Countermeasures” Enterprise.

See also her interview with Clayton Morris of Redacted News.

Panel Discussion

From 20 minutes 20s at the video above

Catherine Austin Fitts, Dr Meryl Nass and Sahsa Latypova closed Session III by reflecting on the implications and wider context of the issues raised.

Dr Meryl Nass MD observed that the DoD has long been looking for a grey area between experimental products and licensed medicines, both of which are tightly regulated. She stressed that, assuming the information presented by Alexandra Latypova and Katherine Watts is accurate, “some of this is clearly illegal… This all has to be put in front of a judge.”

Catherine Austin Fitts recalled the importance of public opinion to the judiciary, as discussed in Session II. She noted that one lesson learned as an official in Washington is that if something continues to go on despite not being effective, the real goal is not the stated goal, but what is transpiring – in this case injury and death. In light of that reality, “how do we help the popular culture come to the very difficult task of facing the fact that what we are looking at is mass murder?” she asked.

Alexandra Latypova answered by describing her experience combining data on vaccine harms with the contextual reality of the money flow and organizational structure. The fact that the COVID vaccines are military products, owned and deployed by the DoD, can prompt a broader awakening, she found. Meryl Nass followed up by addressing the obstacle posed by a corporate media bent on censorship, and stressed the importance of “talking one-on-one, to everyone we know… We have to steel ourselves and find a way. Maybe it’s asking questions, maybe it’s telling jokes… We have to find the way in… Because as soon as people don’t comply, it’s over.”

Watch all of Session III here

(1 hour 15 minutes)

Session III Presenters

Click here for Session III presenters’ links and resources

Carolyn A. BETTS, ESQ. is a self-employed attorney, practicing as part of John E. Stillpass Attorneys in Blue Ash, Ohio and part-time general counsel and journalist for Solari, Inc. She served as the lead financial advisor for the USA Federal Housing Administration. She also served as an associate and then partner in the corporate finance departments of Omaha and Washington, DC law firms, representing affordable housing development, federal government, capital market, financial services and other major clients in connection with large mergers and acquisitions, mortgage securitizations and other finance transactions, many involving commercial real estate and affordable housing, and with securities and regulatory compliance matters. During the savings and loan crisis, her practice group represented Resolution Trust Corporation in designing and executing transactions involving assets of savings loans in government receivership.

Catherine Austin FITTS is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (BA), the Wharton School (MBA) and studied Mandarin Chinese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Alexandra LATYPOVA is serial entrepreneur and a founder of iCardiac Technologies, a company based on technology developed by students and faculty at the University of Rochester. It has received in excess of $7 million in venture capital funding and currently serves 6 of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in addition to a broad range of clients across North America, Europe and Asia. Prior to iCardiac Technologies, Ms. Latypova worked at VirtualScopics, Inc., a technology spin out from the University of Rochester and Analysis Group, Inc., a Boston-based economics, financial and strategy consultancy.

Corey LYNN is an investigative journalist whose popular website, Corey’s Digs, has been helping readers “learn truths, go deeper, and understand what’s coming down the pike” since 2018. Lynn’s fearless and wide-ranging investigations use detailed analysis of primarily open-source information and timelines to connect the dots and trace money flows in areas such as education, health, science, technology, law and order and human trafficking. In addition to shining a light on topics ordinarily left in the shadows, Corey’s Digs offers reflections on consciousness and encourages solutions to combat tyranny and create new social and financial structures that benefit everyone.

Meryl NASS, MD, ABIM is an internist with special interests in vaccine-induced illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War illness, fibromyalgia and toxicology. As a biological warfare epidemiologist, she investigated the world’s largest anthrax epizootic in Zimbabwe, and developed a model for analyzing epidemics to assess whether they are natural or man-made. She has played a major role in creation of a
coalition that has fought the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program. Nass is active in assisting legal teams defending anthrax vaccine refusers and ill service members in the U.S. and Canada.


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Mastering the Future: The Megalomaniacal Ambitions of the WEF

Mastering the Future: The Megalomaniacal Ambitions of the WEF

by , Mises Wire
January 24, 2023


The fifty-third annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) brought together fifty-two world leaders, seventeen hundred corporate executives, sundry artists, and other personalities to address “Cooperation in a Fragmented World.” Fragmentation is the nemesis of the World Economic Forum and its United Nations (UN) and corporate partners. “Fragmentation” means that segments of the world population are not adhering to the agenda of climate change catastrophism and the precepts of the Great Reset.

The Great Reset, meanwhile, amounts to a hybrid state-corporate woke cartel administering the global economy (and by extension the world’s political systems) under the direction of the WEF, the UN, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB), and the World Health Organization, as well as top corporate decision-makers like BlackRock’s CEO, Larry Fink.

Lest we imagine that the WEF and its meetings merely represent the grandiose delusions of some ineffectual clowns, it should be noted that the WEF’s “stakeholder capitalism”—introduced in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, the WEF founder and chair, and Hein Kroos, in Modern Enterprise Management in Mechanical Engineering—has been embraced by the UN, by most central banks, as well as by the world’s leading corporations, commercial banks, and asset managers. Stakeholder capitalism is now considered to be the modus operandi of the world economic system.

In the 1971 book, Schwab and Kroos suggested that “the management of a modern enterprise must serve not only shareholders but all stakeholders to achieve long-term growth and prosperity.” The stakeholders are the compliant and complicit corporations and governments, not the citizenry.

BlackRock, the world’s largest asset man­ager, holds upwards of $10 trillion in assets under management (AUM), including the pension funds of many US states. In 2019, BlackRock’s CEO, Larry Fink, led the US Business Roundtable on stake­holder capitalism. CEOs from 181 major corpora­tions redefined the common purpose of the corpo­ration in terms of Schwab’s brainchild, stakeholder capitalism, signaling the supposed end of shareholder-driven capitalism. In his 2022 letter to CEOs, Fink made BlackRock’s own position on investment decisions quite clear. “Climate risk is investment risk,” Fink declared. He promised a “tectonic shift in capital,” an increased acceleration of investments going to “sustainability-focused” companies.

Fink warned CEOs: “And because this will have such a dramatic impact on how capital is allocated, every management team and board will need to consider how this will impact their company’s stock”(emphasis mine). According to Fink, stakeholder capitalism is not an aberration. Fink provides evidence of stakeholder capitalism’s woke imperative in his denial of the same: “It is not a social or ideological agenda. It is not ‘woke.’ It is capitalism.” This definition of capitalism would certainly have come as news to Ludwig von Mises.

Fink sits on the board of trustees of the WEF, along with former US vice president Al Gore; IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva; ECB president Christine Lagarde, and Canadian deputy prime minister and minister of finance Chrystia Freeland, among others.

In his 2023 welcoming remarks and special address, Schwab pointed to the multiple crises facing the world: “the energy transformation, the consequences of covid, the reshaping of supply chains are all serving as catalytic forces for the economic transformation.” Incidentally, these are all factors that the WEF has promoted and/or exacerbated. And together they have added to the “high inflation, increasing interest rates, and growing national debt” that Schwab also decried.

Schwab pointed to the problem of social and geopolitical fragmentation and “a messy patchwork of powers,” alluding to the war in Ukraine. But Schwab also bemoaned “large corporate and social media powers, all competing increasingly for power and influence. As a result, the trend is again moving toward increased fragmentation and confrontation”—no doubt referring, at least in part, to the recent takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk, the loss of a major platform for propaganda and censorship. Naturally, Schwab referred to “climate change” and “viruses” as existential threats that could lead to “the extinction of large parts of our global population.” The question is whether “climate change” and “viruses” or rather the responses to these supposed menaces will be the cause of mass extinctions.

But “the most critical fragmentation” threat, Klaus argued, is posed by those who “go into the negative” and hold a “critical and confrontational attitude” to the Davos agenda—those with the temerity to oppose a global agenda of climate change catastrophism, with its attendant control over production and consumption and the virtual elimination of property and property rights for the vast majority.

A central issue that the fifty-third annual meeting addressed was “the Current Energy and Food Crises in the Context of a New System for Energy, Climate and Nature.” The theme accords with the WEF’s earlier and repeated claims that the agricultural supply chain is too “fragmented” for “sustainable” farming. “A resilient, environmentally-friendly food system will require a shift away from our current fragmented supply chains,” wrote Lindsay Suddon, chief strategy officer of Proagrica, in 2020. In Suddon’s and many other WEF papers, the “fragmentation” refrain is repeated. Sustainable farming cannot be achieved under the “fragmented” agricultural conditions that currently obtain.

One paper—entitled “Can Collective Action Cure What’s Ailing Our Food Systems?,” part of the 2020 WEF annual meet­ing—argued that fragmentation represents the ulti­mate barrier to sustainability:

As the heads of leading multilateral and com­mercial agricultural finance institutions, we are convinced that fragmentation within the current food systems represents the most sig­nificant hurdle to feeding a growing population nutritiously and sustainably.

Written by Wiebe Draijer, then chairman of the managing board at Rabobank, and Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo, the director general–elect of the In­ternational Labour Organization (ILO), the paper was quite telling. It warned that unless fragmentation is addressed, “we will also have no hope of reaching the Sustainable Development Goal of net zero emis­sions by 2050, given that today’s agricultural supply chain, from farm to fork, accounts for around 27% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.”

Rabobank is one of the financial sponsors of the WEF’s Food Action Alliance (discussed below). On its website, Rabobank notes that it operates in the Netherlands, serving retail and corporate clients, and globally, financing the agricultural sector. The ILO is a UN agency that sets labor standards in 187 countries.

What interests could an international bank and a UN international labor agency have in common? According to their jointly authored paper, they have in common a resolve to eliminate fragmentation in agriculture. The banking interest in defragmentation is to gain a controlling interest in fewer and larger farms. The labor union management interest is to have more workers under its supervision and control. The banking and labor interests combined result in large farms worked by organized farm laborers—nonowners—under the controlling interest of the bank. A bonus rationale (more likely the main one) for this “scheme” is that the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the UN’s Agenda 2030 can thereby more easily be implemented across “agricultural value chains and farming practices.” The authors conclude: “Most critically, we need to aggregate opportunities, resources and complementary expertise into large-scale projects that can unlock investment and deliver impact” (emphasis mine). “Collective action” is the “cure.”

In terms of agriculture, that is, “fragmentation” means too many discrete and disparate farms. The solution to this problem is consolidation, or the ownership of agricultural assets by fewer and fewer entities. Enter Bill Gates in the US. The “large-scale projects” will be owned by those who can afford to abide by the European Commission’s (EC) Farm to Fork Strategy. “The Farm to Fork Strategy is at the heart of the European Green Deal.” The goal of the European Green Deal is “no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.” (More on the Farm to Fork Strategy and its effects on hunger and starvation below.)

The issue of food supply was addressed in a session entitled “Sustainably Served.” The summary caption for the session notes that “nearly 830 million people face food insecurity and more than 3 billion are unable to afford a healthy diet. Challenges to human and planetary health have been further compounded by rising costs, supply chain disruptions and climate change.”

The highlight of the “Sustainably Served” panel, which otherwise amounted to virtue signaling, came in the form of questions posed by an audience member, “Jacob, from America”:

I want to ask a question about food production. Last year the Dutch government announced harsh restrictions on the use of nitrogen fertilizers. Such restrictions forced many farmers to put much of their land out of production. And these policies led to 30,000 Dutch farmers protesting these government policies. And this was being done at a time when food production was already being severely curtailed because of the war in Ukraine. My questions are, one, does the panel support similar policies being implemented throughout the world? And do you support the Dutch farmers who are protesting? Do not such strict policies leading to reduced food production ultimately harm the poorest people of the world and exacerbate the problem of malnutrition?

The questioner was one of four, yet his questions dominated the rest of the session and led the moderator, Tolu Oni, and panelist Hanneke Faber, the president of nutrition at Unilever, which is based in the Netherlands, to become quite defensive. The latter replied:

I am Dutch, and our business is based in Holland. It’s a very difficult situation in Holland. I have a lot of sympathy for the farmers who are protesting, because it’s their livelihoods and their businesses at risk. But I also have a lot of sympathy for what the government is trying to do, because the nitrogen emissions are way too high. . . . So, something needs to be done. . . .

But it’s a very Dutch problem. I don’t think that you have to worry that those same solutions will have to go somewhere else.

This last statement is belied by the fact that the Netherlands is the headquarters of the WEF’s Food Action Alliance program and the site of the Global Coordinating Secretariat (GCS) of the WEF’s Food Innovation Hubs. Launched at the Davos Agen­da meeting in 2021, the Food Innovation Hubs have as their goal alignment with the UN Food Systems Summit: “The role of the GCS will be to coordinate the efforts of the regional Hubs as well as align with global processes and initiatives such as the UN Food Systems Summit.” And the stated goal of the UN Food Systems Summit is to align agricultural production with Agenda 2030’s SDGs: “The UN Food Systems Summit, held during the UN General Assembly in New York on September 23 [2021], set the stage for global food systems transformation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.”

“Sustainability” and “sustainable development” do not mean, as the words seem to suggest, the ability to withstand shocks of various kinds—economic cri­ses, natural disasters, etc. They mean development constrained by utopian, unscientific environmental­ist imperatives, inclusive of reduced production and consumption in the developed world and the thwart­ing of development that would result in the production of additional GHGs in the developing world. In terms of agriculture, this entails a reduction in the use of nitrogen-rich fertilizers and their eventual elimination and the phasing out of methane- and ammo­nia-producing cattle. In the Netherlands, the Food Hubs initiative has already led to the government’s compulsory buyout and closure of as many as three thousand farms, which will lead to dramatically reduced crop yields from the world’s second-largest exporter of agricultural products.

The situation in the Netherlands is also part of the European Commission’s Farm to Fork Strategy. Under the Trump administration, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that adopting the plan would result in a decline in agricultural production of between 7 percent and 12 percent for the European Union, depending on whether the adoption is EU-wide or global. With EU-only adoption, the decline in EU agricul­tural production was projected to be 12 percent, as opposed to 7 percent should the adoption become global. In the case of global adoption, worldwide agricultural production was projected to drop by 11 percent. Further, the USDA reported:

The decline in agricultural production would tighten the EU food supply, resulting in price increases that impact consumer budgets. Pric­es and per capita food costs would increase the most for the EU, across each of the three sce­narios [a middle scenario of adoption of Farm to Fork by the EU and neighboring nation-states was included in the study]. However, price and food cost increases would be significant for most regions if [Farm to Fork] Strategies are adopted globally. For the United States, price and food costs would remain relatively unchanged except in the case of global adoption.

Production declines in the EU and elsewhere would lead to reduced trade, although some regions would benefit depending on chang­es in import demand. However, if trade is re­stricted as a result of the imposition of the proposed measures, the negative impacts are concentrated in regions with the world’s most food-insecure populations. . . .

Food insecurity, measured as the number of people who lack access to a diet of at least 2,100 calories a day, increases significantly in the 76 low- and middle-income countries covered in our analysis due to increases in food commodi­ty prices and declines in income, particularly in Africa. By 2030, the number of food-insecure people in the case of EU-only adoption would increase by an additional 22 million more than projected without the EC’s proposed Strate­gies. The number would climb to 103 million under the middle scenario and 185 million un­der global adoption. (emphasis mine)

Thus, we see that “sustainably served” means sustainably starved.

Another panel of note was “Stewarding Responsible Capitalism,” which featured Brian T. Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America and chair of the WEF business council, among others. An arch proponent of stakeholder capitalism, Moynihan suggested that companies that do not meet environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria will simply be left behind. No one will do business with such companies, he said.

Moynihan’s comments revealed the extent to which stakeholder capitalism and the metric for measuring it, the ESG index, have penetrated commercial banking. In fact, over three hundred major banks are signatories of the UN’s “Principles for Responsible Banking,” “representing almost half of the global banking industry.” Meanwhile, forty-seven hundred asset management firms, as­set owners, and asset service providers have signed the UN’s six “Principles for Responsible Investment.” These principles are entirely focused on ESG compliance and meeting the UN’s Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals. ESG indexing now per­vades every aspect of banking and investment businesses, including what companies they invest in, how they adhere to ESG metrics themselves, and how they cooperate with competitors to pro­mote ESGs. Thus, the goal of the principles is to universalize ESG investing. ESG indexing raises the cost of doing business, starves the noncompliant of capital, and creates a woke cartel of preferred producers.

In the “Philanthropy: A Catalyst for Protecting Our Planet” session, US climate envoy John Kerry suggested that he and the people at Davos were “a select group of human beings, [who], because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives, are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet.” Betraying the religious, cultlike character of the Davos group, Kerry suggested that his and others’ anointment as saviors of the planet was “almost extraterrestrial.” If you tell them you are interested in saving the planet, “most people,” Kerry continued, “they think you are a tree-hugging leftie liberal do-gooder.” But I submit that “most people” think Kerry and his ilk are not do-gooders at all but rather control freaks and megalomaniacs bent on controlling the world’s population.

On other panels, the speakers stated that eating meat, driving cars, and living outside the bounds of fifteen-minute cities should be disallowed.

In short, with the Davos agenda, we are confronted with a concerted, coordinat­ed campaign to dismantle the productive capabil­ities in energy, manufacturing, and farming. This project, driven by elites and accruing to their benefit, is amounting to the largest Great Leap Backward in recorded history. If it is not stopped and reversed, it will lead to economic disaster, including dramatical­ly reduced consumption and living standards. And it will almost certainly result in more hunger in the developed world and famines in the developing world. WEF chairman Schwab may out­do Chairman Mao. If we let him.


Michael Rectenwald is the author of twelve books, including The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty, Unraveling the Global AgendaThought CriminalBeyond WokeGoogle Archipelago, and Springtime for Snowflakes. He is a distinguished fellow at Hillsdale College. Contact Michael Rectenwald


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Cover image sourced from Activist Post

Globalist Cabal Meets Again to Prepare for World Domination

Globalist Cabal Meets Again to Prepare for World Domination

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
January 24, 2023


  • Attendees at the exclusive January 2023 World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, included FBI director Chris Wray, MI6 chief Richard Moore, Secretary-General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock and Pfizer (just to name a few), Gates Foundation executives and Cybernetics School director Genevieve Bell
  • The publisher of The New York Times and CNN anchor Fareed Zakaria were also in attendance, as were Ukrainian President Zelensky and a long list of other presidents, prime ministers, ministers, senators, House representatives, commissioners, governors, mayors, bankers, royalty, officials from the UN and Red Cross, as well as military, customs and space agency officials
  • The people gathering at this meeting, which is by invitation only, are among the ones deciding how the rest of us are going to live our lives, what rights we’ll have regardless of local constitutions, and how the world is to be run
  • The WEF works closely with the World Health Organization and the United Nations to make sure the UN’s sustainable development goals are met. The sustainable development goals are the foundation upon which the WEF’s Great Reset agenda is built
  • The WEF is also helping the WHO seize power through its pandemic treaty. If enacted, member states will surrender their sovereignty to the WHO, making it a de facto one world governing body

As reviewed by comedian Jimmy Dore of “The Jimmy Dore Show” in the video above, the World Health Organization began drafting a global pandemic treaty in mid-2022, which would grant it the sole power to make decisions relating to global biosecurity, including but not limited to the implementation of a global vaccine passport/digital identity, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions and standardized medical care.

As noted by Dore, “Then they can just shut your bank account down when you do something they don’t like, like protesting.” Indeed, in 2022, the Canadian government seized the bank accounts of people who had donated money to the trucker convoy, and this was basically a preview of the kind of power the WHO would have.

Treaty Members Will Surrender Their Sovereignty

Even if centralizing biosecurity were a good idea, which it’s not, the WHO would not be at the top of the list of organizations to be charged with this task. In his monologue, Dore quotes my May 2022 article, “What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty,” which was republished by The Defender:1

“As just one example, the WHO didn’t publicly admit SARS-CoV-2 was airborne until the end of December 2021, yet scientists knew the virus was airborne within weeks of the pandemic being declared. The WHO also ignored early advice about airborne transmission.

So, it seems clear that the effort to now hand over more power to the WHO is about something other than them being the most qualified to make health decisions that benefit and protect everyone. With this treaty in place, all member nations will be subject to the WHO’s dictates … even if the people have rejected such plans using local democratic processes.”

In short, every country that signs onto the WHO’s pandemic treaty will voluntarily give up its sovereignty and the bodily autonomy of all its citizens. Making matters worse, we aren’t even told exactly who the people are who will make this decision, so we, the people, don’t know who to contact to make our voices heard.

How the Globalist Cabal Infiltrated Governments Worldwide

This is all happening outside the democratic process, and that’s intentional. The globalist cabal realized they could not convince billions of people into giving up their rights and freedoms. Instead, they focused on installing their own people in key positions around the world, so they could then make decisions that benefited the cult.

A key player in this global takeover plan is the World Economic Forum (WEF), founded in 1971. A great number of the installed globalists are graduates of the WEF’s Forum of Young Global Leaders,2 (formerly the Global Leaders for Tomorrow school3), where they’re indoctrinated in technocratic ideals such as transhumanism which, whether they realize it or not, is nothing but eugenics rebranded.

Transhumanism, like eugenics, is about creating a superior race; in this case, a race augmented by and through technology rather than selective breeding. As of the end of 2022, the Young Global Leaders community had more than 1,400 members from 120 nations, and in addition to political leaders, alumni also include “civic and business innovators, entrepreneurs, technology pioneers, educators, activists, artists [and] journalists.”

The Young Global Leaders forum is not the only incubator of technocrats, but it’s one of the most well-recognized. WEF founder Klaus Schwab has openly bragged about the number of Young Global Leaders alumni that have successfully infiltrated governments around the world, including Canada, where more than 80% of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet are former WEF students.

Trudeau himself is also a Young Global Leader graduate. In a 2017 interview (video below), Schwab stated:4

“This notion to integrate young leaders is part of the World Economic Forum since many years … What we are really proud of now is young generation leaders like Prime Minister Trudeau … We penetrate the cabinets. I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet, are actually Young Global Leaders.”

The WEF’s Takeover of the UN

The Young Global Leaders school was founded in 1992, the same year Agenda 21 was introduced. This makes sense, as they’re part of the same plan. Agenda 21 is the actual action agenda for the United Nations’ sustainable development plans, while the WEF trains propagandists and implementers.

While the UN and WEF have clearly worked hand in hand since 1992, in June 2019, they signed a strategic partnership agreement to accelerate the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by further strengthening collaboration and coordination between the two organizations.5

Hundreds of Organizations Condemn WEF-UN Partnership

In a September 2019 open letter6 to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, more than 400 civil society organizations and 40 international networks condemned the partnership, calling it a “corporate capture of global governance,” and called on Guterres to end it.

“We are very concerned that this WEF-UN partnership agreement will de-legitimize the United Nations and provide transnational corporations preferential and deferential access to the UN System,” the letter states.

“The UN system is already under a big threat from the US Government and those who question a democratic multilateral world. However, this corporatization of the UN poses a much deeper long-term threat, as it will reduce public support for the UN system in the South and the North.

It is our strong belief that this agreement is fundamentally at odds with the UN Charter and with intergovernmental decisions on sustainable development, the climate emergency, and the eradication of poverty and hunger.

This public-private partnership will permanently associate the UN with transnational corporations, some of whose core essential activities have caused or worsened the social and environmental crises that the planet faces. This is a form of corporate capture.

We know that agribusiness destroys biodiversity and sustainable and just food systems, oil and gas corporations endanger the world’s climate, Big Pharma weakens access to essential medications, extractive corporations leave lasting damage to countries’ ecologies and peoples, and arms manufacturers profit from local and regional wars as well as repression of social movements.

