Anesthesia — Queen of Cryptocracy

Anesthesia — Queen of Cryptocracy

by Zen Gardner
originally published October 13, 2015


Humanity’s been carefully anesthetized.

Things are moving so fast and crazy and in so many weird directions it’s tantamount to mass insanity going on. Yet most don’t even notice, and that’s the weirdest thing of all.

That polarization is what compounds the problem, and that’s why the cryptos (the ‘secret coders’) love to try to continue to confuse and divide us in every way they can.

Hence the growing divide between the awakened and anesthetized.

It’s coming down to those who dare wake up to reality vs. those who continue on within the projected mind-frame. All have a chance to wake up, but not all will take the challenge and opportunity.

Such is the nature of the Universe apparently.

This ongoing contest seems to be the playing field into which we have been planted, and it is each of our choices individually that will make up any sort of outcome.

All will be eventually resolved.

But at what cost?  Where and in what lies our response-ability?

Medication and Conditioning, Bread and Circus, Omission and Denial

This is where the great schism lies.

The awake and aware have snapped out of the control system. Those who haven’t are being tooled around like puppets on a million nano strings. When you don’t know, you don’t know that you don’t know… and are very easy to keep being fooled.

When you’ve woken up, the world is completely reversed from everything you were told and believed before. You now know that you now know! And everything rights itself and all is clear.

It takes some cobweb clearing to get a handle on the real picture but it happens, and in a relative hurry.

Truth not only defends itself, but drives itself.

How do they maintain this illusion? Mental conditioning is the name of the game for the designers and propagators of the Matrix. Once the pattern is established in its captive subjects, the more you can pour the lies on without them being noticed.

Also disguised is the fact that their every intention for humanity is for control and exploitation… at any cost or consequence to these expendable “human resources”.

To achieve this conditioning requires quite an effort on their part, because we are ultimately irrepressible and they know that.

It’s like chemtrails. If they don’t keep spraying the required concentration of their toxic soup the effects start to wane, like the fluoride dosing and the rest. To keep the vast majority sleep walking they use all kinds of methods and have to maintain them.

It’s also inspiring… because no matter what they do to us they can’t put us out of commission.

Unless they kill us off entirely, but that’s just a promotion to the next level.

Tools that Numb

But what specifically do they control us by?


  • flood our bodies with drugs delivered by any means possible
  • deprived us on nutrition, sunlight and clean air, water and food
  • dumbed down education and a fully controlled media with mind numbing false news and so-called entertainment
  • send electromagnetic smog blasting on the human nervous system wavelength
  • use violence and oppressive fear and terror tactics,

…and on and on.

They do this with impunity.

Imagine the world is a massive internment camp where the captors give the illusion the inmates are free by letting them have a few choices within this massive facility, and disguise the barbed wire fence as gorgeous murals, and the control devices as modern marvels for their advancement.

Wars are a perfect example. All supposedly for our defense, safety and security, when it’s the exact opposite.

Basic Simple Questions

Some fundamental questions that beg answers that are evident before any clear thinking individual:

  • How can a government usurping monstrosity like the United Snakes Corporation and its affiliate thugs gang rape a planet and make it look benevolent?
  • How can obviously lying elitist politicians bought off by the highest bidder be taken as serious entities in governing institutions?
  • How can known secretive government sponsored agencies pull off assassinations and staged bombings and shootings in plain sight?
  • How can the most murderous, supremacist, fascist, arrogant, racist people on earth be called “the chosen ones” and given title to anything they want including their own sanctioned Zionist territory and ravenous, genocidal agenda and be given complete religious, social and political immunity and massive financial support? All supposedly based on clearly misguided insane religious zeal?
  • How can sweeping freedom destroying measures be instituted by “executive order” and other means in a representative republic, or any supposedly democratic regime?
  • How can the food, water and air be deliberately poisoned in public knowledge and in plain sight?
  • How can the genetic modification of not just plants and animals but human beings be tolerated, no matter the stated justification?
  • How can technocratic electro-surveillance, artificial intelligence, robotic warfare and social and mental manipulation be known and accepted as legitimate human altering science and in full implementation for mass control?

….and on and on…

Why wouldn’t people in such an abused situation not go virtually berserk in protest, or a least speak out on a massive scale?

The Hypnotic Rhythm of Anesthesia

Every day I’m just amazed that so few seem to notice what’s going on.

The business as usual behavior and shallow chatter about nothing and the complete dependence on routine behavior for money and phony goals is just mind-boggling.

Clearly, there won’t be a world in which to live even those shallow goals if things aren’t changed drastically.

The day we hope our children and grandchildren to grow up in is quickly becoming not just night, but a literal nightmare.

The snapshot above is from the movie Time Machine from one of globalist insider H.G. Wells’ predictive programming pieces where cultivated humans are routinely harvested in the maws of parasitic beings.

Despite this meme of humanity being fodder for others being shown to mankind for eons via literature or inside messengers, humanity doesn’t get it. It’s another surreptitious way to hide the Truth; sci-fi or story-fy it.

Turn the real direction of the controllers into a fiction, a fantasy, and entertainment.

“A tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” as Shakespeare famously said through Macbeth.
Who’s Behind This?

I’m convinced there’s something very occult and spiritual that is ultimately behind all this, and these described techniques are just to augment the signal from the bowels of the Matrix, be they archontic or some other form of inter-dimensional influence perpetrated by willing psychopaths amongst us.

Just as how chemtrails are used by the EMFs to manipulate weather patterns while serving other purposes, they provide an enhanced medium for these spiritual influences to take effect.

The question arises,

  • Is something else being perpetrated on a massive scale?
  • Are we subjects of another realm?

I don’t know…

But does it matter where this oppression originates? I’m sure aware of the possibility and inclined to think so, but that doesn’t excuse or distance me from the very real struggle we find ourselves in.

Fundamentally my awareness of these possibilities profoundly indicates to me that I am truly free. Extremely free. And that has power. Wonderful, conscious, awakening power. And it’s for all of us.

Don’t begin to believe this massive lie, as real as it is being temporarily manifested due to the accepting ignorance of the majority of humanity.

From the religious or financial paradigms to the scarcity and fear of death memes, when you realize what effort they have to make to keep the illusion in place you also realize the extent of your innate power and what they innately fear, a complete reversal of their paradigm.

Grow in the peace of understanding and the courage of conviction, no matter how alone you may feel…

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Do You Really Want the Truth?

Do You Really Want the Truth?

by Zen Gardner
March 4, 2019


What if pursuing and finding the truth costs you everything? Everything you’ve cherished and held dear?

We have to let go and say goodbye to something to welcome something new. That’s not always easy. And then the next challenge comes.

What if doing so blows your belief systems apart? What if you find out you really have nothing to hold on to, regarding your perceived reality and your very identity?

So what.

The question remains; where’s our willingness to let go and venture into the unknown? Are we so attached to this fleeting physical plane when we know there’s so much more? Psychedelics and plant medicines just give a taste of this experience of the other realms that were hidden from us. So have near death or kundalini or peak related experiences, or just the call and longing of our souls. Every generation has had its own chance to wake up. Other dimensional realities have been there all along, alluded to by the sages of all time and verified by things as mundane as our hopes and dreams.

Never Mind, No Matter…

Does any of that matter? Not if we’re looking from the materialistic world view that’s been imposed upon us. Take a look again where “they” have taken humanity and society. It’s a synthetic diversion far away from Creation’s source. Can we really trust anything these fake, self imposed “authorities” tell us?

Why can’t we look through such simple, idealistic eyes any longer? Why has this been stripped from humanity? It’s a pathetic state of affairs overall, but even that is much of a manipulated illusion designed to discourage and denigrate. Does this sound cynical to you? Not at all. Realism exists on many levels. But that too is never, ever confining.  A bit enigmatic perhaps, but it’s out there for the grasping.

Something as simple as awakening is available to every generation, every individual. Perceived confinements are illusory, a prison of the mind and product of the subdued heart. Where’s humanity’s guts? Will it slip into the morass of false history and this projected confined narrative of stasis continuity, like what today’s fake, power crazed governments and occulted systems try to reinforce? Not for me.

It’s Right Just As It Is

The same test for humanity rolls ‘round and round. The cycle repeats and repeats, until we want to get off the merry go round. It’s a grand school, the purpose for this amusement park called life. Comfort and that false sense of security in a constantly changing Universe are like plastic wrap around a living organism. It will either burst out, or rot from allowed containment.

Which are we individually?

The wild card is free will. The power of personal decision making at every level. We can fall for the hypnotic spell in this amusement park or respond to those deep inner impulses. The choice is each of ours within every breath of our existence. The collective is nothing we can rely on, nor any, however spectacular, form of outside redemption or salvation – – be they the trick of religion or a zillion other shallow, synthetic and self excusing belief systems to get us off the hook of personal responsibility.

Does any of this matter? Why not just settle for immediate safety, security and comfort? Because there is none! That’s why. Let’s not fall asleep at the wheel. There is way more at our fingertips than we can begin to realize. Let’s at least make a go of it. Let’s not fall for the gas of somatization.

Some thoughts from the same petri dish as you. I fully know “I am no longer “I”. I wish the same for you. From there we take our next conscious steps, and they have nothing to do with what we’ve been taught or even thought previously as we progress. The irony is, none of us are who we were only minutes ago. Just another proof it’s the programmed mind that falls for the illusion, not our true selves.

See you on the flip side.

Actually, there are no sides either. The whole thing needs to be jettisoned for the illusion that it is. Truly perceive outside the hoax is all I can say. From our true selves. It simply awaits our discovery.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”  – Socrates

All the best, Zen

For more of Zen’s work, go HERE


The Neglected Power of Freedom of Choice

The Neglected Power of Freedom of Choice

by Zen Gardner
February 28, 2018



The degree of freedom to consciously make our own decisions in life is something we’re
continually waking up to. It’s similar to living in the now. We keep trying, knowing it’s right, and
making fresh runs at it daily to live in the moment more and more fully, either by conscious
decisions or spontaneously.

What impresses me is how easy it is to fall into unsatisfactory routines. Be they habitual
behaviors or living within self circumscribed limits, whatever the reasons or excuses may be.
Physical life lends itself to routine for comfort and convenience. This includes survival issues
which can appear quite daunting, and even insurmountable, leading to our environment being
dictated by base needs and desires.

It gets more complicated when we consider personal relationships which we can often become
trapped in. These go hand in hand with whatever environment we find ourselves – our location,
finances and true quality of life being the basic guidelines for most. Now add life purpose to
this and let’s consider how free we are able to find that true fulfillment our hearts crave. They
don’t always work together without seriously draining compromises.

Freedom has to be fought for.

Are we Prisoners of Our Own Making?

The point is we can change these conditions and much more anytime we want. It’s remarkable
just how free we are. We “blame” external limitations such as the system, upbringing, mates,
family, friends and finances, but these conditions rarely lead us to what we truly desire and are
for our highest good. The question looms, are we truly confined by these? Do we only do those
things that are prescribed by previous conditions we find ourselves in, either by choice or by
simply continually defaulting to external pressures and circumstances?

It’s worth re-evaluating these questions continually, as I see it. When we honestly get down to
analyzing the various areas of our personal progress, how would we score ourselves? What
needs changing or challenging that we’re either too lazy to do anything about, or too afraid to
rock the boat and lose our seeming support system or the comfort of our routine, whether
financially, socially, psychologically, spiritually, etc? What’s holding us back from making the
changes we know we need?

More importantly, why are we so often afraid to go into the unknown? What prevents us from
stepping out to find our truest expression?

Change – Ready or Not, Here It Comes

The entire game board of life is being shaken from the cosmic down to the very social structure
of our planet, and it’s wonderful! Only truth will endure. This isn’t good news to those holding
tightly to what they currently have or how they want things to be, whether born from a culturally
reinforced fear based mentality, belief system, deep self issues or not. It’s time to wake up and
shake off the programming and follow our guts, our hearts. It’s way easier to do it voluntarily by
our own volition and heart born desire than to be forced into changes.

A time of personal challenge is now hitting us all. It’s starting with a self clean-up opportunity to
prepare us for much greater changes to come. If anyone is going through this you are not
alone. However, many will miss the significance of what’s going on right now energetically and
will pass along with increased cognitive dissonance and stubborn resistance to change. That’s
their choice, but unfortunately in most cases it will affect the rest of us. This is something to be
very aware of as the external confusion will only grow. It’s just the nature of things right now.
Similar to natural “disasters”, anyone’s life can be turned upside down at a moment’s notice.
When we live a more conscious life this realization is ever before us. The key is to not be at the
wrong place at the wrong time, in every sense.

The active ingredient within us is our free will, the power of choice, no matter the circumstances or conditions.

As Don Juan aptly said:

“Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, then you must choose another path. The trouble is nobody asks the
question; and when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart, the path is
ready to kill him. At that point very few men can stop to deliberate, and leave the path. A path
without a heart is never enjoyable. You have to work hard even to take it. On the other hand, a path with heart is easy; it does not make you work at liking it.”

This is a brief life on this planet. One day our lives will end. It’s time to be alive, not dead in
some rut – aptly called a grave with the ends kicked out.

We are fully free to move about the planet, and the Universe. As we always have been.
Let’s exercise our freedom and not let it go to waste. The energy and fulfillment to be released
are unfathomable!

Love, Zen

PS. The above was inspired by a lucid dream where I found myself listening to someone
demonstrating and going on about something I had no interest in, yet felt trapped in some
small gathering of onlookers. As I went through the lucid dream transition to waking up, I found
myself wondering why had I just subjected myself to this experience? The resultant thoughts
and realizations extrapolating that dynamic quickly ensued, leading to honestly making my own
life list evaluating my current situation. A true eye opener from the heart level and great
exercise for me. This is simply sharing my experience and personal insights, for what it’s worth
to others.


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Time — The Illusory Phenomenon

Time — The Illusory Phenomenon

by Zen Gardner
February 24, 2019


It’s been wisely said that coming here to live in this 3-D reality is an opportunity. Whether we’ve been here before many times around or are just new, it’s a golden opportunity to experience, learn and evolve. This reality we find ourselves in apparently is a slowed down and densified experience, for whatever purposes. We just have to accept what we’ve been handed, whatever the source. After all, we’re here. We can start from there.

And with It all comes “time”.

What is time? Basically it appears to be a sort of construct, a projected marking system we co-create at this level. It’s therefore essentially an illusion in the truly grand scheme of things, in which we track in slow motion what we’re experiencing so as to understand what is playing out and thereby learn from. The present is the only real time. There is no past, it’s simply the wake of the ship of the present. And there is no future. There never will be. Like the illusory imprint of the past, the illusion of future is a massive concept to wrap our heads around and dissolve into reality.

But this time construct seems to be necessary at this level in some way, yet we need to see it for what it is. It’s simply a tool, like most things; not true reality nor any form of restricting cage in and of itself. This seems to betray what we think we perceive in our minds, but it doesn’t. And it’s not a necessary “evil” or constraint device, unless we let it be. It’s all for good once we learn to operate within it, see it’s potential limitations, and use it for mutual benefit consciously within this experience.


Just Another Paradox. Nothing to be Alarmed About

It’s clear that without this externalized concept of time our learning process would not be as effective at this level, although there are much better learning methodologies in timeless consciousness. It’s an opportunity for a slowed down, step by step process within an extremely challenging dimension. But it’s only a small fraction of our experience. We just need to become functionally aware of the other timeless realms where the real action is – the awareness, or remembrance of, the more truly knowing realms, with no more limiting concepts or foolish beliefs.

This 3D construct is in very limited contrast to other higher dimensional worlds and our own true soul level which is connected to ALL in a completely different realm without paradigms. That’s the place, a very real one, where things are truly conscious and efficiently operate outside of time. We sense this, and long for It to be more present in our lives. Yet here we are.

This low density existence is a different playing field all together. Hence each of us feeling like “strangers in a strange land”…because we are! But by design, so let’s explore and enjoy it. Apparently we chose to come here. We might as well enjoy the experience without getting trapped in it through ignore-ance.


The classic example of the film strip is a good one. If the frames were overlaid to create a “now” experience, coming at us all at once, the various scenes couldn’t be deciphered, at least at this level. Life films are projected one frame after another, in a linear sequence, which our “normal” perception here can therefore grasp. As we’ve often heard, once we depart this life there’s apparently an extremely rapid re-play of our experience here to learn from, with streaming awareness of it at a whole other level.

Immediate transference of all data in this realm would be akin to telepathy, towards which we are currently moving. It exists now all around us, like a cosmic internet, and we use it within us without our full knowledge. We are always capable of using this other dimensional modality, but haven’t yet realized it in most cases. But it’s coming into human awareness more and more now.

Time is a measuring device, a sort of marking system. Linearly, we call such a thing a “ruler” whereby we determine linear space. It holds to the rules, as do 3-D authorities and limitations of all sorts. Some are as straightforward as the nature of our electromagnetic universe and it’s incredible geometric design, and some as personally complex as social designs for behavior and our soul evolution through them.

Ironically we already operate in condensed microbursts of information. Empathy, resonance, and even emotions already operate in that quantum field. We just accept them as normal and somehow differentiate those from the sentient environment we’re within. But we’re catching on during this vibrational awakening. The mind is a recorder and processor according to its input, but is always out of date. The mind is the last thing to be directing our lives. Our energetic core is where it’s all happening, connected to more realms than we’re yet fully aware of. The mind is simply a slave server – and a terrible master. Just look at what minds have done to the planet and society – an ever present teaching tool.


The Paradoxical Irony and the Test of Time

An interesting axiom to consider is, whatever takes us out of living in the NOW is an illusion. We’re here to live in and deal with this realm, but it’s not real in the true sense of reality. Ideas of the past and future are known diversions. They’re mind constructs. We create our reality, moment by moment, a living dynamic. If we choose to go by yesterday’s ideas and constructions we can. But is it the true potential reality? Our true freedom of choice is boundless.

Anyone who has had a waking up experience can attest that they have found they could literally create their life, which we all do anyway ironically enough via our choices. But awareness of our magnificent nature and freedom to do as we wish is essential. We’re constantly catching up to now. That’s our learning experience as we awaken. That time is an illusion is almost common knowledge now but how that applies to our day to day lives has been illusive.

This concept is not the way we normally think. It’s transcending time while living in it. – timelessly. The time test is fundamental as to why we’re here in many ways. Sorrow, pain, regrets, past traumas, longings for what we think will fulfill us or make us happy – these plague us and have no lasting solution here. These issues can be resolved through inner work within conscious awareness, identifying how we’re operating in reactive loops that keep us in limitation. But when we’re conscious, the other stuff just happens as we follow on, let go, and yield to moments, having a conscious driven impetus. Getting out of the way and identifying the ego traps of dead assertions is essential. With this comes setting a limitless identity and letting go of anything else.

When our minds are made up, what we think we’re able or designed to be will certainly keep on repeating. However, we don’t even notice time when we’re consciously engaged – proof right there how consciousness supersedes this 3-D format. When we experience being “in the zone” we also notice time seems to go on hold and even disappear. Just a hint of what awaits us should we activate our full awareness.

We can’t waste time – but it can waste us, if we remain asleep.

It’s time to awaken, more than we’ve ever imagined.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

A Quantum Tide Lifts All Boats

A Quantum Tide Lifts All Boats

by Zen Gardner
January 29, 2019


What strange times. We’re in a tight place right now, but it is what it is. The information field is so toxic with triggered egos, paid and unpaid trolls, agencies and AI, it’s nasty to have anything to do with. But we still have to use whatever means of communication we have as long as we can.

As far as understanding the “why”, as I currently see it, much of what we witness is simply Individuals working out their own stuff in the grand scheme of things. It’s essentially nothing to get too worked up about. No matter which end of the digital pitchfork we find ourselves in this mob mentality dominating the cybersphere. A very sad current state, but it will pass.

When the realization that everyone is simply working out their own path fully hits, the weapons will be dropped in dumbfounded amazement. However, much of what unreconciled souls say and do boils over onto others which is where push comes to shove, Hence the information battle today and the source of the conflicts we witness. How we respond and what perspective and wavelength we adopt needs careful monitoring.

I do find it Ironic though, how many of those supposedly fighting for truth still energetically feed the very thing they think they oppose. That’s a game played on humanity for eons and a great learning tool as well, if we can step back to see it for what it is. It’s an important hurdle to overcome, but that is happening as well as I see it.

That Rising Tide

It may not seem like it with all the insanity around us, but people are seriously waking up. Others are just plain shook up and having major life crises, as are most of us, but that’s good too. A massive shift is upon us that is increasing by the day and how we respond is up to us.

Whether people like it or not it’s happening. Our overall consciousness is rising despite it all, even if some have a reverse response. So many are increasingly aware, not just to the truth that we’re in an engineered society from within a plethora of world views, but a central point of debate and inquiry is regarding the very nature of reality. Just listen to the language of today and the topics being covered as opposed to just a few years ago when it began to kick in. It’s happening across every strata of society. True pioneering science and new ancient archeological and hidden historical facts continually coming to light tell the same story.

The wild thing is, the energetic tide is elevating universally, so those only observing from that plane can’t even see it as the deck lifts, unconsciously defaulting to a form of collective normalcy bias for perspective. How can they tell the sea rose without perspective? The more awake and aware can observe this phenomenon more objectively, being able to calibrate from a removed awareness, if that makes sense. It’s fabulous to realize.

It’s still a challenge to fully identify this phenomenon as old markers and points of reference vanish before us. It’s very wild indeed but we need to simply keep letting go. It’s similar to the fact that we’re careening through the universe but don’t even notice how everything is shifting all the time. We might notice how the planets in our solar system move and influence us, but that next level that all is changing its location as we circle the galactic core is also transpiring, which we’re generally unaware of.

And where is all that moving? And what energies are we experiencing? On it unfolds in continual change, the basic state of the universe. But that’s just the external. We have hardly any idea what else is going on in the unseen realms, just glimpses and occasional insights. And that world is becoming exponentially more known by the day. An amazing time to be here.

Massive Change Is Upon Us

The enigmatic nature of this ongoing shift on so many levels might be freaking some people out but this is what turns so many of us on. We can call it the lifting of the veil, the apocalypse or revelation, timeline and dimensional shifting, consciousness rising, or what I call it briefly sometimes to explain those feelings we get, it’s just plain slippage in relation to whatever frame of reference we had, sometimes moments ago. Something fantastic is happening.

I don’t know about a critical mass or hundredth monkey effect saving the planet, it is a factor and no doubt happening on some level. The idea that worlds are somehow splitting in some way resonates with me, but that may appear elusive and escapist to some. Consider it an inter dimensional metaphor if you like. Applying these and other ideas about our many levels of growing awareness can be challenging, but something profound is going on and nothing can be excluded from possibility. It’s no doubt a combination of amazing phenomena and we’re in the thick of it.

The base point in all this remains the same – it’s all about personal transformation, first and foremost. Nothing in the external really matters in that fundamental regard but we do of course learn from it. It is a reflection or mirror of the collective to some extent, but with so much on the lower levels being artificially engineered I don’t give that level much weight. It’s just another illusion and point of observation and needs to be kept in perspective. It’s nice to see things change externally, but I’m not holding my breath nor is it my business. I just do my part. Our full on personal transformation comes first, that’s my focus. Realms of discovery and awakening await all of us that dwarf all we’ve learned and realized so far that have vast consequences.

The contrast we’re experiencing in this dimension is similarly engineered by a much higher or all pervading natural creative power for our development and growth. Just as time helps us measure our experience so as to not have everything happen all at once where we wouldn’t experience the depth of this opportunity. Just as other seeming restrictions or natural and even artificial limitations, they all help us. I think it’s important to remember that.

Create, Don’t Berate

In my opinion, one of the biggest hurdles people are facing is having a negative orientation to all of this. And it’s very understandable. We’ve all seen the pitfalls of being overly dark and conspiratorial, fixating on the less savory elements of this playing field. It’s just one of the hurdles on our path, however daunting. Seeing past that into the bigger picture and the beauty of each sovereign soul at whatever stage of development they are at is so wonderfully encouraging and inspiring, in stark contrast to the more negative and judgmental mindset.

Seeing through the illusory matrix doesn’t make anyone better than another. In fact, the hallmark of wisdom is humility, knowing how little we really know and respecting that growth in others. That, and a sense of humor where we don’t take ourselves and the world around us so damn seriously. When the false bookends of birth and death are kicked out and we see our experience as a continuum in the great ongoing creative process we gain amazing clarity and peace of mind and heart.

Somehow we need to get back to our natural playful spontaneity without fear and wrong self consciousness, as opposed to self awareness. We sense that is our lost paradise within but clearly it’s accessible even if only in brief spurts for now as we continue to emerge. But emerge we will.

There Is No Doomsday – Whatever Happens

Sure we live in potentially cataclysmic times. Haven’t we always? Isn’t so-called death at everyone’s door continually? Hasn’t the planet recycled periodically? And yes, technology and mad scientism are at an all time zenith, but does that really change the fundamentals? Death is our friend, like time, just as contrast and our bodies and circumstance are, with all their challenges.

A doomsday mentality is crippling, as programmed and reinforced by the controlled religious teachings, scientism and the media, but we don’t need to fall for it. Many long term preppers and researchers have woken up to the fact that they simply weren’t happy nor fully living life in that negative bunker mindset and just set out to live their passions. I think there’s no better medicine for ourselves and the planet than that. Creating and exuding inspiring truth, goodness and beauty are what the world, and each of us, needs, and have a much more vast effect than we can realize.

Some will say that is irresponsible. Sure, good and real information that tracks the external has its place. True information activism definitely plays a very important role and has been essential. Let’s just check the orientation and vibration of our sources, and most of all our own reactivity and emotional and spiritual state, and keep a healthy balance. This is nothing new to many folks who’ve passed through that dark gauntlet, but again this is simply growth and the true evolution of our souls.

Belief Systems Ain’t What They Used to Be – But They’re Still Attachments

We’ve all shifted through many paradigms, thinking the next one was “it”, only to find that new one wasn’t “it” either as we kept awakening. It reminds me of the saying, “Don’t follow spiritual leaders, seek what they were seeking.” We can’t condemn ourselves for falling for the next thing either, which usually coagulates into a new belief system in whatever new garments they take on. That’s just part of our learning process. Breaking free is continual. There is no one time awakening, but dogmatic belief systems of any sort are clearly obstacles to be overcome, and they’re not always obvious. The attaching false ego makes sure to disguise that to reinforce itself. It’s not an easy field of learning here but we’re up to it.

Many personal awakenings are much more profound than others, but we can’t settle down in some new paradigm. As the close out sale sign says, “Everything must go!” That’s a daily if not hourly and even continual challenge, and requires cheerful acceptance. That’s where taking things too seriously is a good yardstick to measure our spiritual health. That doesn’t mean to be flippant at all, just healthily detached at all times to the best of our abilities with an open willingness to keep learning and changing, and allowing the same in others. All while still being involved in life. Quite the paradox, but here we are.

That black/white, good/evil, right/wrong dualistic polarization we’re been fed and entrained with can either help us simply learn and discern at a practical level, or seriously derail our consciousness. Judgementalism and unloving intolerance feed off of this shallow misconception. We’ve all done it and fallen for it. It’s that tricky wrong ego feeding and defending itself again, a sort of implanted survival technique giving us the wrong idea that we’re somehow above or better than others when we judge and fight for our space. It causes

separation. As we’ve all heard and is profoundly true, experiencing and knowing the Oneness of all things is paramount to our conscious awareness. This however flies in the face of everything we’ve been taught or is reinforced in this external societal matrix. Divide and conquer is a way deeper dynamic than just some political ploy for control. It’s a spiritual struggle to help us find our authenticity. Again, it all works for good.

Just Keep Going

Anyway, some thoughts from the hermitage. The best advice I could give anyone is to keep going. It’s all for good and growth and things do sort out over time, even the most devastating and challenging of life experiences.

But if not, that’s good too. Even if it doesn’t seem like it’s working out and appears to take forever.

Just hang in there and keep going. It always sorts out no matter how long it takes.

The wind’s at our back. Go with it. And just keep plodding along. We’re already there simply by keeping on in awareness. As someone wisely said, “We can’t get it wrong and it’s never done”.

We have eternity – it’s “time” to get used to it. We’re just in the thick of a very intense experience, by design. That overview helps us see clearly. We’re all simply learning and evolving.

Let’s enjoy it as best we can, and remember to stay loving, and keep rising.

We’re all in the same boat. And it’s rising with a majestic quantum tide. A unique opportunity in human history. Let’s make the best of it.

All the best, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Zen Gardner: 2 Years Later, I Am Still Wondering…

Zen Gardner: 2 Years Later, I Am Still Wondering…


“Truth does not waver ever, only our perception does. And it is our moral obligation to align our perceptions with truth so that our gained wisdom can manifest itself as moral right action.


“If a person who is considered to be a good, moral, loving, spiritual, creative, and inspirational brother overnight turns into an immoral, bad, hateful, evil and deceptive monster; can both of these opposite perceptions of reality be based in truth? No, it can’t because truth is unwavering, definite and objective. Our perceptions are not unwavering, and need to be aligned with truth as much as possible. That is our moral obligation towards the Universe.


“What I do know is the objective, definite difference between right & wrong behavior. Not because of my feelings, intuition, sense of resonance, or any other fluffy inter-dimensional expression of consciousness, but because of knowledge of the principles of the laws of morality.”

~ Willem Felderhof



Zen Gardner 2 Years Later, I Am Still Wondering…

by Willem Felderhof
August 5, 2018


For anyone who cares about the truth regarding the sidelining and subsequent inquisition of Zen Gardner two years ago, please take the time to read the (complete) following open letter I sent to Bernhard Guenther regarding the whole issue. I feel it is important to understand what happened back then because it reveals the nature of many unsolved and unacknowledged psychological issues in so called truth communities which also plague society in general. WF


Dear Bernhard,

I hope you are doing well. Maybe you do not remember who I am as it is already two years ago that we had some email exchange following the publication of some articles on your website regarding the coming out of Zen Gardner. But maybe you do remember.

Anyway, in one of your articles, you speak brilliantly about false resonance and refer to sincere self work:

“False resonating is mistaken for wishful thinking or based on (unconscious) projections or triggers. Sometimes, the false part within us based on conditioning, programming, and wounding resonates with something which we mistake for our true self, resulting in false resonance, or we reject the truth of something because it challenges deep ingrained belief systems we are identified with and hence “don’t resonate with it” because it brings up uncomfortable feelings… which also ties into cognitive dissonance….. In other words, honest sincere self-work is needed in order to detect the lies we tell ourselves and all the rationalizations and denial that come with it so we can get more and more in tune with our soul resonance/knowing.”

When I saw some pictures passing by of you, Max and Benny recently I couldn’t help wondering how much time you guys spent on self-reflection on how you dealt with the “Zen Gardner issue” that you launched on the internet and into the cosmos 2 years ago.

I also wondered in what way the grammar that you applied back then to come to the logic you then shared on the internet has changed and evolved into more knowledge and more in alignment with truth as time went by.

As Max stated on his YouTube channel to his followers back then: “We need a calm investigation before we go and have a lynching as any case needs a trial before a possible lynching and we have a lot of questions to be answered.” Besides the implementations of such an outrageous statement, I wonder in which phase that investigation is now, two years later, and how many questions have been asked and answered.

The lynching that Max referred to happened anyway and is actually still going on even though the whole thing helped many people with their personal healing process which might be outside of your range of vision. As emotions calmed down over time, proper reasoning set in which made introspective self-reflection possible and many people concluded that things were not really dealt with in an objective and responsible way.

People who really did care about the truth regarding the whole issue put real effort to get in touch with Don/Zen. They tried to establish that contact not only during the period that he was in the line of fire after all hell broke loose and could not meet up with ridiculous self-righteous deadlines, but also AFTER the insane tsunami of attacks passed by. They came to a very different perception of the reality than people who did NOT put effort in trying to get in contact with him.

Yours and others’ rhetoric on the internet back then served as a trigger for a lot of stimulus-response driven clicktivists to react in ignorant and immoral ways that caused a lot of harm. This is the main reason for me to write to you as this will not magically go away by itself or by deleting things online. The way this was dealt with and why this was extremely harmful, irresponsible and wrong needs to be faced, deeply understood and lived through, if evolving consciousness is truly intended and desired.

Ignoring unpleasant truths is one of the causal factors of why we do not see any significant improvements in the collective human condition we co-create by the behavior we choose with our Free Will. Realizing truth, so that we can align our perceptions and our actions with it, is most effective through an apophatic process. So, in the Zen Gardner case it is much more effective and powerful to address the things you and others did NOT do. Namely establishing contact with Don/Zen in REALITY. All justifications for not having direct contact or not engaging in determined efforts to try to establish real contact when things calmed down still do not change the reality that there was no direct contact one bit.

Truth does not waver ever, only our perception does. And it is our moral obligation to align our perceptions with truth so that our gained wisdom can manifest itself as moral right action. Moral right action would be something like the publishing of an expression of a changed perception on the D/Z reality due to evolving consciousness as a result of ongoing filtering of truth from lies. Because of the total lack of such a statement or expression, can I conclude that your perceptions on the way you dealt with the D/Z situation are unchanged like a rigid 19 hijackers narrative?

Does the lack of any such public expression mean that you consider most things you did, and more important did not do, were in line with truth, or that you still think you had the right to perform your actions in the way you did back then, based on the perceptions you then had? Or that your actions did not cause any harm to other beings?

Or do you consider you were in the wrong in any way with your actions and/or lack of action due to revised perceptions?  If so, it would be right to share this revised perception with all the people you shared your earlier rhetoric with.

If not, I urge you to read the assessment below by the late Dr. Paul Marko who shortly before his death felt the urge to serve the truth by giving his view as an expert on the subjects that surrounded the allegations levied against Don/Zen.

If a person who is considered to be a good, moral, loving, spiritual, creative, and inspirational brother overnight turns into an immoral, bad, hateful, evil and deceptive monster; can both of these opposite perceptions of reality be based in truth? No, it can’t because truth is unwavering, definite and objective. Our perceptions are not unwavering, and need to be aligned with truth as much as possible. That is our moral obligation towards the Universe.

Whether you like it or not, Don/Zen himself still is the embodiment of Truth regarding the whole issue, as he alone knows what did happen and what did not happen and how and why his consciousness perceived and manifested the realities at that time. He is the only true primary source in that respect. Excluding extensive study of primary source data and experience in the process of coming to conclusions leads not only to ignorance and confusion; it will lead to fallacious and feeble logic. Fallacious logic leads to harmful rhetoric/action because it is based in lies and deception. Primary source data and experience with the primary source of truth means direct contact with D/Z in this case. The time and energy spent in gathering, processing and assessing primary source data is directly proportional to the level of care to seek Truth.

Considered in that light; how much time and energy did you spend in trying to get in direct contact with Don/Zen in the years that went by to get more data that could lead you to evolve your consciousness…and thus more alignment of your revised perception of reality with truth? Back then the notion was brought up that soon evidence would pour to the surface and the truth will speak for itself. I did not see any evidence come up on sexual child abuse or any direct evidence of the kind against Don/Zen as of yet, but maybe due to your research and/or investigation as Max called for, you have gathered some. I am most interested in evidence-based information so please share.

