SpaceX to Begin Worldwide Service in August
by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
July 15, 2021
On June 29, 2021, Elon Musk spoke at the Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain. He said SpaceX presently has about 70,000 active beta testers of the Starlink satellites in 12 countries, and that full, global commercial service will begin in August. Beginning next month, anyone who purchases a user terminal for $500 and pays the
$100 per month subscription fee will have access to high-speed internet by satellite from their home or vehicle anywhere in the world except the polar regions. More than half a million people have already put down a deposit.
In his talk, Musk revealed that the solar array for each satellite generates more than 3,000 watts of actual power. It is these solar arrays that are disturbing both visual and infrared astronomy worldwide. And it is the radiation of (so far) more than 5 megawatts of combined power, focused into (ultimately) millions of powerful beams, that is radically disturbing the electromagnetic environment that we live in, that we evolved in, that surrounds and nurtures us, and that generates the electricity that runs through our veins, guiding our growth, health and life.
Musk also spoke about the gigantic Starship that SpaceX has built, which will be able to lift 150 tons into orbit, that he plans to use to build a base on the Moon and a city on Mars, and that will be ready for its first test launch in just a few months.
He also spoke about what drives him. His goal with SpaceX, he said, is “to extend consciousness beyond earth.” His goal with Tesla, he said, is “to show that life is good on earth, with sustainable energy.” And his goal with his newest company, Neuralink, he said, is “long-term AI/human symbiosis.”
Musk does not seem to know that instead of extending consciousness, he is destroying it; that instead of decreasing the use of fossil fuels, he is consuming phenomenal amounts of them launching his rockets on a soon-to-be daily basis. And he is clueless about radiation. When asked, back in February, whether cell phones are dangerous, he said: “If I had a helmet of cell phones strapped around my head and around my nuts, I would not worry… If you had a helmet that was made of cell phones, you would be fine.” Musk’s comments on radiation begin at minute 1:00 of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvbgGUgADAE
I have been receiving inquiries for the past couple of weeks that indicate to me that anxiety levels may be increasing globally. Please contact me to report any changes (or not) in your physical or emotional well-being.
We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us
A heartbreaking video shows what happened recently to all the bees in a hive in Eagle, Idaho within one month of a cell tower being erected nearby: https://radiationdangers.com/2021/06/11/all-bees-dead-after-cell-tower-activated- in-eagle-idaho-video. Who is doing this to the world? We are. Who can stop doing this to the world? We can.
A new survey by Deloitte found that the average American household contains 25 different wireless devices.
There are smart phones, iPads, Kindles, wifi modems and routers, range extenders, wireless computers, wireless printers, wireless keyboards, wireless mice, wireless speakers, wireless headphones and earpieces, wireless garage door openers, wireless door locks, wireless doorbells, wireless baby monitors, wireless surveillance cameras, wifi video cameras, wifi digital photo frames, smart thermometers, smart thermostats, smart yoga mats, smart indoor lighting, smart security systems, voice controllers, gesture controllers, smart buttons, smart alarm clocks, smart air quality monitors, smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, smart navigation systems, connected exercise machines, fitness trackers, sleep trackers, location trackers, blood pressure monitors, heart rate monitors, smart appliances, controllers of smart appliances, ibeacons for home automation, smart ovens, smart irrigation systems, wireless garden sensors, Click and Grow Herb Gardens, smart grill thermometers, smart sprinkler controllers, smart air conditioners, smart TVs, video streaming devices for TVs, wireless gaming consoles, wireless leak detectors, smart watches, smart bracelets, smart air purifiers, smart home vent systems, remote pet feeders, smart light bulbs, bluetooth-connected espresso machines, and bluetooth-connected cookers.
Every one of these devices emits radiation. Every one of these devices, if you have it on your person or in your home, irradiates you and your family and your pets and your neighbors and the birds and bees and animals outside. This situation did not exist at all just 25 years ago and it must stop if we are to have a world to live in much longer. It is not necessary for a phone, computer or anything else to be wireless instead of wired in order for one to communicate and interact with the world.
All over the world, people are protesting against 5G.
In Switzerland, a popular initiative to amend the federal constitution to make telecommunications companies liable for personal injury and property damage caused by their transmitters gathered 92,515 signatures. The organizers fell just short of the 100,000 signatures that they needed to collect by July 3 in order to put the initiative on the ballot. They have now submitted the initiative as a petition to the Federal Assembly.
In Italy, in May, the Alleanza Italiana Stop 5G delivered 340,000 signatures to the Minister of Health asking for a moratorium on 5G and the Internet of Things, which their petition says is threatening “an electromagnetic overdose that is unprecedented in the history of humanity.” In April, 135 people — politicians, doctors, lawyers, engineers, diplomats, school teachers and others — went on an 18-day hunger strike to protest the proposed relaxation of exposure limits for radio- frequency radiation from 6 V/m to 61 V/m. They ended their hunger strike when Parliament removed the proposed text from consideration. But the proposed amendments to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan are back, and Parliament is set to vote on them. Other amendments would prohibit municipalities from regulating the location of cell towers and antennas, and would eliminate all restrictions on telecommunications facilities in national and regional parks and reserves. All this week, from July 12 to July 16, the Alleanza has been holding a national information and media campaign, together with protests at Parliament.
In Montgomery County, Maryland, residents are mobilizing to oppose the adoption of a new zoning amendment that would allow cell towers to be built on the sidewalk 30 feet from homes without any public hearings and without any notice to residents. The City Council of Tacoma Park has written a letter to the County opposing this amendment.
People all over the world are asking for cell towers not to be built and satellites not to be sent into the sky, yet most are holding cell phones in their hands that cannot work without the towers and satellites, and that are creating the demand that is destroying this planet.
People are always writing to me asking “What can I do?” You can throw away your cell phone and get rid of every wireless device that you own. That is within your power and it is the most effective thing that you can do.
The last 21 newsletters, including this one, are available for downloading and sharing on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force. Some of the newsletters are also available there in German, Spanish, Italian and French.
Connect with Arthur Firstenberg
cover image credit: Steve Jurvetson / Wikimedia Commons / Creative Commons

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