All these sectors are significant actors within the World Economic Forum. The provisions of the strategic partnership effectively provide that corporate leaders will become ‘whisper advisors’ to the heads of UN system departments, using their private access to advocate market-based profit-making ‘solutions’ to global problems while undermining real solutions embedded in public interest and transparent democratic procedures …

The UN’s acceptance of this partnership agreement moves the world toward WEF’s aspirations for multistakeholderism becoming the effective replacement of multilateralism.

WEF in their 2010 The Global Redesign Initiative argued that the first step toward their global governance vision is ‘to redefine the international system as constituting a wider, multifaceted system of global cooperation in which intergovernmental legal frameworks and institutions are embedded as a core, but not the sole and sometimes not the most crucial, component.

The goal was to weaken the role of states in global decision-making and to elevate the role of a new set of ‘stakeholders’, turning our multilateral system into a multistakeholder system, in which companies are part of the governing mechanisms.

This would bring transnational corporations, selected civil society representatives, states and other non-state actors together to make global decisions, discarding or ignoring critical concerns around conflicts of interest, accountability and democracy.”

The WEF Actively and Intentionally Undermines Democracy


In mid-January 2023, WEF members, Young Leaders alumni and other VIPs gathered in Davos, Switzerland, for their annual get-together. As reported by UnHerd columnist Thomas Fazi:7

“Alongside heads of state from all over the world, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock, JPMorgan Chase, Pfizer and Moderna will gather, as will the President of the European Commission, the IMF’s Managing Director, the secretary general of Nato, the chiefs of the FBI and MI6, the publisher of The New York Times, and, of course, the event’s infamous host — founder and chairman of the WEF, Klaus Schwab …

Founded in 1971 … the WEF is ‘committed to improving the state of the world through public-private cooperation,’ also known as multistakeholder governance.

The idea is that global decision-making should not be left to governments and nation-states — as in the post-war multilateralist framework enshrined in the United Nations — but should involve a whole range of non-government stakeholders: civil society bodies, academic experts, media personalities and, most important, multinational corporations …

While this may sound fairly benign, it neatly encapsulates the basic philosophy of globalism: insulating policy from democracy by transferring the decision-making process from the national and international level, where citizens theoretically are able to exercise some degree of influence over policy, to the supranational level, by placing a self-selected group of unelected, unaccountable ‘stakeholders’ — mainly corporations — in charge of global decisions concerning everything from energy and food production to the media and public health …

[There] is little doubt as to which interests Schwab’s brainchild is actually promoting and empowering: the WEF is itself mostly funded by around 1,000 member companies … which include some of the world’s biggest corporations in oil (Saudi Aramco, Shell, Chevron, BP), food (Unilever, The Coca-Cola Company, Nestlé), technology (Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple) and pharmaceuticals (AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna).

The composition of the WEF’s board is also very revealing, including Laurence D. Fink, CEO of Blackrock, David M. Rubenstein, co-chairman of the Carlyle Group, and Mark Schneider, CEO of Nestlé.

There’s no need to resort to conspiracy theories to posit that the WEF’s agenda is much more likely to be tailored to suit the interests of its funders and board members — the world’s ultra-wealthy and corporate elites — rather than to ‘improving the state of the world,’ as the organization claims.”

The Goal of the 0.0001% Is to Rule Over the Rest of Us

Considering how proud Schwab is of his WEF members, one wonders why the attendance list to his annual Davos meeting is confidential. Whatever the reason for that might be, The Dossier recently acquired a copy of that list.8

Attendees at the exclusive January 2023 meeting included FBI director Chris Wray, MI6 chief Richard Moore, Secretary-General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock and Pfizer (just to name a few), Gates Foundation executives and Cybernetics School director Genevieve Bell.

The publisher of The New York Times and CNN anchor Fareed Zakaria were also in attendance, as were Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and a long list of other presidents, prime ministers, ministers, senators, House representatives, commissioners, governors, mayors, bankers, royalty, officials from the UN and Red Cross, as well as military, customs and space agency officials.

The people gathering at this meeting, which is by invitation only, are among the ones deciding how the rest of us are going to live our lives, what rights we’ll have, regardless of local constitutions, and how the world is to be run. The rest of us have no say in the matter.

As noted by UnHerd:10

“… there is no denying that the WEF wields immense power, which has cemented the rule of the transnational capitalist class to a degree never before seen in history.

But it is important to recognize that its power is simply a manifestation of the power of the ‘superclass’ it represents — a tiny group amounting, according to researchers,11 to no more than 6,000 or 7,000 people, or 0.0001% of the world’s population, and yet more powerful than any social class the world has ever known …

It was only a matter of time before these aspiring cosmocrats developed a tool through which to fully exercise their dominion over the lower classes — and the WEF proved to be the perfect vehicle to do so.”

The Globalist Cult

One insider has described the WEF’s Davos gathering as “a Ponzi scheme” and “a cult,” according to investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger, who wrote about the WEF in a January 15, 2023, Substack post.12 Apparently, the WEF is getting concerned about the fact that more and more people are starting to realize what they’re actually up to.

“The World Economic Forum … is fighting back against conspiracy theorists who say it and its founder Klaus Schwab are seeking global domination through a ‘great reset’ aimed at stripping the masses of their private property, de-industrializing the economy, and making everybody eat bugs.

”Own nothing, be happy’ — you might have heard the phrase,’ wrote World Economic Forum (WEF) Managing Director Adrian Monck last August. ‘It started life as a screenshot, culled from the Internet by an anonymous anti-semitic account on the image board 4chan …

But what Monck claimed was inaccurate. The phrase, ‘Own nothing, be happy,’ hadn’t originated on 4chan; it originated on WEF’s website.”

Indeed, for some reason, these globalists are continuously describing their plans in reports, white papers, on websites, in videos (such as the one above) and at meetings. Yet when people put the puzzle pieces together, they cry “conspiracy theory.” The WEF’s plan may rightly be called a conspiracy, but none of it is theoretical because they’ve described it in black and white. Schwab even published a book about The Great Reset that anyone can peruse.

In the final analysis, what they’re really objecting to and are trying to draw attention away from is the fact that people don’t like their plan and are calling it for what it is — a global coup d’état, a power grab by cultists who are unsuited to rule because their ideology13 is based on eugenics, depopulation and undemocratic top-down authoritarianism. Even in the face of collapsing birth rates, the WEF still insists overpopulation is a dire threat.14


So, to recap:

  • The WEF has announced and delineated the cabal’s intentions for a Great Reset, which will fundamentally change how we live and erase foundational human freedoms.
  • Trained WEF leaders have and continue to infiltrate governments worldwide. Trained supporting actors are also spread across business, media, entertainment and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), where they help shape public opinion.
  • WEF Young Global Leader graduate Bill Gates is the largest funder of the WHO, which is now trying to get member nations to surrender their sovereignty through a pandemic treaty.
  • The WEF and Gates have prepared the ground for a biosecurity-based One World Government for several years. In 2017, Gates launched the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) at that year’s WEF meeting in Davos.

Then, in October 2019, just two months before the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, the WEF and Gates cohosted Event 201, which featured a fictional outbreak of a novel coronavirus. The exercise focused solely on how to direct and control public discourse about the pandemic rather than how to ensure effective treatments would be discovered and shared.

In late January 2020, CEPI met with Moderna to discuss plans for a COVID-19 “vaccine,” and later that year, CEPI and the WHO jointly created the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) program to ensure everyone would have access to the forthcoming shots — a program that failed to achieve its intended goal,15 by the way.The WEF works in close collaboration with the UN, which laid the foundation for The Great Reset with its sustainable development goals. The strategic partnership agreement between the UN and the WEF is the official acceleration of the globalist takeover plan.In November 2019, the WEF also joined forces with the WHO “to accelerate progress in health and development” to deliver the global goals of the UN.16

Billionaires Plotting How to Depopulate

As mentioned, one of the reasons I believe the 0.0001% are unfit to rule the world is because of their anti-human ideology. Billionaires have held many secret meetings over the years to figure out the best way to depopulate.

In a January 8, 2023, Substack article,17 the Naked Emperor describes the “Good Club,” which first met in 2009. The meeting, which was funded and attended by Bill Gates, included George Soros, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Eli and Edythe Broad, Michael Bloomberg, Oprah Winfrey, Peter Peterson, Julian Robertson Jr., John and Tashia Morgridge, and Patty Stonesifer.

The meeting was held at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, then-president of the Rockefeller University. Nurse is now the director of the Francis Crick Institute, which was founded by a eugenicist. Crick’s intention behind the Institute was to rehabilitate eugenics and “make it respectable again.”

As recently as 1970, Crick stated that “evidence for the equality of different races did not really exist.” That same year he also wrote that sterilization through bribery was the only answer to rid the world of people with poor genes. Depopulation and eugenics were also on the agenda for the 2009 “Good Club” meeting. Each participant was given 15 minutes to present their case, and while several issues were brought up, all agreed that depopulation was a priority.

They also agreed that whatever strategy was employed it needed to be independent of government, as government agencies were deemed unable to head off the looming disaster of overpopulation.

As noted by the Naked Emperor, “if all they were doing was planning on how to save the world, they would be transparent and encourage everyone to help them on their mission.” But that’s not what they’re doing.

Is that because their ideas might be considered abominable by the average person? Sure, it’s easy to decree that people of a certain class don’t deserve to live — if you’re not in that class!

Ask parents of autistic children if they would be willing to euthanize their kids, for example, and I’m sure you’d get an earful. Or ask people over 65 to submit to automatic euthanasia and see how many takers you get. People work their entire lives just to enjoy the leisure of that last decade or two.

The Rise of Anthropocene Anti-Humanism

The idea of billionaires plotting to get rid of other people, but not themselves or their own families, is repugnant to most. But it might be even worse than that. Remarkably, as reported by the Naked Emperor, we’re now seeing the emergence of a cult that embraces the total annihilation of ALL mankind.

“The revolt against humanity is still new enough to appear outlandish, but it has already spread beyond the fringes of the intellectual world,” he writes.18

“This is called Anthropocene anti-humanism, ‘inspired by revulsion at humanity’s destruction of the natural environment.’ For all we know, these billionaires could be part of this cult and influencing policies based on these views.

In the 21st century, Anthropocene anti-humanism offers a much more radical response to a much deeper ecological crisis. It says that our self-destruction is now inevitable, and that we should welcome it as a sentence we have justly passed on ourselves.

Some anti-humanist thinkers look forward to the extinction of our species, while others predict that even if some people survive the coming environmental apocalypse, civilization as a whole is doomed. Like all truly radical movements, Anthropocene anti-humanism begins not with a political program but with a philosophical idea …”

Is Anti-Humanism or Transhumanism Driving the Globalists?

Do the 0.0001% ascribe to anthropocene anti-humanism, or are they transhumanists at heart? As explained by the Naked Emperor:

“Transhumanism, by contrast, glorifies some of the very things that anti-humanism decries — scientific and technological progress, the supremacy of reason. But it believes that the only way forward for humanity is to create new forms of intelligent life that will no longer be Homo sapiens.

Some transhumanists believe that genetic engineering and nanotechnology will allow us to alter our brains and bodies so profoundly that we will escape human limitations such as mortality and confinement to a physical body.

Others await … the invention of artificial intelligence infinitely superior to our own. These beings will demote humanity to the rank we assign to animals — unless they decide that their goals are better served by wiping us out completely.”

Judging by the planned direction the WEF is taking us, I’m convinced transhumanist philosophy underpins its political agendas. Schwab also has not been shy about the WEF’s transhumanist ideals.

He even coined the term “Fourth Industrial Revolution” to describe the planned merger of man with machine. Such a merger, in turn, allows for the direct control of each individual from the outside. Just like you can remote control a computer, so would you be able to remote control an individual whose brain was connected to the cloud.

Technocracy Is Here

In 1975, Sen. Frank Church (video above) warned that the technological advancements of that time already posed a direct threat to the citizens of the United States, and that were a dictator to infiltrate or take control of the country, there would be no escape from the tyranny.

Fast-forward to today, and his words are more than a little prescient. As noted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., “We now live in this abyss!”19 The question is, how do we get out of this abyss, which was intentionally created for us by the 0.0001%?

I believe the only way out is by rejecting surveillance technologies such as Google and Google-based devices while simultaneously building parallel economies, industries and communities that operate outside of their control system. None of that is easy, but we have no other choice. If you accept their system, you accept enslavement.


Sources and References


Connect to Dr. Joseph Mercola

Cover image credit: Edurs34

And Still the People Didn’t See

And Still the People Didn’t See

poem and video by Klokkenluiders
sourced from klokkenluiders telegram channel
January 23, 2023


Video mirrored at TCTL Odysee & Brighteon channels.

Transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light


The first to arrive were the cameras,
installed to protect both you and me,
in places that we weren’t that threatened.

And yet the people didn’t see.

And what followed were traffic restrictions
to keep the roads quiet and clean.
The maths didn’t add up nor the science.

But still the people didn’t see.

And next came the 15-minute neighborhoods
to make our lives easier. Decreed.
To some it seemed like restrictions.

But still the people didn’t see.

And then came the digital ID.
So convenient, easy and free.
Your life in one chip on a mainframe.

And still the people didn’t see.

The cars they sold were electric,
all wired to the government PC.
And they switched off the driving on Sundays.

And still the people didn’t see.

And the banks moved their money to digital.
And the government banned cash the next week.
And the ability to fly was restricted.

And still the people didn’t see.

They linked up your money and profile
to the ID on the government PC.
And connected it to social media.

And still the people didn’t see.

And then came a new cure, a new virus.
Safe and effective and free.
They linked these jabs to your profile
and connected the government PC.

And when the people were locked in their cities,
policed by their digital ID.
Unable to visit their loved ones.

Now, finally, the people can see.

Restricted and tracked with no money —
to go further, a permit you’ll need.
Contained in your digital city.

Oh. Why did the people not see?

These steps they’ve sold us as progress
never looked to be quite what they seemed.
And if you don’t ask the questions in protest
then your children will never know free.


Cover image credit: hunt-er

Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?

Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
January 23, 2023


Last week we looked at the ways that an engineered food crisis (or the perception of a crisis) is being used as an excuse to reengineer our food supply.

From cricket powder dumplings and bug burgers to GMOs and glyphosate to bioreactors and designer microbes to nutrigenomics and 3D printed material, the future of “food” is shaping up to be radically different from anything you’ve eaten before.

But in order to truly do something to derail the runaway train that is the Great Food Reset, we must first understand it. And in order to understand it, we have to know something about the people behind this agenda.

This week, we must answer the question: Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?

The Rockefeller Foundation
The Rockefeller family and their namesake foundation are in many ways the progenitors and the architects of the Great Food Reset. In fact, the very term “agribusiness” emerged from the Harvard Business School out of research conducted by Wassily Leontief under a Rockefeller Foundation grant.

From the beginning of the so-called “Green Revolution” to the so-called “Gene Revolution,” the Rockefellers have been there, helping to move things along with their “philanthropic” donations.

They created the Mexican Agricultural Program, which was criticized from its very inception for trying to standardize and commercialize traditional Mexican farming practices in order to benefit of the Rockefellers and their corporate cronies.

They created the International Basic Economy Corporation in Brazil to industrialize that nation’s agricultural sector, with the explicit aim of hooking its farmers on expensive machinery and Rockefeller petroleum products and finding a sustainable business model in the process.

It was John D. Rockefeller III who, when sitting on the Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation, convinced his fellow oiligarchs to join the “Green Revolution” by founding the Intensive Agriculture District Programme in India, which exacerbated the disparity between rich feudal landowners and poor farming peasants.

And then of course there’s the Rockefeller’s work in Africa, which today takes the form of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. AGRA’s stated goal is to “elevate the single African voice” on the world stage. It all sounds nice and fuzzy until you learn that 200 organizations have come together to denounce the alliance and its activities. They claim that the group has not only “unequivocally failed in its mission” but has actually “harmed broader efforts to support African farmers.”

As you might imagine, the Rockefellers’ influence over the global agricultural sector is not simply a thing of the past. Their family’s foundation continues to wield an inordinate amount of power over what ends up on your dinner plate and how it gets there.

One ominous case in point: the foundation’s July 2020 report—released mere months into the scamdemic—”predicting” that the generated health crisis would lead to a very real food crisis and that America would face “a hunger and nutrition crisis unlike any this country has seen in generations.”

And their proposed solution to this crisis? Subsidies for small farmers? Development of community gardens? A new food sovereignty campaign encouraging people to get their hands dirty and start growing more food themselves?

Of course not. On the contrary, the Rockefeller Foundation wants a further centralization of control over the food supply, including “a new, integrated nutrition security system.” Yes, you read that right, folks: feeding the hungry is now a “nutrition security” problem that can only be solved by massive federal intervention in the food sector.

Oh, and the title of this report? “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System.”

So, no, the Rockefeller Foundation is not done meddling with the food supply. In fact, they’re just getting started.

Bill Gates
Given Bill Gates, Sr.’s 2009 admission that he had looked to the Rockefeller Foundation as an example to follow when helping his son set up the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation—noting not just the Rockefellers’ influence in the field of global health but also specifically citing their work in agriculture and farming—it’s no surprise Bill Gates, Jr. is now so heavily invested in the Great Food Reset.

Of course, he is literally invested in the food reset through his financing of the fake meat industry. Gates was, infamously, an important early backer of “Impossible Burger” and its lab-grown synthetic biology food substitute. He also provided capital to Impossible rival Beyond Meat . . . until Beyond’s stock began to crumble. Miraculously, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust was able to divest itself of its Beyond Meat stock right before the shares tanked in 2019. (The Gateses must be super-shrewd investors!)

But it gets worse. As PleaseStopTheRide.com has pointed out, Gates is also investing millions into “hacking your microbiome” to reengineer humans’ gut bacteria. You see, as it turns out, researchers are discovering that the microbiome—the mixture of bacteria, fungi and viruses that develop in the gut—can have serious effects on children’s physical and mental development, especially in the first year of life. And what does Gates do when he sees an important process that can help him to gain even further control over the human population. Hack it, naturally! But it’s for your own good, of course.

Also, as many people know by now, Bill Gates became the biggest owner of US farmland in 2021. Gee, I wonder why someone who’s so obsessed with completely reengineering the food supply and making us dependent on the lab-grown synthetic food substitutes he funds would be buying up farmland? A real head-scratcher, that one.

Speaking of head-scratchers, just why is Bill so passionate about pushing fake meat on the public, anyway? Why, to appease the weather gods, of course!

Speaking of fake meat . . .

World Economic Forum
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll have heard of the “eat ze bugs” agenda by now. You know, the now-ubiquitous propaganda campaign to stop eating meat and start eating insects in the name of—what else?—”saving the planet”?

But if by chance you were living under that rock, you wouldn’t know why it’s called the eat “ze” bugs agenda. Conspiracy realists, however, will be able to clue you in: it’s in (dis)honour of everyone’s favourite Bond villain reject, Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

Yes, the WEF is behind many different aspects of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the eat ze bugs agenda is no exception. Never forget, it was Schwab who popularized the “Great Reset” rebranding of the very old “New World Order” idea. And Schwab’s desire to get humans off of traditional sources of protein and nutrients is very much a part of that Great Reset plan.

A quick search of the word “insects” on the WEF website reveals that it has been regularly promoting such hard-hitting journalistic pieces as:

5 reasons why eating insects could reduce climate change

Why we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems

Insects could soon be appearing on restaurant menus in Europe


Good grub: why we might be eating insects soon

The fat cats are now unwinding after their hard week at Davos. You can bet they’re not snacking down on cricket croquette or mealmoth flambé . . . though they may expect you to.

But the Davos despots had better watch their backs! It turns out they have competition.

The EAT Forum (Davos for Food)

The EAT Forum is an organization cofounded by the Wellcome Trust (yes, that Wellcome Trust). It emerged from the Stockholm Food Forum, a by-invitation-only conference on the business, science and politics of food production that is sometimes billed as the “Davos for Food.”

Never heard of EAT? Its “About” page reads like the usual corporate whitewash: “EAT is a non-profit dedicated to transforming our global food system through sound science, impatient disruption and novel partnerships.”

But if the very idea of a “Davos for Food” puts you off your lunch and EAT founder and executive chairman Gunhild Stordalen gives you some strong Lieutenant Ilia vibes, then you might want to take a look at Dr. Joseph Mercola’s assessment of the group in his article on the global technocrat cabal:

The EAT Forum’s largest initiative is called FReSH, which aims to transform the food system as a whole. Project partners in this venture include Bayer, Cargill, Syngenta, Unilever and Google. EAT also collaborates with nearly 40 city governments in Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, South America and Australia, and helps the Gates-funded United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) create updated dietary guidelines.

Given a pedigree like that, you’d expect that EAT Forum’s advisory board to be stacked with globalists, insiders and career supergophers for the world’s elite . . . and you’d be right!

Unsurprisingly, among its many initiatives is “Shifting Urban Diets,” a plan to “demonstrate how scientific targets for food systems can be operationalized in the city context” by adopting the Lancet’s “Planetary Health Diet,” a WEF-promoted response to climate change hysteria that says you should eat more vegetables to stop hurricanes . . . or something like that.

Yes, the EAT Forum may not have crossed your radar yet, but if its track record, ambition to become the “Davos for food” and connections to seemingly every globalist insider and crony corporation in the industrial food system indicate anything, we’ll be hearing a lot more about this group in the near future.

Remember last week, when I discussed Henry Kissinger’s 1974 plan to start using foreign aid as a weapon to encourage developing countries to start sterilizing their population? Well, then, it won’t shock you to learn that another organization with its hands in the Great Food Reset pie is USAID. (Yes, that USAID.)

The Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD) is, according to USAID’s website, “a seven-member, presidentially appointed advisory board to USAID established in 1975 under Title XII of the Foreign Assistance Act, as amended, to ensure that USAID brings the assets of U.S. universities to bear on development challenges in agriculture and food security and supports their representation in USAID programming.”

Last year, BIFAD, in conjunction with “Feed the Future” (the U.S. government’s global hunger and food security initiative), released a working paper titled “Systemic Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.” The paper argues that:

. . . a perfect storm of circumstances in which supply chain issues, regional agricultural and nutrition challenges, the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and regional conflict have combined to form a looming food security crisis.

After shoehorning in some climate change hysteria for good measure, they call for—you guessed it—a complete transformation of the food supply and global agriculture!

Specifically, BIFAD’s “Systemic Change” subcommittee has been tasked with providing “evidence-based recommendations to accelerate inclusive systems change to achieve transformative climate change adaptation and mitigation outcomes in agriculture, nutrition, and food systems.” The subcommittee’s proposals for achieving this ambitious goal include:

  • linking “carbon markets” to “regenerative agriculture” (i.e., the financialization of nature that is all the rage in globalist circles these days);
  • using ESG scores as a way to pressure companies into acquiescing to the vague, nebulous and ever-shifting demands of the Food Reset mafia;
  • and, of course, “the promotion of insects as sustainable sources of proteins.”

The whole document is couched in the bland bureaucratic doublespeak of “equity,” “inclusion” and “sustainability.” Of course, it avoids delving too deeply into the specifics of this fundamental transformation of the food system that BIFAD is ostensibly investigating. But, if you know how to read between the lines, it isn’t hard to understand what the report is really saying. USAID’s “leverage” over developing countries—specifically referenced no less than 125 times—gives an insight into the Kissingerian food-as-a-weapon mentality that is the very basis of USAID and its mission. The entire enterprise reeks of a neocolonial landgrab masquerading as “philanthropy”—the kind of territorial taking that people in Africa and elsewhere have been warning about for decades.

What Can We Do?
This list of Great Food Reset culprits is of course incomplete. I haven’t even mentioned the participants in the “Food Chain Reaction Game” or the “nitrogen reduction” schemes being pushed by national governments around the world or the Global Crop Diversity Trust and its ominous Svalbard seed vault or any of a million other relevant players and factors in this grand transformation.