The respective article you posted is deleted from your website. What does that mean? It does not stop the ongoing damage it caused. Is there not any change of logical reasoning as a result of weaving out more contradictions and inconsistencies? This fallacious processing of information again, as I referred to in my email from over 2 years ago, is the exact working principle of the mainstream media, used to mold the minds of the masses.

The extensive contact I had over the last 2 years with Don in which we spoke about his time in the COG and the whole aftermath it caused did not provide me with significant inconsistencies or contradictions in my reasoning from where I could change my perception of Don. On the contrary, I consider him still as one of the most genuine, compassionate, loving and honest human beings I ever met. The wisdom he applies to deal with this immoral, and unjust reality is remarkable, it confirms my perception of his being I had before all of this. I can only have deep respect for the way he uses his own traumatic experiences for self-work purposes to evolve his consciousness and be able to better serve humanity and the Universe itself.

But again, I am very interested in evidence based information that you gathered as a result of the articles you posted back then.

I myself, like most people, spent most of my life in cults. I served as a green beret in the Special forces in the military which is an ultimate cult of evil because it is entirely built on violence, abuse and trauma based mind control to engineer its members to engage in immoral and harmful behavior without being able to apply one’s own conscience. After that I was a member of another cult system for 21 years that willfully exposes its members to nerve gas components and other toxins which causes unimaginable harm and suffering. That cult is deeply involved in numerous other immoral activities and it took me more than 20 years to leave that cult and speak out against it. Most of its current members (about 10,000) know the reality but ignore it because they are driven by deep fear like in all other cults. That cult was a major airline company where I worked as a commercial airline pilot for 25 years.

A cult is a fear-based system of religious veneration and ego-devotion which espouses erroneous beliefs that are dangerous, especially to the lives, rights and freedoms of those who are NOT its members. What is your cult?

One of the most difficult, unpleasant, and important tasks for humanity to change the ever-deteriorating collective human condition is to become aware that our society in general is a fear-based cult system built on numerous sub-cults. Even more difficult but essential is our moral obligation to admit that we ourselves were duped and are part of a cult and that we were wrong. To dismiss a member of a notorious cult like the COG when speaking out, without even consulting in depth or even a second with him, is a clear indication of a deep lack of Self knowledge, Self respect, Self love and lack of wisdom. For me it was a confirmation of the absolute lack of spiritual responsibility and wisdom in so called awake communities. All the so called big shots in the “alternative truth cult” kicked their brother Zen Gardner and all associations with his work off the steaming square wheeled truth-train without having spoken one word with him. Another huge and precious chance for real change wasted all for the greater good of the “truth warrior” community that so much cares about its important responsibilities towards humanity. Well, most of humanity apparently.

But hey, who am I and what do I know? I do not have a brilliant way of speaking or writing. What I do know is the objective, definite difference between right & wrong behavior. Not because of my feelings, intuition, sense of resonance, or any other fluffy inter-dimensional expression of consciousness, but because of knowledge of the principles of the laws of morality. And the way you and others dealt with the Zen Gardner issue was wrong, immoral, spiritually childish and irresponsible.

I hope this will be dealt with, not for Zen, not for me, but for the Truth itself.

I wish you, and anyone who has read this, much wisdom in processing this information in order to come to a perception of reality that is more aligned with Truth.

With love,

Willem Felderhof


To read Paul Marko’s article, mentioned above see the full article here.


Willem Felderhof is a former commercial airline pilot and was a whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as “the Aerotoxic syndrome”.

Jerusalem – Altar of Sacrifice

Jerusalem – Altar of Sacrifice

by Zen Gardner
September 3, 2012


The battle for the control of Jerusalem is the epitome of everything ugly about the condition of humanity. Drenched in the blood-soaked garb of religious zeal, armies have come and gone across the world’s landscape murdering and savagely pillaging for ultimate control of the “city of peace”.

Welcome to the occult dystopia of battlefield earth.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee.”

While the world’s three main monotheistic religions all claim Jerusalem as their sacred and most holy capital, this one historic city is the focal point for more war, hate and conflict than any other on earth. Eleven times over the past two millennia this strangely significant location has changed hands via horrific bloodletting, as if Abraham’s deferred call to sacrifice his own son on the nearby Temple Mount needs constant avenging.

And whoever wins the struggle for Jerusalem seems to become the world’s ruler du jour. Curious, indeed.

Zionism – The Ultimate Avenger

After centuries of slaughter by hysterical, puppeteered armies, the short lull that followed was finally broken by an effort to “reclaim” the promised land through a carefully organized political movement called Zionism. An integral part of the Illuminist agenda for world domination, Zionism alone, however, was not enough to make a move to re-occupy the supposed “promised land”.

There needed to be a “catalyzing event”…much like the “new Pearl Harbor” the neocons alluded to regarding 9/11 before it happened. After all, we need to galvanize public opinion…or is everything wrapped up behind the scenes?

Bring on World War II

Carefully planned and financed on both sides by Zionist-backed banking entities, the pincers were firmly placed on the pre-conditioned scapegoats called “the Jews”. Their own? Yes, those they own. Deftly evil, I know.

The Zionist Rothschild handlers and a continually aggravated Ashkenazi mindset amongst the Zionist leadership had done a bang up job of making Jews anathema to those around them. Now it was time, like Abraham of old, to sacrifice their own. Having helped bring the Nazis to power, the warlike Zionist AshkeNAZI Illuminati could now move toward their goal. Outrageous extermination.

And then never let the world forget about it.

After all, a good home base for world governance is worth the investment, is it not? Especially if it’s someone else’s life you’re investing.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee.”

Jerusalem – Center Stage of our Programmed Reality

Our manipulated reality is controlled by very dark forces. They conjure the powers of the occult, the money myth, false religion and paid-for brute force to steer humanity in the direction that serves their purposes.

Strategically located at the geopolitical heart of civilization and one of the most powerful convergences of global ley lines, the significance of this cryptically labelled “city of peace” is apparent. It’s as if Jerusalem is a 3-D jumbotron on which “the play” is being projected.

And the world is watching.

The Bible, Freemasonry, the Kabala, all lay claim to the importance and power of controlling Jerusalem. The New World Order advocates admittedly want to install a one world religion with a one world leader in Jerusalem. The Vatican and Zionism and their new age sycophants are integral to this plan. All three major religions await the return of their respective messiahs to rule from Jerusalem.

Even the off-world Annunaki Nephilim spoken of in the Sumerian tablets are said to be returning. Is that what all this hubbub is about? A final takeover by an alien race? Is this ley line convergence evidence of a long coveted inter-dimensional portal through which they’ll return?

Any way you look at it, the stage has been meticulously set for something big that we’re supposed to accept.

My advice? Don’t go near it. It will be made to appear very appealing, and many will be deceived by it, but it’s clearly not for humanity’s benefit. Just the opposite. Their design is to make us a slave race…even more than we already are.

The Big Question

The big question for the immediate future is; will we soon witness the apparent sacrifice of Israel to pave the way for this next level? Would they do such a horrific thing again only on a much grander scale, to bring about this maniacal plan? Could they even succeed after such chaotic insanity is unleashed on the world?

Think “Twin Towers” and you’ll get the idea. Like the engineered post-Nazi effect and the post 9/11 wars and terrorism lockdown, our covert societal engineers have one last stage in mind, and it’s aimed toward establishing their headquarters on the altar of human sacrifice, Jerusalem, the Orwellian “city of peace”.

We’re witnessing high sorcery reaching the culmination of thousands of years of scheming, manipulation and wanton bloodletting. The Illuminists want to “occupy” the world, as well as our very being–those of us who will survive their pre-planned conflagration and intended reduction of the world’s population.

Will the world let them pull this off? Is anyone even watching?

And yet again, the damning cry from one who tried to warn them….

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee.”


Don’t fear, my friends. Only good can come of it. All of it. We are eternal consciousness at one with a loving, eternal Source. This is our planet and we shall regain it and it shall be restored in due time, one heart at a time, one awakened, empowered spirit at a time.

Keep up the awakening, it’s freaking them OUT!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Seeing Through the Masquerade of Illusion

Seeing Through the Masquerade of Illusion

by Zen Gardner
December 3, 2017


The idea of illusion is often bandied about somewhat flippantly in this day and age but it’s something well worth exploring in terms of our human condition of conscious, as well as not so conscious, awareness.

There are very many levels of so-called illusion. There are the manufactured ones regarding hierarchy, manipulated economics, social and media control and the like, that affect us socially as well as energetically. And then there are those embedded illusions in age old psycho/bio/genetic and spiritual programming that appear to be fundamental to our apparent physical existence, from whatever sources they’re derived.

Most of all it’s the self generated illusions we conjure up for whatever reasons. Not hard to do in a world full of other self-generated illusions to justify our own, big and small.

Never mind who’s to “blame” regarding any of this, we’re saddled with what we have and what “is”. Let’s start there. Not an easy ride here in these respects but apparently we’re up to it.

All of that is in direct as well as indirect contraposition to who we really are. The more complicated the illusion the more time we spend trying to figure it out, and thereby unwittingly remain in it. One of life’s many fundamental conundrums.

So what is it in us that seems to be so fascinated by these complex illusions? Are we in fact keeping them functional and energized by our participation, as well as our own false sense of self, and is it true that they really have no life of their own?

An interesting and potentially extremely powerful concept. If true, that would mean our personal disengagement with these mechanisms would free us at least individually, despite the fact that others may perpetrate the overall hoax by their participation. However, what if a critical mass of human participants withdrew their energizing of this projection? Something many of us think about, having the good of all dear to our hearts.

The big question remains: how many would dare to make this leap, especially considering it clearly requires a certain death to the cloaked false self and its convincing story and its many attachments?

Illusion, the Matrix, and the Tech Advance

Those various versions, dimensions or levels of these clearly false realities seem to intersect, but they don’t really meet anywhere. They don’t have organically organized substance or natural relationships – as in directly derived from Source. They’re a manipulated, mutant outgrowth. There is a profound difference on many levels.

They all just are, whatever has manifested for us to deal with. They don’t necessarily have any “reasonable” relationship, they just mess with each other – all converging in our mixed up, unclear perception – which is where they virtually exist due to our engagement with them. The “real thing” within us that is observing all of this lives independent of all of these influences – which is where our “higher self” operates from, if you want to call it that. Consciousness is as clean a term and concept I think we can use which is why I’ve stayed with it so far.

It’s distinctly observational. That sacred eternal space “we” inhabit – our true being inherently connected with everything that exists, is distinctly separate from these many superficial layers of manifestation yet is aware of them all.

We are observing these things, more or less, while having our interaction with whatever wave, thought or energetic forms that seem to appear around and within us. This is independent of whether tech is involved. But tech has really stepped up the game in recent years, on purpose of its own energetic right to manifest, making it appear more tangible and real than ever. Ironically all while it is nothing of the sort, except again via our participation. Our inherent power is magnificently independent of these things, but this has been ignored, deliberately covered up, and forgotten.

Many of us are remembering now, as if awaking from a dream. Slowly this reality is coming into focus. It’s time to trust our intuition and never mind the old markers. The shift has happened and is continuing to unfold. Flow with it however it is manifesting in our lives is my understanding.

Belief Systems Determine Our Reality

This experience is constantly evolving and will continue to for eternity. There’s no set goal or endgame, it just is and is ever creating and expanding, with energies attracting resonant energies and repelling opposites. It’s just as we see galaxies and solar systems form and then dissipate in the macro. Darkness has its role, as does light, similar to magnetic polarity. One can’t exist without the other and they work synergistically.

Without this contrast on the 3-D level we wouldn’t learn or grow. It’s a dance, a test of sorts, a learning platform, and a game – all at once apparently.

Our tendency is to try and nail down issues – seeming truths and systems that seem stable in this ever-changing and evolving existence. Rather than let go into the fact that life is basically constant change, we seek control in order to eliminate uncomfortable variables that come our way. Settled science is a good example in the mental framework, while religions are a huge manifestation on the social and philosophical level. But really our lives are our religions, our way of life, the reflection of what it is we’ve come to believe or subscribe to. Religions and belief systems are like popsicle sticks we hope will hold the goo together.

It really doesn’t need anything to hold anything, as there isn’t anything to hold together.

That may sound scary to some but nature makes that obvious. There is form and apparent structure to it, just as we have spines and skeletons and all the amazing attachments, but ultimately everything is amazing forms of cooperative energy, with the expansive Universe hanging out there in space just fine to illustrate the point. All life, organic, inorganic and other realms as well, is replete with amazing forms of living energy. We can break it down to electromagnetic energy, wave forms and plasma, and even deeper concepts such as ether and prana or the Tao etc., including other dimensional aspects, but again it’s running itself just fine. There is no control except what we might call the Divine Isness, the free form generating Source, something we’ll never understand nor be able to label or define.

In my view we have to accept that we’ll never know or fully understand in that sense and we have to let that go. Not an easy task in this dualistic, mind-dominated dimension where mind compels us along some linear accomplishment-oriented track like a relentless conveyor belt.

That’s why these god forms have such power over people’s minds. It’s that hunger for holding on to something, to worship or blame, some external structure, when all we need to do is let go. We’re already there – we each are It. Pretty counter intuitive to everything this world system tells us and the multi-level reinforcement of it, but that’s closer to what our reality truly is than this constant trying to understand, hold on to, control and fix paradigm.

I know, this is a lotta work to just realize we need to live in the Now. Quite humorous actually. But again, acceptance and a deep form of surrender is apparently the key.

It’s similar to knowing we are not our bodies, nor our minds. This amorphous other self is beyond all of that. Just hearing yourself think tells you that, or observing yourself observing, or being aware when you’re more aware. It’s in plain sight, but we don’t know how to translate that knowing into our 3-D existence. It really doesn’t need to be worked on or even perceived fully, it just is already. That’s why truly detached observation is so liberating. At that point there’s an inherent acceptance of what is – not trying to understand, control or break free of anything.

Translated into our personal lives, until we fully and truly honestly accept ourselves and our personal as well as interactive condition as it is, we can’t move on. When we do the seeming barriers just melt away.

The Solution is Simple – Take One Step At A Time

Unplug from the matrix at every level and it’s non-existent in our lives. Simple, but not always easy. It’s our very own energy that keeps illusions pumping and morphing according to whatever latest illusion we’re willing to empower through “belief”. Believe comes from the Greek word pistevo – to “drink in”. Belief is simply entertaining extraneous ideas as if true and thus empowering them. Fear works the same way, when there really is absolutely nothing to fear. A very powerful illusion.

It’s quite profound if you think about it and shows from whence our problems derive.

It’s all the same when it comes to illusions of any sort, no matter how “real” they may appear. Tech is simply another manifested modulation web, designed and brought into being by its participants essentially, not just the initiating forces, whatever or whomever they may be. Many attempts have been made for humanity’s full spectrum dominance, and many efforts have failed. That’s what people forget. This one clearly has legs, at least right now in this span of illusory time, but not without a lot of promotion and of course more importantly eager participation. If you stand back and look at it consciously, it can’t fully succeed in the light of the enormity of creation, no matter its pervasiveness in some small realm of manifestation.

Look at what appears to possibly be devastation on other planets in our solar system. They could very well be similar attempts, all of which ended in self-destruction. So be it, the Universe is doing just fine, and those who participated in all of that, like our previous civilizations, are the wiser for it, seeing we are eternal beings. The learning and growth goes on, we just don’t fully see the other dimensions of existence involved.

Not all of us. Some do, to various degrees. Intuitively I think we all know there’s much more than meets the eye.

The magnificent irony is that just one being getting through their crude mesh blows the whole plan. The tech manifestation is really a gift, an illustration of what the sages have said about maya, or the illusion of the 3-D world, for millennia. It’s a crude illustration and learning tool, if we can see it. The Matrix movie alluded to this – that we each are the ONE.

The fake matrix is like another fully illusory, self-purported law of fake, control-seeking lower dimensional “physics”, but with its own exception. In fact many of them. Because it’s clearly fake and so many have broken free from it. In other words, it’s not a law of any sort, contrary to its assumptive assertions. It’s thereby inherently and immediately debunked. It’s blown from the get-go for anyone paying attention.

A perfect illustration of illusion.

Distractions, Secondary Sources, and the Deeper Purpose of Illusions

There are so many explanations for everything. It’s up to each of us to wend our way through this energetic maze as begets our purpose and growth. That’s our personal reality, like fractal mini-theaters within ever bigger illusory projection theaters, such as shallow society and all its spin-offs. Never go by anyone else’s interpretation, including anything said here. There may be something to glean that resonates but each of our experiences is wholly our own. No one else’s, no collective to lean on, yet at the same time we synergistically influence each other.

This is all the deeper purpose as I see it – like plants on a forest floor simply growing through life, despite all the microbiological “explanations” – really just descriptions in order to feel in control. People speak authoritatively about what’s going on, on many, many levels, and it’s getting more complex, detailed and “out there” by the day. We have to be careful about what we’re buying into, yet at the same time there is wonderful pioneering being done that much can be learned from.

A maze of influences. All of which lead us eventually to heart knowing. The reality is, there’s nothing out there that we don’t already know at some level within us.

While we should go by our personal experience we often don’t. We’re often shopping for answers that fit some previous belief system or hunger for comfort and a sense of security. Again, illusion induced thinking.

It’s tricky stuff, but that metastasizing ball of wax is the bait apparently. Maybe it’s the apple our race allegorically bit into? The fact that we’re aware of all this blows that one to bits too.

Do We Really Want to Real-Eyes?

It’s always way more obvious than we’d like to think or believe. Perhaps the realization of how duped we’ve been is causing an egoic reaction that shuts that down. All of that is fear based. There really is nothing to fear – that’s the impulse that needs to be clearly identified at every level, as well as anger at the seeming injustice of it all and that deep sense of abandonment we all face. All fully recognized and accepted for what they are, and which will subsequently be let go of. But not until we embrace it honestly. Not as good or right, but seeing it for what it is, honestly, without contest or reactivity or even a desire to let it go. Unconditionally.

Again, counter-intuitive, yet attachment free.

A carrot is a carrot. That might sound cryptic but it really isn’t. True reality, as it is said, is as plain as the nose on our face.

Enjoy the ride, that’s our first priority. When we’re in an excited and joyous mode and following our individual passions things are much, much clearer. It’s meant to be that way for much simpler and easier, as well as happier navigation.

As the saying goes, life is not a problem to be solved, but an experience to be enjoyed.

Clarity follows.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Crypto Current-Seas and the Shifting Morphic Field

Crypto Current-Seas and the Shifting Morphic Field

by Zen Gardner
November 28, 2017

(A response to an awakened friend regarding the arising of crypto currencies as a potential economic as well as societal answer.)


Very interesting questions you pose. The financial situation is a symptom as you know, yet also a controller and apparent key to unlocking centralized power. So, like projected individual consciousness and the collective, they work synergistically as I see it.

I find it’s important to always remember that our perception is very 3-D tainted, if not seriously bound, so even our perceptions are fundamentally limited, something I think we need to remain aware of, vigilantly. In a parallel fashion, it appears to me both power and money have to go at the same time in a strange yet practical way, so I don’t apply myself to anything having to do with currencies, nor any specific seemingly actionable vectors at this point. I addressed all of those for years but it was time for me to move on. But that’s me. The NWO thing will attempt to solve these issues, just as religion pretends to address spiritual longings, but it’s a scam. They’ll declare a false peace with carefully engineered “solutions” along these lines while declaring unity as they co-opt humanity at large. At least that’s the plan.

The great thing is so many have done such wonderful work. There’s enlightening information available now for anyone who decides to search, and I admire and respect those who do provide such work honestly and sincerely and without agenda. I just don’t see much point in overly rehashing it and thereby drawing further attention and intention to it, other than what is essential – i.e. information from those whom I would call the true Watchers. There needn’t be many nor nearly as many repeaters as we now have, as it’s spawned infective egos, disinfo and psyops galore. But it is what it is for those who need to experience all of that and find their way.

This is especially so in light of the fact that knowing all of that clearly, at least for me, comes to indicate the solution is in how we individually live and come alive spiritually, which has a much greater effect than anything we do externally, although each are manifestations of the other. By doing so we’re then changing the entire morphogenic field, if you will, by changing our personal vibration and what we contribute to energetically. As I said for years, when we realize the vast power of our personal consciously empowered energetic effect it will magnify this shift exponentially. That may sound a bitt woo woo to some but it’s a fact.

Rabbit Hole Fever

It’s similar to the over-emphasis on seeing the dark occult influences, or even the many machinations of the control fascinated cabal. Once aware of them, which is important, and knowing the teachings regarding them are out there, we need to move on as I see it. To remain in any of these fields of investigation too long is only to feed them and draw undue attention to them. Not an easy shift for most.

It borders on fascination which is a form of worship, very akin to the energy of subservience and fear. It only gives more power and subtly assumed adoration and servitude to the very things we claim to recognize as negative or “wrong”.

But again, this dualism playing out is a teaching tool, an opportunity to learn and grow, that can’t be bypassed or misunderstood for what it really is. Similar to the friction and surface tension that draws water up the stems of plants, it’s part of the process, as in the classic illustration of the butterfly struggling through its metamorphosis. When we accept these influences without wrong judgement we begin to spiritually understand the dynamics we live within and their apparent purposes, despite the seemingly needless suffering that appears to take place.

There’s tremendous peace and clarity of a very transcendent nature to which these realizations give birth.

I’m going way off point it may appear, but as I see it the only current-cy worth placing our attention on is the energetic current of true Source creation, as well as our innate indwelling Source energy. I guess I’m a purist, but this is my journey. I know everything will follow heading straight for Source, but I don’t discount at all countless manifestations of it are happening in budding forms; they just don’t have much importance to what I’m drilling for except as outward signs of change. It’s encouraging, but we have to remain in hot pursuit of the Real Deal as I see it and stay honed in. The rest will never take us Home, for lack of a better word, until we do.

Back to Cryptos

I don’t trust crypto currencies any more than anything, but see them as a sign of budding life attempting to take form. They’re something to be careful with like anything, but much of the original intention is terrific. This question takes me back to the reformation vs true revolution contraposition. The tendency of humanity to reform instead of truly break free is evident. Perhaps this is why Gaia, in concert with Source, has had to truly “dump and recycle” our planet over and over, way more times than most of humanity would like the know about, or would-be controllers would like us to be aware of. For that very purpose.

Hence true history is erased from the 3-D collective, for obvious reasons. The parasitic energies want to live. Yet so do we in our energetic form. The battle for energy is all part of the way things naturally work, seeking attention and intention and hence energy, a strange and foreign thought to the dualistic mind. Good and evil, light and dark, can be likened to the yin and yang, symbolizing entirety. Or perhaps a theoretical atom. Which do you kick out, the positive or the negative? Or are both “making the whirled go round”?

The Asymptote That Is Never Reached

To me, “everything must go”, the big sale, and humanity has to at least be willing to make a true leap in consciousness before any kind of real reset will work. Universe is ready to meet the willing heart. It’s not that complicated. Maybe all these cyclical trends are leading up to it, but I’m constantly reminded of the asymptote – the ever approached axis by the infinitely closer but never reaching hyperbolic curve. As a metaphor or illustration, this curve is like the prevailing human condition as not fully willing to truly transform, pierce through and “get” its inherent deception to make it through the membrane of the axis it approaches to where true reality operates.

A perhaps crude and clearly two dimensional illustration but it makes a point. Approaching can be deceptive and self assuaging. Breaking through requires full on transformation. Think reverse osmosis.

This always brings me back to the ego and mind, put simply, that fight tooth and tong to stay alive. This parasitic influence we were apparently saddled with does not die easy and I’m not trying to minimize the intensity of the scrap we are in. Yet all is not eternal frustration, but is all for the purpose of Source creation unfolding and ourselves discovering who we really are. This is where our power lies.

This is altogether different and separate from this grossly limiting 3-D experience we’re born into, an apparent learning process which all of this contrast beautifully serves. It’s seemingly non-sensical, paradoxical and counter intuitive, but so be it. The fact that we can perceive that such a perspective exists beyond the seemingly self-contradicting mundane proves its very reality. Quite profound in itself.

“Other” – that “outside of” this limiting, self serving construct – exists, and must be found accessed and lived before we can even begin to assess and address our situation in the least bit consciously, never mind sufficient empowerment beyond what is available on this plane of existence. This is something seers, mystics and even leading edge true philosophers and rogue scientists have been hounded for identifying and expounding upon for eons.

The ego-mind driven system will not tolerate it because it means its demise. Plain and simple.

Again, it’s really not that complicated – like our fight and flight mechanisms we apparently harbor. They’re all very basic mechanisms that are actually easily identified.

Crypto Co-opts and the Synthetic Copycats

I look at the crypto currency stuff and contrary commentary and I agree with some that it’s being co-opted as we speak. I see most alternative forays the same. That may sound cynical but that doesn’t demean the profound significance of whatever form or level of all that’s transpiring. That’s what happens to all directional “missiles” of truth with the trajectory of escape from this gravitational field – they’re contained, dismissed, shot down or co-opted by rote.

As we gain clarity it is all easily dismissed.

As I said a long time ago, which drew a lot of criticism, I think we’re leading “them” by our conscious avant-garde ideas and perceptions which I’m convinced they follow ever so closely, all of which goes way beyond their synthetic intelligence. They, whomever “they” or these containment influences are, only follow, copy, imitate, and subvert relentlessly, trying to co-opt and lead truly conscious outcroppings. For them it’s a constant game of catch up.

People can take that for what they will, but that’s what I perceive.

The Truth and our growing awakening is leading them, not the other way around. Parasites are always looking for new food or are protecting their crops. They will continue to fight it tooth and tong in this dualistic battle we’re born into. At some point or perhaps in an other dimensional way, true Source-derived consciousness transcends these low density mechanisms, but those still in the school of dualism are unable to see that. Hence the disconnect.

Those worlds do not intersect, but rather perhaps a better graphic illustration is that these lower levels are subsets of the greater, however by no means in any Cartesian form. This gets into dimensional perspective which we are handicapped from seeing clearly from this plane, hence language cannot communicate these deeper truths and realities which subsequently drives us to intuitive heart knowing and learning.

It’s like those still in the dualistic warrior mode. There’s a place for it for some, I was there a long time as well, including within the controlled religious paradigm previous to other layers of taking a “contestual” stance. Information and exposure to the light of truth is essential. I somehow melded the spiritual warfare with socially expressed activism when they are dimensionally of quite different natures.

They aren’t necessarily the same, mutually exclusive, nor contrary. The essential warfare is our individual journeys to fully wake up and overcome obstacles etc. to make our full connection and true self realization. Fully. Or at least to get past some non delineated threshold, the convoluted nature of which I’m attempting to describe here, which is where I’m venturing now and feeling fully humbled by as I venture on.

The unknown is exactly that – unknown – fully foreign and pretty scary to our entrained natures. There’s nothing at all unhealthy about that. Fear can work in our favor, ironically enough.

Informational and social activism as I see it is a transitory stage and apparently essential for many, but not all. Many leap right past it but that is the exception as far as I have seen. But in this era, serious preliminary bondage-cutting has to start at the basics since the metastasized mutant matrix’s sinews have such a strong control on the mind and even hearts of this epoch. A tough one to slog out as so many of us have experienced from a variety of approaches.

Liberation at every level is essential, but we mustn’t focus on the seemingly dark negative. That short circuits and defeats the awakening process at so many levels – the great test of judgmental dualism that thrives on reinforcing separation.

It’s many levels operating at once – individually and collectively. We are each on a very individual path, so the need to avoid negative, self righteous judgment becomes quite evident in this process, yet few manifest. We each learn at our own speed, and all of this is merely the backdrop for it – ironically to be enjoyed at the same time as we suffer and grow through it.

Conclusion, of Sorts

I got off on quite the tangent there, going back to planar geometric mathematics ironically enough, but such is how I currently perceive our experience at the particular “angles” of my perception I’ve been exploring. Again, I am astoundingly humbled by the vastness of it all, but we are all essentially consciousness having this experience, the very reason for us having this discussion at all.

That we realize how little we perceive yet feel so much more proves there are other realms we sense and for which we seek. This is an incontrovertible fact and not some form of escape or delusion as many would say. Those who cannot even conceive of the idea that there are many co-existing realities and dimensions operating concurrently will sooner or later find out otherwise. That our language and minds cannot grasp these ideas is the very nature of this testing and learning ground.

The amazing and wonderful phenomenon is that so many are on to this adventure and sense the same things, however they describe or manifest their understandings. Quite an amazing time to be here.

Much love, and thanks for the provocative question. As in everything, it all points back to  our essential nature – amazing beyond our cognitive abilities, yet well within our super conscious, true being.

It’s no wonder this spasmatic miasma called the matrix or society and all the interim control levels will do everything they can to prevent humanity from discovering who they truly are. As this awakening happens, despite anything that tries to stop it, it’s turning things around, upside down and inside out.

Only truth can survive that.

This is going to be very interesting indeed. In fact, it already is and always has been!

So who or what is it again that is viewing all of this we experience?

Therein lies the answer.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Mad Libs for Trolls

Mad Libs for Trolls

by Zen Gardner
April 23, 2012


I have an idea. Why not let trolls and internet trawlers write their own stories? Wouldn’t that solve a lot of problems and get their angry angst off the net?

So here’s an easy., popular game they can play, creating whatever scenario they want and have fun at the same time. Now THAT will elevate some lower-level consciousness, won’t it?

I’ve tried to make this easy so as not to confound the sensitive nature of our self-appointed anonymous watchdog community.

After all…..the nose that knows is a terrible thing to waste.


Here’s the Story Line:

(If you’re not familiar with this popular mad libs game, go HERE.)

The Internet – In the Mind of a Troll

I’ve found a fabulous place to post my_________ [plural noun].  It’s called the inter____ [noun].

Many people around the___________ [round object] like to use this__________ [nasty adjective]  tool. It helps everyone

to______________[destructive verb] better.

Sometimes people like to share their _____________[body part-human] to tell people what they are _____________ [unload verb now].

But sometimes angry and nasty predators_____________ [verb-think snark] on others to make themselves____________ [self-serving verb]

better about them____________ [rhymes with “elves”].

I know! Whodda___________ [mental action]  that simply putting information out for ___________[plural noun] to read

and __________[fun verb-got fun?]  would draw so much____________ism [angry adjective]!

I mean anonymous _______________s [exotic life form] would come at me  like a _________[crazy noun] on a __________ [crazier noun]!

Dear Diary

These types of _________[adjective like vapid]  __________[synonym for assholes] want me to curl up and_______ [deathly verb]. Funny

thing is, this makes me want to do more!

I’m going  to _________ [love, express…]  and _________[revel in my freedom to do so] the rest of my days!


Sorry, folks. Current affairs drove me to it.

Hope you had a fun ride. We really do need to enjoy this cuz it ain’t gonna be pretty real soon and we need to keep our wits about us.

And BTW these inter-gnats are nothing to worry about. Pure background noise.

Maybe they’ll go off and play this with each other and leave the rest of us alone. Ha!

Much love, and keep on!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Navigating the Maelstrom and Dead Reckoning

Navigating the Maelstrom and Dead Reckoning

by Zen Gardner
November 2014


“In navigation, dead reckoning (also ded (for deduced) reckoning or DR) is the process of calculating one’s current position by using a previously determined position, or fix, and advancing that position based upon known or estimated speeds over elapsed time and course.”

We all knew this storm was coming but being inside of it is a whole different experience. It feels like things are coming at you as your spirit gets buffeted by unseen influences. A lot of this has to do with the angst and fear being ginned up by the media and the collective response. Images of alien like hazmat suits and panic mode announcements by politicians while draconian measures roll out, confusing news reports, and a whole lot of fear and uncertainty appear on our screens, causing personal insecurities to arise in our hearts.

We may be aware of what’s going on and see the game plan, but most don’t, and are tuning into this fear and worry vibe. And it affects everyone. It runs through not just the emotions and actions of those around us but also through the etheric and we can all sense it. This is again why detachment and staying out of the low level emotion mode is so important.

We can observe this strangeness passing through but not let it throw us.

In times of storm at sea when a ship captain gets disoriented due to getting blown off course or is without the aid of celestial navigation, they have to recalibrate their position. And sometimes the only way to do that is by dead reckoning, determining where you are based on where you came from and your estimated speed and direction from your previous course.

It’s not the perfect analogy but illustrates the point. In navigating these storms of life the adage comes to mind, “Never doubt in the dark what you knew in the light.”

Draw Close to Loved Ones and Nature

This engineered confluence of insanity is creating quite the maelstrom and it’s a big one. Many are being buffeted by it and need comfort and reassurance. They may not understand its origins like we awakened do and realize this is almost entirely fabricated, but just your steadiness and detachment as you share love and a calm trusting attitude speaks volumes and steadies the heart.

It’s also an opportunity to spend more time with nature. Unfluttered, unhassled and fearless, creation is a wonderful teacher and an ever present friend. Even though she lets her power be known in amazing and powerful ways, we can be assured all is well in the natural cycle of life. And when she blows her top periodically, this may be frightening to some, but it is simply of a demonstration of nature’s magnificence as she reclaims and recycles in a way humanity could never conceive.

This innate understanding is clearly known by the spiritually grounded but escapes those living in engineered environments. Another reason not to subject ourselves to the false propaganda and living conditions so many have been herded into.  These self-reinforcing unnatural containment systems are anathema to truth and awareness, and even though many are overcoming them, it’s an ongoing battle that needlessly drains their energy.

There are other options for living a more natural life.

The Battle Is On

The seriousness of our current condition cannot be minimalized. We live in very challenging times, but again the answer is always simple. Disengage, detach and detox, to whatever degree possible. Our very lives and those we love depend on it. Keeping our peaceful yet awakened sanity while the world goes berserk is our greatest testament. What we share with others of course is our life’s blood and that of all those willing to listen. But our fundamental lifestyle must be firmly grounded in truth, and thus prepared for anything.

It’s a fight. No question. We’re all struggling in these tides of change of every sort. If we haven’t learned to navigate our lives by now we’re certifiably asleep with the rest of them and getting swallowed by the great vortex to nowhere.

But this is not our fate. The beauty of awakening is that even the slightest paddle against the tide of wickedness is met with amazing empowerment, and one stroke leads to another. There’s a source of strength and encouragement beyond most people’s imagination awaiting anyone who dares to buck the tide.

The trigger is our will. A simple decision. An effort. An awakening of spirit to the call for action.

Take it. You are what you have been waiting for. Simply do it, and be it.

It’s not complicated at all.

Much love,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

When Your Back’s Against the Wall, Don’t Be There

When Your Back’s Against the Wall, Don’t Be There

by Zen Gardner
May 15, 2015


That’s simply it – just don’t be there. If at all possible you shouldn’t be in a place like that. If you can avoid getting pinned against anything, that’s your smartest move. That’s why I like to keep changing and moving. But you can’t be carrying a lot of baggage if you want to do that, physically or spiritually.

Now’s a good time to free yourself from attachments and be ready for anything. Each according to his own, but you don’t want to get caught flatfooted if you can avoid it.

In my basketball days we had a defensive drill where you’d take your stance and the coach would come and try to push you over. If you were on your heels you’d fall back quick and easy. But if you’re in a ready stance, knees bent, arched back, on your toes with your hands extended for balance, you not only couldn’t be pushed over, you could easily move side to side, front to back, block passes and shots, and even steal the ball.

Being in a ready stance to take the initiative is the key to freedom. In a world where we’re so bombarded with influences and imposed conditions we need to be able to sense converging conditions and not allow ourselves to be corralled into any kind of corner, whether in social exchanges or immediate living conditions.


