Ted Kuntz on Betrayal by Institutions, Colleagues and Family Members “Co-Opted and Controlled by Fear, Shame, Pride and Greed”
“I understand that many thought they were doing the right thing by, not only allowing themselves to be injected with an unproven experimental genetic technology, but also by coercing, shaming, bullying and discriminating against those who didn’t.
The problem is that “doing the right thing” was not based on any moral underpinning of freedom of thought, speech, choice or bodily sovereignty. Instead, doing the right thing was following the herd.”
by Ted Kuntz, Vaccine Choice Canada
May 31, 2023
Last Friday I had the pleasure of attending a presentation by Dr. Jordan Peterson. Dr. Peterson spoke at length about his 12 Rules for Life, a treatise that invites and assists us to be better human beings. In his entire presentation, one word caught my attention. The word – betrayal. This word resonated deeply with me and spoke to the source of my anger, resentment and angst for the future. In reflecting upon the last three years what became clear to me is the amount of betrayal we have experienced:
– Our governments and elected representatives betrayed us.
– Our judges and those responsible for upholding the rule of law and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms betrayed us.
– Our police, military, attorney generals and all those who took an oath to defend us betrayed us.
– Our doctors, nurses, public health officers and pharmacists betrayed us.
– Our regulatory agencies who are responsible for upholding ethical medical practices betrayed us.
– Our mainstream media who purport to be independent and seekers of truth betrayed us.
– Our academic institutions who claim to be a source of higher learning betrayed us.
– Our religious leaders who closed places of worship betrayed us.
– Our financial institutions that promised to safeguard our savings betrayed us.
– Our family, friend and colleagues who joined in the coercion, shaming and discrimination of the uninjected betrayed us.
– And those who acquiesced to coercion because they wanted to travel, play hockey, or go to the pub betrayed their own bodily sovereignty and individual rights and dignity.
The problem with betrayal is that it’s difficult to regain trust once one has been betrayed. I’m reluctant to trust these institutions, agents, professionals, colleagues and family members with my safety. They showed me that they can be co-opted and controlled by fear, shame, pride and greed.
I understand that many thought they were doing the right thing by, not only allowing themselves to be injected with an unproven experimental genetic technology, but also by coercing, shaming, bullying and discriminating against those who didn’t. The problem is that “doing the right thing” was not based on any moral underpinning of freedom of thought, speech, choice or bodily sovereignty. Instead, doing the right thing was following the herd.
I suggest our society easily fell into a state of systemic betrayal precisely because it has lost its moral foundation. Trust will not be easily restored until such time as we collectively assert and live a value system that respects individual rights and freedom and the dignity of this God given body. Until that time, there is reason to be on guard.
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Cover image credit: Lukas_Rychvalsky
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