But from this (admittedly incomplete) exploration we can derive a general understanding of the types of players that are behind this push to “transform the global food supply” and can accurately describe their methods and motivation. This is enough for us to start formulating our own plans for counteracting this agenda.

And that is the topic for next week. . . .


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Cover image credit: Prawny

A Million Mengeles? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Patrick Wood and Joseph Molitorisz — On the Self-Appointed Elites Obsessed With Playing God & the Chilling Origins of Technocracy

A Million Mengeles? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Patrick Wood and Joseph Molitorisz — On the Self-Appointed Elites Obsessed With Playing God & the Chilling Origins of Technocracy

by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, International Crimes Investigative Committee
January 22, 2023


In this episode of ICIC, Reiner Fuellmich, his co-host, philosopher Joseph Molitorisz, and their guest, economist and author Patrick Wood, take us on a journey through the chilling origins and evolution of Technocracy, the nefarious figures and ideologies behind its mechanistic power structures and its cunning and covert implementation through social engineering.

Self-appointed “Elites” have hijacked politics and established “puppet nations” from the comforts of their NGOs. They disguise their evil intentions with appealing catchphrases and Orwellian-Speak while insidiously luring the masses into their dystopian world of Transhumanism.

Obsessed with playing God and drunk with power, they have emerged from the shadows and are arrogantly hiding in plain sight.

It is high time for mankind to wake up, stand up, expose and reject their anti-human agenda and co-create a beautiful New World.


Connect with International Crimes Investigative Committee

Why Are They FINALLY “Admitting” the Covid Vax Could Be Harmful?

Why Are They FINALLY “Admitting” the Covid Vax Could Be Harmful?

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
January 19, 2023


The mainstream narrative spinners – from politicians to the CDC to the media – have started reporting “possible harms” due to Covid “vaccines”.

This is a potentially seismic shift in the narrative, but as usual we need to ask  the perennial questions –

Why this?

Why now?

For almost two years, those of us expressing concern about the possible damage done by forcing untested and unnecessary gene therapies on billions of people have been either ignored by the noisy majority or slandered by them. And this includes both mainstream and “alt” media.

On the rare occasion an “anti-vaxxer” was given any kind of platform, it was usually either a hand-picked kook, or a minor celebrity making arguments from emotion.

The actual science – and the professionals communicating that science – were banished from the mainstream airwaves. Airbrushed out of sight and mind.

The vaccines were branded “safe and effective”, by everyone everywhere.

Until now.

Last week the UK’s BBC News invited Dr Aseem Malhotra to discuss prescriptions for statins to prevent heart disease (yeah – another issue, for another time).

During his seven-minute interview, he linked mRNA covid “vaccines” to potential cardiac disease:

This, as far as I know, marks the first time a medical professional has been allowed to make these facts known in the mainstream media.

But why did it happen?

And why did it happen now?

The “official” story is it was an oopsy moment.  That somehow Dr Malhotra just “slipped through the net”, had been invited on to discuss statins, not Covid and  just cleverly flipped the script and used his temporary platform to broadcast the truth.

Let’s unpack this idea and see what we have.

First thing to note is Dr Malhotra is by no means a closet vaccine-sceptic.

He has a Twitter account with substantial numbers of followers, on which he regularly questions the mRNA vaccines.

He has appeared on GB News questioning the vaccines multiple times.

It seems vanishingly unlikely any BBC researcher would fail to discover what his opinions of the vaccine were.

And even supposing he did “slip through the net”, once he started talking about the vaccines, why did the anchor let him continue?

We have seen in the past how mainstream outlets treat people who start saying things they shouldn’t say:

He’s going off-topic, and as an interviewer, she would have every right to nudge him back toward the question. But if you watch the interview she barely even attempts to do this. In fact rather than changing the subject, blasting him for being an “anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist”, or simply cutting the feed…the anchor actively pursues the subject, asking him further questions to draw him out.

Why would she do this if he was “slipping through the net”?

And here’s the kicker: the very same day this “accident” happened Reuters reported the US CDC and FDA are investigating a possible link between Pfizer shots and strokes, under the headline:

U.S. FDA, CDC see early signal of possible Pfizer bivalent COVID shot link to stroke

This really should put the final nail in the coffin of the “accident” argument for anyone who understands how narrative-creation works.

What we can deduce from this is there is a deliberate ongoing move to shift the narrative and allow some partial, limited discussion of vaccine harms.

The pressing question is why.

I trust anyone reading this is well aware we can rule out any idea that the BBC, CDC et al have suddenly realized they made a huge mistake.

The entirety of the global establishment hasn’t been ignoring the risks of the vaccines because they didn’t understand, ok. It wasn’t one big supranational brain fart.

They were lying, actively and deliberately, for years.

It’s just that for some reason they have stopped, very briefly and in the tiniest way possible.

Secondly, however reassuring it might be to think so, they have not been forced to admit the truth by sheer weight of evidence.

That’s not how the psychopathic world of politics and narrative-creation works. There’s nothing so true the agenda-setters and their tame media are forced to report it. On the contrary, they routinely deny the undeniably obvious every day, for year after year, for as long as they need or want to.

The truth has no relevance in their lexicon unless it also serves some other purpose. They tell stories of convenience, they report only what is of service to those stories.

And let’s not forget –  they haven’t admitted the truth.

They haven’t even begun to do that and almost certainly never will.

They’ve just stopped actively suppressing one part of the suppressed reality.

However, even that tiny nano-grain of honesty potentially poses a direct threat to the mainstream narrative, in the way a single pebble rolling down a hill can potentially kick off a landslide – and they clearly know this because they immediately surrounded their “admission” with walkbacks and caveats – just in case.

Within a few hours of Dr Malhotra’s appearance on the news, the BBC had invited “senior doctors” on to counter his claims, and the Guardian was running a piece quoting various “outraged” doctors criticising the BBC for even letting him on.

Less than 24 hours after the CDC/FDA admitted they were reviewing the vaccine’s possible link to strokes…they reported their results and announced they hadn’t found anything.

The entire exercise was clearly carefully controlled. The smallest possible shift in the narrative, under very strict conditions.

After all, the lethal dose of truth is surprisingly small.

So back to our initial question: Why this? Why now?

Why do it at all? Why put two years of “safe and effective” brainwashing at risk? What is going on behind the scenes here?

Well, here are a few possible explanations:

  • Power struggle – Internal political struggle between the Great Reset supporters and those more traditional political factions who want to discredit the “new normal”.
  • “Vaccine wars” – Big pharma infighting, nothing but corporate greed winning out over narrative cohesion (they all pointedly question only the mRNA vaccines at this point, after all).
  • More fear – If the aim of the game is to scare people, then telling the 4 billion vaccinated individuals you might have poisoned them is a powerful move.
  • “new and improved vaccines” – Maybe a push to corral the unvaccinated by “admitting” a (tiny) problem, then “fixing it” in the next updated booster.

We can’t completely rule out sabotage, of course. It’s possible that some people within the establishment harbour genuine doubts about the course of events since 2020 and are trying to covertly get information out. Although the coordinated nature of the release makes that unlikely, it’s not impossible.

Regardless, we still need to keep our eyes open. It might be a victory, but it might be something else.

The old mantra applies: Always be sceptical of the media, even when – especially when – they tell you what you want to hear.


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Matt Ehret, With Rogue News: Why is Robert Malone Pushing Anti-China Misinformation?

Matt Ehret With Rogue News: Why is Robert Malone Pushing Anti-China Misinformation?

by Matthew Ehret, Rogue News
January 19, 2023


Dr Robert Malone has stated that anyone calling out controlled opposition is only demonstrating that they themselves are the controlled opposition used willfully or not by intelligence agencies to discredit the resistance. Sounds fine. But what if Dr Malone finds himself promoting (willfully or not) misinformation that will undermine the very resistance he seeks to inform, shape and mobilize? Mobilize to what goals and based on what concepts of the enemy?

In this episode of the Great Game on Rogue News, we unpack some serious fallacies and dubious intelligence connections underlying Dr Malone’s recent foray into global geopolitical analysis with his promotion of an MI6-shaped narrative first released by Sir Richard Dearlove in early 2020 which asserts Covid to have been an intentionally crafted and released bioweapon which killed millions in a war to destroy western civilization rendering humanity enslaved to the new Chinese master class.

Is it false or true? What evidence and what sources does Dr Malone rely upon to advance his thesis?


For more information on anti-China Psyops, pick up Matt’s Breaking Free of Anti China Psyops

Pick up Clash of the Two Americas vol 1-4 to come to a clear grasp of the structures and history of the Anglo Venetian oligarchy stretching back several thousand years here:

To listen to the previous week’s episode debunking Peter Zeihan click here:

Follow Rogue News every day at www.RogueNews.com


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Davos: Gates, Schwab, Global Elites Face Growing Criticism of Their ‘Master the Future’ Agenda

Davos: Gates, Schwab, Global Elites Face Growing Criticism of Their ‘Master the Future’ Agenda
Thousands of prominent political and business figures are congregating in Davos, Switzerland, this week for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, as critics accused them of “centralizing power into the possession of hand-picked global elites.” 

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., The Defender
January 18, 2023


Thousands of prominent political and business figures are congregating in Davos, Switzerland, this week for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), whose theme, “Cooperation in a Fragmented World,” focuses on the “cost of living crisis.”

In recent years, the WEF and its founder and chairperson, German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, generated controversy by promoting ideas such as the “The Great Reset” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

In promoting ”The Great Reset” in 2020, Schwab said the COVID-19 “pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”

The WEF’s 2016 vision for the future — “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better” — has also raised eyebrows.

In its mission statement, the WEF claims “it is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests.”

The statement continues:

“The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.”

However, critics describe the WEF as a “fanatical political organization masquerading as a neutral entity” with the goal of “centralizing power into the possession of hand-picked global elites” and for operating with no public input or accountability.

Some critics argue the WEF’s annual meeting “acts as the go-to in-person, invite-only, closed to ideological outsiders policy and ideas shop for the global ruling class.”

Statements emerging from this year’s meeting have done little to quell concerns about the WEF’s real agenda.

The Defender examines some of the key themes of this year’s meeting — taking place under a militaristic security blanket and amid accusations that participants are not practicing what they preach when it comes to their own behavior.

Key themes this year include “combating misinformation,” promoting “public-private partnerships,” “green” politics, buzzwords such as “DEI,” “resiliency” and “sustainability,” “health security,” and continued digitization via the metaverse and “smart” technologies.

Schwab opines on the importance of ‘mastering the future’

In a press release promoting this year’s WEF meeting, Schwab stated:

“We see the manifold political, economic and social forces creating increased fragmentation on a global and national level. To address the root causes of this erosion of trust, we need to reinforce cooperation between the government and business sectors, creating the conditions for a strong and durable recovery.

“At the same time there must be the recognition that economic development needs to be made more resilient, more sustainable and nobody should be left behind.”

In his opening address, Schwab said that current crises around the world, ranging from COVID-19 to the high cost of living, are “serving as catalytic forces for the economic transformation,” adding that “through collective responsibility, innovation and human goodwill and ingenuity, we have the capacity to turn such challenges into opportunities.”

Schwab asked what it means to “master the future”:

“What does it mean to master the future? I think to have a platform where all stakeholders of society are engaged — governments, business, civil societies, young generation … I think is the first step to meet all the challenges.”

Schwab also used his opening remarks to address criticism levied against the WEF in recent years. However, he said the WEF and its global partners must “overcome” such “negative critical and confrontational attitudes.”

In a blog post, investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel noted that the WEF appears to be “playing defense” in response to the “major headwinds” its “extremist agenda” faces, by claiming that it is the victim of “disinformation campaigns.”

For instance, an Aug. 5, 2022, article in Canada’s The Globe and Mail stated the infamous “own nothing and be happy” quote “sparked a misinformation campaign,” even though Schachtel noted that the phrase originated from the WEF itself. The article containing the quote was written by Adrian Monck, now the WEF’s managing director.

And Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently attacked the WEF, remarking that “They run everything and everyone else is basically a serf.”

‘Annual pilgrimage to genuflect to Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab’

The roster of speakers at this year’s WEF meeting represents a proverbial “who’s who” of the global political, business, journalistic and nonprofit elite.

Referencing the significant number of journalists participating as panelists and speakers, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense, said:

“The American press makes its annual pilgrimage to genuflect to Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and get its marching orders from the billionaires.”

Among this year’s WEF meeting speakers are 52 heads of state and government, including representatives of royal families, and 56 national finance ministers, 35 ministers of foreign affairs, 30 ministers of commerce and 19 governors of central banks.

Indeed, a record number of heads of state is attending this year’s meeting.

The U.S. contingent at this year’s meeting includes key Biden administration and intelligence community figures, including FBI Director Christopher Wray, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, Secretary of Labor Martin J. Walsh, U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai and several members of Congress from both parties.

Schachtel said the U.S. delegation is smaller than last year’s, which he attributed to “the massive blowback the World Economic Forum has received.”

Key international figures on this year’s roster include U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom GhebreyesusSecretary General of NATO Jens StoltenbergChristine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank and former managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and former Vice President Al Gore.

More than a dozen representatives of the EU are attending, including President of the European Commission Ursula von der LeyenPresident of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola, and other key officials, including the EU’s commissioner for the economy and its executive vice president for the European Green Deal.

European heads of state, such as German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Prime Minister of The Netherlands Mark Rutte, are among the speakers, alongside European royal figures such as Queen Mathilde of the Belgians, Queen Máxima of the Netherlands and Prince Albert II of Monaco. A large contingent of Ukrainian politicians also is attending.

Big Pharma also is strongly represented in this year’s speaker list. Attendees include Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla — who at last year’s WEF meeting discussed how microchips will one day be added to pills — Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, top-level executives of AstraZeneca, Bayer, Merck and Sanofi, and Adar Poonawalla of India’s Serum Institute, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer.

Key business and financial figures on the speaker’s list include BlackRock CEO Larry FinkAmazon CEO Andy Jassy, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser and Bain & Company Chairman Orit Gadiesh, alongside the governors of central banks of countries such as France, Israel and The Netherlands.

Five representatives of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are on the speaker’s list, as are editors and journalists from outlets such as The Associated Press, Reuters and The Washington Post, and Axios, Bloomberg, CBS, CNBC, CNN, Deutsche Welle, The Economist, the Financial Times, Forbes, Foreign Affairs, Fortune, Fox Business, NBC, The Atlantic, The New York Times, Politico and The Wall Street Journal.

There’s also no shortage of Big Tech and fintech representatives on the WEF speakers lineup, including executives from Google, LinkedIn, Meta, Microsoft, TikTok, alongside Mastercard and Visa.

In all, more than 2,700 participants from 130 countries are listed.

Notably, George Soros, chair of Soros Fund Management and founder of the Open Society Foundations, said in a Jan. 10 tweet that he will not be in attendance at this year’s WEF meeting “due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict.” Soros’ son, Alexander Soros, deputy chair of the Open Society Foundations, is on the roster, however.

According to Andrew Lawton, a journalist with Canadian outlet True North:

“Everyone at the World Economic Forum annual meeting — including journalists and participants — has to take a PCR test upon arrival. If you don’t take a test, the chip in your ID badge is deactivated. If you test positive for COVID the badge is also deactivated.”

An intense security curtain has been set up in Davos, with police and military roadblocks and checkpoints, fingerprint scanning and an “unofficial” “World Economic Forum Police.”

Lawton reported that “private bilateral and multilateral” meetings among participants are likely also being held, “which don’t appear on the programme.”

‘We are a select group of human beings’

Despite the presence of so many high-level figures at the annual WEF meeting, Schwab has previously said he doesn’t make “political statements or economic statements which are … in any way influencing political personalities.”

However, Schwab was photographed mingling with global heads of state at the November 2022 G20 conference in Indonesia.

Schwab also previously proclaimed that alumni of his Forum of Young Global Leaders have “penetrated” the governments of multiple countries, where WEF policies are widely being adopted.

In the leadup to this year’s meeting, the WEF raised some eyebrows with its list of the “Top 10 Risks” facing the world over a two- and 10-year period, including the “cost of living crisis,” “erosion of social cohesion” and “large-scale involuntary migration.”

According to Lawton, corporate executives view the benefit of participation in the WEF meeting as “face-time with politicians,” while NGO leaders focus on getting “an audience with business leaders (potential donors) and policy-makers.”

However, Lawton noted that attendance at speeches by world leaders in Davos is “sparse.”

Nevertheless, perhaps revealing how participants view their role as WEF invitees, Kerry, speaking at this year’s meeting, said, “We are a select group of human beings” who “sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet.”

This theme of “saving the planet” is evidenced by the titles of some of the panels at this year’s WEF meeting, including “Leading the Charge through Earth’s New Normal,” “Tackling Harm in the Digital Era” and “Why We Need Battery Passports.”

Leaders tackle ‘clear and present danger’ of ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’

One of the key themes permeating this year’s WEF meeting is the perceived need to tackle so-called “misinformation” and “disinformation.”

This was evidenced, for instance, by a panel “The Clear and Present Danger of Disinformation” panel, which included former CNN personality Brian Stelter, Times Publisher Arthur Gregg Sulzberger, European Commission Vice President Věra Jourová, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) and Internews CEO Jeanne Bourgault.

During this sessionMoulton blamed “mis info” for not “get[ting] people to take a COVID vaccine,” while Sulzberger described “disinformation” as “the most existential” challenge society faces, and Jourová suggested “disinformation” could be fought via enacting “increased regulations,” calling on the U.S. to pass hate speech legislation.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), speaking on another panel, said, “The problem we have is the open press system and basically all the platforms.”

Public-private partnerships: solutions to the world’s problems or ‘top-down vision for technocratic tyranny’?

In its Twitter bio, the WEF describes itself as “The international organization for public-private cooperation.” This is evident in its description of this year’s meeting, where the WEF says, “We’ll look at how we can tackle the numerous and interlinked challenges the world is facing and find solutions through public-private cooperation.”

A Jan. 17 press conference at this year’s meeting, for instance, was titled “Philanthropic-Public-Private Partnerships for Climate & Nature,” and included participants from the Bezos Earth Fund and McKinsey & Company, as well as Børge Brende, former Norwegian foreign minister and current WEF president.

Brende said, “Time is running out to address critical global challenges” and he introduced the concept of “stakeholder geopolitics” as a means of tackling them.

Also on Jan. 17, Spain’s foreign minister, José Manuel Albares Bueno, said the COVID-19 and Ukraine crises “have shown us that the best method is to do things together,” as “we get out of crises quicker and in better shape.”

Schachtel described this focus as “a public-private fascist movement,” where the WEF partners with the “most influential individuals in business, along with central bankers, governmental head honchos, and international organizations, in order to facilitate their top-down vision for technocratic tyranny, or what they call ‘stakeholder capitalism.’”

Leaders arrive in ‘droves of private jets’ to talk ‘Green’ politics

Lawton reported that multiple participants at this year’s conference discussed ideas for how we can transition to a “climate positive lifestyle.”

Gore suggested that activities considered to be “anti-climate” should be defunded, while Guterres said, “To stop our ‘self-defeating war on nature,’ we must close the emissions gap, phase out coal, and supercharge the renewable revolution,” adding that oil companies have perpetuated a “big lie” on climate change.

In turn, Oxford University professor Ngaire Woods suggested the implementation of a “real carbon price” by every country, in order to accelerate the energy transition, while in an interview outside the official meeting schedule, Schwab Foundation member Kola Masha talked about “forcing” environmental policy on the public.

Lawton observed that all WEF meeting participants, upon registration, were surveyed “to calculate their carbon footprint for attending the meeting in Davos.”

Perhaps belying the underlying goal of purported “green” proposals, Kerry said, during a panel titled “Philanthropy: A Catalyst for Protecting Our Planet,” that the only way to achieve a 1.5 degree Centigrade reduction in the global temperature was “Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money.”

Articles on the WEF website complementing the meeting program suggest, “Why you should consider adding carbon credits to your climate action plan,” and how cities can adopt “environmental, social, governance” (ESG) management utilizing the metaverse and blockchain, and ideas like the “15 minute city” and “traffic filters.”

In an interview with Nicholas Lyons, Lord Mayor of the City of London, when asked why WEF participants engaged with China in light of its severe lockdowns, he pivoted to climate change, stating, “Human rights issues are always a concern … but also you have to understand, the biggest challenge facing the world is climate change.”

In a press release preceding the start of this year’s gathering, Greenpeace criticized the “hypocrisy” of the WEF delegates, who “arrive in droves of private jets.”

‘DEI,’ ‘ESG,’ ‘resiliency’ and ‘sustainability’: Popular buzzwords dominate panel discussions 

This year’s WEF meeting program, and the talks delivered by many of its participants, are peppered with repeated mentions of in-vogue buzzwords, including “DEI” (diversity, equity, inclusion), “resiliency” and “sustainability.”

This is evident in the WEF’s description of the meeting, where Schwab is quoted saying, “There must be the recognition that economic development needs to be made more resilient, more sustainable and nobody should be left behind,” while the description also talks about the need for “industry resilience.”

Vicki Hollub, CEO of Occidental Petroleum, commented during the meeting that, “As we transition, we must not leave developing countries behind,” while Bob Sternfels, global managing partner of McKinsey & Company, said, “Companies that act in a resilient way outperform their peers by up to 50%.”

Fink, a member of the WEF Board of Trustees and a major proponent of ESG, participated in the “Relaunching Trade, Growth and Investment” panel. Another panel, “Technology for a More Resilient World,” included participants from the WEF, IBM, Accenture and The Atlantic.

And as part of the agenda for this year’s meeting, the WEF also suggested that “consumers want sustainable options” and provided suggestions for “what producers, suppliers, and retailers can do now.”

Notably, however, in remarks made to Bloomberg, Fink complained that “the narrative around ESG investing has become ugly” and has led to “huge polarization” — a statement perhaps indicative of the increasing criticism being levied toward Fink, BlackRock, the WEF and other associated entities.

For instance, in a recent tweet, Twitter owner and CEO Elon Musk remarked “The S in ESG stands for Satanic.” The WEF’s Twitter account is not included in the “How to follow Davos 2023” pamphlet distributed by the WEF.

Delegates at BlackRock’s pavilion refused to answer one reporter’s questions.

And, perhaps spelling out what underscores discussions of “inclusiveness,” “sustainability” and “resilience,” a WEF article accompanying this year’s meeting agenda titled “5 dimensions of leadership to address complex challenges” includes, as one of its dimensions, “Muscles: perseverance to translate ideas into action.”

Future ‘pandemics’ and ‘global health security’: Will tuberculosis be the next pandemic scare?

Another prominent theme at this year’s WEF meeting is how to deal with “future pandemics” and “global health security.”

One panel discussion, “State of the Pandemic,” included Bancel and representatives of the Gates-affiliated GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance, the Harvard School of Public Health and European news outlet Euronews.

Participants in “Ending Tuberculosis: How Do We Get There?” included WHO Secretary-General Tedros and representatives from the WEF, The Washington Post, the Wellcome Trust and The Global Fund.

During this panel discussion, Tedros warned that “a resurgence of tuberculosis may be coming …. sooner or later.” In response, Twitter commentator “Chief Nerd” wrote, “fortunately, BioNTech & Bill Gates started testing a mRNA vaccine for TB last year.” The author provided a link to a relevant article from GAVI’s website.

Another panel, “Putting Health at the Heart of Climate Action,” bridged the topics of “global health” and “climate change,” and included panelists from Sanofi, the Africa CDC and UNICEF.

Articles on the WEF website accompanying the meeting agenda include, “A universal flu vaccine: Here’s what you need to know” and “Let’s bring together countries and corporations to grow global pathogen surveillance.”

Other articles promoted a “digital transformation” of healthcare infrastructure and telemedicine as a means of achieving “global health equity.”

