The Reason for the Indoctrination and Dumbing Down of Americans Is Now Obvious: There Is No Pandemic, Only Fear
by Gary D. Barnett
July 17, 2021
“We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”
Peter Daszak, Eco-Health Alliance—Statement Made in 2015 and reported in the National Academies Press on February 12, 2016
This recent interview between Dr. David E. Martin and Reiner Fuellmich is so astounding as to be enough on its own to bring down the entirety of the major players perpetrating this ‘virus’ scam meant to destroy humanity. This is why the long-term dumbing down and indoctrination of the public has been so vital to the evil agendas of the controllers of the state and their political whores that enforce these horrendous and fake ‘pandemic’ policies. With this kind of solid evidence, all involved should be fully exposed, and prosecution of these criminals should be an easy task. I suspect however, that it will likely go nowhere due to the absolute indifference displayed by the sleeping masses, and the orchestrated censorship at every level of the mainstream ‘news’ sites and by the tech giants. This is of course a travesty, but so long as the people exist in a collective bubble of ignorance, the plot to depopulate the earth and reshape the world into a technocratic master/slave society, will continue to go forward.
From an ‘educational’ (schooling) point of view, the history of modern America has been one of total incompetence and purposely structured obsolescence. In addition, instead of stimulating the minds of the young, opening them up to the vast amounts of information available, and awakening the inner spirit at such a critical time of life, the opposite has occurred. With this plotted outcome also came extreme indoctrination and brainwashing, which was accomplished as a replacement for knowledge and free and individual thinking. At this juncture, critical thinking by the majority is nothing more than a pipedream, and something that existed only in the distant past.
All of this now makes perfect sense, as without this destruction of the minds of men, there could be no successful coup to take over all of humanity. And this is a planned takeover of humanity that has consumed every part of the world. This is a global agenda, and is the dream of the “elite’ globalist community.” With decades of stifling the thinking capabilities of generation after generation, the result has led to the creation of an apathetic, dependent, irresponsible, immoral, and ignorant society. In order for this to have been achieved, accurate and honest history had to be erased from memory, and voluntary cooperation by the public at large was necessary. This had to be an incremental process up to and until recent times, but today that is no longer necessary, as the high level of obedience and compliance is now almost universal; just as long planned.
So now we are in the midst of a life or death crisis, with seemingly no way out. The only solution as I see it is for mass dissent, and a strong and hopefully peaceful revolution of sorts, based upon total non-compliance. This can only be possible if the public gains awareness and comes to understand and accept what is really happening today. This has to be a willing effort, so instead of voluntarily going along with the ‘pandemic’ hype, an understanding of the criminal nature of the state’s plot is required, and real education via a concerted effort by the free-thinking minority must take place. The attitude required for a large and peaceful uprising is not present at this time, and only the continued relaying of truth can bring about a change in the hearts and minds of any weakened majority. That is why so many of us continue to write, put out factual information, and take great personal risk; all in order to give others the ability to make up their own minds to protect themselves and their family’s freedom. It has been a losing battle to date, but continued exposure of the evil nature of the beast that is the state must be forthcoming in order to change one mind at a time so as to form a strong plurality of like thinking individuals striving for freedom.
With all this said, I consider it imperative for as many as possible to watch, listen, and study the information given by Dr. David Martin in the interview linked above and below. This is groundbreaking, and exposes that this plot to harm and kill huge numbers of people in the exact manner happening today has been planned for at least 22 years. This is true conspiracy, collusion, criminal racketeering, and the premeditated murder of innocents, and all the evidence to prove these statements is readily available.
This is just a short excerpt of some of the stated facts from Dr. Martin’s talk that expose the plot against us:
~ The NIAID (United States Government agency) built an infectious replication coronavirus — in other words, they made SARS. And then they patented it in 2002 before there was any outbreak in Asia. US Patent 7279327.
~ There is nothing “novel” about this biological weapon.
~ Over 120 patented pieces of evidence were dug up to suggest the declaration of a novel coronavirus is entirely fictitious.
~ On the 28th of April in 2003, three days later after CDC filed a patent on SARS Coronavirus, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals filed a patent on antiviral agents to treat SARS Coronavirus. So, the CDC files a patent for SARS Coronavirus and 3 days later Big Pharma files a patent on treatments for it. How does one have a patent for a treatment on a thing that was invented 3 days earlier? The patent on the treatment was issued before the CDC patent was allowed. It is not physically possible to patent a thing that treats a thing that has not been published because the CDC kept the filing private.
~ SARS-CoV-2. Same thing was played out the same way for Covid-19. Moderna got the spike protein sequence from the Vaccine Research Center before SARS-CoV-2 was even a thing.
~ Any assertion that this pathogen is unique or novel falls apart on the actual gene sequences that are found in the patent records.
~ We are injecting a synthetic spike protein mRNA sequence that is a computer simulation of a sequence that has been known and patented for years.
~ Goal: inject spike protein. The mRNA “vaccine” does not meet patentable, legal, or clinical standard for vaccine.
~ According to the FDA’s own standards, this is not a vaccine. It is a biological weapon. It is an opportunistic marketing campaign to address a stated objective. The medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex needed to get the public to accept a pan-coronavirus medical counter measure, and they needed the media machine to create the necessary hype, and accordingly, investors would follow where there is profit.
~ By definition, this is criminal racketeering and collusion. And then there is the mass murder and harm upon humanity.
There is no novel ‘virus, there is no ‘pandemic,’ there are no variants; the entire state narrative is a lie. The real bioweapon is the poisonous injection falsely called a ‘vaccine.’ Either wake up or wait for mass death!
Source links:
There Is No Variant… Not Novel… No Pandemic
There Is No Pandemic, There Are No Variants: The Entire State Narrative Is a Lie
cover image credit: ParallelVision / pixabay

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