I honestly believe preparedness is more spiritual than anything, although the physical is also imperative.

We’re going to see more and more weird stuff in the coming months and years and our antenna’s need to be up and our listening on full alert. I’m sure you’ve heard the stories, but many a time people get premonitions – intuitive fore-warnings – that often turn out to be life savers for whole families.

We need to learn to operate in that realm.

That type of conscious awareness cannot be hacked, spied upon or blocked. The only thing that jams it is fear and distraction. When those conditions seem to close in it’s time to heighten your sensitivity in order to determine what is really going on around you, in the microcosm as well as macrocosm of life, in order to make conscious judgements and decisions.

The Power of Distraction

If you’ve ever had your pocket picked you’ve probably experienced how deftly distraction can be used. One of their techniques is to put pressure on one part of your body–usually your shoulder or upper back, while they lift your wallet out. Your body sensors are concentrating on the main pressure and don’t register the other. They’ll also do a complete hit as if they were accidentally bumping into you so something gets spilled and everyone is distracted looking at the effects. Apologies are exchanged and you don’t realize until afterwards that you’ve just been robbed.

Another interesting technique is they’ll work in a group, which is usually the case, and one will say “watch out, there’s pickpockets on the train (0r bus or street)” as they walk past. You’ll instinctively reach down and pat the pocket or wherever you’re carrying your wallet or valuables to see if they’re OK. Guess who was watching just behind you?

Scam on. And the whole matrix is a scam, never forget that.

Caught flat footed…can be lethal.

Stay on the Offensive

They say the best defense is a good offense. I’m not totally sure about that as it’s a a bit two dimensional but the point is a good one. Try to stay on the offensive and not let yourself get put on the defensive. You learn this in conversation or if you’ve ever had to deal with the media. Really aware and prepared people will take a derogatory or leading question from some talking head and say, “I’m glad you asked that question..” and then go on to say whatever they want, ignoring the trap-laden question altogether.

We just have to be smart, especially in troublesome times and now with this militarized gestapo and snitch society mindset moving in on us it’s even more important to stay vigilant.

Fear is the killer, but mobility, taking the initiative instead of just reacting, and keeping a listening heart, will keep you and your family safe more than anything and keep you free to be a force for good.

What “a Lert” looks like..

But What If You Get Pinned?

That’s entirely up to you and your situation. I just don’t think it’s healthy to have a stand-off mindset as it invites trouble and plays into their hands. But don’t over spiritualize a situation that warrants force to protect yourself and your loved ones.

My point is it’s better to simply not allow yourself to be funneled into those types of situations, especially if you’re already aware that some confiscation program or search for so-called dissidents is afoot.

Be well. Stay alert at all times. Driving consciously is a good illustration, noticing every little thing around you and listening for warnings. You can be the best driver in the world but if you didn’t slow down, stop or turn when Consciousness tells you to the consequences may not be the optimum outcome you’re looking for.

So-called accidents can usually be avoided and don’t have to happen. Don’t resign or relinquish yourself to anything by unconsciously going along with what is awash around you no matter how “normal” it appears to everyone else. You may never see that accident or traffic stop or mob break out that you avoided by making a pre-emptive conscious choice to take another route, or even most out of dangerous areas.

Stay tuned in and turned on. It actually makes all this insanity a fun ride. We’re in a very energetically empowered time but it requires wise choices and a very real degree of commitment to learn to operate by spiritual radar instead of living inside their “reactor” climate.

Surf’s up! The power is infinite and for the taking. Practice operating in this mode and you’ll see synchronicity and confirmations abound, and a whole lot of empowerment!

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

I Met A Man Today…

I Met A Man Today…

by Zen Gardner


I met a man today.

Ever so briefly. He was tired.

His work boots grounded his humble, yet impressive frame.

As he gathered his rudimentary supplies from the small shopping basket

He placed them on the checkout counter. Slowly. Deliberately.

I dropped the tug of any angst to get home soon. A world was unfolding before me.

His life is hard, but no complaints. No groans. Just resignation on his weary part.

He clearly had a family to feed. Ever so meekly he appears to perform his life functions.

My heart began to bleed in pain and anger as I observed the programmed crap being piled into his plastic bags.

How many beautiful creatures are forced to buy non-nourishing manipulated replacement crap to keep their offspring alive. How many worldwide are forced to eat contaminated shit from the self appointed masters of control.

My heart continued to gush. I was heavy in my shoes as the scene unfolded before me.

This isn’t right.

I wait in another observant world as he does his meek, slow check out. I’m creating prose in my mind of the poignant moment.

I check out after him and follow him to his small scooter outside, a simple Chinese made mode of transplanted transportation most use in these parts where he decorates the handlebars with weighty plastic bags.

Families of four can be seen riding regularly and carrying groceries home on these scooters.

“How may children do you have?” I asked. I could tell he was shopping for a small family.

“Two, ages 7 and 5”, he reluctantly replied in subdued tone.

“Tough economy right now” I brokenly continued, trying to be pertinent and not too obvious as to my intention. He nodded but proudly said he’s getting on OK.

I couldn’t help it, and expecting rejection said as his head bowed to meet my extended hand, “Please take this gift, with love for you and your family” in my broken language, handing him the money I had on hand, a small but hopefully encouraging gift to this unsung saint of humanity.

He took it, thankfully, I’m happy to report. I was afraid this stately man would say no.

It was tough. Humbling for such a proud man and a stretch for me to reach out without embarrassing him or feeling patronizing. But if I didn’t respond to what I felt in that revelatory moment of seeing this display of life highlighted before my very eyes, I too am another living hypocrite.

Thankfully, he accepted.

It was a release, and a good one. I was in tears all the way home. I had witnessed something very special and had the honor to participate in some small way, even if only for my own personal cleansing and growing connectivity.

The most giving and sharing people on planet earth are the poor. They are rich in the real riches, so giving and sharing come easy. I’ve witnessed it in dozens of countries. Reciprocation is only natural and I’m glad I was accepted.

The meek have already inherited the earth.

That is why.

They are grounded.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Where Will You Be When The Music Stops?

Where Will You Be When The Music Stops?

by Zen Gardner


Where will you be? Where will I be? We all know it’s coming. To ignore it is tantamount to insanity. At this point we’re playing musical chairs and everyone knows that clear underlying truth somewhere in their being.

When the music stops is where you will be. Period.

Anyone the least bit aware knows the seriousness of  our pending manipulated world situation and has food, water and other supplies and contingency plans. If they don’t they’re asleep and dangerous. The decidedly unprepared are the ones who will freak out and mooch off the first succulent neighbor they can find.  Just another symptom of the selfish, parasitic driven reality we live in.

Me first, and what’s yours is mine in a pinch. But there’s a way to avoid that scenario.

Being Ready – Are You Asleep or Awake?

Good question. I think location, where Universe wants you and has been steering you is the key.  Naturally, Universe is wherever we are.  But there are always decisions to be made. And thankfully wherever we are is where we are.

If you can fully grok that.

Except perhaps, if we’re too dumb or insensitive to get to this better place we’ve been shown, at least any thinking person should at least prepare for where they are.  What is the excuse for humanity to be hiding its head in the sand in the light of such globalist attacks as we’re sustaining and know they’re planning?

Is intentional government induced dependency the solution? No wonder they’ve created that paradigm. So FEMA the reamer will save you? Doctor Doolittle and his doodlers? C’mon folks! Will the “authorities” who’ve taken away all of your civil and personal rights as they militarize your streets help you?

Think about this.

And this is just the culmination of an increasingly fascistic society. It’s been going on for years and has now metastasized to a monster control system. And one of their central signals is to tell you “all is well”. Sorry, it’s far from well, and is about to shut down any minute.

Musical Chairs

I’ve lived in countries experiencing revolutions, martial law and uprisings. It’s no joke. Americans are about to be woken up so horrifically I personally do not want to be here to witness it first hand. Americans are so sheltered and spoiled they will freak out to such a degree that the rest of the world is going to stand back in absolute shock and awe.

The “great whore is fallen”…and she will fall hard.

It’s estimated there are between 3 and 5 days of food on the currently available supply circuit in the US at any given time. That’s down from 6 months of food from only a few decades ago. Mega cities where the sheep have been deliberately corralled will be decimated if the system shuts down. If that isn’t Orwellian enough, those who “hoard” more than 6 days of food are now suspected terrorists.

Anyone seeing a pattern here?

Where Will You Be?

Getting the picture? Where will you be? Is  your current situation endurable for you and your family and loved ones? Do you have community to help pull together during such a shut down for whatever reason?

That’s the key.

Conscious community. Loving empathetic cooperation in times of stress. But without grasping the drastic nature of what is about to befall us is foolishness, denial, the worst form of sticking our heads in the sand while the whirlwind blows our butts to high heaven.

Real Survival

It’s consciousness; conscious awakened awareness. All else follows. We’re in a spiritual warfare first and foremost. When that’s won, everything else follows….and happily.

If that isn’t clear then keep pursuing and figure it out. But prepare. The shitstorm is coming….very soon.

The loving, conscious  thing is to be ready.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Refuting the Matrix – A Dark Message of Control and Deceit

Refuting the Matrix – A Dark Message of Control and Deceit

by Zen Gardner
February 2, 2017


As captivating at the Matrix movies are, and their exposé of the concept and workings of the matrix construct, the underlying message is one of futility. The struggles against it, as valiant as they are made out to be, are in vain. Ultimately Neo makes the wrong choice, even being told he’s about to make the wrong choice, choosing his personal desires over the good of humanity. The “architect” of the matrix, as in grand architect, a clear reference to Freemasonry, clearly mocks humanity and its futile struggle with itself. Apparently, with their direction, they think we always ultimately make the wrong choice and the cycle has to repeat.

It’s very well done, entrancing people with the false choice of the red and blue pill, the high tech driven construct feeding off of humanity’s energy, and of course the adventure of fighting the bad guys, a constant movie theme for that feel good arousal and emotional release, else we catch on and apply that packaged reality to our real world. This is the same motive for the heavily pushed sports arena and other public contests, giving a release valve to our instinctual frustration and anger over our suppressed condition.

Painted as a challenge to overcome the oppressive matrix, it’s ultimately all false hope and futility against what has been already “programmed”. This gives away their underlying doctrine. In their view humanity cannot break the cycle – we are doomed to repeat it, which the movie makes quite clear in its ending. Why? They think they know us so well we can be manipulated by our very strength – our empathy.

Note also that Neo goes into the “bright light” and as if through a tunnel, giving us the preposterous message they have control over death itself.

Another very telling scene on causality reveals this doctrine, cloaked in false hope and baked in bravado and goofy fight scenes that make no sense. If Neo ultimately gets these super powers and can stop bullets, what the hell is he doing kicking and wielding all these fancy swords and daggers all over the place? But people eat it up, not realizing that as usual, as sensational as it all is to some, Hollywood is hoodwinking them with all kinds of dissonant hogwash to dumb down their perception.

But the principle of causality is a true one, which they live by because it is so powerful. They’re bragging here about what they consider their secret knowledge and their super tool, but it’s no secret, just the nefarious way they use it to manipulate humanity, which is what the occult is all about. But we need to take that causality aspect to heart but not fall for their trick of minimalizing free will, which this film screams, despite the choices that appear to be empowering. In the end, their game of cat and mouse is designed to just keep repeating.

Our actions and inactions and response to what we’re up against determine the outcome, and all intermittent outcomes. When we act on truth we set in motion incredible dynamics. When we don’t, it’s the same but the wrong ones, completely deleterious to the human condition and why we’re in this mess.

That responsibility rests on each of us.

It appears they are compelled to give us a whole lot of truth about what they’re up to. It’s either mockery, shedding guilt and directing it to us for our tacit permission even though we were warned, predictive programming to bring it to pass, or perhaps some other dynamic – or all or some of the above. (See here ) – Basically it’s bullshit in the grand scheme of things. It reminds me of this scene if you’ll excuse the campiness and expected anti-Muslim message:

Don’t be fixated by the intricate machinations of all this illusion. One blast of raw truth does the trick. Their attempts to induce fear only work if we cooperate with them. Unfortunately many are entranced by all this sorcery, which is what empowers it, but it’s ultimately an illusion based on lies. Just as it’s said archons and AI are inorganic influences, our true realm to the contrary is one of spectacular, natural true beauty – and power.

But it begins with identifying what we’re up against. It’s intricate, fascinating and mesmerizing but again, that’s what they feed on – the audience, us, and our naiveté and innocence. They’re harvesting our energy, which this movie clearly states.

I look at it this way. We’re in school, and we can advance as fast or as slow as we want. Some of us are in very advanced education as we awaken more and more. This entire battle we’re in is for our growth and advancement in conscious awareness and development. But the battle is for real.

They play humans as dumb and ignorant, in which they play the major part to make sure is the case by toxifying our minds and bodies and sequestering empowering truths and realities, such as natural law and the eternal and infinite nature of consciousness. What they don’t want us to wake up to is our true nature and the literal war we’re in spiritually. Once we discover that, our warrior spirit arises, and they’re in deep shit.

The Real War Is in the Heart

The real war is not in any sense what they portray. They’d love it if we went berserk and tried to fight them on their terms, conditions and playing field. That’s nothing but the external manifestation of the real war against the lies that bind and perpetrate this illusory play. And it begins in our own hearts, rooting out the false matrix we’ve been conditioned to believe is real. One truly awakened and fully realized soul can set ablaze the fabric of this veil cast over humanity. The principles may seem esoteric and complicated but they’re not. It’s all about truth, real truth. Who and what are we essentially? How attached are we to the goodies of this illusion, the comforts and support that ego so drives people to acquire?

Understanding what’s going on with true knowledge is essential, but we’ll still be one dimensional with no depth perception unless we open all areas of understanding. One is being open and receptive to true knowledge and being willing to see what’s really going on in our world. The second, and more importantly as this is too often neglected, is to be willing to honestly look inside and see the darkness we ourselves are cooperating with. All this in the exterior is a projection of the human state and our compromised, self serving motives and lack of true courage to stand up for full truth.

The other, and most important of all, is our conscious awareness that is looking steadily at the vast infinite resource of our true higher nature and our interconnectivity with Universe and tapping into all of it’s magnificent resources. Without that we’re powerless, but it usually awakens as the other two aspects come into our awareness.

To truly awaken and more importantly, keep awaking, is not a comfortable place. In fact, as John Maxwell aptly said, “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.”


We’re now witnessing a collapsing, increasingly transhuman, AI and otherwise totally controlled world and a potential dystopian future for our children and planet. Seeing such denigrating hubris as this kind of veiled mockery by these Matrix movies and their message, never mind the day to day psychopathic behavior of the socio-political mayhem, it’s a time of decision for each of us.

Do we go all the way and commit to being the very change we desire? Do we have any other choice? It takes death to self and all forms of fear based attachments, including ego. We each have to dig deep and reconcile our issues and come fully alive.

Let go. The water’s fine.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Humpty Trumpty and the Shear in the Matrix

Humpty Trumpty and the Shear in the Matrix

by Zen Gardner
January 30, 2017



Hey Z,

I don’t know if it has occurred to you as well, but the reaction to Trump’s support and presidency is divided by such polar opposites as to be a possible indication of alternative timelines among us.

His vulgarity, misogynist, and racist tendencies have been on full display for everyone to see. Yet, there are those who still think that his populist rhetoric will circumvent all that and keep him on a pedestal of acclaim. I just don’t get it. I think he’s bordering on insanity.

What’s your take on it? – Mark


Hi Mark. Great to hear from you. Great points.

I warned people this Trump thing would go sideways right out of the gate. Those pinning hopes of any kind on some new demagogue in the hierarchy of the matrix are incredibly naive and ungrounded. Besides, the system has to fail for the ground to be tilled to bring new life. The old has to go. Why people keep trying to prop it up or fix it or have any faith in it escapes me. The whole paradigm is the problem, giving our sovereignty away to supposed authorities is their cornerstone. It has to be yanked out, as well as the entire foundation. Not politically, but in our own hearts. That’s where the real problems are rooted.

It’s a very peculiar phenomenon that’s happening now. It was brilliant to bring Trump on, no way it was just a groundswell, that’s just part of the narrative. He has that populist crap going on keeping everyone blinded and jacked up and wide open to absolute fascist control, which they’ll never see coming. Mind you, he could put the whole alt press and media on hold like he did immigration, then feel justified for more repression with the outcry. His war agenda is completely berserk as is his abject Zionism, giving Israel carte blanche support. It takes a psychopath to support a psychopath. He’s just another blind corporate mogul thinking he’s getting stuff done when no one else had the balls, completely deluded and very easy for the deep state to steer and to blame things on when they go haywire. A total set up as usual, even if a few things have perhaps gone off the rails for them.

The Unraveling Accelerates – Good!

But I’m amazed how fast it’s unraveling. He’s barely 10 days in and has galvanized public outcry nationally and internationally like no else has, and in an extremely fragile and volatile, fully interconnected, interdependent world. We know it was set up for this but wow, it’s happening fast. Someone said he’s aligning with Russia and perhaps even China to bring on the NWO which could slip into place before anyone knew what happened. It’s totally unhinged and weird so read between the lines as to what’s really going on, but we know who’s behind it and what the end game is. The ramping up of fear and chaos is their signature. And it will get worse and more confusing to the unwary.

Even more impactful for me is the intense spiritual strangeness that’s being unleashed, which is off the charts.  I don’t know about you, but it has me reeling. I’m sure any spiritual sensitive will agree. We knew this storm was coming but man, it’s ramping up fast and a lot of strange stuff is swirling around. I’ll be writing something about this soon, very important to identify as it’s throwing people into a tizzy and it can feel very dark and scary, but needn’t be.

Timelines and the Shearing of the Veil – A Total Opportunity

Timeline splits and that kind of stuff? Perhaps. It sure feels that way if you’re a conscious observer to all this madness. There’s definitely a shear in the fabric. This is a massive year of opportunity when this type of foundational disarray happens and people are more open, if the internet stays free. Otherwise it’s going to have to be local and one on one, which is ultimately more effective anyway, again showing this all works for good. Whatever, the physical manifestation we’re witnessing has everyone hopping and in the reactive mode, never a good place to be and extremely manipulable as these outcroppings of pent up frustrations surface.

But there’s definitely a huge crack in the psycho-social construct. But again, opportunity knocks as that’s where the truth gets in. A lot of people are going to be trying to make sense of all this and be more willing to shift perspectives and start asking questions and will find the treasure trove of the pre-digested research materials and analyses waiting to be tapped into.

The would-be controllers could be making a big move now seeing how the trend towards waking up is continually accelerating. That’s very feasible but it always backfires. It’s amazing how people thought he was hope and change #2, this time middle Americans that Obama et al crushed and those fed up with political correctness etc., but he’s clearly stacking the deck for oligarchy and with complete abandon. Remarkable. He’s an extremely dumbed down nut case, already a deluded basically gambling capitalist real estate jackal cum beauty pageant and game show host awash in and intoxicated with money and influence, not unlike most of the other parasitic charlatans. Great credentials for leadership, wouldn’t you say?

But now that he’s got this apparent power he’s going berserk with it so expect some real shit to hit the fan. And his handlers are having a field day! Nothing like a good crisis – talk about a crisis actor, ha. They’re ringing their hands with glee right now. By the way, as you know this is what the troops on US soil and armed police are for – and if they can get middle Americans to help police whatever draconian jingoist programs he calls for, slam dunk. We could easily see the mirror reflection of the very political correctness they decry with the rise of the reactionary right. They’re all the same as we know, but that’s how the Fabian/Sabbateans play it. Very clever bastards.

But it’s just going to be a mess as everything breaks down. He’s plowing blindfolded into thousands of dominoes and they’re flying all over and about to run their course in expected as well as unexpected, nor always obvious, ways. It will be wild.

Again, a time of opportunity for people to wake up.

Anyway, he’s certainly the man of the hour., ha. You can’t make this stuff up. Trump couldn’t be a more fitting name, gambling and hailing back to the trumps of apocalypse, or a sound of alarm. Should be interesting how this rolls out, but we’ve been seeing this coming for a long time. The mountain range is clear from a distance, but you start venturing in and and through the foothills and those big old mountains start towering over you. Perspective is everything. “Stay conscious, my friend”- to paraphrase that Dos Equis beer commercial guy. Ha!

Stay in the Spaces – You Can Move Freely and Hear from Source

The key is to move in the spaces opening up. Penetrate every opportunity like rain on the cracks of a thirsty desert. And hook up with people locally now. Don’t wait for the shutdown. You’ll be glad you did, now, and then.

They’ve shut these natural conscious “space” channels down completely with tech now. On phones and computers, busy with work and amusements. No time to just be still and listen and learn or do any self work where the real issues lie that are causing all this external projection. That’s why I’m so thankful for this shift in my life. Off the treadmill is the place to be, in every sense.

But all this we’re witnessing is insane, in a nutshell – it always has been, but at least it’s coming out and shaking people up. Hang in there. The fun’s only beginning.

Like Mark Twain said, “When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.” Ha! Stay free and happy brother.

Love you!



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Carefully Calculated Mass Migration Agenda

The Carefully Calculated Mass Migration Agenda

by Zen Gardner
September 6, 2015


This mass migration plan has been in the works for a long time, but they’re kicking it up several serious notches now, flooding the US borders while continuing to swarm European countries with any immigrants they can from a variety of cultures.

What and who is behind it?

Clearly staged US/NATO/Israeli sponsored terrorism and genocide are at work in the middle east, driving desperate people to seek asylum elsewhere, as the US mandates inviting in as many as possible over its southern border. And all in concert.

As usual, they give themselves away in their own documents and bloated speeches to their own inner circle. In particular, United Nations globalist fat cat Peter Sutherland, non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs and former BP CEO, never mind top Bilderberger and Trilateral Commission honcho, has come right out and stated their plan as plainly and arrogantly as possible.

It’s not clear that the comment made by last week by Peter Sutherland, the UN’s special representative for migration, really counts as a “gaffe,” since Sutherland seems to have no sense that what he said might have been disturbing.

Sutherland was speaking to the British House of Lords, according to a BBC report published last Thursday, and said that the European Union should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states, because “the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.”

He also, according to the Beeb, suggested “the UK government’s immigration policy had no basis in international law.” (Kind of a novel interpretation of the authority of international law over a state’s control of its borders, but that wasn’t the worst of it.)

The report goes on:

Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development, which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.

He told the House of Lords committee migration was a “crucial dynamic for economic growth” in some EU nations “however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states”.

Yes, I bet it is hard to explain to those citizens, especially when the UN rep looks like he’s in cahoots with the EU to deliberately flood and multi-culturalize Europe via outside populations. Sutherland’s answer, of course, is that this is purely an economic problem (and where have we heard that before?)

An aging or declining native population in countries like Germany or southern EU states was the “key argument and, I hesitate to use the word because people have attacked it, for the development of multicultural states”, he added.

“It’s impossible to consider that the degree of homogeneity which is implied by the other argument can survive because states have to become more open states, in terms of the people who inhabit them. Just as the United Kingdom has demonstrated.”

[Sutherland] told the committee: “The United States, or Australia and New Zealand, are migrant societies and therefore they accommodate more readily those from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others.”

“And that’s precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine.” [emphasis mine]


That’s pretty straightforward, to say the least. Where does he get his hubris? They’ve been doing this for a long time whether local officials want it or not.

The implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 and other programs such as Codex Alimentarius have been eroding society’s fabric behind the scenes like termites eating out a building’s infrastructure. All while bankster backed globalists mastermind the various tentacles manipulating humanity via their multinational banking, political and corporate stooges.

It’s important to note that the UN Sustainability 2030 Program is set to be ratified by the UN later this month. A major step up.

Coincidence? Not on your life.

The Planned Immigration Crisis

Again, the plan has been in effect for quite some time, breaking down American borders and homogenizing their weakened populace in a deliberately devastated economy being more militarized by the day in preparation for a societal breakdown, the very one they’ve engineered. Just as in Europe.

In addition, it is bringing massive division in America as they once again employ the age old totalitarian maxim to “divide and conquer.”

Here’s how they’ve led up to now in the US:

Behind the endless throngs of desperate Central American children arriving on the U.S. border and a steady wave of illegal immigrants from Mexico and beyond is a covert plan for global economic warfare — those building up the world of globalization are tearing down the sovereignty and financial strength of the United States and Europe to make way for the coming corporate new world order.

A generation of sending American jobs offshore under NAFTA, GATT and the WTO, dumping cheap corn on Mexico thereby destroying millions of farming jobs and unleashing disruptive retailers like Wal-Mart upon the fragile economies of Latin America have created turmoil, uncertainty and rivers of human migration… and along with it bitter tension and discord over the dynamics of immigration, illegal immigration and the struggle for a lasting standard of living under the New World Order.

The globalist plan to wreck our national sovereignty has been unfolding for awhile now…things are just speeding up in recent months.


EU Overload

This rapidly unfolding development defies any sense of sovereignty, as clearly intended. The sense of insecurity and outrage is palpable in regular citizens as this unabated, uncontrolled onslaught continues. While besieged countries of course seek refuge from their economically and militarily bombarded societies, the western nations perpetrating these attacks are on one hand publicly appalled at their “invasion” and desire to flee their devastated homelands, while with the other encouraging this very phenomenon.

Your typical Freemasonic playing of both sides of the chess game. That’s simply how they work, and always have. The unwitting are caught up in a cognitive dissonant state of choosing either false side, which shuts down mental rationality and intuitive understanding. In most – but not all.

But what would you do in the face of seeing super powers contesting over your very soil and homeland while at the same time destroying it? Would you sit there with your loved ones simply observing and hoping for the best? Or would you flee for seemingly safer grounds?

Brazen Bullshit and Tossing Wrenches

That’s the question to ask those refusing to wake up as we point out these obvious truths. The awakening lights fires under people and that’s a good thing, to get them off the fence and out of their perilous stunned and bewildered state. There’s no place more dangerous than not only being on the defensive, but in a condition of fear and confusion. Never mind a place under immediate attack, something about which most of the modern western world has no clue.


That makes sitting ducks out of unaware individuals. But the tide is turning.

These entities are now pushing their programs with abject impunity while humanity tries to wrestle with these issues on a corrupt, futile, and inept political level. It won’t be until they fully grasp the big picture of what is being perpetrated that the people will have a true awareness of the scope of humanity’s planned takeover and the importance of not feeding the beast with their energy and cooperation any longer.

And standing strong in that awareness while pushing back in every way possible.

Knowledge and understanding eradicate fear, which is why their media minions make it so hard to connect the dots. But their illusive veil is coming down at a terrific rate now and I expect we’re going to see some serious wrenches thrown into their machinery. And it comes through awake and aware individuals.

You, and me.

To empower others with the truth is our most important duty, especially at this perilous time in history.

Keep on no matter what. And don’t fall for the fear and confusion agenda. They’ll be turning it up more and more so be on your toes and keep your vibrations high.

And chuck a few wrenches into their insane machinery while you’re at it.

Every wrench counts! Let’s grind this fucking beast to a halt. Gather some fortitude and do something radical. Their machinery is exposed and vulnerable. Let’s do some damage in any way we feel compelled. Lob the unexpected of any sort into any situation you can. Let them handle the results.

After all, that’s what they do to us. Nothing unauthorized going on here! 🙂

Now go have a nice day.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Beware the Candyman – Don’t Get Willy Wonked

Beware the Candyman – Don’t Get Willy Wonked

by Zen Gardner
January 8, 2014


This has mostly to do with the conscious community but can be applied at any level. Wherever there is spiritual juice you’ll find the givers, the takers, and the very clever manipulators. It’s just a fact of life. Some people just can’t help themselves, they see an “opportunity” wherever they look, whether consciously or subconsciously. Yes, there are spiritual forces at play, often the same kind they claim to be delivering others from.

Sad thing is they prey on the willing, those who have had an awakening at any level who want to take their new found freedom further and better themselves and the suffering world around them.

I’ve always tended to be rather naive, trusting in the best in people. I’ll always bend toward that side, but there’s a time to get savvy.

Just because someone professes much of what you’ve come to learn does not make them a source you can trust. Much of what we get from the new age movement is obviously so. Selling this and that “alternative” realization, spiritual clearing technique or healing package does not mean it’s bonafide. Having to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” comes to mind.

The Candyman Can

This came to me reflecting on the many seemingly “attractive” offers from internet sources cropping up in our midst. All kinds of therapies and treatments, psychic and otherwise, are being offered, much like an alternative drugstore. The hawkers are rife on the net and some are preying on the innocent like hungry hornets devouring a beehive..again, consciously or not.

The driven are often blinded by their lust.

What normally comes to mind with most people are the obvious psychic network TV types or sleazy carnival and streetside hawkers, although even some of those are legit. The ones you have to watch out for are those slickly embedded in the alternative and new age community fabric.

Take this illustration to heart that came to me today, there’s a lot to be learned from it:


Yes We Can

The Candyman can alright. Being preyed upon is not just from the external matrix, but the internal one as well. I treasure my life experience, so when someone tries to play me for my generosity of spirit it burns pretty bad. The abuses are often out of pure envy, because the insecure and selfishly afflicted can’t help themselves from doing so. They have to bring the playing field down to their level where they consider it fair.

It’s a form of jealous revenge. A matrix attribute for sure, but it’s oh so subtle in the oft extremely sensitive conscious alternative realm.

Religion is a grotesque manifestation of this that can easily be identified. The issue I’m addressing is a very subtle virus, a worm working in our midst, no matter how it’s disguised or where it comes from. But it’s easily called out and shrinks quickly when confronted. The challenge is identifying it, especially after its had its chance to do damage to your spiritual software.

Do Unto Others? – Suck Ups, Groupies and Sycophants

While we’re at it we should address these unsavory phenomena. While we’ve all fallen for varying levels of these unconscious behaviors and been led by or swept into emotionally driven trends and machinations, we need to call it like it is – both to help others as well as to keep ourselves from the sticky, infectious craftiness of the kling-ons.

One interesting phenomenon that is quite empowering is knowing that those who expect and revel in this dependent energy via adoration and subservience are invariably subjected to the same dynamic, some revered personality they latch on to or embodied source of some sort they consider above and beyond them, generally another layer of hierarchy, that will help elevate them in the process.  The illuminati, to generalize, for example are horrifically bound to obligatory actions, oaths and ceremony and report to way higher authorities, those that granted them their temporal powers from both here and beyond.

Pretty sad. But this aspect will be evident in the types that expect it of others. It’s a dead giveaway. That and their proud shallow arrogance in their effort to give off the air of authority when actually possessing none. The truly free have realized that all of that is part of the matrix at lower vibrational occult levels. The less aware will have a harder time discerning this.

That’s my concern.


If this makes sense to you and resonates at some level you probably already innately know this to some extent, and you’ll soon see more and more manifestations of this subversive aspect. Admittedly nothing is black and white, but when you see a trend or have misgivings, know you’re not alone in all of this and that your misgivings regarding your situation at hand may very well not be unfounded.

This is a great time to get centered, look objectively around you, and even check with trusted friends and colleagues about your suspicions. Everything deserves investigation.

An important point to make here is that this isn’t to say many worthy empowering products, voices and services don’t deserve our support. Not at all. The overwhelming majority of alternative information I’ve seen testifies to the good works taking place that well deserve our supportive energy and finances. Those abound and we should be generous and supportive.

The difference is in the taking. The control. The inherent dominance anyone requires of you as a subject is a danger signal, under which we become debilitated deer in the headlights. That is and should be alarming.

We are our own solution. The rest is peripheral.

Sweet Relief

Notice the Candyman gives what the kids clamor for. Seemingly innocent perhaps at some level, which is the intent, but clearly Willy and Co. are playing on accentuated desires. “And the candyman makes the world taste good cuz he thinks it should”…as he goes on to direct them to the high priest of sweets, the seditious and manipulative yet seemingly wonderful and magical Willy Wonka, your archetypical Wizard of Ooze.

Dependency programming at its very root.

Watch for it. Be careful to not be too cynical about everything as there’s wonderful folks doing wonderful things, but don’t get taken advantage of. There’s plenty of maladjusted people like voracious vendors at a pop festival ready to play you with cheap goods, rip off prices and bad drugs, and then they skip out in the shadows.

Of course not all are that bad, but definitely not all are all that good.

Test the waters and walk circumspectly.

Staying at a higher vibrational level and not coming under the power of others is more important now than ever.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Cosmic Shift, Unconscious Crazies and Moving Forward

The Cosmic Shift, Unconscious Crazies and Moving Forward

by Zen Gardner
August 12, 2013


There’s a lot of very interesting information available on this transition we’re going through and with many interpretations, and some great advice on how to manage these vibrational changes. My personal take is to stay very alert and aware on every front, most of all with my thoughts and feelings, remaining the observer monitoring what’s going on within and without me.

Don’t ever forget, your very thoughts and feelings at times may not even be your own but tainted by ingrained programming or some morphed projection from these both occult and hyper-technological insanely driven would-be controllers to steer humanity.

This is especially dangerous when our guards are down.

For me staying on alert also means keeping abreast of the news, the real news. It’s watching for trends, not just in the NWO rollout or political news, but following earth and space changes is very important. How our planet and solar system are behaving is intrinsic to getting a deeper sense of the energetic changes we’re undergoing. And sensing the spiritual changes around you is also imperative, much of which is intuitive.

Close communication via regular networking with other awake and aware activists is one of your best resources for keeping your finger on the pulse and grasping the big picture. Once you get rounded well-sourced information on our fluctuating condition the dots connect.

But we have to keep at it, especially now.

Real information is everything. It’s our spiritual food. Either we’re getting the adulterated stuff or we’re getting real nourishment. It makes a world of difference in how we feel and think and affects the very course of our lives and hence the rest of humanity since we each affect everything so profoundly. I avoid raw TV almost entirely and keep it unplugged.  It’s toxic and completely destructive. If there’s something worth watching as in breaking news, fine. But generally you’ll find what you’re looking for on the net where you can be in control of it. If you have to watch anything, limit it carefully and always mute the advertisements, hopefully instinctively.

It’s all part of remaining vigilant and detoxed. It all adds up. Same with steering clear of EMF pollution and using protective devices, changing out CFL bulbs, buying organic etc.

Conscious, Observant Living Is A Must – Beware the Unconscious Crazies

Learning to listen to our hearts, our real consciousness that taps into the central Source, and observe from that point is the key. As things start to pick up more speed as they are now this will be more and more important when mental processes become increasingly affected.

The mind is much like the computer that is susceptible to an EMP blast, a large electromagnetic pulse; the same kind that can stop your computer controlled car, all electrical supply and appliances and shut down the grid. The heart, however, your conscious spirit, only revels in the additional energetic bursts and will never let you down!

Now that’s empowerment – but we have to be careful.

We need to watch out for erratic behavior.

People are going to start unraveling before our eyes. Many will have psychotic type reactions to these vibrational changes especially as the matrix degrades into chaos, and we need to be wary wherever we are. As the system crumbles and basic needs become scarce this will get magnified many times over.

Society as we knew it will morph quickly so being centered and preparing those around us is imperative. It will not be nice, nor make “sense”.

It’s a very sad reality but we need to be on our toes. People may not be as they “seem” to be, nor as you would like to believe they are or “could” be. And there will be no rational control over them. This will include many of your relatives and loved ones. Not a lot will make sense as things come apart at the seams.