Investigative journalists Avi Yemini and Ezra Levant of Rebel News located Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on the streets of Davos today and bombarded him with 29 questions — to which Bourla provided two responses: “Thank you very much” and “Have a nice day.”

In a separate street interview, AstraZeneca Chairman Leif Johansson was more talkative, admitting to Yemini that the COVID-19 vaccines never stopped the spread, but nevertheless justifying the vaccine mandates. According to Yemini, “He scrambled behind the restricted area before I could ask about the recent rise in ‘sudden deaths.’”

The ‘metaverse’ and ‘smart’ technologies: global ‘cooperation’ or global control?

This year’s meeting continues the WEF’s promotion of digital technologies such as the “metaverse” and other “smart” technologies, as solutions for multiple global challenges.

According to Schachtel, the WEF will announce “the first, and long-awaited, outputs of the Defining and Building the Metaverse Initiative,” including briefing papers on “Interoperability in the Metaverse” and “Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse.”

Also this year, Schwab, Microsoft Vice Chairman and President Brad Smith, and Julie Sweet, chair and CEO of Accenture, shared a vision for the so-called “Global Collaboration Village.” Schwab said the initiative can be “trusted” because INTERPOL is participating in the effort.

This “Global Collaboration Village” was first announced in May 2022, as a means to “harness the power of the metaverse to grow and diversify participation in advancing the global public interest.” Panelists this year presented the benefits of a “global VR society” — referring to virtual reality — that would be “without borders.”

The embattled von der Leyen said this week, “the next decades will see the greatest industrial transformation of our times, maybe of any time,” in a clear reference to “The Great Reset” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Investigative journalist Noor Bin Ladin characterized von der Leyen’s statement as a “chilling message if you know what this Globalist shill is talking about: Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, and other recent technology advancements [which] are absolutely essential for … the digital jails in which we’ll be trapped.”

Other metaverse-related panels and events this year include “Deployment in the Industrial Metaverse” and “How to Build a Metaverse for All,” accompanied by articles suggesting how the metaverse can impact industryshape inclusiveness and explaining why and how it needs to be regulated.


This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense

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Rebel News Reporters Challenge Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at Davos; Bourla Responded With Silence

Rebel News Reporters Challenge Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at Davos; Bourla Responded With Silence


Caught Him! Rebel News Pummels Pfizer CEO With Questions at World Economic Forum

by Lezra Levant, Rebel News
January 18, 2023


It was the moment we were waiting for: one of the most hated men in the world going for a leisurely stroll because he assumed he was amongst friends. After all, in the three years since the pandemic began, have you ever seen a journalist ask him a tough question?

Well, he didn’t count on Rebel News and our accountability style of citizen journalism.

I walked right up to him and started asking him the questions that millions of people have surely been wondering for years. And a moment later, Avi joined in, making it a sort of walking press conference. And Bourla couldn’t answer a single question.

You know, there are hundreds of “accredited” journalists here at the World Economic Forum — the biggest names in news, from CNN to the New York Times. But you have to understand: they’re all here as WEF members, not to hold the WEF to account. They’re on Pfizer’s team. They would never ask Pfizer a tough question.


Today we really proved that, when it comes to holding the establishment to account, citizen journalists are the only ones who can be trusted. Everyone else is just too compromised.

Between Avi and I, we asked 29 questions. Everything we have been wanting to ask the Pfizer CEO for three years — from how much he has personally profited from the pandemic, to how much he has paid others to promote his vaccines, to important questions about when he knew his vaccines didn’t actually stop transmission, and why he kept it a secret.

Read full article here.

Link to all Rebel News’ World Economic Forum reports.


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New CDC Data: 800 “Accidental Covid” Deaths?! (Plus “Covid Suicides” and “Covid Homicides”)

New CDC Data: 800 “Accidental Covid” Deaths?! (Plus “Covid Suicides” and “Covid Homicides”)


New CDC Data 800 “Accidental Covid” Deaths?!

by Justin Hart, Rational Ground by Justin Hart
January 14, 2023


The CDC recently confirmed over 800 “accident” Covid-19 deaths in 2021 for people under 60. These are deaths which obviously had little to do with Covid – but they logged them that way anyways. Here are 23 of those deaths from 2021 related just to “falls”.

  1. A 32-year-old white male died in December from an unspecified fall that resulted in an unspecified injury of the head, mental and behavioral disorders related to alcohol use, convulsions, and a kidney tumor. He also had COVID-19.
  2. A 57-year-old white male died in November from an “other fall on the same level” that resulted in a rib fracture, injury of the liver or gallbladder, malaise and fatigue, syncope and collapse, and COVID-19.
  3. A 56-year-old white male died in March from an unspecified fall that resulted in cardiac arrest, stroke, other intracranial injuries, COVID-19, hypertension, and diabetes. He also had mental and behavioral disorders related to tobacco use.
  4. A 56-year-old white male died in January from a fall on and from stairs and steps that resulted in an unspecified injury of the neck, pneumonia due to food and vomit, hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. He also had COVID-19.
  5. A 58-year-old white male died in February from a fall on and from stairs and steps that resulted in an unspecified injury of the head, intracranial injury, and accidental poisoning from alcohol. He also had hypertension and COVID-19.
  6. A 56-year-old black male died in February from an unspecified fall that resulted in an unspecified injury of the head, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, hypertension, and a surgical operation. He also had COVID-19.
  7. A 42-year-old white female died in July from an unspecified fall that resulted in an injury of the spleen, pneumonia, mental and behavioral disorders related to alcohol use, and other and unspecified cirrhosis of the liver. She also had COVID-19.
  8. A 57-year-old white male died in February from an “other fall on the same level” that resulted in a diffuse brain injury, unspecified injury of the head, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and COVID-19.
  9. A 56-year-old white male died in June from an “other fall on the same level” that resulted in an unspecified injury of the head, pulmonary embolism, and COVID-19. He also had Down Syndrome and hypertension.
  10. A 55-year-old black female died in January from an “other fall on the same level” that resulted in a traumatic subdural hemorrhage, a fracture of the neck of femur, Huntington disease, Parkinson disease, and COVID-19.
  11. A 59-year-old white female died in June from an “other fall on the same level” that resulted in an unspecified injury of the head, hypertension, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. She also had COVID-19.
  12. A 55-year-old white male died in July from an unspecified fall that resulted in an unspecified injury, COVID-19, chronic kidney disease, and hypertension. He also had atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
  13. A 24-year-old white female died in September from an unspecified fall that resulted in a traumatic subdural hemorrhage, a skull and facial bone fracture, and an unspecified injury of the head. She also had COVID-19.
  14. A 57-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native male died in October from an unspecified fall that resulted in an unspecified injury, mental and behavioral disorders related to alcohol use, and an unspecified viral infection. He also had COVID-19.
  15. A 57-year-old white male died in December from an unspecified fall that resulted in traumatic shock, superficial injury, and congestive heart failure. He also had COVID-19.
  16. An accident occurred where a 57-year-old white man fell on the same level, resulting in an unspecified injury to his head. He had pre-existing conditions of diabetes and high cholesterol, and also tested positive for COVID-19.
  17. A 56-year-old white man fell in an accident and sustained an unspecified injury. He had a history of chronic kidney disease, heart disease, and diabetes, and tested positive for COVID-19.
  18. A 55-year-old black woman fell in an accident, suffering a traumatic brain injury and a broken thigh bone. She had pre-existing conditions of Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and tested positive for COVID-19.
  19. A 59-year-old white woman fell in an accident and sustained an unspecified injury to her head. She had pre-existing conditions of hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes, and also tested positive for COVID-19.
  20. A 55-year-old white man fell in an accident and sustained an unspecified injury. He had a history of chronic kidney disease, heart disease, and tested positive for COVID-19.
  21. A 24-year-old white woman fell in an accident, suffering a traumatic brain injury and a broken skull and facial bones. She also tested positive for COVID-19.
  22. A 43-year-old white man fell in an accident, suffered a traumatic brain injury, and tested positive for COVID-19 and pneumonia.
  23. A 28-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native man fell on and from stairs, sustaining an unspecified injury to his head. He had pre-existing conditions of liver and spleen enlargement and tested positive for COVID-19.

More tomorrow.

[See Justin Hart’s follow-up articles below.]



More Covid Overcounting 60+ Covid suicides?


As we noted over the weekend, the CDC has a data problem… and someone is bilking the American taxpayer by logging Covid deaths that are NOT Covid deaths.

The CDC recorded dozens of “Suicide COVID Deaths” under the age of 60. The death certificate OBVIOUSLY denotes intentional self-harm to un-alive oneself.

-> but they slapped it in the Covid pile because…

A 23-year-old white male died in February from suicide by intentional self-poisoning with non-opioid analgesics and exposure to hot objects, resulting in burns and cardiac arrest. He also had COVID-19. 1/

A 38-year-old white female died in April from suicide by intentional self-poisoning with antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, ethanol, and benzodiazepines. She also had COVID-19 and unspecified depressive and anxiety disorders. 2/

A 31-year-old white male died in August from suicide by intentional self-harm with an unspecified means, resulting in intracranial injury. He also had COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified drug poisoning. 3/

A 27-year-old white male died in January from suicide by intentional self-harm with a firearm, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, severe depression, and unspecified anxiety disorder. 4/

A 22-year-old white male died in September from suicide by handgun discharge, resulting in open wound to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified anxiety and depression, and unspecified mental disorder. 5/

A 55-year-old white male died in August from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified depression, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. 6/

A 45-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native female died in November from suicide by jumping from a high place, resulting in head and neck injuries. She also had COVID-19, pneumonia, sepsis and muscular dystrophy 7/

A 33-year-old white male died in September from suicide by handgun discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified depression, and unspecified mental and behavioral disorders related to alcohol use. 8/

A 31-year-old white male died in August from COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified drug poisoning, he also had respiratory failure and pneumothorax. 9/

A 14-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native female died in December from suicide by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, resulting in asphyxiation. She also had COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified depressive and anxiety disorders. 10/

A 33-year-old white male died in July from suicide by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, resulting in anoxic brain damage, cardiac arrest and asphyxiation. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified depressive episode. 11/

A 44-year-old white male died in October as a result of homicide by COVID-19. He also had acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, decubitus ulcer and pressure area, sequelae of injury of spinal cord, and sequelae of other accidents. 12/

A 57-year-old white male died in June from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in intracranial injury, traumatic shock, and open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified depressive episode. 13/

A 37-year-old white male died in February from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified depressive episode, and hypertension. 14/

A 38-year-old black male died in May as a result of homicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the neck, trunk, and upper limb. He also had COVID-19. 15/

A 42-year-old white male died in December from suicide by drug poisoning, involving other opioids and benzodiazepines. He also had COVID-19, unspecified bipolar affective disorder, and unspecified infectious diseases. 16/

A 56-year-old white male died in September from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head and lip. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified infectious diseases. 17/

A 55-year-old black male died in February as a result of homicide by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head and neck, upper limb. He also had COVID-19. 18/

A 35-year-old white female died in March from suicide by drug poisoning, involving calcium-channel blockers. She also had COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified drug poisoning. 19/

A 33-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native male died in January from suicide by sharp object, resulting in injury of radial artery at forearm level. He also had COVID-19. 20/

A 21-year-old white male died in September from suicide by drug poisoning, involving other synthetic narcotics and benzodiazepines. He also had COVID-19. 21/

A 32-year-old white male died in April from suicide by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation, resulting in anoxic brain damage and asphyxiation. He also had COVID-19. 22/

A 19-year-old black male died in February as a result of homicide by handgun discharge, resulting in multiple open wounds. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified infectious diseases. 23/



“Covid” Homicides? Yep, they’re in there…


In 2021, the CDC logged 1000s of accidents, suicides, and other “undefined” deaths as “COVID-19” deaths. … including a dozens of homicides. Here are just some the murders counted as Covid deaths in 2021:

In October, a 44-year-old White male died from a homicide due to a combination of causes, including COVID-19, acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, decubitus ulcer and pressure area, sequelae of injury of spinal cord, and sequelae of injuries not specified 1/

In May, a 38 year old Black male was the victim of a homicide. He had open wounds to his neck, trunk, and upper limb, as well as a COVID-19 infection. The cause of death was listed as a firearm discharge from an unspecified assailant, and wounds to the head. 2/

In February, a 55-year-old Black male died from a homicide caused by an assault from a rifle, shotgun, and larger firearm discharge. The cause of death was an open wound of the head and neck, as well as an open wound of the upper limb, unspecified body region 3/

In Feb., a 19-year-old Black male tragically died from homicide due to multiple open wounds and an assault by handgun discharge. COVID-19+ as well as other and unspecified infectious diseases, and an open wound of the trunk were also listed as contributing factors to his death 4/

In November, a 39-year-old Black female died of homicide. The cause of death was a combination of acute respiratory failure related to injury to her spinal cord from an assault 5/

In August, a 36-year-old White male died as a result of homicide. The cause of death was an assault with a sharp object, which resulted in an open wound to the abdomen and other unspecified parts of the body. Additionally, the decedent had liver cirrhosis. 6/

In December, a 32-year-old Black man died in a homicide. The cause of death was assault by bodily force, which resulted in an unspecified injury to his head. Further contributing to his death were COVID-19, pneumonia, and other unspecified causes. 7/

In April, a 33 year old Black man’s life was tragically taken by a homicide. The cause of death was multiple open wounds, unspecified, Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, COVID-19, and an open wound of unspecified body region. 8/

In October, a 35 year old Black male died of a horrific homicide. He suffered multiple open wounds from an unspecified firearm assault, and the underlying cause of death was further complicated by the presence of COVID-19 and an open wound on an unspecified body region. 9/

In September, a 27 year old Black female was killed in a homicide. She had multiple open wounds from an unspecified firearm discharge, as well as wounds from COVID-19 and an open wound in an unspecified body region. 10/

In January, a 27 year old Black male died from a homicide due to an assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge. The cause of death was an open wound of the neck, part unspecified. It is noted that the person also had COVID-19. 11/

In January, a 42 year old white male died from a homicide. The cause of death was an unspecified injury to the head and assault by unspecified means, with other early complications of trauma and COVID-19. 12/

In August, a 55-year-old white male tragically died due to a homicide. The cause of death was an assault by unspecified means, which led to a traumatic subdural hemorrhage. The death was also associated with COVID-19 because…


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Cover image credit: Dieterich01

What’s Next for mRNA Vaccines?

What’s Next for mRNA Vaccines?

by Dr. Sam Bailey
January 17, 2022


One of the “goals” of COVID-19 appears to be convincing the public to accept minimally-tested pharmaceutical products. Not only that, but to accept them whenever they are told.

The “novel” mRNA vaccines have bamboozled both medical practitioners and the general public. What these injections do to the body remains largely speculative. However, there is a bigger issue at play and that is the ongoing gaslighting surrounding vaccines, whatever their supposed mechanism of action.

The medico-pharmaceutical industry and it’s cronies are trying to keep you on the plantation by keeping their cardinal narratives intact…


  1. What’s next for mRNA vaccines”, MIT Technology Review, 5 Jan 2023
  2. PCR Pandemic: Interview with Virus Mania’s Dr Claus Köhnlein”, Dr Sam Bailey, 27 Oct 2020
  3. Dissolving Illusions, Suzanne Humphries MD, Roman Bystrianyk, 2013
  4. Ten Great Public Health Achievements — United States, 1900-1999”, CDC, 2 Apr 1999
  5. The Future of Vaccines”, Dr Sam Bailey, 9 Jun 2022
  6. Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt, 1946
  7. The 5 stages of vaccine development”, Wellcome Trust
  8. The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity”, Dr Mark Bailey & Dr John Bevan-Smith, 2021
  9. Denis Rancourt interview, GigaohmBiological
  10. Bayer President: The mRNA Vaccines Are Gene Therapy”, HoweStreet.com
  11. Stefano Scoglio on mRNA vaccines, 2 Nov 2022
  12.  WHO Tweet – Peter Hotez video, 15 Dec 2022


Connect with Drs. Samantha & Mark Bailey — websitesubstackodysee


Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light editor:

Video narrated by Dr. Sam Bailey:


There is nothing like a discussion about vaccines to end friendships, make your family doctor go red in the face, or result in millions of hours of wasted time and online debates.

The issue is not getting better, but the COVID-19 fraud probably had the unintended effect of waking up more people than ever before to the actual science of vaccination.

Additionally, only one of the effects of the new mRNA injections was to create a large group who were against these particular vaccines while simultaneously maintaining a belief in most other vaccines.

Let’s have a look at why this “novel technology” is simply another gambit to propagate infectious disease mythology and bamboozle the public, all the while keeping them trapped in the medico-pharmaceutical germ theory paradigm.

On January 5, an article was published on the MIT Technology Review website titled ‘What’s Next for mRNA Vaccines’. There was no question mark in the title, so perhaps it was intended as a statement, suggesting to the world what kind of “medicine” is in the pipeline.

The article began as follows: ‘Cast your mind back to 2020 if you can bear it. As the year progressed, so did the impact of COVID-19. We were warned that wearing face coverings, disinfecting everything we touched, and keeping away from other people were some of the only ways we could protect ourselves from the potentially fatal disease.’

Even for people who believe in the existence of viruses, this is a preposterous depiction of what happened in 2020. In fact, nothing happened in 2020 apart from a fraudulent narrative involving an alleged novel coronavirus that at various times has been said to either come from a wet market, a bat cave or, drum roll please, a laboratory.

In a way, COVID-19 did come from a lab, but only in the form of in silico, dry lab simulations that were used to make up the existence of SARS-CoV-2.

Similarly, the laboratory tests, such as the PCR and rapid antigen tests that were deployed, did not require the existence of a virus to be positive. They only required circular reasoning, based on the in silico models, with the sequences and proteins falsely claimed to be “viral”.

The MIT article claims there was a ‘potentially fatal disease’, at which point we would ask, what disease?

Even on their own terms, COVID-19 is simply confirmed on the basis of molecular detection assays that have no established diagnostic validity.

COVID-19 is not a disease. It is a global fraud sustained by a medical system that lost its way a long time ago.

As my Virus Mania [Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical … Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio] coauthor Claus Köhlein explained in 2020, it is a PCR pandemic. There was no new disease, only new tests and plenty of gullible people.

In any case, this MIT story sets the scene with the same picture-painting to make people believe there are infectious disease epidemics when in reality they don’t exist.

And of course, the establishment always has one end point in mind with the narrative — and that’s vaccines.

So the article continues by stating that: “Thankfully, a more effective form of protection was in the works. Scientists were developing all-new vaccines at rapid speed… By the end of the year, the US. Food and Drug Administration issued emergency-use authorization for these vaccines, and vaccination efforts took off.

“As things stand today, over 670 million doses of the vaccines have been delivered to people in the US.”

This has been the typical vaccine playbook for over a century. Alleged that people are getting sick because of microbes, whether they be real, such as bacteria or imagined, such as viruses, and then claim that vaccines are the best solution. Cover up the fact that contagion has never been demonstrated in a scientific study, and then, like this MIT article, imply that the success of a vaccine is based on how many of them are dished out.

In this regard. Dissolving Illusions [Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History by Roman Bystrianyk, Suzanne Humphries MD] is one of the best books dealing with this mythology.

Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk deliver a fatal blow to the theory that vaccines had anything to do with improving health outcomes last century. In particular, many of the charts they have put together are rather embarrassing. For anyone claiming that vaccines were the key to defeating diseases.

It doesn’t matter if you believe in pathogens or not, because as it stands, there is no scientific evidence that vaccines are useful to anyone apart from those that benefit from selling them.

However, the medical industry is a dangerous cult when it comes to vaccines. Only a tiny minority of doctors have the courage to point out the fraud, because doing so typically results in suspension or at least limited work opportunities. Most doctors prefer to keep their head in the sand and not question their overlords, especially if their incomes could be affected in any way.

As Aneurin Bevan explained in 1948, he persuaded British doctors to accept the National Health Service, not by any merits, but by stuffing their mouths with gold, and saying that many doctors seem to genuinely believe that vaccines are useful, although almost universally they have done none of their own research and just follow protocols.

They may come across something like the CDC’s ‘Ten Great Public Health Achievements — United States, 1900 to 1999’, see that vaccination is at the top of the list, and conclude it must be good.

However, we have dedicated a huge amount of time to following the links on the CDC’s website, and none of them lead to any scientific evidence that vaccines are beneficial to the recipients.

Similarly, our Virus Mania team has contacted many of the medical institutions around the world requesting they provide any papers that follow the scientific method and demonstrate overall health benefits of vaccinations.

To date, none have provided any.

That’s why the World Economic Forum, one of the biggest gaslighting shows currently running, reports that vaccination is one of the world’s most successful health interventions, saving as many as 3 million lives every year. The WEF is concerned about vaccine hesitancy and parroted the WHO claim that the reasons people choose not to vaccinate are complex.

We can stop them right there because there’s no point going further. The reason is actually simple. Many people can see that the products are dangerous and ineffective, and like my family, don’t accept any of them. The decision is based on reviewing the scientific literature as well as our own experience. None of us get these diseases despite not taking the vaccines.

Incredibly, the vaccine scam is building momentum, and in the last few years the number of them administered to the world has been enormous. And there are no signs of the jabs easing up, with mRNA vaccines being touted as solutions for all kinds of problems.

As the MIT article stated, while the first approved mRNA vaccines are for COVID-19, similar vaccines are now being explored for a whole host of other diseases. Malaria, HIV, tuberculosis and Zika are just some of the potential targets. mRNA vaccines might also be used in cancer treatments tailored to individual people.

The suggested wider use of vaccines in these conditions is not new, of course. In my video, The Future of Vaccines, I mentioned the 2007 PricewaterhouseCoopers report ‘Pharma 2020: The vision — Which path will you take?*’ In this publication, they listed the potential development of vaccines for cocaine addiction, diabetes, hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease, psoriasis, food allergies, rheumatoid arthritis and nicotine withdrawal.

What has changed since then is the focus on not just vaccines, but mRNA vaccines. Before we move on to these products, PwC had warned Big Pharma that: “The shortage of good medicines in the pipeline underlies many of the other challenges Pharma faces, including its increasing expenditure on sales and marketing, deteriorating financial performance and damaged reputation.”

In the last few years, Big Pharma worked out that you don’t need good medicines in the pipeline. They simply arranged for governments to do the marketing and purchasing for them, all at the expense of the taxpayers.

The WEF, has also cheered on the highway robbery, stating on their website in 2020 that: “More than 140 world leaders have called for a COVID-19 vaccine to be made available free to everyone”‘ Anyone that has read Henry Hazlitt’s ‘Economics in One Lesson‘ knows that there is no such thing as a free product or service. Someone always has to cover the cost.

In the COVID era, there was a vast transfer of wealth. And all of us have had to pay in one way or another, with some people who accepted the injection paying with their lives as well.

The pharmaceutical companies are now all chomping at the bit to sell phenomenal quantities of vaccines to governments, either through these false pandemics or through their most-prized cash cow — getting a product onto childhood vaccination schedules.

The problem Big Pharma has with “regular vaccines” is that, for their liking, they take too long to develop. On that note, the Wellcome Trust had a graphic titled ‘The five stages of vaccine development’, which reported that: “A vaccine usually takes more than 10 years to develop and costs up to $500 million”. Interestingly, the page was removed from their website at some point in late 2020, just before a certain product was released onto the world’s population. And this is where mRNA vaccines come into play.

COVID-19 was used as an excuse to rush into distribution the “novel technology”. No more waiting ten years to get the products injected into people.

Part of the COVID scam has been to make people think that pharmaceuticals can be tested in a matter of months. It was fascinating in early 2020 to see the mantra ‘safe and effective’ being parroted by much of the medical community and the wider public.

