Shocker: Pandemic End Game; Humpty Dumpty Falls Off the Wall; Cover Is Blown
by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 24, 2022
Two breaking developments—
Iceland cancels all COVID restrictions. Not because case numbers are dropping, but because, as I’ve written several times, once you (falsely) accept the existence of a new spreading virus, you’re committed to a narrative which can only end with EVERYONE INFECTED—and THAT’S called herd immunity.
Done. Finished. Forget vaccines, masks, distancing, lockdowns. Just live. Live out in the open.
Get a load of this:
Reuters: “Iceland will lift all remaining COVID-19 restrictions on Friday…the Ministry of Health said on Wednesday.”
“’Widespread societal [immune system] resistance to COVID-19 [meaning the development of natural immunity] is the main route out of the epidemic,’ the ministry said…”
“’To achieve this [immunity], as many people as possible need to be infected with the virus’…”
The Ministry of Health just announced the end game, in alignment with the (false) assumptions which have been in place since January of 2020. Again, once you say a virus is on the loose all over the world, you’re committed to the only response there is:
That’s how the story wraps up. Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall and no one could put him back together again. You tell the virus tale, and that’s your predestined conclusion.
Of course there is no new virus, and the whole virus story is a fraud, as I’ve proved numerous times over the past 2 years. I’ve already described, in detail, all the ins and outs of the con called COVID.
But here, with Iceland, we see the beginning of sane national responses within the context of a completely insane scenario.
THAT’S what we’re looking at. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Well, we pretended there was a new unstoppable virus…and so here we are, exactly where we knew we would be. Get infected. Develop herd immunity. That is all. Goodbye.”
And all the major medical liars slowly back away from the general population…very slowly…hoping no one notices what just happened…hoping no one realizes this wrap-up was always in the cards…hoping no one will say: YOU RUINED AND KILLED UNTOLD MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AND YOU KNEW ALL ALONG THIS WAS GOING TO BE YOUR CLIMAX: “GET INFECTED.”
Shocking story number two—
The health/life insurance company tidal wave is breaking.
Well, of course it is. Who did you think was going to be left holding the bag for all the unreported injuries and deaths stemming from the COVID vaccines?
These life insurance companies employ actuaries, and these smart guys predict the number of claims they’re going to pay out…and THAT’S how they decide what the policy holders must pay…in order for the companies to maintain their profits…
Except, the actuaries had no idea what was going to happen.
They didn’t realize how many injury/death claims were going to be filed, once the COVID killshots were unleashed on the world.
Former NY Times reporter, Alex Berenson: “Welt, a major German newspaper, just ran an interview with Andreas Schofbeck, a board member for a Bavarian insurer called BKK Provita.”
“By itself, BKK Provita has 120,000 members. But it is a much larger consortium of so-called BKK insurers that are affiliated with German companies and collectively have 10.9 million members.”
“Here’s how Schofbeck described the [injury] claims in the BKK [company] database, according to one of the reporters who interviewed him:…‘a violent warning signal’.”
Schofbeck is reacting, with great alarm, to all the vaccine injury claims that have been filed—looking at data from 10.9 MILLION policy holders.
In other words, it’s OVERWHELMING.
Another Humpty Dumpty just fell off the wall and broke into pieces.
Obviously, health/life insurance companies around the world are looking at similar horrific numbers.
What are these companies going to do? Just sit there and suck up their huge losses?
No. For starters, they’re going to blame the vaccine manufacturers. That’s already quite interesting, even if news outlets aren’t reporting it. Because, as Edward Dowd, former portfolio manager for BlackRock, has been saying, WALL STREET will take notice.
430 to 144. Can you guess what those numbers represent? The all-time high peak of the Moderna share price, and the most recent closing price, as of this writing.
61 to 46. The first number is the high, over the past year, for the Pfizer share price, and the second number is the most recent close, as of this writing.
These insurance-vaccine company developments were also inevitable, from the beginning of the fake pandemic.
Anyone who knows the real history of vaccines would have seen it in a second.
You rapidly shoot up the whole world with a new vaccine, and the injury-death numbers are going to go through the roof.
Insurance companies don’t like to be left holding the bag and absorbing the consequences of both the jab and the lies the vaccine front men have been telling.
Insurance companies are wired up to, heavily influence, and control all sorts of politicians and bureaucrats and public health officials. You can bet your bottom dollar these companies have been reading the riot act to their government puppets.
“You [FDA] morons…you’re supposed to be protecting the public from dangerous drugs and vaccines. And now people all over the world are dropping like flies from the COVID shot, and those people are our POLICY HOLDERS.”
“What did you want us to do? For chrissakes, we work for the pharmaceutical companies.”
“We’re not interested in excuses. We want money. Lots of it, to make up for our losses.”
“Don’t look at us. We don’t do bailouts. Go to Treasury, or the President.”
“The President can’t even find his way from the shower to the bedroom in the White House residence.”
“Talk to nurse Jill or Susan Rice…”
And word of these conversations leaks out to Wall Street.
Look for new bailouts, and a plethora of cover stories to explain why insurance companies are suddenly inhaling hundreds of billions of government dollars (or more.)
Cover stories only the most naïve fools will believe.
Serial liar Tony Fauci may be able to tap dance with his media partners every Sunday morning on the news talk shows; but when giant insurance companies want him to pay for his sins, that’s a whole different story.
Tony could become yet another Humpty Dumpty…
All we need now—among all the insurance companies in the world—are five or six OUTRAGED big-time insurance execs to step out of the shadows with their hair on fire, completely fed up with the grand cover-up of vaccine injuries, and talking their heads off.
Not whistleblowers. Siren sounders.
Let CDC/WHO try to brush THAT off.
cover image credit: OpenClipArt_Vectors / pixabay

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