We who are awakened and aware of the greater depths of reality and where this all fits in the cosmic and otherwise scheme of things understand.

They don’t. Nor are they willing to accept a greater truth or reference point.

Hence: We’ll be witnessing some crazy behavior, to keep it colloquial. Psychologically and spiritually it’s much, much deeper.

Make Friends and Help Each Other

This dynamic has changed my life and many that of many others. I spend almost my full waking time on the internet and otherwise discussing in every medium possible with loved ones and targeted movers and shakers about what’s going on. There is so much to learn and there are so many amazing wonderful people who have been researching and compiling empowering information I just don’t have time for anything else. I get my walk and take breaks but it’s my full time passion because it to me is the essence of what’s happening and where I can best help and be the most effective.

Contributing to this massive wake up is all that really matters to me.

I’m a communicator. And I’m not afraid to ask questions, or to thank and try to help those who have contributed so much to this truth revolution. This has led to the best friendships of my life. I wrote to others like myself how many of us seem to be alone when in reality we’re most likely where we’re supposed to be, yet we’re united in spirit.

I received many touching comments to that post as it apparently resonated with quite a few people. Many also said they don’t mind the isolation. That’s the world they work and learn best in, and I relate to that. Most of the people I correspond with are the same. We savor conscious awareness and spreading it and helping to empower the changes we’re led to contribute to. It’s an act of love that gives tremendous satisfaction that at least we’re doing what we can.

And we do the same in our daily interactions.

These friendships that have come with meeting fellow activists are the best. They’re almost like broadening your antenna array to where you can pick up clearer signals and bounce your “readings” off those you love and trust. So often a little inkling or sensation or an email and link from a friend or comment on my site can lead to new realms of understanding and even new researchers and whole areas you weren’t aware of and a fresh re-synthesizing of what you’ve come to learn.

It’s just fabulous.

But we have to reach out.

Conclusion – Activate or Else

These energetic changes accompanying this huge scale awakening are not the answer. We are the answer. Those they affect who in turn willingly transform and pass it on, helping others understand and utilize what’s going on, are the answer.

You and me.

With or without any new cosmic or otherwise energies, combined with all we’re co-experiencing, our mission is the same. And what a great time to be alive as this awakening and all its accompanying energies unfold. Good for conscious  humanity, but bad for the matrix whose minions are scared to death of what’s happening.

This is why we’re seeing the frantic implementation of the control system. Poor puny bastards. It’s like a bucket of water on a raging forest fire. Sorry guys, you’ve already lost. You really think you can fight the Truth? C’mon.

But we do need to keep exposing them so others can see through their false projection and find empowering Truth and Reality for themselves.

Keep On!

We’re here to act out our mission, however we’re each called. We can follow, we can lead. We can sit by the wayside.

I don’t personally condone non-action in the least. We need to be conscious responders. Not inexcusable idiots. That’s thoroughly pathetic. I think we’ve all been through enough of that..and so have the enslaved.

Raise your voice.

Radiate your energy and the change any way you can!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition

The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition

by Zen Gardner
September 20, 2016


“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” -Vladimir Lenin

This concept eludes public awareness to a scary degree. It’s similar to the reality of false flag operations, the epitome of carefully planned societal manipulation by unseen forces who have no regard for the human condition other than to control it.

This is so very similar to the slogan of the nefarious Mossad: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.”

And the war is on us; for the subjugation, exploitation and control of….us.

The human race.

It’s all misdirection, controlled opposition for the mind. This game of ruthless deception is endemic to the fabric of the entire matrix.

Useful Idiots and the Puppeteers

The obvious NATO/US backed insurgences in Syria, the Ukraine, Venezuela, as well as most of the Middle East and now Africa and other nations, past and present, are perfect examples of controlled opposition on the political stage. As awful as that is, the problem is way deeper than that.

We’ve all been useful idiots at one time or other. No one’s been fully conscious or completely independent of these influences all of their lives. We all have had to compromise in some manner just to survive in the matrix.

This social landscape is an engineered one, and we help build and maintain it at varying degrees of conscious awareness until we disengage. Some aspects become more obvious than others to different people. The banking system for example has been getting hammered by the awakening. The full extent of its control is known by very few, but people are getting the idea. And it leads to more questions.

That’s how it works.

Many people come to the awakening via the health crisis we’re facing, with contaminated and mutated foods being forced into the market without the slightest compunction from our ever-so-caring slightly disguised crypto fascist central State. Just going to natural food or natural or alternative medicine sites is another way to go into the Wardrobe and land in a Narnia of Truth they had no idea existed.

For those looking to help others, this is a great way to approach someone still under the spell to get them started looking around. GMO awareness has jacked and is a great entry point. And just like the bankster revolving door with government, the Monsanto/Merck et al. infestation of so-called health agencies, this will make their heads spin if they’re willing to see it.

Geoengineering and Fukushima are other portals to the awakening. The surreal potential ELE nature of these assaults is seriously disrupting many entrained minds.

Finding out the extent of our own involvement is a trip in itself, and will lead to many wonderful, sometimes disturbing discoveries. Even more so is realizing the source of information we were trusting was tainted, twisted and distorted, or as in most cases, a complete fabricated lie, propped up by the energy of those that believed it. Matrix battery pods powering the collective.

What Really Matters

Religion, politics, education and the economic meme are of course the most predominant in the mainstream mind. But important things like where we came from, why we’re even here and where we’re going are barely addressed, and if they are it’s all gobbledygook designed to confuse and stifle the human spirit. Or freeze it into a debilitating religious paradigm where we wait for the cavalry to save us and are told “the powers that be are ordained by God”.

This is the true controlled opposition, although we’ll get to the modern oracles of this insidious ploy soon enough.

We have to see this for what it is. Anything short is not going to cut it. Just about every aspect of the opposing paradigms we’ve been handed as the absolute truth are designed. And even outside protesting elements who seem to know what’s going on are often generated by, or soon channeled by, these same overlords.

Here’s where and how the manipulation kicks in. Just like the controlled State media propaganda, there have to be enough apparent facts to cultivate credibility. Just enough. They won’t overdo it unless it’s some innocuous subject. Many of those “facts” will be wrapped in fear and violence as well, designed to cauterize your sensitivity while heightening your fear.

Religions have effectively done this for eons. Tapping into your inner knowledge of the spiritual and mixing in a few truths, they have no problem steering you straight into a numbed state of docile subservience to some weird-ass hierarchy of spiritual and physical abuse. In the name of God of course. Name dropping, anyone? Oh, and in the name of that guy they can send you and your kids off to fight their wars, build and support oppressive exploitative corporations, or be a professional gladiator and gain fame and fortune pounding other contestants into the ground to the roar of the frenzied, flag waving mob.

It’s Rarely Black and White – Deliberately

Layered in the imposed matrix are many overlapping memes and projected illusions, rendering fundamental empowering truths either hidden altogether, disguised or distorted. In a loving, uncontrolled conscious world there would be no need to hide anything. Instead, this mutant matrix system is built on deceit in order to spiritually disconnect and disempower those they wish to exploit.

Think of the mega volumes of information and technology being held from public knowledge under the guise of “national security”. How about “closed door meetings” or “need to know basis” or the vast labyrinth of secret ops operating in their vast network built on compartmentalization in the name of science or military confidentiality.

Now slide over to the Vatican sitting on brutally gained secret history accounts for centuries.

Does this make any sense to you?

Why do they keep all this as separate concepts? Connect them and they form a picture, a very clear one. Our entire society is completely staged, controlled and with vastly sinister intent.

(Fareed Zakaria is a confirmed CFR member)

Who’s Controlling Whom?

 I try to be very careful about what I read and certainly what I “take on board” in my mind and heart. I’ll look at just about anything, even mainstream drivel, to keep an eye on stuff and get the pulse of what’s going on.

But I’m very careful. I know I get fooled sometimes like anyone, but I’m not afraid to admit when I’m wrong. In fact it’s a joy every time that happens. Hey, I got another damn velcro hook off my spiritual body!

And media outlets and information sources are something to look at very closely and carefully. And keep watching.

It’s never, or should I say rarely, totally clear cut as to who is who. Someone can be piping out a high percentage of true information, but then throw in some massive monkey wrench that few see coming. Sometimes it’s the tone. I’m skeptical of crass self-promoters who are caught up in their image. If there’s that much ego there’s that much less conscious awareness, and the love starts running thin. If people can’t see past all the evil in this world to the wondrous beauty of the Universe and the amazing unlimited potential of the human spirit, I wonder about their information, or at least how it’s used.

But no one’s perfect, so we need to see and process the good and the Truth, and chuck the husks in the trash. It can take time and things morph, so it’s all part of the process.

Snowden, Color Revolutions, Wikileaks, Occupy, “Parties” and Other Corruptible Things

Keep a close eye out on these supposed whistleblowers. While we need real ones to come forward desperately, those that attain public acclamation by way of major media attention are always suspect. This is because the corporate media is completely controlled. They may let out some truth, but it’s always to inoculate us against the full truth. There is no more responsible mainstream media today.

These 6 big corporations running everything media are a fascist cabal.

I’ve written much about Snowden and my suspicions, as have many others. When the Wikileaks phenomenon appeared, I and many others were again very skeptical. It was playing right into the globalists’ plan, not the least of which is to muzzle the internet and smokescreen real events. Like most disinfo outlets, it conveniently sidestepped, minimized or dodged many of the really important issues. And sure enough, Assange was groomed in the Oligarchs’ machine for years. When he came out and said 9/11 was NOT an inside job…that cemented the deal.

It’s very similar to how these “partial” whistleblowers never mention Israel or the Zionist influence. Incredible.

The Occupy movement was clearly engineered to be a controlled opposition release valve. Wonderful things still happened, but they managed to dilute and mis-steer the message enough to diffuse its greatest potential effects. The Orwellian stomp down by the Police State was off the charts, and of course the State run media made nothing of it.

Gone. But people got involved, that’s good.

The Tea Party? Again, born of a driven passion to stand up within that paradigm. Now? Zionist stooges Michelle Bachman, Glenn Beck and Hannity types are all over a wimped out “movement”, a form of expression that desperate middle class folks were joining in for the first times in their lives. Neutered and detoured once again. And now a ridiculed arm of the republican party.

Who Are the Moles?

Who is this controlled opposition? Here is a recent example that came to light that would normally go unreported by the mainstream media.  This is a good sign.

Did an undercover cop help organise a major riot?

From the Stephen Lawrence inquiry we learned that the police were institutionally racist. Can it be long before we learn that they are also institutionally corrupt? Almost every month the undercover policing scandal becomes wider and deeper. Today I can reveal a new twist, which in some respects could be the gravest episode yet. It surely makes the case for an independent public inquiry – which is already overwhelming – unarguable.

Before I explain it, here’s a summary of what we know already. Thanks to the remarkable investigations pursued first by the victims of police spies and then by the Guardian journalists Rob Evans and Paul Lewis (whose book Undercover is as gripping as any thriller), we know that British police have been inserting undercover officers into protest movements since 1968. Their purpose was to counter what they called subversion or domestic extremism, which they define as seeking to “prevent something from happening or to change legislation or domestic policy … outside the normal democratic process”. Which is a good description of how almost all progressive change happens. Source

Their influence is vast. We have no idea how many inroads have been made and how the military industrial government complex has infiltrated and controlled all we see and hear at this point, even within our alternative community.

It’s staggering, but it doesn’t frighten me. It’s expected.

Follow your heart. You’ll know.

So Will the Wake Up Be In Time?

Clearly we’re up against massively orchestrated activities, outlets and manufactured disinformation, and there’s much controversy on this subject. It’s a huge part of their agenda. Never mind…it’s just the matrix at work. Rise above it.

But will humanity “get it” in time?

It’s always in time…individually and collectively. Once you’ve popped into Now awareness and even begin to grasp the fact that all this is a sham and a fabricated facade, you’re virtually home free.

Your participation in propping up this fake social landscape will fall off like over-sized pants.

It just happens.

Enjoy it, but be responsive. We’ve all got to make a difference. That’s where the revolution lies. Right there.

Respond. Consciously. And in love.

Much love and all the best, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Pugnacious Parasites and the Provocation

Pugnacious Parasites and the Provocation

by Zen Gardner
April 02, 2016


Everyone knows the unscrupulously manipulative always accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.

It’s an age old trick to obfuscate the obvious and buy time to accomplish their purposes. Lying is their pathological language. Such behavior, especially in high profile public figures, is unthinkable, yet for some inexplicable reason it is not just tolerated, but ironically readily expected.

People still buy into it. And the reaction always remains the same. Complacency on the most part, and a rising sense of anger in others.

No doubt a byproduct of cognitive dissonance and range of other deliberately triggered mechanisms, but surreal just the same.

A Bald Faced Lie is a Punch in the Face

This is essentially what transpires when someone knowingly lies to your face.

It jars your mind and pushes you back on the defensive and you’re left to try and understand why your heart and head are not matching up with what you just heard.

Everyone, except these willingly possessed psychopaths, has a conscience. And it’s faithful to speak to us. This is why humanity has been conditioned to not respond to it, and also why fear is so essential to their game. When our signals are scrambled, our gut reaction belittled and intuition denied we’re left in a daze.

This is exactly what they want to happen. It gives them time to keep executing their programs, especially when a complicit media candies and bandies it about as if it’s true and nothing to question.

This is the whirled we’re in and up against. Again, another reason to stay fully conscious and circumspect and thoroughly educated as to their techniques and true nature.

Not pretty stuff to look at, but understand it we must.

Abject bullies like Israel are relatively easy to spot – if we grasp their obvious odious nature and where they’re coming from.

The bully in the playground works by pure intimidation and force and will resort to any form of expression they can – loud mouthed intimidation, brandishing weapons, and all bathed in swaggering bravado right up to and including physical force to get their point across.

Send a signal is their MO. And those who don’t cower, teach them a lesson. Again, just look at the abject genocidal insanity of the Israeli occupiers. Now that they’ve gained control of most of the world’s media, especially in the west, what they say goes.

And if the media or governments don’t toe their line well enough they’ll hear from these vociferous, self serving elitist beasts.


The Provocation

Another aspect of bullying is provoking your supposed enemy.

The US is at this big time, deliberately firing up the conservative right and constitutionalists. It’s full on deliberate. The opulent extravagance of the Obamas, the clearly deliberate crashing of the economy, the flagrant trashing of patriotism and removal of individual rights are all carefully planned.

Threatening to disarm fiercely independent Americans is an essential part of this agenda.

The mass migration agenda is the same. While the US gets inundated with needy Central Americans with clear governmental manipulation, Europe is similarly being swept with an influx that threatens their economies and cultural identities.

What’s most amazing about this is anyone can read this agenda for themselves from UN statements and documents and the Agenda 21 or 2030 programs. That so many can’t be bothered to look into much of this is outright frightening.

Israel again is a master example of aggressive agendas designed to push back common sense and reason as well as true empathy for the plight of others. A clearly apartheid state while claiming they were the victims of such treatment is completely nonsensical. It flies in the face of simple reason and logic.

Yet they get away with it.


They’ve taken over the media and political structures through the same tactics of intimidation and potential consequence by their massive Mossad/CIA/MI6 black hand of control.

Strategy of Tension and Not Just Provoking, but Demonizing Your Subjects

What’s amazing is the thoroughness of psychopathic social engineers. This is where we need to wake up and get smart.

They operate according to something called the Strategy of Tension, keeping peoples and nations nervous and afraid and more inclined to rely on government and enforcement to protect them. It also homogenizes cultures in a form of group think and a state of malleability due to this state of fear.

The extension of their influence is far and wide. Mass shootings, weird mass “accidents” at certain interims, and most of all false flags, never mind assassinations and the like. This has been the weapon of choice for every totalitarian regime for eons and a real favorite of this latest push for world dominion by these psychopaths.

The end result, ironically, is not entirely to direct everyone’s attention to a foreign enemy. That’s just a ruse and excuse for genocide and expansion. The enemy to them is within – us.

We must be contained like animals and malleable to their every whim.  So-called domestic terrorism has been a meme on the rise.

The deliberate migration of “potential muslim extremists” is a key part of this, as any and every incident they stage can more and more be justified and conveniently blamed on outside influences.

The end result is the same: clampdown on the populace.

Just look at this propaganda piece brought to you by the Rothschild/Rockefeller owned and CIA/Mossad/MI6 et all run Reuters news agency: 

U.S. eyes ways to toughen fight against domestic extremists

The U.S. Justice Department is considering legal changes to combat what it sees as a rising threat from domestic anti-government extremists, senior officials told Reuters, even as it steps up efforts to stop Islamic State-inspired attacks at home.

Extremist groups motivated by a range of U.S.-born philosophies present a “clear and present danger,” John Carlin, the Justice Department’s chief of national security, told Reuters in an interview.

“Based on recent reports and the cases we are seeing, it seems like we’re in a heightened environment.”(source)

The agenda is obvious…

If we’re looking…the language as well is a giveaway, the smooth talking and use of buzz phrases like “clear and present danger”, “national security” and the like are rife.

The Subtler Techniques of Deceit

This may seem a bit tangential to the main point I’m making here but is nonetheless essential information if we’re to more fully understand how these tactics are carried out on subtler levels.

You’ll see the following logical fallacy tactics in use continually, but unfortunately most people fall for them for lack of discernment as well as awareness of just what deceitful people are capable of doing.

This is a big subject well worth researching on your own but here are a few to get you started:

These are just a few examples.

It’s a field well worth exploring and getting a handle on. When you dissect and analyze these mechanisms it is extremely empowering.

1. The Strawman Argument

Misrepresenting someone’s argument to make it easier to attack.


After Will said that we should put more money into health and education, Warren responded by saying that he was surprised that Will hates our country so much that he wants to leave it defenseless by cutting military spending.

You’ll see this in use continually especially in the political and government arenas.

It’s very clever really, side-stepping the real issue and misdirecting the argument to a false issue having nothing to do with the original question or discussion.

2. The False Choice Dilemma

Giving an extremely narrow range of choice to an issue or situation that is much wider than is being portrayed with virtually unlimited possibilities.

Baby Bush’s carefully framed post 9/11 statement is the classic geopolitical example:

“You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists.”

You have to admit that’s pretty damn galvanizing.

But in what way? Now you can’t question what the “good guys” are doing or you might be with “axis of evil”? That’s what it’s since come down to.

Again, cleverly staged propaganda by these very intelligent psychopaths. Keeping the public drugged and dumbed down would sure work in their favor, wouldn’t it?

3. Correlation versus Causation

You can apply this across the board. It’s so easy to assume what we’re told is true in this context. Beware…

The easiest example is when two events occur at the same time, or in close apparent relation with each other. One is then seen as the cause of the other. An increase in robberies occurs at the same time that jobs cuts are announced, for example.

There is no evidence to support the claim that the expected job losses caused the increase in robberies.

This is best seen in false flag events when the enemy or culprit is named before any investigation whatsoever. If someone “claims” responsibility it’s case closed, as they go after their pre-selected patsy to confirm this or already executed this planted persona on the spot.

Done deal…

4. Overgeneralization or Oversimplification

This is another framework for logical fallacies.

Generalizing from too small of a population, or reducing complex social issues to only one choice or the other, and leaving out the complex issues that do not support the claim are examples of fallacies that stem from overgeneralization and oversimplification. (source of last two citations)

All That To Say…

Be on the look out.

Stay alert and awake and aware. What we see around us is not what we get, unless we fall for it and thereby make it our reality. Personal empowerment in such an environment as we’re living in is essential.

But you have to do the work.

Psychopaths are running the external world. It’s more evident by the day to more and more people. Those not fully on board even at higher and middle levels are being bullied into it within the power structure.

They can see who the apparent heirs are to the coming positions of power so they’re buckling under the pressure in an effort to save their hides.

Others at many levels of society are waking up and looking for ways to expose this nefarious agenda and help humanity push back in whatever way it can. We need to keep our voices loud and clear and distinctly truthful and helpful.

There may be many vectors by which they’re coming at us, be they,

…and the like, but we’re clearly up to the challenge.

After all, we’re here! We’re thriving just fine in spite of all they do, and we’re growing stronger by the day.

Never forget that, let down your guard, nor grow weary in well doing.

This is our day – not theirs. Let’s fulfill our mission, and use the massive spiritual weapons at our disposal – love, truth, our connection to Source and essential eternal nature which can never be taken away.

Stay true…


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Futuretime – Masterstroke of Suspended Animation

Futuretime – Masterstroke of Suspended Animation

by Zen Gardner
March 1, 2016


‘The Cult’, Trump and the Rest of Us

by Kathleen Stilwell
November 17, 2016


A recent conversation between Jeff Rense and Linda Stone titled “Did the Cult Give Trump a ‘Briefing’?” got me thinking.

Over the past months, as I pondered our recent presidential (s)election here in the US, I wondered why so much of the alternative media seemed to view Trump as a messiah of sorts. The liberty movement (patriots who want to ‘restore the republic’ or ‘restore the constitution’) seemed particularly elated at Trump’s win.

How is it that we, as truth seekers, can understand that the system is rigged, that we are manipulated into choosing our controllers, and not assume that Trump was, at least on some level, selected to be president? Why would we imagine the powers which have controlled us for eons would now step aside just because a man who was not already completely taken over moved into the White House?

As someone deeply interested in our awakening, in transforming our world, in freeing our resources from an imprisoning monetary system, I could not understand how either candidate would help us get there.

Trump did say some very inspiring things about restoring some of our liberties. We would all feel great relief if some of this police-state government could be dismantled. But this is not enough.

Trump’s entire “success”, his celebrated life path, is deeply linked to the life-force-draining monetary system that has us all living lives of quiet desperation.

Trump’s corporations and his celebrity family represent the same old stifling social order filled with order followers and place holders.

Trump’s vision does not call for spiritual maturity, a recognition of natural law, or a return to love. It does not require that we transform our inner worlds along with the outer.

In the conversation I mentioned above, Rense addresses the fact that Trump has recently done a turnabout on many things he pledged before the election. He brings up the fact that this change came about right after Trump’s briefing at the White House. He questions whether Trump may have been briefed by the cabal, reminding us that “the cult is everywhere”.

It’s quite possible that Trump did not know the level of evil he was walking into. Or perhaps he didn’t believe it could be as horrific as it is.

If we don’t work on waking up on all levels of being, we can find ourselves in this same boat. We sense the danger, we are on alert, but we don’t know what we are walking into.

We all want a different world, but if we do not change who we are, we can’t get there from here. It can’t be done by changing external laws and tweaking the status quo here and there.

If we don’t change who we are, we will keep looking for leaders instead of looking to be creators, and we will allow ourselves to be controlled by others who know we’d rather not take responsibility for ourselves. If we don’t change who we are, we won’t have the spiritual sight to free ourselves from “the cult”.

A few months ago, I dusted off this blog to post my thoughts about the witch hunt around Zen Gardner. The whole situation was so bizarre, as large numbers of the “awakening community” were suddenly triggered into banning him from their sites, causing his Facebook page to be closed down, and essentially attempting to drive him out of town. In light of this attack, Zen took a hiatus and disappeared from the web for a while.

As I listened to Rense’s words, I realized that this is exactly why Zen’s life story caused such an unconscious reaction. Zen had been a member of a well-known cult that started out with high ideals but morphed into a deeply disturbed mess, including pedophilia (as is rampant in the Catholic church and government circles). Zen’s attackers insisted he must have condoned or participated in the abuses that existed in the cult. He must be guilty of something. ‘How could anyone be so blind?’, they asked. How, indeed!

We are all guilty of having been blind to a cult that just so happens to be everywhere. All of our lives we could feel that something was horribly wrong, yet we didn’t know exactly what it was.

(Thankfully, the freakout about Zen Gardner seems to be over and most of the major sites have “reappeared” Zen’s writings. This seems to have occurred right after Ole Dammegard spoke out publicly of his love for Zen Gardner and his belief in him.)

The dark control system is all around us, even in the alternative structures and communities we set up. It will continue to reappear until we fully take responsibility for self-governance and stand as creative, sovereign beings. It will continue until we choose to be integrous, until we become the masters of our own inner and outer worlds without the need for gods, rule books or oversight committees.

When we take responsibility for our lives and transform ourselves, we see that the control system may be everywhere, but we no longer fear it.

We also begin to understand that the dark side only sees certain aspects of humanity. It zeroes in on our temporary limitations. It sees our immaturity and is attracted to controlling us through that vulnerability.

It’s no wonder that cabal members are so interested in pedophilia. These beings may appear human, but they are something else entirely. They are deeply-twisted predators who seek out those who can be controlled. They feed on and thrive on the fear, deep pain, and traumatized energies that they call forth from us with their abuse. Children are the most vulnerable among us and make the perfect target.

This cult of darkness has, for the longest time, had possession of occult knowledge, empowering it to take advantage of our weakness and bedazzling us into obedience. But the apocalypse (unveiling) is here and the curtain is being ripped back, the weak monsters behind the smoke and mirrors are being revealed, and the gig will soon be up. As we find our strength and our vision, as we step outside of fear, ‘the cult’ loses its power because, as we rediscover who we are, we can see it but it can no longer see us.

The video disappeared from YouTube during the purge of alternative views. However, the following is an excerpt from Jeff Rense’s comments in the video:

“…What we do know is that this planet, especially western Christian civilization, is controlled by a dark, and honestly, unimaginably evil occult, ritualistic, satanic group of people — a cabal, if you will which goes back many hundreds if not thousands of years. It dominates nations almost as if they are toys in a sandbox. That’s how powerful they are. No they’re not presidents. No they’re not kings. They’re above that. They answer to no one. They are above all laws. And I mean laws and morality, as well as political. Human life means nothing to them. In fact, morality, just alluded to, kindness and care mean less than nothing to them. They are in many ways not human by normal measurements, any normal measurements. Now Donald Trump is changing positions, or so it would seem so, on several of his many, many promises and pledges…”

This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article.

The Unstoppable Liberation of Humanity

The Unstoppable Liberation of Humanity

by Zen Gardner
Dec 29, 2012


We’re undergoing an amazing transformation. Absolutely diametrically opposed to the constant, gradual attempt by elitists to shut down humanity via eons of engineered subjugation, we’re being consciously and vibrationally liberated by the very nature of the Universe in spite of all their efforts.

It’s not readily apparent to most, but it’s very clearly there.

It’s subtle and yet obvious at the same time. Knowledge of this change or shift in consciousness is experiential.  It appears in the form of social trends and changes, but once someone crosses that threshold of awakening they’re already living in that new reality. To what degree it affects their lifestyle will of course vary from person to person, but change they will. As will the lives they in turn affect.

And so it unfolds.

It’s Beyond Explanation

First of all, the natural mind, earthbound logic and reasoning, will not explain the important things in life. Explain love for example. Thankfully it’s wonderfully beyond words, as is all the important stuff. Really, words hardly suffice for real communication but are rather a limited means of information transfer. It’s only in our lower level density words take on such importance. And it’s there they’re more a limiting and confining aspect of the matrix than a help.

They certainly never quite cut the mustard when it comes to conveying Truth or true conscious awareness. In the words of Lao Tzu:

“Existence is beyond the power of words
To define:
Terms may be used
But are none of them absolute.
In the beginning of heaven and earth there were no words,
Words came out of the womb of matter;
And whether a man dispassionately
Sees to the core of life
Or passionately
Sees the surface,
The core and the surface
Are essentially the same,
Words making them seem different
Only to express appearance.
If name be needed, wonder names them both:
From wonder into wonder
Existence opens.”

– Lao Tzu

Symptoms of the Shift

The point above being we’ll be witnessing physical changes as this shift takes place, but the true esoteric nature of the important inner change in humanity is hard to quantify. However, it’s not impossible amongst those who are experiencing this changeover. There’s a lot of chatter about this as some say we’re moving into a new dimension and others think it’s a move to another timeline.

I don’t know what it is. But I’m experiencing this vibrational change as well, most profoundly in an intuitive sense. I just know it because it’s happening to me, and then I read about and see it in others, as is the case of so many in the awakened community. While this is by no means complete, here are a few symptoms various people are experiencing to varying degrees, myself included.

–A different sense of time. In most cases people are noticing time seems to be compressing, with the feeling that it’s moving quicker and quicker. There seems to be less time in a day, a week, a month and before you know it another year just flew by. This has been proven to be true in a physical sense, but not nearly as profound as this fleeting experience so many are experiencing.

–Sensory changes. Some are experiencing heightened senses of smell and hearing, or fleeting shifts in what they’re looking at.

–Paranormal experiences. Many are seeing shadow figures or fleeting ephemeral movements, often out of the corner of the eye. Some are seeing morphing entities they’ve never seen before, and several have reported having a sense of transparency come over them personally.

–Strange sleep cycles and increased dream activity. This has been huge for me and I know many others. Every night there’s a new “movie” playing or several short ones. Some of the dreams don’t even feel like dreams, but just stepping into a another parallel world.

–Relationship changes. Many things that have been suppressed seem to be coming to the surface for many. This is a good thing, although it can be disruptive while the information gets processed and reconciliation is reached.

–A sense of letting go. The past and previous attachments seem to be falling away. And oh so naturally. It’s like letting go of a robe you were wearing and just leaving it behind as you walk towards to this gorgeous landscape, much like the picture at the top of moving into a wonderful, natural world.

–Increased openness to change and new truths. While this is a fundamental element to waking up, this aspect I find is stepping up big time. There’s a wonderful bleed-over effect as I see it, where various information fields are merging. Maybe it’s just increased tolerance of differing takes from lightworkers to social activists, but the meld is on and it’s a beautiful thing.

–Moving away from dwelling on the dark side. While it’s important to expose the tricks and lies of these feudal would-be overlords, the trend is moving towards emphasizing encouragement and positive solutions. Nothing wrong with a good rant at the right time or particularly perceptive exposes and take downs, but it’s becoming increasingly important to dwell on the bright side and work to strengthen this new awareness with positive, affirming words and actions. And it’s happening naturally, which to me is again this vibrational change we’re all experiencing working through each of us to manifest this evolving change in humanity.

Anyway, those are just a few aspects and if you’d like to add your experiences and observations below it would be fun to chat about.

But it’s real. And fantastic!

Don’t Be Too Surprised…

…When strange things happen to you. They will. Learn to roll with it. Personally, I think the power of expectancy is huge. It has pulling power. When you’re aware of and even look around for these manifestations, whether a kind of voice in your mind’s ear, a strong intuitive pull, a fleeting glimpse of something, or another amazing synchronicity, it’s a blast! But for some it goes way past that. But we all have that potential.

I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. And it’s way more than just the power of intention, which is cool enough in itself. Universe is just waiting to be manifest through each of us more and more and continually. No angst there, just amazing potential waiting to be discovered by anyone and everyone.

And don’t be surprised if your life gets “disrupted”. This isn’t all puppies and flowers. This changeover comes with some expense.

Some are getting hit with health challenges they’ve never had, or work or money issues, or as I mentioned about relationship issues. Some are very anxious and nervous suddenly and need to learn to get a sounder grip on their spirituality. That or detach from crap in their lives that Universe is trying shake them free of. There are lots of things going on.

The Matrix is Crumbling

This ugly matrix that we’ve been shoe horned into is a very complex, controlling nasty thing. And it can’t hold up by the very manufactured nature of it. It’s not real, it’s created, by ugly forces to harness and abuse others for its own satisfaction. No way it can last in the face of an inherently loving and natural creative Universe.

Much like earth. As hard as they try to control it for their own devices, Gaia will win out in the long run.

This is the reason they’re working feverishly to clamp down on humanity. And it always backfires. Little do they know they’re accelerating their own downfall and humanity’s awakening. The more freedoms they take away the more wake up to what they had and want back. More than that, the more step back and ask how things got this way and how far back does this go.

That, my friends, is the recipe for awakening. You got questions? Universe has answers!

Yugas, Yogis and Cycles of Awakening

Did you know Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mahavira, Zoroaster and Heracletus were all contemporaries? That was the wake up of their day! Between 500 and 600 BC their awakening hit and like the 100th monkey it was spontaneous in different parts of the world! Siddhartha Gautama who become the Buddha was teaching in India the same time Mahavira was expounding Jainism, both radical departures from the spiritual teachings of their day, both teaching about transcendence to an all connected oneness, with Jainism emphasizing non-violence and respect for all living things.

Around the same time the teachings of Lao Tzu summarized in the amazing Tao Te Ching were changing the direction and consciousness of China and eventually the entire world. Meanwhile over in Persia there was Zoroaster teaching a new spirituality, while in Greece the pre-Socratic philosophers Heraclitus and Parmenodes and others were having an awakening of their own, espousing very esoteric teachings on the timeless and constantly changing nature of the Universe. These later morphed into the more heady Socratic discourses and philosophies, pulling further and further away from the transcendental dimension and inter-connectivity and oneness of the Universe espoused by the pre-Socratic teachers.

Pythagoras also lived in this time, believed to have had many mystical and alchemical insights and teachings that have been passed down through the mystery schools.

These were all within 100 years of each other, overlapping lifetimes, several apparently teaching simultaneously. Again, these “coincidental” awakenings prove the wave idea, where waves of vibrational change are somehow amplified by both Universe and the receptivity of those who awaken.

And these waves of awakening have corresponding planetary and galactic alignments. There are teachings from many cultures regarding these planetary and stellar based timelines divided into epochs, yugas or cycles of some sort. In each scenario we see the waxing and waning of season-like cycles, some even within others.

Clearly the momentous galactic alignment and shift out of the Piscean age we’re experiencing is both symbolic and largely causal of our awakening and changeover into a new, golden era, the one foretold by many a seer. After all, it’s a cycle.

Or should I say a spiral? Hmm.

Perfectly Put

I’ll end this with some quintessential David Icke, where he’s speaking about this wonderful shift we’re undergoing.

This awakening is for everyone! So pass it on!

Thank you, David. Your years of loving work have changed the world!

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.



Cover image credit: PhotoVision

Being Alone Together

Being Alone Together

by Zen Gardner
December 21, 2013


There is much suffering today. Most of it is spiritually derived, no matter how physically challenging it may be.

So many are distressed and feeling there’s no way out of this quagmire they’re being confronted with. Even for those of us spiritually predisposed and somewhat prepared it’s the same story. We’re literally at war. Not just of head and heart bashing confrontations, but one of carefully contrived attrition. A starvation of confirming information that reaffirms the simple realities we would otherwise thrive on.

With a big batch of inserted confusion to throw us off to boot.

How they’ve managed to close off obvious Truths from the common mind is almost surreal. But there is even something more going on. The bombardment is continually more persistent. The nature of the constructed and controlled world we live in is more malicious by the day. We must be aware of this escalation, while not dwelling unnecessarily on the negative.

Live Past What We’re Up Against

The purpose of their tactics is to separate us from our potential; from our fundamental reference points, from loved ones, and from our innate sense of reality. It’s a deliberate corrosion of our connectivity. You can hear this disconnection occasionally in your own mind when a sense of isolation kicks in. It can come out of the mouths of those close to us who are being buffeted and confused and express heavy doubts and discouragement. It’s definitely in the increasingly insane news we’re having to endure as society descends into dystopia.

Nothing seems to make sense. The danger comes when we interpret these disjointed events and Orwellian newspeak as if something is wrong with us personally. Turning inward in this fashion can be a very deep trap, when in fact the opposite is true. It has nothing to do with us, this is a spiritual onslaught we’re facing from outside forces seeking to turn us about-face.