Leaving aside the nonexistence of a virus and a new disease, how could there possibly be any long-term safety data? There wasn’t, of course. And pharmacovigilance was completely thrown out the door.

Once upon a time, I was a clinical trials physician, and I can assure you that no products were ever released in a matter of months. In fact, most spent years in development and never made it to the wider public, often because there were too many adverse reactions.

In ‘The COVID-19 Fraud and War on Humanity‘ Dr. John Bevan-Smith and my husband Mark wrote, at the start of the essay, that the plan to inject the masses with so-called mRNA technology was already in the pipeline prior to the declaration of the alleged pandemic.

All it took was a narrative featuring an imaginary coronavirus.

[Quote from ‘The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity’]

“The world was being prepared for a ‘pandemic’ and on December 4, 2019, Dr Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases stated that his agency was ‘conducting and supporting research to develop state-of-the-art vaccine platform technologies that could be used to develop universal influenza vaccines as well as to improve the speed and agility of the influenza vaccine manufacturing process. These platform technologies include DNA, messenger RNA (mRNA), virus-like particles, vector-based, and self-assembling nanoparticle vaccines.'”

Somewhat incredibly, the public have mostly gone along with the swindle and have allowed themselves to be injected as many times as they are told, even if it is making them sicker.

One would suspect that a major goal for the COVID Fear campaign was to normalize this complicit and illogical behavior while creating the infrastructure to repeat the process in the future.

Fellow COVID skeptic, Denis Rancourt, also commented on this very aspect in a recent interview:

“This is about putting into place a military system of injection that is globalized. That is, whenever they want, they can inject you with whatever they want under the pretext of health. That’s what this about. In my view, it’s that kind of a weapon that they’ve put into place. They now have the possibility, they’ve convinced you, that it’s a good idea to be injected whenever they like with whatever they say. And they’ve put into place all the procedures and all the mechanisms to do that. And they’ve bought out all the right people. And they can go into an entire continent and virtually inject everybody.”

The establishment became so comfortable with their “success” that they openly flaunted the mass compliance behavior where people had previously been much more skeptical.

Who could forget in November 2021, when president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, Stefan Oelrich, admitted at the World Health Summit that COVID-19 had made all this possible?

[quote from Stefan Oelrich’s speech at World Health Summit]

“Ultimately, the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say, if we had surveyed two years ago in the public, ‘Would you be willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate.

“I think this pandemic has also opened many people’s eyes to innovation in a way that was maybe not possible before.”

And how does the MIT article finish?

Well, apparently: “In 2023, we can expect an updated COVID-19 vaccine. And researchers are hopeful we’ll see more mRNA vaccines enter clinics in the near future. ‘I really hope that in the next couple of years, we will have other approved mRNA vaccines against infectious disease,’ says Norbert Pardi.
‘He is planning ahead for the next global disease outbreak, which may well involve a flu virus. We don’t know when the next pandemic will hit, but we have to be ready for it,’ he says. ‘It’s crystal clear that if you start vaccine development in the middle of a pandemic, it’s already too late.'”

This is why we and our colleagues focus on exposing the fallacy of contagion in so-called infectious diseases. As all of us have explained, these are illusions propagated by the medico-pharmaceutical industry, illusions that are now used to control the population, and engineered to transfer vast quantities of wealth from the masses to crony corporations.

The only pandemics in the world are things like obesity and anxiety due to lack of purpose and exposure to fear narratives.

As Tom Cowan said, perhaps the biggest pandemic is an unprecedented pandemic of not thinking.

As a group, we do not spend a lot of time analyzing what the mRNA shots do in the body, because it is largely speculative.

My Virus Mania co-author Stefano Scoglio has explained that the literature surrounding the shots is full of assumptions. And only one thing is clear. They are toxic bombs that, once injected into a human, can potentially cause a variety of inflammatory responses and even death.

It is clear that vaccines are going to be used as a mechanism to control the population, maintain a fear narrative, and continue to enrich a tiny minority at the expense of the many.

However, as these filthy products are exposed for what they really are, expect an all out-propaganda campaign as they desperately try to claim that those not accepting vaccines are dangerous extremists.

[quote from Dr. Peter Hotez]

“We have to recognize that anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally. During the COVID pandemic in the United States, 200,000 Americans needlessly lost their lives because they refused a COVID vaccine, even after vaccines became widely available. And now the anti-vaccine activism is expanding across the world, even into low and middle income countries. It’s a killing force. Anti-science now kills more people than things like gun violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation or cyberattacks. And now it’s become a political movement. In the US it’s linked to far extremism on the far right. Same in Germany. So this is a new face of anti-science aggression. And so we need political solutions to address this.”

MRNA vaccines are just the latest chapter in this psychological war and I hope you don’t lose sight of the fraud taking place upstream. That is, the misplaced belief in germ theory.

“Is it any wonder that the public is getting a little suspicious of us and our vaunted ‘discoveries’? The wonder to me is that there are still seventy millions of them willing to submit to vaccination and serum treatment.

“How much good did we do these poor fellows? Ask Edward Jenner! He knows now, if so be that we know after death, and am willing to believe that he would gladly spend a part of his eternity in purgatory if he could undo the wrong he did the world by vaccination.”

~ ‘Who are the Quacks?‘ by William Howard Hay, 1940


Cover image based on creative commons work of: Dimhou


See related:

The Covid-19 Fraud & War on Humanity

Photos of Hundreds Who Died From the Jabs Are Posted on Windows of the BBC

Photos of Hundreds Who Died From the Jabs Are Posted on Windows of the BBC

by JVDW Music, Odysee channel
uploaded January 15, 2023


Video out of the UK shows people want answers regarding the deadly experimental COVID jabs.

Footage shows hundreds of stickers representing loved ones believed to have been killed by the vaccines plastered on the BBC studio’s windows in London.

A couple of the stickers were fashioned together to create the phrase “Tell the truth” and “Jabs Kill.”

A banner hanging in front of the building also says, “BBC is the Virus!”

The BBC – along with the rest of the legacy media – has been toeing the official government narrative to scare the public about COVID since the very beginning of the pandemic, refusing to cover anything that deviates from the script and demonizing anybody who challenged the lockdowns, vaccines, or official story about the virus’ origins.

Many users on social media praised the act of protest, calling for more peaceful and powerful demonstrations like these to spread to the US and Canada and to doctors offices and hospitals.

Source: Twitter @JohnnyB61605603


Follow JVDW Music at Odysee

Lucid Summations When Tomorrow Is Today and MLK Day

Lucid Summations When Tomorrow Is Today and MLK Day

by Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain
January 16, 2022


“What they [regular people] need, and what they feel they need, is a quality of mind that will help them use information and to develop reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in the world and what may be happening within themselves….what may be called the sociological imagination.”

– C. Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination

In what follows, I offer some conclusions I have arrived at and am skipping all the steps taken to arrive there.  Everyone needs to follow their own path to the end.

I know Mills was right when he penned those words long ago.  Arguments don’t go too far to convince others; only self-directed investigations do.  It is a question of the moral will-to-truth and the desire to be free, plus the imagination to connect the dots using reason that lead to conclusions that make sense.  There are many explanations for every public issue and personal problem under the sun that tell us why this or that is true or false.  But since we live in an age of non-stop lies and propaganda, determination and the willingness to do our homework is essential.  The following summations are the results of my study over many years, and this is a partial list.

There comes a time to state them outright and as clearly and concisely as possible, when silence is betrayal, as Martin Luther King, Jr. said so passionately in his speech, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence,” from the pulpit of Riverside Church in New York City on April 4, 1967, a year to the day before he was murdered by U.S. government forces.  He said:

This I believe to be the privilege and the burden of all of us who deem ourselves bound by allegiances and loyalties which are broader and deeper than nationalism and which go beyond our nation’s self-defined goals and positions. We are called to speak for the weak, for the voiceless, for the victims of our nation and for those it calls “enemy,” for no document from human hands can make these humans any less our brothers.

I feel bound by that deeper loyalty and offer these summations in that spirit.

  • The United States is now, and has long been, as the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, the greatest purveyor of violence in the world. It is led by leaders possessed by a demonic spirit leading the world toward nuclear conflagration by initiating and waging war against Russia via Ukraine.  It cares not a bit for all the dead and suffering victims of its policies there and around the world.
  • Because he so passionately denounced the warmakers and fought for racial and economic justice, MLK, Jr. was murdered by the same government that later gave him a national holiday to hide its guilt.
  • Most people in the U.S.A. do not care that this is true but wish to live their small-world lives, not thinking about it. Indifference reigns.  Another holiday means more shopping at the sale counters.
  • Anyone who reminds them of this is considered a pain in the ass or worse.
  • The violence of the U.S. state is directed not just against people in other countries but against those who live in the United States. This has long been true as the CIA and the FBI have conspired assiduously for decades to control the population while the Pentagon slaughters people all over the world.  Mind control is necessary to achieve this goal.
  • To accept this reality is anathema to most people, for it means their own government is their enemy and that they are its targets, this being contrary to the myth of democracy.
  • This targeting of Americans by their government is not new but has reached new heights in recent years as the national-security state and its organs of propaganda in the media have gone on steroids.
  • The corporate mass media, and elements of the “alternative media,” are the key organs of this propaganda and are completely infiltrated by the CIA, National Security Agency, FBI, etc.
  • Agents of these agencies, while enemies of regular people, are often seen as friends because their deviousness is profound. They smile a lot with their fake white teeth.  “One may smile and smile and still be a villain,” wrote the Bard.
  • All the wars known and unknown waged by the U.S. warfare state are based on lies and propaganda that’s been developed over a century and more. Actually since the founding of the country and its extermination of native peoples.
  • Not some foreign country or its secrets agents, but the U.S. National security state led by the CIA and FBI has assassinated all anti-war, racial and economic justice leaders who have tried to change things: JFK, Malcom X, MLK, Jr., Robert Kennedy, et al., and anyone who tries to distract from this fact by ambiguity and slick words is serving the national security state. Many of these people are assets or agents of the intelligence services and there are far more of them than one can imagine.
  • The events of September 11, 2001 and the anthrax attacks were carried out by elements within the U.S. national-security state and not by foreign terrorists under the leadership of Osama bin Laden. That their own government would kill thousands of innocent people is beyond the imagination of so many Americans because they have bought the myth of U.S. innocence and on a personal level have come to think of themselves as victims also.
  • Such thinking is self-destructive. While it is very true that everyone has been subject to vast and never-ending government propaganda campaigns, the only remedy is to fight back by assuming all official pronouncements are false until proven otherwise, and to do one’s homework.
  • This sense of victimhood is the result of decades-long propaganda that has been promulgated by all institutions that have taught and reaffirmed a materialistic philosophy that there is no free will but only biological and social forces that make people who they are. Key to this is the promotion and use of drugs for all problems.
  • The War on Drugs has always been the War on us, a deep fake intended to distract and control the population. This includes all the happy “pills” and drugs used to silence thought and the connection between the social and the personal, like anti-depressants, etc.
  • The War on Terror was a war to kill as many foreigners, mainly Muslims, as possible, and to kill the conscience of decent people by appealing to their worst prejudices and fears. It was used to institute the Patriot Act and tighten the stranglehold of unfreedom on the population.
  • Yet this “war on terror” that has led to the wars on Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, China, Russia, etc., was long preceded by decades long wars against Cuba, Vietnam, Iran, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Iraq, Yugoslavia, throughout Africa, etc. – endless open and secret wars all over the world.
  • The promotion of fear has been the prime propaganda tactic of the Deep State. Fear to immobilize the population to do as the propagandists tell us.  It’s all about control. The root of all fears is the fear of death, thus the power to assassinate dissidents, wage war, and kill through “medicine” are all employed by the power elites.
  • Reality, by any simple definition, or news as the communication of reality, has been replaced by entertainment. Everything is now a spectacle geared to a crowd of naïve children who sit on the edge of their seats enjoying the disasters that are continuously promoted to induce fear and passivity.
  • The War of Drugs used against the population, while having been waged for many decades, has since March and April 2020 been internationalized and coordinated as a global coup d’état against humanity with the Covid-19 propaganda program with its lock-downs, deadly “vaccines,” and push for the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset.” Corporate media led (and leads) this propaganda pandemic narrative that has abrogated human and constitutional rights in the service of corporate capital interests, resulting in the enrichment of the richest few and the impoverishment, injury, and death of the many.  It is the vastest propaganda campaign in history and continues unceasingly even as all its claims have been shown to be false.
  • Central to all the efforts of the international gang of political and financial gangsters responsible for so many crimes against humanity is their deep-seated nihilism and their antagonism to the religious spirit of love and non-violence that informs the great religions of the world. Demonic is the best word to describe their evil deeds.
  • The digital revolution is more accurately described as the digital propaganda program with the cell phone being the key to its enactment. It is an effort to coax people into loving their machines more than the human touch and to think of themselves as extensions of their machines.  Clicking numbers, statistical analysis, the mathematical mindset, etc. have all been used to indoctrinate people into a world of artificial intelligence and robotic thinking in which flesh and blood become abstractions and nature something to be conquered and controlled.
  • This so-called “digital revolution” with its computer technology dominating people’s lives has allowed the ruling elites to penetrate deep into the population’s psyches without them knowing it. It has allowed propaganda to infiltrate every moment of every day as people click the buttons on the machines they think are their lifelines to reality.  All becomes a miasma of manufactured illusions and spectacles in the service of the “third industrial revolution.”
  • All of this is part of a “spiritual” machine revolution in which the human spirit and its connections to God, nature, and our common humanity is slowly extinguished, everything that MLK said was necessary for our salvation.
  • Martin Luther King was a transmitter of a radical non-violent spiritual and political energy so plenipotent that his very existence was a threat to an established order based on institutionalized violence, racism, and economic exploitation.  He was a very dangerous man to the U.S. government and all the institutional and deep state forces armed against him. So they killed him.
  • The best “service” we can offer on Martin Luther King Day is recognize that fact and oppose the evil and violent forces directing the American nightmare.
  • And to do our homework connecting the dots that run down the years.


Connect with Edward Curtin

Cover image credit: Eugenio Hansen, OFS

International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC): Has the Corona Virus Ever Been Isolated? Why Do So Many From “The Resistance” Resist Dealing With This Question?

International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC): Has the Corona Virus Ever Been Isolated? Why Do So Many From “The Resistance” Resist Dealing With This Question?


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

At approximately 1:14:00 in the video, Samuel Eckert and Reiner begin discussion of the dismissive and disrespectful way that Dr. Stefan Lanka and Dr. Andrew Kaufman were treated by two of the Corona Investigative Committee members when they challenged the foundations of virology. 
If you are unfamiliar with that session of the Corona Investigative Committee, see the article at the bottom of this post, where you will find additional links to the work of Dr. Stefan Lanka and many others. 


Excerpt from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s introduction to this committee session:

Reiner Fuellmich:

“Today at the International Crimes Investigative Committee, we want to look at the question: Has the corona virus, the alleged novel corona virus, ever really been properly isolated or not?
Related to that is the question of: Why do so many people, even from “the resistance”, resist dealing with this question at all?
Because the most important thing I’ve learned, at least from the last two and a half years, is that almost everything we see is illusion.
Apart from the fact that we seem to have been lied to about almost everything in the past, including history that didn’t happen as it’s portrayed to us, what we see in the context of corona is also almost all lies. From A to Z.”


Fear & Loathing of the Emperor’s new clothes

by International Crimes Investigative Committee
January 15, 2023


In this episode of ICIC, Reiner Fuellmich and his guests, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, Internist and Author, Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst, and Samuel Eckert, Entrepreneur and initiator of the Isolate Truth Fund, discuss the “science” as well as the psychological aspects behind our current health crisis including faulty or non-existent scientific studies, profit-driven narratives and the aggressive scare tactics which created a global mass psychosis.

[The video below is in German with English subtitles & is mirrored from ICIC-Net.]


Connect with International Crimes Investigative Committee

Cover image credit: CDD20


Challenging the Foundations of Virology: Corona Investigative Committee With Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman


James Corbett & Meryl Nass: W.H.O. Sneak Attack — Usurping Power From Individual Countries and Thrusting It Into the Hands of a Mad-With-Power Agency

James Corbett & Meryl Nass: W.H.O. Sneak Attack — Usurping Power From Individual Countries and Thrusting It Into the Hands of a Mad-With-Power Agency


WHO Sneak Attack With James Corbett

by Children’s Health Defense
Meryl Nass with James Corbett
January 14, 2022

‘This is the big one. They’re going for broke… I think we may only have potentially until May before one or both of these documents gets voted on’ — Meryl Nass, M.D. and James Corbett continue their discussion on the WHO’s proposed International Health Regulation Amendments + potentially legally-binding ‘Zero Draft Treaty’ currently being drawn up in secret meetings behind closed doors.

As the WHO touts the solution to worldly problems as possible through their ‘One Health’ approach — one wonders if a world in which humans, animals, agriculture, and weather are dominated by state depicted notions of the highest attainable standard of ‘health’ may secretly be a trojan horse to dominate as much of the sovereign world as possible — usurping power from individual countries and thrusting it into the hands of a mad-with-power agency which seeks to control Earth’s resources, ecosystems, food, animals, and plants.


WHO Member States Agree To Develop Zero Draft Of Legally Binding Pandemic Accord In Early 2023

Conceptual Zero Draft For The Consideration Of The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body At Its Third Meeting

Review Committee Regarding Amendments To The International Health Regulations (2005)

Report Of The Fifth Meeting Of The Review Committee Regarding Amendments To The International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR)

One Health Basics

CDC’s One Health Office: What We Do

One Health Joint Plan Of Action Launched And Presented By WHO And The Quadripartite Partners

One Health Joint Plan Of Action Launched And Presented By WHO And The Quadripartite Partners

One Health Joint Plan Of Action Launched To Address Health Threats To Humans, Animals, Plants And Environment

Please Stop The Ride To A Biotech Food Takeover – Transcript

Biodigital Today And Tomorrow

9/11 War Games

James Roguski Substack — THE TOP 100 REASONS TO #StopTheTreaty, #StopTheAmendments, And #ExitTheWHO.


Connect with James Corbett

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Children’s Health Defense Defeats NY State Healthcare Workers COVID Mandate

Children’s Health Defense Defeats NY State Healthcare Workers COVID Mandate


Children’s Health Defense

Press Release

January 13, 2023

For Immediate Release

In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held that the NYS Dept. of Health lacked the authority to impose such a mandate as this power is reserved to the state legislature. Furthermore, the court found that the mandate was “arbitrary and capricious” as COVID-19 vaccines do not stop transmission, vitiating any rational basis for a mandate.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) financed this lawsuit on behalf of Medical Professionals for Informed Consent and several individual healthcare workers. Sujata Gibson, lead attorney, said, “This is a huge win for New York healthcare workers, who have been deprived of their livelihoods for more than a year. This is also a huge win for all New Yorkers, who are facing dangerous and unprecedented healthcare worker shortages throughout New York State.”

CHD President Mary Holland stated, “We are thrilled by this critical win against a COVID vaccine mandate, correctly finding that any such mandate at this stage, given current knowledge is arbitrary. We hope that this decision will continue the trend towards lifting these dangerous and unwarranted vaccine mandates throughout the country.”

We are off to a great start in 2023.


Connect with Children’s Health Defense

Dr. Tom Cowan & Howdie Mickowski: On Our Hidden History & the Mystery of the World’s Fairs

Dr. Tom Cowan & Howdie Mickowski: On Our Hidden History & the Mystery of the World’s Fairs


“So we’ve got two avenues that we can discuss. There’s the avenue that most everyone looks at, which to me is actually the smallest part of the story and that is the buildings themselves. How are these buildings constructed? How is it possible in the time frame what’s supposed to be there? And how could they be so ornate, so beautiful, so spectacular and then be destroyed?

So we have the one side of it which is the buildings, which like I say, that gets the most of the attention.

To me it’s the other side of it that it should get more attention and that is: What was actually going on at these fairs? What were the exhibits, what was being presented? Because to me now, I see these fairs as like indoctrination centers. That they were literally indoctrinating a complete concept, a complete idea, complete structure of thinking — before movies, before television, before — this was it. And you put these all over the world. And lo and behold you can get a story into people’s minds.

And I think that’s what they were doing because, as you dig into what was actually shown at these things, it’s beyond bizarre. On one level it’s sick and on another level it’s showing our whole world for the next 120, 140 years. Where we are now was built actually at these fairs. And scary enough, I use the word ‘reset’ in my book before any of this started. To me these fairs were literally like portals from the end of the last world, however that last world ended — looks like destruction — and this was resetting in a new idea.

And then all of a sudden here we are with all of these controllers of the world throwing out the word “great reset” again.

And now I see that, hey, these fairs are like an important marker to where we are now, to telling us what we’re maybe going through and what we’re headed for. So that’s why to me it’s so important to study them, not just asking the questions of how did these buildings get built. Was there a civilization prior to this? Was there a technology we didn’t have? That’s question one we can talk about. But the other one, the bigger one, is what was really going on there?”


“That means that all the history we have prior to this period of the world’s fairs is not only questionable, it’s highly likely completely wrong.”


“And now this has helped show me how much we are so in the dark about history, which is so important. Why is history important?

Well, history is important because it explains our present. We can explain here’s where we are, and the story of history is how we got here.”


“But if we find that history is absolutely wrong, that it’s just a story that’s been used to explain a particular method of control, now all of a sudden, we would have to say, well, why are we doing anything the way we’re doing it then?

Because if the history that brought us here, that supposedly brought us here is wrong, then we don’t have to stay here. We can change it.

So the historical narrative is important for the overall control mechanism, because it explains why we are where we are.”

~ Howdie Mickowski


“And essentially the thesis here is that they implanted this narrative in this time, in this way, in these buildings, in these exhibitions, in these simulations, and that became our reality. And we’re actually still dealing with the consequences of that, even more so in the last three years.

And I can tell you it’s the exact same thing and the exact same time in medicine and biology.”

~ Dr. Tom Cowan


Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends | Ep 59: Howdie Mickoski

by Dr. Tom Cowan
January 12, 2022


Howdie Mickoski is a researcher who has spent the past decade-plus investigating such subjects as the philosophy and teachings of ancient Egypt, the philosophy and teachings of the Cathars, Gnostics and other historical groups, as well as the works of Carlos Castenada, among others.

Howdie has also written books about the fascinating history of the world’s fairs and expositions of the late 1800s and early 1900s, and postulates what these events can tell us about our history. Please join me for this interview in which we discuss all aspects of these fairs and expos and wonder about what these investigations have to tell us about our current world situation.

Bring your most open mind and questioning habits to this interview, and enjoy the ride.



Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan — websiteBitChuteRumble

Connect with Howdie Mickowski at his YouTube channel


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Howdie mentions a website where all World’s Fairs are listed and where links are provided to a vast amount of information. Find the page here:  http://www.studylove.org/worldsfairs.html


Cover image credit: The World’s Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893 — (public domain)

The Mystery, Magic, and Crime of Apple Inc.

The Mystery, Magic, and Crime of Apple Inc.

by Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoport substack
January 11, 2023


How I learned to stop worrying and love Steve Jobs, etc.

The mystery and magic are my personal problem. I’m basically a guy with a typewriter who was dragged on to the Internet 20 years ago. I know no more about it now than I knew then. I hit keys. I move mouse. I click. I occasionally manage to send emails. I don’t open attachments. I avoid watching videos. I prefer to read.

But crime I know something about.

I recommend an excellent article by Daniel Greenfield, “Apple Crushes Dissent in America and China.”

Here are excerpts:

The largest lockdown uprising in China took place at facilities run by Apple’s Foxconn supplier where workers had previously jumped to their deaths. After thousands fled the Apple gulag, making their way through the woods and rural areas to freedom, other employees battled with Communist authorities over abusive conditions and treatment in the iGulag.