The daily news gives a taste of this warped reality; whether it’s police brutality, the totalitarian clampdown by governments, staged cyber attacks in order to censor, or the media mindflips that accost our senses. The objective is to continually subdue humanity into an ever diminutive sense of insignificance.

It’s an out and out war on our lives, and more importantly, our consciousness.

We Are Never Alone

Knowing we’re in this together and experiencing the same thing is all important. We know divide and conquer is their M.O., but when it gets personal and hits close to home the principles we’re familiar with seem to fade into the dust of mental and moral confusion. Emotions and attachments rise as personal issues come to the surface to further obscure our perspectives.

If this happens to you do not let it throw you. Look for centered awareness, but don’t be afraid to seek advice from those you trust, or solace from loved ones, and remember fundamental truths you are familiar with. Hold them dearly. It’s not an easy time by any means and we need to stick together in every way possible.

All important is knowing we are each experiencing the same onslaught, and that what we’re being handed is a total lie. It’s nothing more than a massive fabricated distraction of planned debilitation of their opposition. Also known as us.

Stand strong, even when you’re feeling weak. This all comes and goes in waves. Let it pass.

We Knew This Was Coming

We’ve known this was coming for some time. None of us are above this. We each have our strengths and weaknesses, we each have our calling to Truth. Some things can knock you out before you know it – loved ones falling under the spell, personal plans being derailed, seemingly psychotic breaks with previous modes of understanding,  unexpected twists in the matrix around you. Or a full on combination of those.

Other symptoms are more predictable when times are not as confusing, but there are clearly many ways we’re being accosted more than ever at this point and it can get difficult.

These waves of confusion have been expected. And they’re here.

When our personal frames of reference take a beating, either individually or via those we love, it’s a very challenging time. I find myself rewinding previous lessons I’ve learned and playing them back like medicine in order to endure many situations. As stated before, we’re sailing unchartered seas and there is no precedent for what we’re experiencing.

We can take this two ways – as a beating down, or as a powerful lift under our wings of conscious awareness.

Embracing Each Other – The Power of Tenderness and Understanding

There are no pat answers to any or every situation. We’re all learning and growing and that’s how it should be and is. What strikes me lately is the realization of how we need to stick together more than ever as the storm presses on. I’ve heard from many people how much it’s helped them to get some feedback via comments on the site or emails from compassionate acquaintances.

These can make or break us at times.

When we’re being laid low and feeling disabled and discouraged it is usually a very personal thing. We tend to make the mistake of looking inward. There may be lessons to be learned, but on the battlefield anything that is crippling is immediately suspect as far as I’m concerned. The issues are too prescient.

We simply have to see these instruments of debilitation as they are in a time of war. And learn from, ignore and/or dispel them.

Shared Comraderie

Often, we all find out, there are wonderful personal lessons to be learned, but when the barrage of self-doubt and confusion persists we know something much more nefarious is afoot. Shared camaraderie during these times is becoming more and more important. In conjunction with a deep determination to push on through this madness.

We all of course wish we were “stronger”, but really the right kind of weaknesses are some of our greatest strengths. Compassion in sharing an honest heart to heart with other spiritual people is so very powerful. Many face serious opposition in their family situations where they feel alone in their conscious awakening. That can be a gnawing source of discouragement. Despite obstacles, so many have been waking up at a steady pace the past several years and are experiencing what many of us have.

Not just the spiritual exhilaration of conscious awareness, but the social isolation and alienation. These are not easy to brave, as most of us know.

Following that can come periodic belittlement and outright harassment, sorry to say. We’ve all experienced it. I’m firmly convinced this is all part of our testing ground. Coming through that strengthens our convictions and helps us realize what is really important to us. At that point we are forced to make decisions – what will I subject myself to and why, how do I deal with it, and where do I go from there?

The most important point to remember is this is a war, a spiritual one. Do not allow yourself to succumb to the negative voices around you. The big lie is on the march and feeling its oats right now.

It will pass. They screw up regularly and can’t maintain their BS barrage. It comes in waves. Let it pass.

Be Strong, and Make Courage Your Mainstay

In reality this is a time of opportunity like we’ve never seen before. We’re in a fight of epic proportions. When we feel embattled that’s exactly the time to come out fighting. We need these mechanisms we learn that were embedded in our souls in order to remember how to maintain our offensive.

Give it a shot. You’ll be amazed at how taking the initiative clears the air, places the enemy on the defensive, and puts everything back into perspective.

See you on the battlefield!

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Steady as She Goes

Steady as She Goes

by Zen Gardner
August 31, 2016


Well, I sure didn’t see this coming. I have talked about the wild times advancing on us, the awakening, the growing division, the veil lifting, and here we are. It will continue to escalate so hang in there. It’s all for our good if we have the guts to navigate it, but it will continue to unravel and pick up speed.

Be vigilant and stay centered and grounded most of all.

I’ve enjoyed this ride very much. I love the people I’ve met and connected with, getting to feel their hearts. The information and perceptions are just a means to connect, to share the deeper things that are available to all of us while clearing away the rubble and illusion. We lose perspective some times, as can be expected, but it’s all about heart and digging deep to find the true source within us.

From there we’ll operate in compassion and humble yet fearless conviction.

Many wonderful people are awakening and I’m proud to have been part of all of this, and will continue to be in some way, shape, or form of spiritual influence. There are plenty of amazing people who can continue on; this isn’t dependent on any person or group of people. It is what it is, and we move and grow with it.

The ego is easily triggered, we all experience it. That some have gone somewhat unconscious in their reactions is understandable in this environment and knowing what we all grew up with and our intense abusive system entrainment. This particular phenomenon regarding me is ironically being fueled by sources many have said they don’t trust – media hype and false and questionable or ill intentioned sources, as well as those with an ego driven agenda. I agree there are startling aspects to be taken on board, but it should have been responded to consciously, not frantically, fearfully, mean-spirited and incredibly irresponsibly.

Much of what I’m saying here and in my last articles and videos may not sit well with some people, but it’s the truth. The dynamics I point out are intended to expose how this whole parasitic system works and how so many fell for it, while professing they knew it so well.

The fact is, it doesn’t take much to set off very complex mechanisms based on our personal life experiences, fears and deep personal issues, never mind quite powerful spiritual influences that are just waiting to wreak havoc. We’ve gotten to witness all of that in full bloom.

It’s all part of the test. And our ongoing education. No one will escape this process, any more than we can escape death.

It’s strange, too, how love is touted so much as being the answer by this same collective.

We don’t really know what love is yet. Forgiveness and tolerance are completely incongruous and counter intuitive in a world based on judgement. We say we believe in love yet we want justice. We trust our hearts but obey our minds. It’s time to transcend.

And all of this was a good test, as will succeeding tests that will be right on the heels of this one.

I’m honored to be the focal point for this, even though it’s cost me everything I held dear in this life. But that’s a good thing, letting go is a well known solution. It’s just when the collector comes for those dearest to you and any sense of stability or frame of reference it gets pretty strange, disorienting, surreal and deeply challenging in ways you’ve never experienced.

But so be it. I’m being broken down and destroyed in one reality and placed into another. I’ll take it. Full on. And I’m honored.

Thank you all again for your loving support and inspiration. This is all working for good. I’ll be around and moving into my next adventurous phase, mostly self discovery and healing and getting back to a truly grounded life, as will you.

I’ll find a way to stay in touch. I’m collecting the emails of sane and loving people off the comment section but if you need a contact address for me, use But please be easy on me for a bit, it’s time to recuperate. Thanks.

I asked for the unknown and I got it. Deep inside I’m very excited but in a very different, unnervingly quiet way, but most of all I’m humbled to the bone and standing very alone – and quite empty.

And it feels right.

I’m awaiting the trade winds. They’ll come and take me where they may.

Meet you past the horizon. The unknown is calling. And it’s worth the price.

Love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: Myriams-Fotos

Truth or Denial in the Age of Information Overload

Truth or Denial in the Age of Information Overload

by Zen Gardner
January 18, 2013


A lot of people are getting more frustrated than ever with either trying to wake people up, or just witnessing the apparent absolute ignorance of people not being able to notice what’s really going on around them. There are many reasons for this, and it’s an age old problem.

In today’s world, it appears it’s because things are crystallizing so fast and the flow of changing information coming at people is so massive it can barely be processed anymore by the lower density mind. True to some extent.

You’ll soon see that doesn’t hold up when it comes to consciousness.

But as a result of this onslaught people just shut down. In spite of so much Truth being more readily available than in any other time in history people still choose to close their eyes and ears. This info-barrage is no excuse for anything, but it’s part of the reality of the effects of this swirl of accelerating craziness that’s spinning around us.

And that’s just what’s on the mental, informational surface. Vibrationally and spiritually things are even crazier as the Matrix and its inter-dimensional minions furiously fight against the natural progression of change and advancing energetic waves of Truth our world is experiencing.

All this may not appear to be an improvement to many following this recent galactic alignment and change of ages, but despite the chaos getting loosed on the world we are definitely moving towards a much greater conscious state of awareness and energetic power. It’s getting free enough to see and experience all this that’s the major issue at hand.

Don’t let the confusion and chaos fool you. Keep your ship steady as she goes. It’s all a transition, but man the helm diligently. This is the real deal and it’s about to get very personal if it hasn’t already.

Testing Times Are Times of Choice

It’s a very challenging dynamic we’re all facing at this juncture.  And I expect it to get even wilder and more confusing by the day, especially to the unwary. And this increased fury of change is causing basically two reactions. We either open up to new and more fulfilling options for our lives, or we duck and cover and adopt the state sponsored party line for seeming safety and security.

It appears to be that simple.

The preponderance of the population is apparently shutting down and hiding from this seeming informational onslaught. They are actually happy the state propaganda machine pablumizes everything into a nice, warm, sugary goo. After all, it’s easier, and easier is better, right? Like eating cheap toxic processed fast food instead of real, living food. “We’ll worry about that healthy stuff later. You can’t expect me to eat consciously and study what’s in stuff all the time. Surely it can’t be that bad if the FDA has approved these foods and additives. And the media might not be perfect but they’d never outright lie to us…” blah blah.

Little do they know. But intentional ignorance is of course no excuse either. Even the slightest bit of critical thought could open the floodgates to the Truth but the subconscious awareness that there’s way more behind the wizard’s curtain than they care to know about keeps them squeezing their eyes shut.

Look at Sandy Hook-winked. If people knew the depths the Powers That Be sink to put on such elaborate murderous schemes and the many strange goals accomplished during these high profile rituals it would make their heads spin. So what does the media controlled world do? Nothing. Not even admit one iota of contrary evidence, be it others arrested on the scene or any contradictory stories that don’t toe the party line.

And on top of that they demonize anyone who not just proposes opposing information, but dares to question the lack of evidence to support anything that happened as the public was told! Anyone smell 9/11 here? Not a bad comparison really, an emotionally charged and fact-bereft media story that has just the right desired effects.

Always ask, Cui Bono? Who benefits? Apply that across the board.

But the time to pay the fiddler is nigh. Personally and collectively.

Even the Back Burner Is Boiling Over

There’s one thing people aren’t counting on. In this energetically enlivened time everything gets activated. Even the pots put on the back burners are boiling over and there’s no ignoring these suppressed issues any longer. You can’t stop the energetic changes any more than you can keep the waves of Truth like waves of the ocean from hitting the shore.

And despite all this jacked up confusion, people subconsciously realize to wake up and challenge any one of these major issues might mean having to see and therefore react to other issues or questions. It might mean changing their whole understanding of life which would take them to new, uncomfortable places.

For those trying to put off these uncomfortable realizations, it’s gonna get a heck of a lot more uncomfortable as well as confusing for those who don’t get honest about what’s before them and rise to the challenge, believe me.

We’re either part of the problem, or part of the solution. Plain and simple.

All or Nothing at All – Beware the Vortex

It’s really becoming all or nothing at all when it comes to the fundamentals of Truth vs. the Lie in people’s lives. Those that shut down and close their eyes and ears to the Truth are forced into the only other option: the one touted by the mainstream media/religion/intellectual mantra and enforced by the matrix. And its end is death..spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

The vortex of this false world is way too strong for anyone to be anywhere near the big lie with little compromises to not get sucked into the whole morass of deceit. We’ll all be shedding more and more cherished baggage as the storm picks up.

Let go gleefully. It’s helping you get free.

Commit to Detachment

It’s very simple knowing what to do. Arm yourself with Truth and Love and detach from the Lie any and every way you can. Any compromise is going to cost more than it ever did before. As the wind picks up even the smallest bit of debris becomes increasingly hazardous. Same with attachments. The smallest thing can bring us down if we’re off guard and playing too near to the snare of the matrix.

Think about that.

The battle before us is overcoming the fog machine that brings on excuses, indifference, apathy and confusion, all very “reasonable” causes for inaction and keeping wrong attachments. That we’re being absolutely hammered with false informational overload is a given. The wonderful part of the equation is the good informational field that’s intensifying at the same time.

Stay alive, alert and detached. The only way to process this burst of false information is to step back, see yourself as consciousness having an experience called “you”, and then process it and act or not act accordingly.

Such is the way. A great default that always works for conscious warriors.

Much Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: GDJ

Mimic – Meme of the Archons

Mimic – Meme of the Archons

by Zen Gardner
May 17, 2013


The Calm Before the Shift

The Calm Before the Shift

by Zen Gardner
March 28, 2015


There appears to be a growing sentiment that we’re on the verge of some kind of significant breakthrough. Not the obvious crackdown of the PTBs, but a good move forward for conscious humanity. It seems to be an awareness step of some sort, but this next stage is becoming more and more palpable.Many have talked about these energetic changes and the consciousness shift we’re in the midst of, but even within that we can sense levels of relative change and I’m hearing it from all sides. There’s an unraveling going on as the awakened become empowered, but many dynamics are involved.

Is it related to this feeling of a calm before a storm on the world stage, a version of our own anticipation clearly known amongst the awakened?


The difference is the awakened are not reactive, but responsive and even proactive. We follow our hearts and feel out what’s transpiring. While the compulsion and near infatuation with keeping track of the mounting manipulative deeds of the usurpers consumes a lot of alternative attention, we can also sense these hard to perceive shifts in perspective that continue to surface.

They happen for our own encouragement and help to mark our points of progress in what we’re accomplishing and where we’re going.

More importantly, seeing these definitive integrated, staged changes helps to articulate these progressions. This isn’t just the overall “shift” we’re in the midst of, but a clear staged move into a post awakened awareness and understanding of where we are at in this present moment.

Spiritual Resignation – or the Pause that Refreshes?

The current trend that I’m personally sensing is almost a spiritual resignation taking place. Not in a negative “I give up” tone, but more a realization of what is about to take place and the many practical preparations. Many are finding that helping those who aren’t willing to be helped, or those who aren’t willing to be made aware of this nearing point, as a futile form of redundancy.

“Why try? They don’t want it…”

In other words, what people are meant to do they’ll do, or not do. It’s really up to them to wake up or not. This feeling is triggered by the auto-response mechanism they all seem to display – “no, no, and more no. It’s not possible, it can’t be, and you’re full of conspiracy crap” yada yada.

My take? It’s true. Walk away from the dead and go find the living. We have serious work to do.

It’s much like the age old philosophical argument between free will and determinism. Just because we run up against dead heads doesn’t mean we stop doing what we’re doing. We march on in spite of thuggish attitudes and mindless opposition.

The fun thing is, another mechanism is seeping in and we need to understand it clearly.

The Truther and the Fatalist – Are They Merging?

While awakened souls feel compelled to reach out and tell others what has become intensely clear to them, they’re also continually processing the more subtle changes around them and what they are indicating. There is no set agenda, there are no set protocols except love and a strong desire for truth.

But what happens when the mission seems to come to an end? What happens when the campaigner thinks it’s become futile, the die is cast, the worm has turned, the tables are fixed?

I’m not saying that’s the case across the board, but it’s a reality seeping in and I’m not afraid of it, as active as I am. I can understand that type of resignation and the decision to pull back and prepare for the changeover. It’s very realistic.

In my mind that’s not what I endorse, although I have taken precautions in my own life along those lines and encouraged others to do the same. Keeping at the battle every chance I get is what I live for. But I think I’m catching the drift of the “resignationist”.

It’s all about to happen and people aren’t listening.

But they can.

More importantly, let people want to wake up and decide for themselves. If they’re not hungry, you can’t make ’em hungry. Leading a horse to water, no mater how compelling or entertaining, will not make it drink. But there’s an inner desire on the part of all living creatures.

Freed to Take Care of Business

We need to each learn to deal with this dilemma ourselves and act on it. I will not endorse reluctance, compliance, giving up or yielding to the dystopic negative entropic forces in any way, shape or form. But this wave of spiritual sensation is a profound one, and nothing to be ashamed of if you’re feeling it.

The reason? We ARE there. It IS all about to blow. Maybe folks are being freed to go about their lives to get their things in order, prepare loved ones, concentrate their energy on immediate matters.

If that’s the case, that’s wonderful. We’re all supposed to be going about getting our lives and homes in order, but sometimes we need to be freed from other perceived obligations. This isn’t necessarily everyone’s “reason” for disengaging from the battle but I hope it does some potential explaining and liberating.

For everyone.

Keep on. Very strange times we’re passing through. Be aware, be conscious, be ready, be responsible.

Hang on and let go. You’ll know what to do. Just do what calls you.

From your heart.

Much love – Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

This is our Realm

This is our Realm

by Zen Gardner
March 23, 2016


The Pissing Contest of the Impotent Parasites

The Pissing Contest of the Impotent Parasites

by Zen Gardner
April 7, 2016


Using the ongoing situation in Syria as an example, this particular incursion of the parasitic western powers, never mind their other psychotic maneuvers, serves as a perfect example of how the so-called powers that be are simply pissing in the wind.

The Outlook Ain’t Pretty – But Looking Up Is Great!

The Outlook Ain’t Pretty – But Looking Up Is Great!

by Zen Gardner
May 20, 2013


If you’re reading the “signs of the times” like any thinking person, the apparent world outlook isn’t good. While phony political processes cloud the air with smoke, mirrors and idiotic political air horns, UN and foreign troops are reportedly training on American soil and massive arms and munitions buildups continue at the behest of an enemy government.

Our own.

All with no visible signs of anything being warranted, nor of a population being warned of impending disaster.  Despite this obvious reality in every sphere of society the world marches on towards certain chaos.

And something very similar is transpiring in the UK, Australia and Canada, other strongholds of so-called democracy. Actually these same “enclaves” of supposedly free democratic peoples are bases of intelligent opposition to the New World Order which is exactly what is anathema to the PTBs.  Just as the intelligencia was the enemy of the great communist takeovers and thus liquidated.

Take a lesson from history. Fascism’s never been pretty.

Recent Signs are Troubling

This series of scandals hitting the deliberately dysfunctional Obama administration is particularly troubling as I’ve outlined in recent posts.  Why are they allowing this spate of no doubt controlled media releases against the Obama administration? Why the apparent deliberate chaotic element at this time? There’s always a reason, these “outlets” are all in cahoots with a bigger plan and we know it – and they also know many of us also know it.

It’s all part of the release program, as if they’re giving us a chance to catch on. Occult reference here I’ll expound on later.

It’s a nasty time for sure as things continue to convolute and they broadcast their various bands of disinformation.

A Media Bent on Mind Control

It bothers me big time how the media play(s) the unwitting public. While disinformation is their mainstay, I think the most effective tactic is just plain distraction. Even though troops move into place, new tactical equipment is stationed around the country and in our skies, and innocent civilians are getting accustomed to shake downs and ID checks and militarized police and actual troops in their streets, the TV plays weather news, sitcoms, sports and other major stupidity to keep the masses distracted and intoxicated.

The realization that our world is about to crumble every which way from Sunday is not on their radar for us to know – deliberately. Thinking people who catch on are marginalized more militantly by the day.

We’re in a rapidly shifting psycho-political war. And they’re making their move.

The Onslaught Against Truth and Humanity

Much of mankind is simply getting worn down. While a conscious sense of love and truth, right and wrong resides in every human, it has been successfully squelched to a large degree by the social engineers in their effort to split humanity into two distinct classes.

The elite rulers and the deliberately dumbed down worker class.

The middle class will be no more. Replacement elites will be groomed from amongst their own protected bloodlines and those showing potential in their engineered University hatcheries, while the genetically modified transhumans do the maintenance work on the new, geoengineered planet Terra.

Or so goes their plan. I almost hate to articulate it to fulfill their intentions.

Our Challenge

In the United States, as with anywhere, anything can happen. Being a personally armed nation due to its founding and nature, the globalist forces need to take care of that issue, either by disarming or outright incarceration and destruction. It is well within the agenda of global control to empower other nations to do the dirty work and attack Americans. It is also clearly within the scope of the dark cabal to create a private army if need be. Anything can happen in a staged martial law environment.

To not realize this is to leave yourself naively open to very intrusive factors, to say the least.

Remember: another major false flag or series of escalated events will happen. It’s their “go to” tactic that always works, scaring the hell out of the majority to justify draconian measures time and again.

The whole idea is to destroy from the inside as much as possible. This is why the phony internal “terrorist” threat is now ex-military, survivalists, political dissidents, so-called “truthers” and those critical of the status quo and the like.

Remember, an outright attack is also not out of the question. Once America shows itself vulnerable due to serious internal strife we may just see something like an EMP strike, possibly convincingly blamed on China. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but these are real possibilities.

The point is, the take-down is imminent. There’s no stopping it at this point. There’s way too much momentum for this not to at least be attempted. What happens then we’ll just have to see.

This is not new.

History bears out how many times great powers were caving in from their own corruption and simultaneously undermined, resulting in massive pogroms to eliminate any potential opposition.

It’s just better to be realistic if you’re making any plans or preparations.

Apply that across the board.

Look Up!

We hold the promise of a better world. We are the better life that lies within us and expressing it brings it into reality. We are proof that this insanity is just that, an insane projection on a false screen attempting to lie and mislead an unsuspecting population of beings.

We are awake. We are aware. We get what’s going on here and reject the phoney projectors. Love is our “god”, Truth is our mission, kind caring and sharing is our nature.

Damn the other force. It lies and breeds fear and control. Let it shrivel up under its own contrived, constrictive force.

Keep alert. And never despair. Love is in the air!

Life is. Always was and always will be. Death of anything creative is an illusion to create fear.

Laugh in its face and enjoy the ride! We are forever and to stay!

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

A Place Called Gratitude

A Place Called Gratitude


video & voice by Patrick Willis
poetry by Les Visible
originally published December 11, 2005


Malachi 3:10

“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse,
that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith,
saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven,
and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

Possibly the emotion I experience most often is gratitude. Sometimes it goes on for a length of time and I discover many other things in the process. It is as if Gratitude is a room, dimly lit. As you stand there your presence begins to emit more and more light and to reveal more and more of the contents of the room. Gratitude has attendants and handmaidens; joy, serenity, a feeling of awesome protection. I don’t notice these things initially. If my gratitude goes away too soon I do not see to the further reaches of the room. It takes a while for the dynamo to wind up and bring on the full orchestra of sights and sounds.

I’ve been in the presence of realized masters and it is evident to me, as it is to most people in the room, that there is something different about them. Probably one of the finest talents a person can acquire is to become a ‘trained observer’. In order to be a trained observer one needs to relinquish pre-conceived assumptions and natural prejudice because they taint the quality of your research. It could be said that when the gravity of our assumptions begins to outweigh our capacity to learn, then we no longer grow. Since growth is an imperative, pain enters the picture to offset that gravity. It’s apparent to me that many people have a higher pain threshold than I do. I can’t take it. Why should I? Why should I, when there are so many more refined stations of being than that of being whipped along the way?

So in watching masters and in reflecting afterwards; where real learning takes place …because you can’t always remain objective in overwhelming presence. I have come to a conclusion about the way they breathe. The state of our minds and our emotions affect the regularity and depth of our breath. Alternatively, the way we breathe affects the quality of our mind and emotions. So I think about gratitude when I am breathing in and out. I am grateful when I eat and I imagine the food as being divine substance. I have to do this. It is a matter of self defense. If I am not eating and breathing consciously then some other agency may be doing it for me. Thoughts like this appear delusional to some and the example of new age mandarins also work against credibility on the part of those who have seen the naked emperor.

These masters didn’t get where they are in an afternoon or at a weekend seminar. Of course these things are advertised; like the Thighmaster and those round cages that do your sit-ups for you. My favorites are the patches with the electrodes that stimulate the muscles and turn you into Adonis while you are watching TV. The slenderizer creams are pretty neat and so are the space suits that eventually return you to needing only one airline seat. I haven’t seen Shamoo’s magic crystal and wealth amulets but I know they are around even if Shamoo is going by another name now.

It comes down to work and there is where problem #1 gives birth to a lot of other problems and the discouraging catcalls from the peanut gallery of entropic recidivism. There must be an easier way. And this is where gratitude comes in. Gratitude takes the inertia and resistance out of the ride. Gratitude promotes an eager willingness. Gratitude makes it feel good. We’ve no problem engaging in the things we love to do. If we don’t love it then it becomes work. I work all day long every day, a lot more than eight hours. I don’t get paid for my work in the way most people do but I do get paid. I get paid in gratitude; in the increased capacity to feel gratitude.

Gratitude changes you. It changes the cells in your body and makes you flexible and young. It neutralizes anger. Most people aren’t aware that depression is the result of turning your anger inward; turning it upon yourself. Most people also don’t realize that much of their anger comes from their sense of being denied something they insist upon having; whether that is an object, a world view, someone’s attention or their right of way on the way to whatever it is that they want or wherever it is they wish to be. Gratitude makes all of that unnecessary. The more grateful you are the more reasons you are going to have to feel that way. This follows observable laws of physics. As above, so below; what you observe taking place here takes place everywhere, whether you can see it or not. This is one of the scientific truths about faith. We take things that are only mathematical theory as everyday fact. We are probably unaware of this but we do. Many people would be quite surprised to find that they regularly practice things that they firmly attest they do not believe in.

If you would simply practice feeling gratitude, breathing it in and out, you would rather quickly become enlightened; or, if you prefer, more enlightened. As good as it feels, why would you want it all at once? Shouldn’t the increase in the increments of bliss take forever? Gratitude is a pair of rose colored glasses and a certain biblical coat. That’s what I call haute couture. Why wear sunglasses in a dark room? Because when you are cool the sun is always shining.

I don’t know it beyond a ‘shadow’ of a doubt but I strongly suspect that this is what masters do when they breathe in and out. Of course it may be Love and it may be Peace or Compassion but the origin of every virtue is in the ineffable, just as the colors, pre-prism, are in the white light. There isn’t any spiritual thing that can’t be understood in a practical, scientific way …if you are so inclined.

Gratitude greases the wheels of movement into a better state of being. It is a sort of cosmic three-in-one oil. In this time of spiritual crisis you need all the help you can get. I do anyway. But none of this is relevant to my feelings of gratitude; merely attendant to them. I feel grateful because I am grateful. Of all the things that I could be engaged in, of all the people I could have been; see, even now parts of me are departing and I speak of myself as if I were in the past. Of all the things I could have, to have gratitude, well… that makes me a hundred times more grateful just thinking about it.

I feel held. I feel something inexpressible and the very best part is that I know I am not nearly grateful enough. No, I’m just playing at the margins of gratitude. Further on, the room changes into a world of music; the sounds of planets rubbing together, the liquid radiance of stars pouring into an empty cup and over-spilling beyond boundaries and limits. And this is only what I can imagine from the margins. This is only what I can see in the lens of imagination. Once again, science tells me that it moves beyond that. We know a great many things about the universe that we cannot see. How did we come to know these things? Scientific inquiry and tools adapted to the pursuit made it possible.

Thinking about this has had the result of making me even more grateful than I was and so the room has gotten larger. That’s good, because my gratitude makes me want to dance and sing and I need the extra room for that. Every breath of gratitude alters my cells some infinitesimal amount so that critical mass gets closer. This seems to tell me that, “It’s getting better all the time.” Will shadows fall? Sure… just as darkness will turn into light when darkness falls. Be grateful.


Connect with Les Visible

Cover image credit: jobertjamis23

Could 9/11 Truth Topple the American Empire?

Could 9/11 Truth Topple the American Empire?

by Zen Gardner
July 2013


Manifesto of the Awakened

Manifesto of the Awakened

by Zen Gardner
January 15, 2016


To: The Few Whom This Concerns
Re: The Deliberate Subjugation of Our People and Planet


While you continue to hypocritically blame humanity for the dire plight of our world, we hereby put you on notice that we are well aware that it is you, the financial, corporate, military, scientific and governmental agents, and most of all the dark shadow forces behind you, which we know full-well comprise and empower the destructive global power grid, and which are responsible for our current engineered crises and overall social condition.

You’ve brought us and our planet to the precipice. If you do not cease and desist, what is soon to come will be blood on your hands, cause untold suffering, and all for naught as far as your designs are concerned.

You too will shrivel up in the dustbin of history as just another invasive parasite that couldn’t succeed in its self-serving designs for all its efforts.

Know that.

We hereby officially notify all those complicit in this massive control program that:

  • We are aware of your efforts to dumb down, anesthetize and control the world’s populations.
  • We are aware of your destructive programs to sicken and alter humanity through the chemical, electromagnetic and genetic modification of our food, plants, animals and ourselves.
  • We are aware of your wanton destruction of our earth, skies and oceans through resource exploitation, geoengineering and weather modification.
  • We are aware of your many false flag events and surreptitious “strategy of tension” schemes purposely designed to keep the world in perpetual fear and continual wars against fabricated outside enemies for control and profit.
  • We are aware of your fascist medical designs to drain and destroy humanity via the decrepit allopathic medical system based on profit and ill health at every level, including the proliferation of pharmaceuticals, invasive and debilitating treatments and deliberately damaging vaccines.
  • We are aware of your moves toward a worldwide police state based on hyperbolized fear and disinformation to manipulate humanity in order to get an unspoken imprimatur to execute your program of control and subjugation.
  • We are aware that your political crony establishment is all staged and designed to distract from the real issues and keep the populace occupied and feeling like participants while you work your nefarious program.
  • We are aware of your falsely imposed vampiristic taxation system to fund further bureaucratic bloat, controls and an overarching agenda of genocidal wars on innocent peoples, and that it is arbitrary and our sovereign choice to simply not participate in any longer.
  • We are aware that a select few major corporations with vested interests in this global agenda now control almost all media and that mass media is nothing more than a mouthpiece of propaganda to these ends.
  • We are aware that your “entertainment” industry is simply socially engineered entrainment towards personal and social distraction, chaos and degradation.
  • We are aware of your AI, electromagnetic grid and mind manipulating designs and technologies that are being imposed to further expand your psychopathic control program.
  • We are aware that you repress emerging technologies that threaten existing parasitic profitable ones, such as the hazardous petroleum and nuclear industries, when alternative energy sources and other such solutions have arisen for many decades which you have suppressed.
  • We are aware that you sequester knowledge and information in a vast array of fields to keep the general populace in the dark and thereby disempowered as to our true historical context, while you are coveting secret information and carrying out advanced covert research for your own ends.
  • We are aware that you have stigmatized, marginalized and seek to outlaw any form of criticism, questioning or dissent using whatever excuse you can manufacture.
  • We are aware of your oppressive, enslaving monetary and legal control scams, private fractionalized banking pillaging, and twisted cravings for money and power in an imposed control system that never needed to exist in the first place.
  • We are aware of your falsely postured institutions, foundations, institutes, charitable organizations and international bodies such as the so-called United Nations and its many agencies and agendas being used to further develop your global control plans and programs.
  • We are aware of your secret societies, blood line allegiances and luciferian, freemasonic, Babylonian and otherworldy roots that propel the wickedness of your self appointed leaders. We are aware of your ritual sacrifices, paedophelia and bestiality inclinations and other sordid practices, all of which are anathema to our conscious race.

Ad nauseum…

This will be tolerated no longer.


We are aware that you know we are on to you. We stand fearless, fully committed to humanity’s well being. You are shallow, self-serving and seriously misled guns for hire working for a control system being engineered by powers beyond your knowledge that will devour you, just as you seek to devour us.

We are aware of who you are. Your days are numbered. Your designs will soon be visited upon your heads if you do not drastically change your ways. Universal law dictates it. You know it, and we know it. Hence your sloppy, miscreant behavior being so thoroughly exposed which you so furiously attempt to deny and suppress. This futile lashing out only works toward the exposure of open truth and the awakening’s favor.

If there is an ounce of humanity left in any of you, defect and help us expose and bring down these life ending forces. You, your children, your grandchildren and anything you may still hold dear are already suffering and will also perish in the catastrophe we are soon destined for, if you do not respond.


A last warning.

We are aware. We are awake and activated. We will do everything within and without our personal power to see our race and planet survive and shake this parasitic invasion. Our planet itself will not take this attempted overthrow. Know that, and expect repercussions from Her, as well as us, a gathering storm of sacred truth you cannot possibly fathom.

Your opposition, resistance and puny, short-sighted efforts are dwarfed by what awaits you.

Will you find your humanity in time? We think many of you could, and those of you who do will be welcomed amongst the awakened. However, we realize many are beyond redemption.

But don’t try to fool us. We’re more on to you than you could ever imagine.

Just watch and see. We will surprise you, just as you fear.

We’re here. We live. We cannot be stopped nor thwarted by any means despite your flimsy efforts.

The truth and love we bear are coming for you. Truth and cosmic resonance cannot be denied and any aberration from it will be mitigated.

That’s just the way it is.

Think about it. If you dare.


The Eternally Awakened


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Changing in the River of Change

Ole Dammegard and Zen Gardner on Awakening and False Flags


Today on World Beyond Belief we talk with Zen Gardner and Ole Dammegard on their take on the process of awakening and new information that has come to light on various false flags.

Visit and support the dedicated contributions of Ole Dammegard at


Revelation of the Method, Predictive Programming and the Prime Directive

Revelation of the Method, Predictive Programming and the Prime Directive

also published under the title:
Mind Control, Predictive Programming and Occult Conditioning

by Zen Gardner
July 12, 2015


These are big subjects and well worth investigation. Knowing the mechanics of the matrix we find ourselves in is extremely empowering and liberating. There’s a saying, “If you’re not wondering if you’re under mind control, you probably are.”

Think about that one for a minute.

I find that profoundly true. The truly awake and aware are so intensely conscious of their thoughts and impulses and the information coming at them that they question everything. And so it should be. We’re in a massively manipulated world by forces many of which are beyond our comprehension. Knowledge-wise we grasp much of what is at play. Experientially we understand even more.

But intuitively we can really round out the picture. This is, if we dare to listen to our hearts and tune into the vast Universal storehouse of true information.

This inherent knowledge of the manipulated world around us is our greatest defense as well as weapon of recourse. Anyone who’s truly woken up finds that out in a hurry.

There are very interesting dynamics at play on this shifting playing field we’re each encountering. Clearly the manipulators of control attempt to hide and disguise these techniques and occult realities, but as we become aware of them it’s also important to not only expose them, but to fully understand them in order to help end the madness these psychopathic tyrants are exacting on humanity.

The Revelation of the Method

This is a fascinating concept. One that is revelatory yet potentially disturbing in some ways. The basic question is this:

  1. Does humanity literally give its permission for controlling forces to perpetrate what they do by being told in some form what is being, or about to be done to it? Even if it’s disguised from their conscious awareness in esoteric and occult messages?
  2. Or are they simply being pre-programmed to accept what is about to unfold?

Or both?

There are two main levels from which to perceive this concept. The first is that preconditioning is simply a method to get the subjects to accept the agendas being implemented. The other is, without our explicit or even implied agreeance, these things cannot take place.

While they work in concert and both beg humanity’s compliance, those dynamics are powerfully different. Both require human awareness at different levels, yet the second more esoteric notion implies a sort of restrictive code whereby without agreeance any such takeover plan apparently would not be “allowed” to succeed.

Let me just say for starters that I’m not so sure about that second one. It smacks of external reliance and everything that has distracted humanity from waking up in the first place. Just ask the innocent victims in Gaza and an entire world experiencing massive oppression and degradation. If permission was needed and there was some “galactic code of conduct”, we would have seen it from the get go.

Maybe it’s time to get real about the conditions on our planet and stop over-spiritualizing reality away. It’s time to demystify what is clearly more layers of manipulative energy extraction, rather than be dazzled by some kind of esoteric code.  All of these tactics, to whatever extent they’re real and influence us, need to be kept in a conscious perspective.

Predictive Programming and Occult Conditioning

Either way, as Robert Livingstone said,

“The preparation of humanity for the New Age involves psychological and physical warfare in the form of spectacular crimes and events that, filtered through the IIluminised media, have a ritual occult and initiatory effect on the populace.”

Here’s a short explanation of the first definition:

 “Revelation of the method is basically an occult truth that more of an ‘effect’ can be garnered from an event if that event is made aware to the person who you plan on affecting before it happens, usually at a subconscious level. The subconscious mind can actually pick up on imperceptible elements to the conscious mind that hint at future plans. In this way it is possible to sow acceptance through subconscious exposure to numbers and symbols as presented in the media. 9/11 is the perfect example as it was featured in may different shows before it happened to plant the seed subconsciously, and the intended effects of 9/11 (social change) cannot be denied.” Source

Very interesting, and at the least that aspect is very, very true. One sure thing to be wary of is being played. Here’s another very deep aspect of this phenomenon:

Researcher Michael Hoffman defines “twilight language” as follows in his Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare:  “The path to unlocking this gnosis was centered in “twilight language,” a once nearly universal subliminal communication system used in Egypt, Babylon, the Indian subcontinent and among the Aztecs, consisting of a combination of numbers, archetypal words and symbols, which in our time are sometimes embedded in modern advertising, and in certain modern films and music….

“Ritual is obsession in motion.  Obsessive people are walking rituals and what they attract “coincidentally,” aids to their obsessions.  If this is done consciously and the obsession happens to coordinate with the trend and tendency of the time, a lot more “coincidental” magnification will be forthcoming.  Coincidence can be summoned.  It is a matter of attention and timing.  First you must be aware of – believing in and observing – the mechanism of coincidence when it agrees with your work, then you coordinate what you’re working on with what you were predestined to do.  When you start to see the pattern of coincidence and it becomes a language for you, you have either become an initiate or a schizophrenic, take your pick, because you lose the protection of materialism – our own protection against the disordering of the arrangement we’ve given to the world to make it manageable.” (Ibid., 130)

Very interesting insights, and clearly something that has been enacted upon humanity for a long, long time.

Is There A Universal Code They’re Bound To?

Is there something even deeper involved working at the same time? Is it a universal precept of some sort they must conform to? I don’t know. I’ve run across this dynamic for many years. It may speak to some people, especially those who’ve dared to delve into the bowels of trying to ascertain an esoteric understanding of this temporal reality in which we’re embroiled.

The Universe is after all orderly in its own dynamic yet seemingly chaotic way. There are mechanisms at work according to apparent guidelines or patterns such as fractal geometry as well as some sort of a fundamentally plasmic-magnetic vibrational nature. We’re still learning.

But why can’t that apply to morals and existential behavioral aspects of even the free willed agents spawned by our amazing Source? Aren’t we growing and learning and evolving to different and often higher levels of realization?

A concept very much worth our consideration in the grand, as well as immediate, scheme of things. It portends to be a source of empowerment. Yet the profound underlying inescapable reality most do not want to face is that humanity is in no way off the hook as to its response, whatever the underlying “reality” of forces at work. Consciousness and free will attest to this.

A Prime Directive?

Here’s a quick explanation on the Prime Directive :

Direct intervention with people on primitive and spiritually evolving planets, Earth being a good example, is not allowed. Other beings are permitted only to observe emerging civilizations. A long-standing edict prohibits the unauthorized or forcible colonization of planets. However, in some cases, benevolent EBEs have chosen to intervene in certain affairs in order to ensure the longevity of an observed planet and civilization. Although the EBEs seem to have no interest in conquering Earth, or in controlling the population of this planet, it does serve their interests to ensure that the resources of Earth are not destroyed or spoiled. To that end, certain EBEs have been sent to Earth on reconnaissance missions from time to time to gather information.

Fair enough. But is it true? Or is it just another way of putting off our response?

That there are “more worlds than meet the eye” I am certain. However some sort of code of non-interference, if there would be one, clearly is not being adhered to as evidenced by the invasive species of whatever origin, homegrown or alien empowered, that are in the last stages of hijacking our planet. I know there’s a lot of channeled and otherwise received information in the webosphere claiming knowledge of galactic civilizations and their intentions, but I’m going to somewhat lay that aside here.

Let me just say that such a concept of some sort of galactic code defies free will and would ultimately “outlaw” any and all rogue elements, just as we see acting in wanton diabolical ways in front of our faces every day. It may apply to some more advanced civilizations in some form, but we’re sure not seeing it on this planet. But I digress.

My point here has to do with our responsibility as a race to wake up and respond to what’s happening to us and not lay back and wait for some far away cavalry to arrive and save humanity. That ploy has been successfully used for eons by debilitating religions and belief systems and is largely responsible for the mess our planet is in today. With that way of thinking just about anything or anyone can waltz in strutting some super powers and pull a few magic tricks and voilá – the pre-programmed, debilitated masses will jump for it, as has happened throughout history and we’re apparently being set up for right now.

Prophecy, Prediction or Causation?

There’s a lot of esoteric information regarding these very important topics. Prophecy alone has had incredibly profound effects on the followers of religious teachings, as have the works of seers such as Nostradamus or other psychics. Within the dark occult world you’ll find a plethora of mechanisms to “divine” knowledge of the future, but even more on how to attempt to direct events to bring on those desired by the ill-intentioned.

The blurry bleedover and progression from prophecy – to prediction – to actual causation is what needs to be noted.

Social engineering is a vast, even scientific, phenomenon. That humanity has been steered and manipulated and literally harvested for eons by self-serving controllers is a historical fact. Whether for its manpower or psychic and spiritual energy, the vast majority of humankind has been corralled and drained by vampiric parasites throughout the ages.

Is that repeating cycle coming to a close? The answer is up to us, which unfortunately is not something anyone waiting for a savior or galactic rescue squad wants to hear.

Predictive Programming and Playing on Archetypes

And how do they keep us compliant? There’s a host of methods as anyone reading this is no doubt aware. But the deeper psychological methods are important to understand. Carl Jung identified archetypes as collectively inherited unconscious ideas or patterns of thought. Assuming these to be real to whatever extent, you can see why social engineers would have a field day playing on such shared tendencies.

Which they do.

This is what the whole field of psychology is about. Not always to interfere in a negative way, but we all know there are those who weaponize everything they can get their hands on, and mind manipulation is one of their favorite tools.

Predictive programming is another vector of assault. It’s very subtle as it is usually cloaked in science fiction and ornately wrapped in the glittery garb of stimulating entertainment. It’s become a fascination for people to witness totalitarian and dystopian futures and watch the end of the world brought on by everything from plagues, global warming or an ice age, to meteor impacts and alien invasions.

This is programming. Familiarizing the target audience with potential outcomes in a milieu that serves their purpose. One of fear and fatalistic acceptance. It’s nothing but conditioning disguised as entertainment.

That entire industry is controlled by the same manipulators, steering mankind by the nose in any direction they want. The sheer bombardment of mind-numbing genres of soul polluting films and TV shows from vampire and slasher flicks, war and police glorification memes, to end of the world scenarios is beyond overwhelming.

For the unwary.

On top of this the news media continually pump out assumptive information directing the audience towards their desired conclusions. Their carefully scripted narrative is obvious to the discerning eye, not only in the news but it runs through every facet of society from media to schooling to even the products people consume, right up to and including which toys children are to play with.

The point is we’re being programmed for a desired future. Not one we desire, one they desire. The more blindly familiar people are with their intended result the more quickly and easily it will be adopted. The world facing a major cataclysm of some sort, a favorite theme, gives the climate change fear program and world economic “solution” tremendous impetus, for example. The world needing a savior mentality greases the idea of some sort of new world governance to save the day, no doubt with some charismatic leader eventually at the helm.

That may be a bit oversimplified but that’s how it works.

Conscious Permission? Or Cowardly Acquiescence

This is where the rubber meets the road. Whether programmed in whatever fashion or not, we are free agents. Try as they will with occult practices or social and media manipulation, the sanctity of the human spirit cannot be violated.

Unless we allow it.

Any way you look at this issue, the power is ours. We are the control center, not the self-ordained psychopathic rulers or whatever influences we’re being bombarded by. We each individually have the controls.

Understanding how they work via the media, entertainment, occult practices and outright admissions is intrinsic to our awakening to the empowerment available to us. To just lay down and take it for any reason, engineered or so-called “ordained” or not, is tantamount to suicide and ultimately genocide and a complete takever.

That we have so much enlightening information and connectivity at our disposal is unheard of in human history. Let’s have the courage to utilize it and activate our lives accordingly.

Your future and that of humanity and our planet depend on it.

The savior lies within each one of us.

“Rise like lions after slumber!”

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

So What’s Really Happening Now?

So What’s Really Happening Now?

by Zen Gardner
June 26, 2015


There’s been something of a lull in truly major developments of late, despite all the garish noise and typical bravado of global figureheads and their complicit media and a few events here and there. Sure, there are skirmishes worldwide and economies continue to crumble as governments continue their draconian crackdowns, but the urgency of many regarding our ongoing situation is apparently suspended in some sort of strange holding pattern.While it’s encouraging that the awakening is keeping TPTB’s machinations at bay and forcing them to change directions and tactics, I find it nonetheless a bit foreboding.  It’s clearly not a time to let our guards down.The indicators that this September and October hold some interesting confluences is nothing to ignore. The signs are very clear and it’s obvious they’re up to no good.

If you think back to 9/11, there were no warnings as to the vast dimension of what was about to transpire on the world stage. That particular sudden shift in the collective consciousness and the subsequent restructuring of society within that emotionally charged atmosphere were unprecedented. Surely the beginnings of the World Wars and the false flag events that were used to justify them as well as draw in US participation such as the sinking of the Maine, the Lusitania and then the infamous Pearl Harbor set up, were similarly traumatic for their day.

But in this modern era of instantaneous communication and media dominance and global interconnectedness the 9/11 events were exponentially more drastic, which portends for further such engineered catastrophes.

The Russian Gambit

Since the Muslim terrorism meme seems to be running out of relative steam, especially now that it’s clear the West is again using these same elements they groomed from the start to foment their wars, they’ve now resurrected the Russian demon. Russia and the US have been working in close cooperation for decades on many levels, especially after the West imploded their economy and their previous Union was drastically dispersed.

Russia has needed outside help to get back on her feet so we know there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye. Over time the tables have turned somewhat as they’ve gained more economic independence and exploited their vast natural resources, something the West has had their eye on all along. Ukraine is one such gem of natural wealth, as outlined in globalist architect Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book The Grand Chessboard in 1997 where the allusion to the need for a new Pearl Harbor was first coined and where he also names the countries and states of that entire region as the prize the West should strive to control.

Never discount the fact that this entire play we’re witnessing is fully staged. At the very least it is being carefully manipulated to create just the atmosphere that will take the New World Order plan to its next level. The TTIP and coming UN meeting in September to put their imprimatur on the next stage attests to this.

Similar to the global economic take down to bring about a one world digital currency, the hidden powers behind the scenes know exactly what they’re doing, despite any setbacks their interim plans may have taken.

The Doors for Major Events Are Wide Open

Unfortunately a variety of options are now available as lynch-pins they can yank out at any moment that would make the wheels fall off of our current societal structure and drastically change humanity’s course. Not only could this orchestrated cold war simulation burst into some kind of military conflagration, whether limited or an all out nuclear war thus changing the course of humanity profoundly, but the undermining of Syria continues, as does the pugnacious Israeli hate for Iran that apparently cannot be satisfied, just to name two such vectors.

Add to that the descent of the United States into a totalitarian 3rd world state with a first world military and the potential for another major false flag event, not just to distract from domestic issues and the clearly seen unraveling at hand, but to galvanize the mass American mind into the next level of hysterical jingoism. In that climate the US machine can go after any named culprit it wants, having saturated the Middle East and Eastern Europe with military installations, especially over the past 14 years, and now gaining massive impetus.

This may be stating the obvious but this is our real time predicament. And we must be prepared for any eventuality. We won’t be warned by them, that’s for sure. The value of just such a drastic manipulated event is in the emotional impact, massively supported by government propaganda via their mainstream media mouthpieces, dutifully filling in the blanks as to whodunnit and why we need more war and domestic controls. This scenario then bleeds into the NATO countries the fastest and travels the world in new restrictions and mind traps, all based on fear.

The Walking Dead

These are not very pleasant scenarios, but if we can’t see the handwriting on the wall by now we’re in even worse shape already.

Despite the sabre-rattling and economic, military and police crackdowns, most think the world will just keep trundling on with little adjustments here and there, but all will be fine. Their faith and reliance on authority refuses to be shaken. The consequences of such thinking may require individual action and that option was engineered to be discarded in most cases since birth.

If anyone isn’t aware of the grand plan to institute global governance they are seriously hindered from connecting the dots of this worldwide meltdown. Once you understand the plan, everything from the Agenda 21 driven land grabs, gun control false flags, and the plethora of other One World driven programs, to the deliberate evisceration of the world’s food and water supply while toxifying anything that brings life to the planet and its inhabitants come into focus.

Depopulation, disempowerment and gulag type city incarceration are plainly stated plans of these megalomaniacs. The slightest bit of open minded research will prove that to anyone willing to investigate.

Spiritually It’s Anything But Calm

Many are experiencing very trying times as this transition continues. As I’ve said repeatedly, for those not spiritually prepared, the next major storm is going to hit very hard and turn their worlds upside down in a moment. For those aware of the forces at work and sensitive to spiritual conditions the great war is already here and well under way. Is is already World War 3 by the technical definition of world wars and depopulation is also well under way.

When the ocean comes to life and the waves and currents become tumultuous, everything in and on the sea is greatly affected. Perhaps the deeper levels under the sea feel the impact less immediately, but everything is part of the whole experience. Similarly, as the waves of global tension rise and manifest in all walks of life, so our spirits sense the deeper changes working behind the scenes both causing and reacting to these pressures and disruptions.

I know I and many others have been experiencing such changes. Perhaps it’s difficult to concentrate, your sleep pattern is disrupted, or waves of emotion and questions pass through seemingly without reason, even to the point of anxiety and depression. If you’ve been on a boat in rough seas it’s not easy to do much of anything, be it writing, eating or hardly any normal activity while being tossed by a storm. This is what many are experiencing.

So before you get all introspective and down on yourself, remember almost all of this is being brought on by external influences. Know, too, that you are not alone in much of what you are experiencing. We’re all in this turbulent bathtub together. There are some very dark forces, both earthly and spiritual, deliberately trying to make things confusing and conducive to fear, a very suggestible state to be in.

This is why the media is pounding on the tropes they’ve embedded into the mass mind harder than ever – humanity is very susceptible in times like these.

Abandon Their Stinking, Sinking Ship

A story was told last year of how the passengers of a sinking ferry boat were told to put on their life jackets but stay where they were. Do not jump off the ship, even as it was listing they were told. 302 people died needlessly as a result, while those who did abandon ship, following their basic instincts, were rescued from the water. Those who didn’t, died in their mind-frozen, authority-obeying seats, if you will, holding on to their so-called life jackets, a token gesture of care from rulers who don’t give a damn for who dies or how many. They only want to preserve a semblance of order as long as they can while their perfidy in perpetrated.

Don’t fall for the life jacket ploy. It’s like waiting for FEMA to come to your rescue. It’s all a sham to keep you quiet and staying in the boat. And just waiting for them to take the initiative.

When people wake up to the reality that today’s authorities do not have mankind’s well being or even survival at heart, and are in fact working feverishly for its demise into controllable factions of a vastly reduced number, they start to approach the point of taking action.

This begs the question: will such activation be in time to thwart their Machiavellian plan?

The Sleepy Sound of the Alluring Sirens

The Sirens of Greek mythology were beautiful, singing bird-like maidens said to put unwary sailors to sleep as they lured their ships onto the reefs and their ensuing destruction. There couldn’t be a more fitting illustration of the shallow, mind numbing spewings of the likes of of Obama, Cameron, and a host of other puppeteered so-called first world leaders. It’s all essentially a sleep inducing lie with a very disturbing, destructive motive, dressed in syrupy sing song platitudes.

It seems the more they lie the more people believe them. As the adage goes, tell a big enough lie and everyone will believe it. That apparently applies to quantity of lies as well.

History bears this out. Yet do we learn from it? Does anyone know any history? Is the history that they have been taught the truth, as in real, true history? These questions come front and center as individuals proceed through the wake up process.

Steady As She Goes

Spiritual disciplines and communing with nature are very healing, comforting and strengthening in times like these. As is drawing close to those you love and who love you, as well as forming active community with other awakened souls in whatever form we can. Remembering that most of these strange phenomena are outside spiritual attacks and influences will help clear the mind and heart from confusion. This is also why alternative information must include the so-called “bad” news with the good; it’s important to keep track of these trends, as well as continue to expose them to the unwary.

Our accumulated voice is rescuing and empowering people by the day. Never ever let that be minimized in your mind and heart.

Do your best to be “steady as she goes” as we all traverse this next phase. A major event is on the horizon in some shape or form. It’s their trump card, having worked so well in the past. They even brag about this fact. As David Rockefeller infamously stated years ago, “All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the new world order.”

They cannot control us all, especially as the awakened grow in strength and numbers. They’re aware of this, which is why they’ve become somewhat slipshod in their execution of their plans of late. They know time is of the essence, which, as I said, may be why they moved straight for the Russia confrontation, temporarily bypassing their thwarted efforts to go after Syria and Iran as was their admitted original plan. But they’re still in play and obviously active.

Stay alert and prepared – physically, mentally and spiritually. And do your best to help prepare those around you, and inspire even more to get prepared.

The storm that’s coming following this relative lull will be earth-shattering. The US would gladly nuke one of its own cities if it has to. Jade Helm is no innocuous drill. Insane Israel would be happy to attack and nuke anyone or everyone to push their self-serving genocidal program. These self proclaimed controllers are all psychopaths, so never expect anything to make sense or follow any sort of path of reason, as much as they try to create scenarios to justify their actions.

Don’t be lulled into complacency by contrived rhetoric. It’s all a lie.

Very strange dark powers are at work. Stay supple, stay sharp, stay acutely conscious – but keep your dukes up.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Are You Living Behind the Eight Ball?

Are You Living Behind the Eight Ball?

by Zen Gardner
Jun 10, 2015


It’s remarkable to me how people can live in such a determined response mode to react to whatever is set in front of them. Action-reaction is as basic a principle as there is, yet humanity lives behind the eight ball as if it knows what’s going on by observing what happened after the fact. All the while getting bounced around the table of life like expendable toys in some masochistic game of “throngs”.

Incredible, and hauntingly dystopian.
The worldly media minions are gleefully awash in this phenomenon and feed on it like confident parañas watching their prey drop from the psychologically shell shocked water’s surface into their murky domain of predatory consumption.

The news? What news? Who’s kidding who. Its dutifully spewed results and ensuing manifestations are conquering testaments to massive social and geopolitical engineering schemes the waiting hoards lap up in concert as if in an animated geomantic symphony. A maddening frenzy of feeders and reactors empowering the very thing their hearts despise.

Sway Programming
Humanity is bombarded with foreshadowings of what the powers that shouldn’t be think is their conquering ace up their occult sleeves. Message laden symbols, false flag terror events, societal degradation, environmental toxins, economic slavery, fatalist religious teachings and mind manipulation have been unleashed on unsuspecting populations to keep them on the defensive and in a continual react mode with no time to even catch their breath never mind realize what this is all stemming from.
Often disguised as harmless animations or science fiction projections into a helpless future of a world under attack, our subconscious has been emblazoned with future scenarios depicting extinction level events from global warming, global freezing, asteroids, pandemics and alien invasions, and the message is the same. Sway, people, sway…come what may.  They want us to think our condition is just a causal effect from outside influences and we should just “go with the flow.”
Whether people realize it or not it is nothing more than fear and survival programming, taking us down to our basest level where our true power to fully manifest as the boundless beings we are with the fundamental rights to freedom, abundance and boundless creativity are thereby hidden from us, thus bringing on a forced acquiescence to their schemes.
Get Out from Behind and Move to the Front
Although just one level of manipulation, the cause-effect nature of so called news today without looking at the inherent driving impetus behind it is a good example of this very clever mechanism to keep humanity on its heels. According to their meme, we can only react, never investigate or initiate a response. The populace of the world is treated like a herd a cattle who need only know their next meal is in the feed bin and what they need to be informed about will be told to them.
It’s assumptive positioning of the worst sort, and people need to wake up to this fact. Humanity has become a target, a focal point for quick-footed manipulators with quite nefarious designs. It’s of tantamount importance that people realize this. Until we snap out of that imposed mindset we’ll never see the light of day.
It’s time to see reality for what it is. Face up to our condition and reverse the flow.
This simple illustration should shed some light on our circumstance. What we see and hear needs to be approached extremely intelligently and consciously. Not just reacted to. We’re in a very controlled socio-political environment. Correctly processing what we appear to be fed is of absolute importance.
Even more important is our spiritual stance and condition – staying awake and aware in every way possible against this onslaught of disinformation based on very clever presumptions of authority.
What we’re witnessing is an elaborately fabricated lie. The truth of which stands in the fact that they cannot stand investigation. Truth needs no justification, and invites scrutiny. Not so in the world we now inhabit. This simple test brings everything to light.
Stay lit, stay strong, stay empowered and stay encouraged.
Their false creation is even now crumbling, but it will not go down without exposing its violence and absolute perfidy for all to see. It won’t be pretty, but Truth will prevail. That I know.
Be well, be happy and be who you truly are.
And take your stand. The time is now.
Love always,


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Whatever It Is – Weaponize It!

Whatever It Is – Weaponize It!

by Zen Gardner
March 10, 2015


What’s with this world? It doesn’t matter what new technology surfaces, “How can we weaponize it?” is the overarching meme of the “powers that shouldn’t be” of self-appointed overlords.

It’s insane to the max.

Whether it’s money, viruses and bacteria, flying things, vaccines, food, water, sound and electromagnetic technology, anything with a camera, x-rays and radiation, forays into space, psychological advances, animals and insects, vehicles of any sort including unmanned drones of every size, time travel and remote viewing, microchips and computers, robots, transhuman bodily attachments, genetic modification, and even the air, environment and flipping weather.

And that’s just some of the stuff we know about. Whatever…..

“Weaponize it!”

Latest Insanity

If what’s already in the cookers of these psychopaths isn’t enough, they even enjoy letting on little slivers of what they’re willing to “confess” to, just to keep the mass mind conditioned to accept whatever new “scientific advancement” has been translated into weaponry.

US Navy successfully test devastating new laser weapon

A NEW devastating laser weapon has been successfully tested by the US Navy that could change modern warfare.

Weapon experts Lockheed Martin developed the new laser gun which can destroy targets with minimal damage to human life. The weapon, named Advanced Test High Energy Asset (ATHENA), was able to immobilise a truck from over a mile away On a recent test performed by the US Navy. The truck was hit by the a 30kw laser and was able to slice through the bonnet and melt the engine in a matter of seconds.

ATHENA incorporates a 30-kilowatt fibre laser developed by the company in Bothell, Washington and is based on the Area Defence Anti-Munitions (ADAM) laser weapon system. The laser weapon has also been proven effective in demonstrations against small airborne and sea-based targets.

Keoki Jackson, Lockheed Martin chief technology officer said: “Fibre-optic lasers are revolutionising directed energy systems. “We are investing in every component of the system – from the optics and beam control to the laser itself – to drive size, weight and power efficiencies.” Source

Do you see the abject insanity of such an approach? Yet conditioned humanity will accept such horrific death-dealing power as necessary and justified. There’s not a mention of how such technology could be used to better mankind, and never will be.

Satanic Lunacy

Just look at all the crap they’re pumping out. It’s incredible! All in the name of “national security”. DARPA, or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is a highly secretive branch of the Military Industrial Monster that spends billions on developing just such insanities, but that’s the only officially known black op. Cloaked in this extremely handy veil of “classified” like so many 10’s of thousands of documents and undercover operations for decades, DARPA does whatever the hell it pleases.

Like the shadow government. While the populace sleeps, feeling “protected” from one set of fictitious “bad guys” after the other.

So called “Congress” is a long dead joke in this cryptocracy anachronistically called the United States. That icon of so-called “freedom” has slipped off like a bad toupe worn by a Hitler look-alike in a wax museum. Your bullshit detector has to be changed and cleaned more often than a baby’s diaper just to keep up with the lies being spun on an hourly basis.

It’s sick out there.

All the more reason to stay detached, awake and fully conscious where freedom truly reigns.

Who Are the Warmongers?

This is an important question to ask. When you find out all of the so-called enemies have been either entirely fictional or deliberately fabricated you start to catch on. It also leaves you with the horrific spectre of a very dark shadowy influence  with way too much power and a cornucopia of bad intentions.

Nasty conclusion, but a true one.

The Defense Department, once more openly called the War Department, is the tip of the iceberg. War is a money maker, as well as a release valve for sick psychopaths, a chance to rearrange the world, take over vital natural resources, reward the gofers with new despotic positions of power, and last but not least enjoy a massive occult, sacrificial ritual to energetically empower those engaged in the dark sorcery of subduing our planet and its native races.

I bring that up because the source is all important.

If anyone can stand back and see how massive this assumptive manipulated world view is, they will deduce there is more than just wicked, evil and power crazed money grubbers at work here. We’re hitting new dimensions. This strain of coordinated, frighteningly similar tactics takes on the appearance of a science fiction alien movie.

Why? Because it is.

They Play Us at Every Level

We’re not dealing with conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact. And as David Icke has wisely said, that doesn’t make every conspiracy theory right either.

Not at all. Especially the ones the PTBs spin as fact. Those are the biggest doozies. But not one enlightened being I’ve ever known just swallows anything that comes along. Those in that frame of mind are usually trying to be a “success” in the alternative or new age world and look for things to confirm that, as Clif High has so astutely pointed out.

Watch out for belief systems or ethereal cereal you can’t quite grasp that leads you down the primrose path to nowhere. Because that’s exactly where you’ll end up…giving your sovereign sense of judgement and hence your consciousness away.

We’re dealing with manipulative overlords here. What populace would ever want to send its sons and daughters to die in a far off country? What human being in their right mind would want to fight against another human to the death for some abstract cause of its rulers?

If your life is directly threatened up close and personal, that would make sense. But with these huge engineered wars and decades long escapades into far away lands with so little information except churned out propaganda, it just doesn’t add up and never has.And how do they start and get their impetus going? An event…a galvanizing event. Pearl Harbor, a “new Pearl Harbor” – 9/11 –  and a plethora of other examples. These wars are produced, directed and funded by this self-appointed ruling authority that humanity willingly acquiesces to. But it is so essentially other-worldly in relation to true human nature there has got to be an outside source for this maniacal, highly sophisticated and manipulated passion for war and anything warlike.Granted, it may appeal to a reptilian side of human nature, but this preoccupation to the detriment of our very race goes way beyond that.

What Are They Fighting?

There are many thoughts in this area. Some say it’s an evil, bloodthirsty way of life and method of self empowerment for a parasitic race converting humans into co-conspirators. Others say the earth is being set up as yet another base for an invading species to attack and overcome other planets and solar systems similar to ours, sort of the galactic federation model.

I don’t know. But it’s weird, way weird, and deserves our stepping back to see the absolute insanity of it and pursue its source. At the very least it’s a call to disconnect from it and remove our imprimatur of approval by our silence and cooperation!

I do know we, the human race, are the most feared enemy they have. We have the power to throw them off if we’d be willing to wake up, unite and take action together, the most important of which is full on awakening which helps bring on the vibrational change they cannot handle. But their awareness of this threat is the the reason for their stringent efforts to dumb us down via tainted food, water and air; a mind and spirit numbing propaganda barrage via education and media outlets, and the deprivation of Truth causing a massive worldwide spiritual asphyxiation.

The following is a perfect summary of this issue and why they are afraid of us:


Any way you look at it it’s off the charts weird on this here earth, and getting worse. The escalating knowledge and scientific breakthroughs are not empowering as they should be, but instead are frightening in the hands of such monstrous entities tooling with the weakest of our race…the greedy sell outs who will do anything for power and money and thus do the bidding of these shadow, ill intentioned powers.

An easy bunch to convince they’re doing the right thing, even by eliminating 90% of the earth’s population as long as they survive and get rewarded with a position of power. Talk about phony belief systems!

Boy are they in for a surprise!!

You really think such evil entities would keep their “word” about anything?

How ironic.

Let the underground base reptilian barbecues begin!

Just wondering, as always….

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

All the World’s a Cult


It’s funny how people get all self righteous about not being religious or belonging to some group. Naturally most people attempt to be careful about what they align themselves with, but do we really see what all of society is made up of and what we’ve each unwittingly participated in to varying degrees?

Religions don’t have a corner on the market. Perhaps all of us have been cult-ivated in some way.

Cult-ure is called just that for a reason. It’s pretty blatant nomenclature. Merriam-Webster defines culture as the following:

: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

: a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.

: a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)

That just about includes every societal behavior or activity. So-called cults, the word derived from the Latin colere meaning to cultivate, are mere start-ups of new and old ideas of group conformity for some objective. In the 60’s these were everywhere as groups and individuals attempted to harvest the spiritual awakening and longings of an entire generation looking for alternatives to the mad military industrial complex-bound world around them. Some were labeled cults by the orthodox minded, but these included a wide range of groups, organizations, alternative learning centers, spiritual fellowships, institutes, break away churches or other so-called “new religious movements” as they preferred to be called.

And the followers were enthusiastic, the word enthusiastic derived from “spirit, or god within us”. Just about any alternative was deemed good, or at least an effort to break free from the system, so there was a lot of experimentation going on. Some of those groups still exist today. Many have been absorbed by the New Age amoeba and yet others grew into powerful organizations. Mind control experimentation was rife at this time as well as the deliberate introduction of mind altering drugs and manipulated music in an effort to scramble society, diffuse dissent, and make it malleable for further indoctrination.

Little did we know. But now we do.

Cults and More Cults

When you finally become awakened and grow detached from this massive matrix ensnaring the world you begin to realize it’s all cults.They’ve simply externalized the idea so we don’t recognize the cults we’re already in. Cult of the personality for example, where sycophantic adoration towards an individual takes place. There are the obvious cases as in showbiz and the media and charismatic religious or social leaders, but this is much more prevalent than people would like to realize. It could be anyone in our lives we’re overly enamored with to the point we relinquish our rational thought and even worse, our autonomy and individualism, to the charismatic or domineering authority of another, resulting in great devotion to whatever the object.

These are all forms of disempowerment or containment, the symptoms to look out for. I’ve written about religion and belief systems quite a bit in this regard, but few realize how social and spiritual pressures are brought to bear via many seemingly innocuous relationships, especially with groups and even loose associations.

Think about school and all the pressures we felt to conform and survive in that packaging facility. That’s a cult, a carefully structured one with a very clear purpose – entrainment and uniformity. How about clubs, fraternities and sororities, or the whole sports scene. The even more obvious examples are business organizations and “work” relationships. Then there are the guys at the bar, or the ladies’ coffee cliques. Speaking of cliques, remember those from your school days? They still exist not only in school environments but in adult social circles.

Then you get to the source – the oc-cult cultivators. They are the ones that set the imprint. They are all avid adherents to cult control of the very worst and most insidious sort. They may seem to act autonomously or as having authority, but they aren’t and they don’t. They’re under heavier control than any of us could imagine. It’s a blood agreement and they’ve sold their souls to move up the pyramid of control, both in this world and other realms. This is a big subject covered extensively in many books as well as other articles by myself and other researchers.

Cultivating Culture – The Open Hidden Hand

The media, corporations and government have a field day playing on this weakness for group think and the need for acceptance, to the extent they’ve created a society that’s complete mush, with the intent that big corp and the nanny state can be the lead dogs in everyone’s life. When you think about how many people are glued to the boob-toob today it’s easy to understand why the masses behave as they do, dress as they do, and eat and drug themselves as they do.

It’s learned. And there is a lot of direct as well as implied pressure to fit in, or else you’ll be mocked, marginalized and excluded, to the extent that any seemingly “anti-social” behavior is now considered suspicious and to be reported, the fear of terrorism coursing through their programmed neurons like molten nano metal.

Most of us are aware of these traps and devices, but the vast majority have no idea. They’re swayed like sickened seaweed in an artificially rippled pond of liquified sewage.

Detachment – The Only Way to Live Fully Free

This may sound like some vague concept but it really isn’t. If you’re not invested in their sticky entrapping webbery you can live outside of it. Sure, we all have to interact with this engineered madness but we don’t have to give it our energy and obeisance. But it will take some sacrifices.

Each of us have to deal with our own entanglements. Financial interactions with the beast, social obligations we think we have to submit to or endure, or employment entrapments we’d rather have nothing to do with.

Do what you can, but get free, in mind, body and spirit, even if you’re still in it. Some costs will not be comfortable. Old stuck in the mud friends who only bring you down and sap your energy, living or working circumstances that make you curse your situation and absently long for freedom, or how you portray yourself on a daily basis.

This is perhaps the most important. Are we being who we truly are? Do we respond honestly, or has the cult-ure of our micro environment, usually hinged on the macro, force us to compromise our convictions and water down what we know to be true, honest and loving? Do you like yourself when you’re forced into artificial social situations and to compromise for the sake of momentary convenience? We all face these situations.

These are questions we all ask ourselves, consciously and definitely subconsciously.

They need answers. And appropriate action, or inaction, needs to be taken.

The hour is late. It always is when it comes to snapping out of the matrix of deceit. Otherwise it will kill you – spiritually and physically.

Something to think about. Time to bust out of the cult of everything. It’s not the real world, it’s fabricated, and often with our permission and subservient compliance.

Stop empowering it. Break out and change the world by being your authentic self. Wisely and lovingly, and with centered conviction. This is the stand we each need to make.

The rest will follow.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Sculptor

The Sculptor

by Zen Gardner


With a  slow, steady pace he swings and hits
With the hammer he strikes his blows
Now up, then down with a pummeling sound
As he digs for the figure enclosed

He chips and carves, then stops and stares
As he wipes his brow and sighs
Then it’s back with a whack and another piece cracks
As the monolith sheds its size

Now no one can see what the artist perceives
Or why such persistent pursuit
Of a form inside as if buried to hide
From the hammer and chisel’s repute

But the sculptor strives on in his labor of love
Though he strikes with the force of a blow
To free the form that’s entombed inside
…alas David, di Mikelangelo!