“Think Different”, Apple’s slogan, actually means collaborating with a Communist dictatorship where thinking differently is a crime. And it also means suppressing free speech in America.

That’s why Apple is threatening free speech on Twitter just as it’s threatening it in Shanghai.

[Steve] Jobs, the talented marketer who had positioned Apple as the company fighting totalitarianism with its 1984 ad, was aggressively offshoring the company’s labor to Communist China.

“What U.S. plant can find 3,000 people overnight and convince them to live in dorms?” Apple’s supply manager asked.

The dorms, where 12 workers live to a tiny room, everyone is monitored and so many have committed suicide that nets were put up to catch the bodies, were the real “Think Different”.

Steve Jobs loved China and the Communist dictatorship loved him back. His famous black turtleneck appeared to echo the Mao suit. There are golden busts of Jobs in China looking like a Communist dictator. When Jobs died, there was hysterical mourning in China. There was no mourning for the deaths of workers at the Foxconn plants where Apple products were made.

…Apple is threatening Twitter’s place in its app store because under Elon Musk the platform has begun to offer the very thing Apple is helping China stamp out: freedom.

Apple not only wants to threaten Musk and Twitter, it has to. If it didn’t, the Chinese regime would have a problem.

That sets up an interesting situation. Apple has to stay on course with its business model, and the model is China. In China.

That’s odd, don’t you think? The primary LOYALTY is what I’m referring to.

If you make shoes in China and sell them in the US, and you feel a sudden urge to defend free speech, you’re going to shut up, right?

Which means the Chinese regime is your top pal.

Am I missing something? Isn’t Apple a Chinese company?


Connect with Jon Rappoport — substackwebsite

Cover image credit: tookapic

Be the Disobedient School Kid

Be the Disobedient School Kid
To Quote Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Teach Your Children Well.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare



Connect with Jerm Warfare

The Mother of All Limited Hangouts

The Mother of All Limited Hangouts

by CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory
January 11, 2022


The Mother of All Limited Hangouts has begun. Yes, I’m talking about the “Covid Twitter Files,” which are finally being released to the public, in almost textbook limited-hangout fashion. I’ll get into that in just a minute, but first, let’s review what a “limited hangout” is, for those who are not familiar with the term.

The way a limited hangout works is, if you’re an intelligence agency, or a global corporation, or a government, or a non-governmental organization, and you have been doing things you need to hide from the public, and those things are starting to come to light such that you can’t just deny that you are doing them anymore, what you do is, you release a limited part of the story (i.e., the story of whatever it is you’re doing) to distract people’s attention from the rest of the story. The part you release is the “limited hangout.” It’s not a lie. It’s just not the whole story. You “hang it out” so that it will become the whole story, and thus stop people from pursuing the whole story.

Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the CIA who went on to become a critic of the Intelligence Community, described the tactic this way in 1978 …

“… a favorite and frequently used gimmick of clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting, sometimes even volunteering, some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”

All right, so, you’re probably asking, if the “Covid Twitter Files” are a limited hangout, what’s the whole story that they’re distracting us from?

Let me try to refresh your memory.

In March and April of 2020, in the course of roughly five to six weeks, the majority of societies throughout the world were transformed into pathologized-totalitarian police states. A global “shock-and-awe” campaign was conducted. Constitutional rights were suspended. The masses were locked down inside their homes, where they were subjected to the most massive official propaganda blitzkrieg in human history. Goon squads roamed the streets of Europe, the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, Asia, the Americas, and elsewhere, beating and arresting people for being outdoors without permission and not wearing medical-looking masks. Corporate media around the world informed us that life as we knew it was over … a “new normal” was coming, and we needed to get used to it.

The entire official pandemic narrative was rolled out during those first few weeks. Everything. Masks. Mandatory “vaccines.” “Vaccination” passports. The segregation of “the Unvaccinated.” The censorship and demonization of dissent. Everything. The whole “New Normal” package. It was rolled out all at once, globally.

If your memory of what happened is a little hazy … well, have a look at this 257-tweet Twitter thread of corporate-media articles compiled in March and April of 2020, documenting the initial “shock-and-awe” campaign …

That is the story. How that happened. Why that happened. And who or what made it happen. It isn’t a story about a virus, or our governments’ reactions to a virus. It is the story of the radical restructuring of society based on lies and official propaganda, executed, globally, through sheer brute force and systematic psychological conditioning. It is the story of the implementation of our new totalitarian global-capitalist “reality” … the “New Normal” that was announced in the Spring of 2020. It is not a story the global-capitalist ruling classes can permit to be told, except by “crazy conspiracy theorists,” “science deniers,” and other “crackpots” and “extremists.”

All right, so … the “Covid Twitter Files,” or the “Fauci Files,” or whatever we’re calling them. If you wanted to bury the actual story (i.e., the story I just outlined above) with a limited hangout and discredit those of us who have been trying to report it for nearly three years, you couldn’t do any better than Elon Musk is doing. Instead of a story about how the entire global-capitalist power apparatus coordinated with global IT corporations like Twitter, Facebook, Google, et al., to conduct a global Gleichschaltung op the scale of which Goebbels could have never dreamed of, censoring and visibility-filtering dissent and enforcing the official pandemic narrative, not just in the USA, but in countries all throughout the world … instead of that monumental story, we are getting The Alex Berenson Show!, starring Alex Berenson as Alex Berenson, with a special guest appearance by Alex Berenson, written and directed by Alex Berenson, and so on.

Seriously, though, who better to handle the “Covid Twitter Files” than Alex Berenson, in whose opinion the events of the last three years were simply due to mass hysteria (or Pandemia, $14.99 on Amazon), and certainly not to any kind of coordinated radical restructuring of society by the global-capitalist power apparatus, or any other wild conspiracy theories. Forget about that 257-tweet thread I compiled in March and April of 2020. What actually happened, according to Alex Berenson, was that people just went kind of crazy, and overreacted, and “mistakes were made.” Mistakes like Twitter suspending Alex Berenson, and other very important people! Or, wait, no, it wasn’t just mass hysteria … it was also Pfizer and Dr. Scott Gottlieb, and the White House, and someone named Andrew Slavitt, all of whom conspired with “Old Evil Twitter” to suspend Alex Berenson from the platform, all of whom Alex will be suing forthwith!

The Alex Berenson Show is just getting started, so definitely stay tuned to “Free-Speech Twitter” to follow all of Alex Berenson’s exploits as he leads “Team Reality” to its ultimate victory over “Team Apocalypse” and exposes the crimes of the usual assortment of official “bad apples,” or whatever cartoonish fairy tales Alex Berenson and Elon Musk have in store for us! It promises to be quite the spectacle!

I’ll be covering the show in my columns, of course — I still have a few subscribers and readers who I haven’t totally alienated yet — and discussing “The Art of the Limited Hangout” for the benefit of anyone still paying attention in the weeks and months and possibly years ahead. If you are one of the many people who now appear to seriously believe that military-contractor oligarchs like Elon Musk and narcissistic ass clowns like Alex Berenson are going to deliver us from the New Normal Reich, and “prosecute Fauci,” and end corporate censorship, or in any way meaningfully bite the hand of the global-capitalist system that feeds them, you may want to give those columns a miss.

For the rest of you, I will do my best to point out how this phase of the PSYOP works, because it’s going to last for quite a while. The “Covid Twitter Files” are not The Mother of All Limited Hangouts; they’re just one part of it. There are many more limited hangouts to come. The New Normal having been successfully implemented, the history of its implementation is now being written (or, rather, rewritten) to conform to the official Covid narrative, a process which will likely continue for years.

Those of you who are old enough might recall this phase from “The War on Terror.” It started around April 2004, when the Abu Ghraib torture photos were released, and continued until the Summer of 2016, when The War on Terror was abruptly cancelled and replaced by The War on Populism, which prepared us for the implementation of the New Normal in the Spring of 2020. All of which is part of an even larger story, i.e., the story of the evolution of the first globally-hegemonic power system in history, which, lacking any external adversary, has nothing to do but go totalitarian, eliminating all internal resistance and establishing ideological uniformity throughout the territory it occupies, which, in this case, means the entire planet.

Sorry … I know, history is boring, and complicated, and not nearly as fun (and cathartic) as the shit-slinging circus that Musk is making of the Twitter Files. Personally, I can’t wait to find out which official “bad apple” they’re going to offer us in today’s edition of the Two Minutes Hate, and who’s going to be released from “Old Twitter Prison,” and, whatever, anyway, don’t worry about all that evolution-of-global-capitalism stuff. It’s probably just a bunch of fancy-sounding nonsense I made up to try to sell you my books, or to make myself sound smart, or something.

Forget that I even mentioned that stuff. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!


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Cover image credit: mahaveer8

Sally Fallon Morell on Measles: A Natural Treatment and the Role of Vitamin A

Sally Fallon Morell on Measles: A Natural Treatment and the Role of Vitamin A



by Sally Fallon Morell, Nourishing Traditions, Weston A. Price Foundation
January 11, 2022


With the Covid vaccination program now in shambles, officials are focusing their fear porn on the measles, as evidenced by a December 27, 2022 front page article appearing in the Washington Post.

“Diseases resurging as parents resist shots: Outbreaks of measles, chickenpox tied to rise in anti-vaccine sentiment,” places the blame on “parent resistance of routine childhood immunizations. . . intensifying a resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases.”  The article does not provide any information on exactly how many of the children who contracted measles were not vaccinated and how many were, but consists mostly of quotes from hand-wringing public officials about children not getting their shots.

CBS news report tells a rather different story.  In an Ohio outbreak involving eighty-two children, 94 percent of whom were under age five, “all of the children impacted by the outbreak are at least partially unvaccinated, meaning they have only received one dose of the necessary two for the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, known as MMR, although four children still have an unknown vaccination status. Children are recommended to get their first dose between 12 and 15 months of age and the second between the age of 4 and 6.”

Since most of the Ohio children afflicted were under five, this means that all of them were in fact “fully vaccinated” since the second dose is recommended for children ages four to six. Vaccinated children who get the measles provide proof that measles is not “vaccine-preventable” at all.  In fact, we are justified in asking whether children getting the measles so young—normally the illness occurs in children around age seven or eight—is an indication that the vaccine may be causing children to contract the measles too early in life.

The cause of measles, according to public health agencies, is a “highly contagious virus” spread through the coughings and sneezings of the afflicted—or even viruses remaining on surfaces that measles sufferers have touched. The problem is that scientists have been unable to find said virus in these fluids.  Credit for the “isolation” or “discovery” of the “agent of measles” goes to John F. Enders, winner of the 1954 Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine.

Enders developed techniques of “propagating” the virus in a culture.  The procedure involved taking throat cultures from children sick with measles, mixing them with “sterile fat-free milk,” adding a high dose of penicillin or streptomycin and then centrifuging this goop.  The resulting supernatant fluid or sediments were again mixed with milk and used as inocula in different experiments, where they were added to various types of tissue including human kidney, human embryonic lung, human embryonic intestine, human uterus, rhesus monkey testes, human embryonic skin and muscle, human foreskin (!), rhesus monkey kidney and embryonic chick tissue.  You can’t accuse Dr. Enders of not being thorough! Only the rhesus kidney cells gave Enders the results he wanted—a breakdown of the cells in the tissues. And yet, the consensus is that animals don’t get measles!

The culture medium consisted of bovine amniotic fluid, beef embryo extract, horse serum, eye of newt and toe of frog. Just kidding about the last two items.  To this mixture of biological materials (and they are calling this an “isolation”!) was added phenol red, antibiotics and—strangely—soy trypsin inhibitor. The monkey kidney cells broke down—cell boundaries were obliterated, the nuclei deteriorated and large and small vacuoles (empty spaces) formed. What caused this breakdown?  Enders claimed it was the “agent of measles” but a more likely candidate was the antibiotics, especially streptomycin, which is a kidney toxin.

Since Ender’s day, thousands of papers on virus “isolation” have cluttered up the scientific literature, using variations of his technique to claim the pathogenic effects of “viruses,” but Enders paper was unique: it included a control.  Enders looked at monkey kidney cells that had not received an inoculation of measles material, and the cells broke down anyway.  “The cytopathic changes it induced in the unstained preparations could not be distinguished with confidence from the viruses isolated from measles.” After staining, the measles-cultured cells did look different, with more deterioration of the nuclei, but remember, there were antibiotics in the cultures as well.

If you think that the studies of Enders and the virologists who followed him prove the existence of a pathogenic measles virus—and remember, no one has been able to isolate said virus from the throat cultures, blood or even feces of afflicted patients—then there is a prize for you.  One hundred thousand Euros awaits the individual who can prove the existence of an infectious, pathogenic measles virus.

Symptoms of measles include a diffuse red rash, high fever, cough, runny nose and red, watery eyes (conjunctivitis), and occasionally abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms usually subside in a few days but in malnourished children, measles can result in serious side effects such as blindness or seizures, and even can be fatal.

According to the “experts,” no treatment is available for the measles.  Acetaminophen and NSAIDS for pain and fever is a common recommendation, along with bed rest and plenty of liquids.

Actually, there is a treatment for measles, a treatment that can be lifesaving in cases of severe measles: vitamin A. I find it shocking that public health officials can turn their backs on the accumulated science about vitamin A and measles.  A literature search turns up over five hundred studies on this subject, such as this one entitled, “Low serum retinol is associated with increased severity of measles in New York City children,” in which the authors concluded “Children with no known prior vitamin A deficiency exhibited a significant decline in their serum retinol levels during the acute phase of measles. This decline in circulating retinol was associated with increased duration of fever, higher hospitalization rates, and decreased antibody titers.”

Or this one, entitled “Vitamin A Administration Reduces Mortality and Morbidity from Severe Measles in Populations Nonendemic for Hypovitaminosis A,” which concluded: “On admission to a public hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, children with measles complicated by pneumonia, diarrhea, or both were given either a placebo or 400,000 IU of vitamin A. Administration of vitamin A significantly reduced mortality, decreased morbidity, and shortened the period of overall hospital stay.”

Or this one: “Vitamin A for the treatment of children with measles–a systematic review,” which begins with the statement, “Vitamin A deficiency is a recognized risk factor for severe measles,” and concludes “that 200,000 IU of vitamin A repeated on 2 days should be used for the treatment of measles as recommended by WHO in children admitted to hospitals in areas where the case fatality is high.”

Recommended by WHO! But you aren’t reading about the miraculous results of vitamin A treatment for measles patients in publications like the Washington Post. Instead, there is the constant push for vaccinations, even though the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine can have serious side effects, including autism. Ingredients in the MMR vaccine include chick embryo cell culture, WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts, MCR-5 cells, vitamins, amino acids, fetal bovine serum, sucrose, glutamate, recombinant human albumin, neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin, monosodium L-glutamate, sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate and sodium chloride. (Potassium chloride is used to cause cardiac arrest as the third drug in the “three drug cocktail” for executions by lethal injection.)

Instead of vaccinations: let your child get the measles!  The treatment is simple: bed rest in a darkened room (to avoid overstimulating the eyes); cold compresses for fever; and cod liver oil  (use an eye dropper), smoothies of egg yolk, cream and maple syrup, and a little liver pate for vitamin A. With vitamin A-rich cod liver oil and food, your child will be right in no time, and will have protection against the serious effects of high fever. One school of thought holds that having the measles strengthens the immune system and provides protection against cancer later in life.

So if it’s not a virus, what causes the measles?  Since measles is obviously an effort by the body to detoxify, environmental toxins, especially in the water, are a likely candidate.  The decline in measles in industrialized countries, especially deaths from measles, parallels the cleaning up of our cities and cleaner water for everyone. Diets also improved, especially up to the Second World War, when people still drank whole milk, ate butter and took cod liver oil.

Even so, children still get the measles and one theory holds that children go through a natural, even programmed, cleansing as they make the transition from early to middle childhood around age seven.  Children with measles may even “communicate” to other children of the same age that it’s time to go through this important process .  Certainly not everyone in a household gets the measles when one child has it, not even other children.

Once we throw off the “virus” theory of measles, we can explore the true causes of this and other childhood diseases. Meanwhile, a nutrient-dense diet is the best protection for your child.


Sally Fallon Morell is best known as the author of Nourishing Traditions®: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels. 


Connect with Nourishing Traditions

Cover image credit: available from wellcomecollection.org under creative commons license

The Role of the US DoD (and Their Co-Investors) in “Covid Countermeasures” Enterprise.

The Role of the US DoD (and Their Co-Investors) in “Covid Countermeasures” Enterprise.
Intelligence is never artificial.

by Sasha Latypova, Due Diligence and Art substack
originally published December 22, 2022


I asked the AI Chat Bot “What was the role of the DoD in covid-countermeasures?” Here is what it wrote:

“The Department of Defense (DoD) played a significant role in the development of countermeasures against COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. The DoD worked closely with other federal agencies, such as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to respond to the pandemic.

One of the main roles of the DoD in the COVID-19 response was to provide logistical support and medical resources to help healthcare workers and first responders on the front lines of the pandemic. The DoD also worked to develop and distribute personal protective equipment (PPE) and other supplies to support the response efforts.

In addition, the DoD provided funding and resources to support the development of vaccines and treatments for COVID-19. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a research arm of the DoD, played a key role in this effort by funding and supporting the development of treatments and vaccines through its “Rapid Response Research” program.

Overall, the DoD played a vital role in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing logistical support, medical resources, and funding for research and development efforts to combat the disease.”

AI Chat Bot gets a “F” – for a highly controlled narrative answer, which was fed to all MSM sources, while the “alternative” media did not examine it very much, with some exceptions. It wasn’t just logistics or even just lots of funding, and certainly nobody was “combatting disease”.

The truth is much more interesting than fiction:

All Covid countermeasures, including the biological warfare agents marketed as “Covid-19 vaccines”, were ordered by the US DoD as a “large scale manufacturing demonstration” via Other Transactions Authority contracts.

Hundreds of Covid countermeasures contracts became available via FOIA and SEC disclosures in redacted form.  Review of these contracts indicates a high degree of control by the US Government (DoD/BARDA) and specifies the scope of deliverables as “demonstrations” and “prototypes” only.  In other words, the US Government and DOD specifically ordered a fake theatrical performance from the pharmaceutical manufacturers. Just to make extra certain that the pharmas are free to conduct the fakery, the contracts include the removal of all liability for the manufacturers and any contractors along the supply and distribution chain under the 2005 PREP Act and related federal legislation.

The contracts are structured under Other Transactions Authority (OTA) – OTA method of contracting allows federal agencies to order otherwise-regulated products bypassing any such regulations, as well as financial accountability mechanisms that cover standard government contracting, and other laws that regulate disclosure and Intellectual Property (IP) derived from publicly funded research.

“Other” is a catchall category that is not a contract, not a research grant, not a procurement, etc.: not any normally regulated/accountable government contracting.

Here is a typical contract scope for “vaccines”:

While the DOD/BARDA countermeasure contracts refer to safety and efficacy requirements for vaccines and mention current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliance, these items are explicitly carved out as not being paid for nor ordered by the US Government.

This gets even more interesting when we examine some of the redactions in contracts:


I know what is in the redacted part of the above paragraph and it was not hard to figure out. The first redaction under 1.1.1 BACKGROUND is “Fosun Pharmaceuticals”, so the sentence reads “Fosun Pharmaceuticals”, Pfizer and BioNTech entered into an agreement for the co-development…”

Note: the only journalist I am aware of in either “mainstream” or “resistance” who mentioned Fosun was Naomi Wolf, kudos to her. I was in touch with The Epoch Times to try to publish this information, and even they decided to bury the story (but they published my other materials). I did discuss this on Dr. Jane Ruby’s show, and kudos to her as well for not being afraid to cover the truth.

Pfizer-BioNTech is really a 3-party R&D alliance: Fosun-Pfizer-BioNTech, and by “party” I mean that one of the three is the Chinese Communist Party. Fosun is a huge Chinese conglomerate that owns a large number of global companies, and its chairman Guo Guangchang is a very high ranking member of the CCP. It is curious that the US DoD awarded $10 billion (Pfizer’s Operation Warp Speed/DoD/BARDA contract) to a venture whose substantial equity (and IP) holder is the the Chinese Communist Party. For avoidance of doubt:

Below is the timeline of some of the key investments and R&D deals I was able to identify from public SEC shareholder disclosures, immediately preceding and following the “pandemic”:

Just to make sure, we are talking about the exact technology in the mRNA shots. Here is the definition from March 17, 2020 agreement between Pfizer and BioNTech (p. 4):

The same document describes a data sharing agreement, “pharmacovigilance” globally among the 3 parties. They will count the bodies and share the data with each other:

On the “pharmacovigilance” aspect, there is a 4th participant in this arrangement – the Israeli Ministry of Health, which entered into a data sharing agreement with Pfizer on January 6, 2021 and gave Pfizer (and by extension, US DoD and anyone who controls it, BioNTech and anyone who controls it, Fosun and anyone who controls it, i.e. CCP) access to all their citizens’ centralized electronic health records. But don’t worry, Benjamin Netanyahu promised to keep the data de-identified. Right.


Side note – Israeli government recently “misplaced” the Manufacturing and Supply Agreement with Pfizer mentioned in the data sharing agreement above (so we know for sure it exists). The government sadly cannot find it for some reason…


This gets even larger and more interesting when looking at the sources of “R&D” financing. Turns out, there were numerous financial backers and co-investors in the BioNTech “venture” in the years preceding the global fraud and mass murder exercise. According to Crunchbase, BioNTech, a tiny company with just a handful of employees and NO PRODUCTS or scale manufacturing, raised $1.7B in 9 rounds of investments since around 2008. Large portion of the money, $1B+ was raised before 2020. What was it for, since no big clinical trials or scale manufacturing was happening then? That’s a good question, worth examining at some point. Cursory review of some of the investment rounds indicates wide and very international involvement of a variety investors from US, Europe, UK, Australia, South Africa, mainland China, Hong Kong and Singapore among others. These likely included many government actors: “sovereign” funds, pension funds and the like who often do these investments by allocating money to “private venture funds” (limited partners in a private venture funds are confidential). Maybe I will do a separate article on this at a later date.

Note, many people ask me “what about China and Russia?” when I talk about our own government and DoD engaged in mass genocide of Americans. I answered about China – they are allied with the US DoD on this. The CCP is profiting from the financial windfall of the US government printing dollars and throwing them into the mRNA furnaces where they are driving masses of the brainwashed citizens to suicide themselves. China claims to use “traditional vaccines” – if you believe what the Chinese say, I have a bridge to sell you.

I have not seen evidence of any similar alliance with Russia. This makes sense, because ultimately this boils down to the war of US vs Russia using proxies and alliances (as it always does). This does not mean that Russia are “the good guys”. Simply that the owners of Russia (whoever they are, not necessarily based in Russia) disagree with the owners of the US (whoever they are, not necessarily based in the US). Russia is running the same “covid script”, using knock off RNA/DNA injections, probably buying materials from the same suppliers, and also using war to kill off their own younger population. It’s just that they are doing it for THEIR OWN interests, not that of the US and their allies.

Back to this western continent – we have already established that “Covid-19 vaccines” are biowarfare agents, legally not medicines, not pharmaceuticals, and not regulated as such.

Use of Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) covered countermeasures under a declared Public Health Emergency cannot constitute a clinical investigation (21 USC 360bbb-3(k)), therefore these countermeasures could not be tested for safety or efficacy in accordance with US law (21 CFR 312 and 21 CFR 601), nor could compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) or Good Distribution Practices (GxP in general) be enforced by the FDA. 

This legal fact was known to the US Government, DOD, BARDA, FDA, CDC, HHS officials signing the contracts, involved in the OWS, and it was also known to Pfizer, Moderna and other pharma companies. mRNA technology has always been designated dual-use, a category of bioweapons:


From the start, “covid pandemic” was treated by the US Government as a national security matter (i.e. war) and covid policy was set by the National Security Council (assemblage of Defense and Intelligence heads), not HHS.