From earthen clay and rough hewn stone
Came the sages and seers we revere
Why is it then as we break and mold
We protest, or shiver in fear?

 We all come deep from the quarry of earth

And are sculpted and hewn for our tasks
With strong skilled Love only seeking the best
Bringing freedom from weights and the masks

So when the blows seem to so far exceed
What we thought we could ever bear
And can no longer stand all the pain we feel
Or rejection and depth of despair

Remember the sculpting, steady and true
Is Creation just freeing us here
Relax and receive as we learn to perceive
That the pain is illusion and fear

Remember the process, co-creation in love
As we each are such similar stones
And what’s been begun let creation complete
Though it carves ‘ere so deep to the bone

So what may seem to be punishing blows
Are a process of true love alone
That free us from shackles and encasing weights
That had us entombed within stone!


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Rough Road of Honest Discovery

The Rough Road of Honest Discovery

by Zen Gardner
Dec 9, 2014


Anyone who thinks waking up is simply a spontaneous event or some kind of cake walk hasn’t woken up yet.  It takes a lot to arrive at the door of discovery as well as courage to open the door.  In fact, all of the doors, as life is a series of decisions on where to travel and what to do when faced with the myriad of options presented before us.Ask anyone who’s in any sort of awakened state and despite their present calm brought on by strong conviction for truth,  I dare say they’ve been through the mill in their life to get to where they are today.

It may seem like peaches and cream to an outsider looking in at some of the more ethereal spiritual conclusions many arrive at in the course their travels through life, but I guarantee you there was a lot of suffering, confusion, physical, spiritual and/or mental abuse and times of darkness and despair along the way.

It’s part of the process. You don’t just walk out of the matrix when you’ve been programmed and enslaved to it your whole life, nor quickly shed your old warped belief systems like overalls as you step into some kind of sanitized room filled with baby lambs and laughing children.

There’s a price to pay. It’s all part of the process. And so very well worth it, and more.

Honest Evaluation

It’s not easy either to be fully honest about ourselves, what we have been during our lives, participated in, those we have hurt along the way, the amount of selfishness we’ve displayed. We think we hid it from others since we were in denial about it or thought we were clever in how we think we got away with it.

Not so, and it eventually comes back to bite us at the least as weighty baggage if we don’t get honest about it.  And this is one of the toughest parts about truly waking up.  As our true self arises the old false self gets exposed, and it hurts to face it usually.  And it’s not a one time thing; it’s a long process of getting honest, allowing ourselves to be exposed, dealing with it, letting it go and then admitting we need healing in deep dark corners of our fabric.

And then asking for, allowing and receiving the healing.

It’s a long road, yet it is all based on one decision. You want the Truth. The rest follows and no matter how challenging, we rise to it and pass through because of that resolution of the heart. The hardest roads are for those who continue to cover up and fight to protect the whole idea of their old self, or even some form of new self. For them, as it has been at times for all of us, it can be like being lost in the woods and after hours of searching without a compass or sense of direction we land up right where we started. Tired, discouraged and disillusioned, blaming circumstances or whatever instead of the fact that we didn’t allow ourselves to listen to our spiritual compass of the heart because we hadn’t been cultivating a life of honest realizations. About ourselves and the world around us.

The Bold and the Brave Are Normal People Who First Face Things – Then Overcome

I don’t know why this hit me today. I think it’s because it’s been happening a lot to me for some time and continues to unfold. Areas of my life I thought I’d overcome or in some way transcended are coming back via relationships gone wrong or hangups reappearing in strange ways. Or just plain fears I haven’t wanted to face that still plague me.

I spent much of my life in denial about many things to keep the pain of my past at bay. It doesn’t work that way. I had a rough upbringing in a seriously dysfunctional family. Physically we were upper middle class and seemed to have everything going for us, but spiritually, psychically and emotionally it was a twisted torture chamber of sorts. I think most of my generation went through this kind of spiritual turmoil.

Ask anyone who’s honest and woken up. They were not only beaten up by life but gave quite a few beatings themselves. That’s why they’re so loving. They realize they not only hurt many people in their selfish pursuits, but participated in many many more beatings with their tongues, compliance with gang-like social behaviors to be accepted and cool, and worst of all withheld the love they knew they should have shown along this rocky road towards self discovery and release from this parasitic self destructive “world” we’ve been born into.

I think this inner knowledge and resultant guilt and shame is what shuts many people down.  It subconsciously makes them think they’re not worthy of love and truth. It’s essentially a very clever mind control program we’ve been coerced to participate in. Much like the soldier who is reduced to a barbaric murderer for whatever “cause” they’ve been told they’re fighting for, it degrades the human psyche and stifles the spirit, trapping beautiful souls in an endless cycle of guilt and self loathing which only results in more forms of violence. The very sad suicide statistics of returning veterans is one obvious outcropping of this.

But I contend the worst form is this ongoing mass co-justification system. Those trapped therein are the walking dead. They knife themselves daily in one form or another in some sort of masochistic ritual of self degradation. This can manifest as a player within the capitalist system of greed, thuggish behavior again justified by social “norms”. It can be any form of self promotion which comes with a cost to others for personal gain, again based on this strange concept of competition. Sports are a good example of how violence, even within systems of rules, is justified and encouraged. And if you can get away with dirty tricks and not get caught that’s also fair game. The whole capitalist system is based on this.

Honesty Can Be Brutal – But Only to the Old Self

I’m not talking about being honest with others here. While important if done in love, it too can be very destructive if it’s just a form of lashing out or self centered release no matter how cleverly couched. This type of behavior happens because we haven’t come to terms with ourselves yet. And that’s the most important part and should be addressed first. It’s not easy, and is a lifelong process.

Coming to terms with these very personal realities hurts. There are dark corners that need the light of truth. It takes time, but it can’t be avoided. It will surface if not addressed, and the best time to do so is when it appears or comes into our conscious awareness.

I’m not talking about futile self centered introspection. These things have a way of bubbling up and they’re not overwhelming if tackled head on. It’s only in recent years that I’ve begun to understand the lifelong effects of my family upbringing. These sublimated issues appeared throughout my life that followed and it got more convoluted as time progressed. It’s not all bad, as much of this suffering is what drives the seeker to keep pursuing the truth, since deep within us we know there is release. Until then, those abusive behaviors plague us and put up a smokescreen trying to keep these unsavory realities suppressed and forgotten. Quite the cycle, but I think we all experience this one way or another.

I Feared A Fear and It Came Upon Me

One of the most powerful attractors is fear. When we have a fear of something it can literally bring on what we are fearing. There’s an old sci-fi movie well worth watching called  Forbidden Planet that powerfully illustrates this amongst other dynamics. Another is The Martian Chronicles that illustrates how our minds conjure and manifest our reality, a phenomenon long understood by mystics and sages and now even confirmed by modern mainstream science.

This is why we need to identify and face our fears. There are all kinds of fears, from fear of failure to fear of lacking, fear of losing things, fear for the safety and well being of our children and grandchildren, fear of death, down to singular phobias such as fear of heights. These are powerful drivers and affect our motivations, actions and perceptions. Fear of being discovered for who we truly are is one of the most powerful. What grips our psyche is often a sense of guilt or shame for something we feel is wrong about us that we don’t want discovered.

That’s why denial is so rampant amongst humanity. Instead of being encouraged to simply be who we truly are, we’re told to conform and pretend to be something we are not, with usually unattainable ideals and  self images that set us up for certain failure. It’s a vicious cycle once again and a loop that needs to be broken no matter what it takes. It’s a long road overall but one we’re all traveling together.

Shame is one of the most crushing human emotions. It hurts so much we have to bury it under many layers of self deceit just to keep functioning in society. We’ve all suffered from it and will no doubt keep encountering it, as no one is any type of pillar of perfection. But that’s where the pursuit of truth is the best antidote, as we can deal with these things as they come up and not let them fester like an infected splinter in the mind. This wonderful empowering reality gives us the courage to take these on more and more spontaneously and is so liberating. That’s where a good sense of humor comes in and not taking ourselves so damn seriously. We’re all a mess but when love dominates then our shared weaknesses are actually what bind up together as our communication grows more honest and loving and openly caring while we continue to approach and draw near to the light of truth.

Let It Go

Realizing we were born into an abusive system designed to keep us down and disabled is a wonderful discovery. Until we realize our originally pristine hearts and spirits were deliberately coerced to become willing accomplices in this violence upon ourselves and others, the guilt and fear of being “found out” will plague us. The easiest tack for your ship to take is straight into the truth with the realization we ultimately have nothing to defend, that that’s the false self and a bad movie that needs to be chopped up and hit the editing room floor.

However, we carry this psychic baggage to varying degrees and we need to be aware of it, and address any spiritual hangovers that still plague us. Honesty comes first, and exposure to ourselves and perhaps those near to us. And then the healing can begin. It may require some assistance from a spiritual healer or counselor, it really depends. Over the past few years I’ve had a very profound experience with Edna of Earth-Heal and her assisted treatments that synchronistically began at the same time I got back in touch with my estranged older brother and sister. Since this time of reconnection we’ve been sharing childhood memories and how our lives were affected by those traumatic influences, which the treatments addressed without even knowing about them. Quite remarkable.

I’m not saying everyone should do this sort of treatment. You’ll know when it comes to your attention what’s best for you. Universe is very cool in that way. I know meditation and other sincere spiritual practices as well as entheogens such as ayahuasca are wonderful at bringing truths to light and then taking one past the unsavory realities into the marvelous realm of the loving eternal now, knowledge of which is the ultimate empowerment. This, or similar experiences however they transpire, deliver the individual from attachment to all that baggage as we become the observer and release attached identity with this egoic self reinforced by a lifetime of less than conscious actions and reactions. This is why Christianity appeals to so many as the initiation is based on unconditional forgiveness. But this is available to anyone, anytime and anywhere and not hinged on any type of entity. There was no original sin and you don’t need anyone’s forgiveness but your own. The rest will follow as we open our lives like flowers and honest and loving communication evolves naturally. Reconciliation with others then follows. But we must forgive and release ourselves first.

It can be an extremely emotional event releasing these pent up attributes but it’s so worth it. It doesn’t necessarily mean spilling our guts out but that too can help if done with the right people and in the right setting. Again, deep spiritual practices as well as natural psychic healing medicines such as ayahuasca or other medicinal plants have a beautiful way of addressing these deeper issues and then letting us release them as we step into the divine and experience the unconditional love that awaits anyone’s discovery.

There will still be conflicts and issues. We all have to deal with our own infirmities. But the knowledge of the true reality of conscious awareness being our essential nature and releasing our attachment to this false identity we’ve been engrained with our entire lives is paramount to overcoming.

I just wanted to share my thoughts on this as it’s been surfacing in my own life. Deep seated fears are the toughest to let go of, but let go we must. Some we’ve entertained for so long we almost count them our friends or necessary companions, like the proverbial elephant in the room.  One important aspect to realize is that this goes along with the concept of embracing the dark that’s been discussed a lot lately. If we see it as a good vs bad paradigm we’re really missing the point.

It’s about truth and love versus fear. And some fears are not that easy to identify, nor release. But as we continue on this marvelous yet often rough road of discovery all things will come to light, but in a very loving and synchronistic way if we just keep on keeping on in all loving sincerity.

Unconditional love is awash in our marvelous universe. Why shouldn’t we dive in and revel in it? It’s not a matter of deserving it, it’s a matter of accepting it and in so doing bring more light and loving truth to our darkened world.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

It’s All Bullshit

It’s All Bullshit

by Zen Gardner
Nov 4, 2014


Anybody else fed up with all this crap? I can hardly believe my eyes any more it’s all so fucking contrived, shallow and meaningless. Just look for a second at the stuff going down around our planet and you’d think you were in a bad sci-fi production in some failed studio full of unconscious drooling dweebs.

It’s ridiculous.

We can harp all day long on the conscious awakening which is wonderful, but it doesn’t make this crap go away. At least not yet. But it’s such insane spew one can hardly believe their eyes. And if anyone swallows it, man are they in for trouble!

The cool thing is the polarization. While it’s bad news for the idiots who refuse to see the truth, yes refuse, because it’s self evident, it’s setting the awake on new projected courses they never dreamed of. And that’s even more than wonderful – as long as they don’t shirk in fear of the unknown.

But I suspect most who’ve woken up to some degree are fed up enough to try just about anything. And that’s a good thing, because the unknown is hurling towards us whether we like it or not. And it’s nothing to fear.

But for goodness sake, see things as they are! From there you can operate consciously instead of on ethereal cereal BS blindness.

 Here’s a poignant example of reality breaking out from 50 years ago that’s well worth reviewing. Just think where the hell this altered civilization has gone since then at its accelerating rate of adulterated change!

Now you’re getting it.

Abject Indignation

It’s healthy as hell to get mad and fed up with this bullshit going on around us. If people don’t recognize it for what it is they’re living in a dream world – either a defensive “safe zone” of religious or belief system framework, or some kind of crapola flitty disjointed anti-reality I really don’t want to know about.

They all stink to high hell with a shallow, unnatural and unreal stench and a vibration that gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Whatever, “if you’re not mad you’re not paying attention” is so damn true. It’s sickening the grovelling most of humanity is doing, genuflecting to fake blowhards masquerading as leaders, false information peddled as fact, and toxic crap doled out as food and helpful “drugs”. It’s obscene. That’s why we better be mad as hell, or we’re not going to be fucking alive any longer!

I have a lot of love in my heart but it doesn’t contradict my indignation one fucking bit. Nor does it in any awakened soul. I’m sickened with the crap being peddled by these usurping “authorities” and talking heads – it’s disgusting. They’re all sell out slime bags who should be put down in one form or another. Humanity has suffered enough – it’s time to have some balls and exterminate the lies and liberate the captives.

That’s just how I see it. I’m obviously in a pissed off mood but it feels good and right. People need to dig up some serious guts and take things into their own hands, wisely and without violence if possible. It’s going to be hand to hand combat for their own existence soon if they don’t.

We are awakening, we are the answer, and we are powerful.

Use it, before you get used up.

And clear your head and blow the snot out – it’s accumulated poison waiting to be ejected.

Stay indignant, but loving and extremely conscious.

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Jesuit Pope Agenda – Meet The Templars, Knights of Malta And Blackwater/Xe/Academi Exterminators

Jesuit Pope Agenda – Meet The Templars, Knights of Malta And Blackwater/Xe/Academi Exterminators

by Zen Gardner
March 15, 2013

Mining for the Truth is like digging at the decrepit body of manipulated worldly information for real substance. A pile of petrified insanity, we’re chipping away at it until inner forms are revealed. That the new Pope is a Jesuit, the first one ever, is a very big deal. The Jesuits are no small force. People think they resemble innocuous Franciscan monks who focus on education.

Nothing could be further from the truth. They are the polar opposite. Of the worst sort.

Beware this new Pope. His roots are nasty and we’re in an age of increasing darkness and violence.  This ruthless, militant Jesuit “society” has one hellish oath that should get you wondering and researching real fast.

The Jesuit Oath Exposed

Hold on for this one. This is an excerpt, and this oath is still in use.

I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.

In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false, or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly be opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever.  [Full Oath exposed HERE]

Revisionist History Cover Up – Meet the Jesuit Order

The Jesuit Order is an almost 500-year old covert operations, geo-political, male-only organization, structured as a secret military operation: demanding secret oaths and complete obedience to each direct superior, which is ultimately the Superior General (often nicknamed as the Black Pope, since he dresses in black and ‘stands in the shadow’ of the white Pope).

The “Society of Jesus” – as they are officially known – was originally used by the Vatican to counter the various Reformation movements in Europe, to which the Vatican lost much of its religious and political power. Absolute-temporal-ruling power has always been the Vatican institution’s primary objective. Source

While so-called modern history hardly mentions how hated this fanatical sect was, it wasn’t long ago that it was well known to be an “odious” and extremely dangerous organization.

Just look at these quotes:

“My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order’s] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death. … I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of [Ignatius de] Loyola.”
John Adams (1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States)

“It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe.”
Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general. He served in the American Continental Army under the command of General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.)

“The war [i.e., the American Civil War of 1861-1865] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.”
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th President of the United States)

“The Jesuits…are a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous.” – Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States)

“[The Jesuits] are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty.”
R. W. Thompson (Ex-Secretary, American Navy)

“The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…”
Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)

Next, I defer to Vigilant Citizen with his succinct summary of the Illuminati/Jesuit connections:

Adam Weishaupt, Trained by the Jesuits

Adam Weishaupt was born in Ingolstadt, Bavaria on February 6, 1748. His father died when he was seven and his godfather, Baron Ickstatt, entrusted his early education to the most powerful group of the time: the Jesuits. Known for its subversive methods and conspiratorial tendencies, the Society of Jesus had a stronghold on Bavaria’s politics and educational system.

“The degree of power to which the representatives of the Society of Jesus had been able to attain in Bavaria was all but absolute. Members of the order were the confessors and preceptors of the electors; hence they had a direct influence upon the policies of government. The censorship of religion had fallen into their eager hands, to the extent that some of the parishes even were compelled to recognize their authority and power. To exterminate all Protestant influence and to render the Catholic establishment complete, they had taken possession of the instruments of public education. It was by Jesuits that the majority of the Bavarian colleges were founded, and by them they were controlled. By them also the secondary schools of the country were conducted.” 4

The inner-workings of the Society of Jesus was quite similar to the occult Brotherhoods it was apparently working against. It functioned with degrees, initiation rites, elaborate rituals and esoteric symbols and had been suppressed countless times in several countries due to its subversive tendencies.

In 1773, Weishaupt’s godfather used his great influence at the University of Ingolstadt to place his godson as chair of canon law. At that time, the institution was under heavy Jesuitical dominance and that particular position was traditionally held by influential Jesuits. Weishaupt’s growing embrace of Age of Enlightenment philosophies placed him at odds with the Jesuits and all kinds of political drama ensued. Despite this fact, Weishaupt learned a lot from the Jesuit’s organization and their subversive methods to obtain power. It is during this time that the idea of a Secret Society began to enter Weishaupt’s thoughts.

“Brilliant, and well trained in the conspiratorial methods of access to power, young Weishaupt decided to organize a body of conspirators, determined to free the world from the Jesuitical rule of Rome.” 5

While some authors believe that the Jesuits (who were suppressed by papal bull in 1773) used Weishaupt to perpetuate their rule, others state that he was seeking to overthrow their powerful hold on Bavaria. On a wider scale, he was convinced that the world would profit from the overthrow of all governmental and religious institutions in the world to replace them by a world-wide, yet secretive, committee of “initiates”. To achieve his aims, he would use Jesuit methods against the Jesuits.


The Militant Catholic Church and World Domination

Jesuitism stepping on the neck of Protestantism.

Few would believe what the Vatican has been up to all these centuries.  Vietnam was commonly known as Spelly’s War, named after Cardinal Spellman. Why…Exterminating infidels?

Cardinal Spellman gives mass to the troops in WW2

Successor to Fascist Dictator Francisco Franco and Knight of Malta, King Juan Carlos,
with Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Andrew Cardinal Bertie

Knight of Malta Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1744–1812)

The Knights of Malta is not merely a “charitable organization”.

That’s just an elaborate front… As the name Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) confirms, it is a military order based on the crusader Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem and is interwoven with Freemasonry. Most people have never even heard of SMOM, much less that it is a part of Freemasonry. But that is the way the aristocratic elite like it.

(same double eagle as Freemasonry–ed.)

One of the symbols of the military orders of the Vatican, the masonic double-headed eagle emblazoned with the Maltese cross, signifies omnipotent royal dominion over both East and West. The orb signifies temporal dominion over the globe of Earth, and the scepter signifies control over the spiritual and religious impulses of humanity.

This eagle symbol is used in the masonic rite of Memphis and Misraim, under which it reads, “Order Out of Chaos”, the Hegelian method of crisis creation. It is found on the seals of many European and Eurasian nation states including that of Russia, indicating direct Vatican control over those countries. (Source)

More on the Double-headed Eagle and the ‘Redshilds’

The two-headed eagle emblem of the Byzantine Empire (Roman Empire) on a Red Shield was adopted in 1743 by the infamous goldsmith Amschel Moses Bauer. He opened a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany and hung above his door this Roman eagle on a red shield. The shop became known as the “Red Shield firm”. The German word for ‘red shield’ is Rothschild. After this point, the Rothschilds became the bankers to kings and pontiffs alike, among the richest families in the world. Ever since, they have financed both sides of every major war and revolution using the Hegelian Dialectic to engineer society toward their New World Order.

The Rothschilds and their agents, such as the Rockefellers, have been engineering America and its foreign policy almost since its inception. They and their Skull and Bones Wall Street partners staged and funded both sides in WWII, and out of that hellish nightmare was born their infant global government, the United Nations, and their tool of tyranny, the CIA. The father of the CIA, “Wild Bill” Donovan, was a Knight of Malta. In order to be a director of the CIA you must be a crusading Knight of Malta and it doesn’t hurt if you are a member of Skull and Bones either. In order to reach the highest levels in the Pentagon establishment, you must be an illuminated Freemason and/or a Knight of one order or another. Notable US military members of SMOM include top crusading generals such as Alexander Haig, William Westmoreland, and Charles A. Willoughby, an admitted Fascist.

Other notable members include:

  • Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi war criminal)
  • Heinrich Himmler (Nazi war criminal)
  • Kurt Waldheim (Nazi war criminal)
  • Franz von Papen (Hitler enabler)
  • Fritz Thyssen (Hitler’s financier)
  • Rupert Murdoch
  • Tony Blair
  • Pat Buchanan
  • William F. Buckley, Jr.
  • Precott Bush, Jr.
  • Edward Egan (Archbishop NY)
  • Licio Gelli
  • Ted Kennedy
  • David Rockefeller
  • Phyllis Schlafly (Dame)
  • J. Edgar Hoover
  • Joseph Kennedy
  • Henry Luce
  • Thomas ‘Tip’ O’Neill
  • Ronald E. Reagan
  • Giscard d’Estaing
  • Allen Dulles
  • Avery Dulles
  • Frank C Carlucci
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Rick Santorum
  • Juan Carlos (King of Spain and Jerusalem)
  • Oliver North
  • George H.W Bush
  • Augusto Pinochet
  • William Randolph Hearst
  • Francis L. Kellogg
The Blackwater/Xe Connection

Such a list should make anyone sit up and pay attention, but it is only the tip of the iceberg unfortunately. Then we come to another SMOM member, important to what is transpiring in Iraq and other toppled or soon to-be-toppled States. Educated at the Jesuit Georgetown University, former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Edward Schmitz, Blackwater’s operations chief, is a member of both SMOM and Opus Dei.

Former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Edward Schmitz quit in 2005 to work for Blackwater. He is a member of Opus Dei and Knights of Malta. At least $2 trillion went “missing” from the Pentagon during his watch.

The Knights of Malta in Iraq?

Malta Star | Sep 29, 2007

An American investigative journalist compared the US

firm Blackwater, the biggest security services provider in post war Iraq, to the Knights of Malta.

The company is currently in the midst of a controversy after some of its 20,000 personnel stationed in Iraq killed a number of civilians.

In his book, ‘Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army’, Jeremy Scahill links the modern security firm to the Knights of Malta.

The writer argues that “Blackwater’s employees… share the same religious zeal of ancient crusaders”, the Egyptian weekly newspaper Al-Ahram reported.

All the top Nazis in our government are connected in some way to the Vatican, Jesuits and Knights of Malta and have been for decades, as were the Italian Fascists and German Nazis of WWII. After all, what was their favorite symbol after the swastika? The Maltese Cross of course!(Dejan Lucic–source)

Earlier Malta Boys Formed the “Intelligence” Agencies..
Who formed the CIA? It was a Catholic Knight of Malta, William “Wild Bill” Donovan. He was considered the “father of the CIA.” he was also the former head of the OSS before he was used to create the CIA.
alt=”” width=”257″ height=”300″ />Donovan was given an especially prestigious form of knighthood that has only been given to a hundred other men in history.

Over the years there have been many CIA bosses who were also Knights of Malta and/or Jesuit trained.

And Who Formed the FBI?

It was a powerful Roman Catholic who was also a Knight of Malta and a trustee of The Catholic University of America. Charles Joseph Bonaparte.

“The degree of Knight of Malta is conferred in the United States as “an appendant Order” in a Commandery of Knights Templar. ~SourceBlackwater/Xe – Today’s Crusading Templars/Knights of Malta?

Blackwater/Xe is more than just a “private army”, and much more than just another capitalist war-profiteering business operation.

It is an army operating outside all laws, outside and above the US Constitution and yet is controlled by people within and outside our government whose allegiance is primarily to the foreign Vatican state. In other words, Blackwater/Xe is a religious army serving the Pope in Rome through the Order of Malta, which is itself considered under international law, as a sovereign entity with special diplomatic powers and privileges.

Like Blackwater, the Order of Malta is “untouchable” because it is at the heart of the elite aristocracy. ~Source

The ‘beauty’ of private mercenaries, a growing trend worldwide as we move toward a fascist global state, is that they’re not held accountable to anything like regular military bodies are, and can operate outside the confines of such things as international law, political restraints, or the immobility of large armies. In addition, when their loyalties can be traced to an over-riding allegiance to a foreign state or other seditious influence, we have even more serious problems.

Erik, Prince of War

Erik Prince, the founder and owner of the now infamous US corporation, Blackwater/Xe, hails from Holland, Michigan where his family was both powerful and prominent in two institutions – (1) the Republican Party and (2) the evangelical Christian Church. After scandals hit his large and lucrative firm, Prince ordered a curious rebranding that changed its name to Xe.

From the perspective of medieval Christian symbology, ‘Xe’ is a combination of the Christic cross and the Greek letter, Epsilon, the first letter in the Greek word, Evangelion, glad tidings or gospel. From the perspective of a modern member of the Knights Templar, Xe is immediately recognizable as it symbolizes Christian Evangelism. (source)

Prince’s background

The Catholic connection, unlike his family, which is part of the Christian Reformed Church, Erik Prince is a Catholic.  Interestingly enough, most of the leadership at Blackwater/Xe is also Catholic, albeit a conservative wing of the church that is quite reactionary. Erik Prince is personally connected to conservative Catholic groups like Catholic Answer, Crisis magazine, and a Grand Rapids-based group, the Acton Institute.

Prince’s relationship to what Scahill calls the “Theocon” movement is not marginal. Prince himself writes about this relationship and it’s importance, particularly with the mission of Blackwater. Prince says “Everybody carries guns, just like the Prophet Jeremiah rebuilding the temple in Israel – a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other.”


Erik Prince’s personal Crusade

Among his personnel at Xe, Prince is known to be a high-profile Islamophobe who believes his personal mission in life is to bring about the total extinction of the Muslim population of this planet in what he has described as a global campaign of genocide or a, “Crusade.”

Here is an excerpt of an article about Prince that appeared in The Economist:

In an affidavit lodged with a court in Virginia, one of the witnesses said that Mr Prince “views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe.” The statement continues…

“To that end, Mr. Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Christian supremacy, knowing and wanting these men to take every available opportunity to murder Iraqis. Many of these men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar, the warriors who fought the Crusades.”

How comforting. Murder for hire meets religious zeal embedded in Christian patriotism. Nice combo.

Blackwater/Xe Headquarters in Moyock, N.C.

Beware: They’re Proliferating…

It gets worse, this captivating cause, these deviant demons, are metastasizing:

Through a network of 30 subsidiaries and shell corporations, Blackwater-linked entities provided “intelligence, training and security services” to a cache of major multinational firms, including: Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Company, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Deutsche Bank and Barclays, according to documents obtained.

Blackwater’s owner and founder, Erik Prince — who has himself been linked to the CIA — helped train companies through two other firms he controlled: Total Intelligence Solutions and the Terrorism Research Center. (Source)

Imagine a worldwide Mafia with many ‘families’

There’s so much more to this than can be covered here, but it’s certainly worth investigating. These secretive controllers  have many arms, many disguises, but all are carefully controlled and working in concert…although I’m sure these evil forces have their differences, which would explain some of the discrepancies we see in the news.

But they all converge at the apex of power and control somehow. Nasty bunch who don’t flinch at eliminating each other either.

It’s also apparent the ‘Powers That Be’ love these ‘free hands’ of blindly committed ‘crusaders’ we’ve described here to wreak havoc, vengeance, chaos, conflict, anything to justify their continued war on humanity until it’s beaten into a fascist one world state of submission. Know, too, all the ‘intelligence’ agencies CIA, Mossad, MI6, ISI, etc. are all connected with these boys and many others, which is why it’s so hard to clearly expose the perfidy of what’s happening since they’re all in it together in an unholy, strangely knotted alliance.

Conclusion…The Goal is to Terrorize, Divide and Conquer–then Unite Under their ‘Illumined Leadership’

So they hope. Evil cannot triumph in the long run–they can only flail against the Truth which stands indomitable, inextinguishable and eternal. Their only temporal power is in fear and ignorance, which is why we need to do all we can to enlighten and empower those around us.

And it’s not all black and white, so don’t expect complete clarity before taking action. Nor is there anything to get fearful about. Many of those on the inside want out, but cannot escape. Many are working to change this pattern, or alert their fellow man, such as the man who testified about Erik Prince. Look for it.  We are the power. There are very few of them. All we need to do is wake up–and stay awake. And alert others. We’ll know what to do next.

But we must be informed and connect these dots for ourselves. And this is only part of the picture.  Once people realize it’s not paranoia to realize there are very real agendas afoot, things start to clear up.

Although it can be somewhat daunting at first…

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – President Woodrow Wilson

Screw that attitude! What cowards..that’s what got us here, their fear of speaking up! In no way does that knowledge mean the rest of us are to remain in the dark or hide our heads in the sand.

Just the opposite!

Thankfully it gets clearer all the time! As dear Bill Hicks put it;

Everything makes sense if you just put on the right glasses.

Keep yours on, and bravely.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Paedophelia and the Brutal Cover Up – Psychopathy At Large

Truth Psyops and the Awakening

Truth Psyops and the Awakening
by Zen Gardner
Sep 1, 2014


Once we understand that everything is an illusion we’re home free. Knowing we’re eternal consciousness having this in-body experience is the greatest gift anyone can possibly have.

It’s wonderful, it’s free and it’s forever…and it’s for everyone! People just need to wake up to it.

That would seem to be fairly simple, especially once it has happened to you. The fullness of life you expand into, the realization of infinite possibility, is so exhilarating, liberating and profoundly simple that you can’t help but wonder why everyone doesn’t see it.

This is especially so once the grand conspiracy being foisted on humanity comes into full focus. Things really kick into high gear upon realizing fully what’s going on and why we’re here at this crucial time.

The notion that this wonderful realization should be apparent to all soon tempers though, when we remember being in that entranced unconscious state ourselves and how we thought we understood pretty well what life was all about. A healthy spiritual check for our attitudes.

How Did It Happen?

Almost all of us were once encased in something that kept us apart from this simple experiential realization. That encasement was both natural and engineered. Natural in the sense that we are spirit born into a physical body, so there is a dimensional challenge right there.

The real problems arise with the cultural and societal constructs we are born into. As helpless infants for an extensive period of time after birth, we are at the complete mercy of whomever is caring for us. Although we are inherently spiritual beings, if this is not corroborated by the spirit and behavior of those around us a type of callous begins to grow to obfuscate that knowledge. Much like waking from a dream and not being able to remember it as a whole different “reality” takes over our senses.

It just happens. If people have dumbed down parents they will most likely be dumbed down as well. At least on the surface. In later years they perhaps can wake up out of that environment as many of us have done.

The War On Consciousness

Children are very often extremely spiritual, often remembering their previous state in detail. Children are born pure.  If this inherent spirituality is encouraged and the reality of our true nature reinforced, this would be a very different world.

However it rarely is. Those indigenous peoples who were not raised in engineered societies but only within simple cultural guidelines are very spiritual and natural. There is no “waking up”, they just never went to sleep. This is why these rich, conscious native cultures and their shamans have been systematically decimated by the ugly Controllers. They do not want an awakened populace nor for these simple empowering truths to be propagated. Period. And these spiritually free, unharnessed indigenous peoples carried this awareness and connectivity that the Controllers so despise.

So in the overlords’ view the children of the world must be made to conform to a system as limiting and spiritually confining as possible. This will include drugging, mind control, restrictive false education in militaristic institutions, treadmill like jobs, mindless diversions and constant propaganda.

In other words, the imposed world system around us.

If you’re wondering why the global crack down is so fierce and Orwellian and is accelerating at break neck speed, this is why. The awakening is spreading like wildfire. And they know it. This is why predators like Zbigniew Brzezinski see the awakening as a threat and say things like “It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than it is to control them.” (See for yourself here.)

This the type of monster we’re up against.

Original Sin – The Seed of the Matrix

The most clever and effective tools to control mankind are religion and belief systems. Instead of fully denying our spirituality, they acknowledge it, then channel and control it. Win the masses over by appealing to this innate drive in each of us to realize our spiritual potential and take them to another nicely decorated cell they think is freedom.

They use this tactic proficiently. Just look at the infrastructure of the Catholic Church for probably the most blatant and elaborate example. The other religions and denominations aren’t far behind, nor the socio-political structure. Anything to “protect” us from reality and personal responsibility.

Original sin is one of the most colossal reversals of truth of all time. That and the fear of death. From start to finish these parasitic overlords lie, steal, destroy, manipulate and kill. They’re never satisfied. But that’s how they do it, reverse and confuse everything until your true orientation is almost impossible to find.

Or so they’d like to think.

That we were born in “sin” and need someone else to pay a fee to get our innocence back couldn’t be more binding, never mind exclusive of everyone who doesn’t see why they have to pay this toll for just arriving here. It’s like having to buy land and water on our own planet. Who the hell thinks they own this place?

This is why we’re “tagged” at birth with “certificates” that connect us to this false, imposed legal matrix. It’s a contract, and one that needs to be broken. Consciously. An essential part of awakening.

In reality we were born pure until they put their filthy matrix trip on us. Even then they will never conquer our indomitable conscious spirit. But untangling and disengaging is ours to fully pursue.

If You Can’t Beat ‘em, Lead ‘em

Who can you trust in this day and age, even with the internet communication and information revolution? It’s obvious the PTBs will try to subvert or  nullify the Truth movement, or whatever you want to call it. They must think we’re naive dolts like the asleeple and just awaiting their fascist harvesting combine. Quite the arrogant disconnect there, when their machinations are so obvious to the rest of us.

But that makes sense, when they live in a lower density mind trap and can’t even conceive of our state of consciousness.

Overall there’s a lot to be wary of. And that’s a healthy attitude. Am I paranoid? Damn straight I am if that’s the definition. They are after us. Reminds me of Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Most Dangerous Game” where the ultimate hunt for the psychopathic gamesman is a human being. That’s their mindset in a nutshell. Just look at the war and genocide programming and soft kill depopulation agenda.

I Don’t Believe in Believing

When it comes down to it, don’t believe anyone. Belief is a form of spiritual weakness. Faith (not religious), or knowledge, is a whole different animal, it’s actually knowing on a personal level despite the baggage that comes with the term, but belief will get you in trouble. Pursue until you are fully convinced. Sometimes it takes some doing – many times you just know something in your heart to be true. That’s not a belief, that’s knowing. That is where we derive our power, our happiness, our effectiveness.