March 13, 2020: “PanCAP Adapted U.S. Government COVID-19 Response Plan” (PanCAP-A) states that United States policy in response to SARS-CoV-2 is set not by the public health agencies designated in pandemic preparedness protocols (Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness ActPPD-44, BIA), but rather by the National Security Council, or NSC.  NSC does not have regular attendees from public health agencies and its focus is national security and foreign policy matters.”

Below is the organization chart from the PanCAP-A document, p.9:

When a known weaponizable tech is given a liability-free, extrajudicial status shielded from all regulations, it’s not hard to put 2 and 2 together. The national security, DoD and Intelligence officials absolutely knew all of this. They went ahead and authorized a $10 billion purchase order of this weaponizable tech from the Fosun-Pfizer-BioNTech enterprise (backed by numerous foreign governments including the Chinese), to deliver and deploy it onto Americans, during the time of war.

I think by now it should become clear that the “5th gen warfare” is not just the use of psyops and total control of social media by the FBI and CIA (that’s so last century!) It’s also not “profits over safety”, “bad FDA overlooked myocarditis” or “big pharma pays politicians for election campaigns”. We are way, way past that. I keep pointing out that if the motive were JUST PROFIT, then the most profitable strategy would have been to ship placebo. They would not be violating any laws by doing so, there would be no adverse events and deaths, the product would look perfectly cGMP compliant, while covid would have gone away quickly by itself. Yet, the governments (plural)-pharma cartel insists on killing and injuring millions of people, obviously limiting the profit potential by doing so.

The current war is the war of the global governments (plural), that only pretend to be at odds with each other, marketing themselves as “left”, “right”, “communists”, “green”, “capitalists”, “socialists”, “populists”, “conservatives”, etc. etc. in a never ending clown show of the political theater. Behind the scenes, the “official enemies” are partners and co-investors into “joint ventures” against us, people of the world. They use taxpayers’ money to fund, develop, then “approve”, purchase and deploy prohibited biowarfare agents for killing and injuring their own civilian population, their own armed forces, first responders, healthcare workers, pregnant women and children. To stop this every one of us must start using correct precise language, start calling things what they really are.


Connect with Sasha Latypova

Cover image credit: Vintagelee

Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the Faked Atomic Bombing

Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the Faked Atomic Bombing
The United States Dropped Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki During World War 2. Allegedly.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
December 26, 2022


On 6 August 1945, during World War II, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion immediately killed an estimated 80,000 people; tens of thousands more eventually died of radiation exposure. Uncle Sam repeated the same atomic bombing over Nagasaki a few days later.

Or did he?

Was it actually atomic?

Michael Palmer (whose biography can be found at his website) held a faculty position in the chemistry department at the University Of Waterloo before being fired after his refusal to receive a toxic mRNA jab.

He published an eye-opening book – which is freely available for download – in which he debunks the “atomic bomb” story using archival medical and scientific data and showing that the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a result of mustard gas and napalm akin to the bombing of other cities (like Tokyo).

Bombing of Tokyo, (March 9–10, 1945), firebombing raid (codenamed “Operation Meetinghouse”) by the United States on the capital of Japan during the final stages of World War II, often cited as one of the most destructive acts of war in history, more destructive than the bombing of Dresden, Hiroshima, or Nagasaki. Although the precise death toll is unknown, conservative estimates suggest that the firestorm caused by incendiary bombs killed at least 80,000 people, and likely more than 100,000, in a single night; some one million people were left homeless. The Japanese later called this the “Night of the Black Snow.”


To be clear, the official narrative is that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed with nukes while Tokyo was bombed with napalm.

However, if the following is true, then it is quite damning.

The day and hour Hiroshima was bombed, U.S. air command logged a fleet of 66 bombers for an operation in nearby Imabari Japan. But this city no longer existed. It had been wiped out in two previous raids. This was the fleet that firebombed Hiroshima.

Swedish engineer Anders Björkman

For a detailed collection of critiques and analyses, I recommend going through this “guided tour” which includes patents, photos, reports, testimonies and more.

For example, one individual noted that locating photos captured by Japanese witnesses is very hard to come by, but that he discovered the following photos from a Japanese book published during 1949.

He added the following caption.

However several photographs appear online claiming to show ‘the mushroom cloud’. I’ve looked at Hiroshima in detail here (not Nagasaki) and tried to find details – including by use of google.jp, and online translators, though these don’t usually handle proper names. There are only three principal photographs, neither showing any general scenery. They could be genuine – but showing the effects of firebombing; they could show firebombing in some other location – I haven’t attempted to collate the points from which they were supposedly photographed with the actual view which would have been seen; they could be faked; or they could as claimed show the after effect of an atomic bomb exploded in the air. I leave it to you to judge. The first appearances of these photographs all post-date 1945 by a number of years – at least as far as I could discover from Internet. Moreover, one has to wonder why these people only took one picture of what is presented as a horrific and unusual event. (And there are no doubt copyright issues – there seem to be different sets of photographs in circulation).

The Daily Telegraph published the following photo of the bombing, during January 2013. It also resembles a firebombing.

A coverup?

What about the famous Bikini Atoll nuclear tests between 1946 and 1958? An interesting study was published during 2014 by a profoundly fascinating thinkers by the name of Miles Mathis.

He published a related study, during 2016, which is also worth reading. And here’s a study published by Jeremy James, refuting the existence of explosive nuclear devices.

Meanwhile, Marvin Minsky was a computer scientist and co-founder of MIT’s artificial intelligence laboratory. He received many accolades including the Turing Award in 1969.

Take a listen to what he said in the following clip.

If I am willing to accept that a lot of history has been misrepresented by the establishment, such as 9/11, the TitanicSandy Hook and JFK’s assassination, then I am willing to accept that what I believed about Hiroshima (and Nagasaki) is equally misrepresented by the establishment.

Our conversation

The following conversation with Michael is a slideshow. It is possible to follow via listening but I think it is preferable to watch.

He covers talking points including

  • no nuclear detonations taking place;
  • cities being destroyed with conventional explosives and napalm; and
  • the victims being killed not with radiation but with mustard gas and napalm.


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Reiner Fuellmich & Hans Tolzin on the Shady History of Virology: Have Viruses Ever Been Isolated or Purified?

Reiner Fuellmich & Hans Tolzin on the Shady History of Virology: Have Viruses Ever Been Isolated or Purified?


Isolation vs. Filtration

by International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC)
January 8, 2022

German with English subtitles:

[Video available at ICIC-Net and mirrored at TCTL Odysee and BitChute and channels.]

In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and medical journalist Hans Tolzin explore the history virology, the studies upon which modern science relies, and the alleged “evidence” supporting the existence of invisible and dangerous viruses.

Hans Tolzin details the medical historical background of virology starting with the first trials and publications by scientists at the beginning of the 20th century. He reveals serious gaps in field research and points out that there are numerous significant insufficiencies that have never (officially) been pursued or corrected, such as the gross neglect of differential diagnosis.

It is not only the virus theory that gives rise to major criticism. The apparent lack of care and ignorance in professional circles is also worrying. For it is on these assumptions that organizations and institutions are based which are responsible for the health of the world’s population, which propagate medicines, therapies and vaccinations, and which people blindly trust and believe.

After these findings, valid questions arise: Is there really a so-called “isolate” of a virus, especially a “corona” virus or do the available images show something completely different, and if so what? Why is no attention paid to this question and why are discrepancies in the definition of terms tolerated in science?

Mr. Tolzin speaks not of an “isolate”, but rather, of a “high purification” in order to obtain indisputable proof of a “virus”. His findings raise further, controversial questions and have the potential to shed light on the shady history of virology.


Connect with International Crimes Investigative Committee

Cover image credit: geralt

See Related: 

Challenging the Foundations of Virology: Corona Investigative Committee With Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman

The Path Paved by Dr. Lanka: Exposing the Lies of Virology

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions

Mark Bailey With Jeremy Nell on Virus Hunting

A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)

The Viral Delusion (2022) Docu-Series: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & the Madness of Modern Virology

‘The End of Germ Theory’ Documentary: An Easy-to-Understand, Step-by-Step Analysis of the History of Germ & Virus Theory, the Erroneous “Science” Behind Vaccination & a Close Look at What Really Makes Us Sick — The Big Pharma Cartel & the Deep Deception of Viral Pandemics

Tom Cowan on Why There Is No Immune System

Tom Cowan on Why There Is No Immune System
If Viruses Don’t Exist Then the Concept of an Immune System Becomes Redundant.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
January 5, 2023


Tom Cowan, who was previously on my podcast in which he discussed his book The Contagion Myth and why germs don’t cause disease, is a doctor and author of multiple books challenging current medical paradigms, specifically relating to illness and optimal wellbeing.

His approach is sensible and logical and he has a wonderful way in simplifying complex concepts.

In terms of the discourse around viruses and germs in general, I’ve had numerous conversations with great thinkers including

There are more but the aforementioned discussions cover a lot of ground and well worth listening to.

Tom joined me on my radio show to chat about similar talking points, but gave some superb analyses into the differences between contagion and infection as well as the absurdity of the currently established virus isolation claims.

The cherry on the top was his takedown of the immune system and why it can’t exist if there is nothing against which to be immune.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

 Partial transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light



Tom, you are one of the biggest influences on my life in the last year or so — yourself, Andy Kaufman, Sam Bailey and a handful of others. And I never in my life thought that I would have taken this road in challenging my own paradigm, particularly around viruses and germs in general…

And holy cow, Tom, how is it possible that we have all gone down this wrong road? …


How is it possible? I don’t know. That’s a speculative question, I would say. My role in this, I think, is not to speculate on so much why it happened, but documenting that it did happen…


Because one thing that I’ve learned in these past three years, and I try to be as rigorous about this as I can, is that the road to — I’m not sure what you call it, freedom or health or liberation — is not so much finding the truth as finding out what’s not true.

Because at the end of the day, once you extricate all the things that we think or believe or hope that are not true, you end up, like I say, back home as a place that you are always looking for.


That’s very true, Tom. It does feel like I’m home… There’s a sense of liberation that comes when you realize that you don’t need to outsource your health to the pharmaceutical industry…


Right. Again, it’s all about questioning fundamental assumptions. And you can get into this with things to do with actions of the government.

And interestingly, the fundamental assumption when you’re dealing with actions by the government is that the government is there to help you. Right?

That’s why these elected officials, we put them there and their job is to help the population. And of course, they have different ideas how to do that. But the fundamental assumption there is they’re there to help. And I would submit that there’s actually no evidence for that. They’re not there to help you at all. They’re there for a whole different reason.

And once you realize that, then you stop looking to them to help you because you realize that’s not what they’re meant to do.

And the reason I bring that up in response to what you said is it’s actually the same thing with doctors and pharmaceutical industries and health organizations like the CDC and the NIH and whatever you have in your country, in the world.

We think they’re there to protect and foster health. But that’s an assumption which I would submit is actually not true. Now, it doesn’t mean that the individuals who work for the CDC may think that’s what they’re doing. I’m sure a lot of them do.

But as an institution and as an endeavor — like the pharmaceutical industry is there to make money off you. And one of the ways they do that is to get you to buy their products by making you sick.

And if you think like that, which I would submit is actually closer to reality, then it makes sense of everything they do. It’s just obvious.

If that was your goal, then you would give people things, otherwise known as vaccines, to make them sick, and then they would get asthma, and then you sell them this drug, and then they would get bronchitis, and then you sell them this drug. And it all makes sense…

Once you realize that and you realize those are not the people that you should even be asking the question to, because they’re not interested. They have a different agenda, basically.


I was one of those people about two years ago. I remember when I first came across some of your work and I knee jerked. And I thought, no, come on. And there was something in me that said, no, just keep on go down this path and see where it goes.

And I have to say, Tom, I now have the converse view. I think ‘how can people think like I did three years ago?’…


So, okay, Tom, where does the story start? I mean the contagion myth. When we talk about contagion, what are we talking about?


Well, there’s also a difference between contagion and transmission. Transmission is likely a real phenomena. Contagion is not a real phenomenon…

So what we mean by that is classically — I mean, you can get into semantics here, but contagion refers to the fact that microorganisms, in particularly viruses and bacteria, are spread between organisms like people or animals or maybe plants, and they cause disease.


If you drop a bomb on somebody with napalm, somebody meaning a city, and a lot of people burn to death and asphyxiate or whatever, does that mean that napalm bomb was contagious? So obviously no.

So then at that point, you have to do something called science. Which means you have to actually do an experiment. Which means if you think that a virus is contagious, meaning spread from one person to another, you have to do an experiment in which you take the virus, and the virus only, and introduce that to a number of people or animals in the usual way…and see if they get sick.

It’s like the example I use. If you say ping pong balls knock down walls, the only way to prove that is to take a ping pong ball, and only a ping pong ball, and throw that at the wall and see if the wall knocks down.

You can’t put a ping pong ball in a bucket of stones and throw it at the wall, and if the wall knocks down, say it’s because of the ping pong ball…


Now, let me just say transmission means sure that organisms can communicate with each other. And that actually is a real phenomenon.

Like, you put 20 menstruating, women in a cabin for a year and they all start menstruating, more or less at the same time. Is that a virus? I mean, nobody thinks that. Is it some sort of communication between people? Apparently. How does that work? I mean, I don’t know. Nobody has actually studied it. Is there chemicals called pheromones? Maybe, but I have my doubts about that.

So that gets into a whole realm of how do biological organisms communicate with each other?

Trees do it, frogs do it. Presumably people do it. If one person starts laughing, other people start laughing…



Tom, before I ask you about the alternative vectors to illness or the expression thereof, obviously I have to ask you the elephant- in-the-room question which everybody always asks.

‘Okay, but these scientific journals say that viruses have been isolated.’ SARS-CoV-2 was apparently isolated, if you read that substack by Steve Kirsch. All those comments keep coming up.

So what is it that they are seeing?


So the problem with that question is you have to get into the definition of what isolation means…

When you ask somebody like Steve Kirsch, ‘has there been a paper that claims isolation of SARS-CoV-2’, he says yes.

In fact, I would say there’s let me guess, 10,000 papers in the medical literature claiming the isolation of a virus.

So the question is not ‘do they say that?’, it’s ‘how did they do it?’.


So you would think they would take a sick person, and doing very well-known and easily-performed techniques, they would purify the virus out of the snot or the blood or the cerebrospinal fluid, and then they would show you the pictures of the pure virus and that would constitute an isolated virus.

That has never been done. And they agree that that’s never been done. So no organism, no particle that’s “a replication competent protein coat, DNA or RNA on the inside, infectious particle” has ever been isolated using the definition that we all use — from any plant, animal or human being. And I will stake my entire career on the fact. And everybody agrees with that.

So because they couldn’t do that, and because you can’t study something that you haven’t isolated, they made a new definition of isolation.

So what they do is they take snot from a person who’s got a cough for unknown reasons. They do certain techniques, either centrifugation or filtration, which does not end up with a purified virus. It’s just to get some of the debris out of the sample, right? So that is not a purified or isolated sample. That’s just the liquid from your snot.

And then they put that on a cell culture, which means growing kidney cells from African green monkey, called verocells. And then they take away the nutrients. They add nephrotoxic, kidney toxic antibiotics. They add fetal bovine serum. (They suck the serum out of the heart of a newborn calf.) They add trypsin and usually some other things. Then they don’t do an appropriate control. They do what they call a mock infection, sometimes, but they always change the parameters.

So, for instance, they don’t add antibiotics. They never do what a mock infection is meant to. The definition is to do the same thing without a virus. Obviously they can’t do that because they can’t find a virus in the snot.

And then when the tissue breaks down — so we take monkey kidney cells that are growing, we take away their nutrients, we poison them, we add other genetic material and growth factors, we put in pancreatic enzymes — and when that cell culture breaks down, that is called isolation in the medical virology literature.

So if you ask Kirsch or any of those people, ‘has it been isolated?’, they say yes. If you say, ‘how is it isolated?’, they don’t know. He doesn’t know. Some of them know, but they won’t tell you because everybody who can think knows that, like Vince Raccanello, that’s not isolation.

And if it’s not isolation, that means you never actually found the virus. Which means there’s no evidence that the virus exists, Which means you can’t study it. You can’t find what genetics it has because you don’t even have it in a pure form.

So all they do then is essentially assess the genetic material in the broken down kidney cells and fetal bovine serum and all the rest of it. And then they make a hypothetical model, which they match up with the previous hypothetical model to say they have a new virus. This is simply madness.

You cannot have a more unscientific procedure than what I just described…



Now, your book basically states that, I think, there are about four vectors to what would be defined as illness or the expression of illness, one of them being toxicity or poison, another being mental wellness or mental state. What’s the other one? Physical injury and I think starvation of the cells. I think those are the four major vectors, am I right?


Yeah, not quite. It’s simple.

Number one, injuries, i.e. fall off your horse, right? Because that can give you a broken leg.

Number two, starvation. I wouldn’t say of the cells, because even the whole cell theory is an unproven theory. But you don’t have good food. Now, food includes — like stuff we eat and stuff we drink, and also mental, emotional food. If you’re fed lies and BS all the time, you’re starving for the truth.

The third one is poisoning. And we have varied and creative ways of poisoning other people and animals and plants.

And the fourth one, which I didn’t used to emphasize so much, but now I think is the most important, is: people are delusional. In other words, they believe in nonsense. And because they believe in nonsense… typically when you believe something, that becomes the basis for the actions of your life. And the actions then have consequences.

And I can give you an example that really hit this home. There was a guy I knew who was an anthroposophical doctor, and I met him 20 years ago, and he worked at a community clinic in San Francisco treating so-called AIDS patients with HIV drugs.

I told him HIV has never been proven to exist, and the whole thing is nonsense. And of course, he didn’t believe it. And he spent his life treating people for imaginary viruses, right? That’s what he believed in.

So then, of course, because he believes in imaginary viruses, he got four COVID shots — the two normal ones, whatever normal is, and then the two boosters. And I think it was four or five days after this second booster, he was found dead in his bed. And he was otherwise a healthy guy, supposedly.

So why did he die? You could say he died because he was poisoned, and that’s true. But the real reason he died was because he believed in viruses, because that led him to self inflict this poison, and that killed him.

So it’s huge what you believe…



The thing though, Tom, is then what is sickness? Or what is illness? Is it an expression of something?


The whole concept of illness is misinterpreted by doctors and medicine.

Again, I’ve given this example a million times. You get a splinter in your finger, you don’t take it out. That’s like a toxin, so to speak. And then you make pus to get the splinter out.

And in medical school you learn pus means infection, means bad, means give the person antibiotic.

But it’s obvious that if you get rid of the pus, the splinter will stay there and you’ll get pus again and again and again. And then you’ll encapsulate the splinter, unless you take it out, and then you’ll have a tumor, which means a new growth. And that’s exactly the sequence of events of what happens to people.

So another one. You put debris in your lungs. People do that with smoking and breathing crappy air like Wuhan and Italy and places all over the world. And then you get a cough to get the crap out of your lungs. Well, you go to the doctor and he says, because he doesn’t understand medicine, he says you have bronchitis. So he gives you cough medicine and antibiotics to keep the debris in your lungs. And then you do that twice a year for 20 years. And then you get a bag of debris in your lungs and we call that lung cancer. And we say, I don’t know how you got lung cancer. You must have smoked or something. Right? But your body kept trying to get it out.

And the doctors, because they don’t understand how medicine works or how every symptom you have is your body’s attempt to heal and we don’t understand that. So every encounter makes things worse.


I suppose, by extension, Tom, I have to ask you, does the immune system exist in any meaningful way?


There is no immune system. They made that up to make you think there were viruses. What happens — there is no immunity to imaginary viruses. There has never been any proof of any chickenpox, smallpox, measles virus in any living human being or animal, period.

And so you can’t get immune to something that doesn’t exist. In fact, what happens if you have a situation in your life of toxicity or exposed to mental stress or a child who’s growing too much too fast essentially, and they don’t have the collagen in their diet to keep up, they break down a little bit and they excrete that through their skin.

We call that measles or chickenpox and we can’t even really tell the difference between measles and chickenpox.

If you go back to the historical literature, they knew that these were just different manifestations. And so then you make white blood cells to clean up the debris. That’s like garbage collectors. And then you make these proteins called antibodies to repair the tissue. They’re not killing off or remembering any viruses. And so obviously, if you’re breaking down more like you have AIDS, you’ll have more antibodies because you have more tissue to repair. That has nothing to do with anything called immunity.

It has to do with if you break somebody down because they smoke and take amphetamines and poppers and you don’t eat and all that stuff and their tissues break down and they’re psychologically terrorized. They break down and they make antibodies to repair. And we test and see if they have antibodies and then they say they have a virus. This is absurd.

It’s like nursery school thinking.


But yet it’s 150 years, or thereabouts, old. I mean it’s crazy to think that it’s been so established.


Well, it’s not the only thing, I can tell you that.


…Going into the year 2023, what advice could you give people?


Don’t believe anything coming out of mainstream media or your doctor or health authority. And don’t let anybody put stuff in you that a) you don’t know what it is, b) if it came from a carrot, that’s okay. If it’s the chemicals that supposedly are in a carrot, don’t eat it because it’s not good for you. That’s not how we’re organized. Don’t inject anything into yourself. And think for yourself.

I think the most important thing I’ve learned is focus on understanding what’s not true and give yourself a break from saying therefore I must know what is true. You will find out what’s true at the end of the day once you’ve cleared out all the stuff that you believe that wasn’t true.

There was a quote from Mark Twain that I sometimes show. He says, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you. It’s what you know for sure but just ain’t so. “

That’s the problem. You have a lot of things that people, including myself, we think we know for sure: There’s cells, there’s immune system, there’s viruses. The medical profession is there to help you. The government is there to protect your well being.

There’s no evidence for any of that stuff. So once you get rid of that, then you will be left with ‘so how does this all work?’. Then that becomes fun.


Cover image credit: silviarita

Pfizer’s History of Fraud, Corruption, and Using Nigerian Children as ‘Human Guinea Pigs’ How Did Pfizer Manage to Rebrand Itself as the Savior of Humanity?

Pfizer’s History of Fraud, Corruption, and Using Nigerian Children as ‘Human Guinea Pigs’ How Did Pfizer Manage to Rebrand Itself as the Savior of Humanity?

by KanekoaTheGreat, Substack
originally published December 14, 2022


One of the most significant cultural transformations of the last two years has been the newfound glorification of the pharmaceutical industry.

An industry plagued by decades of fraud, corruption, and criminality managed to quickly rebrand itself as the savior of humanity during the covid-19 crisis.

But nothing inherently changed. Big Pharma still values shareholders’ profits more than people’s lives.

The regulatory agencies still operate as revolving doors to the pharmaceutical giants they are said to regulate.

Big Pharma still dominates lobbying efforts in Washington DC and spends billions each year advertising pharmaceutical products.

Despite the notorious corrupt nature of the pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla claimed during a November 2021 interview, that a small group of “medical professionals” who are intentionally circulating “misinformation” critical of the Pfizer vaccine narrative are “criminals”.

Bourla seemed to have forgotten about the history of his own company.

Pfizer’s Long History Of Criminal Behavior
  • In 1992, Pfizer agreed to pay between $165 million and $215 million to settle lawsuits arising from the fracturing of its Bjork-Shiley Convexo-Concave heart valve, which at the time had resulted in nearly 300 deaths, and by 2012 had resulted in 663 deaths.
  • In 1994, Pfizer agreed to pay $10.75 million to settle Justice Department claims that the company lied to get federal approval for a mechanical heart valve that has fractured, killing hundreds of patients worldwide. Under the settlement, Pfizer also agreed to pay $9.25 million in coming years to monitor patients who received the device at Veterans Administration hospitals or pay for its removal. The deal was criticized by consumer rights activists who urged Government officials to bring criminal charges and lobbied for a steeper civil penalty for the multibillion-dollar company that had covered up safety concerns even as the device was killing patients.
  • In 1996, Pfizer administered an experimental drug during a clinical trial on 200 children in Nigeria but never told the parents that their children were the subjects of an experiment. Eleven of the children died and many others suffered side effects such as brain damage and organ failure. A report by Nigeria’s health ministry concluded, the experiment was “an illegal trial of an unregistered drug,” a “clear case of exploitation of the ignorant,” and a violation of Nigerian and international law. Pfizer did not obtain consent or inform the patients that they were the subjects of an experiment, not the recipients of an approved drug.

  • In 2002, Pfizer agreed to pay $49 million to settle allegations that the drug company defrauded the federal government and 40 states by charging too much for its cholesterol treatment Lipitor. Lipitor had sales of $6.45 billion in 2001.
  • In 2004, Pfizer agreed to plead guilty to two felonies and paid $430 million in penalties to settle charges that it fraudulently promoted the drug Neurontin for unapproved uses. Pfizer agreed that it aggressively marketed the epilepsy drug by illicit means for unrelated conditions including bipolar disorder, pain, migraine headaches, and drug and alcohol withdrawal. Pfizer’s tactics included planting company operatives in the audience at medical education events and bribing doctors with luxury trips.
  • In 2008, the New York Times published an article entitled, “Experts Conclude Pfizer Manipulated Studies.” Pfizer delayed the publication of negative studies, spun negative data to place it in a more positive light, and controlled the flow of clinical research data in order to promote it’s epilepsy drug Neurontin. Pfizer discontinued its marketing program for Neurontin in 2004 after the drug became available as a generic. That same year, the company paid $430 million to settle federal criminal and civil claims that one of its subsidiaries had promoted the drug for unapproved uses.

  • In 2009, Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion, then the largest health care fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the United States. Pfizer pled guilty to misbranding the painkiller Bextra with “the intent to defraud or mislead”, promoting the drug to treat acute pain at dosages the FDA had previously deemed dangerously high. The government alleged that Pfizer had paid kickbacks to compliant doctors and also promoted three other drugs illegally: the antipsychotic Geodon, an antibiotic Zyvox, and the antiepileptic drug Lyrica.
  • In 2009, Pfizer paid $750 million to settle 35,000 claims that its drug, Rezulin, was responsible for 63 deaths and dozens of liver failures. Rezulin’s withdrawal from the U.S. market on March 21, 2000, followed negotiations between the drug’s manufacturer and the FDA. Senior FDA officials had long stood behind the drug despite a mounting death toll and Rezulin’s absence of proven life-saving benefits. The position of the FDA officials stood in contrast to their counterparts in Britain, where Rezulin was removed effective Dec. 1, 1997.
  • In 2010, Pfizer was ordered to pay $142.1 million in damages for violating federal anti-racketeering law by its fraudulent sale and marketing of Neurontin for uses not approved by the FDA. The jury found that Pfizer’s marketing of ‘Neurontin’ violated both the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) and California’s Unfair Competition Law.
  • In 2010, the New York Times published an article entitled, “Pfizer Gives Details on Payments to Doctors”. Pfizer admitted that it paid about $20 million to 4,500 doctors and other medical professionals for consulting and speaking on its behalf in the last six months of 2009. Pfizer also paid $15.3 million to 250 academic medical centers and other research groups for clinical trials in the same period. The disclosures were required by an agreement that the company signed to settle a federal investigation into the illegal promotion of drugs for off-label uses.

  • In 2010, Blue Cross Blue Shield filed a lawsuit against Pfizer accusing the pharmaceutical giant of illegally bribing 5,000 doctors with lavish Caribbean vacations, golf games, massages, and other recreational activities in order to convince doctors to use Bextra for off-label use.
  • In 2010, leaked cables between Pfizer and US officials in Nigeria showed that Pfizer had hired investigators to unearth evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in order to blackmail him to drop legal action over the controversial 1996 Trovan trial involving children with meningitis. In 2009, Pfizer agreed to pay $75 million to the families harmed during the 1996 drug trial, but the cables suggest that the US drug giant was looking for blackmail to get the Nigerian attorney general to drop the $6 billion federal suit against Pfizer. The leaks showed that Pfizer’s investigators were passing ‘damaging’ information to the local media and threatening the attorney general that much more damaging information would come out if he did not drop the suit. The $6 billion lawsuit was dropped in 2009.
  • In 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged Pfizer Inc. with violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) when its subsidiaries bribed doctors and other health care professionals employed by foreign governments in Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Serbia in order to win business. According to the SEC, employees of Pfizer’s subsidiaries authorized and made cash payments and provided other incentives to bribe government doctors to utilize Pfizer products.
  • In 2012, Pfizer had paid $1.2 billion to settle claims by nearly 10,000 women that its hormone replacement therapy drug, Prempro, caused breast cancer. The Prempro settlements come after six years of trials, in which several plaintiffs were awarded tens of millions of dollars, including punitive damages for the drug maker’s actions in withholding information about the risk of breast cancer from Prempro.
  • In 2013, Pfizer agreed to pay $55 million to settle criminal charges of failing to warn patients and doctors about the risks of kidney disease, kidney injury, kidney failure, and acute interstitial nephritis caused by its proton pump inhibitor, Protonix.
  • In 2013, Pfizer set aside $288 million to settle claims by 2,700 people that its drug, Chantix, caused suicidal thoughts and severe psychological disorders. The FDA determined that Chantix is probably associated with a higher risk of a heart attack.
  • In 2014, Pfizer paid $35 million to settle a lawsuit accusing its subsidiary of promoting the kidney transplant drug, Rapamune, for unapproved uses, including bribing doctors to prescribe it to patients. According to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who led the probe, Wyeth got doctors to push the drug for unapproved uses, relying on “misleading presentations of data.”
  • In 2016, Pfizer was fined a record £84.2 million for overcharging the NHS for its anti-epilepsy drug, Phenytoin, by 2,600 percent (from £2.83 to £67.50 a capsule), increasing the cost to UK taxpayers from £2 million in 2012 to about £50 million in 2013.

This is only a partial list of the fraud, corruption, and criminality of Pfizer. There are other examples of Pfizer unethically testing pharmaceutical products in the world’s poorest nations and participating in other criminal actions.

Whistleblowers Expose Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Trials
While Pfizer’s CEO believes that it is criminal to question the integrity of his pharmaceutical company, multiple whistleblowers have already come forward exposing the lack of integrity of Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine trials.

Leading medical journal, The BMJ, published a report exposing faked data, blind trial failures, poorly trained vaccinators, and a slow follow-up on adverse reactions in the phase-three trial of Pfizer’s gene therapy shots.

When the whistleblower reported her concerns to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), she was fired later the same day on the basis that she was “not a good fit”. The FDA never inspected the clinical trial site of the whistleblower complaint.

Another whistleblower named, Maddie de Garay, volunteered for the Pfizer trial for 12 to 15-year-olds. 24-hours after her second dose she was in an emergency room.

She is now in a wheelchair, requires a feeding tube through her nose, and is still suffering 9-months later. Maddie was 1 of 1,131 children in Pfizer’s clinical trial for children aged 12-15.

Pfizer officially recorded Maddie’s adverse event as “abdominal pain” when reporting clinical trial results to the FDA. If we know Maddie’s devastating, life-altering injury is recorded as “abdominal pain” in the clinical trials: what other serious adverse events have been hidden by Pfizer and ignored by the FDA?

Attorney Aaron Siri and a group of more than 30 scientists, medical professionals, and journalists, asked the FDA for “all data and information for the Pfizer vaccine,” including safety and effectiveness data, adverse reaction reports and a list of active and inactive ingredients.

The FDA managed to consider all 329,000 pages of data and grant emergency approval of the Pfizer vaccine within just 108 days, but is now asking for 75 years to fully release that information to the public.

Siri wrote on his Substack, “So, let’s get this straight. The federal government shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy. Who does the government work for?”

The Pharmaceutical Regulatory Revolving Door

In a December 2021 interview, World Bank President, David Malpass, said that Pfizer will not give mRNA shots to countries where they face legal liabilities for side effects.

Malpass shared, “Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of the countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield.” This clearly shows that Pfizer is not operating from some moral high road of the betterment of society. This is about profit and the people of the world have every right to question the integrity of Pfizer based upon its criminal history and current actions.

As I have written in previous articles, this is still a pandemic of the untreated due to the fact that captured regulatory agencies refuse to provide early treatment protocols featuring cheap and effective off-patent medications.

How much of this refusal to treat patients is due to Big Pharma’s leverage over captured regulatory agencies?

And, by all accounts, the covid mRNA gene therapy shots are failing to stop the spread all around the world, but Pfizer expects to bring in $33.5 billion in vaccine revenue in 2021 and expects even more profits in 2022 if it is able to continue to convince the world that its pharmaceutical products are the savior of humanity.


Connect with KanekoaTheGreat

Cover image credit: CDC Global Health, creative commons license

Worldwide Testimonies About Smart Meters

Worldwide Testimonies About Smart Meters

by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
January 5, 2023


Five weeks ago, I asked people to email the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC) about their experiences with smart meters. Heartbreaking testimonies poured in from around the world. Stories about catastrophic effects on the health and lives of adults, children, the elderly, pets, farm animals, birds, wild animals, insects, worms, plants, neighbors, workers and entire communities.

Below are excerpts and summaries of some of the 271 testimonies that are posted on the public comments page of the PRC’s website. If you have stories to add and you have not yet sent them to the PRC, please email them to: New Mexico PRC <prc.records@prc.nm.gov>. Write “Case No. 22-00058-UT” in the Subject line. Be sure to also send a copy to me at Arthur@cellphonetaskforce.org. We need all the help we can get to preserve New Mexico as a refuge from smart meters, and as an example to the world. 

Jennifer Andree is a New Mexico resident who was severely injured by a smart meter “that has completely devastated my life.” She is a nurse and a veteran who knew nothing about smart meters until she was injured by one. This occurred on Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. “For three and one-half months,” she writes, she slept with her head approximately one foot away on the other side of a wall from an electrical panel containing two electric smart meters. “Anything that carries an electric current or emits any radiation” now causes her headaches, brain fog, and internal burning. “I can no longer tolerate living in an urban environment,” she writes, “so I have moved to South Dakota, to a cleaner environment in the country. Because of the harms I was exposed to, I am separated from my family, which has contributed to my suffering… I have a nursing license, but can no longer work in my profession.”

Maryann McCabe writes from the UK: “From the time [the smart meter] was turned on, I could not walk around in my flat, I could not write an email, I could not think and I could not sleep. It was an absolute nightmare until it was switched off.”

Harriet Greene, formerly of New Mexico, writes: “I was able to opt out and keep my old meter. Everybody I talk to who was forced to accept smart meters has complained of numerous effects.”

Lauren Bond writes, “Smart meters were installed in my building, and the radiation they emit inside apartments creates for myself, a constant burning pain to my skin.”

Jeanne Thompson writes from California: “My mother died of a massive brain tumor caused by a row of six Smart Meters outside her condo, on the wall where the head of her bed was. We discovered this after she had already passed. You can imagine my shock and horror at that realization.”

Dr. Linda Thomas writes, “I have seen hideous debility in adults and children secondary to Smart Meters being installed in my area.” These include absence seizures in a 2-year-old boy and chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia in his mother.

Mario Desira writes from Malta: “Back in 2017 my electrical meter caught fire and nearly caused a house fire. Luckily I was at home and intervened before anything worse happened.”

Persephone Maywald writes from California that she was diagnosed with suspected Parkinson’s disease a few months after a smart meter was installed, and that she later had the meter replaced and within a few weeks all her symptoms disappeared.

Simone St. Clare writes from California that since a smart meter was installed, there have been almost no hummingbirds at her feeders and a decrease in caterpillars in her garden.

Deirdre Novella writes from New York that her hair started falling out within a few months of a smart meter being installed at her place of work, that she was diagnosed with leukemia, and that she developed a lifelong allergy to electricity.

Sheila Reavill, who works as an electromagnetic radiation specialist (“EMRS”) in Georgia, writes that after smart meters were installed, “the smart meter signature I logged [on her radio frequency meter] in my bedroom was at the precise times I wake up at night”; that her next door neighbor and her neighbor’s daughter wake at the exact same time she does every night; that her border collie began having skin problems and would wake up whimpering at the exact same time also; and that she and her dog both wake up at that same time with diarrhea.

Rebeca Randle writes from California that while she had a smart meter she could not sleep and there were no birds; and that when the smart meter was removed, the birds came back.

Robert Workmanan EMRS in Missouri, writes: “I have confirmed injuries from wireless radiation and the Smart meter seems to be the most damaging to me and my clients. Once the ITRON electronic meter is removed many of my clients have an immediate response to an improved health. This meter has been torture to myself and others in St Louis, it is my professional opinion this meter kills all biological life.”

Health practitioner Diane Peterson writes from California that “For the majority [of people], they suddenly developed symptoms and only later discovered that the symptoms began immediately after the smart meter was installed.”

Sema Kelly writes: “My friend’s neighbor had a smart meter put in. She didn’t know it had such dangers, but soon found out her chickens in the yard had huge tumors growing on their throats and body. The eggs they laid were odd shapes and colors, and the chickens appeared to be tired, which was not ever seen prior to the installments of the smart meters.”

Andre Fayolle writes that a smart meter gave his family headaches, caused the animals, birds and insects to disappear, and caused a fire that burned down his house.

Karen Crenshaw writes from California that she had no knowledge of the dangers of smart meters until an Itron smart meter was installed on her house, after which she awoke abruptly every hour during the night, had uncomfortable ear sensations, acquired high-pitched tinnitus, and felt pressure in her chest.

Annette Lillig writes from the UK: “Everyone I know who [has a smart meter] has been negatively affected by them.”

Beverly Jennings writes: “In Capitola, CA an entire bank of smart meters burst into flames and started a fire and burned down an apartment complex.”

Margaretha Tierney writes from Australia that she became sick two weeks after a smart meter was installed and was sick for five years until she had it moved off her house.

Sarah Wild writes that she had heart palpitations, headache, and panic until her smart meter was removed. She writes that her 80-year-old neighbor “went from being extremely lively, active, outward-going to hobbling around and forgetful within 6 months” of a smart meter being installed and died within 18 months.

Dino DeBenetti writes from Ontario, Canada that after a smart meter was installed, his wife’s health and behavior deteriorated, resulting in their divorce. He also writes that he has attempted to hatch fertile chicken eggs in an incubator in his house twice since the meter was installed, with over 20 fertile eggs each time, and not one egg hatched either time.

Karen Blomquist writes from California that when smart meters were installed on her home she incurred inner ear damage, sleeplessness, anxiety, non-stop heart palpitations, and migraines, and fled her home after two months to save her life. She also reports that her pets all got cancer and passed away.

Tina Cada writes from Florida that although she opted out of a smart meter on her own home, “[o]n the day they were getting installed [in her neighborhood], I walked outside and had no idea where I was. I had the worst kind of disorientation. This reaction was ongoing and lasted for the first few months.” She reports vertigo attacks that have continued, and constant dry mouth, that her teenage son has dry mouth, headaches and sleep disruptions, that her neighbor’s dog suddenly got cancer and died after the smart meters were installed, that her cat started acting differently, and that all the bats disappeared.

Laurie Grams writes from Texas that she lives in an apartment complex and so could not opt out, and has had sleep problems and agitation since smart meters were installed.

Jennifer Wood writes from West Virginia that “I have literally known thousands of people over the past nine years or so who became so ill when smart meters were installed in their homes that they had to move just as I did.”

Elizabeth Foley Walsh writes from North Carolina that she knew nothing about smart meters until after one was installed in her home and she began having severe headaches, dizziness, and temporal lobe seizures the following week. She writes that she thought she was dying until she went camping one week and the symptoms disappeared; that her next door neighbor’s headaches began the same time hers did; that an elderly neighbor across the street began falling repeatedly immediately after their headaches began; and that when she finally moved to a location without a smart meter she “was stunned at the change in my health.” She observed that “the frogs disappeared the very summer after the smart meter went in”—the hundreds of frogs that previously inhabited the creek behind their back yard—and that all the house sparrows and starlings disappeared, and that squirrels were “suddenly tame and suddenly laying down ‘resting’ a lot. They seem to be panting and they seem to be sick.” She writes that she has had to leave an 18-year career in developmental epidemiology.

Rainer Grobe writes that on the same day a smart water meter was installed, his wife developed heart arrhythmia, very high blood pressure, and fainted, and that they had to remove the meter themselves, with both legal and financial consequences.

Kent Casady writes from Germany that he and his wife purchased a house with a smart meter, and when they moved in there were no insects, bees, butterflies or birds, and “[t]he dirt in the yard was dead.” After they had the smart meter removed, they had “earthworms in the soil, bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, spiders, and other creatures.”

Kimberly Webber, in Taos, New Mexico, writes that although they were able to opt out of a smart meter at their home, they were unable to opt out at their place of business, and that “[w]e noticed agitation, irritability, depression, head aches, ear ringing and other symptoms from ourselves and our employees while in the work space.” They moved their business to a new location without a smart meter and “[a]ll of the symptoms have disappeared for us and our team.”

Ellen Habeck writes: “Until I researched the matter, I could not understand why I had such fragmented sleep, and would wake with severe tachycardia. I thought my heart would beat out of my chest. There was not sleep and no ability to function well in the morning after that.” Finally, “I looked and found the place I had moved to had a smart meter outside the bedroom wall.” She adds: “There is a neighbor who asked me why she thought she would feel unwell when working for hours in a particular room in her house. She also noted that any plants she put in that room died, where they had been thriving in other rooms. I looked and saw there was a smart meter directly on the other side of the wall of that room where she sat, and a neighbor’s smart meter pointing at fairly close proximity to that room.”

Arlene Griffin is a Santa Fe resident who briefly lived in southern California in 2019-2020. She writes: “I had no history of heart problems, but upon moving into a house in a development in San Diego County, I was jolted awake every night, feeling like what it would be like to be hit with defibrillator paddles. Once awake, my heart would alternate between pounding, racing, and skipping beats for the rest of the night, and I would shake for hours. I also developed eye issues—my eyes burned and were red and swollen. Each day I would feel better when I left our house, but each night the horrible symptoms would return. It was terrifying and exhausting… We hired an inspector who tested our house for RF/EMF radiation and found that the high readings were not coming from our property (we had an analog meter), but from our neighbor’s house. It so happened that her meter directly faced our bedrooms… Finally, in September 2020 I returned to New Mexico for good, and I have not had those heart symptoms here.”

Stephanie Dickerson writes from North Carolina that she is “currently suffering every single day and especially nights from the newly installed” smart meters in her neighborhood, and that “I have been forced from 3 previous home locations because of smartmeter installations… My heart rate has become dangerously high, my body temperature can not regulate, I experience constant vibrating in my torso and in my legs, my brain function has deteriorated and I can not sleep at all. This physical response to the newly installed smartmeters is life-threatening to me.”

Brenda Rogers writes from California that she “had to leave my home in a camper to find somewhere I could sleep” because of a smart meter, and that she had to abandon her home of 30 years.

Catherine Ralston lives in Taos. “A smart meter was put in at my address,” she writes. “I started having trouble sleeping at night. I started having headaches. I stopped waking up happy. My emotions were flatline. This happened quickly, over a couple of weeks. Someone told me about symptoms showing up in people after smart meters were installed where they live. I went looking for the smart meter. Then I moved my bed to a location in the building as far from the meter as I could put it, and slept with my head at the end of the bed furthest from the meter location. I slept through the night, and woke with no headache. I do not own the property and the owner won’t work with the electric company to give back the old meter. I feel blessed someone told me about the horrible impact the smart meters have on human health.”

Glenn Kikel moved to New Mexico from Colorado. He writes that when a smart meter was installed on their Colorado house, he developed tinnitus and his wife developed heart palpitations, and that both health problems ceased when the meter was moved.

Diane Craig writes that she “experienced severe tinnitus, tremors, short-term memory issues, and an area at the back of my neck at the base of my skull that was hot to my husband’s touch” in a 4-hour period after a smart meter was installed 10 feet beyond the head of her bed. They paid for opt-outs for both themselves and a neighbor in order to be well, she writes.

Alvita Armanavičienė, from Latvia, submitted this startling photograph of a bush standing just inches away from a smart meter:

Simone Bercu writes that she and her family left their homes in other states to come to New Mexico five years ago to escape smart meters. “The smart meters were devastating our small children and ourselves and the effects are still noticeable,” she writes.

Annie Mattingly, of Santa Fe, writes, “My daughter, living in another state, was away when a Smart Meter was installed on her house. Within days of her healthy arrival home, she became ill and now, several years later, she is still plagued with health issues and is only partially functional.”

M. L. writes from Pennsylvania: “When our meter started transmitting, I noticed two birds that had died within approximately 25 feet of it.”

Lukas Zillmer writes: “I have personal experience of bad sleep, waking up at night, waking up still tired from being exposed to the radiation by smart meters which made life almost unbearable.”

Simone Prince writes from British Columbia, Canada that her cat developed hyperthyroidism when a smart meter was installed on her townhouse, and that she herself changed from hypothyroidism to hyperthyroidism at the same time.


Arthur Firstenberg
President, New Mexicans for Utility Safety
President, Cellular Phone Task Force


Connect with Arthur Firstenberg

Cover image made available in public domain by US Navy

Killer Shots and Justice

Killer Shots and Justice

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute
January 4, 2023


A Rasmussen Reports survey of American adults conducted last week found that 28 percent of the polled individuals “personally know” someone whose death “may have been caused by side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.” These same experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots were relentlessly proclaimed by government officials and media commentators throughout the coronavirus scare as “safe and effective” for everyone.

Even a greater percentage of individuals queried by Rasmussen Reports — 49 percent — said it is either somewhat likely (21 percent) or very likely (28 percent) that “side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths.”

With the suspicion that the coronavirus shots are killers this widespread in America, and likely to continue to become more prevalent as both more information comes out about the shots and the coronavirus scare recedes into history, it seems like governments, corporations, and individuals behind the fast-track creation and approval, the promotion, the widespread distribution, and the mandated injection of the shots will likely increasingly find themselves in legal jeopardy.

People apparently responsible for deaths, and injuries as well, from the shots can point to legal protections against liability built into the law. But, it may be that the perception of wrongful killing, whether due to intentional or reckless actions, has reached or will soon reach a level that will cause the dam holding back liability to crumble. People disgusted by the deaths and by the responsible parties evading justice will demand that the liability protection be torn down or worked around.

Key to overcoming or bypassing liability protections would, at least in some situations, likely be showing responsible parties were more than just negligent about the harm from the shots — proving reckless or intentional disregard of expectable harms their actions would produce. Allegations of fraudulent representations may also be an important component of successful lawsuits and prosecutions.

We are already seeing cracks in the liability protection dam. This month, a United States court judge in Illinois approved a class actions lawsuit settlement under which NorthShore University HealthSystem agreed to pay 10.3 million dollars to about 500 employees. NorthShore had rejected the employees’ religious objections to the coronavirus shots that NorthShore had mandated employees take as a condition for keeping their jobs. Some of the employees receiving compensation were fired or reassigned after they refused to take the shots. Others submitted to taking the shots after denial of their exemption requests.

Another lawsuit has even resulted in Anthony Fauci, the most famous American coronavirus fearmonger of all, being deposed regarding some of his behind the scenes actions related to coronavirus. And, over in Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis is moving forward this month with impaneling a grand jury to look into potential crimes related to the shots.


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