Belief will have you living in vain, vain repetitive prayers or rituals, vain longings for what you desire as you await the graces of some deity or all powerful ruler or government; vain hopes for things that could be realized through knowing affirmation. Even the quantum physicists know better. What we intend and focus our attention on becomes manifest.

Our knowing creates our world.

I tell people all the time to not believe me or take my word for it. People need to find out for themselves. That’s what’s wrong with the world today. Everyone just blindly follows the dictates of others, especially the vast matrix of deceit. What choices they do make are within a carefully contained compartment, giving the illusion of freedom.

I’m just sharing my take and if it resonates or helps people on their way, great. People need to get their own knowledge and perspective. I just want to help turn over a few stones as I’m learning myself and stir people up a bit and maybe inspire and spur them to action to free themselves and others.

If someone thinks I’m full of crap that’s fine with me. They go their way and I go mine. But let’s at least acknowledge the sanctity of having the freedom to each pursue and learn for ourselves.

I like it when people challenge anything, as long as it’s constructive and in a spirit of wanting to learn and find the truth of the matter. When someone shoves their program too hard or it’s for self justification or aggrandizement watch out. We all get out of it sometimes but when there’s a regular pattern that’s off kilter we have a problem. But even then, take the good stuff and leave the rest. You’ll usually find yourself looking at other sources of information naturally, and leaving the questionables behind.

Truth Psy-Ops

The Truth community or alternative research community is already infiltrated, you just know it is by simple logic. The PTB’s motto is to lead the opposition, that’s how to control it. So you know they are amongst the places we all visit for information, trying to mislead and misinform, whatever the source be it spiritual or clearly misdirected or agendized information. Some are obvious like the politicized bullshit or religiously oriented propaganda. Some aren’t that easy to spot, much like these new computer viruses that appear and disappear. They’re shape shifters of every sort.

With real conscious awareness comes discernment. We need to listen with our ears and minds, yes, but most of all with our hearts.

I can’t say I know for sure who’s who myself but you can usually sniff them out. For example, there are some who’ve captured the so-called “patriots’” attention with mountains of exposes and angry rhetoric and most don’t have a clue where they’re being led and what a diversion it potentially is. Even some of the alternative health sites have some very questionable viewpoints and allegiances. The information in these compromised outlets is mostly bang on, otherwise it wouldn’t work. But there are usually major gaps missing from the full Truth, or it’s caged in a structured paradigm that by definition is limiting and will only land us in new versions of the same problems.

Eternal vigilance, as has been said, is the price of freedom.

Maybe it’s all karmic and what has to happen with people getting waylaid by partial truths, I don’t know. I do know what my path is and it’s not based on a destination or outcome. The path is what I’m doing and living every day, and I’m an extremely grateful and happy person.  I did have to go through several major traumatic life changes to find the full “Now” way of life as is the case of many. But this awakening is something I feel I’m still just learning about and at childhood stage which I’m very comfortable with. In fact I feel I know less all the time and it feels good. The wonderful mystery of it all just gets more fantastic and I’m learning to just let go and enjoy it instead of trying to figure everything out.

Funny thing is, the more you do that the more wonderful things just come at you.

Like many of you reading this, I couldn’t help keeping on until everything became clear. It’s very humbling to wake up, everything is just so so wonderfully evident, like “where have I been?”. But it’s a massive responsibility at the same time. If we don’t manifest and utilize this awareness, it will not only fade but many others we could have helped will suffer.

Therein lies the catch.

Belief System Diversions and Hijacking the Awakening

The NWO is a spiritual model most of all. They want control and ultimately the spiritual is supreme and they know that. While they don’t have the conscious awareness and wonderful empathy we have, they do operate on a spiritual level, just a different frequency. The New World Order includes a new world religion, and they’re warming up to it.

There’s a plethora of disinfo tools laced into the alternative information and spirituality arena. Most are obvious. If it disempowers, it’s wrong. If it directs your allegiance, it’s wrong. If it robs you of your sovereignty, it’s wrong. If it’s dogmatic and hierarchical, it’s wrong.  Most lies and lying systems have all of those traits, while other aspects are more subtle. There are other attributes but to me the ones above are the most prominent.

The so called New Age Movement is rife with phony baloney trips, messiahs and deliverance doctrines. Many will be tempted to rest their weary minds and park their energy in any one of these false peace spaces and expect someone to cover for them.

Walk on your own two feet. There’s nothing more empowering and liberating.

We have to understand there are plenty of way-stations, indefinite stopovers, sidetracks and diversions on our path to conscious fulfillment. For these psychopathic control freaks to try to hijack this awakening in every way possible is clearly a priority for them towards our continued subjugation.

Be savvy.

The point is to get past them, and not fall for their mind candy and rhetoric, no matter how appealing. We are divine in our entirety and do not need some kind of system or group identity other than Love and Truth. Sure, groups will form as action or fellowship gatherings, but when those symptoms start appearing it is probably time to split, and enlighten those around you. Until we have a clear, consciously aware picture of what’s going on and our real situation, shortsighted actions are just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

So, hijack the awakening? Let them try to  put out the light of the sun and stop the other stars from shining while they’re at it. What fools.

Meanwhile, keep an eye out for these maniacs.  They’re getting more desperate by the day. These psychotic parasites are on the loose. We need to be smart and on our toes.

And most of all keep the light on. Those in the approaching darkness will be needing it.

Game on. They don’t know what or who they’re dealing with. Let it fly!

Much love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Flagrantly Fabricated Ferguson Phenomenon

The Flagrantly Fabricated Ferguson Phenomenon

by Zen Gardner
Aug 24, 2014


I’ve avoided getting into this because it’s so goddamn obvious, but I’ve had some requests regarding how I see this “news”. There’s nothing new about it – a convenient ignition point sparked by a lone incident, resulting in expected protest and deliberately inflamed chaos and media mind-pumping. Same old, same old. When will humanity wake up, I don’t know.

I understand the outrage. Not only was there another example of the mindless cop killer meme we see played out daily “subduing” an unarmed suspect by outright killing hm, but rightfully enraged citizens are treated like mindless savages in a prison ground. The fact that they’ve been caught bussing in looting agent provacateurs to make sure this conflagration gets sufficient fuel should make the hair on people’s necks stand up, but if they haven’t seen the obvious until now they’ll likely be blind to these reports as well.

All while as the razor wire fences and military turrets of the totalitarian state get erected around them.

And it’s playing out as hoped. The trigger this time is the racial card. Anything to divide and conquer. Not only are Americans freaked out by Mexicans and Central Americans being openly escorted over their borders, now the next enemy is black people, the seething cauldron of “social benefit scum” as many view them. What a set up and button pusher.

The Obvious Militarization Madness Reinforcement

I don’t mean to come across cavalier about this tragic phenomenon unfolding, but it’s clear as glass. That this area of Missouri was recently beefed up with “donated” military equipment is no mere coincidence. There were/are several other staged areas where this event will or could have transpired but this one went off. As hoped.

Perfect. Time to set the meme and the theme. We need a strong, ridiculously strong armed militarized police force for just such occasions. After all, society is under attack and they’re here to protect. Break out the sound weapons and other weird stuff, let’s get Americans used to our “protective” technology. Subvert and subdue as humanity watches on, all the while onlookers are subsequently processing the mainstream bullshit propaganda and justifying its own inaction and complacence in the face of their impending fate at the hand of their controllers.

The words of Reverend Martin Niemöller come to mind:

“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me—
and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

Enter ISIS Conditioning

This enemy creation and fabricated terrorist programming has gone on for millennia, and most recently since the world wars. Following those staged conflicts it was the “cold war” against the aggression of communism. Today it’s the Muslim extremist groups, created and promoted by these same controlling manipulators. This latest ISIS fixation and resultant drum beating is a desperate attempt for further inflaming western societies and their continued clampdown. Politicians, current and past, and dutiful government and media spokespeople, are warning of massive attacks inside western countries by the boatload now and these same trigger happy mindfucked police are now told to be on the look out for ISIS elements activating in the west.

Getting the picture yet?

From the meteoric rise of a supposed massively financed movement to  fake beheadings, the virtually fantasmagoric rise of the ISIS entity humanity is duping humanity. Ferguson is a side show but an important one in the fear and agitation agenda. “It’s here – it’s home – and it can erupt at any time..” Very psycho-scientific, very Orwellian and very sinister.

Wickedly drawing the conclusion for us that anything against the state is similarly destructive and status quo threatening, and broadening yet again their “national enemy” base. Just wait till you see where this is heading to. It isn’t pretty.

But it’s all a limp, projected illusion…it’s empowerment depending on who and how many buy into it.

Follow the Links but Don’t Get Sucked In

The Ferguson psy-op has many facets and functions. Not the least of which is conditioning. If  you follow alternative news  you’ll see many revealing videos and some terrific commentary on the ongoing engineered conditioning there. I’m not too excited about it as it’s just another symptom and step towards martial law, but it could be an important link for many if they haven’t connected the dots yet of the plethora of previous US psy-ops.

Find out for yourself.

Draw informed conclusions, then act on them. Your awareness will become a dynamic, not just a place of observation.

Then activate accordingly. Our awareness and activation is the key to dissolving this matrix of deceit and deception.

Don’t shirk it. We each make a massive difference.

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Happy Ending? Or Happy Now

Happy Ending? Or Happy Now

by Zen Gardner
August 2014


No matter where I turn the awakening is screaming out at me. Every event and announcement of intention by the dark side, no matter how destructive and disturbing, is only precipitating more conscious awareness and very present, personal involvement by humanity. It’s a thrilling time. If it weren’t for what we consider to be terrible and tragic events being perpetrated on humanity, our tidal wave of awakening would not have the momentum it has gathered and continues to gain.

I’m not saying to bring on the madness, but I am saying they can’t do anything against the truth, only for it. They can only rage against it and thus give themselves away to the very people they’ve tried so hard to put to sleep. The joke’s on them.

I had a thought tonight as I was watching the night clouds pass in front of the huge super moon. I was thinking how true inner happiness is not contingent on circumstances. It’s born of a deep spiritual knowledge of our eternal nature and its connectivity to our glorious multiverse. While we’ve been entrained to think happiness comes after something transpires as in “happy endings”, we are entitled to live in an ever present “happy now” way of life, despite the difficulties we pass through, even the eventuality of death from this life and the intended demise of our planet.

Searching? Or Finding

As a synchronistic backdrop, playing in my mind was a song containing the wistful expression of a lost and seeking generation longing to find this place of conscious awareness. Simon and Garfunkel’s classic America was a theme of my generation as it expressed that frustration of chasing a dream that was only an illusion, which unfortunately led to the demise and destruction of many a despairing life as society was deliberately imploded by negative influences.

Having been at Woodstock I had a front row seat to the desperation of my generation to find meaning amid chaos and often violent eruptions of artistic expression. While the event was a thrill to see so many like minded searchers, it left a bittersweet taste in my mouth for our future. There was too much chaos, blind directionless rebellion and lack of real conscious people-empowering leadership. It was a hip knock off of something I knew in my heart could have been a much more clear headed and thoughtfully constructive and directed event.

Knowing what I know now about the CIA involvement in the drug and music scene and the occult underpinnings within that movement it makes sense, but it was a very sad feeling I came away with, although I didn’t know how to process it at the time. Perhaps sliding down a muddy hill in my rain soaked sleeping bag had something to do with my disillusionment, ha!

But again, that song America lurks in my mind.

Happy Endings – Putting Off What Is Rightfully Ours

This delay tactic is reminiscent of the Zionist talking machine, the classic linguistic manipulators. Not only do they fill the air with blather, bullshit, smut and outright lies, but they twist your ability to draw what should be logical, normal conclusions. They push porn and perversion, death and destruction, confusion, contamination and constraining contrived concepts. Nothing empowering, encouraging or empathetic. Only carefully scripted “teasers”.

Such is their wicked way. A perfect example of the fruits of fictitious, fear based fantasy.

Hollywood, another construct under similar control, pushes this same agenda. Dreaming of happy endings is all about disempowerment. While it appears innocent and lovey dovey enough, it’s a delay mechanism, putting off fulfillment until the story unravels, a very clever way to say “endure the pain we’re inflicting, things will be OK in the end”….not. Not in their designed script. Sure, in the consciousness realm we see things “work out”, but we must understand how manipulable this mindset is in the context of political, or even more dastardly, religious promises of future change and the even more insidiously planted “heaven” or “nirvana” concepts, for that matter.

We’re up against formidable foes, entrenched intelligent cockroaches in full blown positions of power. All of this has been humanity’s recent history and has been documented if you can read between the lines. What we’re told or “shown” is only what they want us to hear and know. Never forget that. The public screening we’re made to feel oh so grateful for is the image, as in imagination, that is being projected on our mental and psychic screens, the perfect illustration of which is tell-lie-vision.

The real story lurks in the shadows. Deliberately.

The Treadmill of the Time Illusion

Putting off to the future what is rightfully ours in the now is a clever distraction, whether we think it’s manipulated or not. Our realm of thought and decision making is based on an illusory concept that leads to trudging along a timeline of potential outcomes. We’re channeled into patterns and behaviors directed towards a conceptualized endpoint or outcome. How we steer ourselves is at that point easily directed within distinct guidelines, unbeknownst to most.

Beginning and ending is a factor of time, which is ultimately an illusion. While we operate in this milieu of influences we are much more than that, and therein lies our wonderful potential. Allowing ourselves to be limited within those “guidelines” is tantamount to volunteer slavery. The very fact that humanity can think and imagine past these concepts testifies to its very reality.

The ultimate challenge then becomes how we respond to this condition we find ourselves in. Do we succumb and play possum in a world of absolute conflict and contradiction, or do we arise and take control of  our personal destiny? That again depends upon personal awakening, not just a willingness, but a hunger to find our true spiritual source and the meaning of existence.

It awaits patiently for the true seeker to find.

The Questions to Ask

Is what we’re entertaining empowering or disempowering? Is it mindless self indulgence, or self realization? Does it help or does it hurt? These are the basic questions to ask. This awakening we’re experiencing is not just the opportunity of a lifetime, but an opportunity of the ages. Many cycles have led up to this latest final act in the attempted conquest of mankind. Ours is to wake up and arise to the occasion.

We have to snap out of the trance in every aspect of its contagion. The battle has now been precipitated into very clear choices and on a very personal level. Will we, or won’t we? Will I, or won’t I?

We can’t look around for validation. It’s each of ours to make some very serious decisions. Am I in, or am I out? Will I commit, or will I cop out?

I’ll leave you with this final thought:

We can do it. We already are. And it’s only beginning.

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Awakening – Clash of Civilizations

The Awakening – Clash of Civilizations

by Zen Gardner
Jul 21, 2014


Despite the furious efforts of the world’s Machiavellian destroyers, humanity is waking up. We’re seeing significant progress in exposing the ongoing brutal Gaza extermination, the mass revelation of chemtrails and other neo-scientific incursions, the disastrous effects of EMFs of every source, GMO food manipulation, tectronic surveillance and monitoring, and the front and center clearly induced global war and the militarization of society.

We’re in the thick of it now.

Don’t let these events and seeming contests of ideology throw you. There’s nothing level about this playing field, and the mass narrative is strong propaganda. Don’t even listen to it. Rely on your heart and alternative sources. Their only weapon is our consent by yielding to their lies. Disinformation serves several purposes, the most insidious of which is to introduce doubt to your heartfelt conviction regarding the reality of what is obviously before you. Keeping the mass mind at bay is imperative to their program.

Why? If we woke up to the truth we’d stop our participation and/or rise up and overthrow them. And they know that.

Major Signs of Awakening

As mentioned above, there are many manifestations that the Truth is flooding in to human consciousness. What we collectively do with this information is one thing; what we individually do with it is the key. We either activate, or we don’t. The more who do, the greater the mass awakening. With or without the masses, the awakening is coming to pass anyway, come what may. That’s the wonderfully exciting reality. What the naysayers and foot draggers do with it is their business, and their demise if they choose wrongly to ignore what is more obvious by the minute.

That Israelis are sitting on a hill sipping drinks in their beach chairs cheering the slaughter of civilian Palestinians should send shivers up anyone’s spine. That a captive population is being mercilessly annihilated on any pretext should shock even the most hard of hearing soul. Yet the mainstream media pounds its narrative of who the poor defenseless “good guys” are versus the obvious genocide and territory grab by an invading army.

Why not? The US has been doing this for decades, as have the Israelis. The conditioning runs deep. Literally mindfucked Amerikans are cheering just as avidly as is a swath of other similarly infected Canadians and Europeans and other mentally and spiritually disturbed Zionists around the world. The rest of the world sees it for what it is. A targeted slaughter and annihilation of something that’s in the way of another globalist maneuver for psychopaths to get what they want. And when it comes to the rabid Zionists everyone stands back.  The puppet powers and similarly cowed populace don’t dare touch them. Zionist fingers are in every facet of today’s societal and governmental fabric. The world is afraid to confront them.

Yet the truth of this masqueraded massacre is for all to see. The onus is on humanity. And the alternative is becoming crystal clear.

Financial, Governmental and Mad Scientific Schemes are Increasingly Obvious

Besides the obviously engineered take down of the Middle East and now Ukraine, there are many other fronts this hurricane of Truth is eroding in the human psyche. The geoengineering of our climate, oceans and soil are also becoming painfully, for them, clear. As long as real information is available hungry souls will find it and be forced to process it.

We also clearly see the central banking system, the FED, and our manipulated financial structure being exposed. Sitting helplessly watching no longer becomes an option. Pulling out of their system is a given eventuality, and it’s happening, as it becomes more evident by the day that major governmental powers are run by bought-off crooks and stooges.

The geoengineering chemtrail scam, poisoning humanity from it’s skies for whatever pretense, is taking a serious beating as communication and committed activism exposing this global affront wears away the veneer of outright lies and denial of such an obvious phenomenon. Take a look at the recent results of  sincere, concerned determination to bring this issue to the forefront of public awareness:

Our EMF Bombardment

Another insidious attack on our health and freedom is the electromagnetic assault on humanity, all in the guise of convenience, “conservation” and safety of course. Never mind the horrific surveillance invasion of our planet, the very presence of so many electromagnetic rays from so many man-made sources permeating our existence is one of the greatest threats to us, altering our genetic and physical make up and even influencing our thoughts and inherent impulses.

Besides France banning wi-fi in schools and Russia’s cellphone for youngsters prohibition, here’s just one example of the growing backlash under way:

Brazilian Courts order lower electromagnetic pollution

The Brazilian Judiciary determined to reduce the level of electromagnetic pollution generated by power lines to standard adopted by Swiss law (1.0 microtesla).

Two associations of residents in São Paulo — the largest city of Brazil — proposed the action. The plaintiff has pleaded to not be exposed to electromagnetic fields incompatible with the human health.

The electromagnetic fields generated by power lines that cross these areas is 10 times greater than the level determined by the court. The judgment of the Court of State of São Paulo (Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo) has determined that the concessionaire of electric power reduces the electromagnetic field generated by power lines that pass through these neighborhoods. (Source)

GMO Rejection

The public outcry against genetically modified foods and the resultant use of the killer chemical glysophate has been front and center for quite a while. While the Monsanto dynasty and its network of affiliate chemical and distribution companies and ongoing governmental bribes and planted personnel continues its campaign, the rise against such infected food tyranny has been proportionally greater.

You just don’t mess with conscious people’s health. Period. And there are more of us by the minute.

Russia, China and a host of other nations are refusing to import GMO products. That this is so front and center in the public mind, whatever their entrained reflexive minds tell them, highlights this issue. Even more so in Amerika, whether to have these tampered with foods even labelled is appearing at their ballot boxes is keeping this subject front and center.

That’s pretty tough to ignore, even for the most brain dead, Brave New World “Epsilon” cretin out there.

The awakened civilization rolls on.

The List Continues

If you need further encouragement, get involved. You’ll see signs of it everywhere. Major inroads of Truth are being made by the minute as these disgusting forces continue to attempt to forge their desired goal of a subservient, complacent and even happily servile work force. Damn them, and do it with gusto.

Don’t be deceived, it’s all a wicked charade. A ploy, a scam: a counterfeit civilization they’re trying to construct that true conscious humanity is dissolving by the hour.

Disconnect – disobey – and de-enlist. Break your unconscious and conscious agreements. The parasites will shrivel up and disappear.

The time is now. It’s ours for the taking. And receiving.

Much love always, keep on, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


You Don’t Have To Carry That Weight

You Don’t Have To Carry That Weight

by Zen Gardner
July 7, 2014


I find this concept intriguing, as it’s very subtle but a major influence on many of us. Those working hard to help influence and change this current paradigm, or at least bring a degree of enlightenment that would help bring about positive change, are tempted to carry a tremendous weight on their shoulders.

In fact, every individual can be tempted to think in this manner, worrying about the overall world situation and its consequences on loved ones and the innocent around the world. We are truly living in very seriously troubled times and it’s on much of humanity’s minds.

When thinking about this I was reminded of the story of the man who was taking his first flight in a small airplane. With great trepidation he went on the flight, extremely nervous the whole time and clearly not enjoying himself, very vocal with the pilot that he was worried the plane wouldn’t hold them and hence crash. When the plane landed the pilot exclaimed, “See, that wasn’t so bad. The plane carried us just fine, didn’t it?” The man answered, “Yeah, but I never did put my full weight down.”

Aren’t we all like that at times? Reflexively thinking our worries, tension, and psychological and spiritual load carrying are helping to bear the overall load somehow when all along everything is carried on the wings of a magnificent Universe?

It’s easy to fall into. While our hearts cry out for the suffering, pain and injustices in the world and we do make a difference by our contributions, we can’t carry that load. No one can. Nor are we supposed to. We can identify what is happening around us to foster clarity and understanding and do all we can to bring awareness to others and even relieve some suffering, but we can’t carry these problems – least of all these major world situations.

How Such Weight Carrying Can Work Against Us

It’s unrealistic and actually burdensome to try to carry or change everything on earth, especially in an unfounded emotional respect. The human psyche will think it needs to change it all to warrant making an effort for significant change, and then give up if it doesn’t see signs of change immediately. The tendency is to think “What difference can I make?”–or “What can little me possibly do to affect and change such massive issues..” etc.

You don’t have to change it all, in that context. But we do need to do our part.

Think about the planets and stars. Nothing’s holding them up with some massive effort. They just hang there, effortlessly suspended by an amazing, alive and energetic cosmos.  And these celestial bodies are even spiraling through space at a fantastic speed at the same time.

Fantastic, and effortless.

That should be our fundamental reference point. We come from a place of knowing and confidence. We activate responsibly as we’re each called. One does not cancel out the other, contrary to “normal” thought patterns. We each confidently execute our particular callings. This is conscious reality, our unfolding truth one soul at a time.


As with the airplane passenger, it’s important we simply put our weight down and trust. It’s already being “carried” anyway, it’s us catching up with that reality that’s the point. The Universe is just fine and will continue long after any of us are gone from this temporal stage. It always has been just fine and always will be, despite warring powers, manipulators of any sort, horrible injustices, cruelty and the like.

There’s no doubt we each profoundly affect the morphic unified field, the ether, or whatever you want to call it. This to me is one of the most astounding and encouraging aspects of awakening, which is followed by conscious decisions and actions. It is very real how we each influence the interconnected “whole” in so many wonderful ways. But worrying and fretting about the overall condition should not be our main concern, but rather simply going about our immediate awake and aware contributions without distraction.

Such is carrying the world. It’s nobody’s job. It’s an unnatural imposed psychological weight that only discourages our naturally inspired participation.

Take Action – Be Here Now and Consciously

We each make a huge difference. We just can’t carry the weight of this matrix projection and its pervasive, persuasive sycophantic following we’re being handed. It’s false to the core, as real as the effects may appear. It’s not real in the most basic sense. It’s a fabrication, a lie, and a very dangerous and damaging one if you endorse it by succumbing to it by giving your energy to this vast wasteland of fabricated, answerless options.

When we change individually, everything changes. Spiritually, metaphysically, etherically – as well as physically, socially and otherwise. Even quantum physics asserts this as does any advanced understanding of our metaphysical nature and how we interact with our energetic surroundings.

“Carrying the load” does no good for anyone or anything. It may be fashionable in social or spiritual circles, it may even “feel” good as if just that is doing something about our surrounding world, but it’s ultimately nothing more than make believe self assuaging to compensate for a lack of conscious awareness and very specific personal action.

When we act in full awareness we know we’re making a difference. Unconscious thought or fabricated load bearing only feeds the lie.

Beware the pitfall. Stay awake and a potent force for real change by fully living the awakened life you’re being handed.

We are the change we’ve been waiting for. Simply live it. Fully.

Burden free – and happily!

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Hooks, Hoops and Letting It Go

Hooks, Hoops and Letting It Go

by Zen Gardner
June 8, 2014


I love the expression, “What if they had a war and nobody came?” I feel the same about the matrix and the awakening.

What if the matrix had nowhere to manifest?

Our idea of self is contrived. It’s broadcast at us from birth and reinforced by the world around us. It’s on this false, heavily reinforced self-screen on which they are able to project their manipulated worldview. We cooperate, believe their paradigm to be the only one, and help pass it on to succeeding generations.

All the while asleep to the True reality within and without us.

Bugs on the Windshield

We use our egos like a windshield. The trouble is, it keeps us from fully experiencing the true reality. Imagine there was no windshield. You are spirit and not material. Those bugs would pass right through your field of vision instead of creating their artificial reality.

Which is exactly what happens. Your reality, what you see and perceive in life, becomes the crap stuck on your windshield with very little of the true picture getting through to you.

It’s the same with consciousness. When you wake up you realize you have nothing to defend, nothing to fear, nothing to strive for. You find out you’re already complete and connected to everything. No one can take your freedom because you are freedom. You realize this whole game of life that’s been meticulously laid out for us is built upon implanted wants and perceived needs based on amongst other things, a false sense of scarcity, and the impulse to strive to get what you are told you need.

None of this has to be. It’s all based on ignorance and the whims of a predator race that feeds off of the sleeping aphids they’ve co-created and manipulated.

Sad, but true.

Hooks and Hoops

That’s all Velcro is. Now if those little hooks were straightened out, nothing would stick to the the hoops, would it. Picture our manipulated idea of self is these bent attitudes and deformed ideas of reality. You can get “strung along” by just about anything. And when it sticks, your hooks feel useful and you start accumulating stuff. You grow and start to appear as though you are what is sticking to you.

Everyone else is mimicking the same thing, so you feel justified and even comforted. In fact you look for stuff to stick to you.

This is happening on several levels. You sit and watch TV and stringy Velcro balls are flying at you in all dimensions and you can’t even see most of them. You just come away with more crap clinging to your mind, heart and spirit and hardly notice.

The only reason this stuff sticks is because you’re “hooked”. Somehow, somewhere you and I were programmed with hooks and hoops that attach to stuff.


Letting go of this mindset is not an overnight thing, but your wake can be. It takes time to realize all the ways we’ve been programmed and the vast quantity of disinformation and wrong mechanisms we’ve been given. The beautiful thing is it’s actually a very simple process to get free. You just have to listen to your inner consciousness and dig into real and true information.

Then do what your awakened consciousness tells you to do.

That’s the “catch”. Unless you put what you’ve learned to be true into action you’ll be just another stillborn spiritual baby. That’s not what you want. Just get started one response at a time and it all just kicks in.

What makes it difficult is that waking up is cross-grain to society. The matrix is built to search out and smother dissent. It doesn’t like to be exposed, so it will activate all kinds of machinations to stop you; fear, guilt, humiliation, doubt, retribution, peer pressure, financial worries, and now even governmental threatenings.

It’s nothing new. That’s how they run everybody’s lives. But when you start speaking up as well as changing your life according to what you’ve learned to be true, you’ll see fantastic confirmations, but you’ll also see some weird stuff come up.

My advice is to just let it pass.

Don’t put the windshield back’s all a lie to get you to do that.

The Spider and the Fly

The central spider concept is a real one. Nasty forces are behind this Matrix web. The beauty of it is once you “get it” the Matrix loses its power over you. True Universal Consciousness, of which we are part, is beyond these lower level matrices and paradigms.

However, those unaware are subject to many influences. I don’t fully understand the dynamics by any means, but those trapped in this web of deceit and control are not just subject to psychological, social, political and economic manipulation, but spirit manipulation as well. The worst of which is religion, but this has also morphed by manipulated “new age” dynamics. There’s much to beware of.

True spirituality is diametrically opposed to organized religion, doctrines or beliefs of any kind. Oddly enough, those entrapments feed off of this hunger for spirituality and then build their elaborate hierarchical structures to control and contain it.

Again, the matrix.

Warning – Cling-ons Are Real

The warning though, is this. Beware the cling-ons…the real ones. Whatever you want to call these negative, parasitic socio-political “conventionals” and even inter-dimensionals. “Cling-ons” is simply appropriate because that’s exactly what they do. But the “hooks and hoops” need to be in place for the cling-ons to be effective.

You’ve seen dark and mean people who appear to be periodically powered by something outside themselves. This is real. And we’ll be seeing more and more of this in the days to come. It happens to people who invite these influences in, consciously or subconsciously. They either like the lusty lives they get into as a result, the psychopathic control over others, or their propensity for violence gives them a sense of power. It often manifests in outright Satanism or extreme religiosity of some such self-righteous exercise. Sexual deviance and child abuse “naturally” run rampant amongst these people.

Stay far away from anyone prone to these influences. Trust your instincts.

This is why we need to wake people up. The ignorant can not only be easily manipulated by the matrix, but they can get “jumped” by weird things going around. As I’ve been saying, these types of things are manifesting more and more as the Matrix falls apart and we’re bombarded with these vibrational changes.

This shouldn’t put fear into anyone, but we do need a healthy respect for the quickly evolving battleground we are in and aware of its many influences.

Letting Go

That’s the key. Detaching from everything. We are the only ones who let anything have power over us. It happens when we’re ignorant of the Truth and base our thoughts or actions on lies.

It happens when we’re tense, overly left brained about something, in a hurry, or many other “reasons”.  All to be vigilantly monitored and avoided.

It happens when we try to defend ourselves and any sense of “who we are”. It happens when belief replaces knowledge and experience. It happens when we don’t respond to what Love tells us to do.

It happens when we’re attached to the outcome. This Velcro effect is a tough one, it keeps growing back and catches so many. When we get set in our minds that something needs to be a certain way, or we need to be in a certain place, or at a certain time when it’s actually arbitrary, or think our goals of any sort are “set in stone”, we’re setting ourselves up for trouble. That applies even more so to “beliefs”.

What if the Universe opens another door? We’re not free to enter it in that mindset. Our mind’s made up. In fact, in that state of mind we can’t even see the new door that opened, for any one of the reasons listed above.

In those states we’re “unconscious”.

Synchronicity for Fun and Prophet

My definition of personal freedom is when we’re free to follow life’s signs and live in synchronicity. This for me is a daily adventure and constant check for me whether I’m in the moment now, or somewhere else.

The wonderful thing is, following synchronicity is fun! Wrong turns become right turns. Delays become adventures. Red lights become free time…free to enjoy the scenery and look for something we might need to see.

Carl Jung defined synchronicity as the ”acausal connecting principle” that links mind and matter. It manifests as uncanny yet meaningful coincidences and serendipities. Since we’re all interconnected in a flowing field of information it makes perfect sense we should be able to see this inter-connectivity at work, and the more conscious we become and learn to fully live in the moment, the more we’ll see.

So keep an eye out for synchronicity—they’re extremely powerful experiences and really enhance your life.

This is a great time be alive..but not a good time to be asleep.

So keep the wake up rolling–if folks don’t listen now, they’ll remember what you said real soon!

Keep it loving.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Bravely Facing the Awful Truth

Bravely Facing the Awful Truth

by Zen Gardner
April 11, 2014


The real full on Truth hits you hard. Right in the heart. Your family is at stake, humanity is at stake. We’re being relentlessly attacked by some unidentified force and we’re reeling, without much to seemingly stand on.

Our planet’s resources are being polluted faster than we can identify. Everything in every sphere we just years ago held dear and tried to naturally defend has been so drastically altered it’s beyond identification or comprehension.

And we scream as if in a nightmare with no one listening.

Environmental Murder

The Gulf of Mexico and virtually the entire Pacific ocean have been virtually killed. Murdered. The skies are being poisoned to an incredible degree, killing our plants, animals and fellow humans. Our food and water are horrendously modified.

I like to believe in life’s regenerative processes, but we’re talking long term if this doesn’t stop soon. Perhaps long after our kids and grand kids have then had to endure the horrors of a mutated world, if they live that long.

These frackers are playing for keeps. And people had better wake up to that fact.

These earth changes, and so-called scientific and social changes that are obviously engineered, clearly have an agenda.

What Agenda Might this Be? Some Questions to Consider:

WHY would the elites dig a super underground vault to store seeds from all over the planet while introducing genetically modified seeds growing food they themselves won’t touch?

WHY have they built secret underground bases?–that aren’t so secret if you poke around a bit.

WHY is the world not told a single fact about the Fukushima radiation readings, and the EPA monitors getting shut off and standards recalibrated?…while the media black out continues?

WHY is questioning water fluoridation considered cult science while multiple millions drink the toxic industrial byproduct yet European countries throw the process off?

WHY are they pushing vaccines so hard when they’ve been proven to maim children and adults?

WHY is cellphone and other EMF technology deliberately set at the range of our brain frequency when it could have been outside that?

WHY is the banking system getting off scot free when everyone knows they engineered this economic mess?

WHY is war on terror so accepted when it was based on a staged false premise–a clearly government induced false flag millions identify?

WHY is the education system spewing out dumber and dumber kids while more money is poured in to this endeavor?

WHY is everyone so freakishly fat they can’t see their feet anymore and are suffering accelerated off the charts health challenges?

WHY has questioning anything become a terrorist threat?

WHY is our atmosphere so purposely filled with aluminum and other toxic substances our respiratory illnesses have skyrocketed, never mind other complications like increased seizures, memory loss, and even Alzheimers?

WHY is going through the airport now a radioactive exam and terrorizing experience for even children and the elderly?

WHY is the government now allowed to arrest, imprison and even kill you without trial? well as spy on you at will?

WHY is the media swill the same on every channel with literally no independent reporting or investigative journalism?

WHY is our DNA being tracked, our irises scanned, blood tested and our movements monitored?

And why militarize American streets and authorize police and military brutality in crass overkill operations?

etc. etc. etc.

Getting the picture?

We have to wake the hell up, is all I can say. If you don’t get it yet, I pity you.

We’re under attack.

There’s a lot to be angry about. And if you’re not angry, you’re not alive. Then turn your anger into activity. Do something! Wake others up! And most of all, drastically change your own life to reflect what you now know!

The Zen Spot

Yes, there’s always that. Of course there’s a wonderful “other” transcendent side to all of this, but it doesn’t matter if we don’t take responsibility for what’s going on in front of our noses and do something about it. Passively witnessing or “observing the essence” of a drowning child is complete bullshit. It’s time to respond.

Inaction while observing the truths of our current condition is an outright denial of personal responsibility. Know the Truth, and act on it.

I found out and my life changed. Drastically.

I hope yours will too.

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.